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Comfortable ceiling height in the house. Comfortable ceilings height in a private house. Standards and practice

Each developer still at the stage of dreams about her future house asks itself a question about the height of the ceilings. On the forums, the topics of the topic about life in close "crushes" with the ceilings in 2.5 m and tips not save on this little joy. Let's figure out where the gold is the middle between the ceilings with a height of two and a half meters and the second light of the houses that are so tempting to look at us from the pages of glossy magazines.

First you need to understand for yourself that in this house you will not only enjoy life, but also the fact that the house needs to be built, and then all this beauty to serve.

Minuses of low ceilings.

Of course, the main minus of low ceilings is a psychological component that will not allow a person in good health at the twenty-first century a building with ceilings in 2.10 m, and then knock his forehead about the door shoals and burn her head with a light bulb. The house should be comfortable, spacious and light.

Pluses of low ceilings

The price of construction and further maintenance of such a house. The lower the ceiling in the house and below the wall, the smaller the material on their erection will take, less material will go to the decoration of these walls, you will need smaller windows dimensions, reduce the volume of rooms, and the costs of heating will decrease accordingly. Agree, heat the 37.5 cubic meters of air in a room with an area of \u200b\u200b15 meters cheaper and faster than 52.5 cubes in the room with the ceilings of 3.5 meters similar area.

Cons of high ceilings

The cons of high ceilings themselves flow out of the lines described above in this article, so we will not stop on them.

Pluses of high ceilings

The advantage of high ceilings is the unique atmosphere and freedom of a private house, which many people move "having prepared" in grace of high-rise buildings. It is impossible to imagine a cozy, larger living room with low ceilings. You will not leave the feeling of something gulling or what you are in the old building. The design of the walls containing vertical bands will eventually be able to somehow smooth out the insufficient height of the ceiling, but this is not the best option at the stage of reflection of the future developer.

Optimal ceiling height in a private house

If you are still finally confused, let's compare the height of the ceiling in various buildings known to us.

Thus, the optimal ceiling height for the private house is 2.70 - 3.10 meters. The house with such ceilings will delight the owners with its cozy atmosphere and will not ruin their accounts on gas or any alternative fuel.

The height of the ceilings is an important parameter, from the value of which depends the level of comfort in the room and the ability to implement certain design ideas. For different types of premises, their norms are provided. Such values \u200b\u200bare indicated in the regulatory documentation, ergonomics are also engaged in these issues.

Calculations of the distance from the floor to the ceiling surface in the room should be determined at the design stage

Ergonomics of residential premises

The science of ergonomics develops the parameters of the optimal height of the ceiling, in which a person would feel as comfortable as possible.

To create a comfortable atmosphere during construction, the following ergonomic conditions must be observed:

  • a large amount of natural light;
  • sufficient amount of oxygen;
  • support optimal moisture mode.

These requirements will differ depending on the size of the room.

The first optimal values \u200b\u200bwere calculated by Durer and Ernst Nefert (about 2.7 m). It is they who are taken as the basis for calculating the standard height of the ceilings in SNiP - building standards and rules used during construction.


It is worth noting that the regulatory documents does not establish the only true value, and only indicates the minimum ceiling height for residential premises of different types. Below it is not allowed below.

  1. Residential premises and kitchens - 2.5-2.7 m.
  2. Corridors and Halls - 2.1 m.
  3. Boiler rooms - 2.2 m.
  4. Baths, steam rooms, saunas - 3.2 m.
  5. Dry cleaning and laundry - 3.6 m.
  6. Offices and other administrative objects - 3 m.

On practice

The current distance from the ceiling to the floor depends on many factors. The main is the standard of living of the placeholders. In apartment and private homes, as well as cottages that are built for further sale, developers can take into account the wishes of customers. As they say, any whim for your money.
Usually, the height of the ceilings in the panel house ranges in the range of 2.5-3.2 m. It is believed that the value of 2.5 M is the lower threshold at which there is no feeling of discomfort and the "compensation" effect.

The height of Stalinsky Ceilkov

The height of the apartments in Stalin's houses is 3-4 m. They were built back in the 30s and 20th of the twentieth century during the reign of Stalin. These apartments are large and bright, have wide corridors, bulk door and window openings, spacious bathrooms, kitchens, rooms. It can be safely argued that such premises fully comply with ergonomic requirements.

Spacious premises in Stalinki meet all the requirements of ergonomics

Ceiling height in Brezhnev

High-rise Brezhnev houses (from 9 to 16 floors) appeared in the USSR in the 70s. At first, the premises in them were called improved planning apartments. If you compare them with rooms in Khrushchev, then it really was like the truth. The distance from the floor to the ceiling surface in Brezhnev houses - 2.5-2.7 m. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment is 20-80 square meters. m.

Brezhnevs are characterized by average parameters that are considered optimal for life.

Ceilings in new buildings

Today, different standards apply when building houses. Elite class apartments can have a height of 3 m and more. The cost of a square meter of such housing is much higher than average. The budget versions stop at a value of 2.7 m, which is considered optimal both from the financial side and in terms of comfort.
The average values \u200b\u200bof the height of the rooms in the nine-story building - 2.6-2.8 m.

High rooms in new buildings allow you to embody the most original design options.

Stretch ceiling

Stretch structures are recommended to be installed in high rooms from 2.7 m, since they should be engaged in the space.
How much the ceiling will decrease the height depends on the type of mounted lamps and engineering communications. Typically, this value is about 10 cm. The minimum distance between the main and tension ceiling surface should not be less than 3 cm.

In low rooms (less 2.4 m) stretch ceilings need to be used with caution. The best option in this case is simple single-level structures. If the room allows, the space for designer fantasies is not limited, and it is quite possible to dwell on three- or four-level structures with complex configurations.

How to visually increase the height of the ceiling

If the room is low, you can add to it space visually:

  • select the correct ceiling finish, such as a glossy coating;
  • use when designing walls and ceiling materials of one shade (white, milk, cream);
  • select boundaries between the wall and the ceiling of the mirror strip;
  • cover the walls with a vertical orientation pattern (the pattern should not be too frequent and not unnecessarily bright);
  • install the floating light (eaves should be hung at an altitude of 5-10 cm from the ceiling).

LED lamps and LED ribbons around the perimeter of the room visually increase its space and diverse the interior with original light effects

The height of the room affects not only the cost of housing itself and its service, but also on the well-being of those who live in it. This indicator determines the design options that can be applied to finishing, is responsible for the comfortable atmosphere and comfort in your rooms.

The height of the ceilings is not so significant for comfortable accommodation, such as living space, wall material. But this statement is valid only until this parameter goes beyond the limits of recommended values. If the ceiling is too low or excessively high, it can cause tangible psychological discomfort. Consider what the height of the ceilings should be in a private house so that it and the feeling of comfort does not violate, and was economically beneficial.

Pros and cons of low ceilings

Low ceiling - the concept of relative. For the premises of the large area and the height of 2.8 may seem insufficient, and for a small bedroom, where a person spends time, mainly lying, the ceiling of 2.4 m will not look low. When choosing the height of the ceilings in a country house, it is necessary to navigate the size of the area of \u200b\u200bthe rooms so that their proportions were harmonious.

  • cause a feeling of non-free, pressure;
  • limit in the choice of ceiling lights;
  • make this design solutions such as stretch or suspended structures.
  • purify the interior is a non-primary look.

But they have and dignity, because by reducing the height of the walls in a private house, the means of construction will save, the costs of heating are reduced.

Taking into account all these advantages and minuses and the optimal height of the ceilings of each room in a private house is determined so that aesthetics and economics are in a reasonable balance sheet.

Pros and cons of high ceilings

High ceilings give the interior of the aristocracy raid, because the palaces are always high, unlike hijan. They cause the feeling of freedom and abundance of air, however, the heating of this air will require significant additional costs. And at the construction stage, the high height of the ceilings in the cottage will be wrapped with a significant increase in costs in the estimate.

Therefore, it is advisable to limit the height of the rooms to 3-3.2 m, especially since their maintenance becomes difficult: the replacement of light bulbs, maintain cleanliness, repair.

Snip regulate this parameter, but only in apartment buildings. The height of the ceilings in a private house on SNiP is not regulated, but the future private homeowners can be taken as a guideline standards for apartment buildings.

According to SNiP, the regulatory value of the minimum height of residential premises depends on the house of the construction of the house. In cold climatic zones (Polar, the northern regions of Siberia and the Far East), this value is 2.7 m, in moderate and southern - 2.5 m. These norms are calculated, based on the conditions for creating a normal microclimate in the rooms.

For the maximum ceiling height in a private house, standards are also absent. The maximum level of ceiling SNIP is not regulated at all. Practice shows that in modern apartment buildings, it, as a rule, does not rise above 3.2 m.

Standard ceilings height in various homes

Today, the concepts of the standard height of the ceiling in a private house does not exist, because It is not subject to regulatory. Its choice is produced at the design stage at the request of the future homeowner. To make it easier to decide on the choice, let's look at what level the ceiling was built in different types of high-rise buildings.

Stalinki and old residential fund

One of the advantages for which the houses of Stalin's buildings are so appreciated are high ceilings. Their level is 3.3-3.6 m, even modern elite housing does not reach this parameter.

Apartments Khrushchevki.

Khrushchevka - Low-budget housing, when they are built in priority, it was not quality, but the number of houses built. Therefore, the level of their ceilings corresponded to the minimum standards of SNiP - 2.7 m for the northern regions and 2.5 m - for the rest.

Superior or Brezhnevka

Apartments of the 70s are improved compared to Khrushchev layout and "grown" to 2.6-2.7 m ceilings.

Panel and block houses

Although they call the last decades of the USSR with the era of stagnation, but in size and layout of the housing constructed in those years, noticeable progress is traced. Panel and block high-rise buildings, built in the 80s, are distinguished by a larger area and rooms of rooms 2.65-2.75 m.

Modern apartments

The level of ceilings of modern apartments depends on what segment of residential real estate they relate. Economy options may have a height that does not reach 2.7 m, the housing of the business class - from 2.75 and higher, elite apartments - 3-3.2 m.

Houses of private building

Still, what is the best ceiling height in a private house? The most optimal from the points of view of the comfort and economic feasibility will be the "Golden Mid" - the ceilings of the level 2.6-3 m. For rooms of a small area, this parameter can be 2.6-2.7 m, for spacious - 3 m.

A reasonable solution will be the height of the ceilings in a private house as follows: the floor on which there is a living room, dining room, build higher, and floors with bedrooms - down.

It happens that it does not suit the height of the walls in the already built house. If the task is to make the ceilings lower, it is easily solved by installing suspended or stretch structures.

And if there is a question, how to increase the height of the ceiling in a private house, then its solution is possible only in buildings with beam overlaps. They can be raised by a jack, and supplement the missing masonry of the walls. If the building has reinforced concrete floors, then increase this parameter is possible only visually using designer techniques.

Planning the construction or purchase of a private house, must pay attention to such an indicator as the ceiling height. The comfort of people in the premises of people depends on it. There are certain norms and rules governing the minimum and optimal value of this parameter for different premises.

Therefore, the height of the ceilings in a private house deserves special attention. Wanting to create various decorative effects indoors, install stretch or necessarily take into account this parameter.

Compliance with proportions

It is necessary to decide which height of the ceilings in a private house is necessary at the time of the design of the future structure. Modern standards at the same time take into account all parameters inside the structure. It should also take into account the purpose of the room.

For a bath, for example, very high ceilings do not fit. But for residential rooms it is necessary to choose this value of this parameter so that people be inside comfortably.

And the owners should have enough space both in the process of interior arrangement and when servicing the room. After all, cleaning and repair is easier to do in medium or small rooms than in huge halls.


Modern construction applies various standards in the process of designing the internal space of the building. In a private house equals 2.7 m. This is enough enough to fully carry out the cleaning and repair of the room.

The minimum distance from the floor to the ceiling should not be less than 2.5 m. Such values \u200b\u200bof the indicator is more often used in country houses, where the owners are temporarily. For the cottage, the cottage, where the various sophisticated design techniques is not enough with the interior arrangement, it will also be enough. If the ceiling is planned to simply paint, for a country summer house height 2.5 more than convenient.

Requirements standards

The height of the ceiling in a private house, among other things, is also regulated by the SNiP and the principles of the organization of fire safety. According to their requirements, in a building where people live constantly, you should stick to certain parameters when designing. In this case, the minimum height should be at least 2.6 m.

The generally accepted opinion is the need for arrangement with fairly spacious dimensions. The higher the ceilings, the room seems more cozy. Therefore, many owners of private houses are still on the process of designing the home seems to be the right decision to make the height of the ceilings inside the rooms about 3 m.

This approach allows you to create an original design. But the cube of the rooms is also increasing, and at the same time during the cold period will have to spend more energy resources on the heating of such premises. If there is no heat in the rooms with high ceilings, it will be very uncomfortable here. Such a room seems gloomy.

Parameters of the room

According to the recommendations of experts, the optimal height of the ceilings in a private house should be from 2.6 to 3 m. To properly select the required value of the indicator from this spectrum, it is necessary to refer to the plan of the whole structure.

A private house can be operated year-round or seasonally. For a small summer cottage, small rooms are characteristic. Rarely for such houses, there is a huge hall, a living room, etc. He has several medium or small bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a common hall. Therefore, in such small premises, the high ceiling will look unnatural. So, the ideal solution will be the choice of this parameter at 2.6 m.

The house in which the family lives all year round may have several very spacious rooms. And in them the low ceiling, in turn, will seem ridiculous. Therefore, in such conditions, its level increases as much as possible.

How to visually increase the level of the ceiling?

A large height of the ceilings in a private house is not available to every owner. Wanting to visually push the space, you can use several councils of experts. They will prompt how correctly you can equip the interior in a small room:

  1. If the ceiling is light, it will visually expand the space.
  2. A similar effect gives the painting of the ceiling in the tone with the walls or only their upper part.
  3. Vertical lines in the interior visually increase space. To do this, use the wallpaper with the corresponding pattern.
  4. The mirror glitter of the stretch ceiling also pulls the space. This is a fairly interesting technique. By the way, the room at the same time looks elegant and solemnly.

Stretch ceiling

The height of the ceilings in a private house can significantly decrease if the owners decide to make a stretch or that the space of the room has not declined at least visually, one should take into account several recommendations.

Simple designs with mounting the only chandelier in the center reduce the height of several centimeters. It is practically not noticeable for others. But if it assumes the installation of a complex lighting system, it will take about 10 cm height. Under the panel will have to place wires and special fasteners. Therefore, such systems are better equipped in spacious premises, where the height of the ceilings is equal to at least 2.8 m.

In modern conditions, many owners are mounted under the tensioning ceiling various fire and security equipment. It is characterized by a reduction in space by 15 cm. Therefore, all previous techniques of visual increase in the height of the ceilings will be relevant in such conditions.

Having considered the standards and criteria for choosing such an indicator as the height of the ceilings in a private house, each property owner will be able to create the most comfortable living space. Taking advantage of the advice of professional designers, you can visually expand the room, which is why it will be comfortable and the owners in it, and their guests.

During the construction of a private house, it is necessary to think about what the height of the ceilings in the rooms will be. Should you choose the height of the ceilings familiar to high-rise buildings or non-standard? AnydayLife tips collection will tell you what depends on ceiling height in the house And what will be optimal in one way or another.

When building a private house there is an opportunity to choose the height of the ceilings in each room. So, many find a comfortable height of about 3 m, others are accustomed to low 2.5 m high ceilings. And there are also such people for whom the height of the ceilings should be only above 3 m. In all cases, the problem of choosing the height of the ceilings rests in many factors . And first of them - cost of construction. The higher the ceiling in the house, the more expensive it will cost you due to the use of more building materials.

Houses with low ceilings cost cheaper, and they make them easier. Low ceilings will affect on the appearance of the building. So, the house with low ceilings appearance looks more squat. And this is already minus.

Can solve this problem by combination of the height of the ceilkov. So, on the first floor, the ceilings are planning high, but on the second, where there are bedrooms, they can be done below. Thus, an externally, the house looks very good, while for each individual room you can choose the optimal height of the ceilings.

The height of the ceiling in a private house also depends on the size of the rooms. So, a small room with a low ceiling looks like a wretched chamic. But the high ceiling allows a small room to be visually more spacious. Also consider the fact that for large rooms it is necessary to plan high ceilings. For example, a room of 18 m2 will look good with a ceiling of 2.5-2.6 m high, and with a 25 m2 area and more ceiling it is better to take a height of 3 m. Large rooms with low ceilings are visually losing in volume and seem small.

From the above described, we can conclude that for the living room on the first floor, which will be large, we need a high ceiling with a height of 3 m. In the bedrooms that are located on the second floor, this height of the ceiling is not needed, especially since the area of \u200b\u200bthese rooms is much smaller. Here, the height of the ceilings can be taken 2.4-2.5 m. By the way, the height of the ceiling 2.4 m is considered minimally comfortable for man. In the kitchen, in the bathroom and bathroom there is also no need for high ceilings, so the height of these rooms can vary at 2.5-2.8 m.

Since when building a house on the same floor you have to get a place for various rooms, then you have to do multi-level planning. It turns out again in excess costs, but with this approach you will feel comfortable in each room.

The optimal ceilings height for each person is different. It all depends on your growth. High people are comfortable only in the rooms with the height of the ceilings about 3 m. If the ceiling is low, then it seems that it hangs over his head.

Determine the optimal height of the ceiling in the room Very simple: let the highest family member will and pull out the hand up. To this height, it is necessary to add another 30 cm. The resulting height and will be the optimal ceiling height in the room.

When building a house it is important to take into account the fact that The height of the ceilings is laid blackand not clean. Thus, at the height of the floor, 3 m, the pure height of the ceiling can be 2.7-2.8 m (under the condition of the overlap thickness of 15 cm).

Standard ceiling height in a private house: What should it be according to current norms?

If the room is planned to use a suspension or multi-level ceiling and insulate the floor, then the pure height can be lower. And if there are plans to hang a big chandelier, then she can hang straight above his head. Therefore, when choosing the optimal height for each room, it is also necessary to take into account its design.

The height of the ceilings in the house from the bar

Inheritance from the Soviet past we got a variety of apartments. At the same time, the height of the ceilings was always considered one of the main indicators of the comfort of the housing - the higher the more prestigious. Apparently, a modern fashion came from here among the future owners of houses from a bar on high rooms. The dream of a citizen of the Soviet Powder - a full chamber apartment with high ceilings today is often embodied in the cottage. However, how much justified the desire to increase the distance from the floor to the ceiling, and is it worth the funds spent? Let's deal with together.

Today, the height on which the ceiling is made in the room is determined not only by the considerations of the designer, but also by the current building standards that take into account many factors. Based on this, the ceilings at an altitude of 2.4 - 2.55 meters are considered the most optimal, while at the same time higher rooms are not equal every time, as expected when they are design. The thing is that in a wooden dwelling ceilings are not just a structural component. They are the most important part of the building, the rational dimensions of which are guaranteed not only comfort and comfort, but also help to significantly save on the further operation of the house (reducing the costs of its ventilation and heating).

If the project of the house from the bar provides for a reasonable ceiling height, this is a guarantee:
- optimal costs of electricity consumed in the aims of lighting and heating of the building;
- reduction of expenditures on building materials, due to the reduction of their number (below the height of the walls - less than a bar);
- saving funds for air conditioning and venting the premises (due to the overall reduction of the air cubic building).
The choice of optimum in this issue is pushing the buyer and prices for wooden houses. For example, the Finnish wooden house (with a considerable price) in the basic configuration has a ceiling height on the second floor of only 2 meters of 40 centimeters.

Despite this, the ceilings at the level of 3 meters are considered a good tone. Maybe this is the case, but only in rooms with a large square. Small rooms with such ceilings look like wells. Naturally, it is not realistic to indicate the mandatory height of the rooms, it will still do in its own way. However, the minimum standards defined by SNiP 2.08.01-89 must be observed. Thus, for premises in the houses of permanent residence, the height of the rooms should be at least 2.5 meters, while the kitchens and attic should not be below 2.3 meters, and in the corridor the ceiling can be lowered to 2.1 meters. For country houses, height is allowed from 2.2 to 2.4 meters.

How did the standards changed to the height of the room in our country? Mass arrangements of the period leadership by Nikita Khrushchev (famous panel five-story buildings) had the height of the premises in the region of 2.5 meters. Later buildings (the eighties of the 20th century) lowered the bar to 2.4 m. Today, high-rise buildings can boast rooms with an interval of 2.5 to 2.7 meters in height. There is no dispute, the room with a high ceiling looks very beautiful. It feels spacious in it. However, life is not limited to one feelings. Let's consider other parties to this issue.

Sooner or later winter comes. And then the owner who started the construction of the house from a bar with high ceilings, discovers that in his cottage a large air cube that needs to warm up. Can he pay the necessary energy resources? So they hear the answers that once there was enough money for the mansion, then on firewood (natural gas, diesel fuel, electricity - the need to emphasize) is enough. But here you need to think: will there always be the same financial stability as today? After all, life is characterized by its unpredictability, and it is necessary to count on the worst.

Even if everything will be stable with wages, who canceled the rise in prices in our country? The cost of fuel is growing annually, seeking to achieve unprecedented heights. Together with the increase in prices, the age of tenants, which will once be retired, are gradually increasing. And it is in monetary equivalent, as is known, much lower than wages. How to do then? Where to take money for heating? Waiting for help from the state, which pursues a policy of equal return on the sale of energy resources within the country and abroad, do not have. The promised subsidies for paying housing and communal applies only to residents of apartment buildings.

Now another side of the problem. Three-meter ceilings are not a problem for the young owners of a wooden brusade house 6x9 meters. They will quietly carry out the minor repair of the ceiling, conveniently addressed on the stepladder. But what to do when you are 65 years old? The muscles weakened, the joints hurt - not that on the stairs, the chair is heightened hard on the chair. It is time to paint the ceiling, but this is no longer done. Replace the same light bulb in the chandelier and then a huge difficulty. Of course, today the service sector is developing rapidly and can be caused by an assistant, but is there a modest pension, if now for the call of the wizard to replace the blurred lamps in the lamp takes at least 200 rubles?

With regard to this, as well as the fact that many old houses have high ceilings (from 3 to 3.2 m) when installing stretch ceilings, more and more people are asked to lower them down. After that, it becomes more convenient and the distorted light bulb is changed, and the chandelier wipes from dust. Convenience is becoming more important than beauty. Of course, low ceilings are not out.

Comfortable height of the ceilkov

It is necessary that the highest person, from those living in the house, could not get his hand to the ceiling. Otherwise, hanging right above the head of the ceiling will "press" on the psyche and comfortable such accommodation can not be called.

It is worth considering this difficult question in advance and take a weighted decision, and not chanting the fashionable tags, thoughtlessly increasing the height of the ceilings in his house. Specialists from the construction company will always provide the necessary advisory assistance.

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Optimal ceiling height in the house

What is the optimal height of the ceilings in a private house

The optimal height of the ceilings in a private house is one of the most important parameters to be determined for itself before starting construction. The comfort of premises and the overall quality of accommodation depends on it. Those who are going to acquire an apartment is easier. They can only choose from the market offered. Build a private house harder. After all, the wrong choice here not only prevents the desired, but also falls into considerable money. In addition, the ability to implement successful design projects depends on the height of the ceiling. So the choice is very accurate.

The optimal height of the ceilings in a private house

What the Law says

According to fire safety requirements, today the minimum permissible threshold is 2.5-2.6 meters. Such parameters allow you to build more or less comfortable housing, which can be squeezed to the minimum size of the site for the construction of a private house. Its area define local municipal assemblies, but most often it is standard 3 weave.

What parameters are important

To determine them, you can separately explore the advantages of high and low ceilings.

Pluses of low ceilings

In fact, low ceilings have their advantages. And among the main:

  • saving construction and finishing material;
  • simpler and cheap service of such a house;
  • smaller windows size (savings on purchasing them);
  • reducing heating costs (saving indoors at the same area and height 2.5 and 3.5 m can reach 20%).

But 2.5 meters are a critical minimum and from a functional point of view. There are already difficulties with the installation of modern designs of ceiling systems and the implementation of various interior solutions.

Pluses of high streams

  • space;
  • great freedom in design;
  • practicality (you can use spacious suspended cabinets, saving space below);
  • more fresh air indoors;
  • no sharp temperature drops.

The only drawback of high ceilings can be considered an echo. But it is not essential and solved with the help of high-quality sound insulation (at the construction stage) or upholstered furniture, long curtains, carpets and other similar things subsequently.

So it is possible to determine that the optimal height of the ceilings in a private house is within 2.7-3.1 meters. Such a dwelling will already please our owners with a cozy atmosphere, but at the same time will not ruin them by payment for utilities. If I want to know the opinion of the profile specialist in exactly your case, you can always contact the "Cozy House-13". His specialists have successfully implemented hundreds of private houses with the most different parameters - from compact cottages to extensive country residency. Therefore, they will be able to choose the best option, taking into account the ratio of comfort and cash costs.

Each developer is still an end of the dreams of his future house as a question about the height of the ceilings. On the forums, the topics of the topic about life in close "crushes" with the ceilings in 2.5 m and tips not save on this little joy. Let's figure out where the gold is the middle between the ceilings with a height of two and a half meters and the second light of the houses that are so tempting to look at us from the pages of glossy magazines.

First you need to understand for yourself that in this house you will not only enjoy life, but also the fact that the house needs to be built, and then all this beauty to serve.

Minuses of low ceilings.

Of course, the main minus of low ceilings is a psychological component that will not allow a person in good health at the twenty-first century a building with ceilings in 2.10 m, and then knock his forehead about the door shoals and burn her head with a light bulb. The house should be comfortable, spacious and light.

charlotte Holmes.

Pluses of low ceilings

The price of building anamental service of such a house. The lower the ceiling in the house and below the wall, the smaller the material on their erection will take, less material will go to the decoration of these walls, you will need smaller windows dimensions, reduce the volume of rooms, and the costs of heating will decrease accordingly.

What is the height of the ceiling should be in a private house

Agree, heat the 37.5 cubic meters of air in a room with an area of \u200b\u200b15 meters cheaper and faster than 52.5 cubes in the room with the ceilings of 3.5 meters similar area.

Cons of high ceilings

The cons of the high ceilings themselves flow out the outlines of the low, described above in this article, so we will not dwell on them.

Pluses of high ceilings

The advantage of high ceilings is the unique atmosphere and freedom of a private house, which many people move "having prepared" in grace of high-rise buildings. It is impossible to imagine a cozy, larger living room with low ceilings. You will not leave the feeling of something gulling or what you are in the old building. The design of the walls containing vertical bands will eventually be able to somehow smooth out the insufficient height of the ceiling, but this is not the best option at the stage of reflection of the future developer.

Dmitry Klovyuk

The optimal ceiling height is

If you are still finally confused, let's compare the height of the ceiling in various buildings known to us.

Thus, the optimal ceiling height for the private house is 2.70 - 3.10 meters. The house with such ceilings will delight the owners with its cozy atmosphere and will not ruin their accounts on gas or any alternative fuel.