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Technology installation of thermal insulation pipelines. Heat insulation work. Types of materials. Installation technology. Scope of application. Technology of performing heat insulation

In the event that the thermal insulation of pipelines will be made correctly - this will significantly increase the service life of the system and ensure the most efficient work. The heat insulation of heating pipelines must be made according to all established standards and standards.

Basic rules of thermal insulation

So, there are several basic requirements (recommendations, rules), which should be observed when installing thermal insulation:

  • With thermal insulation, high quality materials should be used, whose characteristics are suitable for operating conditions.
  • The installation of thermal insulation is made exclusively by experts - it will only be possible to guarantee the correct and high-quality execution of all works.
In general, thermal insulation is mounted only after the pipeline system is installed - premature insulation is allowed in some particular cases. So, as mentioned earlier, pipes should be prepared before thermal insulation work. This includes:

  • Completion of all plumbing and welding works;
  • Checking the density and strength of the surface;
  • Pipeline coating with anti-corrosion means.

Installation of thermal insulation: cylinder design

The thermal insulation of technological pipelines will be the most effective if it is a prefabricated or full-blood system. In other words, it will be a cylinder design. The essence of the work is quite simple - laying thermal insulation on the pipe with its further fit and strengthening.

When performing work, some requirements for thermal insulation of pipelines should be followed:

  • Installation should begin from flange compounds, while the thermal insulation cylinders must be mounted as dense as possible;
  • Seams should not form one solid horizontal line;
  • Special bandages are used as the attachment - two on one cylinder (in a step of 40-50 cm);
  • Bandage is attached using buckles that are made of aluminum or packaging tape.
If the thermal insulation of pipelines of SNiP is produced by semi-cylinders, which are made of a solid type of material, such as diatomitis, volcanic or sign, they are mounted dry or with mastic.

It should be noted that there is often as thermal insulation, such insulation, such as pelito-cement, peculiar segments, and silica limestone segments are applied. After the volume of thermal insulation of the pipeline is calculated, the material in the form of mats should be put in such a way that all the seams are closed - then the insulation is fixed on pipes with wire suspension with a step of 50 cm.

What is noteworthy, in case of failure of the heat-insulating element of the structure, you can easily make a selective dismantling of pipelines heat insulation, and replace the damaged item to a new one.

Thermal insulation and temperature of construction - features

It should be remembered that the calculation of the thickness of thermal insulation of pipelines depends on some important factors, for example, as the temperature of the substance transported through pipes. If the substance has a very high temperature, the thermal insulation is performed using cylinders that have aluminum foil stick. For this type of thermal insulation, a protective coating is not applied. As a bandage, it is recommended to use a material based on aluminum.

In the event that water passes through the pipeline, the temperature of which does not exceed the mark at 12 ° C - the thickness of the thermal insulation of the pipelines can be increased, and hydrophibiing cylinders are used as an insulator. Parosolation is installed as additional protection, and the design seams should be qualitatively measured (punctured).

Attention! In case of damage to the vapor barlasting layer, it should be switched out or completely replaced with a new one.

In general, it becomes clear that the calculation of thermal insulation of pipelines is performed depending on the type of insulation, climatic factors and fluids, which is transmitted by pipes.

In the practice of private construction, it is not so often that there are situations when the heating communications are required not only to dilute on the premises of the main house, but also to reach them to others, near the buildings. It may be residential flaghelves, extensions, summer kitchens, household or agricultural buildings, for example, which are used for pets or poultry. The option is not excluded when, on the contrary, the autonomous boiler room itself is located in a separate building, at some distance from the main residential building. It happens that the house connects to the central heating industry, from which pipes stretch to it.

The gasket of heating pipes between buildings is possible in two options - underground (channel or infantal) and open. A less time-consuming is seen the process of installing local heating mains over the ground, and to this variant in the conditions of independent construction are resorted more often. One of the main conditions for the efficiency of the system is properly planned and high-quality thermal insulation for open-air heating pipes. It is this question that will be considered in this publication.

What is thermal insulation of pipes and basic requirements for it

It would seem, nonsense - why insulate the already almost always hot pipes of the heating system? Perhaps someone can mislead a peculiar "game of words". In the case under consideration, of course, the conversation will be correct, operating the concept of "thermal insulation."

Thermal insulation works on any pipelines pursue two main objectives:

  • If the pipes are used in heating systems or hot water, then heat losses are reduced to the fore, maintaining the required temperature of the pumped liquid. The same principle is also fair for production or laboratory installations, where technology requires maintenance of a certain temperature of the substances transmitted through pipes.
  • For pipelines of cold water supply or sewer communications, the main factor becomes insulation, it is eating a drop in temperature in the temperature pipes below the critical mark, preventing the freezing leading to the system failure and strain pipes.

By the way, such a precautionary measure is required for the heating mains, and for DHW pipes - no one is completely insured against emergency situations on boiler equipment.

The cylindrical shape of the pipes predetermines a very significant area of \u200b\u200bpermanent heat exchange with the environment, and therefore significant heat loss. And they naturally grow as the diameter of the pipeline increases. The table below shows how the heat lifting varies depending on the temperature difference inside and outside the pipe (Δt ° column), from the pipe diameter and on the thickness of the thermal insulating layer (data is given, taking into account the use of insulating material with an average thermal conductivity coefficient λ \u003d 0.04 W / m × ° C).

The thickness of the layer of thermal insulation. MM. ΔT. ° С External pipeline diameter (mm)
15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 100 150
The magnitude of heat losses (per 1 lineage meter of the pipeline. W).
10 20 7.2 8.4 10 12 13.4 16.2 19 23 29 41
30 10.7 12.6 15 18 20.2 24.4 29 34 43 61
40 14.3 16.8 20 24 26.8 32.5 38 45 57 81
60 21.5 25.2 30 36 40.2 48.7 58 68 86 122
20 20 4.6 5.3 6.1 7.2 7.9 9.4 11 13 16 22
30 6.8 7.9 9.1 10.8 11.9 14.2 16 19 24 33
40 9.1 10.6 12.2 14.4 15.8 18.8 22 25 32 44
60 13.6 15.7 18.2 21.6 23.9 28.2 33 38 48 67
30 20 3.6 4.1 4.7 5.5 6 7 8 9 11 16
30 5.4 6.1 7.1 8.2 9 10.6 12 14 17 24
40 7.3 8.31 9.5 10.9 12 14 16 19 23 31
60 10.9 12.4 14.2 16.4 18 21 24 28 34 47
40 20 3.1 3.5 4 4.6 4.9 5.8 7 8 9 12
30 4.7 5.3 6 6.8 7.4 8.6 10 11 14 19
40 6.2 7.1 7.9 9.1 10 11.5 13 15 18 25
60 9.4 10.6 12 13.7 14.9 17.3 20 22 27 37

As the thickness of the insulation layer increases, the overall heat loss decreases. However, note that even a rather thick layer of 40 mm does not exclude the heat loss completely. The conclusion is one - it is necessary to strive to use insulating materials with the minimum possible coefficient of thermal conductivity - this is one of the main requirements for thermal insulation of pipelines.

Sometimes the heating system of pipelines is required!

When laying water and sewer communications, it happens that, due to the peculiarities of the local climate or the specific conditions for the installation of one thermal insulation, it is clearly not enough. You have to resort to the forced, to the installation of heating cables - more details, this topic is considered in a special publication of our portal.

  • The material that is used for thermal insulation of pipes, if possible, must have hydrophobic qualities. Little current will be from the insulation that has soaked water - he and the heat loss will not be prevented, and will soon collapse under the action of negative temperatures.
  • Thermal insulation design should have reliable external protection. First, it needs to protect against atmospheric moisture, especially if the insulation is applied, capable of actively absorbed water. Secondly, the materials should be closed from the effects of the ultraviolet spectrum of sunlight acting on them destructive. Thirdly, we should not forget about the wind load capable of disrupting the integrity of thermal insulation. And, fourth, there is a factor of external mechanical impact, unintended, including from animals, or due to banal manifestations of vandalism.

In addition, for any owner of a private house, probably, it is not indifferent to the moments of the aesthetic appearance of the laid heatedrass.

  • Any thermal insulation material applied on heat insulation must have a range of operating temperatures corresponding to real application conditions.
  • An important requirement for insulating material and external cladding is the durability of use. No one wants to return to the problems of thermal insulation of pipes, even once a few years.
  • From a practical point of view, one of the main requirements is simplicable installation of thermal insulation, and in any position and on any complex area. Fortunately, in this regard, manufacturers do not get tired to please be convenient for applying developments.
  • An important requirement for thermal insulation - its materials must also be chemically inert, and not to enter into any reactions with the surface of the pipes. Such compatibility is the key to the duration of trouble-free operation.

The issue of cost is also very important. But in this regard, the variation of prices from specialized is very large.

What materials are used for insulation of overhead heating

The selection of thermal insulation materials for heating pipes during their outer gasket is large enough. They are a roll type or in the form of mats, they may be destroyed for the installation of a cylindrical or other figured form, there are insulation that are applied in liquid form and acquire their properties only after froze.

Warming with foamed polyethylene

Polyethylene foamed rightly refer to very efficient thermal insulators. And what is still very important, the cost of this material is one of the lowest.

The coefficient of thermal conductivity of foamed polyethylene is usually in the range of 0.035 W / m × ° C - this is a very good indicator. The smallest isolated bubbles filled with gas, create an elastic structure, and with such a material, if its roll variety is acquired, it is very convenient to work on complex pipes on the configuration.

Such a structure becomes a reliable obstacle for moisture - with the right installation, neither water nor water pairs to penetrate the pipe walls will not be able to.

Polyenethylene density is low (about 30 - 35 kg / m³), \u200b\u200band thermal insulation will not waste the pipes.

The material with some assumption can be attributed to the category of low-dangerous from the point of view of ignition - it usually refers to the class of M-2, that is, it is very difficult to ignite it, and without an external flame it quickly fades. Moreover, combustion products, in contrast to many other thermal insulators, do not represent any serious toxic hazard for humans.

Roll foamed polyethylene for the insulation of external heating mains will be inconvenient, and unprofiled - you have to wind out several layers in order to achieve the required thickness of thermal insulation. Material is much more convenient in the form of sleeves (cylinders), which provides an internal channel corresponding to the diameter of the insulated pipe. To put on the pipes usually, the length of the cylinder on the wall is made an incision, which, after installation, you can take a reliable scotch.

Wear isolation on the pipe - labor is not

A more effective type of polyethylene foam is a foam, which has on the one hand. This brilliant coating becomes a kind of thermofer, which significantly increases the insulation quality of the material. In addition, this is an additional barrier from moisture penetration.

Penofol may also be a roll type or in the form of profile cylindrical elements - especially for thermal insulation of pipes of various purposes.

And all foamed polyethylene for thermal insulation is precisely the heat paints are used infrequently. He, rather, is suitable for other communications. The reason for this is a fairly low temperature range of operation. So. If you look at the physical characteristics, the upper limit balances somewhere on the verge of 75 ÷ 85 degrees - the structure of the structure and the appearance of deformations are possible. For autonomous heating, most often, the temperature of the temperature is enough, however, on the edge, and for central - thermal resistance is clearly not enough.

Insulation elements made of polystyrene foam

All the well-known polystyrene foam (in everyday life it is more often called foam) is very widely used for various types of thermal insulation work. It is not an exception and insulation of pipes - for this, special details are made of foam.

These are usually semi-cylinders (for pipes of large diameters there may be segments in a third of the circumference length, 120 °), which for assembly in a single design are equipped with a lock connection by the type "Schip-groove". This configuration allows you to fully, throughout the surface of the pipe, ensure reliable thermal insulation, without the remaining "cold bridges".

In everyday speech, such details were called "shells" - for the obvious similarity with it. Many types of types are produced, under the various outer diameter of insulated pipes and different thickness of the thermal insulating layer. Typically, the length length is 1000 or 2000 mm.

For the manufacture, the polystyrene foam of the PSB-from various brands is used - from PSB-C-15 to PSB-C-35. The main parameters of this material are shown in the table below:

Estimated material parametersBrand polystyrene foam
PSB-C-15U PSB-S-15 PSB-C-25 PSB-C-35 PSB-S-50
Density (kg / m³)to 10up to 1515.1 ÷ 25.25.1 ÷ 35.35.1 ÷ 50.
Compressive strength at 10% of linear deformation (MPa, not less)0.05 0.06 0.08 0.16 0.2
Bending tensile strength (MPa, not less)0.08 0.12 0.17 0.36 0.35
Thermal conductivity in a dry state at a temperature of 25 ° C (W / (M × ° K))0,043 0,042 0,039 0,037 0,036
Water absorption in 24 hours (% by volume, no more)3 2 2 2 2
Humidity (%, no more)2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4

The advantages of foam, as a thermal material known for a long time:

  • It has a low thermal conductivity coefficient.
  • The small weight of the material significantly simplifies insulation, for which no special mechanisms or devices are required.
  • Material is biologically inert - it will not be a nutrient medium for the formation of mold or fungus.
  • Moisture absorption is slightly.
  • The material is easily cutting, fit under the desired size.
  • Polyfoam is chemically inert, absolutely safe for the walls of the pipes, from which material they would be made.
  • One of the key advantages - the foam applies to the most inexpensive insulation.

However, he has a lot of flaws:

  • First of all, it is a low level of fire safety. Material cannot be called non-flammable and non-propagating flame. That is why when used for the insulation of ground pipelines, fire gaps should be left.
  • The material does not have elasticity, and it is convenient to apply only on direct pipes of the pipe. True, you can find special curly details.

  • Polyfoam does not apply to durable materials - it is easily destroyed by external influence. Negatively, ultraviolet radiation is also active. In short, overhead areas of pipes, insulated with polystyrene foam shells, will necessarily require additional protection in the form of metal casing.

Usually in stores where the foam shell is sold, and galvanic sheets are also offered, sliced \u200b\u200bin the desired size corresponding to the diameter of the insulation. You can use the aluminum shell, although it is definitely much more expensive. Sheets can be fixed with self-drawers or clamps - the resulting casing will create anti-vandal, anti-flexing, waterproofing protection and an obstacle from sunlight.

  • And yet, not even this is the main thing. The upper limit of normal for the operation of temperatures is all around 75 ° C, after which the linear and spatial deformation of parts can begin. No matter how cool, it may not be enough for heating this value. Probably, it makes sense to search a more reliable option.

Warming of pipes with mineral wool or products based on it

The most "ancient" method of thermal insulation of external pipelines - using mineral wool. He, by the way, is the most budget, if it is not possible to acquire a foam shell.

For thermal insulation of pipelines, various types of mineral wool are used - glass gamble, stone (basalt) and slag. Slotovat - the least preferable: it, firstly, most actively absorbs moisture, and secondly, its residual acidity can be very devastative to steel pipes. Even the cheapness of this wool does not justify the risks of its application.

But the mineral wool based on basalt or glass fibers is fully suitable. She has good thermal resistance indicators of heat transfer, high chemical stability, material is elastic, and it is easy to put it even on complex areas of pipelines. Another advantage - one can, in principle, is completely calm in terms of fire safety. Preheat mineral wool to the degree of ignition in the conditions of outer heating paintrass - almost unreal. Even the exposure to open flame will not be the reason for the spread of ignition. That is why Minvatu is used to fill fire gaps when using other pipe insulation.

The main disadvantage of mineral wool is a high water absorption (basalt to a lesser extent being subject to this "death"). It means that any pipeline will require mandatory protection against moisture. In addition, the structure of the wool is unstable to mechanical effects, it is easy to destroy, and it should be protected with a solid casing.

Typically, a solid polyethylene film is used, which is reliably covered by a layer of insulation, with a mandatory overlap of the bands per 400 ÷ 500 mm, and then on top of all this is closed with metal sheets - exactly by analogy with the polystyrene foam shell. Ruberoid can also be used as waterproofing - at the same time, 100 ÷ 150 mm of the adhesion of one band to another will be sufficient.

The thickness of protective metallic coatings for open areas of pipelines is determined by existing gtales for any type of thermal insulation materials used:

The material of the protective coating layerMinimum metal thickness, with external insulation diameter
350 and less Over 350 and to 600 Over 600 and up to 1600
Ribbons and stainless steel sheets0.5 0.5 0.8
Sheets of thin-sheet steel, galvanized or with polymer coating0.5 0.8 0.8
Aluminum sheets or aluminum alloys0.3 0.5 0.8
Aluminum ribbons or aluminum alloys0.25 - -

Thus, despite the seemingly inexpensive price of the insulation itself, its full-fledged styling will require considerable additional costs.

Mineral wool for insulation of pipelines can act in another quality - it serves as a material for the manufacture of finished thermal insulation parts, by analogy with cylinders from polyethylene foam. Moreover, such products are produced both for direct portions of pipelines and turns, tees, etc.

Typically, such insulation parts are made of the most dense - basalt mineral wool, have an external foil coating, which immediately removes the problem of waterproofing and increases the effectiveness of insulation. But from the external casing, it will not be possible to leave anyway - a thin layer of foil from a random or intentional mechanical impact will not protect.

Heat insulation Polyurethane Fière

One of the most efficient and safe in the operation of modern insulation materials is polyurethane. He has a mass of all kinds of advantages, so the material is used almost on any designs that require reliable insulation.

What are the features of polyurethane foam - insulation?

Polyurethane foam for insulation of pipelines can be applied in various types.

  • The PPU-shell is widely used, usually having an external foil coating. It can be collapsible, consisting of half-cylinders with groove-cream locks, or, for pipes of a small diameter - with a cut in length and a special valve with a self-adhesive back surface, which greatly simplifies the installation of isolation.

  • Another method of thermal insulation of heating mains polyurethane foam is a spraying of it in liquid form with the help of special equipment. The created layer of foam after complete hardening becomes excellent insulation. This technology is particularly convenient for complex junctions, turns of pipes, in nodes with shut-off-adjusting reinforcement, etc.

The advantage of such technology is also in the fact that due to the excellent adhesion of polyurethane foam spraying with the surface of the pipes, excellent waterproofing and anti-corrosion protection are created. True, Polynesuretan himself also requires mandatory protection - from ultraviolet rays, so without casing, it will not be able to do without casing.

  • Well, if the gasket is required enough of the long heatingwork, then, probably, the most optimal choice will be the use of pre-insulated (pre-isolated) pipes.

In fact, such pipes are a multilayer structure collected in the factory conditions:

- The inner layer is, in fact, the steel pipe itself of the desired diameter, according to which the transfer of the coolant is carried out.

- External coating - protective. It can be polymer (for gasket heat paint in the thickness of the soil) or metal galvanized - what is required for open areas of the pipeline.

- A monolithic, seamless layer of polyurethane foam, which performs the function of efficient thermal insulation is flooded between the pipe and the casing.

On both endpoints of the pipe, a mounting area is left for welding work when assembling the heating main. Its length is calculated in such a way that the thermal flow from the welding arc will not damage the polyurethane foam layer.

After the installation, the remaining areas that have not been solarmed are ground, covered with polyurethane foam shells, and then - metal belts, comparing a coating with a shared external pipe cover. Often, it is precisely on such sites that fire gaps organize - they are tightly filled with minvata, then it is possible to hydroize the rubberoid and everything is also closed above the steel or aluminum casing.

The standards have a specific sorting of such sandwich pipes, that is, it is possible to purchase products of the desired conditional diameter with optimal (conventional or reinforced) thermal insulation.

The outer diameter of the steel pipe and the minimum thickness of its wall (mm)Sizes of shell of thin-sheet galvanized steelCalculated thickness of the thermal insulating layer of polyurethane foam (mm)
nominal outer diameter (mm) minimum steel sheet thickness (mm)
32 × 3.0100; 125; 140 0.55 46,0; 53,5
38 × 3.0125; 140 0.55 43,0; 50,5
45 × 3.0125; 140 0.55 39,5; 47,0
57 × 3.0.140 0.55 40.9
76 × 3.0160 0.55 41.4
89 × 4.0.180 0.6 44.9
108 × 4.0.200 0.6 45.4
133 × 4.0.225 0.6 45.4
159 × 4.5250 0.7 44.8
219 × 6.0315 0.7 47.3
273 × 7.0400 0.8 62.7
325 × 7.0450 0.8 61.7

Manufacturers offer such sandwich pipes not only for direct sites, but also for tees, turns, compensators, etc.

The cost of such pre-insulated pipes is high enough, but with their acquisition and installation, a whole range of problems is solved immediately. So such costs are seen quite justified.

Video: The process of production of pre-insulated pipes

Insulation - foamed rubber

Peer-insulating materials and products made of synthetic foamed rubber are very popular recently. This material has a number of advantages that bring it to the leadership positions in the insulation of pipelines, including not only heating mains, but also more responsible - on complex technological lines, in the machine, air and shipbuilding:

  • Foamed rubber is very elastic, but at the same time has a large margin of tensile strength.
  • The density of the material is only 40 to 80 kg / m³.
  • Low thermal conductivity coefficient provides very efficient thermal insulation.
  • The material over time does not give a shrinkage, fully maintaining its original shape and volume.
  • Foamed rubber will be difficult and has the property of fast self-filing.
  • Material is chemically and biologically inert, it never appears neither foci of mold or fungus, nor insect nests or
  • The most important quality is practically absolute water and countertility. Thus, the insulation layer immediately becomes and excellent waterproofing for the surface of the pipe.

Such thermal insulation can be produced in the form of hollow tubes with an inner diameter of 6 and to 160 mm and a thickness of the insulation layer from 6 to 32 mm, or in the form of sheets that are often attached to the Self-stroke function from one side.

The name of indicatorsValues
Length of finished tubes, mm:1000 or 2000.
Colorblack or silver, depending on the type of protective coating
Temperature range of application:from - 50 to + 110 ° С
Thermal conductivity, W / (m × ° C):λ≤0.036 at 0 ° C
λ≤0.039 at a temperature of + 40 ° С
Parry perpeturation resistance coefficient:μ≥7000
Degree of fire hazardGroup M1.
Permissible change in length:± 1.5%

But for open-air heating parts, ready-made insulating elements made using ArmaFlex Ace technology with a special protective coating "ArmacheK" are particularly comfortable.

ARMACHEK coating can be several types, for example:

  • "Arma-Chek Silver" is a multi-layer PVC-based shell having a silver reflecting spraying. Such a coating provides excellent isolation protection and mechanical impacts, and from ultraviolet rays.
  • Black coating "Arma-Chek D" has fiberglass high-strength, but retaining excellent flexibility base. This is an excellent protection against all possible chemical, weather, mechanical impacts that will retain the heating pipe in immunity.

Typically, such products according to ARMACHEK technology have self-adhesive valves, hermetically "sealing" insulating cylinder on the body of the pipe. Figure elements are available, allowing installation in complex areas of the heating main. The skillful use of such thermal insulation allows it to quickly and reliably mount it, without resorting to the creation of additional external protective casing - it simply does not need.

The only thing that is probably hampered by the wide use of such thermal insulation products for pipelines is still a high price of real, "branded" products.

Prices for pipe heat insulation

Heat insulation for pipes

New direction in insulation - thermal insulation paint

It is impossible to miss another modern insulation technology. And it is all the more pleasant about it, as it is the development of Russian scientists. We are talking about a ceramic liquid insulation, which is still known as thermal insulation paint.

This, without any doubt, the "alien" from the sphere of space technology. It is in this scientific and technical industry that the problems of thermal insulation from critically low (in open space) or high (when starting ships and landing the descent devices) are particularly acute.

Thermal insulation qualities of ultra-thin coatings seem just fantastic. At the same time, such a coating becomes canceled by hydro and vapor insulation, protection of the pipe from all possible external influences. Well, the heating agent adopts a well-groomed, pleasant eye look.

The paint itself is a suspension of microscopic filled with a vacuum of silicone and ceramic capsules suspended in a liquid state in a special composition comprising acrylic, rubber and other components. After applying and drying the composition on the surface of the pipe, a thin elastic film is formed, which has outstanding thermal insulation qualities.

Names of indicatorsunit of measurementValue
Color of paintwhite (can be changed under the order)
Appearance after applying and full of frozenmatte, smooth, homogeneous surface
Elasticity of film filmsmM.1
Adhesion coating on the power of separation from the painted surface
- to the concrete surfaceMPa1.28
- to the brick surfaceMPa2
- To SteelMPa1.2
Coating resistance to temperature difference from -40 ° C to + 80 ° Cwithout changes
Coating resistance to temperature +200 ° C for 1, 5 hoursyeah, cracks, detachals and bubbles
Durability for concrete and metal surfaces in a moderately cold climatic area (Moscow)yearsat least 10.
Thermal conductivityW / M ° C0,0012
Parp permeabilitymg / m × h × pa0.03
Water absorption in 24 hours% by volume2
Temperature range of operation° S.from - 60 to + 260

Such a coating will not require additional protective layers - it is strong enough to cope with all the impacts.

This liquid insulation is implemented in plastic banks (vendors), as well as ordinary paint. There are several manufacturers, and among domestic, you can especially note the brand "Armor" and "Corundum".

You can apply such a thermocracy by aerosol spraying or the usual method - roller and brush. The number of layers depends on the conditions of operation of the heating main, the climatic region, the diameter of the pipes, the average temperature of the transferred coolant.

Many experts believe that such insulation over time to replace the usual thermal insulation materials on a mineral or organic basis.

Video: Presentation of ultra-thin thermal insulation of the brand "Corundum"

Prices for thermal insulation paint

Heat insulation paint.

What thickness of the heat insulation is necessary

Summing up on a review used for thermal insulation pipes of materials heating materials, it can be obtained by the performance of the most popular of them from the table - for clarity comparison:

Thermal insulation material or productAverage density in the finished design, kg / m3Thermal conductivity of thermal insulation material (W / (M × ° C)) for surfaces with a temperature (° C)Range of operating temperatures, ° СA combustion group
20 and higher 19 and lower
Mineral cooker plates120 0,045 0.044 ÷ 0.035From - 180 to + 450 for mats, on fabric, grid, fiberglass canvas; up to + 700 - on a metal gridNon-combustible
150 0,05 0.048 ÷ 0.037
Plates of heat-insulating from mineral wool on a synthetic binder65 0.04 0.039 ÷ 0.03From - 60 to + 400Non-combustible
95 0,043 0.042 ÷ 0.031
120 0,044 0.043 ÷ 0.032From - 180 + 400
180 0,052 0.051 ÷ 0.038
Thermal insulation products made of foamed ethylene polypropylene rubber "Aeroflex"60 0,034 0,033 From - 55 to + 125Wemologies
Mineral Cylinders and Cylinders50 0,04 0.039 ÷ 0.029From - 180 to + 400Non-combustible
80 0,044 0.043 ÷ 0.032
100 0,049 0.048 ÷ 0.036
150 0,05 0.049 ÷ 0.035
200 0,053 0.052 ÷ 0.038
Mineral Wool thermal insulation cord200 0,056 0.055 ÷ 0.04.From - 180 to + 600, depending on the material of the mesh tubeIn mesh tubes made of metal wires and glass filaments - non-combustible, the rest of weakly
Mats from glass staple fibers on a synthetic binder50 0,04 0.039 ÷ 0.029From - 60 to + 180Non-combustible
70 0,042 0.041 ÷ 0.03
Mats and wool from super-thin glass fiber without binder70 0,033 0.032 ÷ 0.024From - 180 to + 400Non-combustible
Mats and wool from super-thin basalt fiber without a binder80 0,032 0.031 ÷ 0.024.From - 180 to + 600Non-combustible
Perlite sand, strolled, small110 0,052 0.051 ÷ 0.038From - 180 to + 875Non-combustible
150 0,055 0.054 ÷ 0.04.
225 0,058 0.057 ÷ 0.042.
Heat insulation products made of polystyrene foam30 0,033 0.032 ÷ 0.024From - 180 to + 70Gorry
50 0,036 0.035 ÷ 0.026
100 0,041 0.04 ÷ 0.03
Heat insulation products made of polyurethane foam40 0,030 0.029 ÷ 0.024.From - 180 to + 130Gorry
50 0,032 0.031 ÷ 0.025
70 0,037 0.036 ÷ 0.027
Heat insulating products from Polyeneetylene50 0,035 0,033 From - 70 to + 70Gorry

But surely an inquisitive reader will ask: and where is the answer to one of the main emerging issues - what should be the thickness of the insulation?

This question is quite complicated, and there is no unambiguous answer to it. If you wish, you can use bulky calculation formulas, but they probably understand only by qualified heat engineering specialists. However, not everything is so scary.

Manufacturers of finished thermal insulation products (shell, cylinders, etc.) usually laid the necessary thickness calculated for a particular region. And if the mineral wool insulation is used, then you can use the data of the tables, which are shown in the Special Code of Rules, which is designed specifically for thermal insulation of pipelines and technological equipment. This document is easy to find on the network by setting a search query "SP 41-103-2000".

Here, for example, a table from this reference book regarding the above-ground placement of the pipeline in the Central region of Russia, when using mats from glass staple fiber M-35, 50:

Type of droverning heating
innings freight innings freight innings freight
Averaged temperature coolant, ° C
65 50 90 50 110 50
Required insulation thickness, mm
45 50 50 45 45 40 40
57 58 58 48 48 45 45
76 67 67 51 51 50 50
89 66 66 53 53 50 50
108 62 62 58 58 55 55
133 68 68 65 65 61 61
159 74 74 64 64 68 68
219 78 78 76 76 82 82
273 82 82 84 84 92 92
325 80 80 87 87 93 93

Similarly, you can find the necessary parameters for other materials. By the way, significantly exceed the specified thickness the same set of rules does not recommend. Moreover, the maximum values \u200b\u200bof the insulating layer for pipelines are also defined:

The outer diameter of the pipeline, mm Limit thickness of the layer of thermal insulation, mm
temperature 19 ° C and below temperature 20 ° C and more
18 80 80
25 120 120
32 140 140
45 140 140
57 150 150
76 160 160
89 180 170
108 180 180
133 200 200
159 220 220
219 230 230
273 240 230
325 240 240

However, do not forget about one important nuance. The fact is that any insulation with a fibrous structure in time inevitably gives shrinkage. And this means that after some time, its thickness can be not enough for reliable thermal insulation of the heating pain. Output one - even when installing insulation, immediately consider this amendment for shrinkage.

To calculate, you can apply such a formula:

N \u003d ((D. + h.) : (D. + 2 h.)) × h.× Kc.

N.- The thickness of the laying of Minvati, taking into account the correction to the seal.

D.- the outer diameter of the pipe to be insulated;

h.-Bought the thickness of the insulation according to the Table of the Code of the Rules.

Ks.- shrinkage coefficient (sealing) of fibrous insulation. It is a calculated constant, whose value can be taken from the table below:

Heat insulation materials and productsKC seal coefficient.
Mineral wool mats 1.2
Mats thermal insulation "TEKHMAT" 1.35 ÷ 1.2.
Mats and canvases from super-thin basalt fiber when laying on pipelines and equipment with conditional passage, mm:
Du ≥ 800 with an average density of 23 kg / m32
̶ The same, with an average density of 50-60 kg / m31,5
Mats made of glass staple fibers on the synthetic binder brand:
M-45, 35, 251.6
Mats from glass staple fiber "URSA" stamps:
̶ for pipes with Du up to 40 mm4,0
̶ for pipes with Du from 50 mm and above3,6
M-15, M-172.6
̶ for pipes with Du up to 100 mm1,8
̶ For pipes with Du from 100 to 250 mm1,6
̶ for pipes with a Du 250 mm1,5
Mineral cooker plates on the synthetic binder brand:
35, 50 1.5
75 1.2
100 1.10
125 1.05
Plates made of glass staple fiber brand:
P-15, P-17 and P-201.2

To help the interested reader, the special calculator is located below, in which the specified ratio has already been laid. It is necessary to enter the requested parameters - and immediately obtain the required thickness of mineralizing insulation, taking into account the amendment.

    Specialists with the same accuracy and 100% quality versions can perform work with various materials: galvanized steel, aluminum, stainless steel, as well as thermal insulation for pipes, thermal insulating cylinders, insulation in the form of mats and stoves. Thermal insulation works of pipelines Include the preparation of surfaces, the coolant, the installation of vapor barrier, mineral material, fasteners, galvanized (at the request of the client).

    Performing installation of thermal insulation materials On pipes, industrial, main and highways with various working fluids, we offer additionally installing the thin-sheet metal ocheme. Its device will help to avoid mechanical damage to the internal heat insulating layer, protect against direct exposure to moisture. The installation of the galvanized shell makes the pipeline aesthetically attractive, convenient for maintenance and care.

    Specify rates for thermal insulation of pipelines And to get a preliminary estimated price calculation by the specified phones.

    Why you need to trust installation of isolation professionals? Because with the right approach, it is possible to extend the service life of the pipes themselves, eliminate the impulses, damage, corrosion.

    Warming of buildings inside

    When the repair of the facade and its insulation is impossible, or the set of insulation does not bring the expected result, the only effective solution to the insulation of the building walls is installation of reflective thermal insulation. Depending on the material of the walls, experts pick up a suitable method of fastening: for glue, stapler, nails, a bilateral scotch. All joints are processed by aluminized straps or scotch. For finishing works over the insulation, a doomle is performed. Installation of foil thermal insulation Allows you to achieve a stop of thermal radiation.

    When choosing durable sheet insulation installation of thermal insulation materials It is carried out on a pre-prepared profile, after which the slabs are sampled onto the walls.

    asterTe uses only those glue compositions that are recommended by the thermal insulation manufacturer and have excellent adhesion.

    To learn the preliminary the cost of installation of thermal insulation indoors, call a specialist.

    Stages of work:

  • You need to make a call to our company to order montaja services. At this stage, the master is called, the volume of work is specified, the final objectives are determined.
  • Thermal insulation is designed. At this stage, a suitable type of thermal insulation is selected, methods of insulation pipelines (Contracts, walls), calculates the amount, drawings, schemes and other working documentation are performed.
  • The cost of work on the insulation of pipelines (walls, facade, technological equipment) is calculated, the estimate is provided for the execution of the order, taking into account or without taking into account the acquired heat-insulating products.
  • The installation of thermal insulation is carried out. Our specialists implement projects in the most short time.

To order installation of thermal insulation of walls, designs, pipelines, call us at the specified phones.

"Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures", the Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2009 No. "On Approval of the List of Works on Engineering Research, on the preparation of project documentation, for construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities that Influence the safety of capital construction facilities. "

This standard was developed in the development of regulatory provisions of the SP 60.13330.2012 "Snip 41-01-2003 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning" and SP 61.13330.2012 "Snip 41-03-2003 Heat insulation of equipment and pipelines".

Author's team: A.V. Samsonenko (LLC "Rol Isomarket"), A.V. Busakhin (LLC "Third Installation Department" Promveventilation "), cand. ECON. Science D.L. Kuzin. (But "APIK"), dokt. tehn Spider A.M. Grimitlin (NP "SZ Center Avok"), GK Sidic (LLC "Maxhol Teknolodzhiz"), f .IN. Tokarev (NP "ISSS-Installation").

Standard of the National Association of Builders

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

1.1 This standard applies to the design of thermal insulation (hereinafter referred to as thermal insulation structures) intended for equipment, pipelines and air ducts of engineering networks located in rooms of categories B, G, d (for SP 12.13130, clause 4.1).

1.2 This standard establishes the requirements, rules and control of thermal insulation work using thermal insulation structures and their elements made of pipes or rolls of foamed polyethylene or synthetic foamed rubber, as well as cylinders or matte mineral or glass fiber.

2 Regulatory references

This standard uses regulatory references to the following standards and reasons:

Provide a safe outdoor surface temperature of the heat-insulating structure in accordance with SP 61.13330 (paragraph 4.2).

5.5 Installation of thermal insulation structures should be performed in accordance with the requirements of the SP 61.13330 and this standard.

6 Technology of performing work on thermal insulation

6.1 General

6.1.1 Thermal insulation work should be performed only under the condition of complete availability of the object. Construction and installation works are considered fully finished if pipelines and equipment are in the design position and tested by pressure according to the work project, which should be confirmed by the relevant acts.

6.1.2 The installation of thermal insulation is carried out on working documentation in accordance with the project manufacturing work on thermal insulation and taking into account the construction project project.

6.1.8 In order to increase productivity and achieve the high quality of thermal insulation work, it is recommended to use the mass insulation structures made in the workshies.

6.2 Device of thermal insulation of pipelines of thermal networks of heating systems, hot and cold water supply, technological systems

6.2.1 In thermal insulation structures on pipelines, thermal insulation products in the form of tubes should be used as thermal insulation, and in the absence of the tubes of the desired sizes in the manufactured nomenclature of the tubes in the form of rolls.

6.2.2 Fastening thermal insulation products on pipelines Depending on the type of material, the recommended manufacturer must be performed. Requirements for the installation of tubes and rolls from materials with a closed cellular structure are set forth in for the 5.904.9-78.08 series.

6.2.3 For fastening tubes on pipelines Longitudinal and transverse seams of products should be glued with contact glue recommended by the manufacturer. It is recommended to additionally smoke the seams of the product reinforced self-adhesive ribbon.

1 - bandage; 2 - Ribbon.


1 For the bandage is allowed to use metal ribbons with anti-corrosion coating of stainless steel, aluminum alloys or polyamide.

2 The bandage material used to attach the cover layer must correspond to the material from which the coating was made.

3 Material used for the manufacture of buckles (pos.2) must correspond to the material from which the bandage is made (galvanized or stainless steel, aluminum alloy sheets).

6.2.5 For fastening sheets (rolls) On product seams of products, it is necessary to glue with the contact glue recommended by the manufacturer. It is recommended to additionally smoke the seams of products of the reinforced self-adhesive tape, as well as consolidate products with bandages from reinforced self-adhesive tapes located in increments from 500 to 600 mm.

6.2.6 For thermal insulation of taps, tees, transitions and reinforcements, it follows the place of operation to make heat-insulating elements made from products in the form of tubes, cylinders, sheets or mats. The figure shows two versions of heat insulation of taps that differ in the diameters of pipelines.

a) insulation of removal with thermal insulation tubes (D N. ≤ 160 mm);
b) insulation of removal with thermal insulation sheets (D N. \u003e 160 mm)

1 - tube of thermal insulation material at D N. ≤ 160 mm; 2 - Sheet of heat-insulating material with D N. \u003e 160 mm; 3 - glue; 4 - Ribbon reinforced self-adhesive

6.2.7 In multilayer heat-insulating structures intended for pipelines, the installation of the second and subsequent layers of thermal insulation are performed with overlapping of the seams of each previous layer. The seams of all layers of thermal insulation glue with contact glue. It is recommended to additionally suture the seams of the outer layer of the reinforced self-adhesive ribbon.

Two-layer thermal insulation of a tonite coated with metal shells and fastening with self-samples is presented in the figure.

1 - tube from thermal insulation material; 2 - sheet of heat-insulating material;
3 - glue; 4 5,6 - Metal shells;
7 - Self-tapping screw, galvanized, tip drill

Bandages are installed in increments from 500 to 600 mm. The figure shows the design of the heat-insulated pipeline with a metal sheath, using a bandage fastening.

1 - tube of thermal insulation material at D N.≤ 160 mm (heat-insulating material sheet with D N. \u003e 160 mm); 2 - glue; 3 - Ribbon reinforced self-adhesive;
4 - metal shell; 5 - Bandage with buckle

6.2.11 With thermal insulation of vertical pipelines with a metal coating material, depending on the thickness of the thermal insulation and the height of the pipeline, support structures (unloading devices) can be provided, which prevent the progress and climbing the coating material.

Unloading devices are placed in increasing from 3 to 4 m in the height of the pipeline or equipment. In the same places, temperature seams provide in the metallic coat material. The design of unloading devices should not have through heat-conducting inclusions.

Unloading devices are performed from metal or sawn timber. Unloading devices made of sawn timber must be impregnated with antiseptic compositions or antipirens in accordance with GOST R 53292 and GOST 20022.5.

6.3 Device of thermal insulation of thermal networks of heating systems, hot and cold water supply, technological systems

6.3.1 In the thermal insulation structures of the reservoirs, thermal insulation products in the form of rolls and mats should be used as thermal insulation.

6.3.2 Fastening of thermal insulation products on tanks Depending on the type of material, the recommended manufacturer should be performed. For example, the requirements for the installation of rolls from materials with a closed cellular structure are set forth in for the 5.904.9-78.08 series. An embodiment of thermal insulation on the horizontal tank is shown in the figure.

6.3.3 In the event that the temperature of the insulated surface is lower than +90 ° C, it is recommended to use products in the form of rolls with a self-adhesive substrate.

6.3.4 Setting coatings (plates) and cladding on vertical tanks (drawing) should be taken up with an overlap from 40 to 50 mm.

1 - sheet of thermal insulation material; 2 - glue; 3 - metal shell;
4 - Aluminum self-adhesive tape; 5 - Silicone sealant

1 - sheet of heat-insulating material; 2 - glue; 3 - Aluminum Self-adhesive Ribbon

6.3.5 In multilayer heat-insulating structures for tanks, the installation of the second and subsequent layers of thermal insulation is performed with overlapping of the seams of the previous layer. Sheets (rolls) of each subsequent layer must be glued to the previous one. The seams between the products of the same layer are sampled by the reinforced self-adhesive ribbon.

6.3.6 Installation of thermal insulation of supports and tank headings are performed in accordance with the working documentation.

6.4 Device of thermal insulation of equipment, pipelines and air ducts of systems of ventilation and air conditioning systems

6.4.1 To ensure the quality of work in the installation of thermal insulation, the requirements ,, and this standard should be guided by the requirements ,, and this standard.

6.4.2 Fastening thermal insulation products on pipelines and air ducts, depending on the type of material, should be made by the method recommended by the manufacturer. For example, the requirements for the installation of materials with a closed cellular structure are set forth in for the 5.904.9-78.08 series. The figure shows a heat-insulating structure made by self-insulating material.

The heat insulating structure shown in the figure is made using self-adhesive thermal insulation materials and self-adhesive metal shell.

1 - sheet of self-adhesive thermal insulation material; 2 - glue;
3 - Ribbon reinforced self-adhesive

6.4.3 In the device of thermal insulation structures, designed to prevent the condensation of moisture from the outer air on the surface, materials with a closed cellular structure should be selected as thermal insulation materials.

6.4.4 Installation of the coating (plug) and cladding should be made with an overlap from 40 to 50 mm along the longitudinal and transverse seams.

1 - sheet of self-adhesive thermal insulation material; 2 - glue;
3 - self-adhesive metal sheath; 4 - Silicone Sealant

7 Control of the performance of thermal insulation

7.1 Control of work on thermal insulation of engineering systems in buildings and structures should be carried out based on the requirements and provisions of working documentation.

When monitoring the implementation of installation work, compliance with the requirements should be checked - taking into account factors 5.1, as well as provisions 7.2 - 7.8.

Quality passport.

7.3 With the final delivery of the heat insulating structure on the object, it is necessary to check the temperature matching on the surface of the heat-insulating structure of the safe temperature (SP 61.13330). The temperature is measured by any targeted tool having a check mark in the instrument passport or verification certificate in accordance with the requirements of the SP 61.13330.

7.4 Operational control of thermal insulation work is carried out according to the application.

7.5 When performing operational control of the insulating structure check:

a) before laying thermal insulation material:

The purity of the insulated surface is visually;

The presence of anti-corrosion protection - visually;

Compliance of the thickness of the heat-insulating material used by the RD requirements, measuring the thickness, for example, using the thickness gauge according to GOST 28702 (Table 1 - 3);

The correspondence of the material of the cover layer of the material indicated in the RD;

b) during the laying of heat-insulating material:

Performing seams and joints of the heat-insulating material with glue and ribbon - visually;

The absence of oncoming adhesives (against the direction of the stream of rainwater or flowing moisture) on the coating layer - visually;

The lack of damage to the heat-insulating layer - visually;

Overlapping of mounting seams in multilayer structures - visually;

c) after the installation of heat-insulating material and constructive design:

Fastening the cover layer - visually;

The lack of damage on the surface of the coating layer - visually;

The lack of damage to the surface of the coating (plated), if available, is visually;

The compliance of the appearance and constructive design of thermal insulation by these working documentation is visually.

7.6 Acceptance control of thermal insulation work is carried out after the installation of thermal insulation structures.

In the process of acceptance control, defects are detected, which should be attributed to:

Retreat from the data given in the working documentation in terms of materials, structures and method of installation of isolation;

Non-compliance with the thickness of the heat-insulating layer by these working documentation;

Mechanical damage to isolation;

A loose fit of the heat insulating layer to the surface of the insulated object;

Lack of thermal insulation in places location supports;

Non-compliance with the rules for the location of longitudinal and transverse seams of coatings (plates) and cladding.

7.7 After comparing the mounted thermal insulation design with the data of working documentation and accounting for changes made during the installation process, the final defective statement is drawn up, where all the actual indicators installed during the acceptance (application) are applied.

8 Requirements for reporting and technical documentation

8.1 Reporting and technical documentation is equipped for transmission to the technical customer at the stage of acceptance of work performed.

8.2 For high-quality installation work and compliance with all technological operations, working documentation made to be manufactured must satisfy.

8.3 A typical series of working drawings of thermal insulation can be used as working drawings. So, for polymer insulation with a closed cellular structure, you can use a standard series 5.904.9-78.08.

8.4 If technical solutions of thermal insulation of typical series with the corresponding drawings were used in the working documentation taken to produce work documentation, a link to the sheets of the series, which shows the corresponding structures, should be given in the technomatic statement.

8.5 The technical unit must comply with GOST 21.405 (the form is given in the Annex of this Standard) and contain, in addition, the general data relating to the heat-insulating structures carried out:

Information on the estimated ambient temperature;

The results of thermal calculations;

The appointment of thermal insulation for certain types of equipment and pipelines;

Requirements for the manufacture of thermal insulation structures and their installation

8.6 According to the data of technical unit and working drawings, equipment specifications are compiled.

8.7 The equipment specification is executed in accordance with the application and must contain the following sections:

Heat-insulating products;

Products and materials of the coating layer;

Fastening products (including adhesives, self-adhesive tapes, etc.).

9 Terms of Safe Performance

9.1 By the beginning of the thermal insulation work at the construction site, premises for storing materials and tools, as well as a workshop for the preparation of heat-insulating structures and performing technological operations should be allocated.

9.2 Works must be performed in overalls.

9.3 Before the start of heat-insulating work, it is necessary to provide safety standards in accordance with SNiP 12-04-2002 (Section 12).

Operational control of thermal insulation work

An object

Before laying heat-insulating material

During the laying of heat-insulating material

Clean the insulated surface

The presence of anti-corrosion protection

Compliance of the thickness of the heat-insulating material specified in the RD

Matching the cover layer specified in the RD

Performing seams and joints of the heat-insulating layer glue

Performing seams and joints of the heat-insulating layer ribbon

Lack of counter-shifts (against the stream of rainwater) on the coating layer

The lack of damage to the heat insulating layer



shvi B.



Armature and fittings

Air ducts


Technological equipment

Table continuation

An object

After completing the laying of heat-insulating material

Fastening the cover layer



coating layer



on the





external view

heat insulating


data of RD

Pipelines of heating and water supply systems

Pipelines of cooling systems

Armature and fittings

Air ducts


Technological equipment

Form of defective statement

No. p / p

An object

Characteristics of defects

Description of work to eliminate defects

Unit of measurement



installation of thermal insulation pipelines

Whether it is equipped with a multi-storey or a small wooden house, if communications are present in it, they must be properly placed and mounted. While with electrical, telephone and other wires, there are no special problems, then errors in the installation of heating pipelines, water supply and sewage can lead to not the most pleasant consequences.

Errors when installing the pipeline itself can cause flows in the joints of the joints and are eliminated quite easily. But errors in the installation of thermal insulation of pipelines lead to the freezing of pipes, and as a result of their discontinuity in the most appropriate places. So, the first and most obvious advantage that the owner receives the correctly organized installation of thermal insulation of pipelines is the absence of stressful situations associated with the accidents in the pipeline.

In addition, thermal insulation performs the following functions:

  • prevents the effects of aggressive external environment;
  • minimizes heat exchange with the environment, reducing heat loss;
  • supports system performance.

materials for thermal insulation of pipelines

Realizing the need for thermal insulation, the owner of a private house (brick, log cabin, from foam blocks, etc.) proceeds to choosing materials from which installation will be made.

Let's detail how much the scope of the article allows, consider each type of thermal insulation materials and the features of their installation.

  • Fiberglass insulation.

Enjoy the greatest popularity among installers. A fairly light, non-flammable material is not subject to rotting, the people are still known under the names of "glass gamble", "Mineral Wat". It can be supplied in the form of rolls or in the form of pressed plates. Due to its fibrous structure, moisture absorbs well. When installing, this feature should be taken into account and insulated pipes should be covered with water-repellent material (rubberoid, polyethylene, fiberglass).

Glasswater is not suitable for thermal insulation of underground pipelines. In addition, when it is installed, the seal coefficient should be taken into account (fiberglass insulation over time are tamped).

  • Basalt mineral wool.

Presents plates and cylinders molded and specially processed. Strong enough, they, like glass gamble, nonsenters, durable, at the same time do not absorb moisture and are perfectly suitable for mounting both underground and overhead communications.

Many manufacturers as an additional moisture and thermal insulation use aluminum foil.

In view of a sufficiently high cost, basalt seals do not use so popular as glass gamble, however, it is convenient to perform the installation of thermal insulation of pipelines in problem places (tees, taps, and so on).

Installation work using basalt forms do not require special skills and can be performed independently.

  • Polyfoam (Polyopolster).

Imagine a pipe made from foam and painted in half, while each half of the resulting pipe is equipped with a groove and spike for greater connection strength and you will get a complete picture of these so-called, "shells".

Given the characteristics of the foam, it can be said that such insulation is perfect for insulation of both ground and underground pipelines.

To install such thermal insulation, it is enough to simply connect two halves of the shells into one, and link them using special glue or ordinary tape. Experienced installers advise a little by 10-15 cm. Show half the pipes relative to each other. This will provide the so-called "recess". To bypass complex sites (turns, taps, tees), special curly shells are used.

  • Polyurenenitan.

polyurethane foam spraying

Installation of thermal insulation of the polyurethane pipeline can be performed in several ways.

  1. Spraying polyurethane foam on the mounted pipeline. In this case, the special composition with a sprayer is applied to the surface of the pipe, firmly enclosing it with it. Subsequent foaming converts fluid into a solid porous material with high heat insulating characteristics. It should be noted here that the polyuretieutan does not tolerate ultraviolet radiation. Direct sunlight falls on it leads to the destruction of thermal insulation. For this reason, after its solidification of the pipe, it is necessary to hide either with a layer of rubberoid, or in a different way (it is enough to paint with oil paint).
  2. Use special forms (the principle is the same as when working with foam shells).
  3. Some firms produce products that can be called "pipe in a pipe" in this case, the inner tube is made of metal and is the basis of the pipeline. The outer tube is performed from plastic (if the pipe is intended for underground installation) or galvanized steel (for ground heating pipes) and performs water-repellent and protective functions. The gap between the pipes is filled with polyurethane foam.

The thickness of spraying and thermal insulation may vary widely and depends on the conditions of operation and the requirements for thermal insulation.

A few words about the manufacturers of thermal insulation.

As for manufacturers of fiberglass insulation, the most famous on the Russian market are Ursa, Isover, Knauf. It is these brands most often can be seen on the shelves of building stores. These are the materials of the economy class.

The heat insulation of the Rockwool pipelines is slightly less known in the market of our country, but the higher quality of execution, in combination with a minor price difference, compared with competitors, serve that the installers are increasingly choosing their products to perform work.