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Portugal: We plan an independent trip. Traveling on the west coast of Portugal by car

A trip to Portugal by car can be very exciting, the main thing is good to prepare and find out all nuances. This section will respond to the necessary questions and will help properly prepare for the journey.

Speed \u200b\u200blimit

Passenger cars without trailer:

  • 50 km / h in settlements;
  • 90 km / h outside the settlement;
  • 100 km / h on road roadsoh;
  • 120 KM / H on the motorway;

Gasoline in Portugal

Gasolina SEM Chumbo 95 - gasoline with octane number 95

Gasolina SEM Chumbo 98 - gasoline with octane number 98

Diesel / Gasóleo. - diesel fuel

GPL - Gas.

In addition, in Portugal many places to charge electric vehicles. And in Lisbon, they are almost on each parking lot.

The cost of gasoline in Portugal

The cost of gasoline depends on the cost of oil. In January 2016, at a low price for oil, the value of the 95th gasoline fell to 1.2 euros per liter. On Madeira I. Azores The cost of fuel is lower than on the continent.

Actual average prices for gasoline, diesel fuel and gas you can learn in

The table has prices in all European countries.

You can see that in Portugal prices for gasoline higher than in neighboring Spain and France. That is why many locals living near the Spanish border go to refer to neighbors to Spain.

Portugal road map and navigation

It makes sense to connect the Internet and use google cards. It is well calculated route and travel time. I did not have complaints, I use constantly. Map is relevant and updates does not require. Now it is possible to download Google a map in advance and use it without connecting to the Internet, but the accuracy of determining your location will be lower.

  • Reflective vest (in the absence of a fine from 60 to 300 euros);
  • Warning triangle;
  • Document certifying personality with photography;
  • Existing insurance;

The driver must have a driver's license of an international sample. The ideal option Is obtaining an international driver's license.

This is not necessary, since Portugal, as the Russian Federation signed the Vienna Convention, in particular the application number 6, which concerns driver's licenses. But, maybe it is necessary to reinforce and arrange an additional international certificate? Since in new, "pink" rights, disappeared by french words: "Driver's license".

International driver's license

This is a book, where national driving license is translated on different languages World. In principle, if you do not have it, then the usual rights will be suitable for rent and when checking documents. But they must have transcription and translation. These rights are an application and without ordinary "plastic rights" are not valid.

Get them no problem. It is enough to pay for the duty, fill out the application and bring a photo. You can sign up through the website of the State Service.

But all this for reinsurers. Most likely, the right in Portugal will need only once - when renting a car.

It is forbidden to use studded rubber.

Using seat belts necessarily for the driver and all passengers in vehiclesin which the belts are provided by the design. The driver is not obliged to follow the adult passengers, since the penalty is paying for itself. In the event of transportation of children - the driver is responsible. The penalty is from 120 to 600 euros.

The use of radar detectors is prohibited. Penalty for this disorder from 500 to 2500 euros.

Rules for transportation of children in the car in Portugal

Children under 12 years and growth below 1.35 must go to rear seat In the children's chair, corresponding to their growth and weight. Exceptions are cars not equipped with seat belts.

Actions in case of accident or vehicle breakdown

First of all, even before leaving the car, you must wear a vest and only after that set an emergency triangle.

The use of reflective vest and emergency triangle is required. This is very important, since these violations are high penalties. And they are summarized if you have not fulfilled both requirements.

You are fined and for the lack of vest and for the sign. For each of these violations, a penalty is from 120 to 600 euros, respectively, you pay from 240 to 1200 euros. Moreover, if the violation is performed on the motorway, the amount of the fine will be maximum!

Emergency numbers

Emergency number - 112

I want to pay attention to that in Portugal it is forbidden to talk on the phone while driving while driving, if you do not have a speakerphone or headset. Stop on the traffic light or before the story stop no exception.

There were cases when drivers were fined when they spoke on the phone, stopping on the side of the road. Penalty from 120 to 600 euros.

Here we lit the highlights that you need to know for traveling in Portugal by car. We wish you a good trip!

You need to go to the most Western country in Europe at once for several reasons:

  • unique historical monuments that are not found anywhere in the world;
  • warm ocean and chic beaches, soft marine climate;
  • diving;
  • stunningly delicious kitchen;
  • christian shrines;
  • folk songs Fada;
  • low crime.
Palace of Foam (Sintra, Portugal)

Portugal can not be attributed to the cheapest countries. Until recently, this country was mostly wealthy tourists who fed the Mediterranean resorts. And for budget recreation The country is quite suitable if you know how not to overpay for food, accommodation and entertainment. The only costs that are not avoided is a fee for a Schengen visa - 35 euros per person.

The biggest savings are obtained if you are not alone in the country of Columbus, but as part of a large and friendly company - several families with children are an excellent option.

Road to Ocean.

Getting to Portugal long enough. Direct flight Moscow to Lisbon - 6 hours. But a ticket that will provide the shortest path, not the most cheap way Achieve the Portuguese capital. If you fly with a transplant, you can save up to 75 euros!

Most a budget option The flight offers Airfrance and KLM. Both companies will be delivered from Moscow to Lisbon and in one transplant: in the first case in Paris (waiting for 7 hours), in the second - in Amsterdam (waiting 12 hours). Ticket - from 200 euros in both ends.

The road to Portugal can turn into additional tourist capabilities. From Charles de Gaulle Airport, to the center of ancient lutence, you can drive 350 and 351 buses. The road takes an hour, and the ticket costs 5.70 euros one way. Guidebooks and reference books persistently recommend other paths - an electric train or bus of the commercial line. But these types of transport go to Paris as much as the tickets are per few times more expensive.

Pure time to inspect the most famous beauties of the French capital remains about three hours, which is quite enough, even considering a small break for a snack in a cafe (coffee, peasant pie, light salad - 7-8 euros).

In Amsterdam, on the contrary, the fastest and cheapest way to get from the airport to the historic center of the city. A ticket - 5.10 euros, on the way - just 17 minutes. Clear time in the city - 8 hours. It is enough to have time to visit a few museums, run into the Quarter "Red Lights", delicious dinner (a large sandwich with a Dutch herd and onions, a beer mug - 7 euros).

Even taking into account the costs of buses or trains, food and inspection of attractions, the cost of the road with a transfer (in Paris or in Amsterdam) turn out to be less than tickets for a direct flight to Lisbon.

Portuguese accommodation

Hotels in Portugal dear. Even if you choose a tiny room in guest House At the very edge of the city, it will cost such an overnight no less than 20 euros per day. Simple hotelIn which you will be provided with a hot breakfast, from which you do not need to get to the historic center for two hours, costs 30-40 euros per night.

In order to live while resting in in a convenient place, near public transport stops, grocery stores, close to the attractions and the ocean coast, you need to rent an apartment. This option will be especially economical, if you travel a group of 4-6 people. Three room flat In a good urban area costs 50 euro / day. The apartment can easily accommodate 6 adult travelers.

Accommodation in the rented apartment saves, thanks to several advantages at once:

  • own kitchen allows residents to prepare themselves that much less costs than food in cafes, taverns, kortsmay;
  • each apartment necessarily provides free coffee and guests for guests, many owners leave a set of croup, macaroni, and in the refrigerator you will find several bottles mineral water and an indispensable bottle of wine or port - everything is included in the price;
  • no tips pay, you yourself are cleaning your housing;
  • you have the opportunity to absolutely free to wipe your things (availability washing machine For a removable apartment, it is necessary detergents provided free of charge).

One-bedroom apartment S. small kitchen In a quiet city district - 30-35 euros.

We also recommend reading an article. From her you will learn: where you can go well and inexpensively abroad, which is first and foremost to save your budget. The article provides a list of the most inexpensive travel countries in Europe, Asia, South America and the Middle East.

Features of Portuguese cuisine

Portuguese cuisine is a mixture of African, Arab and South European tastes. Bright dishes, an abundance of spices and sophisticated fish delicacies - here is the main thing in the food of the Portuguese. Gourmets will undoubtedly be taste:

  • bakalua - special cod cream, at the same time saline and dried. Served with baked potatoes and green onions. Popular dish in the days of numerous posts;
  • kaldu Verda - Green soup with a sharp pepper "Piri-Peel", sausage "Chorizo" and potatoes;
  • fayzhoada - beans, meat, rice, vegetables in a pot. This national dish every mistress prepares in its own way, and in Lisbon taverns it is this dish of the most popular among tourists;
  • pasteish de Belem - Cinnamon Bun and Custard - business card Countries, the most famous dessert.


Lunch in the usual restaurant at the supermarket (the most fiscal option) costs from 7 euros per person. Portions in Portugal are very generous, so one lunch is quite enough for two.

The most budget restaurants of Lisbon are Brazilian or Japanese. In the first one you can try the unserved number of meat snacks for 12 euros (the meal will fully come for dinner for two, a bottle of wine is attached to snacks), in the second case - a business lunch consisting of sushi three types, pieces of chicken in soy sauce and a large cup of green Tea, it is not more expensive than 8 euros.

Supermarkets of Portugal cities will leave for bread (2.5 euros large white loaf) and dairy products (milk - 1.40; yogurt - from 2 euros per liter bottle). All other products are better to buy in the markets. Prices are here below, Vegetables, meat and fish - Fresh. You can bargain. The only condition for saving is: to the markets of Portugal, you need to come very early, no later than 6-7 hours. Later, prices are taken away, and sellers become inexorable at part of discounts.

Five euros will be enough to pick up vegetables for two or three days (greens, onions, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots). Fish here - from 3 to 12 euros per kilogram, meat - from 4 to 9. Peasant olive oil - 5 euro half-liter bottle. In the markets you can buy the best spices or ready-made sharp sauces.


A feature of Portugal is the fact that the beaches in this country belong to either large hotels or city authorities. The entrance is free, but for sun beds and umbrellas you need to pay from 8 to 10 euros (if you do not live in a chic hotel on the ocean coast).

You can swim in the Atlantic from March to October. But Russian tourists often amuse the locals with swimming in December or February. At this time, the water temperature in the ocean is from 15 to 17 degrees. For residents of the Polar region, this is the most common temperature of the summer reservoir.

The most famous country beaches are located in the south. Adraga, Ginsh, Odessa, Don Ana, Falezia - All this is the famous coastal settlements of Mainland Portugal with a refrigerated shore and a gentle entrance to the ocean. White sand, surfing school and diving, sea excursions, picturesque coastal rocks. On many beaches there are small restaurants, which serves fresh fish in a different design. Externally, such institutions may look very non-primitive, but the kitchen is always excellent here.

Public transport

Travel on buses or trams in major cities From 1 euro to 1.50, the same number is one trip to the subway. You can save, if you buy a universal travel ticket for 16 euros (4 days). Without travel a day, a regular tourist spends on local trips from 6 to 10 euros.

Taxi in Lisbon - from 5 to 15 euros, depending on the class of auto and duration of the trip.

What to see in Portugal?

The tourist season in the country continues all year round, all this thanks to the abundance of various historical monuments, unusual museums, entertainment establishments. Special attention of travelers attract the objects of pilgrimage, famous holy places. For those who are going to Portugal for the first time, from all tourist objects it is worth choosing the most outstanding:

  • Himaraesh is a place where Portugal was born. The fortified castle, known since the X century, which is perfectly preserved. Nearby is the city of the same name, in which you need to explore the castle of the rain and the medieval cathedral of St. Francis. You can get from the capital by bus or train (on the way 4.5 hours, ticket 33 euros one way);
  • Obdysh is a fortress city. It is hardly the only city in Europe, surrounded by a fortress wall so far. Almost all locality - Museum. Three thousand local residents are designed to revive medieval landscape. Churches, houses, shops, cafes - everything is miniature, as if toy. A trip to Obydysh takes three hours, a ticket - 8.85 euros;
  • Monastery of Batalia - the tomb of several kings and queens, a monument to the gothic architecture of world importance. National Museum. The entrance ticket is 6 euros. From the capital to Batalia there is a bus - on the way 2 hours, a ticket - 8 euros;
  • Monastery Zheronimush - the pride of the Portuguese capital, the masterpiece of architecture, the place of restoring the Great Portuguese (Vasco da Gama, Kings Manuel I, Juan III, etc.). Entry ticket - 10 euros. You can drive on buses 726, 727, 43;
  • Belen Tower is a unique construction of the Renaissance. Built in honor of the opening of the path to India, one of the most recognizable characters of the old world, which accompanied and met Portuguese navigators. Partly, the tower served as a warehouse, hostel and prison customs. Located next to the monastery of Zheronimush. Entrance ticket - 6 euros;
  • Fatima is a small town in which the famous phenomenon of the Virgin Children occurred. Now there is a basilica on the site of a miracle, several city councils are also the objects of pilgrimage. There are several interesting museums in the town (wax figures of the Fatimo Virgin, the Museum of Sacred History and Ethnography). From Lisbon is best to get to Fatima by bus. On the way and a half hours, ticket 12 euros.

For tourists going to visit Portugal, it is important to know that all state museums Countries on Sundays allow everyone to be completely free. On this day, the queues accumulate in all popular places. Time to visit is more. Therefore, you should not postpone visiting cultural institutions for the weekend, you can not have time to see the most interesting.

Excursions beyond Portugal

The closer to Portugal is its eternal rival in all areas - Spain. Getting from Lisbon to Madrid is cheaper than just by the plane - from 42 euros. The bus arrives from 45 to 60 euros. And the train and at all 80 euros. Flight continues a little less than one and a half hours. The path on land transport is 10-12 hours.

In Madrid in one day, you can buy a bus tour of the city (23 euros), see all the main sights of the Spanish capital. Ploy in Prado (14 euros), drink Sangria with tapas snacks (from 7 euro per person).

Car rental in Portugal is available for driver's license officials over 25 years old, with two-year experience. Rent a modest car - 15.50 euro / day. Gasoline - 1.52 euro / liter.

When to go?

Only two months in the year Portugal Nelskov to tourists - January and February. This is the time of ocean storms, marking weather, cloudy sky. The rest of the time is favorable for visiting the country. The fiscal season - from March to May, from October to the end of November. At this time, the swimming season is closed, but for dating history and culture of Portugal, this time is suitable the best way.

Portugal - the least affected European country from the mass tourist development and its consequences. Here you will feel the national flavor, while not strongly affected by globalization, you can enjoy the rest in hotels in ancient buildings, take the car and ride along the Atlantic coast, exploring the protected bays.
Rest in Portugal boldly can be recommended to lovers to go to Europe, which many where there were new discoveries. Here is the architecture, and sea landscapes, and a gastronomic holiday every day. Portugal is ideal for those who do not like large resort hotels, All Inclusive and other elements of communism; Portugal is a country for free travelers. And if you prefer to start your travels from a visit to car rental - This country is literally waiting for you. Our articles are written by Russian-speaking authors living in Portugal, and will help you plan a trip through this country, relying on a competent opinion, and not on the "tourist reviews".

Comparison of tickets for tickets to Lisbon and hotels on different sites - savings up to 50%

5 reasons to go on vacation in Portugal

Scenes out everyday life And the kipache activity in the cities of Portugal themselves are attractions. Add a lot of historical and cultural monuments to this and you will receive a real tourist paradise.
For a peaceful rest The beautiful beaches of the Algarve coast in the south of the country are best suitable, they are considered one of the best in Europe and enjoy great popularity. This region, devoid of picturesque fishing villages and bizarre cities, such as Eshta, Faro and Monte Gordo, is the basis of the tourism industry in Portugal. On the east coast, Estoril is a variety of casinos and chic hotels - it is exotic and expensive place
Lisbon - Capital and the most modern city in Portugal, an ideal mixture of antiquity and a multinational atmosphere. Since in 1994, Lisbon was named the cultural capital of Europe, the city attracts increased attention to himself. On the former territory Expo and nearby areas are located many coastal restaurants, concert halls, open cafes, as well as Lisbon Oceanarium. In the central part of the city there is a Roman triumphal arch. The borders of the city smoothly merge with the coastline and its wooden buildings, which only adds the city of attractiveness.
Narrow, paved street streets - The second largest city of Portugal - leading to the famous vineyards, on which grapes are grown for Portwine, also deserve your attention.
University City Coimbra In the north of Portugal is very popular with young people, and his charming open cafesperfect placeTo sit here in the evening.

How to get to Portugal

Direct flights from Moscow to Lisbon are so few that we will assume that they are not. Enter into the search form of different dates, if suddenly there are direct tickets - excellent. However, it is better to immediately tune in to a ticket with a change in some European city. Choose a short transplant, for example, in Zurich, if limited in time and want to quickly get into Lisbon. Long parking, on the contrary, gives a chance to visit the city for which you missed, but there is no time to go there. For example, there are 12-hour docks in Amsterdam. Those who travel in Portugal behind the wheel, sometimes fly to Malaga, take there car And already on it goes to Portugal.


Lisbon - the starting point of travel in Portugal. Stay in it for a couple of days along the way there and back. Although there are lovers who come to Lisbon for all the time of travel, and from there travel around the country.

When it is better to go to Portugal. Bathing season

For most of the country, the tourist season lasts from March to October, it is perhaps best time To visit Portugal from the point of view of weather conditions. Prices for hotels in Lisbon are quite high all year round, so when you did not come here, prices will be approximately the same. In other cities of the country in hotels there are discounts from November to February. If you want to visit Algarve beaches when there is no crowd of vacationers, come in winter. In this region, the sun shines at least 3000 hours a year, so there is never a strong cold, even in the so-called winter, from November to February.
Officially bathing season begins on June 15 and ends on September 15. However, our people are already bathed in and on may holidays. Here you need to understand one subtlety: the beaches of Portugal is not at sea, but at the very ocean, with all the consequences. So if for recreation critical and peaceful sea - it is better to choose another country, for example,. Portugal is ideal for those who love the sea, but not focused on bathing.

Where to stay. Best hotels in Portugal

One of the main tourist attractions of traveling in Portugal is to stop in historic buildings converted under the hotels. For example, which opened in Cascais in 2012, is a bright representative of the historical designer feces. There is a fervor located in the fortress that served in the XVI century the outpost for the defense of the entrance in the mouth of the Lisbon and the protection of Lisbon from the attack from the sea. Next - Overview of the most interesting shipping of Portugal, use it when planning your route:

If the goal is to plan a saving vacation in Portugal, when choosing a hotel, use our search for all booking sites: This is the maximum choice of plus savings, since your favorite hotel booking site does not always issue best price.:

Routes in Portugal

The main route of the first journey in Portugal is to get to the most Western point of Europe, to Cape Cape da Rock. In order to get there, it is not necessary to rent a car at all, you can simply buy a junction with any Turofis in Lisbon. Details This route is scheduled here:

However, even for this pretty simple route is more comfortable to rent a car. Movement in Portugal Right-sided, the intensity is low, feared only those who are on two wheels. The road police in Portugal is indulgent to tourists, but this kind is better to try not to abuse. Take advantage of our comparison for rental prices from different suppliers:

After the car is booked, you can plan a route. We have two good finished travel routes in Portugal on a rented car, which every season use hundreds of readers SmartTrip:


Somehow it happened that this island with a unique nature, located in the Atlantic Ocean, for some reason consider the "resort for wealthy retirees". First, if you combine a trip to the continental portugal with a beach holiday on Madeira (which in itself is an excellent idea), then the budget of the trip will not be released at all of the Space: Lisbon-Funchal tickets are standard money. Yes, and the pensioner is not at all necessary: \u200b\u200bbars and nightly institutions are enough in Lisbon, and on Madeira need to enjoy the silence and unique flora; Stay on Madeira is how to be in the Big Botanical Garden.

Fly in Portugal and sit on one beach - not the smartest option, if you certainly do not live in an hour of flight or ride. It is worth the car for rent at Lisbon airport and to meet the adventure. I used the services of Gold Car and was satisfied. This is our third meeting with this European roller, which risks soon convergence in friendship, stronger thanks to a good price and quality of the service. At times trying to break this friendship very worthy Herz or SiXt, but so far unsuccessfully.

Main points along the route:

Lisbon - Cabo Da Roca - Sintra - Vila Do Bispo - Sagres - Lagos - Ferragudo - Silves - Lagoa - Albufeira - Lisbon

Only about 800 km. With races on local dots - view, beaches and just liked places - 900 km.

On the map, our mapping looks about so :

1. Lisbon: Lisbon - Cape Roca - Sintra - Lisbon

On the Lisbonit is necessary at least 3-4 days one of which should be devoted to half-hour ride to the rock and historical syntra.

Cape Roca (Cabo Da Roca) is the extreme western point of Europe and is interesting precisely by its location. Attractions - Lighthouse and beautiful types of coastline. However, Skyline elsewhere on the route will be no worse.

Sintra- The ancient town, quite cute, although very tourist. Ideally come to Sintra in the morning, immediately after the lighthouse at the Cape Rock, up to 10 hours. First of all, more options are parked, secondly to the city itself is needed at least 6 hours. We watch the palace, fortress, walk along a winding steep streets and trying to sleep in local pastry shops.

2. The second part of the route is the road from Lisbon in Algarve

We are eating regional roads N5, N253, N261, N120, N268, N125. By signs We drive to the beaches and choose "The Best of"

Point number one route - Comporta, Winery and the beach in the style of the movie "Reach to Heaven." Beach from the horizon to the horizon, making track, huge shaft.
Beach coordinates:38.381372, -8.802608

You can skip Sines.if little time and immediately move to the side Villa Do Bispo. - This is the extreme southwest of Europe. In the surroundings, several beautiful beaches, but water in these places rarely exceeds the temperature +20, is interesting in terms of wander, enjoy the ocean and meet the sunset.

Does not reach Vila Do Bispo We visit Amado Beach - Beautiful views, Surfers' beach, but you can swim in the summer.

You can spend the night in the town of Vila Do Bispo, exclusively as a transit night, and you can immediately go to the town of Sagres - the extreme southwest point of Europe.

Interest not so much Sagresh, how much lighthouse S. Vicente.. Very beautiful lighthouse and a magnificent view of the coastline, several viewing sites.

Parking coordinates near S. Vicente Lighthouse: 37.16858, -8.665534

Next to the lighthouse on the way to Lagos, the interesting Beeliche beach, popular among local. Malbitual with a good inexpensive restaurant, azure ocean, surrounded by beautiful cliffs. (37.02421, -08.99426)

3. Part of the third route - the southern coast of Algarve, the warmest and tourist-owned tours of all calibers.

Points of interest: Lagosh - a beautiful tourist town with old narrow cobbled streets, embankment and restaurants. In the surrounding area, several beaches and observations.

Praia Dona Ana - (37.091233, -8.0669761)

City Long and Warm sandy beach Maia Praia (37.106858. -8.665534)

Ponta Da Piedade, which opens beautiful view On the cliffs, you can also ride on top of the boat. (37.08162, -08.66978)

More interesting places:

Ferragudo Village, beautiful fishing village on a hill, a good place for the photo - (37.125894, -8.52227)

Praia Da Roca Beach near Portimao Town

Lagoa town is the best place for overnight stay, conveniently located in 3 km. From the ocean and is equal to all interesting places. We had the main base of the study of the Algarve coast and historical memo.

Silves - here the ancient Arab fortress, well preserved, can be devoted a couple of hours to the beaches.

Praia Do Marinha (37/090073, -8.412599) One of the most beautiful on the coast, but in the summer it is difficult to swim because of the flowering of black algae almost all over the beach. Great for "sunbathing, drinking wine and enjoy cliffs)

- Senhora da Rocha. - Guidebooks report that this is the most photographed beach in the Albufeira area. Probably because there is a lot of hotels near ... :) Beautiful beach, but somewhere at the end of my conditional top ten Algarve. Coordinates: 37.09750, -008.38643

- Albufeira. White houses, several beaches in the surrounding area make it the most popular town of Algarve. I would still prefer for research by Algarve Lagos or Lagoa.

- Praia Do Castelo. - Our favorite beach in Algarve, who was given the title of Beach No. 1, is located between Albufeira and logo. There is no hotels in the vicinity, therefore contingent is mostly local and independent auto-travelers. Restaurant Pic NIC is open all year round, ocean view and bright yellow cliffs of indescribable beauty. Coordinates: (37.07354, -008.29812)

4. Road to Lisbon

We return, or rather the reach of the autobahn E1 for 2.5 hours without stopping, we enter the city through the longest bridge in Europe, Vasco da Gama and spend unforgettable 10 hours in the city before departure.

P.S. In Algarve, full of beautiful beaches and beautiful placesSo it will correctly plan to plan a little longer and just at random to go to the signs.

Portugal is one of the warmest european countrieswhere the temperature even is rarely lowered below + 8-10 ° C. The most comfortable weather is installed in the period from April to June and in September-October. The hot July and August are ideal for relaxing on the coast: in Algarve or on Lisbon Riviera.


A tourist visa can be issued at the visa center in Moscow. On how to get a Schengen visa on its own ,.


Most travels begins with Lisbon, from where it is convenient to travel around the surroundings - to Sintra, Cascais, to Cape Rock. Point number two is the port, there are many picturesque castles between him and the capital, towns and villages that can also slowly explore along the way. Lovers beach holidays It is worth going in the opposite direction - in Algarve: Faro, Lagush, Sagresh and Albufeir. Exhaustive information about routes can be found on the website On the road will be comfortable paper or electronic guidebooks: English-speaking Rough Guides, Lonely Planet and Fodor's, in Russian - Doring Kindersley and more budget "polyglot". Lovers to dig plumps will surely enjoy the "History of Portugal" Sarajev Jose Erman, and fans of poetry - the patriotic poems of Louis de Kamense.


In Portugal, it's faster on the plane: direct flights are carried out by Tap Portugal, the flight lasts about 5.5 hours. On tickets you can save if you track offers Lufthansa, EasyJet, Vueling.

Buses ride a little slower, but also cost: the same trip from Lisbon to Porto will cost 18-20 €. Most long-distance flights are carried out by Rede Expressos, you can buy tickets on its website.

In major cities, the system of urban land transport, Lisbon and Porto works in Lisbon and Porto. A ticket for one trip to the subway, tram or bus costs 1.4 € and valid for one hour. If travel is assumed a lot, it is more profitable to purchase a passage: one-day costs 6 €.


In Portugal, it is not difficult to find accommodation for every taste, however, from May to September, it is better to book hotels in advance. In the center of Lisbon, you can, for example, stay at the Hotel Avenida Palace, located in a historic building, or bright design apartments Lisbon Short Stay Baixa. For a relaxing holiday, a cozy and atmospheric hotel Mercador will suit. Portugal is famous for excellent hostels and budget hotels, for example, in Lisbon, a modern Golden Tram 242 Lisbonne hostel and a small bright guesthouse Lisbon Dreams.

You can feel the aristocrat in hotels located in the castles and vintage houses. The price of the room in them is not much different, but impressions are definitely more. We recommendPousada de Viseu. with your own spa or secluded Pousada de Sangresoverlooking the fortress and bay.


Portugal differs from many European countries with moderate prices. A comprehensive lunch in a city cafe is unlikely to cost more than 15 €, and in small snacks (where it is often much tastier) you can eat tightly for 7-8 €. At the same time, portions in establishments are usually very generous. A bottle of good wine can be bought for 3-4 €, Portverina - for 10-15 €. In many museums there are days or hours of free visits, in addition, there are discounts for children, students, families and pensioners. If an active inspection of the metropolitan attractions is scheduled, it makes sense to acquire Lisboa Card, which allows not only without restrictions to use the transport, but also to visit most of the city museums. The cost of the card for one day - 18.5 €, for 2 days - 31.5 €. In Lisbon, free reviews or thematic excursions are passing daily, they differ little from professional, and tip guides can be left at their discretion.

I liked it to get acquainted with Portugal it is on my own - without superfluous hurry and without exact plan. Have you visited there? Share your impressions in the comments.