Repair Design Furniture

Where do conifers live? Conifers for the personal plot. Types of spruce trees successfully used in landscaping the site

Some of the most common representatives of the plant kingdom are conifers. They grow almost throughout the entire land area, but mainly in the temperate climatic zone. Conifers are widely used by humans and are very important for human life. In addition to being the main supplier of oxygen on Earth, pine needles are used in cosmetology and medicine, wood is used to make furniture and build houses, and decorative species are used in gardening and park art. All representatives of this class are very different from the rest, as they have a number of features.

Characteristics of conifers

This class includes about 600 species. Some of them are widespread, while others are quite rare. These plants were named so because the leaves of almost all of them have been modified into needles, called needles. And in botany they are classified as gymnosperms. All of them are characterized by the fact that the seeds develop in their cones. How else is the class of conifers different from the rest?

  • These are the most ancient representatives of the plant kingdom. Their remains are found in strata belonging to the Carboniferous period. Moreover, they were then common even beyond the Arctic Circle.
  • Almost all modern conifers are trees. And their structure is also different from all the others. They have one trunk with shoots extending from it in different directions.
  • Many representatives of conifers are centenarians. Now there is a North American pine, which is almost five thousand years old, and the mammoth tree lives for about 3000 years.
  • In terms of size, conifers are also among the champions. The tallest tree in the world is a sequoia. Its height can reach over 110 meters. The thickness of the trunk in conifers is also striking in its size: in the Mexican swamp cypress and mammoth tree, it reaches 12-16 meters.
  • The peculiarities of all conifers also include the presence of resin in their wood. It is thick, has a strong odor and healing properties.
  • All representatives of conifers are used by humans in one way or another and are one of the most needed plants on Earth.


Basically, trees belong to this class, but there are also tree-like shrubs. Almost all conifers are evergreen, only a few less common species shed their leaves. It is quite easy to distinguish representatives of this class from the rest by the special structure of the leaves. Almost all of them are changed into needles - needle-shaped shoots or flat scales. They have a small surface area and evaporate little water. This makes it possible for such plants not to shed their leaves in winter. In addition, the features of the geographic distribution of conifers explain other features of their leaves. They are located on the branches in a spiral and are dark green in color. This gives them the opportunity to capture diffused sunlight, because conifers grow mainly in northern and temperate latitudes. Almost all of these plants have a dense tree trunk, but thin bark. They have a powerful taproot with lateral branches. This is necessary so that the plant can get water from great depths and stay in mountainous and sandy areas.

Distribution of conifers

They mostly grow in temperate climates. Sufficient soil moisture is necessary for their life. Therefore, coniferous forests are widespread in the northern and temperate latitudes. Some of them are found even close to the permafrost boundary. Their further advance to the north is hampered by the impossibility of producing water in such conditions. In warm latitudes, they are found only in the mountains, where it is not very hot.

Basically, all conifers are concentrated near the Pacific Ocean basin, where conditions are most favorable for them. Most of them are common in the northern hemisphere, but they are also found in Australia, New Zealand and South America. We can say that there are conifers in every corner of the globe.

The names of the most common genera

  • Pine.
  • Cedar.
  • Fir.
  • Larch.
  • Sequoia.
  • Cypress.
  • Juniper.

Conifers for the garden

Many gardeners use them in the design of the site. Even an ordinary spruce or pine brought from the forest can decorate a garden. But decorative species grown in the nursery take root better. The richness and variety of shades and sizes of conifers allows you to decorate any site. Even for a small flower bed, there are dwarf species, and tall trees give the garden, especially on a large area, an unusual look and splendor. The most common conifers for the garden are spruce and pine. They can be used as hedges and curbs. Pine tolerates pruning well and can be shaped in any shape. Medium-sized plants - spherical thuja, juniper and cypress - are also in great demand, as they look beautiful in any area. Flowerbeds can be decorated with creeping juniper varieties and other dwarf species.

Evergreens decorate the garden and heal the air. Often, in case of ailments, they recommend walking along coniferous forest or a park area. It is hardy and beautiful trees, but in a garden they feel a little different than in wildlife... Despite its unpretentiousness, you still need to pay attention to them and provide care.

Conifers for a garden and a summer residence

All conifers are highly decorative, look great in group and single plantings. Saturated green they provide year-round garden attraction. However, not all conifers are evergreen. Among them there are those that shed their foliage for the winter. But for most representatives, the renewal of needles occurs imperceptibly: a new one immediately grows in the place of the fallen one.


Tall conifers can play a major role in garden decoration. They serve as a backdrop for other plants, effective in compositions with deciduous trees and shrubs. Often they are a solo plant in the garden. Small size plot - not a reason to give up tall conifers. In order to long years decorate the local area, it is enough to plant one tree. In 10-15 years, it will become an accent in the garden, invariably attracting attention.

Juniper Skyrocket

Evergreen conifers are an excellent choice for creating hedges, decorating rock gardens and rockeries

A vigorous shrub, notable for its conical crown. At the age of 10, it reaches 3 meters in height. In landscape design, it is most often used in single plantings and as a vertical element of group compositions. With a tree height of 5–7 m, its trunk diameter is at least 1 m.

Sun-loving, does not tolerate shading. Prefers fertile, breathable soils. Winter-hardy, drought-resistant, has a powerful root system. The needles are small, with a bluish tinge. Suitable for urban cultivation.

In recent years, the Hoopsie spruce is considered a favorite of gardeners.

A representative of tall conifers with a luxurious conical crown with blue needles. It grows up to 15 m tall, unpretentious and hardy. The diameter of the trunk of an adult plant can reach 5 m. It differs in the stiffness of the needles, therefore it has a second name "prickly".

Strong branches of spruce are able to withstand significant snow load... The tree tolerates well difficult conditions urban environment, recommended for planting in parks and other recreation areas. Remarkably high growth rates: annual growth of at least 20-30 cm. In the garden, it is most effective in single plantings. It is undemanding to the quality of the soil, it does not tolerate waterlogging.

The columnar crown of thuja Brabant allows the plant to be used as a hedge

In the Russian climate, it grows up to 3.5 m. Not suitable for landscaping areas in regions with an arid climate. Moisture-loving, tolerates air pollution well. Recommended for creating hedges in cities and towns. Thuja Brabant can be planted in both sunny and shaded areas of the garden.

The tree is evergreen, the lower branches are located almost at ground level. The needles are bright green, medium hard. The crown is narrow-pyramidal, dense. On average, it grows 10 cm in width and 30 cm in height per year. Fruits are brown cones 8–12 mm long, oval in shape with widening at the base. Looks great in single and group plantings, it is recommended for the formation of alleys and hedges.

The difficult Russian climate is not a hindrance to the growth and development of the Monochromatic fir

It is known as a tree with beautiful needles, dense pyramidal crown, dark purple oval cones 80–120 mm long. Monochrome fir needles are much larger and brighter than other members of the genus. The average length of the needles is 70 mm. A distinctive feature is the same color on both sides. Fir grows up to 40 m in height with an annual growth of 15–20 cm.

Grows well on sandy loam and loam, prefers places well lit by the sun. Differs in high drought resistance, recommended for planting in the southern regions. Among all types of fir, it has a reputation for being the most hardy and resistant to adverse environmental factors.

European cedar pine looks good and takes root near water bodies

A close relative of Siberian pine, which is often confused with cedar due to its external similarity. It grows up to 25 m in height, the diameter of the trunk of an adult plant is 100–150 cm. Shade-loving, but can grow in sunny places. The needles are long, elastic, dark green with a bluish tinge on the back of the needles.

European pine blooms in June, fruits are dark brown cones. This tree is a long-liver, its average lifespan is 300-500 years.

The needles of the Canadian yew are in the shape of a sickle

A shade-loving tall plant that grows up to 2.5 m tall. The needles are dense, dark green, longer at the base of the branches than at the top. The crown is pyramidal, up to 2 m in diameter.

It lends itself well to forming. The plant is frost-resistant, with an annual growth of up to 5 cm. The bark, branches and needles are poisonous due to the presence of an alkaloid toxin. The wood is hard and durable.

Stunted (dwarf)

Dwarf conifers for the garden are a product of many years of selection of specialists from different countries... Plants of this type are rarely found in nature. Short conifers are one of the spectacular plants for the garden, and at the same time the most problematic. The reason is that with the wrong choice of place for planting, dwarfs can give good annual growth. The plant in this case may be higher than the specified standard.

The golden needles of the thuja Amber Glow change color depending on the season

A low-growing shrub with a spherical crown and golden needles. Average height 80–90 cm, annual growth within 5–6 cm.

To preserve its decorative properties, the shrub must be planted in sunny areas of the garden. In the shade, the needles take on a green tint.

Amber Glow has good frost resistance, but requires shelter for the winter. The bush looks great as a soloist and in composition with flowers and deciduous plants. Recommended for heather orchards.

Tuyu oriental Aurea Nana can be grown in containers for use in terraces

An evergreen tree with a beautiful ovoid crown, dense and branched. The peculiarity is the pointed crown. Grows up to 170 cm tall. The annual growth is 5–6 cm. The crown diameter is 80–90 cm. The needles are golden-green in the warm season, and with a bronze tint in winter.

The plant is unpretentious, grows well on any soil, except for stony and heavy clayey. Prefers places well lit by the sun, moist, breathable soils.

Landing in partial shade is possible. For the normal development of the plant, regular watering is necessary. Small thuja is suitable for the formation of low hedges, in urban conditions it is grown as a curb.

Thuja occidentalis Caespitosa

In 1923, thuja Caespitosa was discovered in the greenhouse of the Irish Botanical Garden in Dublin, its origin is unknown.

One of the shortest conifers, reaching a height of no more than 40 cm. The crown is dense, cushion-shaped, semicircular in shape. Differs in low growth intensity: by the age of 15, it is a tree 30 cm high with a crown width of 35–40 cm. The branches are erect, the needles are dense.

Thuja western Danica

With regular pruning, the crown of Danica's thuja becomes thick

Dwarf thuja, characterized by extremely slow growth. By the age of 20 it reaches 60 cm in height and the same in the diameter of the crown.

In the warm season, the needles of the tree are bright green, with the onset of cold weather it acquires brown tint... It is recommended to land in places protected from the wind, in partial shade.

For the winter, the plant needs shelter, and in the summer, protection from sunburn. Root system superficial, in the first two years after planting, regular watering is required. Barrel circle thuja is recommended to mulch in order to retain moisture.

V modern gardens thuja western Hoseri is widely used due to its unusual shape crowns

Evergreen undersized thuja, bred by Polish breeders. Has a dense spherical crown.

The plant is multi-stemmed with dense scaly needles, which change from green to bronze-brown by autumn. The tree is frost-resistant, but in the first 3-4 years after planting it needs shelter for the winter.

It tolerates crown molding well, differs in a small annual growth. Landing on well-drained plants is recommended. fertile soils... Tue Hoseri needs regular watering.


Creeping conifers are otherwise called creeping. The most common area of ​​application in landscape design is garden decoration and adjoining territories as a "thorny lawn". Some types of juniper are horizontal and only a few centimeters high and are used as ground cover plants. Of creeping conifers medium height arrange spectacular evergreen borders.

Blue Chip juniper groundcover is highly winter-hardy

Juniper horizontal Blue chip is one of popular varieties creeping conifers. A plant with small and dense needles of a silvery-blue color. It grows rapidly, forming a continuous prickly carpet.

The shrub is characterized by an average growth rate, by the age of 10 it reaches 20 cm in height with a crown width of 30–50 cm. Shoots grow evenly in different directions, the tops slightly rise above the ground level.

Juniper Blue Chip is a powerful air purifier that heals the atmosphere within a radius of 10 m from the place of growth. It is widely used for decoration of rockeries and rock gardens, it feels good on stony soils.

It is drought-resistant, but to obtain a high decorative effect, the plant needs watering. The soil must be well-drained, moisture stagnation is undesirable. Photophilous, recommended for planting in rocky gardens, retaining walls and small hills.

The branches of the flat crown of the Green Carpet juniper are pressed tightly to the ground

Dwarf juniper Green Carpet has soft, dense light green needles. Shoots are arranged horizontally, intertwined with each other, covering the ground with a dense fluffy carpet. By the age of 10 it grows up to 20 cm in height. The crown is wide and flat, up to 150 cm in diameter. Planting on sandy and calcareous soils, sandy loam is recommended.

The plant grows well in full sun, but prefers partial shade. During the summer heat, sunburn is possible. It lends itself well to shaping, after which the crown becomes thicker and more beautiful.

Under the dense carpet of Green Carpet juniper branches, not a single weed survives.

Frost-resistant juniper Prince of Wales is unpretentious to soil

The low creeping prince of Wales juniper grows to only 15 cm in height. Moreover, the crown diameter reaches 250 cm.

Effective in group and single plantings, recommended for the decoration of rocky slides and rock gardens. Differs in high winter hardiness, does not freeze out in Siberia and the Far East. When used as a ground cover plant, the recommended planting scheme is 2-3 bushes per 1 m 2.

In the first few years of life, the crown has a cushion shape; later, creeping shoots grow. Fruiting in small pineal berries. In the warm season, the needles are green with a bluish tint, in winter they acquire bronze tones.

In the hot season, the common juniper Depressa Aurea needs abundant watering and sprinkling of the crown

Undersized coniferous shrub Depressa Aurea has a high growth rate among creepers. Annual growth is up to 15 cm. The maximum height of an adult plant is 50 cm, crown diameter is 200 cm.

The branches are slightly raised up, the tips hang down to the ground. The needles are dense, golden-yellow in color; over time, brown tones begin to prevail. In the cold season it becomes brown. The plant is undemanding to the quality of the soil, winter-hardy, grows well in shade and partial shade.

Slow growing juniper variety Golden Carpet bred by breeders in 1992

Juniper horizontal Golden Carpet is one of the most popular creeping plants for decorating rock gardens, garden compositions and the formation of coniferous beds.

The height of the bush does not exceed 15 cm, the diameter of the crown is 150 cm. The needles are dense, golden in the upper part of the shoots, and yellow-green in the lower part facing the ground. Planting is recommended in places well-lit by the sun: in the shade, this plant loses its decorative effect. Grows well on any soil, but prefers moist and drained.

Photo gallery: conifers in landscape design

Conifers are widely used in landscape design, not only because of their decorative effect. Representatives of this group are distinguished by good winter hardiness, shade-tolerant, saturate the air with healing phytoncides.

Dwarf forms of conifers are popular in the design of alpine slides

Dwarf species will revive and decorate rocky hill... The crown of these plants tolerates pruning well and keeps its shape for a long time. As an accent, 1-3 medium-sized conifers are planted, emphasizing the decorativeness of the rock garden.

As a background for coniferous composition often use the lawn

Composition of conifers with a conical and spherical crown is a decoration of any area. These plants go well with deciduous trees and shrubs.

When combining conifers and flowers in a flower bed, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of plants to the soil.

Single plantings of conifers give flower gardens a note of presentability. With bright green needles, they emphasize and set off the beauty of flowering flower beds.

When creating a composition from conifers, the tallest specimens are placed in the background.

A frequently used technique is a combination of medium and tall conifers with creeping ones. In this way, a spectacular area of ​​taiga is created in the garden.

Conifers tolerate curly hair well

The art of forming a crown will help to create a plant of unique beauty in the garden. It will become the highlight of any composition, emphasize the respectability and neatness of the site.

Conifers ornamental plants decorate the garden path all year round

Low conifers with a spherical crown are original thorny flower beds, most effective in single plantings. This technique can be used when designing garden paths and paths.

Tall conifers can delimit garden compositions

Tall conifers are an excellent background for rock gardens and rockeries, rocky areas, flower beds.

Conifers are widely used in park landscaping

Tall and dwarf conifers are an integral part of large-scale compositions. Looks great against the backdrop of well-groomed lawns.

Coniferous hedges are not only beautiful, but also functional

Linear planting of tall conifers helps to zone the site, create a spectacular, but passable barrier.

Skillful combination is the main requirement for creating a complex landscape composition from conifers.

A flower bed made of plants with a different crown shape is highly decorative. Caring for conifers is easy, regular watering and pruning is enough.

Video: coniferous ornamental plants on the site

Evergreens thrive in many climatic zones of Russia. To create durable garden compositions, it is important to choose the right variety of coniferous shrubs or trees, taking into account the requirements of a particular type to the effects of external factors.

Gardening is a wonderful art. On a par with fine arts, architecture and music, it brings a sense of beauty, gives happiness and harmony in the soul. And, it would seem, everything has already been said about gardens: which plants to plant in the shade, which ones in the sun, which ones can be combined with each other, and which ones cannot. But there is always something amazing that I haven’t tried to work with before - for example, bumps! Try to use conifers with cones of different colors in your garden design - and you will be amazed at the result!

Inspiration for the gardener
Did you know that coniferous cones come in absolutely stunning colors and shades? They will be a real source of inspiration and creativity for the gardener! The leaves will fall off, the flowers will fade, the lawn will wither, but the needles and cones will decorate your garden all year round, even from under the snow.

Of course, we are talking only about those trees that have a life form no more than 2–4 m high (why do we need cones that we will not see or will see in the litter)?

I will tell you about the most beautiful cones - year-round garden decorations.

Spruce prickly
Spruce cones appear at different ages, while in the forest and in thickened plantings much later, and in open spaces - earlier. The color of the bud changes during the ripening process. Spruce cones always hang down and fall off entirely.

The most decorative varieties spruce thorns are presented below.

The Push spruce variety has the most charming cones of a pale pink color, which eventually changes to raspberry-purple, and the ripe cones turn red-violet-brown. Cones appear at the ends of young shoots at 6-9 years of age.
Photo: Spruce Push

Plant height at the age of 10 is only 0.5 m, maximum height- 1 m. Colorado spruce of the Push variety is often grafted onto a stem. In this case, the height depends on the height of the trunk, and then such a tree no longer grows.

The Akron variety has exceptionally beautiful large buds, which are located in groups or singly at the ends of the shoots. The shape is cylindrical. The color of the buds is red and bright purple, the ripe buds are light brown.

The height of this conical asymmetric spruce is 2.5–3 m, it grows slowly. Branches often lie on the ground.

The good thing about Akron is that even young plants grow buds.

Lucky Strike
The prickly spruce of the Lucky Strike variety amazes with the beauty and size of its cones: at first they are purple-red, over time they turn light brown, 10-15 cm long.

The height of an adult plant does not exceed 1–2 m. At the age of 10, its height does not exceed 1.2 m, and its diameter is 1.5 m.

The cones of the Belobok spruce variety are very attractive: the male ones are brownish-brown, and the female ones are red. When ripe, they turn green and then turn brown. The length of the cone is 5-10 cm.

The height of an adult blue spruce is 1–2 m.

Korean fir
Fir cones are very different from spruce. While sitting on a branch, they lose their scales, and, in the end, all that remains of them is a charming core. In addition, very young plant specimens are also covered with cones. Fir cones always stick up vertically.

The most decorative varieties of Korean fir are presented below.

Blauer Pfif
Small adorable cones of the Blauer Pfif variety will not leave anyone indifferent. They have a blue-violet color and a "barrel" shape. The plant reaches a height of 1–2 m.

Bonsai Blue
Bonsai Blue variety, already at a young age, is abundantly sprinkled with expressive cones blue-violet... Plant height 0.5 m.

The adorable purple Molly cone-candles sticking up will be a real decoration of your garden. Their length is 5 cm. The height of the plant in adulthood is 3-4 m.

Blue Magic
The Korean Blue Magic fir variety is strewn with elliptical cones from an early age. The cones that point vertically upward are blue-violet and purple-violet in color before ripening, but then they become brown with a slight purple tint.

Plant height 0.8–1 m, maximum in adulthood - 2.5 m.

Win-win partners for conifers that can emphasize the beauty of their cones and not cause trouble with leaving are barberry, Japanese spirea, hosta and stonecrop.

Care features
Coniferous cones do not require special care and supervision.

The plants themselves should be fed (in the spring through melted snow), watered in extreme heat, pinched for splendor and "silhouette", protected from the scorching rays of the sun in spring.

Conifers - different kinds trees and shrub forms, which differ in needle-shaped foliage. Most of them are woody and are classified as evergreen. There are about four hundred species in the world, which are mostly concentrated in the Northern Hemisphere. Most of them are used as building materials, the basis for the furniture industry, as well as in medicine, and even in cooking - cedar nuts are incredibly tasty and healthy.

The easiest way to get a beautiful front lawn

You, of course, have seen the perfect lawn in the movies, in the alley, and possibly on the neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area on their site will no doubt say that this is a huge work. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about an innovative tool - liquid lawn AquaGrazz.

Characteristics of conifers

Multiple characteristics of the most common coniferous crops:

      • Spruce is the most common type of coniferous tree. In addition to the usual spruce, the most appreciated are blue, prickly, and Canadian. The culture is unpretentious in its care, it can withstand frost perfectly, is able to survive in urban gas pollution. Prefers sunny places, but can grow in shaded areas. Due to their shearing ability, they are highly prized in landscape design, used as hedges and specimen plants.
      • Cedar is a large type of coniferous trees, which, due to its high decorative properties, is widely used in landscape design in alley plantings and group plantings. The most popular are the Himalayan, Atlas and Lebanese varieties. The culture is renowned for its delicious, healthy and nutritious nuts.
      • Cypress is an evergreen, exclusively decorative type of coniferous crops. Due to its unusual pyramidal shape, the tree looks very impressive and is widely used in parks, both for creating alleys, and in single and group plantings.

      • Larch - refers to deciduous coniferous crops, in our climate only this coniferous tree drops needles on winter period... Because of this feature, larch is used in a different way in landscape design, often planting in alleys and mixed compositions. The strength and durability of these trees is also known. These conifers have long been used not only for construction, but also for the manufacture of ships. Due to the strength and high resin content, larch products are able to retain their original properties for centuries even under the influence of moisture. So, St. Petersburg still stands on piles of larch, driven into the river bottom even during the reign of Peter the Great, and the use of this wood in the construction of Venice, where the material also showed itself with better side... And in Moscow, a durable and high-quality cycling track surface is made of this breed.
      • Microbiota - there is only one species in this genus, which naturally grows in the Far East of Russia, but due to its beauty it is widely used in landscaping throughout the middle zone. The undersized shrub has soft drooping shoots and is similar in appearance to a juniper. Due to its shape, it is used as a ground cover crop and looks very impressive in rock gardens, fences, along lawns and on steep slopes... The winter culture is resistant, unpretentious in care and is not of interest to pests.

      • Juniper is a very popular coniferous shrub, which is not only perfect for creating picturesque groups and border plantings, but also has high pharmacological properties. Resins and volatile substances released by the culture perfectly clean the surrounding air from pathogenic bacteria and kill all infection. Since ancient times, juniper groves have been used to treat pulmonary patients. For this, people with bronchitis, pneumonia and even tuberculosis were evicted to the landing area and regularly brought them food, not being allowed to go out until complete recovery. Surprisingly, only the air filled with the aroma of juniper healed even the most hopeless patients, without the use of antibiotics and other drugs. Therefore, planting a juniper on your site, you can not only decorate green spaces with an unusual ground cover bush, but also improve your health. Shrub, depending on the variety, may have different shapes from a gentle mound to a candle-shaped bush. unpretentious in care, resistant to external influences and decorative. It is often used as a single planting and mixed groups.
      • Fir is a beautiful and majestic tree that requires special care and suitable conditions... Due to their large size, species varieties are grown only in parks and gardens of large areas, but now it is possible to use small varieties of cultivars, ideal for group planting. The most decorative varieties of blue and undersized fir, distinguished by large and abundant cones.
      • Pine is a familiar coniferous tree species, ubiquitous in our latitudes. The most common pine is Scots pine, which covers mountains and endless forests. Often it is used to create garden plantings, but more often they choose more compact and decorative varieties - mountain, Crimean, cedar, Weymouth.
      • Yew - this genus includes many evergreen shrubs and trees. Most often, berry yew is used in landscaping, which has a dense fluffy crown. Species varieties have the appearance of a spreading shrub, and those bred can be in the form of a candle, a sphere, a cone or a ground cover bush. The culture tolerates a haircut well, therefore it is used as a hedge and creating green compositions. But it must be remembered that most varieties of yew are very poisonous, especially berry, its bright red fruits look attractive and can cause poisoning of children and animals.

      • Hemlock is an evergreen species common in North America and the Asian part of the continent. Especially appreciated in landscaping for the weeping flexible branches that form a dense canopy. Due to its slow growth, the hemlock is suitable for small gardens, moreover, it pleases its unpretentiousness and resistance to frost, shade and disease.
      • Pseudo-slug is a breed of evergreen tree brought from the north of the American continent. A plant similar from a distance is similar to a blue spruce, but on closer examination it stands out with unusual cones. There are varieties with flexible weeping branches and miniature types of pseudo-leisure, which are widely used for decorating a rock garden and single plantings.
      • Thuja - has a strong aroma and a characteristic shape of needles. Of all the varieties, only western thuja is suitable for our climate, characterized by high frost resistance and unpretentiousness. Breeders have bred a lot decorative species, which differ in the shape of the tree, the height and even the color of the foliage - the most common are thuja with juicy green needles, but there are also varieties with bright sunny needles.


These cultures have long been used not only for landscaping gardens, courtyards and park areas, but also for building houses, ships, making furniture and other household items. After all, the forests in our latitudes are huge and there has never been a shortage of material. Strong hardwoods were often used, but conifers were also held in high esteem, for example, pine and larch were used as piles and ship rigging.

The popularity of coniferous wood still exists, and there are a lot of explanations for this:

      • Spruce and pine have a high resin content, which protects the wood from the harmful effects of moisture, fungi and insects that cause irreparable damage to the more delicate hardwood of the boards.
      • perfectly amenable to grinding, which makes it easier to work with them and speeds up the cutting process.
      • Due to the pliability of wood, such species are easy to process, which is why pine and spruce wood is often chosen for creating small and complex structures, for example, railings, stairs, balconies.

      • Low density allows boards and bars to be well impregnated with protective substances, which increases the durability, strength and beauty of wood.
      • Even sawdust from coniferous trees is for the good, for example, they make technical hydrolysis alcohol, and in compressed form they are used to make cheap furniture, and they are often used for heating.
      • The house, built of pine and spruce, is guaranteed to last up to 50 years, but more noble types of wood, for example, cedar, will last for centuries. In addition, not only are they made of cedar Construction Materials but also musical instruments.
      • Wood is also valued for its low thermal conductivity, because wooden wall 10 centimeters thick retains heat in the same way as brickwork half a meter.

As in every production, there are certain standards for wood harvesting and woodworking enterprises so that the resulting boards and beams meet national and international requirements. For this, special GOSTs have been developed, considering various characteristics of wood.

For conifers, GOST 8486-86 and GOST 24454-80 are used, according to which all sawn wood is divided according to compliance technical requirements by grades - 5 for boards and beams (selected, 1, 2, 3 and 4 grades) and 4 for beams (1,2,3,4 grades).

Note that GOST 8486-86 is used to assess wood, later intended for use in our country and sale for export, but for aviation wooden building materials more stringent GOSTs are applied.

All lumber can be divided into bars, beams, edged and not edged boards, these definitions and features of types are regulated by GOST 18288.

According to GOST 8486-86, indicators are clearly prescribed:

      • - types of wood (according to GOST, pine, spruce, fir, larch and cedar are used for the manufacture of lumber)
      • - lengths and permissible deviations from them, depending on the further purpose (for containers, beams, domestic market, export);
      • - humidity - depending on the customer's requirements, dry (humidity up to 20%), raw (22% and higher) and soaked in antiseptics (antiseptic treatment is carried out according to GOST 10950);
      • - width and tolerances;
      • - the number and type of knots;
      • - the presence and type of cracks;
      • - the presence and size of the core;
      • - the presence and size of fungal infections, mold, rot, wormholes, etc.

Thus, GOST ensures that lumber meets all well-thought-out standards and requirements, which ensures long service products from conifers trees. In addition, checking the compliance of products with the prescribed standards saves the buyer from purchasing low-quality wood at inflated prices.

Conifers are a beauty all year round, their resistance to the changing seasons invariably attracts gardeners and landscape designers. For the most part, they are undemanding to growing conditions and care, they firmly endure both summer heat and winter cold. In addition, at present there are many varieties of conifers - trees and shrubs, it is not at all difficult to choose something suitable for this site.


Spruce is a landscape classic, an evergreen tree that fits anywhere. Spruce will look great in quality central element, and as a background for other plants; in a single planting, in a group, as a hedge. Currently, there are more than 40 types of spruce, including natural and hybrid varieties. Many of natural species there are several decorative varieties.

Spruce is a long-lived tree; in Sweden, a spruce grows in a national park, whose age is 9550 years. This is a record figure even for spruce trees, the average life span of which is 200-500 years. Long-liver got given name- Old Tikko.

The spruce grows slowly, in 10 years it grows only up to one and a half meters in height, but it grows for centuries. Naturally, this tree can be seen in the forests of the Northern Hemisphere. The spruce forest is dark and dense, most often without undergrowth, consisting of beautiful, slender trees up to 30 meters high.

Spruce is a monoecious tree, the crown is conical or pyramidal, with whorled, outstretched or drooping branches.

The roots of young trees are pivotal, but with age, the main root dries up, it is replaced by numerous shoots that spread horizontally and shallowly in the ground.

The bark is gray or brown-gray, with thin exfoliating plates. The needles are tetrahedral, short, sharp, green. Each needle grows separately, from a leaf cushion, which becomes noticeable after the needles fall off.

Cones are oblong and pointed, up to 15 cm long, 3-4 cm in diameter. They do not crumble, but fall off after the seeds ripen in the year of fertilization. Seeds - lionfish ripen in October, and fall out of the cones. At this time, the wind picks them up and carries them around. Once in favorable conditions, they germinate and give life to a new tree, their germination lasts about 10 years.

In the photo, one of the representatives of the family is a dwarf Canadian gray-gray spruce:


Cedar is another coniferous tree that has numerous forms that are attractive to designers. Naturally, if it is a real cedar, not a cedar pine. The cedar differs from other coniferous trees in the location of the needles, it is collected in bunches of 20-50 pieces, while in pines and spruces it is single. A similar attachment of needles is observed in larch, but its needles are soft, while in cedar they are prickly and tough, and do not fall off in autumn.

The cones of the cedar stand on the branches, and do not hang down, like in pines and firs. They are similar in shape to fir cones, but rounder. After ripening, they crumble into pieces, while the seeds are scattered by the wind.

The shape of the crown is also unique. In the Lebanese cedar, it is wide, spreading like an umbrella. The branches in it are arranged in tiers, the symmetry of which is not observed in all trees. The needles are green, gray-green, blue-green, the needles are 3-4 cm long, they are collected in bundles of 30-40 pieces.

Atlas cedar

Atlas cedar has a conical crown, which is similar to an ordinary spruce. His needles are also collected in bunches, they are very short - about 2.5 cm. In color, they are silver-gray, or blue-green.

There is even a weeping form of the Atlas cedar, which, no doubt, will become a highlight of the landscape, especially if it is a rocky Japanese garden with a natural or artificial reservoir. We look at the photo:

Atlas cedar

His branches hang down just like weeping willow, only instead of delicate leaves there are thorny needles that look unusual, but quite gentle and attractive:

Atlas cedar

Himalayan cedar

Himalayan cedar - the owner of a wide conical crown with a blunt top and horizontally growing branches. But he also has hanging shoots, although a non-specialist will easily mistake him for a spruce of a slightly unusual shape:

Himalayan cedar

The needles of the Himalayan cedar are light green, up to 4-5 cm long, growing in bunches.

Despite certain differences, cedars have a lot in common. All of them belong to evergreen trees growing up to 50-60 meters in height. At an early age, they grow slowly, then they gain in growth faster.

The bark of young specimens is smooth, with age it becomes scaly, cracking, dark gray in color.


Cypress is a completely different matter special kind in the family of evergreen conifers and shrubs. It is not for nothing that in the East it is considered the standard of harmony. This tree, with all its appearance, seems to indicate that it does not take up much space in your garden, and does not require special care. But not all cypresses are laconic, among them there are shrubs with wide, spreading crowns. This large family consists of 20 genera and 140 species.

Cypress prefers a warm climate. In the Northern Hemisphere, it can be seen in the tropical and subtropical zones, on the coasts of the Black and Mediterranean Seas. And also in the Himalayas, in the Sahara, and in China. In the Western Hemisphere, it grows in Central America, Mexico and the southern states of the United States.

The leaves of cypresses are small, at first they are acicular, similar to needles, then scaly, tightly pressed against the branches. Cypress is a monoecious plant - male and female flowers appear on the same tree. Cones are ovoid or round, ripen in the second year after emergence, the seeds are flattened, with wings.

Evergreen cypress

Evergreen cypress is a tree that can be seen on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and Crimea. Its height reaches 30 meters, the crown is narrow, columnar, with short branches raised up and pressed against the trunk. It has been cultivated in culture since ancient times; it is a real long-liver, capable of living for more than 2 thousand years. In Turkey, it is considered a tree of sorrow, and is planted in cemeteries. In the photo there are evergreen cypresses:

Evergreen cypress

Arizona cypress

Arizona cypress, native to the southwestern regions of the United States and Mexico. This is a fairly tall tree, up to 20 meters high with well-developed roots. Despite its southern origin, it tolerates frosts down to -25 degrees, but young trees must be covered with agrofibre for the winter.

Arizona cypress

Large cypress

The large-fruited cypress has a columnar crown. But this feature occurs only in young specimens; with age, the branches become flat, bend and form a wide, spreading crown.

The needles of large-fruited cypress have a pleasant lemon scent, so they are willingly grown in winter gardens, or in the bonsai culture.

Large cypress

Weeping cypress

Weeping cypress is the owner of drooping branches. The plant is native to China, where it is often planted in cemeteries.

Cypress is also part of the Cypress family, and has 7 species that grow in the Northern Hemisphere. The plant is evergreen, monoecious, coniferous, with a conical crown. Branches growing upward, or outstretched and drooping, the trunk is scaly, brown or brown. Under natural conditions, it grows up to 70 meters, in culture - up to 20-30 meters.

The cypress leaves are pointed, like small scales. Cones are not large, woody, round, up to 12 mm in diameter. The seeds ripen in the first year.

Weeping cypress

Lawson's cypress

Lawson's cypress is a tall and slender tree with a narrow, conical crown extending downward. Its top is inclined to one side. The trunk has a thick, reddish-brown bark that becomes patchy and scaly over time. The needles are shiny, green, with whitish stripes. Cones are oval and round, about 1 cm in diameter, light brown, with a bluish bloom.

In general, the tree is very beautiful, looks great in alleys and in plantings together with cypress trees of other species, but, unfortunately, low frost resistance does not allow growing it in regions with severe winters. On the photo is Lawson's cypress:

Lawson's cypress

Pea cypress

Pea cypress is a high, up to 30 meters, tree with a conical crown, originally from Japan. Outwardly, from a distance it looks like deciduous trees, but its needles are the same as that of all members of the family.

Pea cypress


Cryptomeria - The name of this evergreen tree is often written or pronounced in conjunction with the definition: "Japanese." And not without reason - the tree comes from japanese islands, is considered a symbol of the Land of the Rising Sun, and has a second name: Japanese cedar. Although it belongs to the Cypress family, and does not belong to the genus of cedars.

In nature, there is only one type of this plant, hybrid varieties on its basis, too, is not yet, although in culture it has been known since 1842. In Russia, it is grown in the Crimea and on the Caucasian coast of the Black Sea.

The tree is quite tall and fast-growing, growing up to 70 meters. The crown is dense, but narrow. The bark is fibrous, red-brown, the trunk is massive - up to 4 meters in diameter.

The needles are subulate, more like rose thorns than needles, but longer up to 3 cm. The color of the needles is light green, but in winter it becomes yellowish.

The tree is monoecious, male flowers grow from the axils of the shoots in bunches. Female solitary, located at the ends of the shoots. Cones are round, 2 cm in diameter, ripen in the first year, but fall off the next summer. Seeds with wings, about 5-6 mm in length.

In the photo, Japanese cryptomeria:

Japanese cryptomeria


Larch is a deciduous tree of the Pine family. The leaves of this tree are very similar to needles, but in the fall they fall off, and in the spring they reappear, like deciduous trees that is why it is called larch in Russia. In total, there are 20 species of this tree, 9 of them grow in Russia.

The tree is large, up to 50 meters high, and a trunk diameter of about 1 meter. For a year, the growth is 1 meter, larch is a long-liver, able to live up to 400 years, but it is rarely used in culture.

Her crown is not dense, in young specimens it is cone-shaped, in areas with constant winds it can be one-sided, or flag-shaped. The root system is strong, branched, without a pronounced main root, but with numerous and deeply extending lateral processes.

The needles are soft, bright, on elongated shoots they grow spirally, and on short ones - in bunches, like those of a cedar. Falls off completely in the fall. The tree is monoecious with male and female flowers. Seeds develop in female cones, from 15-20 years.

From a distance, larch can be mistaken for a beautiful sprawling spruce:



Microbiota is a coniferous shrub of the Cypress family. There is only one species of this plant - the cross-pair microbiota growing in the Far East of Russia. The number of the species is decreasing, due to the fact that the seeds cannot spread far from the parent bush, and perennial thickets are destroyed forest fires, therefore, the species is included in the Red Data Book of Russia.

This is a sprawling shrub with thin creeping shoots, so it can be mistaken for a creeping thuja form. The needles are scaly, green in summer and brown in winter; in young plants, they are needle-like on shaded shoots. Cones are small, single-seeded, consist of 2-3 scales. The root system is fibrous, dense.

Microbiota grows very slowly, it gives out only 2 cm of growth per year, but it is distinguished by longevity - it can grow in culture for more than 100 years. In general, microbiota looks very appropriate in single and group plantings, therefore it is always in demand among gardeners. On the picture:



Juniper is a dioecious, coniferous plant of the Cypress family, very common in the Northern Hemisphere. Various climatic zones the planet is inhabited by more than 70 species of this plant, some of which feel good in the Russian open spaces, and can live up to 600 years.

Treelike junipers are able to form separate forests, shrubs grow as an undergrowth or third layer in coniferous and deciduous forests, as well as on rocky slopes.

Juniper shrubs are creeping, with shoots about 1.5 meters long, but tree-like forms can reach 30 meters in height.

Juniper leaves are opposite, acicular, oblong. In young specimens it can be in the form of needles, in adult plants - scaly, pressed against the stems. The berries are cone-shaped, with tightly closed scales, each from 1 to 10 seeds, which ripen for 2 years.



Fir is a coniferous tree of the Pine family. Just like a cedar, its cones grow upward and disintegrate on the tree. Up to 50 species of fir grow in the Northern Hemisphere. The tree is powerful and tall - up to 60 meters, with a moderately spreading conical crown.

The bark of the trunk is gray, different types can be smooth and thin throughout its life, or thick and fissured.

In the photo there are cones of Korean fir:

Taproot, deep deep. The needles are flat, with a pointed or rounded tip, on the branches they are located singly or spirally.

Cones are cylindrical, ripen in 1 summer, disintegrate in the fall, throwing out seeds with wings, carried by the wind.