Repairs Design Furniture

Is it possible to solder the wire without a soldering iron. How to solder polypropylene pipes without a soldering iron. Paste for soldering works

Sometimes there may be a question how to solder wire without the use of the soldering iron, because the soldering is the most common way to combine small parts at home. There are such situations where the urgent wire connection is required, but the soldering iron used as a simple and convenient tool is in a broken state. As, armed with them, connect the metals, is known to almost everyone. But how the soldering is carried out if there are no electricity at home, is another question that we consider below.

Use of homemade stala

Not everyone has such a lucky tool, like a soldering iron, but there are plenty of various breaking devices. Most often these are telephone charges or headphones, from which the plug broke out. Of course, if necessary, you can buy new accessories, but you can breathe new life in the old ones. You can replace the soldering iron using conventional sweater materials. In a word, there is a simple sting of the soldering iron, for the heating of which any source of fire is suitable.

Screw materials are as follows: Single-core Copper Wire (diameter - 0.5 cm), as well as a small piece of fabric, resistant to high temperatures. You can use the wire as a sting, one side should be thoroughly sharpened at an angle of about 45 degrees. This will serve as a soldering tool in the future. As for the other end of the cable used, it is reliably thermally insulated with the goal so that it can be safe for it. Fiberglass is suitable as an insulator or, at worst, ordinary jeans. It is enough to cut a long piece of fabric and wind it on the wire. To fix the fabric using thread or glue.

Now go to the most important thing: as such homemade sting to make a soldering. First of all, the source of fire will be required. For example, they will serve as a gas stove. You should take a sting and carefully heat it. Next, when it gets warm, they relate to the rosin and solder, as a result of which the end of the sting will be heard. The tool, let and the healthy, which is in such a state, is suitable for soldering.

For example, what to do if the charge broke for the phone. First of all, you need to carefully clean the ends of the wire using the knife. Then the heated sting is used, with which the ends of the copper wire are pushed. To connect the breakdown, a soldering is used.

Important!During the soldering, make sure that the conductive wire is carefully cleaned. To remove oxides from the surface, the usual knife is most often used, resulting in high-quality rail.

Applying a homemade sting that replacing the soldering iron, it is enough just to touch the damaged wire slightly, as a result of which it normally and quickly wakes up.

Soldering Foil

Using this method, Spike is carried out in 5 minutes. Foil in this case is used as solder, which is rolled into a thin tape. Such a form is considered very convenient, as it will not swing in the area and flow with a greater dosage, which is physically impossible.

View, location and size of contacts can be any, with such a method there are no certain restrictions. Soldering foil is convenient in different situations, starting with a switching wire to the board and ending with connecting the contacts of two twisted wires.

In order to prepare contacts, it will be necessary to remove the isolation from them and clear from its residues. Next, the ends of the wires are connected by twisting, the required amount of foil is cut off, the adhesive tape is removed, and the wire turns around. Next, uniform heating is carried out, for which a candle or a conventional lighter is suitable.

How to solder girlands with remedies

In the case of a garland, first of all, it will be necessary to find a place in which the wire disconnected. The reason for this can be:

  • Often contacts are broken in the control unit, where thin wiring does not provide sufficient clutch area;
  • Also, the impulse can be along the entire length of the garland;
  • If the lamps are connected in parallel, then when one is brave, the entire chain will open.

Note! Before starting work, you must turn off the garland from the network.

As a rule, contacts that have moved, easy to find a naked eye. In other cases, there may be a special tester: each half is measured, after which the search for searches is gradually narrows until there is a non-working element.

Finding a break place, you can begin the soldering procedure. It should be noted that in this situation it is the insane method that is most relevant, which is explained by the small diameter of the wire. The paste and heat shrink tube will be effective. The scheme is as follows:

  • In the place of the rupture, the wire is cut;
  • It is cleaned;
  • Dress up the tube in advance and moves to the side (the soldering will not be finished);
  • A twist is done and the paste is applied (you do not need to touch the edges of the insulation);
  • Solder thoroughly heats up with the help of a candle or lighter;
  • The cooled place is covered with an insulating tube, which must also be a free-rate.

By this way, broken headphones can be soldered.

The soldering iron is known as a comfortable and simple tool, but there are situations when it fails. You do not need to worry, since the soldering can be carried out with the help of progress. Just know some nuances just know.


The need to evaporate anything at home often occurs even in people who have never been kept in their hands specially intended for such a task tool. How to deal with minor problems, like torn wiring or discharged, without a soldering iron?

How to solder without a soldering iron - Simple ways of wiring soldering

Soldering iron for connecting metal parts to have preferably, but not necessarily. To do without him, we take:

  • small metal container;
  • solder, for example, brand POS60, you can use pure tin;
  • rosin.
  • We connect the wires: first we clean them, removing the insulation by 2-3 cm.
  • Heat the tank with rosin and tin (for example on a gas stove or by means of a burner).
  • The ends of the wire without insulation are lowered into the molten rosin (immersed so that the composition completely covered the entire surface), and after the molten metal. It is desirable not to gain extra tin, or remove it immediately after extracting.
  • Copper wires, diameter up to 0.75 mm², simply twisted after the meadow.
  • Further, the "problem" site is heated again, so that the solder grabbed. It is necessary to heat it any narrow-controlled tool: candle, lighter, etc.
  • If you need to connect one segment of the wire to the middle of the other, its bare part is wound around the connection location, and after the soldering is carried out.

How to solder without a soldering iron details and dishes

To lift for subsequent soldering part of a flat surface, a small tin chips and a bit of rosin are put on it. The source of fire is located below, and when the solder melts, it is neatly triturated with any suitable metal part (you can also delete too much). When the steel part is tinned, the rosin is not used (its functions performs treatment with soldering acid). For soldering, aluminum items need a special solder consisting of tin and lead.

Other cases soldering without soldering iron

Slightly more complex cases of connecting parts require a special approach. For example:

  • When working with large, multiple wires (up to 2 mm.) An ordinary tinning tin may not be enough for reliable spike. From above, the twist should be pouring the chopped solder and warm it until the particles are melted and penetrated inside, filling the slightest clearances.
  • To solder the wire to the details: Ludim the surface of both items. After pressing the wire to the plane, the solder chips on top and heat the bottom until the melting.
  • Soldering wires up to 3 mm: can be carried out without a soldering iron, using a gutter technique. The latter must be made of aluminum foil, whose thickness will be about 0.8 mm. The ends of the wires are twisted and folded in parallel, the chute is placed around them, whose width does not exceed the size of the space connected. It is poured into it rosin and solder, one end of the foil twists in order not to scatter the components. The desired foil section under wires is heated before melting, and then spinning and separated.

Another common way to solder without a soldering iron is the use of the so-called "cold welding" or various soldering pastes that can be bought either manually.

One of the most reliable ways to connect wires and parts - soldering. How to solder a soldering iron, how to prepare a soldering iron to work, how to get a reliable connection - about all this further.

In everyday life used "ordinary" electric solderingry. There are from 220 V, there are from 380 V, there is - from 12 V. The latter differ in low power. Used, mainly in facilities in rooms with increased danger. It is possible to apply them in domestic purposes, but the heating occurs slowly, and the power is not enough ...

You need to choose one that is comfortable "lies" in hand

Power selection

The power of the soldering iron is selected depending on the nature of the work:

In the household, it is enough to have two soldering iron - one low-power - 40-60 W, and one "middle" is about 100 W. With their help, it will be possible to cover about 85-95% of the needs. And the solder of thick-walled items still better entrust the professional - there is a specific experience.

Preparation for work

When the soldering iron turns on the network for the first time, it often begins to smoke. It burns out lubricants that were used in the production process. When smoke ceases to stand out, the soldering iron is turned off, waiting for it until it cools. Next must be sharpened.

Shading sharpening

Next must be prepared for the work of the sting. This is a cylindrical rod made of copper alloy. Fixed using a clamping screw that is at the very end of the thermocamera. In more expensive models, the sting can be slightly sharpened, but, mostly, there is no sharpening.

We will change the most tip of the sting. You can use a hammer (flatten copper as you need), a file or emery (just tooltenten unnecessary). The shape shape is chosen depending on the intended type of work. It can be:

  • Find in the form of a blade (like a screwdriver) or make a flat on one side (angular sharpening). This type of sharpening is needed if massive parts fall. Such a sharpening increases the plane of contact, improves heat transfer.
  • Robbing the edge of sting in a sharp cone (the pyramid) can be if it is supposed to work with small parts (thin wires, electric power). It is easier to control the degree of heating.
  • The same cone, but not so acute is suitable for working with larger diameter conductors.

More universal is considered sharpening "shovel". If it is formed using a hammer, copper is compacted, it will be necessary to adjust the tip less frequently. The width of "blades" can be done more or less, working around it on the sides with a file or emery. With this type of sharpening, it is possible to work with thin and medium soldered parts (turning the sting to the desired position).

Soldering tune

If the sorry of the soldering iron does not have a protective coating, it must be sent - to cover with a thin layer of tin. It will protect it from corrosion and rapid wear. This is done at the first turning on the tool when the smoke stopped stand out.

The first way of tinning the sore tip:

  • bring to operating temperature;
  • touch the rosin;
  • melt the solder and rub it along the whole sting (can be wooden chips).

The second way. Mix the rag with a zinc chloride solution, heated sting to lose a rag. Melt the solder and a piece of cooking salt to rub it all over the surface of the sting. In any case, copper should be covered with a thin layer of tin.

Technology soldering soldering iron

Almost everyone is now used by electric soldering. Those who have a job with soldering, prefer to have a soldering station, "lovers" prefer to manage to do with ordinary soldering iron without regulators. Have several solutions of different power enough for work of different types.

To figure out how to solder a soldering iron, you need to imagine a process in general, then deepen into the nuances. Therefore, let's start with a brief description of the sequence of actions.

Soot implies a sequence of repetitive actions. We will talk about the soldering of wires or radio engineering details. It is with them who has to be found in the economy more often. Actions are:

On this soldering is finished. It is necessary to cool the solder and check the quality of the connection. If everything is done correctly, the soldering place has a bright shine. If the solder looks dim and porous - this is a sign of insufficient temperature during the soldering. Soldering itself is called "cold" and does not give the desired electrical contact. It is easily destroyed - it is enough to pull the wires in different directions or even hide something. Another place soldering can be charred - this is a sign of a return error - too high temperature. In the case of wires, it is often accompanied by the laying of isolation. However, the electrical parameters are normal. But if the conductors are soldered when the wiring device is better to redo.

Preparation for soldering

First, let's talk about how to solder the soldering iron wire. First you need to remove isolation. The length of the gentle area can be different - if the wiring is going - the power wires are taken off 10-15 cm. If you need to solder the minor conductors (the same headphones, for example), the length of the gentle area is small - 7-10 mm.

After removing the insulation, it is necessary to inspect the wires. If there is a varnish or oxide film on them, it must be deleted. There are usually no freshly accepted wires of the oxide film, and the varnish is sometimes present (copper has no red color, but brownish). Oxide film and varnish can be removed in several ways:

  • Mechanically Use sandpaper with small grain. It treated the bare part of the wire. This can be done with single-liner wires of rather large diameter. Processing sandpaper Thin wiring uncomfortable. Strategic so can be broken so at all.
  • Chemical method. Oxides are well dissolved with alcohol solvents. The lacquer protective coating is removed using acetylsalicylic acid (ordinary pharmacy aspirin). The wire is put on the tablet, warm the soldering iron. Acid corrosive varnish.

In the case of lacquered (enameled) wires, you can do without stripping - you need to use a special flux, which is called "flux for soldering enameled wires". He himself destroys the protective coating during the soldering. Only so that he never began to destroy the conductors, after the end of the soldering it is necessary to remove it (with a damp cloth, sponge).

If you need to solder a wire to some metal surface (for example, grounding wire to contour), the preparation process is not much changed. The platform to which the wire will be soldered, must be cleared to pure metal. First, all the contaminants are mechanically removed (including paint, rust, etc.), after which the surface is degreased using alcohol or solvent. Next you can solder.

Flus Processing or Mud

When soldering, the main thing is to ensure good contact of soldered parts. To do this, before starting soldering, connected parts must be fed or processing the flux. These are both interchangeable processes. Their main purpose is to improve the quality of the connection, facilitate the process itself.


To process wires, a well-heated soldering iron will be required, a piece of rosin, a small amount of solder.

We take the stripped wire, put it on the rosin, heating the soldering iron. Werewind, turn the conductor. When the wire turns out to be all in the molten rosin, on the sting of the soldering iron, we gain a little solder (just touch the sting). Then we remove the wire from the rosin and the tip of the sting is carried out along the bare conductor.

Conducting wires - mandatory stage when soldering

At the same time, the solder of the finest film covers the metal. If it is copper, out of yellow, it becomes silver. The wire should also turn a little, and sting to move up / down. If the conductor is well prepared, it completely becomes silver, without skipping and yellow tracks.

Flice treatment

Everything is easier here, and more difficult. It is easier in the sense that only the composition and brush are needed. Tassel dip in the flux, we apply a thin layer composition in place soldering. Everything. This is simplicity.

Complexity in the choice of flux. There are many varieties of this composition and under each type of work should be selected. As we are talking about how to solve a soldering iron wire or electronic components (fees), we will give a few examples of good fluxes for this type of work:

For soldering electronic components (printed circuit boards), do not use active (acid) fluxes. Better - on aquatic or alcohol basis. Acid and have good electrical conductivity, which can disrupt the operation of the device. They are also very chemically active and can cause destruction of insulation, corrosion of metals. Due to its activity, they are very well prepared to solder metals, therefore they are used if they need to solder the wire to the metal (processed the site itself). The most common representative is "Soldering Acid".

Heating and temperature selection

If you want to know how to solder a soldering iron, you need to learn how to determine whether the soldering place is heated. If you use a conventional soldering iron, you can navigate the behavior of rosin or flux. With a sufficient level of heating, they are actively boiled, pair allocate, but do not burn. If you raise the sting, the drops of boiling rosin remain on the tip of the sting.

When using a soldering station, these rules proceed:

That is, at the station set 60-120 ° C higher than the melting point of the solder. Clearance of temperatures, as you can see big. How to choose? Depends on the thermal conductivity of soldered metals. The better it takes the heat, the higher the temperature should be.

Making solder

When the soldering place is trimmed enough, you can add solder. It is introduced in two ways - melted, in the form of a drop on the steering of the soldering iron or in solid form (solder wire) directly into the soldering area. The first method is used if the soldering area is small, the second - with significant areas.

In the event that you need to make a small amount of solder, it relates to the steering of the soldering iron. Solder is enough if the sting became white, and not yellow. If a drop hung is a bust, it must be removed. You can knock on a couple of times along the edge of the stand. Then they immediately return to the soldering zone, by staring along the place of the soldering.

In the second case, we enter the solder wire directly into the soldering area. Warring, he begins to melt, spreading and filling the emptiness between the wires, occupying the place of evaporating flux or rosin. In this case, it is necessary to remove the solder on time - its oversupportment is also not well affected by the quality of the soldering. In the case of soldering wires, this is not as critical, but when solding electronic elements on the boards is very important.

So that the soldering is high quality, you need to do everything carefully: to clean the wires, warm the place of soldering. But overheating is also unwanted, like too much solder. Here you need a measure and experience, and you can recover all the actions for a number of times.

Device for more comfortable soldering - Third hand

How to learn to solder a soldering iron

To begin with, take some pieces of single-core wire of a small diameter (you can - mounting wires, those used in connection, etc.) - work easier with them. Cut them into small pieces and train them. First, try to solder two wires. By the way, after the meadow or processing the flux, it is better to twist among themselves. So increasing the area of \u200b\u200bcontact and it will be easier to hold the wires in place.

When soldering several times it turns out reliable, you can increase the number of wiring. They will also need to be twisted, but under the use of passes (two wires can be twisted with their hands).

Normal soldering means:

After the soldering of several wires is mastered (three ... five), you can try stranded wires. The complexity consists in stripping and tinning. Clean only the chemical method, but to bridge, pre-twisting the wire. Then the listed conductors can be tried to twist, but it is quite difficult. We will have to hold them with the help of tweezers.

When it is mastered, you can train on the wires of larger sections - 1.5 mm or 2.5 mm. These are those wires that apply when laying wiring in an apartment or house. Here on them and you can train. All too, but it is more difficult to work with them.

After completing the soldering

If the wires are treated with acid fluxes, after cooling the solder, its residues should be washed away. To do this, use a wet rag or sponge. They are wetted in the solution of detergent or soap, after - remove moisture, dried.

About how to solder a soldering iron you know, now it is necessary to acquire practical skills.

Often, it is necessary to face the situation when due to the lack of a good soldering station, urgently need to connect the wires without soldering in the direct sense, using some special techniques. This approach at first glance is impossible, since the soldering is the only acceptable way to ensure the reliable connection of two conductors.

But if you have a little ingenuity and take advantage of the existing aids - it turns out that it is quite realistic to solder wires at home without the use of the soldering iron.

Learning to solder without a soldering iron, a variety of things and details should not be considered something completely impossible. To do this, it is enough to master the cooking of the preparation of liquid solder, which is used for the ending and for soldering.

Under the meadow procedure it is understood as the application of a thin layer of tin alloy on the surface of the radio components to be soldered or the ends of the wires. Its main purpose is to improve electrical contact in the connection site and facilitate the subsequent process of the soldering.

Preparation and warming up

The logging of wires can be organized at all without a soldering iron, which is quite possible with the following attributes:

  • it will take a metal peel of a small capacity (like a lid from glass cans or instant coffee);
  • it is necessary to prepare strictly dosed (finely acely) pieces of low-temperature solder PR-60 \u200b\u200band a bit distilled in the powder of rosin;
  • another condition of the possibility of a mezzani without a soldering iron is the presence of a focus of heating of active formulations (for this, any source of open fire is suitable, including a candle, dry alcohol or a small fire).

Sources of heat

The last reception of the heating zone of the mezzani for safety reasons can be used only outside the residential building (on the garden area or in a garden, for example).

In urban environments, some craftsmen manage to melt a careal mixture carefully prepared for the meadow (Powder Plus Plus Putillated chips) with a steel nail fascinated on gas.

The process of tinning

After a thorough warm-up of a mixture of solder and rosin, the prepared composition begins to throw. Through this melt, the segment of the wire needs to be dragged. If only the curtain ends of the flexible conductor or the legs of radio components (resistors or capacitors) can be listed - it is enough to plunge them into a liquid boiling mass for 2-3 seconds. After removing the excess molten composition at the ends of the wires, a smooth layer of solder should remain.

When working with wires from their edge, a section of an insulation is removed with a length of approximately 20-30 mm.

In the case when it is required to post the connection location between copper sheet blanks, you need to act as follows. First, these parts by means of clamps are tightly pressed by one to the other, after which the warm-up liquid mixture is poured directly into the docking zone. After its complete cooling of the clamps can be loosen and get two finished billets.

Another way to process the mezzani of flat parts involves the use of finely unrigious solder and a small one piece of rosin for these purposes. At the same time, the heating source (more precisely - the open fire flame) is made to the bottom of the part located directly under the soldering area. After the full melt of the solder, it, together with the rosin, is frozen along the steel bar surface.

Upon completion of this procedure, the excess composition is removed with a clean soft cloth. When the surfaces of steel blanks, the rosin is no longer required. In this case, instead of it is used by soldering acid, filled into a finely anemic solder. The process of the suspension of this metal without the use of the soldering iron is fully similar to the already described procedure.

Homemade Sarel

Instead of an electric tool, you can make a soldering iron from copper wire and a wooden handle that heats up on the open flame. Wire will perform the functions of the sting. With it, it is applied to the molten solder on the twist of two wires or to the site to which the conductor needs to be soldered.

For these purposes, an ordinary nail is also applied by pliers. It is important only to warm it up with a flame burner. In this case, the preparatory procedures (the processing of the wire flux and the mud) occur as with a regular soldering. To solder wires, it was convenient, check-stinging can be coated on a lighter, leaving one end free. When the lighter is turned on, its flame will immediately produce heating.

Repair of dishes

In order to solder certain products without a soldering iron, their features should be taken into account. Although the sealing of the dishes today are extremely rare, but knowledge of the basics of technology will never be superfluous. Wires to solder without a soldering iron is even easier.

Sometimes there is a need to repair homemade utensils (saucepan or bucket), in which a small hole was formed. It can be eliminated without a soldering iron only in cases if the damage size does not exceed 6-7 mm. In this situation, you can also use the type of Pos-60 type, which is specifically melted for this.

Before starting soldering, the place around the holes is carefully processed by means of a sandpaper, and the hole itself is attached to the tapered form expanding inside. Further, the whole area is treated with a soldering acid, after which the hole is closed with a thin plate of a sufficiently rigid and refractory material from the outer side. Such a barrier is only needed to hold solder in the soldering area, so it can be replaced by any heated partition resistant.

Inside the cone is poured carefully chopped solder together with the powder from the rosin, and then this place is located above the source of open fire. After the melt of the mixture, the liquid solder fills the hole, and then cools.

In order to discharge the dishes from aluminum, it will be necessary to prepare a special solder, including zinc, bismuth or aluminum components in its composition. It is possible to get it only by mixing them at very high temperatures.

Paste for soldering works

Two copper wires are soldered one to another by means of a specially prepared composition, called soldering paste and containing the following components:

  • powder lead;
  • zinc dust;
  • glycerin and rosin;
  • tin, crushed to chopped species.

The pasty state of such a mixture is achieved due to the presence of liquid components in it. You can apply a paste without a finger, which greatly simplifies the soldering.

Using foil

For soldering of thin copper wires, you can also use the "groove" method, for the implementation of which the foil is required with a thickness of no more than 1 mm. In the process of such soldering, the bare ends of the wires are first twisted, and then laid on a flat plane.

After that, the strip of aluminum foil is taken, along the length corresponding to the size of the connected area, and is folded as a groove (tube). At the same time, one of its ends turns tightly around the wire and clamping with the help of the passage.

Then in the resulting groove in small portions, a thoroughly crushed dry mixture of solder and rosifers is falling asleep, after which it heats up on the open fire. When melting, the liquid composition first fills all the free cavities, and then gradually cools. Upon completion of the soldering process using this method, it remains only to remove foil.

Skaika is simple, so many can do it, even once without keeping the soldering iron in their hands. But there are such moments when this device is not near, and something needs to be soldered. Here and the dilemma is getting up, how to solder without a soldering iron, and whether it is possible to carry out a similar procedure, without having in the presence of the right tool or the opportunity to use it.

Soldering Soldering

Many in life happened moments when the wire was broken or shifted in charge, headphones, a power supply from a laptop or anywhere else. What can I do in this case? How to help yourself eliminate the malfunction at least temporarily until it is possible to solve the problem more rational and reliable way?

As it turns out, there is nothing impossible. You can escape without a soldering iron. In the most unpredictable situations, there is always the opportunity to solve the problem of the infirred methods.

Required devices

Of course, a soldering iron soldering implies the presence of the most primitive tool and solder. Well, if there is another rosin or acid, although in extreme cases is just suitable aspirin tablet. From the tools you can allocate:

All this together have to be completely optional. Some tools can be replaced by the fact that there is at hand. Instead of a file allowed to take a knifeAnd the sticks of the desired form will successfully help replace the pliers. The main thing here is to include fantasy.

Lunetration details

Whatever surface is offered for soldering, it is necessary to prepare it, that is, to fill. This will allow reliable to connect the details among themselves, and the process itself will strongly simplify. To work, you will need rosin (or soldering acid) and tin.

To carry out the process of tinnitus, you will need a container where the solder and rosin will be melted. As it, you can use a lid from iron cans, a metal small box or something similar to the bore. Here using a file or sandpaper rubbing tin shake. Well, if there is a tin and lead solder - it works more convenient to it. If it is not, you will have to use rosin or acid.

With an acid, everything is clear, it is enough just to immerse in it the stripped edge of the wire, and then continue the action by soldering. With the rosin, you will have to do the same as with the tin, it is only completely optional to get it. Its pieces can be large, as the melting point of rosin is significantly less than that of tin, so even large pieces will have time to melt until the metal melting.

Capacity should be kept over the source of fire until the tin is completely melted. Next, the bare or stripped ends of the wire are placed first in rosin, and then - in the molten tin. When the result is satisfactory, that is, the curtain wire is well covered with a layer of metal, the capacity can be returned to the side.

If you need to post a piece of flat form, then the actions algorithm will be slightly different. Here is a small chips of tin and rosin poured directly to the surface of the part. Next is the heating of this detail.As a result, the molten tin will take it evenly. Excessive cleaned with a rag or sandpaper.

Do not forget that when working with fire, iron parts will be heated, so you need to take them with pliers or cloth so as not to get burns. Nobody canceled elementary safety equipment.

Soldering wire

To discharge the copper wires of a small cross section without a soldering iron, no complicated action will be required. It is enough to simply twist the ends of the wires among themselves, after which they will warmly warm up with a match, lighter or other directional flame. Solder who remained in the hairs when rising, is enough for them to connect to each other. After that, it is important not to forget to insulate the curtain areas with a tape, hot glue or other available way.

Larger cross-section (up to 2 mm) can be soldered in the same way. If the solder from the mezzani is not enough, then the tin shavings are neatly placed on a twist, after which they also warm up the soldered area. When tin melts and fill all the empties between the hairs of the wire, the soldering can be stopped. But you do not need to forget the harmful place to exhibit.

If you need to solder a wire to a flat part or combine two parts of a flat shape, then you need to pour a chopped solder on a lifted place, then apply the wire and heat the parts to the full melting of tin. In the case of two flat details, the lifted surface is also covered with tin pieces, put another flat detail, compress them and heated.


You can solder without a soldering iron another interesting way. It requires a small piece of dense foil. This method allows you to discourage rather thick wires with a cross section of up to 3 millimeters. Interesting this method and by the fact that it does not require pre-arrival.

To begin, it is necessary to clean the ends of the wires by about 30 mm, the curtain parts are rigging to twist together. Now a small rectangle is cut out of the foil so that the prepared tips can be completely covered with it. The foil wires are screwed in the form of a funnel, into which small pieces of rosin and tin chips fall asleep. The ends of the groove are spinning so that the contents are not poured.

Now the resulting design is to be heated until the tin and rosin is spread. After that, it remains only to wait when the paved parts are cooled. Foil remnants are removed, if necessary, processes the location of the file with a file, supfyl or sandpaper. This method is perfectly suitable when it is necessary to quickly and without tools to solder wires in the field.

Cooking pasta

You can solder without a soldering iron with a soldering paste. Prepare such a solution, you can connect not only wires and flat elements, but also some radio components, as well as solder the wire to the board without a soldering iron.

To make a soldering paste, you will need 32 ml of hydrochloric acid to mix with 12 ml of water. In the resulting solution, 8.1 g of zinc is added, and after dissolving it is 7.8 g of tin. All this is done in glass or enameled dishes. When the reaction is over, it will remain to evaporate water so that the pasty mixture turned out.

Now 7.4 g of lead should be added to the paste, 14.8 g of tin, 10 ml of glycerin, 7.5 g of drying, 29.6 g of powder zinc and 9.4 g of rosin. All components must predely warm up and bring to the dust-shaped state.

When the composition is ready, it can always be applied by appointment. Store the paste is preferable in a tightly closed glass container. Soldering like the composition is extremely simple:

In this way, it is quite possible to solder without a soldering iron at home almost any parts and wires, however, the manufacturing process of the solder paste can scare. But there is a much more attractive alternative - the soldering paste can be bought in the finished form.

To solder very small parts and thin wiring, it is preferable to make a soldering paste with a slightly different composition. . The following ingredients will be included in it:

  • 7.4 g of lead powder;
  • 7.3 g zinc in dust-shaped state;
  • 14 g of glycerin;
  • 4 g of rosin;
  • 14.8 g of powder tin;
  • 10 ml of diethyl ether.

All components are mixed to the pasty state. Instead of diethyl ether, you can use 10 ml of rosin dissolved in glycerin. Using this tool, it is possible to solder a wire or part on the fee.

Homemade soldering device

You can make a soldering iron from a candle or lighter. True, the last to take is better from good heat-resistant plastic, as a disposable Chinese device does not work and minutes, and the metal device can be very hot. You will also need a piece of thick copper wire with a diameter of 3 to 5 millimeters and a little thin wire for winding to the lighter.

Thick wire must be completely cleaned from isolation, after which it is to be bent so that one part can be closed to a lighter or a candle, and the opposite end was above the flame for constant heating. Such an improvised sting is able to solder even small details (up to the most tiny resistors). True, without tin and rosifers can not do. To work it was more convenient, the work area of \u200b\u200bthe sting is preferable to sharpen.

Alternative methods of repair

If the wire broke and urgently need to restore it at least for a short time, then there are faster alternatives. True, without soldering, but completely capable of helping in emergency situations.

So, the turning wire can be simply cut in the breakdown and trite to twist among themselves. It is important not to confuse polarity, since the charging devices are constant. To force the seats of scrubs either does not hurt.

Temporarily can attach a wire with a flat surface. To do this, it is enough to attach one part to the other and pour the molten plastic. There is enough such recovery, if carefully and briefly use the resulting compound.

Whatever happens, you can always find a way out of the current situation, if you include fantasy and imagination. Sometimes it will not help to repair the device, but it will eventually reduce its performance for a short time.