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When you need to cut the tulips, the shockless. What to do with tulips after flowering - practical guide with photos. When and how to crop tulips after flowering

It is impossible to imagine spring without flowering in parisades with different colors of tulips. In the inexperienced gardeners after the tulips beat away, the question arises, to do next with him. Just forget until next spring or immediately dig up? No, even after the end of their flowering, the care of the tulips must be continued, to form good bulbs for the next year.

Caring for the swarming tulips occurs at the following steps:

Feeding and enhanced watering

Immediately after the filming of colors should be removed by the blooming, watering the tulips should be continued for two more weeks and must be contacted, since it is precisely during this period the bulbs accumulate nutrients.

What to feed tulips after flowering:

  • phosphorus-potash fertilizer with a calculation of 30-40g per 1 m2, for example an aquarine, solver, crystalline;
  • you can not use fertilizers with chlorine and nitrogen.
Cut leaves

Cut the leaves of tulips after flowering can only be when they completely yellow. If you do it before, the bulbs will stop in development. Experienced gardeners in order not to lose their location recommend leave a leaf with a label.

So that the yellowing leaves of the tulips do not spoil the view of your paralisader, they can be squeezed to the ground.

Fleet of Lukovitz

After the leaves are completely dry out after flowering, there are spraying of tulips bulbs, approximately at the end of June - early July. You can find out whether the bulbs are ready, it is ready to dig one of them carefully, the presence of formed roots and brown spots on the scales will tell about her readiness, or if the ends of the stem and the tulip leaves can be easily coated on the finger.

The main rules for digging bulbs:

  • it is better to dig up on a sunny day to immediately dry;
  • if in crude weather, you should immediately wash with water and dry;
  • in order not to injure the roots, the shovel must be lowered deeper into the ground;
  • treat 5% warranny solution;
  • select and dispose of patients and non-sore bulbs;
  • it is better to dig up in varieties, starting with the earliest.

There is no unambiguous opinion about the need for an annual digging of tulips, there are recommendations to do this every two years and even in a larger period. But to preserve colors in large, beautiful and resistant to disease, it is better to dig bulk every year.

Storage of Lukovitz
  1. The dug bulbs sorted along varieties and lay out 1-2 layers in the drawers with a mesh bottom so that they do not start.
  2. 3-4 weeks (in July) dried at a temperature of 23-25 \u200b\u200b° C with good ventilation at humidity up to 70%.
  3. Then reduce the temperature of the content: in August - up to 20 ° C, and in September - up to 17 ° C.

In how to store tulips after flowering, observance of this temperature regime is very important, since it is at this time the most important processes occur: the formation of a kidneys, laying of leaves, flower of a flower area.

Throughout the duration of storage, the bulbs should be viewed to identify the sick with the subsequent destruction of them.

Transplant Tulipov

At the end of September, by choosing good weather (optimal is considered at 5-7 ° C), the preserved tulip bulbs are planted again into the soil, seeing them before once again in a weak solution of manganese. It is better to choose a new place for planting, as the soil is depleted at the previous place of stay and the number of pathogens of bacteria increases. After disembarking tulips on the prepared section to a depth equal to the five-time size of the bulb itself, they should be hidden abundantly. A little later, fade and ashes, and with the onset of cold weather with a thin layer of peat or humus.

Compliance with these stages of the care of the tulip after flowering and transplanting it to a new place will provide you with brown blossom in the spring!

Tulips - the main decoration of the spring garden, one of the favorite colors of all summer residents. They are famous for the beauty and variety of shades and pleases us with such desirable first bright colors. The carpet of flowering buds on the plot attracts views and dies, but by the end of spring the petals fall. Often, flowerflowers are asked about what to do when the tulips beat off and how to care for the bulbs correctly, so that the plants remain healthy and strong for many years.

Feeding and watering tulips after flowering

After fading tulips, you need to remove faded flowers. It is necessary so that the plant has not spent strength to ripening seeds. In this case, it is important to worry about the bulb - if it gets the necessary amount of nutrients and quite mature, next year will give a large and lush flowering.

Remove the tulip flower before sopping the petals. Depending on the grade of the tulip, this is usually happening by 5-8 day after dissolving. Cut only colors heads, but not leaves and stems. If you remove them, the bulb has a bad ripe.

After the buds are swinging, the plant needs enhanced watering over the next 2 weeks. During this period, intensive processes of accumulating nutrients occur, so it is recommended to fow the plant with phosphorus-potash fertilizer. Undercasses containing chlorine or nitrogen at this stage cannot be used.

Tulips were filmed - is it necessary to cut off the foliage?

Experts advise not even cut, but to climb the leaves of tulips after complete yellowing. This happens in 5-6 weeks after the end of flowering. If the sheet is poorly broken - it means the bulb has not yet been completely ripe, wait when the leaf can be easy to snatch out of the ground.

If you do this prematurely, the bulb will stop in development and this will negatively affect the quality of flowering next year. So as not to lose the location of the bulbs, leave the stem as a mark. If we sit down tulips, alternating with other blooming plants of the type of irises, dry leaves and stalks will not spoil the appearance of flower beds.

Do I need to dig tulips after their flowering?

The statement that tulips do not need an annual digging, quite common, but in the root is incorrect. Since the bulb over time is lowered increasingly into the ground, the distance to the surface gradually increases and can make more than 1.5 bayonet shovels. Accordingly, the plant requires more forces and nutrients for normal germination. In addition, the bulbs of one nests do not have the ability to develop normally, and add each other.

After 4-5 years later, the hybrid tulip loses the advantages and characteristics of the variety, its buds become small and weak. There is a big risk that over time the plant will die.

Digging of the bulbs is necessarily required for varietal tulips. If you have ordinary tulips, then in order to get larger and healthy flowers without an annual transplant, put them on the grid - the usual grid of potatoes. Or buy special pots for bulbies with holes. It will prevent the bulbs in the soil. Because These pots are usually fairly expensive, you can easily make their analogue from a conventional plastic basket.

When and how to dig tulips

Frames of plants are produced at the end of June or a little later, when the leaves are completely wishes, and the stalk crude. Ready to extract the bulb has brown spots on the scales, and a well-formed root system.

  • separate the varieties starting from the earliest;
  • dig in good weather to be able to immediately dry the bulbs in the sun;
  • if you dig into crude weather, flush the bulbs from the ground before drying;
  • digging a plant, enter the shovel as you can as much as possible in the soil, so as not to injure the root;
  • lukovitsa rinse in a solution of mangarteage (5%)

The resulting bulbs hold under the sun or lamp before the scales. Patients and weak swelling, and healthy place in varieties in pre-prepared containers (1-2 layers).

How to keep tulips bulbs

Boxes and other storage containers should have a well ventilated bottom, otherwise rot. During storage, it is important to comply with the corresponding mode of humidity and air temperature, which will ensure proper formation of kidneys, leaves and flowers inside the bulbs.

Storage conditions of tulips bulbs after digging:

  • until the end of July, over 3-4 weeks after digging, the air temperature should be 24-25 ° C, and the humidity is about 70%;
  • august - the temperature of the content is reduced to 20 ° C;
  • september - the temperature of the content is reduced to 16-17 ° C.

Keep the bulbs in a specially intended room, not allowing temperature drops and increase humidity - this will lead to cracking of the scales and the appearance of rot. From time to time, view the bulbs for defects or damage to pests.

When to plant tulips?

In late September or early October, the dried bulbs should be planted into the soil. It is better to do with solar weather and air temperature of 5-8 ° C. Ready for landing bulbs re-process with a solution of manganese.

Landing Rules:

  • choose a new place for bulbs;
  • sit down to a depth equal to 4-5 in a multiple size of the bulbs itself;
  • place of landing plenty of water;
  • a week after disembarking the bulbs, apply soil as ashes and ammonia Selitra;
  • before the onset of frosts, climb the soil with a thin layer of peat.

After the tulips beat, it is important to take care of the normal ripening of bulbs. This will ensure the safety of the variety, the lush flowering and the stability of the plant in front of the disease next year.

Despite the fact that the tulips with the arrival of spring can be found hardly in every garden, not everyone knows how to care for tulips, starting with the appearance of the first gentle shoots and until the moment when all the flowers are faded, and the stalks dried.

Caring for tulips from the moment of landing and before the appearance of the first buds

Tulips are pretty persistent and unpretentious perennial plants, however, errors in care for them throughout the growing season may well lead to such problems as the rotting of bulbs, the abundance of blind (unprecedented) buds, as well as the curvature of thin stems, which creates the impression, As if they lie on the plot.

Tulips are pretty persistent and unpretentious perennial plants

The first thing you need to take care to significantly increase the chances of getting healthy tulips with flawless flowers: choose to plant tulips suitable sunny place with loose fertile land and. If you do not pay attention to the sorting of planting material, the selection of the highest quality bulbs and their pre-claiming, in the future you can hardly avoid damage to the tulips of diseases, and therefore the trouble will noticeably add.

Video about the care of tulips in spring

From what bulbs you land on the flower beds will depend on the appearance, the size of the flowers and the health of the tulips themselves. Therefore, choose major bulbs without the slightest signs of rot, strong and smooth.

Gentle shootouts of tulips appear from under the snow from about the twentieth numbers of March to mid-April, depending on weather conditions and on the characteristics of the variety. In the event that for the winter you mulched a planting of bulbs, a mulch is recommended after the snow is removed - so the earth warms faster, and the flowering of tulips will begin before.

From what bulbs you will land on the flower beds, will depend on the appearance

What is required from the gardener after the germination of tulips:

  • At the stage of germination of sprouts of tulips, their attentive inspection should be carried out in order to immediately determine which bulbs do not sprinkle, which plants showed signs of disease. The identified "marriage" need to dig and immediately destroy, otherwise the diseases can go to the rest of the tulips.
  • Around the small sprouts of tulips, the land is neatly loose, increasing the access of the necessary oxygen to the roots and contributing to the decrease in the evaporation of moisture from the ground. In general, the care of tulips in the garden implies regular soil looshings throughout the entire season of vegetation, and especially after irrigation and rains.
  • Before the start of flowering, the tulips need to be watered quite moderately, but the soil should no case displace.
  • The first feeding is carried out, just just sprouts will seem to be from the ground. During this period, the tulips are especially necessary nitrogen for rapid growth and formation of leaves. For feeding, you can use nitroammophos or crystalline with the addition of trace elements in tablets.
  • The next feeding is not mandatory, but from the introduction of complex mineral fertilizer when turning the second-third sheet tulips will be more benefit than harm.

The first feeding is carried out, just just sprouts will seem to

  • During the bootonization, the tulips assimilate the nutrients from the soil efficiently and in dire need of potassium and phosphorus for normal formation of blur with buds. The feeding at this time should contain more phosphorus with potassium and less nitrogen.
  • When the buds start blooming, you can again feed the tulips with full mineral fertilizer.

The feeding must be carried out very carefully, so as not to damage the roots or not burn the leaves, so it is best to combine it with watering or spend on a rainy day. The first feeding should not be scattered in the snow, as it comes off unevenly. It is more expedient to make feeding in the form of solutions.

Basic actions during the flowering of tulips

When the buds one by one start to open, and magnificent flowers appear on the flowerbed, the care tulips require special. It is necessary to water them abundantly, spending 10 liters of water for one square meter so that the moisture penetrates to the roots, and the water should not be cold. When watering and making feeding in sunny weather, moisture should not fall on the leaves and even more so on the flowers in order to avoid burns.

During the abundant flowering of tulips, phosphorous-potash fertilizers must be made, the share of nitrogen must be minimal or can be completely without it. Such trace elements, like Bor, Zinc, Marganese, are beneficial to the state of tulips in general and on the development of bulbs.

During abundant blossom of tulips, phosphorus-potash fertilizers need to be made

Experienced flowers during the flowering of tulips are carried out by graders (transplanting of impurities of other varieties to preserve the purity of a certain variety) and phytoproticism (removal of patients from planting). Flowering tulips need regular inspection so that the plants infected with the diseases could be immediately destroyed. Especially dangerous is the viral disease Pepling tulips.

It is incurable and passed with the juice of plants when cutting, so the garden tool needs to be disinfeated with alcohol or manganese. During the bootonization and flowering of tulips, it is easiest to identify.

Do not forget to loosen the land between the tulips after each irrigation, in order to prevent the formation of a crust on the soil and at the same time to destroy weeds, extremely unwanted for tulips.

Tulips beatflowers - what to do next?

Unfortunately, the flowering of tulips continues at all long, and after a few days, magnificent flowers begin to fade, reducing the aesthetic attractiveness of the flower beds. The fastest of the tulips flows down with hot drunken weather. Nevertheless, even if all the flowers have already been faded, continue to water landings for another two weeks, since at this time there is an intensive formation of bulbs under the ground - due to the regular watering, they better accumulate nutrients.

So that the yellowing tulips do not spoil their sad kind of your garden, plan the bulbs in special baskets or containers - then the flowing plants can be drunk together with the tanks and remove with the flower beds to another place to ripen the bulbs.

In order for yellowing tulips to do not spoil your gardens, plan the bulbs in special baskets or containers

Tulips care after flowering is based on the following rules:

  • if you plan to multiply liked the variety and grow large healthy bulbs for this, cut the colors heads on the fourth-eighth day after dissolving (when the flowers are already ready to crumble), then the bulbs will begin to increase the bulbs in bulk;
  • all fallen petals need to be removed immediately, otherwise they will accumulate in the sinuses of the leaves and rot;
  • cut the stems of the glandy tulips cannot be cut until they do not at all, otherwise the bulbs will cease their development;
  • to find out, whether the bulbs ripened, you can by digging one of them - the formed roots and brown spots on the scales say that the bulb is ready;
  • shoot the bulbs carefully, lowering the shovel deep to inadvertently do not injure the roots, try to do it on a sunny day to be able to dry the dug bulbs on the street.

The collected crop of bulbs is sorted, processed and deposited. First, the future planting material is stored at a temperature of +20 degrees, and from the second half of August - at +17 degrees.

Video about the care of tulips after flowering

In the fall, choosing, the bulbs are planted on the prepared beds and are abundantly watered. Caring for tulips in the fall is also in the preparation of plants by winter. To this end, in mid-October, landed bulbs are fed by ammonia nitrate, the bedrock is mounted with a small layer of peat and with the onset of cold weather.

Not all gardeners agree that the bulbs of tulips need to replant annually, but thanks to the transplant flowers remain large, beautiful, and there are fewer diseases.

Tulips are one of the earliest spring onion, which adorn the flower bed with a bright riot of paints. Caring for these plants is needed not only during the bootonization period - after its end, they also require attention. Only in this way, you can achieve high-quality re-flowering, keep the health and forces of the tulip.

The main task of care for tulips after flowering is the formation and maturation of strong, strong bulbs. Watering should be regular for 2 weeks after the bootonization, and it is necessary to monitor the soil to the depth of about 30-40 cm. Only in this case can be avoided with bulbs that are not adapted to extract moisture from the lower tiers.

Supporting with complex mineral fertilizers, which contains potassium and phosphorus, be sure to include in tulips care. Always observe the recommended dosage of 30-40 g per 10 liters of water, not exceeding it - the crust depresses the development of bulbs. 1 buckets of the solution are enough for watering 1m 2 flowers. Consider: Components such as chlorine and nitrogen should not be present in the fake!

Skipping the tulips after flowering is undesirable, because it is precisely it contributes to the full formation of the scales of the replacement bulbs. Also, due to the sufficient amount of nutrients, the growth of side kids is stimulated, which are subsequently used for reproduction.

You need to delete the tagged flowers immediately before the formation of seeds in a seed box. It is recommended to remove only the heads, leaving the flowerons and leaves intact. If the tagged petals remain, the plant will weaken, which will definitely affect future flowering.

The ground part is cleaned after complete yellowing and drying when the bulb fully formed. You can remove the leaves with your hands - usually they are easily separated at easy effort. Do not forget to outline the landing site so that when digging, it is accidentally damaged to the bulbs.

How to dig bulbs

Equipping tulips from the open soil is recommended annually, and in regions with a temperate climate, such care for the bulbs is required. If you leave the bulbs on the same plot for 2-3 years, they may suffer from fungal diseases and other infections, which affects the quality of the planting material.

After proper trimming of the bulbs, they dig in the last numbers of June - in early July, but in any case you need to be focused on the degree of "maturation". It is better if the weather is dry and solar - in such conditions, the tulips are quickly dried before storage. The very first with the flower beds are cleaned early varieties, then - Late.

In the process of the digging, carefully examine the bulbs:

  • They should not be rot, mechanical damage, pests or strange formations. With the slightest suspicion of infection, dispose of the sick seating material to prevent the infection of the rest of the tulips and plants on the flower bed;
  • High-quality bulbs are always visible formed roots and brown scales - this is what guarantees high-quality flowering in the future season. Disposable instances immediately throw away.

Preparation for storage

Dry the bulbs of tulips need for a week in a dry, dark and well ventilated place. Outdoor Sun leave the planting material forbidden.

When the tulips are dried, re-rejecting patients and damaged copies, earth is removed from healthy tulips. It is also necessary to separate major bulbs from small "kids" that will be planted separately.

To store tulips, you need to prepare a suitable box with a well ventilated bottom. Otherwise, the bulbs can be understood, especially if humidity increases in the room. Braided baskets of natural materials, paper containers or wooden boxes are also suitable.

So that the planting material is well preserved until the next season (2-2.5 months), it is necessary to create optimal conditions in the room:

  • For 3-4 weeks after digging from the soil (until the end of July), the temperature mark should be within + 24- + 25 degrees, and humidity is at 70%;
  • In August, temperatures are recommended to reduce +20;
  • September is considered the most "cool" month of storage, since the bulbs should be stored at + 16- + 17 degrees.

Consistent temperature differences and increase in humidity are not allowed - this leads to damage to the bulbs up to cracking. Tulips need a maximum of two layers - so they will be able to fully "breathe."

Sit into the primer

It is possible to plant tulips into an open soil to a new section in September, when the temperature drops to + 5- + 7 degrees. Works are carried out in several stages.

  1. The bulbs are re-processed by a solution of manganese and dried.
  2. It is chosen well drained, windless and illuminated on the flower bed.
  3. In the soil, shallow grooves or wells are made, are equal to the four-time size of the bulb itself.
  4. The site is abundantly spilled by water, then the bulbs are placed without indulging in the ground.
  5. It is recommended to re-pour the bed with the planting material so that the land is wolping tulips - it contributes to the best survival.
  6. The landing site falls asleep with a layer of soil, and a small amount of ammonium nitrate is introduced into the soil in the soil.

With the onset of cold weather, do not forget to cover the tulips in the garden, inspired by peat, straw, dry leaves or sawdusts - this will prevent freezing landings.

  • Tulips after flowering - Useful tips
  • Video: What to do, when tulips beat

Tulips after flowering: what to do with tulips after they are fighting. As soon as the tulips were bombarded, the question is born that they need to do with them. So that the flowering is not limited to one season, let's figure it out with the order of action with the swarms

What to do with tulips after flowering?

After the tulips finished flowering: they also require attention. In order for tulips to please you with colorful bloom next season; It is necessary to adhere to certain actions, namely:

  • abundant watering after flowering;
  • feeding;
  • digging bulbs;
  • proper storage.

Tulips after flowering - watering and feeding

Tulips were blowing, petals crumbled, but this does not mean that the flower does not require special action. It is necessary to create favorable conditions for the formation of a good bulb for the next year.

  • First, after the petals dried and creepy needed to cut the floweros. If at this moment to cut the entire ground part of the tulip, then the bulb will not be formed to flowering next season. It is necessary to wait for the leaves on their own yield and dried - this will be a signal that the bulb has ripened. If not to cut the flower, then the bulb will give nutrients to the aging of the seeds, and the bulb will exhale.
  • Secondly, tulips are needed abundant watering a few weeks after a cut of tulips heads. It is also necessary to loosen the soil and remove weeds.
  • Thirdly, the sworded tulips must be filtered with phosphorical fertilizer. Do not apply nitrogen and chlorine feeders.

Tulips after flowering - digging bulbs

After the leaves of tulips completely yellow, dig bulbs from the soil, adhering to the basic recommendations:

  • dig up the bulbs preferably in a sunny, warm day, so that they can dry in the sun;
  • wire a shovel carefully, not to damage the bulbs and the roots of tulips;
  • after you dig bulbs, carefully inspect them. Rotten and non-sprouted bulbs throw off;
  • in rainy weather, the bulbs are rinsed and dried well;
  • dug-off bulbs cleanse from stems, surface scales, land;
  • if you notice that the bulb is amazed by fungus, it must be treated with fungicide;
  • tulips bulbs can not dig for several seasons.

Tulips after flowering - bulbs storage

In a trace of how dug-off on the bulbs of tulips dried, go to their sorting. Sorted bulbs fold into mesh boxes in 1-2 layers. This is necessary so that the bulbs do not start. For the proper development of bulbs, it is necessary to observe the temperature regime of storage:

  • in July at 24-26 degrees;
  • in August at 20 degrees:
  • in September at 17 degrees;
  • in the consequent months before disembarking, gradually lower the temperature to 12-15 degrees.

Compliance with the necessary temperature during storage is very important, because at this time the processes of the formation of kidneys occur, laying leaves, flower. Also periodically browse the bulbs and throw away missing. Keep the bulbs in the cellar, basement, storage room.

  • To multiply the grade of the tulip, as well as for growing a large bulb, it is necessary to cut off the flowering head for the cultivation of a large onion. This will contribute to the buildup of the mass of the bulbs.
  • Shooting petals, yellowed leaves need to be removed from the bed so that they do not start.
  • Sit tulips into special containers or plastic baskets, it will greatly make it easier to care for them. You can dig up the tanks with the sworded tulips and rearranged into a secluded place to aging bulbs.
  • In order to understand the bulbs or not, dig one and carefully inspect it. If brown spots on the scales appeared on the bulb, then the bulb was ripe.