Repairs Design Furniture

Hood over a gas stove: how to set the design. Installing an exhaust over a gas stove like attached hood over the stove

Cooking in the kitchen requires constant air circulation. To eliminate odors, kitchen hoods with connected to ventilation.

Hood in the kitchen is a necessity in the modern world

Kitchen exhaust installation can be made by their own. Before that, you need to choose the appropriate option with a certain power. Hood eliminates dangerous products of combustion and protects the surface of furniture and walls from soot and fatty sediments.

To independently perform an exhaust connection in the kitchen, you should familiarize yourself with the nuances of the installation process.

Products differ in composition, functionality and form. Before installing, it is worth familiar with the benefits of the options offered.

What type of exhaust to choose?

The work of the exhaust structure depends on the internal device. To standard devices. The mechanism of the product contributes to the withdrawal of dirty air through the ventilation channel.

Recycling devices are cleaning air from harmful substances using filtration systems and return it back.

Combined structures operate simultaneously on hood and filtering.

So that the unit worked properly it is necessary to clean the filters every six months.

Combined model very much like housewives

The following types of products are allocated:

  1. The attachment is attached under the lockers. It is required to recycle air. By installing installation, you need to ensure that the device's device does not send air to the surface of the furniture.
  2. Embedded extractor or integrable is characterized by practicality. Similar structures are sold already built into furniture. The devices have functions of air vent and recycling.
  3. Desktop products remove contaminated air. A small extractor distance contributes to the effectiveness of this process.
  4. Fastening the scene of the fireplace type is performed above the stove. Such devices are distinguished by large sizes and functionality.
  5. The island products are mounted to the ceiling and are located above the furnace structures that are located in the center of the room. Designed for efficient airlows.

Set the hood over the gas stove at a distance of 800 mm, and above other cooking surfaces at a distance of 700 mm.

The size of the device depends on the design of the plate or oven. No electric stove is required.

The size of the exhaust exhaust device corresponds to the stove.

The hood for the kitchen consists of the following elements:

  • the engine is considered the main element of the drawing, the tightness of the winding helps to reduce noise;
  • for the fence of dirty air, an engine impeller is used;
  • the filter of several layers is used for fatty particles and requires frequent cleaning;
  • elements are placed in the steel case.

Hooding should not be less than the area of \u200b\u200bthe hob plate

Proper installation of construction

The simplest scheme make a hood in the kitchen - it hangs her over the stove between the cabinets.

When installing, you need to take into account access to the outlet and to the opening on the output. It will be necessary to disguise.

Before installing, it is worth considering options. The device case can be hidden in the closet, for a special panel or in a special box.

Selection of tools

Preliminary calculations are carried out, as the difference between corrugation diameters and air ventilation may occur. These designs are mounted tightly so as not to create noise and vibration. The mounting of the corrugation to the wall is also tightly mounted.

To install the design, additional tool sets and special materials will be required. They are preparing in advance:

  • details of fasteners, screws and dowels;
  • drill with different nozzles;
  • screwdriver, scissors and hammer;
  • plumb or level;
  • corrugation for ventilation;
  • mesh and grille for the emerging hole;
  • scotch and electrolovik;
  • sealant and mounting foam.

Mounting tools are practically in every home

Installation process

Extraction kitchen oblique requires special attention. When it is installed, you need to explore the instructions well.

Before installation work, the height of the exhaust over the electric stove is calculated. The main stages of installation is:

  • fastening the product to the wall;
  • connecting the design to the placement of the filtering device;
  • electrical connection is performed.

Installation consists of the following sequence of actions:

  1. The device is checked for possible defects. Attention is paid to the backlight and functioning of filters and valves.
  2. Measurements are performed for fasteners. It uses the level. The markup is applied under the dowel.
  3. Before drilling, power supply in the kitchen zone is turned off.
  4. The air vent is made of aluminum corrugation. The device is cut to scissors to the desired shape and mounted.
  5. The damper is done - the box for the valve. This uses a thin metal sheet. The product is fastened with a mounting foam into the vent hole.
  6. A device dome is created. It is attached on the brackets or is located in the hinged cabinet. Holes cut through the jigsaw.
  7. Holes are made, where dowels are attached for supports. Hang hood over the gas stove follows horizontal position.
  8. Corrugations using clamps mounted for hood. The jokes are processed by mounting foam and sealant.
  9. valve. Places a special grid. To connect an exhaust to ventilation, it is required to check the tightness of all connections.
  10. The device connects to the outlet and trial starts.

When installing the ventilation design, it is recommended to reduce the number of pipe bends. At each turn, the power decreases by 10%.

The bending of the duct should be with the minimum number of knees

Independent work must be carried out taking into account safety. The following recommendations will help optimize the installation process:

  1. Pipes can be flexing at right angles.
  2. It is not necessary to narrow the output of the connecting structure, as this will lead to noise when working.
  3. The allowable height of the device above the slab is at least 650 mm.
  4. It is necessary to perform a regular replacement of filters and their cleaning.
  5. If stainless materials are used, then aggressive means are not used when cleaning.
  6. Additional installation of the check valve will protect against the return of contaminated air into the room.

Why require regular exhaust maintenance?

After installing the exhaust design, regular maintenance of the product is required. The grease filter must be washed once a couple of months. The coal filter will have to be changed every six months.

Reduces the performance properties of the burning gas stove without dishes. In this case, the frequent breakdowns of the structure occur.

If the device does not turn on, then check the lighting mechanism to control the power circuit. If it is working, then breakdown in the motor or control system.

When the motor operates at one speed, then the causes of the breakdown should be sought in the control mechanism.

It is worth considering the safety of the device.

  1. If the length of the network cord is short, then a socket is installed next to the dome. It is impossible to increase the cord and use isolate for connections.
  2. If it is impossible to install an additional outlet, then the extender is applied through a tee. As an option - a separate line from the shield is performed. Specialist should do this job.
  3. Since the hood is an electrical device, then you need to ground.

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To properly complete the setting, you need to comply with security and pick up a special tool. Quality service after installation will extend the life of the design.

The question of how to mount the hood in the kitchen, to date, worries many. Making repairs in the kitchen, people in most cases think about creating a ventilation system more efficient, because it is not just convenient, but even necessary.

A man engaged in cooking regularly in the kitchen about five hours a day and breathes harmful evaporation, including Chad and Gar.

In addition, during cooking from food, the smallest particles and fats are released into the air, which also adversely affects human health.

The only way out in this situation is to purchase and install the drawing, since neither traditional ventilation systems nor simple ventilation will provide the necessary effect. About how to correctly put a hood in the kitchen and will be discussed in this article.

Choosing an exhaust

One of the most important systems in the housing of a person who ensures the comfort of its livelihoods is ventilation. In a fairly ventilated room, the air is clean and fresh, in view of which it is simply nice to be here, while the stuffing can cause negative reactions of the body, up to the overall weakness and dizziness.

Kitchen hoods are one of the main ventilation nodes, since cooking is associated with increased air temperature and harmful discharges, including very unpleasant odors.

The main hood task is to clean the air indoor. And the cleaning process itself can occur differently. From this directly depends on the kitchen extractor. So, there are two types of modern exhaust work.

Types of exhaust

  1. The simplest drawing device works on the principle of air recycling. In this case, the air is not displayed outside the room, and passes through special filters and returns back. Sometimes such extracts are called even filtering or suspended (see Also, an article about the suspension hood for the kitchen).

Tip! If the ventilation shaft is clean and perfectly "pulls", then the valve can be removed from the exhaust and allow it to work with the engine turned off. This is possible in houses with adjustable ventilation.

Connecting an exhaust to ventilation

Since it is easy to attract the hood in the kitchen, you can cope with this procedure yourself. But it is better to take an assistant.

  1. We apply an exhaust to the wall and a pencil note its future position. If you are planning to change the kitchen furniture, you should consider embedding the hoods in the suspended cabinet.
  2. Drilling perforator wall under a dowel. It should not be chewed here, because the design should be fixed "tight".

The distance from the gas stove to the exhaust is an important factor on which the efficiency of the equipment and air purity in the kitchen depends. Let's look at what this parameter depends on and how the characteristics of the device affect it.

Features of exhaust equipment for kitchen

Before you understand what height should be hung, you need to explore the design features and the principle of the device. In essence, the kitchen hood is a design that is designed for the forced fence of gas combustion products and other harmful impurities. The device consists of a housing, air intake, parts of electrical ventilation and a set of filters.

According to its principle, the hooding is divided into 2 types: flow and circulation. The effect of the equipment of the first type is based on the withdrawal of dirty air into the ventilation pipes of the residential building. In this case, it is possible to achieve almost complete air purification, however, such a system requires a regular influx of clean air masses outside.

The second type does not pull the air from the kitchen, and filters it through the set of filters built into the system. The main advantages of this equipment include the absence of extra highways. Among the minuses there are high time spent on high-quality cleaning.

What hoods are on the installation method?

All existing extracts are amenable to a specific classification. It depends on the way of installing the equipment. So, devices for cleaning air in the kitchen are divided into:

  • suspended;
  • embeddable;
  • wall;
  • corner;
  • island.

The first-type systems are flat and attached under the shelf of the mounted kitchen cabinet, located above the stove. The second type is an exhaust, the design of which is mounted in the dome or cabinet over the stove. Wall-mounted equipment is installed on the wall above the stove. The equipment of the angular type is used to install in the corner of the kitchen. Such systems are especially convenient if the stove is located closer to the end of the wall. The last type of equipment is very relevant for large-sized kitchens, where the extract should be installed in the center.

Depending on the form of the air intake, four main types of exhausts are distinguished: vertical, horizontal, flat and dome-shaped. Flat systems have a lower surface resembling the blinds in the form of rectangles. Sometimes on the sides of the surface are low sides. They are installed above the stove in a horizontal position. The width of the models of such equipment can be 50 and 70 cm. Vertical systems are supplied with a lower surface under the tilt. The guide visor is installed at the top.

Dome systems are considered the most popular. In shape, they resemble a tent, the width of which can be from 50 to 120 cm. The height of the dome itself is in most cases 30-50 cm.

What are the parameters to consider when installing?

The main factor when installing the system is the height of the hood over the gas stove. Before hanging equipment, you need to determine the distance on which it will be installed. In most cases, the height of the extraction setting is indicated by the manufacturer in the instruction manual. However, if this recommendation is absent, then you can only determine the distance given certain conditions.

The first of them is safety. It causes the minimum allowable distance between the open fire and the bottom plastic hood panel, in which the equipment does not ignore. The minimum indicator will be height at 60-70 cm.

The second factor is determined by ease of cooking. The hostess, which spends a lot of time in the kitchen and uses household appliances, must independently determine the optimal position of the exhaust device, taking into account convenient accommodation on the plate of high saucepan.

The third factor is the ability of the system to draw polluted air from the most hard-to-reach places on the stove.

Based on all these conditions, it can be concluded that the optimal distance is 70 cm. This result may vary depending on the growth and dimensions of the person who spends the same time at the stove.

How to heighten the equipment parameters

On the calculation of the distance between the stove and the hood affects the air intake area, the type of its location and power of the equipment. Low power systems need to be swallowed at least 75 cm. More powerful devices capable of processing more than 550 cubic meters per hour allow you to increase the distance.

Another important parameter is the dimensions of the system. Its width should not be less than the slab itself. In this case, it will not be able to fully cover the surface that pollutes the air. The average width of the plate is in the range of 50-60 cm. Consequently, the exhaust with dimensions of 65-70 cm cannot be installed too high above such plates. You can only encounter the system with a width of at least 80 cm.

Also on the height above the stove affect the position of the air intake. If it is placed under the tilt, then the system must be installed so that its lower surface is located at a distance of 60 cm from the stove.

When installing the equipment, pay attention to the fact that the materials from which it is manufactured is practically not able to ignite. Only spots of fats and other substances accumulated on the surface can light up.

An independent installation of gas equipment in a private house or apartment is prohibited, but the requirements do not apply to the exhaust. Energy-dependent devices can be mounted with their own hands using the manufacturer's manual.

We will tell you how to set the hood over the gas stove in accordance with the requirements of sanitary and hygienic and building standards. We offer simple instructions that ensure fastening strength and excellent functionality with maximum return. In the article submitted, the most popular options are considered.

First, let's remember what the exhaust is necessary and how it works. The purpose of any model of exhaust equipment intended for installation above the stove is cleaning the air from the combustion and odor products, which extends throughout the apartment during cooking.

As it is known, with burning natural gas forms a lot of substances harmful to the health of the human body, among which a large amount of nitrogen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, various impurities.

The faster the unnecessary elements will be withdrawn, the first and safer will be the air environment. In a small indoor room with a small percentage of oxygen in the air, a person begins to quickly get tired and feel ailments.

Electric hoods have long become an indispensable attribute of kitchen premises. They are installed directly above the gas or electric stove, some models are equipped with an air duct to output combustion products

Air purification occurs in two ways. Some models simply remove it out of the room, others pass through cleansing filters. It should be understood that the hood cannot produce a full ventilation of the kitchen.

In order for the air to become truly fresh and healthy, it is necessary to establish a supply ventilation. The simplest air access option is regular ventilation by opening windows and windows.

Comparative Modela Review

Modifications that are presented in large quantities in the modern market are distinguished by the type of air purification, design and installation method. When choosing should not be looped only on the design of the device. It is necessary to take into account all the nuances and consider the possibility of mounting the equipment in a particular case.

By and large, all modifications of extracts can be divided into three large categories:

  • flowing;
  • recycling;
  • combined.

The first type is designed to transport combustion products to the ventilation channel of the building by means of an air duct. Consequently, in addition to fastening the housing of the hood over the gas stove, the installation of channels for the air outlet in the vent hole will be installed.

So that plastic or corrugated channels do not spoil the interior design, they are hiding behind suspended structures, false walls or placed in the upper kitchen cabinets - Mezlesole

Recycling models are not equipped with air ducts, therefore it takes less space and are installed much faster. They purify air masses, passing them through fat and coal filters. In fact, they chase the air in a circle, freeing it from vapors, fat and harmful particles, but not refreshing.

Recycling models have some advantages: they are compact and easy to install. Using the manufacturer's instruction, install and connect such an extractor can even beginner with the lack of experience of such work.

However, universal models have occupied a huge market segment that can function in both modes: flow and recycling. Cleaning through filters can be carried out temporarily while the repairs are replaced.

And if there is no possibility to install aircraft channels, then the filtering is the only possible way to improve the microclimate in the kitchen.

By the installation method, the exhaust kitchen equipment is divided into autonomous and built-in. The first is mounted separately, on the wall or ceiling, and the second is embedded in kitchen cabinets or other suspended structures.

If you have chosen an embedded model, then when ordering a kitchen headset, performers need to provide the size of the technical device for accurate fitting of the furniture element

According to the design and, accordingly, the appearance of the drawing is divided into several types, with different manufacturers they may have different names. The most popular are the so-called built-in sliders, one part of which is moving, dome and inclined models.

Due to the popularity of the "island" kitchen interior, the ceiling models for working zones installed in the center of the kitchen are popular.

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Due to the special design and beautiful design of the inclined panel, the hoods are effectively working and are modern technical decoration of the kitchen

Dome models have excellent technical characteristics, but take up a lot of space when installing. For this reason are not suitable for small housing

The feature of models with a movable element is that their inclusion is made when extending the horizontally located panel

Island retractions are often distinguished by an unusual design. They are fixed to the ceiling with special brackets, while the housing can be attached directly or on cables

Elegant and stylish inclined model

Traditional option - dome hood

Built into the kitchen cabinet slider

Powerful ceiling equipment for the "Island"

Setting the drawing is made depending on the design and functions of the model. To understand the features of the installation, you can still buy an instructions for the installation before buying.

Perhaps there are designated some nuances that prevent the installation of this particular product in your kitchen. Suppose the ceiling construction will not withstand the weight of the equipment or the cabinets do not provide holes for the passage of the air duct.

Home Device Installation Requirements

A few words about the installation standards of equipment in rooms with gas stoves. By law, the stove itself, operating from gas supply, can be installed in the premises whose height is at least 2.2 m. It is worth knowing those who are going to build volumetric suspended structures for disguise ducts or ventilation channels.

Rules concern the setting of the hood over the gas stove. According to the standards, the minimum distance from the surface of the slab to the device panel is 75 cm. This is 10 cm more than the standard for the electric stove

Documentation regulating installation or choice is in open access. General materials on the meaning of forced ventilation can be found in SNiP 2.04.05-91, more on the volumes of derived air - in SNiP 2.08.01-89, and on the performance and other nuances of technology - in GOST 26813-99.

There are no strict rules regarding the options for mounting ventilation air ducts, so they can be placed outside or inside the kitchen cabinets, behind the partitions and over the suspended structures.

Where exactly it is better to fix the purchased hood and what conditions for this are necessary, learn from whose material is fully dedicated to this issue.

Features of mounting kitchen hoods

The sequence and nuances of the installation depend on the structural features of the equipment. For example, the order of attachment and autonomous is fundamentally different. Therefore, we consider how professional installation of three different modifications occurs.

How to install an inclined model?

The average price segment is most popular. It is to him that the inclined extractor "Quartz" belongs, which can be installed independently. It works in the mode of perimetral suction, so it is placed in a clearly fixed position and moving elements has no.

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Measure 75 cm from the surface of the plate, make a mark on the wall. Sometimes manufacturers indicate a smaller distance (for example, 65-70 cm). Better adhere to generally accepted norms

With the help of the level, we carry out two lines to which it is necessary to navigate when installing an exhaust: a horizontal, denoting lower boundary, and vertical for axis mark

Many manufacturers are equipped with their equipment by mounting patterns that help Clean the holes correctly or determine the location of the fastener

Drill drill four holes in a depth of 5 cm and a diameter of 1 cm. Drills need to choose, considering the wall material: ceramic tiles, concrete, brick

We remove the template, insert plastic dowels into the holes from the mounting kit, then screw the two upper screws. Leave a small gap under the hats (2-3 mm) for hanging the hood

After having removed aluminum antique filters, hang the hood into two upper screws. To do this, we find inside the case special holes like "key well"

Bottom screws twist immediately if the installation of the false pipe is not provided. If the extractor is functioning in a stream mode, first install ducts and boxes

When all additional elements are installed, and fastened sweated, insert an anti-rigor filter into the grooves. On this installation is considered completed

Step 1 - Measurement of the distance from the slab to the exhaust

Step 2 - Marking of the axial line of installation

Step 3 - Fastening on the wall of the tape template

Step 4 - Drilling holes for fasteners

Step 5 - Screwing the upper screws in a dowel

Step 6 - Installation of the hood of the wall

Step 7 - twisting pair of lower screws

Step 8 - Installation in the location of the aluminum filter

After installation, you need to connect the device to power supply and test it to work by checking the functioning in various modes and on all sorts of speeds.

Sometimes due to improper installation of false pipes or air ducts, a loud hum. In this case, it is necessary to find the cause of noise and try to get rid of it.

Building the built-in module

Built-in models are very popular thanks to compactness and moderate price. If you take care of the right design and size of a special cabinet base, then the installation process itself will take no more than 20 minutes. When installing flow devices, it will take some time to carry out the air duct.

We do not forget that the main document is the installation of an embedded hood draw up by the manufacturer. Before starting work, we open the instructions and check the availability of parts and fasteners on the list. If everything is in order, check the integrity of the elements and proceed to the installation.

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A new model must be removed from the box, then check the package, remove the filter panels, prepare stencils and fasteners

In the kit there are stencils or patterns, thanks to which it is much easier to do holes in the cabinets or walls. Apply stencils to the right place and glue scotch

Drill with a thin drill drill holes to secure the guides for the installation of the case. Need to do 2 holes on each side

Metallic guides are included for the assembly. We apply them to installation places and fix the screws with a screwdriver

From the top side, the housing of the hood is protected by a thin panel, it must be deleted. To do this, unscrew several fixing screws

We take the housing of the hood, we find the installation elements and gently insert them into the guides. As a result, the device must be inside the wall locker

For fastening the drawing to the guides, we find a self-tapping screw with protective washers. We take a screwdriver and tighten the screws into the mounting holes

We install the removed top panel in place, remove the protective film with parts. When all work with drawing is finished, mount the cabinet over the gas stove

Step 1 - Preparation of Extraction to Mount

Step 2 - Placing a stencil on the side wall of the locker

Step 3 - drill holes under the fasteners

Step 4 - Installing side guides

Step 5 - Removing the upper sheath with an exhaust

Step 6 - Installation of the hood in the mounted cabinet

Step 7 - fixing the hull on the guides

Step 8 - Installation of the mounted locker on the wall

If you plan to install a plastic duct, before mounting the drawing into the closet from its upper side, you must consolidate the adapter. This is a plastic universal part consisting of fragments of different diameters.

Tsugunov Anton Valerevich

Reading time: 4 minutes

The quality and technical characteristics set in your kitchen hood determine first of all the purity and freshness of the air, and accordingly, the level of comfort and comfort in the apartment. If your kitchen is exactly the place in which a delicious food is often prepared, the presence of a gas stove is doubly important. Find out what features the installation of different types of devices has and what should be the height of the extraction setting.

What are the models of hoods

Kitchen exhaust devices are two main types: with the system and s.

In the first case, the device is powered by a power grid and works on the principle of internal circulation of air flow. Dirty air goes inside, cleared and returns out. For small kitchens, such a type of hood over the stove will be the perfect solution.

If the kitchen is big and it is constantly cooking on it, it is recommended to hang the unit with a connection to the air duct that will simply remove the dirty air out of the room. In addition, such models have greater performance.

Features of operation

In itself, the drawing device is not complicated. It is controlled by the simplest mechanical control panel. It can be arranged both pressed buttons and switches-sliders. The first, being in a characteristic position at one level with the case, indicate the inclusion of a device function or another, and the second allow you to maximally change the modes of operation or turn on / off the device. These control options are characteristic of cheaper installations that can be hung over a gas or electric stove.

Recent developments are equipped with popular sensors in various industries. Up to any element of such a system, it is only easy to touch with your finger to activate or deactivate the function for which it responds.

Varieties of settings on the principle of installation

Based on the features of installing a particular drawing model classified by type of installation:

  • , as well as the fireplace, mounted on the wall and will take quite a large space. Such a device will become an excellent solution not only for modern, but also a classic style.
  • The island hood is attached to the ceiling in any part of the kitchen, used with a non-standard arrangement of the electrical or gas hob, rendered to the center of the kitchen and not blocked by any cabinets. It will be a good addition to absolutely any design.
  • The angular type of devices is installed in the corner of the kitchen, solve the problem of ventilation and air purification, if, due to the characteristics of the planning or location of the cooker, the cooker is in the corner of the kitchen room.
  • Flat hood is fixed on the wall, most often under the wall locker.
  • Embedded models are mounted entirely in the suspended cabinet.

General installation rules

If you decide to install a hood without the help of a wizard, you need to know some rules:

  1. Hood is hanging above the gas stove at 60 cm and above. But for the most efficient work and good interior addition, the height of the fastener of the hood is calculated individually. In the standard operation guidelines, it is not for nothing that the ranges that make it possible to take into account such factors as the power of the drawing, the design of the kitchen, the human growth, which is most often prepared behind the stove.
  2. The width of the drawing should not be already your stove. Therefore, it is not recommended to buy or order, as well as mount the hood before installing the gas stove.
  3. If the exhaust is electric, then the outlet, from which it will consume electricity, should not be located above the stove in order to avoid fire.
  4. When the device is connected, a pipe with a minimum amount of bends should be used directly to the air duct.

Installation of hood with coal filter

This type of hoods is very easy to install even for non-professionals. Using the level, the height and location of the device is calculated, after which there are places for future fasteners. After that, with the help of uncomplicated manipulations with the perforator, the holes under fastening are made. The device is attached to special hooks that will hold it tight and securely.

Installation of flowing hood with air duct

The process of hood hanging with a connection to the air duct occurs, as in the previous case, with the help of fasteners. The device must be aligned horizontally hanging on the distance allowed from the slab. Next is established, which is mandatory to approach the diameter to the ventkala in the wall, which will ensure the absence of power loss.

After installation, it is necessary to check that everything is installed correctly and functioned properly.


The distance between the hood and the hob plate is measured from the lower edge to the burners. Fastening the unit should be performed exclusively in terms of the level, since the possibility of adjusting the position is in the future excluded.

Before installing, you need to think about the choice of space to think carefully, because the device must have access to the vent and power supply at the same time. For this reason, the location of all communications is indicated on the kitchen plan.

In cases of major repairs, the arrangement of the hood is calculated and is drawn on the kitchen plan along with the other electrical appliances. If the question is only in replacing certain equipment, it will have to adapt to the already established circumstances.