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Beautiful poses on the steps. How to take pictures beautiful: postures and photographs

Selection of options for shooting at home should be repelled from your wishes and from the ability of the interior. If the external decor allows you to embody one or another themed genre of the photo, then it is only welcome, but when, say, the interior of the apartment or house is made in the style of "High-Tech", and you decided to realize the idea in the Renaissance style, then it will be Watch punish. Before choosing the subject of future shooting, try to prepare the scenery yourself, because the result will depend on them.

Options Pos.

To make a photo session at home interesting, pay special attention to attributes and accents. Remember that the composition can be built and so that it does not necessarily have to attend the situation of the whole room.

You can equip one corner or place at the window for this purpose. It is enough to drag the chair or a rocking chair there, a table, a desktop lamp and it will already be a great basis for a variety of personnel. You can add comfort to the setting using a soft warm blanket, books on the bedside table, a cat on your knees or your feet when you are standing. And you can beat the option where you are standing behind or side from the chair, and your fluffy friend is sitting in it.

Beautiful postures include variations that are transmitted by the feeling of home comfort, heat. Such posing should be the most natural possible. Just remember how you like to sit with a book on the sofa, or how are you standing when you boil your coffee, so you must repeat it all and in the frame. It is not worth it to wise, because your task is to transfer the mood of home comfort.

To emphasize this mood in the photo session, choose clothes, which would be comfortable, comfort. So, if you spend a photo session in the cold season, then knitted things, in particular cardigans, sweaters, socks, will look especially for the place. If it is spring or summer, free-cut home clothing is suitable, a favorite pajamas, an elegant robe in a tandem with a night shirt, a men's shirt and so on will look good.

Such clothes will give your way of foulness, romance. To convey all this in a beautiful posing, try to combine the following variations for a photo shoot of this character.

Ideas for sitting sitting

When you sit opposite the photographer, your posture should not be with the archarge of the military. Never allow the knees "watched" right in front of them, better bend the legs in some side, slightly arrange or put the leg on foot. As part of the photo session, the house is very beautiful will be the variation when you pick up the legs under yourself or sit down in the lotus position. In this case, you can read the book, drink tea / coffee, knit and so on. A great idea will be the production, if one leg is hard to throw on the other, you can also put both legs on the table in front of you or on the windowsill. At the same time, do not think where to do your hands, take their business. As already mentioned above, you can knit, sew, and the leaf of the album is suitable, drawing. You can hand and throw over the head.

As a variant of this category - the posture when you semi. To do this, you need to sit on the photographer to sit on the edge of the table, stools, bedside tables, windowsill - on your choice, and turn to the photographer or only a face or a shoulder belt, but not more. If you turn around the case, then slightly.

For position lying

This type of poses for the photo shoot of this kind should also transmit a special mood of home comfort. You can lie on your stomach near the fireplace, swollen legs, and read the book. In the frame, it will be worn very beautifully and touching. You can get half into the plaid and take a posture for the position lying on the sofa or on the windowsill, if it is wide, it will give a photo of a romantic mood. It is not worthwhile in the plaid completely, so you will be "flat" as if without legs and hands, let them be seen partially.

So, beautiful pose in a position lying for a photo session of the house can be called a pose on the side and semi-cullecent postures. It is enough to rely on the elbow or on the mountain of soft pillows to take the desired position.

In the standing position

The correct such posture will become only when you won't be replayed in the posing itself. Therefore, let the photographer remove you during a photo shoot, when you do anything, for example, dress up the Christmas tree, prepare tea or cake. When you will be busy, your postures themselves will become natural and in the frame will not be seen that you are playing, behave nigino, on the contrary, you will give yourself, what you are.

Do not forget about posing from a semolutement when the model turns to the photographer only by the case. Also, it will not be further remembered about the pose, which will bring the romance to the frame in the frame, when the model sludge slightly, slightly tilts his head, as if reflecting on something, and at the same time he drives his shoulders into the shoulders. During the workplace of this posture in the photo shoot in the hands, you can hold a cup with fragrant and smoking coffee, a soft toy or a book. And you can just join the plaid, knitted cardigan, shawl.

So, the posing in the lying position looks beautifully, if you take it slightly from the height, and the postures in the standing position are good both when shooting on the same level with the face of the model and below or from above.

Thematic posing

Home furnishings can become a bridgehead for many styles, but everything will depend on the interior.

You can only rejoice at good home locations. Moreover, the interior is not obliged to be in some historical style, it can just be a beautiful modern design.

Before you need to choose a place to shoot and test it: what is the lighting on it on the frame, how you yourself fit into this place, which elements of the situation are extra, what your accessories cost to remove or add, etc.

After you can choose the postures that will depend on your image. But, whatever style you do not prefer, do not allow the tension of the muscles of the neck and the shoulder belt.

For a non-ideal figure, poses are suitable with a seaside.

Also, disadvantages can be smoothed by inclined pies, where the model should be a little ahead towards the lens or slightly wilts from the lens.

Simple interior

Positioning in this version is limited and favorable posture. Pay attention to portrait postures that can be removed in the defocus mode of the rear background, which will smooth out the interior.

Carefully approach the selection of poses in the profile. With poor lighting, which, as a rule, is directed in the usual premises from above, unnecessary light-accents are possible on the face.

For example: too mounted forehead and nose, dark areas under the eyes, shadow from the nose, etc.


This genre has gained great popularity in the connected chairs in the 50s.

It can be used partially: copy recognizable PIN-AP poses and recognizable facial expressions, as well as characteristic images of the image: housewife, maid, etc.

In its pure form, this genre is quite erotic. You can save the hint of erotic, choosing the appropriate outfit style and give up it.

Posing in this genre is playfully and is well suited even for the most ordinary interior.

Position rules

Taking a picture of the house, forget about Paphos in pamping. Do not use poses of such a fashion style like Fesh. Glamor style is appropriate, but only in the appropriate setting, let's say, in a beautiful bedroom or in a large and bright wardrobe.

Take care of the possessing of thematic styles: Gothic, Nude, Dark, Punk, etc. All of them will be appropriate only against the background of the appropriate thematic interior.

Prefer natural postures in the standing position and in the sitting position. Posses in the lying position is better not to use. They are appropriate in a beautiful bedroom, near the fireplace on top of a darous carpet, under the New Year tree.

The main condition of home filming is good lighting.

A professional photographer for such a shooting always uses additional light sources: small portable spotlights. They do not replace them very much, but you can use desk lamps of daylight. The lamps must be installed so that the light be hit on you at the level of the person or neck. Distance from you to the lamp should be at least one and a half meters.

If you have only one lamp, exhibit it so that the light be hit on you in the half-trip film or right in the face.

You can try to shoot with candles, but there must be a lot of them. So, for portrait photo, the candles should be not only from the bottom of the frame, but on top. The light should evenly fall on the face.

For a non-portrait photo, for example, lying on the floor, the candles must be placed on the front perimeter of the body, in front of you, and, if there is an opportunity, above you.

In the shooting with candles and with the usual light you will need an ordinary Watman. Use it as a light reflector or to adjust the direction of light. So, for example, in portrait shooting, Watman must be deployed and put on his knees, and a little lift the side, which is closer to the torso, as if a slightly lenked from the camera. White sheet cross light on poorly lit face.

The content of the article

Each girl dreams of becoming a model and participate in photo shoots, on the podium under the outbreak of cameras and the enthusiasm of the audience. But the model comes to the edge of the track, wants to take a spectacular pose and freezes. How to get up where to give your hands, how to put legs? The choice of successful posture is quite difficult. However, not so complicated. You just need to know the main poses, to understand what is happening, and what you want to say. And, of course, everything will turn out. Let's create the most suitable interiors together, consider all aspects of shooting so that it is useful for both models and photographers.

Selection of postures for photo shoot

The most important thing you need to understand is that the postures are like winning and not. It is easy to distinguish one of others, it is worth only to consider various photos from an album or from the Internet. The main points of a successful photo are the absence of tension, an expressive look, naturalness, movement and even flight. A very large role in the photo shoot is played by the photographer, however, the model should be able to properly dress, choose the desired angle, make an expressive look so that it is interesting and displays its individuality. Often, novice models look squeezed and frightened in the photo due to the fact that they forget to concentrate and relax.

Photos are also different. The portrait can be individual and group, you can take a picture or sitting being photographed. But the main thing on any photo is a face. Do not do the expression of the face serious or unnaturally smile. Then it will be better to simply relax and look directly to the lens. Do not stop the head back and demonstrate to the audience nostrils. Better slightly tilt the head of the side so that there is no second chin.

If you are photographed in full growth, do not accept the POST in the style of "Smirno", in this case asymmetry is important. You can rely on one leg to emphasize feminine forms. Poses can be different, and a professional photographer will be able to pick up the most profitable and calculate all the small details. For example, pay attention to the shoulders that few people think about the photo session. However, if they put them too smoothly, you will be like a square, so it will be better to raise one shoulder. Or you can turn to the floor turnover to narrow the shoulder line. You can also reduce your shoulders together to make the photo original.

Sometimes it has to be photographed. The photo is especially popular when the model lies on the stomach and looks forward over the shoulder. At the same time, it is important not to throw the head to look natural. The best poses will look like, in which the model itself is comfortable, so in the photo they will look natural.

In addition, pictures should not look vulgar. Although recently, photographs on the verge of permissible are very common, it remains a personal choice of each model. After all, youth is so quick, and whether it is worth it to get their natural purity.

Most successful options

Photographers have always collected the best poses for a photo shoot. With successful collaboration with the photographer and knowledge of the basic rules of successful photos, you can look very successful in the photo. Here is one of the rules how to build a pose: a natural rack, one leg is a bit ahead, the body weight is transferred to that leg, that behind, the head is a little tilted, the face is turned there, and the face is turned there, and their eyes look right into the lens. Hands can either put on the waist, or you can make a "visor" or paint your hair with your hand. It is very important sincere, and not an extreme smile, which can also be rehearsed in front of the mirror. And the main thing is that you are accurately useful - this is an intuition that will help you correct the error.

Some success of successful photos:

1. The model seems to repel from ourselves or attracts an imaginary object.
2. Holds the body weight on a certain part of it, for example, on the leg.
3. Pictures a certain animal.
4. Plays with any object: glasses, umbrella or handbag.
5. Cooks any item or yourself.
6. Pictures the behavior in the cold or in the heat.
In the process of the photo shoot, the light and the shadow composition plays a very important role, it can emphasize mood, shape or texture. Also important and poses that need to choose correctly. We present examples of the most successful poses:
1. When shooting a portrait, the model is beautifully holding hands from his face, just not palms into the camera.
2. In the silhouette of the model, add direct or diagonal lines.
3. Pose sitting with swords mixed together.
4. Option of the lying model in nature.
5. The model holds hands on the hips or in the rear pockets of the trousers.
6. Demonstrate the breast may be the posture with a slight tilt forward.
7. Vertical photo with a silhouette of a model that resembles the letter S.
8. Good placement of the model in profile, in the floor turnover and shooting model in motion. You can also depict the cover of body parts with defined accessories.
9. The raised shoulder together with the pubescent chin will be able to give harmony.
10. To give harmony to lush forms, you can bring hands to them, but beautifully and did not go.
11. Long and beautiful hair are perfectly demonstrated in motion. You need to sharply turn your head or wave it.
12. Beautifully looks photo with arms crossed on chest.
13. Romantic and tenderness will be able to add drapets, as well as a photo of the model from the back with a head unfounded toward the photographer.
14. The portrait will be successful if the model is finished with a hand of any solid surface.
15. And on a strict portrait it is better to cross hands ahead and turn your head into the floor of the turn.
16. The most natural way will be photographed if the model will easily carry weight from foot on foot.
17. It is interesting to look like a pose with his back hands.
18. If the photo is full of growth, you can lower your hand on the waist.
19. The interior also plays an important role. To show contact with the environment, it is worthwharking on any pictorial subject.
20. You can also effectively beat the podium heels on the podium.
21. You can sit down, but without relying on the feet, because it looks ugly and cargo.
22. Do not forget that the detail in the foreground will look very large, so do not disturb the proportions.
23. Avoid inesthetical moments and poses.
24. It is necessary to listen to the photographer and execute its commands exactly.
25. To better see the features of the model, you need to turn your face into the profile or simply deploy it to the camera. Photographers have such a secret: if the portrait is removed in the turnover floor, it is necessary that the eyes of the eye differ more than half.
26. With a photo of the model that looks aside, it is necessary that the pupil of the eye is visible, and not just a protein. After all, the eyes are a soul mirror. Therefore, you need to take into account the angle of sight.
27. When photographing a woman or a girl, the photographer needs to be especially attentive, to find and emphasize the most successful features.

Photo of girls

As noted, every girl even dreamed of. However, photographers should be remembered that the girl is a gentle and air creation, which can scare anything, and therefore it must be done very delicately. In addition, in every girl, except for excellent appearance, there are plenty of clamps and complexes. The task of the photographer is to help the girl to liberate, while, without stepping the feature of the permitted. It is very important to conquer her trust and find a common language.

Posses for photographing should not be vulgar. It is necessary with the help of the correct selection of the angle and the interior show the tenderness of the girl. It is best for the background the sea, sky, forest and pure snow. Can help reveal a gentle and romantic image of flowers, kittens, butterflies, music, books and gym. And, of course, beautiful outfits. A skilled photographer will be able to pick the right and make a very successful photo.

Girls look great in almost all poses. Very much successful scenes and poses, among which you should choose the most suitable.
It happens in the way, then the photographer wants to give a picture of sensuality and asks the model with his hands to climb her hair. And in the photo it turns out something like a sick ear. The model must understand what it does for what.

You should not direct the hand or fingers towards the lens, they will look very short. It will be better to send a brush of one hand to the opposite shoulder, which will help her look well.

It will greatly enrich the use of all the area of \u200b\u200bterrain. Beautifully watch photos on the background of a beautiful fence, stairs, walls, cars or forests.

The girls are this spring and romance. They are pissed in innocence and clean love. Therefore, you need to remember also about photos of lovers. And if the pair entrusted the photographer right to capture their feelings, it means that he is a real master and will be able to see and take a picture of the brightest moments of manifestation of feelings that are overwhelmed. In order to obtain the most successful photos, the following techniques should be used:

1. You should get a pair as close as possible to each other and look into the eyes, you can take on the hands.
2. To liberate lovers, it is worth offering them to look at each other as they did at the first meeting.
3. It will good to look like a photo on which both will become back to each other and will look up, while holding hands.
4. The cute will look like this simple posture: the girl puts the hand of the young man on the chest and lowers his eyes, and he looks at her.
5. The spiritual posture at which the guy hugs the girl behind the waist or by the shoulders, while they look at the camera.
6. The most sensual frame will be a kiss, in which the young man lifts a little girl.
7. Beautifully, when the lovers are face to face with closed eyes.
8. Romantic mood will be able to create a photo against the background of the horizon.
9. The photos will be successful on which the photographer captures the plot from above.
10. The photo will be touching on which the lovers look at each other in the eyes, while the girl holds his hand on his beloved shoulder.
11. The girl looks into the chamber, and the guy is the distance.
12. The girl looks into the chamber, and the young man is on her, or vice versa.
13. Playing with emotions in the frame.
14. The guy raises the girl, while she laughs and throws his head. Her legs bent in her knees.
15. It looks very intimate, on which the girl wures his hands the guy's neck, and he hugs her. In this case, their eyes are closed.
16. The shooting was made walking by the arms or an embracing pair in front or behind.
17. The summer photo of a meadow running in a meadow, a meadow or beach pair looks great.
18. As an option - a photo of a couple lying on the sand with his eyes closed, holding hands.

There is a great set of similar poses. But the photographer does not have the right to dismisses something clean and holy, which lives in the soul of loved.

Every person who has a photo album, from time to time he loves to revise the most successful frames. At the same time, no one thinks how much skill and labor is invested by professionals in each shot. After all, it seems that it is quite easy to make a photo: I saw, clicked, saved. But try to compare your pictures with those that I made the photographer, and the difference will be obvious. Therefore, in order to remove successful photos, it is worth understanding what to do, but what should not do.

First you should review your photographs and determine what happened in them, and what not. Make conclusions for yourself. It is very important to teach yourself to photograph only in serial mode to avoid unpleasant moments. You also need to receive pleasure from the process. Therefore, it is especially important to approach the selection of postures for the photo. Voltage in the frame will be very visible. Also do not duplicate photos from magazines. After all, what is suitable for a professional model will not always be organically looked at lovers.

It is also important to remember that all photos are divided into static and dynamic. For static shooting as an accessory can come with a chair that is set by sideways or a back to the camera. You can not only sit on it, beautiful photos are obtained, if the seat is based on the knee in the picture in the profile. It will also be nice to get back.

For photo sessions in the fresh air, you must think about the image in advance. This applies to both the selection of the site for photography and the correct selection of clothing and accessories. If the model is shy to be photographed with strangers, then it is worth choosing a suitable romantic situation. For example, photo on the step of the embankment thoughtfully peering into the distance. At the same time you can look back.

With a photo session in nature, one of the paths are always elected: nature is a background for photos or a model interacts and merges with the outside world. In the first version, trees, fences or stones can be used as a support, and in the second case, clothes or postures are selected based on the situation. For example, you can beat the posture of Alyonushka, which bowed over the pond or on a flowering meadow to portray a girl who rows a wreath or collects flowers.

Taking advantage of our prompts, you can create a lot of unique images. We just have to connect your fantasy!

A photo session on the street looks beautiful, bright and varied. Sunlight, scenery of urban or village streets - you can only come up with the topics of a photo shoot and create an interesting image.

Beautiful poses for a photo shoot on the street. Places for posing.

There is a lot of topics for a street photo shoot. For example, you can arrange family or children's shooting, "Love Story" or "Best Friends". Well, of course, an individual photoset, where you can surprise everyone romantic and feminine, or on the contrary - bright and sexy. Having invented the topic and image, the choice of poses is important. It is the posing - the basis of all work.

Erotic and bold poses are obtained on a hood of a car or on a motorcycle. Here the pose with support for the subject is perfect.

Beautiful snapshots do on the steps in the park. Here you can experiment with the pose standing and sitting.

Make historical objects and monuments with your scenery. Just carefully think about your image, using interesting details of clothing and accessories.

There are many options for poses on a park bench. If you want to throw one leg to another, remember that the knees should be rotated from the camera. If you sit down sideways, then the figure will be visually thinner.

Enroll about the wall of the house or street lamp, back head back. Such a pose will look good, both in the profile and in the face.

Interesting postures for street photo shoot can be invented in motion. And they are not limited to walking only. You can not ceasing blowing soap bubbles or experiment with jumps - now it is fashionable.

Take pictures against the background of beautiful structures, or just in the middle of the road.

Beautiful photos on the street are obtained at any time of the year. You can come up with charming postures for a photo shoot on the street both in summer and in winter. Frank in the snow, or set up near the snowy trees. Create or Snow Maiden. Show fantasy - Experiment!

Professional photographers advise the photography on the street in the morning or after 17:00.

Top postures for photo shoot on the street

Let's look at the most successful and cool poses for a photo shoot on the street (you can even first take off the mirror):

  1. If you like to be in the center of attention, then such a posture will show your triumphalness: bend one leg in the knee and lift, your hands are on the sides and lift up. The chest must be touched and slightly tilted forward, you can rebel a little chin up.
  2. Pose, which makes you visually slimmer: Put the leg a little to the side, and move weight on the thigh, bend one hand to the waist.
  3. The face is directed to the camera, and the body is slightly deployed, you can put the hand on the thigh.
  4. The bold Pose "Cross-Low" is one leg in front, the other bent in the knee, while the hands are folded behind the head.
  5. It looks interesting if you are having some subject. At the same time can cross legs, or bend one, and the second will be straightened.

Several tips, pictures:

  • clothes should emphasize your advantages. Do not choose screaming coloring. And remember that black and purple color will add for several years in the picture;
  • in make-up the main one to highlight the eyes;
  • picture different emotions so that the photos were not monotonous.

To get the expected result and positive emotions from a photo shoot, you need to relax, do not be shy and of being natural. Fear and stiffness will be visible in photographs. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare yourself not only externally, but also emotionally.

Simple tips with examples and photos

First answer, why do you need a photo session? If for low-grade sites and magazines, then this article will not help you. Here we will talk about how to make really beautiful photos. Such so that they can be proud of. Such, thanks to which they become famous and who are not ashamed to show the grandchildren after 50 years. Let us leave the technical side of the question, let's talk only about places, clothes and postures for photographing.

How to photograph not need

Let's start with the capital truths that everything seems to be already knowing, but still daily on the network there are thousands of "photosholes".
    Remember these 5 main rules-taboo:
  1. Never take pictures in the toilet! Never!!!
  2. Avoid horizontal and unnatural poses.
    Lying, crawling, climbing hands, bending on an unlocked bed, on the floor in the apartment, on carpets - this is at least ugly. If you really want to get sideways somewhere, it is better to choose a floral meadow.
  3. Do not dress vulgar: the details of the linen should not fall out from underwear, however, as some parts of the body. Identify this line easily: the photo should not be that you would not want to show your real or future children or parents.
  4. Do not put on the photo session strongly tight clothes so that instead of beauty, do not get the "sausage effect".
  5. Do not protrude your lips.
Of course, there are no rules without exception, but it is better to leave these exceptions for personal photo archive or professional photographers that even dubious situations are pleased.

10 tips, how to take pictures beautiful

1. Take pictures in nature. In the room it is difficult to make good photos without special techniques.

2. Pose should be natural. Remember: Any posture in which you are uncomfortable, it will be bad in the photo.

Natural Pose

3. Do not do a languid expression of the face! Sincere smile or laughter will make even an unsuccessful shot more attractive. During the filming, remember something very pleasant and smile to the very mysterious smile of Joconda, which makes the wonderful of any female face.

4. Try to be photographed not in the FAS, but half a turn. Try not to look into the lens, - so pictures can get more interesting.

5. When photographing the fact that closer to the lens, it looks larger, and the fact that is less. Therefore, for example, full of people is better to take pictures a little on top, so that the figure looks slimmer.

Avoid "direct" poses

6. The photo will be more interesting if the lumens, head, head, legs, etc. will not be refunded. Avoid straight lines and "direct" pos. However, too, and taking unnatural poses is also not necessary. All in moderation!
No need to put on a photo session green, otherwise your face can purchase the same shade. Mike Newmine

8. Photographer-portraitist Mike Newmine advises: "You don't need to wear green on a photo session, otherwise your face can purchase the same shade." However, the opposite acts: if the face is too red, then green clothes will help hide this deficiency.

9. In make-up, special attention was paid to the blush to the face look more expressive. Sparkling and pearl shades are better to avoid.

10. When you feel too cunning, just do jumping (photo in the jump). Jumps up a few times higher, and let the photographer choose a "sports" shooting mode to make a few frames in a row. After that, you can relax and the following pictures are better.
But most often "Jumping" themselves and are obtained by the most successful photos. Show a little fantasy to make interesting photos.

. "Jumping" relaxes.

And for those who want not just to be photographed, but also win on beauty contests or create your own lucbuk (lookbook) with photos, there is one magical secret, how to learn how to quickly and just pick up clothes, place and posture for photographing: Imagine those who Like.
Choose the famous "style icon", better from the last century, and start to imitate her. Imagine that you are she. That all admire. For example, . What do you think would grace be crawled in front of the camera to crawl on a unknown bed or indecently bend in the toilet? Look at her photo, poses, clothes, makeup. And when you take pictures, think, and how would Grace did?

The main goal of this lesson is to show the source, basic poses for the photo standing. They can serve as certain starting points for various variations when shooting women. Published early articles create images as a guide for a photo shoot. After a series of articles, we would like to describe the process in more detail and show the real photos created using these guidelines.

Posses for photos standing - Pose 1

It is best to start taking pictures with the simplest posture for the photo. It is very easy to describe and understand how to accept such a pose. This posture can be called "Portrait from". Just tell your model to become sideways, turned my head and looked over the camera lens over my shoulder. Let the shoulders locate, and the hands are free to hang down.

Photo 1.. Under the observance of the above recommendations, you should have a snapshot, which is largely reminded of this one. The corresponding expression should be selected further. You can start with barely noticeable smirk and experiment to a wide smile or even laughter. After you found it, tell me or even show your model, how it should be and ask her to portray such an expression.
Photo 2.. After receiving successful pictures in the original posture, you can change it a bit. In this case, the model was asked to look into the camera lens, turning his head slightly backwards through the shoulder. Almost this is the same pose, but at a different angle, but the differences between the pictures are already noticeable.
Photo 3.. Different areas of view and head slopes are fully allowed. In this picture, the model was asked to look back and looked down along her body. Such a pose is good in many situations, but, in fact, it is not much different from the original posture.

Second post photo standing

Looking at the illustration, you must remember the main thing - it will be a portrait on which hands covered their heads. That's all you need to know to create the original posture. Over time, you may well get our own successful combinations of face and hands in the pictures.

Photo 4.. Before rising with your hands, ask the model facing the lens, move the body weight to one leg. In this position, its body is slightly bent, and the shoulder line will become uneven. After that, let it gently hold the face around the face and touches the hair. There should be no hands at the same level - there are many options for their production.
Photo 5.. This snapshot differs from the previous one that the head is slightly tilted, and one hand is behind the hair.
Photo 6.. For a variety, you can ask the model to send a look down and press the hair stronger more. As you can see, with three small changes in one posture, you can get three completely different pictures.

Another posture for the photo giving space for creativity is the pose with hands on the chest. Please note that your hands are not crossed, but simply lie below the chest line. Also ask the model not to cover them too much and not press the upper hand to the body. Let it be a simple and natural pose.

Photo 7.. Before you start shooting, show the pattern of the drawing and allow you to try to become in such a post. Little rehearsal does not hurt.
Photo 8.. In this photo, a direct shooting of the body contour was poorly highlighted, so it was made with a small elevation at an angle from top to bottom.
Photo 9.. Another way to transform this posture is to turn a model for 180 degrees. To the snapshot differed more from the original, ask the model to rest in the wall. Next, making this picture, the photographer approached the model and removed only the face.

This posture does not require special explanations - the model stands in the cold, putting his hand on the waist.

Photo 10.. At this picture, the model is rooted in the opposite side of the posture depicted in the figure, because it was a more successful angle for it. Do not forget that for each person there is always a more favorable angle. If you are not sure, take pictures on both sides and ask the model, what angle she likes more.
Photo 11.. By making this picture, the photographer turned to the model for 45 degrees and asked her to look directly into the lens.
Photo 12.. Being under the same angle, the photographer moved away from the model a few steps to catch her in the frame of almost full growth. As you can see, small changes in the shooting in the same position help to make quite different pictures from each other.

The concept of this simple, but elegant posture lies in the following - the model stands near the wall, holding his hands behind his back.

Photo 13.. Ask the model to move back in the wall. After that, let it take the weight of the body on one leg, and the second scrubs with it. Even if the legs are not visible in the picture, it is very important in order to give the body the letter S. Then ask her to remove your hands behind the back, holding them at different heights. And finally, she should slightly tilt the upper part of the body a little.
Photo 14.. Here the photographer has changed the corner under which he was in relation to the model, and took a picture.
Photo 15.. The photographer continued to experiment and changed the position of the hands and tilt a little. The snapshot seems like the previous one, but the model looks more graceful.

Another posture near the wall, but this time the model stands face to the wall. Both hands slightly touch the wall slightly below the chest line.

Photo 16.. The model must follow the recommendations submitted to the photo 13 with the difference that now it is facing the wall. The photographer again turned her 180 degrees, i.e. Removed not as shown in the picture.
Photo 17.. The photographer has changed the angle of shooting, standing in almost parallel to the wall, and took a portrait type shot.
Photo 18.. The model changed the position of the hands to slightly modify the picture.

A more complex posture of the wall than the previous ones, therefore the model needs additional clarification.

Photo 19.. The complexity of this posture for the model is that it stands on a slight distance from the wall, leaning in her shoulder, which is slightly advanced forward. Hand relating to the wall, relaxed. The body weight of the model moved to the leg, which is removed from the wall, and the legs are crossed. The second hand lies on the hip. Elbow is drawn behind the back.
Photo 20.. After the model is removed in the original posture, you can experiment a little and take pictures with some variations. Here, for example, the photographer asked the model slightly to go ahead along the wall and photographed it at a closer distance.
Photo 21.. By making this snapshot, the photographer asked the model to turn, rest in the wall with two shoulders and look down.

Thus, on the basis of seven basic poses, it was possible to make more than 20 different photographs. In fact, introducing certain changes and variations in the basic postures, you can make almost incurred by their number.