Repairs Design Furniture

What and how to cut a profiled sheet? Video lessons. How to cut the professional flooring disk for cutting a professionalist circular

"How to cut a metal prior?" - A fairly frequent question of people who work with an aluminum profile for the first time. It is for him and try to answer. More precisely, consider the main tool for cutting the profile of aluminum, which is available from most homemade craftsmen ...

Before a crime to work with an aluminum profile, you should know than cutting metal products. Or at least determine for itself the tool with which such an important operation will be performed.

But let's start with markup. Accuracy and compliance with sizes in construction or repair business play a significant role. A small defect when marking can significantly complicate the whole process that, naturally, it only affects negatively.

The cut line is planned using a roulette, a ruler or a different solid and even object, as well as a marker. How to do this, it does not make sense to explain, therefore several illustrations are simply represented, which displays the basic essence of this process.

After the profile cut line is scheduled, you can proceed directly to the most cutting material. And, answering the question "How to cut an aluminum profile?", You can offer the following tool:

  • electrolovik;
  • bulgarian;
  • hoven for metal;
  • scissors for metal.

On the process of performing work by each of them, as well as their merits and shortcomings, let's talk in more detail.

Cutting the profile of an aluminum electroball

First of all, make sure that the mill is installed on the metal. If instead of it is a tree leg, then cut the aluminum profile, of course, it will be possible, but the result will be far from high quality.

Start cutting stands from one of the ribs profile, drank first the back of the back, and then alternate lateral face.

As can be seen in the photos below, the quality of cut is very high. There are no burrs, nor whites, nor other clearly notable defects. In general, almost the perfect result is obtained.

Aluminum Bulgarian Profile Cutting

The following aluminum profile cutting tool is an ush. Or simply "Bulgarian". Very good assistant when you need to cut something. As for the metal profile, in this case, Bulgarian is an excellent solution for the rapid and qualitative performance of such work. Cut the profile using this tool faster than the electrolovka.

The advantages are all the same as the electrolovka, if there is an eye skill. Otherwise, it is easy to get away from the markup line and get the curve cut. Also, do not forget about mandatory observance of security measures when working with a tool.

Cutting a profile of an aluminum-hacksaw for metal

Above the electrical tool for cutting the profile of aluminum, which allows you to quickly and efficiently obtain the desired result. But it also happens that, or the use of technical means is impossible for some reason, or they are not available at all. Then you should look for handmade tools. And the first option is a metal hacksaw.

Start cutting also stands with a rib, and then sequentially - the back of the profile and the side edges.

The main difficulty of this method is the deformation of the profile during mechanical exposure. Those. Holding the profile itself and working with a hacksaw, the aluminum material turns out to be a strong mechanical impact, as a result of which it bends. And this leads to the complicated move of the canvas of the hacksaw and possible caring from the markup line. You can avoid such a situation inserting an ordinary wooden bar inside the profile. He will act, a kind, the edge of stiffness, not allowing to deform the profile itself.

The final result is the same as when using the electrolybiz! But at the same time spend time and effort when performing cut.

Cutting a profile of aluminum metal scissors

Everything is simple here! We cut the scissors profile over the markup line.

If a high-quality tool is used, then you can get a sufficiently good result. Usually the most difficult is the passage of the ribs of metal profile. It is in these places that care from the markup line happens. Therefore, before proceeding to cutting the main material, it would be better to first take care to feel work with the tool.

Combined Aluminum Hand Tool Profile Cutting

Another option than cutting an aluminum profile is the sharing of hacksaws and scissors for metal. We begin to cut the rib with a hacksaw and, appropriate to the edges of the metal - when the cutting process becomes difficult) Completing cutting with cutting with scissors. In this case, it is a little easier than just hacksaw and better than just scissors for metal.

That's all that I wanted to tell on the topic "How to cut metalfield."

When choosing a professional flooring, special attention is paid to its length - to avoid transverse joints, it should exceed the size of the roofing slope. Due to this, it is possible to improve the roof protection against moisture penetration, as well as simplify the procedure for its laying. In case of exceeding, the material is adjusted - clipped according to the desired parameters.

Short sheets of professional flooring is better placed horizontally rows, starting from below and reach the skate. Not depending on the choice of direction (right to left or vice versa), the subsequent sheets are put on top of the previous ones and are attached to the crate.

Where there is a docking of sheets on the skates, the lowering level should be at least 200 mm, and bituminous sealant is applied over the junctions.

Those who perform the installation of roofing material themselves should take into account that there should be a small gap (20-40 mm) for ventilation of the undercoal cake between the handset and thermal insulation layer. Next to the skate and on the next 1.5 meters from it, the sheets must be attached double fasteners, that is, not only to the crate, but also to run.

When repairing the roof of any design, the sheets should be placed in parallel eaves with a batter of 40 mm, that is, the leaf should still be frightened to it.

Neighboring nearby sheets are attached with one self-tapping screw. When laying a roofing coating, as well as when fitting the material for the necessary parameters, you need to be extremely neat so as not to damage the protective sheet sheet. If, at the end of the installation work, large skes are noticeable, the metal cutting cutting is performed to remove excess material.

How to fix the professional flooring?

Material when laying on a wooden crate is attached by self-drawing at the rate of 6-8 fasteners per 1 kV. m.

Also follow some of the well-known rules:

It is not recommended to screw the screws "hijling", so the hole is drilled by a drill with an increase in the diameter by 0.5 mm from the value of the self-press. The mount should be made strictly at a right angle with a tight pressed sheets to the crate. If you need some changes, you should decide in advance how to bend professional flooring, because at this stage the design is shifted, or the seal is shifted, then the through hole is formed when attaching a self-built.

For convenience, twist the screws can be screwdrome or drill. Screws are made of a special material, so they are easily attached to a metal crate.

It is forbidden to navigate the nails professor, because with strong gusts of the wind they easily come off. If you need to shorten the length of the sheet, then you can use a grinder into which a special disk is inserted for cutting a corrugated floor, and avoid gas cutting and welding of material.

Features of fastening of material in hard-to-reach areas:

  • Where professional flooring is stacked near the vertical surfaces (pipes, walls), butt plates are mounted.
  • The design of the skate element must also be securely fixed using the seal.
  • When laying the coating with a thickness of up to 0.7 mm in order to avoid random damage to the roof, you will need wooden frames and special shoes, it will not be superfluous and a rig for metal products that is offered on the market along with the other components.
  • At the final stage, professional flooring is cleared of garbage, chips, scratches and cuts are stained.
  • After 3-4 months, check the quality of the fastening of the screws, if necessary, pull them out.

Technology cutting professional flooring

According to the structure, professional flooring is similar to a tin sheet, but has some features in the installation technique, in particular, it concerns questions about how to bend metal and correctly cut it.

Since the material consists of a metal base and a special protective coating against corrosion exposure, then during its cutting, it is necessary to ensure the integrity of this layer.

When choosing a method of sawing the coating, its stability is taken into account only to low temperatures, that is, it will take a cold method of cutting. As a rule, it can be scissors for cutting professional flooring and other tools that will be convenient to the developer and will be able to comply with the requirements.

Naturally, cutting with plasma, autogen and other similar tools is not suitable due to the high temperature of work. The same applies to abrasive methods that destroy and harb material in cuts.

So, what is optimally suitable for cutting professional flooring:

  1. Hoven for metal is the safest tool for working with a professional flooring. Despite the fact that the entire procedure will be performed manually, it does not spend a lot of time, because the material is easily cutting, while the protective coating remains intact. The disadvantages of such technology include only the inconvenience of working with complex forms, which requires a special table.
  2. If you need to get more complex curvilinear forms, then it is better to find a jigsaw anything. The tool can be both electrical and manual. The electrolovik contributes not only to the simplification of the process, but also the rapid cutting of the sheets of the desired size, considering the original.
  3. In the building materials market, hand and electrical scissors are offered for professional flooring, which, although they do not enjoy in great demand among professional masters, but perfectly cope with the task when cutting metal sheets. Since it all depends on experience, newcomers can be disappointed in this instrument due to the formation of uneven edges of the material. You can correct the situation, covering such an edge as the next sheet.
  4. An indisputable advantage of all listed methods for processing the material is cutting with the help of a grinder, but not with an abrasive disk, as already mentioned earlier, but with a special disk for a profile. It will also help in those cases, if you do not know how to make an arch from metal products, and how to use the tool.

The disk provides a thin and delicate cutting, which is achieved through the use of a strong alloy for its production. Durable teeth do not break and do not be bent even with long-term work with the metal.

As soon as the tool is selected, you can go to the description of the cutting process of the corrugation. It should be noted that even professional builders cannot preserve the integrity of the protective layer, which is why the life of the material is significantly reduced.

The equipment that was described above contributes only to a decrease in the destroyed area. Recovery material is not subject to restoration, especially if professional flooring is bent, but to reduce the adverse effects, it is possible to cover the location of the cut by anti-corrosion and moisture-resistant composition.

How to cut a barrage made up, look at the video:

After completing the cutting and processing of the roofing sheet, it is painted with factory paint, which, as a rule, is included with the material. If such was not discovered, you can buy paint in the canister in accordance with the roofing texture. This method of protecting seams from negative factors is even easier and more convenient than traditional staining.

Observing the basic rules of work with the professional flooring, including laying and fastening, as well as cutting and handling of sheets, one can achieve a good result in the form of high-quality and reliable roofing (read: "").

It would seem that it would seem easier: take a tool, in principle, cutting metal, and cut ... Especially since the choice is usually not particularly big:

  • Metal hacksaw.
  • Lobzik.
  • Circulating saw.
The first three tools exist also in the electrical option. However, ignorance or not taking into some nuances can turn into not the most pleasant consequences in the form of at least rusty flutters on the new gate or roof. Let's look at how and what to cut the professional flooring, then not to be upset.

To approach the question of choosing a tool with a complete awareness of the consequences, first need to understand what is actually this material. According to the first drawing, it is clear that a professional list is metal-friendly with a different depth and form of "waves". A variety of species is explained by both the decorative functions of the professional flooring and the need to give sheets a certain rigidity in the longitudinal direction, depending on the scope of its application. It may be a fence, the inner partition in an industrial building or the outer roof of a residential building ... The right is shown "Design" sheet. From the inscriptions it can be seen for what purposes every layer of this "cake" is served. The polymer coating can be of different colors, so each developer can choose what he likes.

What a professionalist is afraid

For any substance in nature, there is a medium or an impact that can lead to its damage or even destruction. In this case, these substances are metal and polymer coating. Metal can rust and rotate, the polymer coating will lose its appearance from mechanical impact or fire. Remembering these key points, you can proceed to the choice of tool for work. To take the right decision, it is necessary to understand what the impact will have a working tool on the strata of the proflist.

How they work

Consider each tool separately to understand its features and decide how to cut professional flooring to be less problems.


Immediately I must say that you do not master the large amount of work with these tools. Cutting scissors are good in case:
  • Cutting in the transverse direction.
  • Figured cutting.
  • Commissioning to the end in cases where the sheet can be spoiled by another tool.
  • Small workshops.
Basic disadvantages:
  • The cut line is not always smooth. The edges of the sheet bend, which requires subsequently the use of efforts to align them.

High (or cut) electronics

A feature of this device is that it does not cut the metal and does not destroy it as a chisel, but knocks out a narrow track in the direction of the cut. This must be taken into account when using the tool, especially if you need to withstand accuracy of sizes to a millimeter. The incision is pretty smooth in any direction. Unfortunately, they have one substantial minus - a high price. It is hardly worth buying them only in order to cut several sheets for the roof of the house.. But if the volume of work is large and as a professional tool, these scissors may well justify.

Drill nozzles

If someone's carving scissors like it from all the considered options, then you can buy nozzles on a drill working on the same principle.
Of course, to work with such a double tool you need to be attributed, so it is necessary to first work on some unnecessary piece of professional flooring.

Haysaw or Lobzik

And in manual, and in electrical versions they complement each other. Hisching is well cutting on straight lines. And when you need to make a cut on a curve, curly, it is better to use the jigsaw. The edges of the cut are obtained smooth, without jar, additional machining usually do not require.
Disadvantages are as follows:
  • To work with the hacksaw and the jigsaw, you must have a special table with fixtures for fastening sheets so that they do not vibrate.
  • Hoven makes sense to cut a profile of small sizes from fine metal.
  • When working with an electric tool, the sheet must be tightly pressing to the table so that it does not rattle.
  • The electrolovka is recommended to use with a wave height to 25 mm.

Using this tool, it is necessary to remember that all manufacturers directly prohibit the professional owner of the corner grinding machine under threat of depriving warranty on their products. I also categorically recommend it to use.
Nevertheless, many prefer to cut this tool for one reason - he is always at hand. And often do it incorrectly, without minimizing negative consequences.
  1. Poor if the direction of rotation of the disk is the opposite to the direction of the "Bulgarian" movement (as in the figure). Obviously, the sparks, falling on the polymer coating, they burn it and after the first rain they will cover rusty spots.
  2. With this method, cutting and the disk is quickly spent, and sometimes it can collapse and make a person.
It is more correct to work with the "Bulgarian" so:
  1. The direction of rotation of the disk should coincide with the direction of movement of the instrument (as the wheels are spinning there, where the car is driving along the road). In this case, the disc is not crashed into a metal, stepping itself, but "licks" it under itself, extending its service life.
  2. Sparks with proper cutting fly down, almost without damaging the surface.
  3. Additionally, you can protect the professional owl from the bottom, laying under it, for example, DVP or boards.
  4. Instead of an abrasive disc, it is better to use discs with teeth of solid alloys.
The main advantage of the application of "Bulgarian" - speed. The main disadvantage is a damage of the polymer coating of a metal and, as a result, subsequent corrosion. I categorically do not recommend using this tool for such tasks.

Circulating Pila

Cutting professional flooring with a circular will be more effective if you use a finecast with carbide teeth. In order not to damage the polymer coating, it is recommended to make an auxiliary device from a flat board or plywood with a length of 1 to 2 meters and a width of 20-40 cm. In the center of this device, retreating from the ends of 10-15 cm, it is necessary to cut the slot to the same saw. On the strawlist make labels along the cut line so that the distance between them is no longer the length of the slot in the plywood or board. Then the device is superimposed on the sheet so that the tags are visible in the slot, which serves as the guide for the movement of the circulation saw. The saw moves along the board, not scratching the surface of the professional flooring, and cuts it.

Some results

As can be seen, all tools have their own features.
  • After some, it is necessary to align the edge of the sheet mechanically, even if it is hidden with a skate design or another sheet when installing.
  • The use of "Bulgarian" leads to the burning of the edge of the sheet.
  • Some tools are published with a loud unpleasant sound for hearing, that not all neighbors can like.
It is clear that it is impossible to achieve the ideal in this case, therefore, solving the question than to cut the professional flooring, you need to take into account these moments and, as far as possible, correct the consequences.
  1. The burning of the edge of the sheet leads to damage to the protective layers, so the metal base can be rusted and after two to three years, the entire sheet will have to change.
  2. The sparks in case of improper operation of the power tools can damage the polymer coating, and then it will be in disrepair much earlier than I would like.
  3. Cropped uneven edge can cause the appearance of the gap at the place of the joint. It should be remembered here that usually professional flooring is placed on the roof by one sheet, from the cornice to the skate, and the width of the skate sheet may simply not be enough to close the non-smoothly cropped edge. This will result in the overflow of the material.
  4. When cutting a professional sheet, any tool occurs a violation of protective layers at the scene. To protect the metal from moisture from entering it, it is recommended to treat the edges of the cuts with special colors.

Choosing a tool, it is necessary to be guided by your financial capabilities. It is also important whether it will be possible to use it after the end of work with a professional flooring to perform other tasks. For example, a circular saw can be cutting a tree, replacing the working disk, and the cutting scissors are suitable only for cutting of thin metal.

The need to cut the professional flooring may occur when the roof of a complex form or the adjustment device is erected. The quality of metal processing will depend on the selected tool. It is important to maintain the original geometry of the sheet and not damage the protective layer.

When choosing a tool for cutting a professional flooring, it is necessary to take into account the planned scope of work and the presence of electricity at the facility. Hand tool will be the optimal choice for a small amount of work.

1. Manual metal scissors

Applied for figure cutting of corrugated or performing a small amount of work. The advantage of this tool is a small cost and the possibility of forming complex roofing elements. It is best to perform scissors for metal to perform a scraper of the wave of professional flooring.

  • Right or left;
  • Cutting edges;
  • Type of cut - direct or beveled;
  • The presence of a fixation mechanism.

For processing, the material must be installed on a platform from several bars. The distance to the floor (land) should be larger than the stroke of scissors. First, the pumping cut is made, its direction is checked and the lack of strong leaf deformation on the edges. Then the final processing of the professional flooring is performed.

The average cost of metal scissors varies from 1800 to 4500 rubles. The price depends on the design, configuration of the blades and the brand of the manufacturer.

2. High scissors

More accurate cuts can be made with the help of outlet scissors. Their principle of operation is based on the point sample holes of a small dimer. The nearest analogue is an office hole.

For the work of the carved scissors, the sheet of professional flooring should be on the weight. With the help of a drill, a hole is formed into which the scissors head is inserted. Pressing the handle leads to the movement of the Punson, which breaks through the metal. After the formation of the opening, the working part shifts in the direction of the cut.

Characteristics of outlet scissors:

  • Puinson sizes;
  • Maximum and minimum allowable thickness of the cutting material;
  • Handle configuration.

The average cost of the exhaust scissors for cutting the professional flooring ranges from 3500 to 6000 rubles.

3. Disk Pila

Small manual disk saws are suitable for rectilinear cuts and a large amount of work. The market presents models of different power, with power from electric network, and from the battery.

To cut the roofing professional flooring, you will need an unlock disc with winning attacks. The speed of rotation is set to the minimum so that the surface overheating does not appear.

When choosing an electric disk saw, consider:

  • Electric motor power;
  • Dimensions of installed disks;
  • Elements for fixing the tool relative to the sheet;
  • The presence of the revolution regulator (there is not on all models).

The price of manual disk saws ranges from 4000 to 40,000 rubles.

4. Calling electronics

Performing a plurality of figure and non-standard cuts on a sheet of professional flooring is best done by carving electronics. Their principle of work is similar to the above-described hand-shaped scissors. The difference lies in the method of movement of the cutting part of Punson. Progressive movements are transmitted from the electric motor flywheel.

Work can be performed both on weight and on the fixed sheet. The hole is pre-formed to install the cutting unit. Then the tool is installed and turned on.

When choosing, you must pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Rated power;
  • Frequency of the cutting head;
  • Power type - rechargeable or network.

The main advantage of the use of exhaust electropotters is high performance and neat cut.

The average price is from 6,000 to 58,000 rubles.

5. Nozzle on a drill

To optimize expenses, instead of the exhaust electropotters, you can purchase a special nozzle - "Cricket". With it, it is possible to form a sample cut.

Installation is carried out directly on the cartridge of the electric drill. The procedure for performing work is similar to the above-described tool. Such functions have the nozzle "Steel Beaver".

The average cost of these devices is 1,400 rubles.

Why professional flooring can not cut by grinder

According to the manufacturers's recommendations to carry out the processing of the corner grinding machine (Bulgarian), it is impossible. But this applies only to those cases when abrasive or diamond discs are used, the cuts are performed at high speed.

The profiled sheet consists of a metal base, and a multilayer protective coating, which fuses under the influence of high temperature. Because of this, the appearance of the following defects is possible:

  • Destruction of the protective layer - subsequently, the metal basis will begin to rust;
  • Loss of appearance - Sparks may burn polymer or paint coating;
  • Cancellation guarantee from the manufacturer.

In practice, work on the cutting of the professional flooring with the help of the Bulgarian can be. But for this you need a special toothed disk and a properly selected number of revolutions. The rotation of the saw disk must remove the material from the cut area mechanically, and not thermally.

The better cutting professional flooring: Top 5 tools

A popular hand tool for quick cutting of a profile without damage to the protective coating.

How to cut professional flooring: tools for cutting a profile sheet

Professional flooring is a sheet of galvanized steel with a profile and a polymer coating. In appearance, it is similar to the corrugated tin, but due to the polymer coating, the methods of cutting the roofing material under consideration and are not the same. In order to figure out how to cut the professional flooring, what to choose for this method, you need to familiarize yourself with the pluses and disadvantages of tools intended for cutting material.

Tools for cutting professional flooring

The most common tools applied to the cutting of the professional flooring are:

  • bulgarian (USM);
  • hoven for metal;
  • electric hacksaw;
  • manual and electric jigsaw;
  • scissors for metal;
  • electronics;
  • manual circular saw.

Bulgarian or a corner car (USM)

Manufacturers of the specified roofing material are not recommended to be used for cutting a grinder due to thermal exposure to the polymer coating. However, even some sellers of professional flooring use it as the most convenient cutting tool.

When using the grinder requires compliance with some rules:

  1. To work with profile sheets, you need to use a disc with carbide teeth instead of the abrasive circle. Such discs are called - discs for cutting of a professional flooring.
  2. The disk thickness must be from 1 mm to 1.6 mm.
  3. To avoid corrosion, the place of cutting is covered with high-quality paint of the corresponding color.

When using a special disk, the edge of the cut is obtained very thin and neat.

Some craftsmen, using a disk with diamond spraying, cut a whole pack (10 sheets).

The use of Bulgarian has its advantages and disadvantages. Plus the use of this tool is cutting speed and convenience. The main disadvantage is thermal damage to the polymer and zinc coating, burning edges and burning sheets flying from the Bulgarian sparks. In addition, the hot particles of metal sticking to the surface contribute to the formation of corrosion foci. Torn edges of sheets after cutting with a grinder require a lot of time to eliminate burrs. During the operation, the tool creates a lot of noise. The use of a special disk professional flooring designed to cut the disk, eliminates many negative points of use of the Bulgarian.

Pros and Cons Metal Handsman

When using this tool, the coating of the profile sheet is subjected to the smallest destruction. Professional flooring does not have greater resistance during cutting, so even manual work does not take a lot of strength and time, and the lack of thermal exposure contributes to the preservation of the coating of the material.

Pluses of cutting professional with a hacksaw of metal:

  • speed;
  • accuracy;
  • no use of considerable effort is required.

Cons of cutting sheets with a hacksaw metal:

  • when working with hacksaw, smooth propuls are easily performed, but it is impossible to drink curvilinear forms;
  • when using the metal hacksaw, a special cutting table will be required.

Lobzik manual and electric

Lobzik is a tool that, in contrast to the hacksaw, allows you to perform curvilinear cutting of the professional flooring. There is a significant difference between the usual and electric tool, but with the help of the electrol bias, the work is performed faster.

Manual and electric jigsaw are used for cutting small lengths of sheets of sheets of famous brands, the height of the corrugations of which is not more than 25 mm. Sheets can cut along and across, while the sheet needs to be pressed so that it does not vibrate. The cutting of the professional flooring is made at high speed using the most small-scale sawdust on the metal.

It is important to know:

To increase the speed of cutting, only a reciprocating regime is not enough, it is necessary that the slope of the peel is as if longitudinal.

Disadvantages of applying jigsaw:

  • the tool is not very convenient for transverse cutting sheets with a profile height of more than 25 mm;
  • not convenient for cutting thin strips;
  • the cutting speed is inferior to the grinder;
  • when working with electric jigsaw, the edges are burning, but not so strong, as when using the grinder;
  • unpleasant noise.

Features of the application of scissors for metal

Advantages of cutting profile sheet scissors for metal:

  • This is an indispensable tool for cutting thin stripes.
  • Under the condition of good sharpening perfectly copble with a sharp across the wave.

Disadvantages of the tool:

  • Metal scissors poorly cut the professional flooring along, because in this direction the sheets have small flexibility.
  • The main disadvantage of cutting with such scissors are not very smooth edges of the cut.

Electronics: effectively and convenient

Manual circular saw

Profile sheets are well cut and a manual circular saw, on which a fine-faced disc with winning teeth is installed. For convenience and quick performance with the use of circular, you will need an assistant. The feed when cutting should be minimal.

In order not to scratch the paint on the profrehet, from the plywood band with a length of about 1.5 m and a 300 mm width is made by a conductor. According to his center along the entire strip, not reaching the ends, the groove is cut, which will be a bench at cutting. Two points on the cut line are marked on the sheet, the conductor is superimposed on them. The groove must match the points marked. After that, the sheet is well pressed and cutting.

It is important to know:

The cutting of the profiled flooring having, in contrast to the steel sheet, profile and anti-corrosion coating, requires accounting for these features of the material. Due to the sensitivity of the coating to high temperatures, preference is given to methods of cold cutting. When choosing a tool, it is necessary to take into account these conditions and restrictions. For example, the use of plasma cutting, welding, autogen and other similar tools does not meet the requirements of cutting professional flooring, as it is associated with the effects of high temperature. It is also not recommended to apply abrasive tools that tear and coating protective coating.

The profiled flooring is aesthetic and durable material that justifies its purpose, provided that the instrument is properly installed and selecting its cutting in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer.

How to cut professional flooring - pluses and disadvantages of cutting tools

How to cut professional flooring: choose tools. Pros and cons of the use of grinder, hacksaws for metal, hand and electric jigsaw, scissors for metal and

Cutting professional flooring - than cutting a professional owl not to spoil the material

No one will argue that the professional flooring is currently extremely popular (and often - simply indispensable) material for construction and finishing. In this regard, the question of many beginner builders becomes very significant than to cut the professional flooring, because, despite the acceptable cost of its sheets, damage to the corporation is able to reduce all the advantages of using this material and significantly slow down construction.

How to make a cutting of professional flooring, which tools are used for this and how to handle a cut to avoid corrosion, is described in this article.

What is the complexity of cutting a professional sheet?

The professionalist is a rather thin product, easily subjected to damage during the cutting process. The second feature of the professional flooring lies in its coating with a layer of galvanizing and polymer, due to which the usual cutting methods of tin sheets becomes impossible.

High-temperature methods of metal processing in this case are also not suitable, because the coating of the professional flooring, no matter how strong and resistant to unfavorable natural factors is, it is easily burning under the action of high temperatures. It is impossible to cut a professionalist and abrasive circles, since they strongly spoil the coating, which leads to the formation of corrosion. So, what else can you and need to cut a professional flooring?

Method 1. Cutting professional flooring with a grinder

Since the Bulgarian with the abrasive circle, as already mentioned, is not suitable for the professional foot due to the strong damage to the coating, this tool is permissible to use only complete with special discs for cutting professional flooring, which are thin cutting circles with a thickness of 1-1.6 mm with teeth from Treatment materials.

To avoid corrosion, after cutting a proflist, the grinder must immediately treat the edges with special colors.

The advantages of cutting a barrage trafficking - the speed of performing all operations and the relative simplicity of cutting the proflist.

Disadvantages of cutting corrugated pacagoque - torn edges and severe, very unpleasant sound support. Even if you use a special disk for cutting a professional flooring, Bulgarian, in any case, is an abrasive tool, because the rolled metal particles formed during the cutting process fall on the polymer coating and burn it, creating the prerequisites for the appearance of corrosion foci.

In addition, torn edges of the proflist after cutting need additional work to eliminate burrs. All this makes the Bulgarian far from the best tool for cutting a professional flooring.

Method 2. Cutting a professional sheet with a metal

A rather economical, convenient and popular method of handling a professional flooring is a metal hacksaw.

The advantages of cutting professional flooring with hacksaw - neat and fast cutting, the absence of jar and burrs, the possibility of independent work without much physical effort. Usually for working with fences, gates, small roofing and other structures requiring a small thickness of professional flooring, builders use it precisely hacksaw.

Disadvantages of cutting professional with a metal with a metal - the impossibility of the implementation of curvilinear saws and the need to prevent a special cutting table for fixing the material. Thus, in the case of the fulfillment of complex cutting works, except for the hacksaw, the use of other tools should be provided. However, all flaws of the metal hacksaw are successfully overlapped by the benefits of this method.

Method 3. Cutting professional flooring with electric jigsaw

The electrolovka is used for a profile, the height of the corrugation of which begins from 25 mm and is combined with a small length. Cutting with electric jigscomb is made ecrway or along the sheet, however, it is necessary to firmly press the profiled sheet so that it does not rattle.

Cutting should be carried out at high revs using a fine-grained pink designed specifically for metal. In the case of high speed, a reciprocating operation with a longitudinal tilt of the peel is recommended.

Advantages of cutting of a professional flooring with an electroll bison - low cost of work.

Disadvantages of cutting professional flooring Lobzik - the inconvenience of cross-cutting of the proflift with corrugations from 25 mm, the practical impossibility of cutting thin strips, strong burning of the edges of the metal sheet and protective polymer coating, strong noise in the process of work.

Method 4. Cutting professional sheets with scissors (ordinary and electric)

Simple scissors for professional flooring are used if necessary for small works associated with the devices of the flooring, the construction of garages, gates and fences. Electrops are used for a wider range of tasks, however, when a smooth edge of the cut does not matter.

How to cut a hand-held metal scissors, see the following video:

The advantages of both simple and electric scissors for cutting professional flooring are fast, lightweight and high-quality cutting of thin and smooth strips, as well as cutting across the waves without damage.

Disadvantages of scissors for cutting a professional sheet - uneven and coarse edges of the cut. In addition, low flexibility in the longitudinal direction greatly complicates the cutting of the professional flooring along.

How to bend professional flooring?

In addition to cutting, professional flooring can be flexible, which makes it possible to significantly expand the possibilities of creating bent products to design the angles of walls, eaves and rods of the roofs.

To obtain a transverse-bent profile, the professional flooring must be bent at a right angle to the profile direction, and if a flexible industrial unit is used in the organization of serial production, then for a small-scale production process, it will be enough to purchase a simple manual leafogib.

The most common design of this tool is the swivel with a beam, and if desired, it is possible to complete this device by any additional functions that allow not only to bend professional flooring, but also, for example, to cut it.

Cutting professional flooring - than cutting a professional owl not to spoil the material - useful tips

How to make a cutting of professional flooring, which tools are used for this and how to handle a cut to avoid corrosion, is described in this article. - Useful advice