Repairs Design Furniture

The estimated vapor permeability coefficient of the material. Air permeability of enclosing structures. What is the vapor permeability of materials

Parry permeability table - This is a complete summary table with vapor permeability data of all possible materials used in construction. The word "vapor permeability" itself means the ability of layers of building material or skip, or to delay the water vapors due to different pressure values \u200b\u200bon both sides of the material at the same atmospheric pressure indicator. This ability is also called the coefficient of resistance and is determined by special values.

The higher the record permeability, the more the wall can accommodate moisture, which means that the material is low frost resistance.

Parry permeability table It is indicated by the following indicators:

  1. Thermal conductivity is a kind, indicator of the energy transfer of heat from more heated particles to less heated particles. Therefore, an equilibrium in temperature modes is established. If high thermal conductivity is installed in the apartment, this is the most comfortable conditions.
  2. Heat capacity. With the help of it, you can calculate the amount of heat supplied and the heat contained in the room. Be sure to bring it to the real volume. Due to this, you can fix the temperature change.
  3. Thermal assimilation is a fencing structural alignment at temperature fluctuations. In other words, thermal assimilation is the degree of absorption of moisture walls.
  4. Thermal stability is the ability to protect the designs from sharp fluctuations in thermal flows.

Fully all comfort in the room will depend on these thermal conditions, which is why the construction is so necessary parry permeability tableSince it helps effectively compare the variety of vapor permeability types.

On the one hand, vapor permeability affects the microclimate, and on the other, it destroys materials from which houses are built. In such cases, it is recommended to set a layer of vaporizolation from the outside of the house. After that, the insulation will not skip steam.

Parosolation is materials that apply from the negative effects of air vapor in order to protect the insulation.

There are three classes of vaporizolation. They differ in mechanical strength and vapor permeability resistance. The first class of vaporizolation is stringent materials, which are based on foil. The second class includes polypropylene or polyethylene materials. And the third class make up soft materials.

Parry permeability table of materials.

Parry permeability table Materials - These are building standards for international and domestic standards of vapor permeability of building materials.

Parry permeability table of materials.


Parry permeability coefficient, mg / (m * h * pa)


Arbolit, 300 kg / m3

Arbolit, 600 kg / m3

Arbolit, 800 kg / m3

Asphalt concrete

Foamed synthetic rubber


Granite, Gneis, Basalt

Chipboard and dvp, 1000-800 kg / m3

Chipboard and dvp, 200 kg / m3

Chipboard and dvp, 400 kg / m3

Chipboard and dvp, 600 kg / m3

Oak along the fibers

Oak across fibers

Reinforced concrete

Limestone, 1400 kg / m3

Limestone, 1600 kg / m3

Limestone, 1800 kg / m3

Limestone, 2000 kg / m3

Keramzit (bulk, i.e. gravel), 200 kg / m3

0.26; 0.27 (SP)

Keramzit (bulk, i.e. gravel), 250 kg / m3

Keramzit (bulk, i.e. gravel), 300 kg / m3

Keramzit (bulk, i.e. gravel), 350 kg / m3

Ceramizite (bulk, i.e. gravel), 400 kg / m3

Keramzit (bulk, i.e. gravel), 450 kg / m3

Keramzit (bulk, i.e. gravel), 500 kg / m3

Keramzit (bulk, i.e. gravel), 600 kg / m3

Keramzit (bulk, i.e. gravel), 800 kg / m3

Ceramzitobeton, density 1000 kg / m3

Ceramzitobetone, 1800 kg / m3 density

Ceramzitobeton, density 500 kg / m3

Ceramzitobeton, density of 800 kg / m3


Brick clay, masonry

Brick ceramic hollow (1000 kg / m3 gross)

Brick ceramic hollow (1400 kg / m3 gross)

Brick, silicate, masonry

Romatic ceramic block (warm ceramics)

Linoleum (PVC, i.e. unpretentious)

Minvata, Stone, 140-175 kg / m3

Minvata, Stone, 180 kg / m3

Minvata, Stone, 25-50 kg / m3

Minvata, Stone, 40-60 kg / m3

Minvata, Glass, 17-15 kg / m3

Minvat, Glass, 20 kg / m3

Minvata, Glass, 35-30 kg / m3

Minvata, Glass, 60-45 kg / m3

Minvata, Glass, 85-75 kg / m3

OSP (OSB-3, OSB-4)

Foam concrete and aerated concrete, density 1000 kg / m3

Foam concrete and aerated concrete, 400 kg / m3 density

Foam concrete and aerated concrete, 600 kg / m3 density

Foam concrete and aerated concrete, density of 800 kg / m3

Polystyrene foam (foam), stove, density from 10 to 38 kg / m3

Polystyrene foam extruded (EPPS, XPS)

0.005 (SP); 0,013; 0.004.

Polystyrene foam, stove

Polyurethane foam, 32 kg / m3 density

Polyurene foam, 40 kg / m3 density

Polyurethan, density 60 kg / m3

Polyurethan, density 80 kg / m3

Foam glass block

0 (rare 0.02)

Foam glass bulk, density 200 kg / m3

Foam glass bulk, density 400 kg / m3

Tile (tile) Ceramic glazed

Clinker tile

low; 0.018

Plate from plaster (plaster), 1100 kg / m3

Plates of plaster (plaster), 1350 kg / m3

Fibrolite and arbolit plates, 400 kg / m3

Fibrolite and arbolit plates, 500-450 kg / m3


Polyurethane mastic


Spring-sand-sand with lime (or plaster)

Cement-sand-limestone solution (or plaster)

Cement-sandy (or plaster)

Ruberoid, Pergamine

Pine, spruce along the fibers

Pine, fir across fibers

Plywood glued

Equata pulp

There is a legend of the "breathable wall", and legends about the "healthy breathing of a slagoblock, which creates a unique atmosphere in the house." In fact, the wall vapor permeability is not large, the amount of pair of passing through it is slightly, and much less than the amount of steam is carried by air, with its placement in the room.

Parry permeability is one of the most important parameters used in calculating insulation. It can be said that the vapor permeability of materials determines the entire design of insulation.

What is vapor permeability

The movement of steam through the wall occurs with the difference in partial pressure on the sides of the wall (different humidity). At the same time, the difference in atmospheric pressure may not be.

Park permeability - the ability of matter to pass through itself. According to the domestic classification, it is determined by the parry permeability coefficient M, mg / (m * hour * PA).

The resistance of the material layer will depend on its thickness.
Determined by dividing the thickness to the parry permeability coefficient. It is measured in (l square. * Hour * PA) / mg.

For example, a brickwork vapor permeability coefficient is accepted as 0.11 mg / (m * hour * PA). With a brick wall thickness, equal to 0.36 m, its resistance to the movement of the steam will be 0.36 / 0.11 \u003d 3.3 (m. * Hour * PA) / mg.

What is the vapor permeability of building materials

Below are the values \u200b\u200bof vapor permeability coefficient for several building materials (according to the regulatory document), which are most widely used, mg / (m * hour * PA).
Bitumen 0,008
Heavy concrete 0.03.
Autoclave aerated concrete 0.12.
Ceramzitobetone 0.075 - 0.09
Slag concrete 0.075 - 0.14
The burned clay (brick) 0.11 - 0.15 (in the form of masonry on cement solution)
Lime solution 0.12.
Plasterboard, Gypsum 0.075
Cement and sand plaster 0.09
Limestone (depending on density) 0.06 - 0.11
Metals 0.
Chipboard 0.12 0.24.
Linoleum 0.002.
Polyfoam 0.05-0.23
Polyurentan solid, polyurethane foam
Mineral wool 0.3-0.6
Foam glass 0.02 -0.03
Vermikulite 0.23 - 0.3
Ceramzit 0.21-0.26
Tree across fibers 0,06
Tree along the fiber 0.32
Silicate brickwork masonry on cement solution 0.11

Data on vapor-permealing layers must be taken into account when designing any insulation.

How to design insulation - vapor insulation qualities

The main rule of insulation - the steam transparency of the layers should increase in the direction of outside. Then in the cold season, with a greater probability, water will not accumulate in the layers, when condensation will occur at the dew point.

The basic principle helps to determine in any cases. Even when everything is "inverted upside down" - insulate from the inside, despite the persistent recommendations to make insulation only outside.

In order not to have a catastrophe with the wetting of walls, it suffices to recall that the inner layer must be most stubbornly resist the pair, and on the basis of this, for internal insulation, apply extruded polystyrene foam thick layer - material with very low vapor permeability.

Or do not forget for a very "breathable" aerated concrete outside to apply even more "air" mineral wool.

Separation of layers of steampower

Another embodiment of the principle of steam transparency of materials in a multilayer design is the separation of the most significant layers of a steam insulator. Or the use of a significant layer, which is an absolute vaporizolytor.

For example, the insulation of the brick wall by foam cell. It would seem that this contradicts the above principle, because moisture accumulation is possible in the brick?

But this does not occur, due to the fact that the directional movement of the steam is completely interrupted (at minus temperatures from the room outside). After all, the foam glass is full of vaporizool or close to it.

Therefore, in this case, the brick will enter an equilibrium condition with the inner atmosphere of the house, and will serve as a humidity battery with sharp surges inside the room, making the internal climate more pleasant.

The principle of separation of layers uses and applying mineral wool - the insulation is particularly dangerous in moisture. For example, in a three-layer structure, when the mineral wool is inside the wall without ventilation, it is recommended to put a parobarrier under your cotton, and thus leave it in an outdoor atmosphere.

International classification of vapor insulation quality materials

The international classification of materials for vapor insulation properties is different from domestic.

According to the international standard ISO / FDIS 10456: 2007 (E), the materials are characterized by a steam movement coefficient. This coefficient indicates how many times the material resists the movement of steam compared to air. Those. In the air, the coefficient of resistance to the movement of the steam is equal to 1, and the extruded polystyrene foam has already 150, i.e. Polystyrene foam in 150 times passes couples worse than air.

Also in international standards it is customary to determine vapor permeability for dry and moistened materials. The border between the concepts of "dry" and "moisturized" is chosen internal moisture content of the material in 70%.
Below are the values \u200b\u200bof the resistance coefficient of steam movement for various materials according to international standards.

Couplel resistance coefficient

First, the data for dry material are given, and through the comma for the moistened (more than 70% humidity).
Air 1, 1
Bitumen 50 000, 50 000
Plastics, rubber, silicone -\u003e 5 000,\u003e 5 000
Heavy concrete 130, 80
Middle density concrete 100, 60
Polystyrene concrete 120, 60
Autoclave aerated concrete 10, 6
Light concrete 15, 10
Artificial stone 150, 120
Ceramzitobetone 6-8, 4
Slag concrete 30, 20
Elander clay (brick) 16, 10
Lime solution 20, 10
Plasterboard, Gypsum 10, 4
Gypsum plaster 10, 6
Cement-sand plaster 10, 6
Clay, sand, gravel 50, 50
Sandstone 40, 30
Limestone (depending on the density) 30-250, 20-200
Ceramic tile?, ?
OSB-2 (DIN 52612) 50, 30
OSB-3 (DIN 52612) 107, 64
OSB-4 (DIN 52612) 300, 135
Chipboard 50, 10-20
Linoleum 1000, 800
Substrate for laminate plastic 10 000, 10 000
Substrate for laminate plug 20, 10
Polyfoam 60, 60
EPPS 150, 150
Polyurentan solid, polyurethane foam 50, 50
Mineral wool 1, 1
Perlite panels 5, 5
Perlite 2, 2
Vermikulite 3, 2
Equata 2, 2
Ceramzit 2, 2
Tree across fibers 50-200, 20-50

It should be noted that the data on the resistance to the movement of steam we and "there" are very different. For example, the foam glass is normalized, and the international standard says that it is an absolute vaporizolytor.

Where did the legend come from a breathable wall

A lot of companies produce mineral wool. This is the most vapor-permeable insulation. According to international standards, its coefficient of resistance of vapor permeability (not to be confused with the domestic parry permeability coefficient) is 1.0. Those. In fact, mineral wool does not differ in this regard from the air.

Indeed, this is a "breathable" insulation. To sell mineral wool as much as possible, you need a beautiful fairy tale. For example, that if you insulate the brick wall outside the mineral wool, then it will not lose anything in terms of vapor permeation. And this is absolute truth!

The cunning lie is hidden in the fact that through brick walls in 36 centimeters thick, with a difference of moisture in 20% (on the street 50%, in the house - 70%) per day from the house will be released about the liter of water. While with the exchange of air, should come out about 10 times more, so that the humidity in the house did not increase.

And if the wall outside or from the inside will be isolated, for example, a layer of paint, vinyl wallpaper, dense cement plaster, (which is in general "the most common thing"), then the vapor permeability of the wall decrease at times, and at full insulation - in tens and hundreds of times .

Therefore, always the brick wall and households will be absolutely the same, whether the house is covered with a mineral wool with a "raging breathing", or "sad-sober" foam.

Taking decisions on the insulation of houses and apartments, it is necessary to proceed from the basic principle - the outer layer must be more vapor permeable, preferably at times.

If it is not possible to withstand this, it is possible to divide the layers with solid vapor barrier, (apply a fully steamproof layer) and stop the steam movement in the design, which will lead to the state of the dynamic equilibrium of the layers with the medium in which they will be located.

GOST 32493-2013

Interstate standard

Materials and products heat-insulating

Method for determining air permeability and resistance to air permeal

Materials and Products The Construction Heatinsulating. Method of Determination Of Air Permeability and Resistance To A Air Permeability

ISS 91.100.60

Date of introduction 2015-01-01


Objectives, basic principles and the main order of work on interstate standardization GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system. Standards of interstate, rules and recommendations on interstate standardization. Development rules, adoption, applications , updates and cancellation "

Information about standard

1 Developed by the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Research Institute of Construction Physics of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences" (Niizf Raasn)

2 Submitted by the Technical Committee on Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

3 Adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Protocol of November 14, 2013 N 44-P)

For the adoption of the standard voted:

Short name of the country on MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Country code for
MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the National Standardization Authority



Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia


Gosstandart of the Republic of Belarus


Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan



Moldova Standard






4 by the order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of December 30, 2013 N 2390-ST Interstate Standard GOST 32493-2013 was enacted as the National Standard of the Russian Federation from January 1, 2015

5 introduced for the first time

Information on the changes to this standard is published in the annual information indicator "National Standards", and the text of the amendments and amendments are in the monthly information indicator "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or the cancellation of this Standard, the appropriate notification will be published in the National Standards Monthly Information Index. Relevant information, notification and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

This standard applies to building heat-insulating materials and products made in factory conditions, and establishes the method of determining air permeability and resistance to air permeal.

2 Regulatory references

This standard uses regulatory references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 166-89 (ISO 3599-76) caliper. Technical conditions

GOST 427-75 Metal measuring rules. Technical conditions

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the action of reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or on the National Standards Annual Information Signal, which is published as of January 1 of the current year, and on issues of the monthly information pointer "National Standards" for the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard should be guided by replacing (modified) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, the position in which the reference is given to it is applied in a portion that does not affect this link.

3 Terms, Definitions and Designations

3.1 Terms and Definitions

This standard applies the following terms with appropriate definitions.

3.1.1 air permeability material: The property of the material to pass air in the presence of an air pressure difference on the opposite surfaces of the sample of a material, determined by the amount of air passing through the unit of the area of \u200b\u200bthe material sample per unit of time.

3.1.2 double-permeability coefficient: An indicator characterizing the air permeability of the material.

3.1.3 permeal resistance: An indicator characterizing the properties of a sample material to prevent air passage.

3.1.4 pressure drop: Air pressure difference on opposite sample surfaces during testing.

3.1.5 air flow density: The mass of air passing into a unit of time through the unit of the surface of the sample, perpendicular to the direction of air flow.

3.1.6 air consumption: The amount (volume) of air passing through the sample per unit of time.

3.1.7 filtration mode indicator: Indicator of the degree of pressure drop in the equation of the dependence of the mass air permeability of the sample from the pressure drop.

3.1.8 sample thickness: Sample thickness in the direction of air flow.

3.2 Designations

Designations and units of measurement of the basic parameters used in the definition of air permeability are shown in Table 1.

Table 1



unit of measurement

Cross-section area of \u200b\u200bthe sample perpendicular to the direction of air flow

Air flow density

kg / (m · h)

Ferrium coefficient

kg / [m · h · (pa)]

Filtration mode indicator

Perfection resistance

[m · h · (pa)] / kg

Pressure drop

Air consumption

Sample thickness

Air density

4 General

4.1 The essence of the method is to measure the amount of air (air flow density) passing through a sample of a material with known geometrical sizes, with a consistent creation of given stationary air pressure drops. According to the measurement results, the coefficient of air permeability of the material and the resistance to the air permeation of the sample of the material included in the air filtration equations (1) and (2), respectively, are calculated:

where is the density of the air flow, kg / (m · h);

- pressure drop, PA;

- sample thickness, m;

- resistance to air permeation, [m · h · (Pa)] / kg.

4.2 The number of samples needed to determine the air permeability and resistance to air permeation must be at least five.

4.3 Temperature and relative indoor air humidity in which tests should be (20 ± 3) ° C and (50 ± 10)%, respectively.

5 Tests Test

5.1 Test installation, including:

- a hermetic chamber with adjustable opening and adaptations for hermetic sample fastening;

- Equipment for creating, maintaining and quickly changed air pressure in a sealed chamber up to 100 Pa at testing of thermal insulation materials and up to 10,000 Pa - when testing structural and heat insulating materials (compressor, air pump, pressure regulators, pressure drop controllers, air flow regulators, shut-off Armature).

5.2 Measurement Means:

- flow meters (rotameters) of air with the limit for measuring air flow of air from 0 to 40 m / h with measurement error ± 5% of the upper measurement limit;

- showing or self-sash gauges, pressure sensors that ensure measurements with an accuracy of ± 5%, but not more than 2 pa;

- the thermometer for measuring air temperature within 10 ° C - 30 ° C with measurement error ± 0.5 ° C;

- psychrometer for measuring the relative humidity of air within 30% -90% with an error of measurement ± 10%;

- metal line according to GOST 427 with measurement error ± 0.5 mm;

- Self-caliper according to GOST 166.

5.3 Drying cabinet.

5.4 Testing equipment and measurement tools must comply with the requirements of existing regulatory documents and be reversed in the prescribed manner.

5.5 The diagram of the testing unit for determining the air permeability is shown in Figure 1.

1 - compressor (air pump); 2 - regulating shock fittings; 3 - hoses; 4 - flow meters (rotameters) of air; 5 - sealed chamber, providing stationary mode of air movement; 6 - device for sealed sample fastening; 7 - sample; 8 - showing or self-sash manometers, pressure sensors

Figure 1 - Testing diagram for determining air permeability of thermal insulation materials

5.6 The test installation should ensure tightness in the range of test modes, taking into account the technical capabilities of the test equipment.

When checking the tightness of the chamber in the opening, the airtight element (for example, a metal plate) is determined and carefully seal. Air pressure losses at any test stages should not exceed 2%.

6 Test preparation

6.1 Before testing, the test program is made in which the values \u200b\u200bof the final control pressure should be indicated and the pressure drop schedule is given.

6.2 Test samples are manufactured or taken from full factory readiness products in the form of rectangular parallelepipeds, the largest (facial) faces of which correspond to the size of the device for fastening the sample, but not less than 200x200 mm.

6.3 Samples are taken on the test according to the act of sampling, decorated in the prescribed manner.

6.4 In the event that the selection or production of samples is carried out without attracting a test center (laboratory), then when you design test results in the report (protocol), the tests make the appropriate entry.

6.5 Measure the thickness of the samples by a ruler with an accuracy of up to ± 0.5 mm in four angles at a distance (30 ± 5) mm from the top of the angle and in the middle of each side.

With a thickness of the product less than 10 mm, the sample thickness is measured by a caliper or micrometer.

Over the thickness of the sample, the average-parent value of the results of all measurements takes.

6.6 Calculate the variety of samples as a difference between the greatest and the smallest thickness values \u200b\u200bobtained when measuring the sample in accordance with 6.5. With a sample thickness, more than 10 mm, the multi-powerfulness should not exceed 1 mM, with a sample thickness of 10 mm and less multipleness should not exceed 5% of the sample thickness.

6.7 Samples are dried to a constant mass at a temperature indicated in the regulatory document on the material or product. Samples are considered dried to constant mass, if the loss of their mass after the next drying for 0.5 h does not exceed 0.1%. At the end of the drying, the density of each sample is determined in a dry state. The sample immediately places it * in the test installation to determine the air permeability. It is allowed before testing to store the dried samples in the volume from the surrounding air of no more than 48 hours at a temperature of (20 ± 3) ° C and relative humidity (50 ± 10)%.
* The text of the document corresponds to the original. - Note database manufacturer.

If necessary, it is allowed to experience wet samples with an indication of the value of the moisture content of the samples before and after the test.

7 Testing

7.1 The test sample is installed in a fitting for hermetically fastening of the sample so that its front surfaces are addressed inside the chamber and to the room. The sample is thoroughly sealed and fixed so as to eliminate its deformation, gaps between the cameras and the sample, as well as the penetration of air through the looseness between the clamping frame, sample and the camera. If necessary, the sealing of the end faces of the sample is carried out in order to exclude air from the camera from the chamber to the room, seeking complete air passage in the process of testing only through the front surfaces of the sample.

7.2 The ends of the pressure gauge hoses (pressure sensors) are placed on the same level horizontally on both sides of the test sample in the chamber and the room.

7.3 With the help of a compressor (air pump) and regulating reinforcement, consistently (stepwise) create specified in the testing difference tests on both sides of the sample. The air flow through the sample is considered to be established (stationary) if the values \u200b\u200bof the testimony of the pressure gauge and flow meters differ at no more than 2% for 60 s at the volume of the chamber to 0.25 m inclusive, 90 s - with a volume of 0.5 m, 120 s - with a volume of 0.75 m, etc.

7.4 For each pressure drop value, PA, according to the flow meter (rotimetimeter), the value of air flow rate, m / h is recorded.

7.5 The number of steps and pressure drop values \u200b\u200bcorresponding to each test stage are specified in the test program. The number of test steps should be at least three.

The following values \u200b\u200bof the pressure drop in steps are recommended upon testing by determining the coefficient of air permeability: 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 pa. When determining the resistance, the air permeal is recommended the same values \u200b\u200bof the pressure drop down to the limit values \u200b\u200bof the test equipment, but not more than 1000 pa.

7.6 After reaching a specified test program, the end pressure value, the load is sequentially reduced using the same pressure steps, but in reverse order, measuring air flow at each stage of pressure drop.

8 Test Results Processing

8.1 For the result of the test at each pressure drop, the highest value of air flow for each stage, regardless of whether it was achieved at increasing or with a decrease in pressure.

8.2 According to the adopted values \u200b\u200bfor each stage of the pressure, the value of air flow (air flow) is calculated passing through the sample,, kg / (m · h), according to the formula

where - air density, kg / m;

- area of \u200b\u200bthe face surface of the sample, m.

8.3 To determine the characteristics of the air permeability of the material according to the obtained test results, the equation (1) is represented as:

According to the values \u200b\u200band in the logarithmic coordinates, the graph of the breathability of the sample is built.

The logarithms of values \u200b\u200bare applied to the plane of coordinates depending on the logarithms of the corresponding pressure drops. Through the applied points spend a straight line. The value of the filtration mode indicator is defined as the tangent of the tilt angle to the abscissa axis.

8.4 The coefficient of air permeability of the material, kg / [m · h · (pa)], are determined by the formula

where - the ordinate crossing the line with the axis;

- Thickness of the test sample, m.

Resistance to the air permeation of the material sample, [m · h · (pa)] / kg, are determined by the formula

8.5 The value of the air permeability coefficient of the material and resistance to the air permeation of the material samples is defined as the average-agent value of the test results of all samples.

8.6 An example of the processing of test results is given in Appendix A.

Appendix A (Reference). Example Test Results

Appendix A.

This Annex provides an example of the processing of test results to determine the coefficient of air permeability of the stone wool with a density of 90 kg / m and resistance to the breather of the stone wool sample with dimensions 200x200x50 mm.

The facial sample surface area is 0.04 m.

Air density at a temperature of 20 ° C - 1.21 kg / m.

The results of measurements and processing results are shown in Table A.1. The first column presents the measured air pressure drops on different sides of the sample, in the second column - measured air flow values \u200b\u200bthrough the sample, in the third column - the air flow density values \u200b\u200bthrough the sample calculated by formula (3) according to column 2. in the fourth and The fifth columns are the values \u200b\u200bof the natural logarithms of the values \u200b\u200band shown in columns 1 and 3, respectively.

Table A.1.

Air permeability - This is the ability of materials to skip air. A prerequisite for passing air through the material is the presence of air pressure drop (D R) on both sides of the sample of the material. The higher the pressure difference value, the more intense the process of passing the air through the material. For low air flow rates through materials, the dependence of the air movement rate from the pressure drop value is linear in nature and is expressed by the D'Arci equation:

This dependence occurs at low values \u200b\u200bor with a dense textile structure structure. With an increase in air movement speed through materials, a deviation may be observed from a linear character of the dependence of the pressure from the pressure drop. In this regard, for household materials intended for the manufacture of clothing, in accordance with the standard (GOST 12088-77), air permeability is estimated at a pressure drop \u003d 49 Pa (5 mm of water), which corresponds to the conditions of operation of clothing in the climatic conditions of the middle strip of Russia where the wind speed is no more than 8-10 m / s.

Generally accepted air permeability characteristic is ferrium coefficient , dm 3 / (m 2 ∙ s):

, (58)

where - the volume of air, DM 3, passing through the working part of the sample of the material, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich, m 2, in the time equal to 1 s, with pressure drop.

When using M 3 as a unit of measuring the volume of air passing through the material sample, the resulting value of the air permeability coefficient (m 3 / (m 2 × C)) is numerically equal to the speed of air movement through the material (m / s).

The air permeability of modern materials varies widely - from 3.5 to 1500 dm 3 / (m 2 ∙ c) ( table. eight).

Table 8 Grouping of fabrics by breathability

(according to N. A. Arkhangelsky)

Group of fabrics Fabrics General characteristics of air permeability group of fabrics , dm 3 / (m 2 ∙ s), at \u003d 49 pa
I. Dry Drap and Cloth, Cotton Fabric, Diagonal, Facial Cloth Very small Less than 50.
II. Costume wool fabrics, cloth, drape Malaya 50–135
III Lower, dresses, demi-season, light suit fabrics Below average 135–375
IV Lightweight and dresses Average 375–1000
V. The lightest dresses with large through pores Increased 1000–1500
VI Marley, Mesh, Kanva, Openwork and Fileny Knitwear High More than 1500.

The air flow passes through the pores of the textile material, so air permeability indicators depend on the structural characteristics of the material that determine its porosity, the number and dimensions of the pore. Materials from thin highly twisted threads have a large number of through pores and, accordingly, large air permeability compared with materials made of thick fluffy threads, in which the pores are partially closed with protruding fibers or thread loops.

The most important structural characteristics of textile canvases that have through pores, which are mainly determined by their breathability, are the thickness of the canvas, the amount of through porosity and the characteristic size of the diameter (diameter) of through pores. Determine the values \u200b\u200bof air flow rate through material with different pressure drops, you can use the mathematical model proposed by A.V. Kulichenko, which has the view

, (59)

where - air viscosity, MPa ∙ C; - diameter of through pore, m;

- through porosity; - material thickness, m.

In cases where the materials do not have through pores, their breathability is determined by the total porosity, pore size and thickness thickness. Thus, for non-woven materials based on fibrous canvas, the dependence of the coefficient of breathability from their structure is expressed experimentally obtained by A. V. Kulichenko with equations having a general view

, (60)

where - filling the nonwoven material with fibers; L.- material thickness; - The parameter associated with the geometric characteristics of the fibers.

Among the most important factors on which the air permeability of materials depends, their humidity relates. The value of this factor is higher than the greater density of the material and the higher the hygroscopic properties of the fibers from which it is manufactured. Thus, according to B. A. Buzova, with 100% humidity of woolen cloth fabrics, breathability compared to air-dry state decreases by 2-3 times. Reducing the air permeability of materials for moisture is associated with the swelling of the fibers and the appearance of micro and maccapillary moisture, which causes a sharp reduction in the number and sizes of pores and, ultimately, leads to an increase in the aerodynamic resistance of the material and, accordingly, to a decrease in air permeability coefficient.

The deformation of textile materials causes significant changes in their structure (in particular, porosity) is disturbed), which leads to a change in air permeability. Studies conducted in the Ivanovo State Textile Academy of Prof.V. V. Veselov, showed that with asymmetric two-axis tension of the tissue, there was first a slight decrease in air permeability, and then its increase to 60% of the initial value. This is due to the complex nature of the restructuring of the structure of the material, which is associated with the stretching and compression of the filaments of the base and duck.

The most significant effect of stretching deformation on air permeability is manifested in knitted canvases. Unlike tissues, knitted canvases have higher extensibility, which is associated with greater mobility of their structure, sensitive even to low values \u200b\u200bof the stretching efforts applied to them. Structural changes in knitted canvases when applied to them such efforts are primarily in changes in the loop configuration. The threads themselves, especially in easily stretching canvases, can be tense slightly. High tensileness of knitted webs When applied to them external loads is the cause of not only their structural changes, but also changes in the values \u200b\u200bof their properties, in particular permeability.

For such highly surfactants, the dependence of breathability from the magnitude of their spatial stretching deformation is linear in nature ( fig.) and is expressed by the view equation ,

where is the coefficient of air permeability in the initial undeformed state; - spatial deformation; - The coefficient characterizing the change in the air permeability of the canvas when it is tension and dependent on the structure of the canvas.

When designing products, information is needed not only about the air permeability of materials, of which certain products are manufactured, but also about the air permeability of the clothing package. With an increase in the number of material layers in the package, the total air permeability of the package is reduced ( fig.22). The most sharp decrease in air permeability (up to 50%) is observed with an increase in the number of layers of material to two; Further increase in the number of layers affects a lesser extent. With the introduction of air suction between the layers, the air permeability of the package depends on the thickness of the air layer.

Fig. 22 The dependence of the coefficient of breathability

knitted canvases from the size of the surface deformation:

1 - cross-revised, interlock (palate elastic + PU elastomer thread);

2 - cross-revised, smooth (cotton yarn);

3 - cross-rented pattern (yarn pan);

4 - cross-revised, interlock (woolen yarn)

Fig. 23 Dependence of air permeability packages

tissue depending on the number of layers: 1 - Drap; 2 - Sukno

The total air permeability of the multilayer clothing package is calculated by the Clayton formula, which can give an error to 10%:

, (61)

where, ..., - the coefficients of the breathability of each layer separately.

The air permeability of materials is also a technological property, as it affects the parameters of wet-thermal processing of sewing products on steam-air presses and mannequins.

Moisture permeability

The human body in the process of life constantly distinguishes pairs of water, the accumulation of which in the sub-arms and in-bed space can cause unpleasant sensations, adhesionability of clothing, wetting the adjacent layers, which leads to a decrease in the heat-protective properties of the product.

The ability of materials to carry out moisture from a medium with high humidity on a low humidity environment is their important hygienic property. Due to this property, it is conclusted with an excess of vapor and drip-liquid moisture from the sub-arms and the intra-bed layer or the isolation of the human body from the effects of external moisture (atmospheric precipitation, waterproofing clothing and shoes, etc.).

Moisture transfer process through materials Includes the following components:

diffusion and convective transfer;

moisture sorption from internal (sub-mode or intu-to-bed) space, transfer through polymer and desorption into an external environment;

capillary condensation, capillary raising and subsequent desorption.

Depending on the size of the pores in the material, the predominance of those or other components of the process of moisture transfer may be observed. In macroporous materials (with the predominance of McCapillars with a diameter size from 10 -7 m or more) there is a prevalence of the diffusion process. In cases where hydrophilic materials are, there is also a two component manifestation. In microporous materials (with a predominance of microcapillars with transverse dimensions of less than 10-7 m), the predominance of the transfer is observed by sorption - desorption and capillary raising. For heteropotic materials, i.e. having micro and macropouris, characteristic of all three components of the process of moisture transfer.

The moisture permeability of the material significantly depends on the sorption properties of the fibers and the threads of its components. The process of moisture transfer in hydrophilic and hydrophobic materials of unequal. Hydrophilic materials are actively absorbed by moisture and, thus, as much as they increase the surface of the evaporation, which is practically not typical for hydrophobic materials. The onset of dynamic equilibrium between sorption and desorption processes in hydrophilic materials requires considerable time, and hydrophobic occurs very quickly.

Depending on the average density of the material structure, one or another way of passing moisture prevails. In textile materials (with superficial filling more than 85%), moisture is prevailing by sorption - desorption of material fibers. The moisture permeability of such materials depends mainly on the ability of fibers to absorb moisture. In materials with surface filling, less than 85% moisture passes, mainly through the pores of the material. The moisture permeability of such materials depends on their structural parameters. When filling at a weight of less than 30%, the ability of tissues to skip moisture almost does not depend on hydrophilicity of fibers and threads.

The material is also provided effect of air movement through material. At low air rates, the process of passing moisture is dominated by sorption - desorption. With an increase in air movement speed, the process of moisture diffusion across the pores is more actively manifested. At air velocity 3-10 m / s, there is a close correlation between air and moisture permeability indicators.

The ability of materials to skip moisture pairs is called parry permeability.

Parry permeability coefficient , g / (m 2 ∙ s), shows how much water vapor passes through the unit of the area of \u200b\u200bthe material per unit of time:

, (62)

where BUT - the mass of water vapors that have passed through the sample of the material, r; S.- sample area of \u200b\u200bmaterial, m 2; - Test duration, p.

The parry permeability coefficient depends on the magnitude of the air layer - trading from the surface of the material to the surface of the evaporation of moisture, mm. With its decrease, the coefficient increases. Therefore, in the designation of the vapor permeability coefficient, the value at which tests were carried out are always indicated. The value must be minimal and the same when testing materials for their comparison, since the resistance to the passage of the vapor moisture is made up of the resistance of the air layer between the material and the surface of the evaporation and the resistance of the material itself.

The increase in the temperature difference and the relative humidity difference, i.e., the partial pressure of water vapor, on both sides of the material causes an increase in the intensity of the vapor permeability process. Testing at a water temperature of 35-36 ° C brings the test conditions for the operating conditions of clothing, since this temperature corresponds to the human body temperature.

Relative vapor permeability % - the ratio of the mass of moisture vapor BUT,evaporated through the test material, to moisture vapor IN,evaporated with an open surface of water, which was under the same conditions of testing:

100 % . (63)

Due to the significant influence of the thickness of the air layer between the testing of the material and the surface of the moisture evaporation, the characteristic is applied, called parry permeability resistance. This indicator is measured in mm of a layer thickness of a fixed air, which has the same resistance to the passage of water vapor, as well as the material tested.

Depending on the resistance of vapor permeability I. A. Dimitriev, it was proposed to divide fabrics into four groups ( table. nine)

Table 9 Grouping, fabrics depending on

their resistance to the transfer of water vapor

The permeability of textile materials when drip-liquid moisture passes through them is estimated by characteristics. water permeability and waterproofing.

Passenger- the ability of textile materials to skip water at a certain pressure. The main characteristic of this property is the coefficient of water permeability dM 3 / (m 2 ∙ s). It shows how much water passes through the unit of the material area per unit of time:

, (64) where V. - the amount of water passed through the material sample, DM 3;

S - sample area, m 2; - Time, p.

The coefficient of water permeability is determined by measuring time passing through the sample of water material with a volume of 0.5 DM 3 under pressure N \u003d.5 ∙ 10 3 pa. For materials with a spread coating or water-repellent finish, the coefficient of water permeability is determined by sprinkling for 10 minutes (GOST 30292-96).

Waterproof(Waterproof) - the resistance of textile materials to the penetration of water through them. Water treatment is characterized by pressure in which water begins to penetrate the material ( table. 10).

Table 10 Cloak Water Reference Norm

By the time of blowning during the sprinkle, the water removal of materials with water-repellent impregnation or film coating is evaluated (GOST 30292-96).

Power permeability, water-absorption and waterproofing depend on the structural indicators of the filling of the canvases, from their thickness, sorption properties and wetting abilities. For a number of sewing products that protect a person from atmospheric precipitation (raincoats, coats, costumes, umbrellas, tents, etc.), the waterproofing of materials is one of the most important quality indicators.

The waterproofability of cloak tissues is also assessed by the ability of casing materials to water repellency, which is determined by the state of the wet surface of the sample after its sprinkle and shaking ( table. eleven).

Table 11 Condition of the surface of materials after sprinkling

In accordance with GOST 28486-90, the points of water repellent are installed in points and constitute for cloak and coupling tissues from synthetic filaments with a film coating in 3 layers of at least 80 points, in 1 layer - at least 70 points, with water-repellent finish - up to 70 points.


Materials in the process of product socks are able to pass into the sub-array layer or hold the dust particles in their structure. This leads to contamination of both the materials themselves and the layers of the product located under them. Dust particles penetrate through the material mainly in the same way as air - through through pores of the material. Dust particles are held in the structure of the material due to the mechanical clutch of them with the irregularities of the surface of the fibers and oil lubrication. In addition, the process of capturing the material of dust particles contributes to their electricity by friction. The smallest dust particles (less than 50 microns) do not have charges, but are capable of friction about each other or about the material to acquire a short duration charge. If there are static electricity on the surface of the material, the charged dust particles are attracted to the surface of the fibers, where they are subsequently held due to mechanical clutch or lubrication. Thus, the higher the electrifier of the material, the greater it is contaminated. The loose porous structure of the fiber material with an uneven surface has the ability to capture more dust and hold it for a longer time than a dense structure of a material having smooth smooth fibers. For these reasons, woolen and cotton fabrics have the greatest dust. Adding to nichrofirevolokon reduces dust.

Dippill The ability of materials to skip dust particles. It is characterized coefficient of dustiness , g / (cm 2 ∙ s):

, (65)

where - the mass of dust passed through the material sample, r; sample area, m 2; - Test time, p.

Relative dockingness ,% shows the ratio of the mass of dust, which passed through the material, to the mass of dust used in the test,:

100 % . (66)

Dust The ability of the material to perceive and retain dust. It is characterized relative digestness ,%, - the ratio of the mass of dust absorbed by the material, to the mass of dust used in the test,:

100 % . (67)

The indicators of docking and dilapidation are determined by amusement through the material using a dust sample vacuum cleaner having a certain composition and particle size. Weighing set the amount of dust passed through the material and settled on the material.

Materials of different species have different values \u200b\u200bof docking and dilapidation indicators ( tab 12.).

Table 12 Dust and digestibility of materials

(according to M. I. Sukhareva)

Fundamental federal documents SNiP 23-02-2003 "Thermal protection of buildings" and SP 23-101-2000 "Design of thermal protection of buildings" operate with the concepts of air permeability and vapor permeability of building materials and structures, not highlighting insulating elements from the composition of enclosing structures.

Table 2: Resistance to air permeal of materials and structures (application 9 SNiP II-3-79 *)

Materials and designs Layer thickness, mm RB, m² Chaspa / kg
Concrete solid without seams 100 19620
GasOlikat solid without seams 140 21
Brickwork made of solid red brick on cement-sandy solution: thick in pollipich in the puff 120 2
polyalky thick with a seam extender 120 22
brick thick in a puff 250 18
Stucco Cement-sand 15 373
Plaster limestone 15 142
Cutting plates, connected by additive or a quarter 20-25 0,1
Cutting plates connected to the spool 20-25 1,5
Cover from boards Double with gasket between construction paper trim 50 98
Cardboard construction 1,3 64
Paper wallpaper ordinary - 20
Sheets asbetic with sealing seams 6 196
Testing of hard wood-fibrous sheets with seams 10 3,3
Plaster dry plaster covering with seams 10 20
Plywood glued with seams 3-4 2940
Polystyrene foam PSB 50-100 79
Foam glass solid 120 airproof
Ruberoid 1,5 airproof
Tol 1,5 490
Mineral wool stoves 50 2
Aerial layers, layers of bulk materials (slag, clay, pembolus, etc.), layers of loose and fibrous materials (mineral wool, straw, chips) any thickness 0

Air permeability GB (kg / m ² hour) According to SP 23-101-2000, it is a massive air flow per unit of time through the unit of the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe enclosing structure (layer of wind insulation) with a difference (drop of air pressure on the surface of the structure ΔРВ (PA): GB \u003d (1 / RV) ΔRV, where RV (m² of PA / kg) - resistance to air permeal (see table 2), and the inverse (1 / RV) (kg / m² hour PA) - The coefficient of air permeability of the enclosing structure. Air permeability characterizes not the material, but a layer of material or a fencing design (layer of insulation) of a certain thickness.

Recall that the pressure (pressure drop) of 1 atm is 100 000 s (0.1 MPa). The pressure drops ΔРВ on the bath wall due to the smaller density of hot air in the bath ƿΔ compared with the density of the ƿ ƿ0 ƿ0 are equal to H (ƿ0 - ƿδ) and in the Ban height H \u003d 3 m will be up to 10pa. Pressure drops on the walls of the bath due to wind pressure ƿ0 V ². Copulate 1pa at wind speed V \u003d 1 m / s (calm) and 100pa at wind speed V \u003d 10 m / s.

Differentity thus introduced is a windmill (purge), the ability to skip the mass of moving air.

As can be seen from Table 2, breathability depends very much on the quality of construction work: the laying of bricks with the filling of the seams (extender) leads to a decrease in the air permeability of the masonry 10 times compared with the case of styling bricks in the usual way - in a wastelife. At the same time, the air is mainly passed at all through the brick, but through the looseness of the seam (canals, emptiness, cracks, cracks).

Methods for determining the resistance to air permealing according to GOST 25891-83, GOST 31167-2003, GOST 26602.2-99 provide for a direct measurement of air expenditures through material or design with various air pressure drops (up to 700 pa). On special stands with the help of pump-blower 1, the air is injected into the measuring chamber 3, to which the studied structure 5 is tightly docked, for example, the window of factory manufacture (Fig. 17). By the dependence of the air flow rate of the GB along the rotamer 2 from overpressure in the chamber Δƿin, the curve of the air permeability of the structure is constructed (Fig. 18).

Fig. 18. The dependence of the mass flow of air (filtration rate, mass flow rate) through the air-permeable construction construction from the air pressure drop on the surfaces of the structure. 1 is straight for laminar viscous air flows (through porous walls without cracks), 2 is a curve for turbulent inertial air flow through structures with slots (windows, doors) or holes (proges).

In the case of air permeability of walls with numerous small channels, slits, the air moves through the wall in the viscous mode of laminarno (without turbulence, twist), as a result of which the dependence of the GB from ΔРВ has a linear view of GB \u003d (1 / RB) ΔPV. In the presence of large slots, the air moves in inertial modes (turbulent), in which viscosity forces are not significant. The dependence of GB from ΔРВ in the inertial modes has a power form GB \u003d (1 / RB) ΔРВ0.5. In fact, in the case of windows and doors, transient mode GB \u003d (1 / R1) ΔPV n is observed, where the indicator of the degree n in SNIP 23-02-2003 is conditionally adopted equal to 2/3 (0.66). In other words, at high winds winds, the windows begin to "lock" (also, for example, like flue pipes at a high speed of the floody gases), and the magnitude of the walls begins to play an increasing role (see Fig. 18).

Studying Table 2 shows that conventional board walls (without paper, pergamine or foil), floated with chips (straw, mineral wool, slag, clay) with resistance to air permeation at the level of 0.1 m² PA / kg hour and less can not be protected from wind. Even with a calm at rates of incident air flows 1 m / s, the speed of blowing through such walls, although it decreases to 0.1-1 cm / s, but nevertheless it creates the multiplicity of air exchange in the bath of over 3-10 times per hour, which With a weak stove causes complete fence in the bath. Brick masonry in a flowman, board walls in a spool, dense mineral plates with resistance to air permealing at 2m² Hour of PA / kg are able to protect from the winds of wind 1m / s (in the sense of preventing the excessive multiplicity of air exchange in the bath), but turn out to be not suitable for the impulses Wind 10 m / s. But building structures with the resistance of the transsion 20 m² of PA / kg and are already quite acceptable for baths and from the point of view of air exchange, and from the point of view of convective heat loss, but nevertheless they do not guarantee the smallness of the convective transfer of water vapor and moisturizing walls.

In this regard, there is a need to combine materials with different degrees of breathing. The total resistance to the breather of the multi-layer design is calculated very easily: the summation of the resistance to the breather of all layers R \u003d Σri.. Indeed, if the mass flow of air through all the layers is the same G \u003d Δpi / rithen the amount of pressure drops on each layer is equal to the pressure drop on the entire multi-layer design as a whole Δp \u003d σpi \u003d σgri \u003d gσri \u003d gr. That is why the concept of "resistance" is very convenient for analyzing consecutive (in space and in time) phenomena, not only in the part of air permeation, but also heat transfer and even power transmission in electrical networks. For example, if a lung layer of chips pour into a building cardboard, then the total resistance to the breather of such a structure of 64 m² of PA / kg hour will be determined only by resistance to the air permeation of the construction cardboard.

At the same time, it is clear that if the cardboard will have cracks in the places of adhesion or ruptures (pensled holes), then the resistance of the breathing sharply decreases. This method of installation corresponds to another limit method of mutual laying of air-permeable layers - no longer sequential, but parallel (Fig. 19). In this case, air permeability coefficients (1 / RB) are more convenient for calculations. So, the air permeability of the wall will be equal G \u003d S0 G0 + S2 G2 + S12 G12where Si is the relative areas of zones with different air permeables, that is, G \u003d (+ (S2 / R2] +) Δp. It can be seen that if the resistance of the breather R0 through the hole is very small (close to zero), then the total air flow will be very It is great even with a thorough windshield of other sections, then with very large R2, S2 and S12. However, the air in the through hole moves at all "freely" (that is, not with an infinitely high speed) due to the presence of hydrodynamic and viscous resistance of the hole, as well as (which is extremely significant) due to the final filtering rate through the opposite wall 3. To form a strong jet through the open supply hole (draft), it is necessary to make an exhaust hole in the opposite wall.

Fig. 19. The combination of windproof and thermal insulation materials with through holes (products, windows). 1 - Windproof Material, 2 - Heat Protection Material, VO - The incident air flow, "freely" passing through the through hole, but slowly filtered through zones covered with heat shielding material G2 or at the same time windproof and heat-shielding materials G12. The value of the real air flow GB is also determined by the air permeability of the wall 3.

In conclusion, we note that the usual rustic brief walls of baths, corrosive moss, have resistance to air permeal at (1-10) m² of PA / kg, and air is mainly seeping through the sutures of cacopa, and not through wood. The air permeability of such walls when the pressure drop ΔРВ \u003d 10 Pa is (1-10) kg / m², and when the wind gusts are 10 m / s (ΔРВ \u003d 100) - to (10-100) kg / m². This may exceed the necessary ventilation level of baths even by sanitary and hygienic requirements, corresponding to finding in the bath of a large number of people. In any case, such walls have air permeability, much greater than the modern allowable level on the heat shock 23-02-2003. Careful pokle cacles (better with subsequent impregnation of oliff), as well as seams of seams with modern elastic silicone sealants can reduce air permeability by an order (10 times). Significantly more efficient windproof walls can be achieved by the upholstery cardboard (under the clapboard) or shuttering. The required level of air permeability of the walls of steam bath is primarily determined by the requirement of the drainage of the walls due to the preservative ventilation.

Real windows and doors can also make a significant contribution to the air exchange balance. Approximate values \u200b\u200bof air permeability of closed windows and doors are shown in Table 3.

Table 3: The normalized breathability of the enclosing structures of the factory production software 23-02-2003

Table 4: Normated Heat Engineering Indicators of Building Materials and Products (SP23-101-2000)

Material Density, kg / m³ Specific heat, kJ (kg hail) Coefficient of thermal conductivity, W / (m hail) Solar coefficient, W / (m² hail) Coefficient of Paro-Permeability, MG / (MSAPA)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Fixed air 1,3 1,0 0,024 0,05 1.01
Polystyrene foam PSB 150 1,34 0,05 0,89 0,05
100 1,34 0,04 0,65 0,05
40 1,34 0,04 0,41 0,06
Foam Foam PKV 125 1,26 0,05 0,86 0,23
Polyurene Foolder 40 1,47 0,04 0,40 0,05
Slabs from agolate-formaldehyde foam 40 1,68 0,04 0,48 0,23
Foamed rubber "Aeroflex" 80 1,81 0,04 0,65 0,003
Polystyrethyrene Extrusion "Penoplex" 35 1,65 0,03 0,36 0,018
Mineral wool slabs (soft, semi-rigid, hard) 350 0,84 0,09 1,46 0,38
100 0,84 0,06 0,64 0,56
50 0,84 0,05 0,42 0,60
Foamglo 400 0,84 0,12 1,76 0,02
200 0,84 0,08 1,01 0,02
Wood-fiber and wood-shaped plates 1000 2,3 0,23 6,75 0,12
400 2,3 0,11 2,95 0,19
200 2,3 0,07 1,67 0,24
Arbolit 800 2,3 0,24 6,17 0,11
300 2,3 0,11 2,56 0,30
Tow 150 2,3 0,06 1,30 0,49
Plates from plaster 1200 0,84 0,41 6,01 0,10
Sheets Gypsum Types (Dry Plaster) 800 0,84 0,19 3,34 0,07
Floating from Keramzita 800 0,84 0,21 3,36 0,21
200 0,84 0,11 1,22 0,26
Dominal slag 800 0,84 0,21 3,36 0,21
Flood from Perlitis 200 0,84 0,08 0,99 0,34
Failure from the vermiculite 200 0,84 0,09 1,08 0,23
Sand for construction work 1600 0,84 0,47 6,95 0,17
Ceramzitobeton 1800 0,84 0,80 10,5 0,09
Foam concrete 1000 0,84 0,41 6,13 0,11
300 0,84 0,11 1,68 0,26
Concrete on gravel from natural stone 2400 0,84 1,74 16,8 0,03
Cement-sandy solution (laying seams, plaster) 1800 0,84 0,76 9,6 0,09
Solid red brickwork 1800 0,88 0,70 9,2 0,11
Solid silicate brickwork 1800 0,88 0,76 9,77 0,11
Ceramic wet brickwork 1600 0,88 0,58 7,91 0,14
1400 0,88 0,52 7,01 0,16
1200 0,88 0,47 6,16 0,17
Pine and spruce across fibers 500 2,3 0,14 3,87 0,06
along the fibers 500 2,3 0,29 5,56 0,32
Plywood glued 600 2,3 0,15 4,22 0,02
Cardboard facing 1000 2,3 0,21 6,20 0,06
Multi-layered construction cardboard 650 2,3 0,15 4,26 0,083
Granite 2800 0,88 3,49 25,0 0,008
Marble 2800 0,88 2,91 22,9 0,008
Tuf 2000 0,88 0,93 11,7 0,075
Sheets asbestos cement plane 1800 0,84 0,47 7,55 0,03
Bitumes oil construction 1400 1,68 0,27 6,80 0,008
1000 1,68 0,17 4,56 0,008
Ruberoid 600 1,68 0,17 3,53 -
Linoleum polyvinyl chloride 1800 1,47 0,38 8,56 0,002
Cast iron 7200 0,48 50 112,5 0
Steel 7850 0,48 58 126,5 0
Aluminum 2600 0,84 221 187,6 0
Copper 8500 0,42 407 326,0 0
Window glass 2500 0,84 0,76 10,8 0
Water 1000 4,2 0,59 13,5 -