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How to build a house from slagoblock with your own hands. Build from zero house from slag blocks with your own hands. On the project, it should be reflected in mandatory

Build the construction of the slag block on its own quite really even inexperienced newcomer. To build, you need to buy a slag block or make it yourself. This material allows you to build a housing for a slight time, because the size of the blocks is large enough, much more than for example, brick. The very name of the material has occurred from the main component of the material, but now it can be used both slag and other compositions. Among the wide variety of materials in the construction market, the construction of buildings from slagoblocks occupies a leading place. Consider in more detail how to build a house with your own hands using slag blocks, how to make the material yourself, what nuances of this type of construction.

Making slagoblock yourself

If you decide to build a housing to build a building material, but to make it yourself, it is necessary to prepare for this process and take into account the necessary moments:

  • Find or make special forms where the solution will be poured, there must be a large amount, as to dry the finished products will be in forms, the material for the base can be iron or wooden.
  • Cement is the best markers of four hundred or five hundred, from quality will depend on the strength of the slag block, which means the quality of the whole building.
  • Water that will go to the mortar.
  • Various fillers, which, to solve you, it can be sand, crumbs, stove slag, chips.
  • Devices for creating voids in blocks, for these purposes, bottles or blanks are suitable from any materials.

To obtain a high-quality slag block, it is necessary to mix the solution in the proportions of three to one and to five. It will be sand, cement and filler you have chosen. In the form it is necessary to insert fixtures for the formation of voids and after this pour the solution, dry the blocks will be a number of days, which will depend on weather conditions, but it is recommended to remove the blanks after six to eight hours.

At best, a day can be released for blocks for the manufacture of the next batch. The released blocks are stacking for final drying, about a month, slag blocks must be maintained and only after the final drying can be erected. But the ideal option will still not be the most recent products, but those who were preparing for several months, and even better from the previous season.

Advantages of slagoblock houses

The construction erected from the slag block serves a hundred years, and it is not just words. There are buildings from this material, which is already the age, and their quality is still perfect.

Why is the construction of slag blocks is considered priority? Let's analyze:

  • one of the most basic advantages of such buildings - fire safety;
  • if during the construction of a slag block at home not to ignore the issue of reinforcement, then neither natural disasters are terrible, not climatic changes;
  • the material is good because it is perfectly holding heat, protects against temperature drops;
  • repair the structure is easy;
  • the masonry is performed faster due to the fact that the size of the blocks is large enough, you can change the thickness of the walls and use the masonry into one, and a half or two blocks;
  • for construction, no special knowledge is needed;
  • online you can find a variety of suggestions for designing houses from slag blocks;
  • building material is not subjected to biological destruction and can serve more than a century;
  • blocks are an excellent sound insulation system;
  • prices for building materials available.

Features of slagoblok.

The slag block can occur in three types - a standard block, twenty-forty-forty-centimeters, half-terminal and a block with internal voids. Therefore, blocks for construction are two options:

  • monolithic;
  • hollow.

Hollow voids differ in the volume of cavities inside the product:

  • two cavities of rectangular shape;
  • four rectangular cavities;
  • two or three cavities of the round shape;
  • three rows of voids of arbitrary shape.

The strength of the material is marked with the magnitude of the load. If a block of low supporting ability, its use in multi-storey buildings is prohibited, high hygroscopicity entails such requirements:

  • to engage in masonry only with good dry weather;
  • masonry only on a fairly high foundation - more than half a meter;
  • apply the finishing outer coating immediately after the construction of the walls, the layer thickness should be at least two - three centimeters;
  • the frame of the house must be covered with the roof as soon as possible.

Disadvantages of slagoblok.

Despite the large number of advantages of the slag block, as a material for building residential buildings, there are negative points of use of the material:

  • the appearance of the erected walls is not very attractive and requires a finishing coating that can decorate the building;
  • when using blocks with a decorative structure, it requires additional waterproofing, which complicates the construction and requires additional cash investments;
  • it is not easy to conduct water disposal and energy supply;
  • it is necessary to insulate the walls, since the material has a high thermal conductivity;
  • environmental safety is often under a big question if manufacturers have used non-licenseized grade fillers, it may be the likelihood of radioactive radiation.

Outdoor finish of a house of slagoblock

The construction of residential buildings from the slagoblock is becoming increasingly popular, such construction can be carried out quickly, while the slag-flock-coached material, but the walls of the walls, the absorption of water, the poor transfer of temperature drops makes it necessary to the outer insulation of the walls or decorative decoration.

Builders argue that if you carry out a high-quality exterior of the surfaces of the walls, it will not only protect the material from the adverse environmental impacts, but also will help insulate the house. In this case, the internal insulation does not need.

You can bind the house with many materials, the owner itself decides which to choose, relying on the cost, preferences.

You can select such types of external finishing of the house of the slag block:

  • hinged facade or siding;
  • facing a stone;
  • decorative plaster;
  • facing brick.

The most inexpensive are the work on the insulation of the house with the help of foam and applying plaster with painting.

Selection of slag block for home

If you independently make slag blocks, then carefully check the quality of the materials. Such an auxiliary substance as slag, grams or other raw materials should be with a quality certificate. An dangerous moment when using slag block construction, there is a possibility of radioactive radiation. Also when buying a finished material, check the documents and certificates. Pay attention to such recommendations when choosing a slag block:

  • by buying blocks, give preference to environmentally friendly fillers - rubble, sewer, chips;
  • buying ready-made material, check all bundles with a slag block so that they are identical and integers;
  • check the characteristics of raw materials that directly affect the density, frost resistance, thermal conductivity and strength;
  • the quality of the product can be checked using a one and a half centimeter nail, if it enters the lower block - the quality of building materials is doubtful;
  • in the manufacture, the vibrator must be used, otherwise the blocks will be suitable only for household buildings, but not for residential premises;
  • pay attention to the color of the slag block - gray indicates a large amount of cement if the color of the filler prevails, it is necessary to check the quality of the blocks with special attention.

When choosing a slag block listen to the advice of professionals who recommend:

  • give preference to the blocks made at the factory, and not in unknown places for an unknown technology, you will be so confident as a building material and in the reliability of its characteristics;
  • there is a way, check the quality of the slag block - if it falls from one and a half-meter height and does not break, it will not be reassigned, but the edges will remain a little or lightly, it means a block of very good quality, in the opposite case to the quality of the material there are big questions.

Home Improvement Tools

You can build a house with your own hands without attracting a construction team to this process. For this, it is necessary to prepare theoretically if you are an inexperienced amator. Surely, there is a person who will give a good advice to build a house from the slagoblock. First you need to stock the necessary tool:

  • trowel to throw the solution;
  • level to check the correctness of the masonry;
  • plunder in order to post the wall smoothly;
  • badja, for a kneading solution;
  • soviet shovel, for breeding raw materials;
  • kirk, to align block blocks;
  • bucket wearing water;
  • stretcher, carry heavy materials;
  • defense means, it can be a respirator and glasses to protect the eyes.

In order to save forces, experienced builders recommend to rent a concrete mixer, as it is very difficult to knead the solution manually and a lot of time is spent on one kneading. The rental of the rental is inexpensive, but you will noticeably save forces, health and time.

It is also necessary to think about the forests in advance, from which the house will be much more convenient and faster. Laying the slag bob with the stepladder is very hard, as the weight of the block is on average twenty-eight - thirty centimeters.

Building House Building House

Tools are assembled, the material has been purchased, you can start, but it remains to be taken again in some points:

  • double-check the number of blocks, make sure that they are sufficient;
  • check for the availability of the necessary tool;
  • carefully examine the masonry technique and methods of rigids;
  • calculate strength and time to build walls at the maximum suitable temperature;
  • before starting construction work on the construction of walls, make sure that the foundation is aligned, the brick is used if necessary;
  • we must not forget about the waterproofing of the foundation before laying the first row.

Laying blocks can be made by several options:

  • in one block;
  • half;
  • in one and a half block;
  • in two blocks.

Particular attention is paid to the first rows, it is precisely the fatteness of the whole of the construction. After each block, the smooth masonry is checked with a plumb, level. The construction of four corners from the masonry begins at once, the height of four rows is driven out. Laying rows are needed using a stretched cord.

When working with hollow blocks, it should be remembered that empties do not need to fill with a solution, their purpose in thermal insulation.

It is important not to forget about the bunch of rows and use fittings. Reinforcement is recommended to carry out every four rows.

If after the walls are erected, it is planned to facing the outer walls, then it is not worth breaking the seams. But if you do not plan to decorative cladding, every two - three rows it is necessary to remove excess solutions from the seams.

The house from the slagoblock can be built in a short period of time. If it is hard to think of how to be a future house and make a drawing, you can contact the specialists who will help plan, given your desires. The drawings of the house from the slagoblock can be found on the Internet or invent independently. Flight of fantasy and the realization of their desires will help create a dream house.

Before building a house from a slagoblock, it is necessary to thoroughly explore theoretical questions and weigh your strength. If you are ready, then watching video How to build a house from slagoblocks will help to deal with the main issues of acquiring building materials, stages and rules for construction. At the end of the construction, you can equip a personally built house, which will enjoy life in it not only to you and children, but also the next generations.

The developers often prefer block building materials, allowing to accelerate the construction of the building, facilitate the design and reduce the load on the foundation. But before building a house from the slagoblock, the features of this type of concrete should be studied, compare its pros and cons, learn the basic rules for the construction of buildings from it. It is advisable to consider typical projects of slag block cottages or country houses.

For the manufacture of light blocks into a concrete solution, a filler is introduced in the form of a clay, ash, a domain and volcanic slag, a sewer, sand, sawdust, brick waste, crumbling dropouts. After filling in the form, the mixture is pressed, the blocks are removed from the matrices and dried for a month.

The finished material has a number of positive qualities: low weight, low heat transfer coefficient. The optimal thickness of the walls of slag blocks for the house built in the middle lane is 0.6 - 0.9 m, in the climatic zone with frosts to - 20 ° C - 0.45 m.

Advantages of slad blocks:

  • refusal of a massive foundation - usually choose a ribbon small-breeded base from a booton;
  • no special conditions for transportation and storage of blocks are needed;
  • easy installation - attraction of specialists for masonry is not required, which allows you to build a house on your own;
  • high level of reliability and durability under the condition of appropriate waterproofing;
  • fireproof - the walls easily withstand open fire and are not destroyed after a fire;
  • efficiency is this follows from the low cost of the source material and labor-intensity of work.

Disadvantages of houses built from slag block:

  • the instability of the technical characteristics of the building material - is related to the use of various additives; The density ranges from 500 to 2,000 kg / m 3, frost resistance - from 15 to 30 cycles, thermal conductivity - from 0.3 to 0.65 W / m;
  • low moisture resistance;
  • the likelihood of using toxic slags in production.

To avoid the rapid destruction of buildings, when buying a material it is checked for radioactivity and strength (just drops the block from a height of 1.5 m - at the same time it should remain as integer). As a filler, clayzit, crushed stone, sawdust or brick crumb is preferred.

Outdoor decoration for a slag block building is chosen from special plaster of increased strength, facing bricks, siding or lining. Temperature insulators are mounted: mineral wool, polystyrene foam and extruded polystyrene foam. This trim also increases the sound insulation of the walls.

Projects of houses from turnkey slag blocks

In order not to spend time and means on individual design, they take the development of professional architects and designers. How to choose a project? They are presented in catalogs whose sections contain photos and descriptions of houses indicating their overall sizes and areas, a list of materials and tentative value. After selecting an acceptable option, a set of drawings consisting of:

  • architectural - contains layout of the building, every floor and roof;
  • constructive - includes a scheme of the foundation, a rafter system, stairs, nodes detail;
  • communication - consists of electrical, sewage, plumbing parts.

House with mansard room

Sometimes the developers have a question: is it possible to build a house with a shlakoblock attitude? The carrying capacity of the material allows this to be done by saving at the same time on the wall elements. For the attic you do not need an outer finish - it replaces the rafting construction, roofing material and insulation for the roof. The room with scanty walls allows you to use it for, gym, office, workshop.

Projects of houses in economy class from slag blocks with attic and garage have their advantages and cons. Planning construction, two main questions should be solved: what will be the floor height of the upper floor and which room will be under the roof. Advantages of houses with attic:

  • obtaining an additional residential or economic area;
  • saving building materials;
  • original appearance.

Disadvantages of the house of economy class with an attic:

  • additional heating costs;
  • costs for the arrangement of the ventsystem;
  • installation of inclined glass packs;
  • with low ceilings there is a problem with an internal situation.

The company "Dream House" offers household household projects from YTong cellular autoclave blocks with a thickness of 50 to 500 mm.

1. Cottage "Meissen". The dimensions of the structure - 18.4x12.85 m, the total area is 270 m 2, of which 116.7 m 2 occupies a manzard. On the ground floor there are a living room, office, kitchen and pantry. The second floor is assigned for three bedrooms separated by the Hall. The garage is designed for two cars, its area is 35 m 2, the attic room is located above it. According to the project, the use of wall slag blocks with a thickness of 500 mm is planned.

Two-storey house

Before the construction of the house in two floors from the slagoblock, it is proposed to consider projects from the company "Dream House".

1. "Captain". The size of the cottage is 14.3 x 10.7 m, the total area of \u200b\u200b154.8 m 2. Under the first floor, 94.5 m 2 is assigned: there are terrace, kitchen, living room, boiler room and entrance hall. The second floor takes 60.3 m 2, it contains two bedrooms and a dressing room. The slope of the asymmetric banta roof on one side relies on the columns, while the covered parking lot for the car is formed. The project laid the YTong blocks with a thickness of 500 mm.

2. "Bielefeld". Country house with glazed balcony and dining room and large terrace. The size of the building is 10.2 x 9.8 m. Total area - 157 m 2, including: the first floor - 87.3 m 2, attic - 69.8 m 2. On the ground floor there are two living rooms, two terraces and a kitchen, on the second - dining room and two bedrooms. The house is designed for seasonal accommodation, so it uses blocks with a thickness of 300 mm for its construction.

Increasingly, for the construction of modern houses, such material is used as a sllacobal. And the secret of such popularity lies not only in its low cost. It has many advantages. It is no worse than modern building materials, which are manufactured by the latest technologies. It is ideal for the construction of residential buildings.

The slagoblock is a building stone. It is obtained by shrinking cement mortar in different forms. Manufacturing technology is not particularly difficult, does not require special equipment and installations. The solution is made up of a variety of components, but it does not strongly affect the final characteristics. Consequently, it is possible to make such a building material yourself. To do this, you need to make a form in which a mixture of solution will be poured.


As a rule, the industrial production slag always has large sizes than red or silicate brick. Making it yourself, you can give it the size and shape at your discretion. You can make the form from ordinary wooden boards. The solution is made of ash, which can be replaced by slag waste boilers. Cement also adds to it. All of these components allow you to get building materials of high strength. For even greater strength to solution, you can add sand, rubble from dolomite, brick crumb, exploded from limestone. Of course, all this must be poured with water. This solution is obtained by concrete slag blocks that have a significant weight. In order to obtain a lightweight solution, the solution is mixed on the basis of cement, crumples, slag and ash.

Use such elements not only for the construction of residential buildings. Of these, other types of buildings are built. Due to the relative ease of material, you can easily build a house yourself in the shortest period of time. The house of the slagoblock is warm and comfortable.

Advantages of construction

The sllacobal is in its essence is a concrete block. In the quality of the filler, a slag is used for it, which determines the basic properties of the material. Slag is a vitreous mass. It consists of the smallest particles of a blank breed, which is mixed with flux. This substance removes impurities that are formed in the process of melting metal.

What advantages can boast of buildings built from such a material?

  1. First of all, this is the cost. This type of block material is inexpensive. In addition, it can be made altogether.
  2. Minor weight. This allows not to focus on the strength of the foundation, and saves on construction.
  3. High strength. Blocks are made on the basis of cement, slag, sand and wood sawdust. As a result, the material is solid. After his surface is plastered, it will not differ from silicate bricks.
  4. Resistance to ignition. It is simply no components that could light up. Under the influence of high temperatures, they can melt, but not to light up.
  5. The building is not terrible insects and small rodents. Therefore, residents may not be afraid of such a neighborhood. But it is worth noting, such not love is caused by the fact that some components carry certain harm.
  6. Technological simplicity. Build a house from the slagoblock yourself, you can even with the complete absence of experience in construction.

If we talk about the insulation properties, then the prospects look quite sad. The slagoblock has a porous structure that absorbs moisture. This leads to the freezing of walls in the winter season. Therefore, not a warmed building will serve as a bad protection for you from cold and frost.

Disadvantages of construction

Knowing all the shortcomings of building materials you can more accurately understand whether this material matches your requests. Unfortunately, the slagoblock also has them.

  • High thermal conductivity. The house requires mandatory insulation. If you do not complete this condition, the fuel costs will be thrown into shock.
  • Increased hygroscopicity, that is, the material is too porous. This means that the walls will disastrously absorb any moisture. This will lead to dampness and cold indoors in winter. To avoid this, you will need plaster for external work and a means for waterproofing walls. The latter should be used even when the facade of the building will be insulated outside the wet technology.
  • Low level of environmental friendliness. Of course, manufacturers are convinced that this building material does not contain anything bad. However, no one can ensure that the radioactive slag has not been used in its production.

The list can be continued for a very long time. You can add separate nuances that make the process more complicated. But in reality, all this is not important if the builder arm it in advance with modern and reliable high-quality tools.

Construction features

The technology of the construction of buildings from slag block material is practically no different from construction, for example, from a brick. The foundation is also done, the walls are erected, the roof is set and communications are laid. Differences are noticeable only at certain stages.

  • Protection of the foundation from water. Due to the fact that this type of building material is hygroscopic, it simply needs to be protected from moisture, which will come from everywhere, considering the foundation. Therefore, the waterproofing works of the foundation must be performed with special care.
  • Masonry Stacked slagoblock almost the same as the brick. The way of dressing blocks is the same and has not changed for many years. The difference lies in the fact that the slag block has emptiness. They are used depending on what the goal is persecuted. If the house is low, then the voids are simply filled with cement. This allows you to achieve additional construction strengthening. If the building will have several floors, then the framework of the reinforcement is inserted into the cavity. This allows the material to withstand the load emanating from the upper floors.
  • The slag block house can not do without armopoyas. Of course, it uses it in the construction of all buildings from blocks. It is intended for the load distribution, which comes from the slab overlap, on all walls. If the house is erected from the slag block, then Aropoyas is especially important. It is even done a little more than usual.

Start of construction

Before starting the construction process, it is necessary to determine the size of the budget. Money should be enough for the purchase of a ready-made material or on components for its subsequent manufacture. In addition, the construction process will also require funds from you, as well as the repair process.

So, if you acquire everything you need to build a foundation, and build walls on it, and it is not enough to continue the construction of funds, then all work will go to the Nammark. After all, we have already written earlier that the slag block absorbs moisture, which means that he will quickly come to unsuitability, and everything will eventually have to redo it. If you can not produce all counts yourself, then contact a construction company that specializes in planned developments and calculates the amount of necessary material with the preparation of the estimate.

You should also put in order all the documentation proving your right to property and so on.

Creation of foundation

When the documentation is put in order, and all the materials will be purchased, it can be taken for digging the pit for the foundation. For the construction of the latter you will need cement, foundation blocks from reinforced concrete, crushed stone, gravel and sand. If you are planning to create a basement or want to build a garage under the house, then the pit should be more and deeper than usual.

The foundation itself, as a rule, has a ribbon design. Especially if we are talking about a low-rise building. On how the foundation will look like, the quality of the soil is also affected on which the house is erected. Its height should have a height of not lower than 70 centimeters above the ground level. This will protect blocks from possible wetting.

When the foundation is ready, it should stand at least one month. But laying the base is an exception. Its layer should be at least five rows if the building is built out of concrete blocks. The lower part of the base must be fully isolated from the surface of the foundation itself. The upper part of the base is covered with a layer of waterproofing.

Construction of walls and roofs

When the foundation is disappeared, you can start laying the walls of the house. To do this, you need to prepare the slagoblock itself and, of course, the solution. It is prepared from cement and plasticizer. The latter will not give cement very quickly. Therefore, it can be missed by large quantities. So, for the construction process, the following tools will be useful to you.

  • Hacksaw. It will be needed to saw blocks to give them the desired size.
  • Respirator. When sawing a lot of dust is formed.
  • Building level.
  • HydroWore.
  • A hammer.
  • Trowel.
  • Plumb.
  • Order.

Stages of construction

As with the construction of a brick house, it is necessary to thoroughly align all the corners. As a result, the perfect form of a rectangle should turn out. Then four slag blocks are exhibited on the surface of the foundation. They are equalized by the construction level and stretched cord. After that, a layer of cement solution is applied to the surface. It is on him that the first row of slag blocks is set. If necessary, it is added to the viscosity solution, a conventional ash is added to it. If there is a red clay, it will fit the same.

The blocks are stacked very simple. Differences from brick masonry quite a bit. The solution is applied to cells. Stone attach to the surface at an angle, unfold so that it becomes parallel to the surface of the wall, and tightly pressed to the stone, which was previously laid. At the same time, you need to slightly tap the hammer along the concrete block. Excessive residues of the solution are removed by paint tricks.

The very first rows must be postponed as accurately as possible. When they are erected, using the construction level and the plumb to check how smooth surface is obtained. The more often you will hold such an inspection, the faster work will go. In addition, you do not have to correct the mistakes made.

Methods of laying

Laying of walls from slag block material is possible in several ways.

1) in two stone blocks.

2) in a block.

3) in one slagoblock.

4) half of the stone.

The solution must be stacked with no more than one and a half centimeters. If the layer is thicker, the properties of the heat insulation of the finished structure can decrease. To increase these properties, emptiness inside the blocks is better to leave empty. The solution is placed only on the joints of the blocks and where it is needed. When the wall is ready, the emptiness in it falls asleep very small slag, which is then thoroughly tamped.

In any case, the construction process is much faster than if you used the usual brick. This is due to the size of the material and the ease of its use. So, the brick has smaller sizes, so it will be needed twice as much. Therefore, the movements will have to do more. Yes, and the cement will go a lot. This means that the slagoblock allows you to save money. When the process of the construction of the walls is completed, it is necessary to be taken for their hydraulic and thermal insulation. It is necessary that the moisture does not fall on the surface of the material. This is especially important to make before mounting the roof.

When the walls are fully isolated from the effects of weather conditions, the roof frame is installed. It is designed after all work related to the building box will be finished. A condensate is not formed between the ceiling and the roof of the house, the moisture was not collected, steam and waterproofing materials should be laid between them.
When the roof mounting is fully completed, you need to perform the ceiling vaporizion. It, like the whole roof, inside need to be insulated with basalt or mineral wool.

Video. Build a house from the slagoblock

Video. Slagoblock his pros and cons

Slagoblocks are a popular wall material. It is often used in the construction sector to build residential, office, economic premises. Despite some disadvantages, it is considered one of the best options for building a house.

Benefits and disadvantages of material

Slagoblocks produce the method of volumetric vibratingressing from concrete and various fillers: a domain slag, ash, gravel, perlite, clay. The properties of the last component depend on the technical characteristics of the material, in particular, its density (500 to 2000 kg / m³), \u200b\u200bthermal conductivity (0.3 to 0.65 W / m · ° C), frost resistance (15-35 cycles of frost-defrost) .

This material is chosen for erection of the house due to its affordable price, lightness, volume, fast masonry. You can even build without attracting professionals. The walls of this material are poorly burning and well kept warm due to the special design of the blocks (inside there is cavities and the structure of the porous block). But at the same time do not forget about some minuses:

  • high hygroscopicity, so the house needs high-quality heat, waterproofing;
  • uneven surface that requires a mandatory finish;
  • there may be harmful substances, it is necessary to choose a supplier very carefully and require a quality certificate (in handicraft conditions is unacceptable);
  • monolithic blocks are heavy, which can increase transport costs.

Each will determine for himself a slag block, but its shortcomings are easy to eliminate the competent approach to the construction of the house.

Council Proraba: For the decoration of the housing walls from the slag block, it is better to use a traditional cement solution, but a special with increased strength. It has a more reliable clutch with the surface, and conduct internal work (painting, sticking wallpaper) will be much easier.

TECHNOLOGY Building a house of slagoblock

The house from the slagoblock can be built with their own hands. If we compete to the question of the insulation of walls and waterproofing, then the owner will almost not feel possible flaws. Ribbon, columnar foundation is desirable to erect on the rocky sandy soil and be sure to apply a layer of water repellent material on it. The masonry of the walls is carried out on the same principle as brick: first we form corners, we mark window, doorways and under the level of the ranks. The house from the slagoblock can not be built without reinforcement. Each 3-4 row be sure to strengthen the iron grid, use iron bars. The minimum wall thickness of the slag block is 0.9 m.

The air layer between the wall and the outer cladding is filled with insulation with a thickness of at least 100 mm (foam, expanded polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam). The inner surface can be placed in their own hands with a water-repellent solution, sometimes put an additional layer of insulation and only then fasten the lining, paint, glue wallpaper.

Council Proraba: When building a house from a slag block to use reinforced concrete floors risky (except to install an iron belt over wall blocks), it is better to stop your choice on wooden or plates.

Price issue

Many stop their choice on this material precisely thanks to its basic advantages: affordable price, lightness, masonry speed. The cost is lower than that of the brick. Full covered slag block dimensions 400 * 200 * 200 can be bought for 35-60 p. Popple, hollow - approximately 40 r. Partitions will cost even cheaper. While one piece of brick costs about 12 p.

To build a house, for example, 10 × 10 m with 3 rooms and an attic, you will need about 2,200 blocks. If you take the average price per piece - 50 r., We will spend 110 thousand rubles. on the purchase of wall material. But when laying a brick wall with a thickness of 2 stone on 1 m² will leave 204 pcs. bricks. We will multiply the area for this quantity and get a general figure - 20,400 bricks. Now we take the average price per piece - 12 p. And make the same arithmetic action. It turns out that the house of 100 m² we will need to spend 244,800 rubles, and this is excluding the spending on the solution, which is more than when using the first material.

House from the slagoblock with their own hands - a reliable and advantageous solution. Separate cons of the material is easy to eliminate the competent installation of heat and waterproofing materials. They will provide good performance properties of the dwelling, and the blocks guarantee its strength.


The construction of the house with their own hands from the slag block is considered quite convenient and the rapid way of construction, but any fact has both positive and negative sides, we will try to figure out. We will also think about how to make this building material at home on the site.

House from the slagoblock - choose the material

For small buildings, this material is considered the most convenient and practical. In addition, it has long been known and low cost of slag blocks, even more noticeable this fact becomes if you produce building blocks right in your site. Next, the advantages of this material only continue to be poured, for example, you may not even be a professional mason to successfully build a house from the slagoblock. With the right technology, you also get a "warm" house, because air cavities will become the best insulator.

But there are disadvantages of such a material, for example, he is very afraid of water, so you have to put up the weather and after construction, it is good to shook the walls, the masters advise to make a layer of up to 2 cm with one and the other. Also, this "fear" is reflected on the foundation, or rather on its insulation and height. So that the moisture is not to the blocks, you need to make a foundation higher, and it is better to even provide a base, and then make a thorough waterproofing between it and the first wallpoint. It will be desirable to complete the construction before the rainy season, and even put the roof that dampness and moisture do not damage the material. Benefit speed is a plus of construction from slag blocks.

When buying blocks on the market, you should be able to evaluate their quality and harmlessness. After all, the filler for cement during their manufacture can be taken any, sometimes even burning waste, for example, ash. Such blocks will not be good, better oriented on the crumbs, sawdust, crushed stone, brick crumb. Feel free to check the strength of the acquired material. You need to drop it, without effort, just raise it on a meter of one and a half and let go. If he broke out, you do not fit such a product, even the crack is considered unacceptable. On the desired strength indicate only a few chips.

How to put a slagoblock and calculate its number to the house?

The number of purchased material is considered to be several stages, first you determine the parameters of your structure and wall thickness, and then calculate the number of blocks, depending on the geometric indicators of building elements. First of all, we decide what will be the walls in thickness, it will determine the type of masonry. If the most severe winter is not more than 20 ° in frost, then 45 cm of the wall is quite enough, if the temperature is lowered below, it is better to make a thickness of 60 cm or more.

Now we look at the parameters of purchased blocks or homemade and determine how to put a slag block, which will help us as convenient to achieve the planned wall width. These may be the following options: Polemnia, in one stone, and a half and two stone. And then it comes the most responsible part - the calculation of the procured material. It is necessary to calculate the perimeter and multiply to the expected wall thickness. So you will get the area that the edge of the masonry should be covered.

Masters of the site site prepared a special calculator for you. You can easily calculate the required number of blocks.

For example, you lay the wall in two stones whose sizes are 200х400 mm, that is, an area of \u200b\u200b0.08 m 2. It is necessary to cover the area of \u200b\u200b12 m (the perimeter of the house) * 0.4 m (wall thickness) \u003d 4.8 m 2. It means that to lay out the first number of blocks on the entire perimeter of the house, it will take 4.8 / 0.08 \u003d 60 blocks. After you assess the height of one block, the expected wall height and calculate the number of rows. For example, a block height is 20 cm, the height of the walls is expected 2.5 m, which means that the rows will be 250/20 \u003d 12.5 (rounded 13). Consequently, all blocks will need about 13 * 60 \u003d 780 pieces.

This calculation was carried out rudely, without taking into account the openings for windows and doors, but retain this figure as the main one to have a margin of a stone in case of faults, combat and other unforeseen situations during transportation and construction, besides, some kind of blocks will probably have some blocks.

How to make slag blocks with your own hands?

As we have already mentioned, you can make slag blocks with your own hands. For the manufacture you will need a special form for fill, water, cement, filler (sand, crushed stone, slag, clamzit, etc.) and some devices for creating a cavity in stone, such as bottles or special blanks. Forms can be made of wood or metal, and better if there are many of them, because the blocks will have to dry directly in them. The strength of cement is taken at your discretion, you closer to your home project and you know about further loads on the walls, whether it is a roof or overlap.

The solution is mixed, as for filling, the proportion is approximately as follows: Cement-sand-filler 1: 3: 5. All this is poured into the shape with bottles and bottles in places where cavities are planned. After 5 hours, when the mixture is slightly grasped, the blanks can be reached. Now the resulting form is left to set for 24 hours. Then the blocks are taken from the forms, and you can pour new ones, and these have stacks for drying for 28 days, before purchasing concrete strength, only after that they can be used in the construction of the house.

Construction of the house with their hands from the slagoblock - stages of work

The masonry of this stone is somewhat different from the usual brick, however, in some cases, we even win, so let's look at the process closer.

Construction of the house with their hands from the slagoblock - a step-by-step scheme

Step 1: Foundation Preparation

We have already mentioned that the foundation is needed high (up to 70 cm above the Earth) and well isolated, however, it is not necessary to do it that is not necessarily, of course, if you do not have several floors or w / w overlaps. The first stage of your construction should look something like this: a formwork is installed on a high pillow of sand and rubble (about 50 cm), a formwork is installed, in which fittings are located, and all this is poured with a concrete of medium or high strength. A week later, the foundation will grab, and if you have a soda, it can already be done, and directly the walls can be started only after complete curing of concrete, i.e. after 28 days. Under the basement and above it should be high-quality waterproofing.

Step 2: Wall Station

First, set the angles, it guarantees us in the future smooth walls. To do this, in the corners we put one slag blocked from each wall, far from the angle of the construction level, and stretch the rope around the perimeter, according to which we will lay out future walls. It remains to take a solution and start laying. The first 3 rows will be the most important, they set the percentage of the quality of the whole wall, therefore more often apply the level, both in the horizontal plane and vertical. Some wizards are added to the laying solution to the plasticizer, thereby increasing the strength of the future design and extending the lifetime of the solution until the moment of frozen, to less often impose new portions.

We do not advise you to apply a thick layer of cement between slag blocks, so you create additional channels for the cold, because the working solution does not have such insulating qualities as a slag block, therefore the layer is up to 1.5 cm enough. Do not fill the cavity cement in blocks, it will reduce the heat insulation, then you can then fall asleep with something warmer, for example, slag. During masonry, you will need a rubber hammer to tapping on the blocks, and Kelma to remove the surplus of the solution on the seams. By the way, even one-story building you will have to erect, using the forests, laying blocks from the stepladder is extremely uncomfortable, it may worsen the quality of the building.

Step 3: Ending construction

After the end of the masonry of the walls and the complete drying of the elements occurs the time of the next floor or roof. There is a question about the severity of overlaps or the beams of the rafter system, if you use something heavier than wood, the top row of slag blocks should be strengthened with an iron belt. And again it is not afraid to repeat, with the structure of the roof you should not be slow, it is impossible to allow the existence of open walls on the rainy season. Also, do not slow down with external and interior decoration, you can even further insulate the building from the inside and outside the thin layer of Minvati, for example. The main component of success in construction from the slag block is to quickly protect the construction from the external environment.