Repairs Design Furniture

How to properly apply flax on threaded connections. How to wind up the pass (flax) to the threaded connection (video). Plumbing Pacle: Specifications, Winding on the threads how to properly windfit on the pipe thread

That is how much modern materials for sealing the joint, and the good old flax does not give up its position.
What is his task? Plothechnichny flax allows you to mostly score all the free space inside the thread. To withstand mechanical loads and temperature deformations during operation.
What is needed for this? Master's skill. Quality material and high-quality thread.

Thread. Rather, its preparation. You can be a good master, but at the unprepared thread to get flow. The thread must be with notches. Lyon must challenge when twisting the threads in the coupling. On smooth thread there is a high probability that Lyon will slip into the end of the thread.
Therefore, on the smooth thread of notches will have to apply themselves.
You can scratch the thread for this. Use for this slices of a hacksaw blade, broken rolled rolled, files, etc. But be careful, you can easily be lit.

I bite the thread with plumbing ticks. It turns out quickly and gently. Someone may argue that so you can surpassed a thin-walled fitting and spoil.
Very good. Better I will crush it than he then in the coupling doubt.

Yet. Before bringing the flax, it is necessary to assemble the connection to dry, without flax. First, you will see how the thread is screwed. May go tight or with a skewer. Secondly, consider the number of revolutions. When screwing out the corners, tees, cranes, eccentrics and other fittings, it helps it great.
Screw? Checked? Called turns? Excellent. Take luna.
Luck happens in braids, in the tangles, on the coils. How it is soam and sold, there is no difference. The main thing. Luck must be clean. That is, it should not be garbage and loose lumps.
Separate flax strand. What should be the thickness of the strands, it is difficult to say. It all depends on the diameter of the thread and the flax length. The landmark is approximately such - after winding, the thread should not be visible.

A lot of disputes on where to start winding - from the beginning of the thread or from the end. Anyway. From where the hands are sharpened, from there and wash. Who as comfortable. I wake up from the beginning, on the thread.

Now we apply a sealing paste. For example, I take a paste unipac. Not because it is the best, but because we have it everywhere for sale. Previously, 20 years ago, I used paint. Then, yielding fashion, smeared with silicone sealant. As soon as the sealing paste appeared on sale, immediately moved to them.

There is nothing difficult in this, so we try. We wake up flashes on the thread evenly in the direction of the thread, but there is a small nuance, depending on the fitting on which you wake up, and from which you will cheat.

If you are going to connect the iron pipe, and for example, a steel coupling, then it's not scary if you wrap more flax than it is necessary, since the iron tube and the steel clutch is pretty powerful fittings and, if you are able to connect them, excess Len squeeze, but If the fittings are weaken, for example, a brass corner, a brass clutch, then with an excessive number of packles, it can, and even 100 percent, that it will burst, given that the quality of the manufacturer is lousy.

The quality of brass fittings in the USSR is now different at times, not in favor of the modern manufacturer.

How to appreciate Len on ecoplastic couplings

Also, do not overdo it when connecting the couplings from ecoplasty, the internal brass carving can also burst. Before winding flax on the thread, you first simply turn on each other these two fittings, and consider the number of revolutions as they wind up, for example. Wash across all the threads evenly flax, then I would advise you to use Packing Pacific, and not a sealant, scroll Paste Len and connect fittings among themselves, in this example I recommend twist fittings for 4-4.5 turns. To the end, i.e. 5 revolutions do not need to pull.

There is now such a popular thing like Fuma Ribbon, I wouldn't advise you to make any other packing package. About 6 years ago I tried to work a couple of times with this ribbon, and moved back to Len. Flax winding video See below.

In our everyday life sooner or later, each of us is made to make small repairs in which you want to wind the threads of flax. Most often it concerns the radiator or plumbing. Faced with such a problem with a home master it is desirable to have skills on the use of flax (packle). Such knowledge for sure to each of us will be useful.

It is known that the pipes for water supply are manufactured from materials such as metal, plastic, as well as from metal plastic and capron. In all of them, regardless of the material are necessary to attach other adapter pipes. Below on such docks and will go a conversation, we will consider in detail how flax is used for this.

Measuring Masters Over time, sooner or later may face a question how to wind the threads of the water tap. It should be known that there is a so-called method of performing the work, "Packing of threaded connections" for which it is used for a water pipeline.

In the case when there is a need to spoke at right angles, two pipes with a coupling, the best option will be at their ends. The coupling itself will consist of a thread inside and turns outside. Just twist them with each other will be incomplete. In this case, it is recommended for a literate and reliable connection to perform thread sealing.

Len - pros and cons

The advantages of material for plumbing works:

  1. Available price compared to other sealing materials. But when purchased, it is necessary to choose only flax of quality production. As a rule, high-quality material is supplied by a pigtail or not a tight bay. Also pay attention to the presence of lumps them should not be.
  2. It is distinguished by its versatility, as it is possible to carry out any work related to threaded compounds. Accordingly, if it is properly nothing flax.
  3. Before you hurned flax on a threaded connection, you should pay attention to the fact that this material is capable of swelling, as it absorbs moisture. Such characteristics are much increased tightness, as the leakage will not have ways.
  4. Also, this material has a high mechanical stability, which makes it possible to produce a fit of plumbing, without losing hermetic properties. The connections themselves can be turned onto a whole turnover or turn them into the floor of the turn.

If you have a question, how to wind flax on the thread, then be sure to familiarize yourself with its minuses available in this material.

Disadvantages when using:

  1. Since the substance that makes it the basis refers to the organic, it means that moisture and air exposed to it. To get involved in conducting preventive inspections. To avoid such problems to the package add additional material preventing the process of rotting. Such a supplement can be a paste for sealing, solidol or lithol.
  2. In some cases, before proceeding with winting, it is necessary to first make threads, prepare, clean and. Most pipe manufacturers and fittings make a threaded connection already fully prepared for further work, that is, under the winding of flas. On the threaded turns made special notches for not slipping flax on the coats of thread and to Len not going to the bundle. If there are no notches, then it remains for the plumber it causes them using a file or just a knife.
  3. In addition, it is necessary to remember that it is not necessary to settle the material with a very thick layer, as this will cause a capable of damaging the compounds and especially for brass and bronze.
  4. If suddenly you encountered a situation where you need to work with flax, it is necessary to remember that this sealing material from the master requires certain knowledge relative to the competent winding.
  5. There are a number of materials that applying together with flax, significantly make it difficult to disassemble. This applies to this. In some cases, supplementing this kind of installation procedure is simply impossible.
  6. It is also impossible to use flax, where the temperature indicator can reach a mark of 90 degrees. Due to the fact that the material in such places is simply welded, while losing its sealing properties. When working with steel, it is also necessary to adhere to the desired coolant technology, since it is non-compliance with the thread is subject to corrosion.

How to seal a new thread

Before you begin the winding of the new thread, it is necessary to prepare the turns before it. Today, a number of manufacturers produce fittings with the already cut ready-made threads and with the presence of special notes for wing winding. It should be known that on a smooth thread, the material simply slides and also binds, which will certainly lead to a disruption of hermetic. Cooking well fibers can only if there is a jar on the turns.

Such zubrins can be applied by a conventional file and with a metal knife or a supphyl. Separate wizards for this apply the key for plumbing, and even the passage. For this, the thread is worst, and serifs are applied to light pressed. Performing this procedure, try to achieve on the turns of roughness.

Before winding flax on the thread, you need to separate one strand from the whole pigtail. It is very important to take the required amount of fibers to get a winding not so thin, but do not forget, it should not be thick. As a rule, experts recommend precisely such a thickness that would correspond to one or two matches. In the case of presence in strands of lumps or small villings, then it should be deleted.

Rules for performing work

Flax can be wound on the carving, applying its technology for this. Options may be different. So separate wizards are twisted in the form of a harness, others simply turn into a regular pigtail or you can optionally impose it in a way of a loose thread.

Applicable lubricant (paste) can also be different. You can, for example, smear only a clean thread and after it is wrapped with fibers. Then apply another additional layer. As an option in advance to impregnate fibers and after preparing.

If circumstances are forced to think about how to properly cut into the threads, and you want to accurately understand how to do it clockwise or against her, then you best listen to the opinions of specialists. Different options can be used here. So alone shake this strand along the thread, and others will act on the contrary.

Be sure to do the end of the strands outside the turns to press a finger and, making the first turn, it should be in the form of a cross, which will allow you to fix the material. Do not follow any lumen. The turns need to lay one to another. In the case when you perform the compound, the excess material used will be extruded from the fitting.

But this is when you work with a pulp of steel and an iron pipe. As for brass compounds, it will refer to those manufactured using modern technologies and they are burst from strong pressure.

It is necessary to apply a special paste around it for a special paste, intended for plumbing, or any other material for sealing is allowed. It is applied with circular movements. Such a procedure should be done as careful. The other end is glued closer to the edge of the thread and before being spinning should be sure if the material for sealing the lumen of the pipe was filled.

After reading these recommendations, you have an idea of \u200b\u200bwining this sealer. You can also familiarize yourself with the photo of such works. But with all this it will be difficult for you to figure it out that all elements are needed to twist with a certain minimum force. In the case, let's say when the nut goes easily, this suggests that flax is not enough. High-quality winding is when it does not get out of the flax itself, and the entire surface around such a compound will remain clean.

It should also be known that the organic panel does not apply under gas connections. The reason for this is that when exposed to gas, such a package and silicone, used additionally used to completely collapse. It will be justified with such cases to use FUM RENTU, in the previous article we have already written ,.

Work with ecoplastic

If you have a question for how to apply flax for such a type of plumbing material, in this case it will be good to use a special technology that is used when working with products from ecoplasty. It is worth knowing that this material, like brass, can burst. It is important to work with him not to overdo it.

Because to start work, both fittings need to be combined with each other while calculating the number of revolutions. Flax wound uniformly and all its surface should be smeared with additional lubricant and already, then you can connect both fittings. If you counted 5 revolutions, then after you wock Flax, it will be correct to make approximately 4.5 turns and that it is very important to wait until the end. It is best in this situation instead of using sealant, packaging paste.

Often in conditions of home, masters have to wonder how to competently appreciate the tape on the threaded connection of the old pipe. With such situations, the best option is to dismantle the connections and at the same time inspect the thread.

As for the turns, they need to walk the tip of the knife bladder or can be sewn. So you clean the threads of the thread from the garbage formed on them, and it will help, for example, remove the old paint with iron. Before you wind the tape, you should thoroughly clean the turns with a metal brush up to the formation of shine.

Video: how to wipe flax

1. Pakly destination and how it works.
2. Varieties of sealing materials.
3. Methods of sealing pipe thread palauls.

In the sanitary work, the passage is used to seal pipes and transitions connected by means of thread. It is made mainly of flax waste and is a coarse fiber of small sizes. If you correctly apply the pass, protection against leaks will be provided throughout the entire service life of the pipeline. Answering the question of how to wind the passage on the thread, it should be said that the quality of execution prevents the risk of the occurrence of leaks in the plumbing system.
There is a gap between the threaded compounds through which the water is unhindered outside the pipeline. If it is present in it properly laid Pacle Plot, then the gap becomes less, and in the process of water penetration, in such a connection, the flax will swell and the leak stops.

Varieties of sealing materials.

To basic materials that create a hermetic layer between threaded compounds include:
- Pacle Plumbing;
- Fuma Ribbon;
- Liquid Fium.
Silicone is used as an additional material to the package, but by itself, due to its properties, will not be able to ensure reliable protection of the connection from leaks.
Foney is a winding for a thread consisting of teflon tape, not wetted by water and creates a water-repellent layer in connections.
Liquid FMU is a single-component blue sealant, when contacting with air, slowly solidens and forms a sufficiently durable and dense aggregator, which prevents the expiration of water from the system. But, if using the above-listed materials of the water pipes, it can be done at once, then after using a liquid fum, before checking the system, you need to wait a certain time depending on the diameter and ambient temperature.

Methods for sealing pipe thread packles.

High-quality winding of the thread is carried out using the following materials and tools:
- pipe lever keys in the amount of two pieces;
- Pakli plumbing;
- Fume ribbons.

The procedure for obtaining a qualitative hermetic threaded connection will be considered on the example of the combination of a cape nut (American) with an outer thread of 1 inch and the check valve.
With pacles, we separate a strand long, approximately 5 - 7 turns of diameter of 1 inches and the density of the specified in the photo.

The resulting workpiece we apply to the beginning of the American connecting element, while its thread should be directed at you, and we wind clockwise, along the turns and back. The end of the package is summarized to the beginning of the thread and fingers, clockwise, smooth it. As a result, it should be in the photo.

Then, we wake the FMU clockwise on this item so that it completely overlap Len Santechnic and lay on it in 2 - 3 layers.

Teflon tape does not give a pacle to turn and move from the part. I am intimidated by an American on the return valve and using the keys we produce their tightness until a tangible load occurs.

Such a combined winding of the thread, with the appropriate skill, almost always provides a reliable bunch of two detachable elements of the pipeline. When all components of the system are assembled, it is necessary to produce its crimping at a pressure approximately equal to 1 bar and inspection of all threaded compounds for leaks.
When using poor-quality parts, the amount of winding should be slightly reduced, since in the process of flax raising, efforts arise that may damage the part.

In everyday life sometimes there is a need for small repair, where the carving requires winding. It may be plumbing, radiators, and it means to learn how to use the passage, sooner or later it has to any owner in the house. Water pipes are metallic (galvanized or iron), plastic, metal-plastic and kapron (are used for launching underground). Each type has adapters to connect other pipes, about such docks and will be speech. It is a hermetically to connect pipes and other elements of the water supply, called "Packing". For example, we need to spoke two pipes at an angle of 90 ° with a clutch that winds on their ends with thread. The coupling consists of inner thread (mothers) and outer turns (dads). It will be not enough to twist them: for the correct connection it is necessary to take the threads.

Plumbing palable is a fibrous material that is used to seal the thread. This is a completely natural product obtained from the primary processing of homogeneous, thin, long fiber flax, which is extracted from the stalk of the plant.

The scope of the package is very wide. Depending on the production technology, it happens tape, construction, jut and sanitary. Construction package is a reliable way to insulate almost any connections. It uses completely spilled short fibers of flax, and it comes with bales. This material is intended for construction work on the sealing of seams, laying and insulation of log cabins. Being natural, Lyon is especially valued among those who build wooden houses. If the construction package comes in rolls of a certain width, then it is called the tape. Pacle Ribbon Linen is a potent material with a thickness of up to 1 cm. It is used for sealing seams and emptiness in the cuts, launching the crowns.

What are used to boost? The classic option is the good old flax (it is also called a panel or hemp), fum-tape, anaerobic sealants and polyamide thread tense.

About what is better to use, disputes are underway for many years, but the unambiguous answer is not found. The fact is that the material is selected depending on the type of work and can be interchangeable and complement.

Let's talk about the advantages of flax for plumbing work:

  • the main "plus" pack of linen - its price is cheaper than any other material;
  • it is economically spent;
  • its thin fibers are highly durable;
  • with the correct winding, it is suitable for any type of work with any compounds, including for sealing pig-iron and ceramic pipes;
  • lyon can swell, absorbing the possible moisture, thereby hermetically overlapping the path to the leakage;
  • high mechanical stability of the material allows you to make a fit of plumbing: without loss of hermetic properties, you can unscrew the connection to the half-turn or by a whole turnover.

The disadvantages of packles include such aspects:

  • since flax is an organic matter, it has a property to rot under the influence of moisture and air, which fall into it, for example, with preventive inspections. For this, the package is always accompanied by an additional material that prevents concrete processes (sealing paste, solidol, oil paint, lithol and others);
  • often it is required to prepare thread;
  • too thick layer of material can lead to cracking of compounds, especially from bronze and brass;
  • this is a seal that requires knowledge of the rules of winding. According to the Nativity, nothing is possible;
  • related materials in combination with flax may make it difficult to disassemble, for example, oil paint and silicone can make the dismantling process is impossible;
  • lyon is not suitable for use where the temperature reaches 90 ° C. In such places, it is "welded" over time and loses her sealing properties;
  • if we are dealing with steel, then non-compliance with winding technology may even lead to thread corrosion.

How to choose flax?

The main thing is to pay attention to the quality of the packle before you buy it: flax should be sold, not a tight-knitted pigtail or bay, there is a light color, not to have impurities, garbage and lumps. There is also a package, laid in the form of a mock of threads, from whose middle, you can pull out the finished strand. The last option is somewhat more expensive than the rest. Be sure to note that the panel is not too coarse and did not have an unpleasant smell.

In addition to flax, we purchase additional material. It can be the "Multipact" sealing paste, "Unipacle" or "GreenPasta", which serve so that the panel does not spoil, did not burn under the action of temperatures and succumbed to dismantling. The contents of the Tube "Unipaca" is a light gray low-drying mass based on paraffin oil with an admixture of natural minerals.

If flax is not handled, the tightness of the connection will be short-lived. In addition, the use of paste allows you to slightly adjust twisting power.

It is strictly recommended to use silicone sealant in contact with the metal, as it contains acetic acid that accelerates the oxidation process, and, consequently, corrosion of the metal. Use neutral sealants. Different cars are suitable, or intended to eliminate leaks of water, oil and other liquids.

How to wind the pass on a new thread?

Before starting work, we prepare the turns. Today, many manufacturers produce fittings with a thread having notches, that is, specially intended for winding flax. The fact is that on a smooth thread during installation, flax will slip, knocking on the block, and the sealing process will be broken.

  1. In order for the fibers to be cling to, it should be jar on the turns. It is possible to apply them with a supfyl, a file, with a metal knife, with the help of a passage or a plumbing key, clasping the threads and lightly shifting. The main thing is to achieve light roughness on the turns.
  2. Now we separate one strand from flax pigtails. Try to capture so many fibers so that the winding is not too thin, neither too thick. It is believed that its thickness should be as one, maximum - two matches. If you have noticed lumps, minor villi, they need to be removed.
  3. How to impose - the case is individual. Someone twists Lyon in the harness, someone will braid it into a weak pigtail, someone puts it, a lot of masturbation, as it is, strand.
  4. The procedure for applying additional material can also be different: you can lubricate the threads, clean with its fibers, and then apply another layer; You can pre-impregnate the fibers of the packley, after which it is to cut them. Both options are correct.
    Someone recommends winding strands along the thread, someone against, there is no single rule here.
  5. The end of the strands clamp the finger outside the turns, making the first turn of the cross, to secure the pass.
  6. Then, as much as possible, without making lumens, the turn to the turn, we wake up flax.
    Such a nuance: if you connect, for example, a steel coupling and an iron pipe, then the overaffect of flax will be simply squeezed out of fitting, due to its power. Brass compounds, especially modern production, and strong pressure simply burst.
  7. We take a small amount of sanitary paste or other sealing material and rotational movements distribute around the wincised flax. We try to work careful.
  8. The second end is glued closer to the edge of the thread with the concomitant material.
  9. Before twisting, be sure to check whether the hole is clogged by the pipe.
  10. Spin with moderate effort. If the nut goes too easy, then there were little flax. When properly completed, the flax should not get out and around the connection should be pure.

How to wind the passage to products from ecoplasty?

Like brass thread, plastic also tends to burst. Therefore, the main thing is not to overdo it. Before nothing, connect both fittings by counting the number of revolutions. Then you evenly wound the flax, turning it with an additional material, and connect the fittings. If there were 5 "frightened" revolutions, then take about 4.5 revolutions - you do not need to reach the end. Note: In this case, it is more expedient to use a packing paste instead of the sealant.

If when tightening you feel that it goes very tight, disassemble and wound fewer pacles.

How to work with old fitting?

If the package gave flow or it is necessary to dismantle the connection for other reasons, after developing inspecting the thread. Moms are spent on the turns of the knife with a knife or sewing, removing the entire accumulated garbage.

The contents of the "Pope" also smear the knife, cutting off the remnants of the packle together with the sealing agent. Metal brush clean the coil before the appearance of shine. It eliminates the dirt, rust and remnants of sealant in the most hard-to-reach places. If the existent thread is damaged, it will be useful will drive it on the "dad" with a thread-cutting tool, and on the "mother" knife with a tip.

Do not everyone know that the pass is also called sanitary fluorescence, but what it serves as an excellent hermetic connector of any threaded element is familiar to many. In addition, the novice plumber can enter such a simple procedure into a stupor as flax winding into the butt connections. Consider the process of proper winding package so that in the future I did not have to redo any work in which she participated.

It does not matter that it was necessary to connect to each other - with plumbing or any other elements of the threaded connection, it is necessary to be sealed to create tightness. In this case, the classic and cheap winding option will serve the panel. It will suit absolutely for any kind of butt elements, if, of course, to wind it right. The advantages of this seal can also be attributed to the fact that during the service it swells and increases in volume. This its ability helps to close any flow, even if it is formed immediately after the connection. However, the winding of the packle requires a certain skill, taking into account some points. About this process and will be discussed below. First, pay attention to the type of thread. They meet two main species - net thread (without notes) and thread with jar (notches). In the first case, the tightness will not be achieved even by winding flax, because He simply crawl and get into the bundle in the fastening process of elements. Therefore, first prepare the threads - take any kind of tool (hacksaw, extra, pliers, etc.) and make it yourself on a flat thread. Now flax fibers will be perfectly cling to artificially created notches.

Take the pass and separate from the main pigtacks a small strip of fibers, pre-combing it, eliminating all bundles and making lumps. Then straighten the fibers and twist them into the common rope. Thickness strands Choose on the eye, so that it filled out the inside of notes. IMPORTANT: If there is little flaxed fibers, then the seal will become a leakage. Further actions may develop in two scenarios. The first - before winding, apply a special substance on the thread, and then cut the dry fibers and apply the material from above. The second option is to first impregnate the pan's strands with the concomitant substance, but only then to wind them. In any case, the result will be the same, choose the way that you seem more convenient. The winding process itself looks like this: the rope from the fibers of Pakli is approximately its center to the thread in such a way that 5 notches are missed from its edge. Then fixing the rope with the fingers, start winding it towards opposite to the coats of thread. At the same time, cross the unused segment of the packley so that its second end is clamped in the "Castle". Connect the two end of the rope and continue to wind flax until the end of the thread. Make sure that each new mettage is tightly pressed to the previous one, without creating crowded fibers. Check on each side so that there are no passes. Scroll through your threads, evenly distributing the pass on the notches. The end of the strands are glued with a special lubricant closer to the edge, only after that - stop fixing your palp. You can apply silicone on top of fibers to protect against water. Now you can proceed to the assembly of elements.

If the winding of flax was carried out correctly, the desired thickness of the twisted rope was taken into account, uniform and thoroughly distribution over the threads, without skips, the threaded connection will last you as long as possible and stable.

Disputes that it is better to use as a seal of threaded connections (winding) - flax or fum-tape - do not subside for more than one year. This situation is explained by the fact that it is impossible to give a unambiguous answer to this question. For each type of work, it is preferable to flax, then the fum-tape. And often the recommendation of one does not exclude the use and alternative seal. If plumbing can not come to a general opinion among themselves, what then talk about not professionals? But after all, and simple mortals can be combined with something together. And hermetically. Let's try to decompose the recommendations on the shelves. On the properties of the fum-ribbon and technology of its winding. And today our review is devoted to flares, or a package, for sanitary ware.

The content of the article:

Plumbing Len: cheap and angry

Len is a classic winding. Sometimes it is called Pacles in the old man.

The advantages of flax for plumbing works:

  • Low price. Cheaper than any other winding. When buying, you need to pay attention to quality. Good flax is sold by a pigtail or not a tight bay, it does not have lumps, clean (light in appearance).
  • Universality. Suitable for any type of compounds. Of course, with the correct winding.
  • The ability to increase the volume in the swelling process. That is, if immediately after the connection there is a small flow, it is very "closed" very soon. Flax fibers wink and, swelling, overlaps small leaks.
  • Mechanical resistance. The only material that allows you to more accurately orient plumbing fittings. It is possible, if necessary, make a half turn turnover back without loss of tightness.

But the disadvantages are also present:

  • Mandatory use with it related materials (litol, solidol, fum-summer, hermetic paste, silicone, oil paint). Lyon has organic origins. And as any organic has a tendency to rot, especially under the joint effects of water and air. And the air falls into the water supply system or heating in the process of repair or preventive inspection, which should be carried out annually. Related material is intended to prevent rotting.
  • Requires special thread preparation. Many manufacturers of fittings make threads on them already prepared under the winding of flas. Thread turns have notches. If there are no, they need to be applied to plumbers (a file, pliers, less often with a metal knife). They are needed to lie, in the process of the connection did not slip through the threads and did not come true in the bundle.
  • Requires caution in connections from brass and bronze. Too thick layer can break the thread, cracks will appear.
  • Plumbing Len is the only material that is very demanding to comply with the winding rules. In addition to the thread preparation already mentioned, it is necessary to prepare the flax itself: to impregnate it with the concomitant material to prevent rotting. Then wind, observing the direction of turns of the thread, that is, against the winding. To withdraw the ends of the fibers outside the thread area, pull and, holding them with your finger, turn the connection on the thread, tighten.
  • The disadvantages include the fact that the concomitant materials (not all) prevent the dismantling of the compounds (for example, to replace part of the system, connecting new elements or in case of leaks). Silicone and paint so glue parts of the connection to each other, that the separation process may be rather difficult, sometimes it is simply impossible. The same problems arise in the disconnection of steel elements when, not correctly wounded flax (or without concomitant material), as a result of rotting, the occurrence of rust in the threaded connection.

What is better: flax or fum-ribbon?

When it comes to compaction of threaded compounds, the first thought that comes to the head - plumbing. When installing the water supply for cold water from steel pipes of explicit advantages, there is no flax, no fum-tape. The main thing is to wind the seal. But when this plumbing is mounted from or, the fum-tape is preferable. Its advantage in this case is due to speed. The non-metallic water supply is mounted faster than steel. And reduce the speed of installation only due to the winding (and flax is harder and longer) is not effective. In addition, the carving of fittings is smooth and neat, and in such conditions of Fum-ribbon more efficiently. But it should be remembered that when the fittings are connected with a diameter greater than 20 mm, the fum-tape is inferior as a sealing. In such compounds, the sanitary linen is more effective.

Installation of water supply for hot water and heating dictates its requirements. Including, in terms of winding. In addition to presence in water pipes, you need to take into account that it is hot. That is, the winding should be not only hermetic, but also to resist the effects of temperature. Fuma tape in this regard has proven itself not in the best way. At the time of the compound of the Fium-tape splits on the fibers and they clog the voids of the compound, blocking water passages. Under the influence of high temperatures, which must be present in the heating system and are possible in the hot water supply system, these fibers are compressed. Often this is enough for the occurrence of leaks. Flax to temperature resistant.

If you take into account the other properties of these materials, it is worth noting the low cost of flax, even taking into account the concomitant material. Fuma ribbon is more expensive. Not much, but when conducting large-scale work, this difference can be essential. But the use of FUM tape, as already noted, increases the installation speed.

There are cases when the most effective is the combination of flax and fum-ribbons. Fium-ribbon turns are paved with flax fibers. Or, on the contrary, one or two turns of the fum-ribbon wound over the winding of flax. The decision about this is accepted by plumbing not often, in view of the characteristics of the conditions of installation or operation of the pipeline.

And last - flax winding requires a certain skill from plumbing. Fuma tape is not so demanding to this process.


How to wink flax on the thread?

Before starting the winding of flax, you need to prepare threads. The fact is that on a clean and even thread Flax in the process of the connection may not be held, slides, get into the bundle. Of course, there can be no speech in this case. Thread turns must have jar, for which flax fibers will be engaged. This will allow winding to stay in place and ensure tightness. These jar are applied with a supfil, a file, and if there is an opportunity - with hand-hacksaw. In the extreme case, it can be strongly survived by the pliers in a circle, the ribbed sponges will leave the jar on the threads. Fittings manufacturers often produce threads already prepared under the sanitary linen.

Then strand fibers are separated from flax pigtails. It is important to pick up the strand suitable in thickness so that the winding is not fine and not too thick. In strands should not be lumps: if they are, you need to remove. Some plumbers twist strand fibers of flax before winding, someone shifts thin pigtails, and someone wipes strand as it is, loose. This is not fundamental to whom as convenient. It does not affect the final result.

Further there are two options for follow-up. You can apply to the thread. Related material, wind dry fibers and then apply another layer of material. And you can bring up already impregnated with the concomitant substance of flax strands. In terms of efficiency, there is no difference between these methods. The result will be the same.

In any case, turning flax turns in the direction of thread. The end of the strand is clamped with a finger outside the thread, the first coil is made by the "lock". That is superimposed by the cross to clamp the end. Then the strand is wound as much as possible, the turn to the turn, without intervals. At the end of the winding, the end of the strand is glued to the accompanying material closer to the edge of the thread.

That is how much modern materials for sealing the joint, and the good old flax does not give up its position.
What is his task? Plothechnichny flax allows you to mostly score all the free space inside the thread. To withstand mechanical loads and temperature deformations during operation.
What is needed for this? Master's skill. Quality material and high-quality thread.

Thread. Rather, its preparation. You can be a good master, but at the unprepared thread to get flow. The thread must be with notches. Lyon must challenge when twisting the threads in the coupling. On smooth thread there is a high probability that Lyon will slip into the end of the thread.
Therefore, on the smooth thread of notches will have to apply themselves.
You can scratch the thread for this. Use for this slices of a hacksaw blade, broken rolled rolled, files, etc. But be careful, you can easily be lit.

I bite the thread with plumbing ticks. It turns out quickly and gently. Someone may argue that so you can surpassed a thin-walled fitting and spoil.
Very good. Better I will crush it than he then in the coupling doubt.

Yet. Before bringing the flax, it is necessary to assemble the connection to dry, without flax. First, you will see how the thread is screwed. May go tight or with a skewer. Secondly, consider the number of revolutions. When screwing out the corners, tees, cranes, eccentrics and other fittings, it helps it great.
Screw? Checked? Called turns? Excellent. Take luna.
Luck happens in braids, in the tangles, on the coils. How it is soam and sold, there is no difference. The main thing. Luck must be clean. That is, it should not be garbage and loose lumps.
Separate flax strand. What should be the thickness of the strands, it is difficult to say. It all depends on the diameter of the thread and the flax length. The landmark is approximately such - after winding, the thread should not be visible.

A lot of disputes on where to start winding - from the beginning of the thread or from the end. Anyway. From where the hands are sharpened, from there and wash. Who as comfortable. I wake up from the beginning, on the thread.

Now we apply a sealing paste. For example, I take a paste unipac. Not because it is the best, but because we have it everywhere for sale. Previously, 20 years ago, I used paint. Then, yielding fashion, smeared with silicone sealant. As soon as the sealing paste appeared on sale, immediately moved to them.

2015-02-18, 19:31

Hello Dear Ammodylkins.

Until now, the best winding on the thread is flax. First, I just need this statement, and then we will discern the process of execution on the bones.

The first alternative flaron is Fuma Tape. There are at least three reasons for which it is necessary to refuse.

1. It is not known who it is done, despite the fact that it is indicated on the label, which means there are no quality guarantees.

2. Wash it for a long time.

3. When screwing up the thread, especially when installing the valves, it is impossible to correct its position, that is, it is possible to test only forward. If you come a little back, the connection on Fumka will flow.

The second alternative is Tangite Uniforms Pipe on the castle. I will not argue about the castle - the dead, but what about the key: Consider what they twisted, and the key thrown out, so so not to find.

Unscrew not happen, only cut.

It is completely different. Here are the four reasons why it should be applied:

1. One hundred percent warranty from the flow.

2. The speed and accuracy of execution.

3. Ability to adjust any compound there here, without risk of leakage.

4. Light disassembly, regardless of life.

Now how all this is done.

Everyone knows that luna is not wound on dry. Previously, it was impregnated with paint, but now, thanks to technical progress, Silicone appeared.

If the compound with the paint looked very not neat, and it accounted for it with a soldering lamp, then with Silicone - a completely different matter.

The main thing is to apply solid silicones. These include: Kimtek 101e, Olimp, Macroflex, since they, in addition to laying, have also adhesive properties. With other brands, the compound turns out too mobile, although it still does not flow.

So, we take a detail with a thread, flax pigtail, syringe with silicone, and separate from the pigtail a small part for winding.

How much to rechpond from pigtails? In each case, in different ways. First you need to try to wrap the folder into the mammy. It happens very easily, it happens tight (everything is like in life), here, depending on this, the superior size is selected.

But in general, after the first time it will become clear. If you squeeze too much, then we take smaller.

First we apply to the thread of Silicone, then, leaving a small tail, and pressing it with a thumb to the part, in the direction of the thread, we have a tight of the flax, trying to cover them the entire surface, that is, so that it does not walk the harness.

If you will understand that the flax is already a lishka, just converge the remnants. The remaining tail, also let go in the direction of the thread.

After that, with a finger, smoothing the entire winding, so that the hairs are not sticking out around, and most importantly, did not block the passage hole.