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How to treat sharp edges of glass. Approximate price of polishing agents. Glass polishing with their own hands

It happens that a completely new car already after passing 2-3 thousand kilometers upsets abundantly scratched windshield. The factors that lead to this can be quite a lot. It is a road trash that raised by the wheels of other machines, and the so-called "sandblasting", stones.

Road trash, sandblasting and stones can lead to the appearance of scratches on the windshield

Special danger, in particular, create brushes of conventional wiper. As a result, the driver becomes before choosing: make a replacement for damaged items or figure out how and how can the windshield can be polished at home. Based on the fact that the price of the new glass sometimes stops, let's stop in more detail in the second version of the problem solving.

How and what can polish the windshield of the car

It is important to immediately weigh your strength, as the glass is not at all the material that is easy to polish. At the same time, it is necessary to separate the concepts of polishing and grinding. The latter, by the way, is practically no applied as a procedure for restoring automotive glasses.

For polishing work, a corresponding machine will be required. It has a large number of circles of different diameters on sale (selected depending on the area of \u200b\u200bdamaged glasses), as well as varying degrees of abrasive ability.

For polishing windshield, the corresponding polishing machine will be required

The "polisher" is convenient because there is the possibility of connecting the channel to it to constant water supply to the processed area. Wetting the contact zone is difficult to overestimate, as this effectively levels large temperature differences on the surface treated, which arise as a result of friction force.

But at the same time, it makes no sense for the sake of polishing the windshield to buy a special electrical engineering, because in this case the budget of the ventiy will increase repeatedly. Well, if you can borrow a toolkit for several hours of friends, a neighbor in a garage, etc. In principle, you can do ordinary drillFor which to acquire a special polishing nozzle will not be a serious investment.

Windshield Polishing Video Tutor

Among other materials necessary for polishing must be listed:

  • abrasive paste;
  • malyary Scotch;
  • film to protect other surfaces of the car;
  • a set of microfibrous napkins;
  • special glass cleaner;
  • manual sprayer for water;
  • color marker.

Pedamental polishing of windshield at home

For the sake of polishing windshield, it is not worth buying a special electrical engineering, because the budget of the ventiy will increase many times

Starting work should always be with a thorough car wash. In the event of even conventional grazing in the polishing zone, new, deeper, furrows and other damage will immediately appear on the glass. Also, ideally, the body should be covered with a protective polyethylene film, on which the "window" is neatly cut to work with glass. The edges of this window must be fixed with scotch.

If the zone of damage is small, such as a single scratch, then you can do the usual "frame" from the painting tape with curved edges. Scotch clearly zones the windshield and does not allow splashes from a polishing circle to fly away for a long distance. In any case, the place of damage to the glass from the cabin is burned by a marker. This will not lose sight of the scratched area, even in conditions of application of polishing paste.

Eliminate the wiping from the "janitors" with your own hands

Fastened on the headside of "janitors" do not penetrate deeply, the thickness of the spoiled layer of just a few microns

Two "arcs" from wiper brushes - very frequent phenomenon on the windshield. Usually such defects do not penetrate deeply and imply the presence of a spoiled layer with a thickness of several microns. To remove completely mattness actually with the help of the finished abrasive circle for the primary processing or a conventional felt circle with polishing paste applied to it.

In the case of using paste, it is necessary to evenly distribute the composition throughout the processed area, and then start polishing, constantly moving the polishing circle. It is not recommended to delay the machine in one place, as overheating and cracking of the material may occur. It can not be allowed to dry the polyteroli if you feel that polishing it became harder, moisten the surface with water from the spray. However, it is not worth overdoing with moisture, otherwise the aquaplaning will begin and efforts will have to be more.

How to bring the transparency of the glass to the ideal

When polished, it is necessary to periodically stop and flush with the processed zone the remains of the paste to inspect the performance. It is important to visually analyze the surface from different angles and make sure that the need for further polishing.

When the goal is polished with a relatively large area, it will be appropriate to draw conditional boundaries from the back side by sharing everything for squares. In this case, when moving from one cell to the second, it is necessary to make the "Vangest" polishing so that there are no unprocessed bands and the restored glass has a homogeneous surface.

During processing, it is necessary to ensure that the polishing circle of the glass is at an angle of about 5º. Turns It is advisable not to raise above 2000, the optimal indicator is 1500-1700 rpm. The total amount of time spent time is usually 2-5 hours. After completion of the procedure, wash the glass with the help of water and a special cleaner, and then wipe all dry with a microfiber cloth.

Get rid of serious scratches

If the windshield has deep damage, hope for a complete restoration of the initial type of detail is not worth

When we are dealing with deep drums of windshield, such as scratches from sharp metal objects, Hoping for a complete restoration of the initial type of detail is not worth it. With a desperate attempt to focus all his strength on a difficultly disposable furrow, you risks either cause overheating and the destruction of the windshield, or get a noticeable recess in this place.

When removing a substantial layer of glass changes its geometry. Thus, the driver can observe the formation of diopters, a similar similarity of lenses, which noticeably distort the picture and negatively affect the perception of the road situation. Eyes from such glass quickly get tired.

Experts say that it is only possible to partially eliminate the negative effect of deep scratches, slightly smoothding its sharp edges with a polishing circle. For good lighting Such defects still remain noticeable. Even the use as an alternative to filling the cavity of the scratch by photopolymer will allow to eliminate the problem by only 70-80%.

Sandpaper and other "classic" means for polishing glass

Many in the old manner prefer the use for removal of mattness, scratches are not modern pasta, but the old good "sandpaper". For such purposes, a fraction is approaching 600 to 2500 - depending on the depth of damage (the more seriously the defect, the larger the grain).

The work in this case is performed manually, but it does not prevent regularly moisturize the contact surface with water. After a rough processing of problem areas, it is recommended to polish the glass of paste of soft exposure. As a rule, this is the so-called diamond paste, which actually contains grapples of diamonds of 2-3 microns. Polishing can be carried out both with the help of power tools and manually.

You can also pay attention to the universal abrasive pastes like the "GOI" (based on chromium oxide), "polar" (based on cerium oxide) or Crocus (based on iron oxide) or the 90s. They are still sold in highways and can be effectively used to polish damaged windshield.

Approximate price of polishing agents

Below are the topical price tags of some popular compositions for polishing the windshield of the car:

  • cERIGLASS paste - 500 rubles. for 150 ml;
  • powder "Fluoropol" (Insafe) - 600 rubles. per 100 g;
  • paste "GOI" - 130-160 rubles. per 100 g;
  • diamond paste for rough finishes - 1,205 rub. for 40 g;
  • diamond paste for finishing polishing - 101 rubles. for 40 g
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Many with caustic refer to work with glass and are limited to simple operations like repair of a broken window. But the glass is an amazing material, and not all craftsmen know that at home it can be processed not worse than in production. Secrets are divided by Oleg Abramov.

The molecular structure of the glass allows you to cut it, saw, drill, grind, glue, engrave, bending and even pull in a thread!

For cutting glass required glass cutter. Fresh use roller glass cutters.

A - glass cutters with such a handle have been produced for years ago. Their dignity is heavy head, which is convenient to draw a line of cut.

B and C - cheap Chinese glass cutters. Sold under the brands of Jobo, Kraftool, Stayer. They are difficult to use for cutting glass due to the poor quality of the rollers and the head of the glass cutter. Damaged teeth of the head are clearly visible on KRAFTOOL after the glass lamp.

D - Professional roller glass cutter Silberschnitt ("Zilbershnit"). My favorite model. Universal and reliable tool.

Professional oil glass cutter TOUO TS-17 is good for curvilinear cuts. If it is required to regularly engage in cutting glass, it is not worth saving on the glass cutter. Let professional glass cutters are silent, but spoil the glass will cost more. And the most expensive detail in professional glass cutter - roller.

Rollers are made from doped of stainless steel. They differ at the angle of sharpening, usually 130-165 degrees. Rollers with a sharpening angle of 130 degrees are used for cutting glass with a thickness of 1 to 3 mm, and sharpened at an angle of 140-150 degrees - for cutting glass with a thickness of 4-10 mm. For glass thicker, 10 mm use glass cutter with a roller 155-165 degrees.

Glass cut so. The cutting table should be smooth and stable. The surface is covered with thin iso-nom, but ideally - a thin carpet or felt is glued onto the table. So it is more convenient to cut, and the lower side of the glass does not scratched with fragments that are inevitably formed during cutting. The glass is placed on the surface of the table, placed, press a ruler to it.

Pretty glazier friends - ruler, kerosene and hammer

A ruler for cutting glass is a ruler with a strip of a strip of fine rubber, so that the line is not shifted during cutting. Either this is a special line with suckers embedded into it. Such can be made and independently.

So, we carry out the glass cutter line of the cut.
Important! This line can not be interrupted and re-conducted. It must be battered in one pass.

Then we move the glass from the table and carefully tapping a small hammer line of the cut - here's another faithful glass of the glazier. Next, we laid the glass of the cut line to the edge of the table and bow it by pressing the board using clamps. Clamps are especially important if the glass is thick.

With some skill, it is possible to stretch the cut line with your fingers, especially if the glass is thin.

So, we learned to cut straight lines. And curves? To do this, first instead of the line cut the molds - for example, from thick linoleum. The remaining operations are similar.

You can even cut a glass of glass. This will require a circular glass cutter or round pattern. suitable diameter. If there is a circulation, then fix the sucker on the glass and conduct a circle. Of course, without interrupting the cut line.

Then we spend the rays from the circle to the edges of the glass.

I turn over the glass, the glass cutter handle gently press the line of the cut and rays. If everything is done correctly, the workpiece itself will split on the circle and side debris.

If at hand - only melo-pancake, then you can fix it on the glass double-sided scotch from the displacement, and then also to spend the cut line around it.

Not only flat glass
For example, you can cut the bottles. Of these, interesting vases or lamps for lamps are obtained. For this, an improvised workbench is usually collecting from the base and three strokes. The bottle is placed between the bars and rotate it with his left hand, while the glass cutter in right hand Conduct a line of cut.

Then the cut line is tested from the inside with a raid with a weighting agent and separated the cut part from the bottle.

If it is impossible to catch a cut line from the inside - gently warm it up with a portable gas burner. The main condition - the bottle must be with a smooth surface, preferably cylindrical shape. Bottles complex form, angular, for example, cut more difficult.

We learned to cut, now you need to process the cut line. Those who are engaged in the stained business use portable inland or krištáli 2000 diamond machines, which even raise an uneven cut line.

If you need to fit the edges window glass, You can use a sponge with a diamond coating or donel for sharpening knives, pre-its moisturizing.

If grinding is required more, then the grinding nozzle on a drill with waterproof sandpaper is useful.

Drilling glass
Glass often has to drill. For example, to secure the handle on the glass door or hang the mirror.

Drills for glass are tubular with diamond spraying or carbide spear-shaped.

It is advisable to use a drilling machine, because the drill is difficult to install strictly vertically, because of which the glass can burst when naked. Place glass on a soft lining - for example, on rubber or carpet. Drilled in a water bath. To do this, a plastic or rubber ring is fixed around the drilling zone, then water is poured into it and neatly drilled. Strongly pressing glass. First drill up to half on the one hand, then the glass is turned over, combine the drill and drilling point and are reduced from back side.

Engraving in the stroke
To apply a pattern on the glass, processing the edges of small parts or marking, you can use bormashins. They are released by Dremel, RGOHOP, BORT, "Calibr", "Energomash" and other manufacturers.

It is important to choose to choose the bormashin and nozzles for it so that the power and turnover correspond to the operation performed. For some works, carborunds are suitable grinding nozzles, and for thin and accurate works, use diamond spraying nozzles. Save on nozzles will not work: cheap poorly centered and quickly wear out, since low-quality abrasive compositions are used in them.

Matching glass
Glass matured completely or locally. In the first case - for the manufacture of a ceiling, vases, stained glass element, or for subsequent coloring. In the second case - to apply a pattern, because painting the bormer on the glass still needs to be trapled. How to be to those who do not know how to draw? Cut on the edge of the OGASI pattern, glue it on the glass surface, and then subject to local matting.

Methods of matting. The easiest - in sandblasting chamberwhich can be found in glass and auto repair shops. There are pastes for matting glass on the basis of ammonium fluoride - Glassmoze and Glassmat. The paste is applied with a spatula on the surface of the glass, withstand some time, and then collected back into the tank or wash off with water.

It is amazing, but correctly glued seam between the two glasses is stronger than the glass itself. Industry produces tens of glass glue types. Here are the main.

Superflake glue is used for: gluing polished surfaces - for example, glass furniture. It is such a seam stringly glass itself, because gluing occurs at the molecular level. An example of such glue is Bohle Verifix LV 740. For household purposes, the Spanish Cristalceys glue is more accessible.

Viscous glue is used if it is not possible to create the perfectly adjacent surfaces of the glass, as well as when gluing polished, but not polished surfaces. For example, Uhu or Donedeal.

Two-component epoxy compositions are well known to bonding other materials. The most popular - Kilto or Rokhіiri.

Glass painting
Industry produces paints with good adhesion to glass. But in the manufacture of vase or ceiling, it is easier to mold the surface of the glass - and then any paint from the aerosol canopy is well held on it.

Polishing glass
We do not recommend polishing large glass products at home: this is a pretty dirty lesson. But miniature surfaces are polished by bramshins with polishing nozzles and polishing pasta based on crocus, polyrit or zirconia oxide.

Products manufactured in the above methods.

Glass, as one of the most expressive and beautiful materials, always attracted designers and interior designs. The glass surface has two serious disadvantages - high fragility and hardness, so the glass processing at home is always associated with significant difficulties. However, the material is successfully cut, grind, polished and even drilled.

Methods for processing a glass surface

Manual glass processing requires the use of special techniques and technologies. The special tool for glass processing and precisely selected modes, overheating or uneven load leads to cracking and destruction of the material.

For home conditions, glass processing is limited to several methods:

  • Cutting sheet glass on straight fragments;
  • Drilling holes and engraving reliefs in sheet material;
  • Matting and sandblasting glass;
  • Processing of glass edge;
  • Polishing glass surface.

For your information! In addition to mechanical, chemical polishing, grinding and engraving are also used. But the use of such methods requires the use of toxic and hazardous reagents, so it is practically no applied for homework.

Hand cut glass

At home, cutting and grinding operations are usually used. More complex techniques are not used for two reasons. First, to get high Quality Surfaces require special equipment, glass processing machines, secondly, with mechanical sprinkling, grinding and drilling, a large number of smallest glass dust is formed, extremely harmful to health.

The cutting of sheet glass with a diamond or carbide roller is performed for a thickness of no more than 6 mm. Thicker sheets are cut on special devices and machines.

The cutting of a glass sheet with a manual diamond is performed in the following sequence:

  1. The glass is laid out onto a smooth and clean surface, usually shined soft packaging paper used to collect glass fragments. The sheet should most closely fit to the lining material;
  2. The steel line is applied to the cut line and gently, with a minimal pressure, in one movement is carried out with a diamond tip, without taking the tool and without stopping its movements;
  3. The glass is lifted and carefully climb the cut line from the reverse side rubber or wooden hammer. When tapping on the line, a large number of microscopic cracks are formed, strongly weakening the strength of the material, and as a result, the glass bursts exactly along the diamond motion trajectory.

For your information! When cutting thick sheets, do not use carbide rollers or tips, such a tool gives a large amount of marriage.

At the same time, the diamond glass cutter placed on the ballerina, you can easily cut arcs, circles and even round holes in the glass.

Manual grinding glass

Cut fragments, as a rule, have sharp edges and edges, which can be easily damaged by hand or fingers. Therefore, it is necessary to process the edges of the glass with a machine or by smoothing on the edge circles. Most often, the device for wiping edges is a low-speed engine with a special abrasive circle or a wooden blank, which is pasted small sandpaper.

Processing is performed with periodic wetting edges with water and abrasive paste. The result is smooth, slightly rough surface. If instead of the abrasive mass, use a diamond paste or machine for processing the glass edge, you can get absolutely smooth edges. Similarly, with the help of highly labor precision rollers and a diamond suspension on polishing equipment, glass and mirrors are machined.

Non-standard glass processing methods

The most complex glass processing operations include drilling. For these purposes, drills with diamond and carbide tips are used. High hardness and bad thermal conductivity of the glass surface leads to the fact that under the load of the cutting edge of the carbide tool, the drilling point is instantly overheated, and the glass cracks.

Drilling holes in glass sheets

You can drill at home only with the help of a guide tool on rotation revolutions of no more than 200 rpm, with drip cooling with water-oil emulsion. When passing 90% of the thickness of the sheet, the load on the drill and rotation turnover is reduced to a minimum so that when "output" from the hole, the tool is not split down the glass. For the same principle running drilling equipment for glass processing.

At home, handle the glass surface of the glass can be using a copper rod and an abrasive suspension, prepared from the smallest carburond emery powder for processing solid materials. If drilling dry powder is performed, glass sheet can warm on a sandy pillow to 200 o C.

In the old days, the glass was successfully drilled, polished and polished with the help of ordinary bars and rods from the moraine oak with the addition of a powder from a burning and ground clay. Of course, this processing occupied a large amount of time, but the percentage of marriage was minimal.

Industrial machines are treated and drilled with glass abrasive circles made of copper-aluminum bronze with diamond powder applied in the working edge. Most of the heat is effectively discharged into the coolant, so the processing performance is an order of magnitude higher than home options.

Sandblasting and glass engraving

Often the glass surface is subjected to relief processing and matting. To remove the shine and make the material translucent, with a uniform matte surface, used sandblasting glass processing. In this case, the plane is blown by high-speed air flow with a 10% content of retalicated quartz sand. Normal washed sand is not used, since risks and scratches appear on the treated surface.

A device for sandblasting on the device resembles a paint peeling and is easily manufactured even at home. But if in an industrial version the quality of the surface being processed is controlled by a machine, then at home will require a certain skill and practice, before the glass will purchase a homogeneous surface texture.

One of the most complex and interesting ways Processing is the engraving pattern on the glass surface. Manually relief can be reproduced using engraving machine and diamond drills. After such processing on a transparent basis, a drawing of matte strokes appears.


Engraving works in glass array or thick tiles with a thermal laser look most effectively. High density Energy and ability to penetrate the predetermined depth allows you to create very beautiful spatial drawings, which are almost impossible to make it in a different way. In addition, the laser beam allows drilling, milling and even welding the sheets of material, so that in the near future, furniture and glass interiors will become an ordinary phenomenon.

Maintaining optimal visibility in the car's cabin is one of the main conditions of safe driving. The windshield in this regard is most responsible, but it is the most open for small damage and pollution. Small scratches, chips, cuts and cracks affect not only the coefficient of visibility, but also on the internal structure of the product. Therefore, grinding glass becomes a mandatory measure, which is carried out regularly at certain time intervals.

Defecting glass

In the process of flaw detection, it is possible to evaluate how serious the surface wear is, and make the appropriate conclusion about further actions. Sometimes after such an assessment, the glass is dismantled and new ones are installed on their place. Most often, the verification allows you to determine the degree of damage - this will make it possible to more accurate the grinding agents. The criterion for estimates is the depth of the defect. The first category is minor damage with scratches of a depth of about 50 microns. This is followed by the second category - these are cuts and small chips up to 200 microns. The most responsible grinding of the car glass is made when fixing damage, the depth of which is about 300 microns. In this case, a coarse grinding tool is required, as well as the corresponding paste. And on the contrary, in the case of minor cracks and cuts, fine-grained abrasives should be used. However, the choice of paste should be told separately.

Choosing polishing paste

For ordinary motorists planning to restore the glass surface in its garage, it is recommended to purchase pastes for manual processing. First, grinding glass with manual means is less coarse and rigid effect on the surface, which makes it possible to exclude the application of new cuts. Secondly, in terms of the effect, they are little inferior to professional compositions, if they are properly used. The majority of manual polishing pastes contains chromium oxide, due to which this tool can be used for delicate surfaces - not only for auto drain, but also in the polishing of jewels, mobile devices, etc.

In this group, the paste also has its differences. So, to eliminate explicit scratches and severe scratches, the compositions with a rough basis should be purchased. These are not very coarse-grained pastes, but with them, too, it is necessary to be careful, because with intensive exposure it will be ensured not polishing, but in the literal sense abrasive cutting. Grinding glass that does not have deep damage can be made by soft compositions. They give a greater degree of cleaning effect, eliminating matte scuffs. There is also a category of decorative manual pastes that are not so much struggling with damage, as they give the glass jewelry shine.

Preparation for grinding

Cleansing and restoring actions with the body and windows of the car are performed only after careful washing. The machine must be washed, dried, and then processed by the blower. To blow up the fine particles of dust, which could remain on the surface of the glass. Next must be prepared polyethylene film In volume sufficient to complete the car cover.

The film should be covered with the entire body, and then make slots in the windows and in the windshield zone. This is necessary so that Abrasive does not hit the incompetent area. The edges of the circumcised film are neatly glued with painting tape.

Depending on what technique will be performed by grinding windshield, prepared and the corresponding tool is prepared. Usually for operation use special grinding machine With an electric motor or battery pack, as well as a felt circle in the form of nozzles. At the same time, it is necessary to dilute the abrasive paste with water, as provides for the instruction of a specific composition.

Technique performing an operation

For the beginning, the paste must be applied to problem areas. This is done without the participation of the grinders - manually applied to the felt circle and is rubbed on the target surface. Grinding is performed by small circular zones with a diameter of about 30 cm. If it comes to several point damaged areas, then attention should be concentrated on them. In any case, it is impossible to linger in the same place for a long time, otherwise the dent will be formed. Mainly grinding glass should correct the physical disadvantages of the structure, and for this it will be a sufficiently soft impact. If dryness and temperature voltage are observed at the processing points, it should be slightly adding water to the glass surface. Upon completion of the work, the whole composition is washed off, and the glass can be treated with a special detergent auto-chemistry as an additional purification.

What polished differs from glass grinding?

Glass polishing can also be an additional procedure after grinding. In essence, this is a more accurate operation of smoothing irregularities, since in the process of its execution, fine-forming materials are used. Also involved a polishing circle, manual materials Stripping and abrasive mixtures. Like the frontal grinding allows you to eliminate small defects. But the main task is precisely the provision of an attractive appearance of the surface with the glitter and lack of matte scuffs.


Subject to the rules of grinding, you can minimize the flaws of the glass surface and increase its initial decorative properties. However, it is not necessary to count on this operation as a frequent and regular measure of the repair of glass. In itself, the impact of abrasives contributes to the rapid wear of the material, therefore it is desirable to prevent the appearance of defects. Usually grinding glass is performed after education. large number small scratches and cracks. What can lead to such a state? The most common factors experienced motorists include the impact of "janitors", cleaning with brushes and scrapers, spots from reagents, etc.