Repairs Design Furniture

Drainage at home on clay soils. How to make drainage foundation at home with your own hands on clay soils. Closed drainage type

The drainage of the site is carried out in order to drain the surface of the soil from excessive moisture due to the passage under ground of groundwater. The oversupply of moisture in the ground threatens the destruction of residential structures, an obstacle to vegetation growth, and also affects the full operation of the sewage. Therefore, make a drainage system for its estate located on clay soil - task number 1 for each owner. And how to do it with your own hands, tell me in the article.

View of the drainage system

When solving, create a drainage of the site should be planned to plan the location of the deduction system itself. The decision is based on the soil type and its relief. The drainage type system is necessary where:

    clay area of \u200b\u200bthe site: if you do not install the system on the surface of such a soil, water will occur;

    sex area of \u200b\u200bthe site with the presence of ground movements;

    private territory is located on the descent: in the rainy season, the water flows down the slope, falling on the living area, which threatens the destruction of buildings.

The drainage design can be used on any estate with individual conditions. Modern construction uses such systems as superficial and closed drainage.

Superficial drainage type

Open waste construction is a simple way to derive water from a plot after rain or melting snow. Make your own hands with minimal expenses this drainage is easy. To do this, throughout the residential area of \u200b\u200bthe site, you need to dig a trench with a width and a depth of 50 cm. The edge of the trench, from where the drains come from, must be made in the form of a cut at an angle of 30 degrees. Such an action makes it easier to drain the water in the pit. Further, all dug apartments must be connected to one channel, which displays a drainage well.

The system for home after installation should be tested for strength. For this, it is poured with water and is checked, which direction will go streams. If during testing water does not pass, it means that the installation angle is laid incorrectly, and the highway must be remade.

Such a surface method displays excessive moisture from the surface of the Earth. To give an aesthetic appearance of the drainage highway, it falls asleep by rubble, stone.

Closed drainage type

Closed drainage for the house is necessary if the groundwater level is low. Conducting deep waste system will be needed to avoid flooding of basements, cellars and a digestion of centralized sewage to the house.

For such purposes, a pipeline drainage is carried out. Before the start of the work, the place and depth of the future pit is determined. For the clay area on which residential buildings are located, you need to make a ditch with a depth of 60-80 cm, for combined - 85-90 cm, and for sandy - 1 meter. After the best way to lay the pipeline is selected.

Select pipes for drainage system

For the drainage structure of the private structure, pipes made of corrugated type plastic are used. To carry out the drainage with your own hands, it is worth remembering that the selected installation method depends on the type of terrain:

    Grinding ground - corrugated pipeline is carried out without filtering material.

    Clay soil - without lack of filtering, but using gravel strokes and sand is not less than 20 cm high.

    Sugilous soil - the pipe is processed by geotextile to protect against the hole.

    Sand soil - apply geotextile as a filter with a layer of rubble in a circle of the pipeline.

Even in the absence of skills in construction work, drainage for a private house and its holding will take no more than two weeks.

Stages of construction system

After choosing a place on the site and material of the product, you can start a mounting part of construction. First of all, the ditch of the desired depth near the house is reaping. The bottom of the trench is stacked by geotextiles. The material is spreads to the entire surface with the place for the adolescence. Geotextile is better to choose on a soft basis so that the water absorption is better.

If it is decided not to apply geomaterial, the bottom of the trench can be made from a crub-sand-sand layer with a height of 15 cm. After laying a pipeline with the use of a triple device for connecting. The pipe from above is rambling with sand and rubble, and the surface falls asleep ground.

There are different ways to output unnecessary water from the site. It is possible for such purposes to install a waste well, which is constructed with your own hands using concrete rings or a finished plastic product. The drainage pipeline is lowered into the well, and a pipe or a pump for collecting extra moisture is installed on the surface of the site.

The drainage system with their own hands is not a time-consuming process, it does not require the availability of specialized equipment or attracting professionals. An open and closed-type drainage for a plot with clay soil type will make it possible to completely remove the excess moisture from the surface of the soil, thus releasing the construction from premature destruction.

Excess water in the country area leads to the flushed of soil, reducing the yield of garden crops, deformation of residential and economic buildings. In this case, everyone who faced such a problem is important to know how to dry the area from the water with their own hands.

What affects the choice of draining method

The accumulation of water on the plot can occur for many reasons, but the main ones are the following:

  • raising groundwater levels;
  • the site is located in lowlands, which contributes to the rapid accumulation of atmospheric precipitation;
  • clay and thin soils with low moisture-absorption coefficient.

The most problematic places on the site are determined in the offseason, when the maximum amount of precipitation falls out, the early spring and late autumn. Pull the water from the site is recommended in the arid period - in the summer.

The rapid drainage of the land plot is carried out by several methods. When choosing a suitable solution to the problem, it is necessary to take into account the main factors:

  • type and level of water permeability;
  • land size;
  • optimal level of water reduction;
  • period of drying down the soil from groundwater;
  • ready buildings on a plot requiring drainage;
  • the direction of underground sources;
  • the presence and type of vegetation.

The most popular methods of land drainage on the site are a drainage system, waste pens and ditches, landscape design elements, moisture shrubs and trees.

Closed and open drainage systems

Modern drainage systems make it possible to quickly and efficiently get rid of excess fluid on the site. A simple drainage consists of a pipeline and a water receiver. As a water receiver, a stream, a lake, river, ravine or a ditch can be used.

The drainage system is shut-off from the water receiver to the land plot with the optimal distance between its main elements. On dense soils with a large clay content, the distance between individual drains should be 8-10 meters, on bulk and bunched soils - up to 18 meters.

Open drainage

The open or French drainage system is a shallow ditch, the bottom of which is filled with small gravel and stones. Similar drainage is quite simple: a ditch of a small depth of the effluent is digging into a drainage well or a deep trench to the level of the sandy layer, which is used as a drainage pillow.

The drainage well size of 1 × 1 m may have a closed and open design, its bottom is filled with the gravel of the middle fraction and brick fighting. Such structures are not clogged, but filled with soil, which is washed out with water. For this reason, dry the well of this type is much more complicated than the open sew channel.

Closed drainage

A technically complex device that will quickly remove excess water and will not allow its stress. The arrangement of the closed drainage is carried out using clay pipes or asbetzament with styling in a certain order - in a straight line or christmas tree. Closed-type drainage is suitable for plots located under a slight bias, which provides a natural flow of water.

Closed drainages are often combined with drainage systems, allowing water from the base of the house.

Waste pit and ditch

Many owners choose a sufficient easy way to solve problems with the drainage of sections, digging waste pensions and ditches. The conquer-shaped hole arrangement is performed as follows: At the bottom point, it is necessary to dug up to 100 cm with a depth of 100 cm, the width is up to 200 cm at the top and 55 cm on the bottom. The drainage system is quite effective, since the excess moisture can be removed into the waste pits without the use of additional funds.

The process of arrangement of waste canvas is more laborious, but no less effective. On the entire perimeter of the territory, the ditches are broken - the depth and width is 45 cm. The walls are performed at an angle of 25 degrees. The bottom is laid out with a brick fight or gravel. The main disadvantage of the canvas is their gradual squeezing, therefore it is necessary to carry out timely cleaning and strengthening the walls by boards or concrete slabs.

Landscape design elements - streams and ponds

Effectively get rid of excess water on the plot due to the arrangement of artificial ponds and streams. Similar elements of landscape design can be organized in areas located under a slight inclination.

Water sources are better to arrange in darkened places to avoid water flowering. The bottom of the artificial pond is laid out by a stone or geotextile.

To strengthen the effect, a moisture-loving vegetation can be planted next to the artificial reservoir - shrubs, plants, grass.

Such landscape forms constructively resemble the French drainage system, since they are equipped with the same principle.

Moofable plantings - shrubs, trees and grass

For the drainage of the soil, moisture-boring trees, shrubs and herbs, which are capable of pumping excess water are used.

So that green plantings remove moisture, you need to know which varieties are recommended to plant on the site. Such plantations include: Iva, Birch, Maple, Alder and Topol.

Shrubs are equally in demand: hawthorn, rosehip and bubbler. In wet soils, hydrangea, Irga, Spiray, Chubushnik and Amur Lilac are developing.

In order to give the site of attractiveness and aesthetics, the moisture-loving garden flowers are attracted - Iris, Akvilia and Astra.

Too moistened soil is not suitable for growing fruit trees - pears, apple trees, drain and apricots. Therefore, when choosing trees, it is better to give preference to seedlings with a surface root system. Trees landing is carried out on elevations height up to 55 cm.

To do this, the peg is driven into the soil, the land around it is drunk to a depth of 25 cm. The prepared seedling is bred to the peg, the roots are sprinkled with the addition of humus. Root neck remains naked to 8 cm above the ground.

After completion of the landing, the seedlock is abundantly watering to get rid of the aircraft between the root system and the soil.

Important! Excessively wet soil has increased acidity, so when draining it is recommended to further hold it. This will improve the quality of the soil for further garden and economic work.

During operation, the state of the soil on the site is carefully checked, since excess moisture is capable of providing a negative impact on garden crops, residential and economic buildings. The soil drainage procedure is recommended to be carried out simultaneously with lime.

Now each landowner knows the answer to the question of how to get rid of the water on the site and make it right. This will require free time, desire and financial investments.

When designing and building a house, it is important to take into account the features of the soils. This refers to their composition, carrying capacity and the presence of ground and surface water. Wet soil is more prone to beagration, which leads to the deformations of the foundation. In addition to directly groundwater, which come to the foundation from the depth of the soil, the surface moisture is adversely on the design, which falls on the soil from the atmosphere.

Water removal systems

The problem of a high water level on the plot needs to be solved comprehensively. To begin with, it is important to carry out geological surveys to determine the level of groundwater and their presence in the soil. For this, a certain number of shurts are arranged, each of which measure the level of copied moisture. These data will be required further for design and drainage.

In general, two types of drainage are arranged on the site:

  • superficial, which is a storm sewer;
  • depth - to reduce groundwater levels.

The surface drainage is a system of elements through which the atmospheric water is assembled into special trays and ditch and is discharged into the nearest reservoirs, a network of storm sewage or in the soil. Water is collected from the roofs through the chute and the surface of the soil.

The depth drainage is also called the drainage system of the site. They are located under the surface of the soil and is a system of pipelines, water from which is also discharged outside the territory. Drainage of clay soil is especially important, as this soil is not able to absorb water.

Features of clay soils

With well-structured soil, water that appears in excess quantities, the surface itself is left from the surface and from the thickness of the base. Special events are needed. Clay bases are dangerous in that the surface water is unable to dig in them. In some cases, this leads to a plot wetland. This makes it difficult to use it for agricultural purposes, and also leads to a constant threat to the wetting of basements and the destruction of the foundations.

Special requirements for drainage must be installed in such cases:

  • For heavy clay soils. Such land is undergoing for long intervals. This is especially dangerous in regions with long precipitation.
  • Medium-structured soils in regions with plenty of precipitation. These are light clay and loam, which are generally able to absorb some amount of moisture.

How to make drainage on the clay plot and what materials are used for this? We will analyze this question more.


What materials are necessary for work? The main element of the drainage is a pipe. For the system use perforated tubes in which moisture from the soil is selected. The tubes are stacked under the slope and connect to the main channel. By which the water is discharged into the well or in the reservoir. In general, the diagram of a device of the deep drainage, regardless of the scope of application (the protection of the foundation, use on agricultural land for the fencing of plants from excessive moisture) consists of such elements:

  1. Water receiver. For these purposes, or use natural education (rivers, lakes, channels), or arranged wells. For small sites, wells are used more often, in which water from the collectors. From the wells themselves, water seeps into the ground, if it is able to take moisture at a depth, or pumps pumps as it fills in natural reservoirs.
  2. Main canal. It is paired from the most sublime point of the site to the bottom. On this channel flows all the collected moisture system. For small drainage systems, it is not used.
  3. Closed collectors. These are pipelines in which moisture is assembled from several drainage pipes.
  4. Watching wells.
  5. Drainage pipelines.

Products made of plastic, ceramic holes or asbestos-cement pipes with propuls are used as pipes. Now the perforated pipes from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or polyethylene (PE) are used. PE pipes are more flexible, which expands the scope of their use. Specialized drainage pipelines have perforations manufactured. For them, filtering systems from coconut fiber or geotextiles are used.

The main advantages of plastic drainage pipelines:

  • ease;
  • easy installation;
  • corrugated pipe wall allows you to protect perforation from dirt sticking;
  • flexibility of application.

How to make drainage foundation on clay soil? Consider stages to introduce such a system on a problem area.

Drainage device on clay soil

Before starting work, it is necessary to conduct some calculations and choose the scheme and the materials used. For small sites, this can be done on your own:

  1. First of all, the relief and slopes are determined. To do this, it is necessary to study the topographic plan or measure the level with a level. It is important to determine the most elevated and least low points on the surface of the site.
  2. In terms of section, the main canal is paved. It is located from the upper point to the bottom. If a plot without slope, the channel trace arbitrarily. In this case, it is important to arrange a bias artificially.
  3. Drainage pipelines are being laid in such a way that the distance between them is no more than 10 meters, and they have been glad to the trunk canal.
  4. Determine water collection sites. To do this, use natural and artificial ditches outside the site or arrange other elements. For example, reservoirs. It can be a decorative pond. Also used team wells. In this case, the water from them is drainaged by drainage pumps. There is also an option that sandy soil will be at the bottom of the well, which can absorb the accumulated moisture.

After preparation and planning, it is proceeded with the device drainage on clay soils with their own hands:

  1. Perform earthworks. To do this, stick trenches for trunk and drainage pipelines. The depth of the trench is selected depending on the lower level of the foundation. On average, they are placed at a depth of 1-1.5 m. If a house with a basement is planned, then drainage pipes must be opened below the basement floor level. The width of the trench is 0.3-0.4 m. No need to forget about the slope. In addition to the main channel, it is also necessary for the basic drainage pipes at the rate of 1 cm of the slope per 1 m channel or pipeline.
  2. In places of the wells, pit holes under the dimensions of products.
  3. The bottom of the trench is lined with geotextiles.
  4. Crushed stone (10-20 cm) is poured into geotextile.
  5. Next, there are directly pipelines.
  6. If necessary, drainage pumps and pipelines are installed in the wells from them outside the site.
  7. After laying, it is not necessary to immediately fall asleep the system of soil. You need to check it. For this, precipitation is waiting or used water from the hose. It is necessary to check the water duct on all pipelines. If necessary, change the bias or pave additional pipes between the projected.

After checking the trenches, falling asleep. The system is ready for use! Do not forget about regular maintenance and cleaning of drainage wells, livnerymics and canals. The system is designed for work over the years.

Storm and melting water deliver many problems to the owners of areas with dense and heavy clay soils. Capital and temporary buildings are destroyed by moisture, garden trees, lawn grass, cultural plants are discomfort. Competently constructed drainage on a plot with clay soil will be the right solution and protection against trouble. If it is not done, then the flooded foundations at the occurrence of cold weather are impaired and destroyed. The root system of green plantings receives little needed for the growth of oxygen, as a result of the plant, the plants are accurate and disappear. The drainage of the plot on clay soils can be performed with their own hands, following the scheme.

Problems of clay soil

Clay soil is a big enemy of the foundation of the house and household buildings, trees and shrubs. The absence of a slope for the natural water removal makes it difficult to carry out agrotechnical seasonal work, reduces the comfort of life. Sticky dirt does not allow walking along the site, engage in current affairs. During the rain, the lawn becomes similar to the swamp, and after drying the upper layer is covered with a crust, which is difficult to smash even to garden inventory. In the clay area, vegetables on the beds are poorly ripen, there is a gradual destruction of the waterproofing of the foundation.

It is possible to determine the level of permeability of the soil. To do this, dig a hole with a depth of 0.5 m, filled with water. On a plot with a good drainage, all the moisture is absorbed into the ground. If water remained even in a minor quantity, then a drainage system is needed. Drainage on the clay plot will be excellent access to waters. The owners will be able to appreciate his benefit when the soil gradually dry, and the harvest of the garden and the garden will delight abundance.

Drainage types

In areas with clay soil, a device of drainage systems of several species is allowed:

  • superficial;
  • depth;
  • reservoir.

Surface drainage is suitable for sites with a small natural bias. Shallow canals are paved along the surface of the soil. On clay soils, drainage is organized around the perimeter of sites for recreation, lawns, buildings along the tracks. Water moves along the plastic channels by gravity, is collected in a certain place in a special well. It can be used for watering, cleaning, or derived beyond the site.

The deep drainage of the site with their own hands on clay soils is performed if necessary, remove a significant amount of water. It flows through the pipelines laid underground. The system includes one or more channels, the depth of which is in the width of 0.5 m, and the depth of 1.2 m. Drainage pipes lead to the watershedral - well. In large areas, there are basic mainstone channels and additional side lines to maximize coverage of stagnant water.

Plasty drainage is a kind of depth, since its parts are placed at great depth. The channel system is designed to remove water, constantly approaching the foundation of the construction. The installation of pipes is carried out at the bottom point of the foundation. Water leaves the drainage tubes located around the perimeter.

Drainage diagram and device

The drainage diagram of the plot of clay soils is determined with the area of \u200b\u200bthe area and the amount of moisture, including high groundwater, snow, precipitation. Inexpensive in the device, the surface drainage is considered an option, and the construction work requiring financial investments and the fulfillment of construction works is illuminated. Combining on clay sections of two systems will increase the quality and time of drainage of the soil. Drainage diagram of the site and engineering calculations are compiled to perform work on a large area. The arrangement of the drainage for small sections does not require the preparation of the plan, but it is important to take into account landscape features.

The channel system consists of central drainage and additional side branches. The distance between the auxiliary tracks is at least 10 meters, they come under an acute angle to the main highway. The diameter of the central pipe is 100 mm, an additional 500-650 mm. The collection of water occurs in a well with a drainage pump, in a pond, reservoir, channels along the road.

The question of how to make drainage on the clay plot is set by owners of their own homes and cottages. Works start with ground removal, on a flat landscape there is a natural slope. The depth of the channels is from 0.4 to 1.2 meters. On the bottom of the side and main ditches laid the sand with a thickness of 15 cm, which is compacted, and on top they fall asleep crushed stone or clay.

In finished trenches, perforated plastic pipes wrapped with geotextile tissue are placed. For the connection, crossmen and tees are used. From above, the pipes fall asleep, the layer of sand, duck up, the thickness of the layer is at least 15 cm. In a concrete or plastic well, water comes in gravity, a drainage pump is used to remove excess sumps.

To maintain the effective work of the drainage system, periodic inspection and cleaning of wells are required. Using manual cleaning, it is manifested on the open-type drainage. Full-scale cleaning are performed by specialists using cleaning tools and pneumatic installations.

The flooding of the site with soil and thawed waters may be a real disaster for its owner. The sediments are also able to contribute to the violation of the soil structure. It is especially bad for the owners of the Earth, consisting mainly of clay or loam, since the clay is strongly detaining the water, with difficulty passing it through itself. In these cases, the sole rescue may be correctly built drainage. For such soil, he has its own characteristics. Therefore, consider how to make a drainage of the site with your own hands on clay soils.

Plants suffer from the re-fulfillment of moisture in the first place. Their roots are not obtained by the amount of oxygen necessary for the development. The result turns out to be a deplorable - plants first come, and then they disappear at all. Moreover, this also applies to cultural plants, and to lawn herbs. Even in cases where clay from above is covered with a layer of fertile soil, water departing will be difficult.

It is also important to comfort work on the site, because in the absence of drain, even a small rain is capable of turning clay soil in a swamp. It is impossible to work on such land for several days.

When the water does not leave for a long time, the risk of flooding the foundation and its freezing during cold weather occurs. Even very good waterproofing is not capable of protecting the foundation from destruction, since it itself can be destroyed by frozen moisture.

We conclude: the drainage of the plot from groundwater is simply necessary. And if it is not yet done, then you should not postpone its construction.

Preparation for the construction of a drainage system

Before choosing a type of drainage system, an analysis of your site should be analyzed.

Attention is drawn to the following points:

  • Soil structure. In our case, clay is considered, which is not able to quickly pass water;
  • Source of high moisture. It can be frequent precipitation or groundwater closer to the surface;
  • The type of drainage is selected or several types are combined;
  • The plan for the location of drainage trenches, revision and catchment wells is drawn up. The plan indicates the depth of finding the drain, the size of all elements of the system, their slope relative to the surface of the soil. The plan will allow you to quickly find the location of all elements of the system.

After such training, the construction of the area drainage is proceeded with their own hands on clay soils. Consider what kind of drainage it happens, and which one is better suited to the clay area.

Types of drainage systems

Drainage on the clay area can be superficial, deep or reservoir. Sometimes it is advisable to combine several of these species to achieve the greatest drainage efficiency.

Surface drainage

If the site has at least a small natural bias, it creates additional benefits for surface drainage. Water flows by itself along the channels in the reserved place on the site. Such channels are located on the surface of the soil, slightly deepening them into the ground. Surface drainage of the area on clay soils can be laid on almost any level places: along the tracks, around the structure, around the perimeter of lawns, near platforms for recreation and in other places.

Plasty drainage

This variety of drainage is created even before the construction of the foundation. The soil is deepened below its location at least 20 cm. The soil layer is also laid wider location of the foundation. On the bottom of the pit, rubble layer 20 cm laying up, and drainage pipes are located around the perimeter. All the moisture penetrating under the foundation is collected in the pipes, from where it is excreted from separately paved pipelines into the catchment wells.

Tip: Depth of finding a reservoir drainage should exceed the depth of the clay soil. In this case, the drainage will be as efficient as possible.

This kind of drainage is quite laborious, therefore it is used less often, although it is useful for clay soils.

Caring for the drainage system consists only in its cleaning and pumping of water from the collector well. If everything is done correctly, then no clay on the plot can darken your mood and destroy the plants grown.