Repair Design Furniture

Filling the dressing room. Dressing rooms: design projects, photos, how to make in a small room with your own hands from the pantry, layout and filling. Capacious storage in a small area

A comfortable and spacious dressing room is the dream of the absolute majority of women. Allocating a part of the room for such a functional corner allows you to solve a lot of problems. And it's not only about the joy of the fair half, a properly made dressing room allows you to solve the problem of storing a lot of quite intimate items away from prying eyes.

A walk-in closet is a closet or room with many drawers and shelves that is designed to store clothes and other items.

It is quite possible to make a dressing room with your own hands, for this it is enough to study the rules and subtleties of storing things, purchase suitable material and use tips for organizing the space.

Good dressing room rules

If the house or apartment has an unused corner of sufficient area, it is quite possible to make a full-fledged dressing room in it. A pantry or an attic is perfect for this role, it is enough to install a partition and equip the shelves. Any dressing room must obey the following rules.

  1. The size is not less than 1 * 1.5 m. In a narrower dressing room, it will not be possible to install shelves or it will be impossible to enter it, which will significantly reduce functionality.
  2. To make the room comfortable, you should take care of installing a mirror. This will make it easier and faster to put together a successful outfit every day.
  3. You need to take care of ventilation. If the natural is not enough, it is worth installing a forced one. Otherwise, the musty smell will haunt you constantly.
  4. If there is no window in the corner in which it was decided to make a dressing room, sufficient lighting must also be provided.
  5. The most successful door to the dressing room is the compartment. She will not eat up an already limited space. In addition, due to its peculiarities, it will provide an influx of fresh air. And it is easier to decorate such a door than a swing door.
  6. It is imperative to plan the internal structure in advance. This will take into account all the features and preferences of the owner of the new dressing room.

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A walk-in closet is a closet that you can enter. It is from this rule that it is worth starting from if it is decided to make it yourself. First of all, you need to draw a plan for the future storage corner, taking into account preferences and some rules. The correct interior design of the dressing room will save a lot of space. What rules should be considered when planning a new wardrobe or wardrobe?

  1. The height of the compartment for thick outerwear is from 150 cm.
  2. Compartment for light outerwear - from 100 cm.
  3. The height of the shoe shelves is the height of the most voluminous box + 10 cm.
  4. The height of the shelves for the main things is selected individually, but usually no higher than 40-45 cm. It is extremely difficult to store trousers and sweaters neatly on higher shelves. Better to make more shelves.
  5. The width of each compartment, of course, the larger the better, but the approximate stock can also be calculated by inspecting your clothing stocks.
  6. You should not make shelves without a minimum margin in height and width. Free space is required for ventilation.
  7. Better to opt for quantity. It is more convenient to store a thing folded in several units. Tall stacks will inevitably shift, creating a mess.
  8. Some items, such as socks and underwear, are easier to store in drawers or baskets with good ventilation.
  9. For frequently used wardrobe items, the shelves should be at chest level or slightly lower.
  10. The removable shelves have proven themselves superb. Their installation will allow you to change the design of the wardrobe without global alterations.

Before you start making a dressing room with your own hands, you need to approve the final plan. This will allow you to accurately calculate the material consumption and avoid rework.

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Material and finish

A good material for assembling a dressing room is chipboard.

For the dressing room, you can use any furniture materials. Natural wood, chipboard and laminate are perfect. These materials absorb moisture and return it to the environment as conditions change. Wood and its derivatives are easy to work with, reliable and durable. But care must be taken to ensure proper and sufficient processing so that the new cabinet does not ruin things.

You can also use drywall, but it must be borne in mind that it is quite heavy and the shelf from it will bend under its own weight. This building material can be used for partitions, because the reliability of the walls of the dressing room does not play a decisive role. In addition, drywall will absorb excess moisture, thereby ensuring the safety of things.

For the interior decoration of the dressing room, you can use the same materials as for decorating the room. If the updated wardrobe and bedroom are designed in the same style, it will emphasize the taste of the owners. Wardrobes, painted in bright colors or pasted over with wallpaper, look stylish and original. And a special chic is the dressing room, decorated with wood panels.

It is always worth remembering that the dressing room is an enclosed space and you must definitely take care of maintaining the correct humidity level.

Pouches containing moisture-absorbing material such as silica gel can help solve the problem.

Every girl dreams of a personal dressing room. After watching films about the life of rich people, many believe that with an average salary, such chic is not affordable. But if you are at least a little familiar with the repair, then it will not be huge difficulties and costs for you.

You can afford a dressing room not only in a spacious apartment, but also in a regular one. It is not necessary to make it huge, like a separate room.

For example, a small corner dressing room

Do-it-yourself dressing room made of drywall

See the different options for finishing the dressing room:

DIY shelves and doors


  • You can choose any doors, but the best option would be to use sliding doors or accordion doors... This will save space.

  • This type of door can be installed both in square, rectangular and corner wardrobes. They may be wood, glass, plastic, fabric, blinds and even mirrors, it's all a matter of taste and family budget.


  • Shelves and racks can do it yourself or order at a furniture store. The traditional set includes barbells with hangers, hooks, laundry baskets, closed drawers, various shelves for clothes and shoes, racks.

Wardrobe shelf options

It will be cheaper, of course, to do everything with your own hands, to do this, make shelves from a metal mesh. Better to use welded fine mesh... It is produced in chrome-plated, galvanized, PVC-coated. Such trims can be purchased very cheaply in the store, since they are no longer suitable for sale, and just right for the shelves.

  • V small dressing room it is best to make more open shelves and a few drawers. The most optimal positions for the shelves are “L” and “P”.
  • Racks conditionally divide into zones. For example, bottom, middle and top. It is better to place shoes, knitwear, underwear at the bottom. Place your casual clothes (pants, skirts, dresses, bags) in the middle zone. The top is most convenient for storing things that are rarely used, such as seasonal clothes.

How to equip a dressing room with your own hands

  • When arranging a dressing room, do not forget that there is no natural light. The most popular today is LED lightening. Spot lighting and built-in lamps are also widely used.
  • Large chandelier would also be a good solution to the problem.
  • Can be done backlighting of shelves, which is very convenient on the lower shelves with shoes.
  • Buy different hangers, brackets and hooks.
  • Are very comfortable two-level dressing rooms, as well as designs with turnstiles.
  • If the apartment is very small, then you can use storage room, niche, balcony... They can be equipped with narrow racks, up to the ceiling, mobile hangers.

Walk-in closet

  • Can be fixed to the walls metal or wooden rods, on which clothes will be hung.
  • From below do shelves for storing shoes. It is important to take into account that they do not interfere with the free movement of the dressing room.
  • Don't forget about ventilation, since things have a tendency to stale, while acquiring not the most pleasant aroma. Ventilate periodically the clothes on the balcony.
  • Hang specials in the dressing room sachet with your favorite scent.
  • Can hang a mirror it will not only be a convenient part of the interior, but will also visually increase the space of the room. For more comfort, you can attach a backlight to it.

Storage system in the dressing room

Everyone chooses their own convenient storage system, but still, given the shortcomings of many wardrobe owners, I would like to give a few tips.

  • Set aside storage space for seasonal clothing. It may even be a separate shelf on top.
  • Hang up your trousers separately.
  • Use a separate compartment for storing your shoes.
  • Designate three or more drawers for each family member.
  • Install 2 pipes, on one hang long items with hangers, and on the other short items.
  • Items that do not wrinkle can be laid out on open shelves.
  • Take care of the compartments for accessories - ties, belts, jewelry. For this, you can use small drawers.
  • It is best to store bags on hooks or separate shelves.
  • It is very convenient to use a basket for dirty linen, which will save space in the bathroom.

In conclusion, I would like to note that everything is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. In addition, it is primarily a guarantee of reliable and durable storage of things, a guarantee of protection of clothes from fading and moths. A wardrobe room is a completely achievable and affordable dream.

Video on how to make a dressing room with your own hands:

Proper organization of space is one of the keys to creating a cozy atmosphere in your home interior.

Today, wardrobe zones are increasingly organized for storing things, or whole rooms are allocated, equipped with everything you need.

If you think that allocating space for these purposes with a convenient layout and stylish design is a luxury, look at the examples in the photo and make sure that this is possible in any living space.

The main thing is to decide on the size and layout of the dressing room, as well as think over other details that we will tell you about.

Do-it-yourself dressing room from a pantry 2 sq. m, photo

About wardrobe placement

When choosing the location of such a functional area, be guided by the size of the dressing room in the apartment.

A small dressing room, in which a few things will be stored, may well be equipped even in a small room, since the minimum size of a dressing room can be 1 by 1.5 m.Here you can place several drawers, rods and a rack, and, if desired, also mirror on the whole wall.

Small dressing room, photo

Attention! The dressing area needs to be well lit, so choose a compact ceiling or wall type fixture, or opt for indoor models.

If space is allocated in the room for storing things, it is better to opt for a modular version. Then, if necessary, you can swap and rearrange modules. As a rule, such wardrobes are installed in the corner of the room or along one of the walls so as not to clutter up the space in the center of the room.

The second type of dressing room involves the allocation of an entire storage room. The most common option is a small pantry.

The photo shows one example of a small dressing room from the closet:

Small dressing rooms from the pantry, photo

If you have the opportunity to allocate a separate room for these purposes, you will get even more benefits from organizing a full-fledged dressing room. This option is suitable for anyone who may not save on space and wants to equip a place for the proper storage of a maximum of items.

The main advantage of such a layout is the ability to zone the space according to your taste and even allocate separate sections for each family member.

When choosing the type of dressing room and the place where it will be located, keep in mind that it is necessary to provide convenient access to each shelf or rack. If the area of ​​this area is limited, stop at the most important sections, and place less important items (like a dressing table, ironing room, and other parts) outside.

Dressing room design: photo, 3 sq. m

Pros of installing a dressing room

If you are not sure about the need to equip a dressing room in your house or apartment, check out the main advantages of such a zone:

Built-in dressing rooms, photo

Before making a dressing room in a room, learn more about the possibilities of its layout in order to make it as comfortable, functional and ergonomic as possible.

Features of the layout

There are several ways to plan a dressing room. One of the simplest - linear - resembles an elongated wardrobe with closed walls.

If such a dressing room does not occupy the entire room, drywall is used to create a border. If the creation of a reliable partition is not important for you, you can fence off the dressing area with a decorative curtain.

Small dressing rooms, photo

By the way, the linear layout is also appropriate if the dressing area is a walk-through. And if a separate room is allocated for these purposes, you can put cabinets in the dressing room along one or two walls parallel to each other, and hang a mirror perpendicular to them.

The walk-in closet can also be placed in the corner. Corner layout is a great space saver. To allocate more space for storage, you can choose non-standard hemispherical wardrobe doors.

Doors for the dressing room, photo

In a long and fairly wide space, a U-shaped wardrobe would be an excellent option. The filling of this type of dressing room can include not only storage sections, but also laundry baskets, hangers, holders, vanity areas, ironing and other compartments.

How to equip a dressing room, photo

Small dressing rooms do not hold so many modular elements, so you will have to leave only the essentials.

The main areas of the wardrobe are a high section for outerwear with a barbell at a height of at least one and a half meters, a meter section for short clothes, a section for shoes and top shelves for hats and clothes that you will put away in the off-season. For example, in a dressing room of 4 square meters in the bedroom, as in the photo, this will be enough.

Photos of dressing rooms - small, 4 sq. meters

When planning how the dressing room will be equipped, focus on its owner. For girls, it is necessary to provide a place where they can look in the mirror, for men, it is more important to quickly find everything they need, so you should additionally think about the practicality of storage sections.

The organization of space for children also requires special attention: there will be a different height of the shelves and their configuration.

Advice: for a women's dressing room with a large area, you can pick up stylish chests, drawers for accessories and other devices that will help organize order and emphasize creative design.

Today, the so-called transforming elements are in fashion: furniture of this type can be adjusted to the parameters you need. Such a wardrobe is suitable for a small area of ​​several square meters, and for a separate room.

How to make a dressing room in a small room, photo

It is more convenient to place the hanger bar in the center of modern wardrobe. Place shelves and individual shelves on the sides. In fact, there are a lot of design ideas for such zones, so before starting work, look at at least a few layout options.

Corner option

Corner wardrobes are perfect for rooms with small dimensions. They will be used in rooms with an area of ​​about 20 square meters, since it will be enough to allocate up to 4 square meters for storing things.

Taking into account the characteristics of the room, prepare sketches of the dressing rooms. Such sections can take different forms:

Depending on the model you choose, you can install different equipment inside. But if you are planning a small corner dressing room, choose simplified models.

Walk-through wardrobe

Sometimes it becomes necessary to organize a storage area in a walk-through room. In this case, the racks are installed so as not to block the passage to the next room or area. For example, this situation is typical for modern apartments, where the bedroom and bathroom are located next to each other.

What is important to consider when organizing this space? First of all, correctly plan the placement of shelves and other sections. They should not interfere, but it is important to preserve their spaciousness. The second point is the doors. Standard doors that open from or towards themselves take up a lot of space. Perhaps the option of doors, by analogy with wardrobes, will suit you better.

It is convenient when adjacent rooms are located along the same axis, and not diagonally to each other. In this case, you can position the shelving so as not to impede movement and to ensure a harmonious appearance of the entire area.

Narrow dressing room, photo

Dressing room in the attic

Self-assembly of the wardrobe will allow you to adapt to the nuances of the layout of the rooms. In this case, it will not be difficult to place a dressing room even in the attic. Choose accessories so that they fit seamlessly into sloped areas and low-ceilinged attic areas.

Attention! You should not make a wardrobe in the attic if the maximum height in this room does not reach two meters.

It is important that when visiting such a wardrobe, you can calmly stand at full height. If there is enough space, you can start planning this zone. Place shoe racks in areas with low ceilings, storage units and hangers in higher areas.

Dressing room in the attic - layout, photo

How to decorate a dressing room

When designing a wardrobe that is in a bedroom or another room, it will be easy to choose a design. The color of the materials used should be in harmony with the interior of the room. It is desirable that all furniture elements, including the dressing room, have a similar texture or generally belong to the same collection.

The doors of such a wardrobe can be decorated with transparent or frosted glass, mirrors, moldings or carvings. The design method depends on the style of the room: for a more modern design, you can even choose plastic-based photo panels.

The design of a dressing room of a separate type, as a rule, requires good lighting, since there are no windows in such rooms. Therefore, it is better to decorate the walls in a light color (it can be paint or wallpaper).

The color of the facades itself may be different, depending on your preferences and the area of ​​such a room, but it is better if it is also a light and easy-to-read palette.

Design of a small dressing room, photo

When furnishing your wardrobe internally, you can think of unusual sections. For example, glass racks or shelves where the best shoes or accessories will be displayed.

Also, a spacious dressing room can be decorated with a soft fleecy rug and mirrors with stylish frames.

Bedroom design with dressing room, photo

Since there are a lot of ideas for the layout and design of such zones, we advise you to look at photos of examples of dressing rooms, and then it will become even easier to create a stylish, functional and cozy storage area.

How you can equip a dressing room - look at the photo:

Now about sketches and drawings. Look at the sizes and layouts of the options below - perhaps one of them is suitable for arranging your own small dressing room (click on the full large image):


Any woman is happy with a large number of wardrobe items. These are things for everyday wear, and evening dresses, and shoes. But in standard apartments there is no place for a dressing room. Therefore, you have to organize the necessary space yourself, carry out redevelopment, wishing to achieve the desired result. Dressing room 2 sq. m can be an excellent solution for a small apartment, just look at the photos of the interiors and choose the option you like.

Small dressing room: photo for 2 sq. m

It's great when every detail in the wardrobe has its place and you can immediately understand whether the required set goes well. It is worth making a wardrobe even on a very small area - 1.5-2 square meters. Even a small room will allow you to allocate such a space. Why is the dressing room so good that many are striving to get it, at the risk of losing the cherished centimeters of the area?

The dressing room has a large number of advantages:

  1. All things are arranged in order;
  2. A large amount of storage space;
  3. Things are always in sight, you do not need to look in the closet to find something;
  4. Nevertheless, everything is hidden from prying eyes;
  5. Compared to closed dressing rooms, it does not take up much space;
  6. For placement, you can use unused space (for example, a place under the stairs);
  7. Wall irregularities and other imperfections can be perfectly masked.

The presence of a large mirror or dressing table in the dressing room will allow it to become not only a place to store clothes, but also a real fitting room.

When creating such a small dressing room, it is worth deciding on its location:

  1. Pantry;
  2. Niche;
  3. Fenced off part of the room.

Usually in the room, the dressing room is fenced off with a screen, curtains or a compartment door. It is advisable that the dressing room be of the same style as the main room, so it will not be knocked out of the whole design.

A pantry or closet would be ideal for a similar sized pantry, but they are not always available. In this case, a project is drawn up, and the dressing room is self-assembled closest to the personal room. The design of the bedroom will not be affected by the presence of such a room.

To do this with your own hands, you will need:

  1. The presence of wooden shelves and partitions, metal ones are also suitable;
  2. Boxes and boxes;
  3. Crossbars with hangers.

The partition that will separate the dressing room from the entire room can be made of wood or plastic panels. For a sliding door, you will need to purchase guides.

Unfortunately, the interior of such an area will be limited by shelves and drawers, which will only perform their functions.

Pantry-dressing room 1 m by 2 m

Usually, pantries in typical Khrushchevs have similar dimensions. There is neither spaciousness nor convenience, but some manage to create a wardrobe even in such a small space. A shallow pantry can be easily converted into a quite spacious wardrobe.

To start creating it, you need to perform a number of activities:

  1. First you need to get rid of built-in doors or other unnecessary structures. If there is a niche on top, it is removed;
  2. The partition that separates the pantry from the entire space is being eliminated. Instead of it, compartment doors are installed, this will facilitate access to the top of the room;
  3. The space itself is filled with shelves, hangers and drawers.

The most comfortable wardrobes from the pantry go out of the rooms adjacent to the bedrooms across the entire width. This can be realized if a small area of ​​space of the required dimensions is adjoined to the room.

We design from the inside: dressing room 2 sq. m

It doesn't matter whether a small or large dressing room is available, the most important thing is that it should be practical, beautiful and comfortable. In order to fill it from the inside, you will need to consider the size, preferences of the owners and the amount of funds allocated to make the dream come true.

The dressing room should contain:

  1. Furniture. The room can be closed or open, but it is necessary to install a mirror in it, and the more, the better. This will help you better choose your clothes and shoes. It is desirable to have ottomans or benches, as well as a horizontal surface on which you can put something;
  2. Appliances for placing clothes. It is necessary to place hangers and rods in order to neatly hang dresses and jackets. A special trouser is suitable for trousers, but it is advisable to place T-shirts and underwear in drawers. Shoes and bags are placed at the bottom, while hats and hats are placed at the top of the dressing room or in a basket. It is worth making drawers for accessories. They must have special stands available. If there is a desire to make a chest of drawers to order, its drawers should not be made high, it is more convenient to arrange accessories in one strip;
  3. Good lighting will allow you to spend a minimum of time looking for things.

The beauty of a closed dressing room is that it is hidden from the eyes of guests. It can be equipped with a focus on practical and functional qualities, without taking into account the fashion and tastes of other people. Therefore, a loft style, minimalism or not annoying classics is suitable for decoration.

Practical dressing room 2 sq. M Video)

The presence of a separate room or compartment for a dressing room will allow you to put things in order in the room and deprive it of cabinets that take up a large amount of space. This requires a competent layout, a scheme, a little imagination and free time. Many designers advise installing more than one dressing room in the apartment, and this advice cannot be called useless: one can serve as a storage for outerwear with shoes, the other will become more personal. In any case, the owners of the apartments should choose.

Probably the most convenient device for storing things is the dressing room. After all, it's really great when all the details of the wardrobe are in one place and you can immediately assess how well the newly selected set is combined, and not run from room to room - take, try on, see. Moreover, you can make a dressing room in a very small area: the minimum is 1.5-2 square meters. Even in a small-sized apartment it is possible to shield such a space. Moreover, it has been noticed that it is more convenient to use them if you have assembled a dressing room with your own hands. It's simple: no one knows your habits better than you and can not arrange things in the right order. So, let's start creating a dressing room on our own.

Dressing room sizes

Our realities are such that most people live in small apartments, where every centimeter counts. Therefore, size issues often play a decisive role. The smallest dressing room can have an area of ​​1.2 - 1.5 square meters. meters. It is a rectangle with sides of 1.5 * 1 meter or so. Also, a small dressing room can be angular - this option is even more spacious than a rectangular one of the same area: with an equal area, the length of the sides along which shelves can be placed and storage systems will be greater.

The smallest dressing rooms: 1.5 by 2.5 m and 2 by 2 m

Rectangular mini-dressing room with one-sided placement of things should have a width of at least 1.2 m, with two-sided - at least 1.5 m. The depth should be such that it was possible to "enter" there. This is how dressing rooms differ from sliding wardrobes, and also the ability to install any doors.

Ventilation and lighting

Even in mini-dressing rooms, and even more so in large ones, ventilation is necessary: ​​in a closed room, a musty smell quickly appears, which no perfume will mask. Therefore, even when planning, find a way to make ventilation in the dressing room.

The principle of its structure is no different: in the upper part of any of the walls, preferably further from the door, an exhaust hole is made, where the fan is inserted. The inflow is provided either in the gap under the doors or in special inlets located just above the floor level. They are covered with decorative grilles. The outlet of the ventilation duct should be in the general ventilation system, you can take it out into the street or under the roof of a private house with plastic boxes. Air exchange organized in this way effectively maintains the normal state of things.

The principles of organizing the ventilation of the dressing room through the bathroom

When choosing a fan, you should pay special attention to the noise level. Since walk-in closets are often made in or close to bedrooms, noise should be kept to a minimum. It can be controlled by means of automation or switched on / off by conventional or.

The lighting should be bright. Firstly, it is necessary to quickly find things, and secondly, dressing rooms are often used as fitting rooms in order to immediately see how the chosen things are combined. In this case, the mirror is usually placed on the door or mirrored doors are made. In this case, the light should be directed not only to the shelves and storage systems, but also to the fitting area.

You can use any type of lamp, but it makes sense to make them turn on from motion sensors. We opened the doors - the lamps were lit, there was no movement, they turned off. There is also an option for swing doors, there are lamps with buttons that light up when the door is opened and turn off when they are closed.

Where to do

Even in small apartments there are "appendicitis" which cannot be used normally. It is in such a place that you can make a dressing room.

Another popular option is a pantry. In this case, everything is generally simple. You remove all unnecessary things, change the doors and install the appropriate filling: racks, racks, baskets, shelves.

If there is nothing like this in the apartment, part of the room is fenced off - the end or the corner - you need to look at the layout. The corner dressing room is good in that it allows you to use the most difficult areas to equip, namely the corners. Especially if there are closely spaced doors in two adjacent walls. This zone is considered "dead": you cannot put anything there except for a small corner shelf: everything will interfere. Roughly the same option - two windows or a window and a door.

If the area turns out to be too small, it is possible to increase it a little by making the wall not even, but with the middle extended slightly. The area of ​​the room will not greatly decrease from this, but things can fit much more.

They also make them on the loggia - by making part of the glazing opaque or by building a wall. Only here you can't do without insulation - it's unpleasant to put on cold things in winter.

The second option is suitable for wide loggias. In them, shelving can be placed along a long wall.

In the corridor or hallway, a corner or "appendicitis" is also fenced off, if the layout allows. Here everyone can decide only in place: is there a place for this or not.

Most of all, the dressing room is appropriate in the bedroom. It's just an optimal place to store things: in the sense that it is more convenient to dress here. Therefore, for these purposes, part of the room is fenced off. In this case, this technology has been known for a long time and worked out to the smallest detail. It won't take a lot of time even in the absence of experience: a maximum of two or three days for assembly and finishing.

If you make a partition from gypsum plasterboard or GVP according to all the rules, you will need double cladding, and this is "eaten" centimeters, or even meters of area. Therefore, most often they are sheathed only from the outside, but with two sheets with overlapping seams. When assembling the frame, do not forget to make reinforced racks for fastening the door. With single sheathing, naked profiles remain inside, but it is convenient to hang shelves-baskets for things on them. If you plan to do so, then take them with a thick wall: so that they normally hold the weight.

The partition can be made from or from a plate. This is an option for those who don't like messing around with putty. But you need to choose a lamination that will fit into the interior without any problems.

Doors for the dressing room

What is good about the do-it-yourself dressing room is that you can put any doors: sliding, such as "coupe", accordion, ordinary swing, hinged on rollers. You can even get by with all the bases. This option is called a wardrobe rack, but then everything will have to be kept in perfect order: everything is in plain sight. The most budgetary option is blackout curtains or something like a Japanese curtain.

If the front wall turns out to be large, part of it can be stationary, part - occupied by doors. In this case, stationary walls can also be used somehow. If desired, the doors can be made in full width, or consisting of fragments.

A variant of a dressing room in the attic: a side part with a low ceiling is occupied under it. Full width doors - easier to get to things

The design can be anything, as long as it fits into the look of the room. If desired, they can be made to match the walls so that it is not visible, but you can - bright and conspicuous.

Arrangement: filling and storage systems

If the area is limited, it makes no sense to make furniture made of wood, MDF or chipboard in the dressing room. They take away precious centimeters of the area, and even interfere with the movement of air. Another drawback: redoing something is problematic.

Furniture of the "standard" type takes up too much space

Recently, the general trend is the installation of lightweight metal storage systems. They are modular and assembled on special racks. The racks can be attached in two ways - to the walls or to the ceiling and floor: different manufacturers make different systems. And already on these racks they hang everything that is necessary.

The posts can have notches along their entire length, which makes it possible to install any element at any height. These are the most mobile systems that can be easily and easily modified - simply by hanging from one row of notches-hooks to another, arbitrarily changing the height of the shelves and baskets, and other elements.

There are rectangular posts with grooves cut on both sides. In these grooves, the necessary accessories are attached to the clamps.

Please note that there are different shelves and drawers - made of wood or wood materials, metal - chrome-plated or painted. They can be retractable, they can be put one on top of another or on shelves.

All of these systems are sold: racks and a list of different accessories. But they are produced mainly in European countries, because the price "bites". An economical version of equipment for a dressing room can be made independently from a round chrome furniture pipe and various fasteners to it. It turns out that this furniture is not as mobile as we would like, but it costs significantly less.

Appliances for placing clothes

In addition to standard and not-so-standard drawers-shelves, there are interesting special options. For example - skirt or trouser. Special guides on which the cross bars are fixed, sometimes there are clips on them. They allow you to hang your skirts / trousers straight and not be afraid that they will fall. It is convenient if such a hanger can be pulled out, allowing you to inspect all the contents.

One of the options for filling the dressing room is a bracket for skirts or trousers

This device can be replaced with a simpler one, but much cheaper - a hanger with crossbars located one under the other. It is not so convenient, but it allows you to organize your clothes just as well.

There is a retractable design for ties, only it, as a rule, is oriented in a different way and extends in length, although not everyone likes this system, but rather folded into the drawer cells to taste.

There are several ways to place the hangers. The simplest is pipes, more economical (in terms of use of space, but not in terms of money) - tie-like retractable brackets.

Another device is a garment pantograph. This is also a pipe, but it can go down. A kind of lift for clothes. Such a device allows you to use the space right up to the ceiling, and without compromising your comfort. Can be attached to the side walls (more common) and to the wall. A handle bar is attached in the middle of the pipe, pulling which you lower it to a horizontal position. The carrying capacity of such devices is usually small (up to 18 kilograms), therefore they are used for light - in terms of weight - clothing.

Furniture pantograph - for light (by weight) clothing

Shoe storage systems

Often there are problems with storing shoes: for some, there are dozens of pairs of them, so it's time for them to arrange separate dressing rooms. But among the standard sets of equipment there are some interesting ones for storing shoes.

Let's start with the retractable system. It is in IKEA. Pins with shoe modules mounted on a movable frame. Convenient, compact.

There are mini-chests of drawers that do not take up almost space, but are hung on the walls, there are hanging organizers that can be easily placed on a horizontal pipe.

These are mini dressers on the wall

In general, there are many interesting ideas for shoes that allow you to place them compactly and at the same time conveniently. Some are in the fog gallery.

Such "swivel" drawers are very convenient not only for shoes, but also for small things and linen. The way to store boots is on hangers with clothespins.

There are very inexpensive options. For example, the seasonal one, which is currently in use, can be stored on a mesh with repositionable hooks or wire shelves. You've probably seen similar ones in stores. This is a mesh or perforated panel on which hooks / shelves are hung. Convenient: you can move it under any type of shoe, make more or less distance.

Economy option for storing shoes - mesh with hooks and shelves

Hanging such a net is not a problem - even on the wall, even on the side of a cabinet or door. Hooks and shelves simply cling to the bars. This option is ideal when there is a lack of money and space. If you like the idea but need something more presentable, make or find a perforated metal shield on the frame. Hooks are also inserted into it "with a bang".

Modification - hook shield

In general, when arranging a dressing room and a limited budget, it is worth looking for storage systems not in furniture stores - on-line or off-line. Better take a look at the sites that sell shop equipment. There are many interesting gadgets that save space: shops also try to display the maximum amount of goods on the minimum area. For example, these are the shoe racks.

If you attach wheels to the first, you get an excellent pull-out system. The price for such equipment is much less than for similar equipment, but which is sold in furniture.

Making a dressing room project

As you can see, there are a lot of ideas for equipment and storage systems. But so that it does not turn out that the purchased excellent thing simply does not become in your wardrobe, you need to draw a plan on which you indicate all the dimensions and dimensions. It is drawn on a scale, then mark on it those parts that must be required. They are drawn on the same scale. If everything "fits", armed with dimensions (you have them, or you can measure in the figure and, using the scale, calculate the real values), you can go to the store to choose systems.

There is another approach. Find out the dimensions of the fixtures and systems you like (mounting dimensions), cut them out to scale from cardboard or thick paper and try to combine everything. If you succeed - great, you can buy. No - look for other options. As a result of your efforts, you should get approximately the same layout as in the photo.

To make it convenient to use the equipment and get things, you must maintain the following distances:

  • minimum distance from shelf to shelf:
    • when storing things - 30 cm;
    • when storing shoes (without hairpins) - 20 cm;
  • shirts, jackets, jackets - 120 cm;
  • pants:
    • folded in half - 100 cm;
    • in length - 140 cm;
  • compartment for outerwear - coat - 160-180 cm;
  • under dresses - 150-180 cm.

At the very top, we set aside a place for clothes of a different season or rarely used things. Often there is a place for a vacuum cleaner at the bottom, and a built-in ironing board is made in one of the cabinets.

For those who like to work with their hands, there are several dimensional schemes so that you can equip the dressing room with your own hands (at least partially).

Shoe shelf drawing with dimensions

Plastic pipe shoe storage system ...