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Borrowed words from France. French borrowing in Russian

In Russian, more than 2000 French words that we use almost every day, without even suspecting their ideologically wrong roots. And, if we gave the fifth republic at least one word - "Bistro" (thanks to the Cossacks, who came to Montmartre in 1814 and drank all the stocks of champagne: "Tashchi quickly! To whom I said? Quickly, your mother!", That took away from They are much more.

Duty - from De Jour: Assigned to some day. For example, classic French, visible to tourists in a multitude of cafes and Bistro Plat de Jour - "Dish of the day", we have turned into a "duty dish"

Steering wheel, steering - from Rouler: Ride, rotate. There is nothing to explain here. Roulet, yes, from here.

Nightmare - Caucchemar: Comes from two words - Staroofranzuz Chaucher - "Press" and Flemish Mare - "Ghost". Here is such a ghost coming at night, which loves gently leaning up for sleeping. "

Blinds - from Jalouse (Jalousie): Envy, jealousy. With this word among Russians never folded. Most stubbornly make an emphasis on "a" instead of "and". The etymology of the word is quite simple: so that the neighbors do not envy, the French just lowered the blinds. In a wide Russian nature, such subtleties of the mental organization were not peculiar, so we simply built a fence higher, but pouch.

Coat - Paletot: almost no longer used in France definition of upper men's clothing: warm, wide, with a collar or hood. Anachronism, so to speak.

POOMURK - from Toujour: always. Just daily, "always" clothes.

Cartuz - from Cartouche: Literally "Cartridge". Actually, in the meaning of the "pouch with powder", this word appeared in Russia in 1696, but "turned" into a headdress only in the 19th century completely unknown science in the way.

Kalosh - Galoche: shoes on a wooden sole. By the way, Galoche - there is another value in French: a kiss of passionate. Think what you want.

Sutuk - from SurtOut: on top of everything. Oh, do not ask, we do not know and do not wear. But yes, once the surpetuk was really top clothing.

Cap - from Chapeau: It happened from Staroofranzuzy Chape - the lid.

Panama - Panama: no need to explain. But that's what is surprising, Paris is often called Paname, although there were no local residents in such heads, it was not observed on the streets.

Masterpiece - from Chef d'œuvre: Master of his business.

Chauffeur - Chauffeur: Original Kochegar, Power. Wood throws up. But it was a long time, even before the appearance of internal combustion engines. And by the way…

Ushoffe - from the same word Chauffer: warm, warm up. It was stuck in Russia, thanks to the French governors who did not mind to slam the Ryumashki-other. The pretext of "under" is a purely Russian, often used when designating the state: under a degree, under the hops. Or ... "Heated", if you want. And, continuing the topic of alcohol ...

Kiri, squint - from KIR: an aperitif of white wine and a sweet weathered berry syrup, most often the currant, black or peach. They, with unusual, can really be quickly "squinting", especially if not limited to one or two cups, and in the old Russian tradition, start abuse as it should be.

Aventure - Aventure: Adventure. In French, it does not carry a negative shade, what the word has acquired in Russian, like, actually, and ...

Scam - from à Faire: (To) do, do it. In general, just do something useful. And not what you thought.

Stop - from Mur: Wall. That is, literally "close in the wall". The winged phrase "inspired, demons!" It could hardly exist in the times of John the Terrible, but to appear in the XVII century, thanks to Peter the first one - quite as the word ...

Work - from Raboter: rub, grind, strict, engage, in short, manual labor. What is strange, until the 17th century, such a word in Russian texts was not really used. Do not forget, it was during the times of Peter the first to Russia really came many architects, engineers and artisans from countries of Western Europe. Yes, what is there to say, it was in Paris-sample that St. Petersburg was conceived. They designed, the Russians "worked." It is impossible to forget that many talented and sleeve guys, by order of the same Peter, went to study the craft to other countries and could well "capture" a word with them to their homeland.

Dozen - Douzaine: Well, twelve, as it is.

Equiva - from Equivoque: ambiguous. No, well, really, you could not even seriously think that such a strange word appeared in Russian just like that, from nothing to do?

Barak - Baraque: Shack. From the general word Barrio - clay. And this is not the invention of NEP times.

Throwing out Anthrash - from Entrechat: borrowed from Latin, and means weave, braid, fly away, cross. According to a serious academic dictionary, Anthrash - in the classic ballet dance of the race of a jump-shaking jump, when the legs of the dancer quickly cross in the air.

Rule - from Retif: Strike. It seems one of the oldest borrowed words from the French language. Probably, in times Yaroslavna.

Vinaigrette - Vinaigrette: vinegar sauce, traditional refueling for salads. To our traditional dish of beets, acidic cabbage and boiled potatoes having no relationship. For the French, in general, such a combination of products seems to be almost fatal, as if they are delighted, and from the traditional Russian Borsche or, say Kvass (how can you drink this nastyness?).

Sausis - from Saucisse, like, actually, and shrimp - from Crevette. Well, about the broth, in general, it seems, it makes no sense. Meanwhile, Bouillon - "Decoration," comes from the word Bolir - "boil". Yeah.

Soup - Soupe: Borrowing from French in the XVIII century, which occurred from the Latin Suppa - "a piece of bread, dipped in gravy." About canned food? - From Concerver - "save". About the word "sauce" to speak in general meaningless.

Cotletta - Côtelette, which in turn is formed from Côte - edge. The fact is that in Russia they used to mean the word of the cutlet a dish of chopped meat, and the French indicate them a piece of meat on the bone, or rather pork (or lamb) on the rib.

Tomato - from Pomme d'or: Golden Apple. Why was this phrase in Russia, the story is silent. In France itself, tomatoes are called trite - tomatoes.

Compote - from Componere: fold, compose, composing, if you want. That is, collect together a bunch of all sorts of fruit.

By the way, the phraseological "not in its plate", literal, but not too correct translation of the phrase Ne Pas Etre Dans Son Assiette. The fact is that Assiette is not only a plate from which they eat, but the basis, the location of the Spirit. So, in the original, this phrase meant "not in the spirit, not in the mood."

Restaurant - Restaurant: literally "restoring". There is a legend that in 1765, a certain bunge, the owner of the Parisian Tavern, posted on the doors of his just an open establishment a call inscription: "Come to me, and I will restore your strength." Tavern Bulang, where they fed tasty and relatively cheap, soon became a fashionable place. As often happens with fashionable places, the institution received a special name from the regulars, understandable only to the initiate: "Tomorrow we will meet again in the restoring!". By the way, the first restaurant in Russia "Slavic Bazaar" was opened in 1872 and, unlike the Tractors, there were more than tritely drowned.

Disposal - from Courage: courage, courage. A courage in Russian also acquired not quite obvious meaning. Meanwhile, in the prefix, suffix and ending, the word began to mean, actually, which was meant: to deprive someone confidence, courage, lead to a state of confusion.

Shower - from Toucher: touch, touch. Mmm ... I think, once a long time ago, decent girls were blunt and confused, stewed, so to speak when especially arrogant young people grabbed them for knees and other parts of the body.

Trick - Truc: thing, thing, whose name cannot remember. Well ... it ... like him ...

Routine - from Route, Routine: Road, path, and formed by Routine: skill, usability. And you, often walking on the same way, from work to home and vice versa, did not bother the urokomin? Maybe all to throw, and go to downsifting (English word is not about him now)?

Keychain - BRELOQUE: Suspension on a chain for hours.

Furniture - MEUBLE: Literally what moves, you can move, transfer to another place, in the counterweight immeuble - real estate. Thanks again, Petra is the first for the possibility of not indicating that it is from the items that is available in your real estate, such as the same French: Bureau, Chiffonier, Truma, Wardrobe or Stool.

Va-Bank - from VA Banque: Literally "Bank is coming." The expression that was used by players in the card when they suddenly began to "pass" sharply. Therefore, "Go Wa-Bank" and then a risk, hoping that you can get a lot.

Klauza - from Clause: contract condition, article agreement. How the blushes acquired such a negative meaning - it is difficult to say how and why ...

District - Rayon: Ray. Became a place on the map, not the source of light.

Marley - from Marly: Thin fabric, by the name of the village of Marli, now - Marli-le-Rua (Marly-Le-Roi), where they first produced.

Debah - Débauche: Spoogue, breaking, rampant.

But the word "puzzle" appeared on the reverse translation of the word Cassetête - from Casse: Breaking and Tête - Head. That is, literally.

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I. Introduction Borrowing is a process, as a result of which a certain foreign language element appears in the language (first of all, the word or full-known morphem. Borrowing is an integral component of the process of functioning and historical language change, one of the main sources of the vocabulary stock. Borrowing increases lexical wealth serves as a source of new roots, word-forming elements and accurate terms and is a consequence of the conditions of social life of humanity. What is the role of French borrowing in Russian? This question determined the relevance of the topic of French borrowing in Russian and identified the subject of my research work. II. and french development

French language, which is inherent in beauty, grace and melodiousness, refers to the Romance group of the Indo-European family of languages. His dialects have developed at the beginning of the Middle Ages as a result of the crossing of Latin conquerors-Romans and the language of the submissive Gallov's natives - Gallic. French before others acquired international importance and in the 12th and 13th centuries in its importance was the second language after Latin.

Long decades he remains the language of diplomacy and good educated people, It is one of the official languages \u200b\u200bof the UN and 30 of its special institutions on education, science and culture. These languages \u200b\u200bare used in international scientific congresses and symposia on psychology, linguistics, philosophy, right, medicine. The world of high fashion and elite winemaking, exquisite gastronomy and sports fencing is expressing in French. Historian T.zeldin in his book "All about the French" notes that "the life of any of us cannot be considered complete if there is no tiny French component in it.

Le Français

Le Français EST UNE LANGUE ROMANE PARLÉE PRINCIPALEMENT EN FRANCE, DONT ELLE EST ORIGINAIRE (LA "LANGUE D'OïL"), AINSI QU'AU CANADA, EN BELGIQUE EN EN SUISSE. Le Français Est Parlé Comme Deuxième Ou Troisième Langue Dans d'autres Régions du Monde. Ces Pays Ayant Pour La Plupart Fait Partie Des Anciens Empires Coloniaux Français et Belge.

La Langue Française Est Un Attribut De Souveraineté en France: La Langue Officielle De La République Française Est Le Français (Article 2 De La Constitution de 1958). ELLE EST ÉGALEMENT Le Principal Véhicule De La Pensée et de la Culture Française Dans Le Monde. La Langue Française Fait L "Objet d" Un Dispositif Public D "ENRICHISSEMENT DE LA LANGUE, AVEC Le Décret Du 3 Juillet 1996 Relatif à L" Enrichissement de la Langue Française.

Avec 180 Millions De Locuteurs Francophones Réels Dans Le Monde Et 220 Millions De LOCUTEURS Comme Seconde Langue et Langue Étrangère Le Français Est La Sixième Langue La Plus Parlée Dans Le Monde. ELLE EST UNE DES SIX LANGUES OFFICIELLES ET UNE DEUX LANGUES DE TRAVAIL (Avec L'Anglais) De L'Organization Des Nations Unies, Et Langue Officielle Ou De Travail De Plusieurs Organisations International OU Régionalis, Dont L'Union EUROPÉENNE. Après Avoir Été La Langue De L'Ancien Régime Français, Des Tsars De Russie En Passant Par Les Princes de L'Allemagne, Jusqu "Aux Rois d'Espagne et d" Angleterre, Elle Demeure Une Importante Langue De La Diplomatie International Aux Côtés de L'Anglais et de l "espagnol.


Histoire de la Langue Français

L'Histoire De La Langue Française Commence Avec L'Invasion Des Gaues Par Les Armées Romaines Sous Jules César EN 52 AV. J.-C. La Gaule Était Alors Peuplée De Tribus Gauloises Qui Parlaient Des Langues Celtiques Certainment Apparentées et PEUT-être Mutuellement Intelligibles. Il N'existait Donc Pas Une Mais Plusieurs Langues Gauloises, Qui N'étaient Que Très Rarement Écrites. La Langue des Romains, ELLE, CONNAISSAIT L'Écriture, Et EN Tant Que Langue De L "Autorité et Langue de Prestige, Elle Fut Peu à PEU ADOPTÉE PAR TOUS AU Cours Des Siècles Qui Suivirent La Conquête du Pays EN 51 AV. J. -C., ET CE, De Façon Naturelle Et Sans Heurt.

La Version Romane des Serments De Strasbourg De 842 EST Le Premier Texte Écrit en Langue d'Oïl. La Première Mention De L'Existence d'Une Langue Romane Date de 813, Lors Du Concile De Tours, Qui La Nomme Lingua Romana Rustica, "Langue Romane Rustique". Il faut attendre vers 880 pour le premier texte littéraire, la Séquence de sainte Eulalie, encore qu'on puisse considérer que la langue de ce texte est plus du picard que du français lui-même, le français ayant été un dialecte parmi plusieurs au Moyen Âge, Appelé Le Franceis / Françoys / François Alors (Progressivement, PUIS). Paris et sa Région Sont Le Berceau Historique De CE Franceis Qui Très Vite S'est Enrichi Par L'Apport De Normand, De Picard, De Bourguignon Et Des Autres Parlers d'Oïl Alenour, Car Au Fur et à mesure Que Paris Prenait De L 'Importance Sur Le Plan Politique, Des Gens De Tout Le Pays Y Affluaient, Important Avec Eux Leur Variante Linguistique.

EN 1539, L'ORDONNANCE DE VILLERS-COTTERêTS SIGNÉE PAR FRANçOIS I IMPOSE LE FRANSAIS COMME LANGUE DU DROIT ET De L'Administration EN France. Au Long Du XVII E Siècle, Le Français S'impose Comme Langue Scientifique et Comme Langue d'Enseignement. Le Discours De La Méthode (1637) De René Descartes Constitue UNE Étape Importante Car Il S'Agit D'Un des Premiers Essais Philosophiques Écrits en Français et non en latin comme les méditations Sur La Philosophie Première.

EN Europe, Le Français Devient Une Langue Diplomatique De Premier Plan Est Est Apprise Par Les Élites. La Seconde Guerre Mondiale Constitue Un Tournant, Tant Par Le Massacre d'élites Francophiles en Europe De L'Est, Que Par La Montée En Puissance De L "Anglais Comme Langue Véhiculaire International.

Le 7 Janvier 1972, Le Gouvernement Français Promulgue Le Décret N O 72-9 Relatif à L'Enrichissement De La Langue Française, Prévoyant La Création De Terminologie Pour L'Enrichissement Du Vocabulaire Français.

La Révision Constitutionnelle Du 25 Juin 1992 Insère à l "Article 2 De La Constitution La Phrase:" La Langue De La République Est Le Français. "

Le 4 Août 1994 à Suite de La Loi De 1975, Est Promulguée La Loi Dite Loi Tubon Qui Tend à Imposer L "Utilisation Du Français Dans Nombre de Domaines (Afichage, Travail, Enseignement ...) Particulièrement Dans Les Services Publics.

La maintenance de la langue française est suivie par: l'Académie française, la Délégation générale à la langue française et aux langues de France (DGLF), le Service de la langue française (Belgique), l "Office québécois de la langue française ( OQLF), Les Conseils Supérieurs De La Langue Française De France, De Belgique et du Québec.

Les EmPrunts Plus Récents à d'autres Langues Sont Assez Nombreux: D'ABORD à l'Anglais (MêMe Anciens: Nord, Sud), Puis à l'Italien, Aux Autres Langues Romanes, Aux Langues Germaniques Tels Que L "Allemand Ou Le Néerlandais (Ainsi Boulevard Vient Du Hollandais Ou Du Flamand Bolwerk). L'Arabe a Fourni, et Fournit Encore Quelques Mots: Alcool, Algèbre, Tubib, Bled, etc.

ON ESTIME À MOINS DE 13% (Soit 4 200 Mots) Les Parts Des Mots d'Origine Étrangère Dans La Langue Française Courante Soit Environ Les 35 000 Mots D'Un Dictionnaire d'Usage. Ces Mots Viennent De L'Anglais, De L'Italien, De L'Ancien Allemand, Des Anciennes Langues Gallo-Romanes, De L'Arabe, De L'Allemand, De L'Ancien Celtique, De L'Espagnol, Du Néerlandais, Du Perse (Ancien Persan) Et Du Sanskrit, 101 des Langues Amérindiennes, De Diverses Langues Asiatiques), 56 De Diverses Langues Afro-Asiatiques, D'autres Langues Diveses.

De Nombreux Néologismes ONT ÉGalement Été Formés à Partir de Mots Grecs Ou Latins. On Peut Citor Mètre, Gramme, Phobie et Leurs Dérivés (Kilomètre, Milligramme, etc.), Ainsi Que des Mots Plus Récents Comme Cinéma, Logiciel, Domotique, etc.

D'Autres Sont Des Calques Ou des Adaptations De L'Anglais, Comme Par Exemple Baladeur Créé Pour Remplacer L »Anglais Walkman et Diskman.

Aussi, le français se modernise et les rectifications orthographiques du français recommandées par l'Académie française elle-même pourraient être génératrices de règles précises qui devraient permettre la création de nouveaux mots: on pourrait imaginer les termes portemusique (pluriel portemusiques) pour lecteur MP3 ou Walkman (Termes Souvent Traduits Baladeur), Ou Mangetemps à La Place de Time-Consuming, etc. Toutefois, Ces Règles Étant Extrêmement PEU Suivies, Y Compris Par La Prase Et Le Monde de L'édition, CE Phénomène N'est Actuellement Pas Notable.

III. Words borrowed from French

And now I would like to tell about some words and the concepts that firmly entered our Russian language from French and sometimes we do not even suspect about their true origin.

In the XVIII century, borrowing from French has become tightly treated in Russian speech. In order to facilitate the development of literature and literary language, as well as for the purpose of the development of development in the right government, a special higher scientific institution is being created - the Russian Academy (in the imitation of the French Academy in Paris). French is the language of the great enlighteners Voltaire, Didro, Rousseau - at that time was the most lexically rich and stylisticly developed language of Europe. In gallicism, the characteristic features of the French reflected: Prononcer (Grasseyer). Gallicizms (from Lat. Gallicus - Gallic) - words and expressions borrowed from French or educated by the model of French words and expressions. In the XVIII - early XIX century in Russian vocabulary included words, truly impregnated by the French spirit: Charm (Charme), Aduletère, Visitor (Visiteur), Gutenerneur (Cavalier), Cockcliment (Cocotte), compliment (compliment ), Revurans (Révérence), Favorite (Favorite).

Gallicizms penetrate all areas of life and activities of people. Especially French borrowings replenished vocabulary related to clothing: accessory (Accessoire), jewelry (Bijouterie), Voile, Jabot, Mantteau, Peignoir (PEIGNOIR) and meal: meringue (Baiser), puree (Purée ), mayonnaise (mayonnaise). Special attention should be paid to gallicism that are associated with art - theater, music, painting. For example, the following words are associated with music: Accordion (Accordéon), Ensemble (Ensemble), Vocals (Vocal), Clarinet (Clarinette), Nocturne, Overture (OUVERTURE). There are a lot of gallicalism related to theater: Actor (ACTEUR), Anmont (Entracte), Applauds (Affiche), Waterville (Vaudeville), Grimer, Debut (Dèbut), Pirouette (Pirouette); And also with painting: Gallery (Galerie), Vernissage (Vernissage), Gouache (Gouache), Palette (Palette). In the history of society there are moments when some foreign culture is chosen as a sample to imitate. Its language becomes prestigious, and words from it are borrowed especially actively. The influence of French in Russian vocabulary was observed in 18, and in the 19th century. Attitude towards borrowed words as more beautiful and prestigious is characteristic of the end of the 20th early 21st century. For example, the word boutique. In French, Boutique means just a "small store", and in Russian soil the word boutique began to mean "dear fashion store". Interestingly, in French itself, it changed the noun Magasin (store) from Arabic, which was particularly widespread in the first half of the 19th century, when the French trade was restructuring on new industrial grounds and old shops (Boutiques) now ceased to arrange vendors who We needed more spacious and spacious shops. And in Russian, this word "rose in the rank" - began to designate the fashionable goods store, that is, the word, which in the source language called the usual, ordinary object, in the borrowing language is attached to the object more significant and prestigious. Interestingly, what exactly from French The words are borrowed by words characterizing the highest light: Elite (Élite), Bohemia (Bohème), Bomond (Beaumo).

Barricade -French - Barricade.

The word "barricade" is known in Russian initially as a military engineering term since 1724. Translated by the book of Voban "The true way to strengthen cities." In Russian dictionaries - from 1803 and is interpreted as "Fencing around the city, stone Wall etc.". Now the word "barricade" is used in the value of "barrier across the street, a passage consisting of various types of items that are not made by bullets."

The word is borrowed from French, where Barricade is known since the end of the XVI century. And formed from Barrique - "Barrel" or from Barrer - "Blood, Blood", Barre - "Bar". French Barricade has become a base for distributing words in other European languages.

Bow - French - Bande.

The word "bow" is known in Russian from Petrovsky in the meaning of the "Order Bow", as well as in the form of a bow - "bandage". In modern meaning - "Tape or braid tied by a node of a certain form" - The word is noted in the dictionaries since 1780. The Word is borrowed from French, where the noun Bande ("bandage") appeared under the influence of the Staronenets Band ("Zaguka, Ribbon").

Broth -French Bouillon.

The name "Broth" is borrowed from French; French Bouillon - "Decoration" comes from the verb of Bouillir - "boil". This word was borrowed in the XVIII century and did not have time to change his sound.

Salad - French- Salade.

The word "salad" is borrowed in the XVIII century from French; The French Salade goes back to the Italian Salata - "Salney (greens)", derived from the Latin Salare "Solit" (and this word, in turn, the same root as the Russian "salt").

Dessert - French- DESSERT.

The word "dessert", borrowed from French at the end of the XVIII century, is formed from the verb of Desservir - "remove from the table". French Dessert initially and meant "cleaning from the table", and only then it became known "the last dish, after which is removed from the table."

Roll - French -ROLADE.

"Roulet" is something rolled. This word is borrowed from French. However, in French what we call the roll looks like Roulade, and the word Roulette means "wheel". Both of these words are formed from the verb Rouler - "roll, download". Apparently, when borrowing, these two words were simply confused; In other Slavic languages \u200b\u200b(in Polish, Czech), the word "roll" looks like in French - "Rulada".

Cream French-crème.

The word "cream" is borrowed from the French language in the second half of the XVIII century; In French, this word means "cream, cream, ointment" and goes back to the Churcholatin Chrisma - "Anointing".

Passport - French - Passeport.

The word "passport" was borrowed from French at the beginning of the XVIII century.

In French, the word "passport" came from Latin: Passare - Pass and Portus - Port, Harbor. The passport was a written permission to enter the port. When this word came to Russian (in the time of Peter I), they began to call a document of a particular sample certifying the identity. For a long time, the word was used in the form of "PAS".

Bas-relief -French - BAS-RELIEF (low bulge).

In Russian, the word "bas-relief" in the value "The convex sculptural image of figures or ornament on the plane" extends from the middle of the XVIII century. In the form of "Baryliev". The shape of the "bas-relief" is set to the beginning of the XIX century.

The word borrowed from French. The original source of words in Romanesque languages \u200b\u200bare Vulgar Latin Bassus and Latin Relevare.

BastionFrench - BASTIONE (Bastion).

The word "bastion" is known from the Petrovsky era.

It was borrowed from French, where Bastione goes back to the Italian Bastione - the suffixed derivative from Bastia - "Big Fortress, Tower Strengthening" originating from Bastire - "Build". From here the Francian Bastjane - "Surround Tyn".

Modern bastion - (military) "Pentagonal strengthening in the form of a protrusion in the corners of a fortification fence for shelling the terrain in front and along the fortress walls and connections."

Baton -French - Baton (stick, wand).

In Russian, the word "Baton" is known since the end of the XVIII century. And used only in the value "confectionery in the form of a stick, elongated shape." The word is borrowed from French, where Baton is "stick, wand, wand." Initially, the bathers were called "puff pastry sticks stuffed with boiled beef et al.", "Narrow and long gingerbreads with candied eggs and almonds", etc.

The current meaning of the word "Baton" - "Rod white bread An extended form "- it appeared recently, at the beginning of the XIX century. and is characteristic of Russian and East Slavic languages, and in others is used in the initial value.

Boots -French - Bottines.

The word "boots" appeared in Russian from the middle of the XIX century. In the dictionaries - from 1847, first - only in the form of railway: shoe - "female half-boot", as well as "Hamashi, shubbins." Later, the shoes began to mean not only "female, children's boots", but also "the way of shoes wearing all, shoes." The word is borrowed from the French, where Bottine ("Boot") is known since 1367 and goes back to Botte ("Sap Togg").

Palette French - Palette.

In Russian, the word "palette" is known since the beginning of the XIX century. Ancient Romans denoted by this word to the blade for mixing paints. From the Latin floor fell into French, from it - to German and only then in Russian. By the XIX century. The word "palette" began to denote a flat plate for storing and mixing paints during drawing.

IV. Conclusion

In relation to borrowed words, two extremes often face: on the one hand, the oversaturation of speech by foreign words and turnover, on the other - the denial of them, the desire to use only the original word.

Borrowed words enrich our speech, make it more accurate, sometimes economical. In our stormy age, the flow of new ideas, things, information, technologies requires the rapid name of the objects and phenomena, makes it possible to involve foreign names in the language, and not to expect the creation of original words in Russian soil. It is known that now from the whole wealth of the Russian language, borrowed words constitute only about 10%.

It should be noted that Russian words are borrowed by other languages. And in different periods of our history in other languages, not only such Russian words were penetrated as samovar, borsch, soup, cranberrybut such as satellite, Tips, Perestroika, Publicity. Successes Soviet Union In the development of space, they contributed to the fact that the terms born in our language were perceived by other languages: cosmonaut, lunohod.

When doing this project, I realized how important it is to know, from where, from what language it came to Russian or another word. Trace his evolution, understand how much the history of the people is related to its language and how much different peoples We are interrelated not only by common historical events, but also by the development of their lexical stock.

And always need to remember the words L.N. Tolstoy: "He needs to be dissolved from foreign words, but do not need them and abuse."


    La Langue Française -

    La Bibliothèque Nationale -

    Crossin L.M. History of French: studies. For bachelors / L.M. Square, L.A. Range. - 2nd ed. - M.: Yurait, 2006. - 463 p.

In Russian, more than 2000 French words that we use almost every day, without even suspecting their ideologically wrong roots. And, if we gave the fifth republic at least one word - "Bistro" (thanks to the Cossacks who came to Montmartre in 1814 and drank all the stocks of champagne: "Tashchi quickly! To whom I said? Quickly, your mother!"), That they took them much more. The reason for the most likely, the incredible popularity of French in the XVIII-XIX centuries. Even the guardian not saved for the purity of the Russian language, Dane Vladimir Dal. With the attache, lampshades and cough (Cache-nez, by the way - to hide the nose) - everything is clear, but did you know, for example, what the words "turn" and "Fairy" are also French?

Duty - from De Jour: Assigned to some day. For example, classic French, visible to tourists in a multitude of cafes and Bistro Plat de Jour - "Dish of the day", we have turned into a "duty dish"

Steering wheel, steering - from Rouler: Ride, rotate. There is nothing to explain here. Roulet, yes, from here.

Nightmare - Caucchemar: Comes from two words - Staroofranzuz Chaucher - "Press" and Flemish Mare - "Ghost". Here is such a ghost coming at night, which loves gently leaning up for sleeping. "

Blinds - from Jalouse (Jalousie): Envy, jealousy. With this word among Russians never folded. Most stubbornly make an emphasis on "a" instead of "and". The etymology of the word is quite simple: so that the neighbors do not envy, the French just lowered the blinds. In a wide Russian nature, such subtleties of the mental organization were not peculiar, so we simply built a fence higher, but pouch.

Blowjob - MINETTE: Nature. Well, how without him! The French have a steady expression "make a cat", but it means exactly the opposite than in Russian - literally "make a cunnilingus." It would be possible to assume that the word happened from MINET - Kitten M.R., that would only sound this "MINE", although who knows how they read our ancestors.

Coat - Paletot: almost no longer used in France definition of upper men's clothing: warm, wide, with a collar or hood. Anachronism, so to speak.

POOMURK - from Toujour: always. Just daily, "always" clothes.

Cartuz - from Cartouche: Literally "Cartridge". Actually, in the meaning of the "pouch with powder", this word appeared in Russia in 1696, but "turned" into a headdress only in the 19th century completely unknown science in the way.

Kalosh - Galoche: shoes on a wooden sole. The most unloved word V. Daly. He offered to call them "mocostups", but did not fit, did not fit. Although, here, in St. Petersburg, probably, not without the efforts of the same Dal, the French word border is stubbornly called the "Grebid" - although even this word has Dutch roots. But we are not about it now. By the way, Galoche - there is another value in French: a kiss of passionate. Think what you want.

Sutuk - from SurtOut: on top of everything. Oh, do not ask, we do not know and do not wear. But yes, once the surpetuk was really top clothing.

Cap - from Chapeau: It happened from Staroofranzuzy Chape - the lid.

Panama - Panama: no need to explain. But that's what is surprising, Paris is often called Paname, although there were no local residents in such heads, it was not observed on the streets.

Masterpiece - from Chef d'œuvre: Master of his business.

Chauffeur - Chauffeur: Original Kochegar, Power. Wood throws up. But it was a long time, even before the appearance of internal combustion engines. And by the way…

Ushoffe - from the same word Chauffer: warm, warm up. It was stuck in Russia, thanks to the French governors who did not mind to slam the Ryumashki-other. The pretext of "under" is a purely Russian, often used when designating the state: under a degree, under the hops. Or ... "Heated", if you want. And, continuing the topic of alcohol ...

Kiri, squint - from KIR: an aperitif of white wine and a sweet weathered berry syrup, most often the currant, black or peach. They, with unusual, can really be quickly "squinting", especially if not limited to one or two cups, and in the old Russian tradition, start abuse as it should be.

Aventure - Aventure: Adventure. In French, it does not carry a negative shade, what the word has acquired in Russian, like, actually, and ...

Scam - from à Faire: (To) do, do it. In general, just do something useful. And not what you thought.

Stop - from Mur: Wall. That is, literally "close in the wall". The winged phrase "inspired, demons!" It could hardly exist in the times of John the Terrible, but to appear in the XVII century, thanks to Peter the first one - quite as the word ...

Work - from Raboter: rub, grind, strict, engage, in short, manual labor. What is strange, until the 17th century, such a word in Russian texts was not really used. Do not forget, it was during the times of Peter the first to Russia really came many architects, engineers and artisans from countries of Western Europe. Yes, what is there to say, it was in Paris-sample that St. Petersburg was conceived. They designed, the Russians "worked." It is impossible to forget that many talented and sleeve guys, by order of the same Peter, went to study the craft to other countries and could well "capture" a word with them to their homeland.

Dozen - Douzaine: Well, twelve, as it is.

Equiva - from Equivoque: ambiguous. No, well, really, you could not even seriously think that such a strange word appeared in Russian just like that, from nothing to do?

Barak - Baraque: Shack. From the general word Barrio - clay. And this is not the invention of NEP times.

Throwing out Anthrash - from Entrechat: borrowed from Latin, and means weave, braid, fly away, cross. According to a serious academic dictionary, Anthrash - in the classic ballet dance of the race of a jump-shaking jump, when the legs of the dancer quickly cross in the air.

Rule - from Retif: Strike. It seems one of the oldest borrowed words from the French language. Probably, in times Yaroslavna.

Vinaigrette - Vinaigrette: vinegar sauce, traditional refueling for salads. To our traditional dish of beets, acidic cabbage and boiled potatoes having no relationship. For the French, in general, such a combination of products seems to be almost fatal, as if they are delighted, and from the traditional Russian Borsche or, say Kvass (how can you drink this nastyness?).

Sausis - from Saucisse, like, actually, and shrimp - from Crevette. Well, about the broth, in general, it seems, it makes no sense. Meanwhile, Bouillon - "Decoration," comes from the word Bolir - "boil". Yeah.

Soup - Soupe: Borrowing from French in the XVIII century, which occurred from the Latin Suppa - "a piece of bread, dipped in gravy." About canned food? - From Concerver - "save". About the word "sauce" to speak in general meaningless.

Cotletta - Côtelette, which in turn is formed from Côte - edge. The fact is that in Russia they used to mean the word of the cutlet a dish of chopped meat, and the French indicate them a piece of meat on the bone, or rather pork (or lamb) on the rib.

Tomato - from Pomme d'or: Golden Apple. Why was this phrase in Russia, the story is silent. In France itself, tomatoes are called trite - tomatoes.

Compote - from Componere: fold, compose, composing, if you want. That is, collect together a bunch of all sorts of fruit.

By the way, the phraseological "not in its plate", literal, but not too correct translation of the phrase Ne Pas Etre Dans Son Assiette. The fact is that Assiette is not only a plate from which they eat, but the basis, the location of the Spirit. So, in the original, this phrase meant "not in the spirit, not in the mood."

Restaurant - Restaurant: literally "restoring". There is a legend that in 1765, a certain bunge, the owner of the Parisian Tavern, posted on the doors of his just an open establishment a call inscription: "Come to me, and I will restore your strength." Tavern Bulang, where they fed tasty and relatively cheap, soon became a fashionable place. As often happens with fashionable places, the institution received a special name from the regulars, understandable only to the initiate: "Tomorrow we will meet again in the restoring!". By the way, the first restaurant in Russia "Slavic Bazaar" was opened in 1872 and, unlike the Tractors, there were more than tritely drowned.

Disposal - from Courage: courage, courage. A courage in Russian also acquired not quite obvious meaning. Meanwhile, in the prefix, suffix and ending, the word began to mean, actually, which was meant: to deprive someone confidence, courage, lead to a state of confusion.

Shower - from Toucher: touch, touch. Mmm ... I think, once a long time ago, decent girls were blunt and confused, stewed, so to speak when especially arrogant young people grabbed them for knees and other parts of the body.

Trick - Truc: thing, thing, whose name cannot remember. Well ... it ... like him ...

Routine - from Route, Routine: Road, path, and formed by Routine: skill, usability. And you, often walking on the same way, from work to home and vice versa, did not bother the urokomin? Maybe all to throw, and go to downsifting (English word is not about him now)?

Keychain - BRELOQUE: Suspension on a chain for hours.

Furniture - MEUBLE: Literally what moves, you can move, transfer to another place, in the counterweight immeuble - real estate. Thanks again, Petra is the first for the possibility of not indicating that it is from the items that is available in your real estate, such as the same French: Bureau, Chiffonier, Truma, Wardrobe or Stool.

Va-Bank - from VA Banque: Literally "Bank is coming." The expression that was used by players in the card when they suddenly began to "pass" sharply. Therefore, "Go Wa-Bank" and then a risk, hoping that you can get a lot.

Klauza - from Clause: contract condition, article agreement. How the blushes acquired such a negative meaning - it is difficult to say how and why ...

District - Rayon: Ray. Became a place on the map, not the source of light.

Marley - from Marly: Thin fabric, by the name of the village of Marli, now - Marli-le-Rua (Marly-Le-Roi), where they first produced.

Debah - Débauche: Spoogue, breaking, rampant.

Galimati - from Galimatias: confusion, nonsense. There is a wonderful story that there was a certain lawyer who had to be defended in the court of the client named Mathieu, who was stolen by a rooster. At that time, the meeting was carried out exclusively in Latin, a lawyer, like any Frenchman who spelling in another language, pronounced speech unbelievable, bitchily, and managed to confuse the words in places. Instead of "Gallus Matias" - Cock Mathieu, said "Galli Matias" - that is, the Mathieu Roosha (Mathieu, belonging to the rooster).

And several stories that you probably know:

Shantrap - from Chantera Pas: Literally - Sing will not. They say, the case was a century in the XVIII in the estate of Count Sheremetyeva, known to the creation of the first fortress theater in Russia. Of course, the future opera diva and "divov" were gained from local Matren dames. The procedure for creating future praskov pearls occurred as follows: French (less than more than Italian) The teacher was collected by the peasants for listening, and if the Big Brown Bear passed the ear, confidently stated - Chantera Pas!

Swal - from Cheval: Horse. Also on the legend, retreating French troops, strongly fastened with harsh Russian winter and tortured by partisans (also, by the way, the French word), greatly starved. The horsepower, which and now in France is considered a delicacy, it became almost the only source of food. For the Russians, who were still the memory of the Tatar-Mongola, there was a conine was completely unacceptable, so hearing the French word Cheval - a horse, they did not find anything smarter than to assign this name in a derogatory sense and its consumers.

Sharmery - from Cher AMI: dear friend. And again the bike about the war of 1812. The French-deserters wandered around the villages and weighs, staring at least a piece of food. Of course, they were missed in full, referring to Russian natives is not otherwise as "dear friend." Well, how else could the peasants chrish the unfortunate semi-maritious creature, dressed in the hell knows what? That's right - a charmage. By the way, the stable Idiome of "Sher with Masherochka" also appeared from Cher et Ma Cher.

But the word "puzzle" appeared on the reverse translation of the word Cassetete - from Casse: Breaking and TETE - head. That is, literally.

These are just fifty familiar to us since childhood. And how many of them are all - you can't even imagine! Only - TSSS! "Don't tell satirika-historian Zadornov, and then, you never know what he comes up."

Historically, there is a lot of borrowed words from Latin, German, English. However, often people do not even suspect that the usual lettering is not native. Well replenished the dictionary of Russian and French.

Galicizms in Russian

French culture has had a considerable impact on Russia. It also affected the language sphere. Starting from the XVIII century, a lot of French words came to the Russian dictionary. Languages \u200b\u200bare called their gallicism - from the Latin word Gallicus - Gallic.

There are several areas in which the words borrowed from the French language are most often found. For example, most of the socio-political terminology: regime, bourgeois, parliament, etc. Also gallicizms are often found in the military sphere. This is a battalion, a gun, and artillery, and a lieutenant, and a garrison, etc.

France has always been famous for high levels of art. Therefore, it is not surprising that the terminology has taken root in Russian in a constant form, retaining the "native" pronunciation. The usual poster, play, rehearsal, director, actor, ballet and many other words belong to gallicism.

The greatest number of words are borrowed from French in household spheres. These include decor, furniture, food, decoration, clothing. These words are used almost daily. For example, bracelet, broth, marmalade, vest, coat, toilet, etc. Even the familiar "cutlet" is gallicism.

Some words were borrowed in their original meaning. However, there are those whose subtext has changed. For example, French Affaire ("Scam") means "transaction" and has no negative shade

Features of the words borrowed from French

Gallicizms have several phonetic features, thanks to which they can be easily recognized. The first is the end of immutable words to vowels -o, -e, - and. For example, manto, mashed potatoes, jelly, hair curlers.

The second feature of gallicalism included in the Russian language, the letter "UA". It can be observed in the words of bourgeoisie, veil, boudois, gouache, accessory. In some words, this combination was transformed into the "Yua", for example, "Penuar".

No culture, no language develops in isolation, and any national culture And the language is the fruit of both domestic development and complex interaction with the cultures of other peoples, and the interaction between cultures, economic, political and domestic contacts are a common basis for all borrowing processes.

The object of our research is the ways of reflection of French realities in Russian. In the course of the study, the purpose of which is to collect and analyze the French words included in the Russian language, we will try to trace the history of the appearance of words denoting French realities in Russian. Previously, France was called the "capital of the world", and to the French language on the entire planet they were imbued with respect and treated with a special trepidation. Today, France does not occupy such lasting positions. French as a classic, always relevant and will be fashionable. Russia and France are associated with close mutually beneficial cooperation centers for more than one century. The beginning of the Russian-French relations was laid by the daughter of Yaroslav Wise Anna, which in the elder for those standards of age (25 years) in 1051 married the king of France Heinrich I. Already by the XIX century, French began, almost native to most nobility, who talked, wrote and even thought in the Voltaire language. The brightest confirmation are artistic works of Russian classics, in which, sometimes, you can meet whole paragraphs written in French. For example, the work of L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace".

Formation of the vocabulary of the Russian language:

The lexical composition of the Russian language was influenced by borrowed words from other languages.

Borrowing - a process, as a result of which a certain foreign language element appears in the language (first of all, the word or full-known morphem); Also, such an input element itself. Borrowing is an integral component of the functioning process and historical language change, one of the main sources of the vocabulary replenishment. Borrowing are straight or mediated.

When borrowing, the meaning of the word is often shifted and the word adaptation to the phonological system of the borrowing language occurs, that is, the sounds missing in it are replaced with the closest.

Phonetic adaptation- this is a change in the emphasis, changing the pronunciation of foreign sounds. For example, in French, the emphasis always falls on the last syllable, and in Russian it is movable: autographe. - autograph (the emphasis will go from the last syllable on the second). In addition to the phonetic, the borrowed word is also exposed to grammatical (morphological) adaptation. Another example: aventure. - the adventure, when assimilation, the French word loses his nasal sound [Ã], which will go into "An", and the studied [R] will go into Russian "P".

Grammatical adaptation - This is a change in the genus, the disappearance of the article. The nature of this adaptation depends on how the external appearance of the borrowed word corresponds to the morphological models of the borrowing language. Words as "Sport" or "Station", easily entered into Russian, immediately hitting the morphological class of words male The 2nd declination (which includes the words "table", "house", etc.) for example: une Chaise. longue - Chaise lounge (in French is the word of the female kind, and in Russian - male, in French, the genus and number shows the article, and in Russian - the end). Or the word "shampoo" - shampoing, hitting the Russian language, did not immediately acquire a steady category of kind, having as a sample as a word of the male type of "horse" or "fire" and the words of the female type "fabric" or "wormwood"; Accordingly, the form of the cleaner case was both a "shampoo" and "shampoo" (afterwards for this word, the male genus was fixed).

Semantic adaptation- changing the meaning of the borrowed word. For example: in the 19th century, the Russian language borrowed from French word côtelette (Cutlet), where initially it indicated the "chop roasted meat on the bone", later this word changed the meaning and began to denote the "fried minced me", which means that the word assimilated.

It should be noted that gallicizms are of particular role in the words that have entered into Russian. Gallicizms (from Lat. Gallicus - Gallic) - words and expressions borrowed from French or educated by the model of French words and expressions. Many French words were borrowed to Petrovskaya and especially in the afternoon era. Themed borrowed French vocabulary is diverse. Words that came to Russian from French can be divided into several thematic groups:

Vocabulary related S. war: The word "Avangard". It was borrowed in the era of Peter I, where avant-Garde Merge 2Slov avant. "Ahead" + garde. "Guardian, detachment." The words "lieutenant". It was borrowed in the 18th century, from the word "lieutenant" \u003d military rank or rank. The word "Musketer". It was borrowed in the 16-18th century. And meant infantry, armed musketMousquetaires. Arsenal - aRSENAL, Ariergard - arri.è re.- garde.,attack - attaque, battalion -bataillon.,deserter - d.é sERTEUR., Cavalry - cavalerie., maneuvers - manoeuvres., Marshal - mar.é chal, partisan - partisan.Patrol - patrouille, pistol - pistolet., sapier - sapeur.Tranche - tRANCHé e., Trophy - troph.é e. and dr.

Vocabulary associated with art:

Word "ballet". It was borrowed in the 17th century from the word Ballet \u003d dance. This is a kind of theatrical art combining choreography, music and dramaturgical design. The words "Entertainer".For the first time, the entertainer appeared in the 60s of the XIX century in Paris Cabaret. In Russia, the first professional entertainers appeared in the 1910s. Entertainer is an estrad artist, announcing a concert program.

The words "waltz". It was borrowed in the 2nd half of the 19th century, from the word Valse \u003d pair dance. Having become popular, he had a great influence on the entire ball of repertoire.

Word "still life". It was borrowed in the 17th century, from the word "Naturemorte" \u003d the first is nature, and the second dead. This is dead nature in fine art - Images of inanimate objects. A.cTER - aCEUR., bas-relief- bas.- relief,genre - genre, Impressionism- impressionisme, plenierpleinair., Punts.- pointes.Pedestal- pIé destalPieces- pIè cE, Roman- roman., spectacle - spectacles., suffler -souffleur., Troubadour- troubadour. and dr.

Vocabulary associated with profession :

The words "Admiral" It was borrowed to the Petrovsk era, through the verb of Admirer. The words "aviator". It was borrowed in the 20th century, from the word Aviateur \u003d pilot, pilot. The words "illusionist" It was borrowed in the 13th century. From the word Illisionner \u003d mislead. This is a type of actuator, which uses hand agility. Lawyer - avocat., inspector - inspecteur., Mechanic - m.é canicien., Professor - professeur., sculptor - sculpteur., shofer - chauffeur. and t. d.

Vocabulary associated with adit:

The words "aggressive" From the word Agressif \u003d offensive, conquering, aggressive. The words "banal". From the word Banal \u003d ordinary. That is, what characterizes the complete measure of ads outside the law, man deprived of originality, beaten.

Vocabulary associated with kitchen I. food :

The words "delicacy" It was borrowed in the 20th century, from the word "Delicatesse" \u003d tenderness, subtlety, grace.

Aperitif - apéritif, Baton-b.â ton., broth - bouillons, Dessert- dESSERTS, jelly - gelée., Cognac - cognac, cutlet -c.ô telette, lemonade - limonade, omelet. - omelette., Ragu. - ragoût., salad - salade., sausages - saucisses., sauce - sauce, cafe - café., a restaurant - restaurant I. t. d.

Vocabulary on the topic : Word " cough " borrowed from French in the 19th century, where cache-Nez. Formed from verb cacheR."Hide" and words nez. "Nose", literally this is where you can "hide the nose." Veil - v.oile.Jacket - jaquette, Vest - gilet., overalls - combinaison., Corsage - corsage., Corset - corset., costume - costume, Moto - mANTEAU., Plisse - plissé., Sabo - sabots., Tulle - tullei t. d.

Vocabulary associated with premises: Word "wardrobe". It was borrowed in the 20th century, from the word Garde \u003d Store and robe \u003d dress. These are premises for clothing storage.

The words "bank". It was borrowed in the 18th century, from the word Banque \u003d financial enterprise. This is an enterprise that focuses temporarily free cash. The words "the Bureau". It was borrowed in the 18th century. From the word bureau \u003d collegial organ or writing desk. The words "gallery". It was borrowed in 1705 in Petrei. From the word Galerie \u003d indoor room separated by parts of the building. The words "garage". From the word "Garage" \u003d shelter. These are premises for parking, refueling and maintenance cars.

Domestic vocabulary (United Nations Name): Word "shade". It was borrowed in the 20th century, from the word ABAT-JOUR \u003d part of the lamp, made of glass, fabric, metal ... words "interior". From the word "interieur" \u003d internal. This is an architectural and artistic decorated building of the building.

bidone - bidon., wineglass - bocal, Bra - bRAS., Blinds - jalousie., KashPu - cache.- pots., Purse. - porte-Monnaie., portfolio - portefeuille, chandelier - LUSTRE., Nessenter - n.é cessaire., stool - tabouret., vial - flacon., chaise longue -chaise- longue and etc.

Vocabulary associated with animals: The words "cheetah". From the word Guepard \u003d Cheetah. This is a predatory mammal, Feline family, inhabitants in Africa.

The words "zebra". From the words Zebra \u003d A group of types of non-parunning families "Horses" with black stripes on a bright body background that are common in Africa.

Summing up, I would like to say that no culture, no language develops in isolation. Any national culture and language are the result of not only internal, independent development, but also a complex process of interaction with the cultures and languages \u200b\u200bof other nations. It is the cultural, economic, political interaction, business and household contacts that are the general basis for all borrowing processes.

In conclusion, it is appropriate to quote L. N. Tolstoy: " He needs to be dissolved from foreign words, do not need them and abuse".


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  2. Gak K. A. Ganeshina K. A. New French-Russian Dictionary. M. "Russian language" 1997
  3. Ilina O. V. "Semantic development by the Russian language of foreign language lexical innovations." Novosibirsk, 1998.
  4. Linnik T. G. "Problems of Language Borrowing". Kiev, 1989