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What is your own name and. What is the name of the nominal and own

Nouns names call objects, phenomena or concepts. These values \u200b\u200bare expressed with the help of categories of the genus, numbers and case. All nouns belong to groups of their own and nominal. Own nouns that serve as the names of single items are opposed to nominal, denoting generalized names of homogeneous subjects.


To determine the nominal nouns, install whether the named item is related or a phenomenon to the class of homogeneous objects (city, man, song). Grammatical feature of nominal nouns - category of numbers, i.e. Use them in a single and multiple number (city, people, songs). Please note that most of the real, distract and collective nouns have no form of a plural (gasoline, inspiration, youth).

To determine their own nouns, install whether the name is the individual designation of the subject, i.e. Is it allocated " name»Subject from a number of homogeneous (Moscow, Russia, Sidorov). Own nouns call the names and surnames of persons and nicknames of animals (Nekrasov, guns, FRU-FRU) - geographical and astronomical facilities (America, Stockholm, Venus) - institutions, organizations, printed organs (newspaper "Pravda", "Spartak" team, shop "El Dorado").

Names Own, as a rule, do not change in numbers and are used only in the only (Voronezh) or only in multiple (Sokolniki). Please note that this rule exists exceptions. Own nouns are used in the form of a multiple number, if they denote different persons and items called the same (both America, the namesakes of Petrov) - people in related relationships (Fedorov's family). Also, its own nouns can be used in the form of a plural, if they call a certain type of people, "dedicated" according to the qualitative characteristics of a well-known literary character. Please note that in this value, the names of the nouns lose the sign of belonging to the group of single objects, so admissible is both the use of uppercase and lower case letters (chikchiki, migraous, peopacine).

A spelling feature that distinguishes the names of nouns own and nominal, is the use of uppercase letters and quotes. At the same time, all its own names are always written from the capital letter, and the names of institutions, organizations, works, objects are used as applications and are in quotes (Fyodor Shalyapin motor ship, Roman Turgenev "fathers and children"). The application may include any parts of speech, but the first word is always written from the capital letter (Roman Daniel Defo "Life and the amazing adventures of Morelehold Robinson Cruzo").

When opening a new Internet resource, one of the most difficult problems becomes the choice of a suitable name. This process is also becoming complicated by the fact that most of the same named names of domain names are already engaged in more damaged Internet start-ups. But there is still a way out of the position.

You will need

  • - brand-beech resource;
  • - List of the theses of the semantic load of the name.


Divide the name of the name of the name into two consecutive stages: the name of the name for the resource itself and the choice of a domain name. First of all, it is necessary to find optimal options for the name. It is necessary to determine the main objectives and objectives of the resource, the policy of creating content and the stylistics of the material supply. It does not matter whether the resource is commercial, or not.

Create a list of theses for the future name based on the received brand beech. They must outline the informative and emotional fullness of the future name. There are no clear restrictions on the preparation of such a list: it can be nouns and verbs, their own and nominal names, they can express emotions and sensations.

Collect an initiative group of employees related to a resource and make a brainstorm. To increase efficiency, it is necessary to distribute in advance to all participants to compile the abstract of theses. At its discretion, everyone should make an arbitrary written description of the most important informative features of the future site name. During the brainstorming, ask everyone alternately read your list and as part of a collegial discussion, select the most successful offers.

Move the results of the brainstorming and make a final list of theses. On their basis, each of the members of the initiative group should draw up a list of names and titles. It is best to limit the number of alleged options by quantity.

Collect the proposed lists and try to find several of the most suitable names. After that, check whether the same domain names are free, including in the RF zone. If you did not find exact compliance, take the place, otherwise, try to modify the name of the site by using permissible punctuation marks, numbers instead of letters, etc.

Possessing a certain common set of signs, and calling objects or phenomena for their belonging to this class, but by themselves not carrying any special instructions on this class. The name is nominated in linguistics - usually the same as the appellate.

Nennaya names are signs of linguistic concepts and are opposed to their own names. The transition of nominal names to its own is accompanied by a loss of a language concept (for example, "Desna" from "Desna" - "Right"). Nennaya names are concrete (table), distracted, or abstract (love), real, or material (sugar), and collective (student student).

A nominal name may indicate not only the class of objects, but also some kind of separate subject within this class. The latter happens when:

  • individual signs of the subject do not matter. For example: "If you tease the dog, she can bite you" - "Dog" refers to any dog, and not to some particular one.
  • in the described situation, only one subject of this class. For example: "We will meet at the corner at noon" - the interlocutors know which angle will serve as a meeting place.
  • individual features of the subject are described by additional definitions. For example: "I remember the day when I first went to swim" - a particular day stands out among other days.

The border between the names of nominal and own is not unshakable: the names of the nominal can go to the names of their own in the form of names, nickname and nicknames (for example, the name of the nominal "Kalita" in the form of the nickname of the prince Ivan Danilovich), and their own names - in the names are nominative, using generalized designation of homogeneous objects. The names of their own who have become nominal names are called eponyms (for example, "ECKULAP" - collective for all doctors, "Pele" - for all football players, "Schumacher" - car drivers, etc.)

see also



  • Russian grammar. T. 1: Fonetics. Phonology. Emphasis. Intonation. Word formation. Morphology / N. Yu. Swedov (ch. Ed.). - M.: Science, 1980. - 25,000 copies.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Watch what is "Name Nennaya" in other dictionaries:

    the name is nominal - 1) The generalized name of homogeneous objects and concepts (for example: brother, lake, country, victory) 2) name, name (usually literary hero, historical figure, events, etc.), personifying what l. Certain properties, quality, etc. ... ... Dictionary of many expressions

    See Nomen Actionis ... Pyaspical dictionary of linguistic terms

    Noun substantive), calling an item or phenomenon for its belonging to this category, that is, characterized by signs that allow the allocation of the category itself [i] (man, blonde, city, river, constellation, motor ship, book, ... ... Directory for these etymology and historical lexicology

    - (tracing with lat. NOMN PROPRIUM, which in turn is a trash with Greek. ὄνομα ύύύιο), own name Name Noun, denoting word or phrase, intended for the name of a specific, well-defined ... ... Wikipedia

    Name own name noun, denoting word or phrase, intended for the name of a specific, well-defined item or phenomenon that highlights this item or phenomenon from a number of one-type items or phenomena. Name ... ... Wikipedia

    Name Personal name Name in jurisprudence sign serving to distinguish one personality from others. The name in grammar name is a noun part of speech, for which the value of the subject is characteristic. Name own word or phrase, ... ... Wikipedia

    Wikislovar has an article "Noun ... Wikipedia

    mental - This is the word (used in combination with the name of the nominal) is a word-forming tractor with Latin Appellativum (Nomen), which is in turn with a Celebration with Greek Prosegorikon (Onoma). Latin Appello matters, I nine ... Etymological dictionary of the Russian language of Krylov

    1) the general name of nouns, adjectives and numerals, combined the grammatical category of the case and thereby opposed as the indicative parts of the speech of the verb and adverb (the pronoun, which represented a rich class in the past ... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms

    Cf. Name, name, the word named, mean a person, personality. The name of the subject, name; Animal name, nickname; Human name. Own name, for the raising, angelic, godfather and the rope, which insert did not publish; Patronymic or HIV; ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Daly

§one. General feature name noun

Noun name is an independent significant part of speech.

1. Grammar meanings - "thing".
Nouns include words responsible for questions:
Who! , What?

2. Morphological signs:

  • permanent-nominal / own, mesh / inanimate, rod, decline type;
  • changeable - number, case.

3. Syntactic role in the proposal Any, especially frequencies: subject and addition.

Guys love holidays.

As a conversion and introductory words, the noun a member of the sentence is not:

- SERGEY!- I call me mom from the courtyard.

(Sergey - appeal)

Unfortunately,it's time to go to do lessons.

(Unfortunately - Introductory word)

§2. Morphological signs of nouns

Nouns have a set of morphological signs. Some of them are permanent (or immutable). Others, on the contrary, non-permanent (or changeable). Unchanging signs relate to the whole Word as a whole, and the words changeable to the forms. So noun Natalia. - Audine, Own, J.R., 1 SKL. In what form it would not stand, these signs will be maintained. Noun Natalia. Maybe in the form of units. and mn. Numbers in different cases. The number and case is the non-permanent signs of nouns. Online lines from points lead to such non-permanent or variable morphological features. It is necessary to learn to distinguish which signs are constant, and which are non-permanent.

§3. Mennaya - own names nouns

This is the separation of nouns according to the characteristics of the value. Nortional nouns denote homogeneous objects, i.e. Any item from their series, and their own names of the nouns are called a separate concrete subject.
Compare noun:

  • baby boy, country, river, lake, fairy tale, repka - Mennaya
  • Alexey, Russia, Volga, Baikal, "Repka" - own

Menantive nouns are diverse. Their discharges are meaning:

  • specific: table, computer, document, mouse, notebook, fishing rod
  • abstract (distracted): surprise, joy, fear, happiness, miracle
  • real: Iron, Gold, Water, Oxygen, Milk, Coffee
  • collective: Youth, foliage, nobility, viewer

To their own names, nouns include people's names, animal clinics, geographical names, names of literature and art, etc. Alexander, Sasha, Sasha, Bug, Ob, Ural, "Teenager", "Kolobok" etc.

§four. Foreignness - inanimality

Film names nouns called "live" objects, and inanimate - not "live".

  • Middle: Mother, Father, Baby, Dog, Ant, Kolobok (Fairy Tale Hero, acting as a Living Face)
  • Inanimate: orange, ocean, war, lilac, program, toy, delight, laughter

For morphology it is important that

  • in plural in animated virus evidence
    Near the school, I saw familiar girls and boys (wines. Pad. \u003d Rod. Pad.), And in inanimate names of nounsform of wines. Pad. Coincides with the form of them. Pad.: I love books and films (wines. Pad. \u003d Him. Pad.)
  • in the singular In animated names of noun male genus Form of wines. Pad. Coincides with the form of the genus. Pad.:
    Fox saw a kolobka (wines. Pad. \u003d Rod. Pad.), and in invisible names of nouns Form of wines. Pad. Coincides with the form of them. Pad.: I baked a bunker (wines. Pad. \u003d Him. Pad.)

The rest of the noun shapes them., Wines. and genus. Cases differ.

It means sign of indifference animation It is possible to determine not only on the basis of the value, but also by the set of the word.

§five. Rank

The genus among nouns - This is a permanent morphological sign. Nouns do not change by childbirth.

In Russian, three kinds: male, female and middle. Sets of endings from nouns of different clans differ.
At animated nouns, the settlement to male or feminine is motivated by sexuality, because words indicate men's or female people: father - Mother, Brother - Sister, Husband - Wife, Man - Woman, Youth - Girletc. The grammar sign of the genus correlates with the floor.
In inanimate nouns, the words to one of the three births is not motivated. The words Ocean, sea, river, lake, pond- Miscellaneous genus, and the genus is not determined by the meaning of words.

The morphological indicator of the genus is the end.
If the word endings:

A, U. or a, Ohm, E in the singular and s, s, am, s or s, ami, ahin plural , then this is a noun male race

a, s, e, y, oh, ein the singular and s, am or s, ami, ahin the plural, then this is a noun feminine

oh, A, U, Oh, Oh, E in the singular and a, A, A, Ami, Ah In the plural, then the noun is medium kind.

Do all these nouns refer to one of the three births?

Not. There are a few amazing nouns. They are interested in what they can relate to the people of both male and female. These words: smart grocery, Sonya, Zhaddez, Plaks, Neusalea, ignoramus, Evil, Zadira, Sneak, Evil, Straps, Kopusha, Sorvigolov etc. The form of such words coincides with the form of the words of the female kind: the set of endings they have the same. But the syntax compatibility is different.
In Russian, you can say:
She is so clever! AND: He is so clever! The value of the floor of an insane person can be found in the form of pronoun (as in our example) or adjective, or verb in the past time: Sonya woke up. AND: Sonya woke up. Such nouns are called essential common types.

The nouns of the general kind do not include words that call professions. You may already know that many of them are nouns for men: doctor, driver, engineer, economist, geologist, philologist etc. But they can designate both male and female face. My mother is a good doctor. My father is a good doctor. Even if the Word calls the female face, then the adjectives and verbs last time can be used in men and in feminine genus: The doctor came. AND: The doctor came.

How to determine the genus from unchangeable words?

The language has unchangeable nouns. All of them are borrowed from other languages. In Russian, they have a genus. How to determine the genus? It is easy if you understand what indicates the word. Turn to examples:

Mesieo - Madame - Words denoting an animation face the genus corresponds to the floor.

Kangaroo, chimpanzees - Words calling animals, male.

Tbilisi, Sukhumi - Words - Cities Names - male.

Congo, Zimbabwe - Words - names of states - neuter.

Mississippi, Yangtze - Words - the names of the rivers - female.

Coat, Kushne - Words denoting inadverted items, are more often neuter.

Are there any exceptions? There is. Therefore, it is recommended to carefully treat unchangeable words and memorize how they are used. The race is expressed not by the end (the endings in the unclear words are not), but the form of other words that are associated with an immutable nouns in meaning and grammatically. These may be adjectives, pronouns or verbs in the past time. For example:

Mississippi wide and full.

Brief adjectives in the form of J.R. indicate that the word Mississippi J.R.

§6. Declining

Declining- This is the type of change in words. Nouns vary in numbers and cases. The number and case is variable morphological signs. Depending on which form, there is a word in different numbers and cases, for the aggregate of all possible forms, nouns belong to one of the decline.

Decals from nouns Three: 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
The vast majority of Russian nouns are the nouns of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd decline. The type of decline is a permanent, immutable morphological sign of nouns.

To the 1st decline include words of female and male sort with endings but,i In the initial form.
Examples: mom, Dad, Grandpa, Water, Earth, Anna, Anya, Lecture -ending [a].

To the 2nd declining include words of a male race with zero ending and middle kind with endings about, e. In the initial form.
Examples: father, Brother, House, Alexander, Sea, Lake, Building -ending [E] , Genius, Alexey.

To the 3rd decline include Words of the feminine with zero ending In the initial form.
Examples: mother, mouse, night, news, rye, lie.

Initial form - This is the form of a word in which it is usually fixed by dictionaries. Nouns have a form of a nominal case of a single number.

Pay attention to the words traditionally called nouns on ia, Ie, iY : lecture, building, genius.

How to designate the end in such words?

You remember that letters i and E.who are written at the end of such nouns of female and middle clad after vowels, and the letter and -vowel, denote two sounds? Lecture - [Iy'a], building - [Iy'e], and the sound [th '] is the last consonant base. So in the words type lectureending [A], in the words type building - [e], and in words like genius- zero ending.

Therefore, the nouns of the female kind: lecture, station, demonstration refer to the 1st decline, and the male: genius and medium: building- Ko 2nd.

The comment requires another group of words. These are the so-called medium-sorts on me , the words path and child. These are differential nouns.

Different noun - These are words that have the endings inherent for the forms of different decons.
There are few words. All of them are very ancient. Some of them are frequent in today's speech.

List of nouns on me: stuffing, tribe, seed, burden, udder, theme, time, name, flame, banner.

About their spelling, see All spelling. Spelling of nouns

§7. Number

Number- This is a morphological sign, variable for some nouns and unchangeable, permanent from others.
The overwhelming number of Russian nouns vary in numbers. For example: house - Houses, girl - Girls, Elephant - Elephants, Night - Night. Nouns, varying by numbers, have forms and the only, and multiple number and corresponding to these forms of completion. A number of nouns of the sole and multiple number differ not only by the end, but also the basis. For example: man - People, Children - Children, Kitten - Kittens.

Me'ashat part of Russian nouns do not change in numbers, but has the form of only one number: or the only one or multiple.

Nouns having a single number:

  • collective: nobility guys
  • real: Gold, Milk, Prostokavasha
  • abstract (or distracted): greed, anger, good
  • some Own, namely: Geographical names: Russia, Suzdal, Petersburg

Nouns having a plural form:

  • collective: searches
  • real: Cream, soup
  • abstract (or distracted): troubles, elections, twilight
  • some Own, namely, geographical names: Carpathians, Himalayas
  • some specific (subject), clock, sleigh, as well as a group of nouns denoting items that consist of two parts: skiing, skates, glasses, gates


Most of the items indicated by nouns having only the form of a single or multiple person cannot be considered.
These nouns have an immutable morphological basis.

§eight. Paide

Paide - This is a non-permanent, variable morphological sign of nouns names. Cases in Russian Six:

  1. Nominative
  2. Genitive
  3. Dative
  4. Accusative
  5. Instrumental
  6. Prepositional

It is necessary to firmly know the case-made questions, with the help of which is determined, in the form of which case there is a noun. As, as you know, the names of the nouns are animated and inanimate, each case has two questions:

  • I.P. - who what?
  • R.P. - Who? What?
  • D.P. - to whom; to what?
  • V.P. - Who? What?
  • T.P. - Who?, what?
  • P.P. - (About who about what?

You see that for animated nouns, the issues of WIN.P. and genus. p., and for inanimate - they. n. and wines. P.
To not be mistaken and correctly define the case, always use both questions.

For example: I see an old park, shady alley and a girl and a young man walking on it.
See (who? What?) the park (wines. p.), alley (wines. p.), girl (wines. p.), man(wines. p.).

Do all the nouns change on cases?

No, not all. Nouns are not changed, which are called: unchangeable.

Cockada (1) sits in a cage in the store. I come to the cockatoo (2). This is a big beautiful parrot. I look at Cockada (3) with interest and think: -What do I know about Cockada (4)? I have no cockatoo (5). With Cockada (6) interesting.

Word cockatoo Meets in this context 6 times:

  • (1) Who? What? - cockatoo - I.P.
  • (2) I go (k) to whom? Than what? - (K) Cockada - D.P.
  • (3) I watch (on) who? What? - (for) Cockada - V.P.
  • (4) I know (o) com? What? - ( o) Cockada - p.p.
  • (5) No Who? What? - cockatoo - R.P.
  • (6) Interesting (s) Who?, What? - (C Cakada) - T.P.

In different cases, the form in unchangeable nouns are the same. But the case is determined easily. This is helped by case issues, as well as other members of the sentence. If such a noucent has a definition expressed by adjective, pronoun, numeral or communion, i.e. In a word, changing through the case, it will be in the form of the same case as the self-immutable noun.

Example: How much can you talk about this cockatoo? - (O) com?. than? - p.p.

§nine. The syntactic role of nouns in the proposal

Mother sits at the window. She lears the magazine, considers photographs of people and nature. My mother is a geography teacher. "Mom", "I call her.

Mother -subject

Near the window -circumstance

Magazine- addition

Photos - addition

Of people - Definition

Nature. - Definition

Mother- subject

Teacher - Taken

Geography - Definition

Mum - Appeals, like introductory words, prepositions, alliances, particles are not members of the proposal.

Sample forces

Check how you understood the content of this chapter.

Total test

  1. What nouns indicate individual specific items, and not a group of homogeneous subjects?

    • Own names
    • Names are negative
  2. Nouns which group is more diverse by value?

    • Own names
    • Names are negative
  3. Is an animation-inanomistically grammatically: a set of endings?

  4. How can I find the genus of the noun?

    • By meaning
    • In terms of compatibility with other words (adjective, pronouns, verbs of the past time) and at the end
  5. What are the nouns called, having the end, characteristic of various declines?

    • Nonclocking
    • Diagrable
  6. What feature is the number of nouns good, evil, envy?

    • Permanent (immutable)
    • Non-permanent (variable)
  7. Mental and own nouns.

    The purpose of the lesson:

    form knowledge and skills to distinguish their own names nouns from the nominal,

    learn how to write the names of your own (with a capital letter and the use of quotes).

    Type of lesson:

    Educational and educational.

    Menantive nouns serve to name the classes of homogeneous objects, states and actions, persons, plants, birds and animals, phenomena of nature, public life. For the most part, they have a single and multiple number (Mountain - Mountains, Chamomile - Chamomile, Rain - Rain, Victory - Victory, Demonstration - Demonstrations, etc.). Menantive nouns are written with a small letter.

    Exercise: Review the plot. Name the pictures that you have seen (example: mountains, seas, etc.). Are they suitable under a group of nominal nouns?

    Own nouns are served to name individual (individual) items that may be the only one in its kind.

    Own nouns are always written from the capital letter and in most cases have the form of the only number. They can either from one word (bug, Alexander, Boeing, Sahara) or from several words (Ivan Vasilyevich, Red Sea, Sofievskaya Square).

    Exercise: Listen to the song of the Red Hap. Record all remembered own and nominal nouns

    They are written with a capital letter, but do not conclude in quotes:

    1. Families names and patronymic (Ivanov Sergey Nikonorovich), pseudonyms (Maxim Gorky, Lesya Ukrainka), the names of the acting persons in fairy tales (Ivanushka, Alenushka, Pinocchio, Malvina), stories (HorseName OVES / Czechs "horsepower" /), bass ( "The ledge of Martyshka, the village, the goat and the Kosolapy Bear thought to play quartet." (I. Krylov.).

    2) Animal nicknames (Dog Julka, Cat Jim, Parrot Gosh, Hamster Parsushka).

    3) Geographical names (Ukraine, South Arctic Ocean, Lake Baikal, Mountain Tibet, Black Sea).

    4) the names of the heavenly bodies (Moon, Sun, Jupiter, Orion, Cassiopeia).

    5) the names of the streets, squares (Pirogovskaya Street, Leningrad Square, Gamarnik's alley).

    8) names with the word name (named), even in the case when it is meant, but not written (Park named after T. Shevchenko, Gorky Park, school them. V. Chkalov).

    9) the names of organizations and senior government institutions (the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Supreme Court of Ukraine).

    10) the names of the orders, monuments (Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, the Order of the Great Patriotic War, the Order of Fame; Monument M.Yu. Lermontov, monument to the unknown sailor).

    11) Names of holidays, memorable dates (days), historical events (Victory Day, New Year, Health Care Day, Teacher's Day, Mother's Day)

    They are written with a capital and consist in quotes:

    1) Names of newspapers and magazines, television programs (Galeta "Komsomolskaya Pravda", "Arguments and Facts", the magazine "The only", "Fisherman of Ukraine", the program "Field of Miracles", "What? Where? When").

    2) the names of literary and musical works, the works of painting, the names of the movies (Roman "Crime and Punishment", "Master and Margarita", the poem "prisoner", "Candle", the picture "Black Square", "Bathing of the Red Horse", movie " Guest from the future "," Petersburg secrets "), etc.

    3) names of factories, factories, steamers, airplanes, cinemas, hotels and so on (provided that there is not and is not meant the word "name" (Zapyan factory, the factory "Roshen", the motor ship "Taras Shevchenko", "Hadzhibay" , Boeing plane, "Tu-124", Star cinema, Moscow, Hotel "Red", "London").

    4) the names of various goods (the car "Zhiguli", the perfume "Chanel", the refrigerator "Samsung", TV "Thomson" and others).

    The exercise. Read the excerpt from the poem of the root of Chukovsky "Aibolit". Stress the single feature of your own nouns, double feature noun nouns names.

    Suddenly, from somewhere jackal

    On the mare rushing:

    "Here is a telegram

    From the hypopotam! "

    "Come, Doctor,

    In Africa soon

    And save, doctor

    Our kids! "

    "What is? Really

    Your children got sick? "

    "Yes, yes yes! They have angina,

    Scarlatina, Cholery,

    Diphtherite, appendicitis,

    Malaria and bronchitis!

    Come sooner

    Good doctor Aibolit! "

    "Okay, okay, run,

    Your children will help.

    Only where do you live?

    On the mountain or in the swamp? "

    "We live on Zanzibar,

    In Kalahari and Sahara,

    On the mountain Fernando-software

    Where hippo walks

    Broad Limpopo. "

    The exercise. Select your own nouns.

    The most famous novels, travelers, heroes of adventure novels gathered at the meeting "Club of the famous captains". The youngest among them were Dick Send, the hero of the Roman Jules is true "Fifteen-year-old captain." The most cheerful everyone considered Tartarnana from Tarascona, the Hero of the Roman Alfons Dodé, and the most "truthful" was, of course, Baron Münhgausen from the book. All members of the club were considered with the opinion of the very wise Captain Nemo, one of the heroes of the Julie's book is true "Mysterious Island".

    The exercise. Listen to the song from the movie "Three Musketeers". Answer the question: Burgundy, Normandy, Champagne, Provence, Gascon - own or nominal nouns?

    In Russian, there are many examples of the name of the name of their own in the name of the nominal one.

    Here are some examples:

    1. Cake Napoleon received the name from the emperor Napoleon's confectionery facing this type of confectionery.

    2. Saxophone - so called the brass tool Belgian Master Sax.

    3. Inventors Colt, Nagan, Mauser gave the name created by weapons.

    4. At the place of which the orange was delivered, the Orange (Dutch word appelsien), Peach (Persia), Coffee (Cafe Country in Africa), Pants (Brugge - City in Holland).

    5. Narcissus - a flower, named after the mythological young people, Narcissa, who accepted the gods, because of love, he just looked at his reflection in the water and did not notice anything else. The gods turned him into a flower.

    Questions for fixing a new topic:

    1. What are the nouns names the only and multiple number?

    2. How to write: Pushkin's cinema, Pushkin cinema?

    3. Guess the riddles:

    "Flying" city - ______________________________.

    "Non-residential" Sea - ________________________________.

    "Colored" seas - ________________________________.

    "Silent" Ocean - ________________________.

    Flowers with female names - _______________________.


    Independently come up with 5-7 mystery, the answer of which will contain the name of the nominal (on the example of the funny in the class) on topics - interesting facts of land, Greek mythology, Russian folk tales.