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Bat flew into the apartment. How to get rid of bats settled in the attic or flies in the apartment

Signs and beliefs related to volatile mice

Signs and beliefs related to volatile mice.

I am one night, manochable from ancient kind.

Mouse unbound, hanging on a tree down the head.

I may be a bird of some rare breed

From the field of ultra, from the city of Otzvka Echo hero?

No, I'm not a vampire, it's in the past ... larva for dinner,

(I sit on a diet), from butterflies lean pate,

Fruit pulp - stock of vitamins, cut ...

Kh ..., eternal drafts in these eurospeurs! ... over the years

It was understood, I'm not alone, I am alone,

In other worlds I send a request - ultrasound ...

But the echo is silent, the great mouse does not hit.

Where to attach a refill winged hands ???


If the bats go out of their holes immediately after sunset and frolic in the sky, it foreshadows clear and warm weather.

The ancient Scottish belief claims: if the bat takes off and falls back to Earth - it means that the Witches came, when the witches have power, all human beings, deprived of particular protection. Iso of all the inhabitants of Britain only the Scots saw some connection between volatile mice and people .

Here is another similar belief.

Modern residents of Tando (Golden Coast) believe that flocks of bats, every evening leaving the island and rushing to the mouth of the river, are the souls of the dead, who are in the sacred island and every evening should attend the dwelling of the good fetish, living in the river of the same name. And the Vaddjobaluk tribe in Southeast Australia believes that the life of a bat is associated with a person's life, and if you kill a bat, it will reduce and human life.

Similar superstition in Scotland and in the north of England communicated with the hares. It was believed that witch can turn into hares, and if the hare is wounded or killed, then the witch will also find killed or wounded.

Thus, many witches and sorcerers were standned in Britain. "The superstitious people were worn [volatile mice] ... In dried form for the soles, for the sake of health or happiness. Or brewed with boiling water and such water was given to healing patients lying in a gometice or In fever, children. "In Eastern Siberia, killing a bat," hang it on a thread to the ceiling and dried for a long time; after that tick the powder that is mixed to the stern horse. Warning damage Volatile mice called bats. It is believed that "the bats are played - to the bucket.

The bat shutters into the house - to trouble.

Meetings with a volatile mouse are the most terrible signs - there is nothing worse than a meeting with these mice.

If a bat shouts or squeaks during the lamp, expect failures.

If a person attacked a bat - Death is already on the way.

To see a bat, which waves wings - sticking a terrible disease.

On the island of Maine and in areas along the border with Wales, they were talking that witches turn into bats and in this form penetrate at home. E. M. Later tells the story of a man from Wibli-Marsha, who saw the "something like bat" flew into his room. He hit her with a scarf, but when he began to look for the corpse, I did not find anything. Subsequently, he said that she understood that this was a witch from among those that then lived in the district, because the real bat would probably die of such a strike. The Scottish reference is recorded that when the bat shots in flight up and then sharply decreases to the ground, this means that the hour has come to the witches - the time when they have power over people who do not have special protection against them.

Despite this connection with the witch, the Menic population considers a very good admission if the bat will fall per person. Many women outside the island will be denounced in this by the general conviction that if the bat rolls or falls on the woman's head, it will certainly be confused in her hair and not released until they are cut. But this, it seems no more than superstition, not based on facts. In the magazine "Countryman" (spring 1960), a report on the experiment put in 1959 by Count Kranbrooksky with the courtesy of three young women who allowed him to throw a bat in his hair. We used the bats of four different species, and in all cases this creature managed to easily rescue, without having any disorder in his hair.

In Oxfordshire, it is considered to be the fores of death when the bat will fly away around the house three times. If the bats appear in the early evening and fly around, as if playing, is to good weather.

Children, envying a bat, often try to take trouble, singing or sentencing:

Mouse, mouse, fly away

Away from here fly away

Tomorrow we fly again

Mouse, fly away,

Bat, fly on the sky,

I will give you bread,

Beer will give you a sip,

Wedding cake piece.


The bat falls on you - signs for luck.

Bring a bat in the house - a sign of misfortune, a sign of death in the family.

Bat appears at the wedding - a bad sign.

Bat flies three times the house is a sign of death.

Bat, flying out "to play" early in the evening - signs for good weather.

The bat hit the building - signs for the rain.

See the bat in the afternoon - unfortunately.

Kill a bat - Your life will be shorter.

Keep the bone of bat in clothes - brings good luck.

Keep the right eye of a bat in your pocket pocket - gives invisibility.

To wear with him the heart of a volatile mouse - the heart - will not give a man to expire blood to death or stop the bullet.

Wash the face with blood bats - gives the ability to see in the dark.

Silge someone in a drink a few drops of bat bodies - makes one who will drink, more passionate.

Sources will take:

Poems took here:

But they are in all its glory!

Bats have always been considered to be the creatures of dark worlds. If you remember fairy tales and legends, then there these animals lived in dark dungeons and were horrified by people. Volatile mice were also called vampires and because of their similarity depicting bloodsuckers in various myths and legends. But is it worth being afraid of this creature in reality, and what do folk signs say if the bat flew into the house?

If the bat flew into the house

Peoples of the world interpret the appearance of a bat in the house. According to Slavic folk signs, the bat appeared in the house to unfortunately or to the death of someone from relatives. It is impossible to kill this animal - bring the troubles and shorten your life.

But in China, the appearance of bat in the house was rich and well-being. So the Chinese are not completely afraid when this little creature is flying out the window. In Chinese culture, bats are an abundance and prosperity symbol. According to the art of Feng Shui, paintings and figurines with the image of this mammal attract money, health and longevity.

In Europe, as in China, have a positive attitude towards the situation when the bat flies out the window. For Europeans, this animal symbolizes good luck, in the Middle Ages, people even wore snags with a tip in the form of a mouse - it defended from damage and dark magic.

If you drop the old beliefs and folk signs, and turn to a scientific point of view, then the bat in the house is good. As you know, these animals choose the most favorable and environmentally friendly places for their permanent habitat. So if a bat flew in your window, do not hurry to panic. This means that there is good energy in your home. Just refresh the mouse back to the street, and then she will find their home.

The stronger you believe in folk signs and superstitions, the greater the likelihood that they will come true. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you believe only good signs - then thanks to your superstitivity you will attract happiness! We wish good luck and do not forget to click on the buttons and

09.09.2014 09:41

A lot of superstitions are associated with cats. For example, many have heard that the cat can not look into ...

Signs and superstitions exist as much as humanity itself. Our ancestors knew the lot would accept ...

Since a long time, bats are considered the most mysterious creatures. Many legends and beliefs were associated with them. In each of them, the volatile worlds were the symbol of evil and belonged to the dark world. For example, in ancient Babylon, people believed that bats are the souls of people who were engaged in the life of evil witchcraft.

With volatile mice there are many rites. One of them says that if a woman who cannot conceive a child, sprinkles a sheet under the pillow, then in a short time it will become pregnant.

There are many adoptions that are associated with volatile mice. It is said that if it is a mammal flew into the house, then this promises misfortune. However, signs also have other options for decryption, depending on the situation in which this event occurred.

If a bat flew into the house, such a sign suggests that the inhabitants of housing expect a disease. In addition, Guest can bring trouble to the house or misfortune. Especially after her visits to housing will suffer the financial situation of the family. In the near future, you should not expect profit and better postpone all financial issues to a more favorable period.

In the event that the bat flew into the apartment and immediately died, then this is quite bad sign. It means that in a short time, someone from the inhabitants of the house go to the world.

Our ancestors were confident that if the bat flew into the house, it means that evil spirits settled in the housing. They can cause strong harm to all inhabitants at home. Therefore, you need to take all relevant measures to exile evil spirits.

One of the versions says that if a bat flew in housing, then the soul of a deceased relative was settled. It needs to be marked, put a candle in the church for her rest so that she can return to the sky.

If we talk about what the bat was visited by the housing, then her visit is not always associated with something bad. There is a positive decryption of signs.

If the visiter fled the window in the summer in cloudy weather, then the inhabitants of the house awaits large profits. Most likely, it will come in the near future.

If the mouse was in the room where the unmarried girl dwells, then she should start making a wedding. In order for this sign to come true, a weak floor representative personally must catch the animal and release to the will.

If the bat in the house was when a wedding was preparing in it or a triumph was going on, then a happy family life awaits young. They will have healthy kids, and their family will always live in material inconceiture.

If the guest flew to the balcony, then it should not be frightened. As a rule, this is not a prompt, but only "deviation from the course" of the animal himself.

There are folk signs that bind the appearance of a volatile mouse with the weather. If she did not flew into the house, and just hit the glass, then it will rain soon. When a person discovers during a walk that the bat is a bat over his head, then in the coming days it will be warm and clear.

Bat can fly to the window not only at home, but also at work. If she flew into the office, a misfortune will occur in the team. All employees can be quarrel and financial problems arise. However, in China, they are confident that the bat, which had the negligence to fly to the office, promises a huge income.

Why are these mammals fly to the house? If there is a married housing owner with her, then, most likely, in his life she will have to meet "face to face" with her rival who wants to "lead" her husband.

Bat flew into the apartment what to do

What to do when you visit the bat of a bat? The main thing is not to give in to the panic and try not to scare the animal. In no case can not kill a mammal. According to one of the versions, it brings to the person of trouble, and also reduces his life.

According to another version - all family members lose protection against evil spirits. Bats protect people from them, even if they are at a respectful distance. If you kill one of them, you can lose the protection of all the representatives of this detachment of animals.

How to drive a mouse from home? Sometimes enough opening of all windows. The animal will sooner or later depart in one of them. When there is no desire to wait for so much for a long time, then on the loggia or in the courtyard at home to hang a white towel or sheet. At the same time you need to open all the windows and turn off the light. These mammals fly where light. Therefore, being in the dark, and the nurses outside the window is a light cloth, it will definitely fly to it.

If it was not possible to drive a bat, then you need to make it on our own way. I drive the animal very carefully. On the hands you should wear tight mittens, catch a mammal and attributed to the street.

If the flew mouse does not succumb and eludes all the time, then you need to cover it with a box. After that, it should be attributed to the street, and let go of the animal. You can offer a piece of meat that comes to lure her out of the house.

Flipping bat in the house is not always a harbinger of a bad event. However, to calm down and do not think about anything bad that can happen, you can neutralize superstitions. To do this, just highlight housing with holy water. This ritual will take any trouble from home.

An unusual incidents want to give a supernatural meaning, to predict the future on them. So superstition appeared. What are the signs about the fact that the bat flew into the house?

Bats are considered evil conductors. Nothing amazing: terrible in appearance, active at night, and some kind of drinking blood. There is something to be afraid!

Therefore, the appearance of bats our ancestors interpreted as a sign:

  • soon death;
  • misfortunes;
  • coming epidemics.

And, oddly enough:

  • rain.

Either someone will die, or will be dried up - quite inaccurate (and forcing it to shake) prediction! How to find out that the bat "I mean" in fact? Look at her behavior.

People strong need to know everything for sure, and commemorates in detail. The bat is still promining trouble, but, depending on the circumstances, its various shades.

  • The bat flew into the house where someone managed to die - her ghosts were allowed, and she foreshadows smeal death in the family. Note works only for old houses and apartments, where it was born and died not one generation. In new buildings, while clean from deaths, a fly mouse means something else.
  • If the bat flew into the house where the wedding celebration goes (or prepares) - to trouble and unfortunate or short marriage. But not only newlyweds in danger: a bat at the wedding foreshadows misfortunes to both families, as well as guests. How good that they rarely enjoy people!
  • Bat shows on someone wing - promises this person failure.
  • The bat was confused by someone in her hair - not only an unpleasant incident, but also a sign that man health will worsen.
  • The mouse flew into the house and did three circles around the room - to death, funeral. The sign is more correct than simply flushing the mouse in the window. Make sure only the circles counted right.
  • Bat flying from the corner to the corner: to fire.

Another interpretation of signs depends on time, the codes saw the mouse.

  • Bat flies in the house during the day - exclusively ill sign. Everything is bad, which means mouse (failures, death, epidemic), she foreshadows during the day.
  • Visit of bat at night softens the value of signs: no additional bad values. Most likely she brought rain.

When the bat is a good sign

There are two cases when the arrival of a bat in the house is not to thin, but to good.

  1. The bat flew into the house and sat on a man (calmly sat down, did not attack and did not get stuck in the hair) - this is a sign good luck and success in affairs For lucky.
  2. Visit a bat early in the evening - to great weather.

Some rare, not always confirmed values:

  • Like a bird flies into the house, the bat promises skouring wedding Unmarried girls in the family.
  • For households of fertile age - adjustment in the family. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the blood of a bat should be sprayed with a pillow, and a fruitless woman sleep on it, and then she will be able to get pregnant. The mouse itself flew to the house - it is not necessary to go far for the ingredients.

Personal attitude

The most important thing is that a bat means for you. Someone once appeared on the eve of the joyful event - and since then its appearance means the proximity of joyful news. Signs have a property to repeat, with which you associate a bat - then it will bring.

Different parts of a bat (wings, blood, teeth, dried wings) I use in witchcraft as good luck talismans. That is, some positive value of the bat is still caring.

Signs with a bat such negative mainly because it is terrible on the view of the night animal. Even in volatile, and the birds and all flying is considered to be associated with the afterlime world. For lovers of bats (especially those who dream of starting their own), she is a pleasant sign rather.

A person now knows more and the world and wildlife than in ancient times, and everyone can interpret signs, guided by not fear, but personal observations.

Foreign mice

In China, the bat is a carrier good luck, it is depicted on the talismans. Live on Feng-Shuya - Maybe the mouse flew to you to the house exactly with this value and promises strong body and healthy mind.

In Japan, bats were considered in the people of immortal herbs, and their visit hinted on long life.

Indians believed that a bat wrapped into a sick person promises him recovery.

In Judaism, winged mice - symbol uncleanAnd to see them did not foresee anything good for the soul.

How to proceed?

We all are active, and, of course, do not want to fully entangle themselves with fate and passively wait for our fate. How to soften negative consequences of signs?

  • In no case do not kill a bat! It is believed that killing it reduces its own life term.
  • Do not drive her home, do not shout. An evil attitude can be offended by ghosts who invited the winged messenger in the form of a warning.
  • Carefully escort a bat out and promise her treat. The winged guest is unlikely to return, but the otherworldly forces will be satisfied.

How to remove a bat from the house so as not to damage yourself or her? These animals are usually flying inside by chance, in pursuit of insects, people are scared, clogged for the furniture or fly around the house in a panic, and catch them very difficult.

  1. Remove white clothes. The bat loves the white color very much, takes and speckle on the back.
  2. Gloves - Be sure, the mice are dealt with diseases, volatile is not an exception. No wonder their appearance is considered the sign of epidemics.
  3. Wear headdressSo that the mouse does not get confused in the hair, flying, otherwise it will scare yourself, and you, and can scratch hard.
  4. Do not put out due to furniture any ways. - Wrap the screw knob with cloth and carefully slow down. She clings to claws into the cloth, he will fix it on it, it will be easier to remove.
  5. If the bat hung under the ceiling Or on the furniture and hits, if you touch it - let it turn a little, and open the window - it may take it myself.
  6. Distil on the floor at the window (on the balcony) white pillowcase. Mouse sooner or later will go on it. Gently fold and take a guest to the street.
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Often, to a mammal, which is considered to give rise to the forces of darkness, include a creature with an ominous muzzle and a webbed wings, a bat. In the consciousness of a person, now for several centuries, the bat is associated with supernatural forces, especially with vampires. Often you can hear from the old people a characteristic description when the mouse flies nearby.

Signs are considered the most common if the bat flew into the house. Almost every third knows about it, but there are other, not related to houses or apartments, but also no less sinister. For example, a bat, which will fly to the church during the marriage ceremony, will fail to be newlyweds. And also if the mouse flies three times around the house - this is an early death of one of the residents of the house.

If the bat flew into the apartment - the sign will promote the ambulance of one of its inhabitants. If the mouse attacked exactly the owner of the male apartment is to problems in work, and if the female owner is possible in family matters or lovers.

If a bat flew in the window

If summer on the street, and the weather is rainy, then the bat, flies in the window - this is for money. It is said that this sign is triggered if the mouse after the same and departs from the window.

If the bat flew into the apartment of a young, unfulfilled man, then be a fast wedding. If the bat flew into the room from the entrance door, then a guest will soon appear on the threshold, which will bring joyful news.

Back in the folklore, and in popular beliefs of many countries, a bat is a precursor of death, failures and diseases.
Scientists from WHO (World Health Organization) can confirm this in their own way. According to statistical data, these creatures are carriers of all kinds of infection and viruses.