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How to forever delete your vkontakte page through a computer and phone. How to delete a page in VKontakte in various ways

VKontakte is one of the first full-fledged social networks of Russia. Users massively registered, indicating non-existent data, joined the groups, communicated with each other, because it was a novelty. Now, VK is not the most progressive way to keep in touch with relatives and friends, more comfortable Telegram and Facebook appeared. In order not to dispense your attention to several services, you need to delete the VK page by continuing to communicate in a more convenient messenger.

How to remove the VK page via phone

Progress does not stand still, over time, smartphones have become a convenient tool of communication, pushing out traditional PCs and laptops. According to statistics, more than 57% of users enter VKontakte from Android phones, another 18% with iPhone.

Therefore, the most acute question is the question of removing accounts using a mobile phone.

Delete via Mobile Application

Mobile application VC, most convenient way to access social. network. Unfortunately, the developers have not added profile removal feature to it. Neither in the user agreement, nor in the settings of the questionnaire - there is no possibility to finally erase the data.

Therefore, the removal from the smartphone occurs only through the mobile version of the site.

Mobile version of VKontakte.

4. Click the "Exit" button and within three months do not log in.

In order to release free space on servers, the site engine removes profiles that completely concealed information about themselves and did not show activity for more than three months.

Above, I described the standard ways to remove the account provided by the service administration. Now, it is time to describe non-standard methods arising in various life situations, for example, when hacking a page or death of its host.

How to remove the page after hacking

Instead of imprisonment

In this instruction, I described in detail all the current ways to get rid of my account in VC, lowering several, to put it mildly, "delusional". As a result, we have:

  • All options are temporary until the time has expired;
  • Full removal of data occurs during the year, after the operation is completed;
  • You can even erase a foreign account, having every reason.

I hope I helped solve your problem, and if you have any questions - boldly ask them in the comments to the article.

Greetings to you on the pages of my blog. "While you are not on the Internet - you do not exist," this phrase was once used only to business, now it is relevant for ordinary people. Almost every one we have an account in Instagram, VKontakte, on Facebook and Odnoklassniki. But what to do if everything is tired?

Let's find out today how to delete a page in VK? It will act from two devices, you will find out whether it is possible to do it forever without the possibility of recovery and analyze the most common problems faced on the way to the cherished goal - say goodbye to VKontakte.

Removing VKontakte through PC

Delete your VK page from a computer is very simple. In fact, in the new version of the site there are already three ways to proceed to edit the page, but to get closer to the removal function, you need to go to the settings through the right upper angle.

In the window that appears at the bottom of the bottom you will find a cherished link by passing which you can completely delete your page. No one else can go on it.

Within 6 months you have the opportunity for it if you enter your old login and password.


To delete Vkontakte through the phone before it was not quite simple, but with a new design and after the update it was impossible to do it. To get rid of your account, you will have to go to the computer version from the smartphone (through a browser) or on the official website from a stationary PC or laptop.

I tested several applications, but in no one of them the function of removing the page, unfortunately, was not found.


Let's analyze some common questions related to VC and deleting your page from it.

What if you forgot the username and password, and you need to remove the VK page?

Well, for the beginning, I would advise you to try to remember if you have any devices that you quickly went to the VC and saved the data. For example, it can be an old phone, laptop of parents or a tablet girlfriend. So delete the page will be easier and faster. Just turn on the device.

If it does not help, use the link "Forgot your password." The simplest thing is to enter the phone number to which the page is tied. A little harder - e-mail. In any case, after a few seconds, the address you specified will come, thanks to which you can go to the old account.

How to quickly remove from VK, immediately and forever?

Delete the page quickly and forever is very difficult. I do not think that technical support will help you. This is against the rules and logic. Why the restaurant is stopped cooking your corona dish, and the shoemaker is deliberately portered to get rid of customers?

You can go for a trick: start sending spam. In this case, your page will be blocked. It will be possible to restore it, turning to the technical support two more times, and on the third it will be deleted forever.

Frankly, I do not see the point of doing it. Why do you quickly and forever get rid of the account? Want to bind a new profile on the old number? Just unscrew from the old profile this phone number is all in the same settings and ready.

Let the page hang in VKontakte for some time, suddenly you still want to go back. If you have created a group, you will deprive her some positive bonuses that may not be able to give a single leader (see). For example, quick renewal in public and back.

Get rid of all entries on the wall, photos and albums, you can even change the name, and otherwise leave the profile to better times. By the way, if you have a lot of friends, the account can be sold or on it.

Well, so as not to fool your head with cheating and invitations you can attach some money in the service . 1000 live friends will cost you only 800 rubles. The more popular your account VKontakte, the more expensive you can sell advertising. Think about it.

To new meetings and good luck.

According to official statistics published on Vkontakte's blog, it can be seen that more than 50% of the participants in the social network did not remove and do not want to delete their profile. About 30% were blocked or going to block their account without subsequent recovery. About 19% answered that they would remove / delete their page, but would definitely restore it sooner or later. It should be noted that the specified survey is anonymous, that is, there are no need to "shock" their own opinions.

And now the most interesting thing: Top reasons " Why people get rid of their pages in contact».

In the fifth place in popularity: "Fear of the audience" or "I want to hide." Some users suddenly realize that their personal data is available not only to friends, but also to the enemies. Permanent concern about concealing information raises a desire to remove the page.

In the fourth place: "FSB holds us on the fly." "VKontakte is a" spyware "tool. Users themselves do not know, lay out all the information about themselves, according to which they are then easy to calculate, "such an opinion is very common among 11-13 adolescents, who" have something to hide "(sarcasm, if that).

In third place: "VKontakte is not Comilfo." "Much more fashionable to sit on Facebook,
Pinterest or instagram, "say some, pressing the button" Delete page».

In second place: "Contact". Addictive and dependency cause breaking. The social network user cannot live without "likes" and "comments". He is sitting in his profile all the time - at work, at home, on the way home, etc. And someone decides to end this time and forever and ever they remove the page in contact.

In the first place: "Tired, then restore", "And what will happen if my profile disappears - how many people remember me?", "Let everyone know that I feel bad that I have problems - I delete the page to then her Restore again. All these reasons are just a way to attract to yourself (or your problem) attention. Such people really need communication, but only in reality.

Slightly humor - funny reasons for removing the page VKontakte:

A few more reasons - possibly bayan, but nevertheless it is worth smiling:

Social networks for some people become a real "web", which does not let go to solve real affairs, work or communicate live with friends. At some point, the life of the "in sight of other users can get bored and then you should know how to delete a page in VKontakte. To do this, you can use in several ways.

How to remove from VK

At the moment, the service offers several options to spend fastdelete page VK. It is possible to conditionally divide them to the degree of "non-return", for example, it is allowed that other network participants cannot access it, but if desired, you could go to your profile. If you need to completely get rid of, then you need to know the rules for the service, how to remove a page in VK.

How to remove the VK page from the phone

Many modern users have long been used to access the smartphones (on android or iPhone). Gadget is convenient for surfing the Internet, and the developers create special mobile applications that simplify work with the site on the Internet. There is an opportunitydelete Page VKontakte from the phone Forever at any convenient moment be it iPhone or Android. You will not work through the mobile utility, you can only delete only through the site. To finally get rid of your questionnaire forever, you must do the following:

  1. Go to "VKontakte". You will automatically cross the mobile version of the resource.
  2. Perform input.
  3. Find the item entitled "Settings" in the left menu.
  4. At the very bottom of the new window, you should have an inscription "You can delete your page". Click on an active link.
  5. Further before you will appear the list of options, why do you want to part with the social network. It does not see the deactivation process, this step is needed only to collect information by developers. You can write your comment, why they decided to destroy the page. Specify anyone and click on the "Delete Page" button.
  6. After that, your profile will be unavailable, but during the year the data about you will be stored in the site database. If you wish, you can restore it.
  7. Remember that your phone number will still be tied to this account, the registration of the new account on the same mobile will not be passed until you completely delete the old one.

How to remove from the contact completely

The above method, how to remove the page in VC, completely coincides with the option for desktop PC and laptops. The path to destroy the profile is forever exactly the same, act in the same order. It should be borne in mind that all the data entered earlier in the questionnaire will be kept long months. If for some reason you will re-enter the login, the password from your VK, the date of the complete erasure of the data will be transferred later than the time. For this reason, if you want to completelyremove from VK, after closing do not go to yourself.

To hide any data from other users, it is recommended in the privacy settings to prohibit anyone to view your personal information. Instructions for closing access to the profile:

  1. Click again on the "Settings" button.
  2. Select "Privacy".
  3. Opposite all items, set the value "Only I".

How to block your vkontakte page

Service developers have provided only one functionality if you want to temporarily close or spend fulldeleting a page in VK. The above was described how to block your profile, but the questionnaire is not removed instantly. At the top of the screen, a notification will be notified that you can restore information if you have the necessary actions before the deadline. As a rule, a person stands out about six months on the decision-making (trial period). Near the place for the avatar, the word "restore" will appear, by clicking on which the questionnaire is resumed.

In the modern world there are practically no people left that can quietly do without a page of VKontakte. But who of us at least once did not attend the idea to remove from the virtual "web"? The reasons for such a solution may be mass: on the nose a semi-annual report, and you once again looked through interesting communities; Former Passion suddenly decided that she was nowhere to bother with endless messages; You decided to teach someone from acquaintances and retire from the social network for the sake of increasing the degree of concern. In general, the list can be continued to infinity. It is time to deny all doubts and fulfill the task. To do this, it is important to know how to remove the VKontakte page from different electronic devices. There are several ways to solve this task.

How to delete your vkontakte page

There are several ways to remove the VKontakte profile. Page can be deleted forever, as well as temporary. It all depends on your desire or reasons why you decide to retire from the social network.

In addition to causal relationships, in the process of removing the Profile of VKontakte, it is important to take into account the electronic device from which you most often went to the social network.

Standard removal method from a computer (from the site itself)

This method is created specifically for simple, and at the same time reliable removal of the VKontakte page. The method is provided directly to the developers, and they know that they know:

  1. First of all you need to go to your account.
  2. In the upper right corner, find the button with your name and mini-version of Avatar nearby. Click on it.
  3. In the menu that appears, select the "Settings" item.

    Removal by means of laid by developers - the easiest way

  4. Automatically in front of you will open the Tab "General". Scroll down the down page and locate the "You can delete your page" option. Click on it.

    In the General tab, you will see the inscription "You can delete your page"

  5. You will appear in front of you in which you can specify the reason for the removal of the profile, and also leave a message for your friends that you no longer appear on the network. After specifying all the desired data, press the "Delete page" button.

    When you can delete, you can specify the reason for your actions.

  6. Congratulations. Your page has been removed. For those who will decide to fall down after a while, the developers of VKontakte provided the ability to restore profile. But this function is possible only a certain period of time. The last day you can restore your profile will be listed on the page after it is deleted.

    After deleting, you will see the appropriate notification, and the date, before the onset of which you can restore your page

If you could not for some reason go to the "Settings" menu, then immediately after you go to your account, go to direct link . It will help you immediately go to step 5.

Standard way to remove from the phone

If you do not have the opportunity to go to your VKontakte's profile from a computer (or you prefer mobile devices to use social networks), then you can use the way to remove the VK profile from the phone.

Privacy Setup and Full Page Cleaning

For those who want to sleep well, knowing that his page is completely removed and will never be found by some long-standing familiar or ill-wishers, there is an option to stripping pages and changes in privacy settings:

As a result, you should have an absolutely "naked" page. Now you can forget my password with a clean conscience. After some time, the VKontakte administration will delete your page.

Change password and binding to one-time number

If you are firmly configured again, never succumb to the charm of social networks, then you have a somewhat costly way to remove the VKontakte pages. We are talking about binding a profile to a "disposable" number.

  1. First of all, you need to fully clean the page as indicated in the previous instruction.
  2. After the page is fully cleaned, privacy settings are set correctly, you need to untie the account from email. This will be difficult with this, since the latest updates of VKontakte eliminated the function of full dislocation of EL. mail from the profile. In this case, you should change your old email address to the one that you can delete immediately after confirming the change of data.

    First change the email address to the one you do not use

  3. After you tied a profile to a one-time email address, change the password to the one that you are unlikely to remember. Ask to run on the keys of your cat, a wavy parrot or a manual mangush (or as a last resort, play on the keys of the computer Piano Concert Rachmaninova # 3).

    When changing the password it will be necessary to confirm the phone number

  4. Now you need to buy a new SIM card, to whose number you also attract your remote page. If you do not want to acquire a new number, you can use the old SIM card, but keep in mind that it will have to break it after binding.
  5. We bind to the new number page Vkontakte. To do this, you will again need to return to the "Settings" menu, then enter the "General" tab and next to the "phone number" item click "Change".
  6. In the open field you need to enter a new number. Then follow all the instructions that will come to your phone. After the new number is tied, the SIM card must be broken.

This method, of course, can be considered radical and energy consumption. He will suit those who thoroughly decided not to return to social networks, as well as looking for complex paths. After you get rid of the SIM card to which you tied your stripped account, and also delete the mailbox tied to your page, it will be impossible to restore the profile.

Letter to Technical Support

If you do not decide on the independent removal of the VKontakte profile, you can resort to the help of technical support. But keep in mind that technical support is still to handle in cases where access to your page was lost, or dislikers hacked your account. In such cases, technical support will respond much faster to your call for help and delete your page.

  1. If you have access to your page, then you need to go to the "Help" section.

    First of all go to the "Help" menu

  2. In the "Help" section, select the item you need with the question or enter the question you are interested in in the search field.

    Looking for your question in the list that you will see

  3. If you, for example, are interested in how to delete a page to which there is no access ", select the appropriate item.
  4. In the window that opens, you will be provided with detailed instructions, following which you can restore access to the page, delete it or block it.

    Carefully follow the instructions

  5. If you do not have access to your page, then you need to go to the main page of the social network ( and choose the item "Forgot your password?".

    Click "Forgot your password?" and follow further instructions

  6. If you do not have access to email or phone number, select the corresponding point at the bottom of the data entry field.

    If you do not remember the password from the mail, and there is no phone that was tied to the page, click where the arrows indicates

  7. In the window that appears, enter your page address or try to find your page in the search.

    You will be prompted to enter the address of your page, or use the "Search by People"

  8. After that, you will appear the application form you want to fill out.
  9. Next, wait for the appropriate instructions from technical support.
  10. After recovering access to the profile, you can use any way convenient for you to delete the page shown here.

Page blocking through another account

With any of us there may be an unpleasant situation: Vkontakte account was hacked, all the data is changed, and access to the profile was lost. In this case, you will need to create another VKontakte profile.

The best way will be the creation of a page with exactly the same data as on a cracked account.

After the alternative profile was created, we do the following:

Usually, such applications are considered from 3 to 7 business days. If you ask your friends to make similar manipulations on your hacked page, it can go much faster.

Other ways (aggressive spam)

This way of removing the VKontakte pages is given only as the theoretical material for familiarization. The use of this method in practice may entail criminal punishment.

If you are a risky person and want to remove from VKontakte under the roar of canonades, then this way is for you. It provides for a deliberate violation of VKontakte rules, i.e. Active irritation of users and the administration of this social network. Spam, abnormative vocabulary, aggressive advertising, inciting racial and nationalist propaganda, video and photographic content of pornographic content published by you in communities and on your own page, will help you quickly attract the attention of the administration of the resource. Naturally, the usual removal of the page everything may not cost, and you will have to deal with law enforcement agencies.

How to restore the remote page vkontakte

Restore the previously remote page VKontakte is quite real. But there are some limitations.

After the user independently deleted his profile in VK, a footnote should appear on his page, which indicates the last day when you can restore access to the page without losing data on it. The standard time of symbolic "freezing" is 210 days from the time of removal of the profile (or about seven months). After this period, it is impossible to restore access to the page in any ways.

So, you deleted your VKontakte page, but did not pass seven months, as you got treasured and decided to return. It is easy enough to do:

Once again, it is necessary to remind you that the remote page of VKontakte can be restored only for 210 days from the moment of deletion. After the deadline expires, it will be no longer possible and the only output will be the creation of a new page.

How to see the profile of VK, which was removed

Many users faced the fact that some of their friends or acquaintances (or them themselves) deleted their page in the social network, and with it and photos, data and other information. And sometimes I want to see what was in the profile until deleting. There are several ways to quench curiosity.

Cache search engine

In other words - the ability to view the saved copy of the page. This method is not quite reliable, since the storage time of such a copy is limited. Therefore, for example, if the user deleted a page a year ago and before, you can't watch it in any way. Plus to everything, after the latest updates, the function works incorrectly, and it is almost impossible to find a saved copy of the page you need.

In the theory, the saved copy can be found as follows:

  1. First of all, go to the remote page and copy the user ID from the address string.
  2. Insert the ID into the search string (for example, in Yandex or Google). Press "Search".
  3. Ideally, you have to drop the page of the person you wanted the first link in the search.
  4. Click on the small arrow next to the ID and select the "saved copy".

The method works very crooked, because, in recent times, VKontakte acquired a large number of privacy settings for its users, so the probability of a positive result after using this method is very small.

Archive sites

In addition to the saved copy, you can try to find the remote page in the web archive. But here also have its own difficulties. Website was blocked by Roskomnadzor, so you can only use them with an anonymizer.

If the virtual life has become you in a burden, and the VKontakte page does not cause anything except irritation, then this is a sure sign that it's time to delete your profile. Best of all, of course, take advantage of this in ways specifically provided by VKontakte developers. These methods are pretty simple and safe.

Keep all your data in a reliable place, do not go to third-party sites and try not to enter your profile VKontakte with other people's devices, it will save you from unwanted locks or data leaks.

Observe the rules for using the social network, as well as the laws of the Russian Federation. Remember that your desire to "play with fire" (intentional removal of administration and users from themselves with the help of spamming, publishing materials of pornographic content, inciting racial and nationalist hostility, etc.) can end not only blocking and removing your profile In the social network, but also imprisonment.