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Psychoanalysis and psychoanalysts - The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Delightful more! View full version

training to learn to be a sexologist or a psychotherapist? Or how is it done at all?

A psychotherapist is a doctor who has completed a full course of study at a university (by "point") and a very serious postgraduate education.

There are also evening options. I also heard something about clinical psychology.

There is no evening training for doctors.

With regard to a clinical psychologist - please decide what area of ​​activity you are interested in - clinical psychologist and psychotherapist - completely different specialties (for more details see the search - the topic was seriously discussed)

The question is simpler, the point is not even to become a doctor, but how you can improve your qualifications. Why take everything to extremes. Yes, you find it funny, you are a professional with experience. But is it bad when there is a desire to become one?

I understand that no one cares about my problems, but still, if I feel that it is "mine" and I see myself in this area and really want to achieve some success.

I am not looking for easy ways, on the contrary, I am ready to give all my strength.

And in person, I would very much like to study, but there is no way to pay for tuition.

How can you judge my seriousness? Have you seen me, communicated with me personally, heard any recommendations about me? Why pounce like that for an informal appeal to you?

I only asked for advice from more experienced colleagues to novice students. It is a pity that your negative reaction is based only on unfounded suspicions.

Then - a lot to read. Then - to study in a scientific community. Then - a year of internship. Then - two years of residency. Then - to work for five to ten years. To understand that you know very little, and you will always have to read a lot. Typically in English. After that, it will be funny too, really.

That. following the Western example, you can call yourself a psychotherapist, but not a sexologist. There are no sexologists - psychologists, only doctors. And a psychotherapist-psychologist is not in the legal field of the Russian Federation.

The program of additional education in psychotherapy necessarily includes personal psychotherapy - the study of one's own psychological problems.

I am a third-year student of the Humanities Institute, specialty "psychologist". But in the future I would like to do something more serious besides consulting. Maybe somehow it is possible further along the course of professional retraining or for additional. training to learn to be a sexologist or a psychotherapist? Or how is it done at all?

P.S. The full-time option of studying at medical institutes is not quite suitable for me.

Try to find interesting courses for yourself in any area of ​​psychology. Now there are many institutions that train specialists in the field of humanistic psychotherapy (existential analysis, gestalt therapy, etc.), psychoanalysis, etc. seriously and deeply, if God willing. Or maybe you like clinical psychology. Yes, and consultations can be conducted very seriously and you can learn this all your life, as well as medical practice. You don't have to go to honey. institute to do something seriously. And what do you mean by the word "more serious" and why do you need it "more serious" !?

And since they are not only self-sufficient, but also adults, they will remind that the argument is not “I heard”, but the fact.

And finally, I got tired of repeating myself, the question was asked not about who saw it and how and what he thinks about it, but what is correct under Russian law.

Could you see the legal basis for the problem?

Psychotherapist. Who is it? How do you become a psychotherapist? What is the difference between a psychotherapist and a psychologist? At the reception with a psychotherapist. Psychotherapist help

Sign up to a Psychotherapist

What is a psychotherapist?

  • psychodynamic direction;
  • cognitive-behavioral direction;
  • humanitarian direction.

Psychodynamic direction

Cognitive-behavioral ( behavioral) direction

Humanitarian direction

How do you become a psychotherapist?

After graduating from a medical university and an internship in psychiatry, the future psychotherapist becomes a psychiatrist. The competence of a psychiatrist includes the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental illness. Further, if the psychiatrist wants to practice non-drug methods of treatment ( that is, psychotherapeutic), he must take specialized courses. The choice of courses depends on the desired direction in psychotherapy. So, today the most popular areas are cognitive-behavioral therapy and psychoanalysis.

  • cognitive behavioral therapy;
  • positive therapy;
  • psychoanalysis;
  • family psychotherapy;
  • psychodynamic therapy;
  • interpersonal ( interpersonal) therapy.

There are qualification courses for each of the above methods. Anyone wishing to practice psychoanalysis must undergo training in psychoanalysis, and a cognitive-behavioral therapy specialist must undergo practical-theoretical courses in behavioral therapy. A psychotherapist can be a specialist in several psychotherapeutic methods at once.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Courses ( CBT)

Psychoanalysis training

Family psychotherapy training

Positive psychotherapy trainings


Psychotherapist and psychiatrist, what's the difference?

  • depression - according to experts, it is this disease that will take the leading place among all diseases in 10 years;
  • neuroses are a wide group of diseases, which include panic attacks, phobias ( fears), obsessive-compulsive disorder;
  • schizophrenia is a pathology characterized by disunity of thinking processes, the presence of hallucinations and delusions;
  • mental disorders in epilepsy;
  • bipolar disorder is a pathology characterized by periods of high and low mood;
  • borderline personality disorder ( Borderlein type) - personality pathology, which is characterized by impulsivity, low self-control, increased anxiety.

Psychiatry is a branch of medicine studied by a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist, divided into private and general. General psychiatry, aka psychopathology, studies general principles the functioning of the psyche, as well as the principles of the development of diseases. Private psychiatry, on the other hand, studies individual diseases. A psychiatrist practicing psychotherapy is called a psychotherapist psychiatrist. In this case, there is no difference between a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist - both representatives are holders of a medical diploma, they diagnose and treat mental illness.

Psychotherapist and hypnosis ( psychologist-hypnologist)

What does a psychotherapist treat?

  • depression;
  • panic attacks and anxiety;
  • addictions - alcoholic, gambling;
  • post-traumatic disorders;
  • psychosomatic diseases.


  • Formation of self-knowledge skills. Before this, it is necessary to accurately identify the problem and the events that preceded the development of depression.
  • Workout and relaxation. A variety of techniques can help you manage increased anxiety at its peak.
  • An increase in the number of enjoyable events. A balance must be struck between negative and positive events.
  • Confidence training. Initially, it is necessary to identify the events in the patient's life that precede the feeling of uncertainty, after which the development and training of confidence takes place.
  • Formation of social connections. Closeness, isolation, and social avoidance always go hand in hand with depression. It is necessary to maximize the expansion of those activities that lead to socialization ( for example, going to the cinema with friends), and reduce the activities that prevent this ( e.g. watching TV).

In severe depressive conditions, complex therapy is recommended, combining both psychotherapy and drug treatment. The drugs of choice for depression are antidepressants from the serotonin reuptake inhibitor group. Also, drugs are used that combine several mechanisms.

Has a pronounced anti-anxiety effect. It is used for depression, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder.

The starting dose is 50 milligrams ( one tablet) per day. The drug is used once in the morning.

Further, the dosage depends on the characteristics of the clinical case. For anxiety depression, the dose is 100 milligrams ( 2 tablets), once a day. With obsessive-compulsive disorder, it can reach 150 milligrams ( 3 tablets).

Has a pronounced activating effect, is used for depression, obsessive compulsions, bulimia.

The starting dose ranges from 10 to 20 milligrams per day. Further, the dosage is gradually increased to 40 milligrams. The maximum dose is 60 to 80 milligrams per day. The drug is also used once, in the morning.

It has anti-anxiety and sedative effects. It is used for anxiety depression, accompanied by agitation and insomnia.

The starting dose is 75 milligrams per day. Further, it is increased weekly by 75 milligrams. The maximum dose is 375 milligrams per day, the dose is divided into 2 - 3 doses.

Panic attacks and anxiety

Addictions - alcoholic, gambling, drug

In addiction, motivational and interpersonal therapy and hypnosis are widely used.

Post-traumatic stress disorder

Psychotherapy will help to overcome the formed fear and get rid of obsessive thoughts. Psychotherapy sessions are aimed at developing the ability of patients to accept the realities of life and create certain behavioral patterns. A common technique for PTSD is the flood technique, as well as desensitization and eye movement processing. In the first case, the patient creates in his memory a picture of past events and is completely immersed in it. The second method was invented by the psychotherapist Shapiro specifically for the treatment of PTSD. It involves focusing the patient on disturbing memories while simultaneously focusing on alternative stimulation from the therapist. This can be guided eye movements, auditory stimuli, or hand patting. In this case, the psychotherapist asks what associations the patient has at this moment. The main point in this case is to maintain double attention - on personal experiences and on alternative stimuli.

Psychosomatic diseases

Child psychotherapist

  • autism;
  • anxiety;
  • obsessive compulsive disorder;
  • depression;
  • suicidal behavior;
  • borderline disorder ( Borderlein type).

Autism is the most common childhood mental health condition. According to various estimates, the frequency varies from 7 to 14 percent per thousand children. On average, this equals - 1 case of autism in 150 children, or ( in case of 14 percent) 1 case of autism per 68 children. Also today, this developmental anomaly is one of the four most common diseases among children. Autism is diagnosed by a psychiatrist. Applied therapy, best known as ABA, is a scientifically proven early intervention for autism. This therapy is based on the development and further development of basic skills in autistic children ( self service, writing, playing). This method can be practiced by a specialist who has undergone special training. It doesn't have to be a doctor or psychotherapist. Typically, ABA therapists are child psychologists trained in the field.

Psychotherapist with neurosis

Stages of treatment by a psychotherapist

  • Establishing the type of disease. Neurosis possesses large quantity manifestations and in some patients can provoke mild anxiety, while in others - a pronounced violation of both mental and physical well-being. The treatment strategy depends on the type of disease, therefore this stage is the first and one of the most important in the treatment of neuroses.
  • Determining the cause. A neurosis can be provoked as one specific event ( often it's a loss loved one, accident, dismissal from work) and a number of unfavorable circumstances. Determining the cause, along with establishing the form of the disease, is the main factor that the psychotherapist focuses on when drawing up a treatment plan.
  • Elimination of symptoms. In some cases, manifestations of neurosis are so strong and constant that they interfere with a person's work, greatly complicate relations with others. Therefore, during psychotherapy, the doctor teaches the patient techniques that help him cope with anxiety and other symptoms of the disease. Sometimes the doctor will prescribe special medications.
  • Correction of patient behavior. This stage is one of the longest in the treatment of neurosis. Using various techniques, the doctor helps the patient to change the attitude towards the problem or situation that caused the disorder.
  • Correction of some of the patient's personality traits. As a rule, neuroses are diagnosed in patients who have similar character traits. Such people are distinguished by increased suspiciousness, suggestibility, self-doubt. In order to prevent relapses ( re-exacerbation) illness in the future, the doctor is working to correct the characteristics of the patient's character.

Methods of psychotherapy for neurosis

  • Behavioral therapy. The purpose of such sessions is to correct the patient's behavior in situations that provoke neurosis or may do so in the future. Also, the doctor teaches the patient self-control skills so that he can cope with stress, negative circumstances.
  • Cognitive psychotherapy. This technique is often used in conjunction with behavioral therapy. The task of the doctor is to identify destructive attitudes and to correct them. An example of such an attitude would be the patient's belief that he should never be wrong. In this case, the psychotherapist is working on correcting this statement so that the patient realizes that making mistakes is not a reason for strong negative emotions, since all people are wrong.
  • Hypnotherapy. Hypnosis helps the doctor determine the cause of the neurosis ( for example, when the patient does not remember some important details the situation that provoked the disorder). Also, hypnotherapy is used to correct the patient's behavioral model - in a state of hypnotic trance, new rules of behavior are instilled in him ( for example, "I stop feeling anxious").
  • Personal psychotherapy. Such treatment is indicated for patients who are dissatisfied with themselves or the surrounding circumstances without objective reasons. The psychotherapist helps the patient to form a positive perception of his personality and current events. Also, sessions of personal psychotherapy are carried out with self-doubt, excessive emotionality, suspiciousness.
  • Relaxing techniques. This area of ​​psychotherapy includes meditation techniques, breathing exercises and other activities that help the patient get rid of stress, anxiety.

Family psychotherapist

  • behavioral problems in children;
  • conflicts between relatives;
  • fears, phobias in one of the family members;
  • problems in the relationship between husband and wife;
  • various addictions - alcoholic, drug, gambling.

From the point of view of a family psychotherapist, a family is a single organism that exists and develops according to its own laws. Each family has its own functioning. And this space affects each member of this union in different ways. Thus, a symptom is the result of the functioning of all family members.

The main "root of evil" in any family is the so-called misunderstanding. It is from here that daily quarrels and scandals, betrayals, problems with alcohol and drugs grow. The result of a sick family atmosphere is that children tend to take the hit. Unconsciously, they begin to "save" the situation in the family by their behavior. Most often they start to hurt ( "Flight into illness"), thus trying on relatives around him. Also, children can show antisocial behavior, aggression or somehow demonstrate themselves in another way.

The goals of family therapy

  • overcoming family conflicts;
  • elimination of unhealthy relationships between spouses, between parents and children;
  • family preservation;
  • entering into a new relationship after a divorce.

Of course, the primary goal of a family therapist is to prevent divorce. However, unfortunately, this is not always possible. Nevertheless, even in this case, it is important to resolve the existing intra-family conflict and make the gap less painful. After all, it happens that after a divorce, constant mental pain and resentment do not allow starting a new relationship. The reason for this is unresolved former relationships, because it is impossible to start something new when the burden of the past is behind you. Family psychotherapy helps to break up and end the relationship without further obsessive thoughts about the past.

The principles and methods of family psychotherapy

  • Family discussions, during which existing problems are discussed. The psychotherapist acts as an observer and mediator, using the technique of active silence, confrontation, and paraphrasing.
  • Role-playing games, during which the roles of each family member are played. A feature of this technique is that a specific task is set for family members. For example, a psychotherapist puts forward a version of the son's misconduct and requires other family members to justify this act as many versions as possible.
  • Family sculpture technique. Family members create a frozen pose for each other, while playing emotions, movements, favorite poses.
  • The technique of conditional communication. The psychotherapist introduces a new element into the family dialogue. This can be a communication rule, an exchange of notes, or a color signaling ( each color symbolizes some emotion). The purpose of this technique is to correct habitual conflicts ( violations).
  • Directives ( or instructions). Specific and direct instructions from the psychotherapist in relation to certain actions. This can be a directive to change your place of residence or to live separately. Directives can be of three options. The first option is to do something, the second is to do something differently, and the third is not to do what was previously done.

The most common technique in family therapy is family discussion. It provides an opportunity to discuss existing misunderstandings and, most importantly, to speak out to everyone. The purpose of the discussion is not at all to assert one's innocence, but to find the truth together. Many family therapists note that in many families individually, family members agree on the same opinion. However, as soon as they get together, their opinions change and take diametrical positions. That is why important point in the practice of the seed psychotherapist is teaching family members methods of discussion.

Reception ( consultation) at the psychotherapist

Psychotherapist help

  • Help in a crisis situation - that is, to survive an acute crisis period. This can be an acute reaction to stress, difficulties with adaptation, and so on. In different stressful situations, people behave differently. The degree of reaction in this case depends on the functioning nervous system- some may exhibit acute psychotic reactions, while others tolerate the cataclysm outwardly calmly, but then develop post-stress disorder. To cope with an acute reaction, be it a natural disaster or a family disorder, consultations with a psychotherapist will help.
  • Help with post-stress disorders, or PTSD for short. A disorder that can develop from a single or repeated traumatic situation. PTSD develops no earlier than 3 months after the injury. Any injury can be stressful situation- sexual violence, physical trauma, natural disaster, military action. This ailment is characterized by symptoms such as increased anxiety, repetitive events in the memory of the trauma, avoidance behavior.
  • Help with grieving. Every person experiences loss at least once in his life. The most difficult is the death of a loved one. The stages of loss, from shock and denial to accepting the loss, can be helped by psychotherapy sessions.

Where does the psychotherapist take?

How to choose a psychotherapist?

Psychotherapist Center

Jokes about the psychotherapist

Doctor, I'm sure my husband has a mistress.

Why do you think so? The psychotherapist asks.

Because every Monday he disappears in an unknown direction and returns happy and cheerful. Then he quickly loses interest in me and all week again without mood.

Don't worry - the psychotherapist says - he comes to see me!

I want to be a psychiatrist!

I must say, this is my first time on this forum, there is good information here and, I am sure, wonderful people!

Comrades, I am going to ask you for advice! About a year ago, I first had the idea to go to study in clinical psychiatry.

in 2014 I received a university diploma, psychological and pedagogical education. after the 2nd year the work is full-fledged, I came to the session, now I regret it! Honestly, I did not understand the meaning of my specialty, I entered it by accident, a coincidence. In fact, for more than 7 years I have been working in sales and everything related to sales. He achieved great results, but over time, realization came. or rather, an idea that accidentally came from the surrounding reality has stuck very well! Nice introject!

At the moment, I am developing my travel agency and it is reasonable to believe that the business is promising and quite interesting.

However, the idea of ​​training to become a clinical psychiatrist, with a specialization in pathopsychology and counseling, has acquired a form and a time frame for implementation. Sales will not do what I am aiming for.

For several years, I was fortunate enough to gain considerable life experience, taking into account an active and inquisitive lifestyle. Good people appear in life who can help, support in every possible way and give a little wisdom. In the process of socialization, eventually acquiring a dense personality, I set myself the most important goal, having made my choice and determined the path of my development in favor of spiritual development. The most important goal of my life is the spiritualization of Me. I think only an integral spiritual and moral personality is able to provide quality assistance to everyone who needs "enlightenment"

Friends, I'm not going to enter after school, no matter where .. I decided to ask adequate and experienced this issue people advice!

According to the plan, I will try to enroll in the summer of 2016, Moscow, master's degree, clinical psychiatry, MSUPE

I'm bad with biology and chemistry. at school I did not attach importance to these subjects! I suppose it's worth starting with them, mastering a course in biology and chemistry, if necessary. But in parallel, what should I prepare for. what literature to read?

Friends, I rely on your professionalism and invaluable experience!

Psychologist, Individual-and-Family Therapy

Odessa (Ukraine)

Stay in sales and develop your travel agency.

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist online therapy

Odessa (Ukraine)

They don't come to this profession so easily, what attracts you there?

Psychotherapist, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

I can't start preparing, I don't know where to start wisely, I can't afford to waste time studying unnecessary information and unnecessary subjects!

Problem: unfortunately, I practically do not have free time, so I collect all the information about admission and a new specialization for me gradually.

Psychologist, Clinical Psychologist

I think only an integral spiritual and moral personality is able to provide quality assistance to everyone who needs "enlightenment"

If you seek enlightenment, engage in spiritual practices, study yoga, become a Buddhist or Hindu.

Psychologist, Family Psychologist

Thank you, Andrey, you understand the meaning of my reflections.

Without exception, everyone is right. The general situation is, of course, much more colorful and interesting. I will say this, for the first time I came face to face with a case of mental disorder about 3 years ago. I did not immediately find out about the problems of this person, but at the moment, he is one of my close friends, a partner and an excellent mentor in many issues. He is schizophrenic (the main diagnosis, there are other abnormalities), has been treated three times, is observed by a psychiatrist, and is undergoing another treatment. Feels the presence of other beings capable of using the body, carrying out certain activities. hallucinations. and much more from everything that happened to him.

But this lyrical digression is not so important, the value is a serious intention regarding psychological activity.

In one small article, of course, it is impossible to convey the depth of my personal experience.

More importantly, of course, I plan to make an attempt at admission in the summer, but damn it, I'm still quite young, although I'm already worn out a lot.

I have been in sales for many years, objectively, I have accumulated really extensive experience, I have dealt with almost any type of sales. This gave me a tremendous experience of communication, everyday psychology, self-confidence and the acquisition of will, personal strength! Awareness of Me as an individual capable of manifesting will and intention. Of course, we will not go into details about which practices I have been doing for several years. read books, sometimes rare and very old.

Friends) Sales and business are undoubtedly a promising and very attractive option. I think a reasonable representative of society would not change anything, and developed tourism. interestingly, a lot of bonuses and nice little things, although there are no less subtleties and difficulties)

But, there is a certain feeling, it says that my path is in a medical institution, a lot of work, such a general picture. I understand and passionately wish to end all the old promises, to bring all affairs to a stable state, to settle accounts with all the old tails. The process is going well, I set goals and prepare myself in stages) The result will be total involvement in a new labor activity, where for me is still a whole unknown universe of knowledge! I know what I am striving for, I know that I have to accomplish an event, the consequences of which I will wait and accept them in the form of lessons.

Therefore, I propose not to go into thinking about the feasibility of my project) Believe me, I thought a lot and discussed the rationality of my venture.

Change your whole life entirely, in one moment, immediately abolish the past and personal history. How to become aware on Earth with memory and past life experience)

But your advice to stay in sales comes from an old riddle. There is a lot of talk about everyday life. misery. routine life.

Life brought me together with people who clearly showed me the insignificance of these thoughts. I'm tired of work, I don't like it, but it's stable. I do not like excessive concern, noise, urban ecology. but you have to. but you have to swim with everyone, otherwise it will crash, what to do then.

You understand everything yourself. Man, the only creature on Earth, possessing not only consciousness, the Creator has endowed us with the will of choice. Everyone is capable of being spiritual, cultural and moral, it would be the intention!

Friends, I hope I managed to convey to you at least part of the experience.

The best help in my case is adequate advice from a reasonable person. It is necessary to have a complete idea of ​​where I should start mastering science. What should I pay attention to first of all, what should I throw my main strength on, I should master complete information about the activity. Which literature is best suited at this stage ..

How to become a psychiatrist or psychotherapist?

Ask a psychologist

Psychologists' Answers

Letuchy Igor Anatolievich

Replies on the site: 2363 Conducts trainings: 0 Publications: 23

Hello Altyn. To become a psychiatrist, you MUST enter and graduate from the medical institute, therefore, if you receive only a diploma of a teacher-psychologist, then you will not be able to work as a psychiatrist without a medical institute! You can go through additional programs in non-medical psychotherapy, there are many such areas and you can engage in psychotherapy, but you cannot prescribe medications. Honey preparations can only be prescribed by a doctor. But with the help of psychological techniques, you can remove the cause, which has a positive effect on human health. Just as often in practice, the psychiatrist-psychologist tandem works well, where the doctor treats the symptoms, and the psychologist removes the cause! With all my heart, I wish you - success and all the best.

Online psychologist - effective counseling, Skype therapy

Tlegenova Harlan Amantayevna

You can ask a question to other psychologists

to become a psychiatrist, you definitely need a medical education, since a psychiatrist is a doctor. To become a psychotherapist, i.e. a person who can prescribe medications and at the same time heal with words, again needs a medical education. But in order to treat people with a word, psychological education and mastery of any direction of psychology is enough. Unfortunately, a degree in psychology is not enough.

Tlegenova Harlan, psychoanalytically oriented psychologist, Almaty

Khabdullina Sandugash Zhumagazinovna

Replies on the site: 1220 Conducts trainings: 2 Publications: 2

Hello Altyn! To become a psychiatrist, you really need a higher medical education. A psychiatrist is a doctor who treats with drugs. It will be necessary to start training from the first year. You can become a psychotherapist with a degree in psychology and further specialization. Depending on which direction you want to work. All the best, good luck!

Khabdullina Sandugash Zhumagazinovna, psychologist in Almaty

Matveeva Tatiana Vasilievna

Replies on the site: 1871 Conducts trainings: 9 Publications: 3

You have already been told that in order to become a psychiatrist, you need a medical education. But to become a non-medical psychotherapist, you can get a specialization in some kind of psychotherapeutic method. And here it is just important that you are studying to be a teacher-psychologist and you will have a basic psychological diploma.

As a rule, specializations are already postgraduate non-state education.

If you would like to specialize in gestalt therapy or psychodrama methods, then I invite you to the programs that will begin this fall. You can see detailed information about them in the section of my trainings or by calling me.

Best regards, Tatyana Matveeva.

Matveeva Tatyana Vasilievna, psychologist, gestalt therapist, Almaty, Skype

  • - From 15 to 50 thousand rubles. to prepare for admission;
  • - about 30 thousand rubles. on the educational materials, literature, clothes for 6 years of study;
  • - from 60 to 200 thousand rubles. to obtain a certificate of psychiatrist.
  • First of all, you need to have the appropriate abilities, thanks to which you will be able to assimilate the colossal amount of information given at the medical university, and will be able to subsequently apply it in practice. Good memory alone is not enough for this. It is necessary not only to study all the medical literature and textbooks proposed by teachers, it is important to be able to apply the knowledge gained at the university, in practice, in the process of treating patients.
  • The second important quality is the ability to compassion, the ability to understand the pain of a person, to sympathize with his misfortune. But this should in no way interfere with medical practice.
  • It is very important for a doctor to be able to make the right decision and implement it, first of all, to treat not a disease, but a patient.

    Some are inclined to believe that some specialists come to the profession in view of the current circumstances. For example, the large number of skin disease residency positions will lead to an influx of students who will later become dermatologists.

    How to decide on a specialization

    It is extremely important not only to choose the right direction, but also to become a real professional in it. It is to such a doctor that patients strive to get. Such a specialist will always be in demand, as a result of which, in any case, he will be able to feed himself and his family.

    You should realistically assess your inclinations, abilities and preferences. If a person quickly finds mutual language with children, it makes sense to think about pediatrics. The desire to help the elderly with heart disease speaks to the need to become a cardiologist with the primary care of adult patients.

    The profession of an oncologist requires special attention. His work requires dedication and resilience to the grief of others. Such a specialist should be able to very clearly plan a treatment plan and determine rehabilitation nuances.

    In the process of graduating from a medical higher educational institution after completing an internship, it is possible to acquire the profession of a pediatrician or a therapist. In order to become a narrow-profile specialist, it is necessary to undergo specialization.

    Which doctors are most in demand

    Previously, it is recommended to refresh your memory about what a particular doctor is doing. A neonatologist, for example, observes babies under one month of age, usually works in maternity hospitals and advises young mothers about the health of their babies.

    An orthopedist is a surgeon who specializes in diseases of the joints, bones and the spine in general. She often combines this profession with a surgical field. The duties of a traumatologist include the treatment of fractures, dislocations, bruises. Neurology is considered a very necessary specialization for patients of all ages. Such a doctor will help in case of problems with the nervous system. Diseases of this nature can be either acquired or congenital. This refers to the consequences of craniocerebral trauma and birth complications, as well as infections.

    It should be noted that in addition to the list of diseases, there are differences in size. wages doctors. Many, without a part-time job, earn great money. Others are forced to work in several shifts. It depends on the demand for specialization and the qualifications of the doctor. Naturally, a medical professional, having a higher education behind him, academic degree who actively attends refresher courses and medical forums can offer patients much more than one who does not perform any actions other than performing work duties. Thus, in order to have a stable income, one should improve oneself daily.


    For many modern university entrants, the most important task is to enter the chosen university, and time will tell what will happen next. This is undoubtedly a wrong tactic, because you need to decide from the very beginning what you want to learn at the university, what knowledge and skills it can teach you. Of course, having studied the entire educational program, you cannot become a good specialist if you only hope for a future diploma. To do this, you need to make personal efforts, find places possible practice and remember that the main thing in education is interest, the realization that studying at a university is an auxiliary step on the path to success. Learn sincerely, turn the knowledge gained into experience and force yourself to understand that learning is a pleasure and a step towards a successful life, not a life problem.

    What do you need to do to become successful at the university?

    Load in full. Read more, learn and study more. Don't just dwell on what you got in class. You need to constantly evolve in order to achieve academic and personal success. Moreover, development should be comprehensive: physical, moral and mental. Having instilled in yourself the idea that working on yourself is the guarantee of your future, you will be able to effectively combine all sorts of areas of your life, including higher education.

    Discipline yourself. Maintain order in your life in every way. Never forget which couples you should visit during the week. Create schedules, use diaries or electronic applications. In other words, use whatever is comfortable for you, but know that missing and being late for no good reason is just a lack of self-discipline. No one will ever decide something for you, because you are the master of your own life and only you can determine how to organize your own life: sleep a little more or go to couples, play computer games or read a book. It's up to you to choose.

    Use your time effectively. Of the total daily time, it is imperative to allocate 6-8 hours for sleep. Each of us has different biological rhythms. For some, it is quite enough to get 5 hours of sleep, while someone needs all 8, so consider your physical ability to sleep. But despite all your workload, be sure to sleep at night, as this rest will decide the whole outcome of your next day. If you can't sleep required amount time at night, then sleep during the day. Scientists have proven that a short nap, the so-called "nap", is good for the body. It increases the efficiency of a person several times at once. So, we figured out the dream. The rest of the time should be allocated between studying at the university, preparing for couples and leisure. Also, many students live independently. They should find a little more time for cooking, cleaning the house and other important matters.

    Have a positive attitude. Some of the students at the initial stages of their studies begin to load their heads with the fact that they will have absolutely no free time, that they will have to constantly study and study and put away entertainment and creative impulses in a black box, so many of them abandon education. But this step is to blame only for negative thoughts, in fact, everything is much simpler. With a positive attitude, you will be able to prepare for couples quickly and efficiently, follow instructions from teachers and simply enjoy the learning process.

    Motivate yourself to achieve success. Find inspiration to learn and receive new experience... Do not immerse yourself in a routine, but fulfill your life plan and achieve your goals.

    How to become a psychiatrist

    What it takes to become a psychiatrist

    To become a psychiatrist, the first step is to study, that is, to obtain an appropriate higher medical education. Finding a university that provides training in the field of psychiatry is now not difficult, but you should think about medical specialization before entering. After the field has been chosen and preference is given to a private or public university providing training, we prepare documents for admission and submission of documents.

    How to get the education you need for a psychiatrist

    Due to the increased popularity, it will not be easy to enroll in a medical school. In most universities today, the competition for budget places is from 35 people, and for contract - from 2 people. And therefore, in order to guarantee for oneself the level of initial knowledge necessary for admission, one should think about pre-university training and attending preparatory courses(for these purposes, prepare an amount of 30 thousand rubles or more).

    During the entrance exams, you will have to independently prove your right to the place of study, using the knowledge base that was prepared and learned in advance.

    What are the stages of the educational process of the future doctor

    The main stages of obtaining education in the specialty "Psychiatry" by a future doctor are as follows:

    • submission of documents to the relevant university;
    • basic training for 6 years;
    • passing an internship or residency.

    Having successfully entered a budget or contract place, you should be ready for a 6-year marathon of the process of teaching basic medical and clinical, specialized subjects. The general course includes just over 11 thousand academic hours: lectures, seminars, practical exercises, etc.

    The knowledge control system will include 150 tests and 60 exams in general and special disciplines, writing a substantial number of essays, and tests. The culmination of the training will be the delivery of state certification, confirmed by a diploma issued in the specialty "doctor".

    But upon receiving a diploma as a doctor, the learning process does not end, but smoothly flows into the passage of special training in residency or internship, during which the newly minted physician will theoretically and practically be "trained" as a future doctor - psychiatrist.

    At the end of the internship, the graduate can become a doctor - narcologist or a doctor - psychiatrist. And after the end of the residency - a full-fledged doctor - psychotherapist.

    The internship lasts one year, and the residency is two and both types of training are paid. At this stage, you can take the chance to enter a budgetary place or conclude an agreement with the local health department, with the aim of training at the state expense and further working off for at least 3 years in the direction of the same regional health department. Theoretically, the graduate cannot influence the fate of the direction and will be forced to work the period prescribed by law in a prescribed medical institution.

    How to find a job for a "newly minted" psychiatrist

    Directly apply the knowledge gained in the field of psychiatry in two ways:

    1. Continue working after the expiration of the referral in a medical institution;
    2. Receive a certificate from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, confirming the right to the profession of a psychiatrist (the process will cost about a thousand rubles) and engage in medical practice in a private medical institution or open your own medical office.


    Psychiatrist (from the Greek psyche - soul; iatréeia - treatment) - a doctor specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders.

    Where to study to be a Psychiatrist


    Modern Science and Technology Academy (SNTA Moscow) conducts distance learning in the direction of "Psychiatry", without interruption from work and place of residence. State documents give the right to maintain honey. activities. All documents (Certificate of a specialist, Diploma of retraining, Certificate of advanced training) are issued by the courier in person.

    Higher education:

    To get the profession of a psychiatrist, you need to graduate from any medical university with a degree in Psychiatry or undergo postgraduate training in it. Each psychiatrist must have a certificate from the Ministry of Health confirming the right to the profession. For admission to a medical university, they pass biology, chemistry and Russian.


    Salary range as of 03/29/2018


    Psychiatrists work in psychiatric clinics, as a neuropsychiatrist at polyclinics, in scientific and practical centers. Such a center is the State Scientific Center for Social and Forensic Psychiatry (SNTSSSP) named after V.I. V.P. Serbian. In order to practice in private practice, a psychiatrist must obtain a special license in addition to a specialist certificate.

    Important qualities

    Honesty and empathy with patients are just as important in this profession as a good memory and a sharp mind.

    Knowledge and skills

    In addition to general medical knowledge, a psychiatrist should know modern methods of examination and treatment of patients, their rehabilitation and prevention of exacerbations. You also need composure and the ability to see in the patient, even the most unpleasant and violent, not an enemy, but a manifestation of the disease.

    Features of the profession

    The words "mental disorder" or "mental illness" have colloquial synonyms: insanity, insanity, insanity, insanity and, finally, mental illness. Already from the names themselves, the essence of these ailments is visible. All of them are associated with disorders of the senses and consciousness.

    Psychiatry is a part of neurology. Her interests include disorders of the nervous system, which are reflected in human behavior, emotional life, perception of reality, memory, thinking, speech, etc.

    Psychiatry studies the causes, manifestations of mental illness, their course. Develops methods of treatment and prevention. The psychiatrist relies on neurophysiological data. However, nervous diseases themselves are not classified as mental disorders if they do not affect mental functions.

    Mental disorders include schizophrenia, and various manias, and Alzheimer's disease and other ailments associated with organic disorders of the brain. And also the conditions that the so-called small, borderline psychiatry deals with: neuroses, reactive psychoses and other reversible states that are a reaction to some life events.

    For example, reactive psychosis, which manifests itself as delirium, clouding of consciousness, may be a reaction to a bombing experience, a bear attack in a forest, a terrorist attack, etc. This condition can be completely overcome because there is no serious damage to the brain structures. Although one and the same event can plunge one person into psychosis, while the other will survive it, maintaining his sanity. Why? Much depends on the characteristics of the organism, the person's temperament. And from the presence of additional factors: age, head injuries, poisoning, etc. All this is taken into account by the doctor when examining the patient.

    Borderline psychiatry is also concerned with psychopathy, which is a disharmonious personality make-up that brings a lot of trouble to both those around and the patient himself. In addition to borderline psychiatry, there are other areas of work: forensic psychiatry (examines the sanity / insanity of people accused of crimes), child psychiatry, gerontopsychiatry (deals with deviations of old age), narcology (deals with the problems of alcoholism and drug addiction), etc.

    A person with mental disabilities may not experience physical suffering. Then why does he need medical attention? The fact is that these deviations push a person out of society. They do not allow him not only to work, but also just to live. For example, a person with persecution mania is in a state of constant panic. He feels himself in danger and is ready to defend himself every minute.

    Shaky border

    According to experts, 2–5% of people have real psychoses. In total, up to 15% of the population suffer from mental illness and borderline conditions. True, the line between norm and violation is sometimes not as obvious as one would like. With the development of science, many conditions that were previously considered disorders are now accepted as a variant of the norm and vice versa. All changes are recorded in the International Classification of Diseases, which is periodically revised. For example, social phobia is a fear of social activity. She can express herself in fear public speaking, but it can even reach a complete inability to communicate with people. It is very common: from 3 to 13% of the population suffer from it at some stage in their life. In the United States, according to researchers, this is the third most common psychological problem. Until 1995, she was considered common shyness. But the consequences of such "shyness" can be very serious. Social phobia interferes with a person's career and personal life. And sometimes it leads to suicide. Therefore, she was included in the list of mental disorders.

    Is all this being treated?

    A psychiatrist, examining a patient, talks to him, his environment, observes his behavior in the clinic, prescribes instrumental studies of the brain, etc. A pathopsychologist helps a psychiatrist in making a diagnosis. With the help of special techniques, the psychologist identifies the characteristics of personality, memory, intelligence, emotional sphere, thinking. When the diagnosis is made, the doctor prescribes treatment: medications, psychotherapeutic sessions. By the way, only a psychiatrist has the right to prescribe medications for the treatment of mental disorders.

    Psychotherapy is a non-drug effect on a patient (for example, using hypnosis). For its implementation, a psychotherapist is involved. But a psychotherapist can also be a trained psychiatrist himself.

    When treating a chronic mental illness (such as schizophrenia), achieving remission can be considered a success. When it comes to borderline states, you can count on a complete recovery of mental health.


    The profession of a psychiatrist is relatively young, although it has long roots as a medical field. The first to describe mental abnormalities was Hippocrates (c. 460–377 BC). He explained them using the humoral theory of the origin of diseases. Later, the theory of Hippocrates was developed by Claudius Galen of Pergamum (129–199 AD). He investigated the influence of emotional states on the physical state... In the Middle Ages, Avicenna suggested that mental illness was associated with physical disturbances in the brain. Paracelsus (1493-1541) suggested a connection between paralysis and a skull injury, and cretinism with thyroid dysfunction. He introduced the distinction between physical and psychological illnesses, as well as the concept of personality (individual personality). In 1803, the German physician Johann Christian coined the term "psychiatry".

    It must be said that for centuries mentally ill people did not receive normal help. In the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church considered madmen to be sinners who sold their souls to the devil. In the XV-XVIII centuries. executions of the mentally ill were common. The "possessed" were rudely mocked. In 15th century Europe, there was such a way to get rid of the insane: they were put on a ship and sent alone on a voyage. Of course, such a "ship of fools" was doomed.

    The Inquisition, which played a sinister role in the history of Europe, committed many atrocities against the insane. The Hammer of the Witches, a treatise by Dominican monks (1487), enumerated the sadistic methods of exterminating witches. Back in the 18th century, the insane were kept in prisons. And in England, the violent were shown for a fee to onlookers in the famous London Bedlam (the psychiatric hospital of St. Mary of Bethlehem). Many patients were chained to the walls and slept on straw in solitary, gloomy cells. The unfortunate people were beaten, and their screams attracted the audience. You can read about how the mentally ill were treated in the 19th century in Gogol's Notes of a Madman, at the very end of the story.

    On the other hand, the concept of insanity was interpreted very broadly. For example, until the end of the 19th century, any behavior that deviated from generally accepted norms was equated with insanity. Even attacks of epilepsy were explained by madness (as evidenced by the title of the novel "The Idiot", the hero of which is Prince Myshkin, suffering from epilepsy).

    At the turn of the XIX and XX centuries. in the science of mental disorders there were many theories, among which two areas occupied a special place: psychoanalysis and the positivist approach.

    The school of psychoanalysis (Sigmund Freud) was based on the theory of the unconscious. The unconscious is a repository of forbidden desires repressed by consciousness. The School of Positivist Medicine suggested relying only on testable methods: experiment and observation. She attributed mental disorders to the destruction of brain tissue. At the same time, she recognized the cure as impossible, and the psychiatric hospital was a place where the patients were only monitored and not allowed to rage.

    But over time, an approach based on respect for the patient's personality and a desire to understand him prevailed, and not to impose on him a “correct”, “healthy” attitude to reality. German philosopher, psychologist and psychiatrist Karl Theodor Jaspers in 1909-1915 began to conduct detailed conversations (interviews) with patients to make a diagnosis. And Eugene Minkowski used structural analysis of the violation to identify the cause. Henry Ellenberg introduced remodeling inner peace sick. This can be considered the beginning of the modern stage of psychiatry.

    Psychiatry did not immediately abandon mutilation. In the XX century, they used lobotomy, electroshock treatment. (see the film "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"). And in our country, there was also punitive psychiatry: a citizen disliked by the authorities could be given a psychiatric diagnosis (for example, "sluggish schizophrenia") and "treated" in a hospital for many years. This method was used in the USSR in the 1970s and 1980s. in connection with both political and religious beliefs. But this is no longer a problem of medicine, but of physicians and their moral health.

  • Mikhail Efimovich Litvak

    I wrote this chapter for those who want to become a psychotherapist, and for novice psychotherapists% ACts who, if they quit this business, will not lose much. My main task is not so much to attract new cadres to psychotherapy as to talk people to engage in psychotherapy from% AC. This is a very good deal. However, as I already wrote, psychotherapy is not a profession, but a way of life, and not so bad.

    At the beginning, I wanted to call this chapter "How to Become a Good Psychotherapist." But then the word "good% ACshiy" was released. This definition of% AC is not suitable for a professional. And I want to give a portrait of a psychotherapist% AC a professional therapist.

    So, the psychotherapist is focused on helping the ward, not for a short period of time, but forever, so that later he does not need the help of a psychotherapist, but psychological problems could decide for myself. Consequently, it is focused on methods that influence the personality and its behavior, although, if necessary, it also uses the methods of symptomatology of psychotherapy. Therefore, the psychotherapist follows those positions to which he calls his wards or, at least, tries to do so. Why this is necessary will be seen from the following discussion.

    There are two stages in training a psychotherapist:

    Getting rid of your own neuroticism and solving your own neurotic problems.

    Mastering the methods of psychotherapeutic work.

    Life is life. And when a psychotherapist has neurotic problems, he stops doing psychotherapy and himself turns to someone for help. For this, now in our country and abroad there are so-called Balint groups, consisting of psychotherapists. Besides, there is a supervision system. Supervisors% ACviews are top-class psychotherapists. They also participate in the certification of psychotherapists. In general, it is better for a person with a sick or neurotic problem not to engage in psychotherapy. Hope% AC I hope you don't want to become a psychotherapist anymore. But if there is still such a desire, then read on% ACche.

    How is the psychotherapeutic process going?

    At the first stages, one can observe the phenomena of transfusion. The ward begins to see in the psychotherapist% AC someone from his loved ones. Therefore, the psychotherapist unconsciously imposes on the patient the role of the father, the role of the mother, the husband (wife), etc. By the way, he makes them the same claims that he presented% AC to his loved ones. The intrusiveness of some underpants is such that they begin to claim the right for the whole life of the therapist. And if he starts to defend his rights, they call him rudeness% ACnom, at least at first, and are outraged. At% AC, why are they outraged loudly and in public. Then the% AC will break down and apologize. But they apologize quietly, and usually only one-on-one. The psychotherapist teaches them to solve their problems in adequate ways. Having mastered them, by% AC the wards and real life begin to successfully solve their problems. But all this later. Well, didn’t you talk it out again?

    In the psychotherapeutic process in the relationship between the ward and the doctor, there is a mechanism of pro% ACjection. This is one of the mechanisms of psychological protection. Its essence lies in the fact that some often negative qualities they are not aware of their personality and are forced out into the unconscious. Becomes% AC a little easier. But the displaced into the unconscious seeks to break out and splash out on someone else. Those. a person projects his unconscious qualities onto his communication partners. Based on this, I formulated a rule: “Ambassador% ACshay how a person scolds others or you. This is how he characterizes himself. " Now, if a person calls me a fool, I already know that I am dealing with a fool% ACk. Maybe, of course, I am a fool. But this still needs to be dealt with. But the fact that he is a fool does not call% AC in doubt. If I am smart, and he has not figured out, who is he? And if I am a fool, and he contacted me, who is he? The philosopher, as you remember, said that among psychotherapists there are rude, money-grubbing, followed by sadistic psychotherapists and half-educated psychotherapists.

    It is not only scientists who blame the psychotherapist for all this, but also his wards during their joint work, although, in general, this has more to do with themselves. After all, their psychological state is being diagnosed in practice.

    The doctor himself should be like a mirror. If the doctor hasn’t solved his problems, then con% ACtransferring is possible. Countertransference is an unconscious psychotic process when a doctor or psychologist (now many psychologists are beginning to engage in psychotherapy) begins to solve their problems at the expense of the patient. The most scandalous cases occur when the therapist and the pretty patient have a sexual relationship. But this has nothing to do with psychotherapy. What do such cases indicate? Only that the doctor has his own unresolved sexual problems, which he solves with the help of the patient. Do I know of such cases? Yes, they are. Thus, one patient for four years of her illness visited 15 hospitals and was seduced by four doctors. She told the doctor that she never felt like a woman and that she never had an orgasm. He tried to fill this gap and ... then she told him with great pleasure that she hadn’t experienced anything with him either. One female psychotherapist tried herself to treat impotence in her patients. My point of view on this matter is the following: sexual relations with a sick person are unacceptable. But before% AC I let the development of such a relationship after a successful% AC recovery of the patient. Such cases are also known to me. It was a love relationship, which ended in a happy marriage.

    But back to the projection. It helps the doctor understand who is sitting in front of him. Then it is necessary to make% AClet so that the ward understands that all this from% AC refers to him. In the meantime, he can throw mud at the doctor in the eyes, and especially behind the eyes, although the doctor warned him that whatever he wants to say, he must say right there. Why not listen to patients from high% AC!

    In order to properly plan psycho-therapeutic interventions, one has to ask the patient about his past, which he has not yet fully experienced. Talking about this, he often begins to cry, and the doctor forces him to tell him about it many times. This technique is called "recalling memories". One of my wards,% AC, was in the process of scripting reprogramming for several sessions, reading her autobiography, and couldn't get any further than five years. Epi% ACzods twenty years ago brought tears. By% AC an outside observer might mistake me for a% ACdist. How good it is for surgeons! They cut% AC quickly, and no one considers them sadists.

    The psychotherapist his patients may call not a fresh dropout if he does not read Malakho% ACva's work on urine therapy, Louise Hay.

    It is difficult for a psychotherapist from% AC to escape accusations of money-grubbing. But if he lives off private practice, then you need to take something from the patient. One of my students related the following episode.

    She talked with the patient for about 1.5 hours. It was an individual psychotherapy session. No drugs were discharged. The patient said goodbye to her without making an attempt to pay for the session. When my student told her about this, the patient exclaimed with surprise: "And what to pay for?"

    The psychotherapist and his ward must agree on all the conditions. I want to emphasize that our wards, even very wealthy ones, who are ready to spend 100 or 200 dollars for a masseuse, hairdresser or prostitute (and the stories of% AC proudly talk about this), are very reluctant to pay 100 rubles to a psychotherapist. You see how much they do not value their soul! By the way, even the great Z. Freud said that a neurotic must pay for his treatment, the price must be high, like that of a surgeon. All the same, the benefit that he will receive from the treatment will many times exceed the cost of it. Free% ACPaid treatment of a neurotic does not oblige him to anything% AC. When he pays for the treatment, he will try to follow the recommendations at least in order to understand what he spent the money on. The story of one of my students,% AC, finally convinced me of this.

    A rather large businessman came to see him for an individual appointment. He demanded that he paid him as the whole group pays. It turned out to be a pretty impressive amount. Then the businessman himself told him about his experiences with% ACs: “I came out indignant. I took that kind of money for phrases that I heard a hundred times from others! I asked to do everything that you told me. insignificant, then I might not have done anything, and the result exceeded all my expectations.

    Still, a psychotherapist should live well, and take little from the wards. The way out of this should be group psychotherapy, which, by the way, is in most cases more effective than individual psychotherapy. But I want to warn you in advance: by becoming a psychotherapist, you will not earn a lot, but on a decent life enough. Moreover, you will even feel rich. After all, be% ACden is not the one who has little, but the one who does not have enough. For example, neurotic individuals, even with a large state of affairs, feel like beggars, for they lack tens, and sometimes even hundreds of millions of dollars of AClars for happiness. In general, if you want to get very bad, then you better not become a psychotherapist.

    And a few more words about the profession of psychotherapist% ACpeut. Everyone who turns to us for help is united by one problem - the problem of inner loneliness. No, they have a wife, children, friends, employees. But our wards are separated from others by a barrier of psychological protection, both their own% ACs and those with whom they communicate. Loves them all% ACgda for something. They were betrayed more than once, their closest people refused them. So, the psychotherapist% ACputt should be able to break through this barrier and become for some time the only friend of his / her pupil. But this is a kind of friendship. As soon as the ward gets better, he will leave the psychotherapist% ACpeter. But you can't complain about that. This is the peculiarity of this profession. Sometimes it gets a little sad. I, however, found one way out for myself. I have mastered some more skills to keep% AC useful for my charges. I teach them management techniques, help close deals, and review their performances. True, this is a completely different relationship. There are no longer any complaints about sleeplessness, irritability and quarrels with loved ones. Together we are going up. This is already friendship-cooperation.

    In the course of presenting my material, I tried to answer the philosopher's questions. There is only a little left.

    How does the contemporary press and television affect our psychological health? Virtually no% AC like. After all, the scenario of a person, his fate, forms the% ACs in the first five years of life under the influence of parents or persons replacing them. "Photographing" is in progress. The press and television play the role of "developer". They contribute to the identification of those de% AC defects that appeared in a person as early as early childhood... Of course, the mass media (mass media) could do a lot to correct them if, for example, they organized systematic classes in the psychology of communication. Indeed, there is nothing sensational in our subscriptions, the effect will be in a few months, and psychotherapists are not able to pay for the expensive airtime and hectares. I have been working with the media for a long time. Correspondents themselves understand my problems. We do something (for example, one regional newspaper pub% AC clicked once a week for three months our articles under the heading "School of Survival"). But the case, as a rule, ends in a break in relations. The editors-in-chief believe that they create advertising for us, but they get nothing from us. But God bless them with the media. Now I’m not convincing anyone. I'm just doing my job.

    Can a person be% ACtom psychotherapists for himself? I, like a philosopher, answer this question in% ACcumulative. Moreover, I try to do it practically, as I write books on psychotherapist% ACpy. But nevertheless, a direct appeal to a specialist is also desirable. One of my wards has been reading% AC for two years my book "If you want to be happy." She helped her. Still, she could not find answers to some questions in her and came to the training. After three sessions, she enthusiastically announced that she had received more in those sessions than in two years of self-study. She wasn't quite right. If it had not been for these two years of independent learning, there would not have been such an effect. I would not contrast self-help with professional. You need to rely more on% AC help itself, but sometimes, at least once a week, you should attend group trainings. It is useful to study the psychotherapy literature. I would advise you to refer to our, domestic, where our problems are described.

    And the last thing. My depreciation principle is not a way of communicating. Amortization is a way to get rid of the impudent one at a time. Good must be able to defend itself. Yes, the partner freaks out when depreciating. But he was insulting! Is a good person going to do that ?! The philosopher stands up for the offender. Why? I do not understand. For many decent people, depreciation has become a good% AC protection. Yes, depreciation is a weapon. But I'm not worried that an aggressor will take advantage of it. His weapon is a direct insult. True, but I do not insist on anything. Maybe a philosopher and right.

    Now I want to tell you that the work of a psycho% AC therapist brings me joy. In particular, sometimes I get letters like this.

    I am glad that once again you forced me to write. As always, unobtrusive. Hundreds of times I said these words to myself, but some demo% AC in my soul did not allow me to voice it. I still have to deal with them.

    Thank you for giving me a wonderful red world. Not the illusory ghostly one in which I lived, but the real one, with all its joys and sorrows. Thank you for giving me me, the way I am, without embellishment, but also without hatred for my weaknesses. I'm still learning to love myself like that. And this allows me to love all people, you, our "su% ACmass" group dear to me. I feel good with you. And I think it inspired me to do one more thing - to defend my dissertation.

    This letter was written to me by a woman of 44 years old. With% AC she came to me three years ago with thoughts of self-murder. She had a collapse in production - she could not finish her dissertation in any way and had not worked on it for two years. She had a collapse in her personal life - a long psychological and sexual break with her husband, conflicts with her growing son. The first changes in her condition occurred four months after the start of classes, and then everything went with the speed of a courier train.

    And a very last remark.

    Our country is now experiencing a boom in the training of psychotherapists and psychologists. This is what we have 15 faculties of advanced training for doctors at higher medical educational institutions. Fede% ACral Center for Psychotherapy. Russian psycho-therapy association and the All-Russian professional psychotherapy league. In addition, almost every region has its own psycho-therapeutic associations. There are several institutes for psychotherapy. All of them are very active in preparing psychotherapists and conducting educational and training work with non-professionals. Naturally, they are also engaged in medical work. Our psychotherapists present their developments at international congresses, symposia and conferences.

    Our Rostov region is not in the forefront, but we have also been able to train about 300 psychotherapists over the past 10 years. We have received psychotherapeutic training and about 100% of medical psychologists. For 8 years the school of psychoanalysis of psychological aikido has been operating, where the basics of management with the use of psychotherapeutic methods are taught to more than 1,000 people. The club CROSS has already been described above. I myself have written more than 10 books on psychotherapy and psychology of communication both for doctors and for a wide range of readers. All psycho% AC therapists who have been trained by us are professional, and they will always tell you where to turn to% AC if they themselves cannot help you solve your problems. We have several departments in the region where they treat patients with neuroses, several offices for social and psychological assistance and a helpline (its number is 58-21-41). Qualified psychotherapists and psychologists are on duty around the clock on the helpline, who will provide you with the help you need free of charge and will advise you where to go about the% AC if it is not enough. Such structures are also available in other regions of Russia. By the way, don't give up on free help. A professional, if he already works, he always works in full force, and it does not matter whether he is paid or not. In this% AC relation, he resembles an athlete. He knows that if he does not work at full strength, then he detrains and suffers first of all himself. Of course, we also have private psychotherapists in our area. In general, we are ready to help you.

    Unfortunately, many people want to receive% AC of help immediately, in one psychotherapy session, and without any effort of their own. And we have a big success for those "specialists" who both take away drug or alcohol addiction in one session, lose weight without diet and exercise, and get rid of impotence. If you count on this, then you should not contact us for help. We know it's not easy to get rid of bad habits and maladaptive forms of behavior. Sometimes it takes two years of systematic work on oneself. And even more for the development of a new skill or habit. But if you do not believe in miracles and are determined to work hard on yourself, we invite you to our structures, to our specialists, and it is better when you are still "on the go" and do not need overhaul... We, as sports trainers of% ACry, do not promise you a heavenly life (sometimes we will seem rude to you, sometimes sadistic, at times you will consider us dropouts and sta% ACers). But here, as in sports. If you work hard, success will surely come to you.

    So, the book has been read. Dear readers? We are not imposing anything on you. Decide for yourself!

    5. How to become a psychotherapist

    I wrote this chapter for those who want to become a psychotherapist, and for aspiring psychotherapists who, if they quit this business, will not have much to lose. My main task is not so much to attract new personnel to psychotherapy as to dissuade people from engaging in psychotherapy. This is a thankless job. However, as I already wrote, psychotherapy is not a profession, but a way of life, and not so bad.

    At the beginning, I wanted to call this chapter "How to Become a Good Psychotherapist." But then he released the word "good". Such a definition does not apply to a professional. And I want to give a portrait of a professional psychotherapist.

    So, the psychotherapist is focused on helping the ward, not for a short period of time, but forever, so that later he does not need the help of a psychotherapist, and can solve psychological problems on his own. Consequently, he is focused on techniques that affect the personality and his behavior, although, if necessary, he uses the methods of symptomatic psychotherapy. Therefore, the psychotherapist follows the provisions to which he calls his wards, or, at least, tries to do so. Why this is necessary will be seen from the following discussion.

    There are two stages in training a psychotherapist:

    Getting rid of your own neuroticism and solving your own neurotic problems.

    Mastering the methods of psychotherapeutic work.

    Life is life. And when a psychotherapist has neurotic problems, he stops doing psychotherapy and himself turns to someone for help. For this, now in our country and abroad there are so-called Balint groups, consisting of psychotherapists. In addition, there is a supervision system. Supervisors are top-class psychotherapists. They also participate in the certification of psychotherapists. In general, it is better for a person who is sick or with a neurotic problem not to engage in psychotherapy. I hope you don't want to become a psychotherapist anymore. But if there is still such a desire, then read on.

    How is the psychotherapeutic process going?

    In the early stages, transfer phenomena can be observed. The ward begins to see someone close to him in the psychotherapist. Therefore, the patient unconsciously imposes on the psychotherapist the role of the father, the role of the mother, the husband (wife), etc. By the way, he makes them the same claims that he made to his loved ones. The intrusiveness of some of the wards is such that they begin to claim rights for the whole life of the psychotherapist. And if he begins to defend his rights, they call him a rude, at least at first, and are outraged. And they are outraged loudly and in public. Then they will figure it out and apologize. But they apologize quietly, and usually one-on-one. The psychotherapist teaches them to solve their problems in adequate ways. Having mastered them, the wards in real life begin to successfully solve their problems. But all this later. Well, didn’t you talk it out again?

    In the psychotherapeutic process, a projection mechanism operates in the relationship between the ward and the doctor. This is one of the mechanisms of psychological defense. Its essence lies in the fact that some often negative qualities of one's personality are not realized and are forced out into the unconscious. It gets a little easier. But the displaced into the unconscious seeks to break out and splash out on someone else. That is, a person projects his unconscious qualities onto his communication partners. Based on this, I formulated a rule: “Listen to how a person scolds others or you. This is how he characterizes himself. " Now, if a person calls me a fool, I already know that I am dealing with a fool. Maybe, of course, I am a fool. But this still needs to be dealt with. But there is no doubt that he is a fool. If I am smart, and he has not figured out, who is he? And if I am a fool, and he contacted me, who is he? The philosopher, as you remember, said that among the psychotherapists there are rude, money-grubbing, sadistic investigators and psychotherapists-dropouts.

    It is not only scientists who blame the psychotherapist for all this, but also his wards during their joint work, although, in general, this has more to do with themselves. After all, their psychological state is being diagnosed in practice.

    The doctor himself should be like a mirror. If the doctor has not solved his problems, then countertransference is possible. Countertransference is an unconscious mental process when a doctor or psychologist (now many psychologists begin to engage in psychotherapy) begins to solve their problems at the expense of the patient. The most scandalous cases arise when a therapist and a pretty patient have a sexual relationship. But this has nothing to do with psychotherapy. What do such cases indicate? Only that the doctor has his own unresolved sexual problems, which he solves with the help of the patient. Do I know of such cases? Yes, they are. So, one patient in four years of her illness visited 15 hospitals and seduced four doctors. She told the doctor that she had never felt like a woman and that she had never had an orgasm. He tried to fill this gap and ... then she told him with great pleasure that she had not experienced anything with him either. One female psychotherapist tried herself to treat impotence in her patients. My point of view on this matter is the following: sexual relations with a sick person are unacceptable. But I admit the development of such a relationship after the successful recovery of the patient. Such cases are also known to me. It was a love relationship that ended in a happy marriage.

    But back to the projection. It helps the doctor understand who is sitting in front of him. Then it is necessary to make sure that the ward understands that all this applies to him. In the meantime, he can throw mud at the doctor in the eyes, and especially behind the eyes, although he warned him that whatever he wants to say, he must say right there. There is so much to listen to from patients!

    In order to properly plan psychotherapeutic interventions, one has to ask the patient about his past, which he has not yet fully experienced. Talking about this, he often begins to cry, and the doctor forces him to tell him about it many times. This technique is called arousing memories. One of my charges, in the process of script reprogramming for several sessions, while reading her autobiography, could not get more than five years. The episodes of twenty years ago brought tears. An outside observer might mistake me for a sadist. How good it is for surgeons! They cut on the living, and no one considers them sadists.

    His patients can call a psychotherapist an ignorant dropout if he does not read Malakhov's works on urine therapy, Louise Hay.

    It is difficult for a psychotherapist to avoid accusations of money-grubbing. But if he lives at the expense of private practice, then something needs to be taken from the patient. One of my students related the following episode.

    She talked with the patient for about 1.5 hours. It was an individual psychotherapy session. No drugs were prescribed. The patient said goodbye to her without making an attempt to pay for the session. When my student told her about this, the patient exclaimed in surprise: "And what to pay for?"

    The psychotherapist and his ward must agree on all the conditions. I want to emphasize that our wards, even very rich ones, who are ready to spend 100 or 200 dollars for a masseuse, hairdresser or prostitute (and they proudly talk about this), are very reluctant to pay 100 rubles to a psychotherapist. You see how much they do not value their soul! By the way, even the great Z. Freud said that a neurotic must pay for his treatment, the price must be high, like a surgeon's. All the same, the benefits that he will receive from the treatment will many times exceed the costs of it. Free treatment of a neurotic does not oblige him to anything. When he pays for the treatment, he will try to follow the recommendations at least in order to understand what he spent the money on. The story of one of my students finally convinced me of this.

    A rather large businessman came to see him for an individual appointment. He demanded that he paid him as the whole group pays. It turned out to be a pretty impressive amount. Then the businessman himself told him about his experiences: “I came out indignant. Take that kind of money for phrases that I have heard a hundred times from others! I decided to do everything that you told me. Of course, if the amount was insignificant, then maybe I would not have done anything. The result exceeded all my expectations.

    Still, a psychotherapist should live well, and take little from the wards. The way out of this should be group psychotherapy, which, by the way, is in most cases more effective than individual therapy. But I want to warn you in advance: after becoming a psychotherapist, you will not earn a lot, but you will have enough for a decent life. Moreover, you will even feel rich. After all, poor is not the one who has little, but the one who lacks. Here, neurotic individuals, even in a great state, feel like beggars, because they lack tens, and sometimes hundreds of millions of dollars for happiness. In general, if you want to get very rich, then you better not become a therapist.

    And a few more words about the profession of a psychotherapist. All who turn to us for help are united by one problem - the problem of inner loneliness. No, they have a wife, children, friends, employees. But our wards are separated from others by a barrier of psychological protection, both their own and those with whom they communicate. They are always loved for something. They were betrayed more than once, the closest people refused them. So, the psychotherapist must be able to break through this barrier and become for some time the only friend of his ward. But this is a kind of friendship. As soon as the ward gets better, he will leave the psychotherapist. But you can't complain about that. This is the peculiarity of this profession. Sometimes it gets a little sad. I, however, found one way out for myself. I have mastered a few more skills in order to remain useful to my charges. I teach them management techniques, help close deals, edit their speeches. True, this is a completely different relationship. There are no longer complaints of insomnia, irritability and quarrels with loved ones. We are going up together. This is already friendship-cooperation.

    In presenting my material, I tried to answer the philosopher's questions. There is only a little left.

    How does the modern press and television influence our psychological health? Almost nothing. After all, the scenario of a person, his fate is formed in the first five years of life under the influence of parents or persons replacing them. There is a "photographing". The press and television play the role of "developer". They help to identify those defects that appeared in a person in early childhood. Of course, the mass media (mass media) could do a lot to correct them if, for example, they organized systematic classes in the psychology of communication. Indeed, in our classes there is nothing sensational, the effect of them will be in a few months, and psychotherapists are not able to pay for the expensive airtime and newspaper lines. I have been working with the media for a long time. The correspondents themselves understand my problems. We are doing something (for example, one regional newspaper published our articles under the heading “School of Survival” once a week for three months). But the case, as a rule, ends in a break in relations. The editors-in-chief believe that they create advertising for us, but they get nothing from us. But God bless them with the media. Now I’m not convincing anyone. I'm just doing my job.

    Can a person be a psychotherapist for himself? I, like a philosopher, answer this question in the affirmative. Moreover, I try to do it practically, as I write books on psychotherapy. But nevertheless, a direct appeal to a specialist is also desirable. One of my charges read my book "If you want to be happy" for two years. She helped her. Still, she could not find answers to some questions in her and came to the training. After three sessions, she enthusiastically announced that she had received more for these sessions than in two years of independent study. She was not quite right. If it hadn't been for these two years of self-study, there wouldn't have been such an effect. I would not contrast self-help with a professional one. You need to rely more on self-help, but sometimes, at least once a week, you should attend group trainings. It is useful to study psychotherapy literature. I would advise you to rely on our, domestic, where our problems are described.

    And the last thing. My depreciation principle is not a way of communicating. Cushioning is a delicate way to get rid of the impudent person. Good must be able to defend itself. Yes, the partner freaks out when depreciating. But he was insulting! Is a good person going to do that ?! The philosopher stands up for the offender. Why? I do not understand. For many decent people, depreciation has become a good defense. Yes, depreciation is a weapon. But I'm not worried that an aggressor will take advantage of it. His weapon is outright insult. True, but I do not insist on anything. Maybe a philosopher and right.

    Now I want to tell you that the work of a psychotherapist brings me joy. In particular, sometimes I get letters like this.

    I am glad that once again you forced me to write. As always, unobtrusive. Hundreds of times I said these words to myself, but some demons in my soul did not allow me to voice it. I still have to deal with them.

    Thank you for giving me a wonderful world. Not the illusory ghostly one in which I lived, but the real one, with all its joys and sorrows. Thank you for giving me me, the way I am, without embellishment, but also without hatred for my weaknesses. I'm still learning to love myself like that. And this allows me to love all people, you, our "crazy" dear to me group. I feel good with you. And I think it inspired me to do one more thing - to defend my dissertation.

    This letter was written to me by a woman of 44 years old. She came to me three years ago with thoughts of suicide. She had a collapse in production - she could not finish her dissertation in any way and had not worked on it for two years. She had a collapse in her personal life - a long psychological and sexual break with her husband, conflicts with her growing son. The first changes in her condition occurred four months after the start of classes, and then everything went with the speed of a courier train.

    And a very last remark.

    Our country is now experiencing a boom in the training of psychotherapists and psychologists. This is what we have 15 faculties of advanced training for doctors at higher medical educational institutions. Federal Center for Psychotherapy. Russian Psychotherapeutic Association and All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League. In addition, almost every region has its own psychotherapy associations. There are several non-state institutions of psychotherapy. All of them are very active in preparing psychotherapists and conducting educational and training work with non-professionals. Naturally, they are also engaged in medical work. Our psychotherapists present their developments at international congresses, symposia and conferences.

    Our Rostov region is not in the forefront, but we have also been able to train about 300 psychotherapists over the past 10 years. We have received psychotherapeutic training and about 100 medical psychologists. A school of psychological aikido has been operating for 8 years, where more than 1,000 people have been trained in the basics of management using psychotherapeutic techniques. The club CROSS has already been described above. I myself have written more than 10 books on psychotherapy and communication psychology both for doctors and for a wide range of readers. All psychotherapists who have been trained by us are professionals and will always tell you where to turn if they themselves cannot help you solve your problems. We have several departments in the region, where they deal with the treatment of patients with neuroses, several offices of social and psychological assistance and a helpline (its number is 58-21-41). Qualified psychotherapists and psychologists are on duty around the clock on the helpline, who will provide you with the necessary help free of charge and tell you where to turn if it is not enough. Such structures exist in other regions of Russia as well. By the way, don't give up on free help. A professional, if he already works, he always works in full force, and it does not matter whether he is paid or not. In this respect, he resembles an athlete. He knows that if he does not work at full strength, then he detrains and suffers first of all himself. Of course, we also have private psychotherapists in our area. In general, we are ready to help you.

    Unfortunately, many people want help immediately, in one psychotherapy session, and without any effort of their own. And we have great success for those "experts" who promise to get rid of drug or alcohol addiction in one session, lose weight without dieting and exercise, get rid of impotence. If you count on this, then you should not contact us for help. We know that it is not so easy to get rid of bad habits and maladaptive forms of behavior. Sometimes it takes two years of systematic work on oneself. And even more for the development of a new skill or habit. But if you do not believe in miracles and are determined to work hard on yourself, we invite you to our structures, to our specialists, and it is better when you are still "on the go" and do not need major repairs. We, as sports coaches, do not promise you a heavenly life (sometimes we will seem rude to you, sometimes sadistic, at times you will consider us dropouts and money-grubbingers). But here, as in sports. If you work hard, success will surely come to you.

    So, the book has been read. Dear readers? We are not imposing anything on you. Decide for yourself!

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    And how to change yourself. This is a qualified specialist who understands the laws of human behavior, understands the true essence of the human soul. However, the work of a psychologist is fanned by numerous myths that do not allow one to correctly assess all the subtleties and nuances of this specialty. Many people dream about it, but only a few can become true psychologists. How do you become a competent specialist?

    Education at the university

    Since it is impossible to become a psychologist without appropriate education, the first thing that needs to be done on this path is to get a diploma. Indeed, without it, the activity will be regarded as illegal. Also, if a person wants to be a practicing psychologist, and not just a researcher, he needs to clarify whether the practical directions of psychotherapy are being studied at the university where he plans to study. It is best to collect reviews about this university, ask the opinion of former graduates. In the process of studying at the university, special attention should be paid to the development of students' practical skills in working with people.

    Psychotherapist training programs

    But getting a higher education diploma is far from the end. After graduation, students are not yet ready to work with people directly. Education at the university gives only a general understanding of what psychology is. To become a qualified specialist, you must go through a special program for training psychotherapists.

    Many people wonder why it takes so long to study a psychologist? After all, it will take decades of hard work to become a true master. In fact, only after this does the specialist get the opportunity to help people solve their problems, to significantly accelerate personal growth. Many issues are practically impossible to solve without a competent psychologist.

    Age is only welcome

    This is one of the few professions where age is an advantage. After all, it is unlikely that a mature person who has years of experience behind him will share his problems with a twenty-year-old girl, even if she has a mountain of diplomas. In the work of a psychologist, a prerequisite is trust between the client and the therapist. In other words, empathy must arise. The creation of rapport is impossible without it; if a person does not trust the therapist or, for some reason, the specialist causes hostility, there will be no sense in therapy. That is why, in psychology, age is an indisputable trump card. After all, the one who is rich personal experience, always inspires confidence.

    Learn to read non-verbal cues

    A person gives about 70% of all information about himself not through speech, but through facial expressions, gestures, body posture. If the psychologist learns to understand body language, he will be able to direct the dialogue in the right direction. What has not been said out loud will be spoken through gestures and facial expressions. For example, if a person tilts his head forward, the movements of his hands are fast, but their amplitude is small, then this indicates his openness. If the client looks at the surrounding objects, shifts from foot to foot, crosses his arms over his chest, it means that the situation is not to his liking, and the topic of the conversation does not arouse interest.

    For those thinking about how to become a psychologist, it is useful to observe our smaller brothers. After all, all they can do is to express their emotions non-verbally, with the help of "meow" and "woof", tail wagging, rumbling or puffing. They can convey their mood to everyone available ways except for speech.

    Learn to listen

    Since becoming a psychologist is impossible for those who are unable to listen, this skill must be given special attention. There are many people who do not allow a single word to be inserted into their plentiful monologue. Even if their long tirade actually covers an interesting topic, the very fact of disrespect for the opinion of the interlocutor becomes key. The silent interlocutor is always much more attractive than the one who, during his speech, does not take the trouble to hear the opinion of his counterpart. Conversation will not be fruitful if each of its participants hears only themselves. Therefore, a novice psychologist cannot do without this skill.

    How to become a psychologist yourself

    Some also choose this way of mastering the science of the soul. However, it must be remembered here that a psychologist without proper education and certification cannot advertise his services and earn on this craft. Indeed, in this case, his services would be a violation of the current legislation.

    However, psychology can be a great hobby. A person can say to himself: "I want to become a psychologist" - and at the same time do not mean receiving special education... After all, the word "psychologist" can have another meaning. About someone who is perceptive and well versed in people, they often say: "He is a subtle psychologist." It doesn't matter if this person is a salesman, manager, doctor or artist by profession. He has a sense with which he skillfully recognizes the movements of the human soul.

    What does it take to become a psychologist of this kind? The answer is simple: read as much of the necessary literature as possible, absorb knowledge. You can also pay attention to the works of the luminaries of the science of the soul. For example, you can start with psychoanalysis. Many will be interested in the works of Freud, Jung, Adler. They shed a lot on the features of the human psyche, behavior, personality development. It is also worth paying attention to areas such as gestalt therapy, NLP, behaviorism, existential psychology.

    Since becoming a good psychologist is hardly possible without the ability to understand people, it will be useful to pay attention to various films, books, especially classic works. They describe various characters, many of which can be called collective. The characters in the books act in accordance with their motives, which do not change even after centuries. After all, people have always wanted to be happy, healthy, to achieve their goals, to enjoy the joys of love. Therefore, such works will teach a novice psychologist a lot, help to recognize certain patterns of behavior in reality.

    Therapy for the specialist himself

    "How to Become a Successful Psychologist?" - sometimes university graduates and novice specialists ask themselves. The first thing that needs to be done is to undergo psychotherapy in full. After all, only healthy person can lead another to spiritual healing. A neurotic who has not got rid of his own complexes can only aggravate the situation. Ultimately, everything you need to know to become a good psychologist comes from your own experience. Whether he is undergoing psychotherapy or learning from his own mistakes - every truth of life is assimilated through experience. You can be a theoretical psychologist, but if you do not test this or that postulate “on your own skin,” you will hardly be able to successfully use these tools. It is not surprising that the services of a psychotherapist are so expensive nowadays. Indeed, only after the beginner specialist has completely got rid of his own mental trauma, and also received the appropriate practice in additional courses with all the necessary certificates, he can start practice.

    Why do people become psychologists?

    Often, an applicant or just anyone who wants to think about how to become a psychologist, not because of a true vocation. If you ask a person what pushes him on this path, he can answer: "I want to help people." In reality, however, many of those interested in psychology need help themselves. Getting an education is not the best way to deal with personal problems. Therefore, in this case, you should first contact a good specialist and undergo a course of therapy. Only after that you can think about how to become a psychologist and what is needed for this.


    And finally, the most important thing is that in order to become a good specialist, you need not only long-term training, but also many years of practice with clients, work with human problems. It is not easy for a novice psychologist to build up his base, to promote services. However, without work experience, a psychologist will be called so only formally. Only after living together with dozens of clients their difficulties and problems, correlating the methods of psychology with real practice and gaining invaluable experience, a specialist can worthily bear this title.

    Therefore, in order to become a professional psychologist, after graduation you need to study and promote your services as well. To do this, a specialist needs to understand what distinguishes him from others like him. How can he help people? What can he offer the client? Would he turn to himself if he was in the client's place? All these important questions need to be answered truthfully.

    Psychotherapist(from the Greek psyche - soul; therapéia - treatment) is a specialist in the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders without the use of medication. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in chemistry, biology and psychology (see choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

    Psychotherapist training

    To get the profession of a psychotherapist, you need to graduate from a medical school and undergo postgraduate training in the specialty "Psychotherapy".

    The Medical University of Innovation and Development (MUID) conducts professional retraining and advanced training (certification cycles) for doctors. Specialists are offered part-time and distance learning courses, educational programs lasting from 16 to 2700 hours. Based on the results of training, the MUIR issues documents: a certificate, a diploma, a certificate.

    (SNTA, Moscow) has a state license for professional retraining (for any specialists with higher medical education) and advanced training of psychotherapists. All training is carried out remotely, without interruption from work and place of residence. A state diploma gives the right to conduct a new activity for the student. All documents of the state standard are issued by the courier in person.


    Salary as of 13.02.2019

    Russia 25000—80000 ₽

    Moscow 60000—100000 ₽

    Features of the profession

    Psychotherapy is a system of influencing the patient by psychological means. Psychotherapy is divided into medical and non-medical. The psychotherapist is engaged in medical psychotherapy. Non-medical refers to the work of a psychologist.

    Both the one and the other use psychic (psychological) technologies. But how, then, does a psychotherapist differ from a psychologist? The fact that a psychotherapist is a doctor, and he deals precisely with treatment, i.e. works with diseases. Whereas a psychologist has no medical education. He deals with mental problems not associated with mental pathologies.

    Psychiatric clinics also work with pathopsychology. But their task is to help in diagnosing the disease and in choosing the direction of treatment. They are not directly involved in treatment.

    In psychiatric clinics, a psychotherapist works in collaboration with a psychiatrist and a pathologist. (For more information on psychiatry, see the article "Psychiatrist"). In some cases, medications are not needed to treat the patient, or the effect of their use must be developed with the help of psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is also used at the stage of getting out of the disease (rehabilitation stage) and for its prevention. When the psychiatrist determines the treatment strategy, the psychotherapist begins his part of the work.

    I must say that psychiatrists themselves are often involved in psychotherapy. Unlike psychologists, they have the right to prescribe medications. But for psychotherapy, they also undergo special training, because without a deep understanding of psychotherapeutic methods, good results cannot be achieved. The fact is that the profession of a psychotherapist goes beyond medicine: a very large place in it is occupied by the humanitarian component. Psychotherapy cannot be reduced to a set of technologies, because it involves emotional contact between the doctor and the patient. The psychotherapist, empathizing with his patient, creates a favorable attitude. In other words, the psychotherapist is involved in the process personally.

    There are many methods in psychotherapy. This is hypnosis, and auto-training, and behavioral training, and rational and personality-oriented methods.

    Hypnosis is carried out using suggestion (suggestion), therefore the method is also called hypnosuggestative psychotherapy. It is used to instill beliefs that improve the patient's emotional state.

    Autogenic training somewhat reminiscent of hypnosis, but here the patient himself plays the leading role. He, under the guidance of a psychotherapist, learns to conduct mental self-regulation: the power of imagination to eliminate painful experiences.

    Behavioral psychotherapy helps to get rid of wrong (pathological) behavior. More precisely, from wrong behavioral habits.
    Rational psychotherapy uses logical arguments to explain to the patient why some of his beliefs are wrong. In this case, the doctor uses both emotional impact and suggestion.

    Personality-oriented psychotherapy helps the patient to understand himself: to see exactly what experiences caused the mental disorder.

    There are other methods of work (art therapy, fairy tale therapy, body-oriented therapy, gestalt, etc.). The psychotherapist selects the necessary techniques individually. In any case, the success of treatment is possible only if the patient trusts his doctor. And that trust is strengthened when therapy is successful.


    A psychotherapist can work in psychiatric hospitals, as well as in clinics, scientific and practical centers. Such a center is the State Scientific Center for Social and Forensic Psychiatry (SNTSSSP) named after V.I. V.P. Serbian.

    Important qualities

    The profession of a psychotherapist implies the ability to empathize, honesty towards patients. Also important are a good memory, a sharp mind, a broad outlook, the ability for continuous development and self-education.

    Knowledge and skills

    A psychotherapist must have knowledge in the field of neurophysiology and psychiatry. At the same time, he must master the methods of psychotherapeutic diagnostics, be able to develop treatment tactics and carry out this treatment.