Repairs Design Furniture

Water and gas pipes (VGP): species, characteristics, application. Steel Pipes Water Supplies Steel Pipes GOST 3262 75 Diameters

Interstate standard

Technical conditions

Official edition


UDC 669.14-462: 006.354


Group B62.


Steel water pipes

Technical conditions

Water-Supply and Gas-Supply Steel Pipes. Specifications.

ISS 23.040.10 OKP 13 8500, 13 8501

Date of introduction 01.01.77

This standard applies to non-zinc and galvanized steel welded pipes with chopped or rolled cylindrical carvings and without threads used for water pipelines and gas pipelines, heating systems, as well as for parts of water and gas pipelines.

(Modified edition, change No. 2, 3, 5).

1. Sortiment

1.1. Pipes are manufactured in size and mass given in Table. one.

At the request of the consumer of a light series pipe, designed to pump threads, manufactured in size and mass shown in Table. 2.

(Modified edition, change No. 1, 3).

1.2. The length of the pipe is made from 4 to 12 m:

a dimensional or multiple dimensional length with an allowance for each cut 5 mm and a longitudinal deviation for the entire length plus 10 mm;


In coordinating the manufacturer with the consumer in a party of non-meter pipes, up to 5% of pipes from 1.5 to 4 m are allowed.

Official edition

Reprint is prohibited

© Standards Publishing House, 1976 © Standinform, 2007

Dimensions, mm.

Table 1

Pipe wall thickness

Mass of 1 m pipe, kg

Table 2 Dimensions, mm


1. For a thread made by the rolling method, the pipe is allowed to reduce its inner diameter to 10% along the entire length of the thread.

2. The mass of 1 M of the pipes is calculated at the density of steel, equal to 7.85 g / cm 3. Galvanized pipes are heavier than non-scattered by 3%.

1.3. Limit deviations in the size of pipes should not exceed the specified in Table. 3.

Table 3.


1. The limit deviation in the positive side of the wall thickness is limited by the limit deviations by weight of pipes.

2. Pipes of ordinary manufacturer's accuracy are used for water pipelines, gas pipelines and heating systems. Pipes of increased production accuracy are used for parts of water and gas pipelines.

1.4. Limit deviations by weight of pipes should not exceed +8%.

At the request of the consumer, the utmost deviations by weight should not exceed:

7.5% - for the party;

10% - for a separate pipe.

(Modified edition, change No. 2, 5).

1.5. The curvature of pipes per 1 m length should not exceed:

2 mm - with conditional passage up to 20 mm inclusive;

1.5 mm - with a conditional passage over 20 mm.

1.6. Threads on pipes can be long or short. Cleaning requirements must comply with the table specified in Table. four.

Table 4.

Conditional passage, mm

The length of the thread before the escape, mm

Conditional passage, mm

The number of threads with conditional passage

The length of the thread before the escape, mm



Pipes with conditional passage 6, 8, 10, 15 and 20 mm at the request of the consumer are wounded in examples of conventional designations

The pipe is ordinary, non-zero, the usual accuracy of manufacture, non-meter length, with a conditioned passage of 20 mm, the thickness of the wall is 2.8 mm, without thread and without clutch:

Tube 20x2.8 GOST 3262- 75

The same, with a clutch:

Pipe M-20 x 2.8 GOST 3262- 75 Same, measuring length, threaded:

The pipe R-20X 2.8-4000 GOST 3262-75 is the same, with a zinc coating, neotoral length, with thread:

Pipe C-P-20X 2.8 GOST 3262-75 Same, with zinc coating, measuring length, threaded:

Pipe C-P-20X 2,8-4000 GOST3262-75

For pipes for pumping a thread in the conditional designation after the word "tube" indicates the letter N.

For pipes with long threads in the conditional designation after the word "tube", the letter D. For pipes of increased production accuracy in the conditional designation after the size of the conditional pass is indicated by the letter P.

(Modified edition, change No. 1).

2. Technical requirements

2.1. Pipes are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this Standard and on technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner, from Steel according to GOST 380 and GOST 1050 without the rationing of mechanical properties and chemical composition.

Pipes for parts of water and gas pipeline structures are manufactured from steels according to GOST 1050.

2.2. At the request of the consumer at the ends of the pipes to be welded, the thickness of the wall is 5 mm and more, chamfer should be removed at an angle of 35 ° -40 ° to the tube's end. In this case, an ends of 1-3 mm width should be left.

At the request of the consumer on ordinary and reinforced pipes with a conditional passage of more than 10 mm threads are applied to both ends of the pipe.

2.1, 2.2. (Modified edition, change No. 3, 4).

2.3. At the request of the consumer, the pipes are staffed with couplings made according to GOST 8944, GOST 8954, GOST 8965 and GOST 8966, based on one coupling for each pipe.

(Modified edition, change No. 3).

2.4. Cracks, captives, fuses and sunsets are not allowed on the surface of the pipes.

In the ends of the pipes are not allowed bundles.

Separate dents, risks, risks, traces of stripping and other defects caused by the method of production, if they do not remove the wall thickness for the minimum sizes, as well as a scale layer that does not interfere with the inspection.

On pipes made by the method of oven welding, a decrease in the outer diameter is allowed to 0.5 mm in the presence of a gentle thickening along the inner diameter of not more than 1.0 mm in this place.

(Modified edition, change No. 3, 4).

2.5. At the request of the consumer on pipes with a conditional passage of 20 mm and more on the inner surface of the seam of pipes, the graph should be cut or flattened, while the height of the graph or its traces should not exceed 0.5 mm.

At the request of the consumer on pipes with a conditional passage of more than 15 mm, made by oven welding and the method of hot reduction, on the inner surface of the pipes in the seam zone is allowed by a hollow thickening with a height of no more than 0.5 mm.

(Modified edition, change No. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).

2.6. The ends of the pipes must be trimmed at right angles. The magnitude of the end of the end is not more than 2 °. The remains of burrs should not exceed 0.5 mm. When removing burrs, the formation of dulling (rounding) of the ends is allowed. It is allowed to cut the pipes in the line line.

In coordination of the manufacturer with the consumer on pipes with a conditional passage of 6-25 mm, made by the method of oven welding, burrs are allowed to 1 mm.

(Modified edition, change No. 4, 6).

2.7. Galvanized pipes should have a solid zinc coating over the entire surface with a thickness of at least 30 microns. The absence of a zinc coating on the ends and threads of pipes is allowed.

On the surface of galvanized pipes, bubbleness and extraneous inclusions are not allowed (Gartsink, oxides, the stitching mixture), peeling the coating from the base metal.

Separate flux spots and traces of pipe capture lifting devices, roughness and minor local zinc influx are allowed.

It is allowed to correct individual non-scattered sections by 0.5% of the outer surface of the pipe according to GOST 9.307.

(Modified edition, change No. 3, 4).

2.8. Pipes must withstand hydraulic pressure:

2.4 MPa (25 kgf / cm 2) - Tubes ordinary and light;

3.1 MPa (32 kgf / cm 2) - Pipes reinforced.

At the request of the consumer, the pipes must withstand the hydraulic pressure of 4.9 MPa (50 kgf / cm 2).

2.9. Pipes with a conditional passage up to 40 mm inclusive must withstand a bend test around the mandrel with a radius equal to 2.5 outer diameter, and with a conditional passage of 50 mm - on a routing by a radius equal to 3.5 outer diameter.

At the request of the consumer of the pipes must withstand a test for distribution:

for pipes with a conditional passage from 15 to 50 mm - at least 7%;

for pipes with a conditional passage of 65 mm and more - at least 4%.

At the request of the consumer of the pipes must withstand the tension on flattening to the distance between the flattened surfaces equal to 2/3 of the outer diameter of the pipes.

2.8, 2.9. (Modified edition, change No. 2, 3, 5).

2.10. At the request of the consumer, the mechanical properties of pipes for parts of water and gas pipeline structures must be complied with GOST 1050.

2.11. The carving of the pipes must be clean, without ribbon and burrs and correspond to GOST 6357, the class of accuracy V.

Cylindrical carving pipes are used when assembling with seals.

2.10, 2.11. (Modified edition, change No. 3, 4).

2.12. In place of the seam allowed black on thread threads, if the reduction in the normal height of the thread profile does not exceed 15%, and at the request of the consumer does not exceed 10%.

It is allowed on thread threads with torn (for sliced) or incomplete (for rolling) thread, provided that their length in the amount does not exceed 10% of the required thread length, and at the request of the consumer does not exceed 5%.

2.13. It is allowed on a thread reduction of the useful thread length (without escape) to 15% compared with the one specified in Table. 4, and at the request of the consumer - up to 10%.

2.12, 2.13. (Modified edition, change No. 2, 3, 5).

2.14. Drawing threads to galvanized pipes are carried out after galvanizing.

2.15. (Excluded, change No. 3).

2.16. At the request of the consumer, the weld seams of the pipes are controlled by non-destructive methods.

(Modified edition, change No. 5).

3. Rules of acceptance

3.1. Pipes take parties. The party must consist of pipes of the same size, one steel grade and accompanied by one quality document in accordance with GOST 10692 with a supplement for pipes intended for the manufacture of parts of water and gas pipelines, from steel according to GOST 1050; The chemical composition and mechanical properties of steel - in accordance with the document on the quality of the enterprise - the manufacturer of the workpiece.

Party mass - no more than 60 tons.

(Modified edition, change No. 3, 4).

3.2. Verification of the surface, sizes and curvatures subjected each part of the party.

It is allowed to apply statistical control methods according to GOST 18242 * with a normal level. Control plans are established in coordinating the manufacturer with the consumer.

Control of the outer diameter of pipes is carried out at a distance of at least 15 mm from the end of the pipe.

(Modified edition, change. No. 3, 4, 5).

3.3. To control the thread parameters, for testing for distribution, flattening, bend, the height of the inner graph, the residues of the burrs, the right angle and the chamfering angle (for pipes with beveled edges), mechanical properties take no more than 1%, but at least two batch pipes, And for pipes made by the method of continuous oven welding, two pipes from the party.

(Modified edition, change No. 3, 4).

3.4. All pipes are monitored.

(Modified edition, change No. 3).

3.5. Hydraulic pressure testing each pipe. With 100% control of the quality of the weld with non-destructive methods, the test of hydraulic pressure is allowed not to be carried out. In this case, the ability of pipes to withstand test hydraulic pressure is guaranteed.

(Modified edition, change No. 6).

3.6. To check the thickness of the zinc coating on the outer surface and in the available places of the inner surface, two pipes from the party are selected.

(Modified edition, change No. 2).

3.7. Upon receipt of unsatisfactory test results, at least one of the indicators on it holds repeated tests on a double sample.

Results of repeated tests apply to the entire batch.

4. Test methods

4.1. To control the quality from each selected tube, one sample is cut for each type of test.

Tensile test is carried out according to GOST 10006. It is allowed instead of tensile test to monitor mechanical properties by non-destructive methods.

4.2. Inspection of the surface of the pipes are carried out visually.

4.3. The hydraulic test is carried out according to GOST 3845 with an exposure under test pressure of at least 5 s.

4.4. Test for bending is carried out according to GOST 3728. Galvanized pipes are tested before coating.

(Modified edition, change No. 3).

4.4A. Distribution test is carried out according to GOST 8694 on a conical mandrel with an angle of tapering 6 °.

Testing on a mandrel with an angle of tapered 30 ° is allowed.

(Modified edition, change No. 3, 4).

In the territory of the Russian Federation, GOST R 50779.71-99 is valid.

4.46. Test on flattening is carried out according to GOST 8695.

(Modified edition, change No. 3).

4.4B. The control of the weld is carried out by non-destructive methods on the regulatory documentation.

(Introduced additionally, meas. No. 3).

4.5. The thickness of the zinc coating on the outer surface and in the available places of the inner surface is controlled according to GOST 9.301 and GOST 9.302, as well as the instruments of the types of MT-41TC, MTZON or the type of "impulse" on the regulatory documentation.

4.6. Threads are checked by threaded calibers-rings according to GOST 2533 (third grade of accuracy).

In this case, no more than three revolutions should be screwed in the thread.

(Modified edition, change No. 3, 4).

4.7. The curvature of pipes is controlled by the calibration line according to GOST 8026 and a set of probe on the ID.

(Modified edition, change. No. 3, 5).

4.8. The direct angle of the ends of the pipes is controlled by a 90 ° coal with a size of 160 x 100 mm of class 3 according to GOST 3749, plate-ups for the ID of the ID or an oppositeer according to GOST 5378. The chamfer bevel angle is controlled by a tilter according to GOST 5378.

(Modified edition, change. No. 3, 6).

4.9. Control of the outer diameter is carried out by smooth micrometers according to GOST 6507, gauges in accordance with GOST 2216 or GOST 18360.

The wall thickness, the height of the inner graph and the height of the burbs are measured by the micrometer according to GOST 6507 or the wall-acting according to GOST 11358 with both ends of the pipe.

The length of the pipes is measured by a tape measure according to GOST 7502. The threads are controlled by calibers according to GOST 2533.

Monitoring the mass of the batch of pipes is carried out on the scales no more than the price of division of no more than 20 kg.

(Modified edition, change. No. 3, 4, 5, 6).

4.10. The control of the weld is carried out by non-destructive methods for technical documentation.

(Introduced additionally, meas. No. 4).

5. Marking, Packaging, Transportation and Storage

5.1. Marking, packaging, transportation and storage are carried out according to GOST 10692 with an addition.

5.1.1. The carving of pipes should be protected from mechanical damage and corrosion by lubricant on regulatory documentation.

Section. 5. (Modified edition, change No. 3).

Information details

1. Designed and introduced by the Ministry of Black Metallurgy of the USSR Developers

IN AND. Chips, Cand. tehn sciences; V.M. Crow, Cand. tehn sciences; Yu.M. Mironov, Cand. tehn sciences; A.I. Postolov


3. The frequency of verification - 5 years

4. Instead of GOST 3262-62

5. Reference regulatory and technical documents

Point number

Point number

GOST 9.301-86

GOST 7502-98

GOST 9.302-88

GOST 8026-92.

GOST 9.307-89

GOST 8694-75

GOST 8695-75

GOST 1050-88

GOST 8944-75

GOST 2216-84

GOST 8954-75

GOST 2533-88

GOST 8965-75

GOST 3728-78.

GOST 8966-75

GOST 3749-77

GOST 10006-80

GOST 3845-75

GOST 10692-80

GOST 5378-88

GOST 11358-89

GOST 6357-81

GOST 18242-72.

GOST 6507-90.

GOST 18360-93

6. Restriction of the validity of the USSR State Standard by Decree of the USSR on 12.11.91 No. 1726

7. Edition (May 2007) with amendments No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, approved in November 1977, December 1978, January 1987, May 1988, November 1989 , November 1991 (Nus 1-78, 2-79, 4-87, 8-88, 2-90, 2-92)

Editor L. I. Nakhimova Technical editor O.N. Vlasova Corrector A. S. Cherniusova Computer Layout I.A. Tyclina

Rent in the set 14.05.2007. Signed in print 05.06.2007. Format 60 x 84 VS- Paper offset. Guard Times. Print offset. Hood. Pechs. l. 0.93. Ud. l. 0.80. Circulation 126 copies. Zack. 421. Since 4031.

FSUE "Standinform", 123995 Moscow, grenade lane, 4. Write in FSUE "Starotinform" on the PEVM

Printed in the branch of FSUE "Standinform" - type. Moscow Provider, 105062 Moscow, Lyalin Per., 6

Steel water pipes
GOST 3262-75

Technical conditions

Water-Supply and Gas-Supply Specifications

Date of administration: 01.01.77

This standard applies to non-zinc and galvanized steel welded pipes with chopped or rolled cylindrical carvings and without threads used for water pipelines and gas pipelines, heating systems, as well as for parts of water and gas pipelines.

1. Sortiment

1.1. Pipes are manufactured in size and mass given in Table. one.

At the request of the consumer of a light series pipe, designed to dump threads, are manufactured in size and mass given in Table 2.

1.2. The length of the pipe is made from 4 to 12 m:

a) a dimensional or multiple dimensional length with an allowance for each cut 5 mm and a limit deviation for the entire length plus 10 mm;

b) neotoral length.

In coordinating the manufacturer with the consumer in a party of non-meter pipes, up to 5% of pipes from 1.5 to 4 m are allowed.

Table 1

Conditional pass Outside diameter Pipe wall thickness Mass of 1 m pipe, kg
lungs ordinary reinforced lungs ordinary reinforced
6 10,2 1,8 2,0 2,5 0,37 0,40 0,47
8 13,5 2,0 2,2 2,8 0,57 0,61 0,74
10 17,0 2,0 2,2 2,8 0,74 0,80 0,98
15 21,3 2,35 - - 1,10 - -
15 21,3 2,5 2,8 3,2 1,16 1,28 1,43
20 26,8 2,35 - - 1,42 - -
20 26,8 2,5 2,8 3,2 1,5 1,66 1,86
25 33,5 2,8 3,2 4,0 2,12 2,39 2,91
32 42,3 2,8 3,2 4,0 2,73 3,09 3,78
40 48,0 3,0 3,5 4,0 3,33 3,84 4,34
50 60,0 3,0 3,5 4,5 4,22 4,88 6,16
65 75,5 3,2 4,0 4,5 5,71 7,05 7,88
80 88,5 3,5 4,0 4,5 7,34 8,34 9,32
90 101,3 3,5 4,0 4,5 8,44 9,60 10,74
100 114,0 4,0 4,5 5,0 10,85 12,15 13,44
125 140,0 4,0 4,5 5,5 13,42 15,04 18,24
150 165,0 4,0 4,5 5,5 15,88 17,81 21,63

table 2


1. For a thread made by the rolling method, the pipe is allowed to reduce its inner diameter to 10% along the entire length of the thread.

2. The mass of 1 M of the pipes is calculated at density of steel equal to 7.85 g / cm 3. Galvanized pipes are heavier than non-scattered by 3%.

(Modified editors, change No. 1, 3)

1.3. Limit deviations in the size of pipes should not exceed the specified in Table. 3.

Table 3.


1. The limit deviation in the positive side of the wall thickness is limited by the limit deviations by weight of pipes.

2. Pipes of ordinary manufacturer's accuracy are used for water pipelines, gas pipelines and heating systems. Pipes of increased production accuracy are used for parts of water and gas pipelines.

1.4. Limit deviations on the mass of pipes should not exceed + 8%.

At the request of the consumer, the utmost deviations by weight should not exceed:

7.5% - for the party;

10% - for a separate pipe.

(Modified edition, change No. 2, 5).

1.5. The curvature of pipes per 1 m length should not exceed:

2 mm - with conditional passage up to 20 mm included.;

1.5 mm - with a conditional passage over 20 mm.

1.6. Threads on pipes can be long or short. Cleaning requirements must comply with the table specified in Table. four.

Table 4.

Conditional passage, mm The number of threads with conditional passage The length of the thread before the escape, mm
long short
6 - - -
8 - - -
10 - - -
15 14 14 9,0
20 14 16 10,5
25 11 18 11,0
32 11 20 13,0
40 11 22 15,0
50 11 24 17,0
65 11 27 19,5
80 11 30 22,0
90 11 33 26,0
100 11 36 30,0
125 11 38 33,0
150 11 42 36,0

1.7. Pipes with a conditional passage of 6, 8, 10, 15 and 20 mm at the request of the consumer are wound into rebellion.

Examples of conventional designations

The pipe is ordinary, non-zero, the usual accuracy of manufacture, non-meter length, with a conditioned passage of 20 mm, the thickness of the wall is 2.8 mm, without thread and without clutch:

Pipe 20 × 2.8 GOST 3262-75

The same, with a clutch:

Pipe M-20 × 2.8 GOST 3262-75

The same, measuring length, with carvings:

Pipe R-20 × 2.8 - 4000 GOST 3262-75

The same, with zinc coating, neotoral length, with carvings:

Pipe c-p-20 × 2.8 GOST 3262-75

The same, with zinc coating, measuring length, threaded:

Pipe C-R-20 × 2.8 - 4000 GOST 3262-75

For pipes for pumping a thread in the conditional designation after the word "tube" indicates the letter N.

For pipes with long threads in the conditional designation after the word "tube" indicates the letter D.

For pipes of increased accuracy of manufacture in the symbol after the size of the conditional pass, the letter P. is indicated

(Modified edition, change No. 1).

2. Technical requirements

2.1. Pipes are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard and on technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner, from steels of software and without normalization of mechanical properties and chemical composition.

Pipes for parts of water and gas pipeline structures are made of steels of software.

2.2. At the request of the consumer at the ends of the pipes to be welded, with a wall thickness of 5 mm and more, chamfer should be removed at an angle of 35-40 ° to the tube's end. At the same time, a mechanical ring of 1 - 3 mm width should be left.

At the request of the consumer on ordinary and reinforced pipes with a conditional passage of more than 10 mm threads are applied to both ends of the pipe.

2.1; 2.2. (Modified edition, change No. 3, 4).

2.3. At the request of the consumer, the pipes are completed with couplings made by software, and at the rate of one coupling for each pipe.

(Modified edition, change No. 3).

2.4. Cracks, captives, fuses and sunsets are not allowed on the surface of the pipes.

In the ends of the pipes are not allowed bundles.

Separate dents, risks, risks, traces of stripping and other defects caused by the method of production, if they do not remove the wall thickness for the minimum sizes, as well as a scale layer that does not interfere with the inspection.

On pipes made by the method of oven welding, a decrease in the outer diameter is allowed to 0.5 mm in the presence of a gentle thickening along the inner diameter of not more than 1.0 mm in this place.

(Modified edition, change No. 3, 4).

2.5. At the request of the consumer on pipes with a conditional passage of 20 mm and more on the inner surface of the seam of pipes, the graph should be cut or flattened, while the height of the graph or its traces should not exceed 0.5 mm.

At the request of the consumer on pipes with a conditional passage of more than 15 mm, made by oven welding and the method of hot reduction, on the inner surface of the pipes in the seam zone is allowed by a hollow thickening with a height of no more than 0.5 mm.

(Modified edition, change No. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).

2.6. The ends of the pipes must be trimmed at right angles. The magnitude of the end of the end is not more than 2 °. The remains of burrs should not exceed 0.5 mm. When removing burrs, the formation of dulling (rounding) of the ends is allowed. It is allowed to cut the pipes in the line line.

In coordination of the manufacturer with the consumer on pipes with a conditional passage of 6-25 mm, made by the method of oven welding, burrs are allowed to 1 mm.

(Modified edition, change No. 4, 6).

2.7. Galvanized pipes should have a solid zinc coating over the entire surface with a thickness of at least 30 microns. The absence of a zinc coating on the ends and threads of pipes is allowed.

On the surface of galvanized pipes, bubbleness and extraneous inclusions are not allowed (Gartsink, oxides, the stitching mixture), peeling the coating from the base metal.

Separate flux spots and traces of pipe capture lifting devices, roughness and minor local zinc influx are allowed.

It is allowed to correct individual non-scattered sections by 0.5% of the outer surface of the pipe.

(Modified edition, change No. 3, 4).

2.8. Pipes must withstand hydraulic pressure:

2.4 MPa (25 kgf / cm 2) - pipes, ordinary and lungs;

3.1 MPa (32 kgf / cm 2) - Pipes reinforced.

At the request of the consumer, the pipes must withstand the hydraulic pressure of 4.9 MPa (50 kgf / cm 2)

(Modified edition, change No. 2, 3, 5).

2.9. Pipes with a conditional passage up to 40 mm inclusive must withstand a bend test around the mandrel with a radius equal to 2.5 outer diameter, and with a conditional passage of 50 mm - on a routing by a radius equal to 3.5 outer diameter.

At the request of the consumer of the pipes must withstand a test for distribution:

for pipes with a conditional passage from 15 to 50 mm - at least 7%;

for pipes with a conditional passage 65 and more - at least 4%.

At the request of the consumer, the pipes must withstand the tension on flattening to the distance between flattening surfaces equal to 2/3 of the outer diameter of the pipes.

(Modified edition, change No. 2, 3, 5).

2.10. At the request of the consumer, the mechanical properties of pipes for parts of water and gas pipeline structures must match.

2.11. Carving pipes must be clean, without ribbon and burrs and fit, the class of accuracy V.

Cylindrical carving pipes are used when assembling with seals.

2.10; 2.11. (Modified edition, change No. 3, 4).

2.12. In place of the seam allowed black on thread threads, if the reduction in the normal height of the thread profile does not exceed 15%, and at the request of the consumer does not exceed 10%.

It is allowed on thread threads with torn (for sliced) or incomplete (for rolling) thread, provided that their length in the amount does not exceed 10% of the required thread length, and at the request of the consumer does not exceed 5%.

(Modified edition, change No. 2, 3, 5).

2.13. It is allowed on a thread reduction of the useful thread length (without escape) to 15% compared with the one specified in Table. 4, and at the request of the consumer up to 10%.

(Modified edition, change No. 2, 3, 5).

2.14. Drawing threads to galvanized pipes are carried out after galvanizing.

2.15. (Excluded, change No. 3).

2.16. At the request of the consumer, the weld seams of the pipes are controlled by non-destructive methods.

(Modified edition, change No. 5).

3. Rules of acceptance

3.1. Pipes take parties. The party must consist of pipes of one size, one brand and accompanied by one quality document in accordance with the supplement for pipes intended for the manufacture of parts of water and gas pipeline structures, from steel by: chemical composition and mechanical properties of steel in accordance with the document quality document - Preceiver the workpiece.

Party mass no more than 60 tons.

(Modified edition, change No. 3, 4).

3.2. Verification of the surface, sizes and curvatures subjected each part of the party.

It is allowed to apply statistical methods for controlling the software with a normal level. Control plans are established in coordinating the manufacturer with the consumer.

Control of the outer diameter of pipes is carried out at a distance of at least 15 mm from the end of the pipe.

(Modified edition, change. No. 3, 4, 5).

3.3. To control the thread parameters, for testing for distribution, flattening, bend, the height of the inner graph, the residues of the burrs, the right angle and the chamfering angle (for pipes with beveled edges), mechanical properties take no more than 1%, but at least two batch pipes, And for pipes made by the method of continuous oven welding, two pipes from the party.

(Modified edition, change No. 3, 4).

3.4. All pipes are monitored.

(Modified edition, change No. 3).

3.5. Hydraulic pressure testing each pipe. With 100% control of the quality of the weld with non-destructive methods, the test of hydraulic pressure is allowed not to be carried out. In this case, the ability of pipes to withstand test hydraulic pressure is guaranteed.

(Modified edition, change No. 6).

3.6. To check the thickness of the zinc coating on the outer surface and in the available places of the inner surface, two pipes from the party are selected.

(Modified edition, change No. 2).

3.7. Upon receipt of unsatisfactory test results, at least one of the indicators on it is re-tested on a double sample.

Results of repeated tests apply to the entire batch.

4. Test methods

4.1. To control the quality from each selected tube, one sample is cut for each type of test.

Tensile test is carried out by. It is allowed instead of tensile test to monitor mechanical properties by non-destructive methods.

4.2. Inspection of pipe surfaces produce visually.

4.3. The hydraulic test is carried out with shutter speed under test pressure at least 5 s.

4.4. Test for bending is carried out by software. Galvanized pipes are tested before coating.

(Modified edition, change No. 3).

4.4A. Distribution test is carried out on a conical mandrel with an angle of tapering 6 °.

Testing on a mandrel with an angle of tapered 30 ° is allowed.

(Modified edition, change No. 3, 4).

4.4b. Filming test is carried out by.

(Modified edition, change No. 3).

4.4B. The control of the weld is carried out by non-destructive methods according to regulatory and technical documentation.

(Introduced additionally, meas. No. 3).

4.5. The thickness of the zinc coating on the outer surface and in the available places of the inner surface control the software and, as well as the instruments of the types of MT-41TC, Mtzon or the type of "impulse" on the regulatory and technical documentation.

4.6. Threads are tested by threaded calibers-rings of software (third accuracy class).

In this case, no more than three revolutions should be screwed in the thread.

(Modified edition, change No. 3, 4).

4.7. The curvature of pipes is controlled by the calibration line of the software and a set of probes on TU 2-034-225-87.

(Modified edition, change. No. 3, 5).

4.8. The straight angle of the ends of the pipes is controlled by a 90 ° coated with a size of 160x100 mm class 3, plate-panels of a set of 4 TU 2-034-225-87 or a tilter. The bevel of the chamfer is controlled by a coupler by.

(Modified edition, change. No. 3, 6).

4.9. Control of outer diameter is carried out by smooth micrometers of software, caliber-brackets for or.

The wall thickness, the height of the inner graph and the height of the burrs are measured by a micrometer for or by a wall-acting software with both ends of the pipe.

The length of the pipes is measured by tape measure. Threads are controlled by calibers.

The water and gas pipeline will be made of steel for a long time. Alternatives - metal-plastic waterways, ceramic, can be used only at certain sites: local water pipes, non-pressure sewage, communication inside the building. However, with above ground installation, the pipeline is exposed to too strongly affected by weather factors. This eliminates the use of plastic or other products.

Characteristics of VGP

Water and gas pipes are made of steel blanks - strips, forming method. The edges of the workpiece are brewed. Seam used enhanced. The seam study is the first task of quality control, as it is a place of increased risk. According to GOST 3262-75, radiography is used to determine the quality.

Water-gas pipes are generally manufactured directly, since for these products more important quality is resistance to internal pressure, and not resistance to external loads. In the photo - gas pipeline.


  • high strength, which allows the use of products with any installation method and on any sections;
  • oxygen and gas impermeability are precisely those properties due to which gas pipelines are constructed and will be constructed only from steel products;
  • low expansion coefficient - temperature drops and moisture do not affect the material. The pipeline does not expand, which allows the use of rigid fastening and does not require a device of compensation tools;
  • durability - with proper maintenance is 50 years;
  • available cost.


  • quite a big weight, which makes it difficult to install and requires a large amount of fasteners;
  • the need for preventive maintenance - metal accumulates electricity;
  • the need for thermal insulation when laying into the ground - the freezing liquid is expanding, while the parameters of the water duty remain unchanged. This leads to damage and breaks.

Parameters VGP

Dimensions and possible deviations are regulated by GOST 3262-75.

  • Outer diameter - from 33 to 165 mm.
  • Wall thickness - from 1 to 5.5 mm.
  • Length - Never ranges from 4 to 12 m, measured 4-8 or 8-12 m.

Since we are talking about plumbing pipes, instead of the internal diameter value, this indicator is used as a conditional passage. It is given both in inches and in mm.

Varieties of products

Different way to laying the pipeline and different operating conditions involve excellent technical specifications. Rental produces several modifications.

Classification by material

The raw material in the manufacture of water-gas pipes is carbon steel of various brands. In this case, GOST 3262-75 is regulated by two types of products:

  • water expenditures of ordinary accuracy - only the mechanical quality of the product is controlled. The chemical composition of steel is not investigated. Products are used for household communications systems;
  • the pipeline made of increased accuracy - galvanized steel in manufacturing, mechanical properties are normalized by GOST 3262-75. Products are used in the construction of large highways, where high pressure resistance is important.

In fact, both types of water-water pipes are made of steel, but there are different levels of control. As a result, get:

  • black - without galvanizing, are more often used when laying gas highways;
  • galvanized - finished products are subjected to galvanizing - immersion in the zinc melt. On the inner and outer surface of the product, a protective layer is formed, which protects against corrosion. Large waterways are constructed from galvanized VGPs.

Form release

Pipe water-base GOST 3262-75 produced:

  • threaded at the ends (rolling or cutting) - it is worth noting that the protective layer is damaged during welding, and therefore galvanized products are mounted only by a threaded method;
  • no thread - a welded joint is assumed.

Resistance to the hydraulication

The wall thickness of the waterproofing determines the strength and resistance to a certain hydraulic pressure. Classification is as follows:

  • lightweight - working fluid pressure should not exceed 25 kg / kV. cm;
  • ordinary - implies the same pressure, but allows hydrowards;
  • reinforced - pressure can reach a value of 32 kg / kV. cm.

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GOST 3262-75 Steel water pipe pipes. Technical conditions

Categories GOST 3262-75 OKS:
  • 23.40. Pipelines and their components
  • 23.40.10 Cast iron and steel pipes * Steel pipes and special purpose tubes See 77.140.75

Document status: Acts, entered into force 01.01.1977 Name in English: Water-Supply and Gas-Supply Steel Pipes. Specifications. Date of updating information on the standard: 09/11/2019, at 10:56 (less than 3 months ago) Type of Standard: Standards for products (services) The start date of the GOST: 1977-01-01 Date of the last edition of the document: 2007-05-01

Document codes GOST 3262-75:

OKP code: 138500;138501 KGS code: B62. OKSTO code: 1385

Number of pages: 8

Purpose GOST 3262-75: This standard applies to non-dissolve and galvanized steel welded pipes with chopped or rolled cylindrical carvings and without threads used for water supply systems and gas pipelines, heating systems, as well as for parts of water and gas pipelines.

Untilty index (s): 534731 The document was developed by the Org-her: Ministry of Intelligence of the USSR Keywords of the document: test, accept, sortman, technical requirements, pipes of neoscakes, gunning pipes, pipes welded, steel pipes
Links to others: TU 2-034-225-88

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GOST 3262-75

Group B62.

Interstate standard

Steel water pipes

Technical conditions

Water-Supply and Gas-Supply Steel Pipes. SPESIFICATIONS.

OKP 13 8500, OKP 13 8501

Date of introduction 1977-01-01

Information details

1. Designed and introduced by the Ministry of Black Metallurgy of the USSR


V.I.Trazhok, Cand. tehn sciences; V.M.Vorone, Cand. tehn sciences; Yu.M.Mironov, Cand. tehn sciences; A.I.Postolova


3. The frequency of verification - 5 years

4. Instead of GOST 3262-62

5. Reference regulatory and technical documents

Point number

* On the territory of the Russian Federation acts.

6. Restriction of the validity of the validity of the State Standard of 12.11.91 N 1726

7. Edition with changes in N 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, approved in November 1977, December 1978, January 1987, May 1988, November 1989, November 1991 ( IUS 1-78, 2-79, 4-87, 8-88, 2-90, 2-92)

This standard applies to non-zinc and galvanized steel welded pipes with chopped or rolled cylindrical carvings and without threads used for water pipelines and gas pipelines, heating systems, as well as for parts of water and gas pipelines.

(Modified edition, change. N 2, 3, 5).

1. Sortiment

1.1. Pipes are manufactured in size and mass given in Table 1.

Table 1

Dimensions, mm.

Conditional pass

Outside diameter

Pipe wall thickness

Mass of 1 m pipe, kg







At the request of the consumer of a light series pipe, designed to dump threads, are manufactured in size and mass given in Table 2.

table 2

Dimensions, mm.

Conditional pass

Outside diameter

Wall thickness

Mass of 1 m pipe, kg


1. For a thread made by the rolling method, the pipe is allowed to reduce its inner diameter to 10% along the entire length of the thread.

2. The mass of 1 M of the pipes is calculated at the density of steel, equal to 7.85 g / cm. Galvanized pipes are heavier than non-scattered by 3%.

(Modified edition, meas. N 1, 3).

1.2. The length of the pipe is made from 4 to 12 m:

A dimensional or multiple dimensional length with an allowance for each cut 5 mm and a longitudinal deviation for the entire length plus 10 mm;


In coordinating the manufacturer with the consumer in a party of non-meter pipes, up to 5% of pipes from 1.5 to 4 m are allowed.

1.3. Limit deviations in the size of pipes should not exceed those specified in Table 3.

Table 3.

Pipe size

Limit deflection for precision pipes


Outer diameter with conditional passage:

up to 40 mm.

0.4 mm

over 40 mm


Wall thickness


1. The limit deviation in the positive side of the wall thickness is limited by the limit deviations by weight of pipes.

2. Pipes of ordinary manufacturer's accuracy are used for water pipelines, gas pipelines and heating systems. Pipes of increased production accuracy are used for parts of water and gas pipelines.

1.4. Limit deviations on the mass of pipes should not exceed + 8%.

At the request of the consumer, the utmost deviations by weight should not exceed:

7.5% - for the party;

10% - for a separate pipe.

(Modified edition, change. N 2, 5).

1.5. The curvature of pipes per 1 m length should not exceed:

2 mm - with conditional passage up to 20 mm included.;

1.5 mm - with a conditional passage over 20 mm.

1.6. Threads on pipes can be long or short. Thread requirements must comply specified in Table 4.

Table 4.

Conditional passage, mm

The number of threads with conditional passage

The length of the thread before the escape, mm


1.7. Pipes with a conditional passage 6, 8, 10.15 and 20 mm at the request of the consumer are wound into the bay.

Examples of conventional designations

The pipe is ordinary, non-zero, the usual accuracy of manufacture, non-meter length, with a conditioned passage of 20 mm, the thickness of the wall is 2.8 mm, without thread and without clutch:

Pipe 20x2.8 GOST 3262-75

The same, with a clutch:

Pipe M-20x2.8 GOST 3262-75

The same, measuring length, with carvings:

P-20X2.8-4000 GOST 3262-75

The same, with zinc coating, neotoral length, with carvings:

Pipe c-p-20x2.8 GOST 3262-75

The same, with zinc coating, measuring length, threaded:

Pipe c-p-20x2,8-4000 GOST 3262-75

For pipes for pumping the thread in the conditional designation after the word "tube" indicates the letter N.

For pipes with long threads in the symbol after the word "tube" indicates the letter D.

For pipes of increased accuracy of manufacture in the symbol after the size of the conditional pass, the letter P. is indicated

(Modified edition, meas. N 1).

2. Technical requirements

2.1. Pipes are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard and on technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner, from steels of software and without normalization of mechanical properties and chemical composition.

Pipes for parts of water and gas pipeline structures are manufactured from steels according to GOST 1050.

2.2. At the request of the consumer at the ends of the pipes to be welded, the thickness of the wall is 5 mm and more, chamfer should be removed at an angle of 35-40 ° to the tube's end. In this case, an ends of 1-3 mm width should be left.

At the request of the consumer on ordinary and reinforced pipes with a conditional passage of more than 10 mm threads are applied to both ends of the pipe.

2.1, 2.2. (Modified edition, meas. N 3, 4).

2.3. At the request of the consumer, the pipes are completed with couplings made by software, and, at the rate of one coupling for each pipe.

(Modified edition, meas. N 3).

2.4. Cracks, captives, fuses and sunsets are not allowed on the surface of the pipes.

In the ends of the pipes are not allowed bundles.

Separate dents, risks, risks, traces of stripping and other defects caused by the method of production, if they do not remove the wall thickness for the minimum sizes, as well as a scale layer that does not interfere with the inspection.

On pipes made by the method of oven welding, a decrease in the outer diameter is allowed to 0.5 mm in the presence of a gentle thickening along the inner diameter of not more than 1.0 mm in this place.

(Modified edition, meas. N 3, 4).

2.5. At the request of the consumer on pipes with a conditional passage of 20 mm and more on the inner surface of the seam of pipes, the graph should be cut or flattened, while the height of the graph or its traces should not exceed 0.5 mm.

At the request of the consumer on pipes with a conditional passage of more than 15 mm, made by oven welding and the method of hot reduction, on the inner surface of the pipes in the seam zone is allowed by a hollow thickening with a height of no more than 0.5 mm.

(Modified edition, change. N 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).

2.6. The ends of the pipes must be trimmed at right angles. The magnitude of the end of the end is not more than 2 °. The remains of burrs should not exceed 0.5 mm. When removing burrs, the formation of dulling (rounding) of the ends is allowed. It is allowed to cut the pipes in the line line.

In coordination of the manufacturer with the consumer on pipes with a conditional passage of 6-25 mm, made by the method of oven welding, burrs are allowed to 1 mm.

(Modified edition, change. N 4, 6).

2.7. Galvanized pipes should have a solid zinc coating over the entire surface with a thickness of at least 30 microns. The absence of a zinc coating on the ends and threads of pipes is allowed.

On the surface of galvanized pipes, bubbleness and extraneous inclusions are not allowed (Gartsink, oxides, the stitching mixture), peeling the coating from the base metal.

Separate flux spots and traces of pipe capture lifting devices, roughness and minor local zinc influx are allowed.

It is allowed to correct individual non-scattered sections by 0.5% of the outer surface of the pipe according to GOST 9.307.

(Modified edition, meas. N 3, 4).

2.8. Pipes must withstand hydraulic pressure:

2.4 MPa (25 kgf / cm) - Ordinary and light tubes;

3.1 MPa (32 kgf / cm) - reinforced pipes.

At the request of the consumer, the pipes must withstand the hydraulic pressure of 4.9 MPa (50 kgf / cm).

2.9. Pipes with a conditional passage up to 40 mm inclusive must withstand a bend test around the mandrel with a radius equal to 2.5 outer diameter, and with a conditional passage of 50 mm - on a routing by a radius equal to 3.5 outer diameter.

At the request of the consumer of the pipes must withstand a test for distribution:

For pipes with a conditional passage from 15 to 50 mm - at least 7%;

For pipes with a conditional passage of 65 mm and more - at least 4%.

At the request of the consumer, the pipes must withstand the tension on flattening to the distance between flattened surfaces equal to 2/3 of the outer diameter of the pipes.

2.8, 2.9. (Modified edition, change. N 2, 3, 5).

2.10. At the request of the consumer, the mechanical properties of pipes for parts of water and gas pipeline structures must be complied with GOST 1050.

2.11. Carving pipes must be clean, without ribbon and burrs and fit, the class of accuracy V.

Cylindrical carving pipes are used when assembling with seals.

2.10, 2.11. (Modified edition, meas. N 3, 4).

2.12. In place of the seam allowed black on thread threads, if the reduction in the normal height of the thread profile does not exceed 15%, and at the request of the consumer does not exceed 10%.

It is allowed on thread threads with torn (for sliced) or incomplete (for rolling) thread, provided that their length in the amount does not exceed 10% of the required thread length, and at the request of the consumer does not exceed 5%.

2.13. It is allowed on a thread reduction of the useful thread length (without escape) to 15% compared with the one specified in Table 4, and at the request of the consumer - up to 10%.

2.12, 2.13. (Modified edition, change. N 2, 3, 5).

2.14. Drawing threads to galvanized pipes are carried out after galvanizing.

2.15. (Excluded, meas. N 3).

2.16. At the request of the consumer, the weld seams of the pipes are controlled by non-destructive methods.

(Modified edition, meas. N 5).

3. Rules of acceptance

3.1. Pipes take parties. The party must consist of pipes of the same size, one brand of steel and accompanied by one quality document in accordance with the supplement for pipes intended for the manufacture of parts of water and gas pipeline structures, from steel software; The chemical composition and mechanical properties of steel - in accordance with the document on the quality of the enterprise - the manufacturer of the workpiece.

Party mass - no more than 60 tons.

(Modified edition, meas. N 3, 4).

3.2. Verification of the surface, sizes and curvatures subjected each part of the party.

It is allowed to apply statistical methods for controlling the software with a normal level. Control plans are established in coordinating the manufacturer with the consumer.

Control of the outer diameter of pipes is carried out at a distance of at least 15 mm from the end of the pipe.

(Modified edition, change. N 3, 4, 5).

3.3. To control the thread parameters, for testing for distribution, flattening, bend, the height of the inner graph, the residues of the burrs, the right angle and the chamfering angle (for pipes with beveled edges), mechanical properties take no more than 1%, but at least two batch pipes, And for pipes made by the method of continuous oven welding, two pipes from the party.

(Modified edition, meas. N 3, 4).

3.4. All pipes are monitored.

(Modified edition, meas. N 3).

3.5. Hydraulic pressure testing each pipe. With 100% control of the quality of the weld with non-destructive methods, the test of hydraulic pressure is allowed not to be carried out. In this case, the ability of pipes to withstand test hydraulic pressure is guaranteed.

(Modified edition, meas. N 6).

3.6. To check the thickness of the zinc coating on the outer surface and in the available places of the inner surface, two pipes from the party are selected.

(Modified edition, meas. N 2).

3.7. Upon receipt of unsatisfactory test results, at least one of the indicators on it holds repeated tests on a double sample.

Results of repeated tests apply to the entire batch.

4. Test methods

4.1. To control the quality from each selected tube, one sample is cut for each type of test.

Tensile test is carried out according to GOST 10006. It is allowed instead of tensile test to monitor mechanical properties by non-destructive methods.

4.2. Inspection of the surface of the pipes are carried out visually.

4.3. The hydraulic test is carried out with shutter speed under test pressure at least 5 s.

4.4. Test for bending is carried out according to GOST 3728. Galvanized pipes are tested before coating.

(Modified edition, meas. N 3).

4.4A. Distribution test is carried out on a conical mandrel with an angle of tapering 6 °.

Testing on a mandrel with an angle of tapered 30 ° is allowed.

(Modified edition, meas. N 3, 4).

4.4b. Test on flattening is carried out according to GOST 8695.

(Modified edition, meas. N 3).

4.4B. The control of the weld is carried out by non-destructive methods on the regulatory documentation.

(Introduced additionally, meas. N 3).

4.5. The thickness of the zinc coating on the outer surface and in the available places of the inner surface control the software and, as well as the instruments of the types of MT-41TC, MTZON or the type of "impulse" on the regulatory documentation.

4.6. Threads are tested by threaded calibers-rings of software (third accuracy class).

In this case, no more than three revolutions should be screwed in the thread.

(Modified edition, meas. N 3, 4).

4.7. The curvature of pipes is controlled by the calibration line of the software and a set of probe on ND.

(Modified edition, meas. N 3, 5).

4.8. The straight angle of the ends of the pipes is controlled by a 90 ° coated with a size of 160x100 mm class 3 of the software, plate-ups of a set of 4 nd or a tilter according to GOST 5378. The chamfer bevel angle is controlled by a tilter according to GOST 5378.

(Modified edition, meas. N 3, 6).

4.9. Control of outer diameter is carried out by smooth micrometers of software, Cable Calibers, or GOST 18360.

The wall thickness, the height of the inner graph and the height of the burrs are measured by a micrometer for or by a wall-acting software with both ends of the pipe.

The length of the pipes is measured by a tape measure according to GOST 7502. The threads are controlled by calibers according to GOST 2533.

Control of the mass of the batch of pipes is carried out on scales not more than 10 tons with the price of dividing no more than 20 kg.

(Modified edition, change. N 3, 4, 5, 6).

4.10. The control of the weld is carried out by non-destructive methods for technical documentation.

(Introduced additionally, meas. N 4).

5. Marking, Packaging, Transportation and Storage

5.1. Marking, packaging, transportation and storage are carried out with an addition.

5.1.1. The carving of pipes should be protected from mechanical damage and corrosion by lubricant on regulatory documentation.

Section.5. (Modified edition, meas. N 3).

The text of the document is drilled by:
official edition
Metal pipes and connecting parts to them.
Part 3. Welded pipes. Profile pipes: Sat. Gostov. -
M.: IPK Publishing standards, 2001

GOST 3262-75 is a regulatory document, according to which steel water-gas pipes produce. With such pipes that, unlike plastic products, can be successfully operated in open areas, carry out the installation of pipelines for transporting liquid and gaseous media. There are practically indispensable to such steel pipes in the field of capital and private construction, housing and communal services, agriculture.

Steel pipes VGP

General information about steel pipes VGP

Water-gas steel pipes whose parameters are determined by GOST 3262-75, refer to the target products, which and the name says. The differences in their types are primarily in the production method. However, to whatever type of steel pipes under consideration of the category, all of their parameters are negotiated by the provisions of such a document as GOST 3262 (75, 80, 85, 91).

So, according to this standard (3262-75, the latest revision of the 91st year), water-based pipes manufactured by the weld can belong to one of the following types:

  • non-scattered;
  • galvanized;
  • initially made with threads at the ends, which can be obtained by cutting or rolling;
  • without thread.

Each type of steel pipes is produced by a specific technology.

Application scope and individual parameters

The main areas of use of water-gas pipes, geometrical parameters and the technical characteristics of which are complied with the standard 3262-75, - construction and repair. The pipes of this category are used to arrange gas, plumbing communications and heating systems in cottages and buildings of multi-unit type, administrative buildings, educational institutions, agricultural, industrial and any other objects.

So, this type of metal is used in:

  • communications of cold, as well as hot water supply;
  • heating systems;
  • gas pipelines.

GOST 3262 (75, 80, 85, 91) assumes that WGP welded pipes can be produced measuring, multiple dimensional and non-meter length. So, according to this gradation, they have the following dimensions (along the length of products produced):

  • dimensional - 4 to 12 m long;
  • having a length, multiple dimensional value;
  • nemers with a length that are within the dimensional value.

The standard length of GOST products is limited to 12 meters

The size of the wall is the criterion by which water-gas pipes are distinguished:

The reinforced PPP pipes are products (sometimes galvanized), the wall thickness in which are increased (respectively, such products have more weight). They are used to mount pipelines, along which liquid or gaseous media is transported under high pressure.

If the technical characteristics and the main geometrical parameters of water-based tubes are governed by the regulatory document, then the variant of their constructive design and the length of the cutting defines the customer. Thus, the pipes are most popular, at the ends of which thread is cut in the production process. The reason for their high popularity is that it does not need to use welding operations.

The use of pipes with finished carvings significantly reduces the deadlines for the installation of communications.

Thread on PPP pipes can be created in the process of their production:

  • kump (technology that allows to obtain threads with the most accurate parameters, while it is assumed that the inner diameter of the pipe will be less than 10%);
  • cutting.

The carving on the VGP pipes on the wish of the customer is cut or rolls, and it can be both short and long.

When calculating the mass of water-gas pipes should be borne in mind that galvanized products weigh 3% more than made of ferrous metal. On the batch deviations, the standard also imposes a limitation: they should not exceed 8%.

Technical requirements

From the pipes of each type a sortment is formed, in which their geometrical parameters and theoretical weight are listed.

Pipes are manufactured in size and mass

Steel from which the PPPs categories are manufactured must also comply with the requirements specified in GUT (380, 1050), with mechanical properties, as well as the chemical composition of the manufacturing material are not normalized. To each type of pipes (welded, from ferrous metal, galvanized, threaded) there are special technical requirements on which it should be stopped in more detail.

In accordance with the provisions of the GOST, the following requirements are presented to the pipes of the category of WGP welded type.

  1. If pipe products are connected by oven welding technology, then in the weld area, their outer diameter can be reduced by half a millionth. In the presence of a seam of gentle thickening on the inside of the seam, its value should not exceed 1 mm.
  2. If with the help of welding, it is necessary to connect water-gas pipes, the wall thickness of which is more than 5 mm, then at their ends, the champers are removed at an angle of 35-40 degrees. At the same time, the width of the end ring after the chamfer removal should be in the range of 1-3 mm.
  3. On the inner part of the weld of water-wire pipe, the diameter of which exceeds 20 mm, the excess metal must be cut or flattened so that its height does not exceed half a million.
  4. The customer may additionally specify the characteristics of products with an internal passage diameter of more than 15 mm produced using hot reduction technology (exhaust) and combined with oven welding. According to such requirements, the hollow thickening may be present on the inside of the weld, the height of which is not more than 0.5 mm.

Statery welded pipes are made by turning sheet and subsequent welding of side edges

Water-gas pipes, thread at the ends of which is cut or rolls the manufacturer, should have the following parameters.

  1. The thread formed at the ends of the water-gas pipes in the factory conditions must correspond to the category of accuracy "B". Its characteristics are negotiated by the provisions of the GOST 6357. So, the thread should be clean, there can be no Rvanin and burrs.
  2. In places of compounds, threads are possible on the turns of the thread, while the height of the thread profile in such places should not be reduced more than 15%. The customer has the right to set tighter requirements for which the thread profile reduction limit can be reduced to 10%.
  3. The useful thread length (specified in the sorting and measured without escape) can be reduced to 15%, but the customer has the right to reduce the value of this deviation to 10%.

Requirements for thread according to GOST

  1. The zinc layer, which is applied to the entire surface of the water-gas pipe in the factory conditions, should have a thickness of at least 30 microns. It is assumed that there may be no zinc coating on sections with chopped threads and on the ends.
  2. The zinc film must be applied to qualitatively, it does not allow bubbles, detachments from the base metal and extraneous inclusions (oxides, the stitching, zinc waste, etc.).
  3. Guest is allowed on the surface of galvanized flux spots, small spills of zinc, roughness and traces, which leave elements of lifting devices.
  4. If areas not covered with zinc are detected on water-gas pipes, then their re-processing is possible - provided that the total area of \u200b\u200bsuch sites does not exceed 0.5% of the area of \u200b\u200bthe entire surface of this product.

Pipes VGP galvanized

  1. The customer can specify with the manufacturer a complete set of guest couplings (8944, 8954, 8965, 8966) - one coupling on each product.
  2. On the surface of the pipes, such defects are excluded such as bloating, sunsets, cracks, oxide film, and on the ends of products - bundles.
  3. On the surface of water-gas pipes, the presence of separate defects, which are due to the production method (ripples, risks, dents, traces of stripping). At the same time, such defects should not reduce the thickness of the pipe wall below the tolerance specified in the assortment. The scale layer may also be present, but it should not prevent the product inspection.
  4. The ends of the water-wire pipes released by the consumer are trimmed at right angles. SCOS, if it occurs when trimming, should not exceed 2 degrees. The magnitude of the burrs remaining after trimming should not exceed half a millionth.

Verification of pipes for compliance with GOST is performed selectively - from each batch is investigated at least two products.

The regulatory document also negotiates the methods of control, which is mandatory all pipes are subject to the water supply category:

  1. Hydraulic pressure test that must withstand pipes:

Ordinary and light type - 25 kgf / cm2 (2.4 MPa);

Reinforced - 32 kgf / cm2 (3.1 MPa);

Appropriate special requirements - 50 kgf / cm2 (4.9 MPa).

  • Tests for bend, conducted on mandrels with a radius comprising:

- 2.5 size of the outer diameter - products with Du up to 40 mm;

- 3.5 sizes of outer diameter - pipes with Du 50 mm.

  • Distribution test for water-based pipes with Du:

- 15-50 mm - no less than 7%;

Marking and storage conditions

According to the labeling of water-gas pipes, which must also comply with GOST, you can learn almost all the necessary information about the product: geometric dimensions, method of manufacture and processing, quality of manufacturing material. At the end of the labeling, the number of the regulatory document is specified, according to which the product has been produced.

Examples of conventional designations

Special requirements for packaging PPP pipes are presented only if their outer diameter ranges from 6 to 20 mm. Such pipes on a separate instructions of the customer can be packaged in the bay.

Depending on the type of water-gas pipelines, their storage conditions may be as follows.

  • Galvanized products that are characterized by increased resistance to the formation and development of corrosion, in places of storage are securely fixed and protected from direct moisture.
  • Water-gas pipes that are not covered with a protective layer of zinc, it is necessary to store in a fixed position in dry rooms, with a minimal level of environmental humidity.

GOST 3262-75 Steel water pipes: dimensions, characteristics

GOST 3262-75 and its requirements for steel water-gas pipes. Specifications, scope and methods of quality control of pipes VGP.

Pipes steel water-gas technical conditions GOST 3262-75

State Standard of the SSR Union

Steel water pipes GOST

Specifications 3262-75


Date of administration 01.01.77

At the request of the consumer of a light series pipe, designed to pump threads, manufactured in size and mass shown in Table. 2.

b) neotoral length.

Pipe wall thickness

Mass of 1 m pipe, kg

Mass of 1 m pipe, kg

Pipes Steel water-gas technical conditions GOST 3262-75 - Document - page

Document - This standard applies to non-zinc and galvanized steel welded pipes with chopped or rolled cylindrical carvings and without threads used for water pipelines and gas pipelines, heating systems, as well as for

State Standard of the SSR Union

Technical conditions Water-Supply and Gas-Supply Specifications

Date of administration: 01.01.77

This standard applies to non-zinc and galvanized steel welded pipes with chopped or rolled cylindrical carvings and without threads used for water pipelines and gas pipelines, heating systems, as well as for parts of water and gas pipelines.

(Modified edition, change No. 2, 3, 5).

1. Sortiment

1.1. Pipes are manufactured in size and mass given in Table. one.

At the request of the consumer of a light series pipe, designed to dump threads, are manufactured in size and mass given in Table 2.

1.2. The length of the pipe is made from 4 to 12 m:

a) a dimensional or multiple dimensional length with an allowance for each cut 5 mm and a limit deviation for the entire length plus 10 mm;

b) neotoral length.

In coordinating the manufacturer with the consumer in a party of non-meter pipes, up to 5% of pipes from 1.5 to 4 m are allowed.

(Modified edition, change No. 3, 4).

1. For a thread made by the rolling method, the pipe is allowed to reduce its inner diameter to 10% along the entire length of the thread.

2. The mass of 1 M of the pipes is calculated at density of steel equal to 7.85 g / cm 3. Galvanized pipes are heavier than non-scattered by 3%.

(Modified editors, change No. 1, 3)

1.3. Limit deviations in the size of pipes should not exceed the specified in Table. 3.

1. The limit deviation in the positive side of the wall thickness is limited by the limit deviations by weight of pipes.

2. Pipes of ordinary manufacturer's accuracy are used for water pipelines, gas pipelines and heating systems. Pipes of increased production accuracy are used for parts of water and gas pipelines.

1.4. Limit deviations on the mass of pipes should not exceed + 8%.

At the request of the consumer, the utmost deviations by weight should not exceed:

7.5% - for the party;

10% - for a separate pipe.

(Modified edition, change No. 2, 5).

1.5. The curvature of pipes per 1 m length should not exceed:

2 mm - with conditional passage up to 20 mm included.;

1.5 mm - with a conditional passage over 20 mm.

1.6. Threads on pipes can be long or short. Cleaning requirements must comply with the table specified in Table. four.

1.7. Pipes with a conditional passage of 6, 8, 10, 15 and 20 mm at the request of the consumer are wound into rebellion.

Examples of conventional designations

The pipe is ordinary, non-zero, the usual accuracy of manufacture, non-meter length, with a conditioned passage of 20 mm, the thickness of the wall is 2.8 mm, without thread and without clutch:

The same, measuring length, with carvings:

Pipe R-20 × 2.8 - 4000 GOST 3262-75

The same, with zinc coating, neotoral length, with carvings:

The same, with zinc coating, measuring length, threaded:

Pipe C-R-20 × 2.8 - 4000 GOST 3262-75

For pipes for pumping a thread in the conditional designation after the word "tube" indicates the letter N.

For pipes with long threads in the conditional designation after the word "tube" indicates the letter D.

For pipes of increased accuracy of manufacture in the symbol after the size of the conditional pass, the letter P. is indicated

(Modified edition, change No. 1).

2. Technical requirements

2.1. Pipes are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this Standard and on technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner, from Steel according to GOST 380-88 and GOST 1050-88 without rationing mechanical properties and chemical composition.

Pipes for parts of water and gas pipeline structures are made of steels according to GOST 1050-88.

2.2. At the request of the consumer at the ends of the pipes to be welded, with a wall thickness of 5 mm and more, chamfer should be removed at an angle of 35-40 ° to the tube's end. At the same time, a mechanical ring of 1 - 3 mm width should be left.

At the request of the consumer on ordinary and reinforced pipes with a conditional passage of more than 10 mm threads are applied to both ends of the pipe.

2.1; 2.2. (Modified edition, change No. 3, 4).

2.3. At the request of the consumer, the pipes are completed with couplings made according to GOST 8944-75, GOST 8954-75, GOST 8965-75 and GOST8966-75 at the rate of one coupling for each pipe.

(Modified edition, change No. 3).

2.4. Cracks, captives, fuses and sunsets are not allowed on the surface of the pipes.

In the ends of the pipes are not allowed bundles.

Separate dents, risks, risks, traces of stripping and other defects caused by the method of production, if they do not remove the wall thickness for the minimum sizes, as well as a scale layer that does not interfere with the inspection.

On pipes made by the method of oven welding, a decrease in the outer diameter is allowed to 0.5 mm in the presence of a gentle thickening along the inner diameter of not more than 1.0 mm in this place.

(Modified edition, change No. 3, 4).

2.5. At the request of the consumer on pipes with a conditional passage of 20 mm and more on the inner surface of the seam of pipes, the graph should be cut or flattened, while the height of the graph or its traces should not exceed 0.5 mm.

At the request of the consumer on pipes with a conditional passage of more than 15 mm, made by oven welding and the method of hot reduction, on the inner surface of the pipes in the seam zone is allowed by a hollow thickening with a height of no more than 0.5 mm.

(Modified edition, change No. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).

2.6. The ends of the pipes must be trimmed at right angles. The magnitude of the end of the end is not more than 2 °. The remains of burrs should not exceed 0.5 mm. When removing burrs, the formation of dulling (rounding) of the ends is allowed. It is allowed to cut the pipes in the line line.

In coordination of the manufacturer with the consumer on pipes with a conditional passage of 6-25 mm, made by the method of oven welding, burrs are allowed to 1 mm.

(Modified edition, change No. 4, 6).

2.7. Galvanized pipes should have a solid zinc coating over the entire surface with a thickness of at least 30 microns. The absence of a zinc coating on the ends and threads of pipes is allowed.

On the surface of galvanized pipes, bubbleness and extraneous inclusions are not allowed (Gartsink, oxides, the stitching mixture), peeling the coating from the base metal.

Separate flux spots and traces of pipe capture lifting devices, roughness and minor local zinc influx are allowed.

It is allowed to correct individual non-scattered sections by 0.5% of the outer surface of the pipe according to GOST 9.307-89.

(Modified edition, change No. 3, 4).

2.8. Pipes must withstand hydraulic pressure:

2.4 MPa (25 kgf / cm 2) - pipes, ordinary and lungs;

3.1 MPa (32 kgf / cm 2) - Pipes reinforced.

At the request of the consumer, the pipes must withstand the hydraulic pressure of 4.9 MPa (50 kgf / cm 2)

(Modified edition, change No. 2, 3, 5).

2.9. Pipes with a conditional passage up to 40 mm inclusive must withstand a bend test around the mandrel with a radius equal to 2.5 outer diameter, and with a conditional passage of 50 mm - on a routing by a radius equal to 3.5 outer diameter.

At the request of the consumer of the pipes must withstand a test for distribution:

for pipes with a conditional passage from 15 to 50 mm - at least 7%;

for pipes with a conditional passage 65 and more - at least 4%.

At the request of the consumer, the pipes must withstand the tension on flattening to the distance between flattening surfaces equal to 2/3 of the outer diameter of the pipes.

(Modified edition, change No. 2, 3, 5).

2.10. At the request of the consumer, the mechanical properties of pipes for parts of water and gas pipeline structures must be complied with GOST 1050-88.

2.11. Carving pipes must be clean, without ribbon and burrs and correspond to GOST 6357-81, the class of accuracy V.

Cylindrical carving pipes are used when assembling with seals.

2.10; 2.11. (Modified edition, change No. 3, 4).

2.12. In place of the seam allowed black on thread threads, if the reduction in the normal height of the thread profile does not exceed 15%, and at the request of the consumer does not exceed 10%.

It is allowed on thread threads with torn (for sliced) or incomplete (for rolling) thread, provided that their length in the amount does not exceed 10% of the required thread length, and at the request of the consumer does not exceed 5%.

(Modified edition, change No. 2, 3, 5).

2.13. It is allowed on a thread reduction of the useful thread length (without escape) to 15% compared with the one specified in Table. 4, and at the request of the consumer up to 10%.

(Modified edition, change No. 2, 3, 5).

2.14. Drawing threads to galvanized pipes are carried out after galvanizing.

2.16. At the request of the consumer, the weld seams of the pipes are controlled by non-destructive methods.

(Modified edition, change No. 5).

3. Rules of acceptance

3.1. Pipes take parties. The party must consist of pipes of one size, one brand and accompanied by one quality document in accordance with GOST 10692-80 with a supplement for pipes intended for the manufacture of parts of water and gas pipelines, from steel according to GOST 1050-88: chemical composition and mechanical properties Steel in accordance with the document on the quality of the manufacturer's workpiece.

Party mass no more than 60 tons.

(Modified edition, change No. 3, 4).

3.2. Verification of the surface, sizes and curvatures subjected each part of the party.

It is allowed to apply statistical control methods according to GOST 18242-72 with a normal level. Control plans are established in coordinating the manufacturer with the consumer.

Control of the outer diameter of pipes is carried out at a distance of at least 15 mm from the end of the pipe.

(Modified edition, change. No. 3, 4, 5).

3.3. To control the thread parameters, for testing for distribution, flattening, bend, the height of the inner graph, the residues of the burrs, the right angle and the chamfering angle (for pipes with beveled edges), mechanical properties take no more than 1%, but at least two batch pipes, And for pipes made by the method of continuous oven welding, two pipes from the party.

(Modified edition, change No. 3, 4).

3.4. All pipes are monitored.

(Modified edition, change No. 3).

3.5. Hydraulic pressure testing each pipe. With 100% control of the quality of the weld with non-destructive methods, the test of hydraulic pressure is allowed not to be carried out. In this case, the ability of pipes to withstand test hydraulic pressure is guaranteed.

(Modified edition, change No. 6).

3.6. To check the thickness of the zinc coating on the outer surface and in the available places of the inner surface, two pipes from the party are selected.

(Modified edition, change No. 2).

3.7. Upon receipt of unsatisfactory test results, at least one of the indicators on it is re-tested on a double sample.

Results of repeated tests apply to the entire batch.

4. Test methods

4.1. To control the quality from each selected tube, one sample is cut for each type of test.

Tensile test is carried out according to GOST 10006-80. It is allowed instead of tensile test to monitor mechanical properties by non-destructive methods.

4.2. Inspection of pipe surfaces produce visually.

4.3. The hydraulic test is carried out according to GOST 3845-75 with an exposure under test pressure of at least 5 s.

4.4. Test for bending is carried out according to GOST 3728-78. Galvanized pipes are tested before coating.

(Modified edition, change No. 3).

4.4A. Distribution test is carried out according to GOST 8694-75 on a conical mandrel with an angle of tapering 6 °.

Testing on a mandrel with an angle of tapered 30 ° is allowed.

(Modified edition, change No. 3, 4).

4.4b. Test on flattening is carried out according to GOST 8695-75.

(Modified edition, change No. 3).

4.4B. The control of the weld is carried out by non-destructive methods according to regulatory and technical documentation.

(Introduced additionally, meas. No. 3).

4.5. The thickness of the zinc coating on the outer surface and in the available places of the inner surface is controlled according to GOST 9.301-86 and GOST 9.302-88, as well as instruments of the types of MT-41TC, MTZON or type "impulse" according to regulatory and technical documentation.

4.6. Threads are tested by threaded calibers-rings according to GOST 2533-88 (third grade accuracy).

In this case, no more than three revolutions should be screwed in the thread.

(Modified edition, change No. 3, 4).

4.7. The curvature of pipes is controlled by the calibration line according to GOST 8026-92 and a set of probe on TU 2-034-225-87.

(Modified edition, change. No. 3, 5).

4.8. The straight aneel of the ends of the pipes is controlled by a 90 ° coated with a size of 160x100 mm class 3 GOST 3749-77, plate-linked suits of 4 TU 2-034-225-87 or GOST 5378-88. The bevel of the chamfer is controlled by a tilter according to GOST 5378-88.

(Modified edition, change. No. 3, 6).

4.9. The control of the outer diameter is carried out by smooth micrometers according to GOST 6507-90, the chambers of the GOST 2216-84 or GOST 18360-93.

The wall thickness, the height of the inner graph and the height of the burbs are measured by the micrometer according to GOST 6507-90 or the wall-acting according to GOST 11358-89 with both ends of the pipe.

The length of the pipes is measured by a tape measure according to GOST 7502-98. The threads are controlled by calibers according to GOST 2533-88.

Control of the mass of the batch of pipes is carried out on scales not more than 10 tons with the price of dividing no more than 20 kg.

(Modified edition, change. No. 3, 4, 5, 6).

4.10. The control of the weld is carried out by non-destructive methods for technical documentation.

(Introduced additionally, meas. No. 4).

5. Marking, Packaging, Transportation and Storage

5.1. Marking, packaging, transportation and storage are carried out according to GOST 10692-80 with a supplement.

5.1.1. The carving of pipes should be protected from mechanical damage and corrosion with lubricant on regulatory and technical documentation.

Section. five. (Modified edition, change No. 3).

Information details

1. Designed and introduced by the Ministry of Black Metallurgy of the USSR

V. I. Chrzok, Cand. tehn science V. M. Voron, Cand. tehn science Yu. M. Mironov, Cand. tehn nuk A. I. Postolov


3. Performance check 5 years

4. Instead of GOST 3262-62

5. Reference regulatory and technical documents

6. Reprint (May 1994) with amendments No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, approved in November 1977, December 1978, January 1987, May 1988, November 1989 , November 1991 (IUS 1-78, 2-79, 4-87, 8-88, 2-90, 2-92)