Repairs Design Furniture

Roof Endow: Scheme and Matching Technology Roofing Shots. Raftered supporting on the end of the rafter system of the two-tie roof with the end

In order for the roof to respond with all the architectural features of modern buildings, it is often made in the form of structures from a plurality of multicate roofs. Geometrically complex rafting system frames have a large amount of adjoins of scanty surfaces forming the inner corner of the roof. Such areas in the design of the wooden roof are called Endov. Another name of this element is a slow-down or a horror endand. Having a V-shaped form, the roof endowers actually plays the role of a horror, which are directed and removed water flows. The competent setting of this element is of great importance, since mounted errors can lead to leaks, damage the insulation and additional cost spent.

UNDOVA device scheme

Endow is one of the most important and complex elements of the roof design. The conjugation line of neighboring skates during operation is subjected to serious climatic loads. During the rain, water flows from the neighboring rods, and snow here accumulates.

Properly mounted Endow not only protects the house from weather and precipitation, but also extends the service life of the roof.

Undow usually consists of a decorative top plank covering the joint of two slopes, and the lower a alarium, which is under roofing

The amount of funds depends on the structural features of the roof, as well as from the presence of additional attic windows.

Depending on the features of the roof design, the number of funds installed will be different

The design of the endoise implies the base device in the form of a solid drying, according to which layer of waterproofing, as well as the presence of the lower and upper element. The bottom plan of the endanders performs the function of the drainage horod, and the upper element serves as a decorative part closing the skate joint. Most often, these elements of the roof are made of metal. The highest quality material for the manufacture of Unders is steel sheets with polymer coatings and special spraying. In some embodiments, the upper part of the end is not used.

To improve the waterproofing properties of the lower end, its upper shelves can be sealing self-seeping porous material.

Depending on the angle formed in the scene of the joint joints, three types of funds are distinguished:

The design of the rafter system, which serves as the basis for the installation of the Enda Plans, depends on the intended type of roofing. In this regard, there are several types of doomles for styling Endovy planks:

  1. A solid drying is used when installing a soft roof. In this case, it is made in the form of a solid coating of waterproofing layers.Installation of endanda in this way is the most simple.
  2. If slate, profiled sheets or tiles are used as roofing for a bartal roof, will have a completely different look. For its device, 2 or 3 edged boards are used, which are mounted along the joints of the roofing coating in 10 cm increments.
  3. Dooming with additional elements. When using metal tile, intermediate strips can be installed.
  4. The wooden base for ondulin is made of two boards 10 cm wide, which is mounted in 15-20 cm increments. Such a base will not allow the SPEA SPECIONS.

Video: Endament and adjoining device

Endowma installation sequence

Installing endanda is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Before starting the installation along the entire length of the cornese swell, a dropper is established for the condensate removal from the underpants waterproofing.

    The drip is made of the same material as the main roofing coating

  2. On both sides on a bone rafter foot with a gap 5 cm from its edge, bars are nailed horizontal counterburst. The lower ends of the bars must be washed with a flush with a cornese sweat.
  3. Increased requirements are placed in the waterproofing in the Endovian area. Three layers of the diffusion membrane are stacked here. Its task to protect the underlying structures and heat-insulating materials from moisture ingress, but not to prevent the output of water vapor. The first layer of the membrane is unfolded along the ending over the horizontal counterclaim. The film inside the counterbuilding forms a kind of horror that protects the wood from wetting on the side in the event of a subcoase condensation. The membrane is attached with the help of a bracket to the upper and side edges of the planks. The membrane is then cut along the edge of the dropper and the counterboots.

    Waterproofing material protects the planks of the counterbuilding from wetting on the side and is attached to them with a construction stapler

  4. Further, the diffusion membrane is laid out on the skates on the rafted on a predetermined markup. Laying of waterproofing on the skates is made by a pigtail, that is, alternately from two sides of the endand. At the same time, the membrane is transferred through both horizontal controls and is cut into its opposite edge. The mounting of the membrane from the skates is also made using a stapler on the side and upper edges of both horizontal counterbursters. The joints of this waterproofing barrier can be glued with two-way tape.

    When gluing the membrane, it is necessary to make a launch of at least 10 cm and sneaking it with bilateral scotch

  5. In order for the membrane does not block on the drip from the wind and did not disenteid over time, it is necessary to glue it to the edge of the bile of a dropper bilateral scotch.
  6. Brucks of the electrical board are stuffed over the waterproofing, which form an air gap for ventilation of the underpants space and condensate removal from the film.

    Between the bottom plank of the endanda and the film of waterproofing leave the condensate removal clearance

  7. Laying the membrane from the opposite skate, as well as the mounting of the brackets to the horizontal control and the sizing bilateral tape occurs in a similar way.
  8. After the membrane is closed, both neighboring skate and endowa are closed, it is completed by a stuffing of the counterbuilding and the installation of brucks of the root. Installation of the lower roasting along the cornese sweep is carried out with the ends of the counterboots.

    Wooden bag, laid on bars. Controlling, is necessary to ventilating the underpants and for fastening the finish coating

  9. In the region of the Endament on the lower stamps of the root, markup is made at an angle for accurate docking with each other. A ventilation tape is installed along the entire cornese swelling to protect against bird penetration.

    Bottom rails in the region of endanders are cut to form a smooth junction

  10. The erases of the crumb on the side of the front-bottom sink are closed closed up the patch of the membrane, which is fixed on the stapler bars. The frontal board is stuffed over it. If this is provided for by the project, the brackets for the fastening of the grooves are mounted throughout the cornis.
  11. In the area of \u200b\u200bEndovy, in the middle between ordinary races of the roach of the roasters, additional bars are stuffed, which support the gullants, not letting it be deformed by the weight of snow. At the same time, thanks to the rapid doom, the space under Yandov's groove is well ventilated. In the presence of a waterway system, a plastic throat apron is mounted. His task is to prevent water and snow to enter the ventilation gap between tiles and waterproofing.

    To counteract snow loads under the slave of the lower end, a rapid label is arranged

In the absence of a drainage system, installing the apron of the sweep is not mandatory.

Video: Installation of endanders on the roof of metal tile

Connection of two endands on the skate

The installation process at the junction of two rtands is as follows:

  1. If the project is provided by the shake of the funds below the skate, then the gutter on both sides are trimmed for a dense pairing and are fixed with self-draws. The joint of the grooves is carefully sickled by a sealing ribbon along the entire length, profiled on the rubble and rolled the roller.
  2. Standard struck at the top is attached to the shell with brackets. The upper angle of the junction is formed by hand, and the flap is pressed against the surface of the grooves.

    In order for moisture to penetrate the underfloor space, at the edges of the Radovy Plans make bend

  3. Flashing is completely locked throughout the entire length, and the efforts can be made only in places above the shap. Over the entire length of the Yandov's groove on both sides, foam bands are stuck. They protect the underfloor space from precipitation and dust. The lower edge of the foam band should have to the air element. If the foam bands for some reason were not used, water, snow and dust will constantly fall under the roofing coating, thereby reducing the service life of the structure.

    Foam bands must be installed necessarily to protect the space under the plank of Endament from water, snow and dust

  4. The roofing material is laid on both adjacent rods in the direction from the front-bottom sweep or the Range of the Indo, which closes the groove as possible. To ensure the smooth flow of rainwater and the somewhat groove on the horror end, the coating on both sides is cut at one level. Fasting of the cutting tiles on the Endovian groove should be from 13 to 15 cm or 8-10 cm from the center of the bottom plank.

    Sheets of metal tiles are cutting up so that they go to the lower line of Endovma at 13-15 cm

A smaller flystone will lead to the fact that the foam strip will be collapsed due to the effects of solar radiation, and the larger - complicates the tile mount.

The cut line is applied in coloring cord by tags, located at the top and bottom of the end, and is placed on both sides of the groove.

Video: Endova with access to the scat on the roof of metal tile

Features of fastening elements of UNDOD assembly

UNDOVA assembly has the appearance of a concave angle between the two rods. To attach this element of the roof, roofing screws are used, which are equipped with a rubber or plastic washer. The washer performs several functions:

  • prevents the surface of the roofing material from scratches and damage;
  • it serves as a waterproofing layer between the self-tapping screw and the hole in the roof, hermetically closing all the gaps.

Rubber washer provides soft clamp of self-pressing and waterproofing of the hole

When installing the strip of the Endament, it is necessary to make a launch of at least 10 cm.

For better sealing of these roofing elements, it is necessary to use a sealing tape.

The slats of the lower end is mounted directly to a wooden shell with the help of crimmer fixed by nails or self-drawing. The upper element of it is necessary to screw the screws to the metal tile. It should be noted that the self-tapping screws for the attachment of the upper endand should not be resting in the lower flavored. The gaps between the roofing coating and the rubberbing sheets must be filled with a foam seal.

Clammers fix the lower bar of the endanda, without damaging her edges

When installing UNDOVA nodes, special attention should be paid to the quality of the root. The installation of the lower alarium is recommended to do on a solid doom, the width of which should be no less than the width of the Endaist itself.

Installation of UNDODA nodes is as follows:

The brackets should be fixed not to the ordinary, but to a rapid doom, otherwise they will interfere with smooth laying of the tiles.

The upper groove is placed on the underlying with a falsestone at least 10 centimeters. When laying, it is necessary to combine the transverse ribs of the gutters and fasten the subsequent grooves is similar to the first.

When installing endands from several slats, it is necessary to make a launch of 10 cm

Installing Aero Eellent Sves

The air element is established for additional support for the lower row of metal tile, as well as to prevent bird penetration under roof.

If the removal is greater, it will hold the garbage in the horror and fallen leaves, as well as prevent sliding snow and rainwater.

Strengthening endanda

The functionality of it is directly related to the quality of its foundation. To enhance it, it is better to use a solid doom.

  1. The waterproofing layer is installed along the entire length of the base. The best option to enhance the bile nodes is the use of angle carpet. This protective coating is made of nonwoven polyester material impregnated with concrete mixes with the addition of modifiers. A sprinkler from basalt crumbs is applied to the upper side of the end carpet, its lower part is covered with sand granules.
  2. The waterproofing material is fixed with special stickers or nails. If the carpet is nails nails, the distance between them should be about 20 cm.
  3. Bottom elements are mounted, roofing, seals and decorative parts.

To enhance UNDOVA nodes instead of standard waterproofing, you can use nonwoven polyester materials

The installation of polyester cloth with bitumen impregnation allows you to solve a number of problems:

  • ensure reliable protection of the internal inflection of the design and other most vulnerable to entering the moisture;
  • create a shock-absorbing layer that will soften the load from the snow;
  • increase the aesthetic quality of the roof;
  • fully eliminate leaks.

Undercuting under the arrangement of endanda

If the endow is arranged on the roof of the tiles, it is often required to cut the elements of the roofing material:

  1. First, the black apparatus is performed, and then the pure markup and trimming of the tiles exactly along the line applied on the Yandov's groove.

    Tile trimming must be made on a circular saw machine

  2. Shipping spikes falling on Undova, knocks off or cut off so that it does not crack on the groove.
  3. The foam band under the tiles should be trimmed - it allows you to immediately put the roofing coating smoothly, without waiting for it when it will sell the strip under the action of its own weight and fall into place.
  4. Pre-in the trim tile drills a hole for a self-press with the calculation so that it does not fall on the groove.
  5. The prepared roofing element is installed in place and attached to the self-tapping screw.

    All laid items should form a flat line, parallel to the axis of the groove

  6. Sometimes when marking it shows that after cutting some elements there is a small triangular fragment, which is difficult to fix. This happens if the cutting line accounts for the right side of the tiles, then the cut line is shifted by 5 cm, and a half-tile is used nearby. It is installed instead of the usual ordinary one through one column from clipped. The consumption of half-fledged roofing elements is one piece into two rows on each side of the Enda.

    Half tiles adds the missing roof fragment if most of the surface of the last coating element falls in this row under trimming

  7. Prepared Cropped Tile lays on its place and fixed with a self-tapping screw. The tile from the top row shifts down and presses the cropped element.
  8. Similarly, the rest of the roofing material in Undova is stacked. When laying on a skate, an extreme ski tile, which goes on the jack of funds, cuts the same line as the tile, located in the rows on the skate.
  9. The upper cut of the upstream tiles is closed by a special ribbon for adjoins. Installation of endanda is completed.

    Corrugated tape is a convenient and efficient material for sealing protruding parts of the roof.

It is impossible to mount the tile through the grooves of the endanda, since at the point of the passage of self-built precipitation will be set under the roof.

Video: Installation of ceramic tiles - Formation of endune

Errors when installing endanda

Installation of Endowma's boiled requires care and skills. Since this element of the roof transfers a large amount of rainwater, the slightest error when it is installed can lead to serious problems and additional costs. The most common errors when installing endanda are:

  1. An attempt to cut off the tile directly on the end, using the Bulgarian. This often leads to damage to the already fixed groove. In addition, it is very difficult to achieve a smooth line of the cut along the entire length of the suspension, so the endow and the entire roof will look slightly, and the flow of water and the somewhat snow will be difficult.

    If the tile cut off unevenly, the roof will have a sloppy view, and water and snow will go from it with interruptions

  2. Fastening a groove with nails along the entire length.
  3. Installing Random Planks from the skate to the bottom edge. In this case, the bottom plank will cover the upper one. In places of the adjoints of these elements, the moisture will fall inside the roof, and does not hold down.
  4. Narrow doom or lack of additional rails. This error will lead to the fact that the weight of snow deforms Enda. As a result, gaps and gaps are formed through which moisture penetrates.
  5. Twisted or insufficiently swirling self-tapping screws. In the first case, roofing is damaged, in the second - moisture will penetrate under the self-sufficiency.

    With improper twisting of the screws in the undercase, water will be increasing, contributing to the destruction of the rafter system

The process of installing endanda requires special knowledge and construction skills. Therefore, the installation of this roofing element is better to entrust experienced specialists. In this case, errors will be excluded, leading to serious problems.

The roof design plays a very large role in creating an appearance of the house. Fantasy architects sometimes simply affects the imagination with intricate forms of roofs of individual residential buildings. The set of planes intersecting at different angles from the colored professional flooring looks unusual and original.

But the complexity of the roof has a reverse side. Choosing the roof design, you should always remember that the main task is to protect the building from the rain and snow. At the same time, any junction of the roof slot among themselves bears the potential danger of the disruption of the tightness of the roofing coating and the occurrence of leaks.

One of the most responsible places in the roof of a complex form is an internal angle at the place of intersection of two rocks. It is called this element of the roofing coating of the end. It is Endow for a professional flooring takes precipitation from the planes of intersecting rods. During the rain on the end, the flow of water collected from a large area flows, and the snow always accumulates in it, increasing the load on the rapid system.

Therefore, you need to know how to make it right and pay the design of this roofing node special attention.

Endament device roofs from corrugated

As mentioned above, UNDOVA is the place of connecting two ropes, forming a chute. Endow for professional flooring can be three main types:

  • open;
  • closed;
  • twisted (combined).

In an open endand, the lower parts of the roofing of the skates ends with a special gutter, the role of which is performed by the bottom plank of the funds for professional flooring. It is she who serves to remove water into the drain chute.

After mounting the professional flooring on the rods of the roof, the top plank of it is installed on their place. This element performs more decorative function, closing the edges of the roofing coating. The figure shows the Endament device from the corrugated floor.

The closed endow for the professional flooring differs from the open because the shears of roofing in the place of the joint are adjusted close to each other. In this case, the upper bar is not installed.

The intertwined roof end design is even more complicated. In such a design, the shelves of roofing in the connection site are becoming at each other in a checker order.

For the roofs of the professional flooring, the open end device of the roofing is most often used.

The device of the rafter system with end

Considering the increased load on the roof at the site of the end of the end, the reliability of the rafting system on the inner junction of the skates needs to be paid special attention. The rafting system of the roof with the end is quite complicated. It is better to entrust the development of the drawings of the frame of such a roof by specialists, but there are several basic rules, when performing which the roof with it can be built with its own hands.

Before the construction of a multi-communion roof with several examples, it is necessary to preliminarily draw up the plan of the rafter system. To understand how to properly put Undov, it is necessary to conditionally smash the house into several rectangles. The largest of them is considered the main, and the frame of the roof of smaller rectangles will be attached to its rafter system.

In the place of the joint of the main premises with the annexes and the endline will begin. At the opening points of ended rafters, additional riggers are mounted, which, in turn, rest on the racks or spacers. Approximately the diagonal rafting legs of a holm roof are installed. The most complex is the device of the rafted roof roof.

The rafters under Undova are mounted as well as any other rafters of the pitched roof. The main thing before to do Indovu, to properly connect the rods and securely bore them with each other.

If for a professional flooring with a small concrete profile on the roofing rods, it is enough to perform a crate with a step of 300 mm, then the shap must be necessarily solid.

How to install endanda on the roof of the corrugated floor?

When the assembly of the rafter system is completed and the reliability of the attachment of all its elements among themselves, the endow is mounted without much difficulty.

At first, the installation of additional bars is installed at the installation site in order to make a solid crate. Before I put it, in this place it is necessary to perform additional waterproofing.

On top of the roofing membrane in the end, the waterproofing tape is paved, which should be 5-10 cm wide of the lower strip of the end. Sometimes special self-adhesive waterproofing tapes are used, but most often they are simply fixed with nails to a solid roof crate.

How to make the roof of the roof from the professional flooring completely sealed:

1. Waterproofing membrane; 2. glue sealant; 3. Self-adhesive tape-lock
4. Planck of endanda; 5. Sheet of professional flooring.

After laying additional waterproofing, the bottom plank of the roof is mounted at the junction of the roof. When the corner of the roof of the roof from the corrugated floor is small, it is better to use an enlarged bar. If the usual Randow Plank has a width of each side of about 300 mm, then increased more than 2 times.

It is important to build endanda so as to withstand the natural elements, as well as to protect the roof of the house from the plot and, it is possible, breaking the roof of the wind gusts.

What is Endow?

If you finish home construction One of the most important affairs remains the roof end device. Endow or Rareblovka is the place of the junction of the roof of the roof, which takes on the lion's share of the roof loads:

  • heated in summer to high temperature;
  • rainwater flies on this junction;
  • the load of snow cover here is the highest.

The natural disaster for the house can be prevented or reduced by its consequences if the endow is tightly holds an angular strike. For the correct calculation of the design of the house or its individual parts, you can contact the company Innovroy's specialists. In order to order a free miscalculation, you can fill in the contact information and leave a message on the miscalculation parameters on the company's main page of the company. Out of main page You need to, srolling the page from above on one row, click the button "Order Prompt for construction - for free!"

Narrow place of the whole house

What is the need for the right device of it? The weakest place of any design remains a place where there is a connection. It is possible to show all the negative external influences on the construction faster here. Endow, which connects two, three, and, sometimes, and more parts of the roof, and there is a bottleneck in the design of any structure, both in the private construction sector and commercial buildings.

Incorrectly built or incorrectly calculated UNDOVA may cause the roof destruction, under certain circumstances - the whole roof, and sometimes and the whole house. If unprofessional, without calculations and certain knowledge, approach the styling of the endand, you can get the most negative consequences. If we know in advance from which it is necessary to protect the house, we can make so that for many years the junction of the skates was a reliable connection. Specialists of the company "Innovroy" have a great experience of successful holding the most difficult roofing work , Including on the device of the end of the roof. The company can also be ordered and a comprehensive service, including design at home , roof repair and roofing, as well as designing a new or reconstruction of an existing roof, a mounting or full cycle of roofing work, which will be performed by professionals.

How to build Undov?

What would have been built a roof, whatever the material for the roof is, there are general laying rules, the scheme of the Endament device:

1. First attach a solid tree crate on the site of connecting two roof slopes.

2. The bottom of it is strengthened with roofing tin or other suitable building materials. It must be waterproof, resistant to temperature drops. This may be, for example, one of the options for waterproofing carpets.

3. The crate is collected first from a solid boarding up.

4. The flooring is covered with asbestos-cement (slate) tray or galvanized steel tray. This is called still lower end. The edge of the tray should perform ahead, abroad parts of metal tiles, slate sheets or professional flooring. This will ensure the rigidity and reliability of the design.

5. The last step in the construction of the endand is the laying above all roofing sheets, the upper endand. Usually the upper end is the part of the same material from which they make all the roof. Upper Endova is not a mandatory element of the roof, but it gives the building Completed aesthetic species .

Sometimes the laying of the upper endand may refuse such reasons:

  • it is necessary to organize a large drainage of plum;
  • the skipping of the tales snow, which does not rarely fall of particles of branches, leaves and other garbage, is better with an open type of endanda;
  • it is necessary to improve the skipping flow of melt or stormwater for the roof with a small angle of rising skate.

We talked about the basic rules for the arrangement of endanda, but besides that, they have many features. The most important factor that affects the technology of styling of endanda is the roof material. Endow is, in fact, part of the roof, therefore it must be a continuation of it and combine the color and material of the manufacture. Conslude these technological features important when the roofing works are completed, which we will tell on. If you carefully read all the tips, you can easily try to install Undov on the roof. If there is no confidence in your abilities or you do not have consultants who have experience in construction, still the best option will appeal to those who know how to build this important part of the house. Our tips will help to understand how Endow is arranged and how to build it correctly, even if you won't build a builder, but the customer of the service.

How does Endow save the house?

The principle of operation of it is based on draining water under the action of corners of the skates:

  • on the grooves, grooves or the profile of the roof, moisture, snow or water flows to the Yandov's groove;
  • the chute takes the flow and sends it down the roof;
  • alone or with drainage, water flow merges to the ground.

Endova must be based on the front structure of the roof, tasks:

  • strong enough to hold the stream of water or sliding snow, ice
  • additionally, hydroelected to eliminate the possible leakage of the roof near the gutter.

To take into account all the features of the styling of endanda, it is necessary to know easy-to-wear rules worked out by professional builders.

Device Endoom Roofs from metal tile

Metal tile is a modern queen roofing, because it has a beautiful appearance and excellent characteristics. When it comes to the device of the endand from metal tile, the roof is formed by the general scheme that we described above. First, the lamp is satisfied, and then put a standard sheet metal tile, specially prepared as a gutter. From above, after the installation of all sheets of the roof, also attach the upper end.

During the device underson from metal tile, it should be remembered that the wooden crate is required to do:

  • solid, without voids on the place of the joint;
  • material of crates - boards no less than 150 by 25 mm;
  • the width of the crate from the center of the joint should be at least 300 mm on both sides.

After the formation of the crates, the waterproofing is required - a special rug or any other moisture-resistant and loads, building materials. Night Indow is fastening with self-drawing screws in which a step of at least 300 mm. Breaking endands is fixed on top of the cornice, as it is necessary for high-quality water removal. Two edges of the skates, the backstage should be at least 10 cm. In the gap of the lower underama and metal tile, it is recommended to pave a seal that will expand under the influence of heat and seal the connection.

End device on a slate roof

Slate is a classic roof. These wavy sheets from asbestoscent are cheap and easy to work, although more fragile than metal tile.

The ending device on a slate roof retains the main stages of installing endanders with metal tile. On the finished wooden frame-frame, the slate sheet is stacked, which is specifically prepared at the factory for the lower gutter. The upper endow is stacked after the installation of the entire roof. The value of the slate ending is performed from the bars with a cross section of at least 60 by 60 mm. If the roof makeup can pass with pauses in the laying, the endowers requires a complete crate. From above the resulting wooden gutter, a slate detail is laid, usually factory manufacture. Slate blanks are starting to be attached to thick and large slate nails from below to the top of the roof.

If there is no such slate figure, you can apply the metallic base for the lower end. Slate sheets should be overlapped by 10-15 cm Edge of the lower end. Sometimes in the slate version do not perform the upper end, to increase the flow chapter of the module or a large flow of water during the rainstream. This scheme is practiced in places with high humidity and a specific climate.

Entradder device from corrugated

Professional flooring for the roof is applied for a long time, although such a coating is not fashionable for homes - it looks too simple. But the professional flooring does not give positions, since it is inexpensive and easy to process that for any construction site is a very important indicator. On the installation of endanders, there are no differences here in comparison with metal tile and slate, although there are its own features. For the crates, it is possible to use a solid range of boards with a cross section of no less than 32 per 100 mm and a distance of not less than 50-60 mm from the center of Enda. Standard of Endovma should enter the main shelter of the professional flooring at least 250 mm.

Other Methods of Endament Device

The roof does not always happen from popular materials. Sometimes it is required to make endand for a soft roof, for example, from a rolled modified bitumen or other synthetics. In this case, it is made by otende or an open or "subripe" method. Under the lining carpet from above laid the carpet of the endand. This carpet is missing with bitumen mastic to enhance waterproofing. The carpet is nailed with roofing nails, which are driven up at a distance of no more than 2-5 cm from the edge of the carpet and one from the other from another no more than 25 cm.

If it is stacked by the sub-withdrawal method, the filling parts are not required. It is necessary in the tiled roof. The tiled roof is complex in design and technique, therefore requires special attention of the builder. It is important to prevent any gaps in thermal insulation or insufficient insulation. Endow in this case should have snowstanding brackets. Stacking of endand in the tiled roof is carried out in two ways:

  • on wooden flooring from boards
  • on a thick wooden crate.

The width of the flooring from the board should be at least 30 cm from the axis of the groove. Stacking a groove on the flooring makes prinuffs. The grooves are built up.

Important results

Endament device is a very important point at the end of the building of the house, cottage or household building. It is fundamental to the fact that its device has many technological moments that cannot be missed:

  • high-quality waterproofing of the Lower Endament to preserve the integrity of the roof and durability of operation
  • compliance with the strength of the design of the crate to prevent accusation or breakdowns of Endov

  • the correct selection of materials for the installation of the gutter, the choice of this material, taking into account the highest possible quality and reliability, waterproof;
  • installation of elements of Endament by specialists or lovers with sufficient luggage knowledge.

If all these moments are observed, you will get roof, where Endow will perform its main function - to protect against the destructive power of water and keep warm and comfort in your home for many years without costly and trouble-free repairs.

Help to hold the right installation of the roof roof you will help you video.

For all owners of country houses, you want their home or cottage to look unusual, surprising surrounding not only the appearance, but also the inner structure of the roof.

The harder the form of the roof, the more unusual look acquires the entire building. In this case, UNDOVA will be a key element in the roof design, after all, the more the rods and funds, the more difficult is the configuration of the whole roof. Let us consider in more detail what the roof endow is.

End roof

Considering such an element as the roof Endow, it is worth saying that this is one of the most important elements of the entire roofing system, which is nothing more than the intersection of the rods forming the chute. Endovma is internal (or incoming) roof corners, the location of the rods (in the form of a tray) is used to collect water.

When designing the entire roofing system, it is necessary to pay special attention to the roof shadows, as they are most susceptible to loads in the form of precipitation.

Therefore, when connecting the skates, it should be followed by fairly strict rules in the construction of the endoral roof. Materials must meet the highest quality requirements, and the construction technologies must be very accurate.

It does not matter what type of roof will be wary of the entire building (hip, in the form of a tent, or cruciform), in all these types of roofs there is such an element as Endow, and therefore, to build and design, you need to show special attention to their construction.

Even the most minimal errors in the design of the roof can entail sad consequences: from ordinary leaks in the roof, until its full collapse, if all possible loads (from wind and to sediment) are taken into account. Therefore, if there are doubts about your abilities and the ability is better to invite specialists at this stage of work.

Constructive features of the endanda and its types

Quite often, it can be noted that Endahova on the roof is made of metal sheets in the form of planks.

They can have their design features. Depending on this, there are two of their species - the plank of the lower end, the plank of the upper end.

The lower bar and its installation is done in cases where a negative angle is formed at the joints. Its main purpose is to prevent moisture from entering through the joints.

Installation of the lower plank must be made before the installation of materials for the roof such as, for example, professional flooring or metal tile.

Upper Planck of Endova, for the most part, carries only a decorative function. It should attractive looks attractive views. In other words, installing endanda, this is the final stage in the external decoration of the roof.

The upper bar of the endand is installed after the installation of roofing materials is carried out.

You need to pay attention to the place of attachment of the endand and choose it very carefully. This will eliminate damage to the lower part of the end. To consolidate, it is best to use roofing screws, and so that in the places of the attachment there were no leaks, it is necessary to use layers of lining.

There are three main types of endanda:

  • open type;
  • closed type;
  • twisted.

Their main differences only in the variety of ways of connecting and interlacing roofing rods.

Designing an endo roof

In the process of designing the entire roofing system, it is necessary to understand that, the harder the shape and type of roof, the more difficult it will be subsequently subsequently. Accordingly, on the contrary, the smaller the rods, and, it means, the whole design is supposed to be simpler, the fact will be much less difficulties with its construction.

If the roof is assumed to be multi-sighted (for example, a hip) and with a large number of funds, then there must be a plan for the future roof with the calculation of the main size of the building, as well as other design features.

In order to properly design a roof, it is necessary to smash the building on rectangles, the largest of all will serve as the main premises, and the rest, those smaller, will serve as an extension.

On an approximate scale and with a retreat from the walls, you need to portray the entire perimeter of the future roof. In those places where the compound is supposed to connect with extensions, and there will be a line of rtanda. Such a line will be an inner angle in which the remaining elements of the roof are converged.

Most often in modern homes, you can see rtand roofs, which are made in the form of the letter T. in such a type of roof, there are no differences between different types of rafters (diagonal and rto).

In this case, we can say the following: both installing endands, and all other stages of work can be done completely as well as the installation of conventional rafters. But in this case, special attention should be paid to the correct connection of the skates and their reliable fastening with each other.

Laying raging

Before starting laying a rash, you need to take care of the laying of a wooden flooring. For this purpose, you can use the edged board. However, it is worth remembering that it must be treated with special antiseptics.

It is impossible to do without UNDOVA on multicate roofs, and therefore the roof and Endow become almost uniform concepts. When laying a suspension, it is necessary to pay attention to the following features:

  1. it is worth remembering that the groove is installed before the arrangement of the crate;
  2. after the grooves are laid, the edges of the crate must be fixed to the flooring;
  3. all the ends of the timber used must be approached by the grain flapping;
  4. in the process of laying a groove, its angle should be bend a little more than the angle of the Endament itself;
  5. all laying should be carried out from the eaves and in the bottom upward direction;
  6. to secure the groove to the floor, it is necessary to use special roofing nails;
  7. if you need to build several grooves, then the minimum nesting should be about 10 centimeters;
  8. ribs going across, in the process of laying should be combined;
  9. both edges of the groove that ensure the best water repellent properties, you need to sneak the strip from the foam rubber, it will ensure reliable protection of all endands from penetration into the roofing material of excess snow, dirt and water.

In the process of fixing the groove of the end, it is necessary to constantly pay attention to the notifiations.

Endovist protection from weather phenomena

Since UNDOVA is one of the most vulnerable elements throughout the roof structure, it is natural that it should be protected as much as possible from the influence of weather conditions. To achieve these goals, you can apply special rolled carpets for Endament.

With a slight bias, the roof can be coated with 4 layers. But you must necessarily have previous three layers to combine each other. The top layers are fixed in one row with a web on the rods.

With the slope of the row of more than 15 degrees, all three layers are also glued together, but with a certain level of conjugation in the Undow's Silence.

Speeding, whose width is less than 60 centimeters, must be covered with long carpets, and if it is even wider, then you can use pieces of roll coatings. The laying of all the layers should be transversely throughout the entire endand.

Bind roofs are, first of all, complex roof types. From such an element as Endova, aesthetic attractiveness and beauty depends on both the whole house, in general and roofs, in particular.

Therefore, it is necessary to take care that every stage of work all you have thought was made as accurately as possible and securely, according to the developed drawings and plans. And only when complying with all conditions and requirements for the construction of the endoral roof, your non-standard roof will delight you and your familiar with your unique forms and beauty!

On a very complex roof configuration, such an element is usually present asnDOVA. Roof, schemethe rafter system of which is designed in a similar way, should be isolated from precipitation and melt water as carefully as possible. E.nDova call the closing place of the joint of two slopes forming an inner corner.There are always a lot of rainwater in such a gutter. And therefore, when the roof is trimmed, they should pay maximum attention.

Features of the design of Endovism

In order to avoid the flow of the roof, the jet of the skate of the skates before installing the base material should be thoroughly hydroizing. In most cases, three main elements are used to cover this meaningful roof location:

  • waterproofer;
  • lower Endova;
  • top Endow.

Arrangement of a solid crate - a procedure with which, among other things, reliability can be providedsuch an element like Endow. Roof, scheme which assumes the presence of such elements, and rather, its framework is going on a special technology.

Ruberoid or can be used as a waterproofer for endandaspecial self-adhesive carpet. The latter option is considered more preferable. A special tape is more expensive than rubReroid, but she protects the joint from moisture much more reliable. The upper and lower staks are usually coming complete with roofing material. But sometimes they have to do themselves. In this case, galvanized tin or aluminum or copper sheets are used.

Features of the assembly of the rafter system

The relative complexity of the frame assembly is something that is differentroof with endo. (Schemasuch a design is presented below) in this case is mounted using additional elements.

The doome of Undova is usually stuffed after installing the main scope. At the first stage In the place of the breakfast mountedWhere the highest load is accounted for on it, the rack is installed.. Next to the main rafter under the desired angle are summarized.

At the next stage, the lamp of the skate themselves is stuck. For this, not too thick board is used.C. tobs to make Yandov's chute, between the elements of the already packed cratesimply additional as thicknesses are installed.Thus, the chute is usually shutdown under the metal.

Under Ondulin most often mounted a little differentendow. Roof, Scheme Slinge In this case, the same as when using a metal tile, in the site of the break, is not trimmed on a solid crate, but on two long boards, laid from the skate to the eaves. The width of these elements usually exceeds 10 cm. Place the boards on the slope from top to bottom, leaving in the area of \u200b\u200bthe main lineon the joint axis, the gap of a width of 15 cm.

How to make the bottom plank for metal tile

This element of endanda is usually made from tin. Width of a solid crate under the barmost often equal to 60 cm (30 cm for each side of the joint). Depending on the magnitude of the angle, etc. This indicator can be large or smaller.In any case, cut from tin bottom plankd. olzna to be about 10 cm wider crates. In order for the flowing water to not fall on the rafter system and the roof insulation, according to its sides, the edges are tightened under an acute angle. For the same sides, subsequently using kleimers producedfixation of the lower end rafter system.

Lower plank for Ondulina

Under this material, as mentioned, a slightly different endow is placed. The roof, the scheme of which involves the use of two vertical boards as a mixture, can also be quite reliable. But the bar in this case, of course, you need to do a little differently. For its manufacture in the middle of the carved out of the fastener strip the gutter. Its dimensions must correspond to the width of the gap between the supporting boards (15 cm).

Roof Endovers: Upper Plank

This element is most often made from metal sheets covered with a polymer layer. When the latter selection, their color is not different from the color of the roofing material itself. If this rule is not compared, the finished roof will look inactively. Wash the upper end in accordance with the configuration of the across the angle of the skate.

Gutter waterproofing

This procedure should be carried out as carefully as possible with the arrangement of such an important element as UNDOVA. Roof, scheme which involves the use of a solid crate under the lower bar, usually it turns out reliable. But only if the waterproofer on the chute is mounted correctly.

Ruberoid strip K.solid Shake Skat Fasten on bitumen mastic. For additional fixation using such material, nails with wide hats can also be applied. They are stuffedon the upper corners of each rubberoid strip in such a way that in the subsequent they were under the adoption. The latter width should be equal to at least 10-15 cm.

Installation of the bottom and top planks

After the waterproofer is fixed, you can start assembling the rtanda itself. Lower slats are mounted at a distance equal to the main crate. Stacking strips of slats begin to bottom. Horizontal adhesions between the elements, as well as when installing the waterproofer, are made by 15 cm.

The sheets of metal tiles are in the gutter in such a way that their edges do not reach the central axis by 6-10 cm. Ondulin is pre-trimmed along the extreme lines of the gutter curved in the lower bar. Upper Undova installbottom. Fasten it in a wave in a step of about 20 cm.

Other types of endords

The stuffing technology of the shake of the shake of the slope described above is the simplest. This is how usually workdo it yourself. However, the roofs are infused in other ways. On steep rods, for example, a closed knot is often arranged.When using such a technique, the most reliableendow roof. Metal tilein this case, it can go a little more than when using open technology. The fact is that with such a method of trimming chute sheets are joined.

When used as roofing material, the intertwined technology of endandering is usually used. In this case, the elements of the roofing material are started directly through the chute to the opposite slope.