Repairs Design Furniture

What are grinding circles for the grinder. Selection of cutting circles for metal for the grinder. Fixtures for rough processing

For cutting of metal in everyday life, an angular grinding machine (USM) is often used, which is usually called the "grinder". And the consumables for Bulgarians are cutting discs.

By appointment in accordance with the material being processed, there are the following types of discs for the Bulgarian:

In contact with

  • on metal
  • by stone.

Consider the labeling, the main dimensions, the main manufacturers, as well as compare the popular brands in terms of price-quality ratio.

Marking circles

To properly pick up a cutting disc on metal, important right to read it label.

  1. Mandatory indicates the manufacturer or brand.
  2. In the standard there should be three sizes: the outer diameter (d) x thickness of the circle (T) x the diameter of the planting opening (H). In practice, only two sizes are often indicated - the outer and landing diameters.
  3. The material on which the disk is designed is denoted by the inscription ("Metal" - for cutting metal, "concrete" - for cutting stone and concrete) and in addition color (metal, usually blue, green - concrete). Usually specify the type of metal with an inscription or image:
    • Steel - for steels,
    • INOX - for stainless steel,
    • Castiron - for casting and cast iron,
    • Aluminium - for aluminum and non-ferrous metals.
  4. Type of circle: 41 - flat, 42 - with a recessed center.
  5. According to the ligament material, discs are divided into volcanic and bakelites, and bakelite circles can be without hardening elements and reinforced two layers of foxes. For metal cutting, only reinforced discs are applied, they are denoted by the letters of the bu (Bakelite reinforced) or Latin BF.

Important! Diamond disks for cutting metal do not apply.

Example decoding designation

  • 41 180 × 2.5 × 22,23 14A63H38 BU 80 m / s 2 KL GOST 21963-82
  • 41 - cut off flat;
  • 180x2,5х22,23 - outer diameter 180 mm, thickness 2.5 mm, inner diameter 22.23 mm;
  • 14a - normal electrocorundant (used for making metal discs);
  • 63 H - grain 63 (average);
  • 38 - a sound index corresponding to the average hardness;
  • Bu - bakelite reinforced (reinforced);
  • 80 m / s - limit operating speed of 80 meters per second;
  • 2 cl - second class of impassable;
  • GOST 21963-82 - the standard according to which the disk is made.

Selection of cutting discs

The most common cutting circles for metal is tool with landing opening 22.0 and 22,23 mm. This means that it will suit the Bulgarians with a 22 mm shaft. The second standard landing size is 32 mm, but the outer size of the circle will be from 300 mm and the similar tool is applied on the machines. There are also discs with a hole 10, 13, 16 mm, but their outer diameter is 50-100 mm and the application is limited.

Circles with diameter 115 Apply on corner-glare machines of low power. The cutting disk for metal for the grinder 125 and 150 mm in diameter is used for the average power ESM. On a professional instrument, as a rule, cutting circles with a diameter of 180 and 230 mm are used.

When choosing thickness They are guided by the following rule: the thinner the circle, the less effort for cutting attached, and the time is spent less and vice versa than the disk is thicker, the more time and effort will be required. The coefficient of cutting at a thin disk is at all no less, but it is safer to work with it. This is due to the fact that thin products have greater elasticity and the ability to bend than thick circles.

Matching the thickness of the circles is the most common diameters.

  • For the outer diameter of 115 mm, the standard thickness is 1.0; 1.6; 2.0; 2.5; 3.0; 3.2 mm with a boardinglet 22.23 mm;
  • For d \u003d 125 mm, thickness is 0.8; 1.0; 1.25; 1.6; 2.0; 2.5; 3.0; 3.2 mm and landing 13, 20, 22, 32 mm;
  • D \u003d 150 mm correspond to 0.8 thickness; 1.0; 1.25; 1.6; 2.0; 2.5; 3.0; 3.2 mm, and landing 13, 20, 22.23 and 32 mm;
  • At d \u003d 180 mm, landing is only 22.23 and 32 mm, the thickness is 1.0; 1.25; 1.6; 2.0; 2.5; 3.0; 3.2; 4.0 mm;
  • The same size of the planting opening is provided with an outer diameter of 230 mm, with a thickness of 1.6; 2.0; 2.5; 3.0; 3.2; 4.0 mm.

When choosing hardness The principle acts - the harder the material being processed, the less the solidity of the abrasive instrument should be. For cutting disks, the hardness of ST1, ST2, ST3 is usually used (O, P, Q) or T1, T2 - solid (T, S). Such a kind of illogical selection occurs because the solidity of the circle means the ability of the ligament to withdraw the grains of the abrasive from the coloring under the action of the material being processed. If you choose too hard circle, then the grain will be "sued", and the effectiveness of the cut will be significantly reduced.

Bakelite or volcanic?

The main difference between the cutting circles on the volcanic bundle from the bakelite fellow in the fact that, due to the greater elasticity of the volcanic, the products may have lower thick and greater performance. They are used for a non-violent thin cutting of metals. Circles on a volcanic bond can also work in the presence of emulsions, but kerosene destroys them. The main drawback of the volcanite is its low heat resistance, only 160-200 degrees. Therefore, with an increase in the load and temperature, the disc is starting to work worse.

Cutting circles on a bachelor's bundle of a heat-resistant, but during long work and heating to 250-300 degrees Get fragility and spark. By the way, to properly install the disk on the tool in such a way that the sparks at work flew at you. Then in the case of the destruction of the disk, the fragments will fly in the opposite direction.

Comparison for manufacturers and prices

As a result of the testing of cutting circles of the most common stamps, the efficiency coefficient of disks was determined. Measured tool wear after a series of cuts, and also checked the resistance to the gap, for which circles accelerated to speedalmost twice the above declared.

I would like to add that the market is represented products of many firmsnot included in this testing. Traditionally, high-quality and inexpensive circles are produced by the Kososulin abrasive plant, the Krasnogorsk abrasive plant, Ivanovo JSC "Ism". Good reviews and middle price category have brand disks Norton. The choice always remains for the consumer, and the promotion and high price are not at all indicators of quality.


The angular grinding machine, which the people are called easier - Bulgarian, the tool is absolutely useless in the absence of appropriate nozzles - abrasive or diamond circles. Their choice is an extremely important and responsible process, because it will affect directly not only on the quality of the work performed, but also to the level of security of the one who will do this. Among the criteria for which the specified special circles are grouping (source material), shape, as well as the size of the discs for the grinder. Special attention should be paid to the last of the listed parameters.

What are the diameters of the discs for the Bulgarian

At the moment, manufacturers of consumables for cornel machines supply circles to the market, the diameter of which ranges from 115 mm to 230 mm. More precisely, the tool owners are offered nozzles with a diameter of 115 mm, 125 mm, 150 mm, 180 mm and, of course, 230 mm. Such dimensions are optimal for the performance of amateur or repair work of private houses and apartments. Despite the fact that the planting diameter of any bladler disk, as a rule, is 22.2 mm, the nozzles of different sizes are intended for different machines, and this is explained by varying power. It is easy to guess that the disks are 115-125 mm are designed for low power Bulgarians, 150-180 mm - medium and 230 mm large (over 1500 W). It is worth noting that there are circles and with a large diameter, but they are usually used in industrial enterprises, since they are part of stationary machines. It is not recommended to use large discs on relatively small corner-glasses, as it is unsafe and may have negative health effects.

The dependence of the disk thickness from its diameter

Those who are going to perform the work of a particular type need to know that the diameters of the discs for the Bulgarian are reflected in their thickness. For example, if a thin neat cut is required, it makes no sense to use the impressive power with a disc with a disk more than 230 mm, since its thickness is over 3-4 mm. But if we are talking about cutting rail rail or thick pipes, then, on the contrary, the use of the medium thickness disk (about 1.6 mm) is not rational, since it is likely to lead to its destruction and absence of the result. In other words, in each case it is important to choose the nozzle of the right diameter and thickness, as well as work with the baccake of the appropriate power.

If you doubt the choice of disk for the grinder, or there are difficulties with labeling, it is enough to fill out the form on the website or call the indicated contact number of the phone, and our managers will help you decide on the choice. A wide range of diamond disks is presented in the Diamond Disks section.

Discs for the Bulgarian: how to choose a grinding circle, which are

Even the most powerful modern tool is useless without additional replaceable elements. Therefore, it is important for the qualified work of work to know which wheels for the grinder are. It is these details that make the tool multifunctional.

With the help of grinder, cutting operations, grinding, sharpening, polishing, robbing. However, manufacturers offer such a rich assortment that it is easy to get confused. To figure out how to choose a circle for a grinder, information about their classification will help. It is provided in regulatory documents.

What cutting circles for metal, stone and wood is better?

Bulgarian (a corner car or an ush) is most often used for cutting works. To obtain a good result, it should be determined which cutting circles on the metal is better. It is necessary to carefully select the details data and for cutting on brick, wood, sector. However, preferably, these parts of the corner-glasses are used to cut metal sheets or pipes, other metal products.

Select the cutting circles for the metal grinder, the dimensions of which vary, so possible:

  • discs of small diameter 115 and 125 mm are suitable for small bulgaria;
  • middle diameter disks 150 and 180 mm are suitable for standard size bulgaria;
  • large diameter 230 mm discs are suitable for very powerful, professional Bulgarians (1500 kW power and higher).

The inner diameter of the disk for all categories listed above is the same and is 22.2 mm. The thickness of the circles is also varied and is 1-3.0 mm. Large diameters of disc drives are assumed and more thick and, accordingly, on the contrary. This dependence is due to the speed of rotation of the circle and the load on it. Do not cut a thick metal sheet with a thin disc. As a result, in the process of work it can simply break.

Various discs are used for different types of metal. For cutting of body steel or aluminum will be quite sufficient thickness of 1-1.6 mm. And for thick metal channels, you should choose this parameter from 2.5 mm. The average consumption of cutting circles per ton of metal (diameter 115 mm) is 73-171 pcs.

Diamond discs for the grinder are used for cutting on a stone, as well as a sector, concrete, brick. Not a problem for them and ceramic tile, blocking, porcelain stoneware. They are steel circles with landing hole and special spraying on the edge. The base of spraying is diamond grains of 0.2-0.8 mm.

Ordinary stone circles without diamond spraying are significantly cheaper. However, with a sharp concrete or tile, they will no longer cope due to the lack of cutting edge. Diamond circles are divided into the following types:

  1. For dry cutting. The circle around the perimeter is divided into small fragments - transverse grooves with teeth. This makes it faster and more significantly cool it. Diamond teeth are made separately, after which they solder to the disk canvas. To do this, use laser welding and silver solder. It is important to remember that it is necessary to work with such a disk for more than 2 minutes. It is designed specifically for cutting bricks, paving, concrete.
  2. For damp cutting. Its appointment is cutting ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware. It has a solid structure, and before cutting the material it is necessary to moisten with water. The characteristic features of the circle are a flattened lateral edge and additives of cobalt and bronze. Bronze impurity products are well suited for cutting drywall, roof tiles, ceramic tiles. But the cobalt additive will help to cope with quartzite, granite, Labradorite.
  3. Combined. This circle combines the characteristics of the first two and is considered universal.

The planting size (inner diameter) for all diamond discs is 22 mm. Circles for wet cutting are often installed on plants - electrostanks with water supply. In this case, the diameter can reach 25.4 mm.

Purchase the desired diamond disc for a corner car is very simple. Products are marked depending on which material it is better to cut.

Wood grinder discs are considered the most dangerous. When working with them, it is better to use circles with small teeth. It is also not recommended under any circumstances to remove the protective casing with them. Strong feed when working can lead to serious injury. Therefore, it is better to refuse from installing such disks on the ESM. The most suitable option is to combine them with a fixture for stationary fastening of the corner-glare machine.

Do not know how to remove the disc with the Bulgarian, please read our post.

The dimensions of the wall circles coincide with those on the metal. When choosing them, it is worth considering the following features:

It is important to determine the size of the disk as correctly. It depends on the depth of the cutting of the wood and its textures.

The characteristics of the disk teeth are of particular importance: their number, shape and frequency of placement. Models with teeth mowed at different angles, "sharpened" for any kind of tree. To cut the soft wood of coniferous rocks, it is better to get circles with straight teeth. The trapezoid teeth are well coped with the merry density boarding plates.

Preferably, the optimal thickness of the tree circle was at least 2 mm.

How to choose a high-quality grinding wheel?

There are now many circles for grinder intended for grinding and polishing surfaces.

Spongent, felt, cloth discs and discs with replacement emery paper are most popular. Grinding and polishing material are fixed based on glue or velcro.

Grinding and polishing circles have a different design and are solid, moving and petal. The choice of product is determined by the required degree of surface smoothness. To make ideal fat, the wood at the end of the processing is predominantly petal circles. They are flanged and spindles.

Inexperienced masters often interest how to choose a grinding circle in an optimal way. Such discs have different grain degrees depending on the specifics of the abrasive material. The fine-grained material has proven itself in the polishing of the tree. Circles of medium grain is often used to remove the top layer of wood. Coarse discs - a great choice for removing old paint.

The grain size is necessarily indicated on the product. What it is more, the faster the processing will occur. However, it is worth remembering that the quality of cutting or grinding among coarse-grained circles is worse. Manufacturers also indicate the hardness of the disk base ligament. When processing soft materials, it is recommended to use a soft bundle.

For the ridge of metal and stone surfaces, special disks for the grinder are developed - twisted shag. They are made in the form of steel cups, over the perimeter of which wire brushes are fixed. The wire diameter is different and is determined by the rudeness of surface treatment.

Dimensions and other parameters of abrasive circles

Abrasive circles whose dimensions coincide with those for other disks are very common. They are created as for cutting the material (the thickness of the product does not exceed 3 mm) and for grinding (the thickness of the products from 4 to 10 mm). The reinforcement of cutting circles is usually carried out in 2 layers, and grinding - in 3 layers. Also in the first case, the inner seat ring is made of rigid metal. For grinding abrasive circles, it is quite acceptable to use a softer washer.

Abrasive discs have a flat or curved shape. Plate models are suitable for processing hard-to-reach places. In the process of grinding, use them is much easier thanks to the hidden fixing nut.

Plant LLC "TVK" Ukrabaziv "serially produces cutting discs for corner grinders with a diameter of 115 to 230 mm and thicknesses from 1 to 3 mm. As well as cutting discs used on stationary grinding machines with a diameter of 300 to 400 mm. and thicknesses from 3 to 4 mm.

Also in the assortment of the plant there are cutting discs on high-doped steel with a diameter of 125 to 230 mm and thicknesses from 1 to 1.6 mm. And cutting discs on a stone with a diameter of 125 to 180 mm and a thickness of 2.5mm.

As for grinding discs, the plant produces grinding discs on a bakelite basis of a straight and plate profile with a diameter of 125 to 230 mm. 6 mm thick. As well as the discs of grinding petals with a diameter of 125, 150, 180 mm. With the use of grinding skirt based on Corunda normal (Quality Standart and Premium) and Corundum Zirconia. Corunda grain 36, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120.

The TM Sprut-A consumable expenditure instruments and Titan Abrasive for the grinder used in everyday life and industry are distinguished by high quality. Therefore, the buyer remains only to buy a product that is optimally suitable for its purposes.

Disk Discs for Bulgarian

One of the most commonly used and indispensable tools in the farm is Bulgarian, since it is precisely a wide range of repair, construction and other types of work.

In working with this tool, it is important to know what kind of disk size is needed in each specific situation in order to make the workflower faster and better, as well as not harm the Bulgarian itself.

You need to know that the discs for the grinder can be varied not only with a diameter, but also thickness - 1-3.2 mm. The diameter may be as follows: 115, 125, 150, 180, 230 mm. Such variations of discs are designed for different sizes of bulgaria, the speed of rotation of the disk and workloads to it. There is a Bulgarian to buy, getting a high-quality tool for a democratic price.

Discs for "small works"

Bulgarian with a cut-off disk of 115 mm is better to use for simple works that do not require large tool loads. For example, for grinding the disk 115 mm is suitable as it is impossible.

For minor work with metal, you can use a 125 mm disc. This size is considered the most popular, as it is relatively inexpensive and it is possible to find a large selection of various kinds of nozzles to it.

Non-prolonged dimensions

If we talk about diameters 150 and 180 mm, then they are named the most unpopular. The 150th Bulgarian, for example, can be cut, and grind, but for these purposes it is still better to choose discs of other sizes. In turn, 180s perfectly copes with a sharp metal.

Heavy artillery

For cutting metal and brick, a 230 mm disk is ideal, which is simply indispensable in working with large details.

In conclusion, I would like to say that there is no such disk for the Bulgarian who can serve as a universal tool at a construction site. For each type of work, you need to pick up "your size", and then the result will please you.

What discs can be used on a grinder? one

The main spare part of the angular grinding machine (EMS) is a replaceable cutting tool. Abrasive disk rotating at high speed cuts, grinding or polishes materials. For metal processing, the circles are made from abrasive crumb, steel mills are used for wood, for stone - metal discs with diamond spraying. Special nozzles - pins, petal emeratic circles additionally expand the capabilities of your grinder. Next, we will find out which kinds there are discs, how to remove the old and put a new one, as well as consider possible problems arising during the replacement process, and ways to solve them.

Types of discs for the Bulgarian: how to choose a suitable

The industry manufactures grinders and discs for them standard sizes: 115, 125, 150, 180 and 230 mm. USM from 180 mm is used for cutting stone. The most common size of cars for home and cottages is 125 mm, they produce most of all disks and nozzles.

Attention! Always pick up the disk for the size of your grinder. You can install a smaller diameter disk in the ESM. But remove the casing and put a larger diameter disk - extremely dangerous!

We propose to divide discs for the purpose: cutting, grinding, sharpening and outgoing. Consider in detail every kind.


Dissect metal
Inexpensive disc on the steel of the Luzhsky plant

Cutting materials is the most common task when repairing and at a construction site, a simple abrasive circle for metal is easily separated by steel bar, roofing iron or plastic. These circles are made of corundum (crystalline alumina) or electrocorundum (synthetic corundum).

Pilim stone
Budget disk on stone Releases Luzhsky factory

For cutting stone, we recommend to take a special disk - another abrasive is applied in them - silicon carbide. It will cope with white silicate brick and slate. But the red brick, tile and the more concrete - it will not be born - you need to take a diamond disk.

Fragment of a tree
Such are available for Bulgarian

Disks, cutting wood, are very similar to the canvas circular saw. Actually, this is a disc for a circular, only the planting diameter of 22.2 mm is suitable for the spindle of the grinder.


As you know, the diamond is very solid mineral, so diamond discs easily cope with red bricks, porcelain stoneware, cafenel. The main material that is cut by diamond disks is concrete.

With diamonds, it is necessary to contact carefully - the disk does not cut steel, it can not be overheated. After two minutes of sawing of the concrete, the disk is greatly heated - take a pause. Drying circles for dry cutting are made of cooling slots.

Release discs for damp cutting ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware. Water cools the disk and washes off dangerous dust.

How to choose the thickness of the cutting disks

Each wizard knows that the thinner the tool is the better. Less material goes into the chips, it is easier to cut, cut out cleaner.

Disks for Bulgarians 115 and 125 mm produced with a thickness of 1.0-2.5 mm. Disks 150 and 200 mm - 1.8-4.0 mm thick. Pressed corundum powder reinforced with synthetic grid.

Attention! The thinnest disk (1.0 mm) when the sawing "walks" and it breaks easily, its pieces fly at high speed in all directions. Do not forget about eye protection and hands.


The following work is the work that the masters are instructed by the Bulgarian - grinding and polishing. Such treatment is applied to metal, wood, plastic and other materials.

Petal circle on wood: Dozens of emery petals quickly cut off chips

The selection of grinding disks is very wide. If you restore the server, a petal circle is suitable for removing the shellack layers. It captures large surfaces and cuts a lot of material in one pass.

Grinding nozzle is a plastic circle to which the sandpaper is attached on the velcro

Another nozzle is screwed to the spindle of the Bulgarian. On the "Velcro" (Velcro) the sandpaper flies. For coarse processing - P60 or P80, for more thin - P120 or P180. With a decrease in grain size, grinding smoothly goes into polishing.

Polishing disc made of alpaca wool

Especially for polishing there are nozzles in the form of pillows, felt or tissue disks. Before working on them, polishing paste is applied, for example, goy.

Sharpening Circles

In fact, for sharpening the tool, special machines exist - sharpened. Nevertheless, the rotating disc of the Bulgarian is able to adjust the fastening ax or column, a knife or braid. Given the wishes of the masters, the industry releases for Bulgarians 115 and 125 mm sharpened discs.

Sharpened discs turn the grinder into sharpened

The discs are made of coarse abrasive compressable in a thick plate (more than 5 mm) with bulging in the center. If you install such a disk on the spindle, the flange hides in the recess and does not protrude above the disc plane. Coarse sharpening discs are also used to strip welded seams.

Purgation brushes and discs

Masters, repairing houses of the middle of the last century, are faced with the removal of oil paint from the walls. Wire pins are suitable for such work.

No paint will not stand against such a steel cup

The cruciform is a cup, in the circumference of which steel or brass harnesses are located. They are distinguished by the thickness and rigidity of the wire - for coarse and fine sprinkles. The brush is screwed at the M14 thread spindle.

Stone grinding disc Rivne cuts old cement

After removing the oil paint, the concrete wall curve must be pasted. Only Bulgarian can cope with such a task. The working surface of the diamond verge of disk is perpendicular to the axis of rotation. Synthetic diamonds are cut and smoothed concrete as sandpaper wood paper.

How to replace

Such a disc cut is already inconvenient

The discs for the grinder are consumable, when cutting, they are quite quickly erased. Washing disk must be replaced. Let's see how to do this on the example of our Ishm "Internskol-115".

Attention! Before working, check that the machine is disabled from the electrical network!

Step-by-step instruction

The disk is attached to the spindle of the Bulgarian clamping flange with M14 thread. To unscrew the flange, the horn key is included in the grinder. His pins cling to the holes of the flange.

The horn key will unscrew the flange

To unscrew the flange, the spindle must be fixed. To do this, on the opposite part side of the case make a retainer. When you click on the button, the pin is included in the hole of the driven gearbox and does not give the spindle to rotate.

Button fixes spindle

Insert the horn key into the flange openings. With the right hand, click on the button of the retainer, at the same time the left turn the key counterclockwise and we warn the flange from the place.

The horn key is inserted into the holes of the flange

Our Bulgarian rotates clockwise. If you have another destination, remember - unscrew the disk rotation.

If the flange succumbed, unscrew it with your hand, remove and deposit to the side.

Removed upper flange

Remove the old disk. It is no longer needed for us, you can throw it.

Old disc is removed

Remove the bottom flange.

Lower flange shot

With an intensive sawing from the inside of the casing, a lamb is formed from the burnt particles of metal and abrasive. We use the steel brush to clean the casing.

Brush cleans the casing

We set the lower flange on the spindle, following the flange on the flange match with the grooves on the spindle. Put on top of the gasket.

Nizhny flange and gasket

If the gaskets are not attached to your grinder, such a washer can be cut out of cardboard or fuster.

We put the disk on the place, close the second gasket.

New disk installed

Thanks to the gaskets, if the disk runs in the material and breaks, you will still easily unscrew the flange.

From the hand we twist the top flange against the direction of rotation of the circle (in our case clockwise), holding the abrasive disk. With the right hand, clamp the button of the retainer and tighten with your hand until you feel resistance. Insert the horn key and twist a little more, no more than a quarter of the turnover. It is not necessary to delay the flange too much, the disk is swinging.

The disk is replaced, the ushm is ready to work

This disk replacement is finished, you can continue sawing. Sometimes when changing the disk on the path of the wizard, obstacles arise. What to do in such situations - Consider further.

Video: how to remove the old and install a new disk

Possible difficulties in the process

What to do if there is no key

The horn key to the grinder is not attached and may well be lost. How to unscrew the flange in this case?

  1. We make a horn key from the nail. We take the nail "weaving", bend in the form of the letter "P" so that the distance between vertical racks is equal between the holes in the flange. Cut with a hacksaw edge and head. I stick the resulting "key" into the holes of the flange and turn the fastening, without forgetting to fix the spindle. If the nut is tightly tightened and the strength of the fingers is missing, insert one more nail between the vertical segments - the lever will be greater.
  2. Use the gas key. Take a large pipe key, it is also called "Gas". Such a plumbing tool is steep pipes. We divor the key so that it grabbed the flange entirely. We try to move the nut from the place, fixing the spindle. The gas key has a huge shoulder. If an effort is attached, the spindle lock will break.
  3. Pouch nut. Take a metal rod or a thin chisel. Fix the spindle. Knock on the edge of the hole in the flange in the direction of rotation of the disk. So you can stronger the nut from the place. This method is not the safest: the tool damages the flange and breaks the holes for the key.
Disk broke, flange jam

Imagine that the wizard makes an anvil from steel rail, drinks the grinding edge. The disk shifted in the material and jammed. The motor continues to work and fastenly pulls the flange. All work got up. How to change the disc if it is not unscrewed?

  1. We disassemble the gearbox. We unscrew the mount and remove the gearbox. The gas key or pliers kept the shaft of the spindle, a horn or another gas key grinding flange. The disk is not affected by the method, you can remove the normal, good disk. The method works, even if the spindle lock is broken.
  2. Use two gas keys. The method does not require the breakdown parsing. Gently take out the remnants of the disc to get to the bottom flange. Press the top flange of the first gas key, the second key - we engage the bottom. Courling in opposite sides.
  3. Gray nut burner. Sex nut heating the portable gas burner. Nut from heating will expand and it can be easily removed.
  4. Split flange with a hacksaw. Some masters prefer to cut the stuck flange with a handwheel for metal. Barbaric method - you have to buy a new nut.
  5. Grease the thread with penetrating lubrication. Hiding the seed nut with liquid WD-40. It penetrates narrow slits and threaded connections. After a five-minute break, try to shift the nut with the key.
  6. Cut the remnants of the disk with hacksaw. I break the plate with pliers, while it is possible. We remove the protective casing, insert the hacksaw of the metal into the slot and cut the remnants of the abrasive circle. Delicate and reliable method. Does not require the parsing of the grinder and hard impacts on the tool. The master must have patience, as the way will take up to an hour. Abrasive quickly erases hacksaw blades, they will need several pieces. Dignity - Preservation of the Warranty on the USM, there is no risk of breakage.
Video: How to change the disc of the grinder if the key is lost

What do you need cardboard pads

It is very simple and very important. To make the flange always easily unscrewed, it is necessary to pave between the abrasive disc and the flange laying. Or two - on each side of the disk.

These circles ensure that the flange will not get stuck

Such discs can go bundled with a grinder or you can cut them yourself.

For spindles of angular grinding machines, factory produce thin and thick abrasive discs, metal cutting circles, nylon brushes. All these spare parts turn a grinder into a universal tool and disclose its capabilities from an unexpected side. For example, Bulgarian turns into sharpened. The disk is easy to change, but the master should be aware of some features of the process, not to fall into a difficult position.

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What is "Bulgarian" currently knows even a schoolboy, is a corner-glare, intended for working with metal blanks by using special cutting and grinding circles. The fact that such an electric tool can be used to process wood, not everyone knows, but only professionals, so this article is intended to fill this gap in the information available in ordinary users. Disk for wood grinder - views, general characteristics and standard sizes, as well as safety measures when used and reviewing prices for popular models - this is the topic of this article editorial website

Depending on the type of disks used, Bulgarian in skillful hands can be used at various stages of working with wooden blanks: from sawing to grinding

Bulgarian was originally intended for sawing wood, especially it concerns the blanks of a significant thickness and wood of solid rocks. This is due to the constructive features of this type of tool and related to such hazards of use:

  • when the saw blade is encins, it is difficult to keep the ESM in the hands, which may result in injury;
Important! Swimming the saw blade when using the "Bulgarian" for sawing wooden blanks is the most common problem with this form of work, which is due to the softness and viscosity of wood.
  • the heterogeneity of the tree structure associated with the presence of bitch can damage the saw disk used and injury.

Despite the potential danger of using the EMS as a tool for sawing wooden products, manufacturers of consumables, which include discs for "Bulgarian", produce similar products.

Expert point of view

Victor Isakin

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"For processing the blanks of a significant thickness and with professional use, the most correctly use the tool, originally intended for sawing wood, which are circular and disk saws."

The main and most common types of use of the Bulgarian when working with wood are: its ripping, grinding and polishing, for which manufacturers produce special types of disks.

General characteristics of discs for "Bulgarian" depending on the type

Discs intended for different types of use differ in their design and materials used in their manufacture. In this regard, among different types of similar products, the general characteristics are collected, which requires their separate consideration.

Cutting models

  • circular - considered "dangerous" saws;
  • chains - are made using links intended for chain saws;
  • with a small number of teeth - are the safest, compared with circular analogues;
  • tolframa carbide - The most secure type of such a snap.

For your information! Circular discs are two modifications: it is "dangerous" and "less dangerous" option. A distinctive feature of the models of "less dangerous" type is the presence of protection against the jam, provided by the divorce of teeth.

Chain modifications are less dangerous when used, because In their design, an uncomplated planting of the saw chain on the surface of the disk is provided.

Expert point of view

Victor Isakin

Specialist in the selection of the retail network "220 volts"

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"When enchanting the saw chain during its use, the disk fixed on the EMP continues to rotate, the tool does not break out of the hands, giving it to an emergency stop."

Discs with a small amount of teeth are two types:

  • with 3 teeth - Used with small "grinders" with a diameter of up to 150 mm;
  • with 4 teeth - Used on "grinder" of a large size of 230 mm with a diameter.

A distinctive feature of models made of tungsten carbide is the lack of teeth on the cutting surface of the product. The segments located along the circle of the disk are the cutting element.

Important! Carbide-tungsten models are able to cut various metal products (nails, screws, etc.), which may be in the processed part without damaging the cutting elements and their integrity.

Discs for carrying out relief works

For rowing wooden products, manufacturers produce several types of nozzles, differing in design and types of materials used in their manufacture of materials.

By design, such nozzles can be made in the form:

  • disk with spikes or crumbs applied to its surface;
  • glass with stuck with cutting elements from twisted wire;
  • disc with wire coils mounted on its surface.

Expert point of view

Dmitry Chokyok

Technical Director of the Repair and Construction Company "Ilasstroy"

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"The rimpable nozzles are used to remove paint and other coating applied to the wooden surface, as well as for the coarse processing of the leveling wooden surface."

Models for grinding and polishing

To perform grinding and polishing there are special nozzles used for both wood and for other materials (metal, plastic, glass, etc.).

Nozzles used for similar purposes are two types:

  • the basis of the design is the metal base, fixed on the VALUE VALU, and the circles manufactured from the sandpaper of different grain or polishing materials (felt, fabric, etc.), which, in turn, are attached to the ground with the help of Velcro;
  • petal emery circle.

Standard Disk Sizes for Bulgarian

In the manufacture of discs for corner-glasses of the company, manufacturers working in our country produce their products in accordance with the following regulatory documents:

  • GOST 21963-2002 (ISO 603-15-99, ISO 603-16-99) "Circles cutting. Technical conditions. "
  • GOST R 53410-2009 (ISO 603-12: 1999-ISO 603-14: 1999, ISO 15635: 2001, ISO 13942: 2000) "Circles enrolled for manual grinding machines. Technical conditions. "

In accordance with these documents, the standard dimensions of the disks used on the EYM are: 115, 125, 150, 180 and 230 mm.

For your information! The landing size for all standard sizes is 22.2 mm.

Disk manufacturers for "Bulgarian" wood

On the domestic market of the manual electric tool are disks for the ESM Russian and foreign companies. Among them are the most popular are:

  • "GRAFF" (Belarus);
  • "GreatFlex" (China);
  • Bosch and Klingspor (Germany);
  • "ZIFLEX", "Practice", "Luga" and "Bison" (Russia);
  • "Makita" and "Hitachi" (Japan);
  • "Fit" (Canada).

In addition to the above-listed brands, other companies are popular in various regions of our country, which is due to the location of the region and the presence of dealers of these companies on the specific territory.

Safety measures when working "Bulgarian"

When carrying out work on the processing of wood using the ABM safety measures similar, as in the use of metal and other materials. However, due to the physical properties of the tree, which were already written above (softness and viscosity), it is necessary to take them into account, and therefore:

Price overview for popular models

The cost of products depends on the place of their implementation, technical characteristics and brand of the manufacturer. This section of the article presents several models, on the basis of which it is possible to make an idea of \u200b\u200bthe procedure for numbers that determine the cost of a particular type of similar products.


The disk is designed to saw wood and, and slab materials (,). The model is equipped with three teeth.

Feedback on the model "Graff Speedcutter":

Read more for Ozzovik:

Graff Speedcutter.

"GreatFlex 71-125120"

GreatFlex 71-125120 consists of 72 petals located at an angle of 10˚ to the working plane of the disc, which makes it possible to increase the efficiency of using the product.

Feedback on the model GreatFlex 71-125120:

Read more for Otzovik:

GreatFlex 71-125120

"Bosch 2608623013"

Disks for Bulgarians Now they are distinguished by a variety of incredible - both a variety of destinations and prices, and producers. To begin with, let's talk about the appointment, types and types of disks, which they are, and then move on to manufacturers and features.

General classification of discs

So, what are the discs. As already mentioned in the material, the diameters of the discs vary from 115 to 230 mm. According to material and manufacturing technology, they can be abrasive or all-metal (they are "diamond"). Diamond discs are sectional and non-interference (solid).

Abrasive discs are made on the basis of several layers of durable fiberglass mesh, crushed mass from abrasive materials (corundum, electrocorundum or silicon carbide). Next, the workpiece is "baked" in the furnace to obtain the necessary hardness.

Diamond discs are made of steel, while the abrasive mass containing a diamond crumb is applied to the end of the circle.

So, disks for Bulgarians are diamond and abrasive. But, besides this, they also have different appointments, namely, divided into cutting, credit, relief and polishing:

Metal cutting discs Designed for cutting and cutting metal blanks. For cutting of body steel and similar materials, cutting discs for metal with a thickness of 1 to 1.6 mm are used. And more, but for cutting fittings, channels and other iron - thickness from 2.5 mm. It is possible to carry out the cutting of thick metal with a thin disc, but the risk that it will break into parts, much increases.

Different discs are intended for different metals: steel, cast iron, stainless steel, aluminum, etc., what the appropriate inscription or color label is available on the disk itself (see more in the article). Circles on metal are produced only in the "abrasive" version - the diamond disk steel does not cut!

Cutting discs on concrete Serve for cutting concrete borders and steps, paving slabs, bricks, boob and other stone and all such materials, dummy cutting, cutting on parts of walls and partitions. Most often, such discs have a thickness of 2.5 to 3 mm in the "abrasive" embodiment and from 1.3 to 2.2 mm. in "diamond". When working with these materials, it is necessary to observe.

Signs for Bulgarians There are straight and dish. They serve for sharpening a tool such as knives and chisels (on small revolutions) and metal stripping, for example, before welding or anticorrosive processing.

A direct disc is a regular circle, but in the "thickened" version, namely, a thickness of 6 mm. and more. Abrasive cups (plate discs) are used for the same purposes, but they are somewhat more convenient, although more expensive.

Purgation disksAs it can be seen from their name, intended for ripping from various, usually metal, paint surfaces, scale, metal layer, pollution and other extraneous inclusions. They are performed in two versions: these are either abrasive circles, on which small trapezoidal pieces of sandpaper (so-called. "Petal discs") are pasted (so-called. "Petal discs"), or these are metal circles that are pressed by steel cord. Such cord circles are manufactured both in direct and in a plate version.

By the way, if the Bulgarian casing is badly slag, then the cord brush can "not go", that is, it just will not rotate. In this case, it is necessary to clean the cover at first, without trying to "break down" the launch of the multiple turn on the button, otherwise you can burn the engine.

Usually used only on small polishing circulation. The polishing disk is relatively solid, usually a plate type, the base (t. N. "Grinding plate"), which is pasted with polishing material. Sticking is often carried out not with the help of adhesives, but on velcro, which allows you to change only the material, leaving a more durable base.

Materials are different, and the circles are different in their application. For example, felt circles are used when polishing scratches with pastes and polyrols, woolen - for finishing polishing, and foam-rone - for the conversion.

Bulgarian disc marking

Each type of circles (except polishing) is marked either with inscriptions or color marks, and sometimes both.

Abrasive circles are marked as follows:

1. By processing material: First, a direct inscription ("Steel" - the steel disk, "concrete" - concrete), secondly, the color (blue - on steel, green - along concrete), as well as a schematic image of the material. Sometimes there may be all three types of marking.

2. By type of manufacturing material (abrasive): A - Corundum, AS - electrocorundum, C - silicon carbide. The letters follow the figures denoting the grain (fraction) of the abrasive on international labeling. For example, A24, or AS120. The smaller the value, the larger the grain, the worse the accuracy of the cut (springs) and above its speed.

3. By type bundles (i.e., the material that serves as a binder, for example, it can be bakelite): the letter, standing after the margin of the grain designation indicates the hardness of the ligament. The closer the letter to the beginning of the Latin alphabet, the sort of a bunch, and even more so with solid metal you can work the disc.

For the cutting of steel, the bundle should be soft, abrasive - thin. For non-ferrous metal - a solid bunch and rough abrasive.

4. At the maximum speed of rotation. Usually this speed is indicated on the disk itself (value in rpm.). It is impossible to exceed it in any way, otherwise the disc will break into fragments that will scatter on the sides with speeds up to 360 km / h. Most often speed limited to the following values: 6,600 rpm, 8,000 rpm, 10,000 rpm, 11,000 rpm, 12 250 rpm. , 12 300, 12 800 and 13,300 rpm.

Diamond disks Other colors are marked: green - on granite, blue - on concrete and mramor, orange - on brick, gray - on the tiled and borderer, yellow - in the cafela and alabastra. Segmented discs are designed for heavier working conditions and solid materials (segmentation facilitates the disc cooling and improves the removal of cut waste), and solid - for softer materials and easy working conditions.

All diamond discs for Bulgarians are designed to perform a dry cutting of air-cooled, and it is categorically not recommended differently.

This should be completed such a volumetric material about discs for Bulgarians. In conclusion, talk a little about manufacturers. What bad cheap discs and good dear? In the cheap above the percentage of marriage (the curvature of the disc plane, fesomas, chips, etc.), and in some cases worse than the strength. Dear - on the contrary. From the discs of the production of the Russian Federation, I most worked with the company's products Luga-Abraziv. Disks are not bad, but sometimes you just have to throw out some of the party. In the economy sector, almost out of competition.

From imported - Pureva. and Bosch.. First - nothing, given by their price tag, i.e., in sensations, almost like Luzhsky, but Boshev is much better. For stream work, they are too expensive, but for episodic will rise just right. Also faced products companies Hitachi. and Vulkan. (230 mm). The first, again, almost like Luzhsky, however, for some reason it is almost twice as expensive. "Volcano" showed excellent results when sawing 4 mm. Armatures in wild volumes. By the way, these discs are quite rare, and in stores there are usually randomly. Many people do not know this manufacturer, but the firm is actually known, and is part of the Saint-Goben group of companies.

One of the main functions of the grinder is cutting on metal. The problem of choosing a circle is associated with a huge assortment. How not to get confused and pick up exactly what you need? To do this, you need to carefully read the label.

Types of cutting discs

Among the many consumables for Bulgarians are the most common wheels for metal. They are somewhat cheaper a stone or concrete fellow and usually paint in blue. The difference lies in the form of abrasive material: a large crumb or crushed diamond. For metal polishing, special fabric coating nozzles are used.

Consumables differ in size, thickness, encoding and price. All of these data are indicated on the front surface of the cutting disk.

Choice by size

On the main surface of the consumor, the outer and internal diameters of the circle are indicated. There are 9 standard external sizes from 125 to 500. An indicator is selected, taking into account the class of the Bulgarian. It is strictly forbidden to work with a circle of larger. Only for a major professional tool can be purchased by a consumage of any diameter.

The internal or landing diameter must correspond to the size of the drive shaft. Most shafts are produced with a diameter of 22 mm, therefore 22.2 mm - almost universal landing diameter. Both sizes must be approached by the tool model!

Choice over thickness

Thin circle cut is much easier. Indeed, crashed into a metal, a thick cut disc is experiencing powerful resistance, you will need more effort to overcome it.

The incision of a thin disc is more accurate, and the work goes faster. The working surface is less heated, so it serves longer. Thin are circles to 1.2 mm thick with a standard 2.4-2.5 mm with a diameter of 125 mm. The thickness of the disk is directly proportional to the diameter!

This option is suitable for small bulgaria on batteries or low power, allowing you to save electricity.

There is an opinion: the thinner the consumility, the more brittle. This is nothing more than a myth. Any cutting disc from the inside is reinforced with a nonwoven web, so the safety of work depends on the compliance with the rules, and not the thickness of the consumor.

Shelf life

As a rule, the term indicate closer to the inner hole and it looks approximately so "V03 \\ 2015", which means the number of month and year: March 2015. It should be used before the specified period. Overdue consumables become brittle, abrasive can crumble. Therefore, you should not bother them "in the future."

Number of revolutions

This indicator necessarily has on each cut off disk, it must be compared with the data of the grinder. The maximum permissible number of turns of the grinder should be equal to or smaller than indicated on the circle. Otherwise, the consumility will simply split into fragments during operation.


The circle specification is encoded with four symbols, Latin letters and numbers:

  • the first letter denotes the material of the abrasive crumb: as a white electrocorundum, it is suitable for stainless steel work, because there is practically no chlorine, sulfur and iron in the alloy that increase the cutting temperature; A - electrocorundum; C - silicon carbide - tile and stone, but not metal;
  • the figure indicates the amount of abrasive grains per unit area. The more digit, the smaller the particle size. For cutting steel grain grain - 24, 30; For work on soft non-ferrous metals smaller - 60 or 40;
  • latin letter is a ligament hardness. The first letters of the alphabet are the milder ligaments, the farther from the beginning - the harder. The milder ligaments are selected for the processing of the hardest metals! This is an important ratio you need to know when choosing a consumable material for the grinder. During cutting, worn particles disappear and new, not yet blissful. With too tight bundle, the cutting disk is "sued": heats the metal, cuts hard. At the same time, the circle with an overly soft bundle is stepping faster;
  • the last Latin letter (or steam) is the name of the binder material, most often - Bakelit. Denoted as bf.

Price and manufacturers

For rare homework, cutting discs from a low price category are fully suitable: "Sparta", "Zub", "Centrinstrument". With periodic use, they will serve long enough.

The quality of the abrasive material is not bad, the price is acceptable. The main thing when working with consumables of this class is not working for a long time without interruptions. If the circle stopped sawing, it is cleaned with red or yellow brick.

Professional metal discs are 3 times more. But for industrial use only they are suitable. These are consumables from Bosch, Distar, "Hitachi". They are withstanding daily work with the most complicated materials. Professional circles are usually designed to work with a certain material: reinforced concrete, granite, tiles, steel, non-ferrous metals.

Video with a dough of a cutting disk for metal: