Repairs Design Furniture

What paint paint the plinth of polyurethane. How to paint outdoor plinth. Do I need to paint the plinth from polyurethane

For a more harmonious combination with the main finish, they sometimes have to paint. Of course, the paint for plinths should be correctly selected. There are also certain staining technologies that need to be followed.

What dye is better to use, as well as how to properly decorate the plinth and talk in this article.

Which paint choose

Change the initial white color is usually in foam and polyurethane planks. MDF plinth is also available under painting. Sometimes the edging decor from the wood array is similar. Of course, paint should be chosen depending on what material the plinth is made.

In the modern market there is simply a huge number of dyes of different species, quite suitable for decorating plinths

The choice of means for foam plinth

For foam and polystyrene foam ceiling baguette, it is impossible to use products based on acetone or white alcohol. These chemicals can dissolve the planks. So what to paint foam plinth better? For this type of decor it is worth choosing a solvent for which the usual water serves. It may be water-based paint or water dispersive.

Pilking the ceiling plinth of foam can be performed by water-based or water-dispersive paint

Tip: In the event that you do not find an option in the store, ideally suitable for the ceiling decoration, you can paint the foam baguette with a white water-emulsion system in which the kel is added.

What remedy is suitable for polyurethane and plastic plinth

Now let's see what to paint the polyurethane plinth. For such a decor, almost any means will suit. Usually for plastics and polyurethane (which, in fact, is a conventional foam plastic) use oil or resistant water paint. If you need a glossy surface, choose the first option. In order to get a matte polyurethane or PVC plinth, it is worth using the second.

Oil paint can be used to decorate polyurethane and plastic plinth

Paint for wooden plinths and planks from MDF

How to paint a wooden plinth? For him, almost any kind of funds will also fit. It may be varnish or alkyd enamel. Used for wooden plinths and planks from MDFs also oil and acrylic paint on a water-based water based.

MDF Plinth Outdoor Painting

How to choose a shade

What color to decorate the planks? Usually plinth, both outdoor and ceiling decorated in the tone of the main coating. Is it possible to paint the ceiling plinth in the color of the walls? It is more often drawn up by the color of the ceiling, however, and this option is quite admissible. In any case, it is better to choose somewhat lighter than the main coating, option.

Usually the plinth is painted under the color of the ceiling

On a note: When choosing a means to change the color of the planks, repeating the shade of the walls can make the room visually higher. If the color is the same as the floor covering, the room visually will seem volume.

Staining technology

With the fact that paint paint the ceiling plinth or floor we figured out. Next, consider the actual features of the processing technology of planks. First of all, it should be declaring when you decorate the elements - before installing them in place or after.

How to paint the ceiling plinth. Decoration can be performed both before installing the planks in place and after

In the first case, the color can be made without risk to stain wallpaper. Most often advised to apply this method. However, the painted ceiling or outdoor decor can look not particularly carefully. The fact is that in this case it will be noticeable to be treated with putty joints. So, if you wish, you can decorate the planks and after installing them in place.

Important: If there are any defects on the outdoor or ceiling edging decor, you need to remove them before registration. Sharpen all scratches, as well as desire all dirty stains. Wood and foam options should be pre-primed.

Before staining, the plinth should at least wipe

How to paint outdoor plinth

For decoration floor, the wooden or plastic decor is most often used. In the event that you decided to perform processing before installing the planks in place, you can use the sprayer. On the wall, the stained plinth passes with a brush (the width of which should be less than the width of the planks). Move it along, thoroughly rubbing the remedy and not allowing the appearance of the flows. Typically applied two layers of paint.

When processing slats, paint need to rub as closely

Decoration cartel on the ceiling

For starters, still decide whether it is necessary to paint the ceiling plinth. Most often, white foam baguette is used for the ceiling. This color is very well combined with most other shades. If you still have decided to change the color of the plinth from the foam, take advantage of the brush. Passing the surface should be long smooth smears. Do not dial too much tools on the brush. Otherwise, drips will be obtained. This type of decor is also covered in two layers. It is better to use not too new brush. From just purchased, hair can remain on the baguette.

If you want, and from one material, stop the selection on polyurethane foam plinths. The advantages and disadvantages of polyurethane products, comparison with eaves from other materials, about: how to fix, - themes of the article.

Read about the detailed technology of installing the ceiling polyurethane plinth, the choice of paint, cutting,. The article will help to put the last barrieve - hide the slot between the wall, the ceiling / floor.

Polyurethane plinth - advantages and disadvantages

  1. The strength of polyurethane foam products allows not afraid of mechanical impacts - shocks. Polyurethane plinths are not subject to cracks and chips.
  2. Environmental purity - safe use in any premises, including a children's room.
  3. A wide variety of color solutions makes it easy, but you can apply and purely white or subsequent in the desired tint.
  4. Easy styling - you can use the gluing method.
  5. Easy processing is the possibility of cutting in the desired size.
  6. From polyurethane allows you to hide the joint even in the rooms of the rounded form.
Interesting: The material was obtained and first applied in Russia at the beginning of the 70s of the last century. Since then, thanks to his advantages, its popularity in the interior is only grows.

The disadvantages of polyurethane products are high weight - almost 2 times heavier than foam, plastic cornix - and a higher price.

Polyurethane ceiling plinth

Flexible polyurethane products make it possible to mask the irregularities of the wall, and when installing a cornice in the rooms of complex form, it is simply indispensable. Equally, installing the polyurethane on the plinth, it is possible to emphasize the design of the stretch ceiling or a multi-level design of plasterboard.

Ceiling plinth of polyurethane photo - backlit

Installation of ceiling products from polyurethane

There are two types of installation.

First. Installation of the ceiling polyurethane plinth is carried out on the glued wallpaper with the help of Dragon glue, the "moment of installation" or acrylic sealant of white.

Second. Installation of a polyurethane product is made on plastered, projected walls / ceiling. Installation is carried out on a putty or acrylic sealant. Then glued wallpaper. This method has advantages over the first way - the eaves and the ceiling look in one.

Tip: If you have uneven walls, and you are planning to change the wallpaper in the near future, use the number two method. It allows you to highlightly, without cracks, make edging the ceiling by a plinth of polyurethane, while you do not need to be afraid that the adhesive makeup does not hit the wallpaper.

Cutting polyurethane plinth

Before mounting, the product from polyurethane needs to be placed and trim in the corners.

The first method. Perform this work with it can be obtained a flat accurate section.

Tip: If you do not have skills to work with this tool, then practice. To this end, use plinth trimming.

The second method. If you can't use a stouch or an angle of not straight, then apply a stencil, make it possible from cardboard or tight paper.

How to cut? And in the first and in the second case, the cutting of the plinth of polyurethane produce hacksaw for metal with a small teeth or a construction knife with replaceable blades.

Plinth ceiling polyurethane photo - cutting with the use of stusl and thin hacksaw with small teeth

Installing polyurethane plinth

How to glue a polyurethane product on the ceiling? First, it is better to fulfill the most difficult work - the design of the corners. Then add straight sections. It is easier to produce work in such a sequence than in order to bypass the entire perimeter of the room.

Consider an example of stickers of polyurethane plinth on the ceiling using finishing finishing or acrylic sealant.

List of tools:

  • mounted gun;
  • construction knife with replaceable blades;
  • hoven for metal;
  • rubber rubber;
  • construction mixer;
  • capacity for breeding putty.

Technology of installation of polyurethane eaves using putty:

Stage 1. With the help of the Mixer of the Construction, they bring the putty to the water to the water - the amount of water and dry adhesive composition according to the instructions to the desired consistency.

Stage 2. The spatula neatly applies a mixture on the wall and the reverse surface of the plinth.

Stage 3. Exactly applied to the place of installation and pressed. The spatula, then sponge or wet rag, remove the surplus, smear the gaps, if there are.

Stage 4. After drying, the putty need to shove the slot repeatedly.

Plinth ceiling polyurethane - Montage video lesson:

Technology for installing cornices from polyurethane using acrylic sealant:

  1. The adhesive gun is applied to the glue gun on the plinth, following all the irregularities to be filled with sealant.
  2. Press to the surface at the installation site, withstand 30 seconds.
  3. Remove excess wet rag.
  4. Carefully shrink the slots after the sealant grabs.
  5. Painting the ceiling and plinth of polyurethane.
  6. Bloom the wallpaper.

Installation of polyurethane plinth to the stretch ceiling

The main nuance - a polyurethane product is glued only to the wall and in no case is not attached to the ceiling, so as not to damage the expensive canvas.

Tip: Before starting work, protect the canvas from the accidental hit of the adhesive mass with a film from polyethylene. After installation, it can be easily removed.

Further stages of the installation of polyurethane plinth to the stretch ceiling are absolutely identical to the above methods. It should be borne in mind that the weight weight of the products does not allow to use wide massive plinths from polyurethane, because they can be saved under their own weight. If you have a high ceiling and you like stucco, use a wide decorative fibergistic eaves.

Installation of polyurethane plinth floor

Consider an example of fixing the polyurethane product to the wall / semi with a glue-putty, manufactured like silicone in cartridges.

Installation is made on the walls aligned with putty and projected.

Polyurethane Polyurethane Plinth

Polyurethane base blocking technology:

Step 1. Cutting angles with the use of stusl. If the angles are not direct, it is desirable to use a two-plane stub.

Step 2. Open the cartridge with putty, insert it into the mounting gun.

Step 3. Apply for a polyurethane product 2-3 longitudinal smooth glides of the adhesive mass, so that the putty layer overlap the gap between the polyurethane product and the wall as possible. To do this, polyurethane plinths for the floor without glue and inspect the gap.

Step 4. Expand the plinth of polyurethane to the wall, give to grab.

Step 5. Remove excess putty wet sponge.

Step 6. Over the presence of slots. Add glue to places where it was not enough. Excess remove.

A distinctive feature of such glue-putty from acrylic glue for polyurethane plinths is that it does not give shrinkage.

Plinth floor polyurethane flexible

Tip: If the walls are very uneven, then in the places of the greatest curvature, you need to stop the glued product with something heavy. For this purpose, you can use bags with a construction mixture.

Than painting polyurethane plinth

Start no earlier than one day after installation.

Tip: To protect the walls, the ceiling / floor you need to be caught the place adjacent to the polyurethane plinth of the plaque with a painted tape or a strip of waxed paper. After the work, it can be easily removed, without damaging the surface under it.

Polyurethane white plinth in the interior

If your flooring has a texture and color, then the polyurethane plinth for the floor is worth painting on one or two tones lighter. To this end, you can use waterproof dispersion paint. Polyurethane paint content is better from the pulverizer, but you can buy a finished paint in the aerosol packaging.

Massive ceiling polyurethane plinth with stucco elements, painted white

There are non-colored plinths, both outdoor and ceiling, projected by white soil. Selecting the oil paint for the product, you can arrange both matte and glossy surface. The waterproof paint will give fencountain from polyurethane mattness. Acrylic paint "will help" gloss.

Tip: It doesn't matter at all what kind of paint you will pick up. It is necessary to create the unity of the polyurethane plinth with the interior of the room so that it does not look at the renovated room alien item.

For a more harmonious combination with the main finish, they sometimes have to paint. Of course, the paint for plinths should be correctly selected. There are also certain staining technologies that need to be followed.

What dye is better to use, as well as how to properly decorate the plinth and talk in this article.

Which paint choose

Change the original white color usually in foam and. MDF plinth is also available under painting. Sometimes decorated in a similar way and. Of course, paint should be chosen depending on what material the plinth is made.

In the modern market there is simply a huge number of dyes of different species, quite suitable for decorating plinths

The choice of means for foam plinth

For foam and polystyrene foam ceiling baguette, it is impossible to use products based on acetone or white alcohol. These chemicals can dissolve the planks. So what to paint foam plinth better? For this type of decor it is worth choosing a solvent for which the usual water serves. It may be water-based paint or water dispersive.

Pilking the ceiling plinth of foam can be performed by water-based or water-dispersive paint

Tip: In the event that you do not find an option in the store, ideally suitable for the ceiling decoration, you can paint the foam baguette with a white water-emulsion system in which the kel is added.

What remedy is suitable for polyurethane and plastic plinth

Now let's see what to paint. For such a decor, almost any means will suit. Usually for plastics and polyurethane (which, in fact, is a conventional foam plastic) use oil or resistant water paint. If you need a glossy surface, choose the first option. In order to get a matte polyurethane or, it is worth using the second.

Oil paint can be used to decorate polyurethane and plastic plinth

Paint for wooden plinths and planks from MDF

How to paint? For him, almost any kind of funds will also fit. It may be varnish or alkyd enamel. Used for wooden plinths and planks from MDFs also oil and acrylic paint on a water-based water based.

MDF Plinth Outdoor Painting

How to choose a shade

What color to decorate the planks? Usually plinth, both and decorated in the tone of the main coating. Is it possible to paint the ceiling plinth in the color of the walls? It is more often drawn up by the color of the ceiling, however, and this option is quite admissible. In any case, it is better to choose somewhat lighter than the main coating, option.

Usually the plinth is painted under the color of the ceiling

On a note: When choosing a means to change the color of the planks, repeating the shade of the walls can make the room visually higher. If the color is the same as the floor covering, the room visually will seem volume.

Staining technology

With the fact that paint paint the ceiling plinth or floor we figured out. Next, consider the actual features of the processing technology of planks. First of all, it should be declaring when you decorate the elements - before installing them in place or after.

How to paint the ceiling plinth. Decoration can be performed both before installing the planks in place and after

In the first case, the color can be made without risk to stain wallpaper. Most often advised to apply this method. However, the painted ceiling or outdoor decor can look not particularly carefully. The fact is that in this case it will be noticeable to be treated with putty joints. So, if you wish, you can decorate the planks and after installing them in place.

Important: If there are any defects on the outdoor or ceiling edging decor, you need to remove them before registration. Sharpen all scratches, as well as desire all dirty stains. Wood and foam options should be pre-primed.

Before staining, the plinth should at least wipe

How to paint outdoor plinth

For decoration floor, the wooden or plastic decor is most often used. In the event that you decided to perform processing before installing the planks in place, you can use the sprayer. On the wall, the stained plinth passes with a brush (the width of which should be less than the width of the planks). Move it along, thoroughly rubbing the remedy and not allowing the appearance of the flows. Typically applied two layers of paint.

When processing slats, paint need to rub as closely

Decoration cartel on the ceiling

For starters, still decide whether it is necessary to paint the ceiling plinth. Most often, white foam baguette is used for the ceiling. This color is very well combined with most other shades. If you still have decided to change the color of the plinth from the foam, take advantage of the brush. Passing the surface should be long smooth smears. Do not dial too much tools on the brush. Otherwise, drips will be obtained. This type of decor is also covered in two layers. It is better to use not too new brush. From just purchased, hair can remain on the baguette.

When finishing works came to the final phase, then the last stroke turn in the interior design - the installation and painting of the plinth. How to paint outdoor plinth on coming tone, pick up the paint to attend the harmony in the interior, we will look at.

Outdoor plinth is needed to close the gap between the wall and the floor around the perimeter of the room. In addition, today almost all plinths have a cable - a channel that allows you to place the cable in it.

Materials for plinth are currently a huge range, we will consider only those their species that need to paint.

Types of Plintus Painting

Wooden - Environmentally friendly building materials, durable, elastic, easy to care, durable, has a respectable look. Mounted mainly to cover from parquet, wood and dry rooms.

MDF. - It is made from compressed wood fibers, mounted mainly on laminate, linoleum, other floor coverings. It is beautiful, does not fade from sunlight, environmentally friendly, resistant to pollution, perfectly clean, easy to care, but fragile from a strong impact, inferior to wood for durability.

Manufacturers offer ready-to-install products from MDF or unpainted strips, whose tone you will choose optionally and make an independent painting.

Before considering how to paint outdoor plinth, we will define the range of paints and varnishes (LKM) for this work.

Paint for floor plinths

Alkyd paints (enamels) with applying form a strong and dense water-repellent film, resistant to mechanical damage, detergent.

They should be applied to the dried plinth, as otherwise, when dried, the cartel on the LKM layer will appear bubbles, which will lead to the peeling of the painted layer. The duration of drying is small, but a significant minus - these materials are unpleasant by a sharp odor.

Acrylic enamel is a composition on a water basis, so the surface of the processing breathes. In addition, it is moisture resistant, without smell, is easy to care, it will not dry, it is inherent in the properties of durability and fire safety.

You can list for a long time - these are polyurethane varnishes and paints, the oil today is still in the go, all sorts of varnishes and other modern paints and varnishes. To emphasize the texture of wood, you can simply cover the product by alkyd varnish, if you wish, pre-impregnating the versa.

Painting of wooden plinth

Consider how to paint outdoor plinth wooden. First of all, you need to cook everything you need to work.

  • Wooden plinth;
  • Brushes;
  • The composition for primer;
  • Scotch greasy, sandpaper;
  • Sponge or rag, gloves.

We protect the surface of the walls and the floor near the plinth by painting scotch, sticking it around the perimeter. If you work very carefully, you can put a wide spatula in places painting and moving it along the work of the work.

Initially, perform grinding to the slats with sandpaper to remove all roughness, minor defects, then the LKM will smoothly fall at the hallter.

To paint high-qualityly kept on the surface, make a primer cartel for a better clutch of wood and lkm.

Paint brush, paint should be applied with a thin layer so that there are no ilk. After drying it, we apply the second layer. Removing the scotch only after one hundred percent drying.

Plinth coloring from MDF

After mounting, the slats go to their painting. To protect the walls of the walls and the floor covering from the random hitting of the LKM on them, it is better to protect them with a painted scotch. It will not be superfluous to cover the floor from random droplets. On the hands of daring gloves.

Planks from MDF porous material material, so needs a small preliminary preparation of the surface so that its veils do not rise during painting. This is eliminated by grinding the surface of shallow emery paper to remove the villi.

Then the primer should be applied twice. The second layer of primer is applied after one hundred percent drying of the primary layer and its re-grinding. As a result, you will receive a high-quality surface for applying the selected LX.

We will produce painting - the size is picking up from the height of the mdf cartel. Pain with a thin layer to eliminate sublifting. We are waiting for the drying of the LKM and repeat the painting of the planks for the second time.

Alternatively, you can paint the fitted slats before installation. All preliminary actions for preparing them to color the same, but you can paint paint from the canister - all at your discretion.

What color to choose a floor plinth

When choosing a base unit for sex, as a rule, focus on the type of flooring. For example, the parquet floors are most suitable for plinth from a similar material - wooden, MDF. In the same way as ceramic tiles - ceramic plinth.

When the question is solved, how to paint outdoor plinth, which tone pick up, then the parameters of the room, its geometry, the height of the ceilings, the overall interior style and, of course, are your preferences.

Plinth color can be chosen:

In tone floors

Classic is considered the selection of the color of the cartel in the tone of the floor covering. The plinth must be a pair of tones with a darker flooring or lighter and serve as a peculiar boundary of the floor - wall. In case of monotony of elements, we visually get an increase in the borders of the room.

In the tone of the wall

Not bad will be the decision to "bind" the tone of the floor plinth to the clothes of the walls. If the walls are monophonic, then it is easier to do. Then not only the harmony of design, calm color scheme, but also a visual increase in the size of the room.

In the tone of doorways

Often the color of the plinth oriented on the tone of the door, or rather the platbands, which is visually perceived as a continuation of one continuous color line in the interior. In thickness, they must be the same.

Color contrast

Often the contrast in the selection of colors is very advantageous on the general perception of the room as a whole. It turns out that the plinth is a kind of emphasis, which should elaborate with other parts of the room in color. It can be any interior items - upholstered furniture or decorative pillows to it, curtains, wall panels and so on.

We discussed how to paint outdoor plinth - in fact, it seems that this is a small element of the interior. Nevertheless, the smallests at the design of the room do not happen - sometimes minor changes make very interesting notes into total harmony.

If you want to install both the ceiling, and an outdoor product from one material, stop the selection on polyurethane foam plinths. Advantages and disadvantages of polyurethane products, comparison with eaves from other materials, about: how to fix how to paint - themes of the article.

Read about the detailed technology of installing the ceiling polyurethane plinth, the choice of paint, cutting, docking in the corners. The article will help to put the last barrieve - hide the slot between the wall, the ceiling / floor.

Polyurethane plinth - advantages and disadvantages

  1. The strength of polyurethane foam products allows not afraid of mechanical impacts - shocks. Polyurethane plinths are not subject to cracks and chips.
  2. Environmental purity - safe use in any premises, including a children's room.
  3. A wide variety of color solutions makes a simple selection to the interior, but you can apply both purely white or later in the desired tint.
  4. Easy styling - you can use the gluing method.
  5. Easy processing is the possibility of cutting in the desired size.
  6. The flexibility of the floor, ceiling plinth of polyurethane allows you to hide the joint even in the rooms of the rounded form.
Interesting: The material was obtained and first applied in Russia at the beginning of the 70s of the last century. Since then, thanks to his advantages, its popularity in the interior is only grows.

The disadvantages of polyurethane products are high weight - almost 2 times heavier than foam, plastic cornix - and a higher price.

Polyurethane ceiling plinth

Flexible polyurethane products make it possible to mask the irregularities of the wall, and when installing a cornice in the rooms of complex form, it is simply indispensable. Equally installing a polyurethane LED or neon backlight on the plinth, it is possible to emphasize the design of the stretch ceiling or a multi-level design of drywall.

Ceiling plinth of polyurethane photo - backlit

Installation of ceiling products from polyurethane

There are two types of installation.

First. Installation of the ceiling polyurethane plinth is carried out on the glued wallpaper with the help of Dragon glue, the "moment of installation" or acrylic sealant of white.

Second. Installation of a polyurethane product is made on plastered, projected walls / ceiling. Installation is carried out on a putty or acrylic sealant. Then glued wallpaper. This method has advantages over the first way - the eaves and the ceiling look in one.

Tip: If you have uneven walls, and you are planning to change the wallpaper in the near future, use the number two method. It allows you to highlightly, without cracks, make edging the ceiling by a plinth of polyurethane, while you do not need to be afraid that the adhesive makeup does not hit the wallpaper.

Cutting polyurethane plinth

Before mounting, the product from polyurethane needs to be placed and trim in the corners.

The first method. Studging this work will help the stub - the device for trimming at an angle. With it, you can get a flat accurate section.

Tip: If you do not have skills to work with this tool, then practice. To this end, use plinth trimming.

The second method. If you can't use a stouch or an angle of not straight, then apply a stencil, make it possible from cardboard or tight paper.

How to cut? And in the first and in the second case, the cutting of the plinth of polyurethane produce hacksaw for metal with a small teeth or a construction knife with replaceable blades.

Plinth ceiling polyurethane photo - cutting with the use of stusl and thin hacksaw with small teeth

Installing polyurethane plinth

How to glue a polyurethane product on the ceiling? First, it is better to fulfill the most difficult work - the design of the corners. Then add straight sections. It is easier to produce work in such a sequence than in order to bypass the entire perimeter of the room.

Consider an example of stickers of polyurethane plinth on the ceiling using finishing finishing or acrylic sealant.

List of tools:

  • mounted gun;
  • construction knife with replaceable blades;
  • hoven for metal;
  • rubber rubber;
  • construction mixer;
  • capacity for breeding putty.

Technology of installation of polyurethane eaves using putty:

Stage 1. With the help of the Mixer of the Construction, they bring the putty to the water to the water - the amount of water and dry adhesive composition according to the instructions to the desired consistency.

Stage 2. The spatula neatly applies a mixture on the wall and the reverse surface of the plinth.

Stage 3. Exactly applied to the place of installation and pressed. The spatula, then sponge or wet rag, remove the surplus, smear the gaps, if there are.

Stage 4. After drying, the putty need to shove the slot repeatedly.

Plinth ceiling polyurethane - Montage video lesson:

Technology for installing cornices from polyurethane using acrylic sealant:

  1. The adhesive gun is applied to the glue gun on the plinth, following all the irregularities to be filled with sealant.
  2. Press to the surface at the installation site, withstand 30 seconds.
  3. Remove excess wet rag.
  4. Carefully shrink the slots after the sealant grabs.
  5. Painting the ceiling and plinth of polyurethane.
  6. Bloom the wallpaper.

Installation of polyurethane plinth to the stretch ceiling

The main nuance - a polyurethane product is glued only to the wall and in no case is not attached to the ceiling, so as not to damage the expensive canvas.

Tip: Before starting work, protect the canvas from the accidental hit of the adhesive mass with a film from polyethylene. After installation, it can be easily removed.

Further stages of the installation of polyurethane plinth to the stretch ceiling are absolutely identical to the above methods. It should be borne in mind that the weight weight of the products does not allow to use wide massive plinths from polyurethane, because they can be saved under their own weight. If you have a high ceiling and you like stucco, use a wide decorative fibergistic eaves.

Installation of polyurethane plinth floor

Consider an example of fixing the polyurethane product to the wall / semi with a glue-putty, manufactured like silicone in cartridges.

Installation is made on the walls aligned with putty and projected.

Polyurethane Polyurethane Plinth

Polyurethane base blocking technology:

Step 1. Cutting angles with the use of stusl. If the angles are not direct, it is desirable to use a two-plane stub.

Step 2. Open the cartridge with putty, insert it into the mounting gun.

Step 3. Apply for a polyurethane product 2-3 longitudinal smooth glides of the adhesive mass, so that the putty layer overlap the gap between the polyurethane product and the wall as possible. To do this, polyurethane plinths for the floor without glue and inspect the gap.

Step 4. Expand the plinth of polyurethane to the wall, give to grab.

Step 5. Remove excess putty wet sponge.

Step 6. Over the presence of slots. Add glue to places where it was not enough. Excess remove.

A distinctive feature of such glue-putty from acrylic glue for polyurethane plinths is that it does not give shrinkage.

Plinth floor polyurethane flexible

Tip: If the walls are very uneven, then in the places of the greatest curvature, you need to stop the glued product with something heavy. For this purpose, you can use bags with a construction mixture.

Than painting polyurethane plinth

It is not earlier than one day after editing.

Tip: To protect the walls, the ceiling / floor you need to be caught the place adjacent to the polyurethane plinth of the plaque with a painted tape or a strip of waxed paper. After the work, it can be easily removed, without damaging the surface under it.

Polyurethane white plinth in the interior

If your flooring has a texture and color, then the polyurethane plinth for the floor is worth painting on one or two tones lighter. To this end, you can use waterproof dispersion paint. Polyurethane paint content is better from the pulverizer, but you can buy a finished paint in the aerosol packaging.

Massive ceiling polyurethane plinth with stucco elements, painted white

There are non-colored plinths, both outdoor and ceiling, projected by white soil. Selecting the oil paint for the product, you can arrange both matte and glossy surface. The waterproof paint will give fencountain from polyurethane mattness. Acrylic paint "will help" gloss.

Tip: It doesn't matter at all what kind of paint you will pick up. It is necessary to create the unity of the polyurethane plinth with the interior of the room so that it does not look at the renovated room alien item.