Repairs Design Furniture

CNC controller on ordinary motors. Select the controller for the control of stepper motors, engraving, milling, lathes, foaming machines. We start working on creating a homemade machine

Among the large variety of controllers, users are looking for self-assembly Those schemes that will be acceptable and most effective. Single-channel devices and multichannels are used: 3 and 4-axis controllers.

Device options

Multi-channel controllers SD (stepper motors) with sizes 42 or 57 mm are used in the case of a small machine working field - up to 1 m. When a larger workfield machine is collected - over 1m, a size of 86 mm is needed. You can control it using a single-channel driver (control current exceeding 4.2 A).

You can control the numeric control machine, in particular, you can controller created on the basis of specialized chips - Personnels intended for use for shd to 3a. The CNC controller machine is controlled by a special program. It is installed on a PC having a processor frequency over 1GHz, and 1 GB memory). With a smaller volume, the system is optimized.

NOTE! If you compare with a laptop, then in the case of connecting a stationary computer - the best results, and it costs cheaper.

Connecting a controller to a computer, use a USB or connector of the LPT parallel port. If these ports are not, then use extensive boards or converter controllers.

Excursion to history

Vehicles of technical program can be schematically designated as follows:

  • The first controller on the microcircuit was conditionally called the "blue fee". This option has shortcomings and scheme required refinement. The main dignity is the connector, to it and the control panel is connected.
  • Following the blue, the controller appeared, called the "red fee". It was already used fast (high-frequency) optocouplers, a spindle relay on 10a, a nutrition (galvanic) and a connector where the fourth axis drivers were connected.
  • Another similar device with red marking was also applied, but more simplified. With its help, it was possible to control a small table of desktop type - from among the 3-axis.

  • The following in the ruler of the technogram was the controller with electroplating power, fast optocouplers and special capacitors, having an aluminum case, which provided dust protection. Instead of a control relay, which would include the spindle, there were two outputs in the design and the ability to connect the relay or PWM (pulse modulation) to control the speed of rotation.
  • Now, for the manufacture of a homemade milling and engraving machine, having a shd, there are options - 4-axis controller, Driver shd from Allegro, single-channel driver for a machine having a large working field.

IMPORTANT! Do not overload the SD, using a large and more speed.

Head Material Controller

Most craftsmen prefer management via an LPT port for most amateur control programs. Instead of using a special kit for this purpose, some is building a controller from undergraduate materials - field transistors from burnt motherboards (at a voltage of more than 30 volts and a current more than 2 amps).

And since the machine was created for cutting foam, as a current limiter, the inventor used car incandescent lamps, and the SD was removed from the old printers or scanners. Such a controller was installed unchanged in the scheme.

To make the simplest CNC machine with their own hands, disassembled the scanner, in addition to the SD, is removed and the ULN2003 chip, and two steel rods, they will go to the test portal. In addition, you will need:

  • Cardboard box (the device body is mounted from it). Possible option with textolite or plywood sheetbut cardboard cut easier; pieces of wood;
  • tools - in the form of bustard, scissors, screwdrivers; adhesive Pistol and soldering supplies;
  • option board that fits on homemade CNC machine;
  • connector for LPT port;
  • the cylinder shaped socket for the installation of the power supply;
  • connection elements - Rods with thread, nuts, washers and screws;
  • program for turbocnc.

Build homemade device

Starting work on a self-made controller for CNC, the first step - gently solder the chip on male fee With two power tires. The following will follow the conclusion of the ULN2003 output and the LPT connector. Next, we connect the remaining conclusions according to the scheme. Zero output (25 parallel port) is connected to a negative on the power supply of the board.

The shd is then connected to the control device, and the power supply socket with the corresponding bus. For the reliability of the connections of the wires, they are fixed with a thermoclaster.

Will not work Connecting TURBO CNC. The program is effective with MS-DOS, compatible with Windows, but in this case some errors and failures are possible.

Configuring a program to work with the controller, you can make a test axis. The sequence of actions for connecting machine tools is:

  • In the holes drilled at one level in three wooden Brucks, rods are inserted out of steel and fix with short-sized screws.
  • The SD connects with the second bar, putting it on the free ends of the rods and fasten, applying screws.
  • Through the third hole, the chassis screw and the nut is put. The screw inserted into the opening of the second bar screws up to the stop so that he, passing through these holes, went to the motor shaft.
  • Next, the connection of the rod with the engine shaft by the segment of the rubber hose and the wire clamp is preserved.
  • For fastening the head nut, additional screws are needed.
  • The standing stand is also attached to the second barus with the help of screws. Horizontal level regulated by additional screws and nuts.
  • Usually, the engines are connected together with controllers and are tested for the correct connection. Next follows a CNC scaling check, a test program run.
  • It remains to make the case of the device and it will be the final stage of the work of those who create homemade machines.

Programming the operation of the 3-axis machine, in the settings on the first two axes - without change. But when programming the first 4 phases of the third - changes are introduced.

Attention! Using the simplified diagram of the ATMEGA32 controller (Appendix 1), in some cases you can encounter incorrect treatment of the z axis - the semi-step mode. But B. full version Its boards (Appendix 2), current currents are regulated by external hardware shim.


In controllers collected by the CNC machines - a wide range of use: in plotters, small milling mills working with wood and plastic details, engravers for steel, miniature drilling machines.

Devices with axial functionality are also used in the grapheatters, they can be drawn and manufactured printed circuit boards. So, the efforts spent on the assembly of craftsmen, in the future, the controller will take advantage.

This is my first CNC machine collected with his own hands from available materials. The cost of the machine is about $ 170.

Collect the CNC machine dreamed for a long time. Mostly, I need it for cutting plywood and plastic, cutting some details for models, homemade and other machines. Collect the machine hand scored almost two years, during which time collected details, electronics and knowledge.

Machine is budget, its cost is minimal. Next, I will use words that ordinary person It may seem very terrible and it can scare away from self-building the machine, but in fact it is all very simple and easily mastered in a few days.

Electronics collected on Arduino + GRBL firmware

Mechanics is the simplest, plywood from plywood 10mm + screws and bolts 8mm, linear guides from metal corner 25 * 25 * 3 mm + bearings 8 * 7 * 22 mm. The z axis moves on the heap M8, and the x and y axes on the belts T2.5.

Spindle for the CNC homemade, assembled from the neckenet motor and the collet clamp + gear belt transmission. It should be noted that the spindle motor is powered by the main power supply of 24 volts. IN specifications It is indicated that the motor is 80 amp, but it really consumes 4 amps under serious load. Why I really do not explain it, but the motor works perfectly and copes with its task.

Initially, the axis Z was on homemade linear guides from the corners and bearings, later I redid it, pictures and description below.

The working space is approximately 45 cm by x and 33 cm on y, by z 4 cm. Considering the first experience, I will do the next machine with large dimensions and I will put two engines on the x axis, one with each latch. It is associated with a large shoulder and load on it, when the work is done at maximum removal along the Y axis. Now there is one motor and this leads to the distortion of parts, the circle is obtained a little by ellipsis due to the bending of the carriage by X.

Motor's native bearings quickly dispersed, because they are not designed for side load, and she is serious here. Therefore, on top and bottom on the axis, there were two large bearing with a diameter of 8 mm, it would be necessary to do immediately, now there is vibration because of this.

Here the photo shows that the z axis is already on other linear guides, the description will be lower.

The guides themselves have very simple designI somehow have somehow found it at Youtube. Then this design seemed to me perfect from all sides, at least effort, minimum of details, a simple assembly. But as practice has shown, these guides work not long. In the photo you can see what the groove was formed on the Z axis after the week of my test launches CNC machine.

Self-made guides on the Z axis I replaced on the furniture, cost less than a dollar in two pieces. I have rooted them, left the course of 8 cm. On the X and Y axes there were still guides old, I will not change it yet, I plan on this machine to cut the items for the new machine, then this simply scatter.

A few words about mills. I never worked with CNC and milling experience I am also very small. I bought a few mills in China, all 3 and 4 grooves, later I realized that these cutters are good for the metal, for milling plywood, other cutters are needed. While new cutters overcome the distance from China to Belarus, I'm trying to work with what is.

The photo shows how the milling cutter of 4 mm burned on the birch plywood 10 mm, I did not understand why, plywood is clean, and on the cutting of a naigue like a resin from pine.

Further in the photo of the milling cutter 2 mm four-day after attempting of plastic milling. This piece of molten plastic was then very poorly shot, biled on a slightly lipplanses. Even on small turns, the milling cutter will still eat, 4 grooves are clearly for metal :)

The other day, uncle had a birthday, on this occasion decided to make a gift on his toy :)

As a gift made anchlag to a house from plywood. First of all, I tried to mill on the foam to check the program and not spoil the Phaneur.

Because of the backlash and the booming of the horseshoe, it turned out to be cut only from the seventh times.

In total, this all-wheelcharge (in pure form) was milled about 5 hours + a bunch of time on what was spoiled.

Somehow I published an article about the key, below in the photo, the same key, but already carved on the CNC machine. Minimum effort, maximum accuracy. Because of the backlash, the accuracy of course is not a maximum, but the second machine I will do more hard.

And on the CNC machine, I cut gears from plywood, it is much more convenient and faster than cutting with your hands the jigsaw.

Later cut and square gears from plywood, they actually circled :)

The results are positive. Now I will do the development of a new machine, I will cut the details already on this machine, manual labor is practically reduced to the assembly.

It is necessary to master the cutting of plastic, because work has been working on a homemade robot-vacuum cleaner. Actually, the robot also pushed me to create his CNC. For a robot I will cut the gear plastic and other details.

Update: Now I buy cutters straight with two edges (3.175 * 2.0 * 12 mm), cut without strong scaling on both sides of plywood.

Good day! And here I am with a new part of my story about CNC - machine. When I started writing an article, I did not even think that it would turn out so voluminous. When the machine wrote about electronics looked and frightened - the A4 sheet was written on both sides, and still a lot of things need to be told.

As a result, it turned out cNC machine creation manual, work machine, from zero. There will be three parts of an article about one machine: 1-electronic filling, 2-mechanic machine, 3-all subtleties of the electronics settings, the machine itself, and the machine control program.
In general, I will try to combine in one material all useful and necessary for each beginning in this interesting business, the fact that he himself read on different Internet resources and missed through himself.

By the way, in that article I forgot to show photos of made crafts. I fix it. Foam bear and plywood plant.


After gathered his small stools without significant costs, time and money, I was seriously interested in this topic. Looked on YouTube, if not all, then almost all rollers associated with amateur machines. Particularly impressed photos of products that people do on their " home CNC." Looked and accepted the decision - I will collect my large machine! So on the wave of emotions, everything was not thought of immersed in a new and unexplored world CNC..

I did not know where to start. First of all ordered a normal stepper engine VEXTA.12 kg / cm, by the way with the proud inscription "Made in Japan".

As long as he rode across Russia, sat in the evenings on different CNC forums and tried to decide on the choice step / Dir Controller and drivers of stepper motors. Considered three options: on the microcircuit L298., on bevels, or buy ready-made Chinese TB6560.about which there were very contradictory reviews.

In some, he worked without any problems for a long time, in other combined with the slightest user error. Someone even wrote that he burned down when he touched the motor shaft connected at this time to the controller. Probably the fact of the unreliability of the Chinese and played in favor of choosing a scheme L297 +. Actively discussed on the forum. The scheme is probably indeed insensitive because Wheels of the driver in amperes are several times higher than what to be served on the motors. Let them want to solder themselves (this is only in plus), and in terms of the cost of the details there was a little more than the Chinese controller, but reliably, more importantly.

A little retreat from the topic. When all this was done, did not even have the thought that I would ever write about it. Therefore, there are no photos of the process of assembling mechanics and electronics, only a few pictures made on the mobile phone camera. Everything else clicked specifically for the article, in the already collected form.

The case of the soldering iron is afraid

I'll start with the power supply. I planned to make a pulse, probably shifted with him a week, but I could not defeat the utah, which was not clear from where. Moty Trans to 12V - everything is OK, Mota for 30-complete confusion. Came to the conclusion that some kind of boat climbs on the feedback from 30V on TL494.and demolitions her tower. So threw this impulse, the benefit was somewhat ts-180 one of which went to serve the homeland as a power trance. Yes, and that neither say, and a piece of iron and copper will be more reliable than a handful of scattering. The transformer rewounds to the desired stresses, and it was necessary to + 30V to power the motors, + 15V for food IR2104., + 5V on L297., and fan. 10 can be served on the engines, and it is possible to 70, the main thing is not to exceed the current, but if you do less - the maximum turns and force are reduced, but no longer allowed the transformer. It was necessary to 6-7A. Voltages 5 and 15B stabbed, 30 left "floating" at the discretion of our power grid.

All this time was sitting on a computer chiefly and read, read, read. Setting the controller, program selection: what to draw, which control the machine, how to make mechanics and so on. etc. In general, the more I read, the worse it became, and more and more often the question arose "Nafiga I need it?!". But it was late to retreat, the engine on the table, the details somewhere in the way - it is necessary to continue.

It's time to solder fee.I did not suit the Internet for three reasons:
1 - in the store that I ordered the details did not turn out DIP housings, and I was sent 8-SOICN. They are soldered on the board on the other hand, inverted, and, accordingly, it was necessary to mirror the tracks, and their ( IR2104.) 12 pieces.

2 - resistors and capacitors also took in SMD enclosures to reduce the number of holes that needed to drill.
3 - I have a smaller radiator and extreme transistors were outside its area. It was necessary to shift the bevels on the same board to the right, and on the other left, therefore made two types of fees.

Machine Controller Scheme

For the security of the port LPT, the controller and computer connected via the tluz bonds. I took the scheme and sector on one well-known site, but again I had to remake it a little and remove extra details.

One side of the board is powered through a USB port, another connected to the controller - from the source + 5V. Signals are transmitted through optocouplers. All the details of the configuration of the controller and the junction will write in the third chapter, here you also mention only the highlights. This junction board is designed to securely connect the stepping motor controller to the LPT port of the computer. Fully electrically isolates the computer port from the machine electronics, and allows you to control the 4-axis CNC machine. If the machine has only three axis, as in our case, unnecessary parts can be left hanging in the air, or do not fall into them at all. It is possible to connect terminal sensors, the forced stop buttons, the spindle switching relay and another device, such as a vacuum cleaner.

It was a photo of the tuning fee taken from the Internet, but this is how my garden looks like after installation in the case. Two boards and a bunch of wires. But it seems to be no supplies, and everything works without mistakes.

The first controller fee is ready, everything checked and step-by-step tested as in the instructions. The trimmer set a small current (this is possible due to the presence of PWM), and connected the power (engines) through the chain of the light bulbs 12 + 24V, so that it was "nothing, if what". I also have woodwickers without a radiator.

The engine has hooked. Good news, it means PWM works as it should. I press the key and it revolves! I forgot to mention that this controller is designed to control the bipolar stepping motor i.e. Those that 4 wires are connected. Played with step / hemisp mode, current. In the hemisphan mode, the engine behaves more stable and develops large turns + increases accuracy. So left the jumper in the "hemisphere". With the maximum safe for the engine current at a voltage approximately 30V it turned out to promote the engine up to 2500 rpm! My first machine without PWM did not dream.))

The following two engines ordered more powerful, NEMAat 18kg / s, but already "Made in China".

In quality they are inferior VEXTA.Still, China and Japan are different things. When you rotate the shaft with a hand of the Japanese, this happens somehow gently, but from the Chinese the feeling is different, but at work it has not yet affected. There are no comments to them.

Sucked the two remaining fees, checked through the "LED simulator of the stepper engine", everything seems to be fine. I connect one motor - it works fine, but not 2500 revolutions, but about 3000! By the already spent scheme, I connect the third engine to the third board, spinning a couple of seconds and got up ... I look oscillom - there is no pulses on one output. I call a fee - one of IR2104.pierce.

Well, it may be defective, I read what often it happens to this micro. I pay a new one (I took 2 pieces with a margin), the same nonsense - tweaks twice and STOP! Here I podted, and let's check the woodwickers. By the way, in my board installed IRF530(100B / 17A) against (50B / 49A), as in the original. There will be a maximum of 3a on the engine, so the reserve in 14a is enough with an excess, but the difference in price is almost 2 times in favor of the 530s.
So, I check the fields and what I see ... I did not solder one leg! And on the output of this "IRKI" flew all 30V from the bevel. Soldered the leg, once again inspected everything, I put another one IR2104., I myself worry is the latter. Turned on and was very happy when the engine does not stop after two seconds of work. Modes left as: Engine VEXTA.- 1,5A, engine NEMA2,5A. With such a current, turns are achieved about 2000, but it is better to limit them programmatically in order to avoid passage of steps, and the temperature of the engines during long-term operation does not exceed the safe for motors. The power transformer copes without problems, because only 2 motor is simultaneously spinning, but the radiator is preferably additional air cooling.

Now about the installation of wildlife on the radiator, and their 24 pieces, if anyone did not notice. In this option, they are located lying, i.e. The radiator simply falls on them and attracts something.

Of course, it is advisable to put a solid piece of mica for insulation of the radiator from the transistors, but I did not have it. The output found such. Because Half of the transistors, the case goes on a plus power, they can be mounted without insulation, just on the thermal paste. And under the remaining I put pieces of mica, which remained from Soviet transistors. The radiator and fee drilled in three places through and pulled the bolts. I received one big fee by soldering the three separate boards at the edges, while for strength fell around the perimeter copper wire 1mm. All electronic filling And the power supply placed on some iron chassis, I do not even know from what.

The side and top lid cut out from plywood, and the fan put on top.

The machine controller can easily collect and house master. Set the necessary parameters is not difficult enough to take into account several nuances.

Without right choice The controller for the machine will not be able to assemble the CNC controller itself on the ATMega8 16AU with their own hands. These devices are divided into two varieties:

  • Multichannel. This includes 3 and 4-axis controllers for stepper motors.
  • Single-channel.

Small ball engines are most efficiently controlled by multichannel controllers. Standard sizes in this case - 42, or 57 millimeters. This is a great option for self-assembling CNC machines, which have a working field up to 1 meter.

If the machine on the microcontroller is collected independently with a field of more than 1 meter - it is necessary to use engines produced in the sizes up to 86 millimeters. In this case, it is recommended to organize control of powerful single-channel drivers, with a control current from 4.2 A and above.

Controllers with special driver microcircuits were widespread if necessary to organize control of machine tools with desktop milling. Optimal option There will be a chip, designated as TB6560 or A3977. This product is inside there is a controller that promotes the formation of the right sinusoids for modes that support different hemisphanages. Winding currents can be installed in a software manner. When microcontrollers achieve results simply.


Controller is easy to control using specialized software installed on PC. The main thing is that the computer itself has a minimum of 1 GB, and the processor is at least 1 GHz.

You can use laptops, but stationary computers in this regard give the best results. And cost much cheaper. The computer can be used to solve other tasks when machines do not require control. Well, if you can optimize the system before starting work.

Parallel LPT port - this item helps to organize connection. If the controller has a USB port, then the connector is used. In this case, more and more computers are produced, which have no parallel port.

Production of the simplest scanner option

One of the most simple solutions for homemade creation CNC Machine - the use of parts from other equipment equipped with ball engines. The function is perfectly performed by old printers.

We take the following details extracted from previous devices:

  1. Microcircuit itself.
  2. Stepper motor.
  3. A pair of steel rods.

When creating the controller body, you need to take and old cardboard box. It is permissible to use boxes of plywood or textolite, the source material does not matter. But the cardboard is easiest to handle using conventional scissors.

The list of tools will look like this:

  • Soldering iron together, complemented with accessories.
  • Pistol with glue.
  • Scissor tool.
  • Lubes.

Finally, the manufacture of the controller will require the following additional details:

  1. Connector with wire, for organizing a convenient connection.
  2. Cylindrical nest. Such designs are responsible for the power of the device.
  3. Supported screws serve with rods having a certain thread.
  4. Nut with suitable for running screw sizes.
  5. Screws, washers, wood in the shape of pieces.

We start working on creating a homemade machine

The stepping motor along with the board must be extracted from old devices. The scanner is enough to remove the glass, and then turn out several bolts. Steel rods used in the future will be removed, creating a test portal.

The ULN2003 control microcircuit becomes one of the main elements. Perhaps a separate purchase of details if other varieties of microcircuits are used in the scanner. In case of availability the desired device On the board, it is gently dragging. The procedure for assembling the controller for the CNC on the ATMEGA8 16AU with its own hands as follows:

  • First he sweat tin using a soldering iron.
  • Removing the top layer will require the use of suction.
  • We install a screwdriver with one end under the chip.
  • The sting of the soldering iron should touch each output of the microcircuit. If this condition is observed, you can press the tool.

Next, the microcircuit is soldered on the fee, also with maximum accuracy. For the first trial steps you can use layouts. Use the option with two power tires. One of them is connected to the positive conclusion, and the other with a negative one.

At the next stage, there is a connection of the output from the second connector of the parallel port with the output in the chip itself. Connectors and chip conclusions must be connected accordingly.

Zero conclusion is joined by a negative tire.

One of the last steps is a saunkey of a stepper motor to the control device.

Well, if you can explore the documentation from the device manufacturer. If not, you will have to search for a suitable solution.

Wires are connected to the outputs. Finally, one of them connects with a positive bus.

Tires and power sockets need to be connected.

Thermocles from the pistol will help consolidate the details so that they do not roll out.

We use TURBO CNC - management program

By Turbo CNC will definitely work with a microcontroller that uses the ULN2003 chip.

  • We use a specialized site where you can download software equipment.
  • Any user will figure out how to install.
  • It is this program that works best under MS-DOS. In Windows compatibility mode, some errors may appear.
  • But, on the other hand, it will allow you to assemble a computer with certain characteristics that are compatible with this software.

  1. After the first launch of the program, a special screen will appear.
  2. You need to press a space. So the user turns out to be in the main menu.
  3. Click F1, and then select the CONFIGURE item.
  4. Next, you need to press the item "Number of Axis". Use the ENTER key.
  5. It remains only to enter the number of soybeans that are planned to be used. In this case, we have one motor, therefore, press 1.
  6. To continue, use ENTER. We will need the F1 key again, after it is used in the Configure menu, select Configure Axis. Then - twice press the space.

Drive Type - this is what tab we need, reach it numerous pressures of Tab. The down arrow helps to reach Type. We need a cell that is called Scale. Next, we determine how many steps the engine makes only during one turn. For this, it is enough to know the part number. Then it will be easy to understand how much degrees he turns in just one step. Next, the number of degrees is divided by one step. So we calculate the number of steps.

The remaining settings can be left in original form. The number obtained in the SCALE cell is simply copied to the same cell, but on another computer. The value of 20 must be assigned to the Acceleration Cell. By default, this area is 2000, but it is too large for the collected system. The initial level is 20, and the maximum - 175. Next, it remains to press Tab until the user reaches the Last Phase item. Here you need to put the number 4. Next, we click Tab until we reach a row of the ICS, the first in the list. The first four lines must contain the following positions:


In other cells, no changes need to be done. Just choose OK. All, the program is configured to work with the computer, the executive devices themselves.