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Preparatory courses SPbSU. Preparatory courses SPbSU SPbSU training courses for the exam

Dear applicants, schoolchildren and their parents!

Preparatory courses of St. Petersburg State University declare the opening of the new educational season.

For you, we have prepared an answers to the most frequently asked questions about the work of St. Petersburg State Courses.

Preparatory courses SPbSU - Why are they needed?

The modern situation in the market of educational services today is such that today graduates are not very easy to enter an educational institution with a high rating. Even despite the high school performance in high school. And although it is enough to pass the exam in School to enter St. Petersburg State University, a statistical analysis shows that the scores for exams should be high enough. In addition, an additional competition is carried out upon admission to some faculties. In addition, yesterday's schoolboy, after receipt of the university, it is often difficult to rebuilt on the perception of lecture material and seminar occupations - after all, school classes are built fundamentally differently, they are not like studies at the university. The presentation of the theoretical material on the preparatory courses of St. Petersburg State University is approximately close in their form to lecture classes. In the course of training at SPbSU courses, great attention is paid to the analysis of the material of the school program, which first of all is useful to the student of the first courses of the university. Training built on the university system: lectures, seminars, mandatory homework.

Who teaches at SPbSU courses?

Classes in SPbSU courses are carried out highly qualified teachers of the university faculties. The organization of training involves working in the dialogue mode, gives teachers the opportunity to monitor the dynamics of the level of training of students.

Is the document on the end of the SPbSU courses issued?

In the course of training, intermediate and final testing, as well as test work on various sections of the subjects are conducted at SPbSU courses. Based on the results of control written works and tests, as well as the accounting of attendance, at the end of the courses of St. Petersburg State University, students are issued a certificate of the end of the preparatory courses of St. Petersburg State University.

Are there extra courses in St. Petersburg State University?

Yes, there are also correspondence preparatory courses in St. Petersburg State University. So, the remote training program is offered by the faculties of geography and geoecology, journalism, applied communications, medical, applied mathematics - management processes, legal. The work of absentee preparatory courses SPBSU is organized as follows: tasks and materials are sent by e-mail. After the survival listener studies the proposed material and decides all tasks, it sends the answers back by email. Answers are checked and reviewed by teachers of St. Petersburg State University, after which they are sent back by email.

What are the timing of training on SPbSU courses?

Dates of learning on SPbSU courses are different: from 2 weeks to 2 years, depending on the training program.

How much does training on SPbSU courses?

The cost of training on the preparatory courses of St. Petersburg State University depends on the faculty and timing of training.

Classes on SPbSU courses will not only help the applicants to systematize and deepen knowledge of profile disciplines, but also introduce the guys with the process of studying at the university chosen by the faculty and future teachers.

Preparatory courses - an effective form of pre-university learning, the purpose of which is the full preparation of applicants to the delivery of the USE, creative competitions, the Olympiads approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, as well as further education at the university.

Classes on preparatory courses in SPBGUPTD not only help to successfully enroll in the selected direction of preparation, but also facilitate further training and the process of psychological adaptation of students.

Intensive preparation of applicants takes place in specialized schools, classes are held by the leading university teachers. Depending on the selected direction of preparation, the pre-deulation division is determined, each of which has developed a unique specialized program. Thus, each applicant is preparing to enter a specific preparation. The system of an individual approach to pre-welcoming education has successfully established itself over the past 14 years. According to statistics, more than 84% of applicants visited the preparatory courses became students of our university.

Benefits of preparatory courses in SPBGUPTD

1. Serious preparation for introductory tests, including creative contests and exam.

2. Ability to structure knowledge by profiling disciplines, eliminate some gaps in secondary education.

3. Dovevoice training is carried out by highly qualified teachers, members of the methodical commissions, certified experts in the field of EEG, members of the jury Olympiad.

4. Full-time and remote learning forms, which allows you to go through the premunely even non-resident approaches.

5. Applicants have the opportunity to receive advice on choosing the direction of preparation, learn about the training features in a particular institution.

6. An individual approach to learning, makes it possible to take into account the features of the perception of applicant and the level of initial knowledge.

7. Small groups of students.

8. Monthly monitoring of student training.

9. The ability to get acquainted with teachers of profiling departments.

What to do on the preparatory courses in SPbGUPTD?

To enroll in the pre-university training in St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technology and Design, you need to apply or conclude an agreement at any time of the year or in the Admission Office (St. Petersburg, ul. Bolshaya Maritime, d. 18, Cab. 133), or In the Dovuzozov Complex (St. Petersburg, st. Sadovaya, d. 54, cab. 407).

Documents required for writing to courses:

  • Document certifying the student's personality.
  • Document certifying the identity of one of the parents in the event that incoming younger than 18 years.
  • 2 photos (3x4).

How are the preparatory courses?

During preparation for admission, students repeat the school curriculum, master new material, learn to independently solve complex tasks, psychologically prepared for the university education system. The preparation process takes from 3 to 9 months, depending on the program and allows the future student to focus as much as possible on the knowledge that he will demonstrate on the entrance exams. Applicants are trained in the evening, on weekends or in absentia, so as not to miss classes at school.

The main directions of the courses is to prepare for the delivery of the USE. Training takes place in the form of theoretical and practical classes, which allows you to establish contact of teachers with the audience. The unique system of filing material allows students not just to memorize theory, but also be able to competently apply the knowledge gained in practice even when performing complex tasks.

To control the preparation process, there is a monthly certification of applicants and consultations with teachers.

For whom are the preparatory courses fit?

Courses are designed for student graduation classes, planning to prepare for the exam and the introductory tests in SPBGUPTD, as well as for students of 9-10 classes, which have not yet decided on the choice of preparation directions.

Design School (Small Faculty)
(directions of the Institute of Graphic Design, Costume Design Institute, Spatial Environment Design Institute, Institute for Design and Arts)

School of Business Communications (Small Faculty)

Information Technology School (Small Faculty)
(directions of the Institute of Information Technologies and Automation)

School of Clothing (Small Faculty)
(directions of the Institute of Textiles and Fashion, College Technology, Modeling and Management, Engineering School of Clothing (College))

Jewelry School (Small Faculty)
(directions of the Institute of Applied Art)

School of Ecology and Chemistry (Small Faculty)
(directions of the Institute of Applied Chemistry and Ecology, Higher School of Technology and Energy)

Socio-Economic School (Small Faculty)
(directions of the Institute of Economics and Social Technologies, Institute of Business Communications)

School of Media Technologies (Small Faculty)
(Directions of the Higher School of Technology and Energy, Higher School of Printing and Media Technologies and Directions of Professional Training Institute of Economics and Social Technologies)

Preparatory courses KTMU
(specialty college technology, modeling and control)

Preparatory courses Isho
(specialty engineering school clothes (college))

Additional general educational programs of socio-pedagogical focus are being implemented in St. Petersburg State University:

  1. Mathematics for schoolchildren of high schools;
  2. Russian language for schoolchildren of high schools;
  3. Biology for schoolchildren of high schools.

These programs are aimed at deepening knowledge on objects such as biology, mathematics and Russian. Items are chosen in accordance with the subjects of entrance tests on educational programs of undergraduate and specialist in the field of psychology.

About programs for 2019/2020 school year:

Start date - In October 2019.

Cost for the entire period of study: For each item - 25,000 rubles (indeed in the 2018/19 school year).

Thought: Mathematics (100 contacts), Russian language (100 contact hours), biology (100 contact hours).

One hour of contact work is 45 minutes.

Classes are held once a week for 4 contacts (two pairs): from 17:30 to 20:45 with a 15-minute break.

Required documents: passport

For all questions, please call 363-66-92 or write to email this email address is protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.

Dear visitors, at the moment the electronic form of submission of applications does not work to apply for training, enter into an agreement, come to the address: Mendeleev Line, 5, Aud. 54a (second floor).

About our teachers

Lyudmila Ivanovna Kolpakova,senior Lecturer of the Department of Russian Philology of the Faculty of St. Petersburg State University.
Is an Expert exam in Russian language and literature From 2003 to the present.
Main publications:Tests for entrance exams in the Russian language: 2004-2005, Methodical manuals for preparing for the EEG, Tutorial "Culture of Russian Speech. Complex Text Analysis" and others.

Elena ViktorovnaLevashkocandidate of Biological Sciences, Art. SPB teacher Apppo
Expert EE Biologyfrom 2008 to the present
Professional interests: Umk on biology; Student training technologies for GIA and EGE on biology; Physico-chemical basis of human vital activity; History of biology development; The use of natural science museums when teaching schoolchildren.

Alexander KonstantinovichOrlov Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of General Mathematics and Informatics of the Mathematics and Mechanical Faculty of St. Petersburg State University