Repairs Design Furniture

Repair of a flat roof: the most common options. Repair of an exploited roof repair of a flat roofing rolled materials sequence of work

Problems of Reconstruction of Flat Roofing

Reconstruction of the flat roofs of industrial and civil buildings in the Russian Federation is one of the most frequent and natural types of construction work. Despite the emergence of modern roofing materials, the explicit improvement in the culture of labor during the device of the waterproofing of waterproofing has a huge cash every year spent on the current and capital repairs of the roofs of this type. The leaks, bloody, cracks, cracks and other roofing defects lead to a significant increase in the cost of operation of buildings.
As part of the current repair of roofs, which is carried out either when the first signs of the roof occurs, or according to the results of an assessment of the state of the roof, are made a sticker of one or two layers of roll-up materials. The durability of such a repair is usually small - only 2 to 4 years and it is necessary to again produce the sticker of the following layers of roof waterproofing. As a result of such a continuous repair, the waterproofing carpet of the roof may have a thickness of more than 200 mm (see Figure 1.)

Fig.1. Waterproofing carpet of flat roof after numerous repairs.

One of the main reasons for such a small deadlock, the roofs is saturated with water of various roof elements, both in the process of the direct device of the roof and in the process of their subsequent operation. Excess moisture appears in the elements of the roof when working in the autumn-winter period, during precipitation, also wedge elements of the roof during damage to the roofing carpet, in the absence, or violation of the cooler plate membrane. In case of water, or water vapor inside the structures of roofing pie occurs, the heat insulating layer of the roof laid under the layer of rolled waterproofing occurs. This also contributes to those building solutions that are most popular today. Widely used incess of clamzite gravel, thermal insulation of roofs with fibrous mineral waters with high water absorption. These materials can be saturated with water as in the construction process, during precipitation; And during operation, with different kinds of damage to the roofing carpet. It should be noted that insulation with high water absorption are prone to accumulating water under the waterproofing layer. In this case, water can be concentrated not in the place of leakage through waterproofing, which significantly makes it difficult to find the place of damage to the roof. When the roof is heated due to solar energy (in summer to 85 degrees C), the moisture from the heat-insulating layer evaporates with the creation of overpressure under the waterproofing membrane and, as a result, bloody carpet, bubbles occur. (See Fig. 1). These damage form subsequent disorders of the waterproofing layer leading to water leaks. The repair of the roof, which consists in a re-sticker of waterproofing is not effective, because it does not eliminate the cause of the roof defects, which consists in an increased water content of the heat insulating layer of the roof.

Existing options for the reconstruction of flat roofs

Radically correct the situation can only the decision on the overhaul of the roof, in which the roofing pie is entirely dismantled. But the overhaul of the roof is a complex of expensive construction work, which includes a large amount of financial investments in the dismantling and removal of construction garbage. In addition, during the overhaul of the roof, the risk of causing substantial financial damage to the interior decoration and equipment of the building is created, since when the precipitation is lost when the roof waterproofing is likely, water is likely to enter the building.
To some extent, it is possible to find a solution to this problem in the device of the so-called "breathable" roofs. In this case, in the lower layer of the waterproof carpet, due to its partial consolidation to the base, a network of channels are created on which there is a subsequent reset of excessive pressure under the waterproofing membrane. This solution has several substantial minuses:

  • High laboriousness of the device of the elements of the roof. Complicated in the design nodes of the output of the steam-air mixture.
  • In case of damage to the roof in one place moisture on the system of underpants the channels spreads over the surface of the entire roof. It is almost impossible to find the place of leakage at the same time, often you have to dismantle the whole roofing carpet.
  • When a breathable roof device, water stagnation is not eliminated over the old waterproofing carpet, almost always have a place on old roofs. Especially with the increased thickness of the waterproofing carpet.

Fig.2. A flattered roof section after the usual reconstruction (sticker of a new waterproofing carpet).

1. The base of the roof is usually a reinforced concrete plate.
2. A layer of vaporizolation.
3. A layer of old, moistened due to thermal insulation leaks (mineral wool, polystyrene foam, ceramzit, lightweight concrete, etc.)
4. The path of migration of the steam-air mixture in the heat insulating layer during the heating of the roof.

6. Excessive pressure generated by migrating water vapors.
7. Punish on the surface of a new roofing carpet, laid during the reconstruction of the roof.

Buffer layers of flat roofing from monolithic foam concrete.

An effective solution for the reconstruction of flat roofs is the use of monolithic. At the same time, on the surface of the old waterproofing carpet, ties made of foam concrete. Next, a new roofing carpet is applied to the surface of the foam concrete screed. Fully technology for the reconstruction of flat roofs is a number of the following steps.
. Assessment of the state of a flat roof: determination of zones of water stagnation, presence of damage to roofing carpet, etc.;
. Preparation of the base for the device of the buffer foam concrete screed. Cutting folds, detacies, bubbles - to the base, cleaning of garbage, detached putting on, removal of air cavities;
. Acceptance of hidden work;
. The device of buffer foam concrete screeds with a thickness of 40 - 100 mm;
. If necessary, the device of vertical transitions (films) is also from monolithic foam concrete;
. Obuntovka base with bitumen primers, according to the recommendations of the waterproofing roofing supplier;
. The device of roofing waterproofing carpet in two layers;
. Installation of roofing fans (flugames) at the rate of 1 piece by 150 - 200 m.KV;

Fig.3. Section of a flat roof during reconstruction using a monolithic foam concrete.

1. The base is a reinforced concrete plate.
2. Parosolation.
3. Old thermal insulation layer.
4. Ways migration of the steam-air mixture in the heat insulating layer of the roof.
5. Damage to the old waterproofing carpet.
6. Distribution of migratory water vapor in the pore space of the foam concrete layer.
7. A layer of new waterproofing laid during reconstruction.

With this design, the roofing layer serves as a buffer space for water vapor. The increased pressure created by evaporating from the heat-insulating layer of the roof with water is evenly distributed inside the extensive pore spacing of the foam concrete, which does not lead to damage to the roofing waterproofing carpet. It is this effect that explains why the layers of rolled waterproofing on roofs from foam concrete lie without repair for more than ten years with the complete absence of bloat and other damage. The similar mechanism also has the effect of frost resistance of cellular concrete - only during freezing in the pore space of foam concrete, not steam is pressed, but ice crystals grow, without damaging the material itself.
A separate line should be noted the effect called by the "self-drying" of foam concrete. Physico-chemical binding of water when portland cement cement, hydrate neoplasms, reduces water content of non-autoclave foam concrete even inside hermetically closed spaces. This occurs when laying a monolithic foam concrete into buffer thermal insulation ties, well-masonry, filling of other building cavities with non-autoclaus foam concrete. When water absorbing, foam concrete processes are intensified, thus stronger, foam concrete increases its strength characteristics. Well-known is the possibility of a long-term hardening of cement concrete in general, and cement foam concrete in particular. This allows the foam concrete screed even with subsequent injections of water, as a result of damage to the waterproofing coating, degenerate during the hydration of the cement matrix of foam concrete. It should be noted that the practice of works with monolithic foam concrete at the device of flat roofing convincingly shows that in roofs using non-autoclave foam concrete, a vapor insulation layer is not necessary. It can also be explained by the effect of "self-drying".

Description of the properties of monolithic foam concrete and equipment for its production.

The manufacture of foam concrete mixture was carried out using the so-called single-channel technology for the production of foam concrete mixture. This eliminates the preliminary preparation of a two-phase foam (f - d). The equipment prepared a three-phase foam (ZH-T-G) for one redistribution, a foam generator and a pump for supplying a foam concrete mixture are excluded from the technological chain. In the manufacture of foam concrete mixture at the construction site, the minimum necessary kit of the equipment is a fundamental requirement. The foam generator is a device that requires a high labor culture during operation, its presence significantly complicates the production technology of foam concrete. In this case, the presence of a foam generator does not give any tangible advantages in the production of monolithic foam concrete. The feed of the foam concrete mixture was made by injection of pressure inside the foam concrete chamber of the foam concrete mixer. This method allows to abandon the use of pumps (hetero, peristaltic) during the transportation of foam concrete, with a height of foam concrete mixture to 30 meters. Thus, the production and supply of monolithic foam concrete was carried out by one unit - foam concrete mixer, which combines the functions of the foam generator, foam concrete mixer and pump.

Fig. 4. Equipment for the production and supply of foam concrete mixture is placed on the body of a truck. Most of the workplace is the warehouse of binders and fillers.

Fig. 5. Production of a foam concrete mixture performs one working plasterer. In the foreground, foam concrete mixer SPBU 500m and the water container capacity.

Since the requirements of the economic efficiency of repair of flat roofs require the device of buffer foam concrete screeds of the minimum thickness, then it imposes a number of special requirements for physico-mechanical properties of foam concrete. Mandatory the presence of a complex modifying additive in foam concrete, which includes water-retaining additives. Otherwise, it is impossible to ensure a guaranteed set of strength, especially in summer with intensive heating of the base under the filling of foam concrete. Thin-layer laying is required of compulsory volumetric reinforcement to prevent the development of shrinking deformations. The volumetric mesh reinforcement of the cement matrix of foam concrete is carried out by hydraulically active silicate fibers. As part of a comprehensive additive, it is desirable to use the additives of the water-based action. Sometimes it is necessary to use the additives of the grapplation and hardening of the foam concrete mixture. The selection of complex additives should be carried out by a construction laboratory, taking into account the fact that many types of modifying additives have a clearly expressed foaming effect, for example, naphtalino-formaldehyde superplasticizers.

Table 1 Phoamotone physico-mechanical properties.

Foam concrete brand for medium density

Compression strength, MPa

The coefficient of thermal conductivity, W / m * hail.

Thermal resistance of the foam concrete layer is 100 mm thick.

Weight 1 m.kv. Foam concrete layer 100 mm thick. (taking into account operational humidity), kg


Used only as thermal insulation material, as well as to fill the cavities

Can be used as a base for a soft roof sticker

According to the results of perennial work related to the reconstructions of flat roofs with the use of buffer foam concrete screeds, the following positive effects of such a design and such material can be distinguished:
1. The deadline for fierce exploitation increases to 10-20 years.
2. Laying of monolithic foam concrete is carried out by industrial methods, a brigade of two people can lay up to 700 meters of square foam concrete screeds in shift.
3. Foam concrete ties provide additional roof thermal insulation. See Table 1.
4. When laying monolithic foam concrete screeds, irregularities of the roof are eliminated, there are no water stagnation.
5. Technology stickers of roll bitumen materials are simple and no different from technology stickers of these materials into a conventional cement-sandy solution.

Fig. 6. One of the stages of the reconstruction of a flat roof with the use of monolithic non-autoclaus foam concrete is presented.

You see a foam concrete tie lying on the old waterproofing carpet. The next and last stage of the work is a device of a waterproofing carpet from bituminous materials on top of the screed of foam concrete.

When arranging a flat roof, use predominantly soft materials for a piece or rolled type. It is this method that provides good sealing of roofing pie and the stability of the coating to the effects of various natural phenomena, due to which the period of operation is quite sufficient.

However, a regular prophylactic inspection and repair certainwise requires, as well as when using any other material. The frequency and type of restoration work is completely dependent on the quality of the selected initial coating. There are several common problems during the operation of a flat roof. The most frequently arising from them and ways to eliminate defects are set out in this article.

Types of damage

There are several types of damage damage, which requires repair of a flat roof:

Important! With timely detection, the repair of a flat roof with their own hands will easily implement, and the cost does not require significant financial costs. When ignoring a regular prophylactic inspection, defects will gradually increase in size, causing internal manifestations. In this case, it will have to perform not only the restoration of the integrity of the roofing coating, but also restore the interior.

Methods of repair

Depending on the area and nature of damage, two types of repairs are distinguished:

Technology correction defects

There are two main ways to repair a flat rolled roof and soft piece:

What consequences will cause late or incorrect repair?

In the absence of prophylactic regular inspection and elimination of defects, as well as in non-compliance with the repair technology of a flat roof, adverse manifestations will arise in all parts of the structure in the form of the following flaws:

When to repair a flat roof?

To avoid the need for large-scale restoration work, regularly perform the prophylactic inspection of the roof.

Important! It is recommended to conduct such a procedure every season. With this approach, it is easy to detect and eliminate the resulting destruction of the roofing coating at the initial stage, which will significantly reduce the necessary costs. In addition, the price of a flat roofing of a minor scale is significantly lower than the complete capital restoration of the roof.

Materials and tools

The number of materials and the toolkit varies depending on the upcoming volume of work, the specific nature of damage, as well as the selected recovery technology.

Below is a list of tools suitable for the performance of capital restoration work:

What material to use for repair?

The selection of the material is very easy to adhere to the following sequence:

How to do the estimate?

To perform a minor repair of small damage, the need for preliminary calculation of expenses is not relevant. But for major repairs, this approach will be a rational solution. In this case, follow the following sequence:

Sequence of work

The entire repair work process consists of two main stages:

How to perform preparatory work?

Depending on the nature of the damage to the roof, the scale of the required restoration work, as well as the seasons of their conduct, the volume of the preparatory process will be varied. Work in the following sequence, given the features of the roof status in the case when you plan to perform partial repair of some seats or leave the previous coating as a lining:

With significant damage to the roof, stick to the following sequence in the preparation of the surface:

Repair of small damage to the coating

When a minor destruction of the material is detected in separate areas, it is enough to install patches. Spend a set of work in the following sequence in order to accomplish this procedure competently:

How to make the overhaul of a flat roof?

Overhaul will require not only high expenses, but also time spending, although the whole procedure is very simple. Therefore, first calculate your capabilities and assign the time to restore the integrity of the roof for the period when you do not be distracted by solving other problems. With this approach, you will be able to properly organize yourself and complete all procedures in a short time.



Browse the video in which the most important processes of the plane roof repair procedure are clearly shown.

How much is the repair of a flat roof?

To evaluate the profitability of the decision to fulfill all the repair work with your own hands, read the current market value of such services provided by professional builders:

Flat roof destruction prevention measures

So that the need to perform the repair of the roof occurred as close as possible, be sure to follow the following recommendations for surface care:


In order for all fulfillment of repair work to really benefit and save you from further coating to update in the next few years, be sure to follow all the rules when installing. Also consider the fact that the duration of the integrity of the coating directly depends on the material chosen for the restoration. Therefore, give preference only to quality products of proven manufacturers in order to secure comfortable accommodation in your own home and eliminate damage to the entire internal decoration due to the emergency emergency situation.

Flat roof has a number of advantages, so it is very popular. Ruberoid and sheets with a folded edge are often stacked with violation of technology, which leads to the formation of leaks and loss of strength. At the nearest strong wind, it will noticeably. If the surface has become unusable, our company will be able to perform quality. Our main distinguishing feature in the market for providing these services is the profile orientation. We are only engaged in the roofs, not trying to manage to do so much in all areas. Therefore, we offer the best repair of a flat roof in Moscow.

Repair of a flat roof

How work is made

Consider the course of work for each option:

  • Ruberoid. We first need to determine the leakage zones with the help of a special brand method, then the damaged areas are eliminated, and the new material is placed on the entire plane. Usually such a repair is enough one or two business days.
  • Folding roofing. The wizard through a specialized tool is expanding Falts, remove damaged sheets, and then replace them with a new material. For the clamp, we use only special frame ticks that provide sufficient effort to create a reliable connection. We also do not forget about specialized fasteners, which will ensure protection from hurricane winds and strong gusts.
  • PVC membrane. This is a polymer whose sheets are fastened by a specialized soldering iron. We will be able to eliminate breakdowns, breaks, discrepancies of the seams and the error of roofing pie.

Works are carried out only after drawing up the estimates on the basis of a two-way contract.

Our advantages

We are treated for the following reasons:

  • Work is made without intermediaries. Therefore, the price per m2 of the repair of a soft roof is at a minimum level. We do not allow anyone to sell on our clients.
  • We are the official representative of Grand Line, so we can deliver the required roofing elements at the best price in the capital.
  • We have Slavic in the composition of a brigade, in which they do not abuse alcohol. Therefore, it is pleasant to work with us and easily.
  • Over the years of work, we have already covered more than 1,000 houses, so we can solve the problem best.
  • When creating a new roof, you can get a long-term official warranty from the manufacturer, because we do not break the prescribed technologies.

Repair of a flat roof in Moscow

from 100 rubles. M.KV.

Montage Mauerlat.
from 400 rubles. rm. M.

Installation of the rafter system
from 450 rubles. M.KV.

Device internal crate
from 77 rubles. M.KV.

Device of vaporizolation
and waterproofing
from 60 rubles. M.KV.

Laying insulation 150 mm.
from 180 rubles. M.KV.

  • Operated flat roofs have a tough base, since there are significant loads.
  • Much less tough are non-exploitable flat roofs, where soft materials are used for insulation.
  • A flat coating that does not have a attic is most often surrounded by a lattice barrier so that the wind can bring unnecessary litter from it. Such surfaces do not require cleaning from snow drifts, as the snow melts from the roof of the heat.
  • Flat coverage with a attic is a more expensive design, but possessing a number of advantages: the attic helps to monitor the tightness of the waterproofing layer and thermal insulation, and also contributes to the roof drying procedure.

Features of flat roofs

Repair of a flat roof can be made both with specialists, and done with your own hands, as it is simple and does not require much effort.

Flat roofs have a slight tilt angle (no more than 10 °). To repair them, it is recommended to use different types of soft roofs, iron and slate. Make a choice in favor of a particular material, follows from the purpose of the structure: industrial, economic, residential.

PVC membranes are often used to repair flat roofs. They can be laid on the existing runneroid or old slate in one layer. It is necessary to observe only one condition: the surface must be clean, without sera, water and oil spots. At the same time, it is not necessary to use a smooth surface - the elasticity of PVC membranes will hide any roughness.

A more fiscal option will be the repair of flat roofs through the EuroBeroid. When using this material, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the surface from the seatic, irregularities and former coating. The EuroBeroid is superimposed in two layers: the main and decorative. Due to the upper layer, the roofs of this material are thermo- and frost-resistant, resistant to the effect of drought, immune to the influence of chemicals, as well as durable.

Flat roof wins in comparison with the scope in the cost and simplicity of installation. But there is also a disadvantage: relatively often have to repair. As with the use of which materials it is carried out - these questions will be the subject of this article.

Types of repair of flat roof

The work on the restoration of the roof cover is made to divide into three categories:

  1. Maintenance.
  2. Overhaul.
  3. Emergency events.


Current repairs is a complex of work aimed at maintaining the normal roof state: minor damage and defects are eliminated, which in the future can lead to leaks. Usually the cumulative area of \u200b\u200bthe recoverable areas does not exceed 40% of the entire roof area, while the repairmen are most often limited to the surface layer manipulations.

Problem places are detected by inspection, which is recommended once every six months, as a last resort - once a year.

It is very important to carry out the current repairs in a timely manner, since small damage on the flat roof is quite rapidly developing into large, which will attract a significant increase in the cost of restoration of the coating.


With strong wear, when the area of \u200b\u200bthe plots with damage or unsatisfactory state exceeds 40% of the roof area, resort to a full-scale reorganization of roofing cake. In fact, the roof, starting with vapor barrier, is not anew - only a small part of materials in good condition is used again.

When performing a capital repairs of a flat roof, all layers of roofing pie are dismantled and stacked

Emergency repair

Emergency repair has to be resorted by urgent, if the roof gave flow. If the current and overhaul is usually performed in the warm season, the emergency make when it is necessary, and this is its feature.

In winter, emergency works are performed necessary for urgent elimination of roofing defects

As part of emergency repair, as the current, usually produce manipulations only with the surface layer. In most cases, the area of \u200b\u200bdamaged sections does not exceed 20% of the entire roof area, but if necessary, the coating is replaced in more significant volumes.

Preparation for repair

During repair work on the roof, it is often necessary to dismantle the old roofing coating. It is clear that at that moment the building is deprived of the protection against precipitation, so it is necessary to prepare very carefully so that nothing prevents repairs to repairs in the shortest possible time.

Selection of Flat Roofing Materials

For the device and, accordingly, use four types of materials.

Bituminous coatings

The category of bitumen materials includes a traditional rubberoid, which is a bitumen cardboard, as well as newer coatings of the type of metalism and pholoisol, which are hardened with foil.

Folgoisol is a multi-layered design with an external coating of aluminum foil

Bituminous waterproofing is the cheapest, but also the least durable - the material comes in disrepair in 5-7 years. So short service life is explained by the following disadvantages:

  • low frost resistance - in the pores of the bitum, the moisture is delayed, which, with consecutive freezing cycles, gradually destroys the material;
  • insufficient plasticity - due to temperature drops, the bitumen coating relatively quickly cracks;
  • instability to the effects of ultraviolet radiation (bitumen materials and used to gluing mastic under sunlight are becoming even more fragile).

Bituminous polymeric materials

Adding a small amount (usually no more than 12%) of various polymers allows to increase the frost-resistance of the material and its plasticity, as a result of which the service life is extended to 15-20 years. In addition, glass choles, fiberglass or polyester are used as the basis instead of fragile cardboard, due to the material acquires increased resistance to mechanical effects.

The rubled is manufactured on more modern technology than rubberoid, therefore it has a few times longer service life.

At the moment, on this technology, a wide range of materials are manufactured, for example, bikrost, a rupture, rubrest, hydrokhotloizol, glass astronomy, glassobit, linocur.

Special success managed to achieve when mixed in the bitumen rubber crumb, elastomers, thermoelastoplasts and thermoplastics. Materials manufactured by this method are produced under the marks of Philipol, thermoflex, Dneproflex and Dnipromaster, Lürbier, Elabit, Mastoplast, Isoplast, etc.

Often, bitumen-polymeric materials are called EuroBeroid. In addition to increased resistance to negative factors, it has one more important difference from the frontier): the laying can be performed by the method of burning, for which the lower surface is heated by gas or gasoline burner.

To fix the EuroBeroid, it is enough to warm up its bottom layer with a burner - gasoline or gas

At the same time, the EuroBeroid inherited from his prototype and some disadvantages: it also has to lay in a few layers, while, with a rare exception, it takes a spill of the surface by stone crumb.

The cost of bitumen-polymeric materials is higher than the traditional runner, but at the expense of a rarely carrying out repair work, the costs of the roof content are reduced by 2 times (from the calculation of 40 years of operation).

Single-layer membranes

Single-layer membranes are a fundamentally different type of coating, which is manufactured from synthetic rubber or polymers. He has a number of advantages:

  • stacked in one layer, so mounted very quickly;
  • is very elastic;
  • it has no pore, because it has high frost resistance;
  • perfectly opposes all other negative factors of the external environment - UV radiation, oxidation and temperature differences;
  • may fit at any time of the year;
  • does not require supresses by stone crumb;
  • it is supplied in rolls up to 15 m (width of bitumen materials - 1 m), due to which the number of seams on the roof is significantly reduced.

You can fix the membrane both with the help of glue or bitumen mastic, and by means of screws. Due to the long service life (more than 25 years), single-layer laying and rare need to carry out repair work, the maintenance of the roof over 40 years of operation will have to spend 4 times less than in the case of bituminous roof.

Repair of the roof using a single-layer membrane "Ecoplast" can be carried out at any time of the year

The release of membranes in Russia was mastered for quite a long time: the "Cromel", "Ecoplast", Logicbase, "Rutus" and others have proven themselves well.

Roofing mastic

Roofing mastics are liquid compositions that are applied to the roof by any of the following ways:

  • spraying (industrial sprayers);
  • with the help of a brush;
  • self-leveling method with subsequent roller resurrection.

After a while, the mass is polymerized and turns into an elastic waterproof film similar to rubber. Because of this similarity, roofing mastics are often called liquid rubber. The film is extremely elastic - does not break with a relative elongation to 1000%. This means that during the shrinkage of the building, the roofing coating will remain as much.

After the polymerization, the roofing mastic turns into a waterproof film like rubber

In comparison with rolled materials, mastic has an important advantage: with any roof area, the coating will be seamless. They are very useful for repair work, since they allow you to fill the most hard-to-reach cavities.

Roofing mastic are produced both in one-component and two-component execution. In the second case, the main composition must be mixed with a hardener.

According to the composition of mastic, they differ quite strongly, respectively, and their service life is different:

  • butyl rubber, for example, "Gerbutyl NMG-C", Tekhnonikol No. 45, "Polykrov M-120 / M-140" serve 25 years;
  • chlorosulfopolyethylene, for example, "polykrov-l", "isokrov", "roofing" also protect the surface of the roof for up to 25 years;
  • bitumen-latex, for example, Tekhnonikol №33, "Blam 20", Master Flex must be updated once every 20 years;
  • bitumnocouples, for example, "Rebaks-M", "MGH-K", "Venta y" will require repair after 15 years of operation.

To glue the roll materials, you need bitumen mastic (not to be confused with roofing mastic - "liquid rubber"). It can be purchased in the store, and you can do it yourself. There are two varieties of this material:

  • cold mastic - used to glue internal (lining) layers of rolled material;
  • hot mastic - applied over the coating as a protective layer and for fixing the stone crumb.

Cold mastic is prepared from such ingredients:

  • bitumen - 2 parts;
  • gasoline - 2 parts;
  • filler, which can use plaster powder, lime or ash - 1 part.

The bitumen is heated in some tank and withstand some time so that moisture is completely evaporated. The temperature at which evaporation is carried out is approximately 180 o C. Then the filler is poured into the bitumen, after which the mixture is thoroughly stirled by a wooden stick. Next, it must be poured into gasoline.

If bitumen is heated, then it is necessary to pour into gasoline, and not vice versa.Otherwise, it is possible fire. After cooling, mastic can be applied by destination. It should be borne in mind that it is not stored for a long time, so it makes no sense to prepare a large amount for the future.

The cooking technology of hot bitumen mastic provides bitumen cooking at a temperature of about 200 o C. During this process, the filler is gradually added, the bitumen is mixed at the same time.

If you need a small amount of bitumen to repair, it can be heatled in a metal bucket, and special installations use for large volumes

If, when mixing bitumen with a filler, the temperature of the mixture falls below 160 o C, the material will greatly lose in quality.

For insulation, the roof should be used the material that is able to keep the weight of the coating and snow and at the same time not very deformed. These are:

  • extruded polystyrene foam. In composition, it is identical to the usual foam, only the structure has a homogeneous, and not granulated;
  • hard plates from mineral wool. The density of the material (varies in the range from 50 to 400 kg / m 3) must be selected in accordance with the snow challenges characteristic of this region;
  • ceramzit. The most cheapest, but at the same time the least effective heat insulator.

Video: Repair of a soft rolled roof with mastic - what you need to know

Drawing up the estimates

With large volumes of work, it is useful to make calculation of the necessary materials and calculate their cost. Having in the hands of the estimate, the owner of the structure is guaranteed to acquire everything you need, so that during repair it will not have to be distracted by secondary actions. In addition, the estimate will show which means it will be necessary to allocate, because with large-scale repair, costs can be very significant.

If the roof repair is decided to entrust the team of hired workers or a specialized company, then to compile estimates, they need to provide the following information:

Preparation of instruments

For work, you will need:

  1. Mounting cutter. With it, it is convenient to remove the worn roofing coating. This tool can be replaced with a well-sharpened ax, which instead of the axle is fixed on the handle from the steel pipe of the appropriate length.
  2. Construction knife. It is used to cut the cloves of the roofing material.
  3. Gas or gasoline burner (soldering lamp). Used to catch a bitumen-polymer roller material, if it is decided to apply as roofing. Gas burner work more handy, and fuel is cheaper for it. But it is more dangerous, so it is better to use the soldering lamp for the lack of skills.

    The use of gas burner requires increased attention from the roofer of the safety rules

  4. Construction hairdryer. It helps to quickly dry up the repair area, can also be used to catch some materials.

    With the help of a construction dryer, you can quickly dry the repaired area or to correct the roofing material.

  5. Maclovterns. So called special brushes, with the help of which, in the process of roofing work, mastic and primer are applied. If there are no maclovits in the presence, instead you can use the old broom.

    Broad brush - Maclithic - Apply primers and mastics

  6. Roller It is used for moving mastics.
  7. Protective glasses. According to the requirements of safety, glasses need to wear when working with a gas burner, as well as when combing a screed.

Flat Roof Repair Technology

Each type of defects on flat roofs is eliminated by its methodology.

It was detached rolled material

The sequence of actions is as follows:

A crack or bloating appeared on the coating

The easiest way to repair such damage is to set the pay. Before that, it is necessary to determine how deeply moisture penetrated into roofing pie.

  1. The plot with a crack is cut down by an ax or mounting cutter, the bloody is opened with a cruciform cut. If the underlying layer of rolled material is wet, it needs to be cut. Similarly come with other wet layers, until they reach dry.

    Plot with a crack or bloody open with a cross-shaped outbreak

  2. In the resulting hole lay one on top of another so many fragments of the rolled material, how many of them were cut by sticking each with the help of mastic.
  3. If the defect was a bloating, then 4 triangular valves, bent after opening, return to the place and secure the mastic. Some masters nail these valves with slate nails.
  4. The roof site within a radius of 10-15 cm from the place of damage is purified from garbage, dust and dirt, the purified area is poured with bitumen mastic.
  5. Glue the pay of the appropriate size.

    The layer of mastic is applied to the open and treated area, and then it is placed on it, the edges of which are also missing bitumen

  6. The edges of the patches are wicked by mastic and sprinkle with stone crumb, having to sleep in bitumen with a rink.

Installing a patch is not always guaranteed to ensure the desired result. The master may not notice hidden damage, so after repairing the roof will still flow. Often make a mistake by setting the pay over the place where water appeared on the ceiling: in fact, damage can be at a distance of 2 m from the place of leakage.

Taking into account the whole said, many masters prefer to simply wake on top of the worn coating new, which is customary to be repaired in old age. It should be borne in mind that laying one after another new layers significantly increases the load on the walls. For security reasons, it is not allowed to lay on the roof of more than eight layers of coating, but at least their number it is desirable to calculate the walls and overlap to strength.

Videos: Technology for repairing cracks and swollen on a flat roof

Roof membrane damaged

Single-layer membranes, which were described above, steadyly carry atmospheric effects, but may be damaged, for example, when removing snow from a roof with a metal shovel. The tightness of such a coating is restored as follows:

If there was a separation in the seam area, the detached area is apparent in the same way, previously treated with the inside of the solvent. If the separated area has a length of more than 5 m, it should be restored using a special repair tape, for example, Eternbond.

Cracks appeared on mastic roofing

Cracks on the mastic coating appear as a result of aging material. Recovery is carried out by the same mastic from which this coating was performed. They act like this:

With extensive damage, the repair layer must be reinforced with a fiberglass with a density of 100 g / m 2. First, the sprayer is applied by a layer of mastic, then put the grid and then they are once again applied to mastic, which must be completely hidden.

Stages of repair of flat roof

Any repair begins with a roof inspection. That's what you need to pay attention to:

Special attention should be checked by plots adjacent to pipes, parapet, ventilation mines and other objects available on the roof.

If the damage occupies more than 40% of the roof, perform overhaul, which includes the following steps:

  1. Removing the existing roofing material.
  2. Disassembly of the screed (dumps or special machines can be applied in the groove tie).

    The overhaul of the flat roof begins with the complete removal of the old roofing and under it concrete screed.

  3. Removing the insulation.
  4. Replacing vapor barrier or, if possible, its restoration.
  5. Restoration of the elements of the inner drain system.
  6. Installation of insulation. If the mineral wool plates are used in this capacity, these types of their varieties can be purchased, which are necessary to provide a slope of a slope (they are called wedge-shaped).

    When using a wedge-shaped heat-insulating material, the roof flashes can be done already at the stage of its insulation

  7. Flooring surface by means of sand or clamzite (if the slope was not formed by the insulation).

    Flat roofing can be done by pouring over the insulation layer of clay

  8. Installation of funnel for water removal (elements of the inner drainage system).
  9. Laying the screed of a cement-sand solution with a subsequent coating by its bitumen (prevents the evaporation of moisture).

    Before the fill of the screed on the surface of the roof, the reinforcement grid and wooden lighthouses

  10. Laying roofing material. Bituminous and bitumen-polymer rolled materials should be laid in 3-5 layers (the smaller the roof slope is the greater the layers). The bands are laid out with a flystone at 10 cm or more, sinking them with mastic. In the first layer, they are placed in parallel eternity, in the second - perpendicularly, the ends of the lanes of the second layer begged on the walls and are glued or fixed by dowels. Next, the direction of bands in the layers should be alternating.

It is not always possible to fulfill the flasher correctly. To reveal errors, carry out such a test:

  • before mounting the last coating layer, the roof is poured with water;
  • they mark with chalk those areas from which moisture does not flow.

In such dents, after their drying, they need to pour the mastic to the thick layer or glue a piece of the roll material (not thicker 1 mm), after which it is possible to fit the finishing layer with a stone sprinkler. If there are no powders (ordinary ruberoid), it is applied independently on a layer of hot mastic, into which the stone crumb is pressed by a rink.

Video: Repair of a flat roof on the roof of the house

To reduce the frequency of repairs of a flat roof, it is necessary to initially bet on high-quality materials. And when servicing should be protected from mechanical damage - when cleaning the surface from snow and the land is not recommended to use a metal shovel or scrap.