Repairs Design Furniture

Fastening technology of wooden bars for blockhas. Installation of blockhas and work algorithm. Main requirements for installation work

A block house is one of the types of brass imitating panels. All species of this material have excellent characteristics, but despite this, the quality of the facing and the service life is strongly dependent on its mounting to the surface.

Properties of block house panels

Block House can be three types: Wooden, metal and plastic. In the interior decoration of the room, the wood of valuable rocks is most often used, as a rule, it is pine, larch or spruce. In the exterior finish it is better to use metal or plastic.

Block House-type siding having an external stylization under a wooden log

Among the advantages of using this material, the following should be noted:

  • installation is simple, not laborious and does not take much time;
  • technologies for which fasteners are performed provide for the possibility of performing work on insulation and waterproofing of the premises;
  • material durable and practically does not require additional care during operation;
  • the surface-processed surface contributes to the creation of a high-quality ventilation system;
  • siding is perfectly combined with other construction materials;
  • the panels do not have a lot of weight, which means that the load on the supporting structures is minimal.

Thanks to these advantages, a block house is in demand in the construction market.

From the type of material depends on and how to fix a block house to the surface. Finally, determined with the type of block house, you can proceed to the choice of fasteners. You can use dowels from galvanized metal or apply suspended brackets. Effectively use for fastening kleimers.

The process itself does not constitute difficulties, especially since panels have the same sizes, grooves and spikes on the ribs, And the principle of fasteners is not much different.

Preparatory work

Before proceeding with facing work, you should carefully prepare the surface and check the panels.

Preparation of panels

The following preparatory stage includes checking and training of siding panels.

Practically, the material is ready for work by doing on sale. Wooden siding requires antiseptic processing.

Such panels must comply with the following requirements:

  • dry and should take the ambient temperature. Before installation, it is recommended to leave the panels for 2h in the fresh air;
  • without bitch and irregularities.

Metal and plastic panels do not require, in fact, preparatory work.

Surface preparation

Before assembled Block House outside or inside the house (premises), it is necessary to prepare a good surface.

The preparation process includes the following steps:

  • clean the surface from all sorts of spots;
  • close up all irregularities;
  • in the presence of areas infected with fungus or mold, clean, after which to treat primer with an antiseptic.

The process of surface preparation is an important step that subsequently ensures the maximum life.

A strong dolers provides a lion's share of durability Block Haus

To obtain a smooth and neat surface, it is recommended to mount the crate.


In order to make the placement of the room, you need to make a frame. Wood and metal panels have a sufficiently large weight, therefore, for such types of blockhas, the framework of the frame is required. The subsequent process of mounting the metal and wooden block house is essentially coincided with the installation of plastic.

For the manufacture of the frame, the metal or wood is most often used. The metal case is suitable for making a heavy facing material, but it is better to use a frame of wood for blockchause.

The principle of work is as follows:

  • hide the walls with a film that will perform a steam insulation function. The film is stacked by 3 cm.
  • make a frame.

Between the bars should be respected 50 cm. This distance will ensure the strength and stability of the frame.

After completing the crate, if necessary, laying waterproofing or thermal insulation. Mounting a tree or metal on the frame is the easiest way with the help of screws.

Fastening process

It should be noted that when installing panels to the surface From below, it is necessary to leave the gap of approximately 50mm for ventilation. It is also required to leave between panels 1-2 mm in order to avoid deformations during seasonal temperature fluctuations.

Types of fasteners

One of the main questions: how to fix a block house, and for these purposes can be used:

  • nails;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • kleimers.

What kind of mounting elements for blockhas are better to use, depends on the type and sizes of the panels. For example, with a thickness of panels up to 21 mm, you can use nails if the thickness is greater than 21 mm, it is recommended to use the screws.

But the main factor that must be taken into account - the length and coating of the fastener. It is recommended to use fasteners with anti-corrosion coating (zinc, anodized, etc.) to avoid the appearance of corrosion traces upon subsequent operation. The fastener must be 1.5 times longer than the thickness of the panel.

The siding panels can be fixed vertically and horizontally, it depends on the taste of the customer and the overall combination of the interior. But most often when facing facades blockchaus fasten horizontally To create a natural home imitation. When facing the room inside it is recommended to use a vertical direction. Very often in such a way of panels are mounted in baths and saunas, because with the vertical location of the siding in the grooves, the liquid does not accumulate.

For trim baths inside it is better to use siding from a natural tree

Such a fastener is very popular as a kleimer. Most often, it is used to finish indoors in combination with narrow and thin boards.

How to mount a block house

Mounting siding can be started from above, and below. This can be done in different ways. Which way to choose depends on the customer.

Among the most common ways, the following can be noted:

  • schip-groove;
  • with self-tapping screws or nails;
  • with kleimers.

The essence of the method of spike-groove is that the next board closes the fastener and it becomes invisible. The method of fastening with self-samples is most often used for thickness boards 40 mm and more.

  • drill the yams with a diameter of a little more hats of self-tapping screws;
  • close these holes with traffic jams;
  • locate the self-tapping screw at the base of spike or on a cylindrical surface.

With fasteners, two self-pressing are used: one should be located at Ship, the other - the groove. When using kleimers, mounting is recommended from above.

Docking and cutting corners

Corners are considered the most problematic sections when installing. In any case, when installing a block house inside or outside the house there will be a situation when you have to perform fasteners on different walls and connect the panels among themselves. In fact, it is not so difficult.

The essence of the work is as follows:

  • when docking an outdoor angle for these purposes, you should stored the panel under 45 ° or use an outer corner. As an corner, the use of decorative rails is allowed;
  • when docking the inner corner, the end of the panel is needed to connect with the panel on the opposite side, while trying to pick up the surface relief.

You can dock the panels as follows: In the corner, navigate the bar, to attach panels from different sides.

Finishing work

The final stage includes surface treatment. Should consider that metal and plastic siding does not need decoration. Wooden siding is recommended to cover with wax or colorless varnish., pollut the sandpaper and paint the same paint or varnish again.

Subtleties and nuances

For outer decoration, natural block of clothing is used by wood coniferous rocks, which has a natural water resistance

When preparing and making installation, some subtleties recommended by specialists should be taken into account:

  • when mounting, the Haus block inside with high humidity should ensure that the air arrives from the opposite side of the facing for natural ventilation;
  • when choosing panels for mounting, the Haus block outside should pay attention to the panel of pine and larch, whose width is 100 - 180 mm, and length-6m.
  • before installing, it is worth checking the waterfront ability of the surface.

If the walls are made of moisture materials, steps of vaporizolation can be eliminated.

Cost of work with your own hands and in hiring specialists

As noted above, the installation of the Haus block during the hiring of specialists slightly increases the price of the work.

The approximate cost of installation work can be found in the table:

You can perform work with your own hands, and naturally, the installation will be cheaper.

How to fix siding when installing a metal Haws block with your own hands in the form of a step-by-step instruction outlined in this video:

Natural traditional building materials have always been in fashion. At the same time, they have a lot of shortcomings and are not always convenient in work, which caused the refusal of their use.

However, there is a way to get the appearance of the house, which looks like a construction of a traditional material, but actually represents a trimming, imitating a certain texture. In this way, you can repeat the brick or stone masonry, the brusade or log frame, using the appropriate types of trim.

The result has a high degree of realism, but deprived of the drawbacks of traditional materials and is capable of performing, in addition to the decorative, also additional features of protection against mechanical effects and a very important function of the output of water vapor or, simply speaking, drying the material of the walls. One of the types of such a sheaving is a block house.

Block House - Material for outdoor sheat, externally repeating log cabin. For this, each panel has a relief corresponding to the visible part of the log in the masonry. In the section it is a segment of the circle. The reverse side is equipped with several longitudinal grooves serving to compensate for extensions when moisture change.

The side edges have a spike and groove from opposite sides, with which the plating can be assembled. This looks like a classic view of the Haws block, which is made of wood. The material has a natural color of wood, from which the coloring is made and variety does not differ.

However, during operation requires a protective coating, which is periodically updated or changing, which allows you to change the color of the walls from time to time, keeping the trim in immunity.

There are later options -. They are options for ordinary siding, the form of the relief of which corresponds to the texture of a log wall. There are single and two-wave samples that have a single or dual relief texture. They have their own technical characteristics peculiar to siding from vinyl or galvanized steel and completely different from the wooden block of Haus.

It combines these materials only the shape, covering from a wooden, vinyl or metal body of Haus looks almost the same (except for the color of the canvas, which can differ significantly from different types), the installation method and operational requirements are different.

Wood breeds used for cladding

Natural unit House is made of wood. Going the most common breeds:

  • Pine. The most common breed of wood in our country. Has low weight, relatively clean structure. Often there are various vices, blue, resin pockets.
  • Larch. Dense wood with an expressive texture. It has relatively large weight, resistant to mechanical stress. Pronounced to changes in geometry when setting the voltages during the destruction.
  • Spruce. The relatively light and soft breed is distinguished by a large number of bitch.. Of all conifers, it is used less frequently.

In addition to conifers, there is a material from hardwood:

  • Birch. The most dense and heavy. Easily gives and dials humidity. Durable, well processed and grinding.
  • Alder. Wood clean and relatively soft. Relatively resistant to atmospheric moisture. Defects and flaws are a bit. Panel weight from alder small.
  • Linden. Clean and light wood with low weight. Differs low density, softness. Requires accurate circulation and mandatory speedy application of the protective coating.

When buying, you should pay attention to the tree of wood, from which the Block is made, since each type of wood has its own features that need to be known. For example, coniferous rocks contain a certain amount of resin, to some degree of preservative material, slowing the accumulation and output of moisture.

Deciduous rocks, on the contrary, quickly gain or easily give moisture, but it continues until the final exposure time is on the onset. If the material is immediately covered with a protective paint and varnish layer, the process of tree excerpt slows down, but also contact with moisture stops, while maintaining the material structure in the initial state.

To protect wood, a thick surface layer is not so important, as a deep impregnation of array materials of the type of olifa or special impregnating oils. Their composition may be incompatible with some kinds of varnishes or paints, which should be paid to when choosing an finishing coating.

Wooden Facing Methods

The installation of wooden panels is made in different ways, of which you can allocate the main:

Mounting with nails or self-drawing through the facial surface. Fixation is durable and reliable, but visible nails or screws and screws significantly deteriorate the appearance of the skin.

Hidden fastening. The nail or screw screws through the spike, after installing the next hat panel, it turns out to be hidden inside the groove. The way makes it possible to hide the hts of fasteners, but there is a danger to split a spike or create an interference for a thick panel assembly.

Sometimes a methodology for clogging nails (screw screws) at an angle, which eliminates interference when assembling, but in practice this method is quite complicated, the panels often turn out to be split.

Fastening panels on beammers (kleimers). The most successful option. The panel is not exposed to any effects. Clammer is attached to the crate (installation of the insulation). It has a special bracket that captures the lower part of the groove and firmly presses the panel to the base, and setting the next panel closes the clemmer from view.

It turns out a completely hidden fastening that does not destroy the body of the panel and not threatening the appearance of cracks, chips or dents. For such an installation, it is not necessary to have some special skills, all actions are simple, intuitively understood.


To install a wooden house block, a wooden plank lamp is most convenient, more accessible for screwing screws at any angle and allowing the use of nails.

Methods for fastening other types of Haus block

In addition to wooden, vinyl and metal panels are available. The method of installing both species is completely the same and does not have many options, since siding has a strictly regulated installation order, which does not allow changes.

The design of the panels consists of a convex part - waves, lock part and a nail strip. The last two elements are invisible, they serve to fix the panel on the reference system. The lock part is snapped in the appropriate profile of the previous panel or in the starting bar, and the nail plank, which has many oblong mounting holes, is attached to the samples.

At the same time, the underlying condition must be performed: the screws do not screw up to the stop, the panel should be able to move without resistance within the opening in both directions. Screws are tightened strictly perpendicular to the surface and exactly in the middle of the holes so that the stroke reserve in both sides was the same. This is done so that the panel can change its position when heating or cooling.

Unlike a wooden block of Haus, vinyl and metal samples have a high coefficient of temperature extensions, so it is necessary to take it into account and leave the possibility of a small movement.

Changing the installation method is impossible. First, the mounting holes must have a certain shape, the mount through the usual drilled hole will deprive the panel of the possibility of motion, and this is fraught with undesirable consequences. Secondly, in any other place the self-pressing hat will be visible that spoaling the appearance of the canvas.


Before starting the installation, read the instructions that are attached to the material to understand yourself the method of installing this type of panels or possible individual characteristics of the material.

Installation of the house unit depends entirely on the type of material. Traditional wooden panels have several permissible installation options that do not affect the performance of the material. From the wizard, it will be necessary to have certain skills to work with the tree (for roaming the joints under 45 °, etc.). Vinyl or metal species require compliance with specific rules, which cannot be changed without deteriorating operational qualities or appearance.

The order of installation of siding is described in detail in the instructions, which is attached to the material during the sale. It should be carefully learned to prevent errors.

Useful video

Another interesting method of fastening panels:

In contact with

The construction sphere of activity will be one of the most relevant, therefore, new technologies are constantly being developed for the rapid and qualitative achievement of the tasks. Modern equipment has multifaceted functionality, and materials possess features that allow them to apply them in complex physical and weather conditions. These professionals are trying to keep up with the times and constantly monitor the innovations in the world market.

Advantages of the Haus block with a video example of the installation of a building material

There is an opportunity to build a country house from a specialized bar, but for this you will need a lot of financial resources and physical efforts. An excellent alternative to the implementation of such an idea is, to fix that is simple enough, and the visual appearance meets the desired requirements. This is a modern variety of lining, which has a number of indisputable positive qualities. On the provided video installation, the Haus block can be paid attention to its main advantages:

  • Produced from natural breeds.
  • With its use, there is the possibility of independent control of the level of humidity of the building.
  • Economical cost in comparison with alternative materials for external finishing.
  • Easy installation performed as soon as possible.
  • Durability.
  • Mobility allows you to replace the part of the overall structure damaged from the mechanical exposure.

A professional approach to the installation of the House Block, as on the video posted on the page, will be a key to a successful completion of the task. We comment on the video installation of block house to the article. This is a kind of material that can be used as an outdoor and interior decoration, but it is surprising that the installation technology does not have significant differences.

Wooden Disease Metal Doom Methods Fastening Block Houus

What to pay attention to the selection of material

At the first stage, it is worth paying attention to the quality of the material. It is worth representing its markings and distinctive features. As we have already mentioned in previous articles, manufacturers supply a block house with 3 quality standards: a, b and c. They differ in the presence of bitch, chips, cracks, worm, changing the color, bark residues and processing defects. The material with the smallest number of defects is marked with the Latin letter A. Two letters, for example, AB, mean the material of the standard A contains 50% of defects from the standard B. The block houses of listed varieties are different. The greatest value will be the best quality lining.

As you see in the video installation of the House Block, in order to avoid in the future, moisture accumulation needs to be waterproofing the surface. This is a mandatory moment to eliminate possible troubles: impaired fastening of the crates, changes in the properties of the material of the walls, etc.

Next, set the crate, which will help to make a smooth and neat finish. Often for this use wooden rails (bars) in increasing from 30 to 60 centimeters.
The shap can be made of a galvanized profile, although it will be more expensive and is harder susceptible. Before installing the crates, it is recommended to place the wall of the house using a plumb, level and twine (you can line). The initial bar is attached to the stretched twine, and all subsequent align both vertically and in a horizontal direction, applying all the same materials.

Finishing Material Block House
Methods for fastening block house

A few words about insulation

If you plan to pre-insulate the building, then pay attention to what moments:

  • For a wooden house, it is quite possible to limit ourselves to sealing: compact the crowns, legitimate, use the sealant on the tree.
  • The lamp is installed on top of vapor barrier.
  • The insulation (eco-plastic, foam, glass gamble, basalt fiber, etc.) stacked between the slats of the crates, so the thickness of the rivers depends on the thickness of the insulation layer (calculated on the basis of the heat loss of the building).
  • On the layer of insulation, the stapler is fastened by wind flare.

About how to fix block house

There are several ways to attach a block house:

1. With the help of screws (sampes), the main material is attached to the crate. There may be several options: drown a screw of the self-press in the package of block house, tighten the screw at an angle of 45 degrees., To pre-drill a hole for a sore drill and screw it up to the stop, and then close the resulting deepening with wooden tubes on the glue.

2. Cleamers can be used as alternative attachments. They are inserted into the grooves of the lining and then fixed by self-drawing.

3. You can also use nails.

The mounting scheme is presented in the articles to the article. Fastenings should be made of galvanized material to prevent them from corrosion and rotting. The horizontal block house is mounted below. It should be provided for the gap from the ground to the first plank of several centimeters for a possible shrinkage. Each board is immersed in the groove of spike, and then slightly tugging for dense dusting. Next, the upper board is attached to the crate and the actions begin first. The jokes in length are closed with appropriate wooden planks. Corners are decorated with special corners.

To underline the flavor, you can carry out the color of the material with varnish at the final stage, which will give the visual effect of using natural wood.

On the video installation placed in the article, the House Block can be seen in a live whole workflow, which will make it possible to perform this task with its own forces. But it is better, of course, to entrust this business to an understanding professional, which is not first faced with this kind of finish of a country house. If you are confident in your abilities, then additional knowledge in this area will never be superfluous, and on the contrary, they will help to realize the planned with maximum speed and savings.

It immediately becomes clear that this sawn timber is very difficult. The planks are quite massive, the front surface has a rounding, longitudinal grooves are made on the back side, spike and grooves are cut on the edges.

However, the intricate cross-section of the planks imitating a rounded log should not scare. In fact, the installation of the House block is generally more complicated than working with the same clapboard. As practice shows, the home masters easily coped with such a task. As for homeowners without the necessary skills - they quickly delve into the technology and can normally monitor the actions of hired builders. Consider everything in order.

1. Calibration of material.

We strongly recommend that before the start of the trim, carefully move the entire block cham. Our task is to reveal a plate in advance with a castle marriage, with critical defects on the facial surface, with damage and pollution. It is also worth postpone separately too expelled products.

Virtually the whole "non-band" can be used after cutting in the form of short parts, it is also possible to put it on the walls that are visible less than.

2. Acclimatization of material.

The rule is simple: any lumber before installation you need to last a day or two under the conditions in which it will be operated. For example, the trimming facade, the block chamo from the heated garage should be taken outside under the canopy and free from the packaging film.

3. Protective impregnation of materials.

All wooden elements of the house are extremely preferably secure from pests. Good antiseptics help to resist both fungi and insects. An even more effective class of impregnation - "flame-protected", which, among other things, significantly reduce flammability of wood. Casing House Block House The price of work will grow insignificant, and durability and safety - improves at times. It follows each plate separately, so the protective composition will fall on the spike and on the groove of the product. The paint pyrilaks-classic is suitable for this purpose. Note that it makes sense not only block house, but also bars for a frame and a carriage wall.

4. Assembling full forests.

4. Working on the facade, do not comprehend time to create comfortable forests and lobes to the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe wall. Ideally, it is better to close the forests of two adjacent walls so that it is possible to qualitatively draw the pair of planes. If you use as a blank board 2 varieties or timber, then the forests will turn out sufficiently reliable, but inexpensive. We recommend the article according to the rules of forest assembly construction of forests of coniferous wood. Installing forests near the walls - Leave centimeters 30 free space so that it is convenient to perform installation.

5. Diagnostics of the wall plane.

Even before the direct assembly of the frame, the wall must be checked. The task is to find the deviations of the plane from the vertical and other irregularities. This is best suited for a plumb. It is necessary to fix on the wall of the pins at the top and at the bottom, on which the markup is performed on the plumb.

Capron cords are usually used as lighthouses on the facade. They are horizontally fastened on the pins so that the bars of the frame then barely touch the threads with their outer surface. Sometimes lighthouses are made after the installation of two extreme bars of the frame and fix on the surface of the sawn timber.

It is important to immediately provide the necessary indentation from the base, so that the insulation of the required thickness can be installed behind the racks (or between the racks).

7. Marking of the location of the frame elements on the wall.

Task: Note the line of arrangement of the BRUSEV, to which the stack of blockhaus is performed. To do this, it is best to take advantage of the folding cord.

8. Fixing brackets.

In some cases, here you can apply suspension to GLC (this is a good option if the frame is made from galvanized profiles for GLC). But it is better to give preference to the corners sliding. The setting step of the brackets on average is about 0.75-1 meters, they are fixed on an anchor (dowel of nails) or on self-consuming screws-Glukhary - if the bearing base of the tree.

9. Exhibition of frame racks.

Frame bars (usually I use a lumber 50 mm thick and 50-75 mm wide) must stand vertically, since it is necessary to mount a block house in a horizontal direction. First fix the extreme racks, and then intermediate. On the facade between the bars, it is withstanding a distance from 500 to 800 mm, indoors, where the trimming material is more thin, the set of struts is from 400 to 600 mm. Bruks of the frame must be brought to beam threads and secure them with self-draws to the brackets. Be sure to leave a gap of 10 centimeters and more between the lower end of the bar and the scene / basement.

10. Installation of insulation materials.

The insulation is desirable to buy in the form of plates, high density, which will ensure the stability of its initial shape throughout the service life or polystyolster on a concrete base. They are fixed either to the base for the frame (which is preferable) with special fasteners - a dowel plate (fungus), or cut between the framework stands. To protect the warmed walls from moisture and wind, the entire pie outside should be closed with a construction film - for this there are special facade canvases, with the principle of membrane tissue. When creating a ventilated facade, on the subsystem racks, the remote rails are screwed with a thickness of about 30-40 mm.

11. Proper orientation and fixation of the first plank.

The first element of the trim should be set strictly horizontally, for this it is worth using the magnetic level (or laser level) - which will help find two extreme control points. Starting the installation of the blockhaus is more convenient from the bottom of the wall, but sometimes the masters prefer to start from the roof / ceiling down - so that all the planks were in the upper, well visible part of the lined plane were without longitudinal trimming. It is very important to fix the liner with a groove down, and thoroughly up. Such a laying technology of the Haus block avoids rainwater from entering the castles of Falsten.

12. Installation of other slats.

There are several ways to perform the mount, but the price of the finish block is not swollen from this. Most often clog the carnations through the spike so that the fastener's hat overlapped with a groove of the next plank. Also, you can apply "finishing" nails. Another option is to fasten the block house to the wall using kleimers, which are indispensable if the frame is made of metal. You can work on the old manner: drill Spend on the front side and drive fasteners through the body, and then masked hardware with wooden plugs.

Block House is a modern product from wood, which is used for the outer and interior decoration of the walls of the house. This element is installed quickly and easily due to the presence of a groove and spike in the end longitudinal part. In principle, the technology of installing a wooden panel inside and outside the house is not very different. Of course, there are similar products from other materials (steel, polymers), which are attached a little different way, but many household owners prefer panels from wood, so in our article we will tell how to strover the house Block House.

Requirements for material

First of all, you need to choose high-quality and durable material that is suitable for outdoor decoration. As a rule, the manufacturer packs panels into a heat shrink film, so that you can well inspect the product and evaluate its quality, the packaging will have to be opened.

To see the house outside, you need only high-quality panels, so do not buy products with the following defects:

  • there should be no dark bitch on the front surface;
  • deep cracks are not allowed;
  • no mold climb should not be;
  • mind wood is also a reason to abandon the purchase.

IMPORTANT: High-quality product for outer decoration The size of the squeezing should be no more than 0.8 cm wide and not more than 0.2-0.3 cm in depth.

Also, when choosing a quality material it is worth paying attention to the location of the annual rings. Since dense wood is suitable for outer decoration, it is worth choosing products on which annual rings are located as close as possible to each other. Such material is characterized by high quality, excellent density and good moisture resistance.

Materials and tools

By purchasing a Block House, the installation of which is performed without the use of specialized tools and accessories, you can handle yourself. To fix the boards, screws are usually used, so the electric drill will be needed.

In addition, to mount the panels of the Haus block is more convenient using kleimers. It uses galvanized steel to produce these fasteners, so the elements have corrosion resistance, which is very important to preserve the beautiful appearance of wood. Kleimer is a flat plate with protruding tongue. There are cuts in the product to install screws. The panel is fixed and holds through this tongue.

IMPORTANT: Install the Block House can be used with kleimers with a height of at least 6-7 mm. If there is a choice between self-stakes and kleimers, then preference should be given to the latter.

Advantages of using kleimers:

  1. With the use of the clips of the panel can be fixed without the risk of deformations and cracking.
  2. Through the use of such mounting elements, the locations of the panels will be practically imperceptible. As a result, the outer finishing layer will be more beautiful.
  3. Installation The Haus block will pass much faster, because on screwing the screws will leave more time.

Buy the mount for the Haus block in the form of kleimers stands at the calculation, which for every 10 squares of the sheath will go 200 kleimers. However, such a big consumption does not mean that you will have to spend greatly shop. The price of fasteners is quite democratic.

Performing the lining of the house Block to House, you have to cut some panels to shorter items, so it will take the power to work. However, if the amount of work is insignificant, then you can easily do and conventional hacksaw with small teeth.

Tip: If you wish for cutting, the Haus block can be used a disk saw. However, the cutting disc should be without carbide attacks that can give an uneven cut.

Having trimmed by a blockball, you should not forget about his insulation. Mineral wool can be used as insulation. This material has good heat and sound insulation characteristics. You can also choose other types of insulation based on Minvati.

ATTENTION: From use as a heater of foam, it is necessary to refuse, due to low vapor permeability and a bad combination with wood. In addition, the foam supports burning.

You will also need a bar for the manufacture of the skeleton of the root, to which the finish will be attached. Brous dimensions should be selected taking into account the thickness of the heat-insulating material. In addition, the house's sheathing block is carried out using a vapor and waterproofing membrane. The vapor insulation material is needed to protect the insulation from the cluster in it condensate, and the waterproofing will be protected from atmospheric moisture. You can take ordinary pergamine, a special modern membrane material or traditional perforated film. An ordinary polyethylene film is ideal for performing waterproofing.

Preparatory activities

Before assembled Block House, all wooden elements must be treated with antiseptic composition. In addition, to protect against fire, it is recommended to carry out treatment with antipirens.

Before the trimming of a brick, aerated concrete or wooden house, a block house outside is worth performing the following:

  1. First, the walls are attached to the walls. The material strips are fixed horizontally with a flystone 10-15 cm. You can use a stapler or brackets for fixing.
  2. Next on the walls I mount the cheek from the bar. For fastening the frame on a wooden house, you can use selflessness or nails, and frame dowels are suitable for a brick or deplete surface. The setting step of the bar It is worth picking up the width of the plates of the heat-insulating material.
  3. The space between the cut is placed in the heat insulating material.
  4. Next over the insulation, the waterproofing film is attached. It is fixed to the doom with a bracket or stapler.
  5. After that, to the main frame of Krepim is another fence. It is needed to form a ventilation gap behind the panels of the Haus block. This will protect the material from rotting and damage. It is to this incise that the facing elements will be attached.

Installing panels

Installation of the Haus block is carried out in such a sequence:

  1. The installation of panels starts from the bottom corner of the house. At the same time, the House block is mounted horizontally a groove down.
  2. To fix panels using kleimers, the fastener element is attached to the doom so that the spike panel is in the kleimer foot. If you use the screws, then you need to drill holes in the board. Fastening step - 400 mm. The self-tapping screws in the spike board at an angle of 45 degrees.
  3. Next, the groove of the next cladding element is put on the spike of the previous board. The installed panel is fixed again to the cheerlerts. Thus, the installation of the finish continues until the entire facade is served.

To fulfill the finishing of external and internal angles, you will need special finished elements. These are factory polymeric products, like those used when finishing wall siding. However, when using them, there is a significant drawback - the panel fits tightly to the profile only at the top point, as a result, the unclosed slots will remain in the corners. In principle, this can be considered a significant disadvantage.

That is why it is better to use a planed beam with a cross section of 0.5x0.5 dm. It is attached to both walls in the area of \u200b\u200bthe corner before performing the trim. Next panels in this place from the end are trimmed under 45 °. Thus, the boards on the walls adjacent to the corner are joined to each other without the slightest cracks. This method can be used when designing internal and outer angles.

Additional moments

Sometimes fixing the panels to the doom is performed directly through the front surface. In this case, there are visible recesses with the fastener cap, which can be hidden in the following ways:

  1. From trimming elements, you can cut the plugs on the dimensions of the hole. Next, the plugs are glued into the recesses with the help of an adhesive composition of PVA. After its drying, the surface is grouped.
  2. You can purchase ready-made plugs that are sold in construction stores. At the same time on sale you can find plugs of different colors, so you can easily pick the product under the color of your finishes. PVA glue is also used to fix these plugs.
  3. Close the excavations from the installation of fasteners can be used with a special wooden paste. Such a paste can be prepared independently of sawdust and adhesive composition, for example, PVA. The prepared composition should be sufficiently thick. This mixture is filled with holes in the panels. After its drying, the surface of the board is grouped. This method is the easiest and less cost, but it is very difficult to prepare the paste, exactly suitable in color to the facing material, so even after the editing location, the installation of fasteners can be slightly noticeable.

Video instruction on self-installing Block Haus: