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Multi-line roof construction. Multi-line roofs: How to create a "complex" beauty? Multi-Top Roof Construction Stages

In the case when the "box" of the house wall has a complex configuration with various annexes, or the project involves the arrangement on the roof of auditory windows and remote or in-depth balconies, as a rule, the multi-line roof of the rafting system has been selected, which has a very complex design.

Such roofs differ from the standard presence of several frontones, which can be three or more. In addition, the Motion Distribution System includes several departments in its design, thanks to which the house will look more presentable, especially in cases where the facade of the structure matches the finish corresponding to the architectural style decision.

Basic Principles of Multi-Top Roof Design

The multi-line sump system has a design that consists of separate slopes, interrelated. The upper part of the wall of the buildings of the building, limited from two sides, is called a tongs (or a fronton, if this area is separated from the wall at home). Therefore, the roof having no two fronton (nippers), but a few, and called multi-volume.

Depending on the characteristics of the structure, on the number of such departments of the rafting system, the roofs can be three-cross-cooled, four-stroke and even more complex.

This figure scheme presents the most frequently used options for the designs of these complex structures. Moreover, as you can see, various deposits of one roof can be both ordinary duplex and.

Installation of multi-track roof is quite complicated and requires considerable costs for the purchase of materials, since they will always be required more than for the usual system. And the point is not only that such roofs have more total area - a complex configuration leads to the fact that with a latch of roofing material there are a large number of cropping.

The complexity of the construction of the design leads to a high cost of work, so most often such options are selected for the arrangement of respectable mansions, in something resembling vintage locks.

However, in various, sometimes there are several simplified versions, multiple roofs have become widely applied to quite "modest" country houses.

Architects, designers, builders give this type of roofs with the following positive characteristics:

  • High bearing capacity and strength construction.
  • Due to the fact that the rafter multi-volume system is calculated based on large loads, it has high resistance to external influences, such as sharp gusts of the wind or the pressure of large sweep masses.
  • As a rule, the rods of these types of roofs have a big bias, which contributes to the simplicity of their maintenance, since they are not delayed garbage, snow and rain flows. Thanks to these qualities, roof repair is carried out much less often.
  • Multi-line roofs have a high horse, so in a space that is formed under them, it is quite realistic to equip living rooms, which is not always done under traditional.

Let us turn to the basic principles of the device of multi-track roofs.

As it is known, the rafter systems are vague or hanging, and both options can be used immediately in multi-way design. For example, above the main structure, if it is characterized by a large area and has an inside capital partitions, a slotted system is installed, and hanging on small compartments.

If the structure is square or rectangular and the installation of multi-cycle roof is scheduled on it, it is recommended to provide an additional support for it in the form of a carrier wall-partition inside the house. This is due to the high weight of this type of roofs.

This figure shows the main elements that are characteristic of this roofing design. Please note that you can simultaneously apply both conventional duplex schemes and hip.

1 - roof raids - their multi-cycle roof is always greater than that of traditional and they may differ in their structure, square, the corner of the steepness.

2 - Konk - This element will also be represented "in several copies", as it does not do without it when building each of the roof departments.

3 - Ribs are protruding the angles of crossing the planes of the roofing coating. As a rule, they usually have in roofs of an attic or hip design.

4 - FRONTON or TELPER - the number of these elements may vary, depending on the complexity of the roof

5 - The front board is framed by each of the roofing forceps, closing the end edges of the roofing coating.

6 - UNDOVA is an inner roof angle, formed by the joint line of different design departments. This element will also be a kind of channel for water drain.

7 - Outskirts passes along the bottom edge of the roof. It is covered with the ends of the wind board, and the dripper for removing moisture from under the roofing coating on the edge of the roofing coating on the edge.

8 - apron, installed around chimney and ventilation pipes, to prevent the penetration of water under the roof in the sections of the passage.

The most, perhaps, uncomplicated multi-line truck design with the removal of the viewing window is presented in the diagram. However, it should be noted that more complex options with the presence of two or more built-in departments consist of the same parts, only they will need more.

Among the variety of various roofs the most complex is considered multi-way.

However, this does not stop those who want to decorate their home such a roof.

In this article, we will look at what it represents itself and how its design is different from the designs of other roofs.

Such roofs are erected on polygonal or square homes.

Often, various rooms have, having a different height or equipped with attic in the attic space, are attached to homes, multiple reasons are elevated for various reasons.

The main feature of the design of multiple roofs is the presence of a large number of funds, rakes and ribs.


The simplest plumbing roof is a bone roof that does not have frontones on the ends.

In such a design, the tipper is called the upper triangular part of the wall.

If it is separated by a cornice - it will be already a fronton.

The easiest example of a multi-wheeled roof is the connection of two coatings of the batch view at a right angle.

From above, such a structure is a cross-shaped figure.

Endov is an internal angle formed between two slopes.

In winter, the greatest number of snow accumulates in them, and in the summer - garbage.

The attention should be paid to their waterproofing, as the leaks most often arise exactly here.

The edge of the coatings is formed by the junctions of the rods, in contrast to the end, it is an outer angle, for example, a hat or a connection of two slopes on a four-page roof.

The most complex and responsible part of the whole design is a rafter system, it should be calculated and manufactured with high accuracy and attentiveness.

As a rule, there are either hanging.

The rafter system we will consider separately.


Device and the procedure for erection of the rafter system

The basis of the rafter design is Maurylalat, stacked at the top of the wall and is a rigid bound frame.

It is attached to the walls by means of metal studs installed in Aropoyas.

Since the roof is a rather complicated design, attention should be paid to its drawing.

To do this, it is necessary to accurately measure all sizes, choose a slope, determine the type of line of the rafter system, calculate the rafters, place the location of the funds, skates, ribs, as well as the elements of the system - tightening, stops, runs, vertical racks.

First of all, Mauerlat is stacked - it is the basis of the rafter system and assumes all the efforts from the rafter, passing them on the bearing walls.

Maurylalat is reliably fixed on the reinforced belt, after which the rafting legs are mounted.

With large sizes of the house, longitudinal or transverse ceiling beams are installed, which will serve as tighters.

Stropile legs have the appearance of conventional rafters, and if the roof is a holm or semi-haul - rafters will be diagonal, they will be necessary to strengthen these people, and they themselves can be dual or paired.

The rafters are attached to Mauerlat by means of marbles, as well as metal plates, brackets, corners - it depends on the type of rafters.

At the top point, the rafter is connected on the skate, and then equipped with vapor barrier, crate and counterclaim.

It depends on the roofing material that will be used later.

All wooden elements should be impregnated with antipirens and antiseptics for safety and improve life.

After the construction of the rafting system, the roof is insulated and lies.

Particular attention should be paid to waterproofing, in particular, endands and raging - water and snow accumulates, and with poor waterproofing, they flow first.

Some features of the roof under consideration

When choosing a multi-way design as an option for your home, consider that the construction of such a roof is a rather complicated and expensive process.

It will take a sufficient amount of material, time, professional skills and so on.

If you are confident in your capabilities - the multi-line roof with their own hands (the scheme can be easily found) will not be great.

The issue of value is worth a mansion - this design is not only difficult, but also costly.

For this type of roof, as a multi-type, the project should be made up with special care and consideration of all possible factors - then the roof will serve for a long time and qualitatively.

If you build such a roof, taking into account all the rules, you will get the roof that will be:

  • Sustainable and reliable - due to a balanced rafting system, the roof can withstand heavy loads;
  • The roof will give the opportunity to equip an additional space in the house - attic or attic;
  • The roof will be practical, but its appearance will be very attractive - multi-line roofs look very beautiful, and at the expense of the large steepness of the skates snow and other precipitations on it are not delayed.

As you can see - a multi-way roof is a somewhat peculiar design that requires more costs and effort than other types of roofs.

However, erecting such a roof, you will greatly decorate your home, make it attractive outwardly.

It will be pleasant in it, and if you go to the arrangement of the roof creatively - it will look very impressive.

In this case, such a roof will be quite practical.

Video about the rafting roof system.

Multi-line roof is a rather complicated design for the construction. It has a lot of different structural elements: a variety of ribs, ribs, nippers, endanders.

Multi-line roof

The construction and coating of such roofs require great experience in construction work, the correct calculation of the entire roof design, as well as accounting for all alleged loads, which will subsequently affect support.

What is this kind of roofing and its design features? This and the other details of the construction of multiple roofs can be found from this article.

The main advantages of the multilletin roof:

  • Attractive appearance. These roofs came to us from the West, they got the greatest distribution for their attractive appearance;
  • The practicality of this type of roofs. Snow or other precipitations are completely almost delayed on the roofs of the roofs, but quickly go through the slope and a large slope of the roof rods;
  • Strength and durability of the whole design. Such a roof can withstand heavy loads, thanks to a balanced rafted system. This, of course, is one of its main advantages;
  • Effective use of the space under the roof, which makes it possible to equip additional premises;

But there are some disadvantages that need to be mentioned:

  • The complexity of the whole design. If the multiple roof is erected with her own hands, then the owner of the house itself has a rich experience of such works or an excellent consultant, and otherwise, you can easily make mistakes and then it is unlikely that it will be possible to make it right;
  • Large material waste. Since the roof has multiple bends and skates, then a large amount of waste will be formed in the process of covering it with roofing material. From which it can be concluded that the construction of a multi-line roof is not cheap pleasure.

Based on the pluses and cons, you can make a decision, and is it worth it, actually, "Game Svetch"?

What is the multi-line roof?

So, what is the main elements it consists? Consider a Read more:

  1. mauerlat is a special bar, which is placed around the perimeter of the building, then the entire rafter system is based on it and attached;
  2. grooves that are discharged;
  3. inclined ramp planes;
  4. horizontal and inclined ribs;
  5. rafters - special wooden poles and boards;
  6. dome of the uniform distribution of the load from the weight of the roof;
  7. swees are the edges of the roof, which are located above the walls of the house;
  8. drains where precipitation flows;
  9. konk - the upper part of the roof;
  10. endovma - Corners of the connection of two skates.

The desired roof device is associated with the fact that in those places where there is an intersection of the skates, the diagonal rafters should be installed so that the whole design is holistic and completed.

When installing multiple roofs, it is necessary to pay attention to such an element such as a suspension. If they are incorrect installation and installation, the roof may subsequently give to flow.

Variety of forms of multi-line roofs

If it is decided to create a multiple roof, then do not do without funds. In this case, one way or another, the connecting places of two rocks will appear, and it is necessary to pay special attention to the places of their compound. Since this is the inner corners of the roof, the load on them will be significantly higher than on the other parts of the roof. Therefore, the correct construction of the docking of the skates is the reliability and durability of the roof erected.

A different multiple roof over the square house is also called a holm, since this roof option has four slides located on different sides of the house. Shots themselves are not different as hips.

Such a roof assumes the construction of additional forceps, and the entire rafter system in this case is complicated. In rare cases, you can meet a half-haired four-way roof, where two slides running on the sides are slightly cut from a large forceps.

This is exactly what is due to the difference between the half-haul from the main rods, they usually have a much smaller length, in the part where the line is going. Such semi-degrees can be built in the upper part of the roof, in the form of a triangle, and a forcepets will in this case will be in the form of a trapezium. In this case, this forcepets will be issued forward from the wall.

Features of the design of multi-track roofs

It is believed that the installation of a multi-line roof should be performed on those homes that have a very nontrivial layout in their design features. It is used in cases where it is necessary to increase the attic space, creating more space for additional residential areas in it.

The multi-line roof over the square home is the most common option and much less often the roof base has a type of polygon, as it requires additional calculations. If the roof construction is assumed in the form of equilateral triangles, then their vertices should converge in the same point.

Today there are ready-made projects of various forms of multi-line roofs. If you say, for example, about a four-tie hip roof, then endands must be in this design. A prerequisite in this case will be the presence of a ventilated (ventilated) attic room, it must be fully isolated from others contained in heat, premises.

Another point to take into account is that such roofs consume more building materials, i.e. After installation, quite a lot of waste remains.

If you consider, for example, the construction of a semi-raid roof, then its main feature is the installation of several rafters. Such a design will be quite complicated, and it must be remembered.

In the manufacture of such a design, the number of rods obtained gives a certain amount of internal corners, so-called rts. This is the necessary element of the roof, because unnecessary precipitations are rolled. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to this element necessary for insulation from water.

Endovists are also characteristic of the fact that in these places the likelihood of snow accumulation in the winter period is the largest, which can lead to an additional burden on the roof. Therefore, in the winter period, the roof (multiple) periodically needs to be cleaned, freeing from extra precipitation.

Architectural complexity Multishing Roof

It should not say that the construction of a multi-volume roof is a difficult task even for experienced professionals. Indeed, in the design of this species, the roofs there are endands, and suspensive, as well as many ribs, while all this needs to be properly connected, which requires great skills and experience of construction work.

Therefore, it is not surprising that it is mainly used to create projects, complex in architectural plan, where polygonal structures and elements are planned.

The greatest use of a forcep roof can be found in private construction, which is explained by its beauty and aesthetic qualities and characteristics. In the private erection of houses, it is often possible to meet such intricate and complex forms of roofing, which sometimes it is difficult to even recognize that this is the multi-line roof.

The most popular representatives of multi-line roofs can with confidence to name the semi-walled roofs.

The simplest of the multi-volume roofs is the roof, in which, at an angle in ninety degrees, two roof slides intersect.

Multi-line roof, features of the rafter system

First of all, you need to clarify, from which the rafter system of such a roof is. This includes rafters themselves, special runs (beams), and, of course, the indispensable attribute is Maurylalat. Mauerlat is one of the important components of the entire system. It serves to redistribute all loads of the roof on the walls of the whole house.

Usually, these are wooden bars of a certain size, in this case 150 x 100 millimeters. As for the length, it can be different, but mostly has one and a half meters. The solry system is best made from pine.

The rafters, in turn, are divided into two types - hanging and urban. What will be used in construction depends on the specific structural features of the forcep roof. Sometimes in the hotel structures, both types of rafters are used.

Where bounce roofs are connected, diagonal rafters (legs) must be present, and narchs must already be installed on them (which will keep support).

Since the diagonal rafters take on a very large load in such roofs, they, almost always, should be strengthened by connecting into two boards.

At the top of the roof of the rafter must be connected by a run, which is made from the brucks or boards interconnected. If such a need arises, then the addition of the additional intermediates are sometimes mounted.

After the installation of the rafter system is completed, you must not forget to put the waterproofing film. It should be held in a perpendicular direction towards the skate, while you need to make a small science, approximately 15 centimeters. In the joints of the joints, for greater waterproofing, it is necessary to walk the connective tape. Be sure to pay attention to the endand of the roof, they should also be securely hydroizing, since precipitation will go from the roof.

When the rafter system is ready, then after installing the waterproofing layer, you can already lay a counterclaim. The most common material for the crates are bars. If the laying instruction is on the roofing material, it is better to do this according to this instruction.

Multi-Top Roof Construction Stages

So how, still, make this not an easy multimipical roof? As mentioned earlier, the multi-line roof construction is nothing more than a compound together several two-tie roofs. When they are connected, the house looks significantly better and produces a very favorable impression on the part.

Multi-type roof is raised with their own hands into several stages:

  • conducting very accurate calculations that contain the size of all elements of the house and roof, the miscalculation of snow and precipitated loads on the roof of the building;
  • the correct calculation of the length and the required cross section of the rafter;
  • put Maurylalat along the entire length of the bearing walls, which will then be the basis for the whole roof;
  • installation in the right places of the main parts of the roof design (diverse stops, suspensory, skates and others);
  • installation of the rafter system on Mauerlat, using nails or reinforcement pins (if the main frame of the house is made of concrete structures);
  • the last stage of the work will be the installation of the crate, as well as layers of paro and waterproofing before the roof covering.

So, after finding out the features of the construction of multiple roofs, it is possible to make important conclusions: most often the multiple roof is erected over the square house, depending on the climate of the region, the angle of the slope is selected, the increase in costs and the complexity of the design is compensated by obtaining an additional space under the beautiful roof of your home.

Complex roofing structures today can be often found in private house-building. And the complexity of developers does not frighten. After all, beauty and presentability are part of social status. Among the small number of types of complex roofing is highlighted by its originality, because its design has a large number of complex elements. But why this kind of roof received such a name.

It is all the case in rooms under the roofs, which are covered with a separate element connected to the main roofing system. This element is called a tongs. The peculiarity of its design is two slopes without a cornice, resting in the walls of the building. To understand what we are talking about, look at the photo from above (house with a multi-line roof). At the skates there is one touch with other elements of the roof - it is an endand or ribs. That is, it turns out that this building does not have frontones.

If you look at the roofing system from above (if the house is square or rectangular, and its tongs are located against each other), then it will be a design in the form of a cross. At the same time, the crosses will be two: internal - these are funds, external are ribs or ribs of the roof. By the way, the endands are those sites in which snow accumulates in large quantities, and in the summer garbage.

Features of multi-type roofing

If you have a task, make a multi-way roof with your own hands, then you must realize that its design is a huge number of different elements, the process itself is complicated, so it usually conducts professionals. But if in the technology of the construction technologies, it will be possible to build a multi-way roof.

The question of the value of the whole design is a little mansion. The whole thing is again in a large number of building materials used. And here, as practice shows, it makes no sense. The project and calculation conducted by experts should be strictly observed. It is not necessary to make a project and calculations with your own hands, a small inaccuracy can lead to big problems already at the initial stage of the multi-line roof structure. Designing this type of roofing should be carried out with special care, taking into account all visible and invisible loads and factors.

If we build a multiple roof in all the rules, then in the end you will get:

  • Sustainable and reliable roofing design, which will be perfectly confronted with natural loads only at the expense of a balanced rafter system.
  • Under the roof it will be possible to organize several residential and economic premises. The house will become more functional.
  • This is an attractive appearance, is residually original and rarely encountered, so it is possible to stand out among the neighbors.

And one unpleasant moment associated with the construction of this design: a large number of roofing wastes. Master professionals bring it to a minimum, but if you make a roof with your own hands, then you immediately be ready that financial investments will increase.

Construction of a multi-way roof with your own hands

The main load element of the roof is Mauerlat. In fact, these are brushes (minimum cross-section 150x150 mm), which are attached using metal anchors to the walls of the house. To lay an anchor, you need to pour a concrete reinforced belt around the perimeter of the building.

Attention ! The reinforcement of the concrete belt must be solid.

On the installed Mauerlat will rely relieve legs. They can be hanging or inclined, everything will depend on the structural features of the roofing multiple system. As a rafter, the boards section of 150x50 mm are usually used. If the alleged loads confirmed by calculations will be quite large, then instead of the boards it will be necessary to use bruises with a cross section of 150x100 mm or the above-described boards to dwink each other.

On the carrier capital wall, the skiing bar is placed on which the upper edges will be mounted. The bar is exhibited exactly at the place and maintains supports and bodies. After that, rafting elements are installed on it and Mauerlat. Stacking step will depend on the selected roofing material. If it is heavy species (for example, tile), the step between the rafters should be within 60-80 cm. If it is a professional flooring or metal tile, the step can be increased to 1.0-1.5 m. All the same applies to and Chatters.

The attachment of the rafter is made by metal fasteners using self-tapping screws. By the way, the experienced masters the connection between the elements of the multi-nose roof is made by the method of writing, so to speak, in the old manner. The method is complex in execution, requiring significant experience. Therefore, for those who build a house and roof with their own hands, it is recommended to use modern fastening technologies.

Attention! When attaching rafters to Mauerlat, it is necessary to make a deepening in a bar for the size of the rainstream width. And after installation, on the place to fasten the elements with metal profiles.

At the skate bruus, the installation is made by simple laying and metal fasteners, as shown in the top photo.

The most difficult stage in the construction of a multi-type roof with their own hands is the creation of rtands between roofing rods. By the way, on the same photo it is clearly visible. Firstly, it should be noted that the endow is loaded more than any other elements of the roof, so if it is constructed, it is necessary to take care of the strength of the material from which it is manufactured. Here, as with a skate bar, you can use or thick bar, or dual boards.

Secondly, UNDOVA is an inclined inner corner, which is formed by the rafters of two roofing rods. Therefore, rafters will rely on it. It is important to strictly observe the design parameters that are laid in the multi-track roof project. This is especially true of the corner through which the rods are connected. If you figure it out, Endow is, in fact, a part of the supporting structure, to which Konk and Maurylalat belong.

Pay again at the photo. It is clearly seen that it is only perpendicular to another element in the same plane to the skate bruus. This is the so-called run. In fact, it is a horse for an extension, which will form a roof pin. The run is necessarily manufactured from the same material as the horse. It will also be lit. And although the bulk of the rafter feet will be relying on Enda, the rafting legs forming a forcepets will be rejected on the extension run. By the way, these rafters are called "Net Follow."

The simplest design of the multi-line roof is the roof mounted on a square house. It seems that everything is simple, but this form has its own difficulties in erection. It is important here to understand how all other elements are connected at one point. Subtleties in these nodes a lot, especially this refers to docking and fastening. That each element is firmly fixed, experts offer to use additional stops and backups. In order not to be unfounded, we suggest look at the photo where these nodes are shown in complete analysis.

Thirdly, as for the endand. This is the most vulnerable part of the roofing system. That is why it is so important to carefully carry out its sealing. This is usually done in several stages.

  • A metallic bar is installed on the crate, which closes the part of the elements in width.
  • Waterproofing is stacked, often in two layers.
  • Another exactly the same plank.

Attention! The sharet of Undova should be solid.

This element of the multi-cycle roof in its technological properties is no different from the crates of other forms of roofs. That is, the installation step, the size of the elements, fastening methods, and so on, is also selected.

Conclusion on the topic

Machine the multiple roof is not very simple. But if you master the basics of work with carpentry tools and understand that it is a design scheme, how to install and fasten the roof elements, you can cope with the task you can easily.

The only difference between the subtypes of a multi-line roof is the form of the house itself. That is, the house can be square and rectangular. In the first case, there may be no bouncing in the roofing system. Just all the skates will be connected at the same top point, as shown in the top photo. So, the house covering the multi-line roof, the most original.

Construction of the roof - an important stage of the construction of a private house. She protects tenants from the Sun, cold, precipitation and other surprises of nature. When drawing up a project, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the climatic zone. The second feature is aesthetic.

Who does not want to live in a beautiful house? The spectacular roof can become a highlight of the whole structure and even a local attraction.

Types of roofs

The climate has a selection of the roof type of roof.

Flat solution is appropriate in areas with a minimum of annual precipitation. Lack of or minimal (no more than 3º) The bias in the area with large amounts will lead to the accumulation of water on the roof. Subsequently, she can start leaking.

The scope design is more suitable for our latitudes. The angle of inclination depends on the amount of precipitation, is usually at least 10º. In a private house, the roof device often implies several rods.

The architecture of the house may provide for the attic. In this case, the roof is separated from the residential part of the attic overlap. Bescaneous roof at the same time is overlapping the upper floor.

By drawing up a roof project, you need to decide how to use space under it. From whether it is planned to have a residential room or storage room on it, a suitable form and design depends.

Single roof is inclined in one direction at an angle of 20-30º. Skat must be located towards winds. Excellent choice for home with bottles. This simple design effectively uses the area, simplifies the chimney mounting and the subsequent completion of the floors.

Of the disadvantages you can allocate not the most interesting view. An unusual approach (a combination of rods at different levels, the use of metal tile) will achieve an attractive result.

The variant is quite common in our latitudes - a duplex roof. The angle of inclination varies within 25-45º, the accurate value depends on the amount of precipitation in the region.

A bias should contribute to its natural purification from snow and water. This design is suitable for the attic equipment, quickly and cheaply mounted, opens up wide opportunities for design.

The four-tight hip roof looks originally, protects the facade from precipitation and is not afraid of a strong wind. Under it you can equip the attic or the attic, but their area will be less than in a double version. Minus design - the complexity and complexity of the construction.

The original half-haired roof combines the last two types. It has a trapezoidal fronton, at the expense of which is resistant to weather vapor. May have two or four skate. For spectacular appearance, the complexity of installation and roofing decoration is hidden.

Tent is a similarity of a tent or pyramid in the form of four triangular rods. Accordingly, the house must have a form of a rectangle or square. A good coating option will be metal tile or slate.

Multi-line roof has an attractive appearance and suitable for houses of non-standard architecture with extensions. The complexity of the design, which includes many rods and angles with different inclination, makes it installation available only to the experienced master.

Beautiful and unusual dome or conic roof will suit the structure of a round or multifaceted form. Surprises are not terrible and seismically resistant design.

The main disadvantages are the impossibility of organizing the attic and the extraordinary complexity of the installation. Rarely used in private houses.

Types of roofs can be combined. The architect offers ample opportunities for creating a functional and aesthetic option. The reverse side of the medal is the construction, design and maintenance are conjugate with fair difficulties.

The architecture of the house is played in the choice of the roof form of the roof: for example, a double or multi-cycle line will be suitable for a classic style. Photo Roofs of private houses will help you decide on the choice.

Children's roofs

In private homes, the attic or attic is often equipped. Such a solution is justified by a number of benefits received. Perhaps most importantly of them are an additional area without the construction of a full-fledged floor.

A competently organized system of ventilation and thermal insulation of the attic will improve the microclimate at home. With the right approach, it is possible to effectively use even the space between the roof and the walls of the attic. Built-in roof windows will provide room with a maximum of natural light.

Before starting work, make sure that the bearing walls and foundation will withstand new loads.

The angle of inclination of the roof of the attic is usually 45-60º (the upper part can be at an angle of 25-35º).

Selection of material

Traditional roofing material - slate (asbestos-cement wavy sheets). With reliability and cheapness remains pretty heavy. Suitable roof inclination angle for use - 13-60º.

Not suitable for flat roofs, as the fallout falling into the sludge will lead to a decrease in the life. Bituminous slate is used, starting from 5º slope. From the angle depends on the shape of the crate: if it is less than 10º, it takes solid flooring.

Slate Ondulin has not the most presentable appearance. Suitable for household buildings, it can also be used in the repair of the roof of the private house. In the virtue of its advantages - durability and durability.

Practical, inexpensive, light metal profile will be a good alternative to the sector. You can choose the coating of your favorite.

Ruberoid is often used to provide thermal insulation, not a complete coating. It is a soft material of black.

Tile has high decorative qualities, reliable and easy. It is produced in a variety of colors. To push off the choice in its favor can the high cost of the roof. Suitable bias for ceramic tiles - 30-60º. If it is less than 25º, it is necessary to take care of the enhancement of ventilation and waterproofing.

Perhaps the most popular roof of a private house can be called metal tile. It can be used, starting from 15º slope.

Bituminous tile repeats the surface of any curvature, so it will be a good choice for an unusual roof (for example, dome). The minimum tilt angle is 12º.

Stock Foto Roofs of private houses