Repairs Design Furniture

Kitchens What are the better opinion of the specialist. How to choose the right kitchen set: photos and advice of specialists. Modern kitchens in photos

The kitchen for any family is the most important part of the dwelling and a favorite place to communicate. There we spend quite a long time: breakfast, just talking over a cup of coffee or tea, cook soup or a tasty cake, discuss the current affairs, and most importantly - we are going through the whole family. Not in vain say that the kitchen is a cherished place, since for a man it is a magical place in which delicious food is being prepared, and women see it as a workshop for their culinary delights.

And now came the moment when you planned the acquisition of a new kitchen. Now order it is not a problem - you can choose anything in the market anything. But here there are our "pitfalls". After all, our favorite cuisine should be not only practical, comfortable and rational, but also aesthetic, beautiful and comfortable.

How correctly choose a high-quality and practical kitchen so that the furniture in it does not constrain the movement and pleased the eye with its appearance?

When choosing a kitchen, you need to be guided by the following.
1. Measures. Be sure to measure the facilities: - measure the area and "useful" perimeter, the height of the room, the length of the window sill, the segment between the windowsills and the floor, the length of the walls in the kitchen, etc. Write down the results obtained.

2. What is the kitchen for you. Collect Family Council and discuss the following questions: how many kitchen furniture are you planning to buy, and what kind of. Think for yourself for what purpose you purchase new kitchen furniture and other elements of the kitchen. For example, if you have a big family, the kitchen should be very functional and extensive, with a well-thought-out working area, with wide passages between interior elements. But if you do not like to especially cook and buy kitchen "for beauty", then you can do only by its most basic elements.

3. Appliances. Be sure to decide what household appliances for the kitchen you will enjoy (maybe still serve old). Whether they will be embedded, combined or "open."

4. Layout and functionality. Solve for yourself, in what order your kitchen furniture, stove, refrigerator, washing, and pr. Common planning options - the letter "P" (along 3 walls), the letter "G" (corner), the letter "I" (in a row ), "Island" or "Peninsula". This is very important for the functionality of the kitchen room. In particular, for small kitchen premises the most rational configuration will be the location of the furniture "on the corner". For too narrow rooms, furniture and equipment is better to put in a row, whereas for large methods, the layout is permissible in the form of Litera "P" or the so-called island accommodation with a stove in the center or with a peninsula in the form of a bar counter. Think what order will stand from the elements of the interior. For example, you can take advantage of the well-known rules of the working kitchen triangle with storage, washing and cooking zones. In other words, the first refrigerator goes, then plumbing, then the stove, and between them you need to "squeeze" at least half the meter of the table top. The distance between the zones should be at least 1.2 m, but do not exceed 2.7-2.8 m. It is best to schematically transfer the plan for your future kitchenettes on a sheet "into a cage", drawing out its size and location of the main elements of the interior. Then it will be easier to consult with the designer. Also in this regard, it is important to decide whether it will be a kitchen-dining room, just a kitchen or even a kitchen-studio.

5. Style and color gamut. Be sure to decide on the color of the kitchen, as well as with the style decision of the interior: whether it is a classic design option with a small gilding, a bright kitchen, a modern set with a light painting of the facade, modern minimalism or a refined urban version. The most common style kitchen solutions is a modern modern and solid classic, less often goes the style of a rural country or metal-glass high-tech. Consider the color gamut. Try not to choose too bright, rich, too contrast or too dark. Color must match the mood.

For example, the shades of bright red though can be annoying, but cause a tide of appetite, while dark blue color, on the contrary, suppresses it. For kitchens are good neutral shades of green, blue, gray, yellow, pink, as well as various light white shades. Do not abundance of drawings and patterns. If the kitchenette is small, try so that it is well covered, and in color the headset prevailed a light gamut. If the room is too heated, pick up a colder tone: green, blue, gray. When the room is relatively cool, is on the north side or simply not enough illuminated, on the contrary, select pastel shades - (pink, lemon, peach and other similar tones).

6. Material. Today, quite a lot of materials are used for kitchen furniture, among which the main wood, chipboard, MDF, glass, aluminum and even a stone are main. For example, for the facade of the kitchen headset in this regard can be allocated:

  • Chipboard is the cheapest material, but has a much lower service life. He has little practicality, and buy it better in an aluminum framework. Watch that the chipboard is from environmentally friendly materials;

  • MDF film and laminated - the average budget, it is more expensive than chipboard by 10-15%, a very decent service life, good quality, moisture resistant, but is afraid of mechanical impact, loves competent care (rather gentle material). MDF painted - very beautiful material, with increased practicality, but also afraid of strikes. MDV is very suitable for modern kitchens;

  • Wood natural whole - alder, ash, oak - more expensive material (worth an average of 15-20% more expensive than MDF). High functionality, very beautiful material, increased strength. It fears too wet rooms, sensitive to temperature drops, may begin to deform. Completely made of wood make so-called Scandinavian cuisines that are soaked with special compositions;

  • Multiplex (multi-layered glued wood) - more thermo- and moisture resistant than wood and is not prone to deformation, which actually is a more practical option than the previous one;

  • Plastic facades are very durable, but plastic is an unnatural material, it is desirable to buy it in an aluminum frame;

  • Metal + Glass - Modern Fashionable Option! On the front of the facade there is a wear-resistant metal (aluminum or steel), and the shelves and doors of cabinets are made of special glass. Such a kitchen, though expensive, but will last for a very long time, it is not afraid of shocks and will endure a lot of weight.

As for the countertop, then you can pay attention to such materials as:
  • cheaper plastic with the basis of the chipboard;

  • wooden countertops (set board);

  • material from laminated MDF (good option by price-quality ratio, material: heat-resistant, moisture resistant and easy to clean);

  • special tempered glass (very durable, comfortable, beautiful, not afraid of high temperatures, but quite expensive);

  • synthetic stone, for example, Corian (this interesting material is very durable and non-toxic, resistant to influences of chemistry);

  • artificial stone (heat-resistant, lighter than natural stone, very practical and durable);

  • table tops from natural stone (granite, marble, etc., here in different ways: the same granite is the most durable and heat-resistant, not afraid of acids, while marble, although not afraid of heat, has a porous structure that is fraught with time, appearance Spots from fat and wines).

7. Interior device and accessories. Plan up so that in the kitchen there were all the necessary boxes for dishes, a saucepan, etc. Provide the need to open a shelf with sockets or niche with shutters (for example, for microwave or toaster). Count, whether you will store in the kitchen stocks of products (cereals, seasonings, etc.), if not, then reduce the number of lockers. What about a minibar or at least a horizontal bottle? Think whether you will order "additional options" and accessories - a variety of drawers, niches with divisors or double bottom, wall areas for hanging dishes, auxiliary sections, baskets, lockers, etc. You can order "Carousel shelves", boards-tables with Additional retractable trays for dishes, door movement mechanisms and much more. Be sure to specify which weight can withstand one or another design!

8. Furnitura. Traditionally, accessories to kitchen furniture are made of plastic, aluminum, steel, wood and some other materials. Accessories for the kitchen should be reliable and easy to operate. For example, for the handles, it is best to order a metal chrome-plated, nickel-plated or satin fittings that will last much longer. It is advisable to abandon plastic handles - they are eliminated and deformed after 2-3 years.

9. Market analysis. Be sure to spend "intelligence" on the Internet. Go to the sites of furniture manufacturers or shops, look at the appearance of the kitchens, read about prices and compare them, read customer reviews.

10. Family budget. Check for yourself how much money you can highlight into the kitchen. Will this buy a loan or one-time order. Remember that when buying a kitchen, the cost of delivering and filling the shelves with various devices is not included. Separately and a variety of accessories. It is clear that household kitchen appliances is also not included in the price. In addition, the markets are often offered "averaged" prices with the calculation of 1 trafficious meter of the kitchen, while the cost of the final order may be seriously changed in the most side. These moments need to be clarified by the sellers or manufacturer's company.

11. Preview. Then everything you need to view "live". Visit several selected salons, talk with consultants. Yes, take with you your sketch plan with sizes and location - as a rule, in the salons you can simulate free from your kitchen set on the computer and calculate its cost, taking into account all the additional options. In no case are not connected with those companies where there is no office or a permanent separate trading place.

12. Life time. The service life of your kitchen directly depends on the quality of materials and the quality of the manufacturer of the kitchen itself. The scatter by year is very wide here, but can be given averages:

  • italian cuisines - 20-25 years;

  • german kitchen furniture 15-20 years;

  • scandinavian cuisines - 10-15 years;

  • czech cuisines - up to 10 years;

  • russian headsets for 5-10 years.

13. Where to buy household appliances. Decide for yourself how you better buy household appliances for a new kitchen:

  • household appliances can be chosen in the same store as furniture (if any). The advantage of this option - household appliances and furniture are ideal for each other;

  • technics can be purchased separately - in a specialized market. There is the main plus - you can save money, but the main thing is to guess with sizes.

14. Delivery and assembly of furniture. Today, these services have almost all furniture salons. Just need to specify the price of such services - in some salons, they can reach 10-15% of the order value, where, for example, "directly" from the manufacturer, these features are free or noticeable cheaper. So be sure to specify everything at the place of order.

That's basically it. Have a good choice of new kitchen!

Magazine House.BY has long been convinced of his readers that in their own apartments they are not only the owners, but also designers. Any color and texture affect the space in different ways, and we regularly reveal these secrets for you. But there are requirements, without taking into account, visual aesthetics will not give you pleasure. It is these knowledge and will share the experts with us.

What material to choose?

From what material you prefer for your kitchen headset will depend on how long the kitchen will serve you long and devoted to you. The features of the most walking materials commented on Alexander,"Reference":

Wood - Environmentally friendly and most expensive material, but the high cost justifies. First, it is resistant to mechanical impacts, secondly, is distinguished by durability. Pine and birch products are considered to be a budget option, while nuts, oak and beech are evaluated above. The kings among the tree species are the red tree and the rosewood. However, the disadvantages of these materials are: the appearance of the facial side of the tree may suffer from bitch, internal voids (so-called "fibers") or cracks. Another weakness of natural material is the intolerance of humidity, with which the chipboard is coping with an example better. If we summarize: the tree is a high-quality material, but it is worth purchasing it only if your financial condition suffers freely.

Chipboard (wood-chip)- Leader among materials for cabinet furniture. Due to its elevated moisture resistance, superhigh and refractoriness, the chipboard can be used in a variety of conditions: it is perfectly suitable for both the office and for the house, even the bathroom does not diminish the merits of the material for its high humidity and regular temperature differences. Among other things, the chipboard is considered an economy version, which means that they will not hit the pocket. Although it has a disadvantage: it is clear from the title name, which it consists of sawdust and wood chips, all this is associated with formaldehyde resins, which in turn are dangerous for humans. Of course, the level of negative influence is determined by the concentration of evaporation, but the Children's rooms do not cost the child room. Environmental standards share material on 2 classes - E1 and E2. The first group is characterized by greater extractive, the second has less hard requirements. Note to buyers: the most severe requirements for these indicators are presented by Japanese manufacturers.

Laminated chipboard (LDSP) - The same plate covered with specially treated with paper-resinflux. This coating can mimic the texture, color and drawing of various wood species and other materials, therefore, and the choice of LDSP is very rich. Matter is also resistant to mechanical damage and is not afraid of boiling coffee pots and hot steam, but, of course, within reasonable limits. Cons Similar to the ordinary chipboard: formaldehyde evaporation and the impossibility of fine material processing.

Fiberboard (wood-fibrous stove) Or the so-called organite is the rear walls of kitchen cabinets, the bottom of drawers in the economy class furniture. Fiberboard is essentially compressed cellulose fibers, synthetic polymers, special additives and water. Matter has a characteristic texture "grid". Fiberboard has good thermal insulation properties, pleases the price and service life, but does not tolerate moisture. In addition, the material is considered "consumable" and is used for "draft" works.

MDF.- Also the fibrous stove, but the average density, for which the abbreviation (medium density fiberboard) indicates. This type is characterized by the best properties, which means the spectrum of application is more wide. The advantage of MDF is also in the fact that when it is created, a very small amount of formaldehydes is used, so that the ecology indicator practically reaches a natural level. In addition, the MDF texture is more homogeneous. This expands the possibilities of using: Plates are actively used to finish the walls and ceilings, floors. This material is stronger than chipboard internally and better withstands the test of humidity and thermal drops. The cost of MDF is no less, but since this market is not particularly developed in Belarus, the material is increasing in the price of our republic.

Company "Reference"

Learn more about the use of certain materials in the interiors of various styles, Julia Sergin, Designer furniture for the kitchen of furniture salon "Your house":

In order to choose the facade material for the kitchen, it is necessary to understand what you want to get what properties are important for you in the furniture and what appearance it should have.

Facades made of natural wood - a prerequisite for creating a kitchen in the classic and country styles. Another material simply will not allow you to fulfill the decor, boxes and all those features that you like customers in the furniture of these styles. The massif is durable, gives furniture comfort and in modern processing is very practical and prestigious.

MDF can be covered with paint, veneer and plastic. In painted MDF is the most shades, compared with other materials. If you are critical of a special color - this is the best solution. It can withstand a larger temperature and humidity, but more susceptible to scratches than plastic. In this facade, you can make the inner mills of different shapes and perform the kitchen in the style of neo-classic.

Metal framework is very durable, moreover allows you to work with non-standard sizes. Aluminum is absolutely not afraid of moisture and high temperatures, combined with a variety of materials, what is relevant today. However, the disadvantages are obvious: the price of the aluminum profile is much higher than the average. Add special fasteners to this and you can forget about the budget. In addition, aluminum is a rather soft material, which means the scratches on it can leave not only your children, but also abrasive detergents. By the way about leaving: aggressive detergents will remain on the surface with white raid.

Summing up, you can attribute solid aluminum profiles to not the most practical. In confirmation - the opinion of our expert Yulia Sergina, furniture designer for kitchen furniture salon "Your house":

Steel profiles for framing facades are extremely rare. The main reason is a high price. But without them it is not to do if you have chosen plastic with a special effect for kitchen facades. You simply can not choose the appropriate PVC edge to process the facade ends. The finish of the ends of the tabletop aluminum I consider not practical.

Salon "Your House"

What kind of "growth" will your kitchen?

The height of the mounted part of the kitchen ranges from 500 to 600 mm and depends on the width of the table top, the growth of the customer and the height of the ceilings indoors. Another height will be inconvenient to use. The height of the outdoor part depends on the mechanisms and technology that is embedded in it and ranges from 860 to 950 mm and is selected for the growth of the client. Changes mainly due to the height of the base and the height of the table top. Do not forget that the kitchen is a product that consists of a huge number of elements, therefore it has hard unification. The kitchen under the order is a kitchen from standard elements in an individual selection.

Accessories and accessories

Most buyers consider accessories for kitchens only with auxiliary material, and therefore they are trying to save. Meanwhile, a variety of hooks, handles, loops and more - a pledge convenience of operation of a kitchen headset. In order not to face the meal of the boxes, the loops and other mechanical problems, the choice of fittings it is necessary to come seriously. What other facilities will give us specialists?

Modern manufacturers care that the kitchen space is ergonomic. So, the useful space is committed to maximum involvement. The angular sections under the sinks, for example, are supplied with retractable mechanisms or "carousels". The development is very useful, but for Belarusians is not the most relevant, since the corner combined wardrobe in this case must be empty and at least 1050 mm. In the projects of apartments, which in Minsk is the most, in this box is a washing and plums, which makes it impossible for any mechanism in it. Containers for sorting garbage almost always have a small volume. These and many other elements manufacturer or designer are proposed if necessary or customer requirement.

Among other kitchen frost - anticipel grooves - a sticker of a polymer in the form of a ribbon with an invalid side of the countertops. Most often from the posting. It makes it possible to delay the water drops under the table top so that they can be wiped. This guarantees the lack of moisture on the inner side of post-forming and is inexpensive. Such a solution is a standard for German manufacturers.

Mechanical subtleties: How will boxes be extended?

Any kitchen set today is equipped with a "Stroy Argument" device. Thanks to this mechanism, the retractable shuflads promise to serve you longer and quieter. Agree, the ability to push the box and hear how it smoothly becomes the right place, seals. At the same time, some mechanisms allow 75% drawers, others - completely. But why does it depend more and more convenient?

The main view of furniture for furniture is just guides. They can be roller and balls. Metabox and tandembox systems are also distinguished. The extension of the boxes on these guides can be two types: partial and complete. Of course, the second option allows you to most effectively use the entire volume of the shufland.

The most economical option is roller guides. One of the elements here is attached to the lateral part of the locker, and the second to the bottom of the drawer. Such a system is designed for no more than 10 kg.

Company "Reference"

In turn, ball bearings provide ball bearings in the ball guides. These elements are made, as a rule, from steel, so that they have greater wear resistance. Ball guides are often supplied with telescopic mechanisms of complete extension and protect the system from rolling. Their carrier ability varies from 15 to 40 kg (the figure depends on the width of the guides). From our point vision is the best choice for furniture. In our furniture, we mainly use this type of guides.

As for meta and tandemboxes - these systems are characterized by the greatest technologicality of the mechanisms, withstand up to 50 kg, but also the prices of them are significantly higher. A box with a metabox system, for example, has only anterior, rear walls and bottom, while the sidewall drawer becomes the retractable system itself. Tandemboxams are also not terrible lateral loads.

What sum up? Julia Sergina, furniture designer for kitchen furniture salon "Your house" advises:

In order to choose a retractable mechanism, you need to know what size is shuflade you are going to push. Decide on the appropriate system - the task of the designer designer furniture for the kitchen. The wider and above the Shufland, the more difficult and more expensive the mechanism.

Now the table top

This element of the kitchen headset is most often choosing, using aesthetic considerations - color, texture. Meanwhile, the tabletop will be a working area, which means it must be adapted to the appropriate actions. This is what told about the peculiarities of the most popular materials Yulia Sergin, furniture designer for kitchen furniture salon "Your House":

Postforming is the most common material for the table top, as practical, has a variety of decors and a very affordable price. Thickness - from 28 to 60 mm.

A set board (tree) is relevant only in some stylistics of your furniture. It is important that the manufacturer makes a guarantee that the tabletop will not change its size and form when operating. Tree - material alive and must be properly sucked, joined and processed.

Stainless steel table top is used by European factories. If this is provided by the model and like you - forward.

Natural stone has more negative properties than positive. To date, mostly natural stone is replaced by artificial. So, an acrylic artificial stone has excellent plasticity, it looks good, can have a complex shape in the product. You can have a washing that is attached under the tabletop or connects to it. The main problem of this material: due to the composition it is easily scratched, with it has a high cost. Although subsequently it can be grinding. Quartz (composite) Artificial stone has a variety of color gamut and excellent performance properties. Suitable for solving complex tasks and for open items of the countertop. It does not scratch, withstands the temperature and looks great.

Sink: What material is preferred?

Shells are also different and each of them reacts in different ways, detergents. What is most popular among Belarusian buyers?

Julia Sergina, furniture designer for kitchen furniture salon "Your House":

Metal washes do not pass their positions. Great suitable for modern furniture. Ideally, the reference should contain 18% nickel and 10% chromium. In addition, they use a glass framing and various spraying for the surface. These washers are hygienic and produced by all manufacturers of the world. Have a very diverse price of 150 cu. up to 2,000 cu

Sinks made of composite material are particularly suitable for classic kitchens. Composites have sufficient strength and resistant to chemical influences and withstand temperatures up to 280 degrees Celsius. Price from 200 cu up to 2 000 cu

Ceramic washing is very rarely used in Belarus because of the price. Expensive! Performed from natural raw materials. Hold large temperatures, resistant to shocks and scratches, practically not susceptible to household chemicals. The number of factories specializing in the release of ceramic washes is not great. Price from 600 cu up to 3000 cu

Salon "Your House"

4. Accessories.

5. Facades.

Complements Alexander,"Reference".

What if in the near future after buying a kitchen is planned?

In this matter, the opinions of our experts agree absolutely: if you do not have the idea that such an assembly scheme is better to immediately entrust this business to specialists. A professional knows about furniture everything: about materials and manufacturers, and how to handle this or other furniture. But, if you threatened to disassemble and collect everything on your own, then you need to do everything neatly and not in a hurry. Although dismantling makes sense only if the new premises corresponds to the design project of the kitchen.

Salon "Your House"

What is the minimal price to expect those who want to buy a new kitchen?


Based on the prices of our company, the average price varies from 11 to 13 million white. rubles. Such a kitchen will be made of Polish LDSP KRONOPOL without the use of pasting ends of the multiplex (melamine), everything will be saved by the PVC edge. In this price, we offer film facades and facades from LDSP Kronopol or Egger (Germany). Furnitura, both external and internal will be an economy class of good quality.

Julia Sergina, furniture designer for kitchen furniture salon "Your House":

It is necessary to remember one simple thing: the price of furniture for the kitchen depends on its volume and customer requirements. If you are ready to carefully think about the information provided by the designers, make unambiguous conclusions and adjust your requirements, get that kind of kitchen and for the price that will suit you. The cost of kitchens under the order in Belarus fluctuates from 1,500 cu. up to 50,000 cu

The material for the kitchen fundamentally must be high-quality: this is the place where we spend the most time, and the furniture is most often exposed to adverse effects of moisture, temperatures and other factors.

To date, a huge number of variations of kitchens that differ in operational characteristics are invented.

Not only the properties of the material should be taken into account, but also others. Factors:

  1. room size,
  2. style and interior design,
  3. disposable budget
  4. manufacturer.

In the matter, what material kitchen is better, you always need to be guided by the Regulation "price-quality". With any budget it works. Here are some valuable recommendations for choosing.

  • If you are not limited to the means, you have a classic kitchen of a large area, then prefer furniture from the array. Natural wood does not confuse anything: environmental friendliness, refinement will immediately be wound.

White kitchen made of oak array with painted facades

Painted (enameled) facades look more expensive than film, and serve longer. The only thing that can spoil their appearance is chips, but they are easier to disguise than if the film was spoiled. Under such a kitchen there will be only a tabletop from a natural stone or from the array. This choice of materials concerns and frame facades. Dear materials - they are also more reliable.

  • If in your ineteres to equip the kitchen as cheaper as possible, then look after the material of the LDSP, these plates are not uncommon today on the furniture market. Each ideal kitchen is made of them, but the difference in the production technologies of the chipboard, in ecology. All these parameters may differ from different manufacturers.

If you are looking for a budget cuisine, then be sure to follow the reputation and rating of manufacturers. If you buy cheap, then only verified companies.

Kitchen IKEA. Corps, countertop - from chipboard. Facades with melamine film.

For example, and earned its popularity in that despite the use of rather cheap raw materials, the service life of its products is quite decent (up to 15 years) at a low price. It applies high-tech processing methods. Therefore, in the network you can meet so many positive feedback about the Netherlands.

  • Want to get optmal ratio of price and quality And ready to pay for the kitchen for 20-30% more? Then your choice is MDF. Painted facades MDF. (or enamel) look more attractive, but if you want to save, then the plastic is also quite suitable. Moreover, their service life is up to 25 years.

Kitchen with painted MDF facades (enamel).

In more detail, the properties of materials, their advantages and cons, we will analyze in the next paragraph.

Facades and housings

We list the most common materials for the kitchen, which are used in the production of housing and facade:

  • Chipboard - This is a leaf wood-chipboard made by pressing method.

Kitchen with facades from LDSP
  • MDF- This is a compressed tree leaf.

Kitchen with facades from MDF
  • Array of wood - Natural raw materials being processed.

Kitchen set with facades from an array

Each of the listed has its own dignity and limitations.


As the fiscal option, it has the main drawback - low moisture resistance. For Kuhi, this is a huge minus. From the point of view of ecology and health care, the furniture after a while begins to allocate formaldehydes - harmful to the medium. Therefore, the material must have certification of compliance with sanitary standards.

DSP stove in context

The sheets are very fragile, in connection with which the mechanisms and fittings are kept fragile, and at the next build kitchen it is impossible to use the same holes.


Plates are simple in processing due to a uniform surface. It is durable, waterproof and environmentally friendly. It has a lot of ways to finish.

Material MDF in context

Compared to Chipboard, the sheetDF is more durable, but also more expensive.

Comparison of two types of material: chipboard and MDF in context

The photo shows that the raw material of the first plate was crushed more tightly, which improves product quality. The chipboard has a loose structure, because of what the quality suffers.

Array of wood

Suitable for connoisseurs of all natural and natural. When ensuring reliable protection by applying various coatings, the tree becomes useful in conditions of high humidity, large heating. Ecologicaly clean. Furniture is durable and not deformed over time. The only minus is a high cost.


Combination with glass and metal can also be used for the manufacture of kitchen facades.

More information about what material is better for the kitchen, in the video:

Methods Processing

To give a complete type of frame or deaf (whole_ facades, a variety of coating is applied to the surface of the base. This may be:

  • acrylic plastic,
  • melamine film,
  • enamel,
  • polymer film (PVC),
  • veneer.

Scratch resistance depends on the coating, the ability to diversify the flower gamut and the degree of complexity in care. Characteristics of plastic, film, veneer and DRGOIH materials in the table below will help to determine the coated kitchen facades.



Plastic facades

Pros: practicality, long service life (up to 25 years), a large selection of textures (incl. Imitating natural wood), no moisture, temperatures, are not afraid, do not deform.

Film facades

PVC coatings are durable, resistant to fading and with all this very available at the price. There are many films of all colors, with a different texture, which allows you to choose the desired option for any design.

Their disadvantage: compared with plastic less resistant to negative impacts. Consistent moisture and temperature drops lead to peeling, damage to the film.


The advantage of enameled facades: a rich color palette to choose from, ease of care with the help of conventional domestic products (except abrasive), the ability to create bent forms.

Disadvantages: High price compared to PVC and plastic, instability in ultraviolet and fast burning, fading.


Veneered surface - natural, near it is very noticeable. Veneer looks noble both in appearance and touch. Facades from the veneer are strong, reliable, resistant to scratches, temperatures. Even with the appearance of minor damage, it is possible to disguise them with grinding. What not to say about films and plastic. Even if the headsets are made of inexpensive chipboard or MDV (in comparison with an array), then the veneer veneer is already pretending to the top of the furniture. The naturalness and environmental friendliness of this material will always be relevant.

The minus veneer is the high price and the possibility of loss of type due to the impact of humidity. Therefore, pay special attention to the presence of special moisture-repellent impregnation, processing.

Choosing a kitchen from LDSP, give preference to plastic facades. They are better tolerated humidity, do not deform when heated.

Table top

No less seriously approach. Since it is this part that takes on the main blow. And therefore, it should be particularly strong and most resistant to different effects.

For the manufacture of countertops, the same materials can be used as for the hull and facades.

Tabletop of natural wood array

Other suitable options:

  • strained glass;
  • natural and artificial stone,
  • metal surface.

The glass gives special elegance kitchen, you can choose different color solutions, not afraid of water and temperature. Cleaning complexity and low stroke resistance make it less attractive.

Natural stone is beautiful and solid. They are durable and resistant to different impacts, so are durable. Need constant special care. Require a reliable support due to a large mass. Skoles may form.

Artificial stone is stronger than natural and unpretentious in care. It is afraid of high temperatures and abrasive cleaning.

Stainless steel - less attractive option for the kitchen. It has significant disadvantages: creates noise, an unpleasant cold surface, fastens, unstable to scratches, requires careful care.

What kitchens are better: reliable manufacturers

Not only the properties of the material should be taken into account, but also other factors:

  • room size,
  • style and interior design,
  • disposable budget
  • manufacturer.

For a large private, country house, a kitchen is well suited from an array of wood (if you are not limited in the budget), and it is better to choose more practical and lightweight materials for a small apartment.

The kitchen must match the style and create integrity and unity.

Preference should be given to known manufacturers, such as:

  • IKEA,
  • Maria,
  • Plazareal,
  • Announcement,
  • Harmony,
  • Antarctic.

Seven clear tips from professionals How to choose a kitchen and how to use manufacturers.

Decide in advance with the number of family members and room area. Everything else has already been decided for you and compiled a specific list, further in the text. Technical information and designer optional chips.

"Professionals" can advise how to choose a kitchen, but often they have an interest to increase the amount of the check. But not all spending make sense.

  1. Order the kitchen from local producers. Competition in this market is wild and all have long used high-quality German equipment and materials. If you order from abroad, simply overpay for $ / h European workers and for delivery. The quality is better not.
  2. Inspection of drawers - chipboard, facades MDF, a tabletop laminated chipboard under the tree (the other options live terribly look, the tree is cool) or an artificial stone (much more expensive).
  3. Apron or glass either will be upset by 1.5-2 m2 steep tiles (do not try to use a white fugu for grouting tiles on apron).
  4. Best color of kitchen facades - white gloss. It is almost magically practical - there is no dirt at all, in general.
  5. The top boxes are better planning with the usual swollen opening - loops with a closer with this option will cost only $ 1.5-3 pieces. Lifting mechanisms are much more expensive from above, and advantages do not give. Bottom drawers is really more convenient, but also more expensive - see if the budget is enough.
  6. How to choose a kitchen set

    Kitchen Material What better

    4 basic material:

    1. Array of wood
    2. Multiplex

    Chipboard - chipboard, essentially glued and compressed chips. Cheap and durable material, but afraid of temperatures and moisture. The kitchen uses for a frame of cabinets or facades. Although the facades are too gentle, but the cheap.

    Chipboard toxic. It must be illuminated from all sides, including edges and invisible parts, otherwise there will be harmful allocations.

    MDF plates are created by pressing fine wood chips, almost sawdust. Then they are impregnated with a special resin, which makes the material strong and waterproof. Thanks to this, MDF is stronger than chipboard and an array, no moisture is afraid, several times less toxic than chipboard and generally cool, but also worth more chipboard (but less than the array).

    The multiplex is made of natural wood, but cheaper than one-piece arrays. The production technology consists in gluing thin layers of the tree among themselves. To create a high-quality plate, up to 5 strips of wood with a thickness of 4 mm. This is an eco-friendly material, resistant to a pair, moisture and temperature differences. Although in the production of kitchens is applied more and less frequently. Other materials are becoming better and it does not stand the competition.

    Facades and cabinet cases

    The hulls or frames are always made from the chipboard - this material is cheap, and loads, especially in temperature and humidity, at the frames of the carcasses. But be sure to kick the cuiskeys so that they are illuminated even invisible rear edges.

    The facades are visible part of the kitchen, which also assumes all the loads. Main materials among which can be chosen:

    1. MDF painted
    2. Plastic
    3. Acrylic
    4. Film

    Their photo in order. It is impossible to distinguish from the pair of steps.

    As you can see, we thrown out of the choices of chipboard, frame MDF, aluminum profile, array and all sorts of ridiculous rare pieces like stainless steel and glass. Some due to the overestimated price without significant advantages, others (chipboard) due to low performance, from the aluminum profile because they look awful. If the budget is completely strained, then take the chipboard but also to operate is more careful.

    Choosing out of four remaining options, you essentially choose the version of the MDF finishing (plastic and acrylic only the coating, inside there, too, MDF). They are distinguished by price, some texture and edge. There will be no painted edges at all, but they are the most expensive and capricious (they are cleared, scratching). We advise plastic or acrylic, if slightly cheaper and slightly worse than the film.

    By the way, the facades from MDF can if desired, give a rounded form. But the rounded facades in the kitchens have long been not in fashion and befold.

    Cases - chipboard, facades - MDF. This is the only right solution - just trust the experience.

    Custa, we are in:

    Table top

    Suitable materials for tabletops:

  • Natural and artificial stone
  • Laminated chipboard
  • Glass
  • Aluminum
  • Stainless steel

And the third last complete nonsense.

In practice, your choice of laminated chipboard with a limited budget, natural or artificial stone in the absence of problems with finance.

Artificial stone is good for casting corner countertops without joints, cast immediately with the finished sink. And almost all the variants of artificial stone (he acryl, he is Corimian) look cool. But countertops from the chipboard are good only in the versions of the imitation of the tree (especially good Egger Oak Nebraska). Seriously, chipboard with imitation stone looks mad, never choose them.

If the kitchen geometry allows, very advise, they are in fashion for so long ago that they will most likely come out of it. It is possible to make it wide and get a bar table, there is a higher material with a bunch of details, within this article about the bar rack the information will not fit.

Apron for kitchen

Because of the small sizes, the apron's design is underestimated, although the interior of the kitchen depends strongly. This is a serious mistake, because just because of his small sizes, the apron can be made very cool. The choice of a little more expensive facade on the kitchen price will be decent, but throw 2 meters square apron even a very expensive tile can afford.

2 adequate apron is a tile and glass. Given that the area of \u200b\u200bthe apron ~ 1.5-2 m2 can be allowed to buy a cool expensive tile.

Retractable boxes are needed at least 1 module:

Handles choose to taste, given the rule that without pens in general, better than with handles when convenience does not suffer from it. For example, on the upper swing facades, the handles are not needed at all - it is convenient to open them for the bottom.

There are a bunch of different accessories for corners, for garbage vestors, for opening by pressing, etc., but it is no longer necessary, and it is better to torment questions about this specific kitchen manufacturers.

In island or peninsular layout, the work area along with a stove and washing is transferred to the center of the kitchen. Kitchens with an island look cool, but firstly fit only for large apartments, and secondly tested the sewer and water for washing on the island is not easy. But it looks very expensive.

The layout of furniture should correspond to the movement cycle in the kitchen in the cooking process: from the refrigerator to the workplace, further washing, a table for cutting and separating, and at the end of the cycle, a cooking surface or a brass cabinet.

All modern refrigerators are overwhelmed doors, they should open from the cooking zone.

Choice of Kitchen Production Country

Now we describe the kitchens from different countries as they do in booklets. And then tell me how it really is.

Germany. German quality speaks for itself - automated production excludes marriage. But the price of such furniture is high. Manufacturers are focused on the production of heads in a modern style, however, the products are produced by the overall, so suitable only for spacious kitchens.

Italy. Sample style, exquisite taste and originality. Often, manual labor is used to create a headset. Well-known designers participate in design design. And although Italian manufacturers produce furniture for any style, classic kitchens are most in demand.

Sweden and Finland. Such furniture combines simplicity, functionality and environmental friendliness. The choice of kitchen in favor of the Scandinavian producers will allow for reasonable money to get a natural, but stylish and functional kitchen.

Russia. For many years, domestic manufacturers have already produced products that have come down from German or Italian equipment using European materials. Therefore, by 2019, Russian cuisine in quality can be compared with foreign counterparts, and the price is different at times. In addition, the understanding of Russian mentality and conditions, encourages the creators to the production of furniture under the size of real cuisines.

And in fact, there are people who kosyat so as much as it is allowed to continue to work. In the production of kitchens to order just wild competition, so they are doing well now even in the countries of the former USSR. For processing facades, also use equipment as in Germany, most German or Turkish materials. Furnitura is also German or Austrian.

Therefore, the only advantage of the kitchen is from abroad - Ponte. After all, it is so cool to say that the kitchen was brought from Italy, and did not cut in the hangar on the outskirts. Only here is the truth that the quality of differences or will not be at all, or they will be meager. Read about the average salary in the Russian Federation and in Europe, and the payment of workers goes in the cuisine price. There is all the logistics, customs clearance and payment of the heap of intermediaries. That is why imported kitchens are more expensive, it's not a matter of quality.

Choice of color kitchen

Here with more taste, but there is one universal version -. This is the perfect option for a combination of appearance, price and practicality. And they are almost unrealistic to spoil. Seriously, many tried and did everything else is just awful, but it turned out at least at least quite well.

All other colors for kitchens on tetail. As practice shows, if a person has a favorite color, and the kitchen in the dreams was drawn in him, then to dissuade unreal. Just do not recommend choosing black and other dark colors. Black - cool color, but not for kitchen facades. In the kitchen, it is extremely impracticious and looks boring.
An exception is black matte color on a small part of the facades. It looks cool, but questions with practicality remain.

Colors from white to gray - good and with minimal probability to allow an error. Tree as an addition too, but if it is too much, the appearance suffers. Bright colors greatly increase the likelihood of a collective farm species.

We hope the information will be useful to you, and our categoricalness at least someone will save from errors when choosing a kitchen, good luck!

And here you have a photo list from the beginning of the article:

Save and share - it will be useful!

The kitchen in its functionality is much ahead of all other rooms. The furniture in it is constantly exposed to mechanical effects and assets of the medium: high humidity, hot temperatures, pollution, chemicals, scratches and shocks. Therefore, especially high demands are presented to the kitchen headset.

There are two options for solving the kitchen furnishings:

  • Purchase of finished modular furniture;
  • Manufacturing a kitchen headset for an individual order, taking into account the characteristics of the planning and wishes of the customer.

Pick up perfectly suitable for all parameters and preferences ready-made furniture is extremely difficult. Therefore, the second option is much more popular for the first, despite a higher price.

Before going to the manufacturer, it is necessary to make the following actions: 1. Measure the height and width of the walls, the distance from the floor to the windowsills, the size of the windows.

There are three main center in the kitchen: refrigerator, washing, stove. Around each of them should be organized work surfaces.

The standard height of the working surface is 85 cm. Non-standard - up to 90 cm. The height of the upper tier is usually 36, 72 or 92 cm. Depth - from 50 to 90 cm. Manufacturers usually retain the slightness of the headset lines. It has its own visual effect. However, to preserve the health more acceptable option - change the height of the working zones, which changes the load on the back when cooking.

Selectable furniture style depends on the size of the kitchen. Luxury design directions, such as classic or baroque, require a large area. But on a little well, modern styles are looking at minimalism.

2. Draw a small kitchen plan, marking windows, non-standard places, communications, sockets, switches.

Based on this information, the manufacturer will be able to offer one of the following kitchen headset layouts:

  • Single-row (linear). With such a layout, all objects headset are built in one row, in a straight line;
  • Corner (M-shaped). The most practical option is the location of the kitchen headset - along the two walls. However, in this case, it is necessary to envisage that the doors perpendicular cabinets do not interfere with each other to open;
  • Parallel (p-shaped). Parallel layout is suitable for large rooms that are not combined with the dining room. Kitchen furniture is located along three walls. A good solution for large families, where they cook a lot. Apron in this case is located all over the perimeter of the wall;
  • Peninsular. Convenient when combining the kitchen with a dining room or living room. With this placement, on the one hand, cabinets and racks are installed, and the other is engaged in a bar counter with chairs;
  • Island. This layout requires free space. The island can be used as a dining area, a cooking area, a place to store or perform several functions at once. You can install the second cooking panel or sink, and the hood and lighting devices above it.

3. Make a list of household appliances.

The kitchen should be not only beautiful, but also functional. You can build a fridge, oven, dishwasher, cooking panel, gas or electric stove, washing machine, microwave. Most often movements in the kitchen occur along the trajectory plate - sink - refrigerator, so these items are better located near each other.

Be sure to provide an exhaust installation. This will help increase the service life of kitchen furniture. The extractor can have a very attractive appearance and deposit, for example, in the kitchen. And it can be masked by mounted facades, as in style.

4. Determine the framework of the framework of the skeleton. Manufacturers offer the following options:
  • Array of wood. This is a very expensive material, used in the manufacture of elite cuisines;
  • Chipboard with moisture-proof coating. Cheap, but not durable material, from it is made of kitchen furniture economy class;
  • Multiplex. This material is made by gluing thin sheets of wood. It is environmentally friendly, not exposed to moisture and deformation.
5. Decide which facades are needed.

The facades of the kitchen headset are his facial part. If you wish, you can not change the headset in the repair, but to change only the facades. This will save considerable funds.

Materials manufacturing facades are the following:

Natural tree.The facades from the massif of valuable breeds are primarily suitable for spacious kitchens decorated in classic styles. They from the threshold declare the status and material taste of their owners. Such facades are environmentally friendly, durable with proper operation, have an appearance outside of fashion and competition. However, the tree requires gentle care, reacts to moisture and temperature, darkens the sun, absorbs odors and is very expensive.

Wooden facades can be both solid and viper. Since the tree reacts to humidity, temperature and other effects of aggressive kitchen medium, it needs special care and protection. Therefore, one-piece facades are processed by special protective equipment - varnishes and antiseptics. Hence the high price of solid facades;

MDF. Most cuisines in Russia have facades from MDF. With its popularity, they are obliged to unsurpassed strength, resistance to moisture and temperature drops. From this material you can make facades of any form for any style.

MDF in turn can be subjected to facing:

  • enamel paints. Staining plates from MDF occurs in several stages. From how many layers of paint are applied in the process of staining, the appearance and durability of the facades depends. Manufacturers present a luxury selection of painted facades from MDF. However, it should be noted that fingerprints and traces of water drops are noticeable on their surface, and the color can be fused under the influence of direct sunlight;
  • PVC film. This method of cladding is the easiest and cheapest. Indifferent to high humidity and temperature drops. The film may be of a variety of colors, it is unpretentious in care and resistant to abrasion. It is possible to peel the film and burnout its colors in the sun;
  • natural veneer. These facades are impressive by beauty. They are able to fit into any. Dear in the initial price, they do not require complex care;
  • plastic. There are framework facades based on MDF. Filling in them can be made of chipboard, glass or plastic. Mirror inserts are possible. Such facades are light and cheap, able to embody different design ideas. Especially good when using glass. But they are difficult to clean, have seams, easily loosened and quickly fail.

Chipboard - the second prevalence material for the manufacture of kitchen facades;

Plastic. It glues from chipboard or MDF. This material is resistant to aggressive cleaning products, moisture, does not fade and is not deformed;

Aluminum profile. ANDdely suitable for kitchen in and, partly, for Loft style;

Combined materials.

The glass inserts make visually lighter than the facades from any material. Transparent glass allows you to organize the inner backlight of the cabinets. Matte glass and decorative plastic helps to hide the contents of kitchen furniture. Particularly elegant facades with a picture on the glass.

The facades perform several functions at once: - aesthetic - they create kind of kitchen; - mechanical - open and close access to the contents of the kitchen headset cabinets; - Protective - Protect furniture from pollution and external influences.

There are facades that open in different ways: folding down, folding up (solid or folding), swing, retractable, sliding. The buyer chooses what it is more convenient. Wolars, holders, dividers, most likely, have to buy separately.

Since the facades assume the lion's share of all aggressive impacts of the kitchen medium, they must have the following characteristics: - resistance to moisture; - resistance to the effects of temperature differences; - resistance to mechanical exposure; - strength; - Durability.

6. Decide on the tabletop material.

Typically, countertops are made from:

  • treated wood. They are durable, eco-friendly and look good, but expensive and require special care. It is impossible to put heated dishes on the wooden tabletop, traces from the knife may remain;
  • laminated chipboard. Service life no more than 10 years. With low testing of the joints, it may notice;
  • natural stone (granite, marble, basalt). Such countertops look great, practical and durable, but heavy weight and do not suit the modest budget. In the pores of the stone, moisture can accumulate;
  • artificial stone. This material is much cheaper than natural, but has all the advantages of the latter, moisture and scratches are not afraid, does not need special care. In addition, artificial stone can be given any form. May suffer from a strong temperature difference;
  • of stainless steel. They are durable and resistant to all impacts of the kitchen medium, but can scatter;
  • glass. Such a countertop will highlight the kitchen from a number of similar, give it an extraordinary, fascinating appearance. But it is not very practical, it is difficult to contain in perfect cleanliness. In addition, there is always a risk of split;
  • acrylic. The material consists of acrylic resin and mineral filler. Such countertops are practical and aesthetic.

7. Stop choosing a kitchen style.

Minimalism is a style that is present in most modern design tendencies of the kitchen interior design. It is characterized by ergonomics, pragmatism, neutrality. The severity of lines and forms of kitchen furniture objects is supplemented with a calming, light color palette. Everything is superfluous from sight, the technique is embedded. This concerns even the handles of the cabinets. In the style of minimalism, the kitchen set can be made of glass, metal or wood. The surface of the furniture should be even, without additional jewelry.

Glossy surfaces reflect light and visually expand the space. They create an attractive look and do not require complex care. Therefore, in modern kitchens, the gloss is found quite often, for example, in the Loft style.

Modern - style for independent natur. It is characterized by a saturated color design in bright colors, vagueness of lines, an abundance of glossy surfaces, functionality, a lot of built-in technology. Kitchen headset materials can be chosen both natural and artificial, which have visual ease.

Classic style. Kitchen furniture in has wooden surfaces decorated with carvings. It is characterized by calm bright shades. Popular white color, imparting, lightness and purity.

Country creates a picture of the rural house, ease of life. Furniture manufacturing material is a textured tree, possibly artificially aged. Natural color is preferred. Technique hides behind facades.

Wooden kitchen furniture with built-in stylized technique create an image.

Loft plays textures contrasts. It fits such materials such as metal and glass.

High-tech style assumes even lines, rationality, simplicity and high-tech. It uses black, white and silver colors, chrome and glossy surfaces. Technique does not hide, but, on the contrary, attracts attention.

8. Select the color of the kitchen headset.

Color affects the mood, appetite and even human health. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the choice of color of kitchen furniture with full responsibility.

For the headset, you can choose two shades, but not more. In this case, the upper tier should be lighter than the lower. Successfully looks between them cladding from tiles combined by both colors.

The combination of wood texture and glossy chrome surfaces is a popular modern design.

The color of the natural tree brings heat into the interior, closers to nature.

Brown shades give a sense of security and confidence, there are relaxing. Combined with all possible palette colors, fit into all interior styles.

The white color of the headset is suitable for a small kitchen. It visually expands the space, and makes the furniture easier. White furniture combines any colors of decor, textiles and household appliances. This color can be combined with any other. However, in his background, any spot will be clearly visible, so it is suitable for neat owners.

Black color in trend, especially it is relevant for High-tech style. Absolutely black kitchen furniture is recommended only for rooms with a large area.

Black and white look great in the glossy version and in combination with each other.

Pastel shades of blue and turquoise will create a relaxed cool atmosphere. It is suitable for hoses for their weight. It is recommended for visits with windows that go on the sunny side.

Bright color facade palette intriguing contrasts with tabletops from a dark stone.

Red furniture looks beautiful and bright. But from a long stay in such a kitchen will be tired of the eyes, anxiety and irritation may appear. It is better to prefer pink or burgundy shades.

Green color always looks good in the kitchen. He creates a feeling of harmony and pacification. Yellow color is the color of leaders and optimists.

Yellow and green are perfectly combined with each other. Herbatous, salad, emerald, olive, pistachio colors are harmonized with light, brown, pink background. Lemon, mustard and canary shades can be combined with strict dark flowers.

Orange task a cheerful mood for the whole day and excite the appetite. Combining with one of the flowers of the dark palette is a little fed by his motivating effect. Gray and white also look great in combination with orange. In general, this color is a wonderful choice for the main background, but for accents.

Lilac color prefer impulsive animals with developed intuition. Such a kitchen is impressed and remembered.

If the furniture is light and modest, you can focus on finishing walls or bright apron.

9. Think over the backlight.

To highlight the working areas, decorative lamps are mounted in the furniture. Under the top unit, you can fix the LED backlight.

The main thing in the choice of kitchen is to determine for yourself what kind of kitchen set will decorate the kitchen will be comfortable and fit into the budget. A wide selection of materials, forms and colors keeps up with consumer demand.