Repairs Design Furniture

Calculator calculating the attic roof of the house. The calculator of the two-tie roof and the calculation of the solving system online. Methods of thermal insulation chimneys

Use an online indoor roof calculator to calculate the required amount of materials for the roof of this type. The accurate calculation of the crate, the angle of inclination of the rafter system, the load on the roof of the house.

Specify the roofing material:

Choose a material from the list - slate (wavy asbetic sheets): medium profile (11 kg / m2) Slate (wavy asbetic sheets): reinforced profile (13 kg / m2) wavy pulp-bitumen sheets (6 kg / m2) bitumen (soft , flexible) tile (15 kg / m2) from galvanized tin (6.5 kg / m2) sheet steel (8 kg / m2) ceramic tile (50 kg / m2) cement-sand tile (70 kg / m2) metal tile, professional flooring (5 kg / m2) Ceramoplast (5.5 kg / m2) Folding roof (6 kg / m2) Polymer-sand tile (25 kg / m2) Ondulin (erector) (4 kg / m2) Composite tile (7 kg / m2 ) Natural slate (40 kg / m2) Specify the weight of 1 sq. Cover meter (? Kg / m2)

kg / m 2

Enter the roof parameters:

Staging width A1 (cm)

Stage width A2 (cm)

Foundation length D (cm)

Lifting height B1 (cm)

Lifting height B2 (cm)

Length of side sinks C (cm)

The length of the front and rear swell E (cm)


Step rafal (cm)

Wood grade for rafters (cm)

Working section of lateral rafters (not necessarily) (cm)

Calculation of doom:

Width of the Grubel Board (cm)

Baseline thickness (cm)

Distance between boards dolets

Snow load calculation:

Choose your region using the map below.

1 (80/56 kg / m2) 2 (120/84 kg / m2) 3 (180/126 kg / m2) 4 (240/168 kg / m2) 5 (320/224 kg / m2) 6 \u200b\u200b(400/280 kg / m2) 7 (480/336 kg / m2) 8 (560/392 kg / m2)

Calculation of wind load:


Building height

5 m from 5 m to 10 m from 10 m

Type of terrain

Open area Closed terrain city districts

Results of calculations

The angle of inclination of the side rafters: 0 degrees.

The angle of inclination of the skate rafters: 0 degrees.

The angle of inclination is suitable for this material.

The angle of inclination for this material is desirable to increase!

The angle of inclination for this material is desirable to reduce!

Roof surface area: 0 m 2.

Square of the attic floor: 0 m 2.

Approximate weight of roofing material: 0 kg.

The number of rolls of insulating material with an adoption of 10% (1 × 15 m): 0 rolls.


Load for side truss system: 0 kg / m 2.

Load on the skate rafter system: 0 kg / m 2.

Length side rafters: 0 cm.

Length of skate rafters: 0 cm.

Number of side rafters: 0 pcs.

Reduce the step rafters!

The number of skate rafters: 0 pcs.

Reduce the step rafters!


The number of lateral rows of crates (for the whole roof): 0 rows.

The number of skate rows of crates (for the whole roof): 0 rows.

Total number of rows of crates: 0 rows.

Uniform distance between the side boards of the crate: 0 cm.

Uniform distance between the skateboats of the crate: 0 cm.

Number of clamping boards standard 6 meters long: 0 pcs.

Scope Board Volume: 0 m 3.

Approximate weight of the shell boards: 0 kg.

About calculator

An online calculator of the attic roof will help calculate the angles of inclination of side and skate rods, the amount and necessary section of the rafted, the volume of the root and other materials for the construction of the roof. You do not have to do extra calculations, since this calculator includes most of the existing roofing materials, such as bitumen tiles, cement-sand and ceramic tiles, metal tile, bituminous and asbestos-cement slate, ondulin. If you use non-standard material, or you want to get more accurate calculations, you can specify a mass of your own roofing material by selecting the appropriate item in the drop-down list of materials.

Before designing the attic floor, see Snip 2.08.01-89 "Residential buildings" with all seriousness.

The calculator produces calculations according to the Snip "load and exposure" and TKP 45-5.05-146-2009.

The devices of the attic (broken, sliding) roof is characterized in that on each side it contains two skates with different angles of inclination: a steep side and slight hanging. Thus, a comfortable space is formed under the roof, which can be used as a residential premises. This room is called the attic floor or just an attic.

Mansard were first built in the 17th century. The attic is relatively easy both with the initial construction of the building and the role of the add-in to the existing building. Thus, it provides an alternative in the construction of an additional floor.

Since the side skates are distinguished by a large steepness, it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of building materials. Perhaps the attic roof will require additional costs. This is especially important for residential attic rooms: they will need enlarged frontal windows and improved thermal insulation.

When filling out the calculator fields, see the additional information located under the sign.

You can write about any questions or ideas regarding this calculator, using the comment form at the bottom of the page. We will be happy to hear your opinion.

Additional information on the results of calculations

Side rafters

The angle under which the side rafters are tilted to the ceiling plane. It is usually sharper. Various roofing materials allow different limit angles. Calculator will show whether it is possible to build a roof near this angle from the selected roofing material.

The angle of inclination of the skate rafters

The angle under which skate (hanging) rafters to the plane of the floor of the attic. This angle is usually more showing. Various roofing materials allow different limit angles. The calculator will show whether it is possible to build the roof at the specified angle from the selected roofing material.

Roof surface area

The area of \u200b\u200bthe entire surface of the roof including the sinks. To determine the area of \u200b\u200bone skate, the value is sufficiently specified for two.

Square of the attic floor

The area of \u200b\u200bthe indoors of the attic. This does not include the area under the side skates.

Approximate weight of roofing material

The weight of the selected roofing material for the entire roof area is taking into account the soles.

The number of rolls of insulating material

Required amount of insulating material for the entire roof area. The amount in rolls is indicated, based on the standard rud size - 15 meters in length, 1 meter wide. When calculating, it is also taken into account 10% in the joints of the joints.

Loads on the side and skate rafter system

These values \u200b\u200bshow the highest possible load on this roof. In the calculations, both the total mass of roofing pie and the sum of the wind and snow loads of the selected region are participating.

Length side lines

The estimated length of the sidewall side slopes located from the bottom of the skate to the top of the attic floor.

Length of skate rafalle

The estimated length of the skate (hanging) rafters located from the top of the attic floor to the ridge of the roof.

The number of side and skate rafters

The total number of lateral and skate rafters required to build the roof with specified parameters.

Minimum Scroll Scroll / Weight Slinge / Brous Volume

  1. In the first column, the permissible sections of the rafter according to GOST 24454-80 sawn timber of coniferous rocks. The weight, specified structural parameters, possible load on the roof take into account. The calculator calculates the total loads that can affect the design, and selects the optimal variants of the cross sections of the rafter.
  2. The second column contains information about the weight of the rafted with the specified cross section. Here is the total weight of the rafted for the calculated roof.
  3. The third column displays the total volume of the rafted in cubic meters. Use these values \u200b\u200bto calculate the cost of sawn timber.

Number of rows of clamps

The number of rows of the root, which will be needed for the entire roof with the specified parameters.

Uniform distance between the shell boards

Quantity, volume and weight of the shell boards

The total number of boards for the arrangement of the roof shaft, their volume in cubic meters and their total weight.

B. - The length of the roof.

C. - Distance of Sveza.

X. - Roof in width.

All other introductory data see the drawing.

This program allows accurate calculation of the attic roof: volume, area, size, quantity and area of \u200b\u200bunderpants and roofing materials, rafters and boards for the crate.

Helpful information

In addition, this program provides the ability to calculate other parameters of the future roof.

According to the results of the counting, you get the size and size of building materials for half the roof, and the same data will be indicated only for the entire roof in brackets.

For example, 7.7 sheets according to the calculations turned out to be one row and we all have a 2.8 row with multiplication we will receive 3 rows for our real project (since sheets are sold solid).

In the event that you want to get the exact number of sheets for the future roof, it is necessary to reduce the height of the sheets until you receive an integer number of rows.

Important! It is necessary to accurately determine the length of the adolescence (as for different materials, it will be different). These data can be found directly from the manufacturers of roofing material.

All required measurements, you can perform a construction tape measure, and the results obtained are translated into millimeters that introduce into the appropriate calculator cells.

What should be known

The broken or attic roof, as a rule, consists of 2-stranded with a different angle of inclination from each side. Thus, it turns out an attic space of a bulk type, which received the name - the attic floor. This design is beginning to erect on the ready-made building, thereby expanding the living area without additional superstructures of new buildings of the building. Today, you can find a huge number of different types, design, design and purpose of mansard floors, where both non-residential and residential premises can be located.

First of all, you need to be thoroughly approaching the selection of material for the roof, all side skates will be with a steep slope, which will entail additional costs of strengthening the roof. If you plan to equip a living room on the attic, then in this case it is necessary to properly choose the heat-insulating material, the size of the windows and ventilation. In some cases, it may be necessary to determine the angles of inclination of hanging rafters, the skate top and sexy row. Changing the angles of inclination rafters of the side slotted type and side skate. You can determine which optimal angle is ideal for the selected type of roof. The calculation of these parameters is often not required, but it can be found on other Internet resources.

The total size of the entire roof surface, given the lengths of each sink. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe attic, less space under the side skates.

The volume of building materials for the rafter system.

It is necessary for the number of rafters to the entire structure, taking into account the specified step.

The total number of cable series according to the specified parameters to the entire roof.

The required amount of the board for the construction of the whole building.

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe undercase materials, taking into account the adolescence.

The number and area of \u200b\u200bthe roofing material (on the example of the runneroid) taking into account the allen.

This information will help you to build a roof with your own hands.

Selection of roofing material

Depending on your preferences and financial opportunities, the attic roof can be lining with a variety of materials, ranging from a simple slate and ending with natural tiles or soft roof (bituminous tile, ondulin, etc.).

When choosing a roofing material, you should consider the metal tile, galvanized roof or professional flooring, as well as slate with clay tiles have a heavy weight that will require an enhanced design in order to avoid roof sagging.

Any soft roofing, bituminous tile, ondulin, rubberoid, etc. - A sufficiently light roofing material that will not give high load on the roof design.

The popularity of broken roofs is due to the economy of construction and the opportunity to rationally apply the attic space. They are used to organize insulated and dismissed attic. The technology of the construction of roofing structures with a variable angle of tilt of the slopes is different from the traditional two-sheet circuit.

Because those who wanted to acquire the attic floor and successfully express themselves on the field of the roofer, it is necessary to know how the rafter system of the broken roof is arranged and the dimensions of the materials for its structure are calculated.

The brightest and most expressive representative of the class of broken roofs is a pentagonal design with an explicit difference in the corners of the slopes. Do not even deepen into the specifics of its construction, it can be understood that it is arranged from two yaruses devourated on each other. In the lower solid tier there is an attic that gave the second name of the broken roofs. A less bulk tier-top, crowning the lower part, determines the shape of the structure in the area of \u200b\u200bthe skate.

Briefly about the specifics of the rafter design

The rafting frame for both parts of the attic roof is built according to the rules that the usual dictates. The lower part of the slab roof frame is built by installing sprinkled rafting legs. In the device of the upper part, both urban and hanging rafylics can be used. The bottom of the sleeve rafaline has the right to rely on Mauerlat or on the beams of overlapping. The support for the top is most often the wooden frame is simultaneously playing the role of a frame of one of the plants of the attic. The device of the upper tier is focused mainly on the convenience of work for the artist.

By tradition, the angle of inclination of the lower part of the broken roof is significantly cooler than the top. They create a break - a clear indicator of the application of broken technology in the construction of the roof. However, the steepness of the top and lower parts of the skate can be equal, due to which the broken design will look like an ordinary duplex. But it is standing standard for broken roofs by the method, because the framework of the lower tier is obliged to provide the possibility of organizing the exploited space. Those. The rafter system must have the necessary elements with a given bearing capacity for the device of the walls and the ceiling of the warmed or cold attic.

Types of loads and their aggregate

The wisdom formulas, according to which the rafter system of the broken roof of the designers of construction enterprises is made, we will not lead. The builders know them without us. Those who decided to build one or two roofs on the country site, such fundamental information is not needed at all. On the Internet there are plenty of programs that make complex mathematical operations for calculating the cross section of the rafted, supports and beams. It is better to analyze what data will be required to enter the program, as well as what types of loads on the overlap, the rafters of the upper and lower tier should be considered.

The program itself swing here - (Only Excel is needed for work). Then we will give examples of work specifically with it.

Why do you need limits

A different types of loads will operate on each element of the rafter system of the loss of the roof. The amount of loads should not lead to deformations and damage requiring compulsory repairs. The supporting structures according to the rules are calculated taking into account the two limit values, this is:

  • The limiting strength is a state, the excess of which leads to the destruction of the construction structure, to the loss of endurance or stability.
  • The limit deformation is a state, the excess of which leads to invalid defaults, as a result of which the geometry of the structure not only changes, but nodal joints are violated.

On both species of these limit states, the designers produce calculations. This subtleties are not too needed by an independent roofer. In the existing estimated programs with the formulas embedded in them already take into account the limits. They are entered into the calculated algorithm in the form of signal values \u200b\u200bof the type:

  • N Tr. Strength is the size of the element of the rafter system, the decrease in which will lead to the state of loss of strength.
  • N Tr. The deflection is the size of the element, the decrease in which will entail threatening deformation.

Referring to automatic computing assistance, close attention should be paid to such values. This is a maximum minimum indicating that real design values \u200b\u200bshould be more.

In the list of loads acting on the roof, the weight of winter precipitation, the strength of the wind, their own mass, the weight of furniture and people operating the attic. Loads can act simultaneously, alternately or in any combination of type of snow + furniture + person; Snow + wind, etc. Calculations are carried out at the maximum in the desire to provide for the likelihood of the exposure of the greatest load.

How to determine the weight of snow cover

To determine the weight of the snow cover, no special knowledge is needed. It is performed by clarifying the construction site of the construction site to a specific "snow region". Found on the map the region with a digital assigned to him, then looked in the plate, how much snow will put pressure on the horizontal surface.

For rafaline of the upper and lower broken roof, the snow weight indicators will be different. The slots of the lone of the roof in most cases are unequal to the angle of inclination. Solid precipitations have more opportunities to linger and lie on close to a gentle top than on the steep slots of the lower part. It should be noted that on the rods of steepness up to 30º, the weight of the snow takes an equal unit of the average value adopted in the region based on perennial observations of the meteorological service. It is believed that in the rods of steep 60º and more snow is not delayed at all, i.e. equal to zero. The value of snow weight in the interval between these inclons is found by interpolation. For example, if the angle of inclination is 45º, then the table indicator should be multiplied by the coefficient of 0.5, for 50º to 0.33, etc.

How to find a wind load

Wind load is needed for calculating the stability of the rafter system. To determine it, again, use the map of the zoning, but already compiled by the values \u200b\u200bof the wind pressure. This indicator is necessary for the rafter feet of both tiers of the roof, because the canopy part of the impetuous wind is able to break and carry, and the cool trite is tilted. Certain information about wind power information is corrected by multiplying the coefficient designed for different types of terrain.

In the regions with high wind load increases the frequency of attachment of the rafter feet to the walls, i.e. They are attached with wire twists more often than one. For stability, the number of wind bonds - pods, supports, boards or rails, nailed to three and more rafylines increase. Their weight must be considered when calculating the total weight of the roofing design.

Blood Mass Load

Roof weight - prefabricated characteristics with individual parameters. In fact, it is a mass of roofing pie of a specific insulated or cold design with a certain type of coating and arranged specifically to cover with a solid or sparsed cage. It is calculated on the meter of roofing area.

The averaged coverage weights can be found on the plate. It is necessary to consider that when using embossed roofing materials, the weight of snow cover should be increased by 10%. For example, if it is produced or corrugated with a large wave, it should be remembered that snow cover in recesses can accumulate and lie for a long time.

The weight of the crate depends on the type of coating. The device of a soft roof requires a solid flooring from the board, the sheets of moisture-resistant plywood or OSP plates. Profiled tin, slate, clay tile mounted on the bars installed with a certain step. The weight of the crates will increase due to the installation of diagonal wind ties in the regions with high wind load. The mass of insulation and the most rapid system with pins, supports, runs and other elements are also calculated individually.

For preliminary calculations, there are approximate averaged indicators:

  • wooden crate weight from 10 to 12 kg / m²;
  • weight of removal rafting legs with a run from 5 to 10 kg / m²;
  • the weight of the hanging feet of a rafter farm from 10 to 15 kg / m².

Calculated using testimony programs are not too much to differ from the above figures. For insulated mansard, loads should be replenished with weight of the trim. In the case of the use of insulation with a thermal conductivity coefficient, a little different from 0, 04 W / m × ° C, its mass is allowed to neglect.

We have shown where and how to find values \u200b\u200bfor input to settlement systems. All other information for the mathematical determination of the cross-section of the rafter legs, beams, the supports are introduced according to the project data. In the event that the calculated system warns that "the condition is not fulfilled" or the carrying capacity is not ensured, the dimensions of the elements should be increased.

Construction of a broken rafting system

Before proceeding with the device of the rafter system for the future broken roof, it is necessary to make a project and make calculations of structural elements. We assume that the design stage was passed.

Consider one of the typical examples of the attitudes of the attic with two tiers of rolling rafallets, dried over a brick box. Mounting the rafter system will be to Mauerlat - a wooden frame from a bar 150 × 200mm, laid flush with an internal perimeter of walls. Along the outer edge of the box, a series of bricks masking Mauerlat and a removable part of the spacer load are laid. The upper plane of the Mauerlalate should be above the brick strapping by 2-3 cm.

Installation of beam overlap

The construction of the overlap is starting with the installation of extreme beams, the removal of which determine the width of the cornese swells. Further on stretched between extreme beams, we set the intermediate elements in increments equal to the distance between the rapid legs. For insulated roofs, the step is recommended to make an equal width of the heat insulation plate so that the insulation is dense in the intertropic space intended for it. For dismay structures, the step is calculated so that the solid amount of rafter farms is placed with the same distances between them.

Bruse size for the construction of 100 × 200mm. When laying beams, align their top plane, if it does not work out in a strict horizon. Alignment We produce by subsidence Maurolat or lining of chips under the beam. After fastening the beams to Mauerlat, Krepim to their end is a short bar, so that they formed a plane for end-of-eaves. The step between short beams does not matter, maybe 1m or so.

Construction of the walls of the attic

We note on the arranged overlapping line of the layout of a row of supports for the rafter legs of the lower tier. Simultaneously with the reference function, they play the role of a frame for the plants of the attic.

We act as follows:

  • We establish angular supports, for the manufacture of which we use a 100 × 150mm long-term timber than 10 cm larger than the pure height of the attic ceiling. We correct the verticalness of the support plumb, it will be fixed only after you are convinced of the installation flawlessness. For stability, you fix them with temporary disconse. By applying the support in the middle of the frontal walls.
  • Corner supports connect the lace to designate the place of installation of intermediate racks. For the manufacture of intermediate supports, the material is 50 × 150mm with equal angular supports height.
  • On top of the two rows of supports, we put the runs made from 50 × 150mm board. Temporary struts no longer need, the built walls of the future attic are stable and without them.
  • We set the board to the ribs, it will form a ceiling offshore attic.
  • On top of the ceiling of the attic of the attic placing the board 25 × 150mm. Its not need to be installed along the axis of the structure. It is better to parallel in parallel, retreating from the axis 20-30cm.

The result of the attached effort is the ready-made mandrel frame and support for the installation of the upper tier of the rafter.

Installation of Stropilin of the Lower Tarus

The rafyroids of the lower broken roof tier are manufactured and installed by the standard utility method:

  • A 25 × 150mm board of the required length applies to the end of the constructed design and a pencil in fact, we mark the top and bottom line. This is a template that can be used for the manufacture of all lines of the lower tier if there are no deviations in the geometry of the rafter system.
  • If there are doubts about the impeccability of the previous work, we set only extreme legs and stretch the lace between them. According to the template on the other rafalines, we only make the top drink. We will mark the bottom line in fact by combining the upper plane of the workpiece with the cord.
  • Install the rafting legs. Confirm them to the beams of overlapping with brackets or metal corners, and at the top to run two-three nails.

It happens that for overlapping the lower slope over the entire length, one board is missing. In such situations, the rafylane is mounted from two short boards, crosslinked with a crunch of a similar section with a length of 1m or more. True, it is desirable to still order lumber of the required length, so as not to weaken the design by crosslinked areas.

Installing the rafter legs of the upper rods

For the manufacture and installation of the upper rafying, you must first mark the central axis. For this, the cutting of the inches should be knocked off to the extreme ceiling board of the attic strictly vertically. One of the edges of the trimming should be exactly the coincidence with the central axis indicated on the diagram of the rapid roof system, then:

  • We try to the end of an inch for the production of the template and mark the lines of the marbles, the top of which we spend directly along the designated axis crunch.
  • We make on the template a pair of rafter feet of the upper rods. If you do not doubt the geometry of the constructed frame, we make several blanks at once. Otherwise we do the same as with the bottom fellows.
  • We establish the first pair of Stropilin, calling for promotion two pairs of workers hands. Alone with the installation can not cope, they do not have the top support. So that the licked rafter farm has not fallen, support it with a subpatch.
  • Mount the remaining rapid farms of the upper tier. We pin them with pins after 3-4 pieces. The tilt angle must be more than 45º. The direction of their tilt should be alternating.

Notice, in order to prevent the stretching and deflection of the Ceiling boards of the attic, each top rafter farm must be equipped with a suspension from the board of about 25 × 150mm.

With the specifics of the nodal compounds of the rafting system of the roof of the broken type, I will familiarize the photo of the selection:

Along the line of the skate and lines of the fracture, the crate makes a solid, regardless of the projected type and step of its installation. Across the direction of the rafter feet is nailed two boards with a 03-3mm gap between them. A similar solid flooring is arranged in UNDOVA, if they are, around the attic windows and holes for the flue pipe. In the case of the use of soft species of roofing coatings, the lamp is suitable solid throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe skates.

If the thickness of the insulation is equal to or larger than the width of the rafted, the crates are arranged a counterclaim, constructed by installing a remote bar. It is necessary for the formation of a gap between waterproofing and roofing material. Remote the remote bar from the outside of the system to the rib rafter. If the thickness of the plates of thermal insulation allows you to leave the ventilation gap without remote triggers, there is no need for a remote bar. It is also not needed in the construction of a laptile roof.

Upon completion of the work on the device of the rafter system, eaves, frontal walls, referred to in the wooden house-building by forceps. Short skes adjacent to the frontal walls, after which the time of laying roofing is occur.

Video selection for self-builders

Those who wish to visually present the process of fabrication of the lonic roof to help three rollers with step-by-step work:

To consider within the framework of one article all options for the construction of rafal structures for broken roofs is impossible. Types of roofing, architectural parameters, regions are distinguished. There are many nuances applied in specific construction conditions. However, the examples we present perfectly demonstrate the general technological principle. This information on the rules of calculation and construction schemes should help both home craftsmen, and owners controlling the work of the hired brigade. Your questions, if any, leave in the comments.

Often with the device of most types of roofs, the attic space becomes so inconvenient, which is suitable only for folding unnecessary household items and building materials.

At the same time, one small refinement of the material is capable of turning the underlining part of the house in a wonderful attic with a balcony and beautiful.

Such roofs became popular for a long time, especially in those places where the cost of land is high enough, but only with the development of construction technologies began to be used as a full housing.

This method of organization can be performed in two:

  • Mansard . With such a device, the height from the zero level of the roof to the skate is up to 4 meters, and the angle of inclination of the roof reaches 55 degrees. However, in view of the strong brave of walls, only space is useful in the middle.
  • - This is a kind of duplex roof. Such a device roofing differs from a conventional duplex device to the presence of joints on planes. The plane of each side, going down at a certain angle is divided into two parts. The second part, lower, at the same time acquires an even greater angle of falling. Visually geometry of such a roof is broken.

The main advantage of a nuclear-type leakage is that it allows to avoid significant financial costs and at the same time significantly increase the useful space of the house.

After all, it is easier to organize such a device and more cheaper than to build an additional floor with the subsequent shelter of the roof.

In addition, with the help of a roof of a mansard type, you can significantly transform the existing house with the old roof.


It should be kept in mind the type of foundation of the entire buildingTo produce the correct selection of roofing material.

Divorous attic roof

Loan roof

Calculating roof online calculator


Types of materials for roofing

For roofing flooring, a variety of roofs are used: flat and profile, rolled, soft, hard, piece.

After calculating the load on the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof and per square meter calculate the cross section of the rafted. The number of rafters is determined by the length of the roof of the roof and ranges from 70 to 120 m, depending on the length of the span.

Calculation of the rafter system

How to calculate the angle of inclination

The main factors affecting the bias With its device, are:

  • Natural factors - climatic conditions where construction is planned (wind and snow loads);
  • Characteristics of roofing material.

The most optimal inclination of the roof is an angle of 20-30 degrees. In snow latoms, it is proposed to make a slope of at least 45 degrees.

In this case, the snow will easily go from the roof. Since the design of the attic roof is a double or broken duple, we will consider the angle of the slope in this aspect.

The geometric shape of the duplex roof is a chaired triangle, so to calculate the height Depending on the tilt of the row, the formula of a trigonometric expression for a rectangular triangle should be used.

Therefore, there are two slopes - top, is built in accordance with generally accepted standards; lower - Cool, depending on the size of the house and the useful attic space.

The angle of inclination of the lower plane is most often 70 - 80 degrees.

In the roof located under such a bias, it is convenient to mount attic windows, which, because of its location, will be securely protected from precipitation.

Angles of inclination

How to calculate the area of \u200b\u200ba broken roof

The calculation of the area depends on its device.

When we deal with a conventional duplex roof, its surface is represented in the form of two rectangles, calculate the area of \u200b\u200bwhich can be by multiplying the length of the width. By multiplying the value of 2, we obtain the total area of \u200b\u200bthe roof plane.

How to calculate the roof? In the case of the definition of an attic broken roof, the case is more complicated due to the fact that in such a device, in addition to divided into two parts of the skate, additional elements may be present. (windows, balconies, terraces, roof exits).

In this case it is necessary to divide the surface of the roof to composite elements and calculate their area separately. The sum of all areas of the elements obtained at the same time will be the roof area

for example: With the length of the base of the house 10 m., The width of the base is 8 m., It is planned to be a useful width of 5 m., Height to the ribs of the ribs 2.5 m. And height in the middle to the horse is 3.5 m. The swap width is planned 50 cm.
The length of the side rafters is obtained 3.42 m., Length of the skate rafters - 2.69 m.
Now it is necessary to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe upper and lower edges.

We multiply the length of the side rafters on the length of the roof. It turns out 34.2 m.kv. The sum of the two lower edges - 68.4 m.kv
When you multiply the length of the skate rafters on the roof length we obtain 26.9 m.kv. We fold two tops. We get 53.8 m.kv.
Accordingly, the total area of \u200b\u200bthe roof is obtained 122.2 m.kv.

Calculation of Square

Calculation of roofing

The calculation of the roof area is necessary for us to accurately calculate the required amount of roofing material.

In order to calculate the required material you should know the size of the material, as well as the method of attaching it to each other.

Consider the most common:

  • Ceramic tile. Consumption per 1 m.kv. about 10 pieces;
  • Metal tile.. Length can be any width - from 1190 mm;
  • Professor. Length any width - from 750 to 1100 mm.;
  • Ondulin. Length 2000 -2400 mm. Width 950 - 1250 mm
  • Soft roofing Shinglas. Length from 317 mm. Width 1000 mm.

Example of calculation for metal tile

Buy roofing material follows with a reserve of 7-8% of the total area.


Thus, the design and installation of the roof of the roof - the task is not from the lungs. It is necessary to accommodately approach the choice of material, the calculation of the angle of inclination, the possible load on the rafter system, to be carried out, noise insulation and. Only the right and proper performance will help to achieve the arrangement of a cozy attachment.

In contact with

An attic is called a residential, heated room, equipped in a subcoase space, which allows you to increase the living area of \u200b\u200bthe house with minimal costs. The design of such a roof is distinguished by increased complexity, as it must withstand high weight loads, so it is difficult to calculate it yourself quite difficult. To calculate the attic roof quickly and correctly, you can use an online calculator. In this article, we will tell you what computations must be made to avoid errors in the project.

Features of the attic roof

It differs from the usual, as they are used differently and have a different purpose. To equip a living attitudes with sufficiently high ceilings, it is necessary to significantly increase the height of the roof ridge, change the slope slope, as well as increase the solo system.

To avoid errors in design, it is better to use a special calculator program that automatically performs accurate calculation based on the data entered. Constructive features of the attic roof are:

  1. Broken shape of the rod. In order to maximize the useful volume of the undercase, the roof has to make a broken or semi-rolled type. This design of the skates allows you to make a ceiling high, without increasing the angle of inclination of the roof.
  2. Big. Children's roofs tend to have a large slope slope, allowing to increase the useful volume of the room due to the ceiling height. This feature leads to the fact that the weight of the design is significantly increasing.
  3. Big Square Square. Due to the steepness and high height of the skate, the attic roof has a huge area of \u200b\u200bcontact with the atmosphere, which adversely affects the amount of heat loss. To preserve heat in the attic, thermal insulation of roofing rods is performed.

Note! An online calculator will not replace the experienced architect in the creation of a project of a reliable attic roof, however, it will help to avoid gross mistakes in the calculations that lead to the conversion of the structure.

Calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bMansarda

First of all, to create a functional project, it is necessary to calculate the area of \u200b\u200battic. This parameter depends on the size of the house, but also affects the design of the roof. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe attic is made up of 2 indicators:

  • Useful volume. Under this term, the area of \u200b\u200bthe underpowering space is understood, in which the height of the ceilings is higher than 0.9 m. It is obvious that the useful volume is not covered by the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe attic, but only the median part. In order to rationally orders the free place, the space under the rod of the roof from the elements of the rafter system, shifting them to the sides.
  • "Deaf" zones. The "deaf" zones of attic call the corners formed between the overlaps and the lower part of the skate, in which the ceiling height is 0.9 meters and below. For people living, these areas are unsuitable, but they can accommodate niches or storage lockers. It is better to calculate the bias and the shape of the roof so that the "deaf zone" occupied a smaller part of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe attic.

Important! In order for the calculator program to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe attic, you need to enter the slope and the height of the roof ridge, the size of the house, as well as the shape and number of rods. After that, the user will have the opportunity to see the accurate calculation of the indicator, as well as visualize the result of calculations using the schema.

Calculation of basic parameters

The reliability, strength and durability of the design of the attic roof depends on the correct calculation, therefore, in the absence of project work experience, this complexity is better to use an online calculator.

The special program will help to quickly and accurately calculate the main roof parameters in order to acquire the required number of building materials and make sure the foundation is sufficient. The calculation of the attic roof includes the following indicators:

  1. Height Skid.. This indicator determines the highest point of the roof in accordance with the desired slope slope and width of the house. Calculations are performed using trigonometric formulas.
  2. Total roofing pie weight. To calculate this indicator, there is a specific weight of 1 square meter of roofing material, waterproofing, insulation and elements of the solo system. For residential buildings, the total weight of 1 square meter of roofing pie should not exceed 50 kg.
  3. Square Skatov. If the shape of the skate is rectangular, then its area is calculated by multiplying the length of the element width. If the roof has a more complex shape, then it is divided into simple geometric shapes, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is calculated separately, and then it consists.

Note that even an advanced calculator will not insure the errors in the project, however, it will help to quickly estimate the value of the material and compare different embodiments of the attic roof.

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