Repairs Design Furniture

Connect air dryer. Connection and operation of the pneumatic tool. For which the apartment needs air dryer

Drops of temperature and humidity both indoors and outside create uncomfortable conditions for accommodation in the apartment. The optimal output from such a situation is the installation of the air dryer. The industrial option is not noone, so today we will talk about how to make the air dryer for the apartment with their own hands.

For which the apartment needs air dryer

The most unwanted and unexpected guests in our dwelling are mold and fungus. Their disputes constantly hide around, but most of the time they are in a nozzle state, because in order to activate it requires certain conditions:

  • humidity;
  • high temperature indoors.

There is enough temperature above 20 degrees Celsius at a relative humidity of 80% so that you see the rise of the colonies of mold and fungi on the walls of the rooms. And why, in this case, for example, does your neighbor have no similar trouble? The answer is simple: the air temperature in all apartments is most often the same, but humidity may seriously differ.

Drying air

In the fight against the effects of dampness, you can, of course, significantly reduce the temperature in the apartment. But who wants to live in a constant cold? In connection with this, the optimal option is to install the air dryer.

Among other things, it will be guarded by the health of residents of the apartment. The body's immunity is directly depending on the humidity of the surrounding air: what he land is, the more difficult to multiply malicious bacteria and microbes.

Drain will also save you from the shripes on the windows.

Operating principle

Modern air dryers are represented by a variety of models that can differ significantly from each other. The first difference is a working volume, that is, the amount of water filtered by the device from the air. This parameter is measured in liters for the daily gap (24 hours).

To select an appliance with an optimal volume, consider the size of the room in which it will be installed. Pay attention to the price of equipment. The more the volume of the desiccant, the more expensive, but the service will be required less frequently.

Dehumidifiers are portable and stationary. The first mobilies, you can use them in different premises if necessary. Stationary are attached to the wall, their carrying is impossible, but they have greater productivity.

The principle of operation of the desiccant is based on changing humidity due to its condensation. The air comes out of the room using the fans inside the instrument. There, he passes through the evaporator, which is a radiator, the temperature in which is lower than the room temperature in the room. Moisture is condensed due to such a temperature difference.

The simplest air dryer scheme

Condensate droplets flow down and assemble in a special container. After passing through the evaporator and cooling, the air heats up and served in the outlet, where it gets back to the room is already dry and warm.

Note! When using such a desiccant, you need to make sure that the building has a high-quality system of forced ventilation, which supplies fresh air to the room and selects mixed.

Condensation Dryer Scheme

Such dryers are often used in the following cases:

  • to prevent fogging windows in the premises;
  • to improve the level of comfort of everyday life;
  • when carrying out repair work.

Any finishing materials during the repair when using the dryer dried much faster. And the technology does not suffer at all: the temperature in the room remains the same.

Algorithm for creating the device with your own hands

Drainage of air is ensured by three simple principles:

  • heating;
  • adsorption;
  • condensation.

It would seem that with the help of heating the easiest way to dry the air indoors. But in fact, no one will like it to constantly be in too hot apartment. Therefore, we will consider the following two options: adsorption and moisture condensation. Do despair based on these principles, you can independently.

Desiccant adsorbing type

Perhaps the simplest option that does not require large financial and temporary costs.

  1. Take 2 plastic bottles. The volume of each is at least 2 liters.

    You will need plastic bottles of 2 liters.

  2. The bottom of the first bottle is perforify with hot spoke or nail. Divide the container into two identical half.
  3. In the bottom, perforated, part of the first bottle, place the second half so that it is directed down the neck. Be sure to turn the cork on the neck, having done in it a plurality of holes with a split selay.
  4. Put any absorbent in the upper part of the design. The optimal version is a silica gel with powerful absorbent properties. Which are easily restored after drying the used substance. You will need about 250 grams of silica gel on one dryer.

    As a filler, use silica gel

  5. Cut the bottom of the second bottle, fan the fan inside the tank, which will blow toward the cutting bottom. To do this, you can use a USB fan or cooler to cool the computer processor. Place the pressure node of the device in 7-10 centimeters from the cut bottom.

    As a fan in such a dryer, you can use a cooler from the processor

  6. For a second bottle, put on the containing the adsorbent. The place of the joint thoroughly wrap the scotch for sealing. Twist the cover with the neck of the second bottle - so you will ensure air flow.

    Example Connection Parts Bottles for Desiccant

Thus, you will get a low and quite efficient device that can be easily powered by a USB connector or charging for a mobile phone. The fan creates a tributary force and drives the air through the silica gel, and the drained flow comes out of the perforations at the bottom of the design.

Desiccant of condensation type

This device is more difficult than the previous one, but the basis of the desired design is easy to find in each modern house. Roughly speaking, such a desiccant can be done, for example, from the old refrigerator.

Example of refrigerator air dryer

  1. Remove the door with freezing and refrigeration compartments, dismissing the loop. Make it just because most models are equipped with removable doors.
  2. On the dimensions of the removed doors, measure the plates of the plexiglass at least 3 mm thick.
  3. At a distance of 30-40 cm from the edge of the plate cut the hole in which the fan will be mounted. Its dimensions must coincide with the protective grille of the pressure unit.
  4. Place the fan, secure it with the grid with the help of screws. The device must work as a trimming unit, blowing the air flow inside the refrigerator.
  5. In the upper part of the plate from the plexiglass, drill a row of holes. Their total area should be equal to the fan opening area.
  6. Put in order a full-time condensate system from the body or modify it. To do this, combine the outer pipe above the compressor with the accumulative capacity of the polymer hose.
  7. Plexiglas fasten with self-drawing on the place where the door of the refrigerator should be. To seal joints and insulate them, use self-adhesive tape or silicone.

Now you have only to turn on the refrigerator, running the fan before that. It will take place a little time, and the humidity in the room will decrease by 8-10%. If this homemade dryer will work for a long time, then besides the moisture, the room temperature will decrease.

Video: how to make the air dryer do it yourself

Humidity control

How to solve the issue with humidity control? Factory air dryers are equipped with built-in control sensors over the temperature and humidity. And how to be in the case of a self-made device? You can use a thermometer, but it is optional and besides anything will say nothing about the level of humidity.

Use a hygrometer. It can be arrow or digital. You can buy it in many specialized stores. In addition, such a device is often provided in the design of some modern clock models.

The hygrometer will help you control the humidity of the room indoors.

Using the homemade air dryer, do not forget that too dry air can be harmful. After all, besides the pathoral organisms around us there are also useful bacteria, which also need moisture. The hygrometer will help you determine if there is a need to use the desiccant. If the humidity in the apartment reached a critical 80%, in which mold and mushrooms begin to actively multiply, boldly turn on the device. Pay attention to weather conditions: perhaps in some cases it is not necessary to use a desiccant, but a moisturizer.

As you can see, you can easily make air dryer yourself. Thus, another problem is solved - the use of an old refrigerator, which is sorry to throw away, and there is nowhere to do. Share with us your experience in draining the air in the apartment. Light you work and comfort your home!

Desiccant for the Airpol OP compressor - Data driers are in demand from PET Tara producers. The reason lies in the use of Airpol ADP boosters on automata and semi-automatic revelations PET bottles. That is, by choosing a live airpol compressor, the consumer usually buys the rest of the compressor equipment of this brand, including dryers for compressors.

The dryer for the Airpol OP compressor is simple and reliable, and this is the key to the trouble-free and continuous operation of your compressor equipment.

Dehumidifiers for Airpol OP compressor with dew point + 3 ° С
m 3 / min
Airpol Op 05. 0,60 G3 / 4.0,17 0.4x0.5x0.5 20,0
Airpol Op 10. 0,90 G3 / 4.0,19 0.4x0.5x0.5 21,0
Airpol Op 20. 1,20 G3 / 4.0,23 0.4x0.5x0.5 26,0
Airpol Op 30. 1,80 G3 / 4.0,30 0.4x0.5x0.5 28,0
Airpol Op 40. 2,40 G1.0,62 0.4x0.5x0,8 45,0
Airpol Op 50.3,0 G1.0,68 0.4x0.5x0,8 47,0
Airpol Op 60. 3,60 G1 1/4.0,80 0.5x0.6x0,8 54,0
Airpol Op 65. 4,10 G1 1/4.0,88 0.5x0.6x0,8 61,0
Airpol Op 70. 5,20 G1 1/4.1,13 0.5x0.6x0,8 66,0
Airpol Op 80. 6,50 G1 1/4.1,20 0.6x0.6x0.9 81,0
Airpol Op 90. 7,70 G1 1/4.1,45 0.6x0.6x0.9 85,0
Airpol Op 100. 9,90 G2 1/2.1,88 0.8x1.0x1.0 161,0
Airpol Op 110.12,0 G2 1/2.1,95 0.8x1.0x1.0 166,0
Airpol Op 120.13,9 G2 1/2.2,35 0.8x1.0x1.0 171,0
Airpol Op 130.20,0 G3.3,80 1.0x1,3x1,3 304,0
Airpol Op 140.24,0 G3.4,30 1.0x1,3x1,3 306,0
Airpol Op 150.30,0 G 3.5,30 1.0x1,3x1,3 346,0
Airpol Op 160.35,0 G 3.5,90 1.0x1,3x1,3 349,0

The operating conditions for the compressor must meet the following requirements:

  • min. Temperature: + 5 ° C (required),
  • max. Temperature: + 43 ° C (required),
  • max. Air temperature at the entrance: + 55 ° C,
  • min. Air temperature at the entrance: + 10 ° C,
  • max. Operating pressure OP 40 - Op 90: 13 bar.
  • max. OP 100 operating pressure OP 130: 16 bar
  • max. OP 140 operating pressure - OP 160: 14.5 bar

The amount of heat generated by the dryer during operation is about 11 W per m3 of air injected within an hour.

Control instructions for airpol compressor

1.1. general information

Desiccant for the Airpol OP compressor further in the text is called a dryer. The manufacturer and the seller do not carry any responsibility in the event of non-compliance with the rules for the safety of service, transportation, operation, maintenance and repairs, also in case it was not described in detail in this Instruction. Reliability of the work and service life for the compressor depends on proper maintenance and compliance with inspection terms in accordance with this service manual.

1.2. Desiccant Safety Instructions for Compressor

Safety remarks, non-compliance with which can lead to injuries of workers and damage to devices, are indicated by the following characters (the figures below show the dangerous dryer zones for the compressor):

Fig.1 Designation of hazardous areas of dryer for compressor

In addition to the general rules of safety and hygiene and the provisions of the Law on Technical Supervision regarding dryers for compressors, their nodes and equipment, the safety instructions below should also be observed.

desiccant for the compressor can be served exclusively by personnel with relevant qualifications. Inappropriate maintenance of unauthorized persons and / or not agreed with the manufacturer, changes exempt it from responsibility for damage as a result of the above actions. The service personnel is obliged to follow safety regulations. The user is responsible for the continuous support of the dryer for the compressor in a state of operational reliability. Details and dryers for compressors unsuitable for safe operation should be replaced immediately. Installation, Connection, Operation, Maintenance and repair of dryers for compressors should only be made by personnel with relevant qualifications.

The manufacturer is not responsible for no time, nor in the future for production injuries, damage to the items or the dehumider itself for the compressor caused by the user's inattention, non-compliance with the instructions contained in this Instructions for installation, operation and maintenance. The manufacturer is also responsible for non-compliance with the obligatory safety regulations for the dryer for the compressor and the service personnel.

Before removing the housing during maintenance work, it should be unconditionally turned off the power and reduce the pressure inside the dryer for the compressor. Any interference with electrical equipment can be carried out exclusively by qualified electricians.

Dehumidifiers for compressors of this series can be installed outside the premises.

Fig.2 Elements of improved dryer safety for compressor

The compressor desiccant is equipped with the following elements in order to improve safety of operation:

  • cooling fan shield (Fig.2),
  • shield (fig.2 pos.2),
  • grounding (Fig. 2).

1.3. Disposable disposal for compressor

The dryer for the compressor is designed for continuous operation. The durability of the main elements of the dryer for the compressor depends on their maintenance. When disposal of the desiccant for the compressor, oil and the refrigeration agent contained in the hermetic cooling system should be taken into account. Before dismantling, these working bodies should be removed and transferred to a specialized recycling enterprise.

2. Installing the dryer for the compressor

2.1. Transportation

Desiccant for the compressor should be transported in its normal operating position.

2.2. Requirements regarding the installation site for the compressor

The right choice of premises affects the operating conditions of the dryer for the compressor. The room should be spacious, dry, well ventilated and free from pollution. The floor should be smooth and appropriate for industrial premises; The total weight of the desiccant for the compressor is indicated in the table. You should always take into account the overall weight of the dryer for the compressor.

2.3. Installing a dryer for compressor

After preparing the room and unpacing, the compressor should be installed in the place intended for it and check the following items:

  • make sure that there is enough space around the desiccant for the compressor (Fig. 3),
  • make sure that the entire device is well apparently for the operator located at the control panel, and is protected from the intervention of unauthorized persons.

Fig.3 Differential dryer fuse for compressor

Caution: Differential fuse Fig.3. Pos 1 does not come together with a dryer for the compressor and is not an element of equipment.

2.4. Connecting compressed air

Connecting the dryer for the compressor to compressed air equipment should be made in accordance with the designations on its housing (Fig. 4).

Fig.4 Connecting a dryer for compressor

Before installing the desiccant for the compressor, check the air duct connected to it. Should they be free from pollution (rust, welding splashes). Before the desiccant for the compressor, be sure to install a coarse filter.

You should also install a manual shut-off valve between the dryer for the compressor and the compressed air network. This will allow you to turn off the dryer for the compressor at the time of its service.

The condensate descent is derived from the dryer for the compressor, and the condensate can be discharged using a transparent hose. Condensate can not be discharged directly into the sewer network; It should be disposed of in accordance with the obligatory rules for waste disposal.

2.5. Connecting the dryer for the compressor to the electrical network

Before connecting to electrical equipment, follows:

  • check whether the voltage in the power supply is the value indicated on the discharge shield,
  • check the condition of nutrient wires and ground state,
  • ensure in the presence of a differential fuse protecting against excessive voltage set by 30 mA (Fig.3 pos.1).

Connecting the dryer for the compressor to the power grid can be made only by qualified electricians. Before opening an electrical box, turn off the power. We must unconditionally comply with obliging norms and safety regulations. Electrical equipment circuit is inside the electric dehumidifier box for the compressor.

3 Description Desiccant for Compressor

3.1. Information about the manufacturer

The manufacturer of this desiccant for the compressor is Airpol.

3.2. Desiccant Purpose for Compressor

The desiccant for the compressor is designed for drying in enterprises of compressed air for industrial purposes. Cannot be installed dryers for compressors of this series in explosive areas, as well as in places where there are hazardous substances in the air, such as pairs of solvents, alcohols and other flammable substances.

It is prohibited to use data dryers for compressors to prepare air having direct contact with food. Such an application is possible provided that the filters of compressed air are appropriately set. In case of additional questions, please contact our service department.

Desiccators for compressors can be used exclusively in accordance with its destination. All other ways to use will be considered incorrect and inappropriate safety rules. The manufacturer is not responsible for damage as a result of incorrect or not appropriate with the purpose of operation.

3.3. Desiccant technical data for compressor

A type Waitxa,
m3 / C.
R 404a,
The power of the refrigeration compressor,
Fan power,
Rated power
Airpol Op40. 141 0,40 544 65 609
Airpol Op50. 180 0,40 608 65 673
Airpol Op60. 216 0,65 711 82 793
Airpol Op70. 312 0,65 996 126 1122
Airpol Op80. 390 1,35 1040 150 1190
Airpol Op90. 462 1,35 1296 150 1446
Airpol Op100. 594 1,90 1727 140 1867
Airpol Op110 720 2,10 1800 140 1940
Airpol Op120. 853 2,00 2200 140 2340
Airpol Op130. 1200 3,50 3000 790 3790
Airpol OP140. 1440 3,30 3500 790 4290
Airpol Op150. 1800 5,00 4500 790 5290
Airpol OP160. 2100 4,80 5100 790 5890

Nominal operating conditions for the compressor:

  • ambient temperature + 25 ° C,
  • air temperature at the inlet + 35 ° C,
  • working pressure 7 bar,
  • pressure dew point + 3 ° C.

Permissible working conditions for the compressor:

  • maximum ambient temperature + 45 ° C,
  • minimum ambient temperature + 5 ° C,
  • maximum air temperature at the input + 55 ° C,
  • maximum operating pressure OP 40 - Op 90: 13 bar,
  • maximum operating pressure OP 100 - OP 130: 16 bar.
  • maximum operating pressure OP 140 - OP 160: 14.5 bar.

The valve (Fig. 5) is set at the factory and does not require adjustment. You can not change the value of the dew point. Changing the valve installation will lead to the loss of warranty rights.

Fig.5 Dryer hot gas valve for compressor

  1. bung
  2. adjusting screw

The following information signs are posted on the compressor desiccant:

  • designation of pictograms (Fig. 6. pos.1),
  • compressed air inlet (Fig.6. pos.2),
  • compressed air yield (Fig. 7. pos. 3),
  • shield (Fig. 7. pos.4).

Signs are an element of safety and cannot be removed or damaged.

Fig.6 Dryer Information Signs for Compressor

Fig.7 Desiccant Device for Compressor

Desiccant device: 1 - Refrigerator compressor, 2 - capacitor, 3 - fan motor, 4 - evaporator, 5 - condensate separator, 6 - hot gas valve, 7 - refrigerant filter, 8 - capillary, 9 - pressure valve.

Fig.8 Diagram Device Device for Compressor

Desiccant Device Scheme: 1A - Air Entrance, 2A - Air Outlet, 3A - Conison Descent, 1 - Refrigeration Compressor, 2 - Condenser, 3 - Fan Engine, 4 - Evaporator, 5 - Condensate Separator, 6 - Pollution Drive, 7 - Capillary , 8 - Refrigerant Filter, 9 - Hot gas bypass, 10 - Air-air heat exchanger, 11 - Thermometer dew point, 12 - Fan switch, 13 - Condensate reset valve.

The compressor (1) compresses the refrigeration agent (gas), which enters the condenser (2), where it is condensed. If necessary, fan (3) is launched to improve the efficiency of the refrigerant. Condensate passes through the dewatering filter (8), after which it is expanding in the expansion valve located in the capillary (7). After that, he enters the evaporator (4), where the cooling process occurs. Advanced in the evaporator The refrigerating agent is absorbed and is compressed again by the compressor. The system is equipped with bypass refrigerant. Allows you to adapt the amount of the refrigerant in the system to the actual volume of compressed air passing at the moment through the dryer for the compressor.

This happens by entering hot gas through the control valve (9). The valve supports the constant pressure of the refrigerant in the evaporator, so that the dew point never falls below 0 ° C, which protects against the freezing of the refrigerant in the evaporator.

Desiccant for the compressor works in an automatic cycle. By default, the dew point is installed at + 3 ° C.

3.7. Movement of compressed air

The resulting compressed air in a saturated state enters the evaporator (4) (for compressor dryers from OP40 to OP80 to the main heat exchanger (10)), where the temperature of the dew point is cooled below, and then enters the condensate separator (5). In the separator there is a separation of condensate from air. The cooled air is returned to the exhaust pipeline to the equipment. Condensate is discharged through the condensate shutter valve (13), equipped with a time relay.

3.8. Example of compressed air equipment - installation of the dryer for the compressor for the air collector

Fig.9 Placing a dryer for the compressor for the air collector

Compressed air equipment with a desiccant for the compressor installed behind the compressed air receiver; 3 - Filters: coarse purification and fine cleaning, 4 - bypass and valves.

3.9. Example of compressed air equipment - installation of the dryer for the compressor in front of the air collector

Fig. 10 Placement of the dryer for the compressor in front of the air collector

Compressed air equipment with a desiccant for the compressor installed before the compressed air receiver; 3 - Filters: coarse purification and fine cleaning, 4 - bypass and valves.

Bypass and shut-off valves (Fig. 9, 10. Pos.4) make it possible to maintain filters without interrupting compressed air duct. Before replacing the filter elements, you should always check whether the corresponding valves are well closed. The equipment shown in Fig. 9 is recommended in the case of the continuous operation of the compressor and the continuous taking of compressed air. In this situation, constant loading of the dryer is ensured.

The equipment shown in Fig. 10 is recommended when air receives differs in time, and one-time need is significantly higher or significantly lower than the nominal performance of the compressor. The tank should be large enough to provide the required amount of dried air.

4. Work desiccant for compressor

Before starting the desiccant for the compressor, check:

  • the correctness of the compounds in the compressed air network: remember the elimination of all packaging elements,
  • correctly connected to the network,
  • condensate descent system
  • correctly connected to the power grid,
  • get acquainted with the control panel.

Fig.11 First launch of the dryer for the compressor

Control Panel: 1 - Dew point temperature pointer, 2 - Stop work button.

Before turning on the dryer, the compressor should be at least 6 hours after transportation.

4.2. Launch of the dryer for the compressor

The desiccant for the compressor is turned on using the STOP-operation button on the control panel (Fig. 11. Pos.2). After about 5 minutes, the dryer can be downloaded, including a compressor. Only in this case in the network of compressed air will not appear condensate. The dryer must work through the entire operation time of the compressors.

After turning off the dryer for the compressor, it is to wait at least 5 minutes before it is repeated with the purpose of aligning the pressure in the cooling system.

5. Sewer maintenance for compressor

It is necessary to unconditionally follow the instructions on periodic maintenance, installation and launch of the dryer for the compressor. Failure to follow instructions leads to the loss of warranty rights. Before carrying out maintenance and repairs, it is necessary to unconditionally stop the operation of the dryer for the compressor and turn it off from the power supply with compressed air and power grid.

5.1. Schedule of periodic inspections of the dryer for the compressor

These dates for periodic inspections are calculated for dryers for the compressor operating under the optimal conditions of the working medium (free of dust free of dust, well ventilated). In other cases, inspections should be made twice as often.


Condensate descent: Clear Filter Drive Drive.


Condenser: Clean the cooling ribs from dust.

5.1.1. Automatic descent condensation

Before performing any maintenance and repair work, it is necessary to unconditionally stop the operation of the dryer for the compressor and turn it off from the power supply with compressed air.

Cleaning the automatic condensate filter - procedure:

  • close the valve (Fig.12. pos.1),
  • reduce the pressure in the dryer by pressing the "TEST" button on the condensate time relay (Fig.12. pos.2),
  • turn off the dryer by pressing the Stop button (Fig.12. Pos. 3),
  • remove the plug (Fig.12. Pose 6),
  • remove the filter (Fig.12. Pos.7),
  • clean the filter blowing the jet of compressed air from the middle outwards
  • install the filter and insert a plug,
  • close the walls.

Fig.12 Automatic condensate descent from a dryer for compressor

5.1.2. Capacitor

Cleaning the capacitor - Procedure:

  • turn off the dryer for the compressor by pressing the Stop button (Fig.12. Pos.3),
  • turn off the power button (Fig.12. pos.4),
  • remove the walls of the desiccant (Fig.12. Pose 5),
  • clear, blowing the capacitor with compressed air, do not use water and other solvents,
  • close the walls.

5.2. Long breaks in the work - reduced pressure.

If the desiccant for the compressor is not used for a long time, follows:

  • close the valve
  • reduce pressure
  • turn off the dryer,
  • turn off the power button.

In the case of long breaks in the work, a dehumidifier for the compressor should be protected from the effects of negative atmospheric factors, dust and moisture. Before restarting the dryer for the compressor after a long idle time, contact the PPS Airpol service.

6. Diagnostic Table of Desiccant for Compressor

Actions indicated by the symbol # must be made by an authorized service.

1) Sign: From the desiccant for the compressor does not come out of compressed air.

1) Possible cause: Frozen pipes inside dryer for compressor. Hot gas bypass is damaged or deregulated. The room temperature is too low and the evaporator tube is igniped.

1) Remedy: # Check hot gas valve. Check the room temperature.

2) Sign: Condensate appeared in the compressed air network.

2) Possible cause:

2a) The condenser separator is incorrect.

2B) incorrectly selected desiccant for the needs of this line of compressed air.

2C) Desiccant for the compressor works in bad conditions of condensate formation.

2) Remedy:

Clear filter before solenoid valve, # check output valve, # check the time relay.

Check the amount of air passing through the dryer for the compressor. Check the room temperature. Check the air temperature at the dryer inlet for the compressor. Clear condenser.

# Check the operation and installation of the pressure switch.

# Check fan operation.

3) Sign: The cooling compressor head is too hot (\u003e 55 ° C).

3) Possible cause:

3a) There is no refrigeration agent on the cooling network.

3) Remedy:

# Check the absence of refrigerant leakage.

# If necessary, fill.

4) Sign: The engine is turned off when overloaded.

4) Possible cause:

5) Sign: The engine is buzzing, but does not turn on.

5) Possible cause:

5a) Voltage in the power grid is too low. The dryer for the compressor is turned off and is turned on after a short period of time required to align the pressure inside the device.

5B) The engine switch is damaged.

5) Remedy:

Contact electricity supplier.

Wait a few minutes before re-enabling the dryer.

# Check the condenser relay (if installed).

6) Sign: The dryer stops, but does not start automatically in a few minutes.

6) Possible cause:

6A) The temperature relay in the manual control position disconnected the engine power system, see 2B - 2C - 3A.

6B) Engine damage.

7) Sign: The cooling compressor works too loudly.

7) Possible cause: Internal parts or valves are damaged.

Permanently merging the condensate from the pneumatic train?! Put the dryer for the compressor - this is the right decision! But before buying the model you like - consult with us, since the desiccant for the compressor is not simply selected according to the declared performance, but taking into account certain correction coefficients for pressure, temperature and consumption of compressed air. Not the correct calculation will be wrapped either by moving the pneumatic train, or the dew point will be higher than + 3 ° C.

We are selling industrial dryers for compressors in Tyumen, Novokuznetsk, Irkutsk, Zelenogorsk, Ulan-Ude, Ishim, Magnitogorsk, Khanty-Mansiysk, Yakutsk, Yekaterinburg, Nakhodka, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Biysk, Blagoveshchensk, Surgut, Salekhard, Rubtsovsk, Leninsk Kuznetsk, Lesosibirsk, Ust-Ilimsk, Belovo, Gorno-Altaisk, Kurgan, Achinsk, Norilsk, Nefteyugansk, Abakan, Chita, Tobolsk, Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Vladivostok, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Khabarovsk, Ussuriysk, Krasnoyarsk, Bratsk, Kemerovo, Angarsk, Nizhnevartovsk, Tomsk, Omsk, Prokopyevsk, New Urengoy, Chelyabinsk, Zheleznogorsk, Kogalym, Kiselevsk, Barnaul, Vorkuta, Solikamsk, Kansk, Nizhny-Tagil, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.

Air receiver for 40 atm. On our site you can familiarize yourself with the applicable rules for the safe operation of the air receiver and blood vessels.

KAMAZ air dryer is a device that removes an excess oil fluid and moisture from the surface of the compressor.

The air flux drying device includes such elements as:

  • piston of control type;
  • outlet;
  • muffler;
  • exhaust valve;
  • moisturizer chamber;
  • inverse type valve;
  • jet;
  • ring filter element;
  • pressure regulator and feeding supply;
  • atmospheric conclusion;
  • fasteners for mounting.

Drainage of air is carried out at the expense of the compressor through which the air flow passes. Then the air passes through the ring type filter, where it is cleared of carbon black and evaporation of oil fluid.

In the ring filtering device, the airflow is cooled, due to which part of the moisture remains in the chamber of the drying device.

After filters, air passes through the granulose powder to the inverse type valve. After it, he falls to the air charm of the brake mechanism, passing through the taps.

At the same time through the jaw and the removal, the air receiver is filling, which is used for regeneration. Cleaning the air flow and the initial removal of excess moisture in the annular filtering element contributes to an increase in the operation of the brake mechanisms.

How to put a dryer

In order to install this device, you will need the following tools:

  • wrench;
  • welding machine;
  • screwdriver;
  • a hammer.

Before starting the installation of the air dryer on KAMAZ, it is recommended to wear safety glasses and a mask to avoid injury.

Connection diagram and procedure during the installation of the instrument:

  1. Install transport to a weighing pit or a platform for repair work.
  2. Unscrew the fasteners and dismantle the vehicle bracket.
  3. Remove the radiator from the car body.
  4. Remove sealing rings and gasket.
  5. Using fastening bolts, screw the device for drying the air to the support frame.
  6. Connect the pipe that comes from the compressor housing, to the drying device.
  7. Conduct an external inspection of the membrane density.
  8. Check the check valve.
  9. Check the pressure level in the system and the degree of air compression.
  10. Check the performance of the condensate drain crane.
  11. Install sealing rings on the filtering device.
  12. Tighten the top cover.
  13. Install back radiator and bracket.

Operating Rules

In order for the air regeneration device without failures, it is necessary to carry out its maintenance in a timely manner, according to the user manual. It is also recommended to conduct a daily inspection of the device for damage and defects.

In order to check the safety valve of the equipment, you need to tighten the hollow screw of the regulator until it stops. If the mechanism is working, then at the pressure "A" will open the valve of the exhaust type, which in the switch interval should be sealed.

Reverse valve service is performed using a pressure gauge. If the pressure level drops to 0 bar, it is necessary to disassemble the mechanism and check the integrity of the details.

In order to diagnose the drainage device, the pressure level should be reduced and determine the switching interval "C". If the indicators exceed the norm, it is recommended to twist the screw to the left side, and if the indicators below the norm on the right side. After all the contact nuts are tightened, you need to check the adjusting device setting again.

During the supply of air flow to the conclusions, leakage is 10 cm per minute, and the minimum level of pressure in the system may fall to 1 bar.

Malfunctions and repair

In some cases, it may be necessary to repair, malfunctions can be caused by the leakage of the brake system. The device ceases to remove moisture and condensate in automatic mode. In this case, it may be necessary to replace the sealing ring and springs.

Household air dryer - This is a portable electrical appliance that is designed to reduce and maintain a comfortable relative humidity of air in rooms at home or apartments.

For life, air dryers are usually produced on the principle of cooling air and condensation of water from it using an integrated compressor with an evaporator, as in refrigerators. Therefore, they are called condensation. Such dryers have high performance and are able to quickly create and constantly maintain a comfortable room for humans, pets and property. Relative air humidity within 40-60%.

Device and principle of operation
condensation air dryer

If a cabinet for storing products with a freezer is removed from the refrigerator housing, and everything else is placed in a separate case, then a condensing air dryer will be presented in the photo.

Consider the device and the principle of operation of the air dryer using the example of the German model "Kaut K20", the diagram of which is given in the drawing.

Wet air from the room through the grille on the front panel of the dryer due to the rotation of the fan blades is absorbed into the dryer housing. Further, the air passes through the heat exchanger in which water is removed from it, passes through the filter and returns back to the room is already dry.

The heat exchanger consists of two zones - warm and cold. First, the wet air falls into the heated zone of the heat exchanger and is heated. Next passes through the cold heat exchanger zone and cooled. Since the temperature difference between the heated air and the cold heat exchanger zone is large, then water from the air is deposited on its ribs (condensed) and flows along the walls in the condensate tray.

Electrical circuit and principle of operation

The air dryer to the electrical network of AC 220 V is connected using an electrical plug of type C6. To indicate the supply voltage on the circuit on the front panel, an indicator is installed on the HL1 neon light bulb.

During the operation of the air dryer, water is removed, which is assembled in the catchment reservoir of 5.5 liters. To eliminate the irrigation of the water, the sensor of its level S is set, which, in the case of filling the tank, turns off the dryer and includes an neon light bulb filling the HL2 tank installed on the front panel. Resistors R1 and R2 serve to limit the current flowing through neon light bulbs. The water level sensor is made on a mechanical microswitch.

The required level of air humidity is set and maintained due to the (H) type of TW2001R-A, capable of adjusting relative humidity in the range from 10% to 80%. The gyrostat is controlled by the handle located on the front panel of the dryer. When a relative humidity decreases to a given level, the gyrostat turns off the supply voltage supply to the fan and the compressor.

To ensure air circulation through the heat exchanger serves as a fan M, which has two velocity modes. With a closed switch I, the supply voltage is applied without limitation and the blades of the fan rotate at maximum speed. To reduce the noise level, for example, when working at night, a current-limiting resistor R3 is installed, thanks to which when the switch is blurred, the speed of the blades is reduced. It is worth noting that in this mode, the performance of the desiccant is also reduced.

To eliminate the formation of ice coats on the heat exchanger in the scheme there is a control unit, and the temperature sensor is mounted in the heat exchanger. If the temperature of the cooling section of the heat exchanger is approaching 0 ° C, then the control unit shuts off the compressor for a while until the temperature rises.

How does the compressor work in the dryer?

The compressor is a sealed metal cylindrical body. It has an electric motor with the valve system, which during the operation of the electric motor create high pressure at the output. As refrigerant in compressors, gas is used freon or other with similar physical characteristics, such as R134A.

From the output of the compressor heated and received the liquid state from compressing the freon along the copper tube, first passes through the heat exchanger zone of air heating, where he gives his heat. Going out of the heating zone, the tube is narrowed to an internal diameter of 0.6-0.8 mm, forming a capillary longer than half the meter. Next, the tube is again expanding to the former diameter.

Coming from the capillary tube Freon, is sent to the cooling zone of the heat exchanger. Due to the high difference in the diameters of the tubes there is a pressure drop. As a result, Freon boils and goes into a gaseous state, absorbing a large amount of heat that is selected from the cooling zone of the heat exchanger. After that, Freon returns to the compressor, where gas is shrinking again and sent to the heat exchanger. While the compressor electric motor is included. The circulation of freon through the heat exchanger will occur permanently.

According to this principle, the compressor operates in any home refrigerator, only the heated part of the heat exchanger is installed on the rear wall of its cabinet, and the cooling (freezer) inside it.

Attention! When repairing air dryer and any other electrical appliances included in the household network, caution should be taken. The touch to the bare sections of the circuit connected to the electrical network can lead to electric shock. Do not forget to remove the plug out of the outlet!

Repair air dryer do it yourself

Having studied the principle of operation and the electrical circuit of the air dryer, you can proceed to its independent repair.

First of all, you need to make sure that the water collection tank is not crowded. Next, using a gyrostat handle, set the required level of humidity, for example, by setting a pointer to a number 6 (relative humidity of 60%). The fan speed switch button must be in a recessed position. Then insert the plug of the dryer into the socket, the green display indicator to the HL1 network should turn around and do not burn the red HL2 reservoir overflow indicator. Fan blades should stand and earn a compressor.

If the desiccant is working, then in 5-10 minutes of work from its back grid, cold air must come, and water will appear in the tank. Otherwise, the desiccant is defective and its repair is required.

Finding a fault of any electrical appliance always starts with a socket, fork and a network cord. If the green indicator is glowing, then everything is in order. Otherwise, you need to make sure the sockets, forks and a network cord. To check the socket, it is enough to insert a fork of any electrical appliance into it, for example, a table lamp.

How to disassemble the dryer

If the desiccant does not work and shines the red indicator, and there is no water tank, then the fault is associated with the microswitch S. To check it and repair it is necessary to disassemble the dryer.

In order to get to the details and nodes, you must remove the front and rear panels, and the top cover. Disassembly is more convenient to start from the rear panel. To do this, you must first unscrew the screws that holds the bottom panel.

Then unscrew four more screws, located directly in the hidden holes of the panel and remove it. At the same time it is worth checking the condition of the air filter.

Next, you need to unscrew the four screws in the hidden holes on the front panel and carefully remove it so as not to damage the wires coming from the controls. After that, it will only be left to push the lower edges of the P-shaped lid, and remove it by moving up.

Now all nodes will be available for checking and repair. On the presented photo, inscriptions are applied to the location of all major nodes.

First of all, you need to carefully examine all the detachable connections. They should not be changes in the color of coatings and repactions. Next, check the reliability of landing connectors on the terminals. To do this, you need to try each of the connectors to pull, holding with your fingers, the connectors on the terminals should be kept tightly. In the event that the connector easily starred, then it is necessary to squeeze it with pliers.

Check Indicator and Water Sensor Reservoir

First of all, it is necessary to make sure that the water sensor pusher moves freely. To do this, put pressure on the black key to the black key, which is in the upper right corner of the water tank compartment.

When you press and release, the key should be easily comfortable and return to its original position. At the same time, the characteristic click of the microswitch operation should be distributed. The red indicator when you press the key should go out, and when you release it - light up. If something is wrong, then you need to remove the sensor and find out why it does not work.

The water level sensor is installed on the side of the fan and is the right of its quenching resistance. In order to get to the sensor, it is enough to unscrew a pair of screws and disconnect two halves of the housing in which the microswitch is set. On the photo switch blue.

At the last stage of the check, you need to check with a multimeter or tester included in the resistance measurement mode, the serviceability of the internal contacts of the microspector.

Checking the health of the gyrostat

If the water level sensor and the signal indicator are good, the next element, the control operation of the compressor is the TW2001R-A gyrostat.

The gyrostat is a metal box in which the humidity sensor is placed mechanically associated with electrical contacts. This is a practically programmable switch, closing or disconnecting contacts when the specified humidity level is reached.

To check the gyrostat, it is sufficient to set a low level of humidity using a handle on the control panel and turn on the dryer. If the blades of the fan coated, it means that the gyrostat works fine. If the fan has not earned, it is possible that it is faulty. To check the fan, it is necessary to locate the gyrostat outputs or to supply the supply voltage directly to the fan conclusions, pre-disconnecting them from the drainage scheme.

The air dryer will not work if the water reservoir is not installed (the red indicator will burn). To force the dryer to work without a installed tank, you need to drill the water level sensor key and swap it using, such as a piece of wires, as shown in the photo.

Verification of fan work

When the fan blades are rotated with insufficient speed or stop, the cooling heat exchanger will cool until negative temperature. Then the control unit turns off the compressor, and the dryer will stop working.

The fan can rotate badly due to insufficient lubrication of the engine shaft bearing or windings malfunction. To check the lubricant, it is enough to check the blade with hand. The blades should continue to rotate after exposure. If the blades rotate tight and after exposure do not continue to rotate, then you need to lubricate the bearings through the holes provided for this in its case.

If there is no such possibility, then it will be necessary to disassemble the engine, remove the old frozen lubricant using the White alcohol and apply fresh. If the windings are faulty, the engine will have to replace the new one.

The fan may not work due to a malfunction of the switching button of its mode or a current-limiting resistor (resistance) shown in the photo. When you click on the switching speed of the fan blades, it should be fixed in the pressed state and the speed of rotation of the blades should increase.

If the fan operates when the button is pressed, and the blades are not rotated, the current-limiting resistor is faulty. If the button does not affect the speed, then it is faulty.

How to check the performance of the compressor

If the check showed that the power cord, the water level sensor, the gyrostat and the fan are good, then it remains to check the performance of the control unit and compressor.

From these two nodes, the easiest way to check the compressor, on the label of which it is written that it works from AC voltage 220 V. To check it is enough to submit to its input terminals using a separate cord with a fork network 220 V.

To access the terminals, it is necessary to remove the protective plastic cover from the compressor, for which insert and put pressure in it in it from above the hole of the sting of a flat screwdriver. The latch will go away, and the lid is easy to remove.

Three wires are connected to the compressor. The wire yellow - green Colors is grounding, but by black and blue Wires feed supply voltage. Therefore, you need to remove the connectors from these contacts and submit 220 V. on them if everything is in order with the compressor, then it will work and after a couple of minutes, the cooling zone of the heat exchanger will become cold. In case the compressor engine works, and the temperature of the heat exchanger does not change, it means that freon leakage occurs.

If the compressor is faulty, you will have to contact the service. At home without special equipment, repair the compressor of the homemade master is not forces.

Check and repair control unit

Feeding the supply voltage directly to the compressor showed its serviceability. Only the control unit remained untested and it is obvious that the desiccant does not work because of its malfunction.

The photograph shows the Kaut K20 air dehumidifier control unit. It performs the function of turning off the compressor in the case of the temperature of the cooling zone of the heat exchanger to zero. Thus, the disruption of the dryer's work is excluded due to the formation of a snowy fur coat on the heat exchanger.

For the possibility of maintaining a given temperature of the cooling zone of the heat exchanger between its ribs, the thermistor (thermistribution) is installed, which is highlighted in the photo, in blue. When the temperature changes, the value of its resistance changes. There are two wires from the thermistor, which are connected using the split connection to the control unit.

The photo shows the indication of the multimeter when measuring the resistance of the thermistor at a temperature of 20 ° C. The thermal resistance in the repaired air dryer turned out to be good.

To check the condition of the thermistor, you need to disconnect the connector with the wires from it from the control unit and touched the multimeter knobs to the removed connector contacts measure the resistance value. It should be about 10 com. If the resistance is zero, then there is a closure in the wires. And if equal to infinity, then either the wires in the cliff or faulty thermistor.

Consequently, the control unit itself (BU) is defective. To search for a faulty item it must be removed. First you need to disconnect all connectors with wires from terminals bu. Before disconnecting the connectors, do not forget to photograph or draw the order of their connection.

The control unit is attached to the base using four plastic racks. To release it, you need a tweeze to surpassed the protruding part of the poles, as shown in the photo.

The external inspection of the quality of the paks and the appearance of radio elements did not reveal deviations from the norm. The transversion of the diode multimeter, rectifier bridge and resistance showed their serviceability.

Checking resistors and semiconductor devices installed on the side of printed conductor bu also did not reveal the faulty parts. Only capacitors and a chip remained untested, since it is impossible to check them without falling out.

To further find a fault, it decided to power it from a separate DC source, submitting a "plus" and "minus" conclusions of the rectifying bridge 24 V. The value of the voltage was selected on the basis of the relay supply voltage, which is indicated on its body. Instead of the thermistor, an alternating resistance of 15 com was connected.

Current consumption was about 10 mA, which indicated the absence of a short circuit in the scheme. When the value of the resistance is changed, the relay has triggered, which spoke about the performance by the electrical part of the electric part of the circuit.

It became obvious that in the cliff a current-limiting capacitor with a capacity of 0.68 microf. You see it in the photo.

The refused capacitor was evaporated, and instead of it, a two-time-effective capacity of 0.33 μF is brewed in parallel. With parallel compound of capacitors, the resulting container is equal to the sum of the containers of each of them. The result was the capacity of 0.66 Igf, which is quite enough to replace the intact capacitor.

The control unit without securing was connected to the electrical circuit. When you turn on the air dryer, it earned. It remains only to securely install capacitors on the printed circuit board.

On the printed circuit board, the place to install an additional condenser was absent. Therefore, it was necessary to drop the resistor attached parallel to the condenser and additionally drill two holes in it, in which the second capacitor was installed and the smeared.

The dusted resistor was soldered directly to the conclusions of one of the capacitors. This installation of items guaranteed reliable operation.

Renovated with their own hands the board of the air dryer control unit was installed and fixed on standard racks. Re-checking confirmed the working operation of the air dryer, in ten minutes of operation in the condensate tray, water appeared.

Repair of the network connection indicator

While the first connection of the desiccant, the household network was found that the upper indicator that should shine when the plug is connected to the outlet not shine, although the voltage came to it, since the fan blades rotated.

The indicator was not a collapsible plastic cylinder with two terminals. The indicator on the front panel was mounted using latch.

In order to get to the light source of the indicator, it was necessary to cut it around the circle with the help of hacksaw on the metal and break in the place of propil.

It turned out that inside the neon light bulb included in series with a current-limiting resistor. Checking the resistor showed its serviceability. Consequently, the indicator did not work due to a faulty light bulb.

A good neon glow light bulb with a resistor was removed from the switch from the pilot with the broken key. Such light bulbs are widely used as indicators in many household electrical appliances, for example, in an electric kettle, iron.

A good light was soldered to the outputs of the indicator housing and verified. A broken plastic tube of the indicator was glued into place by glue the moment and additionally plastic was melted with a soldering iron.

After installing the indicator to the place and assembly of the body, the repair of the air dryer was safely finished.

The compressor moisture studio is a kind of filter that allows you to perform the function of using air preparation before it is directly supplied to the system. The need to use this mechanism is caused by the fact that the increased humidity very adversely affects almost any components of the compressor, which can be easily withdrawn.

You can make a filter moisture separator for the compressor with your own hands or just to buy already ready in a specialized store such goods.

Principle of operation of the device

As mentioned earlier, There are many options for the execution of such a mechanism working according to various principles. The classic moisture separator works as follows:

Homemade moisture separator for compressor or purchased?

If a similar question arose, first of all, it is necessary to designate for yourself, which level of cleaning must be achieved. For instance, modern designsSailed in the store allow you to separate unnecessary particles of size up to five microns. There is also a filter, which, when working, is able to stop particles up to one tenth micrometer, however, the price of such a product is definitely extremely high.

In other words, if there is no need to produce extremely thorough cleaning for your compressor, then there is no need to buy expensive filters for this. Moreover, it is best to make a self-made model. Sure, the effectiveness of such a mechanism It will be much smaller than the store, but it will be much cheaper and easier to operate.

No matter, you buy a device or make your own hands, you need take into account the following facts:

How to make a budget model of the device with your own hands?

There is a huge number of ways alone to make a moisture separator For compressor. We will consider the simplest and most popular way that will not allow much effort and materials.

The following materials will be needed:

  • cut pipe length of about 0.7 m, as well as a cross section of 100 mm;
  • metal sheet whose thickness is 3 mm;
  • used fire extinguisher;
  • details for fasteners.

After all the necessary materials are prepared, you must perform the following step by step instructions:

If everything was done clearly according to the instructions, a device that contains a falling neck in its top and, of course, the gearbox should be obtained. From the bottom side - connecting nozzleallowing air. Be sure to check the entire design for tightness by connecting to the compressor.

Once all checks are made and no problems are detected, you can connect hoses and everything. You can proceed with the operation of the device.