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Heliotherapy, sunbathing: testimony, reception time. What are useful solar baths and how to prevent the development of melanoma how and what time is it better to take sunbathing

Solar baths are best taken by the rules, then you can count on a good result. And he is in a smooth, beautiful tan. With the right approach, you do not have to tolerate the pain from the burnt covers and in a panic to search for the first facilities for its relief. We offer to pass a kind of course of the novice sunbathing. He will tell you how to care for the skin before and after the "ultraviolet session".

Than dangerous kiss of the sun

Whatever long it seems to us fall, winter or even spring, but sooner or later, the glorious long days and short nights are wonderful, promising summer. It's time to sow on sun beds by the sea or river, play beach volleyball. However, waiting for rest and warmth, do not forget about the rules of a safe tan, take into account, what time is it better to take sunbathing, other subtleties.

Many adults and teenagers want to get a "kiss of the Sun", including in the USA. A survey conducted by the staff of the American Academy of Dermatology showed: 72% of the 7100 respondents believe that tanned people look more attractive. Part of youth was associated exclusively with health.

Only a small number of respondents suggested that adolescents sunbaths are best taken using a cream that protects skin from the effects of ultraviolet. This will help reduce the risk of skin cancer.

Doctors confirm: the cells of the growing organism are divided and change faster than in adults, which in a certain sense can be regarded as stress for the body. Therefore, precautions are very important. Staying on the beach, it is better not to expose yourself danger, apply the cream "from the tan".

It is very important to always remember: solar baths are best taken carefully. Some are recognized: that, carried away by a pleasant occupation, they felt that the covers were landed, felt. Indeed, the intensive effects of the rays can cause physical changes, such as wrinkles, freckles, an increase in age spots.

To avoid such consequences, remember four councils to get a healthy summer tan. First, spend the exfoliation. You need to prepare the skin before going to open air. In the process of cleaning the most upper layer Our "natural shield" (exhausted) is provided with its update.

According to cosmetologists, the removal of dead cells improves the color of the cover, purifies the pores from dirt from excess skin salts and even prevents acne. Remove the torn particles can be removed using economical, but very effective scrubics. They include sugar, oatmeal and salt. The cleansing mixture is applied to the washcloth or special gloves.

Yes, sunbathing, it is important to know about what time is better. Taking sunbathing is also very important. But no less significant is thorough, proper cleansing, so do not postpone, spend it. After such a procedure, each "chocolate hare" (the dream of many!) It remains such long, the shade comes slowly.

Many tanning enthusiasts ignore cosmetics, advise relaxing "in pristine form". But do you continue to use protective cream? Correctly do: sunbathing is best taken without ignoring the tool. SPF components only increase the time you can spend on the sun without suffering due to skin damage.

Degree of protection of cream and skin color

High SPF numbers provide the best barrier from UVB (average ultraviolet radiation waves), but UVA is passed (long radiation waves). If a "wide range of action" is written on the tube, the content will protect you from UVB and UVA rays.

True, the standard system for measuring the protection of the rays UVA still does not exist. Light leather contains a small amount of melanin, which can make it vulnerable to the effects of carcinogenic UV rays, in addition, strong redness (burns) arise without appropriate protection.

There is information that those who differ with darkness differ, the melanin content in the skin corresponds to SPF 13.4 (compared to 3.4 V but also there is a risk of getting a sunburn.

According to some information, the number of protective cream that needs to be applied at a time is 2 milligrams per square centimeter (mg / cm 2). He is applied on open areas exposed skin sun ray.

To obtain the specified SPF sunscreen product, for example, with a height of 163 cm and weigh 68 kg, being in a single bathing suit, it should be applied to an open body about 29 g of substance. It is necessary to do this 15-30 minutes before entering the sun.

You can repeat the procedure 15-30 minutes after you have returned from the beach (or after staying in water, as the cream could get shed). According to research on the National Institute of Health (USA), we can conclude: the earlier you applied the protective cream, the better for your skin.

How to take sunbathing? To get a healthy and glowing tan, do not overload your skin by exposure to ultraviolet rays. It is best that the tan "accumulated" gradually. Dosage the time of stay under the luminaries evenly to reduce the risk of burning.

Having spent a whole day on the beach, you can become a "chocolate" in a short time. But this "achievement" can go as fast as it appeared. The best way Get a healthy summer tan - radiant baths in small doses.

Half an hour in the sun in the sun will allow your body to produce an optimal dose of melanin, which will accumulate with each subsequent session. It is important to properly approach the choice of time for staying outdoors. According to US Agency's employees ambient, UV rays in sunny summer days Most active from 10 am to 4 pm. Sunbathing in the summer is best taken in the period up to 10 or after 16 hours.

Going to sunbathing, do not forget to choose the right glasses and a hat. As for the eye: they themselves and the skin around them are very susceptible to the effects of ultraviolet rays. Many doctors believe that the rejection of proper care can lead to the development of eye diseases such as cataracts, and even eye cancer.

How to choose protection for eyes and headdress

Solar baths are best taken by acquiring glasses with UV absorption up to 400 nm, which means that they block at least 99 percent of ultraviolet rays. Ideal glasses are those that have a big, oblong frame.

Thanks to such "eyepieces", the eyes are protected from light coming from different points. Very small "defenders" may look stylish, but they are bad helpers: they do not save, neither from bright light, nor from ultraviolet. When choosing a color of glasses, remember that the shades of glass affect the mood (the optimal dark gray, dark green light).

Hat with fields 7-8 cm will help protect your ears, eyes, forehead, nose and scalp, and at the same time you look stylish, getting a tan. If you want more shadows, choose a hat with the fields over 15 cm. So you will close yourself from the side rays and even falling from behind. Such a headdress resembles a small roof, many feel very comfortable under it.

Relax before the next way out

Although the baseball cap looks perfectly, it offers only protection in the front and top of the head, leaving the neck and ears vulnerable to atmospheric exposure. What kind of headdress you chose, preferably to be from natural materials (cotton, straw).

Finally, you must take care to give the body time for self-healing. It is very important after the day spent on the heat. Before going to open air again, rest in the room, relax. Observe four simple CouncilAnd your appearance will always be healthy shining.

So, we already know how and what time is it better to take sunbathing. In the summer or at another time of the year, such common wishes are effective: resting in the air, keep the clock at hand to be able to follow the time. Take a cold or cool shower after the beach (a hot lasting bath is only more dry skin). Washing out, only stroke yourself with a towel, wet moisture (no need to "cheerfully wipe"). Use lotion after tanning. Pat. sufficient number Clean water.

Absolutely everyone knows that the sun is the source of life on Earth. An important role of the Sun in the existence and development of all life forms inhabiting our planet cannot be overestimated. The sun rays are absolutely necessary for all inhabitants of our world: plants, animals and, of course, people. Almost everyone loves to soak under the warm sun on the beach, a picnic or just sit under his rays. At the same time, numerous media are overwhelmed with the statements about the destructive effects of the Sun on the human body, therefore it is important to understand the use of the use and harm of solar baths.

The main advantage of the sun's rays is that they destroy many pathogenic viruses and bacteria, while the human body has a protective immunity reaction against adverse factors Environment. The golden brown skin shade, thanks to the subcutaneous pigment, is the main defender of the body, the person is intensified in the internal energy, which helps to resist numerous diseases. Ultraviolet rays initiate the formation of a vitamin D for the vital activity that is responsible for most of the metabolic processes in the body. Vitamin D contributes to the assimilation of many mineral substances, strengthening bone tissue, has an antibacterial effect, so the daily staying in the sun is extremely useful for people, especially the elderly, which is important when considering the use of the benefit and harm of solar baths.

Most people in gloomy cloudy weather subconsciously note a significant reduction in mood, life tone, decay of forces. Under the influence of sunlight, a person produces serotonin - a substance called "Hormone of Happiness", which is responsible for the biological rhythm of the body. Serotonin favorably affects the emotional state, contributes to improving the mood. In addition, ultraviolet rays perfectly improve blood circulation due to extension of vessels, as a result of which they effectively effectively act on the skin, wounds are healing, acne disappear, the skin becomes healthy, elastic.

But, the benefits and harm of solar baths always go around. As a rule, the first signs of excessive surplus are manifested on the skin, which may later lead to different pathologies. After a long stay in the sun on the skin, red and burning, further skin seals, which indicate that you got a sunburn. Tan is a protective reaction of the body on ultraviolet radiationWith subsequent non-harmony irradiations, skin cells become short-lived, the skin ages, responds to the appearance of moles and pigment spots. Direct consequence of oversupply of ultraviolet rays may be malignant melanoma, or skin cancer. This disease can lead to a fatal outcome. In addition, the Sun creates an additional danger for the state of the eyes, especially the sun's rays, reflected from snow, snow-white sand or in water. If a for a long time be under the scorching sun with a uncoated head, you can get sunstroke Various severity, which adversely affects the functioning of the brain. High temperature, rapid heartbeat, nausea, may occur loss of consciousness.

To protect yourself from negative impact Sunny rays must necessarily take appropriate precautions: protect the head with an umbrella or headdress, apply sunglasses, use special means for Tan. In the first days, try to be in the shade - under a canopy or trees, then the sunlight will dissipate that it will help to avoid direct ray. Ending talking about the benefits and dangers of solar baths, you should add - a long stay in the sun is contraindicated to people with high pressure and anemia. Observe the safety rules, and the sun will give you health and joy.

Sunbathing Sunbathing - Therapeutic hygienic procedure, in which the nude human body (or individual parts of the body) is subjected to more or less long-term action of direct sunlight. Solar radiation contains visible and invisible (infrared and ultraviolet) rays. The influence of these rays on human body Very great. Proper application Solar baths improves blood circulation and human blood composition, soothes the nervous system, increases the metabolism in the body, improves appetite, sleep, favorably affects the skin, promotes hardening the body. Solar baths are dosed in absolute solar radiation units (in calories), the number of which is determined by a special instrument - actine meter. Start solar baths usually from 5 - 6 cal. (about 1.5 cal. On each body surface: back, chest and sides) and bring up to 30 - 60) cal.adding daily to 5 cal., less often (in conditions of moderate climate of the middle strip Soviet Union In the summer, the initial dose of solar radiation in 5 cal. equal to 5 minutes of irradiation). Sunbaths are best taken in the morning: from 7 to 8 hours to 12 hours (after 1/2 hours after a light breakfast) when the air is cleaned and less warmed (in order to avoid burn or overall overheating, which is especially dangerous for older people and children under the age of 5 years, in which the reactions of the body are unstable and imperfect). Before welding solar baths must be advised to the doctor. As a preparatory procedure is recommended to take several air baths (cm.). With solar baths it is necessary to take into account the humidity and wind power; In mad weather, overheating may be especially easy. It is possible to use sunny baths every day within 25 - 35 days, after that it is good to take a break for 1 to 2 weeks.
Sun baths S. therapeutic goal You can begin with a longer time if you only expose the body part that is subject to irradiation (legs, hands, chest, lower back); The dose establishes the doctor.
Sunbathing on a special platform (solarium) or beach, where couches are installed (facing south-faced foot) with raised headboard and shield or umbrella over it. On the sea or the river shore you can lie on dry sand, the seafood rug or towel. After sunny bath, pouring, shower or bathing, in front of which you need to cool 10 - 15 minutes in the shade.
Excessive hobby in sun baths, especially in order to zagara (see), harmful, as it can cause sunny burns, Cardiovascular disorders and nervous systems, aggravation of chronic tuberculosis processes, etc.
Persons weakened, correcting after disease, prescribe moderate treatment with the sun through a lattice awning. The solar baths are completely contraindicated in patients with decompensated heart defects, with hypertensive disease, active shapes of tuberculosis of lungs, with general arteriosclerosis, with tumors, persons with inclinations to bleeding.

Brief encyclopedia household. - M.: Big Soviet Encyclopedia. Ed. A. F. Ahabadze, A. L. Grellova. 1976 .

Watch what is "sunbathing" in other dictionaries:

    Sunbathing - dosed irradiation of the skin surface of the body by sunlight as a means of hardening and stimulating immunity in order to increase the overall stability of the organism to the effects of adverse environmental factors, as well as for warning ... ... Adaptive physical education. Brief Encyclopedic Dictionary

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    PHOTOTHERAPY - (Phototherapy, from Greek. Phos, Photos Light and Therapeia Care, Treatment). Modern S. based on acquaintance with the so-called. Chem. action of light. First of all, the study was subjected to a cot on bacteria. In 1877, Down and Blent (downes, ... ... Big medical encyclopedia

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    Phototherapy - Treatment with a bright light. One of the main methods for the treatment of seasonal affective phototherapy disorder, or light therapy is a type of treatment that the patient is exposed to exposure. sunlight, or lights with definite ... Wikipedia

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    SOLARIUM - (from lat. Sol sun), a place to receive sunbathing; It is more correct to the aarolar, since every sunny bath is one. While air. With solar bath, except for direct sunlight uses and scattered solar radiation. ... ... Big medical encyclopedia

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It is believed that it is necessary to at least substitute the face every day (especially residents of the middle and northern strip of Russia). Before laying the sun to the Sun, you need to lie down in the shade. After such preparation, you can lie under the sun, protecting the head. After visiting the bath and wash the face with soap, it is impossible to enter the sun - the greater chance of getting a burn.

When hardening with solar rays, it is necessary to ensure that the load increases gradually. We begin the reception of solar baths with reflected solar radiation, then gradually go to the baths of scattered light and finally use direct solar radiation. Such a sequence is especially necessary for children and persons who poorly carry the sun.

Taking sunbathing is preferably only 1.5-2 hours after meals.
It is not recommended to irradiate an empty stomach and immediately before meals. It is impossible to accept the procedures, being strongly tired, in front of intense physical work, sports training or immediately after them.

Sunbathing is better to take in the morning when the earth and air less heated and heat is moved much easier. In the middle of the day, the sun rays fall more sheer and, of course, the danger of overheating the body increases.

The most strongly falling rays are reflected in light surfaces. Choosing a place to receive sunbathing, you need to take into account this circumstance. For example, if the sunny bath is taken on Earth, then the overall exposure to the sun rays will be about 10% less than with a sun bath on the grass. At the same time, on the grass, the effect of exposure is two times less than on the sand.

You can start sunbathing only under the shadow of the trees for 2-3 minutes with a break every 10 minutes.
In a day, 2-3 minutes add and gradually bring to half an hour. Children aged 11-16 years sunbat from 3-5 minutes a day, increasing the maximum duration of sunbathing up to 1.5-2 hours per day. You can strengthen the effect of the Sun, taking with non-large portions vitamin tea from the Hypericum and Borshevik: there are special substances in these plants - photosensitizers, sharply improving skin sensitivity to the sunshine. For the preparation of vitamin tea takes: 2h. l. Grass of the Hypericum and Borshevik, 1 tsp. - 1 tbsp. l. Dry young birch leaves, rowan, viburnum, hawthorn, maple, linden, apple trees, pears, brewed in kettle, like tea. About the dosage of reception consult your doctor.

In the future, it is possible to take sunbathing in any place protected from a sharp impaired wind place.
It is possible to temper the sun in the lying position or in motion. In the first case, the procedure is accepted by setting up onto the topchains or litter to the sun. This will ensure uniform lighting of the entire body. In modern comfortable solariums there is a sunbathing area, a place to relax in the shade, a shower, a buffet room for medical personnel.

Solar bath dosing should be reasonable. If the body does not teach the action of sunlight gradually, possible negative consequences. Most often use a minute way of dosage of solar baths: starting from a 5-10-minute stay in the sun, and then each time the duration of the procedure is increased by 5-10 minutes. Another way to dosing solar baths - when the time of staying in the sun is determined by the amount of calories obtained. This uses either summary tables or special equipment. The initial biological dose of solar radiation is 5 calories per 1 cm2 of the body surface (about such a dose receives a person for the time of 5-minute solar bath in middle lane Our country), and as it hardened it gradually increase, bringing up to 100-120 calories per day. However, patients and weakened people should not receive more than 50-80 calories per day.

When receiving a solar bath, it is recommended to periodically change the body position by turning to the sun alternately with his back, belly, sides. It is not recommended to constantly alternate irradiation with bathing; But at the end of the solar bath you need to swim either at least take a shower.

Finally, it should be remembered that if you want to strengthen your body, hardening using sun rays, increase its livelihood, and not harm, then it is necessary to take into account the possibility of unwanted consequences and know how to avoid them.

Summer is probably associated with the sea, warm and, of course, the sun. Since childhood, we are learning that sun baths harm the body. Of course, it is impossible to dispute this fact - too large doses of ultraviolet can really harm. But in moderate quantities, the sun not only does not harm, but can have an invaluable benefit to the body!

Actually useful properties The sun rays have a lot of:

  1. Under the influence of the Sun, many pathogenic viruses and bacteria are destroyed. In addition, after a competent course of solar procedures, a person is produced.
  2. It is useful and smooth moderate tan. Under the layer of pigment in the body, internal energy accumulates, which helps to withstand various diseases.
  3. Sunbathing - main source extremely useful vitamin D, which is responsible for most metabolic processes and takes part in the formation of healthy bone tissue.
  4. The Sun contributes to the production of serotonin - the so-called.
  5. Even after a short stay in the sun, a person comes a kind of enlightenment - the brain begins to work more active, the performance increases noticeably, the memory is improved.
  6. Specialists noted that the adoption of sunbathing contributes to weight loss. Under the influence of sunlight, the gastrointestinal tract begins to function normally, respectively, with fats fasteners, fats and absorbed proteins.

How and when is it best to take sunbathing?

Scientists held a lot of experiments, studying how the sun acts on the body, and how to remove the maximum benefit from contact with it. So, one of the experiments showed that people we tagged in the morning clock (at 8.00 to 12.00), the body mass index is significantly lower than those who did not refuse themselves in the pleasure of soaring in the sun at any time of the day. True, these data are relevant for summer. Autumn and spring sun is less actively and aggressive, so you can even boldly sunbathe even at lunch.

The very first procedure for receiving solar baths should continue no longer than a quarter of an hour, after which it follows a few minutes in the shade. Increase the duration of the procedures gradually - for five minutes a day. Tanning alternately on the stomach, then on the back. During the procedure, it is advisable to cover your head.