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Pippa Middleton gave birth to the firstborn. This is a boy! Pippa Middleton gave birth to the firstborn give a kind of crib, on what men's phrases should pay close attention to not be deceived

An unusual child was born in China. His parents by the time of his birth for four years, how died.

This tells the Chinese edition of The Beijing News.

The boy was born in December, but the superstitious Chinese decided to declassify the details of the history now.

Family couple during life froze several embryos, planning in the near future to pass the ECO procedure. But the plans did not come true, and the husband and his wife died as a result of a car accident.

Since they did not have children, their own parents appealed to the court to achieve the right to use frozen embryos.

Chemis servants could not make decisions for a long time, because for China, this practice is out of a series of outgoing event.. With such claims, no one had previously appealed to the courts.

But the court still allowed relatives to pick up embryos from the hospital in Nanjing and transported to Laos, because there are no surrogate maternity prohibited by law, unlike most of all China regions.

Because of the biased attitude towards surrogate motherhood, Chinese airlines Refused to transport The valuable cargo by air transport, and the railway workers refused to provide a space for a container with liquid nitrogen and embryos in high-speed trains.

Relatives of the deceased couple had to independently carry the biomaterial in Laos on a personal car.

It is in Laos embryos transplanted the surrogate motherShe received a tourist visa and went to China to give birth to a child.

The kid called Tiantyan. According to Chinese laws, he has there is neither mom nor dad.

In order for the child to be taken to the shelter, grandparents had to make DNA tests and prove their relationship with a small little man, who, alas, was not destined to see their native parents.

In Peru, a puppy appeared with 2 controversial heads. Wualgal Ortis from the town of Bugua in the north of the country, the owner of the dog named Percy, noted that the remaining 5 young were born without any deviations. The owner intends to show a puppy mutant of the Uruguayan Simarron veterinary doctor to find out how to feed him right and take care of him. The animal mutant has become a celebrity in the Peruvian town, all neighbors come to look at him.

Internet users traveled to a two-way puppy in different ways. In particular, some called the dog beautiful, while others were upset that the animal would most likely live for a short time, and called not to spoil the already short puppy life with assumptions that he was the "Satan's Issue".

It is worth mentioning that the puppy mutation is called the polycephalium. She meets in reptiles, mammals and rarely - people. If 2 embryos are not fully separated, there are 2 brain in individuals, but with uniform respiration and digestion systems, as well as one body for two. Such individuals, as a rule, die shortly after their birth, but there are exceptions.


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Actual interpretation - calendar dates on May 4th.

  • Sign of the horoscope of people who appeared 4.5.77 years old \u003e\u003e\u003e Taurus (from April 21 to May 21).
  • What kind of animal is the Chinese calendar ~\u003e red fiery snake.
  • Element sign of the horoscope of the Taurus, born 4.5.77. \u003e Land.
  • Planet The patron of people born on this day is Venus.
  • This number was 18 week.
  • On the calendar this month May 31 days.
  • Light day duration May 4 - 15 hours 30 minutes (Longitude of the Daytime Day is indicated - on the Middle Eastern Lottery of Moscow, Minsk, Kiev.).
  • Church holiday, Easter was - April 10.
  • According to the calendar period - Spring.
  • According to the modern calendar\u003e not a leap year.
  • Suitable on the color horoscope, for people who were born May 4, 1977 \u003e\u003e\u003e gray and chocolate.
  • Plants suitable for the combination of the sign of the zodiac Taurus and 1977 on the Eastern calendar ~ Honey and Tees.
  • Stones - Talismans, for people HAPPY BIRTHDAY Today\u003e Alevurolite, Blood, Wedge Chlorine, Tiger Eye.
  • The most successful figures for people born on May 4, 77 \u003e\u003e Three.
  • Very successful days of the week for people born on May 4, 1977 :: Thursday and Sunday.
  • The exact qualities of the essence, the astrological sign of the Zodiac Tales, which were born in this number :: choleric, ammunition and measured.

Full information about people who appeared on May 4th.

Man May 4, 1977 BirthMay be very attentive and gentle, he will notice everything in you, but it will not show it, although it will find it. He spends very reasonably, without excess. Most likely, he will immediately bring the project at home, where the hostess will introduce you. These people have a sense of touching and touched. At home, he is lazy, do not scold him for it.
Male in Eastern horoscope 4 May one thousand nine hundred seventy-seventh year Birth - Red Fire Snake, convince you that you are beautiful. It is pretty romantic, but careful. As a father, he is perfection itself. They often can be traced in a huge conviction in their own exceptional sexuality. For your beloved girl, it is capable of making it impossible, turning her life into a real fairy tale. To find out the relationship, quarrel and beat the dishes - do not like. He wants everything he owns, there was only him. If there is no way out and colliding, psychological or physical, not to avoid, he will never leave his position. A woman should always calm the calf and keep the tongue behind the teeth. Men on the Eastern calendar on 04.05.1977 years of birth - a red fiery snake, are not afraid of hard work, stable and constructive. Being tired, he may be unbearable. He takes a lot of time for you to become his wife or just a woman.

About those women who were born today, 4.5.1977, oriental year on the calendar of animals.

Being sensual, woman who was born 1977 May 4, incomparable in the art of attracting men. She is ready to give equally and take. Character - broth from a dozen qualities, and everyone has his own. She strives to live a harmonious life, and not spend their own forces on the conquest of ghostly vertices.
It is enough for the fact that these needs exist. She is sensual, and if a favorite guy cannot satisfy it, she will find another without remorse. It may sometimes seem that it is somewhat cleaned from the outside world and is too absorbed in itself. She is from the birth of jealous and capable of arranging the noisy scenes, which would be posted by the best Hollywood director.
Female May 4, 1977 birthIt is perfectly aware that she has many other talents and merits, and in no case envies others. The girl Taurus in her character is all the qualities that are looking for men. This is a great woman! But she can go and extreme. She does not tolerate weakness.

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By the sign of the zodiac Taurus, the famous people appeared:

emperor Paul I, Writer Onor De Balzac, Composer Johannes Brahms, Harry Cooper, Scientist Sigmund Freud, Jean Gaben, Actor Fernandel, Adolf Hitler, Composer Prokofiev, Composer Tchaikovsky, Yehudi Menuhin, writer William Shakespeare, Orson Wells, politician Vladimir Lenin, Duke Ellington, Politician Nikcolo Makiavelli, scientist Karl Marx, writer Henrik Senkevich, politician Maximilien Robespierre, Roberto Rossellini.

Calendar for the month May 1976 with the days of the week

PN T. Cf. Th PT. Sat Sun.
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30

25 K.

December 20, 2019 09:59

By Fabiosa.

Men are different. If one is very decent, others love to walk around and about. Women, especially when they are in love, love ears, so we are very easy to spend in a candy-bought period when we do not see the obvious.

Often, men hang on our ears one and the same noodles.

We give a kind of crib, on what men's phrases it is worth paying close attention to not be deceived.

1. "I'm looking for only a serious relationship"

George Rudy /

It is commendable if it really is so, but often men say it for a red senlee, to seize the woman to seize. At the beginning of the relationship, see more on the Acts of the Uhager. They talk louder than any words.

2. "As I saw you, I understood right away - you are the one I was looking for all my life"

Dima Sidelnikov /

Another phrase from the lexicon of the Pikaper. Of course, you are a wonderful woman, but how did he manage to see it? It happens, people live for years and everyone will learn about each other every day, and here is a fleeting acquaintance, and already - fate? Do not rush, look at it better.

3. "We will always be together"

Too very arrogant, rashly and hastily. How many ladies he already said so, I wonder? Here you do not know how the day it gets up tomorrow, and he throws such serious phrases after a couple of days of dating.

4. "To you all women were somehow not so, but you ..."

Kate Kultsevych /

The very fact of comparison with another woman - already ugly behavior on his part. Most likely, he is ordinary loving. An intelligent man, even if a comparison in your favor, will not voicing it.

5. "I want a child from you"

Stone36 /

This phrase dream to hear many women consisting of serious relationships. But if you are familiar with all anything? Perhaps this is one of the tricks to quickly achieve a woman.

How, according to your observations, men still deceive us? Tell us in the comments!

The information in this article bears exceptionally injurious nature and does not replace the consultation of a certified profile specialist.

The Globus Theater was born on April 4, 1930. The theater of the Young Spectator in Novosibirsk (the former name "Globe") is considered the successor of the Leningrad Tyuza. In 1942, the Tyuza leaves for 18 months in Anzhero-Sudzhensk. The team of actors performed at the mines, in hostels, in hospitals with concerts, conversations, performances. It was during the war years that the theater created the performances of the classical repertoire, which were later described in textbooks on the history of the Soviet Drama Theater.

From 1958 to 1987 The director of the theater was the Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation Nina Ivanovna Nikulkov. Thanks to it, it is its efforts to the theater, a new and beautiful building appeared, in which the "Globus" is now located. Much forces and energy required to approve the idea of \u200b\u200bthe construction of a new building of the Tyus in the Ministry of Culture of the USSR. After you managed to find support, the construction of a building in the form of a ship began. The first brick was laid in 1965. The most long-awaited day for the theater came on October 30, 1984. The director was presented with a symbolic key from the theater, which was also in the form of a sailboat, and "ship" swam! The architects of the theater became A. A. Sabirov, Honored Architect of the Russian Federation. And in 1989, the project of the building received the Silver Medal of the USSR.

The Globus Theater today is two scenes: big, with an auditorium for 500 seats and small - on 118. Every year the theater produces six to seven prime ministers, many of which become a noticeable theater event. In the repertoire of the theater - 36 performances that go to the big and small scene of the theater.

Thanks to a wide repertoire range, the theater is a frequent guest of annual theater festivals. In recent years, he visited Russian festivals in cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, Voronezh, Veliky Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Irkutsk, Magnitogorsk, Novokuznetsk, Omsk, Orel. The theater participated in foreign festivals of Bulgaria, Poland, Slovenia, Austria, Germany, Belgium and Japan. The quality and originality of the director, the professionalism of acting, the level of scenography of brimmer performances do not remain unnoticed and obtain high estimates of leading theatrical critics. Each festival show of the spectacles of the theater is marked by prizes.

Artists of the Studio Plastics, gifted children and young people aged 7 to 18, are daily engaged in various disciplines and work in many performances of the Globus Theater, enriching the repertoire with new, bright colors. On the creative account of the studio - six independent performances. The studio plastics has repeatedly received a high assessment of Russian and foreign theaters, while especially emphasized the uniqueness of the existence in the theater of his dance collective.

The Vocal Studio Globus Theater was organized in 1994. The founder and head of the studio until 2010 - Natalia Vladimirovna Kirsanova, a Honored Worker of Culture of Russia. Young vocalists have long been full participants in many musical and dramatic performances of the theater, carried out two independent deculations. The Vocal Studio is a permanent participant in charitable concert programs organized by the theater, as well as the most important urban holidays on the most important platforms of the city.