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Device and work homemade gasoline burner. Gasoline burner for soldering with your own hands how to make a gasoline burner

There is a need to warm up, otherwise you can melt any detail or material. The burners can be purchased in stores, but what a homemade service will not try to make the instrument you need it with my own hands. A petrol burner from the girlfriend decided the author of this homemade.

Tools and materials
room antenna from the TV;
jar from children's juice with lid;
aquarium compressor (external) with hose;
soldering iron;
nail 120;
needle for the ball;
head-key at 4.5.

In the middle of the largest tube drills the through hole with a diameter of 4mm.

For the manufacture of a crane, the author slices from the middle diameter of the tube a piece of 15mm. At a distance of 5 mm from the edge drill hole 3mm.

Dressing on a nail piece of tube into the stop to the hat. Notes on a nail where the hole is located. Notes the cut line by 4mm below the tube. Drills in a nail hole with a diameter of 2 mm. Cuts a nail along the previously intended line.

Inserts a crane into a hole drilled in a large tube. Singing the hole in both tubes solder them.

What would the nail scream makes the stopper. I cut off from the middle tube a piece of 4mm dresses it to a nail inserted into the crane. Savings the edge of the nail and sliced \u200b\u200bpiece. It is necessary that the nail is turned into aquicker.

Further, whatever we break, the author inserts a piece of wire into the finest tube and envelopes it around the bank forming a semicircle of 70-80 degrees.

Makes nozzle. Cuts off the needle for balls head. Shutters needle at an angle to a semicircular tube. This is done in order to then insert a nozzle into a large tube.

Notes on the tube with a crane hole where the nozzle will be inserted, given the fact that the end of the nozzle should stick out of the tube for a couple of millimeters, and the opposite end of the nozzle tube. Excess you can cut off.

Having done a hole (not through) inserts nozzle. If the edge of the tube is needed. Cars the edge of the tube on 6 parts and flexes them inside.

Inserts the opposite end and smell both sides of the tube.

Then makes the burner head. Cut off the key-head 5mm expands the hole with a drill on 5mm and clothes on the nozzle.

Makes the container under fuel. Drills in the covers of the jar of two 4mm - their holes opposite each other. Inserts a middle tube into one of them so that it would not take to the bottom of the cans for 1 cm. Recovering from the cover 2 cm cut it off. Scuffing another 2.5cm from the tube inserts it into the second hole in the lid. Solders tubes to the lid.

The tube from the compressor connects to the long tube of the container, and the burner connects to the short one.

The gas burner has long been a familiar tool of a homemade master. However, there are terrain and situations in which the gas is not available. But at hand there are always gasoline. In this case, it helps the compact and lightweight device - the burner for soldering on gasoline. Easy design allows you to make such a device with your own hands.

Design and dignity

The device for soldering works very simple. Its main components are:

  • gasoline tank;
  • air supply pump;
  • supply hoses;
  • housing with nozzles.

In the housing are placed:

  • nozzle;
  • limiter;
  • valve;
  • air regulator;
  • rings for sealing.

The gasoline device for soldering has such advantages as:

  • small sizes and weight;
  • mobility;
  • burning stability;
  • high temperatures soldering.

Due to the simplicity of the design and the absence of expensive and complex parts, the fuel burner for soldering is quite affordable for self-making.

Gasoline burner for soldering - self-making

The gasoline burner for soldering made with its own hands does not require expensive materials or purchased components. In most cases, the bench-high burner successfully replaces the gas. It is especially convenient for the long-scale rods on nature by car or motor boat. It will allow not only to cook or cut game, but also to perform operational repair of small breakdowns right in place. And on the return home, the gasoline burner, made by his own hands, will again take its place in the workshop, allowing technical or artistic creativity. In order to make such a device, you need to own the skills of plumbing and welding.

Necessary materials

For the manufacture of self-made gasoline burner, it will be necessary:

  • metal case;
  • lever;
  • connecting sleeve;
  • a hook of thick wire;
  • emphasis;
  • air tank;
  • pear from a tonometer.

Step-by-step manufacturing process

Below is a sequence of operations for the manufacture of a bench-grade burner:

  • The housing is made on a turning or milling machine, on one side it should be opened, on the other, it closes with a plug.
  • The hole is drilled in the plug. Its diameter should exceed the outer diameter of the nozzle on the share of the millimeter. It must be tight.
  • Inside the case placed a ring made of fine wire mesh.
  • From the sheet of metal, the limiter and sleeve with hook are cut.
  • From thick wood make a handle.
  • The tube is passed through the hole in the case so that its end becomes a burner snot.
  • The end of the tube is searched by a refractory solder.
  • in the solder drilled hole 0.2 mm. You can hit the end of the tube ready-made fiber feeder.

The refractory solder can be made from the finely chopped pieces of copper and zinc. Zinc take from a glass for a battery, crushed and poured with weak hydrochloric acid. Then add copper and boor. The resulting mixture is calcined in the crucible.

Prevention against clogging

During the work, the gasoline device for soldering is inevitably clogged. This happens, first of all, from the use of poor-quality gasoline. A nagar is formed on the nozzle, pollution in the form of a plaque can be postponed on the walls of the tube. When clogging the tube and the elements of the air flow control, the air from the compressor enters down, without mixing with gasoline in the desired proportion.

Gasoline burners are quite often angry. They can be divided into 3 main types:

  • Gasoline or working on other types of liquid fuel.
  • Gaze.
  • Multi-fuel.

The last type of burner is designed to work on various types of fuel. It so happened that gasoline devices appeared slightly earlier than gas. Despite the fact that a sufficient amount of time has passed since the appearance of gas burners, gasoline burners are used in our time.

Moreover, they are not just used, but all more intense are used. The thing is that each type of burner has near both the advantages and disadvantages. Under certain conditions, gasoline burners show the best results and high efficiency. This article is aimed at familiarizing readers with the advantages of gasoline burners.

The structural features of the burner depend on what type of fuel is used. For example:

  • There are burners that work exclusively on gasoline and in any more stuffing.
  • There are constructions that are also kerosene, except gasoline.
  • The work of any kind of burners requires a special device capable of maintaining pressure on an ongoing basis. Due to this factor, these devices are classified according to this method.
  • There are designs in which there is no pump, and other devices are equipped with a pump.
  • The burners are also classified according to the method of fastening the fuel tank.
  • Some types of burners are designed so that the tank with flammable is located separately from the burner and fuel is fed to the burner through the hose. There are burners, where the container with the flammable and the burner constitute a single design.

Does the gasoline burner need fishing?

  • A very interesting question, since the gasoline burner has a certain weight and takes some useful space. When exit fishing is carried out, then every kilogram of excess weight is considered. Many, going on fishing in the summer, cost without gasoline burners, as you can easily regret the fire. But not always everyone is lucky and there are such situations where the bonfire does not work, especially in the conditions of bad weather. If the wooden branches wet very much, then without additional efforts and fixtures they will not light up. The presence of a gasoline burner will help break the fire without much difficulty, even if the twigs are wet. In addition, on a gasoline burner you can heat the kettle with water or cook food.
  • There is another situation when fishing is carried out to a dark and no one wants to kindle a fire because of fatigue. In this case, it is easier to use the burner to make a dinner, albeit faster.
  • When the cold and wet weather was installed for a long time, the gasoline burner will always help and do not have to think what to prepare tea or food.

Buy or make a gasoline burner with their own hands

The easiest option is the acquisition of the apparatus in the store, especially since the manufacturer offers various models. Determine which of the developments most suitable is quite difficult due to features in the design.

Some models have too much weight, which does not allow them to take with them, especially if there is no transport. In the presence of transport, such a factor has no fundamental importance.

Industrial samples are characterized by a high price, and only high-quality gasoline is required for their normal operation.

As for homemade gas burners, there are also several options for their manufacture. For independent manufacture, there are already applicable parts from gasoline burners. After the assembly, a high-quality and efficient, and the main workable device is obtained. Such an approach is under power to anyone, even inexperienced fisherman. The gasoline burner on the principle of mixing the vapor gasoline and air flow. The burner is designed so that this combustible mixture is fed into the burning area constantly than and maintaining the combustion process. At the same time, in homemade burners for some reason, both lower gasoline varieties are also burning, compared with industrial developments.

Gasoline burner with his own hands

An independent manufacture of various fishing accessories has its advantages. The most important thing is that each of the masters will result in the device that he needs. At the same time, each of them for the manufacture uses its spare parts, which correspond to a certain method of manufacture.

Fashion first

  • For the manufacture of the first burner, you will need two cans, which are usually thrown out. To use them on purpose, they are cleaned of dirt and washed carefully, after which they are dried.
  • One of the cans is taken and 4 holes pierce the nail in her day. The same holes make banks around the perimeter on the side.
  • The side of the can is cut off at a distance of 3 cm from the bottom. The result is the top of the burner.
  • The second bank is taken and is also cut across the entire circumference in the same height.
  • The second part of the bank will serve the bottom of the future burner. On the bottom of the bank lies the rush, after which the lower part of the burner is covered with top.
  • Gasoline is poured from above through the punched holes. As a result, gasoline is held with a vat, and only couples are ignited. The burner can be set fire.
  • The device of such a burner is sufficient enough. Unfortunately, it is also one-time, since after use, we can not count on the use of the second time.

Method of the second

The second design is more complicated, but it is more practical, since it is not disposable.

What is needed for this:

  • The burner itself will have to buy in the store.
  • A car chamber is suitable as a compressor. Unfortunately, it should be filled with air from time to time to maintain pressure at the desired level.
  • As a fuel tank, a 2-liter canister is suitable, in the lid of which 2 holes are done, where the tubes are inserted. One of them should get to the bottom of the canister, and the second one is half.
  • A transparent plastic container is suitable for the receiver, which can close the lid tightly. The volume of the receiver is 10 liters.

Assembly steps:

  • In the fuel tank, somewhere half, poured gasoline.
  • The compressor input is desirable to install the filter of the simplest design itself. To do this, use a plastic funnel on which the categorous stocking should be pulled.

How does this device work

The air from the compressor is supplied to the receiver, which smoothes the irregularity of pressure. After that, it enters the tank with gasoline, as a result of the tank, a combustible mixture of air and a vapor of gasoline is already displaced. This mixture hits the burner, it remains only to set fire to it.

Method Third

For such a product, a metal flat jar, pumice and not a large amount of gasoline will be required.

How to assemble the product.

  • In a metal jar, PEMZA is quite tightly stuffed, almost completely.
  • After that, it should be impregnated with gasoline. It is done very carefully so that the gasoline is not blown. Making the burner is completed. Such a burner can give heat for 15 minutes. It can be prepared for a modest lunch or heat the tent in extreme conditions.

Prevention against clogging

  • In the process of work, the gasoline burner can be clogged, so it is better to use high-quality gasoline, with a large octane number.
  • If you use special additives for gasoline, you can solve the problem of burner clogging. Such additives are used in injection engines.
  • So that the burner does not refuse the most inopportune moment, it is better to clean it after use.

The better the gasoline burner, compared to gas?

  • Gasoline burner uses fuel that can be purchased at any refueling. As for gas, you need to still search for refueling, where gas cylinders are filled. Therefore, it can be concluded that gasoline is much more accessible, compared with gas.
  • As the gas is produced in the gas burner, the quality of its work deteriorates, which you will not say about the gasoline burner.
  • In the distance from civilization, although accidentally, but you can get some gasoline, but it is hardly possible to find gas.
  • Gasoline burners are distinguished by ease and compactness. They can be placed in a backpack and take with them hike.

Work in extreme conditions

In the conditions of air sparse, the gasoline burner will never refuse, but the gas burner will either burn badly, or will not burn at all.

How to choose the right gasoline burner in the store

The choice of burner in the store is not a simple matter, especially in conditions when it is possible to choose. The main thing is to determine in advance the criteria for which the burner will be selected, depending on the alleged conditions for its work. What you need to pay attention to:

  • It is better to choose the model in which there is a detachable connection separating the pump from the burner. This will simplify the task for cleaning the pump, if necessary.
  • The instructions shall be indicated how quickly you can boil 1 liter of water under standard conditions.
  • It should also be indicated how much fuel goes to boil the same 1 liter of water or indicate fuel consumption per unit of time.
  • If the weight is of fundamental importance, then this data should also be paid attention. In the presence of transport it is not fundamentally.
  • It is desirable to determine the presence of spare parts. Any apparatus sooner or later fails, and the burner is no exception. If there is no spare parts for repair, then, in the event of a malfunction, it will be necessary to simply throw it away.
  • The presence of windscreens is another important factor that may affect the selection process.

In some cases, the use of gasoline burners can be justified. At the same time, we should not forget that behind such devices it is necessary to take care and use only high-quality gasoline.

Read in the article

The advantage of gasoline burner before gas

  • If you have to use the services of air transport, the gas cylinder will not be transported. This is prohibited by the rules. On the other hand, fuel for gasoline burner is not difficult to get in place. Gasoline fuel is much more affordable than the ability to purchase gas cylinders.
  • As the gas supply is consumed in the cylinder, the operation of the gas burner deteriorates. With gasoline, this does not happen.
  • If you are away from civilization, it is possible to get gasoline, but to purchase a gas cylinder is very unlikely.
  • Gasoline burners are characterized by relative compactness and low weight. This allows you to conveniently carry them in a backpack.

Opportunity to work at low temperatures

Where there is a dischargeable air or at low temperatures, the gasoline burner works correctly, while gas or it will work badly or will not be at all.

Gasoline burners for soldering and all that is connected with them

The device of gasoline soldering (smelting) is intended for the formation of a bench-high combustible mixture. The gasoline burner for soldering and melting metal works on a gasoline mixture. Such burners can be pleased with the convenient adjustment of the flame using a rotary crane located on the handle.

Advantages of the apparatus


  • Apparatus portable;
  • A small mass of the device;
  • Ease of use;
  • Qualitative result at the end of the soldering (smelting).

Gas burner device


  • Gasoline tank;
  • Air compressor;
  • Gasoline hoses;
  • Burner.

Please note that burners and hoses, as a rule, are not included in the machine for gasoline soldering. In this regard, the purchase of these items is made separately

Gasoline burner for soldering with her hands

The purchase of the finished gas burner is not always possible (for various reasons). In this case, it will be useful to know that you can make a gasoline burner for soldering yourself. Note that homemade gasoline devices are not worse than purchased. The device performed with your own hands is the same effective.

If the novel of the gasoline burner is to bring a match in a lit state, you can see instantly flashing fire. Sustainable gasoline combustion will continue for five minutes (+/- 2 minutes). The flame temperature at its tip will reach more than 1000 ° C.

It should be noted that a similar burner can easily melting solid solders, produce heat treatment of a small tool, melting various metals, solders, and even soften glass.

Many parts of the gas homemade burner do not have to make it, as they can be borrowed from other things. For example, such homemade details like a rubber pear can be made from the spacing.

The homemade burner device contains:

  • Housing;
  • Crochet sleeve;
  • A tube;
  • Emphasis;
  • A pen;
  • Rubber ring;
  • Balloon;
  • A pen;
  • Rubber pear;
  • Filler.


  1. The burner housing can be pulled out on the lathe. The steel of any brand can be used as a material for the manufacture of this important detail. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the body of the part of the composite (one end is open, and the other is closed with a plug). There is a hole in the traffic jam, the diameter of which is 0.1 millimeters more than the outer diameter of the tube. With this quality, the housing can be moved along the tube enough tight, while maintaining tightness.
  2. Inside the case, you must install a ring made of metal mesh and slag.
  3. Next, it is necessary to make a hook bus and emphasis. To do this, you can use a steel sheet.
  4. The handle of the burner, without which the gasoline apparatus does not cost, cut out of beech or oak.
  5. Holes under the tube (2 pcs.) Dried very carefully. Thus, the axes of the holes must come out strictly parallel. The finished handle is processed by sandpaper, after which is covered with several layers of colorless varnish.
  6. Next, it is necessary that the end of the tube that is passed inside the housing formed the nozzle. If there is a solid solder of the PMT-54 (perfectly collapsed with steel), try to pour it the end of the tube, then drill a hole of 0.2 millimeters along the tube axis (diameter). Solder can be made independently. It must be said that the solder consists of copper and zinc. In order to get zinc, you can use the cups from the old electrical battery. It is necessary to free the cup of the contents, then rolling it on fire. Next, it is necessary to lower it in cold water, and then into a weak solution of hydrochloric acid. A clean cup is cut with scissors to pieces. Thus, we get zinc. Now it's about copper. To do this, follow the following: Take the copper wire; Eave it on fire; Clear wire with scissors. Now you can fall asleeps of copper and zinc pieces in a crucible, sticking to equal proportions, after which it is necessary to sprinkle with a drone. You can rinse the metals on the burner. After that, it will be necessary to cool the resulting stroke, consolidate it in the vice. Then cut it with a drake file from all sides. The resulting sawdust must be mixed with the drone.

Similar homemade gasoline burners will work perfectly if everything is done correctly. Please note: if you do not have enough experience in working with combustible materials, it is advisable to use the purchased gasoline burners.

A source:

Does the gasoline burner need

  • A very interesting question, since the gasoline burner has a certain weight and takes some useful space. When exit fishing is carried out, then every kilogram of excess weight is considered. Many, going on fishing in the summer, cost without gasoline burners, as you can easily regret the fire. But not always everyone is lucky and there are such situations where the bonfire does not work, especially in the conditions of bad weather. If the wooden branches wet very much, then without additional efforts and fixtures they will not light up. The presence of a gasoline burner will help break the fire without much difficulty, even if the twigs are wet. In addition, on a gasoline burner you can heat the kettle with water or cook food.
  • There is another situation when fishing is carried out to a dark and no one wants to kindle a fire because of fatigue. In this case, it is easier to use the burner to make a dinner, albeit faster.
  • When the cold and wet weather was installed for a long time, the gasoline burner will always help and do not have to think what to prepare tea or food.

Gasoline burner for smelting with your own hands

Required parameters and materials required

The acquisition of a new gas or gasoline burner is not always possible due to the relative high cost of the device, while the devices that were used may not bring the expected result due to the presence of hidden defects or breakdowns. For this reason, many men prefer to make a high-quality and inexpensive device with their own hands. As mentioned earlier, even a non-professional welder will be able to build a gasoline burner for smelting with their own hands at home. saving a lot of funds And spending not so much time.

If there is a pre-lit match for a homemade gasoline burner, the fire must instantly flash and provide stable gasoline combustion for 3-7 minutes. The flame temperature should be more than a thousand degrees. Such a device, without any difficulties, it will be possible to melted various solders (including solid) and metals, soften glass, as well as produce a different kind of thermal processing of all kinds of small-sized tools.

For making with your own hands, the gasoline burner for soldering and welding will need the following materials: body, handle, sleeve, hook, stop, tube air ball, rubber ring, rubber pear and filler.

Many of the above details of the instrument are not necessarily masked independently - they can be easily borrow from other tools. For example, the pulverizer will replace the rubber pear.

Step-by-step process of manufacturing gasoline burner

The case for the future of the gasoline device is pulled by a lathe using the steel of absolutely any manufacturer.

It should be remembered that the housing of this important part must be built with a composite so that one end remains open, and the second is a closed plug. In the latter you need to do a hole with a diameter of 0.1 mm more than the outer diameter of the tube

Thanks to this nuance, the case will be enough to move tightly within the tube, but will retain the necessary tightness.

Inside the case is also installed ring made of slag or metal mesh.

The next step is the manufacture of the stop and hook bushings, for which the steel sheet will be required. Then, from oak or beech, it is necessary to cut the handle for the gasoline burner.

Next, it is necessary to prepare the handset. To do this, you must extremely neatly drill two holes in such a way that they are strictly parallel to each other. The finished handle is treated with special sandpaper, and then cover colorless varnish in 3-4 layers.

The last step in manufacturing with your own hands the gasoline burner for welding and soldering is the preparation of the tube. The end of this element must be skipped through the middle of the housing so that it forms the nozzle. With the help of solid solder of PMC-54, which interacts excellently with steel, the end of the tube should be sighted, and then over its axis, drill a hole with a diameter of 0.2 mm.

Solder, if desired, is also made independently of zinc and copper.

To create copper, you need to take a copper wire, burn and cut it with scissors. To create zinc, you will need a cup from a conventional electrical battery to be released from the contents and rolling on fire. Then the cup is lowered in cold water And a weak solution of hydrochloric acid, after which is cut with scissors into small pieces.

Next, it is necessary to combine pieces of zinc and copper, in equal proportions falling asleep them into the crucible, and sprinkle them with a drone. The alloy of these metals occurs directly on the burner. The resulting bar is cooled, fixed in vice and level with a file with a file, while collecting sawdust and mixing them with a drone.

Advantages of gasoline soldering apparatus

The principle of operation of the burner for soldering on gasoline is based on the formation of a fuel and fuel mixture. Such adaptations are quite easy to operate. Thanks to the possibility of regulating the flame. For this, they are equipped with a special swivel crane on the handle.

The main advantages of the aggregate:

  • compact, user-friendly equipment that allows jewelry work;
  • such a device is characterized by a slight mass, which also facilitates the execution of soldering products;
  • high quality work performed;
  • such a tool is very easy to use.

Make a device for soldering on gasoline in domestic conditions is very simple. In this case, such a self-made unit on its operational characteristics will not give way to the factory.

ATTENTION, only today!

Features of use

Homemade gasoline burners mainly produce a small flame, so it is possible to use them in conditions of closed space, for example, inside the tent. The fire is not enough to prepare a full dinner and heating the tent throughout the night, but at the same time you can always warm the food, boil the water and heated a little before bedtime.

Using homemade gasoline burner, follow the degree of clogging. So that the holes are less littered and the equipment worked without failures, it is better to use gasoline as a fuel with a large octane number. Special additive substances can also solve problems with burner clogging.

Remember: To ensure that the device does not let you down at the most inopportune moment, it costs immediately after use to clean all the holes for the air-gasoline mixture.

Never be thrown for the manufacture of homemade gasoline burner, if you do not have experience in this area. Incorrect equipment for fire hazardous, and it can provoke a serious fire and cause the death of people.

Homemade gasoline equipment for some parameters is not inferior to the shopping device. At the same time, a simple one-time device, you can make from well-made materials, and for more serious equipment there will have to buy consumables in the store.

If you often go to hiking and fishing, it is preferable to purchase a device in the store than to binge every time above its manufacture or cleaning. At the same time, the device will become a real find in extreme field conditions, when it is urgent to warm or cook food.


Currently, they are quite widely represented by three main manufacturers: Primus, Kovea, MSR. There are others. For example, the French burners of Camping Gaz were on sale, were Coleman, but they are ever less common. Why they do not "carry them." It's a pity.


To prepare a burner for work, no time you need. One should only connect it to a gas cylinder, twist the power regulator (it is the gas supply to the nozzle), set fire or match, or piezoejig. Cook tea, porridge, borsch or just grab. This species works burners extremely reliable, so they can be used in tent., The main thing is not to overturn the device and do not set fire to the tent. In addition, there is nothing to break in the gas burner, which means that it will serve for a long time and qualitatively. Of course, if there is no desire to deliberately break it or disassembled it, and then try to collect anew as the "Lego" constructor. It works a gas burner, unlike gasoline, is unusually quiet - this is also a plus. Try to talk with a comrade when gasoline "Schmeljer" works, "you will understand everything yourself.


The most important one (as it is not funny) that this product works on gas. After all, the gas cylinder can not be bought everywhere. For a long journey, there should be a sufficiently large supply of gas - and this is the volume, and weight. In winter, gas consumption in hike It is about one balloon for three or four people. The price of the cylinder (470 grams) is about $ 8. And cylinders should have several. In addition, they are forbidden to carry on trains. In our electricals, problems, of course, do not arise. But, for example, when crossing the border can occur, and then significant, approximately "bucks" by 30-50 (border guards and customs officers have such a game: who will cut out more from rükzakov Tourists forbidden to transport things). And finally, if we talk about winter gear, the worst enemy of the gas burner is frost. Gas in the cylinder has a habit of freezing (and poorly burns at temperatures -5 degrees), the burner works reluctantly or maybe I can say "Sorry, Vasya, but today is not your day."


Competition of manufacturing companies led to the fact that not all cylinders are suitable for the burner. So there are three types of fixtures: threaded, collet and, so to speak, "Korean Standard". Once upon a time there were also disposable cylinders for specific burners - they were shifted! A very reasonable solution from the point of view of marketers. The burner itself cost a penny, cylinders are also (about two dollars), but for the year it went out a pretty round sum. You should buy only those cylinders that are suitable on your burner, or to the one you plan to use.

There are also your nuances here. Some tourist burners are attached from above to the balloon, others are connected by a hose. The first compact, lungs, but worse work in the cold. They will not put too much boiler on them. Yes, and imagine the design: the cylinder of centimeters height is twenty, the burner is connected to it - another five to seven centimeters, and the boiler with water, well, at least a liter for two. And all this "tower" - in the tent, and you with comrades - in the corners

Careless movement and ... Everything you prepared there, you have to collect from gender, sleeping bags and other equipment.

Therefore, the hose compound in this sense is more convenient, but, as already mentioned, weight is more, dimensions, respectively, too, although not much

It works better in the cold, as you can warm the cylinder with gas, slightly bringing it to the flame of the burner itself or simply putting it on the boiler that has already heated. But it should be done carefully so that the balloon itself does not explode or not to overturn the boiler. In the tent, such a burner should not be used without any stand. First, the device is very hot, and you can stay not only without your favorite rug, but without a tent in general. Secondly, so the burner will stand evenly. Stand can be a simple sheet of thin plywood or asbestos.


On each cylinder of any production it is written that it is not subject to one-time use and rewrite. From the point of view of the manufacturer, it is. But our tourists do not think so. They rewrote cylinders, rewrite and, perhaps, will refuel. What can you do, the latitude of the soul of our person is limitless, but not enough to buy a new balloon every time. But! The manufacturer is not responsible for accidents that have occurred during or after. Therefore, decide for yourself, or rewrite, or not to risk.

Manufacture of homemade burner

To make the housing of the self-made gas burner for fishing, it will take a lathe. Steel can be taken from different manufacturers. This design element must be composite, that is, one end is made open, and the other is closed by a plug. To do this, the metal is performed in the metal, the inner diameter is obtained by more than 0.1 mm from the outer. The case will be able to move tightly along the tube, while maintaining good tightness.

The main stages of the manufacture of the device

  • A durable grid of metal or slag is taken, a ring is made, which is fixed inside the case.
  • It is necessary to make a bushing equipped with a crochet, stop from a durable steel sheet.
  • The handle for the multi-fuel burner is cut out of wood (beech, oak).
  • Gently in the housing is drilled parallel to the two holes for the tube.
  • The surface of the finished design is impeded by sandpaper, open 3-4 times with colorless varnish.
  • The extreme stage is the preparation of the tube. Through the middle of the housing, the end of the part is passed (this allows the forge of the nozzle). The end of the tube is soldered using solid solder of the brand of PMC-54. A hole is drilled along the axis of the tube (0.2 mm in diameter).

For your information! If desired, the solder can be made independently. For this you need zinc and copper.

  • In the first case, a glass is taken from a standard electric battery pack, pre-inspired, harvested with fire. It is placed for cooling in a container with a liquid consisting of cold water and a slightly concentrated solution of hydrochloric acid. After such processing, the cup is cut into separate cuts of small sizes.
  • The second option involves the use of copper wire. It is previously subjected to burning, then cut down with scissors for small segments.

After such training, pieces of copper and zinc are combined in equal proportions, placed in the crucible, sprinkled with a drone. With the help of the burner, the alloy of metals is performed. The billet is cooled, fixed firmly in the vice, is aligned with a file. The sawdust in the process of operation is mixed with drone.

Gasoline blow torch

The gasoline burner is designed for the process of high-quality fixing (soldering) with each other metal components of a single design with a molten metal. Solder, used when soldering, has a solid physical condition, it is less melting or refractory.

Working with a refractory alloy is performed by purely burners.

Device and principle of operation

Purchasing a benzogorella for metalworking soldering and welding, one should not believe that the kit contains all the elements necessary in the organization of work. Since each apparatus of the belligent burner drawings are individual, and there are no clearly selected design standards, consider basic (simplified) Hardware elements:

  • tank for storing gasoline (fuel);
  • air compressor;
  • gasoline blow torch;
  • gas-resistant hoses providing fuel supply
  • stand.

The gasoline burner is a heating device in which the process of burning gasoline converts it into a gaseous state. Burning occurs in the evaporatorwhere oxygen is supplied to the nozzle from the air. As a result, a bench-high combustible cocktail is formed, a mixture of combustion of gasoline and air combustion, which is involved in the soldering process. A swivel crane located on the handle performs the function of the direction and power of the flame.

Apply the open fire source to the worship body and you will see the instant flash of the combustible mixture. Stable fuel combustion will last on the continuation of 5 minutes (+/- 2 minutes). The temperature value at the end of the flame reaches 1000 ° C and more.

Advantages and safety of work

Heating devices for soldering, the source fuels of which are gasoline, thanks to the convenience of operation and heat, acquired widespread in various fields.

The positive characteristic of the heating device is the possibility of operation without preheating.

Advantages of benzogorelok:

  • relatively small mass and dimensions of the device;
  • portability and ease of operation (in comparison with the gas analogue);
  • high-quality soldering and welding of metals.

The lack of operation of the device is the presence of smell of gasoline in not sufficiently ventilated rooms. When working with a benzogorella is prohibited:

  • operate the device for the purpose when the leakage of gasoline is detected;
  • use as fuel not set by the instructions of the substance;
  • allow the heating of the fuel tank to 500c;
  • refuel the fuel during the soldering or open the container in the outbred evaporator;
  • enjoy in closed or non-refined rooms.

Application area

The soldering of the benzogorelka is easily solidifying solders and a variety of metals and alloys (brass, bronze, etc.). The unit is carried out heat treatment (hardening) of small tools, used in artistic processing of wood and even softening the glass.

The gasoline jewelry burner is used for gas, silver and semi-precious metals. The set of dental equipment also includes a heating device for the soldering of metal and alloys.

A separate group represent tourist burners (primus), they are gasoline, gas and multi-fuel.

Close (sometimes they say the cynation) and the cleaning of the burner is the most burning problem, which is discussed on most forums of lovers of extreme recreation. And it is not wise - a broken burner, especially in a mountain campaign or high-rise ascent, this is a serious trouble, which threatens a breakdown of all the event. After all, it is impossible to find very often in such a terrain of firewood.

Separate moghers call on not to buy on white gasoline or, even more expensive fuel, produced under the brand name of manufacturers manufacturing burners on gasoline: MSR, Coleman, etc.

Unfortunately, the problem here is not in its high price, but in the impossibility of buying such fuels in the towns and the towns of which most mountaineering and tourist routes begin.

If you are confident that your burner will have to "eat" not only delicacies in the form of fuel purified from additives, stick to simple rules that will help minimize the risks of the breakdown of liquid-fuel and gasoline burners due to a blockage.

  • Choose models with a detachable connection of the pump and burner, of course, with a wrench you can disassemble any burner, but if you often do it, the thread may not withstand;
  • Do not share the stories of manufacturers about self-cleaning systems, they usually "stick" in the first place and interfere with the work of the burner;
  • Choose gasoline with the smallest octane number;
  • Additives for injection engines ("STS", "Wynn's") help to deal with sediments of heavy fractions in the burner channels. It is necessary to pour them at the rate of 150-200 ml per 25 liter of gasoline;
  • Take a spare set of gaskets and other spare parts;
  • Clean the burner after each cooking;
  • The most efficient gasoline burner is cleaned by the cleaner of the carburetor. It can be pouring into all the burner elements in need and leave for a while. It is then rinsed to rinse the burner to the cleaner, assemble into the working position and blow all the gasoline to flew overlaid, but not remote nagar.

Well, the most important advice, if the journey is especially extreme, then you will not hurt the spare burner tourist gasoline.

A source

How to make a mini-burner from girlfriend

The mini-burner will be an indispensable assistant for you in a campaign or any emergency situation. Its manufacture will take a few minutes, but later she can serve you a good service.

An independent manufacture of various fishing accessories has its advantages. The most important thing is that each of the masters will result in the device that he needs. At the same time, each of them for the manufacture uses its spare parts, which correspond to a certain method of manufacture.

Fashion first

  • For the manufacture of the first burner, you will need two cans, which are usually thrown out. To use them on purpose, they are cleaned of dirt and washed carefully, after which they are dried.
  • One of the cans is taken and 4 holes pierce the nail in her day. The same holes make banks around the perimeter on the side.
  • The side of the can is cut off at a distance of 3 cm from the bottom. The result is the top of the burner.
  • The second bank is taken and is also cut across the entire circumference in the same height.
  • The second part of the bank will serve the bottom of the future burner. On the bottom of the bank lies the rush, after which the lower part of the burner is covered with top.
  • Gasoline is poured from above through the punched holes. As a result, gasoline is held with a vat, and only couples are ignited. The burner can be set fire.
  • The device of such a burner is sufficient enough. Unfortunately, it is also one-time, since after use, we can not count on the use of the second time.

Method of the second

The second design is more complicated, but it is more practical, since it is not disposable.

What is needed for this:

  • The burner itself will have to buy in the store.
  • A car chamber is suitable as a compressor. Unfortunately, it should be filled with air from time to time to maintain pressure at the desired level.
  • As a fuel tank, a 2-liter canister is suitable, in the lid of which 2 holes are done, where the tubes are inserted. One of them should get to the bottom of the canister, and the second one is half.
  • A transparent plastic container is suitable for the receiver, which can close the lid tightly. The volume of the receiver is 10 liters.

Assembly steps:

  • In the fuel tank, somewhere half, poured gasoline.
  • The compressor input is desirable to install the filter of the simplest design itself. To do this, use a plastic funnel on which the categorous stocking should be pulled.

How does this device work

The air from the compressor is supplied to the receiver, which smoothes the irregularity of pressure. After that, it enters the tank with gasoline, as a result of the tank, a combustible mixture of air and a vapor of gasoline is already displaced. This mixture hits the burner, it remains only to set fire to it.

Method Third

For such a product, a metal flat jar, pumice and not a large amount of gasoline will be required.

How to assemble the product.

  • In a metal jar, PEMZA is quite tightly stuffed, almost completely.
  • After that, it should be impregnated with gasoline. It is done very carefully so that the gasoline is not blown. Making the burner is completed. Such a burner can give heat for 15 minutes. It can be prepared for a modest lunch or heat the tent in extreme conditions.

Buy or make a gasoline burner with their own hands

It is not difficult to buy in the store. The modern industry offers for sale many of their varieties. However, it is not easy to navigate in these possibilities. The fact is that each species can have its own specific features.

For example, some brands have too much weight so that you can carry them in a backpack. On the other hand, if you come to the place of fishing by car or on a boat, then more heavy and powerful varieties can come to you.

Another feature of the purchased devices is their relatively high price.
For the normal operation of purchased devices, you need to use high-quality gasoline.

Now let's talk about homemade devices. There are several options for independent manufacture of gasoline burners. For this purpose, these or otherwise used the details and of them are made a reliable and operational device. Special fundamental difficulties in the process of such manufacturing are not found.

The principle of their work is based on mixing air flow and gasoline vapor. This mixture is continuously resolved to the location of the combustion and, thereby, supports flame burning. You can use as fuel in homemade devices not only enough high-quality gasoline, as for purchased burners, but also the usual varieties.

Gasoline burners and liquid fuel burners Types, manufacturers, prices

Among those presented today, burners on liquid fuel can be found as models, familiar to tourists and climbers with the Soviet experience and the burners of a new type.

At the same time, the first group is both "crowd" of Soviet "bumblebee" and "tourist", creation of factories in Bishkek (Dastan) and Zaporizhia ("Motor Sich PT-2" and "Motor Sich PT-3") and, Finally, the models finally became the prototypes for domestic primuses of tourist "lights" and "tourist", which we have already told in detail in one of our materials.

Classification of burners on liquid fuel

By type of fuel:

  • petrol: gasoline 80, gasoline "galosh", special. petrol;
  • liquid fuel: gasoline, kerosene, aviation fuel.

By method of raising pressure in the fuel tank:

  • non-free (pressure rises with heating);
  • pumps (pressure rolled up by the pump).

By design:

  • hose (fuel capacity combined with a burner with a special hose);
  • baseless (the container is part of the burner itself).

As an example, we can lead some of the most interesting, in our opinion, the model.

Non-free bagless. This family belongs the cult burner company Optimus Svea.

In the burner Optimus Svea 123r finds the "Dream of the tourist" - Primus "Spark". Final miniature - 550 gr., This burner tourist petrol is a dream of an esthete. It is made of brass and looks like an antique thing. Some tourists note that the burner is very demanding on the quality of the fuel, it works only on low-octane white gasoline ("galoshes"), fuel with a higher octane number leads to overheating of the burner and its explosion. It costs a little more than 4000 rubles.

Pump balancing. Here we can see as a megapopular prototype of "tourist" from Optimus, models from CIS countries, burners hiking gasoline companies Coleman (so-called American bumblebees).

Tourist liquid-fuel burner Optimus Hiker +, in it, many recognize the Primus "Tourist" supplemented by the pump. The burner of excellent quality and solid weight is more than 1.5 kg, with a capacity of more than 2.8 W and impressive omnivities (eats even with alcohol). Due to their massiveness, today it is unlikely that someone will take it into the mountains. Reduces its attractiveness and price - more than 8,000 rubles.

The burner on liquid fuel Motor SICH PT3 - Ukrainian comrades whether the Soviet "tourist" improved, adding a pump to it, or Optimus Hiker +, increasing it in weight to 2.2 kg. I am glad to Motor Sich PT3 only the price is 1700 rubles. For the same amount, they also worked on the "bumblebee" - the burner of the gasoline motor SICH PT2 turned out, although some argue that its design was borrowed from Colemn. We do not know what is borrowed there, but it weighs 1.4 kg, i.e. In 2 with kopecks, the ColemaN is heavier than the designated above. Maybe despite the fact that it is terrible "on the face", but inside is very different?

The burners on the gasoline "Dastan" and "Dastan in the kitel" they are "Shmel 2" - the gift of Kyrgyz producers of budget tourists. For 2000 - 2500 rubles. You can buy an old good classic weighing 1.7 kg.

Burners hiking gasoline Colemn Sportster and Colemna Feather The manufacturer positions like burners on liquid fuel, but according to tourists' reviews, they poorly transfer poor-quality fuel, incl. High octane gasoline with additives. Because of them, the generator is shown, which then has to change (fortunately, they are on sale). It is also necessary to use the fuel to fill the "native" funnel with a foam rubber, which acts as a filter. The weight of these burners is 600 gr., The price of 4700 rubles.

Pump hose. Such a type of burner produces almost all well-known manufacturers: MSR, Primus, toVea, Optimus. Their cost begins from 4300 rubles, weight from 330 gr.

Chinese gasoline burner Fire-Maple TURBO FMS-F5 is the easiest gasoline burner in the world. Its weight is 180 gr., For heating, large dishes can be adjusted holders. Price: from 4300 p.

Gasoline burner with his own hands

In order to save money when preparing for a campaign, you can try to personally make a device on liquid fuel. As the basis, it is enough to use the usual tin can from under the beverage, in the central part of which several punctures are made with a diameter of 2-3 mm. Similar holes are also performed throughout the circumference of the rim of the banks at a distance of each other about 1 cm. In this way, the platform of the future burner is prepared, from where the flame will come from.

The above part is cut off from the main body of the bank with a mix of material of the order of 3 cm. The bottom of the bank is separated, which is stacked by a piece of wool impregnated with liquid fuel. Then, both parts of the fixture are hermetically combined into a single design.

Operation of the finished homemade burner is as follows. Capacity is filled with gasoline by about a third. Operactions on the rim are irrigated with fuel and set on fire. A thin tin base is instantly warmed by passing heat inside. From the wool moistened in gasoline, gasoline pairs are actively distinguished, which support the flame.

Step-by-step manufacturing process

Below is a sequence of operations for the manufacture of a bench-grade burner:

  • The housing is made on a turning or milling machine, on one side it should be opened, on the other, it closes with a plug.
  • The hole is drilled in the plug. Its diameter should exceed the outer diameter of the nozzle on the share of the millimeter. It must be tight.
  • Inside the case placed a ring made of fine wire mesh.
  • From the sheet of metal, the limiter and sleeve with hook are cut.
  • From thick wood make a handle.
  • The tube is passed through the hole in the case so that its end becomes a burner snot.
  • The end of the tube is searched by a refractory solder.
  • in the solder drilled hole 0.2 mm. You can hit the end of the tube ready-made fiber feeder.

Assembling gasoline burner with your own hands

The refractory solder can be made from the finely chopped pieces of copper and zinc. Zinc take from a glass for a battery, crushed and poured with weak hydrochloric acid. Then add copper and boor. The resulting mixture is calcined in the crucible.

Which fuel is suitable for liquid fuel burners

  • Petrol. The main fuel for the burner is the so-called "White Gas"

    In the English-speaking environment is also referred to as Nafta (Naphta)

    Gasoline with an octane number within 50-54, known among Russian users like gasoline "Kalosh". Of all the types of liquid fuels used in the modern industry, this is the most flammable and having the highest energy value (about 10,200 kcal / kg), which ensures a relatively low consumption. It is strongly recommended for operation by all manufacturers of portable fuel equipment. The advantage of this fuel is also its relatively high prevalence - in domestic purposes it is used as a solvent worldwide. Close on the operational properties to "White Gas" unleotic gasoline (Unleaded GAS)used to refuel cars. Until recently, the phrase of White Gasoline was also used in English. Judging by the Russian GOST, the entire gasoline sold in Russia needs to be attributed to unleaded, but practice shows that it is more expedient to use AI-92 for burners, although it all depends on its quality at a specific refueling. The use of ethyl gasoline is possible, but only in the absence of other types of fuel at hand - its combustion is associated with the evaporation of harmful additives, which are contained in it, as well as the rapid contamination of the burner working units.

  • Kerosene. The use of kerosene (kerosene) in the burners is also possible, and sometimes even recommended - in its energy value it is very close to WHITE GAS and unleaded gasoline (about 10 100 kcal / kg), although it is often even easier to find it in household stores. Kerosin, as a rule, has a large number of chemical impurities in comparison with the "Kalosh" gasoline, which can lead to accelerated contamination of the important working units of the burner (nozzles and fuel lines). In addition, its burning is conjugate with a persistent unpleasant smell. It is undesirable to use a lightweight variety of kerosene-solvent White Spirit. This fuel is well lit and almost does not pollute the burner, but its high penetrating ability can lead to leaks with predictable consequences - from the affected solvent and products before the fire. Also, the White Spirit destroys the gasket rings in the burner and fuel capacitance, which can again provoke the fuel leakage. Therefore, it should be used only in those situations where there was no other fuel at hand.
  • Diesel fuel. The use of diesel fuel (Diesel) is supported only in some models of liquid fuel burners, which is done to increase the universality of their use. Examples here can serve as MSR XGK Ex, which have included special nozzles for spraying diesel fuel. It is characterized by a smaller energy value in comparison with kerosene and purified gasoline - about 9,800 kcal / kg, which leads to significantly greater consumption. The use of diesel fuel is also associated with rather fast, in comparison with the rest of the listed fuels, clogging of the burner nodes. Therefore, manufacturers recommend applying it only in emergency cases. Note that diesel fuel, which can be purchased at Russian gas stations and in the third world countries does not differ in high quality.

Disadvantages of liquid fuel burners

Perhaps the main headache of the users of liquid fuel burners are their launch and maintenance. In order to ensure the preliminary heating of the burner cup and fuel line, it is necessary to sprinkle them flammable and set fire, which requires a certain skill and special accuracy. It should be noted that this procedure makes it clear to the operation of the burner in difficult weather conditions when it is necessary to prepare either skate, or in the tambour tent. In addition, during the warm-up stage, the combustible fuel can smoke. In the hands of an experienced user on a prehea procedure, at least 2-3 minutes leaves. But such a skill is purchased after a variety of attempts. Therefore, the boiling time of one liter of water, which is indicated by the manufacturer, must be considered adjusted to preheat.

The substantial minus of any liquid fuel burner is the smell and contamination, which is certainly related to its operation and which can be transmitted to other things in your backpack. So transport the burner is better in a separate case or dense Hermomochka.

Liquid fuel burner Optimus Nova

The maintenance of liquid-fuel burners, as a rule, is reduced to cleaning from combustion products, which settled on the walls of the fuel line and nozzles, which worsens the passage of fuel through them and leads to uneven operation of the device. The assembly / disassembly and cleaning of the burner may cause a lot of inconvenience in the field. Therefore, the sooner the design of the burner is the better.

Responsible manufacturers produce special sets to their burners containing both necessary tools and important replacement parts - flame dividers, gasket rings, etc. The shredder can be released both for a specific burner model as an example - a PRIMUS OMNIFUEL, and for the entire model range of liquid-fuel burners of one manufacturer - for example, the EXPEDITION SERVICE KIT from MSR

It is also important that the manufacturer will produce and sell separately the most important details, which most often fail. First of all, they include pumps and flame divisors.

The burner service frequency directly depends on the quality of the liquid fuel you use

Therefore, we will dwell on its varieties in more detail.

Making burners

The gasoline burner is made in several ways, but the newcomer in this business is worth choosing the easiest that does not require the presence of plumbing tools.

First method

Making burners

Take two empty tin cans from any drink, condensed milk or beer, taking advantage and washing with water. After that, you need to wait for the bank to dry well. In the center of the bottom of the first bank, we make 4 puncture with the help of a nail, then the same holes will need to make the rim of banks around the perimeter. It will be our workpiece of the future burner, from which the flame will be broken during operation. It should be cut off this item from the can so that the length of the side is 3 centimeters. For this, household scissors are quite suitable, because a thin tin, which is used for such cans, is easily cut by any sharp object.

The second bank should also cut off the bottom, just to do it carefully, so that the notifies are not formed, otherwise you will have to use sandpaper or file.

On the bottom of the burner should be put a piece of wool, moistened with pre-in gasoline, and then cover the top in such a way that it performed the role of a hermetic cover. If the details will be in contact with the slit, you can insert the strips of tin, which remained from the cut bank.

The use of the burner is the following - pour gasoline to the upper part of the burner, where 4 holes were done so that it fell and on the rim, which also has holes and burn. Thin tin instantly heated, it will give a warm ward moistened in gasoline, the pairs of it will begin to stand out and will support the flame.

The last stage is to make supports that will be located for cooking for cooking. To do this, you can use two steel rods that are bent the letter P and inside the ground parallel to each other. When cooking, you need to monitor the stability of the kittel so that it does not overturn.

The burner on gasoline, made according to this method, will be a disposable device, as tin cans for the next time are hardly useful.

Second way

Unlike the first method, such a gasoline burner will be more complex in manufacturing, but also more reliable, durable and durable.

Gasoline burner with gear

To make it with your own hands, you will need:

  • Compressor - You can use the car chamber from the cargo transport, which will take from time to time to pump or compressor from the old refrigerator.
  • The receiver - a plastic canister is suitable for it, up to 10 liters, with a dense stopper, preferably translucent.
  • Fuel tank - Use a 2-liter metal tank, into the cover of which two tubes should be soldered - short and long, the latter should be lowered to the bottom of the tank.
  • The burner - can be made on your own or purchase ready-made in a shopping store.

The manufacturing process is as follows:

  • Fill the fuel tank with purified gasoline, no more than half a capacity.
  • Put the simplest filter to the compressor input. You can make it from a funnel, which stretches the segment of the kapron stocking or pantyhose.

The operation of the burner is carried out due to the air pouch with the compressor, entering it under pressure in the receiver, in which air pressure pulsations are smoothed. After that, the air goes to the fuel tank, where it is mixed with gasoline pairs. The resulting gas mixture comes on the burner. You can adjust the intensity of the flame using a special screw, which, as a rule, is always available on the burner.

Third way

Homemade hiking burner

To create this type of gasoline burner, you will need it:

  • Flat metal jar - it can be a container from under the cream or canned food.
  • Pumice.
  • Petrol.

The mechanism of such a burner is simple and does not require much effort. For its creation, it is necessary to go to the container as closely in the container, and then pumped from above with a small amount of fuel. It is necessary to perform it very carefully so that the liquid absorbs into the pumice, and not splashing out of the bank. Thanks to the presence of Pumise in the bank, the flame will burn around 15 minutes, as it will be a fuel distributor due to its porous structure.

Such a design will help not only in cooking, but also for heating a small room, such as a garage, a hiking tent or cabins. To warm up the food, you should additionally build a stand for dishes, this can be done from wire, stones or other material. The main thing is that the dishes stood stable.

Fighting clogging Care for liquid-fuel tourist burners

Close (sometimes they say the cynation) and the cleaning of the burner is the most burning problem, which is discussed on most forums of lovers of extreme recreation. And it is not wise - a broken burner, especially in a mountain campaign or high-rise ascent, this is a serious trouble, which threatens a breakdown of all the event. After all, it is impossible to find very often in such a terrain of firewood.

Separate moghers call on not to buy on white gasoline or, even more expensive fuel, produced under the brand name of manufacturers manufacturing burners on gasoline: MSR, Coleman, etc.

Unfortunately, the problem here is not in its high price, but in the impossibility of buying such fuels in the towns and the towns of which most mountaineering and tourist routes begin.

In theory, you can, of course, bring it with you, but only if you go on the train, in the plane, liquid fuel is also not lucky as gas tourist cylinders

Yes, and what to say is an important competitive advantage and a frequent reason for the purchase of gasoline and liquid fuel burners - the availability of liquid fuel and the possibility of using it different options. Gas station is everywhere, however, gasoline there is a different quality

Yes, and there is never any incident in the mountains (an example of this is the PE, which happened to us during the climbing of the Mongun Taiga), when it comes to be content with the flammable, which can be delivered.

If you are confident that your burner will have to "eat" not only delicacies in the form of fuel purified from additives, stick to simple rules that will help minimize the risks of the breakdown of liquid-fuel and gasoline burners due to a blockage.

  • Choose models with a detachable connection of the pump and burner, of course, with a wrench you can disassemble any burner, but if you often do it, the thread may not withstand;
  • Do not share the stories of manufacturers about self-cleaning systems, they usually "stick" in the first place and interfere with the work of the burner;
  • Choose gasoline with the smallest octane number;
  • Additives for injection engines ("STS", "Wynn's") help to deal with sediments of heavy fractions in the burner channels. It is necessary to pour them at the rate of 150-200 ml per 25 liter of gasoline;
  • Take a spare set of gaskets and other spare parts;
  • Clean the burner after each cooking;
  • The most efficient gasoline burner is cleaned by the cleaner of the carburetor. It can be pouring into all the burner elements in need and leave for a while. It is then rinsed to rinse the burner to the cleaner, assemble into the working position and blow all the gasoline to flew overlaid, but not remote nagar.

Well, the most important advice, if the journey is especially extreme, then you will not hurt the spare burner tourist gasoline.

Dmitry Ryumkin, especially for

The advantages of liquid fuel burners

  • Weight. Saving weight is achieved at the expense of wearable fuel on the extended routes. The total weight of gas cylinders exceeds the weight of liquid fuel required for long-term offline operation of the burner. At the same time, empty cylinders weigh a lot and they will have to carry them all the time, and later take care of competent recycling the appearance of butchers with the radiator soldered to the bottom only strengthened the specified advantage. Today, the tandem "Liquid fuel burner + a heat exchanger bowler" is one of the most energy-efficient and reliable field kitchen options for long autonomous expeditions of tourist groups.
  • Stability in work. The pressure in the fuel capacity is created and is supported by the user itself, which ensures the stable operation of the burner under operating conditions at negative temperatures, regardless of the amount of fuel in the tank. The pressure in the gas cylinder, on the contrary, falls as the release of fuel, as well as when exposed to low temperatures, which leads to unstable operation of the burner.
  • Fuel prevalence - unleaded gasoline refuel cars, and kerosene and gasoline "Kalosha" Actively apply in domestic purposes, especially in the third world countries and in geographically remote areas. Given that the carriage of gas cylinders and flammable liquids in aircraft is prohibited, this advantage of liquid fuel burners for many tourists becomes the main one.
  • Fuel price. The price of liquid fuel is significantly lower than gas cylinders of comparable volume.

In the photo - MSR Whisperlite International Emily Polar burner,

Selection of tourist burner

To choose a burner, answer yourself for three questions: how when and where you will use it.

How is it for how many people are planning to cook food. When is what time of year. Well, where - it goes without saying: indoors or not, or only in simple campaigns, or in more extreme conditions, for example, in the Alps high-headed.

From these three replies will depend power, design, weight and other burner characteristics. If on two or three people, the power can be small. If in winter, it is desirable to choose a powerful model, not less than 2000 watts, with a tank hose fastening. The same situation and relative to the answer to the third question: the extreme conditions, the more powerful and easier should be your burner.

Carefully read the instructions. It happens, manufacturers give reasonable tips on the use and purpose of the burner, sometimes even understandable.

Decide with the price category - the cheap is not always bad, and the expensive is not always necessary.

Gasoline burners

The most famous "bumblebee", "light", "tourist", well, and modern tourist burners Primus, MSR, Coleman.


First, gasoline or other fuel can be purchased almost everywhere, except for the desert of sugar or Antarctic glaciers. Secondly, these burners cost enough, because they work on gasoline of any octane number. You will notice a significant advantage when moving state borders - you can carry such a device and empty, and buy fuel in place.


The trouble with gasoline burners is that they require the user of some technical knowledge. Do not believe those who say: to twist, click here, it is to pull - and everything is lit-works. Cusarly lie. The ignition procedure is sufficiently long: create pressure in the fuel tank, warm up the steam generator, apply fuel to the steam generator, output the device to the operating mode. See how many all kinds of man-made terms? In addition, these products are pretty dangerous with imperative circulation. They require constant care, and during cooking - supervision of work, because, as a result of different "nonsense", funny and not very cases occur. Let's say, because of the impurities, the burner can clog out, and you just can not be lit her. If this happens while working, you will wait for a long time until the device cools to disassemble it and clean it. And when overheating, the tank can be mastered through a special valve or even explode all the burner.

Another disadvantage - when heating the steam generator and removing the device to operate from special effects (smell of gasoline, outbreak, soot) - you can not get anywhere. Therefore, it is not necessary to carry out the procedure in the tent. Although in skillful hands and this is not a problem. In general, it is noticed that gasoline burners respect only one owner and in the hands of the hands are capricious. They require regular prophylactic inspection and cleaning.

Problematically transportation of additional fuel. You want, do not want, and gasoline is a volatile substance and even with the most thorough package finds yourself a gap, flows or evaporates, respectively, your things or products absorb the smell.

Gasoline burners more and harder gas. But not afraid of frost and in the winter period work is more reliable than gas. But they are difficult to adjust the power of the flame.


There are, again, two types of fastening designs: the burner on top on a fuel tank, or a connector connected to the tank using the hose. Perhaps, after all, the best option is when the burner and the tank are divided - less chances to see fireworks from the burner explosion, more chances to eat and stay with healthy organs and limbs.

Design and dignity

The device for soldering works very simple. Its main components are:

  • gasoline tank;
  • air supply pump;
  • supply hoses;
  • housing with nozzles.

In the housing are placed:

  • nozzle;
  • limiter;
  • valve;
  • air regulator;
  • rings for sealing.

The gasoline device for soldering has such advantages as:

  • small sizes and weight;
  • mobility;
  • burning stability;
  • high temperatures soldering.

Device gasoline burner

Due to the simplicity of the design and the absence of expensive and complex parts, the fuel burner for soldering is quite affordable for self-making.

Device and principle of operation Burner for soldering

  • November 02
  • 12 Rating
  • Principle of operation of the burner on gas
  • Gas burner device
  • Device gasoline burner
  • Production of gasoline burner for welding

The burner for soldering is designed to carry out a compound of metal parts with a liquid metal. Soldering can be carried out by two species of solders: low-melting, which are solid solders and refractory, which are solid.

For the execution of soldering with low-woof metals use various types of soldering iron. To work with refractory solders, the creation of a high temperature is required, which allows a burner for soldering.

There are several different types of this device. All of them work on different types of fuel, allowing high temperatures.

The most common burners for soldering operating on gas and gasoline mixture.

Principle of operation of the burner on gas

The gas burner of the ejection type is designed for high-temperature types of bucks. Its functioning is carried out from a gas cylinder containing liquefied gas. This type of burner is economical enough, which affects the cost of work on soldering metal parts. The design of the burner allows you to adjust the volume of the gas passing through the ejector.

Methods of gas welding.

The principle of operation of the burner operating on gas and intended for the work on soldering is quite simple.

From the gearbox placed near the cylinder containing a liquefied propane-butane mixture, gas enters the hose to the incoming piece, which is built into the base of the device.

The needle control is carried out using a special holder installed on the body of the flame torch formation device. The incoming gas passes through a jet at high speed and is thrown out of its hole. Due to the increase in the expiration rate of the gas stream, a subjection required for combustion of air is carried out by means of a special device - air spool.

After passing the gykler, the gas moves along the special car to the divider, which it is divided into the main and auxiliary. The main flow is central. The auxiliary stream carries out the peripheral holes in the divider. The auxiliary stream is required to support the flame torch temperature in the soldering area.

With the help of a spool special size, which has the possibility of turning, it can be easily dosed by the volume of air consumed oxygen, and the gas volume is adjusted by a needle. The possibility of adjusting the gas mixture allows to obtain a flame of various quality and magnitude.

If there is a need to reproduce the process of soldering (welding) in domestic conditions, then with small metal items you will help you the gasoline burner. This type of metalworking equipment sometimes enters the sale of specialized stores. Due to the simplicity of the design, interchangeability and availability of individual components of the unit, the modifications of burners manufactured by the burners are successfully used in everyday life.

About the burners for soldering and welding of metals and the possibility of their production in everyday life will tell the material of this article.

Gasoline blow torch

The gasoline burner is designed for the process of high-quality fixing (soldering) with each other metal components of a single design with a molten metal. Solder, used when soldering, has a solid physical condition, it is less melting or refractory.

Working with a refractory alloy is performed by purely burners.

Device and principle of operation

Purchasing a benzogorella for metalworking soldering and welding, one should not believe that the kit contains all the elements necessary in the organization of work. Since each apparatus of the belligent burner drawings are individual, and there are no clearly selected design standards, consider basic (simplified) Hardware elements:

  • tank for storing gasoline (fuel);
  • air compressor;
  • gasoline blow torch;
  • gas-resistant hoses providing fuel supply
  • stand.

The gasoline burner is a heating device in which the process of burning gasoline converts it into a gaseous state. Burning occurs in the evaporatorwhere oxygen is supplied to the nozzle from the air. As a result, a bench-high combustible cocktail is formed, a mixture of combustion of gasoline and air combustion, which is involved in the soldering process. A swivel crane located on the handle performs the function of the direction and power of the flame.

Apply the open fire source to the worship body and you will see the instant flash of the combustible mixture. Stable fuel combustion will last on the continuation of 5 minutes (+/- 2 minutes). The temperature value at the end of the flame reaches 1000 ° C and more.

Advantages and safety of work

Heating devices for soldering, the source fuels of which are gasoline, thanks to the convenience of operation and heat, acquired widespread in various fields.

The positive characteristic of the heating device is the possibility of operation without preheating.

Advantages of benzogorelok:

  • relatively small mass and dimensions of the device;
  • portability and ease of operation (in comparison with the gas analogue);
  • high-quality soldering and welding of metals.

The lack of operation of the device is the presence of smell of gasoline in not sufficiently ventilated rooms. When working with a benzogorella is prohibited:

  • operate the device for the purpose when the leakage of gasoline is detected;
  • use as fuel not set by the instructions of the substance;
  • allow the heating of the fuel tank to 500c;
  • refuel the fuel during the soldering or open the container in the outbred evaporator;
  • enjoy in closed or non-refined rooms.

Application area

The soldering of the benzogorelka is easily solidifying solders and a variety of metals and alloys (brass, bronze, etc.). The unit is carried out heat treatment (hardening) of small tools, used in artistic processing of wood and even softening the glass.

The gasoline jewelry burner is used for gas, silver and semi-precious metals. The set of dental equipment also includes a heating device for the soldering of metal and alloys.

A separate group represent tourist burners (primus), they are gasoline, gas and multi-fuel.

Basin-grade burner do it yourself

The new acquisition of such equipment implies the purchase of individual working parts and further independent complete set of them into a single unit. However, the design of the burner is quite simple, and if desired, it is possible to build himself personally, while saving a certain amount of money.

Benzogorelka production

In the manufacture of gasoline burner with their own hands, the drawing contains further assembly elements: body, handle, sleeve, hook, stop, tube, rubber ring, boards and filler.

The component of the benzogorelka is made from any type of steel with a lathe. One side of the part is open, and the other is covered with a special cork with a hole. The magnitude of the diameter of which is 0.1 mm more than the outer diameter of the tube, it allows you to move the body of the device along the tube, while maintaining the tightness of the structure. The ring made from the iron grid and slag is placed inside, and the leaf steel is made with a hook and emphasis.

Nozzle with a hole of 0.2 mm. Located at the end of the tube skipped inside the housing. For its production, the tube is sealed with a solid solder brand of PMC-54 and a hole is done with the desired diameter.

The handle of the device is cut out of solid wood. In the manufacture, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the parallelism of the holes for mounting the input fittings. Wooden handle is shattered and processed by a lacquer for a tree in several layers.

Gasoline burner for soldering with his own hands is ready to work.

Copper-zinc solder

The manufacture of homemade copper-zinc solder for soldering does not bear large physical and financial costs. Copper is obtained from sliced \u200b\u200bburned copper wire. The zinc cap from the ordinary galvanic battery is calcined on fire and placed in cold water and a weak-concentrated solution of hydrochloric acid. At the end of the heat treatment, the finished zinc is finely cut with scissors.

Observing the proportion, slices of zinc and copper fall asleep by the brown and placed in the crucible. The compound of metals in the solder is carried out in the burner. The resulting workpiece is cooled and in the vice are aligned with the file, chips are selected and re-interfere with the drier.