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Here is an example of the best sources in France. Holidays with children in France

The Project France information bureau, founded in Russia by French regional tour operators, is tasked with popularizing the Great Walks tours in the provinces of France. Among them are the “Relaxation and Form” tours, which combine accommodation in a thermal, spa or thalasso resort and the corresponding wellness procedures in the country's thermal springs with refreshing walks in the surroundings in the sea air of the picturesque coastline or in the mountains.

As part of the responsibilities assigned to him, the bureau compiles and updates the Russian-language travel catalog and is engaged in consulting tourists.

"Great walks" and water treatments

The classic duration of the "Great Walks" tour is 5-8 days and involves daily walks or cycling for 2-3 hours before and after lunch: in the countryside in the countryside, sometimes in the bosom wildlife, always between picturesque villages, historic towns and, if possible, castles.

In this case, tours to the thermal springs of France suggest routes of tonic walks in the form of chamomile petals in the vicinity of the spa resort in the morning or afternoon and relaxing procedures, respectively, in the other.

Arriving at the thermal resorts of France, you are waiting for measured, but long walks to the sights, cleansing the body and bringing it into good tone - on vacation in spa hotels.

Guided and non-guided walks

Walks in the provinces of France are carried out as without a guide (format “ Self travel»), - travelers are provided with a detailed guidebook, and, if desired, even a GPS navigator with a walking route, or as part of a group. These are two different categories of tours.

Examples of tours "Relaxation and Form"

Throughout its existence, the thermal resorts and springs of thermal waters of France have been especially popular. You can relax and improve your health by going along one of the routes, which will be discussed below. We must say right away that they are located in many regions of this country, from the Mediterranean Pyrenees and the Northern Alps, including the Massif Central, to Brittany. So there is plenty to choose from.

In the Dauphin Alps, at the foot of the Belldon mountain range, in the South-East of France lies the village of Allevard-les-Bains. Lovers of active recreation are waiting for tours under the refreshing shade of the pristine forest, in the valleys along easy and, at the same time, spectacular routes at the foot of the majestic mountain peaks. And every evening, having taken a set of procedures at the thermal springs, they will be able to recover and relax.

Tours to the thermal springs of the resort in the town of Allevard-les-Bains involve walking for a distance of up to 8 kilometers (3 hours in the fresh air). The rhythm of the tours does not cause overwork. You will feel pleasantly tired in the evenings.


The town of Banyuls-sur-Mer is located near the border of France with Spain, where the spurs of the Pyrenees smoothly descend to the Mediterranean Sea, on the coast called the Scarlet Coast. Here you can not only take walks, but also undergo thalassotherapy sessions at the thermal springs of this spa resort. Fans of active recreation are accommodated in a comfortable hotel on the seashore.

Becoming a member of the Tour "Walks and Thalassotherapy in Banyuls-sur-Mer" you will visit the Catalan border, where you will see the Kerroig tower and the famous lighthouse at Cape Bear, enjoy the panorama of Roussillon, and, in general, get a lot of unforgettable impressions. In the evening, as we said above, travelers will find restorative thalasso procedures at the thermal springs of this resort.

Central massif

From a comfortable hotel in the town of Bagnoles-les-Bains, located in the Massif Central of France, we offer a selection of tours around the massif itself and the Cévennes National Park. From the hotel, tourists will walk, accompanied by a guide, through the country of Lozere granite boulders.

During your walks, you will see the megalithic ensemble of Celtic dolmens and menhirs, the residence of the Hospitaller Order, the ruins of the castle of the Barons Tournelle and the original villages of the heartland of France.

The resort's spa complex is 100 meters from the hotel and offers spa treatments and must be 16 years of age or older.


Thermal resorts in France, as we said above, exist in the North-West of the country, in Brittany, on the continental coast of the English Channel. Relaxation & Form tours in the region will provide participants with the opportunity to stroll along the French coast at the Thalasso and Balneological Resort Roscoff with its renowned thermal springs.

Tourists will find themselves in a world of space and wind. Here, thanks to the Gulf Stream, the climate is surprisingly mild. During the day, the tour participants will have life-giving walks, and in the evening - an algae application, a whirlpool bath, a sea shower, as well as other thalasso procedures.

It should be noted that tours to the thermal springs of France received their recognition precisely in the city of Roscoff, when a recreational zone was opened here in 1899 with the possibility of undergoing balneo and thalasso procedures.

General list of procedures

Let's briefly dwell on the list of sessions that are available during tours to health resorts in France.

So, for example, in the thermal resort of Allevard-les-Bains, in the Dauphin Alps, you can take, in addition to a jet shower, a jet pool and a traditional sauna, also clay wraps - applications with healing mud. According to experts, this procedure is one of the most effective tools in the arsenal of modern therapy.

The preparation of therapeutic mud at this resort is carried out by mixing clays with the addition of water from thermal springs, which contains active substances - sulfate ions.

Water temperature + 41 + 47 ° С. Thanks to its warmth, the substances actively penetrate into the body, improve blood circulation and help relieve pain, as well as reduce joint contracture.

You will also find a steam room in the list of proposed procedures. Everyone knows that it has a therapeutic effect on such a widespread disease as arthrosis of the joints. But the greatest effect is achieved by contact with sprayed water from thermal springs.

During the tour at the spa in Banyuls-sur-Mer, you will undergo 4 treatments such as an application of seaweed, a bubble bath with essential oils and an energetic foot massage.
The abundance of healing water makes it possible to organize such procedures as a whirlpool bath, a bubbling bath, and a hydromassage. These sessions are carried out using water from thermal springs in all of the above-mentioned health facilities in France.

See you on the Great Walks on the thermal springs in France and have a pleasant stay!

Medical indications for treatment in French resorts

French health resorts are considered among the most respectable and expensive resorts Europe. They are focused on treatment and wellness demanding tourists who are ready to spend quite a lot of money on their vacation.

The main natural wealth and healing factor of France - sea ​​water, ocean climate. They define thalassotherapy as the leading direction of the country's resort infrastructure. The thalassotherapy institutes offer a wide variety of services in terms of quality and value. They are located on the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic. In Brittany and Normandy, where you can enjoy the mild and not so hot climate of the ocean coast, nature has created ideal conditions for healing by sea procedures, as well as for rest, recuperation and immunity.

The main indications for the acquisition of thalassotherapy courses in France, one can name: weakening of the immune system, respiratory diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, pain in the joints and back, overweight, insomnia and overwork, disorders of the cardiovascular system.

In the mineral resorts of France they use mineral water treatment Vichy, Eviana, Aix-Le Bena, famous all over the world. Waters are indicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, and metabolic disorders. Water is used for inhalation, specialized procedures for ENT diseases.

French health resorts offer not only the peculiarities of their climate and natural resources. They are distinguished by impeccable service, sophisticated secular atmosphere, amazing and unique French cuisine, the sophistication of which is manifested even in diets.

To the balneological resorts of France include: Vichy, Biaritz, La Baule, Aix-les-Bains,

Vichy- a resort located in the central part of France, three and a half hours from Paris. You can travel by train or car. The resort stands on the banks of the Allier River. The resort is distinguished not only by unique natural healing capabilities, but also by the beauty of the surrounding landscapes, high life, the highest quality of service in the hotel, a fairly high level of prices and a huge selection of excursions. Vichy is rightfully called the king of the French resort. It is somewhat reminiscent of Paris, only in miniature. He is infinitely refined and perfect, graceful and aristocratic. This is a town of parks and palaces, boutiques and restaurants, jewelry stores and beauty salons, where opportunities mineral springs are used to the fullest. It is the beauty capital of France.

The mineral water of the Vichy resort, in combination with balneological procedures, which are assigned to each according to an individual course, normalizes metabolic processes in the body, restores the lost complexion, removes wrinkles, and relieves fatigue. Every woman dreams of a vacation in Vichy. Here rested Madame Sauvigne, daughter of King Louis XV, Letizia, mother of Napoleon. At the first opportunity, you should pamper yourself with a vacation in the Vichy resort.

The architectural appearance of the town will captivate everyone: the beauty of the Gothic, Romanesque, Moorish buildings, ancient classics and laconic elegance of modern buildings are ideally combined here.

The main features of treatment at the resort include:

  • high efficiency of the developed programs for weight loss;
  • complete satisfaction with the level of service and quality of treatment

Natural and climatic factors of the Vichy resort: climate; 15 springs with a water temperature of 16-75 degrees, sodium bicarbonate mineral waters rich in soda, fluorine, iron, mud.

Indications for treatment at the Vichy resort:

  • diseases of the digestive tract (gastritis, hepatitis, biliary dyskinesia in children and adults, peptic ulcer, colitis);
  • metabolic disorders (gout, high blood cholesterol, pancreatic disease);
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthrosis, complications after trauma, osteoporosis, arthropathy, etc.);
  • excess weight problems;
  • improvement and improvement of immunity, cosmetology; elimination of chronic fatigue syndrome, the effects of stress.

The course of treatment includes the following procedures as prescribed by the attending physician:

  • drinking cure, diet food, massages according to indications, including four-hand massage under a mineral shower, Charcot's shower, hydromassages, carbon dioxide and other baths,
  • mud therapy, intestinal lavage, aerosols, exercise therapy in the hall and pool, lymphatic drainage,
  • pressotherapy, algae therapy

Vichy health centers and clinics:

The wellness center "Celestin" is located on the territory of the hotel "Celestin" and offers balneotherapy based on Vichy mineral water. In the center there is an indoor fresh water pool (on the roof), a mineral water pool, a jacuzzi. The treatment process includes: aerobics, cardio training, stretching, step, jogging in the park or lakeside.

Clinic "Dom" offers treatment and health programs with flexible procedures distribution. In the clinic, all clients are provided with bathrobes and towels.

The dermatocosmetic center offers seven-day cosmetic programs, works on the basis of "Vichy" preparations, the mineral water of the Luka spring.

Clinic "Kalu" - treatment courses for 2-3 weeks. There is a drinking hall on the ground floor. Specialization - diseases of the stomach and metabolism.

Drinking pavilion - located in the center of the resort.

Vichy offers guests a variety of social activities in their free time from wellness. You can visit the Opera House, open-air concerts, horse races, walk through boutiques, sit in a casino. Evenings are spent in the resort's many trendy bars and restaurants. The entertainment is yacht races, rowing competitions, romantic walks in the city park, the embankment, and the narrow medieval streets of the town.

While relaxing in the Vichy resort, rent a car. You can ride around the outskirts of the resort, enjoy the views of virgin nature, the color of fairgrounds, ancient castles, the remains of extinct volcanoes, French villages, cheese dairies. Five hundred meters from the outskirts of the city, a modern shopping center has been built, consisting of boutiques and shops. The prices here are lower than in Paris!

La Pain- the resort is a three-hour train ride from Paris. The city stands on the Atlantic coast of France, on the border between Brittany and Normandy. La Baule is loved by those who worship vintage cars, mid-20th century fashion, black-and-white cinema, who appreciate the pleasures of life. La Pain is in no hurry to keep pace with the current century; here you can hide from the unrestrained pace of modern life, from stress and turmoil. The resort offers traditional secular sea bathing, peace and quiet and a special atmosphere. A luxurious nine-kilometer long beach with a promenade, the uniqueness of seaside villas surrounded by gardens, whitening triangles of sails in the ocean distance, all this is La Baule, unlike any other Atlantic resort. The resort is equally attractive to single travelers, young married couples with children, spouses of Balzac and old age. For dinner, they put on evening dresses, have long conversations over an aperitif, discussing episodes of the day, the routine of procedures. This is a kind of ritual of the local spa life. Even the ocean is dignified and balanced here. The waters hardly storm, the ebb and flow are unhurried and moderate. A gentle breeze softens the hot rays of the sun even in the July heat. The resort is waiting for sophisticated romantics and aesthetes. It is worth booking places in the hotels of the resort a few months before the vacation.

Natural and climatic factors of La Baule resort: ocean water, sea climate, medicinal algae, water of salt marshes.

Indications for staying at the resort: physical and nervous exhaustion, chronic fatigue syndrome, decreased tone, stress, insomnia, frequent acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, decreased immunity, the need for rehabilitation after injuries, overweight, heaviness in the legs, menopause and the postpartum period.

The resort treats diseases of the musculoskeletal system, back pain. Clinics provide excellent cosmetic options for face and body

Healing and wellness procedures: dry or underwater massage, Charcot shower, pool gymnastics, algae therapy, pearl baths, gymnastics in the gym, aqua gymnastics, multifunctional jet pool for body restoration, aqua track with a counterflow, algal bath with hydromassage, underwater hydromassage , foot bath, hand mask, algae masks with water from salt bogs, inhalations, algae aromatherapy, manual therapy, reflexology, shiatsu, lymphatic drainage, pressotherapy, hydro massage jet, hypothermic procedure, for fat deposits and circulatory disorders, anti-cellulite procedures, microdermabrasion, dataven, increased muscle tone.

The resort clinics offer specialized programs:

  • "Young mother" (3-10 weeks after childbirth);
  • "Mom and Baby", "Harmony" (for women over 40);
  • "Energy" (cardio training program under the supervision of a doctor in the gym and cycling according to an individual program);
  • "Form" (mechanical anti-cellulite massage, showers, application of cooling gel on the legs, seaweed wraps);
  • "Heaviness in the legs", "Back pain" (pain prevention);
  • "Stress relief" (relaxation, stress management);
  • "Oxygen" (smoking cessation).

The Thalassotherapy Institute "Talgo La Baule" is the main clinic of the city, a huge three-storey complex, connected by a covered walkway with the Royal Hotel. It is considered one of the most beautiful in the French Atlantic. Interior decoration - wood, glass and light marble, ocean view. The center offers departments: marine procedures, massage, relaxation, cosmetics. In the Center "Talgo La Baule" there is an indoor pool with heated seawater, a multifunctional pool with jets, bubbling showers, geysers, cascades, countercurrent; a fitness center, saunas, Turkish baths, a solarium, a jacuzzi. Thalassotherapy courses are individually designed and carried out under by medical supervision. The products of the "THALGO" cosmetic line are used.

The resort offers golf courses (a 45-hole course 5 minutes' walk from the ocean), surfing, yacht cruises, cycling, horseback riding along the ocean (ponies are offered for children, Indiana disco. Commercial center with 40 shops, the main shopping street, Avenue de Gaulle, will not let shopping lovers get bored.While at La Baule, take a trip around the surroundings, visit the salt marshes, admire the ancient mills and dolmens, take a walk in the Brière nature reserve, enjoy the view of the red cliffs at the mouth of the Loire, taste the gifts of the ocean at the fishing marinas.

Biarritz- a resort on the border of France and Spain. A vibrant cultural life (festivals, openings, world premieres, fashion shows, concerts, legendary shows) distinguishes Biaritz from the general list of fashionable French seaside resorts... The holiday is in the air, it is mixed with the sea breeze, sparkling wine that flows like a river.

This is the most "star" resort in the Atlantic. The nine-century history of the resort has not affected its splendor, youth and charm. Biarritz always remains magnificent and unique in its ability to host and entertain guests like a king. The resort is a favorite place for recreation and treatment of thousands of tourists from all over the world. It is distinguished by a mild climate, crystal clear sea water, fresh ocean air, saturated with iodine. The unique climate, endless sandy beaches, the powerful energy of the ocean, the atmosphere of a luxurious and pacifying course of life make Biarritz a worthy place not only for restorative rest, but also for social life.

Natural and climatic factors of the resort: ocean water saturated with microelements, seaweed, mud.

Indications for staying at the resort: physical and nervous exhaustion, chronic fatigue syndrome, decreased emotional tone, stress, insomnia, overweight, cellulite, heaviness in the legs, persistent respiratory diseases, weakened immunity, the need for cosmetic courses, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, back pain, joint pain, rehabilitation after injuries.

The general health course includes: 4 procedures of hydromassage or gymnastics in the pool, hydromassage in the bathroom, massage, underwater massage, jet shower, seaweed therapy per day.

Clinics offer specialized courses:

  • "Young mother" (weight loss, strengthening of the pelvic muscles);
  • Slimming (anti-cellulite treatments, diet);
  • "40-year milestone";
  • Program for men (improving physical tone, cosmetology);
  • "Antistress", "Plasti-beauty" (program before and after plastic surgery);
  • "Heavy legs";
  • Rehabilitation course for pain in the joints and spine;
  • "Prestige" (any 5 individual procedures at the client's choice).

The Louison Bobet Thalassotherapy Institute is located in the same building as the Miramar Hotel. The institute offers a salon with panoramic ocean views, an indoor seawater pool, jacuzzi, treatment and beauty rooms. Here is one of the largest thalassotherapy centers in the country. The Institute has an excellent reputation among the most discerning clients and thalassotherapy professionals. Each guest receives an individual program, which is developed after consultation with doctors. The cosmetic center offers all possible facial treatments using La Prairie and Aquascience marine products.

While relaxing in the resort of Biaritz, visit the Museum of History (collections of paintings and personal belongings of the imperial families), the Maritime Museum, numerous cathedrals, among which is the Russian Orthodox Church Coverings and various monuments.

At leisure, you can visit Bayonne, a neighboring Romanesque and medieval town, the Bran vineyards with local wine tasting, visit the Eshoz and Baigori castles, famous for their collection of weapons. Many picturesque corners beckon the traveler with traditional Basque cuisine. It is necessary to go to Saint Jean de Luz and visit the fishermen's port, Ravel's house, Chaliapin's villa, Urtubi castle with a collection of carpets and furniture of the 16th century. You can easily cross the border with Spain on a ship on a ship to Fontarabi and walk along the embankment of the legendary San Sebastian.

Night Biaritz - it is two casinos, nightclubs, discos, bars and restaurants.

Sports Biarritz - equestrian and golf, tennis and surf, Via Ferrata - rock climbing and mountain climbing, V.T.T. off-road bicycles and speleology, rafting 7 km, class 3 and rafting on Dora Balte (Italy) - 40 km, class 4 and 5, river fishing, Hydrospeed - Air boat (inflatable single kayak) and canoeing, paragliding and free jumping from instructor, flights on an ultralight two-seater plane, hot air balloon and helicopter ride over Mont Blanc.

Shopping in Biarritz is a whole collection of boutiques, world famous shopping houses.

Biarritz is a favorite place not only for relaxation, but also for the treatment of thousands of people.

Swimming in Biaritsa is the most pleasant in the Atlantic: the temperature of the water is determined by the warm current of the Gulf Stream. Do not forget: a huge amount of entertainment and temptations can adversely affect the recovery process, for which most vacationers go to the resort.

Aix-les-Bains located three hours from Paris by train or car. It is located in the picturesque area of ​​Savoy, in the center of France. The Aix-les-Bains resort is one of the most famous, classic resorts in the country. More than a century and a half ago, the royal courts began to rest here, improve their health, and recuperate. The city was founded by the ancient Romans, therefore it is famous for the wealth of architectural monuments of the Middle Ages, classicism. They are attracted by the unique streets of the central part of the city, elegant sunny squares, flower shops, modern boutiques, cozy open-air cafes, pubs, restaurants, wine cellars. An orchestra plays in the spa park, where it is so pleasant to walk at any time of the day. The city casino of Aix-les-Bains is considered one of the most beautiful in Europe. The main attraction of the city is the mountain lake La Bourget, which is called business card France. City beaches in the summer are filled with vacationers. Pleasure yachts depart from the pier every hour on mini-cruises. Despite its glittering past and modern popularity, Aix-les-Bains remains one of the most affordable and democratic spa resorts in France. It is renowned for its moderate prices for accommodation, treatment and wellness programs. This is what influences the choice of a resort when long-term treatment is required. On average, the duration of stay at the resort ranges from two to three weeks.

Natural and climatic factors

The sulphurous springs of Aix-les-Bains are indicated in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. They have a special effect on children. For adults, general strengthening and cosmetic programs are offered. The resort is visited by representatives of all generations for the treatment of respiratory diseases, as well as for restorative rest.

Main indications for stay: ENT diseases ( chronic diseases ear, throat, nose: otitis media, rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis); chronic diseases of the bronchi and lungs (tracheitis, bronchitis, bronchial dilatation, pulmonary emphysema, asthma); some dental diseases

Spa treatments at Aix-les-Bains

  • drinking cure
  • irrigation of the nasal cavity and mouth
  • shower for the upper respiratory tract
  • inhalation
  • aerosols
  • blowing out the eustachian tubes
  • washing of the maxillary sinuses and posterior walls of the pharynx, eardrums
  • removal of plugs in the tonsils.

Balneotherapy: pearl baths, algae therapy, jet shower, vibromassage, pressotherapy, hydromassage in the bathroom, gymnastics in the pool and in the gym, reflexogenic foot massage, general massage

Medical complexes of the resort:

Thermal center "Marlioz" on the territory of the property "Marlioz" in 3 min. from the hotels "Ariana" and "Aquaviva" offers outpatient treatment of ENT diseases.

Health complex "Aquasyans" is connected by a passage with the hotels "Ariana" and "Aquaviva", offers general health procedures and specialized courses "General health" and "Slimming" (4 balneo procedures per day).

The cosmetic center of the Aquasyans complex offers hardware cosmetology using the Skin Tonic unit: lifting and anti-cellulite procedures, peeling with Dead Sea salts, etc.

While relaxing in the resort of Aix-les-Bains, visit the salt caves (entrance in the city center), the Impressionist Museum with a unique collection of paintings, holidays for every taste (jazz festival, flower festival, sports cups, parades of old yachts, weeks of arts: poetry, theater , music, operetta, cook contests.Fans of outdoor activities are offered paragliding, glider, hang-gliding over the lake.Fans of shopping will fully experience the real French style in the souvenir shops of the central part of the city, or in a giant commercial center where you can visit more than 30 shops and boutiques under one roof.Chambéry, capital of Savoy, is 15 minutes' drive from Aix-les-Bains, and a little further - one of the most graceful ancient cities in France, Annecy.

Port of Cruesti located three hours from Paris by train or car. This is South Brittany, the Atlantic coast.

Here you can plunge headlong into the eternal, wise, healing element of the ocean. This is where the ocean is magically changing. It soothes fatigue and pain, restores peace and self-confidence. The Port of Cruesti is not just a center of modern French thalassotherapy, where youth, slimness, and good mood are restored. The resort is distinguished by a special attitude towards tourists. Even the most mentally vulnerable and sensitive people will find complete peace of mind and comfort in this amazing place.

Institute of Thalassotherapy "Louison Bobet" is distinguished by the professionalism and responsibility of nutritionists, they prepare top quality dishes for those who want to lose weight. Even this difficult process can be enjoyable. Classic thalasso treatments are combined with oriental anti-stress techniques, as well as aromatherapy, which gives a stunning effect. The skill of cosmetologists often removes the need for radical interventions. Port Kruesti is for those who need high quality health and beauty programs.

Natural and climatic factors:

  • ocean water saturated with trace elements
  • seaweed and mud
  • the climate of the Atlantic coast of France with the highest number of sunny days in Brittany

Indications for stay: states of physical and nervous exhaustion (fatigue, decreased emotional tone, stress, insomnia); frequent respiratory diseases, weakening of the immune system; diseases of the musculoskeletal system (pain in the back, joints, rehabilitation after injuries); overweight, cellulite, heaviness in the legs; postpartum and menopause; carrying out a comprehensive course of cosmetic procedures for face and body

The following health and wellness procedures are offered at the Port Kruesti resort:

  • aromalassotherapy (combination of the effects of essential oils with the healing effect of sea water and algae treatment)
  • baths with sea water
  • applications with therapeutic mud and algae-based mass;
  • sea ​​aerosols, hydromassages of various types, jet showers, massages.
The clinics of the Port Kruesti resort offer specialized courses:
  • "Slimming";
  • "Anti-cellulite" (body gommage, anti-cellulite massage, 2 dermotonic procedures, herbal tea, full dietary board, etc.)
  • "Course for the back" (procedures for strengthening the spine, giving flexibility to the body);
  • "Beauty" (cosmetic procedures, etc.)
  • "Antistress" (yoga classes, oxygenation course, etc.)
  • "Anti-tobacco" (rehabilitation exercises on the beach, restoration of correct breathing, etc.)
  • "Tired legs" (chamber baths for hands and feet, cryotherapy, etc.)
  • "Mom and Child" (baby massage, algae baths, muscle electrical stimulation, etc.)
  • "Prasama" (specialized Ayurvedic treatments, reiki, aromatic baths with essential oils, Japanese massage, Shiatsu, Thai massage, etc.)

The Louison Bobet Institute offers treatments: four-handed shower, facial massage, Thai stretch massage, shower massage, acupressure legs, acupressure of the body, relaxing massage, aqua meeting, therapeutic exercises for the muscles of the back, chest and shoulder girdle, buttocks and abdominal muscles, oxygenation, yoga. Cosmetic programs are based on the use of "Esthederm" and "Anne Semonin", vitamin complexes are selected individually, according to skin types

The Louison Bobet Thalassotherapy Institute is located in the same building as the Miramar Kruesti Hotel. The institute is considered one of the best in France. For hydromassage, water gymnastics, swimming, outdoor and indoor pools with sea water are offered. Louison Bobet will offer the services of a wellness water park with counter-currents, labyrinths, underwater jets, grapefruit baths, bottom geyser for foot massage; spacious treatment rooms; cozy lounges for relaxation; gym; diet restaurant, etc.

While resting in the resort of Port Cruesti, it is worth visiting: the Susinho castle (the summer residence of the Breton dukes), the picturesque Ruis peninsula, the Lanvaux prairies, the Broceliande forest, Port Nouvalo and the town of Vannes artists with shopping, restaurants, art shops. All this will be available if you rent a car. Traveling around Porta Cruesti, you can see wild rocks, cozy Breton harbors, relax on clean sandy beaches,

Cyberon - french resort located on the Atlantic coast of the country, four hours from Paris. It is a small town on the peninsula of the same name in the south of Brittany. In July and August, there is a direct train from Montparnasse train station to Quiberon.

The main indications for treatment at the Quiberon resort:

  • states of physical and nervous exhaustion (fatigue, decreased emotional tone, stress, insomnia);
  • frequent respiratory illness;
  • weakening of immunity;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (pain in the back, joints, rehabilitation after injuries);
  • overweight, cellulite, heaviness in the legs;
  • postpartum and menopause
  • taking a course of cosmetic procedures for face and body

Natural and climatic factor: ocean water saturated with microelements, seaweed, mud, mild climate of the French ocean coast

Treatment and health programs at the resort: 4 procedures per day (jet shower, underwater massage shower, fine shower, hydromassage in the bathroom, a session in the hydromassage pool, therapeutic exercises in the pool and hall)

Specialized courses

  • "Silhouette", course 10 days (with accommodation in the hotel "Sofitel Dietik"): full dietary nutrition, weight loss, anti-cellulite, body shaping, massage, algae wraps, hydromassage in the pool, jet shower, gymnastics in the pool, whirlpool bath , classes in the gym for 45 min.
  • "Health" (spine, joints, consequences of injuries), course of 7 days, 27 procedures: therapeutic gymnastics, 3 seaweed wraps.
  • "Slimming" course, 7 days, 30 procedures: wraps, hydro massage in the bathroom, jet shower, gymnastics in the pool and gym, hydro massage in the pool, two consultations of a nutritionist, diet based on the hotel "La Thalassa" or "Dietik".
  • "Harmony", 7 days course: 5 individual procedures per day, massage, 3 algae wraps, 3 underwater showers, 1 body peeling.
  • "Young mother", a course 2-7 months after childbirth for muscle recovery, weight loss: 4 procedures per day as prescribed by a doctor, 3 procedures for a child.

The Institute of Thalassotherapy in one complex in the Sofitel Dietetic and Sofitel Thalassa hotels offers services of a swimming pool with sea water (25 m), a sauna, a Turkish bath. Also offered: hydromassages, gyms, collective classes with a trainer. The hotel's cosmetic center works with Carita, Decleor, Furterer, Accor Talassa Institut.

The Institute of Thalassotherapy in Quiberon is the only center in France that offers a slimming course with accommodation and meals in a separate hotel "Sofitel Dietik". Living together under the program helps reduce the risk of a possible breakdown. The institute was put into operation in the 60s of the twentieth century and immediately became a representative new wave in thalassotherapy of the country. Patrick Genot, chef of the hotel's restaurant, is one of the founders of the phenomenon of hypocaloric cuisine in thalassotherapy. Patrick has developed many recipes for hypocaloric meals without fat and sugar, which are in no way inferior in taste and variety to traditional French cuisine. The hotel restaurant's diet evokes only positive emotions. Work in this direction continues, the quantity is constantly increasing and the quality of the design of dishes is improving.

In Quiberon, vacationers can fully enjoy the scenery of the "wild coast", pine forests, sandy beaches, lost among the stunning cliffs. While relaxing in the resort of Quiberon, visit the large island of Brittany - Belle-Ile-en-Mer, a park of megaliths of the prehistoric period, take a boat trip along the Gulf of Morbillon.

Pornic- a resort on the Atlantic coast of France, just two hours from Paris, by train or car. The city is located in the south of Brittany. The invigorating air of the spa is filled with iodine. Pornic gives everyone 275 sunny days a year, stunning cliffs and pine groves. Narrow streets of the old town, lined with colorful houses of sailors, unusual villas, visited by Flaubert, Georges Sand, Michelet, cafes in the old port, shops in the city center, ocean fishing - all this is a wonderful resort of Pornic!

Institute of Thalassotherapy "Alliance Pornic" is located in a romantic, secluded bay, in a complex with the hotel. It is a renowned center for the rehabilitation and improvement of the athletic performance of professional athletes. The cosmetic salon at the Institute offers procedures based on Fitomer and the Pornic Alliance.

Natural and climatic factors: ocean water, mild maritime climate.

The main indications for staying at the Pornic resort: states of physical and nervous exhaustion (fatigue, decreased emotional tone, stress, insomnia); frequent respiratory illness; weakening of immunity; diseases of the musculoskeletal system (pain in the back, joints, rehabilitation after injuries); fight against excess weight, cellulite; heaviness in the legs; postpartum and menopause; conducting a comprehensive course of cosmetic procedures.

Spa treatments:

  • "General health" course, 6 days, 24 procedures: pearl baths with essential oils, jet shower, fine shower, underwater massage, mud or algae applications, pressotherapy, relaxing massage, gymnastics in the pool, relaxation in the hall with spraying small negatively charged particles of sea water.
  • "Massages of the World", 6 days course, 29 procedures: 18 procedures with sea water and seaweed, Shiatsu massage, hot stone massage, foot massage, massage with warm oil, massage with essential oils, massage under the shower, two relaxation sessions in the pool, three hydrojet sessions.
  • "Anti-cellulite", 6 days course, 29 procedures: three mud therapy sessions, three applications of cooling gel, two sessions of mechanical anti-cellulite massage, two sessions of pressure therapy, two sessions of gymnastics in the pool, three sessions of cardio training, 10 draining balneological procedures, three massages of 25 minutes each.
  • "Slimming", a course of 6 days, 29 procedures: 10 procedures with sea water, three seaweed wraps, three mud applications, peeling with watermass hydromassage, watermass hydromassage, three cardio sessions, three 25-minute massages, three gymnastics sessions in the pool , two sessions of pressotherapy.
  • "Anti-stress program" Eastern relaxation ", a course of 6 days, 29 procedures: 16 procedures with sea water and algae, vibration relaxing massage, two face and head massages for 20 minutes, ayurvedic tuina massage, two sessions of tai-ji gymnastics or psychotherapy, three a gi-gong gymnastics session, a 30 minute relaxing massage, two relaxation sessions in the pool.
  • "Tired legs", 6 days course, 29 procedures during: 18 procedures with sea water and algae, three special foot massages, four pressure therapy sessions, three sessions of application of a cooling gel, 6 sessions of collective gymnastics in the pool.
  • "Rheumatological program", a course of 6 days, 24 procedures: 9 procedures with sea water, 6 mud applications, three underwater manual massages, three massages of 20 minutes each, three sessions of therapeutic gymnastics in the pool, a seminar on the topic: prevention of back pain.

The miniature size of the resort does not affect the infrastructure of the city in any way: golf, horse riding, bicycle rental, all kinds of water sports, casinos, discos, museums and art galleries, a zoo and romantic walks await tourists. While relaxing in the resort of Pornic, enjoy excursions to the Guérande Peninsula, the Isle of Noirmoutier, Marais de la Biere, to the wild coast.

Evian located 1 hour from Geneva airport by car, on the border of France and Switzerland, on the picturesque shores of Lake Geneva, in the foothills of the Alps. A vacation at the Evian resort is a truly precious gift. In this magical corner above Lake Geneva, the soul grows younger, feelings bloom, the brain is actively working. The resort offers all the colors of mountains, sky and water, the aromas of alpine herbs and flowers, the hubbub of birds, the beauty of a century-old park. This creates the illusion of floating above the ground. All this is complemented by the truly royal possibilities of local balneotherapy. Arriving at the Evian resort, you travel back in time, as if you find yourself in the beginning of the 20th century, in those days when palaces were decorated with works of famous sculptors and painters, when the skills of a gardener, cook and butler were glorified.

Natural and climatic factors of the Evian resort: mineral water Evian (low-mineral, bicarbonate, with a small content of magnesium, moisturizes, softens and rejuvenates the skin, an effective means of preventing and treating urological diseases, normalizing metabolism.

The main indications for staying at the Evian resort are: a state of chronic fatigue and stress; obesity; cosmetology; cleansing the body; diseases of the urinary tract (urolithiasis, chronic cystitis, chronic pyelonephritis, conditions after lithotripsy); metabolic disorders (gout, dyslipidemia)

Medical and recreational procedures at the resort: drinking cure, balneotherapy courses (baths, showers, underwater therapy, various massages, including stone massage, and a wide range of oriental massage techniques, mud therapy, clay applications, pressotherapy, electrical muscle stimulation, gymnastics in pool and in the hall, Ayurveda, yoga, drinking herbal teas).

Specialized courses:

  • "Energy", course for 5 days, 4-5 procedures per day;
  • "Ease", course for 6 days, 4 procedures per day;
  • "Tonus", course for 6 days, 4 procedures per day;
  • "Complete relaxation", course for 6 days, 4 procedures per day;
  • "Fitness", course for 5 days, 4 procedures per day;
  • "Relaxation-dynamism", course for 2 days, 3-5 procedures per day;
  • "Skin purity", course for 2 days, 2 procedures per day;
  • "Silhouette", course for 6 days, 2-3 procedures per day;
  • "Program for men", course for 2 days, 4 procedures per day.
  • "Diet food" - individually.
  • Cosmetic programs for face and body using La Prairie and Anne Semonin - individually.

The Mie Vivre health and wellness center at the Royal Hotel offers to use the outdoor and indoor swimming pools, saunas, gym, Turkish bath, jacuzzi, cosmetic studio, treatment rooms for treatment and health improvement.

The Wellness Complex "Tonus and Razotka" at the Hermitage Hotel provides services of a swimming pool, jacuzzi, Turkish bath, treatment and beauty rooms. The complex is distinguished by affordable prices

While resting at the resort, you can visit sailing, canoe and kayak, jet ski, go to hiking trips, cycling, hiking, golf and tennis.

In winter, mountain and flat skiing, dog sledding await. Avoriaz Ski Resort is just an hour's drive from Evian. Among the network of trails Le Portes du Soleil, the most interesting and steep "black" trails are located in the Avoriaz area (slopes under O-Fort). Also in the immediate vicinity of Evian are the pistes of the Portes du Soleil (Gate of the Sun), Chamonix and small ski stations. A 45-minute drive away is the Portes du Soleil ski area (Avoriaz, Morzine or Chatel stations). is an international ski resort between Lake Geneva and Mont Blanc, it is 650 kilometers of slopes and 208 lifts.In the united territory of France and Switzerland, which includes Avoriaz (1800 - 2466 m), Morzine (1000 - 2466 m), Les Gets (1172 m), Châtel (France), Le Crosette, Champery, Mozen, Torgon, Val d'Illese (Switzerland), there is a general ski pass.

Avoriaz is also a favorite snowboarder destination and the center of European snowboarding. There is a slalom stadium with three lifts.

While relaxing in the resort of Evian, visit the Abbey Abbey and cheese dairy, Yvoire (one of the most beautiful medieval towns in France), the Devil's Bridge gorge, take a walk to Lausanne by ferry (this requires multiple Swiss and French visas), visit the city's casino.

Other resorts of France

Amelie-les-Bains- a resort in the Eastern Pyrenees (Catalan region of France), at an altitude of 230 m above sea level, 40 km to Perpignan and 35 km to the sea. The resort has a Mediterranean climate, 300 days of sunshine a year.

Natural healing factors: sulphurous, sodium chloride, bicarbonate waters, enriched with fluorine and silicon (surface temperature: 44C to 63C), drinking mineral water, porcelain clay (kaolin).

Barbotan-les-Thermes(Gers), area of ​​Armagnac. The resort has an oceanic climate, mild and calm. The resort is located at an altitude of 130 m above sea level, to Mont-de-Marzan 40 km, to Toulouse 150 km.

Natural healing factors: bicarbonate waters containing calcium, silicon, magnesium, sulfur, free CO2 is released (temperature at the exit to the surface - 38C), vegetable-mineral healing mud (38 - 42C), drinking mineral water, porcelain clay (kaolin).

Indications for treatment: respiratory diseases, rheumatology, treatment of children from 9 months.

Cambeau-les-Bains(Atlantic Pyrenees) an oasis of pleasure between the Pyrenees and the Basque country, 20 km from the Atlantic Ocean, the favorite vacation spot of the English king Edward VI. The resort ranks 1st in France among the sanatoriums in terms of climatic conditions. The climate is oceanic, mild and sunny. 50m above sea level, 20 km to Biarritz, 15 km to Bayonne. The area of ​​the resort is hilly.

Natural healing factors: sulphurous water, sulphate with calcium and magnesium content (temperature at the exit to the surface - 22C), drinking mineral water, porcelain clay (kaolin).

Indications for treatment: respiratory diseases, rheumatology. Children are accepted for treatment from 5 years old, on request it is possible from 3 years old.

Molich-les-Bains(Eastern Pyrenees, Roussillon region, 450 m above sea level, 50 km to Perpignan, 45 km to the Mediterranean Sea. The resort has a Mediterranean, dry and sunny climate.

Natural healing factors: sodium sulphide, fluoride, radioactive, siliceous waters enriched with thermal plankton (outlet temperature from 37.5C), drinking mineral water, porcelain clay (kaolin).

Indications for treatment: respiratory diseases, skin diseases and lesions of the oral mucosa, rheumatology, children are taken from 9 months.

Eugenie-les-Bains(Landes) - a resort on the border of the Landes department, 85 m above sea level, 45 km to Po, 120 km to Biarizza. The climate of the resort is oceanic, mild and sunny.

Natural healing factors: the spring "Christina-Maria" - sulphate-sulphate, calcium, manganese, arsenic (temperature at the exit to the surface 42C), the spring "Empress" - sulphate-bicarbonate-sodium water with iron content (temperature at the exit to the surface 20C ), drinking mineral water, porcelain clay (kaolin).

Indications for treatment: obesity, gout, diabetes and other metabolic disorders, diseases of the genitourinary system, rheumatology.

Greu-les-Bains(Alpes-North of Provence) - a resort in Haute Provence, in the north of Provence, 360m above sea level, 50 km to Aix-en-Provence, 80 km to Marseille. The climate of the resort is dry, mild and very sunny.

Natural healing factors: sulphurous, sulphate mixed, magnesian, with a significant presence of oligo-elements (temperature at the surface of 42C), porcelain clay (kaolin).

Indications for treatment: respiratory diseases, rheumatology. Children are accepted for treatment from 9 months!

Jonzac(Charente-Maritim) - a resort in Upper Sentonga, 60 m above sea level, 50 km to Royan, 50 km to Angouleme, 80 km to Bordeaux. The resort has a mild oceanic climate, very sunny, similar to the southeast of the Mediterranean.

Indications for treatment: respiratory diseases, phlebology, rheumatology.

Le Bulu(Oriental Pi-Renei) - a resort in the Roussillon region, 80 m above sea level, 20 km to Perpignan, 15 km to the sea line, 7 km to the border with Spain. The resort has a Mediterranean climate, warm and sunny.

Natural healing factors: sulphurous, sulphate mixed (calcium-sodium), chloride, with a significant presence of various oligoelements (temperature at the surface of 62C), drinking mineral water, porcelain clay (kaolin).

Indications for treatment: diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastroenterology, diseases of the hepatobiliary system, metabolic disorders. Children are accepted for treatment by agreement.

Bains-les-Bains(Vosges) - a resort in the center of the Vosges department, 310 m above sea level, 30 km to Epinal, 45 km to Epinal airport. A resort with a calm, temperate climate.

Natural healing factors: bicarbonate waters, sodium sulphide, enriched with silicon (temperature at the surface of 33-53C), drinking mineral water, porcelain clay (kaolin).

Indications for treatment: cardiovascular diseases, rheumatology, the consequences of trauma.

Cransac-les-Thermes(Aveiron) is located near the most beautiful region of France in the South of the Pyrenees, in the province of Auvergne. Cransac-les-Thermes was built at the foot of Mount Montet, which for many centuries "exudes underground fire". The resort has a mild climate, is located at an altitude of 292 m above sea level, 35 km from Rodez.

Natural healing factors: hot natural gases containing derivatives of sulfur, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, as well as rare gases (helium and argon), the only resort using natural gas for the treatment of diseases.

Indications for treatment: rheumatology, arthrosis, the consequences of trauma, with concomitant venous insufficiency, cardiovascular diseases.

Lamalu-les-Bains(Hérault) - a resort in the South Cévennes region, 200 m above sea level, 40 km to Beziers, 80 km to Montpellier 35 km to Rodez. The resort has a Mediterranean climate, dry, mild, temperate.

Natural healing factors: carbonaceous, bicarbonate, mixed (calcium-sodium), multiple magnesian, with the presence of oligo-metals, radioactive waters (temperature at the surface of 28-54C, drinking mineral water, porcelain clay (kaolin).

Indications for treatment: neurology, rheumatology, fibromyalgia, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis

La Pret-les-Bains(Eastern Pirenei) - a mountain resort in Catalonia, 1130 m above sea level, 70 km to Perpignan, 35 km to Rodez. The resort has a Mediterranean climate.

Natural healing factors: sulphurous, bicarbonate, sulphate, sodium waters, enriched with fluorine and silicate (temperature at the exit to the surface 42C), drinking mineral water, porcelain clay (kaolin).

Indications for treatment: diseases of the genitourinary system, metabolic disorders, rheumatology.

Preschac-les-Bains(Landes) - a resort along the line l "Jadur, 10 m above sea level, 17 km to Dax, 58 km to Biarizza, 80 km to Po. The resort has a mild climate.

Natural healing factors: sulphurous, sulphate-calcium, sodium chloride waters (temperature at the exit to the surface 30-60C), sulphurous-sodium waters (temperature at the exit to the surface 18C), drinking mineral water, porcelain clay (kaolin), vegetable mineral, thermal natural mud

Indications for treatment: respiratory diseases, rheumatology

Shawl-le-Zo(Savoy) - a resort in the center of Savoy, 287 m above sea level, 5 km from Chambery. The resort is distinguished by a healthy, mild climate.

Natural healing factors: sulphurous, bicarbonate waters, sulphate, with sodium content, in terms of sulfur concentration, water is one of the first in Europe (temperature at the surface of 16C), porcelain clay (kaolin).

Indications for treatment: endocrinological gynecology, respiratory diseases.

France is not only a country known for its fashion trends, exquisite delicacies, luxurious vineyards and ancient castles. France is one of the best countries in the world for families with children. Both the smallest travelers and already grown up mischievous people will not want to return to their homeland, as soon as they get to know the locals better, try interesting entertainment on themselves and appreciate the care and awe with which the French relate to the younger generation.

So, you have planned a trip to France and want to take your favorite crumbs with you. You should start with thinking through a trip plan, booking tickets, a hotel, drawing up a program of an entertainment and cultural nature. Do not forget about food and other important aspects of resting with children.

The most convenient way to get to France with children is by plane. Almost every day from Yekaterinburg, Moscow and St. Petersburg direct flights are delivered by Aeroflot and AirFrance companies. It is the fastest, most comfortable, and for children there is a special system of discounts on tickets.

Having reached one of the French cities, we select a hotel, guided by the following: you should not choose a place to stay near entertainment establishments, clubs and cabarets, but a more prestigious area, so as not to face strikes or troubles in an area inhabited by a dysfunctional public.

With food, things are going well. Most supermarkets and shops are happy to offer visitors a good selection of baby food, powdered milk formulas, juices, purees and all the goods a baby needs, from hygiene products to toys. Pay attention to the ingredients and the English translation of the ingredients contained in the food. At the hotel, kids will be happy to be fed croissants and freshly squeezed juice, and in the restaurants you can choose dishes that meet the needs of the child (cheeses, fruits and vegetables, boiled meat, pasta and much more). And rest assured: in France they will never refuse a request to exclude certain ingredients or serve a plate of porridge for breakfast. In addition, discounts apply to the children's menu.

It is more convenient to move around France and see the sights with a child in a rented car. The baby will be comfortable in a child seat that is mandatory requirement... Payment per day of rental - from 30 euros.

Holidays in France with children

If your offspring can already move independently and require entertainment, France is exactly the country where a vacation with children will fly by unnoticed.

Disneyland in Paris

Disneyland Paris is located in Marne-la-Valais, a town just 32 km east of the French capital. The entire territory is divided into two large sectors, in each of which the ticket must be bought separately. The first part of Disneyland is its heart. It focuses on rides, entertainment and many decorations. This area is divided into five more parts, grouped around the main castle of the sleeping beauty, each of the zones has its own style and adventure. In the second part of Disneyland - Walt Disney, visitors can feel like real cartoon characters caught in a fairy tale. In addition, there is a real lake in the park, on which a huge steamer floats, and it is also possible to ride a small train around Disneyland and look at a wonderful country specially created for children and their parents.

For travelers, there are souvenir shops, cafes, hotels, a golf course, residential and business district. Entrance - from 45 to 51 euros.

Park Asterix

Throughout the year, young travelers have the opportunity to visit the huge Asterix amusement park, one of the largest and most tempting places for families with children. In the park you will be greeted by the heroes of your favorite films, a surprisingly friendly and relaxed atmosphere, a wide variety of attractions, an ice rink, circus performances, cafes with hot chocolate and mulled wine, souvenir shops where every child can leave with a toy they like.

Thanks to a well-thought-out system that regulates queues, it is not necessary to spend a lot of time waiting for the opportunity to ride any attraction in one of the five theme areas of the park. In the Gallic village, travelers will find endless celebrations, a circus, a large cinema, a sea of ​​eateries and attractions. In "Ancient Greece", the rides are very extreme, designed for the most daring, for example, a similarity to the roller coaster "Journey to Zeus". In addition, in the "Ancient Greece" there is a dolphinarium "Theater of Poseidon". The next area of ​​the park is dedicated to the Vikings. Here, visitors are expected to travel through the gigantic galleries. And in "Medieval France" you can ride on swings and merry-go-rounds, and then relax by the fountain.

The pleasure of visiting Asterix Park costs 29-39 euros.

Water park "Aquabulvar"

What could be better than the day spent with children among pools and slides (both slow and unusually fast), saunas (traditional baths, hamams, bio saunas) and jacuzzis, waterfalls and geysers, spas and hot baths. Relaxation rooms, several restaurants and eateries await the tired and hungry visitors. Both adults and children will love to play bowling, tennis or squash. For those who look after their health and attractiveness, there is a solarium, a fitness club, a gym, and a water aerobics class. In addition, not one, but as many as fourteen cinemas work for the whole family in Aquabulvar.

City of Science and Industry

In the eastern part of the capital of France, one cannot fail to notice a huge mirror sphere, in which clouds are reflected. This is a cinema building with a giant screen, located in the city of science and technology La Villette. The town of science and industry will be interesting for the whole family.


If your child is interested in the starry sky, and you yourself are not averse to being in a rather romantic setting, go to the 3D planetarium in the north of the country (Pas-de-Calais). Here you will watch the stars sitting on a special chair and wearing stereo glasses. Visitors will be shown rocket launches and pictures of our Universe, views from space, stars, comets and meteorites. The images are so clear that everyone will feel like an astronaut.

Also in the Planetarium there are two museums: one dedicated to space research, the second to the war period in France.

Zoo in the Vienna Woods

Even the smallest tourists are interested in watching the animals. Animals live in natural conditions, in open-air cages, decorated to match their real habitat. A total of about 1200 individuals. The entrance ticket costs from 5 to 8 euros, depending on the age of the visitor.

Mechanical zoo

The marvel of engineering that stepped forward made it possible to create and demonstrate to the world huge mechanical animals. At the mechanical zoo, artists work tirelessly to design and assemble huge new robotic animals. The elephant alone weighs 48 tons. Walking unhurriedly, he plunges others into shock. Robot animals are not only giant toys, but also real works of art, which you can admire for free, and even ride for a small price.

Georges Ville's farm

The farm is located in Vansenn, it was built back in 1860 as an experimental site. Visitors of all ages will be interested to see how oil and linen threads are produced, how agricultural crops grow, look at real pigs, cows, goats, rabbits and geese. Those who wish will even be trusted to milk the cow.

The farm is open during school holidays, holidays and weekends. The visit costs only 1-2 euros.

Doll Museum

It is impossible to come to France with children and not find time to visit the Doll Museum. Large and tiny porcelain dolls have been meticulously collected by collectors Sami and his father Guido since 1860. The Museum shows all the periods of transformation of toys, their clothes, facial features. You can look at the collection of dolls for 3-6 euros.

Large Evolution Gallery of the Natural History Museum

It is interesting for everyone to walk and see a real mammoth, take a picture (of course, without a flash) with it and other exhibits of ancient history. Children will see the stages of evolution at the exhibition, which opened back in 1994. A ticket costs between 5 and 7 euros.

France in miniature

And in one day, you will be offered to explore the whole of France with its unique architecture, river, giant sand dune, see coastal resorts and the Eiffel Tower towering over all this in France in Miniature Park. The journey takes place along paths, among signs, bridges and villages, castles and monuments, cathedrals and museums.

What else to do in France with kids? In winter - visit ski resorts, go shopping in search of interesting souvenirs, and in summer, be sure to visit French Riviera and bring back a beautiful tan and photos of your happy family from there.

Climate in France

The climate in France is noticeably different in each region due to the influence of the seas and the ocean, as well as mountain ranges, but in general it can be called moderate: there will be no stifling heat in summer and sharp frosts in winter, which undoubtedly affects the popularity of France among tourists from all over the world.


Snow-white liners going on cruises in the Mediterranean Sea and to Africa, fishing boats starting every morning in search of another, and it should be noted, considerable catch, excellent beaches offering not only a standard set of services for vacationers, but also the opportunity to ride a kayak or walk under sail - this is how the second largest and most important city of France - Marseille, greets guests. There are a lot of Arabian delicacies and other exotic things in this city - it is not without reason that it is considered the gateway to Africa.


A city with a rich history and original architecture, one of the brightest and most romantic cities in France, Toulouse impresses with its mixture of traditions and styles. Roman ruins, ancient cathedrals and churches with delightful stained-glass windows, graceful mansions of pale blue and red brick houses - the city amazes with its unique flavor. And each of its squares and streets is permeated with history: the Duke Henri de Montmorency was executed here - the loudest execution in the country; in the old monastery - the Museum of the Augustins - canvases of the most famous French artists are kept.

Thermal resorts in our time have become quite widespread throughout Europe, even if you take into account France alone, more than fifty of them will be released. Thermal springs? these are places where water is believed to or has been shown to have medicinal properties... Since the days of great Rome, we have known spa springs and this culture is still very popular.

There are three main hot spring zones in France: the French Alps, the Auvergne Region and the Pyrenees. But in addition to these zones, a number of resorts can be found in Aquitaine, as well as in northeastern France.

Here's an example best sources France.


Perhaps this name sounds familiar even to those who have never been there. It was here, on the border with Switzerland, that the sources of the Evian mineral water, now popular all over the world, were discovered. Glaciers in the French Alps formed a natural filter, which made it possible to obtain the purest mineral water, which passed a fifteen-year filtration path. This natural natural filter, formed by several ice ages, is one of the most unique treasures on our planet. Mud therapy, various thermal baths, underwater massage and much more will be offered to you in the local balneological complexes. The local water, in addition to beneficial effects on the skin, helps in the treatment of the digestive system, in diseases of the cardiovascular system. Here you can rent kayaks, hiking trails along the lakeside, bike rides.


Vichy is one of the most famous thermal spa resorts in the world. It is located in the Auvergne region, the center of France. Since the time of Napoleon, the healing waters of this water have been appreciated by French doctors. More than 13 thousand tourists visit this resort annually. And 1000 more people around the world use Vichy cosmetics based on thermal water.


The Dax Resort is the ideal destination for those looking for variety. This resort includes 18 different spas. All thermal centers have a swimming pool and treatment rooms. The thermal waters of Dax have a high content of sulfur, iron, calcium and magnesium. They are used for both procedures and drinking cures. Dax? it is one of the largest producers of therapeutic mud, which is supplied to beauty and health centers throughout Europe.


The oldest spa resort in France, this spring is approximately 2000 years old. It is located in the center of France, in the Massif Central. Nowadays, these are quite popular baths, which have been supplemented with numerous casinos, courts and villas. The local healing waters help relieve guests of stress, back pain and nervous disorders.


This resort has long been famous for its thermal baths, but recently it has become one of the most popular ski resorts in France. The thermal spa offers its guests a wide range of services: from aromatic oils to massage with volcanic stones. Tourists come here from all over the world to taste the healing properties of the thermal springs. There is a popular belief that local waters can save a person's life.

Les Sources des Caudalie

It is the most luxurious thermal spa in a five-star hotel in the suburbs of Bordeaux. Already based on the name of the suburb, it becomes clear that in this resort, along with thermal procedures, wine procedures are practiced. These treatments include, for example, red wine baths, barrel baths, Merlot wraps, Cabernet scrub or Savignon massage. There are also two restaurants and a bar on the territory of the resort.


This place is not only an inexpensive resort, but also carries many historical monuments. Here, in addition to thermal baths, mineral springs, hydromassage baths and saunas, there is enough low prices, you will plunge into the atmosphere of medieval and Romanesque architecture. The main attraction of Ale-les-Bains can be considered the old abbey, built in the 7th century and destroyed in the 16th century.


A beautiful spa resort located a few minutes drive south of the town of Lourdes in the Pyrenees. There you will find water treatments, as well as outdoor activities such as hiking in the mountains or downhill skiing.


The second most popular thermal city in France. Here, in addition to treatment with mineral water, you are invited to contemplate stunning views of the Mont Blanc alpine peak. A large number of tourists come here every year for treatment. And also those who want to quit smoking, lose weight or just relax. Guests, among other things, are waiting for the city: a golf course, an aquarium and a casino. Do not forget to visit the Roman funerary arch of the city's attractions.

Les grands bains du monêtier

What could be more spectacular than a hot thermal spring surrounded by snow in the French Alps. The water in the springs of Les grands bains du Monêtier allows guests to swim in the open pools of the spring, even in the winter season. You will enjoy the most magnificent panoramic mountain views. Local thermal baths were founded in the days of the ancient Romans. There is also a ski resort.

Also noteworthy resorts.


The resort is surrounded by mountains on all sides. At the resort, you have the opportunity to undergo thermal water treatments and pamper your skin at the local beauty institute for a reasonable fee. Balneological center "Aquarena"

If you are a lover of an active lifestyle, then this is the place for you. It has everything you need for a pleasant pastime: spacious and well-equipped gyms, a huge swimming pool, thermal jacuzzi, Turkish bath, sauna and other spa treatments, as well as very good massages.

Bagneres de Bigorre

This is one of the oldest existing sources. Already in the 1st century BC, the Romans used it for recreational purposes. Today, about 40 springs have been discovered here. In winter, you can go skiing to your heart's content, as there is a large ski resort not far from here. In summer, you can explore many sights while walking around the city and its environs.


Located in the central region of France, in the land of volcanoes and thermal springs. The thermal waters of these springs are rich in sulfates, bromine and fluorine. The local water is used both for hydromassage and beauty treatments. Not far from the thermal springs is the cradle of the royal family of the Bourbons. Reconstructed after the revolution, the three towers, performances and events will keep you busy.

Hot fountain

One of the most famous provinces in France. Famous for its resorts, ports, castles, restaurants, vineyards and historical sites. Dhaka is one of the oldest balneological resorts in France. The Hot Fountain or the Spring to the goddess Not is considered to be the symbol of Dax. In 1818, the thermal spring was designed as a natural stone fountain.

La Bourboule,

There is a source of mineral water here, which is rich in bicarbonate, sodium chloride and other trace elements. The local sanatoriums treat asthma and skin diseases. Baths of Saint-Malo

Seaweed wraps, seawater spa baths, essential oil hydromassage and seawater hydromassage. This is just a small part of the services that will be offered to you.


It attracts tourists all year round due to its ideal location. Here you can go mountain biking, hiking trails in the mountains, rock climbing or paragliding. You can enjoy walks along the beautiful lake in between your wellness treatments. With the onset of winter, this place turns into a paradise for ski lovers.

Thalazur Thalassotherapy Center

Here you will be offered to undergo wellness and anti-stress treatments, beauty sessions, several types of massages, whirlpools, underwater shower massage, seaweed and healing mud wraps.

November 17, 2004 was the founding date of the French Thermal Springs Association. The purpose of creating FATI is to promote scientific research in fundamental and clinical areas. The Association sets itself the task of providing high-quality medical services in relation to the diseases existing in patients, the popularization of mud therapy in the health care system as a preventive and prophylactic measure.

With the treatment in thermal springs, patients can get rid of a large number of diseases that are difficult to treat with a medication course. Such diseases include diseases of the cardiovascular, rheumatological, respiratory diseases, phlebological, diseases of the digestive system and metabolic disorders, neurological, gynecological, dermatological and some others.

The springs we offer are located in different regions of France and contain different compositions of water, which makes it possible to treat, in some cases, several types of diseases in a complex manner. But in some cases, the composition of useful trace elements is aimed exclusively at treating a specific type of disease.

  • Location: Catalan region of France, Mediterranean climate, 300 days of sunshine a year, 230 m above sea level. 40 km from Perpignan and 35 km from the sea line. Natural healing factors. Chemical composition of water: Sulfurous, sodium chloride, bicarbonate waters, enriched with fluorine and silicon. Surface temperature: 44ºC to 63ºC. Drinking mineral water, porcelain clay (kaolin). Indications for treatment: Respiratory organs. Rheumatos

  • Location: Armagnac region, oceanic climate, mild and calm, far from the wind rose. 130 m above sea level. 40 km to Mont-de-Marzan and 150 km to Toulouse. Natural healing factors. Chemical composition of water: Bicarbonate waters containing calcium, silicon, magnesium, sulfur, free CO2 is released. Surface temperature: 38ºC. Use at 32ºC and 36ºC depending on the type of disease: rheumatology or venous system. Herbal and mineral therapeutic mud (38 - 42ºC), drinking mineral water, porcelain clay (kaolin) Indications for treatment: Respiratory organs. Rheumatology. Children are accepted for treatment from 9 months!

  • Location: In the very heart of the Basque country, it ranks 1st in France among the sanatoriums in terms of climatic characteristics. The climate is oceanic, mild and sunny. 50m above sea level, 20 km to Biarritz, 15 km to Bayonne. Natural healing factors. Chemical composition of water: Sulphurous water, sulphate with calcium and magnesium content. Surface temperature: 22ºC. Drinking mineral water, porcelain clay (kaolin). Indications for treatment: Respiratory organs. Rheumatology. Children from 5 years old are accepted (from 3 years old - on request).

  • Location: District of Roussillon, the climate is Mediterranean, dry and sunny. 450 m above sea level. 50 km to Perpignan, 45 km to the Mediterranean. Natural healing factors. Chemical composition of water: Sodium-sulphide, fluoride, radioactive, siliceous waters, enriched with thermal plankton. Surface temperature: from 37.5ºC. Drinking mineral water, porcelain clay (kaolin) Indications for treatment: Respiratory organs. Dermatology and lesions of the oral mucosa. Rheumatology. Children from 9 months are accepted.

  • Location: On the border of the Landes department, the climate is oceanic, mild and sunny. 85 m above sea level. 45 km to Po, 120 km to Biarizza. Natural healing factors. The chemical composition of the water: Spring "Christina-Maria": sulphate, calcium, manganese, arsenic. Surface temperature: 42ºC. Spring "Empress": sulphate-bicarbonate-sodium waters with iron content. Surface temperature: 20ºC. Drinking mineral water, porcelain clay (kaolin). Indications for treatment: Weight loss programs. Genitourinary system. Disorders of metabolic processes. Gout. Obesity. Type 2 diabetes. Rheumatology

  • Location: Haute Provence (north of Provence), the climate is dry, mild and very sunny. 360m above sea level. 50 km to Aix-en-Provence, 80 km to Marseille. Natural healing factors. Chemical composition of water: Sulphurous, sulphate mixed, magnesian, with a significant presence of oligo-elements. Surface temperature: 42ºC. Porcelain clay (kaolin). Indications for treatment: Respiratory organs. Rheumatology. Children are accepted for treatment from 9 months!

  • Location: Upper Sentonga, soft ocean. the climate is exceptionally sunny, similar to the southeast Mediterranean. 60 m above sea level. 50 km to Royan, 50 km to Angoulême, 80 km to Bordeaux. Natural healing factors. Chemical composition of water: Bicarbonate waters with sodium content, manganese-calcium, carbonaceous. oligo-elements: copper, iron, magnesium, fluorine, lithium, boron. Surface temperature: 16ºC. Drinking mineral water. Porcelain clay (kaolin). Indications for treatment: Respiratory organs. Phlebology. Rheumatology.

  • Location: Roussillon region, Mediterranean climate, warm and sunny. 80 m above sea level, 20 km to Perpignan. 15 km from the sea line and 7 km from the border with Spain. Natural healing factors. Chemical composition of water: Sulphurous, sulphate mixed (calcium-sodium), chloride, with a significant presence of various oligo-elements. temperature at the exit to the surface: 62 ° C. Drinking mineral water. Porcelain clay (kaolin). Indications for treatment: Diseases of the CVS. Gastroenterology. Diseases of the hepato-biliary system. Disorders of metabolic processes. Children are accepted (upon request).

  • Location: The very center of the Vosges department, calm, temperate climate, 310 m above sea level. 30 km to Epinal and 45 km to Epinal airport. Natural healing factors. Chemical composition of water: Bicarbonate water, sodium sulphide, enriched with silicon. Surface temperature: 33ºC to 53ºC. Drinking mineral water. Porcelain clay (kaolin). Indications for treatment: Cardiovascular diseases. Rheumatology, the consequences of trauma.

  • Location: The climate is mild, 292 m above sea level. 35 km to Rodez. Natural healing factors. Chemical composition of water: Hot natural gases containing derivatives of sulfur, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, as well as rare gases (helium and argon). The only sanatorium that uses natural gas for the treatment of diseases. Dry gas shower. General pressure chamber Indications for treatment: Rheumatology, arthrosis, the consequences of trauma, with concomitant venous insufficiency and CVS.

  • Location: The region of the southern Cévennes, the climate is Mediterranean, dry, mild and temperate. 200 m above sea level. 40 km to Béziers, 80 km to Montpellier 35 km to Rodez. Natural healing factors. Chemical composition of water: Carbonaceous, bicarbonate, mixed (calcium-sodium), multiple magnesian, with the presence of oligo-metals, radioactive waters. Surface temperature: from 28 ° C to 54 ° C. Drinking mineral water, porcelain clay (kaolin) Indications for treatment: Neurology Rheumatology. Special indications for the treatment of fibromyalgia. Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis

  • Location: Mountainous region of Catalonia, Mediterranean invigorating climate. 1130 m above sea level. 70 km to Perpignan 35 km to Rodez. Natural healing factors. Chemical composition of water: Sulphurous, bicarbonate, sulphate, sodium waters, enriched with fluorine and silicate. Surface temperature: 42ºC. Drinking mineral water, porcelain clay (kaolin) Indications for treatment: Diseases of the genitourinary system. Disorders of metabolic processes. Rheumatology

  • Location: In the heart of France, temperate climate, 245 m above sea level. 22 km to Moulins, 53 km to Montlucon, 114 km to Clermont-Ferrand Natural healing factors. Chemical composition of water: Carbonaceous, sodium chloride, bicarbonate, sulfate waters containing fluoride and bromide compounds. Surface temperature: 55ºC. The grotto of the natural natural origin Indications for treatment: Gynecology (chronic infections and ovarian hypofunction). Rheumatology. Neuralgia

  • Location: In the heart of the Massives du Sancy, a mid-continental climate of a small highland. 1050 m above sea level. 45 km to Clermont Ferrand Natural healing factors. Chemical composition of water: Chloride, bicarbonate, sodium water with a high silicon content. Surface temperature: 36ºC to 44ºC. Drinking mineral water, general pressure chamber, thermal gas injections, porcelain clay (kaolin) Indications for treatment: Respiratory organs (respiratory, ENT diseases, asthma and pneumology). Rheumatology, the consequences of trauma.

  • Location: The sanatorium is located along the l'Yadur line, mild climate. 10 m above sea level. 17 km to Dax, 58 km to Biarizza, 80 km to Po Natural healing factors. Chemical composition of water: Sulfurous, sulphate-calcium, sodium chloride waters. Surface temperature: 30ºC to 60ºC. Sodium sulphide water, surface temperature: 18ºC. Drinking mineral water, caodlin. Herbal-mineral, thermal natural mud Indications for treatment: Respiratory organs. Rheumatology

  • Location: The climate is typical of a flat area, moderate, soothing. Natural vegetable and mineral mud. 17 m above sea level. 7 km to Valenciennes, 50 km to Lille Natural healing factors. Chemical composition of water: Sulphurous, bicarbonate, sulphate, calcium waters. Surface temperature: 26ºC. Drinking mineral water, thermal mud, porcelain clay (kaolin) Indications for treatment: Respiratory organs, pneumology. Rheumatology, the consequences of trauma.

  • n (Nievre) Location: Area of ​​Burgundy, the sanatorium is literally immersed in greenery, out of any reach from sources of pollution. The climate is moderate (presence of microclimate). 300 m above sea level. 68 km to Nevers, 145 km to Dijon Natural healing factors. Chemical composition of water: Sulfur, chloride-soda, arsenic. Surface temperature: 24-30ºC. Drinking mineral water, porcelain clay (kaolin) Indications for treatment: Respiratory organs, ENT, pneumology, rheumatology, consequences of trauma

  • Location: The sanatorium is located in the Upper Vivare, Mediterranean mountainous, tonic climate. 800 m above sea level. 70 km to Puy en Vele, 120 km to Nîmes Natural healing factors. Chemical composition of water: Bicarbonate-soda waters, enriched with fluorine and oligo-metals. Surface temperature: 49-52ºC. Drinking mineral water, porcelain clay (kaolin) Indications for treatment: Rheumatology, arthrosis, consequences of trauma

  • Location: In the heart of Savoy, a healthy mild climate. 287 m above sea level. 5 km to Chambery Natural healing factors. Chemical composition of water: Sulphurous, bicarbonate water, sulphate, with sodium content. In terms of sulfur concentration, water is one of the first in Europe. Surface temperature: 16ºC. Porcelain clay (kaolin) Indications for treatment: Gynecology (endocrinological). Respiratory system

  • Location: At the entrance to the Ballons and Vosges nature reserves, in the immediate vicinity of the Jura canton, there is a continental invigorating climate. 350 m above sea level. 30 km to Vesoul, 50 km to Epinal Natural healing factors. Chemical composition of water: Sodium chloride, sulfate, siliceous waters containing oligo-elements. Surface temperature: from 48 ° C to 58 ° C. Porcelain clay (kaolin) Indications for treatment: Phlebology / Rheumatology, the consequences of trauma. Gynecology

Resort health resorts "Sun" are a network of sanatoriums, which employs professional staff - doctors specializing in " spa medicine».

The sanatoriums offer a wide range of the most advanced services in the field of mineral water treatment - crenotherapy. The spa doctor works individually with each patient. Before starting treatment, he draws up an individual program of both balneological procedures and a drinking course of thermal water. The optimal for a positive and quick effect on the body is considered to be the number of 4-5 procedures per day. A feature of the treatment programs is the alternation of thermal-mineral procedures and procedures using thermal water and herbal medicinal extracts.

Each visitor is asked to change into special robes before the start of the procedure. During their stay in the thermal center, all customers are asked not to use their mobile phones. It is important to note that patients also do not need hours, since the sequence of the procedures and the time for which they are scheduled are monitored by the center's staff. All procedures are interspersed with approximately 15 minutes of rest.

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Gastronomic diet cuisine from the great chef Michel Guérard - Cuisine Minceur Active. Recipes for eternal youth, vitality and beauty.

Michel Guérard's Gourmet Diet

For the past 26 years, the world renowned French chef Monsieur Michel Guérard has been creating a one-of-a-kind dietary haute cuisine - Cuisine Minceur Active. Its creation was a consequence basic research Michel Guérard and the Nestlé Group. The beginning of cooperation dates back to 1976. For almost 30 years of joint work, a completely new approach to the issue of rational, diet food.

Cuisine Minceur Active is an amazing combination of gastronomic cuisine with innovative developments in the field of rational nutrition of the last decades. Diet haute cuisine from Michel Guérard is aimed primarily at normalizing metabolism and, as a result, fairly rapid, but gradual weight loss. Weight loss occurs not due to the rejection of many food products or their strict restriction, but due to the correct provision of the body with all the elements necessary for its smooth operation.

Cuisine Minceur Active was created primarily for those who lead or seeks to lead an active lifestyle, it gives vitality, prevents the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases (such as hypertension, etc.)

A rational hypocaloric diet - Cuisine Minceur Active - is based on strict adherence to the diet. The last meal falls on the period from 19 hours 15 minutes to 20 hours 15 minutes. An early dinner helps to normalize sleep and metabolism.

If we divide the daily diet of Cuisine Minceur Active into its components, it looks like this: 50% of the daily calorie content is carbohydrates, 30% is fat, 20% is protein. Sweeteners (aspartame) are not used in the preparation of dishes, and natural fructose is preferred. High-calorie foods containing a lot of fat and easily digestible carbohydrates are excluded from the diet.

The preference is given not to animals, but to vegetable fats: cream and butter are completely replaced by olive and rapeseed oil of the first cold pressing. The only exceptions are some confectionery products. Saturated fatty acids, which increase blood cholesterol levels, are replaced by mono or polyunsaturated fatty acids.

For example, the diet provides for the frequent consumption of different varieties of fish (salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel) with a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega 3. This is one of the most essential components of a healthy diet, which normalizes metabolic processes, has an immunostimulating effect, and prevents the development of atherosclerosis , cardiovascular and rheumatoid diseases.

Products that require cooking are prepared with mineral, thermal water, which is not lacking here - two Saint-Loubouer springs - Imperatrice and Christine-Marie spring give more than a million liters per day.

Vegetables, fruits, that is, foods that contain fiber (dietary plant fiber) occupy one of the main places in the system of rational hypocaloric nutrition. First of all, they are excellent natural antioxidants and a rich source of vitamins.

Plant fibers bind and remove food and toxic substances, bile acids from the body, interact with intestinal bacteria, enhancing their function, and increase metabolism. Dark green leafy vegetables, dry beans (natural source folic acid, carbohydrates and fiber) are used daily in Michel Guérard's diet.

Cuisine Minceur Active provides daily vegetarian meals for lunch. However, these dishes are served with sauces made on the basis of acidophilus milk (LC1 Nestle), which is a source of proteins and calcium, which play a vital role in the normalization of human life.

Particular attention is paid to the use enough liquids. First of all, this is healing thermal, mineral water (drinking cure is prescribed by the doctor of the SPA center La Ferme Thermale d "Eugenie), which is consumed between meals during the day. bearberry leaves, heather flowers, cherry and horsetail tails).

White and red wine (up to 200 ml per day) are also present in the diet of a healthy diet. White and red wines are used as a preventive and therapeutic agent for many diseases - stomach, metabolism, anemia, colitis, asthenia. White wines are recommended for hypertension, lethargy of the liver. Red wines - for hypotension, eating disorders, obesity and as a tonic. Along with dietary and medicinal properties, grape wines have antiseptic and bactericidal properties.

Thus, Cuisine Minceur Active is based on 6 rules:

1) Fresh fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes. They make up the bulk of the daily diet. These are natural antioxidants, sources of vitamins and plant fiber.

2) Dry vegetables. Everyone knows the beneficial properties of dried fruits, but few people use dry vegetables rich in proteins, carbohydrates and plant fibers in modern cooking. These three components of the product give a quick feeling of fullness and literally have a tonic effect, energizing the body. But there is one more little secret- combination of dry vegetables and cereals in one dish. Combined in the exact right proportion (for 100 grams of cereals, 50 grams of dry vegetables), they are a source of essential amino acids in the diet.

3) Olive and rapeseed oil. They completely replace butter and cream. Substitution of mono or polyunsaturated fatty acids for saturated fatty acids

4) Fish. Fish should be included in a healthy diet and consumed regularly every other day. Salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel contain Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

5) Sugar. No sweeteners (aspartame) are used in the preparation of dishes, and natural fructose is preferred.

6) White and red wines. Moderate consumption of wine is extremely beneficial for the body. Red wine is recommended at lunchtime (100 ml) as an excellent antioxidant, in the evening - white wine (100 ml) to normalize kidney function.

In addition to the above rules, the great meter of dietary cuisine has its own secrets that make Cuisine Minceur Active one of a kind in terms of amazing taste and benefits for the body. All products that need to be boiled are prepared in the local thermal water of high mineralization.

For those who try to follow the rules of rational hypocaloric nutrition at home, we can advise you to cook food on a similar composition to Vittel water. Michelle Guérard uses acidophilic milk and yoghurts (LC1 Nestle) to make sauces, which are a source of protein and calcium. Yoghurt and milk are combined with various broths and complemented with fresh herbs and spices. They add a delicate aroma to dishes, making them unique.

Some of Cuisine Minceur Active's gourmet dietary dishes:

Tomato tartare with poached egg with green dill sauce and parmesan pieces
Vegetable risotto with whole rice
Royal Dorada baked with lettuce and chanterelles salad
Pancakes with light lemon cream and grapefruit
Yoghurt ice cream with berries