Repairs Design Furniture

Installing windows and doors. Installation of plastic windows with your own hands: step-by-step process of installation of plastic windows. Non-standard window opening size in the house

Long service life and reliability of plastic windows are provided not only through the use of high-quality certified materials in their production, but also due to compliance with all construction standards and related guests when installing (primarily GOST 30971-2002 and GOST R 52749-2007). With proper care, after installation, you will never have any problems with them. In addition, you have the opportunity to extend the warranty to 10 years and live calmly, without thinking that something will happen to your windows.

Of course, the most important role in how satisfied with the new windows is playing the skill of installers. In the company "Ecookna" every master passes the mandatory certification twice a year, while the qualifications of installers is not included in the cost of installing the window. Prices for mounting windows depend on the selected tariff, configuration and size of the product.

The installation of new windows is usually preceded by a dismantling of old. Of course, we understand how hard it is to live in a house without windows, even if not for a long time. Therefore, the work is carried out on a specially compiled schedule, which allows you to finish the preparations for the installation of windows in the shortest possible time.

Even in winter, our company is maintained by PVC windows according to GOST using special materials designed for use at a negative temperature, without prejudice to the installation quality. At the same time, in the process of mounting the window, the opening remains open no more than 20 minutes, and the freezing of the room does not occur.

Please note that after agreeing on the timing of the installation of windows, you should properly prepare your living space!

How to prepare for installation of windows:

  • If you live in an apartment building, warn your neighbors about the fact that you will be installed. The noise of the perforator when installing cannot be avoided.
  • Considerate the delivery time of the ready-made PVC windows with the manager and prepare a place in the apartment in advance where you can put your windows so that they do not interfere with the arrival of the installation brigade.
  • In the process of mounting, the construction trash is collected in bags and is taken out on the staircase. Provide on the stairwell place to store construction garbage and its old windows.
  • Free the space from furniture items to take place to windowes and work. Our specialists conduct installation very carefully, nevertheless, we recommend covering the film furniture located in close proximity to the window openings (not cover with newspapers or tissue, as they can deform and move, leaving the surface unprotected), and remove the beating objects.
  • Fully free the window, remove the curtains.
  • Plan your time so that during the reception and installation of windows you or someone from your relatives could stay at home.

Care of PVC windows after installation

Even the highest quality windows after installation according to GOST can be spoiled if they do not properly care. The service service of the company "Ecookna" can take care of your PVC windows. We can also offer a ready-made "first aid kit", which includes all the necessary means of caring for plastic windows.

What must necessarily be present in the design of any home? Of course, these are doors and windows. Planning, choosing and installing door and window openings has many nuances. We will tell about some of them right now.

Standard sizes of windows and doors in a private house

Dimensions of these products largely determine the comfort of accommodation of tenants. Too narrow doors or small windows can cause many inconveniences. The size of the windows for the country house, as well as the parameters of the doorways, are governed by the construction regulations and state standards.

Adopted standards largely facilitate the issue of designing a building, allowing you to create optimal conditions for the operation of residential premises.

Options for installing doors

Ease of entry / exit from the room directly depends on the two interconnected parameters:

  1. Standard doorway sizes.
  2. Options of the door canvase.

Standard domestic doors have a height of 1.9 or 2 meters and width from 0.4 to 0.9 meters. The parameters of European models are slightly different. The height of such products is 202 and 215 cm, and the width can be 62, 72, 82 or 92 cm.

If you plan to install conventional swing doors, clean opening for them should be 70-80 mm more than the web itself. If your plans include the installation of sliding doors, organize the opening by 50-60 mm less than the parameters of the canvas. It is worth noting that the openings of interroom doors, as a rule, fewer input parameters.

Parameters for installation of windows

Adopted standards for mounting windows in a private house, as well as for balcony doors, are determined by the state standard 11214-86. According to regulations, the width of the standard opening varies from 870 to 2670 mm, and the height is from 1160 to 2060 mm. The doors to the balcony have a single height (2755mm), but may differ in width: 870, 1170 or 1778 mm.

Parameters depend on several factors:

  • Room area.
  • Necessary lighting.
  • Architectural specificity of the room and the building itself.

Depending on which opening for windows is scheduled in the house, the glazing system is determined, as well as the required number of sash and fraamug.

In addition, GOST regulates the height of the windowsides, which must be considered when organizing openings.

The windowsill in the bedroom must be at an altitude of 700-900 mm, in the kitchen - 1200-1300mm. Also their standards have window sills for bathrooms and economic premises. For the first height of the windowsill should not be less than 1600 mm. For the second, this value should be in the range from 1200 to 1600 mm.

Non-standard window opening size in the house

Modern technologies and preferences of the owners allow you to create such projects of houses in which the windows of non-standard forms are used. The windows in the cottage, the dimensions of which depend on the characteristics of the structure, can be a triangular, trapezoid, semicircular, round or arched shape. Such products give home individuality, but their layout and installation has their own nuances.

Door and window openings for houses from different materials

The layout for a private house depends largely on which materials it is erected.

Door and window opening in a wooden house

The organization of windows and doors in wooden buildings requires the preparation of a special design (frame). Her task is to compensate for a church shrink characteristic of wooden buildings.

To perform the installation of openings in a log cottage will be required:

  • Installing a bar with a gasket for insulation on a pre-prepared groove.
  • Installation of the casing.
  • Processing of gaps with thermal insulating materials.
  • Installing the door leaf or window block into a casing.
  • Decorative design: installation of sings and slopes.

When installing the cluster, it is very important to leave the gap in the case of a shrinkage of the structure.

The size of the gap is largely dependent on the degree of humidity of the wood used, while not exceeding 6-7% of the entire height of the opening. The correctly mounted dummy box will protect the windows and doors from the "extrusion" when the building shrink.

Door box and window opening in a brusade house

The organization of windows and doors in facilities from the bar is practically no different from the installation of window openings in the log cabin.

As in the first case, it is required to organize a casing.

The clip is mounted without capital fastening. To install it uses the Schip-Paz system. Thanks to this design, the window and the doors are not deformed during the shrinkage of the house from the bar.

When installing, it is necessary to ensure that the mounting foam does not connect the shock with the wall. Otherwise, the casing does not be able to descend along with the shrinkage of the house.

Doors and window opening in a brick house

Conducting works in brick houses requires the installation of special overlaps. As they can use steel profile, iron rods or reinforced concrete jumpers.

The window in the brick house is installed at the height of 10 rows of brickwork. The doorway must be mounted after 2 rows of brick masonry. These parameters are recommended by the regulations adopted. However, they can be regulated depending on the height of the erected structure.

Features of installation for structures frame type

If you are going to install window opening in a frame house, you must take into account the features of the material of the buildings of this species.

Build on Canadian technology? This means that you need to use dual racks. Such a solution will allow correctly distributing the weight of the design itself and the weight of the window without prejudice to the entire structure.

Single racks are installed in Finnish frame houses. A special element of the skeleton house - the rigl will optimally distribute the weight of the structure.

Other nuances selection of window and doorways

As we said earlier, the organization of openings for doors and windows requires compliance with a number of nuances.

Installation of the balcony block also has its own characteristics. The top line of the balcony door should be on the same line with the upper side of the window. And the outer decoration of the floor should exceed the bottom line of the balcony opening by 10 cm.

We hope that this information was useful. Remember that to implement any construction projects it is better to apply to people who have professional experience in such matters.

We wish you success in all your endeavors!
Zakalowev S.A.

No house can do without windows and doors. Already at the stage planning, the architect of the company "Marisrub" is the optimal way to place the installation in the drawing and thinks over installation work. The masters of the company will produce qualitatively and put the side of the openings, collect the designs, they will install fasteners and parts, locks and handles, window sills and platbands.

Specificity installation of windows and doors in a wooden house

Before installation, it is necessary to wait for the shrinkage of a wooden house, which goes about a year. Start the installation of structures earlier than 6-8 months after the construction of the house can not be, as the log house will not be able to dry correctly. The continuing litter will simply distribute the established structures.

The windows and doors in the house of the log can be fixed directly to the end of the opening. After all, blocks are deformed due to the same shrinkage. To avoid this, make a soul or cluster of the opening. It protects and strengthens the ends, does not give the crowns shifting and does not break the functionality of door and window structures.

Between the log part of the house and the top element of the box, leave the gap on the shrinkage, which is up to 7% of the height of the opening. Shooting gap will protect the window and door blocks from the pressure of logs and deformation.

Occupy of windows and doors

The windows of the windows are performed in two ways depending on the type of windows (recycling or ordinary). Boxes of simple design are manufactured for standard wooden windows.

Today, many country house owners choose installations from wood. Designs from natural materials do not break the environmental purity, safety and atmosphere of a log house. But if you can still choose between plastic and wooden for the cottage, then for the bath it is necessary to use windows solely from wood. Wood will perfectly withstand temperature differences and high humidity.

The window box for log houses is made of wood with 10-12% moisture. With a smaller humidity, internal cracks appear. Simple design is used for windows from natural materials. And the manufacture of opening for plastic products requires special care and a more complex option of the cluscle.

Door openings also require pre-stacks, which differs little from the window. Differences are observed only in box sizes. Note that the opposite is necessary not only in the place of establishing doors. The cocks are made in decorative openings. The absence of such treatment will lead the external and internal logs due to temperature changes. As a result, skews of the openings will arise and even bending the walls.

Professional Installation - Guarantee of Reliability and Durability

Note that the installation of doors and windows in the house of rounded logs should be carried out after installing casing. Only professionals will make the opposite, which guarantees the long-term operation of the structures, eliminate the appearance of cracks and gaps.

Incorrect installation of the door or window box will result in serious problems. These are frequent drafts and screens, jamming doors and locks, skews of openings and walls. To avoid such troubles, trust the work of MARISRUB MASTERS!

Experts will manufacture and establish blocks, insulate the openings around the perimeter using thermal insulation materials and a vapor barrier film. It will protect from the penetration of wind, cold and excess moisture to the room.

The final stage in the installation is the design and decor of the openings. The framed serve platbands, which masters of the company make wooden platbands from wood harmoniously complement the exterior and interior of the house. Prints can be any forms and sizes, colors and shades, with a thread and pattern. Choose and fantasize with the company's designer!

If you earlier, or your acquaintances used the services of firms to install double-glazed windows, you know that the installation can be ordinary and GOST. The second option is more expensive, but if all the requirements are met, the quality will be the order higher than in the first one (more about the rules can be read in GUT 30971-02).

Consists of several stages.

Note! The manufacturers do not provide a guarantee if the measurements were not conducted by their employees. If the window is incorrect, the window will soon begin to freeze, and if at least the slightest error was allowed in the calculations, then the design is simply not included in the opening.

Nevertheless, if you study all the subtleties of the process, then there will be no difficulties when installing. Moreover, it is possible to save a decent amount of money.

Video - Installation of PVC windows according to GOST

Stage 1. Measures

Most apartments meet openings without a quarter.

Note! A quarter is an internal frame of a 6-centimeter width (or in a brick ¼, hence the name), which prevents the windows falling out and the strengthening structure as a whole.

If there is no quarter, the frame will be installed on the anchors, and the foam closes with special nicknames. Determine the presence of a quarter sufficiently simple: if the internal and outer width of the frame is different, then a quarter is still there.

  1. Initially, the width of the opening is determined (distance between slopes). Plaster It is recommended to remove the result to be more accurate.
  2. Then the height is measured (distance between the slope from above and the windowsill).

Note! Measures need to repeat several times and take the smallest result.

To determine the width of the window from the width of the opening, two mounting gap are taken away. To determine the height of the height of the opening, the same two gaps plus the profile height for the stand is taken.

The symmetry and rectinence of the opening is checked, for which the assembly level is used and plumb. All defects and irregularities are defined in the drawing.

To determine the width of waterfronts, it is necessary to add 5 cm for bend to the already occasionally. It also takes into account the width of the insulation and cladding (subject to the subsequent finish of the facade).

The dimensions of the window sill are determined as follows: the width of the opening is given the size of the departure, the width of the frame is taken away from the figures obtained. Regarding the departure, then he must overlap the heating radiator on a third.

Note! Perhairs already at the end of the installation.

Stage 2. Order

After measurements, the finished drawing should be attributed to the windows manufacturer, all the necessary fittings will be chosen there. It is worth remembering that the installation can be performed by one of the two existing ways:

In the first version, you will have to pull the package from the frame, insert it into the opening and install the glass back. In the second case, the entire design is attached entirely. Cons have every option - if you pull the bag, then it can; And on the contrary, if the window will be collected, it can be damaged due to greater weight.

Prices for a popular line of windows

Stage 3. Preparation

This stage of installation is starting only after the delivery of the ordered windows. First, the workplace is released, all the furniture is covered with a polyethylene film (there will be a lot of dust).

Step 1. If required, double-glazed windows extracted from the window. For this, the stapper is slightly suited for a staple and pulls out. First of all, vertical staps are removed, then horizontal. They are mandatory numbered, otherwise the gaps are formed after installation.

Step 3. Bolts are unscrewed after the caps are removed from the canopies. The handle turns into the "ventilation mode" (in the center), the window opens and removed. It remains only a frame with imposses.

Note! The imposses are special jumpers, which are meant for the seas.

Then you need to mark the markup for the anchors and do the holes along it - two from the bottom and three and three on each side. For this, Ø1 cm anchors will be required and the drill of the required diameter.

If the material from which the walls are loose (for example, cellular concrete), then fasteners are performed using anchor suspensions. The latter should be fixed on the wall and frame with hardened self-drawing (eight pieces per each).

Note! To avoid the formation of the thermal bridge in the submarine profile, the day before the installation should be filled. So the element will not freeze.

Stage 4. Dismantling work

This procedure is recommended to be carried out immediately before installing the new window. Older in most cases are thrown out, so the design can be pulled together with the mount, and if necessary, cut the frame.

Step 1. Initially, the seal and thermal insulation is removed.

Step 3. The windowsill is removed, it is considered a cement layer under it.

Step 4. The adjacent surfaces are processed by primer material (by the way, many installers forget about it). In the case of a wooden opening around the perimeter, a layer of waterproofing material is stacked.

Note! Installation can be carried out at a temperature not lower than -15ᵒc. Installation foam must be frostable.

Stage 5. Installing the plastic window

Step 1. Initially, wooden wedges are put on the entire perimeter, the window is installed on them (it will be easier to align the design), only after that it is made to the wall. The substrates can be left - they will serve as an additional fastener.

Step 2. The lack of a profile of the stand and can be considered a gross violation of the norms of the GOST, since it is not only needed for stability, but also makes it possible to install a sill with a window sill. In the absence of a profile, they are fixed directly to the frame, which disrupts its tightness.

The correct arrangement of the coaching profile is shown in the diagram.

Step 3. Further the smooth window in three planes is checked, for which the mounting level is used and the plumb. It is characteristic that traditional bubble levels do not suit this due to insufficient measurement accuracy, so it is better to use.

Step 4. If the window rose smoothly, it is fixed by anchors. For this, the perforator through the pre-cooked holes in the design the wall is closed (about 6-10 cm). Fixed (not finally) lower anchors, the accurate package will be checked again, after which the remaining points are attached.

Note! The final screed is made only after the final check. Do not delay too much, otherwise the design "turns".

Prices for Mounting Foams and Cleaners of Installation Pistols

Mounting foam and purifiers of assembly pistols

Step 6. Waterproof

Outside to the underlying profile, self-assembly is mounted. The locations of the compounds are carefully close to the sealant in order to avoid moisture penetration inside the design.

The edges of the mound for several centimeters are combined into the walls, after prehasting the recess with the perforator.

Note! Before installing the lower gap is also close.

Stage 7. Build window

After fastening the anchors, the glass package is inserted back.

Step 1. The glass is inserted and fixed by the strokes (the latter should snap into the latter, for which it is possible to slightly face them with a rubber hammer).

Step 2. Folds open, the density of their adjustment is checked. In the open position, arbitrary opening / clouding the sash can not happen if the window is installed smoothly.

Step 3. On the sides closed the installation seam. Polyurethane foam will provide high-quality waterproofing and prevents glass fog. Before and after sealing, the seams are sprinkled with water to improve polymerization.

Note! The seams are filled with no more than 90%, otherwise the design will "lead". If everything is done correctly, after drying the foam will come out for several centimeters.

Step 4. The perimeter of the window is sampled by a special vapor insulation ribbon, and the material with a foil surface is used below.

Stage 8. Mounting of the window sill

Step 1. The windowsill sucks in such a way that it goes into the opening and at the same time rested into the lining profile. A small gap remains (about 1 cm) for temperature expansion. In the future, the gap is hidden by plastic

Step 2. Wooden wedges are stacked under the windowsill. It must be put with a slight inclination towards the room, then attach something heavy for a while until the foam dries. Additionally, the windowsill can be fixed with anchor plates.

Video - Installation instructions for plastic windows


Now you know how plastic windows are installed, so you can safely begin to work. The final check of all elements can be carried out only 24 hours after the end of the installation (then the foam already "grab").

The described technology is completely applicable to, although there are their nuances - such, for example, as an installation of a parapet to create a partition.

Find out how to do, from our new article.

PVC windows make their choice at the same time complex and simple. The simplicity is that a wide range of model range allows you to choose a suitable sample to the exterior of the house and its internal design. However, when buying can be encountered with difficulties: what to navigate when choosing? Who to charge work so that the installation of plastic windows was high-quality and the design served for a long time and did not lose their beauty?

The consequences of improper installation of plastic windows may be unpleasant. In case of errors in glazing the properties of PVC structures for heat preservation, protection against noise and dust may be lost. Works carried out with errors will entail the formation of condensate, drafts, the appearance of cracks on the slopes, dampness, formation of fungus. In addition, the frame fixed with the skeleton can create an excess voltage that displays the locking mechanisms.

Independent installation of heavy design without experience and special knowledge is complicated and time consuming. In order to avoid troubles, it is better to order a service from experienced specialists.

The cost of installing plastic windows

Mounting in the panel house 1 240 rubles / m2
Montage in a wooden house 1 240 rubles / m2
Montage in a brick house 1 240 rubles / m2
Glazing of loggias and balconies 1 550 rub / m2
Installation of input and interior PVC doors 1 550 rub / m2
Dismantling of old window frames without saving IS FREE
Dismantling with the preservation of old frames 1300 rub / window
Difficult disassembly: Metal frames, double frames in Stalin's houses 1300 rub / window
Feeding to the entrance and export of the container for construction trash 7000 rub.
Takeam of old frames in a container for construction trash 650 rub / window

The cost of windows with turnkey installation

Montaja technology

After you have determined how much it costs to install the window begins the preparation of openings and placing to assembly and finishing work.

  • Disassembly of old designs. The standard dismantling option implies the destruction of old wooden frames. However, if necessary, dismantling can be produced by gentle technology, after which the frames are preserved and can be reused. The need for a gentle dismantling must be specified in advance with the measurer and manager at the stage of concluding a contract.
  • Installing windows. All installation work is carried out on the basis of GOST standards and in accordance with the specifics of profile systems. The window is aligned in the opening of the level, it is fixed with anchors or anchor plates and is fought around the perimeter. The foam seam is necessarily sealed with vapor and waterproofing tapes, as well as psyl tapes.
  • Installation of windowsill, low tide and mosquito net. The windowsill is attached to a special coaching profile, located under the window, and is thoroughly married. The sump is screwed from the street with the help of self-tapping screws.
  • Finishing of slopes - The final stage. As a finishing material, we use warm plastic sandwich panels that are perfectly combined with PVC window block and provide excellent heat insulation and protection of condensate.

The visible indicator that the installation of plastic windows is competent - the absence of any gaps and purges in the mounting seam. At the end, careful adjustment of the accessories and testing the density of closing window sash are made.