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What is an adapted turnover: specific examples. DEPARTMENT OF DEPROSCHES AND CHECK RATES

And verbalia. There is no need to talk about the mysteriousness of these parts of speech: the question of their place in the morphology of the Russian language has not yet been resolved. Their own signs, features and differences consider in our article.

Sevective Education

The fate of these parts of speech remains unknown. In the modern school program, depending on the author of the educational and methodological complex, the concept of what communities and verbalism are interpreted in different ways. Some authors, as, for example, Razumovskaya, rightly consider them peculiar forms of verb. Undoubtedly, the proportion of truth in this is, since communion and verbalia were formed from the verb.

Both of these versions are entitled to existence, they are logical and each of them can be argued in their own way.

Here is such a mysterious, Russian. Communion and verbal spirits are special forms that make our speech more dynamic and colorful.

Turnover with communion

Any part of speech is noteworthy in its own way. And what is the communion and verbalism, what are they doing in a proposal special, which other parts of speech can not? Their main distinctive feature is the formation of revolutions. This happens when one of them has dependent words.

For example: The girl walking on the summer garden admired nature. If you carefully consider this offer, then we will see that the "Walking" communion can be asked the question "Where?". The answer will be the phrase "on the summer garden". This means that our involvement is in front of us. It is much more literate and more beautiful to use turns than infinitely repeating the word "which".

Do not forget to put the commas, if it is after your defined word (here it is "girl"). When syntaxed, the question arises: how to emphasize it? Everything is simple here: ask a question from the defined word: (girl) what? A secondary member of the sentence is responsible for him, we all know - definition. Therefore, it is completely the entire turnover to emphasize the wavy feature.

In the case when the turn is in front of its defined word, everything is different. There you do not need to put commas. The syntactic function of such turns is different - each part of the speech is emphasized independently of each other.

Participial turnover

The situation with him is a little different. First of all, in itself, the need for adoption may not contain any dependent words, but, nevertheless, it will be allocated by commas. Linguists call it single.

For example: Without pondering, he rushed into a burning house to save people.

As you can see, the verbal spirits are very similar to the meaning with the adverb (here is responsible for the question "How?"). You can even replace it with this part of speech: he quickly rushed into a burning house to save people.

As in the case with a brother-communion, a verbality may comply with the words and form a turnover. Since in the sentence, it always performs only one role, it is accepted with the punctuation marks here you will not pick up: the commas are always set. And you do not need to look, as the definable word is located relative to this turn.

For example: without performing a homework, Misha went for a walk.

From the lead "without fulfilling", ask the question "What?" And we get the answer - "homework". Before us is an adapter turnover.

And Tempecistry

The word formation of each part of speech is studied by schoolchildren, starting from the fifth grade. Some of them (for example, the noun and adjective) have several ways to appear new words: not only the subfixary and suffix, but also addition and abbreviation. With communion and greetings, everything is easier: their main way of word formation is a suffix. It is on this morpheme that we distinguish them from other parts of speech.

Knowing what communion and verbalism are, remember suffixes will be easy. You need to know a few simple rules. Do not forget that the communities are divided into two large groups: valid and suffering.

The valid communities that are in the present, suffixes are: Caution / Youth (Dancing, Singing), Ast / Lasch (Screaming, Flying).

In the suffering - EM- (conductive), -th- (injected), they (dependent).

When the communities are in the past time, they will also be distinguished by deposit.

Action. Prich. : - vSh- (bought), w (grown).

Strada. : - t- (split), -enn- (scrolled), -nn- (extinct).

The main thing that needs to be done is to correctly determine the part of speech. Then the suffixes of communions, verbalia remember much easier. Especially, they are similar to each other.

Tempets have no collateral category, they differ only in time. Nast.: - a (slowly), -Yu (guessing), - Had (being), -. The past time is: -I (Having done), he had (not knew).


The suffixes of communion and verbalism are easily remembered in practice. It is enough to perform several exercises on this topic to consolidate their spelling. Despite the seeming complexity of these verb forms, they will not make much difficulty for those who carefully read the rule.

Communion and verbalism are characteristic of a written rather than oral speech. Therefore, it is extremely important to carefully examine their functions, properties and signs to learn how to write competently, accurately, expressive. However, it is not necessary to do without difficulties related to their use, because these morphological units are often confused.


Communion is a morphological unit, a special form of verb (some student-linguists allocate the sacrament in the role of an independent part of speech), denoting a sign of the subject by action. He is inherent in signs of verb and adjective.

Tempecility is a morphological unit, a special form of verb (some of the linguistic scientists allocate verbal spirits in the role of an independent part of speech, as well as the sacrament), denoting an extension effect at the primary action. He is inherent in signs of verb and adverb.

In order to figure out what they differ from each other, you first need to highlight what they are similar.

General features characteristic of communion and verbalism

Education of both verb forms requires foundation of verb and special suffixes. For communities: - Caution - Yusch, -Er., ",", ",", "NN,", ",", "- VSh, -Sh. For verprices: - Versh, -h, -in, -a, -I.

If dependent words are present in the proposal, both forms may form involved and verbal respectively. Example: a man who just came out of the room was sometime famous photographer. Pursuit: "I have just left the room." Coming out of the restaurant, the company of dusty friends went down the street. Conditional turnover: "coming out of the restaurant."

Possess signs of verb:

  • View (perfect and imperfect). Example: the verb of the perfect species "to sell". It is formed by the communion of the perfect species "sold" (what? / What made?), The verbatility of the perfect species "sales" (what made?). The verb of an imperfect species "dance", the sacrament of the imperfect species "dancing" is formed from it (what? / What makes?), The verbatility of the imperfect species "dance" (what is making?).
  • Return / Non-return (The presence / absence of a return suffix is \u200b\u200b/ -ed). Example: Returning verb "Laugh", a refundable communion "Laughing" and returnable leading "laughing" is formed. The irrevocative verb "screaming" is formed from it the irrevocative communion "screaming", the irrevocable verbal of "shouting".
  • Transitivity (Managing a free form of a noun, which is in the visional case). Example: Transition verb "Turn" - to eat early glory, biting the randile glory, knocked down by the early glory. Unbound verb "fall in love" - \u200b\u200bin love with the beauties, in love with beauties, falling in love with beauties.

What is the difference in verbalism?

Not all the verb signs are inherent in both morphological units.

Glading signs characteristic of communion:

  1. Pledge (valid and suffering). Example: the verb "To tell", the actual communion "telling" is formed from it, the suffering communion "told".
  2. Category of Time. Example: the verb "Love", the communion of "loving" is formed from him (currently / what does?), Favoring "(past time / what made?).

Glading signs characteristic of verbalism:

  • Pledge. Tempecias can only stand in a valid pledge. Some scientists - linguists allocate the average radiation deposit, which, in essence, is such a verb sign as a refund.

Symptoms of adjective, characteristic germination:

  1. Rank. Example: verb "buy" - "bought tie", "bought shirt", "bought dress".
  2. Number. Example: verb "Torture" - "The pripentine cat," printed cats ".
  3. The form (Fullness and brevity, only suffering communities change). Example: the verb "fry" - "fried chestnuts", "chestnuts are fried."
  4. Paide (Only communion in full form may vary on cases). Example: the verb "confused", the Communion "embarrassed" is formed from it.
  • I.P. (Who? / What?) - Embarrassed young man.
  • R.P. (Who? / What?) - Embarrassed young man.
  • D.p. (who? / What?) - An embarrassed young man.
  • V.p. (Who? / What?) - An embarrassed young man.
  • T. P. (who / what?) - embarrassed young men.
  • P. P. (OK? / What?) - About the confused young man.

Syntax function - Definition, adjoins to or adding. Example: a gluable woman accompanied the removing train. Woman (what?) - Planken. A similar function is carried out by the involvement of involvement, being separate definitions (if not in the absolute beginning of the sentence; is allocated by commas). The jet of rain, shifting through the windows, flicker in the dim light of the lantern. Rain jets (what?) - Dropped by windows.

Answers questions asked for adjective: "What?", What? "What?" What? " etc. Tempecistry has no signs of adjective, but it has signs of adverbs.

Signs of adverbs characteristic of verbalia:

  1. Unchanged. Teperysty cannot be changed at times, childbirth, cases of numbers like communion.
  2. Syntax function - The circumstance (separate, allocated by commas). Example: Red, he admitted mother that worked out classes in a music school. He admitted mother (how?) - Red. A similar function is performed by an accruitment turnover (a separate circumstance allocated by commas). Having asked the road from the old man passing by, she finally found a house in which she had long been waiting for her. She found a house (how?) - asking the road from the old man passing by.
  3. Responsible to the questions asked for adventure "How?", "When?", "Why?" etc.


The key difference between these morphological units is which syntactic role they carry. Also inherent in different signs.

Combat and Tempecism

Rule: If the involuntary turnover costs after the defined word, then it is highlighted from both sides with commas: the blue southern sky, darkened from dust, dull. Rule: In the suffix -enn, after hissing under the stress, it is written E (E), although it is pronounced [o]: burned, solved. Rule: In brief suffering gestures, one letter N: Read, told. Rule: If the sacrament is formed from the verbs to use, "then the letters or me: let me write - plowed - plows; To oblige - obliged - obliged. If the sacrament is formed from any other verbs (not to use or), then in front of - and - the letter E: Explore the studied - studied. Rule: In complete suffering gestances with suffixami - and - two letters N (NN), if:

1) Communion has a prefix (except not): Cooked fish, plowed field;

2) Communion has a word dependent on it: a fish fried in oil;
3) Communion of the perfect species: a solved example;
4) The communion is formed from the verbs with suffixes -OV-, -Ev-, (-Yova-): pickled mushrooms, asphalt highway. If the word does not have any of the listed signs, it is written with one n: boiled fish, fried fish.
Rule: Not full of genthes are written separately:
1) If the communion has dependent words, i.e. Forms the involuntary turn: on the table I did not send an email sent by me. - On the table lay a unsent letter;
2) If there is a controversy with the Union A: in the vase they were not faded, and fresh flowers. Not fully written picked:
1) If there is no dependent word: Incessant rain;
2) If the communion is not not used: hate eyes. With brief particle pieces do not write separately: the letter is not sent. The book is not read. (PP.146)

Rule: Particle not He is written with verdicts separately: he answered without thinking.
Cell-affected turnover is always allocated by commas: angrily is fighting cold autumn wind blowing. Blowing, angry, cold autumn wind. Cold autumn wind blows, angry.

Communions have a number of compliance among the adjectives, part of their origin ascending to communions. These include:

1) Actual communities of the present time and adjectives with the same root:
Red - red;
shine - blue;
white - white.

2) communion of the real time of the actual pledge (as well as returnable) and the adjectives with the suffix -ky, -yuly, -Kuchny, jacius, which are by the origin of ancient Russian communities:
Raw - bulk;
sitting - sedentary;
bringing - spiny.

3) the actual selection of the present time (usually with denial) and the adjective, which coincides with the suffering severity of the present time with the negative prefix, non-burning - non-aggravated;
not fading - unfavorable;
not wing - waterproof.

4) Paddative communities of the present time (usually with denial) and adjectives with the prefixes are not and suffixed:
Not allowable - unacceptable;
not defeated - invincible;
not tamped - indomitable.

5) Valid times of past time and adjectives formed from the communities with suffix-chief:
Tanned - tanned;
burnt - merry;
burned - stocky.

6) further from the values \u200b\u200bfrom the communities of the uniform adjectives on-very, which do not have the most appropriate communities; For them, there are only more distant communities with consoles:
Having hated - ripe;
ripe - mature;
the clothesman is sluggish.

7) the suffering passengers of the past time and adjectives that were formed from these communities; Usually the first with consoles, and the second without consoles:
Cooked - boiled;
grated - grated;
broken - broken.

8) valid and affirmative communions and ionic adjectives formed from these communities:
but) Stone brilliant in the sun - a brilliant report.
Cape, outstanding in the sea - an outstanding figure.
Shakaly wandering in the forest is a wandering smile. Director, causing technique - causing tone.
b) Dear by everyone, a respected comrade.
The machine driven by the driver is a controlled balloon.

Communion and Temploying

Communion and Templocoming in Russian - These are two special forms of verb, which are distinguished by the value, grammatical and syntactic features. Communions indicate a sign on action and answer questions What? Which the? What makes? What made? What made? Teperysty denote an extension effect and answer questions What do you do? What made?

Concerning the use and spelling of communion and verbal, the rules with examples are shown in the table.

· The presence of complete and brief form;

-Tee - / - Yusch - / - Ast - / - (valid communion of HB);

-B- / - (valid communion of PV);

- / - Om - / - Im- (Supporting communion of HB);

-nn - / - ENN - / - (Pv PV).

The syntactic role is the circumstance.

The girl went down the street, smiling.

The syntax role is a definition or part of the composite nominal faith.

Features of involved and verbal turns

Involved and adapter - These are syntactic structures that differ in the overall value and function in the sentence:

Participial turnover - This is a verbality with dependent words. In a proposal, as well as single verbatility, perform a syntactic role of a separate circumstance (allocated from two sides with commas) and denote an extension effect.

Test on the topic

Did not like? - Write in the comments of what is missing.

  • 1. Natalia Starostinina - a bookstore gift card for 500 rubles.
  • 2. Nikolai Z - a gift card of a bookstore for 500 rubles.
  • 3. Mikhail Voronin - a bookstore gift card for 500 rubles.
  • Electronic cards (code), they will be sent in the coming days by VKontakte or email.

    Material in Russian language (Grade 6) on the topic:
    Table "Difference Communion from Deeprichism"

    The table will help to figure out in contractions of the communion from verbalia


    Table 1. Differences of communion and verbalism

    What are the cases of Yuli? What should I do? What do you do? What are you doing?

    AS? HOW?

    What are you doing? What to do in? What to do lice?

    Developing Yuschi, remember VS IY, wrote nn, moving

    I am developing, remember in, writing

    Refers to the name noun (pronoun)

    Refers to the verb (faugible)

    Of the present time: - ((Yush), - Ast- (Lasch) - valid.

    EM-, -IM- - Paddative

    VSh-, -Sh- - valid

    NN-, -Nurn-, -T- - Paddative

    Imperfect species (present time):

    Perfect View (POST):

    Pursuit of the turn - this is a communion with dependent words

    This is a separate definition.

    Conditional turnover - this is a verbality with dependent words

    Up to - this is a separate circumstance

    üna porch stood a man engaged in arms of people.

    ü Pierre could not fall asleep for a long time, thinking about what happened.

    On the topic: Methodical development, presentations and abstracts

    The lesson of the repetition and generalization of the material studied on the themes "Communion" and "Temploral". Students are offered multi-level tasks. The lesson is built using modular technology. Attached to

    The abstract of the lesson in the Russian language to summarize the Star Hour game studied in the form of the game.

    I spent this lesson by participating in the competition "Teacher of the Year". The class I gave a lesson was unfamiliar to me (that was the condition of the test). But thanks to the scene at the beginning of the lesson, the guys a.

    The summary of the generalizing lesson in grade 6 according to the program M.M.Razumovskaya.

    The selected test material allows you to check the knowledge by themes: "Communions" and "Deepprice" is most fully.

    The lesson fixes the skills of the formation of communion and verbalism, the spelling of their suffixes.

    The collection is control tests, testing, allowing to work out the topic complicated for six-graders: "Communion and Templocoming." Tasks work out.

    2.7. Communion and Temploying

    The difficulties associated with the use of a special form of verb in the speech can be divided into two groups: in the formation of the forms of communion and in use of communities.

    Errors in the formation of communities usually consist in incorrect designing of the forming base (Wed: Eating incorrect skinking Instead of regulatory - jount) And in the wrong choice of the forming suffix. Since the choice of a forming basis is common to the hidden and unfurmable forms, it is difficult to use the recommendations given in paragraph 2.6.

    When choosing a form-forming suffix in the formation of a shape of the communion, pay special attention to the following cases.

    1. The harder part of the actual communities of the past time is formed with the help of suffixes - from the basis of the infinitive (last time), ending with the vowel letter:

    write - wrote, decide - solved.

    The suffix is \u200b\u200bused if the infinitive base ends on the consonant letter:

    carrying - Neuschard, Visible - Visest.

    2. In the suffering communities of the past time, suffixes -nn- (-n-), -enn- (-en-) and -t- ( ubrah nn, stinged, dop). In speech, it is often common for an error associated with the use of one suffix instead of the other.

    For example, in the sentence: The room is removed - instead of a regulatory form remove The suffix is \u200b\u200berroneously used suffix -t-.

    3. It should be remembered that when forming the communion should be maintained all word-forming consoles and verb suffixes. The most common mistake is to discard the suffix when they are forming communion from return verbs.

    For example, in the sentence: The wind disappeared the leaves left on the trees - the suffix is \u200b\u200billegally omitted. Grammatically correct will be this option: The wind disappeared the leaves remaining on the trees.

    4. It should be borne in mind that some verbs are characterized by the absence or non-consumption of individual forms of communion. Thus, according to the rules of Russian grammar, persistent communals are formed only from transient verbs:

    It can not be formed by the suffering communion from verbs of the type get up, lying et al., Since these verbs cannot be combined with a vinitive case without an excuse.

    At the same time, the absence of individual forms of communion may not be associated with grammatical laws, but with tradition.

    arrest, take care, beat, take, wake, drive, twirl, vit, carry, knit, stroke, look, cook, warm, smoke, ship, gnaw, crush, keep, sorry, fry, harvest, wait, burn, call, know, have, boiling, put, glue, prick, feed, paint, sculpt, treat, pour, revenge, grind, wash, find, plow, sing, stove, write, saw, drink, span, spawn, hide, tear, cut, chop, saline, put, watch, dry, pour, weave, stew, pull, teach, bury, clean, whisper, sew and etc.

    2) There are no forms of the suffering communities of the past time in transient verbs:

    When using communion in speech, special attention should be paid to the following points.

    1. The opposition of real and suffering communals is associated with their value expressed.

    Valid communities (suffixes -the-, -the, -the, -the, -t-, -sh-) indicate a sign of who (which) directly produces action:

    singing girl drawing a boy.

    Supporting communities (suffixes -, -th-, -In-; -n- (-n-), -n- (-en-), -T-) indicate a sign of one who (what) is experiencing an action:

    readable book purchased magazine.

    In speech, a rather common mistake is the use of valid communities instead of persistent, and vice versa.

    For example, in the sentence: I had one won ticket - illegally used suffering sacrament, because in this case this design means: I won the ticket, not a certain prize, amount of money, etc. By happy ticket. Grammatically correct in such a situation will be the use of valid communion ( winner ticket), Since the defined noun does not experience, but makes action.

    2. In Russian, persuasive importance can be expressed as persistent communions, as well as valid genthesis from the return verbs with suffix.

    In some cases, both possible forms are used in the literary language:

    having approved by all the project - endorsing all the project.

    In other cases, either only the suffering communion is used, or only a valid communion from the return verb.

    Wed: built house - house under construction.

    Should be rememberedThat the main expressiveness of the meaning of persuasibility is precisely the suffering party, and where it is available, the returnable communion is usually unacceptable.

    So, the turns will be grammatically incorrect: a baby dressed up with a nanny; joiner . In this case, the use of precious communion is obligatory: baby dressed as nanny; Drawer made by joiner

    Returnal communion is usually used when there is no appropriate suffering in the language or it is fixed. For example, they are not formed or are non-considerable forms of the suffering communion of the past time from the verbs of an imperfect species.

    Wed: the report written by the student last year; The report written by the student during the year.

    3. It should also be remembered that in Russian, there is no and can not be the communities of the future. It is impossible to use the communion towards the future! Therefore, grammatically incorrect types of type will be:

    After a few years, we will have a whole complex of enterprises that can cause an ecological catastrophe.

    When the forms are formed, the following points must be taken into account.

    1. The verbalia of the imperfect species is formed from the basis of the present time of the verbs of the imperfect type with the help of suffixes -A / by:

    take - take - taking; Play - cry - crying.

    A number of verbs of the imperfect species also forms a verbalism with a suffix - HUI / -YU:

    being, walking, regret, playing, gouchi, suffocate.

    However, they did not receive any wide distribution in the literary language. Usually forms on -chuchi / -ychi perceived either as obsolete or as a means of stylization of folk and old speech.

    In addition, not all verbs of the imperfect species are able to form a verbalism. As a rule, the verbs do not form the verbs that do not have vowels in the basics of the present time (Wed: weave - Tkut):

    beat, vite, lie, bend, eat, press (hand), has (rye), wait, burn, lie, pour, mive, drink, tear, sly, sleep, weave, rub, sew.

    There are no or do not use verbality from verbs with alternation in the basics of the infinitive and the present time of consonants, S-W (Wed: vsyza - VS UT, PLAY WITH AT - PY W):

    weigh, knit, seem, mow, lick, dance, cut, scratch.

    Do not form the verbathes of the verbs of the imperfect species, to say, on - to:

    keep, burn, be able, stove, schish, rush, cut, flow, wither, go out, stumble, fix, blame, mock, smell, sink, pull.

    The verbalia of the imperfect view from the verbs is not used:

    arrest, run, prick, climb, plow, sing, be born, shake, want.

    2. The performances of the perfect species are formed from the basis of the infinitive (past time) of the verbs of the perfect species mainly with the help of Suffix -to:

    buy - buying, deciding - deciding.

    From a number of verbs of the perfect species of verbalia are formed using suffix -A / -I ( log in - Entering, subtract - Lying et al.) Or suffixes, -the, -shi ( having noticed, upset and etc.).

    In the overwhelming majority of cases, the form with suffix is \u200b\u200bused: they are more brief and more harmful. Uncompaired forms of type writing Especially emphasized M. Gorky. But it should be borne in mind that return verbs usually there is only one form - shooting, wrapped. The use of suffix is, instead of suffix, it is also characteristic of many verbs with the basis for consonants: grow - grown; Save - save.

    The use of suffix -A / -A in the formation of the perfect species of perfect species (Wed: putting - Position, having heard - Ice, noticing - notice) It was a fairly distributed phenomenon in the XIX-early XX century. For example, such forms were widely used by M. Gorky: tilting down, going down etc. Currently, many of these forms have come out of use.

    3. The main error in the formation of verbalia is the use of one suffix instead of the other.

    For example, in the sentence: I gained the number, put the tube - Error used the form of a followerity with suffix -a. From the verbs with the basis for the breathtaking perfect species, the perfect species is usually formed using a suffix -a, but the standard will be a form with suffix -B (putting tube).

    Frequently frequency are errors of this kind when using phraseologism. In many of them, there are obsolete forms of verprictions ( put and hand on the heart, sketch I'm head). Arbitrary replacement of such forms on modern forms in some idiomatic expressions ( i rushed out) Is an error!

    Quite regularly in speech, there is also the so-called filling of "empty cells", that is, the erroneous formation of verbalies from the verbs, which in the literary language cannot have considerable forms at all (for example: SPA, he shuddered).

    Proper spelling: What is the sacrament and verbality, the rules with examples

    In Russian, there are special parts of speech adjacent to a noun or verb. Some lingules consider them by special verb forms and explain this presence of similar signs.

    Morphological features

    Consider in detail what is the Communion and Temploy. More ancient grammar noted their duality, so they gave them a name meaning "involvement" to the name of a noun, adjective or verb.

    It is inclined, that is, it changes in childbirth, numbers, cases, has a brief and complete form. At the same time, it is inherent in the verb properties. For example, the presence of the form:

  • checking notebook (imperpose) is the one who checks (what does?);
  • checked (perfect view) - the one who checked (what did you do?).
  • Moreover The value of time. This is a permanent sign of these parts of speech having a form or of this Time (creating), or past (Built). There is also a return form (recognized sia).

    It is characterized by the presence of two pledges - the suffering and valid. Padding communities Indicate a sign of an object experiencing an action (received parcel - received a parcel). The actual reflects the symptom of the subject, independently producing the action (the running person is the one who runs himself).

    From all of the above, it follows the conclusion: this part of the speech denotes a sign of the subject by the action manifested in time.


    The term appeared in the 18th century, is " relationships to action", What does the first part of the word" delay "indicate (leader, act). In modern grammar, such a name has a part of speech denoting available action In relation to the main, pronounced verb. Therefore, this form is inherent verb signs:

  • view perfect (opening) imperfect (closing);
  • return (Pretending sch).
  • Perhaps this is limited to the similarity of the parts of the speech in question, but there are numerous differences.

    What is the difference

    First of all, it should be noted that tempecios does not change, that is, not inclined and does not hide. Therefore in his morphem composition No flexy. On the contrary, the endings of the communities are their distinctive feature.

    Discern these verb forms will help the questions they answer:

  1. Full sacrament (what (one; -th, -th)?); Brief (what (s; -o, -s)?).
  2. Tempecios (What making? What made? How? How?).
  3. Another difference is a different syntactic role. Tempecility performs the function of circumstances (bent, loop, in the distance of the river.). Brief communion It is only a bit (opened doors to the world of beautiful dreams.). Full can be:

  4. definition (foaming waves were broken about high, impregnable rocks.);
  5. part of the composite nominal fag (bread was moldy).
  6. The formation of communion and verbalism occurs under the suffix.

    Tempecism is formed from the verbs of the corresponding species. Table 1.

The involvement of the turnover is a construction used in Russian and consisting of a part of speech, which is called communion, and related words or, in other words, dependent words. With it, you can specify any value for the author a sign of the noun.

As a syntactic design, it is known in Russian since time immemorial. The use of involuntary turnover on the letter can be found in literary creations, created in ancient Russia. Thanks to its properties and ability to give greater expressiveness of speech on writing or in a conversation, the involvement of the turnover not only did not disappear from the language, but also is actively used by Russian-speaking people and now.

Definition of the concept of "involved turnover"

It is determined according to the rules of the Russian language as a communion with associated with it and adjacent to it by other dependent words that form the phrase of a simple type. However, this definition will be incomplete without understanding what is a defined word. Under it is understood by the noun, which, with the help of involuntary turnover, is endowed with a characteristic feature that makes it a characteristic feature. Thus, it can be argued that our syntax design consists of:

  1. Determined word.
  2. Actually the most common.
  3. Other words adjacent to the communion.

Let us give an example: Innocent, thoughtfully looked out the window, was Hmur and gloom.

What do we see here? We see that as a definable word, in the present example, the word "Innocent", the involvement of the turnover is separate with the help of the commas "thoughtfully looked out the window", the communist itself itself - "looked", dependent words - "thoughtfully" and "window".

If we consider the above offer as a scheme, then the involvement of turnover plays in it the role of separate definition. Why exactly definitions? Because this part of the offer answers the question "What?", Which is characteristic of definition.

Communion: What is this part of speech and what is its properties

Communion as part of speech is Symbiosis of signs and properties of two parts of speech: adjective and verb. Similarity with adjectives is achieved due to the fact that the sacrament can take various forms of the number, kind or, and also form a brief form. The features of the verb are found in that the communities differ in time, as well as return.

Such unusual properties of the communion still cause stormy disputes about its independence and allocations into a separate part of speech in the Russian language environment. Some linguists denied communion in independence and believe that it is a special verb form.

How does the writer stand out in the letter?

By default, the syntax design under consideration in the sentence should always commodityif it is after the defined word.

For example, the ship, swaying on the waves, was reliably moored to the pier.

In this example, as a definable, the word is "ship", and as involved, "swaying on the waves". As we can see, the syntactic design is after the noun, which is defined in the word, therefore must be highlighted using commas.

If in the proposal, the involvement of the turnover is located in front of the noun, acting as a determined word, then he not denoted by commas on the letter.

For example, the ship swayed on the waves was reliably moored to the pier.

Special cases when the involvement of the turn does not allocate commas

  • Look, if the attitude of the syntax design is equally considered by us, both to the led proposals and to be subject to, as in the following example. Before the house we raced the sweeping through the rain. In this case, we can ask a question to turnover as from the pronouns "We" - "What?", And also from the faith "rushed" - "How?"
  • If the pronoun, which is personal, is in the vinegenic case, for example, we discovered him lying next to the hay.

    The involvement of turnover is a communion with dependent words. Communion is part of speech, combining signs of verb and adjective. It can be found by schematic; Words-prompts: making-done (for valid communities), made-made (for persistent).

    If the involved turnover is up to the main word, it does not stand out with commas in the text, if after - it is allocated:

    Waiting baggage Passengers crowded from the conveyor.

    Passengers waiting baggage, crowded from the conveyor.

    Both the sacrament and the involvement of the entire turn in the proposal always performs the role of determination.

    Tempecility answers questions what to do? Or what to do? And single verprepiece, and the verbal turnover is separated by commas, are circumstances.

    Exceptions are cases where the verbalism goes into the discharge of adverbs, then in the syntactic structure it is considered precisely as adverb.

    In Russian syntax participial It is a communion with dependent words. In the proposal, it, as a rule, is a holistic syntactic structure, that is, it is not divided into parts, and performs the role of determination.

    Wolves avoid roads passed by man.

    Involuntary after The defined word is always isolated.

    But there are cases of allocating this turnover and when it is far from the defined word, for example:

    In the sky windy wind, torn, gloomy clouds.

    If the involuntary turnover has a thorough value the reasons or concessionsEven if it is located in front of the well-defined nouns, it is isolated by commas, for example:

    Frightened to Cod Petard, Puppy drove under the bench.

    Tired of excitement on the exam, the boy quickly fell asleep.

    Participial turnover It makes sure the dependent words itself.

    Noise and playing on the focus, carried their river waters.

    This turnover is always allocated in the sentence, except for some special cases, for example, if a hemplifted turnover is a homogeneous circumstance along with the adverb and between them is the Union and:

    He said lazily and slightly stretching words.

    In order to deal with turns, you need to remember that such communion and verbal spirits are.

    Communion denotes a sign of the subject, and the verbality is a sign of the verb.

    Communion answers the question: what? What?, and verbal spirits: what making what to do?

    The involvement of turnover is a communion with dependent words.

    Accordingly, a verbality with dependent words is the name of the particle prune.

    The involvement of the turnover in the sentence in most cases acts in the form of definition.

    Examples of communion: Looking, considering, thinking, dreaming, etc.

    An example of involved turns: girl, sitting by the fire, looked attractive;.

    Sitting by the fire - this is a peculiar turn.

    Since it stands in the middle of the sentence, it should be allocated with commas on both sides.

    If the involvement of the turnover is at the beginning of the sentence, then it is not necessary to allocate its comma.

    If at the end, then the comma is set before turning.

    For example: Dressed red coat The girl looked stunning;

    Looking stunning girl, dressing red coat;

    Examples of verbalism: Learning, reading, Outpoted, reading.

    The adapter turnover is always released by the comma.

    Yes, from the point of view of a syntactic analysis of a sentence, the involvement of the turnover always performs the function of definition (because it answers the question what / which / which / which value? and is a sign).

    For example:

    1. child playing in the garden - child (what?) Playing
    2. strong wind, overclocking the clouds - wind (what?) Accelerating

    While the adapted turnover will perform in the proposal in the syntactic role of circumstances and answer the question How? Quot ;::

    1. the wind intensified, accelerating the clouds - intensified (how?) Accelerating \u003d circumstance image of action
    2. calmly playing in the garden, the child remainsless adults
  • The involvement of the turnover is the communion with dependent words and the height turnover is a leadingness with dependent words!

    Pursuit: I saw a cat with a bowl of a bowl.

    He listened to music coming from the receiver.

    Conditional turn: I looked at the rising sun, without tearing off the eye.

    Goose, seeing children, flew away.

    The involvement of this turn is nothing more than a communion with dependent words. In the sentence, he acts as a definition because it determines the noun. It is isolated by commas if it is standing after the noun.

    Conditional turnover is a verbality with dependent words. In the proposal, he acts as a circumstance and is always separated by commas.

    The involvement in Russian is customary to be called communion with a dependent word.

    The involvement of turnover is allocated with commas if it stands in a sentence after a noun, the sign of which is indicating. If it stands to a noun, the commas does not stand out.

    Grandpa who came to us was very sick.

    Grandfather came to us went to relax.

    We call the verb sign, and in accomplisive turnover, a height in a coupe with a word dependent on him. In suggestions, the discharge turnover is always allocated with commas, in what place it is not located.

    Describing the circle, a paper airplane collapsed for a firewood.

    Mother entered the door, removing on the go of gloves.

    DEPARTH DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT WITH ADENDENINED WORKS AND answers questions: How? when? why? for what purpose? how?. For example: we go over the blooming wings, collecting gold pollen, flying out of the bee bee. In this suggestion, the adapted turnover is allocated with commas. And the involuntary turnover is a communion with dependent words, that is, the verb + adjective. Meets the communion for questions: what? What? What? what kind? What makes? What made? For example: Flying, distraught.

    The involvement of turnover is a communion together with dependent words. The involvement of the turnover is always in the proposal is a definition, since it determines the noun standing before him or after it. It is allocated by commas involved turnover only if it stands after the noun, but if it is not allocated to comma.

    For example:

    On the shore stood a boy waiting for a steamer.

    An accredite turnover is a verbality in conjunction with dependent words. The height turnover in the sentence acts as circumstances. All the commas stands out.

    For example:

    Masha went home, soldier song.

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    And on this portal, you can read more about syntactic traps, in what cases can not be used to use perfectly and why.