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What dreams have potatoes. Dream Interpretation - Golden Rabov. By quantity and size: large or small, a lot or one tuber

Dream interpretation cleaner potatoes

What dreams to clean potatoes? If the dreams saw these pictures in night gold, then you can prepare for good news. Many distressors of dreams talk about profits and prosper, but also there are exceptions.

Key aspects

As the dream book writes, clean the potatoes - a controversial symbol. To obtain an accurate forecast, you will need to pay attention to each trifle, starting from the state of the product itself, and to the place where everything happened.

Cook at home!

Remove the peel from the cheese vegetable

It will be necessary to understand what product was in your hands:

  • raw - to victory over competitors and cleansing their own reputation;
  • boiled - to the decision-making, which will benefit from the financial situation.


Clean the tubers in a dream - to joyful events. If you dreamed of such a dream, then soon several generations of a large family will be gathered at the same table.

In addition, you will manage to establish relationships with those people to which for a long time treated coldly.


If the household cut potatoes with the same pieces, then in reality, the dreams will change his mind about a person who did not want to recognize. According to the interpreter of dreams of Miller, the cleaned and chopped product foreshadows entertainment and rest in a friendly circle.

Dream as a father helps mothers in the kitchen


Why did father decide to clean potatoes and help mom in a dream? The interpretation of such a symbol is due to the fact that a close person will help get rid of an annoying person, which constantly loads its problems.

Where did it happen?

Some people have disgraceful emotions in some people, and therefore you have to disperse a dream.

A restaurant

If the dreams in a dream is forced to clean potatoes from the peel, then, according to Moon dreamy, he can help his good friend Get out of the predicament.

Dining room

Have you been sent to the outfit to clean and cook the tubers? The interpretation of such a symbol will be associated with the coming public speechTo which you need to prepare in advance. IN real life There will be a case requiring eloquence skills.

If you are moving around the welded product in the kitchen, then, most likely, a joyful event will happen, albeit insignificant by its scale.

What could you forget about?

Shot of dirty tubers

Potato cleaning may not be as simple as it seems at first glance. If you use special fixtures, it means in real life your laziness interferes with the achievement of goals. Unsuccessful attempts to remove eyes and rotten enclosures can result in the collapse of expectations.

If in a dream, potato trimming began to collect, it means that it will actually expect hard work. Try to sell cleaning - to the exit from a difficult situation. The main thing is to believe in own forces And do not forget to work hard.

What can mean dirty potatoes? Altars will focus their attention on the fact that success can be achieved only under the condition of constant work, even if not always pleasant.

If a fair sex started to clean the potatoes with a special device, then in reality it means a tendency to perfectionism. Reading Dream Hasse, you can see simple recommendation: You must put forward less requirements.

If the person does not change, then it is simply doomed to a single old age. See yourself in a large store in a dream and sort out potatoes - to the emergence of new opportunities, the beginning of a new life stage.

If you saw yourself on a vegetable database, then, according to Dreamnote, Tsvetkov, you need to behave more modestly in society.

What is the interpretation of sleep in which you had to clean the tubers from the eyes? You will learn the mystery that was hidden from you for a long time.

In a dream you can see yourself in a wide variety of role. You can be both cheerful and sad. You can delight yourself and others. You can make them very much.

What dreams of potatoes? How to interpret a similar dream?

What dreams of potatoes are the main interpretation

If you have dreamed of potatoes - do not spish to relax and build far-reaching plans for the future, most likely you are awaiting small difficulties and even troubles, if you see small potato tubers.

In order for sleep to express the whole - it is important to look at his prompts and details, in them, often the most important dream symbols are dropped:

Where potato appeared in your dream;

Are you preparing potatoes;

Whether you used potatoes;

Whether you were in a dream;

Have you been glad, or nervous.

If in a dream you see huge bags of potatoes that are placed in your home - be prepared for homemade troubles and difficulties. They will not be mumbling and can delay for a long time. If in a dream you move the bags with potatoes - you will seek the possibilities of exiting a difficult life situation.

But it will not be so easy, because much, even a circle of your communication - it will be for you to interfere with building your life. You will be more and more immersed in troubles and experiences - it will allow others to look at you on the other side. So that they are not disappointed in you - do not give promises, do not take commitments that you can't do.

If such an obligation has already happened, you were not fulfilled - do not worry, and take yourself in hand and actively engage in your new ideas. Do not pay attention to the tips if in a dream you see potatoes that crumbled on the ground, and you go on it barefoot.

Such a dream says that the solution to all the problems is straightforward in front of you, but do you see it, or do you continue to follow your imaginary beliefs, continue to make mistakes? So that mistakes in your life have become chronic - try to analyze your last experience And do not let anyone spoil your reputation. After such sleep, it may well suffer.

If you move potatoes in a dream - you will think a lot and act a lot. Perhaps your actions will be associated with what you previously did not want to do. It is important to look at the dream. If in a dream you are happily and cheerfully switch potatoes - I will also be happy to solve the questions that have fallen on you, you will not consider them problems, but simply allow the complex and controversial situations to be resolved.

Also, a similar dream may imply to you the solution of those questions that you previously considered not important and easily solved. Dream interpretation warns that it may change it soon. If in a dream you cry, because the potatoes are too much - try not to solve all the problems in one day, otherwise you will be very tired and you will cry in reality, but from moral pain, because with problems you stayed alone.

The dream in which you see how the potato is scattered from the bag on the floor - says that you obviously did not finish some business. You still have to solve an important, fundamental question, everything will have to be done first, because initially you made mistakes and they will indicate.

It may say that in a short time your secrets will open and all your flaws will be known to the bosses. If you quickly collect potatoes, which crumbled - you and in reality quickly decide all the controversial and problem issues. If you just do nothing - then you will reveal the situation on the self-shot.

A dream in which you jump potatoes - says that you yourself think about the difficulty for yourself, you will think of problems for yourself. You will fight themselves. If in a dream while you dug potatoes, you performed sweat on my forehead - I will be nervous to be nervous because of the actions of another, an outsider.

If in a dream while you dug potatoes, went raining - you will not have time to foresee the quarrel and disorders. They put on your head. The dream in which you see how someone cleans potatoes - it is about the possibility of what very unpleasant things will know about you. You yourself are guilty of this situation, because you have secrets, have your own hidden desires and actions.

The dream in which you boil potatoes - talks about new opportunities. If you eat ready-made potatoes - you can enjoy the results of your work and you will be very pleased. Sleep, in which you frift potatoes, and she burns - you will delay with the solution of the question and you will not be able to do anything later. The time to solve issues will leave.

The dream in which you see how potatoes are preparing in a restaurant - speaks of work in the Great Team. If you like the cooking process itself and the potato taste - you can work yourself with anyone. You will like everything in the process and in the very result. It can be quite fruitful for your development time.

Sleep in which you will sell potatoes on the market - promises you doubts both in the correctness of professional decisions and solutions in personal life. You are confused, and the solution to see only to wait for the problem period.

What dreams of potatoes in the dream book Freud

Sold potatoes along with the beloved in a dream - arguing with him because of a common cause. You increasingly make a feeling after such sleep, that the quarrels will not end, in fact, it's just someone else to give to another.

The dream in which you see how many are trying to be sorted about the price of potatoes in the market, but by favorable price Sell \u200b\u200bit only to you - talks about your need for communication and your ability to turn communication in your favor.

Sleep, in which you see, how someone knocks on the window, and in the window you see a potato merchant who calls you to buy your goods - you will be surrounded by the man's attention, which, in fact, will only think about yourself. He will only think about getting new opportunities and new chances.

If you dream that you see how someone is spread, throws potatoes - you will get into a dubious company, where you will not respect and actually. Will not listen to you. You will be a victim of gossip and intrigue, which could be avoided. Dream Interpretation advises you to avoid dubious dating and suggestions. They can destroy your reputation.

What dreams of potato pregnant woman? If a pregnant woman in a dream cleans potatoes - she will rise to defend their rights in society. She will want a lot and will be very tired. Dream Interpretation advises to find a holiday time. Do not try anything new and complex now.

What dreams of potatoes for esoteric dreamy

Plant potatoes - to new endeavors that will require high time and ore costs, but the results will like it. Clean potatoes - learn the truth that will not be pleasant. Rotten potato "To unpleasant to conversations around you, to lies and deception, to new illusions."

Chervaya potatoes promise you problems because close manthat you will hurt by stupidity. You can and do not forgive the insult, because, it is most likely to repeat. Sleep in which you will see how the potatoes fry - promises you complex workwith which you can not cope without assistance. Help you can easily find this.

What dreams of potatoes in other dreams

In the dream of Grishina It is said that white potatoes will dream of solving all household problems. The old potato, spoiled to dream of difficulties in those cases that would have to be resolved. And if you see that press the leg of rotting potatoes - you will try to solve them yourself, very quickly.

Sleep, in which you see, how someone is scattered by potatoes - foreshadow you acquaintance with a verdict person who does not answer any of the actions or for the words. He will promise a lot, but you will not see the result of his words. Disappointment will come very quickly.

In the dream interpretation Ezopa It is said that the fields of potatoes will shoot at the large amount of work. It is hard work that will lead you to new vertices, to new results. You will again look at everything, you will re-desire to figure out how to get such a result. But, this is the case of the case.

Take new opportunities from life and be grateful, build plans, build new opportunities and achieve your goals, without waiting for the chance - the dream book advises. But, as you do - you decide. Dream Interpretation only suggests, gives delight tips.

Potatoes are one of the most popular root roots in the diet of people. Unassuming appearance Hides a pleasant taste in itself. It is also revealed in dreams a non-fried vegetable - foreshadowing interesting incidents and excitement emotions.

  • Sleep "Potato" foreshadows favorable changes in life, joyful emotions and prosperity.
  • What about the potatoes? Successful execution of the case to which efforts will not have to be applied. Everything will happen, of course.
  • Sleep "Garden with Potato" warns about a difficult situation in which you need help with close people.
  • What dreams of potatoes are big? Grand improvements in fate; An unexpected event will suddenly change the course of your life, you are waiting for pleasant meetings and dating.
  • Why dream potato small? Sad events that will bring several sad moments, and make shed tears because of the difficulties that have arisen.
  • What dreams of young potatoes? The vision promises a pleasant surprise that will bring joy and smile of the dignity.
  • What dreams of green potatoes? Warning of dubious business in which you will bring to participate. It will not benefit, but will greatly worsen your position.
  • What dream of rotten potatoes? The harbinger of complex events that will significantly worsen the state of your affairs. You need to learn how to cope with the barriers on your way so that the success of accompanies to you.
  • What is the dream of mocking potatoes? Coming events will make you change your point of view on many things.
  • Dirty potatoes in a dream predicts the offensive of a heavy life stage. To avoid it without serious losses, you need to take care of creating a reserve in advance.
  • Sleep "Flowers Potato" - tells about your secret dreams that you hide from everyone.
  • What dreams of potatoes in the bucket? Boldly implement your ideas, the vision foreshadows their successful execution that will benefit you. (cm. )
  • What dreams of potatoes in the ground? You have a wrong idea of \u200b\u200bpeople from your environment. Do not judge superficially.
  • What dreams of potatoes in bags? Your capabilities will be strongly limited, and you will have to get out of a difficult situation with small resources.
  • What dreams of potatoes in grids? Vision predicts the receipt of raising, or shifting the place of work on much better conditions.
  • What is the dream filled potatoes? Heavy atmosphere in the house. Conflicts and quarrels on trifles.
  • What dreams cellar with potatoes? Symbolizes the secret you carefully hide.
  • What dreams of a lot of potatoes? Stubborn work will bring good income, your efforts will be generously rewarded.
  • What dreams of potatoes with sprouts? Your efforts will not result in the result, and the expendable energy will disappear in vain.
  • What dreams to plant potatoes? Get a prompt offer: the case will be difficult, but will bring significant fruits.
  • Dream Interpretation: Plant Potatoes to Earth - Health Problems in a loved one.
  • On the grave to plant potatoes in a dream to what? Your future is lost in the MGL, and it is impossible to realize that promises coming.
  • What does sleep mean: plant potatoes with deceased? Help in stabilizing your financial situation Will an extraneous personality.
  • What dreams to collect potatoes in a dream? Your labor zeal will be appreciated for advantage, you will be rewarded with an increase in salary or increase.
  • Collect the potatoes in the garden in a dream - the upcoming events will allow you to visit far-living relatives, or get news from them.
  • Dig potatoes in a dream: what dreams? There is a difficult monotonous business that requires a significant effort.
  • What does it mean: in a dream dig potatoes large? Anyone, even the most risky business, is crowned with success.
  • Dream interpretation: dig potatoes in a dream with hands - a difficult and stubborn way to increase your welfare. Nothing will be just like that - you have to make huge efforts.
  • To see in a dream: dig a potato with the deceased - regret and longing for the departed. The dream is trying to warn and give a prompt about what will happen soon.
  • Sleep "dig a potato from the ground with parents" - reconciliation with their relatives, with which for a long time was in the twilight.
  • What dream to eat potatoes? You will get a significant one-time revenue replenishment: winnings, gift, premium.
  • Sleep "choose potatoes" predicts good events that will bring peace and joy.
  • What dreams to sell potatoes? You will be able to remove from your circle of communication of corporate annoying personalities.
  • What is the potatoes in a dream? We will have to go against their internal beliefs.
  • In a dream to buy a small potato - ill-conceived little things will destroy the whole thing.
  • Dream Interpretation: Clean potatoes in a free boiled - the need to act to avoid losses.
  • What dreams to clean the potatoes crude? You have to change your opinion about some of the closest.
  • What dreams of boiled potatoes? Calm times will come in your home, harmony and peace will be reigned in relationships.
  • What dreams of raw potatoes? The case in which you doubt is crowned with success and bring income.
  • What dreams to fry potatoes? Changes will affect the working sphere: it is possible to obtain a new place, the change of the collective, a profitable deal.
  • What dreams of fried potatoes? Income will increase, profitable dating will occur, which will help strengthen the situation in society.
  • Sleep "Pattags with potatoes" tell about what you need to do your inner world and external form.
  • Potato tops in a dream predicts the offensive of calm and serene days; Enjoying resting and harmony.
  • Sleep "Grandma gave a bucket of potatoes" promises a comfortable life, the ability to create good deeds.

Dmitry Dream and Winter Dream

  • What dreams of potatoes? The dream tells you that it will take difficult work and perseverance to obtain good stocks and create additional resources.
  • What dream of growing potatoes? To detect hidden information, you will need to work hard and look more carefully.
  • Why dream of digging potatoes? The case that is capable of bringing profit will be unpleasant, but will give you good source income.
  • What dreams to dig potatoes with the dead man? Sadness and chanda. The vision warns about the alarming events that will soon occur, and gives a prompt about how it is necessary to behave in the current situation.
  • What dreams of big potatoes? Foreshadows further well-being.
  • What dreams to see the potatoes rot? You have to survive heavy times marked with damages and waste.

Jewish dream book

Sonner Simon Kananita

  • If there is a potato, what does this mean? Top up economic reserves, increase your income.
  • "Dreamed that the potatoes were digging" - you have to work hard for a small reward.
  • What dreams: is there potatoes with meat? Careful with the election of products, the vision tells about the intestinal disease.
  • What dreams to clean potatoes in a dream? Frowing poor man; Escape from violence.
  • What dreams to fry potatoes in a frying pan? Wait for visits to an unpleasant person. (cm. )
  • What dreams of the potato field? Earn a generous remuneration for your works.
  • Sell \u200b\u200bpotatoes in a dream - avoid visiting people who do you.

Noble dream book Grishina

  • What dreams to dig potatoes? You have a barren work that takes a significant part of your time.
  • What dreams of cooking potatoes? Satisfy the arrival of people causing you disgust or bored.
  • What dreams of potatoes in bags, a lot? Get a sudden source of profits, improved financial situation.
  • Dream Interpretation: Sell potatoes - exemption from oppressive emotions and subjects that cause them.

Female dream book

  • What dreams of potato woman? Raising in a quarry, unexpected recognition and success.
  • To see in a dream a big potato - a woman vision prophesies a successful implementation of a challenging case, followed by the gratitude of the leadership.
  • There is a pregnant woman's potato - to severe, but successful childbirth.
  • What dreams to dig a potato large? Vision predicts a happy outcome of the problem, for a long time tormented you.
  • Dream Interpretation: dig a shovel potatoes - your zeal will notice the bosses; Proposal for a more advantageous lesson. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: dig a potato with hands - to achieve the desired you can only persistence, nothing will be easily.
  • Dream Interpretation: Interpretation "dig potatoes with parents" - restoring relationships with a relative person who causes you a resentment.
  • Dig potatoes on the grave in the cemetery - the dream interpretation treats how sad memorieswho come to you from the past. At the same time, the vision is a hint, how to behave in the future. (media )
  • What dreams dirty potatoes? Empty experiences and classes that do not bring results.
  • What dreams of sprouted potatoes? The case you intended will be very profitable, and will bring you success.
  • What dreams of potatoes in the garden? Well-groomed and smooth beds predict the successful implementation of plans, effortless and worries on your part.
  • What dreams to plant potatoes into the ground? The vision indicates the need for painstaking and hard work to obtain the expected result.
  • Dream Interpretation: Plant Potatoes in a dream with her husband - Long and happy life together.
  • Why dream of digging potatoes from the ground rot? Pour into a difficult financial situation.
  • What dreams of potato tops? The solution of your problem is hidden deeply, you need to dig up the details to achieve answers.
  • What dreams blooming potatoes? Suddenly getting money: it can be a win, inheritance or gift.
  • What dreams of the potato dream? Be careful, keeping your secrets, someone seriously removed to take possession of them.
  • What dreams to collect potatoes in a bucket? Strengthening your financial situation. There is a job aimed at your personal enrichment.
  • What dreams to look like potatoes? A favorable time to invest money in reliable projects or storage in the bank.
  • What dreams of potatoes are big on earth? You are mistaken in the assessment of someone from your loved ones or acquaintances.
  • What dreams of red potatoes? Happiness in romantic relationships, building a strong love connection.
  • Why dream to dig, collect potatoes with your satellite life? Dreaming predicts marriage, unwilled troubles and sadness.
  • What dreams: dig potatoes with hands? The signal that you are too overworked and are on the verge - you urgently need to rest.
  • Why dream to collect potatoes? Good time For professional implementation, you are open all the ways.
  • What dreams to go through potatoes? It will be necessary to fulfill the opposite, but important to you work.
  • What dreams to steal potatoes? The dream tells about your envy to more wealthy personalities.
  • What dreams of potatoes are big in the bag? Promise to improve your financial situation. Get a sudden win, or the return of a long forgotten debt.
  • What dreams of the baked potato? Lose hope to improve your destiny; Attacks of Handra and Melancholy.
  • What dreams of potatoes in uniform? Meeting with a close friend.
  • What dreams to clean the boiled potatoes? Wait for guests or news that will bring long-awaited joy.
  • Dream Interpretation: Clean potatoes - do not be afraid to defend your interests and express your opinion.
  • Why dream :, potatoes? Do not trust unfamiliar personalities, the period comes when you are trying to deceive.
  • What dreams of potatoes puree? Pleasant and joyful care for preparing a serious holiday.
  • What dreams of fried potato woman? You will spend time with close friends, and get a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive impressions.
  • What dreams of potatoes with mushrooms? The party will be more expensive than you planned initially.
  • What dreams of potato baking with chicken? Get financial injections from an extraneous source.
  • What dreams of dumplings with potatoes? Noticeable improvement in money.
  • What is the dreams of potatoes? Subconscious discontent with their forms. Probably you need to pay attention to yourself, doing sports.
  • What dreams of cooking potatoes? There will have to solve problems associated with the financial side of the case.
  • What dreams of raw potatoes in the peel? Monotonous heavy activities with minimal reward.
  • What dreams of buying potatoes in a dream? The feeling of respect and recognition of your merit from those around others.
  • What dreams to clean potatoes? The vision tells about the scarcity of your gray everyday life, you were tightened by monotony, and you are moving downstream, without taking attempts to change your existence to the optimal one.
  • Why dream cut potatoes straw? In reality, perform a fresh and boring project.
  • What dreams to wash potatoes is to revise your opinion on a very important issue.
  • Dream Interpretation: Fuck potatoes - a difficult choice between friendly and family relationships.

Esoteric dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: What dreams of potatoes: a profit in the farm, remuneration.
  • What dreams of boiled potatoes - Arrival of long-awaited guests.
  • What dreams to plant potatoes? To get the result, there will be a lot of work.
  • What dreams a lot of potatoes on Earth? You will not know the needs, calm and sound concerns.
  • What dreams to collect big potatoes? The forecasters of improving your financial opportunities, you can replenish your reserves by creating a reserve fund.
  • What dreams of purified potatoes? You will have to defend your position, but by collecting the resources, you will do it.
  • What dreams of cleaning potatoes, cooked "in uniform"? Foreshadows poverty, revenge income.
  • What dreams of fried potatoes? Performing a small modest dream, but it will delight you, and give strength for further activities.
  • What dreams of choosing potatoes? Confirmed existence, unwillingly searching and persistent attempts to make money.

Ukrainian dream book
Do you dream potatoes? Multiple meetings with long-faced people.
What dreams to dig potatoes on the garden? Wait for good events.
The newest dream book Ivanova

  • What dreams of boiled potatoes in the uniform? Boring pastime.
  • What dreams of buying potatoes? Get an unexpected income; Random money.
  • Why dream to dig big potatoes? The dream foreshadows the disease.
  • Sleep: Potato Trees talks about everything to work out as you wanted.

Spring dream book

Summer Dream

  • Dream "dig potatoes" - you are waiting good harvest; abundance of stocks.
  • What dreams of planting potatoes? A bad sign, promising debts and waste.
  • Sleep: Buy potatoes with sprouts - the acquisition that will help start your business.

Autumn dream book
Dream Interpretation: What dreams to dig potatoes? Your plans waiting for the failure.
What dreams of planting potatoes in the garden? It is necessary to save money for the embodiment of our own plans.
French dream book

  • What dreams of potatoes in bags? Stable financial condition, without explicit damages or fantastic income.
  • What dreams to collect potatoes on the field? Whether to work for a long time to ensure their existence.
  • Dream Interpretation: steal potatoes - get into an awkward setting.
  • What dreams of potatoes with sprouts? Many small worries that cause annoyance, nevertheless require solutions.
  • What dreams of purified potatoes? The foresight of the ailment who suddenly strikes you.
  • What dreams of buying potatoes in the store? You can achieve a lot without applying to this considerable effort.

Dream Interpretation Loffa

  • What dreams of potato clean, large? Ahead of you is waiting for satisfaction and full times, not overshadowed by poverty and grief.
  • Interpretation of dreams "Potato Small" sounds like difficulties that will bring strong disappointment in life and many troubles.
  • What dreams of a vegetable garden with potatoes? Do not talk about your ideas around the surrounding, there are people next to you who will take advantage of your works without a branch.
  • What dreams of digging potatoes on someone else's field? You are waiting for gratuitous work for someone else's enrichment.
  • What does the potato, purified? Near the rapid changes for the better. The incidents that have a favorable affect your destiny.
  • What dreams of rotten potatoes in his hands? Your hopes for improving your wealth are not justified. We'll have to start everything again.
  • The boiled potato in a dream is a good foresown that positive changes are waiting for you.
  • What dreams of burnt potatoes? Difficult incidents that will give you some unpleasant experiences.
  • Sleep: Following potatoes - predicts dissatisfaction of the current situations, events will go against the alleged scenario.

Dream Solomon
What is the dream of a potato harvest? Weight events carrying tears.
Modern dream book

Lunar dream book
Dream: Potatoes are - foreshadowed.
What dreams of kokka potatoes? Complex monotonous labor without hope for a decent remuneration.
Dream "Fedorovskaya

  • What does potato mean in a dream? Promise to change for the better.
  • Dream interpretation, rotten potatoes, treats as sorting news.
  • Sleep: Potatoes in Mundire - to be friendly partywhich will bring a lot of warm emotions.
  • What dreams to dig potatoes in the field? Joyful phenomena in fate who will give you pleasant memories for a long time.
  • What dreams of digging potatoes by other people? Your native people will begin to take care of you and attention.
  • Dream "There is boiled potatoes, dill" - an interesting date that causes joyful emotions.
  • Sleep: Fry potatoes in a frying pan - signs of the upcoming wedding.
  • To see fried potatoes - marriage to someone from loved ones or friends.
  • What dreams of planted potato dreams? You are waiting for the beginning of an interesting enterprise, which promises good dividends in the future.
  • What dreams of planting potatoes in the ground, followed by which you watched from? Financial success is waiting for someone from your relatives.

Dream Vangu

  • Wang's dream book "Potatoes" pushes as positive phenomena that happens in this life stage.
  • Wang's dream book "Potato" sounds as well as new working perspectives.
  • Potatoes in a dream to eat - wait for the replenishment of the wallet.
  • What dreams to plant potatoes? The future seems light and prosperous.
  • Sleep: Prepare potatoes - interpreted as permission from monetary difficulties, debt payment.
  • What dreams a lot of rotten potatoes? Do not hope for the successful performance of your plans.
  • What dreams of potatoes in the cellar? You will have to face the next difficulties on your way.
  • Flowering potato - sleep prophesies good news.
  • Sleep: Potato is growing - experience the inexplicable feeling of excitement from the coming incidents.
  • In a dream, collect potatoes from the ground - you will get a higher paid job.

Dream Longo

  • What dreams of big potatoes? Success in affairs and prosperity in the house.
  • To see a lot of potatoes in a dream - luck for a long time forward.
  • What dreams of planting potatoes? Start a good venture serving good.
  • What dreams to dig potatoes? We'll have to engage in heavy physical labor.
  • What dreams digging potatoes is large? Difficult activity will receive a standing reward.
  • Steep potatoes - sleep prophesies the need to explain their unreasonable action.
  • To see the boiled potatoes in a dream - a profitable offer will come about a new job place.
  • Dream Interpretation: What dreams of potatoes to eat? You will be exposed to the attacks of Melancholy.
  • Fry potatoes in a dream on an unusual recipe - achieve success where the rest retreated.
  • What dreams to collect potatoes, sorting it? You will receive a material reward for done painstaking work.

Dream Khasse

  • Sleep: Many potatoes, promises profit profit.
  • To see potatoes in bags - you will not have to think about where to take money, you are waiting for a stable financial situation.
  • What dreams of planting potatoes? Let's start glorious.
  • Dig potatoes in a dream - what dreams of? Get the income that was waiting for a long time.
  • Sleep: dig a large potatoes - the parish prophesies big amount money that you did not dare and count.
  • Clean potatoes in a dream - fruitless efforts that will not result.
  • Purified potato in a dream is interpreted as the likelihood that a person who takes excuses to your property - will renounce them.
  • Dream Interpretation: Clean the potatoes in a sneaker - such a vision says that you want to assign someone else's thing.
  • Sleep: cut potatoes - expresses your dissatisfaction with what is happening events.
  • Sleep: Fried potato foreshadows the arrival of close people.
  • What in a dream dreams of potatoes, mashed potatoes? Be careful with your health - the vision predicts the development of the disease.
  • Wash potatoes in a dream - the prediction is broadcasting that you will have to suffer losses as a result of your honesty. But this little will upset you, because it will be fair.

Dream of flowers

Dream Karatov

  • What in a dream dreams of potatoes are there? The coming event does not have the most important value that you give him.
  • What dreams to clean potatoes in a dream? Negatively, the impression of an individual will be deceptive.
  • In a dream, Kopala Potatoes - predicts a new sexual partner.

Dream Lagutina

  • To see in a dream: planting potatoes - your desire will definitely come true.
  • What dreams of potatoes? Success and luck will become your faithful companions.
  • See in a dream roting potatoes - good changes in fate.
  • Dream Interpretation: Potato Jarny - promises a positive result to your search.
  • Dream: To eat potatoes - the conclusion of a profitable deal.
  • Dream Interpretation: Sorry Potato - will soon occur the case that surprise will give you.

Dream Vasilyeva
What dreams of potatoes in a dream? Heavy labor activity will receive a worthy payment.
Dream Melnikova

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti.

  • What dreams of young potatoes - the upcoming event will greatly disappoint you.
  • To see in a dream: clean the potatoes - your hostility to a person will dispel when you can recognize it better.
  • What dreams to dig potatoes large? There is a change in an intimate partner.

Generalized dream book

Dream Interpretation O. Smurova

Dream Morozova

  • Sleep about potatoes predicts waste and loss of valuable things.
  • Dream Interpretation: To eat potatoes fried on Sale - evil rumors behind you.
  • Dream Interpretation: Plant Potatoes in a dream - there is a concern.
  • Interpretation of sleep "dig potatoes" sounds like a warning about a serious illness.
  • In a dream, see Potatoes in the cellar - do not trust out a stranger, and carefully follow what you are saying.

Dream of Freud.

  • Dream Interpretation: To see potatoes in a dream - rapid career growth.
  • The value of sleep "Potato rotten" has negative interpretation And predicts collapse on the dream of the sorcesses and troubles.
  • Cook potatoes - Dream interpretation treats as a visit of distant relatives.
  • What does it mean in a dream to dig potatoes? Problems in the working sphere - deprivation of a premium or reprimand.

Russian dream book
Sleep: dig potatoes from the ground - predicts a surprise.
Sleep: Plan a potato - tells you that you are accompanied by luck and right organizationYou will achieve the success of the planned idea.
Dream Interpretation Lewisa
Digging in a dream potatoes - the vision personifies the dream of a dream, and his unwillingness to work.
Eastern Dream
Sleep: big potato - warns about the futility of hopes and aspirations, which happens does not make sense.
Dream interpretation for lovers

Universal dream book

  • See in a dream potatoes: What does it mean? Dreaming foreshadows prosperity.
  • To see a bunch of potatoes - improve the living conditions, and strengthen your position, you can with perseverance and constant readiness for long work.
  • To see in a dream potatoes on the field - the vision cautioned about the insidious disease.
  • Potato sprouts in a dream predict the phenomenon that will bring luck in affairs.
  • Sleep "Potato, Earth Trees" - fate favors you, the success of a conceived enterprise.
  • Dream Interpretation: Potatoes Large to see - Fate will provide you with a wide field of opportunities for implementing your ideas. Do not be afraid to take a chance, you can change everything for the better.
  • What denotes to see potatoes in a dream, "small"? You have to survive a rather unpleasant life period, marked with small losses and tears due to difficulties.
  • Sleep: digging potatoes are interpreted as meaningless work, exhausting forces, but do not bring results and satisfaction.
  • In a dream to remove potatoes and get dirty - envious people Will to dismiss you to join the fiction, unfairly accusing that you have not committed.
  • In a dream, dig potatoes with hands "Forum" - difficult concerns that you have to decide.
  • Digging potatoes in a dream with the help of a tractor - bureaucratic obstacles will disappear, things will go much faster and better.
  • In a dream, dig potatoes shovel - the vision prophesies success, provided that the tubers were big. Small promise dissatisfaction and empty hopes.
  • Collect to dig potatoes with his wife in a dream - a strong family union that will not destroy any trouble.
  • In a dream, dig potatoes with a dead person - an attempt to help you cope with the upcoming tests, give a tip.
  • Dream Interpretation: digging potatoes with a horse - you will try to get rid of the part of the duties, shifting them to a colleague with whom you are in friendly relations.
  • Dream Interpretation: Collect potatoes in a dream in a garden - in all matters you will be accompanied by luck. Get happy news from your beloved relatives, bring them a visit.
  • What does it mean to collect potatoes in a dream in the field? Be prepared for the fact that the failure of the team will try to shove on you. Do not give in to manipulation and defend your right.
  • Sleep: Collect potatoes in a bucket - initially, the ability to get an increase may seem not very interesting because of the increase in the volume of work, but later you will understand that this is what you need.
  • Sleep: Collect potatoes in the bag - do not think for a long time above the proposed by the tempting contract, otherwise you will also confuse yourself that you missed a similar chance.
  • Potatoes in the basement, in a dream it tells that in order to get big income you will have to perform the tasks from which others refuse, in the hope of earning the attention of the bosses.
  • Sleep: planting potatoes with the dead man - warns that you do not need to be too suspicious, and give the opportunity unfamiliar man To give you help.
  • Sleep plant and dig up potatoes with dead at the grave - the uncertainty of the future. The slightest incorrect step can turn into a big trouble.
  • Dream Interpretation: Shed potatoes in the ground in a dream - the vision is advised to trace the state of the health of loved ones, some of them threaten hard disease.
  • Plant potatoes in a dream in the house - predicts the fulfillment of a hidden desire associated with a major acquisition.
  • Sleep "Clean potatoes" value has a positive, predicting the change of opinion about a person for the better.
  • Clean potatoes in a dream for a woman means that the person with whom she goes on a date will make an indelible impression on it.
  • Dream Interpretation: Clean the potatoes with a knife in a dream - tells you that you will have to argue your position on an important issue.
  • The dead man cleans potatoes in a dream - what? An unexpected turn in fate, mood change.
  • Sleep: steal potatoes - you will get to get complaints about your behavior and actions - try to behave tactfully in order not to give a reason for the wave of disturbances.
  • In a dream, scatter potatoes - interpreted as a chance to change his fate. It is not necessary to swim downstream, it will be much more productive to take business management into your hands.
  • Water potatoes in a dream - to obtain material profits on the will or as a gift.
  • Dream Interpretation: Cut the potatoes in a dream - I will need to perform a single occupation.
  • Dreamed in a dream what the potatoes ended - it is necessary to worry about the financial reserve.
  • Pact purchasing bags - the vision is interpreted as a symbol of the manifestation of respectful feelings from employees and a personal environment.
  • Sleep: Buy Potatoes - a small amount predicts failure planned plans.
  • What dreams to wash potatoes in a dream? Take an additional financing option.
  • Raw potatoes - in a dream to see: this phenomenon predicts the acquisition of income from the enterprise to which you have already stopped counting.
  • Baked potatoes In a dream, there is an unexpected receipt of money.
  • Sleep: Potato mashed potatoes - you will be attracted to the organization and arrangement of a solemn holiday.
  • Sleep: Potato dumplings predict positive shifts in business sphereYou will enjoy a tempting and advantageous offer, from which it is not recommended to refuse.
  • Sleep: Potato Pie - a dream tells about your discontent with himself. You do not like the appearance, and negative emotionsCarrying you.

Sonniest Medea

  • To see potatoes in a dream - symbolizes bodily power and financial position.
  • To see dug-out potatoes in a dream - do not be afraid to talk about my merits, unnecessary modesty is not appropriate here.
  • Sleep: plant potatoes to the ground - put your plans to a more appropriate moment.
  • To see in a dream to "clean potatoes" - win in a difficult struggle, complete a very difficult thing.

Dream Miller

  • Miller's dream book "Potato" treats how the path to the coming success and recognition.
  • Miller's dream book, dig potatoes, interprets as a sign of the development of back diseases.
  • Miller's dream book, clean potatoes, prevents the change in the opinion of the people around the people around the more positive.
  • Miller's dream book, the potatoes are young, treats as disappointment in, it would seem favorable sentence.
  • Dream Interpretation: Collect potatoes large in bags - will offer an excellent monetary office.
  • Dream Interpretation: There are crude potatoes - suddenly sick.
  • Dream Interpretation: Purified Potatoes - Sudden Phenomenon.
  • Dream Interpretation: Fried Potatoes - Unassuming Life Requests that you do not burden, since you are always surrounded large quantity Friends and fun.
  • Mashed potatoes - interpretation in the dreams sounds like this: the favorable enterprise is planned.
  • Sleep: Planting potatoes - the vision tells about the fact that dreams will come true if they are supported by actions.
  • Buy in a dream very large potatoes - you will be forced to go against your moral obscons.
  • What does potatoes in a dream sell? Get rid of minor and annoying concerns.
  • Rotten potatoes in a dream predicts the offensive of heavy times, dyed with painful events and troubles.

Home dreamy

Dream Maya.

  • Dream Interpretation: Interpretation of Dreams "Potato" in a good version foreshadows luck in all endeavors.
  • Dream Interpretation: "Online" Potatoes in bad meaning predicts diseases of the back.
  • See in a dream sprouted potatoes - are waiting for love.

Slavic dream book

  • Sleep: Potato tubers symbolize a reward for long and hard work. The one who could work well - will not know the needs and make good stocks.
  • Dream Interpretation: Major potatoes - a special good luck in business.
  • Dream Interpretation: Clean potatoes - predicts cash.
  • Dream Interpretation: dig potatoes in a dream - getting the result from your concerns.
  • Dream Interpretation: Potatoes in bags to see - the creation of reserves, accumulation in case of difficult times.
  • Dream Interpretation: dig a large potato - you will earn good.
  • Dream Interpretation: Small Potatoes - Nastya.
  • Dream Interpretation: Many potatoes - Create reserves, very cheap income.
  • Sleep: blooming potatoes - starting the case now, in the near future you can get income from him.
  • Dream Interpretation: The potato raw warns about the incompleteness of your business, you did not take until the end of what you are due.
  • Dream Interpretation: Shanghi with potatoes - equipped household.

Collection of Sonnikov

Islamic dream book

  • Islamic dream book "Potato" is interpreted as accommodation in contentment and luxury.
  • Dream Interpretation: Dreamed Potato Rotten - wealth came the dishonest method.
  • Akulina healer dream book
  • Dream Interpretation: Potatoes see - treats how the chance to find a suitable position.
  • Dream Interpretation Catherine Great
  • Dream Interpretation: Planting potatoes - fulfillment of desires.
  • Dream Interpretation: dig potatoes - complex physical actionincompatible with creative in kind.
  • Dream Interpretation: What dreams of potatoes are preparing - your further fate will depend on the upcoming negotiations.
  • Dream Interpretation: Potatoes, Tubers are - obviously unpromising things actually make a lot of opportunities in themselves.
  • Dream Interpretation: Interpretation of Dreams "Potatoes in Mundire" - Do not refuse the proposals of the authorities, it may be extremely interesting.
  • Dream Interpretation: Potatoes blooms - an unexpected surprise.

Star dreams
Dreaming potatoes predicts a small profit as a result of great work.
Dream Interpretation: Potatoes are large, clean is to illness.
Dream Febe
Dream Interpretation: choose potatoes - get the desired office.
Total dream book

Most often potatoes in dreams symbolize labor activity, Success in the working sphere. If the vision shows a good harvest with strong, beautiful tubers - it means that you should wait for improving the financial position, replenishing stocks and resources. If potatoes are small or rotten - it means it is waiting for a heavy stage. Unambiguously, we can say that seeing potatoes in a dream - it is necessary to prepare for stubborn labor.

Dreams about potatoes usually mean the extraction of urgent bread honest, hard work. Therefore, plant potatoes in a dream, collect or cook for food means the profit that you will spend on your pressing needs.

Discard, sell or see potatoes rotted - a sign of losses, debts and unreasonable waste of money. Sell \u200b\u200bpotatoes sometimes means getting rid of unpleasant visitors.

There is potatoes in a dream predicts that you will try to use your money on the development of the case and receiving additional profits. Fry potatoes in a dream - to the marriage union.

Many potatoes see in a dream - to the big profits earned by blood and then.

Small potatoes see in a dream - a sign of life in need; Large to see - to good income.

Interpretation of dreams from family dream

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See in a dream potatoes

Such a dream is fraught with chance of no better property;
dig potatoes - coming success;
There is potatoes - a significant benefit;
cook - suitable for you;
plant - execution of desires;
Digitating potatoes - your joy and pleasure will come an end, your future does not foreshadow anything good.
Also, see Strana.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's dream book

See in a dream potatoes

Dig - have an ungrateful work; To eat - a small stomach disorder; free - free from violence; prepare - an unpleasant visit; see a lot - good income or leaders; see small - disadvantage; sell - get rid of guests

Interpretation of dreams from Dreamnoy Hasse

Value of dreams potatoes

Potatoes - see or eat - harvest, profit - dig - Have an ungrateful work - to eat - a small stomach disorder - free from the peel - free from violence - to prepare - a unpleasant visit - to see a lot - good income or harvest - to see small - flaw - sell - Get rid of guests.

Interpretation of dreams from a cannel depression

That in a dream means potatoes

Potatoes - potatoes will dream - you will see a lot of people. Potatoes - troubles. Potatoes dig - kind, there is a matter. If you dream that I took potatoes in the barn or dug in the field, then you get sick.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream

Sleep value potatoes

In a dream, potatoes foreshadow the event that you first seem important, but will soon disappoint. Clean potatoes - to change the opinions about some kind of man with bad on good. Shed or dig potatoes - to intimate intimacy With a new partner.

Interpretation of dreams from dream interpretation "Food"

That in a dream predicts potatoes

Dreams before various events. For example, if a woman in a dream eats potatoes, then soon her professional activities will bring tangible results that will be expressed either in an increment to the salary or in promotion on the service staircase. Potatoes plant - in the near future it is waiting for an interesting sentence, if not hands and hearts, then highly paid work. And if the potato rotted, it's not long enough to rejoice at all. So catch the moment and enjoy life.

Interpretation of dreams from dream interpretation for women

What does it mean to see potatoes

Spin in a dream Potatoes promises success in heart matters.

Plant potatoes - to the execution of desires. However, rotting potatoes does not foreshadow anything good, he dreams of solitude and separation of lovers.

Interpretation of dreams from Love Dream

Interpretation of sleep potato

If in a dream you are engaged in planting potatoes - it means that in reality to arrange your affairs the best way And you can count on the successful execution of the conceived. Digging potatoes means receiving ungrateful and humiliating work.

Clean the potatoes in a dream - it means that in reality to avoid coercion, sowing to stand up for yourself so that you will be considered with you. Cook potatoes - to an unpleasant visit, fry - to the pleasures, to a quick marriage.

In a dream, dishes from potatoes foreshadows a date with friends inoperative time. Small potato In a dream, there is insufficient attention to you from the side of your beloved person, when you will especially need it. Large and without smells of potatoes - to good income and additional cash receipts. Rotia potato foreshadows the onset of the black strip in life, which can delay for a long time.

Selling potatoes in a dream - make a compromise with your conscience, buy - win high honors. To carry in a dream heavy bags with potatoes - to overvoltage, fatigue and illness during the epidemic of colds.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream alphabet

In dream to see potatoes

Find a suitable job.

Imagine that you cook some kind of potatoes tasty dish. For example, frift potatoes with mushrooms.

Interpretation of dreams from Simeon Simeon Simeon

Prediction of sleep potato

To crop or to tears.

Cook potatoes - to pleasures.

Dig potatoes to merry.

To eat potatoes - to a date.

Fry potatoes with a friend - to marriage.

Interpretation of dreams from the son of the XXI century

What dreams of potatoes

Plant potatoes or dig (if the harvest is good, the potatoes are a lot and it looks good) - a dream, marking the fulfillment of desires, success in endeavors.

Rotten potato - the collapse of hopes.

Clean potatoes - you change the opinion of someone and you will think about it better.

There is potatoes - to the crop, arrived, a date, and sometimes - just to ordinary cases.

Cook - to pleasure, fry - to the wedding.

Interpretation of dreams from Dreamnoy Rommel

What does dream potatoes mean

Potatoes cook - pleasure.

There is a date with a friend.

Dig - pleasure.

You see now! And you are all nobody: "hard! I will not dig! "

Interpretation of dreams

In reality, repeated in dreams. If in a dream I had to clean potatoes, then most often interpreters regard it as a favorable sign associated with good events. The dream is awaiting profits and material well-being. But not everything is so simple, there are certain subtleties in which dream interpreters will help. To decrypt what dreams to clean the potatoes should always remember the details.

How to solve sleep?

Not always dreams with potatoes have some kind of secret meaning. Perhaps often removed tubers talk about the shortage of some microelements in the body and it is required to somehow change the lifestyle and think about nutrition.

Chopped root

Tubers that are already cleaned and ready to prepare can symbolize the state of the dream. Cleaning potatoes in a dream shows a lot.

  • Stagnation In cases.
  • Middle cherished - not fulfill Or you will have to wait for a very long time.
  • Ahead of unpleasant cases, Boring job.
  • Should be postponed holidays And merry gatherings.
  • For seekers, a new job is not to hurry And immediately agree on the first sentence.

Wash tubers

By slavic dreamy The potatoes in dreams are interpreted as well-deserved prosperity and a good reward for the spent forces at work, and wash potatoes to the full prosperous life not only a dream, but also all his families.

  • Cash earned.
  • If the tubers are small - to tears.
  • Good, easily laundering - back to ambulance.
  • TO clean conscience but some loss of property.
  • Wash, meaning see the fruits of your labor.
  • To getting good news.
  • Wash potatoes with processes - warning The fact that the end of savings will come soon. Do not live still. Revise spending.
  • Clean very dirty tubers, while seeing muddy waterpermanent profit is possible, from which, if not refusing, you can have problems with the law.

Potato cleaning in a dream

The answer to the question is ambiguous. Here are some options to decipher such sleep.

Most dream books are united in the opinion that cleaning potatoes in a dream is a dream of prosperity or profits, although sometimes through certain difficulties and difficult work. Waking up, you should first listen to your feelings and only after that, contacting various, do some conclusions.