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How to attract money to yourself. Attracting money and good luck in the house with antique methods

There are such methods to attract money that our grandmothers and great-grandmothers knew about. These folk ways of attracting money are tested for years and therefore have an undeniable right to exist. They are attractive not only with their effectiveness, but also their simplicity. Remember and then apply them in life is quite simple.

Folk Methods Attracting Money

1 . My grandmother has always kept a few bills under the tablecloth. And he said that it was necessary so that money in the house was not translated. This method is not complicated and not costly, so why not put the money under the tablecloth? Let them and the brothers and sisters are attracted to the house.

2. Other my grandmother always said that it was impossible to spend money immediately on the day of their receipt. When Grandfather brought a salary, she did not spend a penny on this day from this amount. It claimed that money must always spend the night on the first night of the house, but the next day they can already be spent. Also not a difficult way, it is quite possible to give overnight money and do not rush with spending.

6. There is still such a sign that when we are submitted by a migratory, he can not look into the eyes, as it is possible to "pick up" the energy of poverty as a disease. Almighty must be served, despite the eyes and speaking to herself or whisper: "Does not look at the hand of the giving"

7. If you want to multiply the money, then your home should have a piggy bank. It is desirable that she was big. Together with the piggy bank, buy a red candle and, coming home, burn it in front of the piggy bank and solemnly say: "You, money talisman, appointed me by the keeper of my money. May it be so!" And leave the candle to get to go (it should burn completely). Then put money in the piggy bank, multiple of five (five, fifty, five hundred, five thousand). And then you can put money there, which in the near future you do not plan to spend.

8. Our ancestors were very focused on the Phases of the Moon and often associated their profits or losses with her. The people of attracting money says that in each full moon it is necessary to lay out an empty wallet on the window (it is desirable that the lunar light falls on it). You need to do all three nights of the full moon. But in the new moon, on the contrary, it is necessary to put a wallet with money on the window. And on the young month you need to show him bills and say: "Month, friend, give money full of wallet."

9. At Christmas, go to the church and distribute the alms with all the poor sitting on the pellets (the amounts may be small). And before serving them, tell me: "To whom the church is not a mother, I'm not a father." After that, the ritual will come to you, and maybe even from there, where you are not waiting for them.

10. Well, finally, I want to move away from the theme of folk rituals and offer you a modern Symonene, who helps to make money into the house. It is very popular and, as many people say, effective. It is called "manna walk". Purchase a pack of semolia cereals, put it in the package and go to the most stable and reliable bank (in your opinion). Go there, you can even make your affairs there (withdraw money from an ATM or pay something), and at the exit from the bank, make a small hole in the package with a gun. Then go home by leaving the mannel path behind them. So you attach money to your home.

Everything is simple, easy and even somewhere interesting. What if it will work? Try and live easily, going through life with a smile and interest. Live richly, flourishing in every moment of life and in all its regions!

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It is difficult to argue with the fact that many people dream of monetary welfare and that in order for them as often as possible accompanied luck. In fact, we are not talking about such unreal Gresses, and if you really want it, and also attach some efforts to your "want", then everything will work out!

Attracting money and good luck in your life - myth or reality

As practice and real stories from the life of people show, success can achieve those who believe that it is achieving. A lot of examples of happy destinies are demonstrated in the film "Secret", which has already managed to become cult. In this picture, the principle of attracting good luck to life is quite intelligible - it is necessary to adhere to certain uncomplicated rules, and then reap the results. At first glance, such a method seems just fantastic, but for sure, many will change their opinion when they will get acquainted with him. In turn, various skeptics consider such and other ways to attract money and success with complete nonsense, arguing that there is only one way to receive What you want is to work and make it. It is noteworthy that people who adhere to only this installation really acquire success and financial well-being only in this way. However, why not try to expand the boundaries of your thinking and find other ways to attract the necessary benefits in your life?

How to attract money in your life

Change your approach to life

Surely, you noticed that some lucky in cash, and there is no other. Of course, it depends on the approach to his life, as well as financial affairs. First, remove such phrases from your lexicon as: "I don't have enough money for ...", "I do not have enough for ..." and the like. Saying similar words, you give them a negative meaning, however, think about what can be thought and otherwise. Form in your head the idea that if you can't buy something now, it is good, and not to harm. That is, it is important to configure yourself to positive reasoning. For example, if not enough for some skirt, you do not have to get a blouse to it. Come to the awareness that not all our desires are reduced to vital things. Perhaps you lack today for new boots, but you have enough for bread, tea, butter - and it could not be that. Learn to search for all the positive sides, and good luck will go to your hands.

Learn to live by means

At times, people do not have enough money because they earn little, but only because they do not know how to live by means. As you understand, we are talking about irrational costs. In many families, such a principle is instituted: in the first days after receiving the salary, they live "on a wide leg", allowing themselves inconceivable delicacies and so on, but the rest of the month they have to eat somehow, but, sometimes, and take a debt in order to buy The most needed. At the same time, they promise themselves that the next time will be reasonable to spend, but rarely restrain the Word. As a result, a certain vicious circle is obtained. Also, spontaneous acquisitions contribute to the irrational consumption - especially if they are expensive. Yes, sometimes, such purchases are very pleasant and even needed, but if it happens regularly, then do not be surprised by a natural lack of money. By the way, try to pay less attention to various advertisements, and to enjoy all the laudatory reviews about this or that (often unnecessary) product. Manufacturers are interested in sales, and make the most efficient advertising for this. You simply satisfy the optional purchases of other people's needs. If you have an idea to buy some product, but at the same time, another five minutes ago you did not plan to buy this purchase, leave these spontaneous thoughts until the next day. Think good - if you need this thing, or perhaps there is something more. It may be that you simply want to please something to please yourself, in this case the delicious chocolate will be more appropriate to the new sandals of "extraordinary color". In general, how to learn to live by means you will also see in the next paragraph.

To plan

It's pretty difficult to live in sufficient people who do not know how to plan their expenses. It is important to note that just planning is not enough to achieve financial well-being. Of course, it is worth sticking to your plans, and then the success will be for you to accomplish constantly. For the beginning it is necessary to plan your monthly expenses. Write on a separate sheet of spending that you have to implement in the next thirty days - an approximate amount of payment of utilities, account replenishment, the necessary list of products, travel costs, and so on. So, you will get the amount that cannot be spent on anything other than those mentioned.

Put one's goal and go to them

Put yourself in advance the goals that you would like to achieve. Place what amount of money you need to achieve these goals, and how long you have to collect it. Naturally, it is important to take into account the obligatory spending that you carry out monthly, immediately determine how much you can postpone once a month to subsequently acquire a belly purchase, and stick to this plan.

Use spiritual practices, mantras, wise

Some people adhere to the opinions that money will only go to the house where the Feng-Shuy live. By the way, Feng Shui translates from Chinese as "Water and Wind". According to the marks in ancient teaching, things in the house must have a certain order. However, it is often meant not only furniture in the room, but also thoughts, intentions. Now we are talking about the house now, therefore it is worth paying attention to some recommendations. Double luck and positive energy did not dissipate, the Chinese recommend putting beds so that Sleeping lying face to the door. Also, the bed should not stand opposite the mirror - there is an opinion that if a person in a dream will be reflected in the mirror, then he will attract bad luck. It is also not recommended to hang any shelves over a sleeping place - it is believed that it hurts the energy to rise.

In addition, it is important to contain windows clean. If you set any items on the windowsill, make sure that they did not interfere with the penetration of light. It is also not recommended to somehow clutter the entrance to the house - otherwise there will be threads of negative energy in your abode . Ancient doctrine does not recommend adhere to such a tradition. There should be only living house plants in the house, and then you should not arrange them in excessive quantities. The present symbolizes material success, so it will be very appropriate to put a small decorative fountain in the house, or place aquarium with fish. Also you can pay attention to a rather remarkable mantra , which is designed to attract money and luck: "Om Lakshmi Viganshri Kamala Dhayrigan Swaha." Pronounce its infrections, stretched out the palms revealed to the lunar light. In addition, it is recommended to repeat this mantra for a month three times in the morning.

How to attract good luck and luck at home

Handling home peculiar rituals and adhering to some recommendations, you can attract good luck. Kitchen. It is believed that it is the kitchen that reflects family well-being and is the main "magnet" to attract luck. Many rituals are connected with this part of the house, and the principle of one of them is as follows: Put any monetary bill on the refrigerator. That's all! It is assumed that after that you will be accompanied by success in financial affairs. By the way, many "good luck catchers" believe that money needs to be stored in the kitchen. In addition, there is also something that should not be done in this room - do not sit on the table and all the more do not become legs on it. Money in wallet. If you want to attract a financial flow to your home, then you should not neglect the storage of money in your own wallet - try to fold them carefully. Moreover, they should "look" in one direction. Also, do not forget to sort them in dignity, and coins are stored in a separate separation or at all in another wallet. Charity and accumulation. Try to periodically postpone some money for charity - it is believed that so you will attract material well-being. Regularly sacrifice some amount in need. It is also recommended to do some accumulations - at least ten percent of their total income. Deferred money will attract new finances to you. By the way, such a simple advice you can hear not only from esoteric, but also from successful financiers. Receive guests. After the guests left your home, shake out the tablecloth on the street, which was on the table while receiving visitor - so you get rid of possible gossip and negative. If someone asks you to debt on Monday, you should refuse - it is believed that this day it is undesirable to give his money if you want to be a financially prosperous person. Rubbish. Do not make garbage from home in bad weather - there is an opinion that it can lead to poverty. It is also not recommended after sunset sweeping the floor or look with a hand of trash. Piggy bank. To attract finances in the house it is useful to keep the piggy bank, however, try not to look into it until the time it does not come to break it - otherwise your income will decrease. In general, do not allow bustles in any money.

Using talismans

You can pay attention to some famous talismans that are often the hosts put in their homes to attract money.
    Toad. Surely, you saw this talisman - toad with a coin in the mouth. The legend says that one day the Buddha caught the evil and greedy toad and wished to punish her, forcing the secret to penetrate into other people's houses and spoiled stolen coins. Elephant. The elephant is a talisman for material protection. Fans of various practices "Feng-Shuya" recommend buying similar figures to entrepreneurs and people whose work is related to financial risks. You can also read this advice: before making an important decision related to money, you need to stroke the elephant trunk. Coins. We are talking about three Chinese coins with holes that are linked with a red thread. In general, this is one of the most famous symbols of financial well-being, which is recommended to be stored in the wallet.

Attract good luck and big money using magic conspira

It is believed to attract financial well-being using various rituals. Consider some of them! Rice bowlSpend in the house cleaning, after which take a small bowl and two-thirds fill it with rice grains. Capacity should be put at the entrance door. Every day, coming home, put a few coins in a bowl taken from your wallet or pocket. At the same time, mix the rice slightly with your fingers, quietly: "I rich every day." The action must be repeated for twenty-seven days. An important condition: only one person should do this, while not missing a single day! When the 28th day comes, you need to get money from the bowl during this time, and give them the tenth of someone who needs it. For the remaining coins, buy yourself any mascot (ring, pebbles, a figurine of some animals, etc.) and carry it with you - it will bring good luck. Rice hide into a secluded place, and after a while, when you feel the need, spend a ritual with him. EnvelopesA rather interesting ritual, which uses four envelopes of red. You need to take sixteen any bills, and put four bills in each of the available envelopes. Now they should be decomposed in different parts of the house, however, not on the floor! It is important that they were hidden from prying eyes. Try not to spend this money, and then they will attract in your abode and other finance.

The most effective ways to attract money and good luck

There are various ways to attract money. We also advise not to ignore some signs that foreshadow financial profit. If there are houseplants in your house, then during their flowering, expect profit. However, during this period, try not to move the pots with plants and do not move them. We recommend to hang the horseshoe over the entrance door - this is a long-known success symbol. Even if your horseshoe is souvenir, and not real, it still will attract good luck to the house. There is another sign that suggests that in a short time, the profit is waiting for you: scratching the left palm. However, it is important to note that in order to be exeted, it is advisable to knock on the left palm on the table. Many do not pay attention to the coins that come across on the way, however, according to a long time, it is better to choose them and bring home - their energy does not differ from large bills. If you find any expensive thing, such as jewelry, it also promises you financial well-being. According to many people who flipped into the house of a butterfly or a bat does not promise anything positive. In fact, this is not at all - on the contrary, such a situation promises wealth, which literally fell upon you an unexpected way. It is important not to deprive the life of these uninvited visitor - let them leave the room themselves. Do on the forest. If you find a leaf of clover with 4 leaves on the way, then it is to a lot of luck in monetary issues. Labor to communicate with wealthy and successful people, without carrying the envy of someone else's welfare. If the thoughts about someone else's wealth will cause a negative in you, it will interfere with your own success. It is important to learn how to appreciate your work. If you are unhappy with the position of affairs at work, then without a doubt, change it - look for what you like more. A person who really wants to find a place is better, finds him. Getting the amount less than you deserve, you do not get one step closer to welfare, but only you are removed from it. When you realize that your money future is in your hands, you will have more incentive to work on your success.

We are born to be happy and carefree. But it is impossible to live in abundance without money. We have the right to wealth, so we are looking for a "secret of money."

It is clear that sitting in the office or working at the construction site, do not earn a lot. It has long been proven that money is an emotionally charged substance, they seem to live their uncontrollable life. Is it possible to attract wealth to yourself? Answers to this burning question read in the article.

More Ancient Slavs used various rites to attract a comfortable life using household items.

Broom to attract money

Buy for a rite a broom. Soak it in hot salted water to wash off the whole negative. From this broom will become more magnificent and stronger. Take a beautiful bow on it and sweep the floor in the rooms ranging from the entrance to the house. At the same time, say: "The bunches of my broom, sweep, and money in the house is something." The garbage burn, and the broom hold the inlet door at the threshold.

Houseplants to attract welfare

Attracting money in the house will help plants. There are various signs and beliefs about plants that help attract well-being.

Christmas tree to attract money

New Year holidays are miracles time. Dressing on the Christmas tree, be sure to hang on it figures, symbolizing wealth. The fir has a triangle shape, according to Feng Shui, this geometric shape helps materialize thoughts on the physical plan. In your free time, you can simply lie on the sofa and visualize cash talismans, presenting how your home is filled with happiness and well-being.

Numerology of attraction to yourself

There is such a magical science - numerology. Knowing digits, you can easily solve cash issues, find the way to prosperity. Enter into your life the rule - repeat the codes of abundance daily, and then significant changes will not make it wait:

If you need urgently money, repeat the number "20" as often as possible. You can do this in a whisper or to yourself. Two digit multiplies your efforts, and zero negates the opposition.

To fill the wallet of bills, imagine that your wallet is naked and repeat the "five plus one, plus one, plus one." Five is the number of wealth and monetary success, and the unit is the number of energy and goals. Amount 8 - the number of infinity.

When pronuncified between the numbers, make a pause from one to three seconds, give a numerological spell daily at the same time.

Conspiracies to quickly attract money and good luck

Conspiracies may become the most and more convenient way to wealth.

To always be with money, take a small coin, burn the green candle and heat it over the flame, say three times the following conspiracy: "Machine you with a getter, be always bringing money." It is better to perform it on the second day after the full moon. Wrap a coin into a green silk rag and wear with you.

If you need urgently money, you can use the following plot: take a harsh thread (this is a linen and durable thread, before it was laid boots), to inhale it in the needle's ear, moisten the tip's tip. Purge her a long skirt, uttering the following conspiracy: the skirt of the slaves of God (your name) swears, sweeping, money is awakened, and it clings to it. Yes, it will be true and true - forever and ever. "

Cases will start improving in a short time, and money will soon come.

How to learn magic and attract big money?

Magic money is designed to multiply income and save savings. With its help, you can increase positive factors and reduce negative. Everyone can increase its wealth, quite real and harmless way.

But the plot will not work if you will not comply with the following recommendations:

  1. Magic is directly related to emotions. Therefore, before reading the conspiracy, you should emotionally tune and enter the trance state.
  2. Without faith in the success of increasing financial condition, no confidence will work in its desire.
  3. In addition to conspiracies, see the affirmations - these are short sentences, with a frequent repetition of which in the subconsciously the necessary installation is created: "I am a magnet for money", "I always get the right", etc.
  4. Monetary magic has a certain color symbolism. During the execution of rituals, green, red and golden color will be helped.
  5. Conduct rituals for wealth from new moon to full moon.
  6. Any magic is a mystery. Do not dedicate anyone that you are creating spells.

Signs that attract money

Sometimes it is not even necessary to make magic rituals, but simply know the signs that attract money and keep them.


  1. Money loves score and ordering. Keep them in a beautiful red wallet, laying out bills in dignity.
  2. Contact the boss with a request to increase the salary exclusively on Wednesday.
  3. Give debt in the first half of the day, preferably smaller bills.
  4. Do not give an empty wallet, put in it necessarily a bill.
  5. Plants attracting money, keep in the house on the windowsill, facing southeast side.
  6. Store the broom with a handle down.
  7. Constantly recounting, money loves when they are considered.

Make these rituals are very simple, And after their hands go to your hands, as conspired.

Any of us dreams if not about wealth, then about wealth. But not everyone is satisfied with its financial position and believe that they are pursued by some failures. Everything that happens in our lives depends only on us. And we must help themselves in achieving what we wish.

For this there is a lot of ways to attract good luck and money into the house. You can become a lucky and wealthy person with the help of rituals of black or white magic, folk conspiracy or just positive thinking. There is a mass practices for monetary energy management.

Everything is always welcome to financial well-being, because there is no money. But not everyone thinks about what a negative is carrying phrases "This is not money, but a penny!", "Money is drowning by the river", "I never grabs money."

These expressions are negative, and the pronouncing them itself programms themselves on lack of money. Do not treat financial institutions (tax inspection, banks) with anger or condemnation. Do not support the conversations in which people are angry at creditors.

Even a penny with the smallest fault is a special energy substance requiring respect, not curses. Any amount of money is already good in itself. Therefore, it is necessary to try apart with my thoughts once and for all that you can never earn money and that you cannot afford what you dreamed about, but to attract money from the field of fiction.

We have to dream about money and shopping, without running the dreams of a rich life. And most importantly, it is necessary to be one hundred percent sure that this is exactly what everything will be and you are able to attract good luck.

Try to surround yourself with successful people. After all, they know how to attract money and wealth to themselves. But at the same time never envy someone else's sleep. Unanimously rejoice for them, admire them. Getting into the environment of wealthy people, imagine that you are also rich, and the money themselves will find the path to you.

Feng Shui and wealth

Help in attracting good luck and wealth can the ancient Chinese teaching Feng Shui. This is a whole science aimed at harmonizing the life of everyone who will follow certain rules, and then good luck will not wait.

  • Powder in your life Feng Shui, to start clean your home from bad energy, just so you can pull happiness. The dwelling should always be perfectly clean, this condition is necessary for execution. Without it, you should not start. Throw everything from your home than you do not use. Especially strongly pollutes the housing trash. Garbage, broken things, broken dishes and old clothes. "Plishkina's deposits" do not allow energy to move freely.
  • One of the main monetary symbols in Fen-Shu is considered water. Therefore, all cranes in the house should close tightly, leaks, even small, are unacceptable. Water runaway in sewage system symbolizes driving money to anywhere. However, the presence of a decorative fountain, located in the southeastern part of the dwelling, only contributes to the involvement of good luck. "The right" thing is considered aquarium with clean water.
  • Buy, it can be sold under the name "Dollar" or "Euro". Behind the tree should be careful, take it, and under the pot of putting any bill or coin.
  • Another powerful talisman in Chinese teaching is toad with three paws. Sometimes, this is the only thing that the Feng Shui is associated with people. In specialized stores, you can find a variety of fetters of toads: with a coin in the mouth, on a coin stand. These signs are the basis of ancient Chinese science to attract money.

There are things that Feng Shui does not allow. For example, in no case, your wallet should not be empty. To prevent this randomly, put a coin wallet in secret pockets and never take it out.

After all, Chinese science reads: Do not give out the last bill from the wallet. Let this coin symbolizes the same bill. In addition, it is impossible to give or take money without crossing the threshold. Bread crumbs from the table Look only with a rag, but not hand.

And do not wear clothes with leaky pockets or torn off buttons. Do not whistle in the room never, it scares cash.

B Do not forget to make it right or house!

Try wealth

  • The strongest financial place in the apartment is the kitchen. It is she who reflects the well-being of the family and can attract good luck to the house. Therefore, there is a mass of rituals to attract money related money. Put on the refrigerator bill of any dignity, and finance will flow to your house. In general, it is advisable to store money in the kitchen to attract good.
  • The storage of cash bills in the wallet cannot be treated with disregard. All bills must be folded carefully. In addition, they must all "look" in one direction. Sort by dignity is required. For coins, there must be separate pockets or they can be stored in a separate wallet for trivia.
  • In almost all directions to attract good luck and material well-being, whether Feng Shui or folk rituals, there is a rule for donations. Give part of your income on charity, the amount can be any. The main thing is regular. Sewing in accumulation at least 10% of all your income. This amount will attract new money to you. By the way, this is taught not only esoterics, this principle is advised to adhere to all economists and financiers. Simple rituals sometimes help stronger professional magic.
  • After leaving guests, shake the tablecloth on the street, so all the gossip leave your home. Do not stand on the threshold, if someone visited you, it overlaps the path of luck to your home. Do not hold in the house. And, moreover, do not use several brooms. So you will wonder your wealth is unknown where. Do not go to the debt on Monday, otherwise you will spend invested.
  • Never take a garbage from the house if I am in bad weather, it will attract poverty. It is impossible to sweep the floor after sunset.
  • Do not look into the piggy bank before you decide to break it, otherwise your income will decrease. And in general, everything that concerns the attraction of wealth should not be accompanied by a bustle.

What scares good luck?

There are a lot of admission capable of scarying from us and our home good luck. One of the most acting will accept - empty tanks. They cannot be put on the table. It can be empty boxes, bottles, jugs. Emptiness pulls good luck and well-being from home. If you have the need to keep such things in the kitchen, you need to use the cabinet. And the table itself is also a place with which a lot will adopter.

For example, you can not brush the garbage from the table, you can not sit on the table or get up. It is undesirable to put money on the table or keys. Otherwise, you can provoke a loss or unforeseen spending may occur.

Do not put a bag in which the money lie. Determine the place in your home where you will store a wallet or put a bag. Money should feel comfortable. Evening and night - taboo for transferring money or debt refund. At this time, money should rest. Never consider someone else's wealth and do not envy. It only will scare away from you. Do not allow the void in your pockets and wallets.

Money and luck will soon appear. Signs

  • Everyone knows that when the left palm itchs - wait for the profits. This is one of the most common accepts, although not everyone knows that as soon as the left palm itchs, it is necessary to slam down several times in your hands or knock down on the table.
  • If you have indoor plants, then wait for your profit during their flowering. But try not to rearrange him from place to place or move.
  • Another of the most common successful will accept - find a horseshoe. And, not even real, and souvenir, attracts happiness to the house.
  • Never pass by coins past on Earth. According to energy, the coins do not differ from large banknotes. Therefore, do not be lazy to choose them and bring home. The same applies to any expensive things - jewelry. Such a discovery promises prosperity and well-being.
  • Walking through the woods, know that finding a leaf of clover with four leaves - to great luck. Such interesting and cheerful signs will bring to your desire to attract the wealth of a cheerful note.
  • Some mistakenly think that fluttering a bat or butterfly into the house does not foresee anything good, and even on the contrary, it is necessary to wait for trouble. But it is not. This sign is promoting the wealth that falls on you unexpectedly. Only in no case do not kill these uninvited guests, accidentally flying into your home. They must leave the room themselves.
  • Do not be mistaken if the "foot" from the bird falls on the street on the street. Wait soon to increase your income.

Magic ritual with coins

Most people contacting the magicians come with a request to make a spell for good luck and money. Moreover, with this question, both rich people and people with a slight income are coming. Attracting money with the help of magic is not easy, it is one of the most complex rituals. A magic with extensive experience will be required to attract real good luck, which will lead a person to real wealth.

Here is one of the rituals to attract wealth. It is necessary to wait for the appearance of a young month to begin the implementation of the conceived. Take seven any coins and squeeze them in the right fist. Then pull the right palm toward the growing moon. Send to the moon only an open palm. After that, all the coins are put under the pillow. They should stay there at least three days, only then you can pick them up.

After that, wait for Saturday and buy a candle on one of your coins. Light her at home, and put the remaining coins next to the candle and leave until the candle does not go to the end. In addition to attracting money, this ritual is able to make your life is lucky and more interesting.

In rituals, magic and signs can be believed or not to believe. There is no one hundred percent guarantee of the likelihood of desires by magical ways. But make sure that it works, you can only making it. Do not refuse to be able to attract good luck, luck and well-being. Everything is individually, the main principle, which must be adhere to strictly, is a careful and respectful attitude towards luck.

Hello, dear readers! With you Denis Kudarin, one of the authors of the business journal

Many people think that attracting good luck and money in their lives is connected with Feng Shui, magic money, prayers and rituals. How to attract good luck and what is the secret of wealth? - Let me tell my vision of this question.

Talking with friends and spending their own experiments, I found out what really works and what is the "Magic Magic".

From the article you will learn:

  • Why most people are unhappy and poor?
  • What ways to attract good luck and money in the house exist?
  • Does the techniques "Fen Shui" work and how to use them?
  • What rules of money exist and how do they work?

If you really want to change your life, fill it with sufficient and good luck, then you got exactly at. Go!


  1. Why are some people are lucky and richer others - the opinion of scientists
  2. Attracting good luck and money - change internal installations
  3. How to attract good luck and money - 7 simple secrets of wealth
    • Secret 2. Reading prayers for money - a special new method
    • Secret 3. Implementation of the Technique "Feng Shui" to attract money
  4. Real stories of people and opinions of experts on attracting good luck and money in their lives
  5. Conclusion

1. Why some people are lucky and richer others - the opinion of scientists

Perhaps there is no such person who would not be interested in the question "How to attract good luck and money?". Financial independence gives a person internal freedom and allows you to do what he really likes.

But far from all people manage to make money for themselves to teach them in hand: one has to work hard and at the same time bare ends meet, others make dubious investments in risky projects and go. Perhaps, therefore, many believe that rich and successful are born, and do not become.

But I will try to refute this statement and tell you how to attract good luck or quickly earn a lot of money.

Psychology experts argue that most of the events occurring in our life takes the beginning of our head - from subconscious images, beliefs and delusions. Not that these events were programmed from outside: Rather, they occur precisely because we want this internally. Or, on the contrary, do not want.

I will give a simple example:

Many people want to attract money and good luck to his home, but inside the part of people are convinced that being rich is either bad or embarrassing or scary and troublesome.

If you are thinking and talking about bringing money, but in the depths of the soul you feel the feeling of guilt for the possible wealth or fear of him, then this will not lead to anything good. Consciously you will strive for welfare and wealth, and subconsciously you will avoid it. And since the subconsciousness most often trimbs the top, the money will simply flow from you to other people.

But it is only part of the problem. Attracting money and good luck in your life - a whole science, to study which you need to spend a significant amount of time and time. Thousands of people have an economic education and a sober view of financial independence, but only units manage quickly and without much difficulty to receive a stable and decent income.

Almost all people reflect on how to become rich, to achieve independence and live without working, and having a passive income, that is, such an income that does not directly depends on your daily activities, for example from the delivery of real estate for rent. And again, only a limited circle of persons manage to do it.

If a person knows how to properly manage cash flows and attract the energy of wealth, any undertaking will bring to him profit.

Funny experiment

Special tests were conducted by scientists, which allowed to identify the characteristic personalities of lucky and unsuccessful people. It turned out that the main difference between successful personalities is calm and confidence in any situation.

Voltage and anxiety - features peculiar to losers. They simply do not notice the happy chances that life offers them, thinking at this moment about the friend - how they are all bad, as they are lucky, as they have little money and no matter how well, if there were a lot of money.

Supporting inclination in thoughts and words, constant search for the reasons for their own failures, reflections instead of actions - all this is blocks on the way to financial well-being.

2. Attracting good luck and money - change internal installations

Magic money really works if we do everything right. Personally, I repeatedly managed to make sure that as soon as you start changing myself, the world around him magically. Paradoxically, our objective reality is a projection of subjective reality.

In other words, we are really doing our destiny!

So what needs to be done to attract good luck and money? Let's decompose everything on the shelves.

Simple money attracting:

  1. Change your attitude towards money. First of all, you should change your attitude towards money. If you are constantly told that you work for a penny, spend all your strength "for these damn money," it will only push finance from you. Money as an energy substance requires attention, respect and careful relationship, not curses;
  2. Thank money for their presence in your life. Be grateful for any amount of money in your life, and you will see how the situation will begin to change in the direction of improvement. Stop talking out loud and mentally the following phrases: "I can never allow himself to afford" (with respect to expensive goods, cars, travel and everything else), "no money", "I never earn so much." Such phrases are linguistic programming in its pure form. It is better to use reverse verbal structures: "I will buy this car (this house, this yacht)" or "I have enough money for it";
  3. Communicate with successful and rich people. At the same time, avoid the negative and envy to someone else's well-being. If wealth causes you evil thoughts, it will become a block on the way to your own enrichment. Learn to appreciate your hard work. If you do not satisfy the payment of your work, boldly go from the current work - respect your time and your life, for it is invaluable. Getting less than you deserve, you are not moving towards wealth, but move away from it. Even if you have to drastically change the scope of activity and lifestyle - no need to be afraid of difficulties: your financial future is in your hands;
  4. Love and respember yourself. Try not to limit your life financially. Reasonable spending on your own whim will raise your self-esteem and add confidence. If you want this particular laptop, but at the same time you think that such a thing you can not afford, just buy it - "break bad karma";
  5. Work on yourself. If you spend your time to increase the financial well-being of other people, get rich will not work. Start working on your own pocket and an account in the bank: let initial revenues will not be too large, the main thing is to start moving in the right direction. Fortunately, now there is plenty of opportunities for this: you can start your business from scratch, or stop going to the office, but to become free and in this will help you on the Internet.

By changing your attitude to your time, work, to money, banks, successful and rich people, you will calculate the energy paths to attract finances, and money will fly to you.

Stop envy and talk about the earnings of others: Think of your well-being.

the main idea

No rituals, mantras and prayers will not help, until you understand the main money rule: only he depends on our thoughts, emotions, actions!

And nothing else.

This is the most important idea and the most key, and all other techniques and techniques described below are only an addition to it.

3. How to attract good luck and money - 7 ordinary secrets of wealth

So, now let's turn to specific techniques and secrets. Immediately I will say that the "secrets" of wealth needs not just to know: it is necessary to be able to use them in practice. Even if you agree with all the advice and recommendations, but continue to lie on the couch and look at the ceiling in anticipation of a miracle, nothing will change: Be sure to act!

Secret 1. Using the Gold Rules of Money

If you believe in the metaphysics of money, then the money will surely believe in you.

The main rule of money is to take them with gratitude and joy!

By changing the attitude to finance on a positive, you will attract the energy of well-being and prosperity in your life. Decide to become a financial independent person right now and start changing your life and your thoughts right from this second.

Think of your own purposes - about what you want to achieve in life. Best of all, if you make a specific plan and start inexorably move towards your goal. I assure you that if you do everything right, you will notice how the goal itself is approaching you.

Secret 2. Reading prayers for money - a special new method

Prayer for attracting money and good luck is a way to address the highest forces for help and instructions. Although religion advises people to think more often about the soul, it does not mean that a person needs to be poor and hungry. On the contrary, poverty and financial problems distract from the right thoughts. Internal harmony is impossible without harmony of external and vice versa.

I wrote here that this is a special new method. It differs from all the standard the fact that it is worth praying not only asking for money from the saints, but also to keep the right way of life from the point of view of generally accepted norms of morality and morality. By the way, despondency, and therefore the inaction (tape) is the real sin.

The Orthodox Church knows many prayers that will help a person to gain material well-being. Some of the most famous prayers for monetary success - the prayer of Seraphim of Sarovsky, the prayer of the Virgin Mary, thankful prayer, the prayers of Christ, who pronounce believers in financial difficulties.

In order not to clutter the article with the texts of a prayer for money, I collected the most famous of them and packed in Word document.

Prayers for money.docch (download)

Regular utterance of such prayers with sincere gratitude will help you not only improve the financial situation, but also gives the impetus to the general personal growth.

Secret 3. Implementation of Feng Shui technician to attract money

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese doctrine of harmony.

In the east, Feng Shui is considered full-fledged science. According to this teaching, welfare, success and health depends on the correct energy of Qi energy in the world and the inner world of man. Externally, this concerns the interior of our dwelling (office), and internally - thoughts in the head.

For example, it is impossible to be located on the bed while sleeping face to the door - it will disperse positive energy. You should not put the mirror in front of the bed: if the sleep is reflected in the mirror, this also breaks harmonious energy streams.

All windows in the house (office) should be clean so that happiness and good luck often looked into your home. It is also not recommended to clutter the door passage. Another symbol of material well-being is water. Well, if there is aquarium in the apartment or office (and better is a small decorative fountain).

It should be easily taken out of the house trash and old things, air the rooms and make cleaning. Well, if the room always smells like fruit, which are considered in the east symbol of prosperity and abundance. You can take advantage of aromatic lamps and candles. Another faithful way to attract good luck is to start a money tree (another plant name is a lot of penalcock) and do not forget to care for it.

Secret 4. Conducting rites for good luck and money

Ritals and rituals can actually help solve a monetary issue. There are many rituals that help develop the right attitude towards money and improving financial well-being:

  1. More often remember the expression "Money Love Account" and consider money. This will teach the right attitude towards;
  2. Be sure to keep at home at least small cash savings. Feng Shui experts advise to store several coins or bills in the refrigerator;
  3. You do not always need to take, you need sometimes to give. Donate a certain amount for charity - for starters, help the throat on the street. If you give from a clean heart, such spending will definitely return to you by Storm;
  4. Do not boast with your sufficiency, but do not complain about poverty;
  5. Any activity aimed at obtaining money, start only on the growing moon;
  6. Fold money in the wallet one way: "face" to you;
  7. If the wallet is old and boiled, buy a new one - do it, again, on the growing moon;
  8. You should take money with your left hand, but to give right.

Now that you can not do, not to scare away good luck:

  • it is impossible to fit the crumbs with a hand of hand;
  • walk with torn buttons and broken pockets;
  • hold your wallet empty and give money through the threshold.

Secret 5. Wearing cash talismans and amulets

The most famous talismans to attract money and good luck on Feng Shui:

  1. Toad with a coin in the mouth. According to the legend, Buddha himself caught the greedy and evil toad and, wanting to punish her, forced her secret to penetrate the dwellings of people and stretch gold coins from mouth;
  2. Elephant. This is a talisman for material protection. Feng Shui supporters advise you to purchase such a figurine to businessmen and all people whose activities are related to money risks. Before making an important decision on a financial plan, a trunk of an elephant should be stroked;
  3. Three Chinese coins with holes knitted with red thread. One of the most popular wealth symbols: such a talisman should be stored in a wallet or purse.

Talismans are the material side of attracting money. According to the doctrine of money, the correct thoughts are even more important than the magic figures and the harmonious location of the furniture.

Feng Shui advises to get rid of negative thoughts and think only about good.

Similar attracts like this!

The correct thoughts will attract the right people into your life and contribute to the emergence of favorable well-being and health of situations.

Secret 6. Using cash mantras

Mantra is a linguistic design that has a positive effect on energy in the universe and within you.

There are words that are able to turn cash flow into the direction you need. Mantras came from Buddhism, where they are considered a real psychological tool.

Mantra is similar to prayer, however, has a slightly different orientation. Since there are no personalized deities in Buddhism, the energy flow when reading the mantra is directed directly into the universe.

The most famous monetary mantra sounds as follows:

Om Lakshmi Viganshrie Kamala Dhayrigan Swaha.

Repeat magic words need every day every morning for a month. Some of my friends who are fond of Buddhism claim that it was Mantras who helped them to gain material and family well-being.

Secret 7. Communication with successful and rich people

The greater and more often you will communicate with rich and successful people, the richer you will become ourselves.

If you consider yourself poor and unfortunate, to begin with change the circle of communication. Stop complain about your life with other unhappy people and look for among the friends of those who are worse than you.

Make exactly the opposite - start communicating with lucky and materially safe people.

I can assure you - you will feel the difference very soon. Positive people will change the direction of your thoughts and change the flow of energy around you.

Suddenly, for themselves, you will become more confident and calm, and your attitude towards money will change for the better. Gradually, blocks and barriers between you and cash flows will disappear and your earnings will grow noticeably.

4. Real stories of people and opinions experts on attracting good luck and money in their lives

Personally, I know several real stories about how people drastically changed their financial status.

The most indicative of them is the history of my school friend Viktor N.

At school and at the institute, he did not shine special success and studied rather mediocre. A few years after the end of the university, he also did not fit. Victor had to perform heavy, low-paid work and spend his time, can be said to be wasted.

The situation has changed when he changed the circle of communication. At work, he sometimes had to communicate with people successful in financial plan, and gradually he acquired the necessary acquaintances, communications and experience. At some point, Victor decided that he had time to change his life.

He asked his new acquaintances just to send it to the right direction. He was given a new position with a perspective of career growth. With the change of circle of communication changed and his attitude to life. Seven years later, Victor owns several restaurants and cafes in the city where I live, and gets six-digit monthly profits.

5. Conclusion

Now you know that wealth and successiness are not congenital, but acquired qualities. It is not necessary to be born the son of the Bank's director or the owner of a large corporation.

Much more interesting to achieve everything yourself, from scratch. Only in this case you will be in inner harmony and in Lada with yourself.

All the technique described above will help you attract good luck and money in the house, but remember that they are auxiliary tools.

Only our way of thinking and real actions are able to make you a wealthy and successful person.

Work on yourself and so you realize the most bold dreams!