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About the best varieties of roses. Roses. Pest prevention during the bootonization period tea-hybrid roses. Rose varieties

Some of the most beloved and common colors are roses, not a gift called queen flowers. These luxurious flowers at first glance conquer their tenderness, beauty and incredible aroma. Well-groomed rosary can become an excellent decoration of any garden or flower beds. Choosing plants for your site, you need to study in advance information about the varieties of roses with photos and names to choose the most suitable. With the right choice of varieties, as well as providing seedlings of suitable conditions, you can become a happy owner of a luxurious flower garden filled with atmospheric of romance and passion.

In about the 12th century, the first samples of Asian roses appeared in Europe, with which breeders began to work. Since that time, the number of types of queen flowers began to grow extremely rapidly. The breeders have improved the initial samples, giving them the necessary ability for the European climate, including winter hardiness. In Russia, these flowers began to recruit popularity much later - in the 17th century. Beautiful shrubs served to decorate the boric estates, and over time spread throughout the country.

Due to the species diversity and relative ease of care, the roses grew well both in the open soil and in closed rooms, thereby won the fame of the most popular flower.

Variety of species

Being such a common and popular plant, the rose was not deprived by the attention of breeders, during the work of new types and varieties in large quantities were derived. Each of them is distinguished by its features and requirements, which allows them to grow them in a variety of territories and create unusual compositions, selecting suitable varieties.


This species is a hybridium obtained when crossing the repair and tea. The very first varietal representative of this species is considered to be La France, bred back in 1867 by the French Selector Giyo.

Tea-hybrid varieties were beneficial from all famous previous varieties and types of roses. Even today, despite the continuing work on improving the quality, he continues to hold a leading position. It is he who is more often used to decorate the flower, creating rosary and for cutting.

All grades of tea-hybrid roses are distinguished by a large variety of colors, an elegant form, a large size of flowers (about 10-14 cm with a diameter). The terry flowers of roses grow single or collected in small inflorescences with a pleasant aroma. Low bushes can reach 60-80 cm.

Grade of tea-hybrid roses:

  • Gloria dei;
  • Gloria Dei Cl (pleetural tea form);
  • Picadilli;
  • IRENA;
  • Lady Rose;
  • Berolina.

When growing tea-hybrid varieties on the territory of Moscow, the bushes bloom at the end of June, the bloom is abundant, can last until late autumn. This species is considered less winter-hardy than removable, however, with proper shelter, they are able to overvalue in the middle lane without loss.

Floribund "Bonic 82"

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Danish Powllsen breeder brought a new hybrid species - hybrid-polyanth (the result of crossing polyanth roses and tea-hybrid). From their "parents", representatives of this species inherited the best of their quality - the size, the form of rose flowers, the nature of inflorescences, stability. This type of roses was represented by a large amount of varieties that differed extremely popularity.

As a result of further crossing of hybrid-poliant with tea-hybrid roses, varieties were obtained combined into one species -Floribunda. Then the varieties were used to relate to this type, which, in the form and structure of flowers, were an intermediate option between polyanth roses and tea-hybrid.

Floribund varieties are distinguished by a large variety of colors, and some even exceed tea-hybrid brightness. Simple, semi-grade and terry flowers of roses in shape range from flat cupid to graceful glazing. The size is somewhat less than in tea-hybrid and can reach 4-8 cm in diameter.

The first varietal representatives of this species did not smell, but today a pleasant fragrance is an integral property of the form of floribund. Some varieties are grown for cutting, as well as indoor plants.

Floribund varieties:

  • Shocking Blue;
  • Fragrant Delight;
  • Bonica 82;
  • Margaret Merril;
  • Beautiful Britain;
  • Amberqueen.

All varieties of floribunda bloom abundantly and longer than the representatives of tea-hybrid roses. They are well winter in the conditions of the middle strip of Russia and are resistant to most diseases.


This type includes flowers with long swallowing, flexible, arcuate shoots that need a support. The progenitors of the pleouts of roses are considered two wild-growing species from Japan, Korea, China - R. Wichuraiana Crep. And R. Multiflora Thunb.

Pleetted Rosarium Ueesesen.

Small terry or simple flowers are collected in large inflorescences of a variety of paints - pink, red, white colors and their shades. These are weak grade, and some smell is absent at all. The flowering of plenty roses is one-time, lasts about 30-35 days, although some varieties can have repeated blossoms. Flowers are located along the branches overlooking the branches on the background of small, hard leaves, similar to the foliage of polyanth roses.

Varieties of plenty roses:

  • New dawn;
  • Bobby James;
  • Snow Goose;
  • Super Dorothy.

Pleet roses are distinguished by frost resistance, they are well experiencing the winter under light shelter. They are often used vertical landscaping on supports, as they differ from abundant and long blossom.


Soil-level "Austrianija"

They are distinguished by a huge variety of forms and colors. Among the soil roses there are sharning low-spirited plants or medium height of the bushes with drooping shoots. The abundance and number of flowers can also vary depending on the variety. However, with all its diversity, this species also has two advantages characteristic of all of its representatives - extremely abundant flowering and ability to dill it until late autumn.

Also among the features of this type of roses, it is possible to name frost resistance and the ability to grow in width, resistance to common diseases ( puffy dew, black spot).

The soil industry includes varieties:

  • Mainaufeuer;
  • Sommerwind;
  • Ahtyir;
  • Ballerina;

This type of roses is rather unpretentious and inclined to forgive care errors in the presence of regular irrigation.


Park Rose "Pink Gruchedorst"

This name has been fixed for cultural rose hips. The view of the park roses includes several separate groups, including ordinary rose hips, ancient garden varieties, some modern hybrid roses.

All representatives of the type of park roses are distinguished by abundant flowering, which begins at the end of May, a few weeks before the rest of the species, and lasts more than a month. Coloring can vary from white to dark purple, although there are varieties with orange and yellow color. These include varieties:

  • Hansaland;
  • Chloris;
  • Hansa;
  • Robusta;
  • Jacques Cartier.

One of the most unpretentious species does not require special care or compliance with landing rules, even shelter for the winter.

Bushes "Gauntdorst" in the kindergarten of the Empress in Pavlovsk

Thanks to the operation of breeders, park roses have long become equally spectacular and attractive than polyanth roses or tea-hybrid.

Varieties of roses with names

A varietal variety of queen flowers amazes imagination - today there are several thousand varieties, each of which has its own unique personality and attractiveness. It is almost impossible to draw up a list of predicted varieties, because each of them is attractive.

Choosing roses for your site, it is better to first explore the available information about the varieties of roses with a photo and description to choose the most suitable color, care and conditions of flowering plants. There are several classifications of varieties that facilitate the choice. They are accepted to divide the colors, size and number of flowers.

Color classification

Coloring the color scheme is the most common classification method. The list is quite extensive, since thanks to the operation of breeders, the flowers may receive completely incredible shades:


The varieties of this group can be both completely white and with an extra tinge of pink, yellow, red, blue or purple.

One of the most popular varieties of white roses is Schneewittchen. They do not smell, differ in the snow-white color of petals. Not resistant to black spot, therefore need special processing.

Also, this group includes Schneekonigin roses varieties, Schneeflocke, Snowflake, Snow Goose, Amelia, Anastasia, Vendella, etc.;


One of the most tender and romantic varieties. This group includes both completely pink flowers and with additional shades. This category includes varieties of roses Aqua, Aquarel, Engagement, Titanic, Cherri Brendi.


Fire "Westerland"

It is allowed to have other colors, although orange should be the predominant. This category includes varieties of Rose Aloha, Ambiance, Miracle, High & Magic.


The best varieties of yellow roses include Aalsmeer Gold, Queensday, Konfetti, Limbo, Mohana, Sphinx.


According to the canon to this group, only roses are with flawlessly aluminum flowers, without attacking other colors, but today the rules softened, now in this category also add flowers with the addition of orange or yellow shades. Here are the varieties of roses Gospell, Grand Gala, Grand Prix, Star 2000, Forever Young.


Fully black roses in nature does not exist, so this group includes varieties with saturated dark burgundy color, turning into black: Black Baccara, Barkarole, Black Magic, Black Tea, Black Beaty. The most resistant dark tint is the tea-hybrid rose Schwarz Madonna;


On brown petals are permissible in the splashes of red. The main color is brown, chocolate, coffee. This category includes a variety of coffee breaks, Terracotta, Leonidas, Delbar, Malicorne, Chocolate Ruffles, Estelle de Meilland;


The varieties of this group are pretty pretty strictly along the blue or purple color of petals, however, the presence of a purulent or pink sections on the flowers. One of the first varieties of this group was Rosa Veilchenblau.

After her appearance in the selection of blue roses, a real revolution occurred and the appearance of truly blue flowers was possible, and not called so conditionally. This can include Indigo varieties, Rhapsody in Blue, Blue Parfum, Blue River, Charles de Gaulle;


Flowers related to this category are distinguished by a motley color from different colorswho are not mixed with each other. It can be both two-color flowers and combining three and more colors, spotted, decorated with strokes or strokes of contrasting colors.

Bright representatives of this category are varieties of Hocus Pocus, Abracadabra, Alinka, Alliance, Athena, Pink Intuition, Satin, Red Intuition.

Large-flowered roses

All varieties of large-flowered roses are distinguished by large elongated buds and very large flowers. Often they are called flower, they differ in a small bush size that needs forming trimming.

Large-flowered (grandflower)

Initially, the main efforts of breeders were directed on the size and shape of flowers, without taking into account the presence of aroma and the nature of growth. However, over time, these signs also became the priority development tasks, so modern large-flowered roses, in addition to the size of their flowers, can also boast of pleasant aroma and resistant to common diseases.

To this view, it is possible to rank a huge variety of different varieties, the most common among which are considered as follows:

  • NEWDAWN. Pleet rose, which can be found almost on every flower bed. Beautiful flower shape resembles tea-hybrid. This is a worn plant that does not have special care requirements. Very fragrant shrub with abundant blossoms throughout the summer season. Height can reach 2-2.5 m.
  • Alexander. A tea-hybrid variety, named after Field Marshal Count Alexander Tunisian. It has a bright orange color of flowers, which does not fade in the sun. It is considered one of the brightest varieties in color. Stems fast-growing, reach up to 2 m in height. Suitable for cutting, blooms abundantly, very barbed.
  • Dame de Coeur. Belgian grade of tea-hybrid rose with large pale raspberry flowers, weakly exposed to burnout. The abundant weak, weak-drying bush, capable of re-blossom, resistant to diseases.

Ladies de ker

  • Chicago Peace;
  • Corrie;
  • MRS Oakley Fisher;
  • Pascali;
  • PEACE and many others.

Flowers on the bushes of large-flowered roses appear as alone and small brushes. Blossom can continue until late autumn, while maintaining the decorativeness of the bushes. Most varieties have a pleasant aroma, although there are also weak or odorless.

Large-flowered well combined with other types of roses or blooming plants, and also look good in a single or group landing. These are large, reprehension bushes, decorated with abundant bright green shiny foliage. Most disease resistant, well tolerate winter at easy shelter.


Flowers from representatives of this group are usually smaller than in large-flowered, not terry, but are assembled into large inflorescences of 3-4 buds. Because of the large variability of this group, they are often confused with large-flowered roses.

The following varieties include this group:

  • Amber Queen. Given the 1984. It is distinguished by unusual color - apricot petals of flowers are successfully shaped with red-brown leaves. Abdominal, low bush up to 50 cm in height.
  • Ruffle's Dream. Also an unusually painted grade, flower flows with a pink-apricot color with a yellow tide. The thick bush, decorated with green leaves, can reach 40-60 cm of height.
  • Burgundy Ice. Medium, semi-world flowers attract the attention of an unusual dark purple color with a light, silver reverse. A bush can reach 80-120 cm in height.
  • Eyes for You. Hilmemy's hybrid with a rose that gives it a kind of highlight in the form of purple specks in the core of lilac-pink flowers. A high-industrial bush is from 50 to 75 cm in height.
  • Leonardo Da Vinci. Attracts saturated lilac-pink color Gustomahmer large flowers combined into inflorescences. New buds appear during the entire flowering period, while maintaining the high decorativeness of the plant. A bush reaches 80-110 cm in height.

The varieties of multi-color roses are extremely diverse, they can differ very much from each other. According to the number of Awards received by the Golden Rose Hague, they exceed large-flowered, which indicates the incredible popularity of this species.

New varieties

Despite the abundance and variety of existing species, the work of breeders continues, and every year there are all new types of queens of flowers. To the latest new types of breeding include the following:

  • Mainaufeuer;
  • Newdawn;
  • Ruffle'sdream;
  • Sommerwind;
  • SuperDorothy et al.

With each new variety, breeders are trying to get more and more high-quality and beautiful flowers, increase their characteristics, facilitate care.

Undoubtedly, the rose is one of the most beloved and common blooming crops that are grown almost everywhere. The abundance of varieties amazing imagination and allows you to create luxurious compositions of them.


Roses can be like a leafy shrub, height from 30 cm to 2.5 meters, and strongly tv (up to 10 m) with subtle shoots. Flowers in roses can be terry, semi-world, simple, diverse color, forms. They can be collected in inflorescences or single, fragrant and no. Shoots with spikes and without. At the moment there is a great manifold of forms and varieties of roses, with various decorative qualities and biological features. They were separated into various garden groups, but this classification is very conditional.

Roses. Saving to landing.

If you purchased the planting material long before the landing, then, most likely, you have a box with a seedling with a closed root system, when the roots are in the substrate and are packed into the polyethylene film.

If the kidneys are still sleeping, then such a seedling can be stored in the refrigerator. To save moisture in the substrate, remove the film, wrap the moistened moss-sphagnum (tissue, synthetic cotton or synthetic tube) and polyethylene from above. In addition to good hygroscopic properties, sphagnum also good antisepticTherefore, will provide additional protection against rot.

If the land is not freezing and it can be saved, it is convenient to store seedlings in a touch instead of the refrigerator. To do this, remove the leaves from the seedling and soak the roots in the water for several hours (3-5). Drop the trench with a depth of 30-50 cm, put in it under the tilt of about 45 degrees of seedlings (roots to the north) and sprinkle the ground (torphrousent, garden soil) with a slide to completely close the seedlings.

Plant, tried in growth, do not keep just putting it in the refrigerator. In this case, new sprouts will begin to stretch due to stalks, and not due to root food, because The substrate in which the seedling is very poor. Such a seedling will quickly become non-visual.

Therefore, it is necessary to plant a rose into the container with the soil. For this:

1. Free the seedling of the film and soak the root system for several hours (you can at night) in water with a growth stimulant and fungicide according to the manufacturer's instructions.

2. Remove the spacious substrate, straighten the roots and cut the scissors who fired and dry. Shorten all the roots for a couple of centimeters to stimulate the formation of new ones.

3. If there is a paraffin shell on slices, do not remove it, because Paraffin protects the stems from the drain. New sprouts are trying this shell.

4. Use a bucket or 5 as a container. lithing bottle with cut neck. Separate the container package. Subsequently, it will be convenient to remove a seedling with an earthen room for landing into an open ground.

5. Push the drainage layer (clamzit) to the bottom of the tank and plant a plant, blocking the root neck for 3-4 cm. The soil is not taking the soil and moderately.

6. For the prevention of diseases periodically (every two weeks), water the phytosporin solution.

7. Keep such a landing in a well-lit is a cool place. On a glazed balcony, for example.

If you have purchased a seedling with a closed root system, which is planted in a container, then transfer the plant with a transshipment to the tank more. Care and storage as described above.

Roses. Landing in spring.

1. Soak roots per day in a bucket with water. Then hand over in the solution of the root and fungicide growth stimulator. Use the concentration and exposure time according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Roses. Landing in autumn.

1. Soak roots per day in a bucket with water. Then, withstand in the solution of the root and fungicide growth stimulator (weary solution of manganese or commercial preparation). Use the concentration and exposure time according to the manufacturer's instructions.

2. Scatter the roots and shorten them to light cuts. It is possible to cut up to 10 cm.

3. Put a seedling into a pre-prepared pit so that the roots are not bent and fall off the soil. Blind the vaccination place for two fingers (about 3-4 cm) if the rose is plenty, plug more (about 5-6 cm). Thus, you protect the vulnerable area of \u200b\u200broses from frost.

4. So that the Earth has seal well, paint into two stages. To do this, pour the seedling of the earth, leaving the well and first time to drink a rose (goes about 2.5 liters of water). Then pour the land seedling in terms of the level with the Earth and Pour the second time (about 2.5 liters also leave).

5. Mute the moistened rolling circle of dry ground, not leaving the wells so that moisture has not been formed around the root neck.

6. With a spring landing, so that the plant is easier to develop, cut the stems, leaving at each no more than three kidneys. As a rule, the length of the stems remains about 10 cm.

and something to explain.
I am not an expert in the span, I just love roses, and I always have a specialized site for painting. Wonderful girl leading on the channel " Country life"Category" Roses in the Garden ", Irina Makhrova, is the creator of the first and only Internet encyclopedia in Russia This site is unique with its content. All registered community members of the Ruesbuk fill the encyclopedia information about varieties and photographs of varieties grown in their own gardens. There are no copy-paste, but reports about foreign parks, nurseries of manufacturers, etc. is located in the form of references to the author's content only in the headings "Travel" and "Video" and in the "articles" with the permission of the authors.

Encyclopedia contains information about all varieties of roses sold and grown in Russia and not only. Now there are photos of their gardens Residents of Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, England, France. I think many forgot many. Rules there are strict, all photos are used only personally made by a member of the community, accompanied by watermarks of the rosebook and the distribution of these photos in the network is not welcome. However, I decided to use some photos in this post with references to the authors, because such beauty needs to be seen. And the supushka will so easier to choose Roses like.
All photos - throes. When clicking, you can go to a large photo in the gallery of varieties in the encyclopedia of roses and enjoy the full.

Roses classification is very complex and confused, so we will not deepen in the debris of soil or chebris, but simply determine the task. St. Petersburg is a short and cool summer. And we need large-flowered, fragrant and abundant blooming roses. Therefore, most tea-hybrid can be bolder.
Although among them there are insanely good, especially some modern varieties resistant to diseases, fragrant and released many shoots. Such as varieties, for example, are King "s Macc 2002 from Fryer, United Kingdom (left)) or Amazing Grace from Anne G. Cocker Scotland, 1990 (right)

The problem is only that these roses bloom with waves, gaining strength between flowering. In the south, in the conditioned sixth climatic zone, such waves can be two or three, and even almost non-stop flowering. And in the north, in the third and fourth zone is a maximum of two waves. Roses love heat, sun and permeable soils, which in St. Petersburg a clear disadvantage. But the roses are very worthy, so I still recommend.

More resistant to weather conditions that we actually need is soil and bush, so-called park or landscape, roses. The first practically nothing is sick, but do not smell at all. The second is often weakly fragrant, with different colors. However, in the first and in the second case, the size of the flower is estimated by the abundance of flowering.
For example, the most, probably known variety of soils (sometimes it is sold as a polyanth or miniature plenty), an outstanding flurry of flowers, The Fairy. This is a photo of my friend Anna, living in the north of Denmark.

Park roses are usually once blossoming varieties with small flowers. They are very frost-resistant, but most of them are like rosehips, and the suddy need an exclusive.
And although she wanted exactly the large-flowered roses, but I still venture her to advise some exceptional roses, which, as it is impossible, and for solitilic landings, and for arrays in fairly harsh conditions. Moreover, they bloom continuously!

Lens roses, musky hybrids are well suited for cool places. They are mainly not even terry, but what are the abundant!
Dinky Mozart.

Wonderful Angela from Kordes, 1984. Schrab, which means simply a bush. Wonderful, abundant, stable rose, creating a cloud of bright colors on any lawn (left). Or widespread rose-floribunda, not too large, but with outstanding blossom, Leonardo da Vinci from Meilland, 1993 (right)

But we smoothly turn to the large-flowered masterpieces.
Very rare, because More relatively new, Persian Mystery rose from Harkness, 2009. This is a Hulthemia Persica hybrid, which has a rather tangible odor and extraordinary colorful colors. At the base of the petals painted in Purpur, and it gives a rose some special mysterious charm. Rose of royal blood, not otherwise (left). Or your favorite Chippendale from Tantau Germany, 2006 (right). This is a tea-hybrid rose in its origin, but the flowers have an explicit old form with a beautiful smell.

But if you need to really hit the guests, and the most endlessly enjoy the outstanding flowering and the magnitude of the wards, then you need to stay on English roses of David Austin. It is they who combine the most colorful our dreams about the pink paradise. And I must say, these roses are very resistant to pests and diseases. All these roses have a rather high bush (depending on the variety, of course) near the meter and above. All, with rare exceptions, very fragrant. And it is always a waterfall of flowers, large, denominations.

Abraham Darby. Charles Darwin.


Princess Alexandra of Kent Lady of Shalott

Mary Rose Winchester Cathedral

Summer Song - Agree, it's just a song! Teasing Georgia.

All these roses change their painting depending on the amount of heat, the soil composition, the presence of moisture. Therefore, on one bush is always a variety of shades. And every flower can present a surprise.
Well, finally, about the peony rose. They call it so behind the flower shape, it goes without saying. And varieties of such roses a lot. They are among the roses Austin. But I will show a rose, which is traditionally sold under the name of the grannies and are not too negated in varieties of gardeners at various exhibitions and fairs.
This is a rather old and widespread Rose Paul Neyron from Levret France, 1869.

By clicking on this photo, you can get to the page describing the variety and carefully read about it.
Natasha Merkulova from the city of Korolev, this rose sinks beauty. And height!

But that roses are so blooming, they need gentle hands, warm wintering and a bucket of manure high agrotechnology. And more important point: all the bush roses are gaining power and strength of flowering along with the growth and density of the bush for about the third year of their lives. But, you see, such beauty is not sin and wait.
How, Nag, what do you like?
Opening big photos, You can, on an underlined link, go to a variety card and read in detail about rose, its awards, comments to the variety, and also go to the forum in the section Discussion of the variety.
Saddy, choose!

Rose is the most popular garden flower. Her bushes decorate summer cottages and parks. Some varieties are suitable for a small garden, others make up the basis of large blooming arrays.

The durability and unpretentiousness of the culture makes it possible to grow roses in the territories with different climates. A wide selection of varieties available today allows you to choose a series and for the middle strip of Russia. Residents of the Urals plant both frost-resistant species and continuous flowering.

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    Classification of garden roses

    For many centuries, more than 35 thousand varieties of roses appeared. All of them are conditionally divided into species - garden groups. The varietality is determined by:

    • origin;
    • type of flower;
    • shape (habit) bush;
    • height of the plant;
    • aroma;
    • tint of petals;
    • type of inflorescence;
    • the name of the breeder.

    The World Federation of Rosovodov Societies is an official organization whose committee included plants into a single registry. According to it, the main types of roses are:

    1. 1. Natural (wild) forms - the genericants of all existing varieties. Belong to the genus Rosa (ROSA), differ in simple (single-row) wedge of 5 petals.
    2. 2. Vintage garden roses, unlike wild, have a terry flower shape. Petals are located in several rows, their number of multiple 5. Most of these roses are blown once (once in the season). Some representatives of the variety are Burbon, Damascus, Portland, Chinese, Tea.
    3. 3. Modern varieties and hybrids are characterized by wide color gamut. Some have stalks without spikes. Leaves can be matte or dense, glossy. Cups - from small (1 cm) to huge (15-18 cm), plants height - from 10 cm to 9 m.

    Types of flower

    The form of a flower cup can be in several versions - from widely unfolded, opened to a tightly folded pump. Basic flower varieties:

    • Flat (1-3 rows of petals are decomposed horizontally).
    • Chaphenoid. The semi-world or terry flowers have approximately the same width of the base and the height (length) of the petal, the edges are bent out.
    • The old form was named due to the similarity with buds of long-known roses, in which major outer petals are neatly folded in the form of a bowl, and the middle is filled with a mass of petals slightly smaller.
    • Boxia has a higher center in comparison with the outer petals. This property provided it with the popularity of florists who call the flower shape classic.
    • The auxiliary type is a bud, which has numerous machine petals spinning in 4 groups and form a square.
    • The spherical shape resembles a bowl with inside the petals.
    • Ottechoid - type of terry (multi-treat) roses with tiled laying and flat center from small petals.
    • Pomponnaya - a socket with a slightly recessed middle and bent outside the outer petals.
    • Soccer - wide flower with twisted extreme petals.

    Shades of flower chashchka

    The gamma color of petals covers almost the entire palette, with the exception of the blue and blue tones. Among the roses it is difficult to find a variety with pure white flowers. Most often, the petals have a greenish, yellowish or cream shade.

    Yellow tones are represented by sandy, canary or lemon, as well as amber color. Orange - carrot, brick and salmon; Red - coral, scarlet, cherry and raspberry. Pink may have a pale or rich shade. Especially original roses of lilac and purple color look.

    Also a cup is a monophonic, two- and tricolor. The edges can be decorated with a contrasting border. Some varieties differ in different color of the inside of the petal and its reverse. A part of the species has variegic flowers with stripes, strokes or splashes. Not so long ago, roses of unusual shades - coffee (brownish) and green.

    The so-called black roses remain one of the most popular. They are really painted in rich tones. The color is most close to black, but in essence is the shade of beet or cherry. Usually external petals are more painted. On sunny days, they can charring, attracting an ultraviolet to themselves, or become a little lighter. Such a protection mechanism protects the dark flower from the burning.


    There are several flower companies in the world that are engaged in selection. Many of them acquired fame due to the derived cultivars:

    1. 1. The nursery of David Austin Roses (David Austin Roses) appeared in England due to the enthusiasm of the ordinary rural boy. Now these specimens have become popular all over the world due to their fragrance and abundant flowering.
    2. 2. Barney (Barni) is an Italian family company. Very unusual roses of the "Butterfly" series with simple, but bright flowers.
    3. 3. Delbar (Delbard) - French Enterprise, which is engaged in the removal of roses since 1954. The pride of selection has become both tea-hybrid varieties and a series of romantic flowers: "Great Artists", "Great Cooks" and others.
    4. 4. Evers (Evers) - German company. It belongs to the popular grade of tea-hybrid group and floribunda.
    5. 5. Freer (Fryer) represents english roses From County Cheshire. The history of the enterprise began more than a century ago, in 1912. Since then, many attractive varieties of various garden groups are derived.
    6. 6. CARRUTH (Carruth). Tom Karrut is an American breeder, who has been recently worked in Vix (Weeks). Its varieties are distinguished by the unusual color and shape.
    7. 7. Guillot - ancient French nursery, exists from the 1st half of the 19th century. Jean-Baptiste Andre Giyo - the company's source. Thanks to his work, the roses of a tea-hybrid group appeared, which for decades remains the most popular to create bouquets.
    8. 8. Harkness (Harkness) - British Rhinestone with more than 130-year history. The task that originators put in front of them is to create attractive varieties with long blossom and resistance.
    9. 9. Interplant (Interplant) is a relatively young Netherlands company. Over half of the century, 3 generations of enthusiastic rovers changed. The horse of the company is the exclusive section varieties of tea-hybrid and spray groups.
    10. 10. Cordes (Kordes). The full name of this enterprise from Germany is Cordes and Sons. The goal that is achieved in the selection of varieties is resistance to diseases and flowering in all weather conditions.
    11. 11. Lens (Lens) - a group of the Netherlands. The range of roses that appear thanks to the enthusiastic work of employees, wide. Particularly interesting soil and poliant varieties.
    12. 12. Maeyan (Meilland) - the world-famous company from France. There has been more than 150 years. The famous Peace, which in Eastern Europe knows how Gloria Dei (Gloria dei) is a product of this company.
    13. 13. Poulsen (Poulsen) - an old enterprise with a Danish history. The achievement of Teus Poulsen is to eliminate a new group of varieties, later called Floribunda.
    14. 14. Tantau (Tantau) more than 100 years produces various series, which are characterized by the German quality and brightness of paints.

    Garden groups of modern roses

    The greatest popularity of the gardeners won several major groups of roses. These include:

    1. 1. Floribund - numerous section. Includes both low (up to 0.4 m) and high (more than 1 m) varieties. On each shoot, there are 3-5 major or medium buddes. Differs in continuous flowering.
    2. 2. Tea-hybrid roses Most often have a classic form. The middle of the bud of some varieties is beautifully spinled on the helix.
    3. 3. Grandflower in translation means "large-flowered". Sometimes a huge amount compensates for more rare flowering in 2 waves per season.
    4. 4. Schemes are strong bushes from 60 to 250 cm high. Buds are large, are located 1-5 on the branches, the bloom is repeated.
    5. 5. Pleet roses are divided into 2 basic groups - rabbers with small flowers and long slim shoots and clawbers - large-flowered. If the first is dismissed preferably once per season, then the second is re-re-(depending on the variety and principles of care).
    6. 6. Miniature roses are compact and abundant. Spray have the classic form of buds and are used for cut. On small flower beds and in containers grow roses patio.
    7. 7. The soil-level group is named so thanks to the sprawl of the bush. Some of her representatives are able to close the area of \u200b\u200bmore than 3 square meters. m.
    8. 8. Polyanth roses are distinguished by lush flowering.Cups can be simple or semi-marked and appear in large quantities. Also numerous flowers in musky hybrids.
    9. 9. Landscape, or park roses most often have a non-nominal or 2, 3-chicken corolla. They create a colorful effect due to abundant flowering. Most group representatives can be found to Floribund.

    Austin roses are often distinguished into a special category. It is called "British Austin Roses." Most of the flowers of the series have a dense (ancient) form.

    Less fragrant varieties have good durability in the cut. Flowers are preserved longer than all the aroma.

    Bright representatives of various groups

    Description of roses of a certain variety includes its external characteristics. Resistance to diseases and other distinctive features are also taken into account.

    For the convenience of searching in each subsection, the names of Roses varieties are located alphabetically.


    Roses of the Floribund Group are a bright decoration of small and large gardens.

    Description of varietiesPhoto
    Acropolis (Acropolis), Meilland, 2001.SHARE Flowers of 5-6 cm have an unusual coloring - coffee-pink with a light reverse. Height - up to 80 cm
    (Alabaster) - Evers, 2007.Similar to porcelain, white buds are revealed to the terry bowl. 80-centimeter bush strong, disease-resistant, blooms abundantly
    Amulett (amulet), Tantau, 1991.The dense-pink flowers of pearl-pink flowers has tiled laying. Growth of a neat bush - 50-70 cm. Flower diameter - 4-5 cm
    Angela (Angela), Kordes, 1984.Despite the fact that the cups are not night, very popular for the abundance of 5-centimeter colors of a gentle pink shade. Grows up to 1.5 m
    Aspirin Rose (Aspirin), Tantau, 1997.She was named for a white shade of small (4-5 cm) semi-world flowers and resistance to diseases. Wide bushes reach 0.9 m
    BERNSTEIN ROSE, AMBER QUEEN (Bernstein - Amber), Tantau, 1987.Amber served as a reason for the title. A bushes up to 80 cm carry 1-5 flowers with a gentle aroma
    Betty Boop (Betty BUP), Carruth, 1994. Flowers up to 8 cm, semi-world, opened. Attracts bright coral curios on a cream background. Reach 1.2-1.5 M.
    Blue for You (Blue Fo Yu is blue for you), James, 2006.Large lilac blue inflorescences have a bright aroma. Rose roses up to 1 m, this is a great option for sexualized places where it saves color longer
    China Girl (Chain Gel - Chinese), Tantau, 1995.On low bushes (0.6-0.7 m), dense yellow yellow flowers are revealed. On each shoot, they can be from 1 to 3 pieces, each diameter - 7-8 cm
    Deep Impression (Dip Impreshn is a deep impression), Tantau, 2009.Unusual coloring of petals - saturated-red with pink strokes - and unpretentiousness are virtues of the variety. Plant height - 70-90 cm, on branches - up to 5 flowers with light aroma of raspberry
    Easy Does IT (IT Das - So simple) - New Rose of Harkness Selection.The beautiful tone of pinkish-apricot inflorescences is combined with dense foliage. Reaches 90 cm
    FRENESIE (Freshesi - Bezing), Michel Adam, 2006.Flowers are large - 11-12 cm, dense. Tint - apricot, each petal is decorated with a rather wide carmine blush. Growth - up to 120 cm
    Friesia (freesia), Kordes, 1977.The variety does not lose popularity due to bright lemon colors and saturated green foliage. Petals do not burn out, which is a rarity for a yellow shade. Boot-shaped buds are open to 8 cm in diameter flowers, showing a middle. Grade resistant to diseases, height - about 65 cm
    Gebruder Grimm (Brothers Grimm), Kordes, 2002.A wide bush up to 90 cm high is almost continuously covered with flowers. Their coral-orange petals have a yellow lining (reverse) and carved edges
    Goldelse (Goldelzee), Tantau, 1999.Terry cupid form, amber-orange tone. Growth - about 0.7 m. Flowers numerous, resistant to the rain
    Jubile du Prince de Monaco (Anniversary of Prince Monaco) - A variety that is derived by Meilland.Registered in 2000, for several years he became famous thanks to a gentle combination of cream-white tone with raspberry edging, which becomes wider as a blooming. Buds of classical form
    KNIRPS (KNITRPS), Kordes, 1997.Translated from the German name means "Karapuz". Some belong to the miniature varieties due to small growth (35 cm), but in most directories it is ranked precisely to the Floribund group for abundant, continuous flowering. The diameter of the gastomahper cups - 3-4 cm
    La Sevillana (la Sevlyan), Meilland, 1978.Bright, powerful (up to 1.5 m height) Rose with bouquets of alo-red flowers on each shoot. Cool climate resistant
    Lavaglut (lavaglut) literally means "luminous lava".Since 1978, the German selection variety (Kordes) does not lose popularity. Dark red terry flowers with rounded petals are beautifully laid in the form of a bowl. Complement the effect of glossy leaves. Height and width - 75 cm
    Lions Rose (Lyons Rose), Kordes, 2002.Compact Floribund 0.5-0.6 m high, has large flowers - up to 7-8 cm. They are a dense, cream-apricot shade, with a slight aroma
    Lovely Green (Lavli Green) Translated from English - "Beautiful Green" (Meilland, 2005).Rose is beautiful and unusual thanks to spherical shape and greenish color. It is used to create garden groups and cuts, almost not amazed by diseases. Height reaches 0.8 m
    Meilove (MEILOV) - a series of varieties of French selection (Meilland).It has active blossoms and a beautiful old form of buds. The spectrum of 8 shades includes white, lemon, sandy-yellow, apricot, terracotta-orange, soft and rich-pink, and also cherry. The height of the bushes is about 80 cm, diameter - 0.6 m

    MidSummer (Midssammer - Middle Summer), 2007.Tantau selection masterpiece with cupid terry flowers up to 8 cm in diameter. They are strawberry shade with yellowish bottom petals. Reach 0.8-1 M.
    Novalis (novalov) - the pseudonym of the German poet-mystic XVIII century.Kordes, 2010. Large lilac flowers (up to 10 cm) resembles tea-hybrid roses. It has the original type of a whisk - a socket with slightly wavy petals. Growth - 80-90 cm
    Parade (Parade) is an unusual Rewrite Floribund, which is simultaneously referred to aspect.The saucer shape of large dark pink colors is observed throughout the summer. Resistant to diseases and weather conditions. Height - up to 3 m
    Pastella (Pastella) is named so in connection with a gentle tint of petals - white having a pinky fold.The low variety is up to 70 cm - the large amount of fragrant flowers are about 8 cm with a diameter. Original - Tantau, 2004
    Pomponella (Pomponella), 2005,Kordes.. A bush 80-90 cm in height carries a lot of colors-balls. Like most descendants of Cordes, Pomponella has increased resistance to diseases
    Queen of Hearts (Queen of Harts - Queen of Hearts) is also led in Kordes nursery (2008).Rose is distinguished by large (up to 11 cm) Classic Flowers of Salmon Orange Tone. Growth - 0.7-0.8 m
    Red Leonardo Da Vinci (Red Leonardo da Vinci), Meilland, 2003.A brilliant grade with glossy foliage and pure red flowers of nostalgic (old) shape, petals are slightly turned outward. Height - from 70 to 100 cm
    Rotkappchen (Rotkapken - Red Hat) - Rosa Cordes 2007Slightly fragrant rosette rosette flowers, 6-7 cm, are collected by 3-8 pieces. Bush - about 0.7 m
    Ruffles (Raffles - Lace) - a series of roses from Interplant.Her terry flowers look very unusual: the petals seem to be carefully cut around the edge, thus the lace effect is created. Plants reach 70 cm. Ruffles Dream (Ruffles Dream - Lace Sleep) has an apricot shade, Sparkling Ruffles (Ruffles Sparkling - Sparkling Lace) - Watercolor-raspberry with a yellowish-white lining, Ruffles Queen (Ruffles Queen - Lace Queen) painted in gentle cream. A total of 16 series colors

    Rumba (Rumba), Poulsen, 1958.A bright tricolor rose, in which the yellow-orange gradually goes into carmino-red. Brilliant foliage and continuous flowering of lush half-meter bush complement the attractiveness of the variety
    Sunset Boulevard (Sunset Boulevard) - Harkness, 1997.Apricot and orange flowers of classical shapes are collected 3 pieces on shoots height up to 70-80 cm


    The grade of a tea-hybrid group is not as abundant as representatives of other varieties, but have proven themselves as a semiconductor plant.

    Description of varietiesPhoto
    Akito (Akito), Evers, 1997.Gentle white grade with classic flowers for small bouquets and garden groups . Height - up to 70 cm. Two more colors series - Sweet Akito (Chew Akito) with soft pink buds and blushing Akito (Blushing Akito) - White with pink border
    Amalia (Amalia).It features glassworm flowers with petals of the same length. The inner side of the petal - cyclamen-pink, reverse - a darker shade. The edges are slightly wavy. Growth - up to 1.2 m
    Ambassador (Ambassador), Meilland, 1979.It has a bronze-orange tone of 10-centimeter colors. The bush grows to 1.1-1.2 m
    Ambiance (Ambians) Translated from the French - "Atmosphere" or "Surroundings".The second name reflects a beautiful clear kaima - red on a yellow background of classic bud. This is a large-flowered (10 cm) resistant variety up to 0.8 m height
    Anastasia (Anesta), NIRP, 2001.One of the most popular white roses for cutting. When disclosure acquires a creamy fold. Reaches 1-1.1 M.
    Aqua (Aqua - Water).Interesting Syrene-pink variety without barns from Schreurs. It grows up to 1.2 m. Evil shoots, flowers are formed by 3 main waves. Very long holding a bush and in a cut
    AshRAM (Ashram) - Tantau, 1998.Meter plant cover copper-orange colors. They are very large (up to 15 cm), with a gentle aroma
    Augusta Luise (Augustus Louise), Tantau, 1999.For all signs resembles antique romantic roses. Buds are tightly naked, then open in the dense fragrant flowers 12-15 cm with a diameter. Tint - peach, height - up to 1.2 m
    Avalance (Avalanch - Stream).Lex Worn from the Netherlands brought several varieties combined by such a form and a height of the bush (about 1 m) and an abundance of smooth glazing buds. The series includes both its herself with white flowers and several new products: Peach Avalance (Pic Avalanch - Peach Stream) of the same name, Magic Avalance (Magic Avalanch - Magic Stream) - Apricot in a greenish "shirt" of external petals, the same Zelents manifests itself at the gentle pink Sorbet Avalance

    Candy Avalanche (Candy Avalanch - Sweet Stream)

    Belle Perle (Belle Pearle) - so in Italian sounds "Beautiful pearls", Delbard, 1997.A cup in the shape of a covered glass - a large cream with a pearl spraying. Growth - 1-1.2 m
    Big Purple (Big Perf - Large Purple), Stephens, 1985.Fully complies with its name, carrying a romel (more than 1 m) bush large purple flowers with a pronounced aroma. Cutting buds acquire a few days a purple shade
    Black Baccara (Black Bakkar), Meilland, 2004.It is considered the darkest rose. Meter shoots decorate the neat dense flowers of the perfect shape, which are not completely disclosed. The only minus varieties like everyone else persistent species, - buds do not smell
    Black Magic (Black Magic - Black Magic). In 1997, Tantau breeders were brought to a rose, which for a long time occupied the first position in the ranking of classic varieties on the velvet-red scene. Until now, most florists successfully use these flowers to compile bouquets. Powerful variety (up to 1.5 m), yield and resistant
    Blush (Blass - Rushenets), Pressman, 2007. Flowers have a glassworm form, when opening the petals, the triangle is beautifully folded. Tint white, along the edge passes wide red kaym
    Charles de Gaulle (Charles de Gaulle) - MEILLAND lilac Rose (1975).Beautifully folded flowers have a pleasant aroma with citrus notes. Height - 1 m
    Cherry Brandy (Cherry Brandy), Tantau, 2004.Interesting to the combination of the main copper-orange tone with the raspberry bottom of the petals. Low variety - less than 100 cm
    Cherry Love (Cherry Love - Cherry Love). Appeared in Tantau thanks to Black Magic and inherited the positive qualities of the predecessor. The difference is in a beautiful carmine and raspberry shade of large colors.
    Coffee Break (Coffee Break - Break on a cup of coffee) - also the result of the work of Tantau (2008).Wall-shaped buds are medium, terracotta-red. The height of the bush - 0.8-1 m
    Double Delight (double delete - Double enjoyment) has existed since 1977. It is characterized by a contrast combination of shades - a cream base with a raspberry edge - and a pronounced fruit aroma
    Eddy Mitchell (Eddie Mitchell) Named the originates of Meilland in 2008 in honor of the famous French singer and actor.Very unusual petals: their inner surface - dark cherry, almost black color, and external - yellowish
    El Toro (El Toro) translated from Spanish - "Bull".Dense wavy rose petals have a rich scarlet shade. Sort without barbons and stands for a very long time in a cut. Growth - about 80 cm
    Frederic Mistral (Frederick Mistral), Meilland, 1995. Rose, named after the poet, has a powerful increase in (up to 1.6 m), large full flowers up to 12 cm in diameter and sustainable aroma. Variety immune to diseases
    Friendship (Friendship - Friendship), Meilland, 2004. Flowers are beautiful long glass, inside - clear-red tone, and outside - gently yellow. Brilliant leaves add brightness. Plant height - up to 1 m
    Gloria Dei (Gloria Dei - The glory of the Lord) is known to the world since 1945 and does not lose popularity.Synonyms of the name - Madame Meyan (MME Meilland) and PEACE (Peace - World) in honor of the completion of World War II. Strong shoots up to 1.3 m high end in large widespread flowers of the gentle yellow shade. On the edge of the petals covered with a pinkish blush, the variety is very pleasant smelling
    Imperatrice Farah (Empress Headlight) - French Selection Rose (Delbard, 1992). The second name is a strawberry parfair - characterizes white flowers with strawberry edge. Slender bush reaches 1.5 m
    Kerio (Kerio) is a high bright yellow rose from the Netherlands. Petals have a flag shape, flowers long holding on a bush against the background of glossy leaves
    Kronenbourg (Cronenburg) - the grader of 1966 of the introduction. Large flowers (12-14 cm) are painted on both sides in different ways: from the inside - a raspberry shade, outside - cream. Strong dense bushes grow up to 1.2 m
    Limbo (Limbo) - Kordes, 1999. Salad green rose with a wavy edge. Buds are tightly naked and hold the shape for a long time. Meter bush almost no spikes
    Louis de Funes (Louis de Fünes), Meilland, 1987. The bright orange tone of colors is associated with the famous actor, in whose honor it is named. Rose has a small growth - up to 80 cm
    Luxor (Luxor) - Derivative of the word Luxury - "Luxury". The meter bush releases dense weakly shoots with large colors (13 cm) at the ends. Interested in coloring petal: the inner side is painted with raspberry watercolor, and outside the glass is almost white
    Milva (Milva), Evers, 1999. Flowers are large, orange shade, appear 1 on low stems - 0.9 m
    New Fashion (New Feshn - New Fashion) Located in France in 2000 A bright and attractive rose richly flowers with red glassworms with yellow reverses. Growth - up to 0.9 m
    Papa Meilland (Papa Mainean), 1963. Large dark cherry petals are folded into a very fragrant glass. Sustainable grade with a smell of sweet fruit height in 1 m
    Pierre Cardin (Pierre Cardin) - Meilland, 2009. Pleasant tea rose fragrance notes are distinguished by this unusual flower - pink with small raspberry splashes.
    Rafaello (Raphaello) is the mid-grade cultivar from Evers. Interesting a very long bud, twisted on a spiral in the form of a tower. At the same time, a part of the inside of the salmon shade is visible, and the milk reverse
    Skyline (Skyline - Horizon), Evers, 1991.On the reprehension bushes, a large-scale highway is revealed - up to 11 cm - yellow flowers of classical shape. Suitable for cutting
    Versilia (Versilia) - a resistant apricot shade rose with a lot of flowers. Sometimes they bloom one by one. Beautiful gland shape with a slender center. Variation - Shocking Versilia (shocking versilia) has cyclamen-pink tones

    Shocking Versilia.


    Grandflower roses are attracted by large flowers on the tall bushes.

    Queen Elizabeth (Queen Elizabeth - Queen Elizabeth), USA, 1954So far popular thanks to unpretentiousness and abundant flowering. Height - 1.2 m, shade - pink
    Tchaikovski (Tchaikovsky) is removed in France, at Meilland in 2000. Growth - 80 cm, Flowers are large, gently sandy shade, dense
    Twilight Zone (Twilight Twilight Zone) led in the USA in 2011 Tom Karrut. Quickly won the popularity of very fragrant flowers of a purple shade. Grows up to 0.9 m


    The advantages of the chebris - non-duty and abundant flowering all summer.

    Alba Meillandecor (Alba Maiandekor), Meilland, 1987. Several times for the season, 1.5-meter bushes are decorated with a bunch of terry buds 5-7 cm in diameter. The fragrance is barely noticeable. The Maiandecor group belongs to a few more spectacular colors: Perle Meillandecor (Pearl Meiyandecor) - Pearl-Pink, Rouge Meillandecor (Majandekor Rouge) - Red with simple forms, Nadia Meillandecor (Nadia Maiandecor) - Yellow, Magic Meillandecor (Majik Maiandekor) - Lilovaya. Due to the sprawl of Gabitus, roses belong to groups of landscape and soil

    Alba Meillandecor.

    Astrid Grafin Von Hardenberg (Astrid, Countess Hardenbergskaya), Evers, 1997.A rich cherry shade, a bright aroma of large flowers (12 cm) - its characteristic features. Rust bush - up to 1.5 m
    Belvedere (Belvedere), Tantau, 2001. Flowers of ancient shape, apricot-orange tone, on shoots one by one. It has a strong sweet smell. Height - 1.2 m
    Cesar (Caesar) - Meilland, 2003.Clauded flowers are filled with pink petals inside, and external - white-greenish. Growth - up to 2 m
    CONCERTO 94 (concert) appeared in Meilland.Distinguishes grade a large number of gentle sandy flowers with a pearl tint dropping at the same time. Bush wide, diameter - more than 1 m, height - 80 cm
    Emilien Guillot (Emilene Giao) - Massad, 1997. Bright orange with a scarlet shade of a rose of an old form up to 1 m high. Fragrance strong
    Leonardo Da Vinci. (Leonardo da Vinci) - Pink Rosa Maian. Ranked scars due to more powerful habit in comparison with a red variety. It blooms long, resistant to weather and diseases

    Leonardo Da Vinci on a strain

    Paul Bocuse) - Massad, 2002. Apricot-pink terry buds cover a bush tall up to 1.8 m. Blossom accompanies the aroma of green tea and fruits
    Polka (Polka), Meilland, 1991. The deer shanb, in the conditions of a warm climate, behaves like a climber, growing up to 3 m in height. Flowers - wide, thick bowls, up to 12-13 cm with a diameter, peach tone
    Rhapsody in Blue (Rapsody in Blue - Blue Rhapsodia) grows more than meters.With bright green shiny foliage create contrast Original semi-world purple-purple cups with a diameter of up to 6 cm. Each inflorescence consists of 3-10 buds
    Red Eden Rose (ed Eden Rose) - Meilland, 2002. A bush is about 1.6 m with large (12 cm) cherry flowers in the shape of a saucer. Bright fragrance. Synonyms: Eric Tabarly, Rouge Eden Rose
    Rokoko (Rococo) - Tantau series with buds in the shape of a ball.In 1987, there was the first grade with the petals of a cream shade. Later, other varieties joined him. Some of them are more compact - up to 60 cm, they are related to the Floribund group

    Sirano de Bergerac (Sirano de Bergerac) - Meilland, 2007.The plant is up to 2 M height with huge (13 cm) widely open flowers of the light sand shade. Polyberry grade according to the characteristics resembles Polka (Polka)

    Miniature and patio

    Mini roses effectively look in the form of a live border or planted in outdoor containers.

    Alegria (Alegria) - rose-spray orange tone up to 80 cm tall.Petals in the form of spoons
    Clementine (Clementina) is a series of varieties of Evers. Low bushes (up to 60 cm) are terry buds. Depending on the belonging to the variety of petals can be pink, apricot-orange, two-color - red with yellow reverse

    Peach Clementina.

    HEIDI KLUM ROSE (Heidi Klum), Tantau, 1999.Patio-rose with growth to half a meter. Lilac flowers up to 6 cm, strong and pleasant smell
    Mikado (Mikado) is a spray group that combines a number of shades. Flowers are quite large for varieties of this type - about 5 cm. Height - 0.6-0.7 m

    Meillandina (Mailandina) is a number of roses combined into the family.This includes several paintings and types of bush. Orange Mini Rosa - Orange Meillandina - has a height of only 30-35 cm, and peach peach meillandina grows up to 60 cm. An interesting novelty - Cumba Meillandina - brick colors. Called to the young mini-climber group. Her height is 1.5-2 m

    Orange Meillandina.

    Sensation is a series of classic spray-roses. Escape height for cut - 60-70 cm


    Repeated climbing will be able to transfer low spring crop after frost in winter. They grow quickly and bloom.

    ALOHA (Aloha) - Klaimber Cordes (2003).Grow up to 2.5 m. Apricot shade flower, large (10 cm). The variety is dismissed
    Eden Rose (Eden Rose - Paradise Rosa), Meilland, 1987. Large cupid flowers have a white shade, the edge of the petals is decorated with a thin rose border. Height - up to 2.5 m. Synonym - Pierre de Ronsard
    ELFE (Elf), evers, 2000. Popular variety white and greenish shade. Flowers of classic shape, all summer appear on a bush to 3 m height
    Handel (Handel), 1965. Wine-shaped cups during dissolution show the middle. White-cream petals with raspberry edging. Height - 2 m
    Indigoletta (Indigoletta) - Lilac Clignber.Up to 3 m high, almost no spikes. Flowers fragrant
    Laguna (Laguna), Kordes, 2004. Bright pink flowers of the foster shape strongly smell. Diameter - 11 cm. Height - 2.5 m
    Maintower (Mainetaur - Main Tower) has smooth shoots up to 3 m.Flowers - medium, up to 7 cm, brick-orange, full, all summer period appear
    Sympathie (sympathy - friendliness), Kordes, 1967. One of the best plenty roses of the red shade, blooms with several waves. Growth - up to 3 m


    Roses of this type are able to quickly close the large area and will not give to develop weed plants.

    Cubana (Kuban) - Kordes, 2001.Abundant semi-sort of apricot tone. Grow up to half a meter
    Hello (Helloou - Hi), Meilland, 2002.Terry red rose about 0.6 m in growth
    RODY. Strong plant up to 0.7 m high and more than 1.5 m in diameter. Flowers terry, bright pink
    Sonnenschirm (Zonnenshirm).Literally translates as an "umbrella from the sun." Sleeper yellow small flowers cover a bush tall 45 cm
    SWANY (Suoni - Sweddy), Meilland, 1978. Delicious Pomponny Flowers - White With Light Pinkish Tint

    English Austin

    On the territory with a warm climate, English roses give shoots more powerful, but most of them require protection from the bright midday sun.

    A SHROPSHIRE LAD (UH Shropshire LED). ROSE (up to 2 m) variety with the flowers of a gentle-peach shade. It has the aroma of tea roses with fruit notes
    Abraham Derby (Abraham Derby). Bars large (up to 13 cm) cups of fragrant colors. Reaching 1.5 M.
    Benjamin Britten (Benjamin Britten) has a smell of fruit.Coral colors, bush up to 1.1 m
    Brother Cadfael (Brother Cadfel). Sleepy pink flowers with rose oil aroma. Height - 1.2 m
    Charles Austin (Charles Austin) It grows to 1.4 m. Apricot colors cups
    Christopher Marlowe (Christopher Marlowe).Salmon with yellowish reversed. Bush up to 1 m growth
    Falstaff (Falstuff).It has large purple flowers. Smell sweet, height up to 2 m
    Gertrude Jekyll (Gertood Jekaille).The famous variety in the Austin Collection. The wrenches of a rich-pink shade, an increase - 1.2 m. Smells with pink oil
    Glamis Castle (Glamis Castle).Named in honor of the Scottish Castle at the Glevis village. Despite a small height (up to 0.9 m), it is valued for large white flowers (11-12 cm) and a pleasant smell of Mirra
    Golden Celebration (Golden Celebreyshn - Golden anniversary). Grows up to 1.5 m, in the south - up to 2 m. Cups amber-yellow
    Jubilee Celebrezn - anniversary). An interesting shade - salmon-pink with a golden reverse - complemented by a fruit aroma with citrus notes. Numerous flowers up to 10 cm, height - 80 cm
    Othello (Othello). Strong grade about 1.2 m high. Purple-raspberry cups with a diameter of 10 cm exude powerful aroma
    PORT SUNLIGHT (port of Sanlay - Port of Sunlight). It has the smell of tea roses and apricot color. Flowers of 7-8 cm, height - 1-1.2 m
    Spirit of Freedom (Spirit of Fridom - Spirit of Freedom).Huge (14 cm) Syrene-pink flowers fill the garden with the aroma of Mirra. Growth - 1.5 m
    Teasing Georgia (Georgia Tizing). Height - 1,2, with good care - up to 2 m. Gentle sandy yellow flowers (10 cm) smell like tea roses
    Tradescant (Tradecant). The variety is named after the English Naturalist of the XVII century. Dark cherry, almost black flowers are densely located on arcuate shoots. Growth - 75 cm
    Babylon Eyes (Babylon Az - Babylonian Eyes). Cycle of hybrid roses based on Persian (Hulthemia Persica). Middle size flowers (5 cm). Attracts their contrasting center. Sizzm bushes in borders, containers and horizontal landscaping

    Sunshine Babylon Eyes.

    Ballerina (ballerina), Bentall, 1977.Lush polyanthovy rose volume up to one and a half meters with numerous simple flowers with a diameter of 2-3 cm. Tint of petals - gentle pink
    Lovely Fairy (Loveli Fairi - Beautiful fairy).Polician rose from the Netherlands. The series includes several colors. Roses are distinguished by unpretentious and continuous flowering. Height - 60 cm. In garden compositions is often used as soil

    Robin Hood (Robin Hood). High (up to 1.5 m) Musky rose with a lot of small flowers for 2-3 cm. Tint - Raspberry


    Such roses are used to decorate garden sites, parks, etc.

    Drift (drift - drift). A series that is used as a background for arrays as a soil. Many flower shoes successfully grow roses drift in Kashpo. Represented by 8 shades, the whites are simple and terry, 3-4 cm in diameter. Manufacturer - Meilland.

    Knock Out (knockout).Another series of varieties of famous French breeders. Flowers series simple, contain 5-7 petals, the value is 7 cm. Plant height - up to 80 cm. Roses knockout are characterized by resistant to disease and bad weather, abundant blossom

    Varieties with increased winter hardiness

    Most modern roses belong to the 5th and 6th cold-resistant zone. But some varieties endure even lowering winter temperatures up to -30 degrees, they are grown without shelter even in the northern regions (in Eastern Siberia and in the Urals).

    F. J. Grootendorst (Gauntdorst).Rose wrinkle hybrid with a bush height is about 1.5 m and a width of up to 1.3 m. Flowers of invigorate, semi-grade, red shade. Resistant to major diseases and weather conditions. There is an abundant re-blossom
    Hansaland (Hansaland).1.8 m in height with a width of about a meter. Has whole garlands of red terry flowers with a diameter of up to 7 cm
    Morden Centennial is grown as a plenty rose - shoots climb up to 3 m.Pink flowers have a saturated aroma. Winter hardiness - up to -35 degrees

Rose is the most popular cutting culture, it is difficult to imagine a festive bouquet without it. Rose is the most famous garden culture. The number of varieties derived is tens of thousands, it is much larger than any other. And every year their number increases due to the selection of dozens of nurseries. According to the variety of coloring, shapes, size, flavor of flowers, abundance of blossoms, the size of the rose bushes does not know equal. Therefore, despite the complexity of the care, we divor her in our gardens, and she gives us their fascinating "bouquets".

Rose flowers are the most beloved by all garden culture without exception. Even the photo of the flowers of roses amazed the imagination with its splendor. On this page is offered general description Rose colors. The rose flower in the photo is presented below in different angles, which makes it possible to estimate its attractiveness. Description Rose flower can also be viewed in brief characteristics New varieties.

Without roses it is impossible to present the perfume industry. Roses are still used in medicine, and the syrup and tinnistant tinctures are useful than many modern polyvitamins. At the same time, Rosa continues to surprise us, constantly changing to fit our tastes and whims, and breeders create new original varieties.

Roses are distinguished by a variety of flower shape. Not one century we admire us a glasswall form, now in the fashion of the dense-like rosette and cupid flowers, especially with a quadronated center. Natural charm have flowers with flat shape. Attractive spherical and pomponic flowers. Some roses resemble carnation flowers, camellia, peony, etc.

The color range of roses is very rich, there is only pure-blue. The color of the flower is a monophonic, two-color and "striped", mixed and "painted", and even with a variant color - varieties-chameleons.

The leaves of roses are complex nonpoprisystems, consisting of horseship, petiole and three or more leaves. Among lovers are the opinion that cultural varieties have five leaves, but it is not. Most often, five sheets are distinguished by grades of tea-hybrid roses, but this is not strict rule. Leafs are leathery, smooth, and there may be wrinkled.

Park roses and their photos

Park Rose is a group that combines various classes of these plants. They have a natural look, pretty large sizes And unpretentious. Do not require winter shelter. The classification of varieties in this group depends on climatic conditions.

Flowering is usually single white, pink and red flowers. Autumn bushes of many roses are decorated with decorative fruits. Park roses in the middle band of Russia include separate wild species of roses and their garden shapes, as well as varieties of roses wrinkled (HRG), Alba (A), Fetida (HFT) and spinous (HSPN).

Look in park roses in the photo, which show the wealth of paintings and the forms of buds:

Description of varieties of roses with names and photos

It is almost impossible to create a list of recommended species, since all varieties of roses color deserve inclusions in it. Next are offered some varieties of roses with photos and descriptions. Here are some names of the varieties of roses that can be on their homestead.

Photo and brief descriptions of roses varieties are available:

"Amulett", Sin. "Tantaluma" ("Amulitt")- min / miniature. Flowers terry, spherical, with neatly laid in a circle petals, saturated raspberry-pink color. Flowers abundantly. Plant with a height of 40-50 cm.

Roses "Burgundy Ice", Sin. "PROSE", "Burgundy Iceberg" ("Burgundy Ice"), - F / multi-flowered. Flowers are medium, semi-marched, rare color - dark purple with a tone of burgundy wine, reverse light, silver. 80-120 cm height bush.

Roses "Charles de Gaulle", Sin. "Meilanein", "Katherine Mansfield" ("Charles de Gaulle")- HT / noble. Large lilac lilac flower of a beautiful cupid shape with a strong wonderful aroma. Bush height 80-100 cm.

COMTE DE CHAMBORD Rose Sort (COMT DE Shambor) - P / old. This portland rose retains popularity for the third century. Flowers are invigorated, dense, often auxiliary, pure pink color in the center, lighter to the edges. According to the abundance of flowering, it is not inferior to the best modern varieties. Bush height 80-110 cm.

Roses "Eddy Mitchell", Sin. "Meirysett" ("Eddie Mitchell")- HT / noble. Velvet black and cherry flowers with golden yellow outside of petal, large, terry, elongated glassworm. Bush height 60-70 cm.

Below, you can still see the flowers of roses in the photo, which illustrate various varieties.

Roses "Eyes for You", Sin. "Pejbigeye", "Pejambigeye" ("Ice Pho Yu")- Hulthemia Persica hybrid / multi-flowered. Hultimia hybrid with roses gives her an attractive "highlight": purple specks in the center of large open lilac-pink flowers. The height of the bush is 50-75 cm.

Sort Roses "Graham Thomas", Sin. "AUSMAS" ("Sins Thomas"), - S / English. One of the most popular roses of the world. Flexible lesions, decorated with round terry flowers - yellow "lanterns", create a joyful mood. Growth strongly depends on the conditions and weather, can reach a height of 2.5 m.

Sort Roses "Heidi Klum Rose", Sin. "Tan00681", "RT 00681" ("Heidi Klum Rose")- minfl / patio. Middle Size Flowers, Gustomakh Work, Saturated purple color, with a drinking aroma. Bush height 40-50 cm.

Sort Roses "Hommage A Barbara", Sin. Delchifrou, HEINZ Winkler ("Lozh A Barbara")- HT / noble. Single medium sizes of saturated red flowers with black velvet raid and curved petals create a unique image. Abundant blossom. The height of the bush 70-90 cm.

Roses "Jacqueline Du Pre", Sin. "Harwanna", "Jacqueline De PRE" ("Jacqueline Du Pre"), - S / Schrab. Large open semi-world fragrant flowers, white with pinkish "folds" and long bronze-red stamens, produce an indelible impression. The bush is large, a height of 130-160 cm.

Sort of Roses "Leonardo Da Vinci", Blue "Meideauri" ("Leonardo Da Vinci"), - F / multi-flowered. Saturated lilac-pink dense leaf-old leafy flowers collected in inflorescences appear throughout the season. The height of the bush is 80-110 cm.

Roses in the garden

Against the background of the classic lawn, single landing of roses of roses are perfectly looking great. High plants with stretched branches covered with bright flowers immediately attract attention. Many English roses will be beautiful in this role. Against the background of lawn, soil roses will also be distinguished. And the strab rose causes sincere admiration. Special varieties of roses in the garden have been developed, which can vary around the height of the stems and curdness of the bush.

New varieties of roses with photos

New roses varieties are distinguished by greater resistance against adverse factors external environment.

Mainaufeer roses variety, Sin. "KORTEMMA", "CANTERBURY", "CHILTERNS", "FIERY SENSATION", "FIERY SUNSATION", "ISLAND FIRE", "RED RIBBONS" (Maynaauer "), - S / soil. Flowers are medium, semi-grade, saturated red, are collected in the brush. Plant height 50-70 cm.

Roses "New Dawn", Sin. "The New Dawn", Everblooming Dr. W. Van Fleet "(" New Dun ")- LCL / plenty large-flowered. This rose has only one drawback - it grows in almost every garden. Despite the past years, its popularity is not reduced. A beautiful form of tea-hybrid rose porcelain-pink flowers abundantly cover the bush during the season. They fill the air with an excellent aroma. The plant is surprisingly enduring, and any gardener can grow it. Bushes are large, high 200-250 cm high.

Roses "Ruffle's Dream" ("Raffles Dream") - f / multi-flowered. The originality of the flowers with bizarrely rugged petals adds a changeable overflowing pink apricot with a yellow reverse coloring. Bushes thick with green foliage. Plants with a height of 40-60 cm.

Sort Roses "Sommerwind", Sin. "Surrey", "Vent D'ETE" ("Zommervind"), - S / soil. One of the most popular soil roses. Flowers medium, terry, beautiful light pink. They are distinguished by very peculiar wavy petals, rugged around the edges, but the flowers appear in such a quantity that they do not pay attention to their form, combat the beauty of pink "foam". The height of the bush is 50-60 cm.

Surge of Roses "Super Dorothy", Sin. "Heldoro" ("Super Dorothy")- LCL / Super Rambler. Flowers with large brushes of small dense-terry flowers of beautiful pink color with more pale back side Petals. Soothes are flexible, thin, almost without spikes. Plant height 2-3 m.

Garden varieties of roses

Surprising a dismissive attitude towards park roses, which are even called "Rosehips". Given the variety in which the garden varieties of roses are presented, they deserve wider distribution, because wintering without shelter is a significant argument in their favor. A one-time bloom is difficult to call a minus, because we plant other color shrubs once.

Five of garden varieties of roses wintering without shelter:

Sort Roses "Hansa" ("Hans") - HRG / park. One of the best park roses. An extended elegant buds turn into large purple-red with violet tone Terry flowers with free arrangement of petals with a strong aroma. Autumn bushes are decorated with large fruits similar to Cherry tomatoes. Plant height 1.5-2 m.

Morden Sunrise Roses, Blue "91V8T20V", "RSM Y2" ("Morden Sunrise"), - S / Schrab. Pretty large open semi-world flowers, fragrant, yellow with pink spraying around the edges, appear throughout the season. In cold weather, pink shades brighter. It is often frozen shooting above the level of snow, in the harsh winters it is very frozen, but in the spring is restored and blooms. The height of the bush 60-80 cm.

Variety Roses "Pink Grootendorst" ("Pink Grothendorst") - HRG / park. Small, similar to the carnation Flowers of pink color appear in shovel thick inflorescences. Plant height 140-180 cm.