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Interesting facts about plants. The most interesting fact about the plant. Interesting facts about plants List of unusual plants

You will not believe! Two leaves quench hunger.
In India, a plant grows under the local name "fooling the stomach". I eneeing 1-2 leaves of the Plant Calir Canda, a man feels satiety over a whole week, although the leaves do not contain valuable nutrients. The property of the plant to create the illusion of satiety is used in the manufacture of tablets and tinctures from leaves, which are successfully used by people suffering from overweight.

What could be sweeter than sugar?
The leaves of Paraguayan shrubs Stevia more than 300 times sweeter than sugar, and the leaves of Mexican sugar herbs - 1000 times. Red berries "Toyumatus Dannelius" plants from the African Savannah Sugar Sugar 2,000 times, and the Red Berries of Dio-Kumminius Berries from the forests of Nigeria and other West African countries - 3,000 times. In West Africa, the sweetest plant grows and the sweetest plant is a shrub "kethemph" containing the substance of Tummatin, superior to sugar sweets 100,000 times!

Fight for survival
Three-year-old scientific work University biologists in Turin showed that some of the plants are Limskaya beans, corn and others, can "realize" the threat of life. Crawling the saliva of the caterpillar falling into the body of the plant, it begins to highlight a volatile substance similar to the lavender aroma to attract OS. The wasps protect the plants in this way: the caterpillars are stuffing and put their eggs in their body, which leads to the death of the caterpillars.

Unknown Georgina
In 1784, Gengin's tubers were delivered from Mexico to Spain, unprecedented until then. The Spanish king commanded zealously protect the secret of the existence of the overseas flower, while in 1805 the German naturalist Alexander Humbolt brought from South America The tubers have already been "unknown" in Europe of the Mexican Plant!

Pines sterilize air
One hectare of pine boron per day is able to allocate about 5 kg of volatile phytocides into the atmosphere, destroying numerous microorganisms from the air. Therefore, in forests with growing young coniferous trees, regardless of geographic latitude and proximity settlementsIn comparison with other green areas, the air is practically sterile, contains only about 200 - 300 bacteria on 1 m cubic.

Not for every mind
In the content of vitamin C walnut, 8 times exceeds black currant and 50 times - citrus fruits. The vitamins of the group B, contained in them contribute to the decomposition of peer-grade acid, which accumulates in the muscles and causes fatigue. Ancient Greek historian Herodota argued that the priests of the ancient Babylon were prohibited simple people There are walnuts, because It was believed that they have a beneficial effect on mental activity, and these are no worthwhile.

The smallest flower in the world
Do you know what plant is the smallest flower in the world? Rocky! For a long time, it was believed that this is algae, but then they found the flowers of the flowers. But it is still unknown how during the day the number of these plants in the reservoir is doubled - in a few days, the rod covers the entire surface of the reservoir.

Xerophyte - Drought Plant
Xerophyta Viscosa Xerophyt Cerophyte was named Antoine Laurent de Zhusier (1748-1836. Xerophyta - which means "Drought plant". This rare grassy perennial lives on stony soils Natal provinces in South Africa, on the vertices of the dragon mountains, has filamentous curved leaves with a length of 60 cm, and the flowers with a diameter of 5-6 cm appear on the plant from November to April. Often this plant is called someone else's name Vellozia Viscosa, but Vellozia is a completely different look. Xerophyte is able to live without water in extreme temperature conditions highly for a long time. University researchers in Cape Town use xerophytic genes to coding unstable to drought Sanguinalis Digitaria and Thaliana Arbidopsis, and later, xerophyte genes will use cultural plantsTo increase their stress resistance.

Chilean grazing can kill instantly
The plant of the family of the Parabley family, consisting of only one species, is a fetal vestia foetida inhabited on the coast of Chile Islands and New Zealand. This evergreen shrub reaches a height of 1.5 meters, and from April to June, the vestia branches are covered with pale yellow tubular flowers with a length of 3-4 centimeters similar to Fuchsia flowers. If the sheet is witching, it makes it up nasty smell. The genus was named after Professor from Graz L. K. de Vesta (1776-1840). 20 grams of seeds of this plant costs about 120 euros. The goats randomly eating in the pasture will fight the frenant, this graspy causes the liver necrosis with a fatal outcome.

1. Bloody tooth / Hydnellum Peckii
This cute fungus looks like a wished to chewing gum, descended by blood and smelling strawberries. But do not try to eat it, because it will be the last "delicacy" that you taste in your life.

The fungus is known to humanity since 1812 and is considered inconsiderable, i.e. Once, in dark-prematched times, a genius, who sacrificed in the glory of science with his life, in order to warn the descendants from eating this "delicacy".
In addition to their outstanding external qualities, this abomination has antibacterial properties and contains chemicals that dilute blood. What is there to speak there, in a short time, this mushroom can become a replacement of penicillin (which, by the way, was removed from the mushroom of the Penicillium Notatum form). If you do not have enough acute sensations, and you intend to make your name in the Annals of History (Darwin's Annals and the title of the most stupid suicide on the planet Earth do you already think in your pocket), then just lizn this miracle of nature ...

2. Puppet Eyes / Doll's Eye
At best, this "beauty" is similar to the alien weed, and in the worst to the head in the land of the Totem with the human eyes planted on him, which the serial killer marked the burial place of all his 666 victims.
This unusual plant was called "dolls". There is also a less speaking name of this bunda - White Voronets.
No peculiarities, except for their appearance, this plant does not have, you can even try it to taste, then tell about your feelings.

3. Mushroom Marine Anemone / Sea Anemone Mushroom
Sometimes, contemplating such creations, you begin to think about the sane creator. Of course, there are cases when and disgusting things are on the calibration quite pleasant to taste, the smell ... But this is not the case: the mushroom, called the "fatigue horn of the octopus," not only turns away, but also stinks, so that not describe words.

4. Devil's Claw / Devil's Claw
"The devilish claw" is something like the barns of our burda, who being labeled by hand best friend Not once confused in your hair. The main difference between the two adhesives is in appearance: if the spines are replay are small cute lumps that are so asking in the hands, then the devilish claw looks more like an evil spider-cannibal, which is just waiting to cling to you in a throat.
When these demonic pieces "were found" only in Arizona, where the indigenous Americans (Indians) flew out of their terrifying type of baskets and laid out entire "mine fields", which enemies preferred to bypass the side. Today, "demonic claws" has already fully occupied the entire North-West USA. Some, soon this abomination will get to the Mother of Russia, so if you do not want to fall the victim of the "Devil Claw", then start the "Roundap" and build blockarians now.

5. Chinese Miceweight / Chinese Black Batflowers
All the same, Batman did not accidentally chose a symbol of frightening the criminal population of a waste mouse. For these raising darkness are terrible: small evil eyes, thin paws with huge hooked nails, sharp teeth, a chubby caller, unevenly covered with hair, and huge wings - than not a description of a terrible monster of the next low-budget, but from this no less terrible, horror movie? And if you are one of those who consider them with cute little animals feeding with fruits, then surely change your opinion when one of these creatures clings to your face and crept up all your blood to the drop ... but, unfortunately, it will be too late for you .
Mother Nature worked on the fame in an attempt to create the most terrible and at the same time the disgusting plant, having endured him distinctive features battle And adding a bunch of burnish sucks for loyalty. This breeding of children's nightmares got the name Chinese mouse.

6. Buddha Hand / Buddha's Hand
I do not know which polotious genius decided that this thing was similar to the hand of the Buddha, for me it is more likely to resemble the hentai tentacles, which are about to fuck another busty beauty.
On the calibration, nasty tentacles are pretty edible, you can even say tasty, citrus fruitwhich is incredibly popular in China and Japan. If you recall the network of sort-like restaurants, it is not difficult to understand why the Chinese beetted from eating this wonder, but I did not expect this from the reference Japanese.
In fact, the Buddha's hand is a strange type of lemon, in which there is nothing more often the peel. Fruit attracts Eastern peoples not only unusual external species, but also with its aromatic properties: tea is brewed in Japan, and in China, they keep at home as a talisman who brings good luck to the house, happiness, distinguishes any evil and gives longevity. More from these lemons, the tental makes jam, marmalade and smelling perfumes.
And a little bit about serious: traditionally it is believed that the Buddha can trick up, turning and turning his fingers on time of prayers and at such moments of his hands are very similar to these monstrovid lemons.
You as you want, but if it really is so, if I had the opportunity to meet in the Dark Svottnya Buddha or the goodness Freddie Kruger, I would likely chose the latter.

7. Venusina Mukholovka / Dionaea Muscipula
I dare to assume that even some couple of millions of years ago, these mounds devoured dinosaurs and were full owners of the planet. But evolution is the enemy of maximalism and all the giants have either extinct or in order to survive acquired more terrestrial sizes, so today the flour is a small plant that feed on exclusively by insects, caterpillars, slugs and frogs.
How it works: There are many smallest sensitive hairs inside the grazing sheet. The victim clinging to the sheet is annoying these hairs, which, in turn, give a signal to reduce the cells of the inside of the sheet and "fall" begins to close. After some time, the inside of the sheet begins to highlight the digestive fluid and exhausted from unsuccessful attempts to get out the outside of the victim begins to slowly digest (this process is quite enough for a long time. Nr to digest the mucus mukholovka will take about a week).

8. Cedar Apple Running Mushroom / Cedar Apple Rust Fungus
What turns a juicy healthy apple into a rotting lump of vague horror, giving a shelter to the whole brood of worms? If your answer is a cedar-apple rotting mushroom (Sokr. Kalgig), then, most likely, you have shown a mixture and simply read this cunning interlacing letters decorating the beginning of this narration!
Kalgog - fungal infection, transforming apple and cedar fruits beyond recognition. For this abomination, at least right now, you can shoot horror films: infected fruits are literally transformed in disastrous monsters in a few months. This is how it happens: from the tiny dispute, the fungus develops an impressive sizes of a spherical body - from 3.5 to 5 centimeters in diameter, during wetting this abomination is declared, forming a vigorous mustache. As a result, cedar nuts and apples turn into small evil Cthulhu.

10. Chinese Runic Flower / Chinese Fleceflower

The fruits of the "Runic Flower" have frightening forms, thanks to which they look like small potato people.
The Chinese emerge these tiny underground residents from the ground, in order to use their naked defenseless bodies, as a panacea from all diseases, including impotence, cancer, AIDS, dementia, etc., etc ...
Before turning into a giving powder, the little men are subjected to all sorts of tortures, including: boiling, lighting, soaking in the moonshine and dismemberment.
Remember my words, soon potatoes will be tired of the Chinese oppression and rise against all mankind. So think a few times before you decide to restore your "Mozho" with the help of a "Runic Flower".

11. Porkoupy Tomato / Porcupine Tomato
Porkoupinsky Tomato - Growing on Madagascar One-meter meter monster, whose leaves are covered with a frightening type of spiny orange color. This schipast miracle-yud is incredibly beautiful purple flowers, collected in the borders, which he loves his victims to himself: And now you are already leaning to disrupt one of them and find yourself on the "deadly" spikes.
In addition to the fact that the Porkoupinsky Tamat and Poaming Tomato, it is still almost impossible to kill: most of the chemicals do not care and he can survive a laid cold and even severe drought. As you already understood this creation of nature - Monster-like weed, which set the purpose of its existence to capture your pricework. In a short time, one plant can approach the whole army of Porkoupinsky Tomatics, which in a few weeks will turn into 1.5 meter giants, each of which will fight until the last and sheds not one liter of your blood before it becomes the root of the root.

Do you know that the height of the highest trees exceeds 100 meters? Did you hear anything about plants that are able to "kill" and "eat" animals? In this article you will learn a lot of amazing, interesting and even shocking from the life of plants.

1. Velvichia amazing (Welwitschia Mirabilis.).

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The age of this deserted-dwarf can reach 2000 years. From a short pent-shaped plant, two huge sheets are departed in both directions, which as they grow longly break on the tapes, and the tips dry out. The age of these giant leaves is equal to the age of the tree. The leaves are constantly growing from the base, and the tips die. In some cases, the length of the leaves can reach 8 meters, and the width is 1.8 meters.

The genus Amorphofallaus, as well as the Ruffle's genus is famous for its "thin aroma" of a decomposing flesh. The smell emanating from the flower is terrible. Without a gas mask, a few admire amorphophophophophullus. Flower of most representatives of this kind is huge in size (especially in the photo presented in the photo Amorphophallus Titanum) And can reach a height of 2.5 meters at a diameter of 1.5 meters. In many Eastern countries, the tubers of this plant are used in the preparation of various culinary dishes and medicines.

(Opuntia Bigelovii.)

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The emplation of bidelows, probably, one of the most amazing species of the specification of the family of cactus. The photo presented above is made in the California Joshua-Tree National Park. In the photo, the entire desert landscape to the horizon is covered with amazing fluffy cacti, up to two meters high. In the rays of the setting sun, the landscape looks fantastically. At the person being here, it seems that he as part of a space expedition landed on another planet, covered by unknown forms of life.

5. Giant cargery (Carnegiea Gigantea.)

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Karnegia Giant (Sagauro) Another amazing plant of the cactus family. The most amazing feature of this cactus is its gigantic sizes. The height of individual plants is about 14 meters, and the diameter of more than 3 meters! At the same time, the age of individual cacti reaches 150 years.


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Most plants from this kind can be called "predators" without exaggeration, which are obtained by the necessary missing nutrients, "digesting" caught insects. The plant has modified leaves, which in shape resemble pitfalls. The inner surface of the pitcher is lined with cells that are identifying nectar, which serves to attract insects, as well as "hairs cells", making the release of the insect that has fallen in the network. The surface of the "neck" of the jug is very slippery, so there is no chance of a walking in the neck of an insect, there is practically no challenge. The insect falls into water (in separate species in a jug may contain up to 2 liters of water) and sinking. Next, enzymes are produced, which completely "digest" insect. Sometimes not only insects are trapped, but even mouse , rats, birds.

Veinelery Mukholovka is an even more amazing "murderer plant", which is making more active actions to swaying its prey. The modified leaves - "Jaws" of this plant are attempted to life not only insects, but also for life.

"Enjoy" the rest of the amazing "combat exploits" of Venus Mukholovka on the video you can.

(Ficus Benghalensis)

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At first glance, it may seem that the photo is described in the photo above. In fact, this is one single tree. Ficus Bengalsky forms powerful branches to support which they grow by shoots that drop down to the ground are rooted, forming powerful stem columns.

9. Sequlik Evergreen (Sequoia Sempervirens.)

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Sequoia evergreen is the most tall tree Our planet. Our forest belt forests are grass compared to the forest consisting of these mighty gigids. The height of many trees exceeds 110 meters, and age more than 3,500 years! Previously, in the trunks of Sequoia, they hollow out at home and even looted tunnels through which passed car roads. In windy weather, many visitors to the forests of Giakanov becomes in itself from the noisy "grincling" and the swinging of the powerful stems by the sequel. Growing out in California.

Plants seem like something green and boring. But it is nothing but clean water Prejudice - plants from this list are ready to compete in diversity and uniqueness with the animal world, they only need to give a chance.

15. Rainbow trees

Imagine a walk through the forest from the 60-meter trees of all the colors of the rainbow. Do you think this is possible only in a fabulous film? But no - Eucalyptus deglupta, or Eucalyptus Raduzhny actually exists and meets in the forests in the Philippines. These trees grow so quickly that the bark pecks them with stripes, exposing the bright green layer, which as agrees changes the color to yellow, orange, red, purple and brown.

14. Seed boxes of lion's oz

The lion zev was widely used by botany as a model in many genetic studies. For example, Gregor Mendel and Charles Darwin used the lion's zev to study heredity. Distinctive feature Plants - its seed boxes, each of which is similar to the screaming skull.

13. Zhabotika

Jabotics - that's fruit tree with a unique formation of fruits. Unlike most trees whose fruits grow on branches, the bowls forms their black fruits right on the trunk. It looks like they will be seen from the bark. Although the fruits of the bowls are popular in Brazil, because of a small storage period, they rarely get to other places. The fruit can be used in fresh form, as well as in the form of jam, wine or liquor.

11. Amorphofallaus Titanic

This flower is the highest in the world - its height can reach three meters. Yellow pillage in the center contains small white flowers. As soon as they are willing to spread pollen, the pillage begins to produce heat, which helps to spread the stench smell, resembling the smell of a decaying corpse. As in the case of a body lily, the smell attracts flies, which are engaged in pollination.

10. Elephant Yams.

Amorphofalus pionic, or ivory yams - close relative Amorphofalus Titanic. Earlier single way To distinguish between various types in this group was to smell them and find out what stench they exude. The tubers who gave the plant's name "Yams" are the third most popular source of carbohydrates in Indonesia after rice and corn. And the word "amorphofallaus" in the title indicates a flower shape - literally it is translated as "informal penis."

9. Voronets Tolstonozhkovaya

Voronets Tolstonoque also carries the cheerful name "Poksy Dolls". It is quite obvious that the cracked "eyes" of poisonous. In total, the handful of these berries may cause instant death. Of course, only a desperate brave can dare to eat berries that look at him ...

8. Gorky cucumber

Momordika Charangery, or bitter cucumber - a grassy liana growing around the world. Its fruits, empty inside, possess a warthamy surface. Usually they eat them when they are still green, because with ripening, yellowing is becoming more bitter. However, when completely matured fruit is revealed, inside you can find a sweet bright red core.

7. Naked little man

Orchis Italica, which is also called the orchid "Naked little man", can be found almost everywhere in the Mediterranean region. They are very popular among orchid lovers, because ... well, at a minimum because the petals look like naked little men, which is incomprehensible here. The plant has about 40 grades, so you can choose a naked little man with almost any color and size.

6. Predatory jugs

Animals eate plants. This is the natural order of things. However, some plants are against the system and respond to a blow. The jugs are lured into the trap of insects, spiders and even small mammals and reptiles, after which they are drowning. Their modified leaves hold the liquid that contains digestive enzymes and chemicals. As soon as the victim gets into a jug, she slides down the wax slippery walls that do not allow her to get out. After unsuccessful attempts to face the sacrifice immersed in liquid, sink, and the plant digesting it to ensure itself with nutrients that are not in the soil.

5. Flowering stones

Of course, you know perfectly well that there are no blooming stones in nature. But it is them and resemble amazing plants of the genus Litops. They can be found in the stony and sandy deserts of South Africa. Plants adapted to externally resemble them surrounding their stones. This form allows them to survive in regions with a low amount of precipitation, since small square Surfaces slow down evaporation. Lithopsy are popular home plants, and often sell them precisely as "live stones".

4. African hydropra

3. Sequoia Albino

Ask a child to draw a tree, and you will get a brown trunk and green leaves. Everyone knows that trees are green. Everything except Sequoia Albinos. These trees are unable to produce chlorophyll, and without chlorophyll they cannot absorb sunlight and produce their own nutrients. For other trees, it would be a death sentence, but the sequel has a property to share the roots among themselves. When Sequoia Albino sprouts, she needs to attach to the root system of another tree to extract food.

2. Red riverfield

Bassius a brochure grows in Eurasia, but somehow got to the United States, where he received a nickname "Mexican Fire Masonry" or more prosaic "burning bush". Usually, the rolling-field after dying becomes yellow or brown, but the bass acquires a bright red shade. Whole fields of the bass can be found in Japan, where their black seeds call the "Icra of Earth".

1. Plant Kiss

Psychotion elevated is known under the unflattering name "Sluts of Sponges". One look at the flower is enough to understand where the name has happened. The plant is found in the jungle of Central America, but despite the seductive appearance, it gradually becomes extinct due to the loss of habitat. Such sponges would have won perfectly on the rival Batman, Poisonous pry. Especially, given that the flower produces a hallucinogenic substance. Oddly enough, the "sponges" themselves are not a plant flower. The flower is supervised from "mouth", all covered with yellow viscous mucus. As they say, beauty on the surface ...

The flora world of our planet is so rich and diverse that even scientists do not cease to surprise. This rating presents 10 most unusual plants Mira who can turn over the ideas about Botanic. It seems to be a botany very honorable, since these scientists can surprise the whole world with their discoveries.

10. Creepy handshake

Thanks to colors unusual shape, HirantoDendron is called the "Hand of the Devil". The homeland of this tree is Mexico, which Aztec inhabited several centuries ago. Hirantodendron flowers they used in their magical rituals, and all because of their similarity with a five-pall brush. Painting of petals only adds color, because at the ends, so-called fingers, red sharp cogs are clearly visible. During the flowering period, the tree is very abundant with "palms", which are cracked in the wind.

9. Flowers and smells

For Europeans, this plant is very unusual, but people living in the tropics and subtropics do not consider Amorphofalus something unusual. A plant from a tuber with the average grapefruit is developing. And for locals, he represents gastronomic interest. In Japanese cuisine, amorphofalus tubers are added to soups, stewed with vegetables. And the dried pieces are lagged into the flour, from which noodles later make. But having become acquainted with Amorphofallus during flowering, not every tourist will then dare to eat it in food. Amorphofalus flower in height reaches 2.5 m. This huge and incredibly beautiful flower, like the famous raffleese, exudes unreal SMRAra. The smell of rotting meat attracts insects who pollinate the plant. And the larvae of some types of moths amorphofalus can have a snack, felt by the supply of nutrients. This plant on his example proves that the appearance of deceptive. And because of unpleasant odor There are some wishes lively admire beautiful flower. The rest make a choice in favor of quality photos.

8. Dragon Blood

If you hurt the bark of the dragon tree, there will be a red resyanny liquid in this place, similar to blood. Because of this feature long years Aborigines considered a tree sacred. Modern scientists do not revere in the juice of dragon trees, but study them with great interest. These unusual plants are found on the African continent and on southern Islands Asia. They grow pretty slowly, but copies of impressive sizes come across, whose grumpling of the trunk can reach 15 m. Such dimensions can boast specimens of highly respectable age. Experts claim that the Dragon tree can live up to 9,000 years, but without difficult research, the age of the plant is impossible to determine, as it does not form a commercial rings.

7. Livestone stones

Translated from ancient Greek this plant is called "having a stone appearance." Many amateur flower products also call these unusual indoor plants with live pebbles. Lithopsy come from the African desert, but proper care It feels good in the usual urban apartment. Lithopes is two fleshy sheets that separate the gap. There is a couple of leaves one year, then a new pair is replaced by it, the separation slot of which will be located strictly perpendicular to the previous one. Such a life cycle is due to a dry climate characteristic of these plants. Old watery leaves serve as a source of moisture and nutrients for new ones. Developing, lithopsy can from one root "throw out" another couple of leaves nearby. Over time, they grow up to small ages.

6. The rooted supermarket

Baobab is considered an unofficial symbol of African savanna, a very recognizable silhouette of this unusual tree. Baobabs have peculiar proportions, their barrel is too wide relative to the height of the tree. And all because in it the plant accumulates and stores nutrients and water. Reserves are enough for the entire period of drought, however, at this time the tree decreases in volumes and even recesses the foliage. Local residents have learned to use Baobabs in full. They joke that if Baobab grows nearby, then you don't need to go to the market. So, from the bark weave networks and mats, the fruits are eaten into food, the shampoo is made, the root of the face is painted, and wood ash saves aborigines from a variety of diseases. The tree itself can serve as a good home. The fact is that wet wood under the influence of fungal infections is often destroyed, and baobab becomes hollow inside. However, it does not interfere with the mega-walled tree and grow and fruit. According to the results of recent studies, the conclusions were made that Baobabs live more than one thousand years. So such empty trees can cover up to 40 people within themselves. But when Baobab still dies, it crumbles into small parts, and leaves after himself only the mountain of drumshew wood.

5. Misty prospects

In the world there are unusual types of plants that comfortable life Specific weather conditions are needed. One of these exotic plants is Velvichia amazing. This plant can be found on the rocky desert soils of Namibia and Angola, where rains are only 2 months per year. During the rest of the time the sun kills all living things. At the same time, Velvichia can survive. And all because the main source of moisture for this plant is a thick fog caused by the proximity of the Atlantic Ocean. The plant absorbs moisture from the air with its huge leaves. True, there are only two of them, but the length of each comes up to 8 meters, and the width is up to 2 m. To pronounce rhizome, the plant shares its wide leaves on narrow parts in the form of belts. The latter die out over time, but the shadow of them allows the plant to survive in extreme conditions. Because of the silent foliage, the plant seems dead, in fact, his life potential is amazing. Welvichia is often mistaken for grass, in fact it is a tree, and quite ancient. With the help of carbon analysis it was found that the age of individual instances exceeds 1500 years.

4. For dances do not need a reason

In Asia, an unusual desmodium gyrans shrub is growing. His feature is that the plants are constantly in motion. This is subject to that the plant receives enough moisture and lighting. Only then can be observed as some leaves literally dance on the branch. Scientists explain similar movements with irregular water pressure inside sheet cells. But, despite the scientific conclusions, from the side it greatly looks at magic. It is affecting the fact that the cyclicity of leaflets resembles the heart rhythm of the person. This as a result of research managed to establish an Indian scientist. Well, a person should remember that he is the same part of nature as the exotic DESMODIUM GYRANS. But the shrub dancing is worth a look.

3. Ruffle for a deweist

Some unusual species of plants enjoy special attention from residents of those countries where they grow. So, Victoria Amazonian flames on the coat of arms of Guyana, a small South American state. Yes, and there is something to be proud, because it is the largest waterway in the world, the leaves of which in diameter reach 2 m. Such a sheet can withstand not only a fabulous thumb, but also a person or an animal weighing up to 50 kg. Separate attention requires flowers of plants that appear once a year for 3 days. Delicate flowers with a diameter of 30 cm on the first day have a snow-white color. At night, they close, and fall under the water to appear on the next day in a gentle-pink color. On the third day, they change the color to the raspberry or purple, and in the evening the last time go under water. So, three days of the pita appear on the surface of the water in all its glory, but their wilt is hidden from the eye of the audience.

2. Fly for lunch

Veinelery Mukholovka is a rare representative of predator plants. Its leaves of a special form are capable of sharply slam down, holding inside insect. As soon as feed turns out inside, the sheet begins to highlight the enzyme to digest the insect. On average, one sheet spends up to 10 days on the full digestion of the organic. After that, only the chitinary shell remains from fly. For their life, the sheet has time to "eat" up to three insects. Such a predatory behavior of the plant is dictated by the environment of its grieving. In natural conditions, this plant can most often meet in a wet climate on swampy soils. Such conditions are found in the US on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. The swampy soil is poor nitrogen, singing insects, the mukholka fills the lack of nutrients. Today, unusual indoor plants are fashionable, and Veinelery of the Mukholovka may well become one of them.

1. Robust beauty

Mimosa shame, perhaps, overshadowed all the most unusual plants of the world. it herbate plant Instantly reacts to the slightest touch. It is necessary to touch it, like all the leaflets mimosa, as if embarrassed, are folded, and branches are none. True, after 5-10 minutes of peace, the plant again returns its original appearance. In nature, it exotic plant can be found in Central America, but as indoor plant Mimosa-modes grows around the world. However, it is necessary to see your own eyes.