Repairs Design Furniture

Nail holder is the correct name. Scrap-nail: How to make the right choice of building tools. How to make a nail-holder with your own hands - a step-by-step scheme

The homely set of a variety of devices, equipment and manual auxiliary devices in the workshop as a whole is determined primarily by personal interests and needs of the craftsman in the house. Since the overall type of home master activity is not enclosed in one specific, the assortment of the tool in the workshop must be suitable for all cases in life.

This article discussed by the main tools, which must be a thoroughly settle in the domestic wizard, will touch the nail and woodworking devices - the plane. We proceed to the discussion.

Labor tool hacker: nail

Ideally, the nail holder should be molded from a solid piece of scrap, the diameter of the workpiece should be at least 20 mm, and the length is 750 mm. The classic type of hand tool looks like a curved wedge of metal, with a flat cone flattened to the plane. The rolled plane should have a dummy-separated groove, which is designed to capture the "hat" of the nail.

The impact of the nail-made is based on the countering the wedge with respect to the crushed surfaces, that is, on the material in which the nail itself is clogged. And also on the impact on the principle of the lever, when pulling out the fastening element.

A good quality nail is permissible to pull nails with a length of about 20 cm. For more convenient reproduction of this process, under the fift of the product being discussed, as the nail is released, substituted. With a serious flow of the procedure, it is worth trying to pull out a nail, making the efforts of jerks. As a last resort, you can make a few blows of sledgehamming body.

With an excessively applied effort, it may happen that the nail hat is torn off. There is nothing to do with nothing, you will have to take the metal hacksaw to separate the rest of the fastener. The main thing is that in the work we will receive the separation of composite parts that have been chosen by this fastener. You can, of course, apply a slightly different way, for example, to capture the rest of the nail with the passages and turn it a bit around its axis. In a similar embodiment, fasteners should succumb to calmly get out of raw materials.

Nail-holders were previously produced at the metallurgical combines, now on sale is permissible to freely buy a similar device and even with a rubberized handle for the convenience of working with it. The nail-cutting handle from the manufacturer of Stayer can be purchased for only 77 rubles. Aged enhanced Lom-Gvozder from the manufacturer of the bison in retail costs from 196 rubles and up to 530 rubles.

Handmade Woodworking Tool: Burning

The plane is a manual woodworking tool designed for planing. Use it if necessary to give the wooden surfaces of parts of various configurations of the desired shape, plane, rectinity, or roughness. It can be used to create extensive extensions on details from wood, by the way, a variety of shape: tongs, "quarters", etc.

The subject matter consists of a pad with a pilot (through nest), where the cutter is mounted, from steel at a certain angle. Steel cutter, in turn, is also sharpened at a certain angle, there may be two in the design of the hand-made product. The cutting angle of the knife can vary in the values \u200b\u200bof 45-80 degrees, even more, it all depends on the purpose of the device. The shoe itself was previously produced almost always of wood raw materials, modern metal pads of metal.

A variety of fugalok is actually quite wide, from the total mass you can emphasize one of the most versatile models called a grinder or a device with a single cutter. Stopans with a single knife is used to align the large area of \u200b\u200bthe uneven surface. Grift is designed for finishing, a knife cutting angle, which is in the area of \u200b\u200b49 degrees.

Fugant cutters are sharpening in the factory. If with time the device has become badly plashed, then the knife can be tied with a rapid. This procedure itself can be reproduced using a wooden bar with the same angle (the cutting edge of the knife at an angle of 7-8 degrees, relative to the surface of the plane of the device).

To do this, we put forward the cutter on the desired size and replenish it. The bar is fixed with the wire, which is attracted by the passats "tightly", but only before the end of the work. After the work of sharpening, the cutter line should be the parallel surface of the plane of the instrument under consideration. The cutting edge line may break, since the knife width has a slightly smaller width than the opening (flyer) of the woodworking device.

Planned with a metal box from Kraftool with a 50 mm knife can cost about 1098 rubles. The same device and the same representative, but in a wooden box, can be purchased at a price of 370 rubles. Pretty not poor quality device from Rashpel-Hobel is permissible to find in retail worth 660 rubles.

Of course, as a rule, the plane is used in the event that there are no electricity on the construction site, or, in the extreme case, we need an increased certain accuracy. With the proposed large volumes of work, the electrolabank is preferred more, and labor productivity increases immediately at times. Power tools from a manufacturer of a manual tool tool in retail chains are offered at a price of 1,700 rubles. The shopping and production brand Hyundai offers its consumers a woodworking device from 2400 rubles.

There is some wisdom concerning the work of the plants on wood coating. The subject is discussed by the subject of wood along the direction of the fibers, and in no way across the fibers and against the direction. Otherwise, the surfaces are formed on the surface. To determine the fiber orientation, the material is carried out with hand. First spend your palm in the direction in one direction on the plane of the raw material, then to another. If the palm has the ability to slide on the surface, then this is the fiber orientation, respectively, it is necessary to strict in this direction.

The nail device is very simple and elementary, but at the same time, very useful and invaluable in the construction sector. So, with the help of this device, you can pull out or dying off nails or any other construction, fasteners. The design of the nail tool is used in several instruments - it can be a hammer-nail, a separate tool of the nail-pressure, pliers with the function of the nail and so on. Also, very useful and widespread is a Las-nail-tooth which we will consider in this article. You will learn how this tool happens to which it is better to pay attention and buy scrap-nail. About all this, in our article.

Device and use of scrap-nail

The tool is, as a rule, a small and curved wedge, made of metal, which is divided into a small groove. This groove, in turn, is necessary to capture, hold and extract nails, screws and screws, those details that are found in a wooden or any other surface. Due to the fact that scrap-nail, as a rule, has a long shoulder, you can remove a completely any nail or other fastening element.

Brick-novels are used almost everywhere, where the need to extract nails is applied. Most often, these are carpentry and roofing, construction and plumbing work, and so on, including household solutions to the tasks. Moreover, climbing a nail can be used and not directly intended. For example, it can be used when dismantling building structures, for disassembling products and frames from wood and so on.

Assortment of leomov-nail

To date, there are several types of tools of this kind. So, the price of a nailway will be directly dependent on what type of tool you will choose. This may be a conventional nail-cutter, which consists of a small handle, as well as a working part having a M-shaped shape, and represents an indoose spatula for safe removal of nails from the surface. This design will allow you to pick up and pull off the nails from surfaces with the most lowest efforts.

Mounting-nail is a tool, on the one hand, which has a small wedge. This wedge can be used as a tool for dismantling various structures (or raising the flooring or lambing of wooden boards). On the other hand, the tool has a split blade, with which you can pull the nails.

And, of course, the classic scrap-breeder, which is a sufficiently weighty all-metal rod, which is pointed at one end. Apply it in various cases - for ice dulling or frozen soil, as well as any stony soil and so on. Among such tools, the "Gross" novel, as well as "JUCO" and "TOPEX", are the most famous. At the same time, you can stop on any other tool model, knowing what needs to be taken into account when buying.

In order to buy a nail, you will need to know several main things. First of all, it is a tool material. Lom-nail can be made of high strength, instrumental steel. But, the most durable and high-quality model of the nails, is considered tool, made of titanium. However, the titanium lamps-nailways of the road, so the tools are most often sold, precisely from instrumental steel. So, this material is sufficiently resistant when mechanically exposed to it, it is practically not inclined to deformation, even with strong blows and effects on it. Here, pay attention to the presence of the paintwork or anti-corrosion coating of the instrument, which further prevents corrosion, rust on it, etc. on it.

The tool length is also an important parameter. In the case when you have to open small wooden boxes, or you need to know what you will work in a limited space, it is worth paying attention to short breaks. So, quite sufficient will be the scrap-nail of 600 mm, or having a length of 300-400 mm. This is enough to apply sufficient efforts. At the same time, you will need to open the wooden floors, windows, door boxes, or any other designs with a scrawing of a scrap, or any other designs, which are best used long models that have a length from 1m to 1.3m. This will allow you to work comfortably, and not too low to bend during operation.

And, of course, the weight of the tool - the harder there will be scrap, the greater the destructive impact he will have on the material. Therefore, if you know exactly what you have to apply a huge force to the dismantling of a particular design, you can safely dwell on the weighty lows of nails. If neat work is needed with boards, drawers, etc., it is worth choosing lightweight models of this tool.

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The nail holder is almost always present in our building inventory, and it is rarely purchased as a separate tool, much more convenient when it is complete with its regular partners - hammer or scrap.

Design and purpose of the nail

There is no person who would perfectly driven nails into any surface without a single error. The percentage of committed errors, of course, depends on the experience of the employee, but never falls to zero. Therefore, without a nail to the construction site cannot do. In addition, it is quite often necessary not in the construction process, but already for the exercise of destruction, for example, a wooden building. Many burn the remnants of the drump building and use ash, but it will spoil all the properties in it, so they are pre-eliminated.

It is not always easy to get a nail with small places, especially if the material is quite strong, and the nail is long. Here, school physics and the law of levers come to the rescue. Even the most stubborn nail can be achieved without much if you have a long lever with a solid gripper at the end. From here it is easy to guess about the design of a nail model, which is pretty simple. Properly pointed end of the capture will help to pose even the deepestly robbed nail.

In general, our instrument looks like this: a long handle, at the end of which there is a bending ending with a flattened forked tip with a slot. The length of the tool depends on the severity of the tasks that it can perform, this is the longest lever, which is directly related to the extension to pull out the nail. A pointed end is easily subject to a nail heap, which may not even perform above the surface of the material. The slot firmly grabs a hat, and the bending as a stop allows you to smoothly transfer the center of gravity tool just back to the pointed end to raise, getting a nail.

Thus, without unnecessary sharp movements and universal efforts, you will get any unsuccessful or unwanted fasteners. We have already said that most often we can meet the nail-cutter as an extra head on the hammer. For most household works, this is quite enough, and convenient, immediately at the time of clogging the nail can be removed. The length of the handle of the hammer is quite enough as a lever. But for more serious work in loaders and carpenters there is always an individual instrument, and from high-strength materials. The nail is often used not only for pulling nails, especially if it is characterized by high strength.

Titanium nail - How to buy a good tool?

Looking at the design, it seems that choosing such a tool is easier than simple. But if you are an experienced master, then it will be very demandless to approach the matter. In addition, the range seemingly monotonous device, quite wide. For example, only by length you can expect to buy a purchase from 32 cm to 1 m, the weight may increase up to 4 kg, although the easiest options pull out that by 0.5 kg. It is also different and material for the manufacture, most often, this is a high carbon steel, but the leader is considered the titanium nail-holder.

Choosing a tool, it is still important to look at some parameters. First, immediately pay attention to the tip. It should be fairly flat, sharp and durable. Sometimes the tip is made only from durable material, and everything else is from the cheaper metal, or even on the tree. It happens that the tip is protected by coatings, paints or anti-corrosion. Yes, with the times about numerous nail heats, it will be erased, but it will still extend the service life, without allowing at least at first rust and scattering.

Next, choose length and weight. If you are tuned to a large amount of work, for example, or windows, analysis of large-sized furniture and similar operations, then feel free to take a nail-holder about 1 m long. If your plans are limited to the analysis of boxes, repair of benches and other trifles, then an option at 30-40 cm is quite suitable.

And the weight should be chosen small, although it is responsible for the efforts. That is, the more the weight of the instrument, the less you will need to make an effort to get a nail. But do not forget that it is necessary to transfer and deft with a heavy tool to you personally, which means that the chance is quick to get tired quite high. So you need to choose the optimal option to make moderate efforts to work, and that the tool itself is effective, but not heavy. Weight 1 kg is considered exactly suitable for these criteria.

The choice of the tool includes the assessment of the material, the quality of the tip, as well as the length of the lever and weight of the entire device.

Create homemade option

For special workshops, we offer a way to independently make a set of the most frequently used types of nails.

How to make a nail-holder with your own hands - a step-by-step scheme

Step 1: Hans

To do this, you will need steel wires of different diameter, for the smallest nails enough and 0.5 mm, and for heavy work, you can even take fittings. First handle the tip. To do this, break the end with a hammer on the anvil (for the reinforcement it should not be plotted, it will be necessary to simply cut the material to the desired sharpness, can be made on the emery circle). Next, we will supply the slot of moderate depth to the usual hacksaw. To be too long to force us deep into it to drive the nail, and this is not at all necessary, extra work.

Step 2: Nozzle Processing

Now you should take a feet and process the edges to remove irregularities, jar and other defects that are certainly formed when working with the metal. Following we have to bend this nozzle, try to do it in two receptions. At first, the thick part of the wire is slowed down, which is located in front of the transition to the flattened one. And followed by her, the part that is closer to the area, which will be made work.

Many people still manage such a workpiece if you have such an opportunity, and you are sure that the wire material allows you to do this, do not go around this idea side. Now you go through the file and the skin, and then polishing paste throughout the tip, it is almost ready, so we carry the gloss. Thus, the entire set of tips is manufactured, your taste and caprication, if you want to have a nail strand almost for each cap size.

Step 3: Use

Now it remains to admit the resulting tip on the handle, if any. But do not despair, if there was no reliable handle, you can attach it to an already existing tool, for example, besides the hammer. Increase the lever value, it is possible to put the bar to the bar after the nail hat was in the slot. Of course, the work will not be instant, but you will achieve the effect. Since there is no huge lever, it will be difficult to get a completely difficult nail, but, having rescued it on half, to finish work easily even with passatages, efforts will be required at least.

This building tool is rather anticerpective. The fact is that with the help of nails do not build and break. It is intended primarily for disassembling non-removable compounds of wooden structures made with nails. At the same time, with the help of a nail model, other disassembled works can be performed: Bringing plaster, dismantling brick walls and much more.

Nudes are of a variety of designs, but everyone has a common feature. At least on one of their ends there is a flattened area in the form of a narrow blade with an expanding slot. When pulling out nails into this slot, the upper part of the sticking nail is started and using a nail-cutter as a lever, resting in a nail hat it is easy to pull it. In construction stores you can find a very large variety of nails and we want to tell about all.

Types of nails


This tool is a classic nail tool. Make it completely made of steel. Structurally, it is a piece of steel rod, the ends of which are bent into different directions, and one of them or both are flattened and cuts for pulling nails. The length of the scrap of the nail) can be like a small length - 40 cm and quite significant - up to 1.5 meters. Accordingly, the longer the nail holder is thicker and stronger.

Previously, these tools are usually made independently of the girlfriend. Usually, various shafts from mechanisms and machines were used for these purposes. If you see such a homemade nail - take without thinking. The fact is that it is truly an eternal instrument due to very high strength qualities of the material used. All the same trees are made from high strength steel. They did novels before usually acquaintances from the factories that had access to powerful presses, or in the forge, which can be found in the expanses of Russia and at present.

Those lamps - nails, which are now sold in stores of course worse. First of all, this is due to the fact that there are standard metal rolling for their production. Currently, the armature, round rod or hex rods with a diameter of 10 mm to 25 mm are used to produce lambs - nails. Despite the fact that part of the manufacturers still exposes the ends of the hardening, this tool is quickly wear out and it is easy to bend it, if you try to break the powerful construction construction.

As an example, I will give my own experience - as a result of using a small modern nail, the slot was developed to such a state that the Hats of nails in it simply stopped holding for two days. And this, taking into account the fact that I pulled out of the wooden floor of only about 1,500 nails with a length of 30 mm (old DVP broke).

A little stronger novels from the reinforcement, but they can very quickly graze corners on their hands, if you do not wind the handle, for example, with a tape. Rails from the round and hexagon rod approximately the strength are equal. Check the strength of the nail is easy enough. Take a nail approximately a length of 120 - 150 mm and tester try to scratch the work part of the tool (blade with a slot). If the scratch turned out, and even deeply do not take this novel. Sense from him will be a bit.

Inventing this design, manufacturers first took care to give the tool universality. So to speak two tools in one. It is a constructively classic hammer, usually with a rounded head, the sharp part of which is made in the form of the working part of the nail. On the one hand, of course it is convenient, especially if you sit on the top of the roof, you clog the nails and need to pull one nail, which from an unsuccessful blow bent.

At the same time, use a nail hammer as a dismantling tool is inconvenient. It is not always possible to bring it up with a nail under the Hat, and he also has a handle less durable - from a tree, and the lever is significantly shorter than that of scrap - the nail-made.

As a metal part of the hammers of this species, there is usually forged tool steel, which usually exceeds the strength of modern classical nails. You can also meet the tool of this species fully made of metal with an ergonomic rubberized handle. Hammers - nails are usually used when performing plumbing and carpentry work.

As recommendations, we will advise you to have three varieties of the nail in your set of tools: a hammer - a nail-cutter, a small classic nail length of 40 - 50 cm and a powerful Lom - a nail length of at least 90 cm. The hammer can be used in construction work when you need to pull one or more Unsuccessfully scored nails, with the help of a small nail-made conveniently pull out upholstery cloves and shoot facing, well, and a large tool will be needed when dismantling powerful building structures, pulling out large nails or brackets, as well as dismantling brickwork.

May 26, 2014.

The name of the instrument - the "nail-breeder" speaks for itself. This is a device intended for extracting nails robbed into a tree, plastic, metal, etc. The nail holder has a view of the curved wedge, made of high-strength metal. This wedge is divided into half, forming a working groove in the middle, with which the nail capture is taken for the "hat", its holding and pulling out.

If the nail is fixed in the material "tightly", then its extraction can be made according to the principle of the lever, the role of which will play the so-called "handle" of the nail. Also, this tool is widely used by handover with a manual lift too heavy noshe and carpenters to destroy are not particularly strong structures. There are several types of nails: a hammer-nail-breeder, scrap-nail and an independent tool. The last option meets much less often.

Hammer nail

What tool can be more versatile than a hammer with a nail-holder on one cutlery? Everything is very logical: the nail is clogged with one side, and the other - take out, in case of unsuccessful procedure! Very convenient, right? However, there is a small "but": such a nail model can not always get to the "Hats" of the nail, since the hammer has a relatively short handle. Plus, its strength is not so high to apply the hammer nail to the lever principle. In general, such a tool is greatly inferior to his "Lomovoy" analogue. The only thing he wins is mobility. Due to its compactness, such a nail holder will always be at hand at the master.


Such a type of tool is considered classic. It is performed from pure, durable steel. It has the form of reinforcement with bent at different directions by the ends on which novels are installed. Naturally, with the help of such a tool you can do everything: and pull the nails, and lift the goods, and the structures of the shoulder, etc. In length, they are from 40 cm to 1.5 m. But it should always be remembered, with an increase in the length of the novelter, its strength and weight increases.

Choosing a nail model

  • Tip. It should be sharp, flat and without external defects.
  • Weight and length. If there is a huge front of work, it seems to dismantle the doors and windows, disassembling furniture, design of structures, etc. Then it will take a nail-breeder at a closer of 1 m in length. If you need to disassemble the boxes, repair the benches and benches, then the nail-cutter 40-50 cm in length is quite consistent. When choosing weight, you should "listen" to yourself: if the forces are enough not to get tired, working with a heavy nail length for a long time, then it is yours! After all, the higher the weight of the instrument, the less effort it will be necessary to exhale the nail!


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