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Secrets of a successful public speech. Art historian speech

Option 5.

1. Memory development as a condition for a successful public speech 3

2. Intercultural differences of non-verbal communication 7

3. The concept of "effective" manager 13

4. Situation: You are coming negotiations with your supervisor to increase you. wages 15

List of references 16

1. Development of memory as a condition for a successful public speech

It is known that every our experience, the impression or movement is a famous trace that can be saved enough for a long timeAnd under the appropriate conditions appear again and becomes the subject of consciousness.

Thus, the memory is a complex mental process consisting of several private processes related to each other. Memory is necessary for a person. It allows him to accumulate, save and subsequently use personal life experience. Human memory is not just some kind of unified function. There are many different processes in it. There are three completely different types of memory: 1) as a "direct imprint" sensory information; 2) short-term memory; 3) Long-term memory.

Direct printing sensory information. This system holds a fairly accurate picture of the world perceived by the senses. The duration of the preservation of the picture is very small - 0.1-0.5 s. Close your eyes, then open them for a moment and close again. Track out how the clear picture you have seen is saved for a while, and then slowly disappears.

Short-term memory keeps the material of another type. In this case, the detected information is not a complete display of events that occurred on the sensory level, and the immediate interpretation of these events. For example, if you uttered some phrase with you, not so much the components of its sounds, how many words. Usually, only 5-6 words are remembered. Making a conscious effort, again and again repeating the material, you can keep it in short-term memory for uncertain for a long time. Direct touch prints cannot be repeated, they are saved only a few tenths of a second and extend them there is no possibility.

Long term memory. There is an explicit and convincing difference between the memory of the event that has just happened and the events of the distant past. Long term memory is the most important and most difficult of memory systems. The capacity of the first named memory systems is very limited: the first consists of several tenths seconds, the second - several storage units. The capacitance of long-term memory is almost limitless. All that is held for more than a few minutes should be in the system of long-term memory. The main source of the difficulties associated with long-term memory is the problem of finding information.

There are three processes in memory: memorization (input of information in memory), saving (hold) and playback. These processes are interrelated. Memorization organization affects saving. Saving quality determines playback.

The memorization process may proceed as an instant impression - impregnation. The state of imprinting in humans occurs at the time of high emotional tension. His connection is likely with periods of sensitive development of mental functions. With repeated repetition of the same stimulus, it takes place without conscious installation for it. The intention to keep the material in memory characterizes arbitrary memorization.

Organized repetition of the material in order to memorize it is called memorization. A significant increase in the ability to memorize falls at age from 8 to 10 years and is especially increasing from 11 to 13 years. From the age of 13 there is a relative decline in the pace of memory. New growth begins with 16 years. At the age of 20-25 years, the memory of a person engaged in mental labor reaches the highest level.

The mechanism allocate logical and mechanical memorization. According to the result - literal and semantic.

By itself, the focus on memorization does not give proper effect. Its absence can be compensated by high forms of intellectual activity, even if this activity itself has not been aimed at memorization. And only the combination of these two components creates a solid basis for the most successful completion, makes memorizing productive.

It is best to remember what arises as an obstacle, difficulty in activities. Memory of the material given in finished videois carried out with less success than memorizing the material found on their own during the active activity. What is remembered at least and involuntarily, but in the process of active intellectual activity, the memory is stronger than what is remembered arbitrarily.

The resolution of the memorization is higher in the support on a visual, shaped material. However, the productivity of memorization in the support of words with age increases than when the support is in the picture. Therefore, the difference in the use of those and others. Supports with age decreases. When self-invented, verbal supports become a more effective memory of memorization than the finished pictures.

In the broad sense of the memorization support, everything can be with what we associate what we remember or what the "pops up" itself in us as associated with it. The semantic support is some point, i.e. Something brief, compressed, serving a support of some wider content, replacing it with itself. The most detailed form of semantic reference points are theses, as a brief expression of the main thought of each section. The title of sections act as a reference point.

The material is remembered better and is forgotten less in cases where the support points were highlighted during the memorization process. Force

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal Agency for Education

State Educational Institution of Higher Professional


Nizhny Tagil State Social and Pedagogical Academy

Faculty of Management and Social Work

Abstract on the discipline "Culture of educational and cognitive activity"

Technology of public speech


Dolbilova Elizabeth Yurevna,

student Faculty of Management and Social Work, Group 11PU.


Kupriynova G.V.,

senior teacher of the Department of Pedagogy.

Nizhny Tagil

Successful public performance - what is it, the fetus of the talent of the speaker or the result of the developed and accurate technologies? A single answer to this question, apparently, does not exist. Of course, each person is better predisposed to a particular activity, but periodically faces the tasks that need to be performed regardless of our desire. Tasks that require to fulfill our special attention, tension, spending time and strength. Today there are almost no professions that would not require from time to public communication. And any public, political, managerial activity involves the high intensity of such communication. And when there is a need for an effective public speech, some technologies and techniques for the preparation of performance may come to the rescue.

The ability to speak publicly, in my opinion, is directly related to the profession of a journalist. Quite often, situations arise when it is necessary to convince something in something, to defend the right idea, justify its position. But not everyone uses the possibility of attracting supporters to their side - the lack of experience of public speeches affects. Meanwhile, such experience is quickly mastered if adhere to certain technological moves.

Famous speakers, I think, undoubtedly, owned and own these moves, which provided, and many more provide, success at all stages of public activity.

We, daily, in particular, on TV, we see how politicians representing their countries are fighting for "their rights" in the international arena, someone wins someone losing.

Based on the relevance of the work, we chose such a topic: "Public speaking technology"

Purpose: ways to achieve success in the public speech of a novice speaker

1. Implement theoretical analysis of public speaking technology.

2. Determine the set of conditions that contribute to a successful public statement.

3. To identify typical errors of the novice speaker.

4. Determine the receptions of auxiliary actions using the MESSAGHOUSE method.

1. Introduction

2. Against consideration of public technology

3. Memetode "Messagehouse"

4.10 Beginner errors

5. Transcue

6.Schedules used


2. Step-by-step consideration of public speaking technology

Step 1. Determine the goals of the speech.

Find out why you need to perform? What purpose do you pursue? There are many goals for a public speech, but all of them can be reduced to several.

· Inform listeners - tell them about new experience, dedicate to the circumstances of interests of all matters.

· Convince listeners - prepare them for recognizing a point of view, how to solve the problem.

· To encourage action - cause the response to the audience and the desire to change anything in the world.

Often in a speech in one way or another all three goals are expressed, but some of them are really home.

Successfully implementing the purpose of its speech is possible only with the knowledge of the audience, its features and needs. The best is always a speech that resonates with the ideas and wishes of the listeners.

Step 2. Collect information about your audience.

One thing is to speak in front of the specialists, the other is before the amateurs. Age, social status, personal and public interests, the degree of awareness of the subject of the speech, the attitude towards the Rapporteur also strongly affect both the susceptibility of the audience and its interest in the topic of the report. It is not indifferent to the speaker and the degree of proximity to the listeners
Wonderful if you organize the collection of information about the audience in accordance with the logical levels: Wednesday (environment) - the usual style of behavior - abilities (knowledge) - beliefs (opinions, values, prejudices) - self-examination (professional and personal) - Mission (common goals, Which supports most of the audience).
It will be very useful to know about leaders of opinions (people who ask the tone estimates and opinions of any group) of this audience. This is actually stable audience performance.

Immediately before the performance, it is worth clarifying for yourself and situational indicators, namely: the emotional state of the gathered, their expectations about the speech.

By collecting these valuable data, try to understand in what form you can be represented by the gathered. There are many elections: you can emphasize your status, age, belonging to a specific group, you can designate our classes and the degree of your professional preparedness, etc. Elections a lot, but not all of them are suitable for your goals and the peculiarities of the audience . The effect of the speaker is triggered.

Step 3. Construct your image.

The opinions of people are exposed to stronger influence on the part of the speakers who seem to be experts in their field and confidence.

The impression of the sincerity of man and confidence in it (and, consequently, the effectiveness of the impact) can be strengthened if it is clear and convex arguments the position.

However, if you have a very high authority before this audience, it will still have an impact on it (even if the audience will be aware of your pragmatic purposes and intentions) from one desire to coincide with an authoritative personality.

For us, one of the most significant is the "external sign" of authority - title, title, etc., denoting the value of the person through its social role. It is enough to report that before us "Professor", "General", "Director", as certain settings of perception, previously established estimates and expectations come into force.

Step 4. Determine your role.

Determining the features of the audience with which you will deal, it is important to decide on the role you will use when performing.

Researcher A. Dobrovich believes that for a successful psychological impact, a special social and psychological role is needed: "If you are able to act as a deity in relation to your listener - consider that it is already hypnotized. From the same second as admitted you."

Specialists in the supreme linguistics emphasize the need for a suggestive (inspiring) impact on the audience of such roles, otherwise the problem of perception barrier arises. A. Dobrovich proposed a set of roles having a suggestive impact:

The role of a patron. The patron saint means mighty and domineering, but kind to you man, support in troubles, consolation in suffering, the subject of reverence.

The role of idols. The idol may not necessarily mighty, not necessarily kind to you, but he is famous, charming, enjoys universal enthusiastic admiration.

The role of the owner or Mr. Maybe he is not boring for you, maybe he is not a commander of the public. Not in this case. Any his word is the law. Try not to obey - there is something worse than death: torture, when death is waiting for as a happy hour. The role of authority. This one has limited power and is not obliged to create good things. The benefit is that he is more common in any generalized and important matter. It is impossible not to listen to it. You will not use his advice - look, sit down in the puddle.

The role of virtuoso or dexter. Speaking in this role, you give to understand that you know how to perform the impossible. Good or bad - no matter. Virtuoso dealers, from under the earth, mining what otherwise and did not dream; Virtuoso pocket; A virtuoso player, a magician, a stamp, a debate - anything. In any case, you fascinate the public and even the subject of you can not admire your dexterity and not to envy her in the depths of the soul.

The role of boa. This is not the rulers, not a lord, although he, if desired, can become for you and the owner. This type that sees your weak spots And at any moment I am ready to hit them, which gives him true pleasure. Breaking and caring you easy and nice.

The role of the devil. In this role you are an impersonal evil. Evil "Metaphysical", evil for evil, and not in the name of any purpose. In a certain respect, this is a "deity" with the opposite sign. A certain role is affected by a certain type of audience. The success of the speech is largely determined by how successful you will select your role and recognize you in accordance with it.

Pose, gestures, eye expression, speech manner transmit the socio-psychological role of the speaker. The novice speaker is important to master all the roles, and then evaluate which audience which of them is better.

Step 5. Prepare speech.

The main criteria for speech assessment are quite simple - it must first of all correspond to your goal, be a relevant, understandable audience, have a sufficient degree of novelty (while it is connected with the fact that people are already familiar and has a value for them). The report (speech) should not contain more than seven major ideas - the audience will still not remember anymore. And yet: it must be extremely brief.

A well-structured content of the speech contributes not only to the rapid perception of the message, but also to memorization. The ability of successful perception of speech is preserved at the listener about 15 minutes.

"Block" building a performance besides, if necessary, it is quite flexibly varied to vary the sequence of information. This way something resembles cards with records. They can be folded in different ways, thereby changing the structure of the general text.

However, many speakers do this: write down the main theses of their speech on cards, which become "support" to pronounce speech. Take these cards with you, but do not get them: with good preparation, they will not need you.

Special attention should be paid to the beginning and the end of speech. The first words here serve as a setting on the audience, determine the tone of the conversation, cause or interest or bored. To draw the attention of people on yourself, you need a bait: an unusual phrase, a funny story, an unexpected action, an unknown joke. In a word, all that makes at least stop for a moment.

The final phrase summarizes the performance, focuses the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe speaker and most clearly remembered. Even better, if the last phrase encourages listeners to action, if this offer is something to discuss or do.

It is desirable to make a figurative, "draw a picture." It is the image that is better remembered and causes more intense emotions.

For emotional impact, you can use the following techniques:

The law of the dormant effect. Any information is absorbed by the audience better if there are elements designed for a psychological protest in this information. Two important principles are followed from this law: the principle of alertness (quickly and firmly learns information about the threat; while the rest of the information contained in speech is not perceived, blocked) and the principle of resonance (quickly and firmly assigns information directly relating to this audience).

The law of the dorming effect is implemented in the methods of creating sensations and emotional dominants.

Sensation is the news presented with the calculation of the surprise on the acute emotional perception. Arthur Makun, one of the employees of Hearst, so determined the essence of the sensation: "It's all that makes the reader exclaim" Wow! ". Sensation is the most spent way to emotionalize the message. The method designed for the fact that the information or ideological thesis is stubborn in this Information will be perceived by the audience uncritically due to the fact that emotions will give a desire to critically comprehend reported.

Wagon with orchestra. Reception uses a listener's desire to act "like everything." "Everyone has already bought such a product! And what are you waiting?" - This question is directly or indirectly present in almost every advertising announcement. The effectiveness of the reception is based on the fact that people will want to "be with the majority" that will work psychological mechanisms Imitation and imitation.

Admission of symbolization. It uses an intentional emphasis on scenes carrying and for itself symbolic information.

Associative binding. Association is a relationship between individual events, facts or phenomena reflected in consciousness and enshrined in human memory.

Associations are three species: associations on adjacency, association in the similarity and association in contrast.

Preparing performance, it is necessary to calculate which associations it should cause. It is good if the message itself looks extremely neutral, objective. But it must contain disguised incentives that direct a person consciousness to certain associative bonds. These pre-planned associative connections significantly expand the ability to influence the audience, strengthen the emotional impact on it, providing space for its imagination and, accordingly, memorizing.

Link to credibility. When used by applying a link to credibility may be powerful tool The impact on the audience, in particular, if the self-acting authority itself is not essential. In order for it to work, it is necessary to "calculate" significant for the group, to which the individuals are expected to be affected, the opinions of which are perceived non-critical.

When constructing speech, it is important to take into account the features of the information feed.

Warning it in a special way, it is possible to achieve a variety of audience reactions.

Note the following techniques:

Repeat paradox. If the information is the same type, then the redemption process is directly proportional to the number of non-motive repeats. Repeat the main thesis of the presentation, slightly changing the wording, - there is every reason to believe that this is this thesis and will consolidate in the consciousness of the listeners. However, take into account the principle of protection: the information that the individual (audience) considers unnecessary, which (its) does not "cling", is forgotten first.

The method of "limited coincidence of points of view" means that the point of view, the entirely supported by public opinion, is not attacked by a speaker, even if they do not suit it - work is underway. As a basis, there are already available points of view and stages are "convertible" to acceptable for a sentencing meaning.

The method of historical analogies is good, first, intellectuality (you flatter the erudition of the audience: after all, you remember ...), and secondly, in the fact that in history you can find almost any necessary example.

The method of appeal to the public needs, on the contrary, is good by turning to emotions, bypassing the intellect.

Step 6. Build speech in accordance with the laws of perception.

Researchers of the communication process have long come to a curious conclusion - the power of influence of information depends not only on its persuasiveness, but also on the procedure for presenting in speech.

Law of Priority. The pattern is used, according to which the most significant events are reported primarily and, therefore, are perceived by the audience as more significant.

The law of precedence. Any information is absorbed by the audience in the first interpretation. In the future, any attempt to change the interpretation is perceived either as fundamentally new information, or as a lie (or the desire to get away from the truth). On the law of the preceding, such a technique was built as an innokulation effect.

Step 7. Use the language as much as possible.

It is advisable to build a question with visual, audible and kinesthetic perception - it gives speech the audience, melodiousness, bulge. It is better perceived by the entire audience.

Remarkably affect listeners and well-chosen and built-in voice formulas.

Step 8. Organize space for performance.

The perception of public speech is strongly influenced by the place of performance. If you can influence this factor, use this feature. The official speech naturally sounds in the hall for performances with the rows of chairs and the stand on the stage and is somewhat stretched in the home environment.

If you need to create an informal setting in a physic place, try to break a few official setting. Ask the listeners to move chairs, it's not at all in the usual way. Try to be as close as possible to the listeners.

Step 9. Tune in to the audience.

The first thing to be done before the performance is to "take possession of space."

1. Immediately strain the muscles and relax quickly.

2. Take the decision to "take possession" room or space in which you are.

3. Place your internal experiences. Do you feel "high"?

By doing this exercise, you can freely communicate with listeners, perceiving the shades of your interaction.

Step 10. Speech.

Creating a context is the initial stage of performance. The task is to achieve resonance with the audience, tune in to it. The speaker should create an impression from the audience that something important can happen now. Imagine the congratulations, ask their names (if you do not know anyone). If people in the audience are not familiar with each other, you can create a general context for their interaction - ask for some joint action: to rearrange chairs, tables, transfer closer to the scene. The overall action will help them close, create a community.

Do not start talking until complete silence is established. Take a pause - very soon the audience itself will lead order. Or begin to talk, but very quiet. To hear you, the listeners will have to silence.

Install visual contact with the audience. Stop your view on each listener for 2-3 seconds, you also show that you are interested in communication with each, and get the opportunity to track how people react to your speech.

Transition to the topic of the conversation is to attract the attention of the audience directly to the topic of performances. We have already noted that the best way Entry - tell the story, anecdote, something unexpected (to the place, naturally).

Experiment with voice. The method of "wave-like" speech is well triggered, the essence of which is in alternating rising and decaying intonations. Key points of your speech are desirable to allocate by voice, a special gesture - so they are better perceived by the audience.

Engage the audience in the discussion. Ask questions, find out a special opinion, provoke an argument (while make sure that the summarization of particularly important moments remains for you).

Show flexibility - after you have reached the resonance, you need to support it. The speaker must constantly adapt his speech, behavior to the audience reactions. If one method does not work, use the other.

When communicating errors does not happen, any response of the audience (whatever it is) with sufficient flexibility can be used to success speeches. This will help the novel rule - pretend that everything that happens in the hall is so conceived.

Among the listeners there may be your opponents or "intellectual hooligans", which gives pleasure to create for a protruding problem, to bring his speech to a barren discussion. If you happened to meet with this kind of subjects, learn how to react to their attacks.

For example, you are asked a clearly provocative question. Listen to it carefully, thank the asking and ask if it is possible to clarify its position.

If you are accused of something, you can use the reception from the Arsenal "Psychological Aikido" - Agree with the attackers and bring it to the approval to the absurd. Example: "Did you call me a scandalist? Always was so, I could not tolerate the Hams. And you tolerate?"

Step 12. Exit from the speech: fixing the experience achieved.

Watch carefully for the audience reactions. Once you decide that the goal of your performance is achieved, - complete it. Best of all in a few words summarize the essence of what you said. The end of speech, as well as the beginning, is most remembered, therefore, a special turnover of speech is needed, bright example, Capturing the emotions of the quote, calling for action.

Analysis of speech conducted

After a public speech, we must analyze. The main criteria of speech criticism are the following: objectivity, clarity, clarity, rationality of the structure, sequence of presentation, good introduction, raising speech voltage to its end, the required volume, flexible change in the tempo and the corresponding situation. Behavior during speech

The disadvantages in the composition of the public speech include a violation of a logical sequence in the presentation of the material, the overload of the text of theoretical reasoning, the lack of evidence of the main provisions, an abundance of affected issues and problems. Audience is recommended to offer no more than 3-4 questions. A public speech should not contain facts, examples, etc., not belonging to the subject discussed.

3. Technology of preparation for public speeches "Message HOUSE"

It is believed that for the first time the technology under the conditional name "Domik" ("Message House" -Ungl.) Was developed in the mid-20th century by the American consulting company Burson Martvaler (Burson Marsteller) to train public representatives of transnational corporations. However, in sources describing the traditional Russian rhetoric, text schemes are found, functionally identical "house". Containing all its base elements - a message, arguments and principles (they are bases). .

The name of this technology of preparing public speeches ("house") comes from its common graphical representation. The scheme contains three base blocks: "base", "Arguments" and "Message", which remind the elements of the "house": basement, floor and roof. Currently, this technology is used as a stream in leading American and European training centers.

The technology is built on a strict structuring of information when preparing for a public performance: all the information necessary for the performance is placed on one sheet of paper, it is specially located, which facilitates access to it when forgetting the text.

MESSAGE HOUSE technology has pros and cons:

(+) Compactness, graphic, clarity of the structure, versatility of content (suitable for any topic of performance), the possibility of self-use; the smallest coefficient of information distortion in the process of perception of the speech;

() In the learning process, there is sometimes a psychological barrier of individual people to work in model situations, technology is not

designed for negotiation and extended time communication processes, does not have spare options when changing the topic of performances.

In other words, the use of technology for the preparation of public speeches "Message House" is justified in the case of a relatively short (5-15 minutes), informative speeches. Also, in any public action, one of whose goals is to inform the audience about any fact. (Let me remind you that informing is not always the main purpose of the performance, and can never be the sole purpose.) However, to solve the most common range of tasks in the framework of business communications, preparations on the Message House algorithm is most appropriate.

English "Message House" can be interpreted both as a "message house" and as a "public message" or: "Public Message". The figure shows the most general representation of the elements of the technology of preparing public speeches "Message House" [PRL.1]. Three elements are present in any version of "Domika": This is a message, arguments and bases. Let us dwell on each of them in more detail.

1. Message. (Message). Communication specialists are called "Message" the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe information signal, which is the path from the speaker to the listening. Speaking simple language, Message is the short meaningful part that remains in our interlocutors after the communication process is complete. Here the word "meaningful part" is very important: often situational emotions and impressions, sympathy or dislike, which is experiencing an audience with respect to the speaker, are much stronger than actually, the information he wanted to convey. Moreover, without "emotional accompaniment", even this goal will not be achieved. But this theme of another big conversation, now we are talking about the information technology part of the public speech. A distinctive feature Messages is its brevity and understanding from the point of view of the viewer \\ listener. In Soviet times, speaking in a rural club in the framework of the personnel of personal hygiene, the professor of the metropolitan institute spoke for one and a half hours. The next day, one of the villagers, which was not on the eve of the lecture, asked her neighbor: Well, what was there? Neighbor answered: "Professor came from the city. Cute such, smart. In a tie. " "What did you say something?" "He said that raw water was harmful." The lecturer spoke one and a half hours. All the content of his speeches for this woman curled into one short phrase: Crude water to drink harmful. This is a message. What will be remembered by our listeners and viewers. What they will be able to convey to other people in their own words. And the fact that he is young, smart, cute is an impression. In this example, it is impossible to determine, successful it was a public speech or not (from the point of view of the speaker). If he wanted to convey to the audience the need to carefully treat what water they drink, the performance was successful. If he had a different task, then the professor did not cope with her.

Public speaking must be designed. Cook. Search and formulating Messages is the most important step on this path. Understanding that the meaning of our speeches is always distorted, hears and remembered by people in different ways, makes pay special attention to the communication process. Moreover, in any form: a speech at the conference, on television or conversation "with an eye on the eye." Message can exist, even when we do not think about it. How our thoughts will understand and form listeners will become a message. You need to pay attention to it, formulate it and try to convey. That is, manage it. Otherwise, it will be uncontrollable by us.

Most often, in one short (up to 15 minutes), the speech can be consecrated only one message. Two - very difficult. Three are almost impossible.

The message is short, usually it is placed in one sentence or even phrase. Roughly speaking, the slogan of any advertising campaign is also a message, only his carrier is not a protruding living person, but, for example, a video or leaflet.

2. Arguments. Arguments, they are arguments - this is what "keeps" the message. They answer the question "why." Why is your message right? Why do you think it is important? Why do you affirm this?

With no matter how talking, his main idea should be justified. The arguments "hold" the message on themselves, just as the columns hold the roof.

In the diagram it is not by chance that the number of arguments is reduced to three. The experimental way is established that this is exactly the number that, in most cases, is enough for a solid justification for your thought in the eyes of the audience. For short public speeches, for the business environment, three is the optimal number. Arguments may (and should) contain a metaphor, image. Story from life. Figure. It is important to note that in a short speech should not be consumed a lot of digits. They will not remember. And one digit against the absence of others will always remember.

In the usual situation, the performance develops, as shown in the arrow scheme. He voiced the main thought-message, leads arguments and returned to the message again. In a ten-minute public speech, it is useful to repeat the message at least twice: at the beginning and at the end. Everyone remembers the current statement of Stirlitz that the beginning of the beginning and the end of the conversation is best remembered ...

3. Basis. (Principles). The third element, from which the described technology of preparing public speeches is called "grounds". In the case of the "ideal" deployment of events with a short speech, this element remains unused. But: "I was smooth on paper, but forgot about ravines." In a different way, it is possible to call this part of the scheme by using the word "principles". There are in mind the principal, ideological views of the speaker. His "picture of the world".

The speaker begins to disclose its worldview. Trying to convince, talks about his principles.

He sees the world through the prism of his activity, and, based on, based on this vision, solves the tasks of a public speech: informs, changes the outdated point of view, forces the listeners if they do not accept his arguments immediately, then, at least, think about them.

At this point, the protruding is revealed. Listeners (or spectators) becomes a lot about it. He speaks not learning theses, he improvises. At the same time, remaining sincere. As in the film "Pokrovskoe Gate" Hero Morgunova: "Do you want to Hamburg's account?! Ensure in Hamburg! ... "

The worldview can not be "trained." This is not skill. This is a way to see life and act in accordance with this vision. When many people say that the main thing in a public speech is well able to speak about which they actually mean it. The ability to talk about the topic of speeches, while speaking about everything immediately. Usually, overcoming the first fear and excitement, taming the topic, which really concerns the speaker, it is transformed. You can train the habit, the ability to speak publicly about really exciting things. But first, these things must be found in themselves, reflect on it, and then, be ready to defend your opinion.
The method of preparing for public speeches "Message House" is good in that it makes it possible to structure the content of the speech and, if desired, to fit it on a small piece of paper. Which can be taken with you to speech. However, almost all communications specialists dissuade their clients to perform "on a piece of paper." But even the preparation of the speech in advance according to this scheme gives a steady result: the content is well remembered, it is clear, logical, its elements are connected with each other.

Public speech is always situational, always unique. Use such a method of preparation or not, take with you to speech "piece of paper" with a scheme or not - to solve each yourself.

4. 10 novice orator errors

Before you begin to comprehend the secrets of oratory skills, you must learn to avoid common mistakes. Specialists in the field of communicative technologies analyzed and compared the behavior of amateurs and professional speakers. Use their advice in practice, and you will notice how your confidence and self-control is growing during public speeches.

Error 1: inconsistency

When the content of your words is dispelled with a tone of speech, posture and body tongue, the public instantly notices it. The audience has an unmistakable light with regard to what concerns the mood of the speaker and its well-being. If you begin to say "Hello, as I am glad to see you all ...." a trembling insecure voice, nervously sorting through the fingers of the button on a suit - be sure of the listeners will instantly appear distrust and to those who have said, and to the speaking age. Therefore, instead of "I am glad ..." - rejoice in fact! Do everything to really feel joy, speaking in front of the public. Request your positive mood to listeners. It is important - people in good mood easier perceive the information, they want to continue contact. If you do not have joy, you should not lie. It is better to honestly admit: "Today is a great day, so I worry ..." Then you at least will impress an honest person speaking truthful things.

Error 2: Exchange

Public to big account Anyway, you worry or not, how long have you prepared your report and what is your experience of public speeches. Therefore, it is not necessary to justify it in the style of "I am a bad speaker, I rarely speak in front of the public, so I strongly worried and I can speak unsuccessfully ..." This is how many amateurs begin with their speech, trying to arise sympathy and get indulgence in advance. The promise seemingly honest, but it leads to the opposite result. Listeners are perplexed: "Why did we come here, if even the speaker himself recognizes that the performance will be bad?".

The public is selfish. In its focus, it is primarily she herself. Therefore, from the very beginning of the speech, in the first place, put it, your favorite: thoughts, desires and feelings of your audience. Your goal is to inform, motivate or entertain the public. Therefore, it is not important how you say and what you feel. It is important which information the audience receives. It is necessary to say that most of the listeners feel: you understand their aspirations and desires, say for them and contact each of them personally. If you act just like this, then:

a) Much more listeners than you think, simply will not pay attention to your excitement or condescendingly treat it, because they are interested in themselves above all and their affairs.

b) Your excitement disappears, the most likely, the more attention you pay other people, and not our own feelings.

Error 3. Apologies

This error is similar to the previous one. Beginners of speakers love to apologize, offering to remove the blame with them for the poor quality of the report. "Please forgive me for ... (my outlined voice, my appearance, poor quality slides, too short performance, too long speech, etc. etc.)." The audience is not a priest and will not let your sins. Apologize only for one thing - for your constant apologies. And better from the very beginning, avoid what you need to ask for forgiveness. If there really is something that you regret, just say: "I'm sorry!". But best - the ability to turn the lack of dignity: "I have a sharpened voice today, so I ask you to move and take me closer. Thus, clinging even more, we will demonstrate that we are all one team working in close cooperation. "

Error 4: Eyes and eyebrows

Are you really sure that you are well controlled by your facial expressions? Most newbies only seem to be so. In fact, control the facial expressions of the unprepared person is not easy. The front muscles are difficult to manage without training, and the mysteriously seductive look and the eyes widely disclosed from fear shared the entire pair of millimeters radically changing perception.

Psychological studies have shown that the area of \u200b\u200bthe eye of the speaker, the public pays 10-15 times more attention than any other part of the person. Eyebrows - the main element of your facial expressions, they not only indicate emotions, but also manage them. High raised eyebrows - a sign of uncertainty and incompetence. Pay attention to your eyes and eyebrows. If they say the same as your words, the audience will love you. Laughing eyes and straight eyebrows are just what you need. Listening to you nice, the audience is confident in your competence. Practice in front of the mirror, write down your own performance on the video and analyze it.

Error 5: selection of words.

We hear and understand individual words before we understand the entire offer of the whole. Therefore, on the meaning of individual words, we react faster and less consciously than on the value of proposals. In addition, negative particles are perceived later than other words, and often not perceived at all. therefore permanent use such structures as "... will not bring losses", "... not bad", "... do not worry to make efforts", "... I don't want to call you boredom with long statistical calculations" cause the effect opposite from the listener Expectations of the speaker.

Remember: Words are pictures in the head! No wonder in antiquity, the rhetoric teachers spoke to their disciples: "Tell me so that I saw it!". Words should create a picture you need in the head of the listeners. Therefore, use only those words that support the desired goal. Let only the listeners come to the ears of the listeners that it should go there. If you want to create a positive attitude, then instead of "it is not bad", say "this is good." Create a positive mood with positive words - after all, a lot of people depends on the mood!

Error 6: Lack of humor to all students are known to the lecturers of the bore. "The impact of the external object is associated, firstly, with the progressive emancipation of cognitive functions from primitive affective structures, secondly, with the differentiation of the affective structures themselves, their autonomization from basal impositions ...", - tambourish such a teacher broken an hour, not noticing, That the listeners have long boiled brains and they completely lost the thread of the narration.

Better informative speech - Only an interesting speech! Add a smile to your serious speech, dilute with jokes, tell the funny story. People need to rest periodically. A grateful public will answer you favor and attention. You can laugh at themselves, if you allowed some kind of laughter - the listeners will perceive it as a sign of your self-confidence and self-esteem.

Of course, no one requires you to tell the anecdotes on a mourning rally. But many topics are too important to perceive them seriously. Laughter is a lively medium for brain. High-class teachers know that humor and good mood only add desire to learn and make the process more efficient. Laughter helps to relax and leads to the formation of such a chemical environment in the brain, in which the perception of new information occurs - this is proven by neuropsychologist.

Error 7: Nonsense

Even worse, unsure and unprepared speakers - speakers pompous and inflated, bursting from awareness of their own importance. They always consider themselves smarter than the audience to which they turn. Roll into the misconception from your head that you know more than all the rest together. Even if you are well aware in the topic of performances, in some directions, listeners can know much more than you. Do not consider the audience more stupid you otherwise pay you to the same coin. Spraying and alluring can play with you a very evil joke. Openly admitting his knowledge or ignorance, you conquer even greater audience sympathy. Connect listeners with new information to the report, you will definitely evaluate their knowledge. By this you will kill several Zaitsev at once: you will demonstrate respect for the participants and make a revival in your own performance, add and enrich it. You must be grateful to the audience for an active part, because it is at least a sign of interest in your performance.

Error 8: fussiness

Taking away from fear of the public, a novice speaker can hurry from the wall to the wall of there and here, as if the pendulum, to do fussy manipulations with objects (constantly twist a pencil in hand, etc.) and do other unnecessary movements. As a result, the audience begins to follow his movements and ceases to follow the theme of the speech. By how the speaker is moving, it is easy to understand how confident he is. Permanent "walking" during a public speech is not accidental. It gives the desire to escape an unsure of himself. That is how it is perceived by the audience. This mountain-speakers so I want to give a council strictly on Archhymerd: "Find, finally, the point of the support!" [PsiFactor]

Find a suitable place and take the position, "let the roots". You can sit or stand - it depends on the duration of public speech, features of the room and so on. factors. The main thing is that from your place you can establish visual contact with all the audience. Do not "turn out" in one place. A speaker constantly hiding behind the department and overly at the end of a public speech is also not the best option. Move, but moving consciously by controlling space. Various parts of the report label a change of position. By this you improve the perception of information and facilitate her memorization. For example, you change the position when moving from the introduction to the main part of the speech, when the key parts is highlighted, and then during the transition to the conclusion. When you finish the report and start responding to the questions of the listeners, you again calmly and leisurely move in space at the next point, etc. Thus, you focus the listeners in the structure of your public speech and instill confidence in them.

Error 9: Monotonicity

Nothing tires as a report on an interesting topic readable by a boring monotonous voice. Such public speeches are akin chinese torture Dripping Water: Water monotonously dripped to the temekin, and gradually brings it to madness. All words merge into a single stream and the speech tone cannot be understood where one sentence ends and the other begins. Monotonously bubbling bores quickly cause irritation and tiredness of the audience, listeners barely restrain in order not to start to yawn. On the contrary, a skillful speaker masterfully owns his speech. To keep the public "in Tonus", he constantly varies the volume and the power of his voice, giving him the lively. When he wants to cause tensions and interest, he plots and utters words a little slower. Speaking louder, he highlights the main thing in his public speech. When you need, he adds the voice of significance and drama.

Pay attention to the sound of your speech. Do you allocate the key moments of public speaking, quotes, approval? Does the height of the sound at the end of the question increase? Does the speech change vary depending on its content? Express your feelings with voice and you will win the audience! You will be confident, energetic and enthusiastic theme of a person.

Error 10: no pause

It is useful to remember the advice of brilliant Julia Lambert from the Moemovsky "Theater": "The main thing is the ability to keep a pause, it is better not to do it, but if it happened - keep it as you can". When nothing to say - you'd rather wrap up until the necessary words come. Sometimes the speaker is necessary time to think, will turn out with his records, or just drink water. And the public needs pauses to comprehend what you have said. Assa speakers use pauses purposefully to get feedback from the audience. They actively use interpuses, during which the audience can consider the said, and injecting the situation by intrapauses, when students should predict the further development of the narration. A pause can be used to establish visual contact to control whether you understood correctly; to enhance voltage and drama; To excite curiosity ("... and what will he tell further?") And for many other things. Therefore, do not be afraid to take pauses. Usually, the public perceives their duration much shorter than it seems to the speaker.

The outlined technologies are actively used by many specialists in different areas Activities: Artists, policies and party leaders, heads of various teams, teachers and many others.

It was interesting for me to analyze two life examples of a public speech: 1) the work of my lecturer on pedagogy, 2) a direct conversation with Putin, which took place on December 3, 2009. [arr. 2]


Owning technologies of "public" performances (as well as "virtual"), more than, relevant in our time.

These methods will help all novice speakers to prepare a good performance and prevent typical mistakes.

After the speech, it is necessary to analyze the work done on each of the steps.

Stable ability to achieve the goals of speeches comes with experience. Summing up the schemes, techniques, techniques that facilitate public communication, a person, the method of trial and error gains experience of behavior in a variety of situations. Experience and victories - the most valuable acquisition for successful publicity.

Like the lessons of cleaning and grammar, on which you can learn how to write letters, words and suggestions without errors. But learn to write bestsellers in these lessons is impossible. For a person of the public profession, trainings on a public speech can be compared with "pit-stops" on the Formula 1 races: these are technological pauses in the race, intended for specialists to serve the technique and the pilot could consult with the team coach on the current race.

List of sources used

1. Annushkin, V.I., "Russian rhetoric - a historical aspect", ed. high school, Moscow, 2003

2. Bakirova G. H. Personnel Management / H. Bakirov. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House, 2004 - 400c.

3.1500 Tips Coach and Human Resources Manager / Ed. Fil flight. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House Peter, 2003. - 320c. - (Effective training series).

4. Center for psycholoic pedagogy [Electronic resource]. - Access: Yandex:

5.2006 © Company "Public Man" [Electronic resource]. - DOSUBA: Yandex:

Appendix 2.

Comparative table of step-by-step training of public speeches selected for example

Preparation steps Lecturer actions Actions Prime Minister
Purpose of speech I believe that the main goal is to inform the listeners. Depending on the question (on various issues there are different goals), it can be informing the audience, conviction or impulse to action.
Received Authority - within the group Great authority - within the country
Speech preparedness

Prepared speech

in the narrow spectrum of questions, in accordance with the curriculum

Pre-prepared speech on a wide range of issues, due to their large variety
Order of speech Association Act: Lecture passes on a planned plan The Law of Operation, but in accordance with the incoming issues
Use of language capabilities

Used correct

russian speech

Used correct

russian speech

Preparation steps Lecturer actions Actions Prime Minister
Organization of space for performing The audience is used intended for lectures with the necessary equipment. Specially equipped television studio and video broadcasts from 8 cities
Game voice Nemonotonic wave-like speech
Involvement audience in discussion During the lecture, the monologue of the lecturer is maintained. In advance they informed about the upcoming meeting and asked to send their questions both in advance and live
Eye contact Present - lecturer and listeners are in one audience Carried out with the help of modern technologies
Availability of humor Present, more free Present but more discreet

The audience

Target, with a small audience Target, with multi-million dollar

The main component oratory. is a public speech. It is a speech element that appears during communication between the speaker and the public.

Public speech is necessary for an informational impact on the audience, suggestion and beliefs. Public speeches include the pronunciation of text or dialogue passively affecting the listeners. These features are present: individual text structure and logical completion.

The monologue and dialogue is equally necessary for building a concise speech. The elements of the dialogue help to dilute the monotorous text, put the listener into the conversation, which is considered a necessary condition for oratory activities.

For successful interaction with people, the speaker will need the following skills:

  • to be self-confident;
  • be able to continuously talk to one topic;
  • briefly, concisely express thoughts, correctly and competently build words in the sentence;
  • be able to engage in an audience;
  • artistry and charisma;
  • dar of conviction.

The speaker's text must comply with the three rules: clearer, informativeness and expressiveness. Public speech is characteristic of a changeable character, its success depends on mutual understanding with the audience and establishing psychological contact with it.

Speakers perform in stadiums, scene, television. A public speech refers to the pronunciation of text before the management of the company, a potential employer, friends. Public speaking helps to express themselves in a professional field or other activities. The art of public speaking is subject to every person, but it is easy for him to learn, visiting the training of public speaking and performing special speech exercises.

Distinguish the following types of public speech:

  • Social public speech helps to express related or public relations. Here are congratulations on the holidays, wedding toasts, remembered speech.
  • Church eloquence is to serve, communicating with the church by servants. This species does not contain logic, arguments, professional terminology, listeners are not looking for concrete facts.
  • Judicial eloquence is present in judicial practice. Unlike church, contains a clear style of presentation and argumentation. The judicial oral public speech consists only of facts, it is divided into indictment and protective. Such types of public speeches differ from their own degree of responsibility, as the content of the speech affects the fate of the person.
  • The academic art of public activity is concrete concrete-filled with professional terminology or scientific expressions. This includes the following genres of public speeches: scientific reports, reviews, lectures.
  • Political genres of public speech are speech to speech on the topics of economics, politics, social sphere. Political eloquence manifests itself at rallies, agitator and patriotic events.

In addition to species, the eloquence methods are distinguished, which help to make a clear and understandable text, as close as possible to the target. Methods of eloquence developed many centuries ago, include individual rules of public speaking:

  • The eloquence is to use short, understandable to the audience of texts.
  • The main function of the speaker lies in the report to the audience of useful, reliable information. Methods or techniques of influence on listeners should not violate their rights. But far from always the psychological features of a public speech comply with the requirements of ethics.
  • It is not recommended to "stretching" speech to a large audience, because people's attention briefly, easily dissipates
  • Before talking before the public it should learn to distinguish its emotional mood.
  • The psychology of a public speech is arranged in such a way that the final result of the event depends on the structure of the cooked text, the use of phrases. Important information has only at the beginning and end of speech. Such specific construction is necessary for a successful and effective reporting of the material, since the attention of the public in these periods is maximum.
  • Speech speaker must comply with ethics standards. Public speech culture is complied with any condition, it is considered a necessary element of speech pronunciation.

These rules are not a prerequisite for the speech of the speaker. The construction of public speech depends on the type, composition of the audience, its activities and the speaker itself. Receptions and rules of speeches are determined during the preparation of speech. Only constant training of diction, daily exercises will help achieve success and recognition of the public.

Features of public speech

There are some psychological features of a public speech. They are communicating between the speaker and the audience, follow from the dialogue between them. The ratio of the two sides of the communication is objectively - subjective in nature, acts as collaboration or cooperation.

Speech of the speaker has a number of features:

  • Reverse audience reaction. During the pronunciation of speech, the speaker can see the reaction of people on his words, observe the mood of the public. Separate words, questions, facial expressions of listeners help to understand their mood and desire. Thanks to the presence of feedback, it is possible to correct your speech. It converts a monologue to a dialogue, establishes communication with the public.
  • Oral speech. Features of oral public speech are to establish a live dialogue between participants. The oral form of communication has a goal in the form of a specific interlocutor and completely depends on it. An important point of the speeches is to organize speech for the easiest understanding and perception. Oral public speech is very effective, since, unlike written, absorbs up to 90% of the information.
  • Communication of literature I. oral speech. Before the speech, the speaker prepares and ponders his speech using scientific, artistic or journalistic literature. Already before the public, he converts harvested text to an interesting and vivid speech, which any person can understand. Only during the live speech of the speaker builds sentences, taking into account the reaction of others, thereby moving from the book text to a conversational style.
  • Means of communication. In oratory, various techniques and means of communication between participants are used. These are verbal and non-verbal funds: Mimic, gestures, intonation. An important role is played by the culture of public speech and the observance of ethics.

Requirements and technology of public speech

In order to be able to perform in different speech genres, you must first learn how to prepare texts in different styles. Various genres of speeches in public suggest use of different kind receptions and rules for influencing the audience.

General techniques and requirements for a public speech:

  • The beginning of speech thoroughly thought out and prepare. The unsuccessful dialogue is able to spoil the image of the speaker.
  • Drama. The presence of drama is important in any speech genre. It helps to interest the audience by dispute or conflict, is used in life stories, the description of the incidents, tragedies.
  • Emotionality in public speech is considered a prerequisite for the performance. The audience should feel not indifferent to the speaker to the topic of speaking, his attitude and experience. Monotonous dialogue without expressing emotions will not cause proper audience response.
  • Summary of thoughts. A brief clear speech is perceived by the listeners better, causes more confidence. To fit in the time allotted for speaking, it is necessary to learn to talk briefly. Not in vain say: "The brevity is a sister of talent."
  • Spoken style speech. Requirements for a public speech include the speech style. He must be conversational, look like a conversation between people. The conversational style of speech helps it easier to assimilate information, attract attention to the topic. It is impossible to use a lot of foreign, scientific terms, incomprehensible words Replaced with understandable.
  • By graduation, the speech is also prepared thoroughly as to the beginning. The final stage of speech is obliged to attract attention to bright and understandable phrases. The final words should be rehearsed to formulate the correct intonation of the voice and tone.

The technique of a public speech includes 12 consecutive steps necessary to achieve the best result in oratory. It will be needed for writing proper speech and successful interpretation.

Public speaking technology:

  • Determine the purpose of speech.
  • We study the composition of the audience.
  • Create an image for a performance.
  • We determine the role for the speech (idol, owner, patron, good, evil).
  • We write speech.
  • Check it according to the rules of writing public text, compliant by moral requirements.
  • We are spending speech according to the rules of visual, kinetic, audible perception.
  • If necessary, prepare the place of performance.
  • Configure on a successful outcome of the performance.
  • Same speech.
  • Listen to criticism.
  • Watch the reaction of the public, carry out an analysis of the impression.

Adopting to the public, do not stop at the result, we carry out an analysis of the speech. The technique of public speech includes the following necessary analysis of speech: text structure, pronunciation tone, intonation, speech structure, the interest of the public to the speaker.

The analysis is necessary for further correction of speech or behavioral errors, as well as for extinguishing skills.

10 main errors of the novice speaker

The skill of public speech is to study frequent errors other masters of eloquence. For the centuries-old history of eloquence, experts studied common mistakes of public speaking experienced and beginner speakers. Learn professional spectacle activities using techniques and tips in communication experienced people much so much, than to independently go through a long path of trial and errors.

Mix 10 novice orator errors:

  • The difference in intonation and tone speech with its content.
  • Unacceptable use of excuses it looks unprofessional.
  • Do not apologize to the public.
  • Inappropriate facial expressions.
  • Wrong selection of words and particles "not".
  • Boring monologue without the presence of humor.
  • The omniscient view of the speaker, arrogance.
  • Many unnecessary fussy movements on the scene.
  • Monotonous not emotional speech.
  • Incorrect pauses in the proposal.

In order to better explore the art of public speech for a beginner speaker, the work of the following authors will be useful:

  • Dale Carnegie "How to develop confidence and influence people, speaking public."

Dale Carnegie released a book in 1956. She became an addition to the work of public speaking issued to the work. The book contains techniques, rules, exercises for successful professional spectacle activities. Dale Carnegie American writer, an expert of eloquence, his book will be useful for both the beginner and experienced speaker.

  • Igor Rodchenko "Master of the Word."

Igor Rodchenko Specialist in speech communications, director of a well-known training speech company, conducts a public speech training, is the head of the stage of the stage speech and rhetoric of the University of St. Petersburg. The book "The owner of the word. The mastery of a public speech "Igor Rodchenko contains the main questions on the psychology of public speech, as well as the interaction of participants in communication and influence on the audience.

  • Ivanova Svetlana "Specificity of public speech".

In his book, Ivanova S. F. reveals questions in communication between the public and the speaker, describes the strategy, speech techniques, its language funds. The book will help learn how to speak, speak, to behave in front of the audience, reveals the peculiarities of the presentation in public.

The art of public speeches can be useful at any time, even if it is not related to your professional activities. Every day we tell each other some stories or try to convince someone in something. The ability to competently and clearly express their thoughts and desires says that you are a developed and sociable person who is interesting to listen.


1. Memory development as a condition for a successful public speech 3
2. Intercultural differences of non-verbal communication 7
3. The concept of "effective" manager 13
4. Situation: You are coming negotiations with your head to enhance you salary 15
List of references 16

1. Development of memory as a condition for a successful public speech

It is known that every our experience, the impression or movement is a well-known trail, which can be maintained quite a long time, and under appropriate conditions appear again and becomes the subject of consciousness.
Thus, the memory is a complex mental process consisting of several private processes related to each other. Memory is necessary for a person. It allows him to accumulate, save and subsequently use personal life experience. Human memory is not just some kind of unified function. There are many different processes in it. There are three completely different types of memory: 1) as a "direct imprint" sensory information; 2) short-term memory; 3) Long-term memory.
Direct printing sensory information. This system holds a fairly accurate picture of the world perceived by the senses. The duration of the preservation of the picture is very small - 0.1-0.5 s. Close your eyes, then open them for a moment and close again. Track out how the clear picture you have seen is saved for a while, and then slowly disappears.
Short-term memory keeps the material of another type. In this case, the detected information is not a complete display of events that occurred on the sensory level, and the immediate interpretation of these events. For example, if you uttered some phrase with you, not so much the components of its sounds, how many words. Usually, only 5-6 words are remembered. Making a conscious effort, again and again repeating the material, you can keep it in short-term memory for an indefinitely for a long time. Direct touch prints cannot be repeated, they are saved only a few tenths of a second and extend them there is no possibility.
Long term memory. There is an explicit and convincing difference between the memory of the event that has just happened and the events of the distant past. Long term memory is the most important and most difficult of memory systems. The capacity of the first named memory systems is very limited: the first consists of several tenths seconds, the second - several storage units. The capacitance of long-term memory is almost limitless. All that is held for more than a few minutes should be in the system of long-term memory. The main source of the difficulties associated with long-term memory is the problem of finding information.
There are three processes in memory: memorization (input of information in memory), saving (hold) and playback. These processes are interrelated. Memorization organization affects saving. Saving quality determines playback.
The memorization process may proceed as an instant impression - impregnation. The state of imprinting in humans occurs at the time of high emotional tension. His connection is likely with periods of sensitive development of mental functions. With repeated repetition of the same stimulus, it takes place without conscious installation for it. The intention to keep the material in memory characterizes arbitrary memorization.
Organized repetition of the material in order to memorize it is called memorization. A significant increase in the ability to memorize falls at age from 8 to 10 years and is especially increasing from 11 to 13 years. From the age of 13 there is a relative decline in the pace of memory. New growth begins with 16 years. At the age of 20-25 years, the memory of a person engaged in mental labor reaches the highest level.
The mechanism allocate logical and mechanical memorization. According to the result - literal and semantic.
By itself, the focus on memorization does not give proper effect. Its absence can be compensated by high forms of intellectual activity, even if this activity itself has not been aimed at memorization. And only the combination of these two components creates a solid basis for the most successful completion, makes memorizing productive.
It is best to remember what arises as an obstacle, difficulty in activities. Memorization of the material given in the finished form is carried out with less success than memorizing the material found on its own, during the active activity. What is remembered at least and involuntarily, but in the process of active intellectual activity, the memory is stronger than what is remembered arbitrarily.
The resolution of the memorization is higher in the support on a visual, shaped material. However, the productivity of memorization in the support of words with age increases than when the support is in the picture. Therefore, the difference in the use of those and others. Supports with age decreases. With independent inventing ...........

List of used literature

1. Kochetkov V.V. Psychology of intercultural differences. - M.: Pen SE, 2002.- 416 c.
2. Labunskaya V.A. Non-verbal behavior. - Rostov - to Don, 1986.
3. PIS A. Language of gestures / trans. from English - Minsk: Paradox, 1995.
4. Hall E. How to understand a foreigner without words // J. Fast. Body language / lane. from English M., 1997.

If you decide to speak publicly, since the adoption of such a decision, before the speech, it is necessary to cultivate complete confidence in the success of the conceived. This activates all the activities, starting with the preparation of speech, building a plan of performances, information processing. From consciousness, it is necessary to ruthlessly drive out all the thoughts of a possible failure, about the insufficiency of their oratory. Creating such positive attitude Meditation can help significantly. The fulfillment of the simplest meditative exercises in the imagination of an experienced speaker, for which successful public speeches - an ordinary business will make it possible to formulate deep confidence in the success of the planned event; Optimally distribute strength to implement it.

Clear concretization of the theme and ideas of the presentation - an indispensable condition that makes it intended to high level. It gives the rod of all the work of the speaker, helps to realize the goal and the final result achieved during the speech.

Preparation of material to the performance - one of key moments In the work of the speaker. This process consists of four main steps that are successively implemented one by one. The first stage includes a collection of information on the topic of the upcoming speech. Information should be as much capacious as possible, but to concern only the necessary issues. You should not confuse that much more material has been collected than it is required for performance. As a result of its processing, the remaining part will be discarded too much, but the remaining part will allow to highlight the question of multifaceted and reasoned.

The second stage is the processing of information. This process provides primarily awareness of speaking in the field of knowledge, an understanding of the essence of the subject. The information selected for speech must briefly, but clearly illuminate the subject, to be supported by the facts, contain fresh information, as small as unfamiliar terms and concepts.

At the third stage, the speaker must work out its position in relation to selected information, that is, to "digest it" on its own.

The final, fourth, stage of preparation for the presentation provides for the layout of the material in the form, the most visual and affordable perception of listeners.

Building a clear performance plan - important aspect In the preparation of speech. Depending on the goals set, with a public speech, you can focus on one of the following structural.

I. a) statement of facts;

  • b) statement of considerations arising from them;
  • c) Call for action.

II. a) demonstration of negative factors;

  • b) the way they are corrected;
  • c) request for cooperation.

III. a) achieving interest and attention from listeners;

  • b) the conquest of their confidence;
  • c) statement of material;
  • d) determining the accurate findings that encourage action.

Let us discuss in more detail on how to achieve the interest and attention of the listeners, because it is an element of speeches leading to the active perception of the material. To solve this task, it is necessary to include interesting in speech, unusual facts Miden things, if possible, lift them with the personal needs of the listeners. It is not bad to saturate the speech with life comparisons and familiar to all images. If possible, contact contrast ideas in the narration.

It should be shown to the listeners that outlined facts, ideas are very interesting and yourself. However, it is impossible to conquer the interest of students by mechanical compliance with the existing rules. It is advisable to improvise depending on the circumstances. Highly an important point Is the rehearsal of the speech, carried out as close as possible to these conditions, up to the pronouncement of speech from beginning to end with all gestures and articulation. The repeated repetition of this process will work out some automatism, allow you to remember the main part of the material and abandon the peeping into the abstract. It plays a significant role, since it has been established that the use of abstract during the performance of fifty percent reduces the interest of listeners

Known a number of secrets of a good performance.

Do not act in a state of fatigue. Need to relax, restore forces, accumulate energy reserve. Before the performance, you should limit food intake to avoid blood outflow from the brain to the digestive system.

Attractive, corresponding to the presentation, the view is one of the well-success speakers from the public. First, the awareness of what you are dressed like, makes more confidence, faith in own forces, increases respect for yourself. Secondly, a pleasant appearance has a similar impact on the audience. If the hair is not well maintained, the clothes of the baggy, not smoothed, the shoes are not in order of the listeners it seems that the mind of the speaker is as slightly as its appearance.

Any speaker is committed to the maximum relationship of CO listeners. It is possible to achieve this by following the following simple requirements: the speech must be clothed in the form of an intimate, informal conversation; It is not bad to build their speech, as if by carrying out a dialogue with listeners, mentally answering questions they put by them; The placement of accents on important words and phrases will increase the semantic load of speech; Useful throughout the speech to change the voice of the voice in order to further attract the attention of the listeners; Improves the perception of material change of speech pace: Quickly pronounce words that are not of great importance, and slowly, with feelings - those that need to be allocated; Be sure to do small pauses before and after the statement of important thoughts; It is advisable to avoid special, little-known terms; If possible, it is necessary to use visual funds (exhibits, movies and diameters, illustrations, slides) to clarify the essence of the outlined material: this will increase the quality of perception repeatedly; Huge effect gives a repetition main thoughtexpressed by various phrases and so that the listeners do not notice this; The wide use of examples, understandable and close to the heart of the listeners will make even the most abstract ideas available for perception:

It should be especially important on how to start a performance. The beginning of the speech is the greatest difficulty, but at the same time it is extremely important, for at this moment the mind of the listeners is fresh and, it is easy to make an impression. Good, an interesting start gives a positive charge to the whole speech, forms a warm emotional climate in the audience.

Entry should be brief, consist of several sentences, but such that can immediately attract the interest of students. The speaker can win the attention of its audience at the beginning of the performance in the following ways: to initiate curiosity; start with a concrete, very bright illustration; Put an interesting question before the audience, the answer to which she does not know; start with a stunning fact or quotes; show the connection of the upcoming performance with the vital interests of the listeners.

The beginning should not be formal, but look free and natural.

How best to finish a performance? This is an absolution that does not give rest to many people who are preparing for a public speech, since the ending of speech is its most strategically important element. Even before the speech, it should be thoroughly thought out, repeatedly rehearsed. You can never finish speech by words like: "That's all I wanted to say about this." We need to finish, not to mention the fact that it ends.

It is advisable to use, for example, such versions of the end: call on an audience to action; make students a suitable compliment; cause revival or even laughing with a successful joke; use a suitable quote; Create climax.

It is very good if the end of the speech is linked to the beginning.

And you should always finish your speech before the listeners wish.