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Exercises for relaxation and removal of emotional and muscle tension. Training: "Removing emotional tension

Think about and honestly tell me how much you are subject to the influence of stress and do you successfully cope with it? To clarify the answer will help identify such symptoms as fatigue already at the beginning of the working day, irritation, impatience, insomnia, anxiety on any trifles, anxiety in general. Do you often hear from friends and close phrase: "It's time for you to relax and relax," but do not respond to such remarks? If in previous sentences you can easily learn yourself - it's time to learn to remove the stress by exercise on relaxation.

And if this topic seems interesting to you, and you want to develop in it even more, we recommend that you learn to the real practical self-adaptation techniques, fighting stress and social adaptation to always control your emotional and mental state.

Getting started by various relaxation techniques, remember the following. The study of the foundations of relaxation methods is not difficult, but takes time and certain efforts. Most experts recommend to engage in at least 10-20 minutes a day. Attending special stress removal sessions are engaged in 30-60 minutes. Start with small, and individual exercise elements can be performed directly at the desktop, in transport, at the bus stop.

Top 3 Voltage Removal Methods:

Complex 1. Respiratory exercises

Deep breathing allows you to relax, regardless of thoughts that overcome a person. Not in vain in films that arrived in the scene of the police or doctors, they advise victims primarily deeply and smoothly breathe. In stressful situations, respiration is studied and the body lacks oxygen. Deep breathing contributes to the admission of this vital gas in the brain and in all cells in the right volumes.


  • Inhale and exhale slowly and deep through the nose, counting when inhaling and exhale from 1 to 4. Such an exercise is very easy to do, and it is especially effective if you can not fall asleep.
  • Try to relax the shoulders and the top muscles of the chest when breathing. Do it consciously with every exhale. The fact is that in stressful situations, when a person is tense, the muscles of the diaphragm are not used for breathing. Their destination is to lower the lungs down, thereby expanding the respiratory tract. When we are excited, the muscles of the top of the chest and shoulders are more often used, which do not contribute to the operation of respiratory facilities.
  • Nadi Shodkhana. Exercise from yoga, which helps to be activated and focus; It acts, according to specialists, like a cup of coffee. With a thumb of my right hand, you need to close the right nostril and breathe deeply through the left (in women, on the contrary, to close the left nostril to the left hand and breathe through the right). At the peak of the breath you need to close the left (right for women) nostril with a ring finger and exhale.
  • Sit down directly or lie on your back. Put one hand on the stomach, the second on the chest. Inhale the air deep through the nose, while the hand on the stomach should rise, and only slightly move on the chest. Exhale through the mouth, while again the hand on the stomach is lowered, and on the chest almost does not move. In this case, breathing will occur with the help of a diaphragm.

Complex 2. Muscular Relaxation

The technique of progressive muscular relaxation was developed by the American doctor E. Jacobson in the 1920s. It is based on a simple physiological fact: after voltage, any muscle begins the period of its automatic relaxation. Taking into account this, the technique was developed, according to which to achieve deep relaxation of the body, you must first strain the muscles at 10-15 seconds, and then within 15-20 seconds to concentrate on the emergence of relaxation in them.


  • Start with focus on your breath for a few minutes. Breathe slowly and calmly, think about something pleasant. After that, you can proceed to muscle exercises, working on various muscle groups.
  • Hands. Madely closely and greatly squeeze your hand. You must feel the stress in the brush and forearm. Relax your hand on exhalation, concentrating on the emerging sense of relief. The same is repeated for another hand. If you are right-handed, starting with the right hand, if left-handed left.
  • Neck. Throw your head back, slowly turn it from the side to the side, then relax. Take the shoulder joints high to the ears and in such a position tighten the chin to the chest.
  • Face.Raise your eyebrows as high as possible, open your mouth wide (as if you depict a sense of strong surprise). Tightly close your eyes, frown and murmur nose. Squeeze the jaws and turn back the mouths back.
  • Chest. Make a deep breath and hold your breath for a few seconds, then relax and go back to normal breathing.
  • Spin and stomach. Strain the muscles of the abdominal press, twist the blades and bring back.
  • Legs. Strain the front and rear thigh muscles, holding a knee in a tense half-bent position. Major pull the foot and break your fingers. Pull the ankle joint and squeeze your fingers.

Make 3-4 reprints of the complex. Every time you give rest just intense muscles, pay attention to how pleasant and how you feel relaxed well. Many people help to cope with stress and anxiety.

Complex 3. Meditation

The most general definition of the concept of "meditation" in psychological dictionaries sounds like this: "Reception of a mental training, in which an intense, penetrating deep thoughts, immersion in the subject, the idea that is achieved by concentrating on one object". The recommendations collected in this block concern how to conduct a visual meditation session independently. Visual meditation is a variation of traditional meditation, which is based on the use of not only visual meanings, but also feelings: taste, touch, smell and sound. When using it as a relaxation technique, the visualization includes an imaginary scene in which you feel free from tensions and anxiety.

Complex of exercise:

  1. Choose a quiet and secluded place, nothing should distract you. Take a comfortable position. It is not recommended to lie down, it is better to sit on the floor, in a chair or try to sit in the lotus position.
  2. Select the focus point. It can be inner - imaginary scene, or exterior - flame candles. Consequently, the eyes can be open or closed. At the beginning it is very difficult to concentrate and avoid distracting thoughts, so the focus point should be a strong meaning, understandable and clear, so that you can return to it at any time.
  3. The point of focus must be something soothing for you. It can be a tropical beach at sunset day, Forest glade or a fruit garden in the village near the house of Grandparents and grandfather, where you have been in childhood. Visual meditation can be done in silence, and you can enable relaxing music or audio recording with prompts to meditation.
  4. Try to maximize all your feelings. For example, your focus point is a forest. Imagine that you go around the glade, and the cold dew falls to your feet, you hear the singing of many birds, feel the smell of pine, inhale clean air with full breasts. The picture must be as alive as possible. Meditate 15-20 minutes.

Remember, relaxation will not save you from problems, but will help to relax and distract from insignificant details, so that later with the new force to take up the solution.

30.06.2016 2749 433 Berendakova Valentina Anatolyevna

Training for teachers "Emotional tension"

Introduction. The urgency of the chosen topic.
The profession of teacher requires a high excerpt and composure. From numerous intensive contacts with other people, the teacher is experiencing large neuropsychiatric loads that are manifested in emotional exhaustion. The teacher is in a situation of extreme emotional voltage, which leads to a progressive deterioration of health. It is known that 60% of teachers are prone to neurosis. I believe that teachers of modern educational institutions need psychological support.
Main part.
The purpose of the training: removal of emotional stress to strengthen the psychological health of the teacher.
introduce participants in the training with some techniques of psychological self-regulation;
Create favorable conditions for productive work on oneself;
Improve the development of personal qualities, stabilizing the inner mental harmony.
Training Organization: A group of teachers from 12 to 15 people.
The form of training is a circle, possibly free movement along the office, accepting a convenient position of the body during relaxation.
Duration - 90 minutes.
Training presenter: Pedagogian-psychologist Berendakova V.A.
Trading course
Training participants enter the office, choose a colored strip of paper to determine their mood and well-being. Sit in a circle.
1.1. In our life, the principle of failure occupies a great place. We lack time at meetings, affection and attention to each other. We always run away, hurry, do not notice each other. Let's stop this run on the moment and communicate with each other.
- Perhaps, in recent times, something is disturbing you?
- Or do you feel fatigue?
- Or even minor events bring you out of equilibrium?
If you answered "yes", today it should be fored that the nature of the person gave a person with the ability to self-regulation, that is, no one, but only you can manage your emotional state.
1.2. To start fruitful work, let's see what mood and well-being prevailing you. Psychologist comments on the value of the selected color.
Cards "Color value"
Blue color - calm, satisfaction, ability to empathize, trust, devotion.
Purple - anxiety, fear, chagrins.
Green is confidence, perseverance, stubbornness, the need for self-assertion.
Red - aggressiveness, excitement, desire for success, the desire to rule and act, achieving success.
Brown - the color of peace and stability, the need for homely comfort.
Yellow - activity, funness, striving for communication, waiting for happiness.
Gray - anxiety and negative condition.
Black - Protection, Host, desire to "go to your inner
1.3. Exercise "Business card"
The participants of the group on the first letter of their name write the word-definition, which reflects their character, temperament and lifestyle. Business cards are attached to the chest to perform the next exercise.
1.4. Exercise "Molecule"
All participants are freely mixed at the office. The psychologist calls: "Di-coat molecule." Teachers form couples and pronounce:
- I am generless!
- Yes, you are generous, and still beautiful!
Similarly, a psychologist asks to make trucatomy, four-heedy and five-volume "molecules", and teachers try to form groups and communicate with their colleagues.
- And now take hands, get up in a circle and choir tell me:
"How cool that we all gathered here today!"
1.5. "The teacher combines the intellect of the scientist, the talent of the actor, the conviction of the policy, exposure of the scout, the prudency of the sapper, the flexibility of the diplomat."
The work of the teacher is everyday work not only with students in school, but also regular work on yourself.
1.6. The psychologist calls the topic and goals of psychological training.
2. Removing emotional voltage.
Everyone is striving for success and well-being. He wants to love and respected. But look around, like a lot of people who are dissatisfied with the surrounding life. Over them as if they are on the burden of problems with whom they are not in force to cope. And as a result, anxiety arises, fear, sense of uncertainty, emotional tension.
The ability to own themselves is a man's dream since ancient times. This ability to relax or restrain, relieve physical and emotional tension.
2.1. Outcasting.
Slow music sounds. The group participants take a relaxed pose, close their eyes and listen to the words sounds music. The psychologist speaks words.
Sit comfortable. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath, hold your breath ... Exhale. Breathe calmly. With each breath, your body relaxes. You are pleased to be at rest. Imagine that you are sitting on the seashore. The sand around you is completely dry and soft. Look around and you will find that on the seaside you are not at all alone ...
The sun bends to the sunset. You feel the warmth of the evening sun ...
Dial all the breasts more air and experience the salty sea odor. Fresh air and a little wet. You feel completely calm.
Let the waves melt and take your care and everything that strains you.
You are gradually leaving your experiences. You are completely calm.
Gradually, the image of the sea disappears. The image of the sea disappeared.
3-2-1 Open your eyes. Cut. You are cheerful and full of strength.
2.2. We rested, we have a wonderful mood. We want our peaceful peace of mind to remain as long as possible.
We are writing a "fairy tale about the city", in which there are no conflicts, where all people are happy and loved. And the fairy tale begins in this way: a wonderful family lived in one beautiful city ...
Each teacher in turn, passing a soft toy, calls one sentence to write a fairy tale.
We all wanted to live in such a city. When we are happy, we feel healthy and full. But this does not happen!
Probably, each of you fell into stressful situations.
Stress is the reaction of our organism to external physical and emotional irritation. People carry stress differently. Some - quickly overcome the "phase of alarm" and immediately "take themselves in hand." These are calm, balanced people are not inclined to make fast, raw solutions. Others - quickly "surrenders". These are impatient people who are unrestrained, their movements are fast and sharp.
2.3. Test "Hidden Stress" (Appendix 1). All participants of the training are issued prepared forms of tests.
Result: If you notice 5 or more situations, it means that everyday trouble hurts on your nerves. Try to avoid such situations or pay attention to them.
Final part.
1. American psychologist D. Carnegie offers a formula for today.
Sounds the tape record of words. The psychologist shows cards with these words. Training participants with a whisper are pronounced words (Appendix 2).
2. Feedback.
- The most useful for me was ...
- I like it…
- I would like to change ...
3. Thank you all for work!
In a difficult life situation, prefer to actively act, rather than worry. Positive and friendly feel about everything around: to people, to nature, to the world.

Attachment 1
Test "Hidden Stress"
You are offered 9 situations. Mark which of them are most nervous.
1. You notice that someone is watching you.
2. You want to call on the phone, and the right number is constantly busy.
3. You are driving a car, and next to the sitting continuously give you advice.
4. You talk with someone, and the third constantly interferes with your conversation.
5. If someone raises the voice without reasons.
6. When someone interrupts the course of your thoughts.
7. You are annoyed by a combination of colors, in your opinion, not combined with each other.
8. When with the handshake you feel the sluggish palm of the partner.
9. Conversation with a person who knows everything better than you.

Appendix 2.
"Formula for today" D. Carnegie.
1. It is today!
I will try to adapt to the life that surrounds me.
2. It is today!
I'll take care of my body.
3. It is today!
I will try to pay attention to the development of my mind.
4. It is today!
I will be benevolently configured.
5. Today! I will schedule a program of my affairs.
6. It is today! I will love and believe that those whom I love, love me. So your best day today!

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Training on removal of emotional stress in the group

Emotional tension - the psycho-physiological state of the organism, characterized by the adequate severity of emotional reactions. Such a state allows you to best fulfill the goals and objectives. Emotional voltage resource at a certain time interval. Long-term foundation in emotional stress causes stress and state of chronic fatigue.

Emotional stress reduction strategies.

1. Strategy breakdown and decrease. Concentrate your attention on small details of any important business or situations for you, remove the result of the result.

"Eat the entire elephant is immediately impossible, in parts and gradually - you can". The concentration on particulars and small parts makes the whole situation not as significant so that it is very emotionally worried. At the same time, of course, it is useful to remember the main and common goal in order not to get confused in the details. Strategy for breaking and decreasing allows you to switch attention, which helps to reduce the level of emotional voltage.

2. Comparison of the situation or any activity with something big, the main thing. Reducing significance.

"All nonsense, compared with the world revolution." So they spoke revolutionaries and resistantly transferred the burden and deprivation of a revolutionary struggle. In business, you can argue so. The project, because of which you are experiencing, much less compared to the projects of the entire company. It was already doing others, they turned out, it means that you are.

3. Setting certainty. Often concern occurs when there is not enough information to make a decision.

Get the necessary information, find the necessary resources to eliminate uncertainty. "Knowledge is power" and calm, if there is an understanding of the situation, forecasting the result, possible action options.

4. Modeling a plurality of acceptable results.

Distribute all possible results of activities or permission. Find positive moments in them. Some options will arrange more, some less, but in any case, it is better to be ready for different options, while knowing how to use each result from the most efficient.

5. Deposition for a time (if possible) decision making, resolving the situation. The ability to delay removes emotional stress, allows you to distract, switch attention, removes nervousness caused by the need to act quickly.

So people are arranged that it is difficult to worry when you need to work intensively physically. Emotional tension falls with intensive swimming, visiting a bath, running. Any motor activity balances emotions, makes them more stable. For example, in a village, where heavy physical work begins at 4 o'clock in the morning and ends with a sunset, people are more emotionally stable than the townspeople. Once it is necessary to work.

7. Written fixation of the situation and the causes of emotional experience.

It is difficult to reflect its state on paper, however, this is an effective way to reduce emotional experiences. What is in the head in the form of images, sounds, sensations - not issued verbal, there is no accurate name. Describing its state on paper, you will formulate clearly that there is at the moment. The awareness and formulation of the problem situation reduces its emotional experience.

8. Humor and work with negative emotions.

Especially it is worth noting humor as a means of working with negative emotions.

Everything that becomes funny, ceases to be dangerous. Jealousy, treason, love, business - how many tragedies are written about it. And the same comedy reconciles people with reality when we laugh above jealousy, treason, love, business, more often, other people. Humor is infectious, and funny communication brings together and helps to go through life easily, laughing, celebrating every day, creating a positive emotion.

It is useful to know the anecdotes, aphorisms suitable for you from life from life. And not just know, but to tie them to life situations where they will be, as they say, in the topic. You can simply create your collection of positive anecdotes and aphorisms that you like, they will be kinda, metaphors for specific situations. To laugh at something, it means to devalue, reduce the importance of difficult experiences. Even a simple holding smile for 5 minutes, allows you to improve the mood. There is a phrase "Try to be polite, then you will get used to", by analogy, "try to smile, then you will get used to a good mood."

9. bringing the experience to the absurdity,for example, exaggeration or understatement, mitigation.

Emotions have their own dynamics, so it is useful to experiment and exaggerate the experience or smallest, watching how to change the emotional state. For example, if you are worried about the upcoming negotiations, imagine that this is the biggest world problem, much more serious than hunger in Africa, war, death. After all, if negotiations are not going on, then the sun will stop getting up in the east, the rivers will reverse, the earthquake will begin, life will stop. On the other side can be understood. Negotiations are an insignificant part of your great life, how many years have lived regardless of the result of some negotiations, so it will be further, it's just one moment in the infinite communication of people, unless it can be important, and so on.

The purpose of the training: Removing emotional stress, through group cooperation, form a good psychological climate through cooperation and mutual assistance within the group. Increase group tone.

Exercise "Do we know each other"

All set into the circle back to the one who is in the center. Driving calls each name from the back. When the participant correctly calls someone's name, he turns and sits down, if not, continues to stand back to him. If someone did not remember several names, then you need to work with him to the dawn.

Exercise "Journey to the newspaper"

Need: Whistle, newspapers.

Structure exercise:Participants are divided into subgroups of 4 - 5 people. Each subgroup is the crew of the spacecraft. On the floor, the newspapers are unfolded by the number of crews. The task of the crew - everyone without exception to accommodate its spacecraft.

The whistle of the leading crews occupy their places. Two whistle - returned to its original position. The newspapers are twice as well, and the game is repeated. This is happening until at least one carriage can find a way to take your "spacecraft".

Exercise "Ivanov family"

The game promotes

Materials and equipment:chairs, cards by number of participants.

Game description:At the beginning of the game, there are chairs in the number of families of families formed backs inside the circle (one chair for one family of 4 people).

Participants are distributed Cards on which the roles of family members are indicated. The family consists of 4 people: Father, Mother, Son and Daughter. For example, Ivanov's father, Ivanov's mother, son of Ivanov, Ivanov's daughter (also with other families: Petrov, Sidorov, Klochkov, balls, bagels).

According to the signal of the leading participants, they go through the audience and exchange cards (cards are held by the backward side).

By the signal "Family!" Participants need to read the inscription on their card, collect families and sit on one of the chairs as follows: The first father sits down, behind him - mother, then the son, and, finally, the daughter (participants get to his knees to each other). The family wins the first to fulfill the task.

The game can be repeated by starting it from sharing cards.

Exercise "Collance on a free topic"

Purpose of exercise: Develop the ability of the group to come to the general opinion, to compromise, be able to negotiate.

Materials: Watman, simple pencils, glossy magazines, glue, appropriate music and fantasy participants.

Structure exercise:

The group sits around the table, they are offered Watman, simple pencils, glossy magazines and glue. The group is determined with the subject of collage (nature, animals, etc.), together agree together who draws the selected drawing (preferably so that together, the drawing should be volumetric). Participants must distribute colors and then place on the Watman, which they will fill.

Issues for discussion:

1. Is it easy to decide on the topic?

2. Were there difficulty choosing a picture?

3. Are disagreements arose during the work?

Exercise "will have time - will not have time !?"

The game promotes creating a favorable atmosphere.

Materials and equipment: Two scarf, tape recorder.

Game description:Participants are in a circle. The 1st and 8th participants receive one sharp, they throw them on their neck and tie into two nodes.

By command of the leading participants, they begin to transfer the scarf clockwise to the music. At the same time, each participant must throw him on her neck, tie into two nodes, then untie them and convey to another.

Scarves must "catch up" each other, being on one player.


purpose: demonstrate and train a method for the normalization of the emotional sphere, withdrawing negative emotions, intensifying positive experiences.

Structure exercise: Participants are sitting comfortable, light turns off, music is turned on and a certain text is read.

Support text for exercise:

    My eyes are closing. I calm down. I am relaxing. I feel calm and easy. My body relaxes. With each exhale, my body is increasingly relaxing. I am calm. I am relaxed. I'm calm, easy and pleasant. With each exhalation, I am still calm, I am easier and more pleasant, I rest, I feel good. My face relaxes. My forehead relaxes. The forehead is completely relaxed. My nose is relaxing. The nose is completely relaxed. My cheeks relax. The cheeks are completely relaxed. My face is completely relaxed. My head is completely relaxed. Relaxed right hand. Relaxed Right Brush. Relaxing the right forearm. Right shoulder relaxes. The right hand is completely relaxed. Relaxed left hand. Relaxed left brush. Relaxed left forearm. Relaxed left shoulder. Left hand completely relaxed. Both hands are completely relaxed. Pleasant warmly fills my hands. My hands are nanich with pleasant severity. I am completely calm and relaxed. My right leg relaxes. Relaxed right foot. Relaxing right shin, knee. Relaxed the right thigh. The right leg is completely relaxed by the left stop. Relaxed left shin, knee. Relaxed the left thigh. Left leg is completely relaxed. Pleasant warmly fills my legs. My legs are nanich with pleasant severity. I am completely calm and relaxed. Pelvic muscles relax. Relaxing back muscles. Abdominal muscles relax. My body is completely relaxed. My body is inflicted with pleasant warmth and severity. I am a calm person. I am a strong man. I rested. I feel like pouring ease. I feel a tide of strength. I am pouring freshness and vigor. I'm full of energy! I want to get up and act! Eyes - open. I get up!

Exercise "Impulse in a circle"

Everyone becomes in a circle and take hands. The presenter begins to transmit the "impulse" by the participant's hands on the right, he transmits the following, and so in a circle. When the "impulse" returns to the lead, it transmits it with a new force, the rate of transmission of the "impulse" is accelerated. The presenter stops the transmission of the "pulse" when it considers that the positive effect of the exercise is achieved. All begin to applaud.

Training for teachers

"Removing emotional stress."

Purpose: provide information on modern techniques and techniques for stabilizing the emotional state of teachers.


    Teach teachers to practical skills to combat "practical burnout" syndrome;

    Create an emotional freedom and openness in the group atmosphere, friendliness and trust in each other.

    Form professional qualities: Communicative abilities, reflection, empathy ability.

Hello, dear guests, I am glad to see you on our training. And, I hope, all you will see today can come in handy in your difficult work.

Training on the topic"How not to" burn "at work." The topic, in my opinion, is very relevant and many teachers will take from it what is really useful in work and life.


In the modern world, the teacher's profession is becoming more intense, modern educational standards require full return at work, and everything is more difficult to go to the "foot with time" and more difficult, the world and the requirements are changed in it, demanding the same from a modern person. The pace of our life increases and everything is harder for him. Large return requires work, and another family, children and on their own "I" are not enough time.

So lately many ggrowl and write about such a phenomenon,as a professional burnout.The term "Burnout" ("burnout", "Combustion") suggestedFreudenberger in 1974 for describing demoralization, disappointment and extreme fatigue, observationspecialists workingin the system of professions "Man-man."

In the domestic literature, this concept appeared relatively recently, although this phenomenon is revealed abroad and is actively investigated for more than a quarter of a century.

The professional work of the educator distinguishes high emotional loading, tension, stress, consequence of which becomes "emotional burnout" syndrome, psychosomatic diseases.

The state of emotional burnout usually corresponds to the following signs.

Symptoms of professional "burnout"

Eliminate 10 main signs of emotional "burnout" (psychologist E. Maleter):

    exhaustion, fatigue;


    negative installations;

    neglect of their duties;

    passion for the reception of psychostimulants (tobacco, coffee, alcohol, medicine);

    reducing appetite or overeating;

    strengthening aggressiveness (irritability, anger, tension);

    strengthening passivity (cynicism, pessimism, sense of hopelessness, apathy);


    experience of injustice.

If from this list of at least three applicable to you, this is already the reason to think about it, and whether I have eV syndrome.

This phenomenon is most often susceptible to people over 35-40 years. It turns out that by the time they accumulate sufficient pedagogical experience, and their own children will already grow up and we can expect a sharp rise in the professional sphere, a decline occurs. People are noticeably reduced enthusiasm in their work, shine disappeared in the eyes, negativism and fatigue increases. Beed situations when a talented teacher becomes unprofitable for this reason. Sometimes such people go home from work, change the profession and the rest of life is missing for communicating with children. With "burnout" there is a "devastation" of a person.

Training Organization: group of teachers from 12 to 15 people.

Form of training - Circle, possibly free movement along the office, accepting a convenient body position during relaxation.

Duration - 60 minutes - 80 minutes

Main part.

Host: "Hello. Today we met to discuss a very interesting and important topic, but first I suggest say hello. "

Exercise "Hello".

Purpose: Removing muscle tension, switching attention.

Materials: Ball.

Instruction: Now I suggest say hello, but so that the greeting does not happen again in our circle. I start, and then I give the ball in a circle and so while he returns to me (for example: Hello, good day, hello, etc.)

"Group Rules": Basic principles of work in the group.

After greetings, the host explains the participants the basic principles of socio-psychological training and the features of this form of work. Then members of the group embark on the rules of operation of their group. In each training group, there may be their own rules, but the following should be based on its work.

1. We are one team.

2. You can say everything you think.

3. Everyone has the right to his opinion (no one interrupts anyone, does not laugh, does not appreciate others).

4. When discussing what is happening in the Group, not participants should be assessed, but only their actions. You can not use statements like: "I don't like you." It should be said: "I don't like your business manner", etc.

5. All issues that arise are comprehensive answers, incoming proposals are discussed on changing the rules or adding new ones. Finally agreed and adopted rules are the basis for the work of the Group.

Training course.

Exercise "Your Mood"

Purpose: Install contact with teachers, remove the voltage.

Materials: Colored cards (several pieces of one color).

Instruction: to start fruitful work, let's see what mood and well-being prevailing you. To do this, you need to choose the color card of what is more like this.

Reflection: i suggest thinking than caused by such a mood. Wishing you can speak.

Exercise "Frankly"

Purpose: Verbalization and awareness of educators problems of emotional burnout.

Materials: Cards with unfinished phrases.

Instruction . You need to pull out any card with an unfinished proposal and try to finish the phrase frankly and honestly.(Appendix 2).


Did you find it possible to answer?

Was something new for you?

Do you think useful exercise?

Did you open something new for yourself?

How do you feel now?

What are your feeling now?

Expected Result: The exercise helps to realize the problems of the teacher, verbalize them, rally the group of teachers, to understand that all teachers are similar to the problems.

Exercise "Kalosh Happiness"

Purpose: The development of positive thinking of teachers, the development of self-knowledge skills, the formation of the skills of positive perception of the world, the development of a positive I-concept, development of emotional self-regulation skills.

Materials: "Kalosh Happiness" (game element, ordinary rubber calories, preferably large size with a fun design), cards with situations(Appendix 3).

Instruction. I want to offer you to play the game, which is called "Kalos of Happiness." Andersen has a fairy tale with this name. In this fairy tale, the fairytale was presented for the Birthday of the Kalosh of the happiness, which she decided to give people to those who became happier. The man who put on these Kalosh was becoming the most happy man. Kalosh performed all his desires, he could be transferred at any time or era. So, I suggest you to shore these calories and become a happy person. I will also read you various situations, and your task is to wear these calosa, find in the situation offered to you, positive sides. In other words, look at the situation with the eyes of a happy man-optimist. Participants of the game, Nadev "Kalosh Happiness", are responsible for the proposed situation in a positive key. To the one who makes it difficult to give a positive answer, the remaining participants in the game help, offering their own options.

Reflection. Is it difficult to find positive parties in situations? What did you understand for yourself? Participants receive emotional discharge and positive attitude.

Exercise "Plus-minus"

Purpose: Help teachers to realize the positive moments of pedagogical activities, verbalization of negative and positive moments of their pedagogical activities; Cohesion of the group.

Materials : Watman with a painted tree, which is attached to the board; self-adhesive stickers in the form of leaves; Handles for each participant.

Instruction. You need to write on the sheets of one color of the disadvantages of your work on the leaves, and on the leaves of another color - the advantages of your work.

Participants are written, and then in turn attach their leaflets with pluses and minuses to the tree. Each participant voices what he wrote.

Reflection. Participants are discussed, which turned out to be more - the advantages of pedagogical activities or minuses - and why. Teachers should see that the pros in the work is still more, and come to the conclusion that the work of the teacher is hard, but pleasant. And also to see all the parties to pedagogical activities, realize that the difficulties in the teachers are similar.

Exercise "Muha"

Purpose: Removal of voltage with face muscles.

Instruction : Sit Conveniently: Hands freely put on your knees, shoulders and head omitted, eyes closed. Mentally imagine that the fly is trying to sit on your face. She sits on her nose, then on his mouth, then on the forehead, then on the eyes. Your task: without opening the eye, move the annoying insect, with the help of facial muscles.

Our training approached the end. I hope that these ways of self-control and improved mood you will remember both at home and at work and do not forget that at home to remove stress and all the negative you can use the same:respiratory gymnastics, aromatherapy, film therapy, music therapy, meditation, and withstress nitality helplaugh, so I.tears.

Thank you all for participation. At the end you are invited to fill out a small form where you can write your impressions.(Appendix 4). Your feedback is very important.

Do not forget: work is just a part of the life you need to spend in joy and harmony with yourself.


Attachment 1.

Cards "Color value"

Blue color - Calm, satisfaction, ability to empathize, trust, devotion.

Purple - anxiety, fear, chagrin.

Green - Confidence, perseverance, stubbornness, the need for self-assertion.

Red - aggressiveness, excitement, striving for success, the desire to rule and act, achieving success.

Brown - Color of rest and stability, the need for homely comfort.

Yellow - Activity, funness, striving for communication, waiting for happiness.

Grey - anxiety and negative state.

The black - Protection, hustling, desire to "go to your inner world."

Appendix 2.

Cards with unfinished suggestions for exercise "Frankly"

    Frankly when I think about the upcoming work day ...

    Frankly when I am preparing for open classes ...

    Frankly when I come home after work ...

    Frankly when I worry ...

    Frankly when I come to work ...

    Frankly when I talk to my parents ...

    Frankly, when students come to my classes ...

    Frankly, when teachers or methodologists come to me on occupation ...

    Frankly when I spend the parent meeting ...

    Frankly when my working day ...

    Frankly when I spend my open occupation ...

    Frankly, my job ...

    Frankly when I think about work ...

    Frankly, my health ...

    Frankly when I talk to the head ...

    Frankly when I see a child ...

    Frankly, after the working day ...

    Frankly when it comes to vacation ...

    Frankly, the people with whom I work ...

    Frankly when I'm going to work ...

    Frankly, troubles at work ...

    Frankly, successes at work ...

Appendix 3.

Cards with situations for the exercise "Kalos of Happiness":

The director read you for poorly performed work.

    I will make the appropriate conclusions and try not to make mistakes.

    Next time I will try to do my job better.

You gave a large number of children in the group that go to the whole makeup.

    It is possible to try your hand in working with a large group.

    This is a good opportunity to master new methods of work.

At work detained the salary.

    You can save on something.

    You can now sit on the diet.

On the way to work, you broke the heel.

    Good reason to buy new boots.

Most of your students pupils showed weak monitoring results.

    A good opportunity to analyze which material the children are not well learned.

You suddenly fell ill.

    Good reason to relax.

    It's finally your health.

You threw a husband.

    Now you do not need to spend time on washing, ironing, cooking, you can spend your time on yourself.

    More time on the hobby.

You got under the reduction.

    Good opportunity to do something else, change the genus of professional activity.

    New team, new perspectives.

Appendix 4.

Questionnaire Feedback

What did you like, it was interesting?


What didn't you like, did not cause interest?



Your wishes



Municipal budgetary educational institution

"High School No. 2 of Velsk"

Removing emotional tension

(Psychological training for teachers)

pedagogue-psychologist of the highest square. categories

velsk, 2016.


The urgency of the chosen topic.

The profession of teacher requires a high excerpt and composure. From numerous intensive contacts with other people, the teacher is experiencing large neuropsychiatric loads that are manifested in emotional exhaustion. According to the degree of voltage, the load of the teacher is on average more than the bankers and general directors. The teacher is in a situation of extreme emotional voltage, which leads to a progressive deterioration of health. According to the Research Institute of Labor Medicine, 60% of teachers are prone to neurosis. I believe that teachers of modern educational institutions need psychological support, in teaching the techniques of self-regulation and removal of emotional stress. This is a priority line in the work of the school psychologist.

Systemic work is needed to increase the competence in matters of their own psychological health of the teacher.

I have developed a whole system of psychological training for adults and children. Topics of trainings are diverse. Elements of psychological training I spend on correctional and educational classes with children, on parent meetings, at seminars and workshops for school teachers and the district.

Main part.

The purpose of the training:removing emotional stress to strengthen the psychological health of the teacher.


Introduce participants in the training with some techniques of psychological self-regulation;

Create favorable conditions for productive work on oneself;

Improve the development of personal qualities, stabilizing the inner mental harmony.

Training Organization:

group of teachers from 12 to 15 people .

The form of training is a circle, possibly free movement along the office, accepting a convenient position of the body during relaxation.

Duration - 90 minutes.


tape recorder, audio recordings, equipment for viewing presentations, markers, pencils, paints, brushes, watman, aroma lamp with orange butter, soft toy, ball, test "hidden stress", memo "Meditation", Carts "Carts of Soviets" and " Formula today ", paper for business cards, colored stripes and cards" Color value ".

Presenter training: Pedagogue-psychologist Vorobyeva V.L.

Training course.

Music sounds. Training participants enter the office, choose a colored strip of paper to determine their mood and well-being. Sit in a circle.

1.1. In our life, the principle of failure occupies a great place. We lack time at meetings, affection and attention to each other. We always run away, hurry, do not notice each other. Let's not make a moment to stop this run and communicate with each other.

Perhaps, in recent times, something is disturbing?

Or do you feel fatigue?

Or even minor events bring you out of equilibrium?

If you answered "yes," today it should be forced that the nature of the person gave a person with the ability to self-regulation, that is, no one, but you can manage your emotional state, behavior and health.

1.2. To start fruitful work, let's see what mood and well-being prevailing you. Psychologist comments on the value of the selected color. Cards "Color value"

Note:50% of teachers chose red, 25% - blue, 10% - green, 8% - purple color, 7% - yellow color.

1.3. The exercise "Business card"

The band members on the first letter of their large name write the word-definition, which reflects their character, temperament and lifestyle (for example, Valentine - generous). Business cards are attached to the chest to perform the next exercise.

1.4. The exercise "Molecule"

All participants are freely mixed at the office. The psychologist calls: "Di-coat molecule." Teachers form couples and pronounce:

Javeliken! Yes, you are generous, and still beautiful!

Similarly, a psychologist asks to make trucatomy, four-heedy and five-volume "molecules", and teachers try to form groups and communicate with their colleagues.

And now grab your hands, get up in a circle and choir tell me:

"How cool that we all gathered here today!"

1.5. "The teacher combines the intellect of the scientist, the talent of the actor, the conviction of the policy, exposure of the scout, the prudency of the sapper, the flexibility of the diplomat."

The work of the teacher is everyday work not only with students in school, but also regular work on yourself.

1.6. Psychologist calls theme and goals psychological training.

2. Removing emotional voltage.

Everyone is striving for success and well-being. He wants to love and respected. But look around, like a lot of people who are dissatisfied with the surrounding life. Over them as if they are on the burden of problems with whom they are not in force to cope. And as a result, anxiety arises, fear, sense of uncertainty, emotional tension.

The ability to own themselves is a man's dream since ancient times. This ability to relax or restrain, relieve physical and emotional tension.

2.1 Outcasting and aromatherapy.

The effect of smell on the mental and physical condition of a person is connected in aromatherapy with the healing features of essential oils.

The Essential Oil "Orange" stabilizes the mood, eliminates depression, sadness, anxiety. Helps the growth of optimism. Opens your heart for good and joy.

Slow music sounds. The group members accept a relaxed Kucera Poster, close their eyes and listen to the words AT.

2.2 We rested, we have a wonderful mood. We want our peaceful peace of mind to remain as long as possible.

We are composy "Fairy Tale about the city",in which there are no conflicts where all people are happy and loved. And the tale begins so : A wonderful family lived in one beautiful city ...

Each teacher in turn, passing a soft toy, calls one sentence to write a fairy tale.

We all wanted to live in such a city. When we are happy, we feel healthy and full. But this does not happen!

Probably, each of you fell into stressful situations.

Stress - This is the reaction of our body to external physical and emotional stress. At first, a person feels discomfort, then enters the new mode of operation and, finally, the power is depleted.

It is known that people with a high level of education, women aged from 30 to 44 years old are more exposed to emotional stress.

People carry stress differently. Alone - Quickly overcome the "phase of alarm" and immediately "take himself in hand." These are calm, balanced people are not inclined to make fast, raw solutions. Others- quickly "surrenders." These are impatient people who are unrestrained, their movements are fast and sharp. The strength of stress depends on the person himself, from his character, self-confidence. Remember that stress is caused by a non-one strong stimulus, but a series of small, daily unrest.

2.3 Test "Hidden Stress"

All participants of the training are issued prepared forms of tests. The psychologist summarizes test results. There are many tips and psychological techniques for removing emotional stress.

2.4. The exercise "Basket of Soviets".

Each teacher takes turns takes the cards and reads out loud proposed advice .

Pedagogues roundBy passing a soft toy, tell about their ways to remove emotional tension.

If you get into the stressful situation, then the most important thing is calm, even if it is purely externally. Saving a composure, you can prove to yourself that you are a strong person. And most importantly, you will save your health.

According to the World Health Organization, 90% of all human diseases are associated with stress, because During stress, the adrenaline's blood is released and the reserve of hormones is depleted, while the pressure increases, the pulse increases, the level of cholesterol in the blood increases. The frequent repetition of these reactions leads to the development of hypertension, ulcer of the stomach, insomnia, weight loss, physical fatigue and passivity.

Interesting Facts:

Envy and anger affect the digestion organs;

Fear - thyroid gland;

Sadness and despondency lead to rapid aging;

Unrestrained emotions - heart disease. The exercise "Name emotion."Participants get into the circle, throw the ball to each other, calling positive emotions, then negative. Make sure that negative emotions are much more and make the appropriate conclusion.

How nice to see you in a good mood. Success in the work increases the mood, but the teacher needs to constantly regulate their mood.

2.5. Stress removal help as laugh, so I. tears.

American psychologist Don Powell advises "to find a reason every day to even laugh at least."

Therapeutic power of laughter is known to everyone: laughter improves blood circulation, digestion, helps the brain allocate endorphins - natural substances, relieve pain. Remember, the one who laughs lives long!

Most people admit that after the tears they feel better. Scientists believe that tears purify the body from harmful stress products. Do not be afraid to cry!

2.6. Bioenergetic healing.

Recently, many began to listen to biorhythms, to the type of weather, to horoscopes for every day. The energy of the cosmos is chista and the same, but is distributed among people in different ways, in terms of their spirituality.

Around every person there is an invisible aura, which represents his spiritual territory. The invasion of this territory causes unpleasant feelings (irritation, discomfort, indignation, mental pain).

A teacher in his work interacts with children and adults. He needs to constantly feed himself with new energy.

The psychologist leads examples: Birch and oaks feed energy, the life changes require a spiritual awakening person.

There is a whole respiratory system (edge), where an imaginary connection with cosmic energy occurs.

It is known that many diseases arise from the violation of the energy balance. When in one body of the body, the energy in excess, on the other - it does not take it. For example, if an excess of energy in the glands of internal secretion, the hormonal exchange is disturbed.

2.7. The exercise "Artherapy".

Space music sounds.

Those who want to fit the table, where paints are prepared, brushes, gouache, watman, jars with water. Start drawing, expressing their feelings from music in the drawing .

The rest of the training participants close their eyes. The psychologist gives an installation: "Imagine yourself the center of the universe. Focus only on yourself. Feel that you are unique and unique. " Time 2-3 minutes.

Open your eyes. Tell us about your feelings.

The first group analyzes its drawings. Many noticed that after performing this exercise, they felt ease, self-confidence, peace of mind.

2.8. In all acceptance of emotional stress removal, special attention should be paid to its breathing.

Ancient Chinese medicine states that all diseases from improper breathing. Usually our breathing is very superficial. Approximately 1/3 part of the volume of lungs is filled with clean air. It is necessary to take advantage of the complex "respiratory gymnastics".

The exercise "Full breath".

It is better to perform an exercise in comfortable clothes, in a well-worn room, it is necessary to breathe slowly with pleasure, concentrating your attention on breathing.

Tip: Start your day with breathing gymnastics!

Blood and brain are enriched with oxygen, freeing the body from excess voltage.

The profession of teacher requires a skillful possession of their voice.

Creek is a natural, natural and widespread way to remove nervous voltage.

But teachers of the energy of the scream can and need to be sent to a positive channel.

For example, you can transform into the energy of the singing sound. Singing will give the necessary nervous mental discharge and will develop the ability to use his voice.

Today I want each of you to give a memo on meditation.

Final part.

1. American psychologist D. Carnegie offers "Formula for today."

Sounds the tape record of words. The psychologist shows cards with these words. Training participants with a whisper are pronounced words .

2. Feedback.

Transfer of soft toys in a circle. Everyone expresses his opinion about the training. For example:

The most useful for me was ...

I like it…

I would like to change ...

Those who wish can write