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The effect of lunar eclipse on the state of a person. Eclipse and their influence on man

Astronomy eclipse is the moon phase. The solar eclipse occurs in the new moon, that is, when connecting the sun and the moon, when the sun, the moon and the earth are located on one straight line, and the moon - between the ground and the sun. The lunar eclipse is in full moon, when the sun is located opposite the Moon, and the Earth - between the luminais and flashes his shadow the lunar disk.

It is not by chance that people are attached to the eclipses of the Sun and the Moon fateful meaning. These spectacular natural phenomena are invariably associated with the approach of misfortune. All because a decisive factor that turns a simple new moon or a full moon to an eclipse - a connection with lunar nodes, the intersection points of the moon orbit with an ecliptic (with the plane of the earth rotation around the Sun). People to this day believe that everything that happens in the eclipse - fatal. Astrologically, the axis of the nodes is a vector of development that determines the karmic lessons and fateful situations laid down in a personal horoscope. Therefore, during the eclipse period, the turning points of fate are activated, the mechanism of fatality is activated. But in this case the fatality is not equal to negative events. This is the inevitability that follows the free choice of man or the events through which we must go through the karmic circumstances.

How do solar and lunar eclipses affect a person?

To deny any influence of solar and lunar lunar eclipses on a person would also be inappropriate, as not to recognize the effects of outbreaks on the sun or magnetic storms. A person is part of all living on Earth and is fully connected with nature, like everything else.

Solar and lunar eclipses affect different. Solar eclipse more affects personality, society or event plan, and lunar - on emotions, psyche, subconscious.

Solar eclipse has a strong influence on the events that occur in life. Since the sun symbolizes consciousness, its eclipse will bring a personal crisis. Often during the solar eclipse and in the coming days there are external situations that encourage people to conscious transformation of their installations, as well as the revision of personal ambitions. Eclipse of the Sun. Activates a new cycle of life and denotes the themes of life and cases to which you need to immediately pay attention. Solar eclipse gives events impulse, which will lead you for several years. You should always pay attention to what is happening in life in days close to eclipse, but especially on the day of eclipse. It can be a new acquaintance, thoughts about where you move on or someone's advice, offer. All these seemingly little things in the future may result in serious life experience. At these moments, a person suddenly can see new opportunities in already known circumstances. However, it is not necessary to immediately rush into new projects during the operation of a solar eclipse, since at that moment the quality of the two shone was mixed. The adoption of important decisions is better postponing a week after eclipse.

Eclipse of the Moon Symbolizes the completion of the cycle. This is the time of illumination of the life situation. The fact that for a long time was hidden becomes apparent. In the period of the lunar eclipse, many protracted processes, the expectation of any event comes to an end and, in general, it is obtained. However, on the lunar eclipse, the influence of emotions is great, so it is necessary to maintain peace of mind and awareness, and during the eclipse itself, do not make speaking solutions and not take action.

The influence of the lunar eclipse on a person is that the negative event performed by them can return to him in the future and will still be reflected in life for a long time.

If the eclipse of the moon is preceded by a sunny, then it shows in which area the reorganization is necessary due to the impending crisis. If the eclipse of the moon occurs after sunny, then the cycle laid at the beginning will manifest itself during the next lunar eclipse.

Eclipse seasons There are every year. The first time the Sun passes through the northern node of the Moon, and six months later, when it passes through the southern one. A year comes from four to seven eclipses and, knowing their seasons, we have the opportunity to live more consciously. All that happens during these periods has high importance, since any eclipse occurs on nodes (karmic points). Offers, ideas, dating, which appeared in an eclipse, can be for a long time to become your satellites. A week after the eclipse, you pay attention to new circumstances in life, but you should not wait for rapid changes in life.

  1. Be calm and not find out the relationship;
  2. In the ability to postpone important trips, drive a car carefully;
  3. Time with large financial transactions;
  4. Postpone surgical operations if possible;
  5. Monitor your well-being;
  6. Get rid of bad habits that prevent you from living;
  7. Conduct self-tuning on the positive development of life situations.

Exists "Golden Rule" for Eclipse periods: No need to provoke events, but if they occurred, then the situation should be adopted and to respond in a timely manner and act on the newly specified plan.

The influence of eclipses on our life is pretty great. However, one should not forget that any astrological phenomenon is always considered in terms of an individual card. The influence of eclipses always applies to the house (the sphere of life), in which they took place, and through the interactions with the planets. Therefore, in order to know how to affect the events of your life, this or that eclipse is necessary

Surely, each of you felt the influence of solar and better eclipses, only those who are not interested in astrology, unlikely bind to sudden deterioration of well-being or other organism reactions with these periods.

Meanwhile, Ignore solar and lunar eclipses extremely imprudently, because warned, it means armed!

How affects people solar and lunar eclipse, you will learn below.

The influence of eclipses on people

Eclipses at all times caused the thrill before the power of nature and were considered as an omnation of misfortunes and as the Beach of God. Even observation of this phenomenon atheist makes thinking about the creation of the world. Eclipse periods are characterized as karmic. The effect of moon and solar eclipse on a man extremely high. At such periods there are rejunction for the perfect actions, actions. And this is not necessarily something bad, but always - deserved.

Eclipses occur in pairs. If the eclipse of the sun first goes, then the next one will be lunar or vice versa. Solar eclipse acts more on personality, society or event, appearance, and lunar - on emotions, subconscious. If first is the lunar eclipse, and then the solar, then the preceding emotionality can then cause more powerful resonance and on an external, event plan.

Knowing about the effect of lunar and solar eclipses per person, fateful events are better not planning for these periods, for Mr. The case can be replayed on his own way. But people of creative, gifted can visit Mrs. Luck.

The golden rule for the eclipse periods: we do not provoke events, but if they "fell on the head", then I humbly accepted the situation and in a timely manner, we actually act on the above plan.

Table of solar and lunar eclipses of 2019:

date A type Coordinate GMT Time (UT)
February 11th Lunar eclipse (half-blooded) 22 ° Lion 00.45
February 26. Solar Eclipse (Ring-shaped) 08 ° Fish 14.54
August 07. Lunar eclipse (partial) 15 ° Aquarius 18.21
August 21 Solar Eclipse (Full) 29 ° Lion 18.26

Knowing how the solar and lunar eclipses affect people, and considering these periods when planning important affairs, you can avoid many troubles.

How affects people solar and lunar eclipse

Solar eclipse effects more on an external, event plan, and the lunar - on the "feeder", i.e. on the psyche. Exacerbations are exacerbated, vulnerability, intuition. Everyone is experiencing periods of eclipses according to his personal development, as well as the individual horoscope "turns on" the eclipse.

Considering how the solar eclipse is influenced by a person, on the eve of this event, it is advisable to identify in itself, independently or with the help of a specialist, OP (limiting views). That is, what a "rake" you have, for which you come from time to time. So it's time to pull these same OP from your subconscious. Having revealed them, it is necessary to build another model of perception of this problem, personal affirmations (self-assets). For example: "Money is evil, they get with difficulty." We reprogram: "Money is possible, they freely come to me. I know why I need them. "

Solar eclipse occurs in the new moon, it can be full, partial (private), or ring-shaped (ring-shaped). The annular eclipse brings more catastrophes and accidents, as it is connected with the apogee of the moon. And do not forget how the solar eclipse affects health: the complete eclipse is always connected with the perigeem of the Moon and the godshop acts on the psyche.

The lunar eclipse occurs in the full moon. This, on the one hand, an emotionally difficult period, on the other, is important in terms of building mental structures. If a program is created in the lunar eclipse or plans are built, then they then work unconsciously. Therefore, it is very important not to be angry with someone and not to show discontent with life. And it is especially important to be positively configured. The main thing is internal equilibrium. Men in the lunar eclipse are more vulnerable, feel psychological discomfort.

Having information on how lunar and solar eclipses affect the person, it is recommended during these periods:

Periods of eclipses are suitable for getting rid of bad habits, to study internal installations that interfere with living. Self-resistance must be positive and sound in the present. But this is not enough. We must certainly include visualization (image) through the manifestation of will and faith. For we will create what we believe! In principle, this internal work must be permanent, but it is more effective during periods of prevents.

From July 13 to July 27, an eclipse corridor is expected. July 13 - private solar eclipse. July 27 - Full lunar eclipse. Although we can not always see the solar eclipse, it has its own negative impact on us. In this article, we will look at how to avoid the negative impact of the solar eclipse per person.

Effect of Eclipse on Human Emotions

Solar eclipse affects a psycho-emotional human environment. At that moment he becomes restless, anxiety, unfortunate concern, stress appears. There may be excessive emotional bursts: aggression, anger, hysterics. It has been proven that at the time of the solar eclipse, the number of suicidal manifestations is increasing. This is due to the fact that our mental organism is feeling a loss of habitual solar activity. All living organisms are accustomed to the sunshine and directly dependent on them. If you have a sense of anxiety on this day, try to explore this phenomenon to make sure that it is it that you feel that you are experiencing negative emotions. Try to relax, deal with meditation.

Influence of a solar eclipse on the fate of a man

The sun in Vedic astrology is responsible for character, for the individuality of the person. It manifests the leadership potential in us, empowers authority. Sun is a planet of courage, generosity, honor, success.

If we know the dates of solar eclipses in advance, we can prepare and start more consciously approach the events and situations that occur on the eve of the eclipse. It is necessary to record new ideas that come to your head during this period, pay attention to what you say to people, analyze what is happening in such a way as to understand their importance to your life on time.

It is worth remembering - all that happens during the sunny eclipse period is more important than we can imagine. It is those situations that occur during solar eclipses have serious consequences. Those ideas that we came to mind at this time, those people with whom we met the eve of the eclipse, those things that we had to fulfill - all this will be an important part of our life for a long period. Therefore, it is necessary to be extremely attentive: do not climb quarrels with loved ones, enlist useful acquaintances, record ideas, finish old things.

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What to do during the solar eclipse and for 3 hours it started?

  • Do not look at the sun (including three hours before eclipse) and not in its rays, curtain windows
  • Do not eat three hours before and after eclipse. The same applies to alcohol. If you need to eat at this time, limit the raw vegetables or fruits
  • Closer in the late afternoon do not start new cases and do not make important decisions
  • Postpone travel and travel at another time
  • Avoid conflicts and disputes, it is better to refrain from quarrels and once again silent
  • During solar eclipse, it is best to do what it relaxes you: read the book, to do yoga and meditation, take a bath, listen to a pleasant light music
  • It is important not to think about the bad, keep your mind free, do not upload it to problems, in this case you can concentrate on meditation. Turn on the audiomantra. At the time of the eclipse, the power of Mantra is stronger. Especially well read the "Rama Gayatri" mantra, it will help to enter the harmony with the Sun and reduce the negative effect of eclipse
  • After 23 hours, you can create an intention that you would like to get in all areas (work, relationship, financial sphere, etc.) We send impulses into the universe, meditating and waiting)

Astrologers recommend that follow their emotions on this day, do not complain about life, avoid conflicts and not make important decisions. In the mystical day of the eclipse of people, poor well-being, insomnia, weakness, apathy, blood pressure drops are waited. Is it so? The question is clarifying experts of "Evening Moscow".

Cardiologist Lyudmila Trojanova:

All processes that occur in nature are to some extent affect people. People suffering from cardiovascular diseases, on this day you need to exercise, do not load yourself physically, not nervous. It is better to slowly walk along the park area, breathe fresh air. You can read a good book, listen to your favorite music.

People who are inclined to elevated pressure can occur hypertensive crisis (hypertensive crisis - an urgent serious condition caused by an excessive increase in blood pressure, manifested by clinically and providing for an immediate decline in blood pressure to prevent or limit the defeat of target organs. - Note "VM" ), People with a vegetative dystonia can have a violation of rhythm and elevated heartbeat. Healthy people may experience weakness, fatigue. Therefore, they need to sleep well and listen to their body, if possible, relax in the river, in the shade of trees. But finding the sun is undesirable. You should not use heavy food, such as meat. But vegetables and fruits will be very by the way.

Psychotherapist Alexander Fedorovich:

In fact, the lunar eclipse does not affect the well-being of people. The ideas that the lunar eclipse affects people unbalanced, was not confirmed. All signs affect exclusively on aware. Knowing about eclipse people actively track this issue, expect trouble. We recently had Friday, 13, and everyone expected emotional bursts. But nothing happened that normal. People are tired of waiting for the end of the world, after 2000 they frighten every four years. Now lunar eclipse. All these phenomena do not work if a person does not know or knows about them, but does not believe.

If a person is configured and experiencing fears and anxiety, it is worth adopting soothing drugs, you can plant origin that stabilize the nervous system. They are today enough.

If a person is tuned and at the same time suffers from psychosomatic pathology, this leads to exacerbations of the physical condition. For example, an attack of bronchial asthma or aggravation of the stomach ulcers can happen. Such patients need to take profile medicines.

If negative emotions from the upcoming natural phenomenon are experiencing an absolutely healthy person, I would recommend, except for the reception of psychotropic drugs, turn to a psychotherapist. The specialist will help him cope with problems.

If earlier people thought that the land was on three whales, today even today, first-graders know: our planet has the shape of a ball and moves along a certain trajectory around the sun. And the earth has a permanent satellite - the moon. From our article you will learn about such a phenomenon as the lunar eclipse. The impact on people is an event, undoubtedly has. And you will also learn about it by reading our article.

Nature phenomena

Why do moon eclipses occur? The reason for this is actually simple and lies in the continuous motion of the planets. At certain points there is an eclipse of one planet with a shadow of another.

In the case under consideration, the earth closes his shadow, that is, the satellite fully enters the shadow of our planet. It is interesting: all residents of the Earth cannot be observed at once, but only their half, where the moon is towers over the horizon during eclipses.

Why do we see the moon? Its surface reflects the sunlight, and therefore the inhabitants of our planet can admire it with a yellow "companion". However, during the eclipse of the moon, it does not simply disappear (as it, for example, happens during sunny), it acquires a bright brown color. People who do not know this may not even understand that they observe an interesting and rather rare phenomenon.

Such a color (red) is explained as follows: even being in the shade of the Earth, the moon still continues to be covered with sunbeams passing on tangential relative to the surface of our planet. These rays are dissipated in our atmosphere, and due to this reach the surface of the moon. At the same time, the red color of our usually yellow companion is associated with the fact that the earth's atmosphere is much better missing the red part of the spectrum.

What are the lunar eclipses?

The lunar eclipses are semoligible (they are also called private) and full.

With full satellite, the entire satellite is included in the shadow of the Earth and paint in red. This is the most beautiful and large-scale lunar eclipse. The impact on a person in its strength turns out to be maximal.

When the moon is included in the shadow of our mother-planet not completely, but partly, then there is a private, or half-blooded eclipse.

With a private eclipse, the moon does not completely change its color. Sometimes such a phenomenon is not even visible to the naked eye, and it is possible to fix it only with the help of special devices.

An interesting fact: the lunar eclipses are very rarely the same in terms of the movement of the planets in their orbits. It turns out that the full repetition of the same mutual location of the Earth, the Moon and the Sun can occur only after 18 years! This period is called Saros. Its beginning and the end for esoteric and astrologers are considered unusually important. But about it in more detail later.


The lunar eclipses always injured fear and horror on people. Even now, when we completely definitely imagine the process of their occurrence, looking at the Red-Bloody Moon, something in the subconscious causes our body to be covered with goosebumps.

Almost all the ancient peoples perceived this as a precursor of something bad: wars, diseases, droughts. Very many considered the sun and the moon spiritualized, and during the eclipses, various rituals were carried out on the "liberation" of their luminaries.

In California, Kumuei Indians considered the first signs of eclipses by the beginning of the spirits of spirits ("Luna's Blooming"). They started a ritual designed to mitigate these evil spirits.

Toba Indians who lived in Paraguay's jungle, believed that the lunar man lives on our companion, and the spirits of the dead are trying to survive them. Wounds of the lunar man began to bleed, and the moon therefore it acquired a red color. Then the Indians began to scream strongly and forced their dogs to bark their dogs, so that the common strengths to scare the evil spirits. And, of course, in their opinion, the ritual turned out to be effective, because after a while the moon and the truth was returned to the usual state.

According to Viking beliefs, the planet during an eclipse became the extraction of a voracious Wolf Hati. Just like the Toba Indians, they tried to save her from the mouth of the predator, arranging the real noise and the guvot. The wolf dropped his prey and leaving nothing.

But there were other, bright stories. For example, for the Australian Aboriginal, the Moon and the Sun were her husband and wife, and when eclipses occurred, it was believed that heavenly luminaries spent time together in their marriage bed.

Here, mostly terrible fairy tales and beliefs, the lunar eclipse was long. The effect on human health, by the way, was also considered negative. Is it really? Let's figure it out. It turns out that there is a truth in this.

Lunar eclipse - influence on man. Who is in the risk zone?

To deny any impact of lunar eclipses on people would be stupid. This is the same as not to recognize the influence of outbreaks on the sun or magnetic storms. We are part of all living on earth, and fully belong to nature, like everything else.

Our "yellow companion", having a tremendous effect on Earth (enough to remember only about which it is precisely it), has a powerful impact on people.

Most of all during the lunar eclipses must be on guard:

  • Hypertensive and people having diseases of the cardiovascular system.
    They need to exclude any physical exertion, it is desirable not to go out.
  • People who have mental illness, and prone to such a little bit.
    The lunar eclipses of esoteric and astrologers are called the "eclipse of the soul." They are confident that at this time the subconscious area wins over conscious. That is why people are much more experiencing all the events of their lives, they become aggressive and emotional.
  • People previously subjected to hypnosis. In the period of lunar eclipses, the probability of impact of any negative memories, emotions becomes much higher.

Proven scientific fact: during eclipses, the number of suicides increases. With such statistics there is something to think about. Here is such a cunning, it turns out, and the uncomfortable is a lunar eclipse. The impact on the person of this natural phenomenon is not yet long studied, but, as they say, warned - it means armed.

Exposure for women

Still ancient people claimed that the sun was a men's planet, and the moon was female. And in our time, mystics and esoterics speak the same. So what is the lunar eclipse affecting women?

First, they should reduce physical activity. This is especially true for pregnant women. Dangers for them are miscarriage, dangerous or unsuccessful childbirth that entail various complications. Maximum rest is the main rule.

Secondly, it is not surprised if a woman can break the menstrual cycle. This is due to the fact that from a physiological point of view, the full moon (and the eclipse is only in full moon) - this is the phase of the ripening of the egg. Do you know that all the sea residents (from fish to mollusks) fertilize and postpone caviar only in full moon? This is incredible, but the fact. Here is the body of a woman to some extent dependent on the same period, as a lunar eclipse, this effect is enhanced several times. Hence the hormonal failure.

What about kids?

What is the lunar eclipse affecting children?

It turns out, they are subject to the exposure to the Earth's satellite before the birth. While in the womb, the embryo feels vibration from space transmitted by nerve impulse. During the eclipse period, the fruit can actively kick and behave excitedly.

Children are much sharper adults are experiencing a lunar eclipse. They may refuse meals, become more capricious and plastic. They are hard to put sleep and calm down. Do not leave children with unfamiliar people at such a moment, only relatives should surround them.

There is an opinion that in the period of lunar eclipses, the risk of poisoning and intoxication is several times higher than at normal time. Therefore, the poison of insects can harm much stronger. In this regard, accommodating children from mosquito bites, bees.

Turn to astrology

Astrologers to the lunar eclipse are very serious.

In their opinion, it is extremely recommended to start major things. Remember the Sarosa cycle, about which we told at the beginning of the article? Star gives him a special meaning. They argue that everything in our world is cyclically and is repeated precisely in accordance with the period of Sarosa. And if a person will commit an unsuccessful act during the lunar eclipse, then the same failure will definitely overtake him after 18 years, when a new cycle comes.

Surely you are interested in the question of whether the lunar eclipse has an impact on the signs of the zodiac? And the answer of astrologers - yes. To understand this, we give such an example: during the month of the moon, all the signs of the zodiac passes, and if the lunar eclipse occurred, for example, in the Taurus sign, it is most of all the Tables and Scorpions (as Scorpio is the opposite sign. ).

Such an event has a strong impact on all people, whether it is a complete or partial lunar eclipse. The effect on the signs of the zodiac also occurs on the scale of the entire planet and its inhabitants.

Schedule of lunar eclipses in 2015-2017

The impact of such an event can not be underestimated, always remember this.

Signs and beliefs

People have long been believed and taught their relatives: "In no case, do not let me in debt and do not take during the lunar eclipse." Now these words do not seem so strange and funny. Now that we know how important the lunar eclipse is influenced by a person, various beliefs and signs about this occasion.

  • Lend.
  • Borrow.
  • Get married.
  • Divorce.
  • Make operations.
  • Make large transactions.
  • Exercise big purchases.
  • Move.

A few days before the upcoming celestial event, give up harmful and heavy food. Believers are desirable to go to the temple, come and confess.

If you are an emotional and meteo-sensitive person, accept the sedatives. Even strong in this regard people will not hurt to drink soothing herbal fees.

Special attention is paid to the quality of bought food, since the risk of poisoning increases.

Try not to quarrel and keep the most calm lifestyle.

Remember the waxing of astrologers on how insidiously lunar eclipse: the impact of a negative event may still be reflected in your life (according to Sarosa cycle).

Remember: the fact that in the period of the lunar eclipse seems significant, subsequently, most likely, will forget and lose all meaning. Try these days to be calm, do not increase your voice, do not irritate in trifles. Do not fuss and do not rush.

Even if you are a skeptic and do not believe in the lunar eclipse, the influence on the people of this "bloody" event cannot be discounted.