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How much time continues breaking in drug addicts. What is "breaking" among drug addicts? Potential risk of breaking

You do not need to be an expert in the field of narcology in order to understand that the refusal of drug treatment after their long-term use necessarily leads to the abolition syndrome, better known in everyday life as "breaking" drug addict. The negative effect of breaking completely levels the pleasant feelings from the drug reception, destroys the human body from the inside and causes irreparable damage to the nervous system and intellectual abilities.

Abstineent syndrome and its manifestations

Medicine The totality of symptoms of breaking - somatic and mental effects caused by the abandonment of drug treatment or a decrease in its dose is called abstinence syndrome. An abstitent syndrome is a mandatory consequence of physical dependence on certain substances.

The way the drug breaks is manifested how hard it proceeds how much it lasts - it depends, first of all, on the ability of a narcotic substance to integrate into the metabolic system of the drug addict. The most aggressive in this regard the substance of the Opiato family.

The reception of opiates inevitably leads to severe dependence, and the refusal of their acceptance or a decrease in the necessary dose leads to the extremely acute form of the abstinence syndrome. In particular, the abstinence after acceptance of methadone can last about a month. Attempts to relieve breaking at home almost always lead to a breakdown. Sometimes they end in the death of the patient.

It is also worth noting that a number of gallucinogenic substances does not cause physical dependence in consisting of physical dependence, and therefore does not lead to the manifestation of the abstinence syndrome. However, this is only the top of the iceberg, because the hallucinogens often provoke the development of another dependence - psychological. Without accepting such substances, the life of a drug addict loses their paints, and he himself tries at any price to find another dose.

Causes of manifestation of breaking in drug addict

With confidence it can be said that breaking is a natural consequence of drug reception. The first thing they act is - nervous system. Special chemicals are responsible for the transfer of nerve signals in the human brain - neurotransmitters. It is the functioning of neurotransmitters that allows a person to move adequately and think. In addition, neurotransmitters control the work of all organs.

Finding into the body, the narcotic remedy replaces certain groups of neurotransmitters, disturbing the standard course of nervous processes. The brain gets a peculiar signal that in the development of neurotransmitters of a certain group there is no longer anything, because they come from outside, and reduces their production.

The cessation of drug use provokes the crisis of the nervous system and the exposure to the work of organs and systems - there are symptoms that we call the breakdown from drugs. This effect It can continue from the pair of hours to several weeks.

At this time, the drug addict is trying to recover with an unexpected impact and restore independent synthesis of missing neurotransmitters. For this purpose, the internal resources of the body are used, and in a sufficiently large quantity.

How many days, weeks or hours do this struggle lasts - depends on many factors:

  • common states of man,
  • duration of the drug addict
  • the species of the drug used.

Success is far from always: if the body is not necessary for the synthesis of the neurotransmitter of the elements, then all the forces will be wedged. To remove the breakdown in this case, you need to either take a new dose (take another step to death) or to detoxify the body in a specialized clinic.

Symptoms of drug addicts

Depending on the drugs under consideration and on the characteristics of the organism, the drug addict, the abstineent syndrome can manifest itself in different ways.

Anyway, the clinical picture of breaking is often manifested in the following symptoms:

  • discharge of mucus from the nose;
  • body temperature differences;
  • internal discomfort;
  • pain;
  • the general weakness of the body, the lack of forces;
  • poor mood, depression, aggression

In connection with the heavy domestic struggle in the body, the body temperature during breaking jumps from reduced to elevated, which causes the addict of a lawyer of chills. Therefore, most often during breakdown, drug addicts are trying as warm as possible to wonder, to retire from society of other people. The circulation of toxins in the body leads to muscle pain, which is complemented by severe dehydration due to sweating, vomiting and diarrhea. In addition, during the breakdown, there is also a violation of the sleep cycle: the patient simply cannot find the provisions in which it would be comfortable to fall asleep.

How to help drug addict

Seeing the state of drug addicted during the period of abstineent syndrome, close, relatives, friends, and just not indifferent people ask themselves the same question: "How to facilitate the torment of the suffering?".

The first and most important thing is never to offer such a person a new dose - no matter how he asked you about it. The new dose in such a situation is similar to the pushing in the abyss with the promise of a pleasant flight.

Remember that only units can cope with drug addiction independently, and even if the drug reception period was completely insignificant.

The best way to alleviate unpleasant symptoms of abstinence will be the appeal to the clinic to start treating drug addiction.

Drug addiction is the scary kind of changed consciousness, which can only be obsessed. Drug use is a severe vice of modernity. This is why the youth die, and without moving the real taste healthy Life. Each fifth resident of the planet is currently exposed to narcotic substances, at least as a sample. But the whole point is that the drug is a substance provoking addiction. It will undoubtedly make a man want to use him again and again. The next time, when he wants to get a dose, but there will be no drug breaking near it, the dependent person will begin a narcotic break.


Human nature is unchanged. The current state of affairs and life alignment is arranged in such a way that the current society is inherent permissiveness. The corruption of the authorities and the shortcomings of the Criminal Code give the current youth the opportunity to implement illegal actions, and especially these actions are directed against themselves. This applies directly by the young generation of forbidden substances that change the consciousness, namely drugs.

Drugs are not only afraid of direct effect on human bodyThey are incredibly dangerous in painful consequences for the addict. One of the most severe consequences for a dependent person is breaking. What does this pathological state manifest itself? What is specifically due to his appearance? And what is breaking in its definition?

The concept of breaking means nothing more than a significant deterioration in the state of the health of the previously used human drugs caused by its dependence on psychotropic substances and burning the desire to consume a new dose again. This name of this state is used by people in the surprise, in fact it is called (breaking) - this is a drug addict in contention conditions from drugs with a concomitant physical and mental disorder, manifested in the most severe painful sensations of muscles and joints, as well as psycho-emotional irritation, remotely reminiscent According to symptoms of madness.

Brokes like a disease

In fact, such a dissonance state can be safely equated to painful. The fact is that the degree of manifestation of symptoms of breaking is identified with the level of deterioration of human health due to a serious illness. It should be noted that this spectacle is not pleasant: not only appearance The suffering addict leaves, to put it mildly, to desire the best, so also his convulsion convulsions and heartbreaking moans lead to horror with their unrestrained manifestation of pain. Such pathology, which is manifested due to a lack of narcotic substance, the drug addicts themselves consider something much more terrible than just a disease. But they still unable to refuse to use psychotropic substances, even after squeezing in the body.

Changes in the body

To understand what a drug addictive person feels at the time of abstinence, you need to try to imagine its feeling before the use of malicious substances and directly at the time of the implementation of detrimental injections, inhalation or oral method of poisoning with synthetic drugs. Imagine a healthy person who lives his life with his set of hormones, which periodically give him the joy, then sadness, then a balance of balanced equilibrium.

And this person is influenced by poisonous substances in the form of drugs. For the first time, he tries psychotropic substance, and the result exceeds all his expectations: the mood is improving at times, everything is going on at work, everything is fine, everything is fine - everything around turns away with legs on the head, in a good sense of the word, of course, if you can To express Hormones of happiness increases by virtue of the ingress of the stimulating chemical compound in the form of a drug in the form of a drug, and the dose of the "Kaifun" man. But after the end of the actions of the drug, everything not only returns to its places, but it becomes even somehow a little worse than it was before. I just had a poison, an unhappy fool, I want to feel the Euphoria again, and he again goes for a dose of hallucinogen, changing not only his consciousness, but also all systemic processes of the body. Facely affecting their functioning, health condition and appearance in general. It is no wonder that once not accepted after regular use of the dose of poisonous drugs subsequently will certainly lead to a breakdown of a drug addicted person. Already a drug addict.

Negative consequences

The consequences of abstinence are really scary. Caused by the regular use of psychotropic substances of the drug addict, as a result of drug intake, leads to incredibly fast exhaustion immune system. As a result, the dependent person cannot even cope with the usual cold, not to mention more serious illnesses. By itself, dependence on hallucinogenic drugs is already a terrible disease. Its destructive impact is reflected on all systems of functioning of the body:

  • The cardiovascular system . Drug addicts often die from heart attacks and strokes, due to the strongest pressure jumps and a detrimental effect on brain centers that are responsible for heart activities.
  • Respiratory system. Developing pneumonia and oxygen shortage lead to brain hypoxia.
  • Digestive tract. The receiving drugs people often absent appetite, the splitting enzymes cease to be produced, as a result of which the weight is reduced, the pancreas dysfunction appears, liver cirrhosis develops.
  • Bones. Poisonous chemical compounds lead to the purulent decomposition of the bone apparatus of the body, and first of all suffers from the jaw department.
  • Nervous and mental systems. Often experienced breakdowns in drug-dependent leading to the tremor of the limbs, a violation of the coordination apparatus, depressed by depression and contribute to subsequent suicidal impulses.

It should be noted that drug addicts live on average 20-30 years old less than healthy people. And no drug addict dies natural death. Breaking is a kind of signal to a drug addicted person that in case of continuing to the drug activities, his days will be considered in as soon as possible.


Often, relatives and close addicts do not know what happens to him, until the above consequences from the reception of drugs and the abstinence syndrome. But how to determine a terrible disease at the unfortunate people in advance? What are the symptoms of breaking in drug addicts?

The initial manifestations of abstinence in drug addicts occur in the form of light ailment, weaknesses and chills. At the psycho-emotional level there is a significant deterioration in the mood. Later, the patient (and the drug addict can be deserved to be called a sick person) there is an increase in temperature, which is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. All this is accompanied by tearing and runny nose, so this condition is easy to confuse with a cold. But further sharp cramps, the strongest pain in the joints, the muscular apparatus and the head, reflected by loud cries and moans of the patient, cannot remain unnoticed. And the surroundings have to take the fact that in front of them - affected by the breakdown of a drug addict.

The reasons

Why is the abstineent syndrome? The fact that breaking is a consequence of the use of hallucinogenic preparations, in general it is clear. But what exactly leads to changes in the body of a taking place in convulsions of the drug addict?

Each potential dependent should understand that narcotic drugs are a combination of synthesized or organic poisons that contribute to washing from the human body of the complex necessary for normal vitamins and minerals.

Every day, these poisonous drugs poison the body, preventing its rehabilitation processes. Not only internal and external organs are exposed to a detrimental effect. functional systems and joints. The bones in the breakdown in patients of drug addiction seem to be turned outward, as if about it, they are about to eat on hundreds of parts. Hence the integral name of the abstinence from drug addicts.

The body of the dependent person begins to hurt after the first techniques of a poisonous chemical compound. Just pains are masked by the subsequent adoption of psychotropic substances, and when the doses are not at hand, they are a powerful stream to be condensed on a drug addicted person. Therefore, breaking is not a reason, breaking - already a consequence.


You can only help a person who sufferers from the abstineent syndrome can only be medicated. Staying in the hospital, the patient will be through the clock under the supervision of specialists, they will help him get out of the state of narcotic breakdown. What it is? What are the stages of the removal of a patient from the abstinence syndrome are provided for by the modern therapeutic process?

The first stage is cleansing. All poisons, chemicals, poisoning compounds, which contributed to the gradual decomposition and destruction of all its functional systems are derived from the patient's body.

The second stage is restoration. Useful minerals, washed out of the human body, aimed at maintaining his health and stabilization of normal life, are subject to compulsory reinforcement and reimbursement of lost vitamins.

The cessation of breaking, achieved by doctors in the hospital, is far from the final moment of recovery of the drug addict. It is only the elimination of it from the state of the abstineent syndrome, which could well end with a fatal outcome, will not be drugized aid nearby. For the treatment of drug addiction, whole courses of further rehabilitation are provided, which last one month.

For the recovery of a drug addicted person is not only physical intervention. Here you need a specialist in the field of psychology. Holding different species Psychotherapy with the use of hypnosis, autotrehening, conversations, the councils will help the patient to realize the feasibility of the influence of the substances taken by him earlier. Only a full awareness of the risks to which he undergoes, using psychotropic drugs and hallucinogens, will give him the opportunity to get rid of a merciless illness.

Can I get rid of breakdown?

Those people who believe that from the state can be exit independently, incredibly naive and short-sighted. Based on the fact that the duration of breaking, depending on the drug used and its quantity, can be from two to five weeks, then no addict will be able to withstand such a test without the help of specialists or without an additional adopted dose.

The strongest irritability, powerful attacks of aggression, unrestrained panic, constant insomnia, regular sensations of anxiety and an insurmountable thrust for drugs simply will not be allowed to survive these endless weeks without a "saving elixir" in the form of a narcotic drug. So how will he overcome his fears and pain without medical intervention? True, in no way. Only drug treatment can stop the painful sensations of human suffering from narcotic dependence.

How to prevent painful feelings of breaking?

Modern society So pathetic, so imagine and depending on someone else's point of view, which recognize your relationship with a drug addict - it practically means to make a sentence itself. Therefore, very often relatives who observe the terrible picture of the breakdown of their loved ones, instead of calling an ambulance to stop his pain symptoms give him a new dose in the "medicinal", so to speak, purposes. After all, you can call the physicians - it means to open the secret of the mystery about the ailment of your relative. What do people think? How will react? This is a real shame! It is better to give him a smaller portion of his hallucinogen, he will surely come to himself and after such suffering from breaking more in life will not consume him again.

This opinion is incredibly mistaken. By providing "in good purposes" near man The next dose of psychotropic substances, the relatives thereby provoke it to the further use of drugs and involuntarily pushing to death. Prevent painful feelings by reducing the dose will not work, everyone should understand this. But how then will prevent the emergence of these terrible symptoms of the abstinence syndrome? There is the only correct way out of the situation - not to take drugs! The use of forbidden substances will inevitably lead to the breakdown, in a hundred percent of cases from one hundred. Therefore, to avoid it, you just have to never begin to use under any circumstances.

Narcotic dependence is the "medal" with two sides. One of them is the state of "kayfa", Euphoria, when the whole world consists of pink colour And his shades. back sidebroke known in medical circles as an abstineent syndrome. The joy and feeling of infinite well-being are replaced by torment, which can become simply unbearable.

Broken - This is exactly what you need to deal with the treatment of drug addiction. In order to again become a healthy and full-fledged person, the patient must pass through this terrible state. If it turns out - myself. If it does not work, with the help of doctors and medicines.

Why and how are the symptoms of breaking?

Regularly receiving a drug, the human body gets used to it, is rebuilt. The metabolism changes. A narcotic substance becomes literally vital. How food, water or air.

Now imagine: experiencing an acute need for the "kayfa" state, the nervous system suddenly does not get a cherished dose. It becomes a huge stress for all organs and tissues. Compensatory mechanisms are triggered, seeking somehow to fill the lack of a narcotic substance. But its own internal resources are not able to replace a powerful narcotic substance. This is exactly what is the cause of breaking.

Signs of breaking are developing in two cases:

  • inability to get another dose or a complete disclaimer
  • dose reduction, transition to a weaker drug.

The faster than the entire abstitent syndrome is formed when the opioids are used: heroin, methadone, opium, morphine. A little slower - with dependence on sleeping pills and psychotropic substances. With alcoholism, its formation can take a lot of time. The longest by the entire abstinence syndrome develops with the use of hashish. Some substances, such as LSD, although they relate to drugs, but do not cause breakdown at all. But they are able to lead to other, no less serious consequences.

The strongest breakdown is developing with opioid dependence. When using methadone, the drug addict is simply inhuman torment for a whole month. It is clear that the stronger the abstinence, the more difficult this species Addiction to treat.

Symptoms and signs of breaking

For different types dependencies they have a lot in common. Signs of breaking can be divided into two large groups:

  • psychopathological - relating to the nervous system;
  • somategetable - affecting internal organs.

Psychopathological symptoms

The first symptom of breaking is the change in the mood and emotional state of the drug addict. It becomes very excited, irritable. Periodically, he is experiencing attacks of strong unreasonable aggression. The entire consciousness of the patient is absorbed in just one idea: where to get another dose? He can't think of anything else. He is not able to experience any other experiences, except those caused by a lack of a dose. At night, he torments insomnia.

Somategetative symptoms

At first, signs of breaking resemble a cold. Drug addious disturbing chills, the body temperature rises. Then join headaches, severe pain in all muscles and bones. They become permanent and so strong that they are difficult to compare with some other pains. Because of them, the addict can not sleep, engage in habitual affairs. It is worried about nausea, which is accompanied by a strong frequent vomit.

Many drug addicts describe these symptoms as unbearable. The complexity is that on initial stage Treatment of dependency they need to endure. The patient must "reset" breaking for the body to cleanse the drug.

Lamb - most sophisticated stage. If it is passed successfully, it means further treatment with a high probability will be successful.

If the dependent could not move the painful symptoms and broke down - everything will begin first. Further treatment will be impossible.

If it becomes clear that the release is impossible, special techniques are applied - detoxification in a hospital or, as an extreme measure, ultrafast detoxification under anesthesia. And of course, after Detox, you need to send a patient for rehabilitation. Because the Detox himself is not a guarantee not to refund the addicted to use.

The permanent representative of Russia at NATO Dmitry Rogozin hopes that the Russian Federation and the North Atlantic Alliance will be able to develop a general approach to combating drug proliferation from Afghanistan, taking into account the opinion of national experts.

Abstineent syndrome, otherwise breaking - physical and / or mental disorders syndrome, developing in patients with drug addiction after a while after the discretion of the drug or reduce its dose. Broke is part of Physical dependence syndrome.

Drugs become an integral part of the body of the drug addict. Without drugs, no function of the body cannot function normally. When abstaining from taking drugs, breaking begins. The nature of breaking depends on the drugs taken by the drug addict. In the heroin and cocaine addiction of breaking the strongest. It is manifested by strong physical indisposition. With hashishism, breaking is mainly manifested in psychological discomfort. For breaking breakdown, drug addicts is required to take another dose of the drug.

Each addict unmistakably feels the breaking approach. The first symptoms of breaking are beginning to manifest themselves in 8-12 hours after the adoption of the last dose.

This is how the heroine abstinence syndrome is described in the book of a medical psychologist Dili Yenikeyeva "How to warn alcoholism and drug addiction": "This is one of the most severe abstinence options among other forms of drug addiction and toxicizing. 8-12 hours after injection of heroin or inhalation of its powder through the nose, there is an expansion of pupils, tearing, runny nose, sneezing, chill, periodically appears "goose skin". Disappearance disappears, attraction to drugs intensively, the state occurs emotional tension, anxiety, anxiety. The patient can not fall asleep. Then the chills are replaced by a feeling of heat, the attacks of weakness and sweating. In the muscles of the back, neck, hands, the feeling of inconvenience appears. Arises muscular tension, the desire to pull out the muscles. This state of drug addicts is compared with a feeling that happens when "you interpret the leg", but it applies to most of the skeletal muscles. There is pain in the chewing muscles and intercelless joints, increasing when the patient is trying to eat or even with the thought of food.

Then all the symptoms that were strengthened. "Goose skin", chills become permanent, the pupils are wide, they almost do not react to the light. Sneezing becomes parole, 50-100 times in a row. From the sowing of the jaw ". There is severe salivation. By the end of the second day the most heavy period. There are strong back pains, legs, neck. Drug addicts describe them like this: "Muscles" drives "," twist "," pulls ". Because of the intense pain, the addict does not find a place, it gets up, it falls again, spinning in bed, the muscles triggers, pulls his knees to the chin. It seems to him that when painting, pain will become less, and he gets up with bed. But the pains do not disappear. The addict is experiencing a painful state of an agenic alarm, pathological expectability. Periodically compete cramps in the icy muscles. The patient becomes malicious, aggressive. Investigation into drugs is irresistible, in this state the addict is capable of any violence, a crime, lies, just to get a drug. For 3-4 days, vomiting and diarrhea is added to already existing sensations. Diarrhea and vomiting can be repeated, up to 10-15 times a day with grapple-shaped pains in the intestine. Increases body temperature. Sicks can not eat anything, lose weight of 10-12 kilograms. At night they do not sleep, falling "in oblivion" only for a short time during the day. In patients receiving drugs intravenously, severe itch appears in the course of the veins. Externally, patients look exhausted, as during severe illness. Facial expression is suffering. The eyes are dull, deeply smeared. Dry skin, pale or strawberry gray.

The duration of the abstineent syndrome in general varies and is determined by the duration of anesthesia, doses of opiates and a number of other factors, including the "Installation on the refusal or continuation of drug reception". On average, the duration of the abstineent syndrome without treatment is 2 weeks, but maybe more.

After the disappearance of acute signs of the abstineent syndrome, residual phenomena are observed in the form of an insurmountable attraction to drugs, reduced mood, dysphoria (mood disorder, characterized by stressful, vicious-dust affect with pronounced irritability, reaching anger of anger with aggressiveness), mental discomfort, asthenia (painful state , manifested by increased fatigue and extractability with extreme mood instability), sleep disorders (replied period of abstinence syndrome). During this period, attraction to drugs is easily updated, which affects the behavior of patients. They become newly hysterical, angry, require under any preposition of extracts, disorganize work in the department (if they are in the hospital). According to a minor occasion, they decrease their mood, suicidal trends arise, which requires timely adequate therapeutic measures. The period of retractable manifestations of the abstinence syndrome can continue from 2 to 5 weeks after the disappearance of acute symptoms. At this time, spontaneous recurrences of the disease are frequent.

Fully symptoms break through only a few months later.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources information

Drug addiction is not easy dependence, and a severe disease, which leads to the defeat of the internal organs, the emergence of the psyche disorder and the development of neuropathological conditions. A drug addict is a person in physical and mental dependence on drugs. The influence of narcotic drugs has a feature - a drug addict needs a constant increase in the dose.

Narcotic dependence appears very quickly. Very often, novice addicts mistakenly seemed to be at any time they can stop using drugs. They themselves do not notice how they fall into scary networks. Some drugs cause dependence after the first reception. Others require a certain time, and addictive depends on the individual characteristics of the person.

Drugs act on the brain that a person may think that he controls the process and at any time can stop taking drugs. However, the cessation of drug intake is not easy, and causes a narcotic breakdown.

Narcotic breakdown is a pathological condition that appears in each drug committee in different ways. In some breaking begins immediately, after the first reception, other breaks for a long-term use. Yes, and the breaking itself can pass with various symptoms, of different strength and intensity.

Usually breaking appears after several weeks of drug intake. During this time, addiction, called narcotic dependence, occurs. The dependence of the dependence is that each next use requires an increase in dose. The longer drugs take place, the stronger the abstineent syndrome.

There are cases when severe breaking begins after 2-3 times the use of narcotic substances. It is at the moment of breaking a man begins to realize that he fell into terrible drug networks. If at the same time the body does not receive the necessary narcotic dose - the breaking occurs. It is always very painful and unpleasant.

As a rule, the first signs of breaking begin with 10-12 hours from the last narcotic dose.

Broke at the first stage can be found in some common symptoms:

  • nervousness, irritability, uncontrolcity of emotions and behavior;
  • body shudding, as if with a strong chill;
  • strong salivation, tear, sweating;
  • nasal congestion, feeling cold.
  • pupils expand, no reaction to light;
  • severe vomiting;
  • full loss of appetite;
  • eveny.

If the drug is not taken during the day, then the symptoms are enhanced even more:

  • blood pressure increases;
  • pulse care;
  • intestinal disorders - diarrhea.

The most important, strong and painful symptom It is the strongest pain in the joints and bones. A person lets himself from the inside. Muscles reduces convulsions. The pain is not only strong, it is also not stopped. That is, not a single moment for the addict is not a single moment so that it turns off and could relax. This pain is not removed by any painkillers, because it is caused by the requirements of the drug.

In addition to strong physical pain, drug addict is experiencing strong psychological suffering. The fact is that pain in the breakdown are phantom - imaginary. They produce a human brain that requires a new dose of drugs.

The following situation arises: at the beginning of use, a person stretches for a dose to obtain pleasure, the so-called "kayfa". During the occurrence of breaking, the addict is looking for a dose only to facilitate his suffering. This is the pleasure no longer comes.

Drugs have the ability to coagulate neurons that transmit pulses. Therefore, after taking drugs, pain disappears. With constant use of narcotic substances, the person's nervous system gets used to such work and ceases to produce its own painkillers - endorphins, which are also responsible for the production of sensations of joy and pleasure.

The cells of all human organs begin to exist only with the participation of narcotic substances. Naturally, the non-treatment of the necessary components causes the physical suffering, called narcotic breakdown.

The kind of narcotic breakdown is just terrible. The sick person does not control itself, his behavior and emotion. His body is in unnatural poses. If you add extended pupils to this, uncontrolled facial expressions, increased flow and salivation, then you can imagine the whole horror of the situation.

If the addict was able to overcome breaking, he could give up drugs. But overcome by the abstineent syndrome is simply impossible. It is a terrible pain that makes a person again and reincarnate to the use of drugs. After breaking, it becomes clear that the patient cannot live without drugs.

Remove breakdown is very difficult. The more "experience" addict, the harder it is to save a person from narcotic breakdown. The removal of the breakdown of the "experienced" drug addicts should be held only in the hospital under the close observation of physicians.

Symptoms of breaking make a person experience strong physical and mental suffering, to remove which only qualified doctors - narcologists can.

The breakdown process involves the mandatory cessation of drug use. When removal, the elimination of pain, irritability and nervousness occurs. To remove the breakdown with special drugs, there is a conclusion from the organism of toxins and poisons that lead to poisoning. This procedure is called detoxification. This phase is mandatory for treatment.

However, there are very deep cases of drug addiction, in which a sharp refusal of drugs can lead to the patient's death. In these cases, the output of clutches occurs according to other schemes and rules that can approve only an experienced narcologist.

There is a wide range of different preparations for breaking the breakdown. Each case of breaking individuals and requires a special approach. To determine the type and dose of drugs, the doctor should know the entire truth about drug use: the duration of drug addiction, doses, frequency, type of drugs. These knowledge will allow him not to be mistaken when planning treatment.

It is impossible to shoot a breaking on their own, it can lead to the most severe consequences, up to death. It is impossible to replace one psychoactive substance to others. So the misconception that alcohol can remove pain effect. This is not so. The use of alcohol during the breaking will aggravate the state and can lead to irreversible consequences.

The use of drugs and hypnotic substances without controlling the doctor may also lead to severe and even death consequences.

Removal of breaking should be passed only in the hospital. This rule that does not tolerate exceptions. When removing breaking, there is always a risk side Effects or unforeseen complications. In a hospital, there are essential drugs and equipment for helping patients.

You need to know that the removal of breaking lasts 5-7 days. The body will be cleaned of toxins and drug residues. The symptoms of breaking will first be relaxed, and then removed completely. Usually the break is removed by intravenous administration of a polyionic saline, which restores electrolytic balance in the body. Soothing and sleeping preparations are added to the solution. In addition, vitamins, minerals, drugs that support immunity and giving power for speedy recovery are introduced the patient.