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Autumn Yalta. Autumn. Yalta, budget holidays

With the onset of June, a full-fledged resort season begins in the Crimea. In contrast to the pretty cool May, it is considered the most comfortable for people who are poorly carrying summer heat, and for those who come to the peninsula to undergo a rehabilitation course. Weather in Crimea in June will give the opportunity not only enough to sunbathe and get rid, but also to enjoy seasonal fruits and berries: cherries, apricots, strawberries. At this time, it's good to come here with young children, because the sun, especially at the beginning of the month, still gentle.

Central and Northern Districts of Crimea

Do not know what weather in june in Crimea? In the north and center of the peninsula, it is formed in many respectable continental winds. At the beginning, they are not yet too hot, so it is quite convenient to relax here. The temperature indicators closer to the completion of the first half of the year exceeds the mark of +30 ° C, their daily cyclicity is tangible, they are lowered at night hours by 6-7 degrees with respect to midday. At the end of the month, winds from the steppe bring the heat. Sea breezes cannot compensate for it simply because they do not reach here.

Pretty comfortable and in the Crimean mountains, where a few degrees are cooler. June is considered the rainy summer segment in the central regions of the peninsula - precipitation drops about 106 mm. However, their main share falls on abundant shower, after which it becomes clear again, and puddles quickly dry under the hot Crimean sun. Clear days numbered two times more than cloudy and unfortunate, while the indicator of relative humidity is at a level of 58%, which can not but please the lovers of hiking.

What is the weather on the east coast?

What will the weather please in the south of Crimea?

The South Coast of Crimea will meet the resort workers with wonderful weather and water temperature in June. From the second ten day, the air warms up to +23 ° C, and at night, the thermometer is lowered only 4-5 degrees below day values. By the end of the month, the sun will begin to poten the afternoon,
But light breezes will bring freshness. Smooth climate without serious daily differences is especially beneficial for the body that has suffered.

In early June, the water temperature in and is not quite comfortable for a long bathing. The sea at this time warms up to about +17 ° C. Already by the middle of the month, it will become another 3 degree warmer, reaching quite pleasant for adults and children +18 ° C. Serious excitement, and even more so storms, at this time it is not necessary to expect, and on the beach you can spend the whole day.

A certain discomfort delivers an apwling, which is a Sign under the influence of a strong wind of the heated upper layer of water stroit. However, such a capricious nature continues not more than 3-5 days. The precipitation in June is a little more than in and May, but less than in July. The humidity of the air is lowered to a mark of 62%, and a strong wind blows extremely rarely. Tourists will delight the mass of sunny days, which are numbered 18. According to statistics, there are only three days rainy.

Holiday Weather in Crimea clearly will not spoil. It's very warm here, but not too hot. Sunny days are enjoyable not only sunbathing and bathing in already enough warm sea water. At this time, you can enjoy the delights of nature and make excursions to sights without busier, because the bulk of tourists will begin to arrive on only towards the end of the month - the beginning of July.

For those who are going to rest in the Crimea in the summer of 2019, we are talking about weather, water and air temperature in Crimea in June, July and August. And also about how in each of the months it is best to do and what should be fear. Take a note when planning your holiday!

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Rest in Crimea in June 2019

Weather in Crimea in June: water and air temperature

In June, the bathing season opens on the Crimean Peninsula. The weather in Crimea in June is warm, air temperature - up to + 25 ° C.

June is considered a month when it is best to go to Crimea: little holidaymakers and semi-empty beaches, low prices for fruit, no exhausting heat, sea clean, hotels cheap and not filled. This month is best suited for not only to be on the beach, but also to get acquainted with the beautiful nature of the Crimea, go to the mountains and on excursions, to do water sports - you will not interfere with the heat and crowds of tourists.

Water in June in Crimea warms up to about +18 ... + 20 ° C at the beginning of the month and to + 23 ° C in the middle and end of the month. It is believed that on the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov, water warms faster, so we advise lovers to pay in June to rest in Kerch or Shkilino.

However, it is worth remembering that rest in the Crimea in June (and in all summer months) can overstay such an anomaly as sign of water, or coastal upwelling, when under the influence of constantly blowing strong winds there is a bustling of the upper warm water layer and the rise of cold deep water. Thus, in the Crimea, the temperature of the water in June can fall to +10 ... + 15 ° C. You should not be afraid of the CUT: As a rule, it continues from 3 to 6 days, and then the water again warms up again. Such a phenomenon usually occurs on the southern coast of the Crimea and almost does not affect the West Bank - so you can safely rest, for example, in Evpatoria or.

What to do on vacation in June?

Well, if it happened that you caught a sagon of water, do not be discouraged - this time can be spent on the study of the nature of the Crimea, pedestrian and cycling, lift to the mountains and other entertainment.

For example, if you relax in Sudak, visit his picturesque surroundings: Nearby Cape Alchak-Kai with Elana Arpoi and Mystical Megan, Mountain Ay-Georgiy and Karaul-both, go down to the Forbidden Tsarsky Beach and climb on the ancient staircase of the Tavrov in a new light . And it is possible to go to Koktebel at all to do with deltaplanism or go through the ecological trail of Kara-Dag.

If you stopped in Sevastopol, you can go to Balaklava and the Fiolent. Options for each city set!

(Photo © Nick Savchenko /

Look at the impressive beautiful video about the Mountain Caves of Crimea: Mangup Calais and Chufut Calais, Teke Kermen and Esk-Kermen, Kachi Calon, Inkerman, and so on. This is not forgotten:

Rest in Crimea in July 2019

Weather in Crimea in July: water and air temperature

In July, a high season begins in Crimea: tourists flock on the peninsula to warm up in the sun. The weather in Crimea in July is hot, sometimes it becomes very stuffy - it's not too comfortable to walk, for example, in the mountains and on excursions. The temperature in July in Crimea can reach + 35 ° C (and this is despite the fact that there is almost no wind) - under such conditions it is easy to earn solar and thermal strikes, so take the necessary security measures. But on average, the temperature is not so high, about +26 ... + 28 ° C.

Water in the Crimea in July warms well - the temperature reaches + 23 ° C, so the beaches are overcrowded - we, for example, to find a place on the beach, had to get up to fall or go to remote corners, where tourists usually do not reach.

(Photo © Mourner /

Holidays in Crimea in August 2019

Weather in Crimea in August: water and air temperature

Weather in August, especially in the first half, in Crimea is approximately the same as in July: air temperature is about +26 ... + 27 ° C, water temperature +22 ... + 23 ° C. At night, it is also very warm. Many hot and sultry days. In the second half of the month, the picture changes a little, it becomes not so hot: the fall is approaching.

June is rightly considered to be the beginning of the holiday season in the Crimea, as the weather makes it possible to take sunbathing and swim in the sea. At the same time, the air temperature in June is comfortable, since there is no exhausting heat and high humidity. Thus, weather conditions during this period of time are ideal for those tourists who want to improve health in the sanatoriums of the Crimea and with difficulty tolerates heat.

The temperature of the water in early June is not always comfortable, on average water warms up to 20 degrees Celsius. Together with this, it does not interfere with tourists sunbathing. The greatest number of sunny days, as a rule, is numbered in Evpatoria and Sevastopol - 13 days. It rains here are extremely rare - approximately 3-4 days per month. Regarding the remaining resort cities of Crimea, the ratio of solar and cloudy days in them 12 against 5, in particular, in Feodosia.

If you want your vacation to have passed without unpleasant incidents, make sure that the headwear and tanning cream are mandatory in your travel bag. Since the day of the thermometer columns reaches 25 degrees in Yalta and 26 degrees in Feodosia, you will need lightweight clothing. At night, it can be cool due to sea winds: for example, in Sudak, the air temperature drops to 17 degrees, and in Evpatoria - up to fifteen.

The precipitation in the first month of summer is a rather rare phenomenon, although it is not necessary to exclude the possibility of their falling out. Sometimes there are short-term rains with thunderstorms. Take with you an umbrella, tourists planning long transitions in mountainous areas, it is recommended to take a rainer with you (in the flat part of the Black Sea coast, it is hardly useful). On average, the amount of precipitation on the coast does not exceed 25 mm, the exception can be called Yalta and Alushta, where 36 mm falls.

At the beginning of the summer, the number of tourists is increasing in Crimea, and along with them the cultural life. It should be noted that Sevastopol becomes the center of events at this time, which, by the way, celebrates the city day in June. For several years, as soon as the holiday season opens, the art festival under the name "War and Peace" begins, which lasts all summer until September. Also in June, there is a show of performances, which take part in the competitive program of the theater festival "Golden Mask".

In addition, in June, the traditional festival of military and wind orchestras is held, his program provides for march parades, show drummers, as well as concerts conducted by the open-air, if this is allowed weather conditions. Also in June, the Day of Historic Boulevard is held - an event dedicated to the founding of Sevastopol in 1783. Here are the parades of military historical clubs, theatrical show, the main topic of which is the history of the city of Sevastopol.

Since May, Crimea welcomes all those who dream of relaxing on the sea. However, at this time, climbers and tourists come here, which are actively spending time, circling all the sights of the peninsula. After all, the weather is usually in the spring, it does not yet have a swim in the sea and nothing alone on the beach. But the rest in the Crimea in June may already be reduced to the lazy pastime on the coast under the hot sun. It was during the first summer month on the peninsula all cafes, restaurants, hotels and guest houses. Everywhere, wherever I quit a glance, tourists meet with hospitable smiles and friendly greetings. Therefore, if you have such an opportunity, then plan your holiday in the Crimea at the beginning of summer. In June, you can get much more pleasant experience from vacation than at any other time of the year. And we now prove it.

A few words about the Crimea

The Crimean coast offers tourists many options for recreation. You can go to the Black Sea or Azov, choose pebble beaches or sandy, wild or equipped, and you can stay in small cozy villages or recognized resort centers. In any case, you will experience a lot of positive emotions, because, for example, if you have your own car, all the cherished corners of the peninsula will be available. And you will choose the most suitable resorts and settlements on the basis of your own experience.

In Crimea, a fairly wide selection of housing - for every taste and wallet. Guest houses and rental rooms in the private sector are very popular among tourists. This usually costs not too expensive, especially at the beginning of summer, when there are not so many vacationers. Another category of travelers prefers to stop in modern hotels or health resorts with a complete range of services, including intricate procedures. There are also budget tourists who split on wild beaches and enjoy their piece of freedom.

You can come to the Crimea at any time of the year, here you can always relax, despite the weather and calendar. But still, it is summer that the season for which the peninsula takes several millions of tourists. Many people are afraid to come here at the very beginning of summer, but in fact, rest in the Crimea in June has a lot of advantages about which we will tell you now.

Crimean Peninsula in the first advantages of rest

Those who think about when going on vacation, it is worth asking how the experienced travelers are described in the Crimea in June. Reviews, I must say, extremely positive and enthusiastic. Thanks to these comments, you can easily reveal the advantages of this rest:

  • Minimum resting. The resorts have not yet managed to come moms with young children, which will begin to occupy all the beaches since the middle of the summer.
  • Low prices for housing. Since the season in June only opens, the cost of living remains extremely low. This is especially noticeable at the beginning of the month, when renting a room in a decent guest house can be only five hundred rubles per day. Closer to July, the price can grow in two and a half times.
  • Pure water. Everyone knows that by August, marine water becomes very muddy because of the constant finding in it a large number of people. And rest in the Crimea in June will give you a crystal clear and transparent sea, which will be so pleasant to plunge.
  • Lack of exhausting heat. In the first month of summer, you can comfortably inspect all the main sights, because you will not interfere with the heat. Therefore, you will have the opportunity to go to the mountains and other interesting places where it is difficult to be at a temperature of forty degrees above zero.
  • Excellent tan. Yes, yes, do not be surprised. During the holidays in the Crimea in June, the weather will definitely surprise you in an incredibly affectionate sun, which will give a stunningly beautiful tinge of the tan without burns and redness.

Of course, we have listed far from all the advantages of the Crimean rest in the first month of summer. But we think that they are enough in order to show how profitable in all respects such a vacation.

Where to go to the Crimea in the early summer

Despite the fact that the peninsula is quite small, the climate in different parts is significantly different. Therefore, it is worth choosing those places in which in June is the most warmth.

If you are planning a vacation in June in the Crimea with children, then go to the Azov Sea, in which the water warms up much faster than in black. You should stay in Kerch or Schelkovo - here is an excellent choice of boarding houses and guesthouses at quite a deocratic prices.

Traditionally, the southern part is softer, and the present summer comes already at the end of May. Therefore, it is worth going to the Feodosia to rest or, for example, in here even quite hot weather with a small amount of precipitation will stand in June.

The West Bank of the Peninsula is also perfect for June vacation in the Crimea. Here, water usually warms very quickly, and the absence of strong winds does not allow it to shuffled with deep layers. Resting is better to go to Evpatoria or Tarkhankut.

Keep in mind that wherever you go, everywhere you can swim and sunbathe. However, it is worth considering certain nuances that we will tell you now.

Rest in Crimea in June: Weather reviews (air temperature)

In the first month of summer, the Crimea is already significantly warmer than in May. In the afternoon, the sun heats the air to twenty-six degrees, and evenings are still quite cool, which, however, makes comfortable walks around cafes and restaurants.

Those tourists who prefer to come to the peninsula in June, say that the first summer month is the best time to relax in the Crimea. The weather allows sunbathing, swimming and comfortable to spend time in the city, as well as on a variety of excursions. A year old are known when the air temperature in June reached the mark of thirty-five degrees Celsius. But it is rather a weather anomaly than the usual phenomenon. But, judging by the reviews, the air temperature of 25-30 degrees above zero, tourists may well count.

Water temperature

In the first month of summer, vacationers are quite often bathed in the sea, but note that during the rest in the Crimea in early June the water temperature will not rise above twenty degrees. It usually fluctuates in the range of eighteen to twenty degrees Celsius. If you can focus on feedback, we can conclude that the bathing will be a little refreshing, but there is its own, special charm.

By mid-June, the Black Sea warms up to twenty-five degrees, and on Azov water temperature can reach and twenty-eight degrees above zero. Therefore, they advise experienced travelers to go with the kids on the coast of the Azov Sea, especially at the beginning of the month.

Rain in June

On all the coast of Crimea, the rain in June is a fairly common phenomenon. However, they are never long and cold. Usually it rains a few hours, and after it is installed warm and sunny weather.

In different parts of the peninsula, its average rainy days. For example, in Yalta there are about six per month, and in Feodosia - four. Less frequent rains go to Sevastopol - just one day, and the rainy June happens in Alushta and Gurzuf. Here the livni go nine and ten days, respectively.

Sign of water

If you want to go to the Crimea, do not forget about such a phenomenon as "water sailing." This is due to frequent strong winds in some parts of the peninsula. Thanks to the winds, the warmed water is mixed with deep cold layers, and it becomes simply impossible to swim. Usually during this phenomenon, the temperature of the sea is descended for ten degrees. It lasts a sagon of water for no more than six days, during this time the sea again warms up, and tourists are happy to be baked.

What to do in the Crimean Peninsula on the first summer month?

Those plans to rest in the Crimea in early June, the reviews analyzed by us will help to make a list of classes in case of adverse weather. So what to do if you caught a sagon of water or the sun does not want to look out because of the clouds?

Definitely, walk and ride on excursions. Vacationers can go on a riding or decide on the hiking route in the mountains. It is also interesting to move around the resorts of the Crimea by bike. You can rent this vehicles in various offices dealing with sports equipment.

On cloudy weather, go to excursions. For example, in Sevastopol you can go to Balaklava, and in Koktebel to master the deltaplan and admire the vicinity of a bird's eye view. If you are lucky to be in Sudak, then at your service will be a mysterious Meganom, the royal beach and at any resort you will find, how fun and with benefit to spend time if the weather trips you for a few days.

Conclusion: Is it worth it to go to the Crimea in June

There are quite a lot of tourist reviews about your holidays on the peninsula in early summer. Therefore, it is easy to make an opinion, whether it is worth going here in June. Relying on numerous comments, we can say that on the first summer month in Crimea can be sent to people who prefer active rest and seek to get the maximum number of impressions. Mama with children should be sent to the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov in the second half of the month, when the water temperature will be most comfortable for kids. But those for whom the goal of vacation is swimming and tan, it is necessary to postpone the rest at the end of June or the beginning of July.