Repairs Design Furniture

How to cut the corner 45 degrees. How to make an angle on the ceiling plinth. For industrial use

The presence of angles or bulges on the wall, various methods styling tiles as well non-standard sizes The premises play a huge role in the workflow workflow, causing additional difficulties. Therefore, it is often necessary to deal with the need to pack the tiles.

Straight outdoor angles that were injected under 45 degrees form a neat straight angle with a smooth transition, so that you do not need to resort to the use of overhead aluminum or plastic corners. However, the cuts are accurate and coincided with other parts of the tile, you need to use special tools.

What is it for?

Basically, I washed the angular edge of the tile under 45 degrees is carried out in the following cases:

  • for the coincidence of internal and exterior corner rectangular tiles when they are docked in the styling process;
  • to form a beautiful edge in the form of a bevel;
  • when diagonal tile layout.

Pruning the edge parts of tiled products under a special angular slope makes it possible to forget the use of overheads forever.


It is possible to make high-quality and smooth spice without chips and cracks with the help of special devices, each of which has its advantages.

Electric machine

The main advantage of this slab cutter is a clear and high-quality cut on a tile, which is carried out in two directions: an ordinary straight cut and a special cut at an angle of 45 degrees. Thanks to turns cutting Circle At a certain angle to the cut part of the tile, it is easy to make a slice, starting from 0 and to 45 degrees. Electric machine may have a function of water supply, due to which there is a smaller amount of dust, and may have conventional design. However, both options provide the same quality of work and guaranteed a large volume of tiles in a short time.

In case of cutting tiles with concave forms, the electric stoveture does not repeat the concave product deflection. Therefore, it is possible to cut only the back side so as not to hurt enamel on the front part. This applies to porcelain stoneware.

Necessary accessories:

  • special painting tape;
  • simple pencil;
  • small line;
  • tilt machine;
  • bulgarian with velocity controlling speeds.

On that part of the tile, where it will go sleep, you need to stick a painting tape. Pencil and line make the necessary markups. Then the tile is placed on a certain section of the device under 45 a degrees. According to principle circular saw With the help of a diamond ribbon, the tiles are cut. In some models, water is served during cut, which protects the tile from smelting and flushes dust.

In case of damage to the glaze of the outer part of the tile, the sleeve will be ugly with the presence of cracks and shrumbed edges, which when laying each other will have a sloppy view. Therefore, working with electric stoves, you need to carefully remove only the clay layer.

Professional secrets of experienced tilers:

  • with the help of stoveturosis, it is necessary to achieve a smooth cut;
  • then shape the desired angle with back side products;
  • the glaze, which treated in the work process, is rubbed by sandpaper.

Manual slabcores

Manual tiles is popular not only in professional tile, but also from amateurs. Many models of such stovetures are equipped with a special turning base and built-in ruler, which allow you to make a high-quality climb tiles under 45 degrees. By inserting the tile in the stoveturis under a certain degree, it is necessary to combine the tag on the tile and on the construction instrument. Having lowered the handle down, you need slow movements with the same speed and uniformly pressing it in the direction of yourself.


Despite the fact that such a building device is present in almost every home, it is very difficult to carry a slice of tiles under 45 degree corner of the grinder.

For a quick and smooth, the tiles were driving, it is necessary to install a diamond circle on the device. The tile should be placed under the edge of the outside to the bottom. Now the grinder must be drowning at an angle of 45 degrees ceramic tile.

From the first time to do smooth and clean sleep will not work. Therefore, after an angle has been formed, it is necessary to repeat the process and go through the diamond bar of the grinder along the cut edge. Only the corner will become even.

To form an angle on the tile, it is necessary to correctly pick up the grinder, since not all models can perform the necessary functions. In this case, it is necessary to purchase construction toolwhich can be regulated by turnover.

At the beginning of work, it is necessary to establish minimal revs on which the edges of the tiles will be grinding, and not to burn.

Fundamental rules

When driving a tile, it is necessary to remember that it is possible to cut only clay, not reaching glaze of 0.5-1 mm. In this case, the tile angle will turn out beautiful and smooth, without damage and jar.

Modern features and skill of specialists make it possible to make a subsidement of tiles under 45 degrees not only from the edge, but also in the middle of the product. For this, the tile must be measured and cut off according to the necessary size, and then cut off under 45 degrees. To get a quality result, you should close the cut edge of sandpaper.

How to form a sharp corner?

The next step after the process washed the tiles under the degree of a certain angle is its worthy application, as well as an organization direct corner. To do this, you must follow the following items:

  • with the help of special building level You must smoothly glue the first part of the tile. Its cropped edge should slightly cut out for the base of the straight angle;
  • the second tile follows the same way to glue the opposite, the period of fixing the adhesive allows you to move and adjust the contact tiles to achieve a dense contact.

Before starting the corner facing, you should check the wall vertical despication. With even the lowest drops of heights, the angle at the top may not come together and fail to be smooth. To disguise or close this flaw in the future it will be impossible.

The scope of use of the injected tile under the a corner of forty-five degrees has certain limitations. As a result of a cut clay from the back side, the rocky edges of the tile become thin and fragile, so they can easily break down.

To form straight angles of cropted tiles in places where intensive movement is present, it is not recommended.

Cutting without special devices

The tile of the tile is optional with special devices. At home you can easily manually make the tiles under 45 degrees. For this, it is necessary to act as follows:

  • on the outer part of the tile (glazing) is carried out with a glass cutter;
  • with the help of a grinder on the back of the tile, a small groove is formed in the form english letter "V", which is placed in the width of the entire tile;
  • then you need to neatly turn the bend of the cut and process it with sandpaper.

How to make a mosaic sleep?

Today, many modern designers are used in the design of the premises a mosaic - a small ceramic tile, which is no different from the usual tile, besides its size. Therefore, often when using this tile also, the need arises in the corner of 45 degrees.

For the petty tile, it will be easily used to use electric tiles, in which you need to place the movable small pieces of the mosaic with icing down. Conveniently fixing them from the reverse side cutting disk, It is possible to start the execution, while holding the tiles with hand. Just like when there is a conventional ceramic tile, when marking a mosaic should be remembered about the outer layer of glaze, which is not recommended to reach.

No less complex process washed a mosaic - an ordinary grinder, which is accompanied by a large amount of dust. In this case, the tile also should be fixed with the outside. Only during operation it is necessary to find a suitable object and hold the small parts of the tile, which are constantly moving.

The work of the Bulgarian should be on the smallest revs. Slow movements are necessary with the help of a diamond circle to remove the back layer of clay. However, to keep the cutting edge of the tile with a grinder carefully will not work, so at the end of the process, it is necessary to extract it with sandpaper.

Conditioning and wringing should ideally produce a professional.

Today, the use of aluminum or plastic corners has decreased due to the possibility of a tile of 45 degrees. This methodLike a tile dusting at a right angle, known for a long time. Previously, such methods were used for the facing works of the facades of various buildings. Now such options for laying ceramic tiles can be found in almost every home.

However, with all positive characteristics the tile of this process also has also negative sides. Such an angle of the tile becomes too thin and vulnerable, so it can easily be reassigned, which will lead to excess troubles and waste.

About how to make the end of the mosaic under 45 degrees, look next.

Often during the repair, you can face the situation when you need to sprinkle a piece from the part, at an angle of strictly 45 degrees. Usually, it is necessary to connect two parts at a right angle, 90 degrees, such as: Door platband, plinth, furniture items and much more. An experienced master, professionally engaged repair workoften it can do without special devices, and practically the eye is able to smoothly and clearly necessary detail. But if you are a beginner repairman, and you have a desire to make work as high quality, without damage to expensive details, then you simply need to purchase a special device that allows you to cut the material at a given angle without special tricks.

To work, you need to have: stood, hacksaw, pencil transport, wood blank, screwdriver with screws or clamp.

Using finished stusla

The most ordinary stub, is a P-shaped profile having a gap sides, allowing with the help of a knife to make cuts at an angles of 45, 60 and 90 degrees, respectively. It is enough to use it once and you will no longer have a question how to sprinkle at an angle of 45 degrees. There are stubs and more difficult to arranged, allowing you to independently install the angle necessary for circumcision, as well as using a rotary structure, to install hackstone Best of the best. The optimal option for a beginner repairman will buy a finished tool in any construction store. Stuslo can be made of wood, plastics or metal. But it can be done independently from the girlfriend, any boards or plywood, a thickness of about 20 millimeters.

Independent manufacture of stusla

  1. 1. Previously, you need to assemble the box of the future tool. To do this, in its side walls, it is necessary to drill holes for future bonding with screws and, smearing the ends with glue parts, connect them in such a way that both walls are strictly perpendicular to the bottom and parallel to each other, after which they fix them with screws.
  2. 2. Using the transport, with a pencil, mark an angle of 45 degrees, if necessary, add additional lines for grooves. The most responsible part, these are propyl, they are best to make the same web hacksaw, which you will produce cutting products. I need to cut the canvas, avoiding strong pressure on the tool, first cut one side, then another.
  3. 3. We proceed to the processing of the material. Clamp or screws, kpripim stub working surface. At the place of the future cutting on the plinth or board we make a label. How to cut off at an angle of 45 degrees it becomes clear if it is tightly pressing it to the side wall and combine the label with a slot on the template. Stickly insert in the groove and cut the workpiece, while the function of the web is limited to the propyl, which allows you to make a cut as much as possible and accurately.
  4. 4. Before sawing the plinth, you need to make sure that the angle of the room is really straight and, if it is not so, you need to adjust the corner of the cutting blank. For this measure internal corner The junction of the walls, and the result is divided into two. If you do not have a professional swivel stouch capable of changing the angle of cutting to the required value, then to achieve the result, you must comprehend additional grooves at the desired angle in the homemade stouch. So you can cut the plinth for the most accurate alignment.

Now you know how you can perform cut blanks at an angle of 45 degrees. Perhaps it's time to move from the theory to practical actions .. Stay with us!

In the interior use many types of platbands. They differ in the material from which are made, their shape, color and quality. Usually, either wooden or plastic platbands are used for framing doors or windows.

By their form, platbands can be divided:

    • Flat - have a simple, uncomplicated look, and they are most often used.
    • Rounded - the frontal part of the framing has a rounded view.

  • Figured - can combine various forms in themselves. They look very unusual and quite attractive.

The material from which the planks make may be the most diverse:

  • The tree is the most common material, as it is eco-friendly and not expensive.
  • Plastic - make any color and shape. The most durable material and quite simple in the installation.
  • Metal - allows you to experiment with the most unusual patterns, create various forms.

Also the framing is classified by the type of thread.

  • The slit - pattern is done through the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe plank.
  • Patch - the finished pattern is naked or stick to the finished background.

According to the method of mounting the platband, there are only two types.

  • Overhead - mounted on the doorway.
  • Telescopic - they have nozzles that are inserted into the holes of the door frame when installed.

How to cut off a platband with stusla

Tools will be needed for work:

  • Stuslo;
  • Hacksaw;
  • Crafting table.

Stuslo - a tool, thanks to which you can cut a product at any angle. It looks like a tray that is made of wood or metal alloy, but most often it is made of plastic. In the construction market you can find a simplified version, it will be needed for cutting at an angle of 45 degrees, but there are more complex structuresThey are designed for cutting at an angle of 90 degrees.

In such a work, it is also important to use what a cutting tool. Depending on which material, the framed is made, you need to choose a specific tool so as not to damage the product. For example, for cutting metal plank It is suitable for the metal with metal, it will also fit for a plastic framing. And for wooden products It is necessary to use wood hacksaw. Will it be used when cutting right toolDepends the accuracy of the saw and the quality of the work done.

Workbench will facilitate the work in terms of the fact that all required tools will be at hand.

So that the bar is cut off correctly, you need to accurately perform step-by-step instructions.

Step 1. Frame must be leaning to the doorway and mark the required length, then cut off the excess part.

Step 2. The bar is installed in the stouch in this position in which it will be attached to doorway. It must be pressed to the long side of the tool.

Step 3. At an angle of 45 degrees, cut off the bar.

Step 4. By the same principle, we set to the long side of the tool to the second response bar and its mode.

For the accuracy of the work done, before the fastening, we connect the two parts of the platbands, and if there are no cracks between them - you can begin to be installed.

For a complete presentation of this work, you can watch the video.

How to cut off the platbands yourself without the help of stusla

If there is no possibility to use the stupid, you can make it yourself or do without it.

To properly cut the framing without the use of a special tool, you can use the usual markup on the wall and at the same time get not a bad result.

To work, you will need:

  • Pencil;
  • Roulette;
  • Line;
  • Hacksaw.

To perform work, you need to follow step by step instructions.

Step 1. Select the bar to the wall, where it will be attached, and watched a small line along it.

Step 2. Now it is also necessary to read the line, putting the second platband, where the angle should be.

Step 3. When everything is battered, you should get a markup on the wall that looks like two crossed lines. The point where these lines intersect must be transferred alternately into two strips.

Step 4. The marker transferred to the framing and will be a slice line, for this from the mark and to another end should be burned and cut off.

Step 5. We apply two parts of the plank to the wall to adjust the angle, if it happened not to dock.

To cut the angle, applying a homemade stub, it is quite possible to draw on cardboard, blackboard or on the usual sheet of paper. To do this, we need to turn the corners under the desired degree. Enjoy homemade tool Just as purchased, namely I put the platband parallel to the line with the desired degree and cut it off.

The main advantage of such a drawn tool is that it is possible to draw an angle absolutely at any angle.

How to attach the platbands

When the corners of the platbands are cut, you can mount them to the wall. It is recommended to do this with decorative nails with small hats, not glue, as glue is not durable. And if the framing must be replaced or removed for painting, with nails to make it much easier, and if the plank was attached to glue, then when removing it can be easily damaged.

There are only four ways to attach such framing:

  1. Finish nails
  2. Liquid nails.
  3. Samores.
  4. Use of platbands on latches.

Installation using finishing nails The most common method. It is recommended to use nails 4 centimeters in length and not more than 1.5 millimeters with a diameter. Holes are drilled at a distance of 5 - 7 centimeters, after which nails are clogged, but not to the end. Now you should remove nails hats using booths and mask the wax pencil of the same color as the plank itself.

If the surface of the wall to which the framing will be completely even, and the planks are made of mDF material That is suitable for fastening on liquid nails. To do this, you need to apply such nails on the wrong side of the plank and attach it to the wall, keeping in this state for some time. After that, the fraction of scotch should be fixed. This method is quite simple and its main advantage is that the front part will not be exposed to mechanical effects. But when it is removed, it will be necessary to make a lot of effort.

Tip! At first the casing to the wall first and mark its external side. After the platband, you can remove, and on the contour glue the greater tape - it will easily cut off, without leaving traces, even from the most capricious surfaces, but if there are liquid nails somewhere, you do not have to rub the glue from the wall. It will be enough to just rejuvenate the tape.

To attach a pen with self-draws, it needs to be done not very deep, but quite wide holes. It will be needed so that the hats of the screws are not higher than the framing itself. To reorganize the screws, you can purchase special caps on them of the same color as the plank itself. It is recommended to use screws 2 centimeters long and no more.

The door framing on the latches externally resembles the letter "g". It is fixed extremely simple, which is a plus. Its "key" moves into the hole and snaps. The minus of this method of fastening is that it is not so easy to remove it and when re-attaching the platband can be stupid, and it will not look beautiful.

All of the four proposed embodiments of the framing are not difficult, you only need to choose the one that is suitable for the interior of the room.

You will need

  • - line;
  • - Pencil, handle, marker;
  • - paper;
  • - transport;
  • - Stuslo;
  • - Knife, scissors, jigsaw and other cutting tools.


If the material surface is quite extensive and allows you to make marks, draw one of the slice lines using a ruler. Then swipe perpendicular to this line using a square or any object with smooth edges, such as a sheet of paper or a book.

The line mark on each side of the angle equal segments, for example, 10 cm. Measure the distance between the obtained points and divide it in half. This point is connected from the vertex of the direct angle. You got an angle of 45º, now cut the material along the drawn lines using scissors, knife, jigsaw or other tools.

Mark one of the slice lines, take the shipping and attach to the line. Find a 45º mark on the scale and connect this point with the transport center. According to the outlined lines, cut the material to the tools available.

Paper, film, foil or other easily fitted material. Curlee as follows: Find or draw a straight angle (for a sheet of paper it is any of its corners). Generate the sheet so that the neighboring sides coincide. Cut the leaf along the fold line.

If you need to cut an angle of 45 degrees several times, for example, when fitting the plinth, make a template. To do this, take a tight cardboard, draw a square on it and cut it diagonally.

In order to cut the materials at an angle of 45º in large volumes, buy a stub, this tool can be easily found in any construction store. Insert the plinth or rack inside the way it will be located in space, and cut it with a knife, a jigsaw or another tool.


No always angles of rooms make up exactly 90º, they can often be sharp or stupid. In this case, if you have already cut the plinth or another material at an angle of 45º, take it exactly as well, and put the slot with a putty.

Helpful advice

In order for the angles of the two parts, let's say, the plinth accurately coincided, first cut one of them at an angle of 45º, attach it to the repair place and here are trying on the second part. Instruct the cutting line with a pencil and cut the corner (let it even differ from the specified, but the design will perfectly fit into space).


  • how to make an angle 45

During home repair work, it may be necessary to cut the materials at an angle of 45 degrees. This is usually done to connect two parts "in the Us", that is, a 90 degree corner (frame, plinth, door platbands, etc.). In order for the result of you to please you, it is important to absolutely adjust the adjacent parts of the blanks. Make it without a special device - stusla - extremely difficult, especially for a novice master.

You will need

  • - Stuslo;
  • - hacksaw;
  • - wooden billet;
  • - transport;
  • - pencil;
  • - clamp or screws and screwdriver.


Prepare angular patternwhich will help you easily make accurate saws of wood blanks at an angle of 45 degrees. This device is a profile in the form of an inverted letter "P"; Through its sides are trained through hand-cutting gaps. Usually they are located at angles of 45, 60 and 90 degrees. More complex stubs are additionally equipped with arbitrary fixed slots, or have a swivel design - it allows you to set the saw to the optimal position.

Buy Ready joiner's tool In the building of building goods with wooden, metal or plastic tray. For a beginner wizard, this is the optimal option. If you wish, you can make a simple stuscle of three orange boards or plywood bands (thickness - about 1.5-2 cm).

Drill a few holes in the walls of the future stouch, apply carbon black on the ends and assemble the box (tray) of the stouch. Fix the corner pattern with screws. The walls of the tool must be strictly parallel to one to the other; The bottom and each sidewall make up clear perpendicular.

Mark the angle of 45 degrees, add additional lines of the grooves if necessary. In order not to make a mistake in your calculations, use the transport.

The most responsible thing is to slot. It is recommended to perform them to the same hacksaw, which will subsequently be made in the finished stouch. Start sawing without strong pressure onto the working tool, hold it the canvas. First, send one sidewall, then the opposite.

Start the processing of sawn timber. Secure the stubbring on the workbench or desktop clamp (clips for fixing parts) or screws. Then make a label of the future cut on the railboard (board, plinth) and put the blank in the box. Press it tightly to one of the lateral walls of the template, aligning the label with a slot of an angle of 45 degrees.

Insert the hacksaw in the stusing grooves and saw the workpiece. Work saw will be limited to fixed propuls, and you perform a smooth and accurate section.

When sawing plinths, make sure that the corners indoors are really straight. If the walls are very uneven, the angle of cutting on the blanks should be corrected. Squeeze the scene of the joint inland walls And divide the result in half (the joint of the plinth "in the Us"). To make an exact incision, it is recommended to perform grooves at a given angle in a homemade stouch. Another option is the store turning tool that allows you to change an angle from 0 to 180 degrees in about 15 degrees.

When carrying out repair and finishing work The apartment requires proper trimming, docking and fitting the angles of various decorative elements, for example, ceiling or outdoor plinthas well as sheet materials.

How to cut off at an angle of 45 degrees

Often during the repair, you can face the situation when you need to sprinkle a piece from the part, at an angle of strictly 45 degrees. Usually, it is necessary to connect two parts at a right angle, 90 degrees, such as: Door platband, plinth, furniture items and much more. An experienced master, professionally engaged in repairs, often can do without special devices, and almost to the eye is able to smoothly and clearly cut the necessary part. But if you are a beginner repairman, and you have a desire to make work as high quality, without damage to expensive parts, then you simply need to purchase a stouch - a special device that allows you to cut the material at a given angle without special tricks.

To work, you need to have: stood, hacksaw, pencil transport, wood blank, screwdriver with screws or clamp.

Using finished stusla

The most ordinary stub, is a P-shaped profile having a gap sides, allowing with the help of a knife to make cuts at an angles of 45, 60 and 90 degrees, respectively. It is enough to use it once and you will no longer have a question how to sprinkle at an angle of 45 degrees. There are stubs and more difficult to arranged, allowing you to independently install the angle necessary for circumcision, as well as using a rotary structure, install the hacksaw blade to the best position. The optimal option for a beginner repairman will buy a finished tool in any construction store. Stuslo can be made of wood, plastics or metal. But it can be done independently from the girlfriend, any boards or plywood, a thickness of about 20 millimeters.

Independent manufacture of stusla

  1. 1. Previously, you need to assemble the box of the future tool. To do this, in its side walls, it is necessary to drill holes for future bonding with screws and, smearing the ends with glue parts, connect them in such a way that both walls are strictly perpendicular to the bottom and parallel to each other, after which they fix them with screws.
  2. 2. With the help of the transport, with a pencil, mark an angle of 45 degrees, if necessary, add additional lines for grooves. The most responsible part, these are propyl, they are best to make the same web hacksaw, which you will produce cutting products. I need to cut the canvas, avoiding strong pressure on the tool, first cut one side, then another.
  3. 3. Start the processing of the material. Clamps or screws, fastening the stood on the working surface. At the place of the future cutting on the plinth or board we make a label. How to cut off at an angle of 45 degrees it becomes clear if it is tightly pressing it to the side wall and combine the label with a slot on the template. Stickly insert in the groove and cut the workpiece, while the function of the web is limited to the propyl, which allows you to make a cut as much as possible and accurately.
  4. 4. Before sawing the plinth, you need to make sure that the angle of the room is really straight and, if not, you need to adjust the angle of cutting the workpiece. To do this, measure the inner corner of the wall of the walls, and the result is divided into two. If you do not have a professional swivel stouch capable of changing the angle of cutting to the required value, then to achieve the result, you must comprehend additional grooves at the desired angle in the homemade stouch. So you can cut the plinth for the most accurate alignment.

Now you know how you can perform cut blanks at an angle of 45 degrees.

How to cut the ceiling plinth

Perhaps the time came from the theory of practical actions. The MEBELDOK.COM portal team is confident that you will definitely work out. Stay with us!

Cut the plinth at an angle of 45 degrees will help you stub. By the way, do you know how to use stupid? The specialists of our portal have prepared step by step for you.

How to cut the corners of the ceiling plinth without stub

How to cut a detail or product at an angle of 45 degrees

Definition of inclination of the roof - from what depends
Methods of settlement
Example of calculating the roof slope in degrees
How to find out the roof inclination angle
Selection of roofing depending on the inclination of the roof

In order for the roof of the building to fully perform all the functions assigned to it, it is necessary when it is created to take into account a number of parameters. One of the most important parameters The roof is its bias, which provides removal of atmospheric precipitation from its surface and affects the ability to withstand external loads. On how to calculate the inclination of the roof, and it will be discussed in this article.

Definition of inclination of the roof - from what depends

To carry out the right calculation of the roof of the roof, it is necessary to take into account several factors, among which the most strongest are allocated:

  1. Wind Loads. The slope is very influenced by the wind. So that the roof can normally resist its effects, you need to correctly pick it up. With too large corners, the load on them will be high, but an excessive decrease in the angle can also be dangerous - a common roofing of the wind can simply disrupt.
  2. Snow and rain loads. With snow, everything is quite simple - an increase in the angle of inclination simplifies its convergence from the surface of the roof. With the inclination of the roof of more than 45 degrees, the snow almost won't linger on it. With rain rain, the same situation - if the angle of inclination of the roof is too low, then the water will be able to fly into the joints or in general to stir on the roof surface.

Stripping from these factors, you can count the angle of inclination of the skates. In addition, before calculating the angle double roof, It is worth paying attention to the recommended indicators: for the terrain with strong winds, a slope of 15-20 degrees is suitable, and in other cases the optimal validity of the slope is 35-40 degrees. Of course, it is necessary to understand that the roof in each case is calculated individually, and it is simply so undesirable to choose the averaged indicators.

Methods of settlement

When designing the roof you need obligatory Conduct a number of calculations, among which there should always be to calculate the angle of inclination of the skates. This parameter directly affects the roof design: with increasing inclination decreases snow loadbut the impact of wind increases, so slinge system It is necessary to increase additionally.

Cut the corners of the ceiling plinth: Tools and cutting methods

For the arrangement of skates at a large angle is also required large quantity Materials that negatively affects the cost of construction.

Before you know the degree of inclination of the roof, you need to calculate the operational load on the roof, for which two parameters are required:

  • Total weight roofing design;
  • Peak levels of snow precipitation, characteristic of the region, where construction passes.

The simplified calculation algorithm is reduced to the following actions:

  • First you need to determine the weight of one square meter of roofing cake;
  • The resulting value is multiplied by total area roofing;
  • The weight of the roof is multiplied by the coefficient of 1.1.

Example of calculating the roof slope in degrees

To understand how to calculate the roof angle, it is worth considering the calculation process on specific example. For example, the following data will be taken: the lamp has a thickness of 2.5 cm, one square meter Roofs weighs 15 kg, as heat insulating material A 10 cm thick insulation is used, the square meter of which has a weight of 10 kg, and ondulin is used for the coating with a weight of 3 kg per square meter.

The calculation of the roof skate is carried out in accordance with the method described above. The substitution of the available data leads to the following expression: (15 + 10 + 3) x1.1 \u003d 30.8 kg / sq. M. The resulting value is quite admissible - the average load on the roof of residential buildings is a little less than 50 kg / sq. M. In addition, the formula presents a coefficient 1.1, which slightly increases the actual weight of the roofing structure and allows you to replace the roofing coating to be more severe.

How to find out the roof inclination angle

Between a bias roofing rods And there is a direct dependence on the snow load. If the roof inclination angle is less than 25 degrees, then the snow load coefficient is 1, and at angles, varying from 25 to 60 degrees, then this coefficient is increased to 1.25. The roof with a large tilt angle will not be subject to snow loads in general, so they are not taken into account when calculating.

To determine the angle of inclination of the roof, you need to use the brady's table and a simple method: the height of the roofing design is divided by the length of the front, divided into two, after which it remains to find the table angle that corresponds to the result.

The height of the roof in the skate is determined as follows:

  • First of all, you need to calculate the width of the span;
  • The resulting value is divided into 2;
  • The result of the previous calculation is multiplied by a coefficient corresponding to a certain angle of inclination.

On the example, the implementation of such a calculation technique looks like this: with a building width of 8 meters, and a 25-degree roof slope, estimated coefficient is 0.47. As a result, substitution of values \u200b\u200bis the expression of the following form: 4x0.47 \u003d 1.88 m. The resulting value is the height of the roof corresponding to the source data.

Selection of roofing depending on the inclination of the roof

In the market, the roof materials are present in big assortment, so with the choice suitable option There will be no special problems. Roofing They differ in characteristics and application capabilities, and all of their parameters must be studied before measuring the roof angle - only in this case it will be possible to create a reliable and efficient design.

Choosing a material for the roof, it is worth repelled from the following recommendations:

  1. If the angle of inclination of the rafter ranges from 2.5 to 10 degrees, then the coatings of stone crumb or gravel are suitable. In the first case upper layer The coating has a thickness of 3-5 mm, and in the second - 10-15 mm.
  2. When inclined more than 10 degrees optimal option There will be coarse-grained or rolled materialsSupplemented by bitumen waterproofing.
  3. For arrangement scanty roofs With an inclination angle, no more than 20 degrees are commonly used by professional flooring or sheet asbestoscert. All seams and joints between roofing materials Must be treated with sealant.
  4. If the angle of inclination of the roof is in the range of 20-60 degrees, it is most often covered metal sheets. The joints of the materials in this case must necessarily be sealing.


Knowledge of how to find out the angle of inclination of the roof in degrees will significantly simplify the process of its design and will create the maximum reliable designwhich can well protect the building box from atmospheric precipitation, wind and cold.

How to cut the ceiling plinth so that the angles were perfect

In the corners of the room when installing the ceiling plinth, for example, minor inconsistencies can often occur from the foam, which spoil general form premises. This, of course, can be avoided. So how to cut the plinth with your own hands? The first assistant on this issue will be such a tool like a stub. But buying such it for one-time repair is not always appropriate. Although, if you decide to help with the repair to all relatives and neighbors, and in the future it is also to make money on it, then this device you need.

An example of perfect corners

If you are still limited to one installation of the plinth at home, then such a carpenter tool is optional. You can do without it. In order to consider all the ways to cut the ceiling plinth, we learn from what it consists of.

Composition and features of the material

To understand how to properly cut the plinth, it should be dealt with its composition. It will help to choose the right tool and cutting technology.

  • Styrofoam. The price and strength of this material is the lowest. But since we create decorative decoration Ceiling, then the strength is especially and not required.
  • The ceiling plinth of polystyrene is more damped. than ordinary foam. For cutting such material, the most ordinary knife is used.

Tip: Cock the knife well before use. It will eliminate from the presence of torn edges in the section of the cut.

How to cut the plinth smooth

  • Wood.

    How to unlock angle 45 without stub

    Here you have to make more efforts for processing. For wood, use only hacksaw.

Tip: The smaller and more often the tooth of the saw, the greater the edges will be. You can take advantage of even metal web.

  • Plastic. What to cut plastic plinth? Here is the same way as with a tree - drank, hacksaw. Alternatively, you can still use the grinder.

Using a conventional hacksaw blade

Methods cutting

The product is installed around the perimeter rectangular room. Cropped to finishing direct corners. Therefore, we will consider how to cut the plinth for 45 degrees.

Cutting using stusl

What is a stubble? This is a special tray of wood, aluminum or plastic with stipulated grooves for the direction of the saw at the desired angle.

Here brief instructions on the use of such a carpenter tool:

  • Preparation. Take the product and put it in the tray. Align the position in which it will be installed on the ceiling.
  • Cutting Another hand insert into the groove cutting tool. It can be a knife or hacksaw. And boldly cut. The device will not miss the intended place.

It should be known: the metal canvas fit for cutting foam.

  • Treatment. The plinth of the tree may need to additionally handle the file to align the edges of the cut. Plastic or foam can be adjusted with a knife, the main thing is that it is enough to be enough.

Tip: With cutting, do not press on the product. The foam can be crumbled, and the tree is altogether altogether.

So easy and easy to use stub

Cut without Stusla

If you do not have such a device, and you are not going to acquire it for one-time use, you can use the following ways, how to cut the plinth under 45 degrees.

  1. The first way is to make this simple carpentry tool yourself. To do this, knocks down the most ordinary tree tray. Then we measure the lines of the slots using the transport or school square. We cut the grooves and we have a primitive adaptation.

  1. The second way. How to cut the plinth at an angle, even simpler. In particular, it is painlessly applied in cases where the angles of the room are not even.

We will not need a tray. There are enough two dried up 90 degrees of boards and a cardboard stencil with a line-oriented line.

  1. Third way. In this case, we do not knock anything at all, but we use a table or any other similar design to the wall.

Future joints of the joints are noted directly on the product itself, on the wall and on the ceiling. We apply the plinth as we are going to mock, and cut according to the stamps applied.

The simplest way without using special devices

It should be remembered: During cutting, hold the tool strictly vertically to get a straight angle.

Features cutting various angles

General technology, how to cut the ceiling plinths, we disassembled. But also still has some nuances cutting different angles of this product.

Inner land

Type of inner corner

To begin with, put out the left and right plinth at right angles. Insert the left product in the stub, applying to outside, Cut the left inner corner. Then the same operation is done with the right. Ready.


View of an exterior outdoor corner

In this case, using, stub, we are not internal mode, but the outer edges. Otherwise, the operation is similar.

Outdoor ceiling

View of the outer ceiling corner

Ceiling corners We already cut on the inside of the device. Inserting the left plinth in the stubble, cut off the left outer angle. We substitute the right - the right outer edge mode.

Inner ceiling

View of the inner ceiling angle

By analogy of external angle, cutting and internal. Only cut according to the internal left and right edges.

It is important to remember: on the ceiling, the product is always mounted upside down. Therefore, insert it into the stubble. It will help you trim the plinth correctly.

  • Plank the plinth Install only when they have already prepared the following. Do it better on the floor, not under the ceiling.
  • Patience, patience and once again patience. The joints sometimes have to correct one. Do not be nervous, be careful, and everything will work out.
  • With the use of foam and plastic can be allowed to leave small slots in the joints of the corners. The shplanie hides them well. Be careful with the tree.


The diligence gives its results

If you have some other questions left, then the visual in this article will help to resolve them.

With a careful consequence of recommendations and considering the features of the material with which you work, you can give your ceiling beauty and originality. Choose a way that you like and forward! You will succeed (read also on the benefits of polyvinyl chloride plinth).