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Rules for using gas in everyday life. Domestic gas safety rules for safe use of gas

One of the main sources of energy today is gas. It is characterized by high combustion temperature, environmental priorities and low cost. However, blue fuel is in danger. When mixing with air it becomes explosive.

Gas is widely used in the production of numerous polymer products, serves as an energy supplier for heating commercial objects. We are constantly confronted in everyday life with its use, therefore to comply with the rules of operation of gas equipment in residential buildings is very important.

How to use gas devices and what to do is strictly prohibited, you will learn from the article proposed. Here you will find information on how to act in the event of a gas leakage, as often and who should check the gas equipment, for which violations of the gas service can turn off the flow of blue fuel.

According to the rules of operation of gas equipment installed in residential buildings, all natural gas consumers must follow the right operation of gas devices.

The responsibilities of the owners of the housing include the need to check ventilation and chimney, as well as organize access to the room where equipment belonging to the local structure of Gorgaz.

Liquefied gas, which is used in everyday life is a mixture of butane and propane. The substance has no color and smell. To detect leakage, the odorant (ethyl mercopant) is added to it, thanks to which gas smells like a rotten egg

General requirements for operation of gas appliances:

  • if the smell of gas appeared in the room, the use of devices should urgently overlap the crane, open the window, leave the gazed room and cause the gas emergency special services (it is forbidden to smoke, include lighting (!) and other electrical appliances);
  • it is prohibited independently and without permits to gasify homes, repair gas equipment;
  • it is unacceptable for the rings of ventilation channels, pockets and "hatches" to clean the chimneys, to transfer or "tinted" ventilation systems;
  • it is forbidden to operate gas equipment with closed windows, the absence of ventilation, as well as thrust in chimney;
  • it is strictly forbidden to use equipment for children under 14, persons in a state of alcohol intoxication, incapable, not familiar with the rules of operation of gas devices;
  • leave operating instruments unattended;
  • it is unacceptable to load the gas pipeline (fix ropes for drying linen).

It is strictly forbidden to independently search for a leak source. If in the room you felt the smell of gas, then the first thing you need to overlap the flow of blue fuel and turn off all electrical appliances.

Urgently cause a gas accident or salvation service. Warn the neighbors about the current situation and leave the room.

Requirements for gas stove

Before using the gas stove, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for its safe operation.

The main conditions for the proper operation of a gas stove:

  • the room in which the food is preparing should be well ventilated;
  • the work of the slab should always be monitored (it is forbidden to leave an open flame unattended);
  • after the end of operation, it is mandatory to overlap the gas supply;
  • before using the equipment, you should lower the flame source to the burner and only after turning on the flow of blue fuel;
  • the operation of the equipment should be discontinued if: the flame can not be seen in all holes, the color of fire is different from the bluish-purple, there are elaborated flames.

Regularly check the state of the gas stove (should be carried out by a gas service specialist). It is forbidden to repair the gas stove independently.

Heat the room with a gas stove is prohibited. It is also strictly forbidden to independently search for a leakage of a soap solution or open fire.

GOST 33998-2016 indicates that the cleaning of all parts of gas equipment for cooking should be made as easy as possible. The use of dismantling tools is unacceptable. After cleaning, all items must be installed in their place.

Temperature regulators, cranes and fuses must be installed in such a way as to provide convenience of maintenance and configuration. Some details of the user cannot dismantle independently (nozzles). For this work you need to call a specialist.

Gas column use standards

The prerequisite for installing the equipment is the presence of an exhaust at the ceiling, which will ensure unobstructed access to the room.

Terms of proper operation:

  • before using the device, you need to make sure that the traction is available (the check is carried out by a tight match);
  • preliminarily open the window;
  • after the column is enabled, you need to make sure that the traction is available again;
  • control the water temperature;
  • do not run the system without the need;
  • it is forbidden to allow children and untrained people.

With insufficient thrust, use the column is prohibited. It is impossible to use the equipment and during the reverse thrust.

It is unacceptable to seal the room where equipment is installed. It is impossible to leave the gas valve open, if the ignition burner is not clogged. It is necessary to monitor the flow heater with a burning burner.

Securing the safe operation of the gas boiler

The stall can be found in the presence of thrust in the chimney. When it burns, you should open a crane on the main burner and light it. If the flame burner went out, stop supplying the gas. Repeat all operations re-on. After turning on the burner, you need to repeat the craving.

Operation of the gas boiler with faulty automation is prohibited. To prevent carbon monoxide in the residential premises, you need to regularly check whether the channels can be clogged with soot.

How to properly use the gas boiler stipulated in, compliance with which is mandatory for all owners of autonomous heating systems.

The following conditions must be observed:

  • during the operation of the equipment, the fortage must be open;
  • before you ignore the boiler, you need to open the chimney shift shift;
  • check the craving before the ignition;
  • check the chimney regularly (destroying masonry, frost and foreign objects can reduce cravings).

Do not forget to prepare the equipment to work in the cold season in advance. In winter, when sharp temperature fluctuations are not uncommon, you need to carefully follow the gas devices in which the chimney is used to remove the combustion products.

During the snowfall, rain, fog, strong wind thrust may disappear or reverse thrust appears, which leads to carbon monoxide to the room and poisoning its tenants.

New rules for using gas in residential premises

All residents of apartment buildings are required to listen to the instructions on safety measures during the operation of gas equipment. The event is held after the conclusion of the contract with representatives of Gorgaz. Also, the briefing is repeated after each scheduled inspection.

Residents are obliged at any time of the day to provide access to the premises of Gorgaz, where gas equipment has been installed. Otherwise, you will have to pay a considerable fine. In the absence of tenants in the house or apartment over 24 hours, it is necessary to overlate the gas supply faucet.

Residents are required:

  • monitor the purity of ventilation;
  • before cooking to cook the room;
  • do not install close to the plate flammable furniture.

If the smell of gas appears in the room, urgently block the faucet, open the windows and cause emergency service.

According to the requirements of the Housing Code, to prevent emergency situations, possible leaks and failures of gas equipment, technical services conduct regular checks. The owner of the housing is obliged to provide employees to unhindered access to the state of instruments.

For the safe operation of gas equipment available in residential buildings, the values \u200b\u200bof verification are installed. Gas stoves need to be checked every three years, boilers and water heaters once a year. Faulty and outdated equipment must be changed in a timely manner.

About the time of checking equipment tenants are notified in advance in writing. This deprives the owner of housing opportunities to challenge violations identified as a result of inspection

During the inspection, experts should:

  • check the tightness of the fasteners in the places of all joints;
  • make sure there is no leakage in places where the gas pipeline is connected to the gas overlap site (if necessary, a liquid pressure gauge can be used);
  • perform a visual inspection of chimney and drawing in residential buildings;
  • check the quality of gas supply to plates and water heaters;
  • if necessary, adjust the intensity of the supply of blue fuel;
  • check the operation of automation and electronic devices.

In case of detection of serious violations of the service organization, the equipment, pipeline sections are repaired. If the breakdowns and emergency situations occurred due to the fault of the owners, gas supply can be discontinued.

Other possible causes of gas supply:

  • the user independently carried out the installation of gas equipment (retrofitting);
  • when malfunctions are detected (bad ventilation, no hood, insufficient gas concentration);
  • illegal connection to the gas supply network;
  • emerged emergency;
  • during the repair of gas communications or equipment;
  • in the absence of a contract with the gas service;
  • debt for used blue fuel exceeds two estimated periods;
  • the consumer does not transmit data on the actual volume of the gas used and prevents the operation of controlling authorities;
  • equipment is used, not recorded in the contract.

20 days before disconnecting from gas supply, the consumer must be informed by the gas service with which it was concluded. Notification should come in writing with a detailed explanation of the reasons.

The total shutdown of the gas per month in order to carry out repair work - 4 hours. If this condition is impaired, for each extra hour the amount of payment for blue fuel should decrease by 0.15%.

In case of emergency shutdown, gas can overlap without a warning maximum per day. Gas supply is made within 48 hours. If the subscriber turns off the gas for non-payment, the first notice is sent to him in 40 days, and the second 20 days before the disconnection.

Due to the fact that gas is a flammable fuel, increased requirements are put forward to the operation of gas devices. According to the new rules, the responsibility for the state of gas equipment and ventilation lies on the owners and tenants of residential premises.

Residents are required at any time to provide access to Morgaz employees and emergency services to the premises where equipment is installed. When the gas leak, it is urgently to overlap the fuel supply, open the window and call the emergency service. Alone to eliminate leakage and repair the equipment is prohibited.

If you have already passed the instruction, you took the check in your dwelling, share your experience in the comments. Or maybe you are not satisfied with the work of Gorgaz employees and do you have your own opinion regarding the rules of operation of gas equipment? Share your thoughts with readers in the form below.

P izumens, gasification in homes is unlikely today today you can surprise at least someone (if, of course, you have no relatives in the jungle of Amazon). But the habit can serve and bad service.

"Home" gas is two types: methane (one that goes on a trunk tube to your plate) and propane / butane (it is brought in red cylinders). An ordinary person is not the fact that these gases do not differ, he will not even find them - they do not smell. However, it is in order for their leakage to be detected, a substance has a rather unpleasant smell. It is he who is associated with gas.


Methane is lighter than air and strives up.

Balloon gas is harder - it accumulates downstairs, penetrates the floor if there is a slot.

If the leakage of the cylinder was formed, for example, in a country house, where there are often cellets and undergrounds, - let the leak and a little, have a risk that gas can accumulate and one fine mig one small spark from the switch will be enough for a disaster.

If there is no electricity in your cellar, you can just impass gas.

As statistics assures, the main reason for all incidents with gas is the usual negligence and neglect of the established security standards. Therefore, in order to enjoy the maternity owner, comply with several rules:

1. Before the ignition and during the burning of gas devices, check the room, open the window or window or turn on the forced ventilation system.

2.. Check the craving in the flue channels before the ignition, periodically do it during burning.

3. No matter how trivially sounded, but do not leave the included gas appliances unattended.

4. Do not use gas stoves for heating! Why - see the section "Durge Gas".

5. Do not construct, do not carry and do not repair yourself gas equipment! It is very dangerous and can lead to an explosion, if you are certainly not a gas service worker.

6. If there are no tenants in the building for a long time, the cylinders are better to endure the building, and the gas equipment turn off. Even minimally leakage systems for a long time in closed rooms can form explosive gas concentrations with air!

And yet: if the accident and it was blocked on the highway - do not leave the valves open. Gas can give at any time without warning, and you just won't notice. The consequences can be the smallest.

How to detect leakage

Visually: Named Estimated leakage sites - most often it is the locations of the connections in the pipes and fittings. Where the bubble is inflated from soapy water - there is a leakage;

Aurally: In case of severe leakage, the characteristic hiss will tell ... at least, where it is worth it for checking;

By smell: The characteristic smell becomes stronger near the place of leakage. Yes, and the very fact of the appearance of smell is a reason for the implementation of the events described above.

Well, of course, do not try to look for a leakage place with a lighter!

If the gas leakage still happened

1. Do not use electrical appliances

Do not insert and do not remove forks from sockets - any spark can cause an explosion. Do not do anything at all that can cause a spark or an increase in temperature.

2. Immediately call the service "04"

Better from neighbors or mobile.

3. Waiting for an "accident", spending an apartment

Open the window, arrange a draft that should be blown away by all those present in the apartment, besides you. Such should not be. Let them go and meet Gasovikov. And the intercom and the bell is better disabled (see paragraph 1).

If the gas caught fire at the leakage site

If there is an opportunity to overlap the filing earlier leakage - break and all go out. If not, in no case is a carcass! Maximum you can try to remove flammable objects from the flame exposure area. But in this case, the fire is less dangerous than open gas fountaining. The consequences of the explosion will be huge - there were cases when half of the house spread out due to gas leakage. Therefore, take away all of their apartments and run himself, causing an emergency gas service and fire protection by telephone 112.

With a balloon, everything, of course, is easier. But the principles are absolutely the same.

If there was a leak from the cylinder, disconnect it from the reinforcement (if nothing has nothing to do with a rubber hose) and take a balloon into the street. Be sure to take an assistant. In order not to drop - it is fraught with at least ignition. Call accidents at 112, and if the cylinder is not in good condition - demand their conclusion to exchange it to the new one.

If suddenly there is a gas at the place of leakage from the balloon, try, calling "fire" by calling 112, wrap your hands with a wet towel and block the valve. If the flame is small - the sketch is all the same wet towel into the place of the fountaining, having extinguished the flame, take a balloon on the street and wait for the arrival of the accident.

If the flame is big - it's not worth it, so as not to push the gas to the room - an explosion is possible.

However, whatever decision you take - run or stew - you need to act quickly. Otherwise, the ball is heated and in any case will explode.

In addition to explosive gas, there is another important aspect - its poisoning effect on the body. Not the latter role in this process plays the so-called carbon monoxide.

If in your apartment is a gas column, you just must know everything about him.


Curmarket gas - carbon oxide (CO) - familiar with a school bench. And it is extremely dangerous also because in everyday life too many options for its formation. In most cases, they are all associated with burning. CO is one of the incomplete combustion products of any substance. And, unlike domestic gas, it is impossible to notice without special devices - the carbon black gas does not have color and smell.

When burning almost all types of fuel in the conditions of lack of oxygen, it begins to actively form with. Therefore, in the furnaces and household gas speakers with impaired ventilation, the formation of this poison is inevitable. If the damper closes ahead of time or too much, it will be dangerous in the room.

What is dangerous carbon monoxide?

Inhalation of carbon monoxide is equivalent to convertible veins. No, blood you, in a simple sense, do not lose. However, it loses its main property - to deliver oxygen to the tissues. The carbon monoxide tightly binds to hemoglobin and makes it impossible to attach the oxygen molecules to it. So with each breath of the efficiency of blood decreases. The first from oxygen starvation will suffer a brain that will not be able to control the body. And then - fatal outcome.

First aid in charge of carbon monoxide

If you have or someone who is near, stupid headache, dizziness, vomiting, chest pain, confusion of consciousness, breach of coordination, as well as bright red or blue leather - there are all signs of poisoning.

The victim need to be transferred to a well-ventilated room (and better to the street), do not forced him to go. And immediately call an ambulance. Provide him the opportunity to breathe easily, calm. In no case do not let alcohol, it will cause even greater toxication.

Compliance with simple rules and timely maintenance of domestic gas equipment are capable of minimizing the number of tragedies associated not only with loss of health and property, but also of life.

Rules for use of flow gas water heaters

Before turning on the water heater, we open the window in the kitchen and free the slot at the bottom of the room door for the air inflow, check the position of the cranes on the gas pipeline - they must be closed.

In the absence of smell of gas, check the chimney: the flame is deflected away from the instrument - the traction is reverse, does not deviate - there are no traction (position 2 and 3 in the image).

Use the gas water heater in the absence or inverse damage is prohibited, since it is possible by carbon monoxide gas.

Require chimney cleaning.

If you have traction, turn on the gas burner according to the instructions.

After 3-5 minutes, after turning on the instrument, check the craving.

Do not allow the water heater to children and persons who have not passed the special briefing.

Terms of use of gas capacitive water heaters

It is forbidden to use a faulty apparatus, self-defecting the malfunction, turn on the device to persons who are not familiar with its device, to attach foreign objects to the device and gas pipelines.

It is necessary to contain a cleaning device and a good condition, not to include it with defective security automation and in the absence of traction, follow the annual check of chimneys and ventilation channels, to require regular maintenance of prophylactic inspections and repair of the apparatus, systematically check the chimney to and After turning on the device.

In the absence of smell of gas, check the chimney: the flame is deflected away from the instrument - the traction is reverse, does not deviate - there are no traction (position 2 and 3 in the image). Figure "B" shows a scored chimney.

Economically use gas! Do not turn on the device without need.

Rules for use of a gasified heating stove

Before the heating season is necessary: \u200b\u200bCheck the tightness of the threaded compounds of gas pipelines, the density of locking devices, the serviceability of the automation, the presence of thrust, clean the chimneys and ventilation channels, adjust the burners, for which you should contact the gas farm and housing and operational organization!

Before talking the oven, it is necessary to open a Sewber, the door pondered and the window; to venture for 5 minutes the furnace, chimney and room; Check the thrust in chimney, bringing to the viewing opening of the furnace or stabilizer of the traction strip of thin paper.

If the paper strip is drawn towards the furnace, there is a traction, if it deviates in the opposite side of the side, there is no traction and use the stove without cleaner chimney it is impossible!

If the furnace is good and the thrust is good, burn the stall. Only with a burning larger, open the main burner tap and burn it. If the burner went out, close the faucet, ventilate the firebox and repeat all the operations on the ignition of the main burner.

After 3-5 minutes after turning on the main burner, check the craving.

Remember! The frosting of the chimney head assignment, a strong wind with variable direction, rain, snowfall, fog can become causes of traction disorders. In this case, gas combustion products fall into the room, which leads to carbon monoxide poisoning.

Turn the furnace equipped with a burner for periodic furnaces, you need 1.5-2 hours with a subsequent 1-hour break.

Watch out for the tightness of the brick masonry and the plaster of the heating furnace.

You can not use the furnace in the following cases:

  • no traction or traction reverse;
  • faulty security automation;
  • exact furnace masonry and front burner plate;
  • gas burns with a smoking flame and unstable;
  • no serviceability of chimneys and ventilation channels is not checked. In the picture "A" a frozen headpoint. Figure "B" shows a scored chimney.

  1. Gas crane;
  2. Fortochka;
  3. Ventilation grille;
  4. Stabilizer traction;
  5. Schieber;
  6. Viewing hole;
  7. Scum;
  8. Crane of the main burner;
  9. Solenoid valve;
  10. Door pissed.

Observe the rules for using liquefied gas in cylinders

Observe the rules for safe use of liquefied gas. Timely detect gas leaks in the smell, by sound (hiss), for fogging or frosting the place of leakage, wash the places of possible gas leaks.

Do not allow installation of gas leakage.

Remember! Apply fire to detect gas leaks is prohibited!

When the smell of gas appears, call the emergency brigade by phone 04 (around the clock), close the valve or valve at the cylinder, carry out the room, do not burn fire, take a balloon to the street.

With liquefied gas with a low temperature above the installed norm, the cylinder when heated (in the warm room) can explode and cause a fire.

To safely fill the cylinders, the following norms are installed (in propane):

Require the control check of the gas mass in the cylinder when exchanging.

Do not store cylinders in basements, corridors and bathrooms. Do not install cylinders closer than 01.5 m to the gas stove, to the heating radiator or oven.

Rules for the use of a gas cooking stove

During the operation of gas appliances, keep track of the ventilation of the kitchen: open the windows for all the time of burning gas, do not close the lattices of the ventilation channels.

Do not install tableware with a wide bottom plate on the burner.

With a sudden swelling of the flame immediately close all gas cranes, carefully carry out the kitchen.

Do not use gas plates for the heating of premises.

Do not tie a rope to gas pipelines, do not dry underwear and hair over the flame burner.

Close the crane on the riser in front of the stove after each gas use.

Do not leave on the stove or close to it flammable items: paper, rags, etc.

General Rules for Gas

Do not eliminate outstanding malfunctions in gas equipment and on a gas pipeline, and turn off the gas and call a specialist.

Check the craving to turn on and during the operation of gas appliances with a tap of combustion products into the chimney.

Do not supervise working gas devices unattended (except devices designed for continuous operation and having appropriate automation for this).

Do not allow for gas adhesions of preschool children, elderly and persisted persons.

Do not use gas and gas appliances not by purpose.

Do not make unauthorized gasification of the house (apartments), permutation, replacement of gas equipment.

Do not redecessing the room where gas appliances are installed, without coordination with the relevant organizations.

Do not make changes to the design of gas appliances.

Do not change the smoke and ventilation systems, do not stick and unwind ventilation channels, "pockets" and hatches intended for cleaning chimneys.

Do not disconnect the security and regulation automation, do not use the gas with faulty gas devices, automation, reinforcement.

Do not use the premises where gas appliances are installed, for sleep and rest.

Do not use open fire to detect gas leaks

Attention! With the smell of gas it is necessary:

When the smell of gas appears, you must immediately turn off the device, do not light fire, do not turn on and do not turn off the electrical appliances, electric lighting, ventilate.

Close all cranes in gas appliances and in front of them.

Open windows and doors, ventilate the room

Call an emergency brigade by phone 04 (from mobile phones 040).

Take measures to remove people from the ridden zone.

Do not stay indifferent

Passing through the streets of cities, towns, villages, past the hatches of the wells, basements, on stairs of residential and public buildings, do not stay indifferent and do not lose vigilance. If you feel the smell of gas or detect damage to gas pipelines, immediately inform the emergency service of gas farms by phone 04. Remember that gas leaks can lead to an explosion, fire and death of people.

Most of our country's population actively uses household gas, because it is carried out not only in apartments, but also in private houses. Often emergencies arise, especially in non-compliance with safety. Rules for the use of gas in everyday life will allow preventing various unpleasant situations. You only need to use them always.

Gas supply houses

The use of gas for heating / heating water is possible due to the low price of the fossil. After performing primary processing, it is cleaned of impurities, additives. Since the network of gas pipelines is developed, the fuel can be obtained anywhere. Gas is used for:

  • cooking;
  • heating water;
  • heating room.

To prepare food, gas plates are used, which are conveniently connected and work smoothly. If there is no hot water in the house, you can create a heating system. In the absence of central heating in the house you can equip gas. By installing the boiler, you can independently adjust the temperature in the house. For whatever purpose, equipment has been used, it requires proper operation and regular checks.

Responsibilities of the population

Each person must comply with the rules for the use of gas in everyday life. RF regulates this sphere with the help of laws. The population is obliged to know the rules for using gas. Control bodies should issue instructions with instrument guidelines.

It is important to constantly monitor the operation of gas equipment, chimneys, ventilations. Before turning on the gasified oven, you must make sure whether Schieber is open. Requires regular cleansing "pocket" chimney. After using the equipment, it is necessary to close the taps of the instruments, and when installing cylinders, close the valves.

If there is no gas supply, then you need to turn off the burners, and then report this in the emergency service. If technician malfunctioning should be called specialists. If the smell of gas appears, then you need to turn off the device and ventilate the room. Emergency service is called by calling 04.

Necessary rules

Safety in the house provides gas use rules in everyday life. 86-P (the law that entered into force on April 26, 1990) contains the basic rules that make it possible to competently exploit the equipment. Inspection and repair of gas pipelines, according to this document, only specialists who presented the certificate must be performed. When the cylinder is set, the room needs to be released. The fire should be lit only in the absence of gas smell.

Responsibilities of tenants include timely payment for services, the cost of which is established by the supplier. In winter, it is necessary to regularly check the gloves so that they do not froze and not blocked. These elementary rules for using gas in everyday life will allow not to allow many adverse situations.

What to do is prohibited?

The current rules for the use of Gas Gaza will say about the need for events that are needed for good operation of the equipment. At the same time there are prohibited valid for users:

  • independent gasification, permutation, equipment repair;
  • performing redevelopment indoors where gas appliances are present, as well as a change in the area of \u200b\u200brooms without coordination with the relevant authorities;
  • making adjustments to the design of equipment, flue systems, channels;
  • disabling security and regulation automation, as well as operation of faulty devices;
  • gas use if there are violations in the density of masonry, plaster furnaces and chimneys.

What else can I do gas users on their own?

Rules of safe use of gas in everyday life suggest regular checks and cleaning chimney, ventilation. Without it, use the equipment is prohibited. The instruments cannot be used in the rooms where the vents, blinds, faulty ventilation are closed.

The included equipment should not be left unattended. Children should not use it on their own, do it adults. The devices must be used strictly by purpose. It is forbidden to dry the underwear above the equipment. No need to open fire to detect leaks. The devices should not be damaged.

All of these and other norms include the rules for the use of gas in everyday life. 86-P dated 04/26/1990 (order to "Rosstrojification" at the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR) allows you to determine actions for one or another cases. For violation of the rules, administrative liability is provided. Instructing according to the rules for using gas in everyday life, specialists are carried out by services. The tenants are usually issued instructions.

Rules of operation of gas devices

The rules of safe use of gas in everyday life are extremely simple. Before turning on the plate, the room must be ventilated. Equipment cranes must be closed, only then you can turn on the device.

It is necessary to light the match, bring it to the burner, open the switch. Gas should catch fire throughout the burner. The flame is usually calm, bluish. If conforing rings are used, they should be installed with ribs up. No need to include strong fire. If the dishes have a wide bottom, killer rings with high ribs are used.

After boiling the contents of the container, the flame should be reduced. Prepare food, you need to take off the gas carefully. Before using the oven, it should be pre-open for a while. The stove must be clean, otherwise, with incomplete combustion of gas, carbon monoxide is based on.

A responsibility

Violation of the rules for the use of gas in everyday life is punished. This was established by the State Duma with the help of the bill. Failure to fulfill the rules entails administrative responsibility. The following actions are recognized by violations:

  • non-compliance with security requirements;
  • improper use of gas, as well as inaction during equipment breakdown;
  • use of equipment without a service contract;
  • the repair of the device is not a specialist;
  • operation of equipment when his life was held;
  • the use of an instrument recognized as inexpensive repairs;
  • delivery of gas after the expiration of the operation of the device.

For such acts, penalties are provided: for citizens 500-3,000 rubles, for officials - 2.5-5 thousand rubles, and for legal - 5-30 thousand rubles. Based on the violation, an employee of the Government is a protocol.

What to do when leaking gas?

Gas remains dangerous to the life and health of people. He not only poisoned, but also explodes. There is no smell in pure propane, and therefore it will require a special fragment for its recognition. It is necessary to accurately with cylinders, stove.

Even if the leak was detected, it is impossible:

  • repair equipment yourself;
  • tail to the rope pipes and do not use them for grounding;
  • it is impossible to leave working devices unattended.

If there is a strong smell of gas in the room, it is necessary to urgently overlap its feed, and then ventilate the room. You should call emergency service. No need to light fire or use other devices.

Checking gas equipment

Gas devices are considered dangerous, so they are required to check them regularly. Performs this work only a specialist. Warranty service allows you to identify equipment malfunctions.

Gas devices in high-rise buildings are 2 species:

  • outdoor: cranes and risers in the entrance;
  • insecadeurian: equipment in the residential room.

By law, the owner of housing is responsible for the performance of gas devices. The check should be carried out regularly with specialized companies. This work is performed on the basis of the concluded agreement.

Responsibility for the quality of operation of the equipment is assigned to the management companies. Check devices must be performed every year. The contract for the implementation of such services is issued in writing. Control bodies give the rules for the use of gas in everyday life.

Features check

The service involves the execution of the planned check equipment for suitability. Outdoor devices are risers, cranes and other elements of the system located in the entrances. Service is performed by the management organization.

Insecure-quality equipment includes property that is located in a residential room. It can be heating boilers, water heaters, stoves, pipes. The service contract is compiled by the owner of the apartment.

The document is a guarantee of security, as well as the necessary work on the verification and repair of equipment. The agreement with the companies to which the following requirements are imposed:

  • the company performs work on the transportation and distribution of gas;
  • has an agreement with the supplier;
  • the company passes attestation;
  • has emergency dispatch service.

The availability of a maintenance document needs its owner. This means that the initiator of the inspection can be both the owner of the room and the management organization. The implementation of these uncomplicated rules extends the life of the equipment.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations warns - be careful with the household gas, perform all the requirements for the safe operation of gas appliances. To avoid accidents during the operation of gas devices, experts are recommended to comply with the following rules and recommendations:

Acquire gas cylinders and gas equipment follows only in specialized organizations with certificates for the sale of this product. After all, the responsibility for the safe operation of working gas devices and their maintenance in proper condition carry their owners. Never buy gas appliances, including gas cylinders, unauthorized persons.

Annual annual check of gas equipment specialists.

Before opening the gas crane on the stove, bring the burning match to the burner.

Remember that gas in the mixture with air is explosive!

Sources of smelting of the mixture can be: open fire (matches, cigarettes, etc.), an electric spark that occurred when the electrical appliances are turned on and off. In order to avoid poisoning, it is necessary to check the craving before the ignition, immediately after the inclusion of gas devices and, during their work, monitor the health of the ventilation channels, constantly airing the room, especially before bedtime.

Gas cylinders (working and spare) for household gas devices are preferably located outside buildings (in extensions, ground and basement floors, cabinets, or under the housings closing the top of the cylinders or gearboxes) in a deaf simpleness at a distance not closer to 5 m from the entrance to the building. An extension must be made of non-combustible materials.

The extensions and cabinets for gas cylinders should be shut-off on the castle to avoid access to children and unauthorized persons and have blinding blinds.

When using gas in everyday life:

Binding ropes to gas pipelines (the density of threaded compounds is disturbed, gas leakage may occur and, as a result, an explosion); dry underwear and hair over a burning plate;

self removal and repair gas appliances, cylinders, reinforcement; Leave operating gas devices unattended;

allow for the use of gas adhesives for preschool age and persons who do not know the rules of their safe use;

apply an open fire to detect gas leaks (only soap emulsion should be used);

install pressure regulator without a sealing ring or gasket;

bend and twisted the rubber-tissue sleeve (hose), allow damage to the outer layer of the sleeves (cuts, cracks, festers), since gas leak occurs in these places; It is located near the running plate flammable materials and liquids; use the premises where gas appliances for sleep and rest are installed; use gas and gas plates for the heating of the room;

attach the parts of the gas reinforcement using the spar-forming tool; Store spare cylinders.

When leakage from an underground gas pipeline gas through a loose soil or slit in the foundation can penetrate the basement of a residential building. Having found the smell of gas, it is necessary to protect the entrance to the basement, make sure that it is not smoking near and did not burn fire, ensure the ventilation of the basement, the entrance and cause emergency service.

With a malfunction of gas equipment or with the smell of gas, immediately stop using the instrument, block the taps on the plate and the valve on the cylinder or checkbox on the gearbox, call the emergency service by phone "04" and thoroughly air the room. At this time, do not use open fire, do not turn on and do not turn off the electrical appliances and electric lights.

The Department of Supervisory Activities of the Leningrad District reminds the population about fire safety measures when using gas equipment.

75% of fires from the total number of them occurring around, arise in residential buildings. Fires destroy homemade property, apply material damage to state and owners. People die.

Remember that you are responsible for the health of the gas equipment inside the apartment. When selling, any gas unit must be equipped with an instruction manual. The person setting the apparatus must give you a document certifying that the work is made in accordance with the technical standards and safety rules. Flexible hoses should be shorter (no more than 2M). Make sure they are tight on the crane. The maximum service life of the flexible hose is four years, (the limit can be affixed on the hose), but caution requires replacing it every two years. The clamping hose clamp should provide complete sealing, but do not try to clamp it too much, as it can break through the hose and cause gas leakage. Do not forget that the gas used in everyday life is explosive, therefore, when using gas devices, it is necessary to comply with the rules of fire safety!

Methods for detection of gas leakage

Approximately. On the surface of soapy water, poured along the gas pipes, bubbles are formed in the leakage places.

Aurally. In the case of a strong leakage, the gas bursts with a whistle.

By smell. A characteristic smell that highlights gas becomes stronger near the leakage. Never look for a gas leakage place with an open flame, such as burning matches. Try to stop the gas supply if possible. Be sure to call firefighters.

When using gas appliances, the following security measures should be performed:

Constantly check the craving, hold the windows in the rooms where gas devices are installed open. Burning gas burns oxygen; Therefore, it is necessary that constant ventilation is provided in the room. Do not plug ventilation holes in winter.

Do not leave the operating gas devices unattended if they do not have the appropriate automation and are not designed for continuous operation.

Do not use gas stoves for heating, and rooms where gas appliances are installed, for sleep and leisure.

At the end of the use of the gas, close the cranes on gas devices, the valves in front of them, and when using cylinders - and valves of cylinders;

Regularly check the tightness of the hoses and threaded connections on pipes with soap foam;

Keep the gas stove clean;

leaving the apartment, overlap the gas on the pipeline pipe or twist the valve on the gas cylinder.

Remember, usually gas leaks occur as a result of a breakdown of a hose connecting the gas pipeline with a stove, depressurization of threaded compounds, the forgetfulness of people leaving the valves open, the pranks of children, pouring the flame with water, overflowing through the edge of the dishes.

What to do in case of gas leakage

Avoid any actions that cause sparking and an increase in air temperature. Do not touch the electric switches - this can also cause the appearance of a spark. Ensure intensive ventilation of the room by opening all the windows. Remove all those present. Stop, if possible, the supply of gas. Call the wizard.

Gas caught fire at the place of leakage: while the gas is burning, there is no danger of an explosion. Never blow the flame, as this can lead to a catastrophe of gas and air form an explosive mixture, and if there is a source of ignition (superheated metal, burning coals, sparks, electrodes, etc.) an explosion is inevitable. Make sure that the objects located nearby are not tanned. Call leakage with compressed gas.

As a rule, leakage occurs in the connection site of the cylinder with a flexible hose. With this damage, it is temporarily to cover with a wet rag. If you can, remove the balloon into the street. If it is not for you, it's good to ventilate the room. Avoid any actions that cause an increase in air temperature. Immediately return the supplier's cylinder. One of the reasons for the background of ignition is a violation of safety rules when using a gas stove and risers on the first floors. So, someone from family members includes a gas stove, puts on it capacity for cooking or heating food and is distracted for a long time to other things, forgetting that hot cooking utensils, burned foods, boiling water can create a fire-hazardous situation in Apartment. To avoid a fire when using gas devices, we strongly recommend remembering and complying with the rules proven in practice:

Special attention must be paid to the use of gas risers on the first floors in the summer: negligent residents in inexperience or deliberately during the lack of in the apartment overlap the gas cranes on the first floor gas parking lot, which is very dangerous, for thereby overlaps the entire gas system in the house that It is fraught with the most serious consequences to the fire and death of people.

In case of danger, if residents are absent for a long time, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Emergency Situations will be attracted to open apartments.

Fire on a cylinder with compressed gas. Try to close the crane, wrapped your hands with a wet rag. If it is impossible (fire on the gasket, the crane is deformed as a result of heating), do not blown the flame, as it can lead to an explosion. Immediately call firefighters and try to protect the objects located nearby from the flamm. Never rearrange the cylinder with compressed gas until it cooled: it may explode from the slightest push.

Do not:

To allow for the use of gas appliances children of preschool age, persons who do not control their actions and not knowing the rules for using these devices.

Store indoors and basements empty and filled with liquefied gases cylinders. Have in a gasified room more than one balloon with a capacity of 50 (55) l or two cylinders 27l (one of them spare).

Place the cylinders against the furnaces of the furnaces at a distance of less than 2m from them. Gas use gas: with a malfunction of gas devices, the absence of thrust, detect gas leakage, without checking the state of flue and ventilation channels.

Any unauthorized actions with gas equipment, gasification without appropriate permits, attracting random individuals for repair and permutation of gas devices. All types of gas-related work should be carried out only by specialized organizations.

The population using gas in everyday life:

Turn into instructing on the safe use of gas in the operational organization of the gas economy, to have and follow the instructions for instructing the instruments.

Monitor the normal operation of gas devices, chimneys and ventilation, check the craving to inclusion and during the operation of gas devices with a discharge of combustion products into the chimney. Before using the gasified furnace, check whether the Schieber is open. Periodically purify the "pocket" of the chimney.

At the end of the use of gas, close the cranes on gas devices and in front of them, and when placing cylinders inside the kitchens, additionally close the valves from cylinders. If gas equipment malfunction is caused by gas economics employees. With a sudden cessation of gas supply to close immediately cranes of gas appliances burners and inform the gas service by phone 04

Before entering the basements and cellars, to the inclusion of light and the ignition of the fire, will be convinced of the absence of gas smell.

When the smell is found, the basement, the entrance, in the courtyard, on the street: inform the surrounding about the precautions; report on the gas service by phone 04 from an ungassed place; take measures to remove people from the ridden environment, preventing inclusion - shutting down the electrical displacement, the appearance of open fire and spark; Before the arrival of the emergency brigade, arrange the air ventilation. Be careful with gas! Your forgetfulness, inattention can cause trouble you, your loved ones and neighbors. Only the skillful handling of gas devices and knowledge of the rules for using gas will help you avoid accidents.

Press Service Management for YUAO

Main Directorate of EMERCOM of Russia in Moscow